SEV Biblia, Chapter 10:2
Porque las imágenes han hablado vanidad, y los adivinos han visto mentira, y han hablado sueños vanos, en vano consuelan; por lo cual se fueron ellos como ovejas, fueron humillados porque no tuvieron pastor.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Zechariah 10:2
Verse 2. The idols have spoken vanity] This is spoken of the Jews, and must refer to their idolatry practiced before the captivity, for there were no idols after. Therefore they went their way] They were like a flock that had no shepherd, shifting from place to place, and wandering about in the wilderness, seeking for pasture, wherever they might find it. Some think that the idols and diviners were those of the Seleucidae Greeks, who excited their masters with promises of success against the Maccabees.
Others think that the Babylonish captivity is foretold; for a determined future event is frequently spoken of by the prophets as past.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 2. For the idols have spoken vanity , etc.] The vanities of the Gentiles cannot give rain; if they promise it, they speak vain things; God only can give it, and therefore it must, be asked of him, ( Jeremiah 14:22). The word for idols is “teraphim”, the same as in ( Genesis 31:19 Hosea 3:4) and here signifies worshippers of idols, as the Targum interprets it; and may be understood of the idolatrous Papists who worship idols of gold, silver, brass, and wood, ( Revelation 9:20,21) and who speak lies in hypocrisy, great swelling words of vanity, and even blasphemy against God, his name, his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, ( <540401> Timothy 4:1,2 Revelation 13:6). Jarchi on ( 2 Kings 23:24), says, the teraphim are images that speak by sorcerers or sorceries; and to such evils the followers of the man of sin are addicted, ( Revelation 9:21 18:23) and the Jews have a notion that those images were so formed, that they were capable of speaking and talking with men; (see Hosea 3:4) they seem to confound them with the “talisman”: and the diviners have seen a lie ; delivered it out, and others believed it, being given up to judicial blindness, because they received not the love of the truth, ( 2 Thessalonians 2:10,11). The Targum is, “the diviners prophesy falsehood;” or preach false doctrine, as the Romish clergy do, who are meant by the diviners: and have told false dreams ; about transubstantiation, purgatory, etc. which are visionary things; false doctrines are compared to dreams, ( Jeremiah 23:25,27,28,32): they comfort in vain ; by works of supererogation, by selling pardons, and praying souls out of purgatory: therefore they went their way as a flock ; as a flock of sheep straying from the fold. The Targum is, “they are scattered as sheep are scattered;” that is, the Jews, being hardened against the Christian religion, by the idolatry, lies, and dreams of the Papists, wander about in their mistakes and errors concerning the Messiah; which is their case to this day, and will be until the man of sin is destroyed: they were troubled, because [there was] no shepherd ; or, “no king”, as the Targum paraphrases it; that is, the King Messiah, according to them, is not yet come; which is their affliction and trouble, that they are as sheep without a shepherd: or, “they answered”, that there “is no shepherd” f229 ; they replied to the diviners, the tellers of false dreams and idolaters, and affirmed that the Messiah is not come, and that the pope of Rome is not the shepherd and bishop of souls.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-5 - Spiritual blessings had been promised under figurative allusions to earthly plenty. Seasonable rain is a great mercy, which we may ask of God when there is most need of it, and we may look for it to come. We must in our prayers ask for mercies in their proper time. The Lor would make bright clouds, and give showers of rain. This may be a exhortation to seek the influences of the Holy Spirit, in faith and by prayer, through which the blessings held forth in the promises ar obtained and enjoyed. The prophet shows the folly of making addresse to idols, as their fathers had done. The Lord visited the remnant of his flock in mercy, and was about to renew their courage and strengt for conflict and victory. Every creature is to us what God makes it to be. Every one raised to support the nation, as a corner-stone does the building, or to unite those that differ, as nails join the differen timbers, must come from the Lord; and those employed to overcome their enemies, must have strength and success from him. This may be applie to Christ; to him we must look to raise up persons to unite, support and defend his people. He never will say, Seek ye me in vain.
Original Hebrew
כי 3588 התרפים 8655 דברו 1696 און 205 והקוסמים 7080 חזו 2372 שׁקר 8267 וחלמות 2472 השׁוא 7723 ידברו 1696 הבל 1892 ינחמון 5162 על 5921 כן 3651 נסעו 5265 כמו 3644 צאן 6629 יענו 6031 כי 3588 אין 369 רעה׃ 7462