SEV Biblia, Chapter 4:2
Y alabé yo a los finados que ya murieron, más que a los vivientes que hasta ahora están vivos.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Ecclesiastes 4:3
Verse 3. Which hath not yet been - Better never to have been born into the world, than to have seen and suffered so many miseries.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 3. Yea, better [is he] than both they which hath not yet been , etc.] That is, an unborn person; who is preferred both to the dead that have seen oppression, and to the living that are under it; see ( Job 3:10-16 10:18,19). This supposes a person to be that never was, a mere nonentity; and the judgment made is according to sense, and regards the dead purely as such, and so as free from evils and sorrows, without any respect to their future state and condition; for otherwise an unborn person is not happier than the dead that die in Christ, and live with him: and it can only be true of those that perish, of whom indeed it might be said, that it would have been better for them if they had never been born, according to those words of Christ, ( Matthew 26:24); and is opposed to the maxim of some philosophers, that a miserable being is better than none at all. The Jews, from this passage, endeavour to prove the pre-existence of human souls, and suppose that such an one is here meant, which, though created, was not yet sent into this world in a body, and so had never seen evil and sorrow; and this way some Christian writers have gone. It has been interpreted also of the Messiah, who in Solomon’s time had not yet been a man, and never known sorrow, which he was to do, and has, and so more happy than the dead or living. But these are senses that will not bear; the first is best; and the design is to show the great unhappiness of mortals, that even a nonentity is preferred to them; who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun ? the evil works of oppressors, and the sorrows of the oppressed.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Miseries from oppression. (Eccl. 4:1-3) troubles from envy. (Eccl 4:4-6) The folly of covetousness. (Eccl. 4:7,8) The advantages of mutual assistance. (Eccl. 4:9-12) the changes of royalty. (Eccl 4:13-16) Eccl. 4:1-3 It grieved Solomon to see might prevail against right Wherever we turn, we see melancholy proofs of the wickedness and miser of mankind, who try to create trouble to themselves and to each other Being thus hardly used, men are tempted to hate and despise life. But good man, though badly off while in this world, cannot have cause to wish he had never been born, since he is glorifying the Lord, even in the fires, and will be happy at last, for ever happy. Ungodly men have most cause to wish the continuance of life with all its vexations, as far more miserable condition awaits them if they die in their sins. I human and worldly things were our chief good, not to exist would be preferable to life, considering the various oppressions here below.
Eccl. 4:4-6 Solomon notices the sources of trouble peculiar to well-doers, and includes all who labour with diligence, and whose efforts are crowned with success. They often become great an prosperous, but this excites envy and opposition. Others, seeing the vexations of an active course, foolishly expect more satisfaction i sloth and idleness. But idleness is a sin that is its own punishment Let us by honest industry lay hold on the handful, that we may not wan necessaries, but not grasp at both hands full, which would only creat vexation of spirit. Moderate pains and gains do best.
Eccl. 4:7,8 Frequently, the more men have, the more they would have and on this they are so intent, that they get no enjoyment from what they have. Selfishness is the cause of this evil. A selfish man care for nobody; there is none to take care of but himself, yet he wil scarcely allow necessary rest to himself, and the people he employs. He never thinks he has enough. He has enough for his calling, for his family, but he has not enough for his eyes. Many are so set upon the world, that in pursuit of it they bereave themselves, not only of the favour of God and eternal life, but of the pleasures of this life. The distant relations or strangers who inherit such a man's wealth, neve thank him. Covetousness gathers strength by time and habit; me tottering on the brink of the grave, grow more grasping and griping Alas, and how often do we see men professing to be followers of Him who, "though he was rich, for our sakes became poor," anxiousl scraping money together and holding it fast, excusing themselves by common-place talking about the necessity of care, and the danger of extravagance!
Eccl. 4:9-12 Surely he has more satisfaction in life, who labours har to maintain those he loves, than the miser has in his toil. In all things union tends to success and safety, but above all, the union of Christians. They assist each other by encouragement, or friendl reproof. They warm each other's hearts while they converse together of the love of Christ, or join in singing his praises. Then let us improv our opportunities of Christian fellowship. In these things all is no vanity, though there will be some alloy as long as we are under the sun. Where two are closely joined in holy love and fellowship, Chris will by his Spirit come to them; then there is a threefold cord.
Eccl. 4:13-16 People are never long easy and satisfied; they are fon of changes. This is no new thing. Princes see themselves slighted by those they have studied to oblige; this is vanity and vexation of spirit. But the willing servants of the Lord Jesus, our King, rejoic in him alone, and they will love Him more and more to all eternity __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ושׁבח 7623 אני 589 את 853 המתים 4191 שׁכבר 3528 מתו 4191 מן 4480 החיים 2416 אשׁר 834 המה 1992 חיים 2416 עדנה׃ 5728