Vincent's NT Word Studies
3. Every remembrance (pash th mneia) Better, as Rev, all my remembrance.Prayer (dehsei). Rev., better, supplication. See on Luke v. 33.
For you all. Connect with every prayer of mine.
Request (thn dehsin). Rev., better, my supplication. The article refers to every supplication.
With joy. Joy is the keynote of this epistle. Bengel says: "The sum of the epistle is, 'I rejoice, rejoice ye."' See vers. 18, 25; ch. ii. 2, 17, 18, 28, 29; iii. l; iv. 1, 4, 10.
Robertson's NT Word Studies
1:3 {Upon} (epi). Basis of the thanksgiving. {All} (pasei). Note frequent use of "all" here (pasi, pantote, always, pasi, again, pantwn humwn, you all). The use of "you all" recurs several times (#4,7 _bis_, #8).