SEV Biblia, Chapter 20:17
He aquí vienen días, en que todo lo que está en tu casa, y todo lo que tus padres han atesorado hasta hoy, será llevado a Babilonia, sin quedar nada, dice el SEÑOR.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - 2 Kings 20:17
Verse 17. Behold, the days come] This was fulfilled in the days of the latter Jewish kings, when the Babylonians had led the people away into captivity, and stripped the land, the temple, &c., of all their riches. See Dan. i. 1-3.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 12-21 - The king of Babylon was at this time independent of the king of Assyria, though shortly after subdued by him. Hezekiah showed his treasures and armour, and other proofs of his wealth and power. Thi was the effect of pride and ostentation, and departing from simpl reliance on God. He also seems to have missed the opportunity of speaking to the Chaldeans, about Him who had wrought the miracles whic excited their attention, and of pointing out to them the absurdity an evil of idolatry. What is more common than to show our friends ou houses and possessions? But if we do this in the pride of ours hearts to gain applause from men, not giving praise to God, it becomes sin in us, as it did in Hezekiah. We may expect vexation from every objec with which we are unduly pleased. Isaiah, who had often been Hezekiah' comforter, is now is reprover. The blessed Spirit is both, Joh 16:7, 8 Ministers must be both, as there is occasion. Hezekiah allowed the justice of the sentence, and God's goodness in the respite. Yet the prospect respecting his family and nation must have given him man painful feelings. Hezekiah was indeed humbled for the pride of his heart. And blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; for they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
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