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TSK - DEUTERONOMY 25PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP1 Stripes must not exceed forty. 4 The ox is not to be muzzled. 5 Of raising seed unto a brother. 11 Of the immodest woman. 13 Of unjust weights and measures. 17 The memory of Amalek is to be blotted out. VERSE 1 * De 16:18-20; 17:8,9; 19:17-19 Ex 23:6,7 2Sa 23:3 2Ch 19:6-10 * Job 29:7-17 Ps 58:1,2; 82:2-4 Pr 17:15; 31:8,9 Isa 1:17,23 * Isa 5:23; 11:4; 32:1,2 Jer 21:12 Eze 44:24 Mic 3:1,2 Hab 1:4,13 * Mal 3:18 Mt 3:10 VERSE 2 * Mt 10:17; 27:26 Lu 12:47,48 Ac 5:40; 16:22-24 1Pe 2:20,24 VERSE 3 - not exceed. * 2Co 11:24,25 - vile unto thee. That is, be beaten so cruelly, that, by retaining the marks, he become contemptible in the eyes of his brethren. Amendment, and not this, was the object of the punishment. We should hate and despise the sin, but not the sinner. * Job 18:3 Lu 15:30; 18:9-12 Jas 2:2,3 VERSE 4 - shalt not. In Judea, as well as in Egypt, Greece, and Italy, they made use of beeves to tread out the corn; and the same mode of threshing still obtains in Arabia, Barbary, and other eastern countries, to the present day. The sheaves lie open and expanded on the threshing floors, and the cattle continually move round them, and thus tread out the grain. The natives of Aleppo still religiously observe the ancient humane practice, inculcated by this law, of permitting the oxen to remain unmuzzled when treading out the corn. - muzzle. * Pr 12:10 1Co 9:9,10 1Ti 5:17,18 - treadeth out. Heb. thresheth. * Isa 28:27 Ho 10:11 VERSE 5 - brethren. * Mt 22:24 Mr 12:19 Lu 20:28 - husband's brother. or, next kinsman. * Ge 38:8,9 Ru 1:12,13; 3:9; 4:5 VERSE 6 - the first-born. * Ge 28:8-10 - that his name. * De 9:14; 29:20 Ru 4:10-12 Ps 9:5; 109:13 - brother's wife. or, next kinsman's wife. go up. * De 21:19 Ru 4:1-7 VERSE 7 VERSE 8 - I like not. * Ru 4:6 VERSE 9 - loose his shoe. Pulling off the shoe seems to express his being degraded to the situation of slaves, who generally went barefoot; and spitting in or rather before, (biphney) his face, was a mark of the utmost ignominy. * Ru 4:7,8 Isa 20:2 Mr 1:7 Joh 1:27 - spit. * Nu 12:14 Job 30:10 Isa 50:6 Mt 26:67; 27:30 Mr 10:34 - So shall. * Ge 38:8-10 Ru 4:10,11 1Sa 2:30 VERSE 10 VERSE 11 - to deliver her husband. * Ro 3:8 1Ti 2:9 VERSE 12 - See on ch. * De 19:13,21 VERSE 13 - in thy bag. * Le 19:35,36 Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10 Eze 45:10,11 Am 8:5 * Mic 6:11,12 - divers weights. Heb. a stone and a stone. {Aivenw„aiven;} because weights were anciently made of stone. Hence the expression, a stone weight, which is still in use, though the matter of which it is made be lead or iron, and the name itself shews us that a stone of a certain weight was formerly used. VERSE 14 - divers measures. Heb. an ephah and an ephah. {Aiphah w„aiphah;} for this was the cost common measure among the Israelites, by which all the others were made and adjusted. They are not only forbidden to use divers weights and measures, one large or heavy to buy with, and another small and light to sell with, but they were not even allowed to keep such in the house. It is observable also, that these too common but dishonest actions are branded as "an abomination to the Lord," equally with idolatry, and other scandalous crimes. * :14 VERSE 15 - that thy days. * De 4:40; 5:16,33; 6:18; 11:9; 17:20 Ex 20:12 Ps 34:12 Eph 6:3 * 1Pe 3:10 VERSE 16 - all that do. * De 18:12; 22:5 Pr 11:1; 20:23 Am 8:5-7 1Co 6:9-11 1Th 4:6 Re 21:27 VERSE 17 * Ex 17:8-16 Nu 24:20; 25:17,18 VERSE 18 - feared. * Ne 5:9,15 Ps 36:1 Pr 16:6 Ro 3:18 VERSE 19 - when the. * Jos 23:1 - thou shalt. * De 9:14 Ex 17:14,16 Jos 6:3; 7:12,22-25 1Sa 14:48; 15:1-35; 27:8 * 1Sa 30:1-7 1Ch 4:43 Es 3:1; 7:10; 9:7-10 Ps 83:7-17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH ![]() |