1 The words in capitals are substituted by the writer, as suiting the purpose better than the original ones.
2 Aristotle.
3 An "Authentic Account of M. Thurot's Expedition," with "Particulars of his Life," is to be found in the Gen. Mag. for 1760, p. 107-112.
The following letter will not be uninteresting. It was written to Mr. Ebenezer Blackwell, respecting the taking of Carrickfergus.
"Carrickfergus, May 7, 1760.
"Dear Sir, -- I can now give you a clear and full account of the late proceedings of the French here; as I now lodge at Mr. Cobham's, under the same roof with Mons. Cabinot, the French Lieutenant General. When the people here saw three large ships about ten in the morning anchor near the town, they took it for granted they were English, till about eleven the French began landing their men. The first party came to the North Gate between twelve and one. Twelve soldiers planted on the wall (there were 160 in the town) fired on them as they advanced, wounded the General and killed several. But when they had fired four rounds, having no more ammunition, they were obliged to retire. The French then entered the town (at the same time another party entered at the east end of it) keeping a steady fire up the street, till they came near the Castle. The English then fired hotly from the gate and walls, killed their second General (who had burst open the gates, and gone in sword in hand) with upwards of four-score men. But having no more cartridges, nor any man that knew how to make them; they thought it best to capitulate. They agreed to furnish such a quantity of provisions in six hours, on condition the French should not plunder -- But they began immediately to serve themselves with meat and drink; having been in such pressing want, that before they landed, the men were glad to eat raw oats to sustain nature. And some hours after, no provisions being brought, they took all they could find, with a good deal of linen and wearing apparel, chiefly from the houses where the inhabitants had run away. But they neither hurt, nor affronted man, woman, or child, nor did any mischief for mischief's sake; though many of the inhabitants affronted them, cursed them to their face, and even took up pokers or other things to strike them.
"I have had much conversation with Mons. Cabinot, who speaks Latin pretty readily. He is a Lieut. Colonel in the King's Guards, and a Knight of the Order of St. Louis. Indeed all the soldiers were picked men, drafted out of the Guards, and more like officers than men. I found him not only a very sensible man, but thoroughly instructed even in heart religion. I asked him, if it was true, that they had a design to burn Carrick and Belfast? (After the General was killed and the other wounded, the command had devolved upon him.) He cried out 'Jesu! Maria! we never had such a thought. To burn, to destroy, cannot enter into the head or heart of a good man.' One would think the French King sent these men on purpose, to show what officers he had in his army. I hope there are some such in the English army. But I never found them yet.
I am, dear Sir, your affectionate servant, JOHN WESLEY."
For further particulars, the reader may consult Mr. Wesley's Journals of May 5th and 6th, 1760.
4 The maiden name of Adam's grandmother was Boyd, into whose family the MacAuley's married, one of the descendants of whom was the celebrated Hugh MacAuley Boyd, ambassador to the Court of Candy, and one of the reputed authors of the Letters of Junius. Mr. Boyd, therefore, stood in the double capacity of relation and sponsor.
5 It was the opinion of Aristotle, that for the first seven years, more care should be taken of the body, than of the mind, and that intellectual education should not commence until the eighth year so it would appear, that little Adam was unconsciously obeying a dictate of philosophy in the inaptitude for learning which he manifested in early years.
6 Georgic I. 163.
7 Globe, April 26th, 1842.
8 Mr. Moore, observes, "that the enthusiastic admiration of chivalry which Edward III manifested during the whole course of his reigo, was probably owing to his having studied romances. In one of the Revenue Rolls of Henry III. there is an entry of silver clasps and studs for his majesty's 'Great flask of Romances.' Most likely, the descendant had studied the clasp book in his great grandfather's library. -- See D'Israeli's curiosities of Literature, vol. a. p. 292.
9 These gentlemen were the two principal lords of the soil, their estates joining each other. It was at the residence of the son of the Mr. Cromie alluded to, son-in-law of Judge Pennyfeather, and proprietor of the Cromie Estates, that the Dr. and the writer were affectionately, intellectually and munificently entertained, while at Portstuart.
10 Vol. 1. p. 24
11 The sermon was founded on John v. 25, and was preached on Sunday morning, March 23, 1832.
12 Poetical Works, vol. 1.
13 The critic sticklers for mere correctness, do not seem to be of this opinion, who find limit with the magnificent imagery of Coleridge. "This love of correctness, remind one of those pictures of the Garden of Eden, which we see in old Bibles:-- an exact square, enclosed by the rivers, -- Pison, Gihan, Hiddekel, and Euphrates; each with a convenient bridge in the center, -- rectangular beds of flowers, a long canal neatly bricked and railed in the tree of knowledge, clipped like one of the Limes behind the Tuilleries, standing in the center of the grand alley: the snake twined round it; -- the man on the right hand, -- the woman on the left, and the beasts drawn up in an exact circle round them. In one sense the picture is correct enough: but compare with this, the effort of a painter, (if there were indeed one so richly gifted,) who could place on the canvas, that glorious paradise -- seen by the interior eye of him, whose outward sight had failed with long watching and laboring for liberty and truth:-- who could set before us the mazes of the sapphire brook, -- the lake with its fringe of myrtles -- the flowery meadows:-- the grottoes over-hung by vines -- the forests hanging with Hesperion fruit, and with the plumage of gorgeous birds; and the massy shade of that bower which showered down roses on the happy inmates; what should we think of that critic who should tell us, that this painting, though finer than the absurd picture in the old Bible, -was not so correct!
14 Scott's Poetical Works.
15 Hear how the gentle Sidney speaks of such compositions. -- "I never heard the old song of 'Percy and Douglas,' that I found not my heart moved more than with a trumpet; and yet is sung by some blind crowder, with no mightier a voice than rude style."
The ballad acted an important part in the civil wars. "The songs of the Rump;" -- "The Downfall of Noll," -- "The Coming of the King," -- "The King shall have his own again:" these were the burden of songs, which, says a modern writer on the subject, "made the mob frantic with joy, and caused the giddy-headed crowd to toss up their arms, and dance like satyrs; for the very songs, written at first for a few, and sung in watchful secrecy, were, as the commonwealth waned and died, bellowed to the multitude." In our own day, we mean much within the last half-century, the potent spell of the ballad was not less felt; the "Hero of the Nile," confessed, that he owed to its influence, many of the victories which crowned our fleets: for the ballad by inculcating at once hatred of the French, and assurance of our own invulnerability, supplied an irresistible force and strength to the heart and arm of England. And we have heard of a country whose conquerors have forbidden her sons, on the pain of death, to troll forth the national air!
16 "What is generally called song," observes Alison, in his Essay on the Nature and Principles of Taste, "will be found in reality not only the most expressive species of composition, but the only one which affects the minds of uninstructed men: it is the only music of early ages -- the only music of the common people -- the only music which pleases us in infancy and early youth."
The same elegant author hazards an ingenious conjecture in reference to the origin of poetic composition, and its precedence to the prosaic form; a short extract from which we take for the gratification of the intelligent reader. "Before the invention of writing, the only expedient by which it seems possible that composition could be distinguished from common language, must have been some species of uniformity or regularity which right immediately convey the belief of art or design, and thus separate it from that vulgar language, which appeared to imply neither: it is hence, that in every country, proverbs, or ancient maxims of wisdom, are distinguished by alliteration, or measure, or some otter artifice of a like nature; -- that in many countries the earliest laws have been written in verse; -- and in general, that the artificial composition which now appropriated to poetry alone, was naturally the prevailing character of composition, and applied to every subject which was the fruit of labor or meditation, as the mark, the only one, which could be given, of the employment of this labor and meditation. The invention of writing occasioned a great revolution in composition, for what was written, was itself expressive of design: prose, therefore, when written, was equally expressive of design with verse, and the restraints which these imposed, led men naturally to forsake that artificial composition, which now no longer had the value it bore before this invention. The discovery of writing, then, occurs naturally to have led to the composition of prose. It might be expected also, that the same cause should have freed poetry from the restraints with which the ignorance or necessities of a rude age had shackled it, and that the great distinctions of imagery -- of enthusiasm -- of being directed to the imagination, &c., should have been sufficient distinctions of it from prosaic compositions, without preserving those rude inventions which were founded solely upon the expression of art."
17 Scott's Poetical Works; Edinburgh: Caddell.
18 Frazer's Mag., 1830.
19 Perhaps he was of the opinion expressed by a certain author, that "the cost of building without material was but trifling." The intelligent reader will recollect the reply of Ariosto, when told of the magnificence of his palaces: "The cost of poetical architecture," he observed, "is very little."
19 This is a subject in which a descendant may be permitted to glory and the family, perhaps, is not to be found in the Protestant world, that would not avail itself of such a notice of ancestral dignity. In the margin of Paul Knapton's beautiful London edition of Rapin's History of England, with Tindell's Continuation, 6 vols., folio, 1747, which belonged to Mr. Clarke, he had written, where the historian speaks of the landing of the Prince, vol. iii. page 113, -- "And was received by my great-great-grandfather, W. Clarke, who was a Quaker, with these words, -- 'William, thou art well-come to this kingdom,' -- and behaved himself in such a way, that the King was pleased to say, 'Sir, you are one of the most polite gentlemen I ever met.'
20 There are particulars connected with the address to the Prince, which occupied a place in the conversations of the subject of the memoir, in social life, which have not found their way into the graver pages of composition from his pen, and which exemplify the character of his great-great-grandfather. One of them shows a knowledge of the power of words on the part of his ancestor, and a disposition to ascertain their various meanings and adaptations on the part of the descendant. More than once the latter stated to the writer, that he believed the address -- "William, thou art welcome to this kingdom," "contained a double entendre;" giving as the interpretation, -" William, thou art welcome to this kingdom, to reign over us, -- take us for thine own; and William, thou art well-come, that is, it is well that thou hast come, at this critical time, to conquer our enemies." The principal difficulty in the way of giving the grandsire the credit of this double entendre, will be found to lie in the hostility of his religious principles, as a Quaker, to war though even to conquer an enemy. That William Clarke was extremely rigid in his adherence to the principles and practice of George Fox, is confirmed by another circumstance noticed by his descendant, viz. -- his repugnance to the office conferred upon him, -- repeatedly declining, and stating that it was foreign to the views he entertained of paying court to mortal man. -- The merit may be safely left between them.
21 Archbishop Tillotson has a somewhat amusing figure, in his "Thanksgiving Sermon" before the King and Queen, Oct. 27, 1692, on this circumstance. The text is Jer. ix. 23, 24. Speaking of the reigning powers, he observes of one of the sovereigns, "Thus have I represented unto you a mighty monarch, who, like a fiery comet, hath hung over Europe, for many years; and by his malignant influence hath made such terrible havoc and devastations in the world." Then, turning to William, he says, "This is the man whom God has honored to give a check to this mighty man of the earth, and to put a hook into the nostrils of this great leviathan, who has so long had his pastime in the seas. But we will not insult, as he once did, in a most unprincely manner, over a much better than himself, when he believed him to have been slain at the Boyne: and indeed death came then as near to him as was possible without killing him: but the merciful providence of God was pleased to step in for his preservation, almost by a miracle: for I do not believe, that from the first use of great guns to that day, any mortal man ever had his shoulder so kindly kissed by a cannon bullet."
22 There were two versifications of it, one of which was never obliterated from his memory, and for a copy of the other, together with a poetical piece composed in honor of the Prince, on landing at Carrickfergus, he applied, late in life, to a friend near the place. The verses are exceedingly humble in their structure, as the following specimens, penned from recital, will show:-
"July the first, on a morning clear, One thousand six hundred and ninety, King William gathered all his men,-Of thousands he had thirty.
"July the first at Oldbridge town, There was a grievous battle, Where many a man lay dead on the ground, By the cannons that did rattle."
To which of the versions the following verse belongs, is not for the writer to state; but it is worthy of either:-
"King William said, 'Be not dismayed, For the loss of one commander, For God will be your king this day, And I'll he general-under."
That he should be curious in seeking after such compositions, at an advanced stage of life, when his mind was imbued with the hallowed principles of the "Songs of Zion," will not appear remarkable, when we recollect youthful associations, his partiality for the antique, their record of historical fact, and their connection with the place and persons of his ancestors, in the reflections of his mind.
23 "The Letters of Joseph Ritson, Esq., edited chiefly from originals in the possession of his Nephew," with "a Memoir of the author, by Sir Harris Nicolas," 2 vols., have since been published. He was born at Stockton-upon-Tees, 2 Oct., 1752, and died at Hoxton, near London, 23 Sept., 1803. He has been properly characterized as an enthusiastic laborer in the field of old English song and ballad -- unexampled in patience of inquiry and industry of research -- and, remarkable for his oddity of manners and sarcastic sallies against Scotchmen and his antiquarian brethren. It was his boast, that he was the only honest antiquarian; he disputed the accuracy of must of his brethren in the region of neglected verse, and shut his eyes resolutely on the light which glimmered from most lanterns save his own. He attacked, with indecent acrimony, the learning of Warton, and the poetic research of Percy. He was what the Scotch would call a bitter body, and made himself respected like a wasp. The character of an "unbeliever" might be sufficiently strong, taking it in its general acceptation, but not when particularly applied to a personal interest in Christ as a Savior. In one of his letters to his nephew, he observes, "That very officious person who told your mother that I had been informed of a great many Methodists coming about the house in order to sing, pray, &c., has been guilty of an enormous falsehood. I did hear, indeed, that her distemper was fostered and increased by a religious melancholy, which I very naturally concluded was supported by some of the above enthusiasts, and therefore I desired that none of them should be admitted in future. This commission was to have been entrusted to you, as I did not know, at the time, you were one of the gang."
24 Cadell published this edition, in 1813. The Dr's. copy is now in the possession of the writer, and has inserted in it, in the handwriting of the Doctor, -- "Greatly inferior to the ballad.--"
25 The world has seen many improvers since then, and most of them surpassing "Little Adam" in years. An American receives the credit of the following improvement, -- a little prejudicial, to say no more, to the gravity of an audience:-
"Ye finny monsters of the deep, Your Maker's praises shout; Ye coddlings, from your sand-banks peep, And wag your tails about!"
There is little room, however, for triumph: we are not far behind the transatlantic sons of song. A parish clerk, having intimated to his master, that be intended to bless the church with an "Improved Version of the Psalms," was asked for a specimen of his work, with which, request he cheerfully complied; the clergyman was amply satisfied with the following couplet:-
"Blow, blow, blow ye breezes, Whistle, whistle, through the treeses!"
26 The verses are taken from "The Bible; translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, &c. Imprinted at London, by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most excellent Majestie, 1606; commonly called, the 'breeches' Bible."
27 'sop's Fables have long been considered as lectures of moral and domestic wisdom, so well adapted to the faculties of man, that they have been received by all civilized nations; and the Arabs themselves have honored his translator with the appellation of "Locman the Wise."
28 Mr. Cottle, the author of "Alfred," and other poems, has published, in a small volume, connected with other subjects, some interesting particulars respecting this extraordinary man. There is also a good, condensed biographical notice of him, in the Wesleyan Meth. Mag., for 1793,
p. 140-114 John's mother, speaking of his great evenness of temper, to a friend of the present writer, stated, That the servant girl found a number of his MSS. in an apartment of the house, and taking them for waste paper, lit the fire with, them. The case was detected and explained on one of his visits from college when he simply said, -- "Ah Mary, you have destroyed the hard toil of many a midnight hour; and much of what is gone, can never be recalled." It is to this extraordinary man that Dean Tucker refers, in a letter to Miss. H. More. See Roberts' Memoirs of Mrs. H. More, vol. 1, p. 195. 29 A few of the titles may be transcribed:-- Agrippa'a Occult Philosophy; -- Agrippa's Vanity of Arts and Sciences; -- Bulwer's Chirologia and Chironomia; -- Choice Manual of Rare Secrets; -- Manuduction to the Philosopher's Magical Gold; -- Cambachius' Philosopher's a True Secret; -Coley's Key to Astrology; -- System of Magic; -- Barrett's Occult Philosophy; -- Glanvil on Witches and Apparitions; -- Indagine's Palmistry and Physiognomy, &c.; -- Middleton's Practical Astrology; -- Magia Adamica; -- Marrow of Alchemy; -- Ashmole's Theatrum Chemicum; -- Gifford on Witches; -- Dee's True Relation of his Action with Spirits; -- Gadbury's Collections of Nativities; -- Glauber's Works, containing Choice Secrets; -- Haly de Judicus Astrorum; -- Indaginis Chiromantia; -- Ramsey's Astrology Vindicated; -- Nazari della Tramutatione Metallica; -- Prætorii Chiromantia; -- Prynne's Queen Gold; -- New Light of Alchymie; Tryals of Witchcraft and Pyracy - Traite de l'Enchantement; -- Vallement Physique Occulte; -- Scott's Discovery of witchcraft; -- Treatise of Specters and Apparitions; -- Ramsey's Astrology Restored; -- Taisnierii Chiromantia; &c. The lots, from whence these titles are taken, are 32, 33, 109, 272, 273, 323, 345, 352, 523, 705, 912, 1003, 1024, 1088, 1089, 1303, 1317, 1429, 1459, 1465, 1719, 1721, 1731, 1766, 1791, 1810, 1882.
30 Christian Observer, 1813, Nov., p. 673.
31 Ibid. p. 871-2.
32 Slemish; formed, in some aspects of it, something like a tortoise, and unconnected with any other mountain. It is about three or four miles distant from Balleymena, and twenty-four from Coleraine. *See Meth. Mag., 1824, p. 456.
34 Wesleyan Meth. Mag., 1824, p. 456.
35 Act II, Scene 2.
36 The eleventh edition, printed in London, for Churchill, in 1713, is now lying before the writer, and is entitled," The English Expositor Improved: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B., Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised, corrected, &.c., &c., by J. Browne, author of the English School Reformed, &c., &c.
37 Hist. of the Jews, vol. I.
38 Arminian Mag., vol. 1., p. 264, for 1792.
39 Smith's "Consecutive History, &c., of Wesleyan Methodism, in Ireland," page 289 -- 290.
40 There is an anecdote respecting the good man worth recording, which Adam heard from his own lips. When they were sufficiently familiarized with each other, -- and no doubt with a view to guard his young friend against such things, who was sufficiently quick to perceive their bearings, he remarked, that he was invited once to take tea with a family, and that cards were introduced on the occasion. On having a set handed to him, he rose from his seat, assuming the attitude of invocation, and observed, that they had better ask a blessing upon the game before they commenced. It was objected by one of the party, that they were not in the habit of doing so: he returned "Never mind, we must have a blessing." Seeing him still standing, as if about to implore heaven to grant its blessing upon the act, and perceiving the incongruity of the affair altogether, first one, and then another, began to push the cards from him; and the feeling becoming general, they were thrown aside for more rational and profitable amusement. In this single circumstance, there is a volume of instruction; it told Adam, what it must tell every intelligent, accountable, immortal being, that be ought not to enter upon any act, which he could not unhesitatingly convert into a matter of prayer, and in the course of which, he could not, with confidence, look up to heaven for the blessing of God, in the sanctification of its use.
Two or three other circumstances, though not related by Adam, may be noticed as illustrative of character. On one of the occasions of his meeting some members in class after preaching, Mr. Barber came to a person of some property, who made profession of piety, but who did very little for the support of the Wesleyan interest in the place, and inquired into his state of mind, when he expressed himself as being happy. He again asked, "And you have Christ in your heart?" "Yes," replied the man. On this, Mr. Barber immediately pounced upon the selfish part of his nature, and inquired, "Have you room for a Methodist preacher in your house?" This was rather unexpected; and after a little hesitation, he intimated, that the family had not convenience for the entertainment of a preacher. Mr. Barber, who had felt the inconvenience of traveling a considerable distance for a bed after preaching, and still suspicious, that the principal difficulty was to be found in the want of disposition, again inquired, "If an intimate friend, or relation, were to visit you, and to be thrown upon your hospitality for the night, do you think you could, with a little contrivance, find a bed for himself, and a stable for his horse?" This was equally unexpected, and in the midst of his embarrassment for an honest reply, -- (a case rather unusual on the other side of the channel,) he at length returned, "Why, in that case, we should be obliged," when Mr. Barber proceeded to speak to another of his auditors. His conduct, in another instance, was as singular as his address on the present occasion. He had some business to transact with Lord Annesley near Castlewetlan, county Downs. After concluding the object of his visit, he proposed prayer to his lordship. The latter, not quite prepared for the exercise, as well as unaccustomed to it on such occasions, politely interposed his interdict, by observing, "Oh, Mr. Barber, the ladies are in the room, and they will only laughs at us." Mr. Barber, too intent on what he deemed the religious improvement of his lordship, replied, "The ladies, my lord, have too much good sense
and politeness to laugh at prayer;" and so saying, instantly dropped upon his knees before his lordship had time to meet him with another reply, which he was apprehensive might defeat his purpose. No one, except an honest, zealous man, would thus have ventured to presume on nobility, on its own domain; but Mr. Barber could take liberties, which would mar the credit of many men through life, with the parties concerned, without giving offense.
He resided some time at Glass Lough, a beautiful village on the border of a lake, where he was on terms of intimacy with the family of Colonel Lesley, the brother of Bishop Lesley. The Colonel, during his residence there, had entered into the marriage state a second time, with a lady much younger than himself, and remarkable for beauty. They called upon Mr. and Mrs. Barber, soon after their marriage. The names being announced, they were introduced. The usual ceremonies having passed, Mrs. Lesley entered into conversation, while Mr. Barber, in the opposite part of the room, and near the window, was rubbing and adjusting his spectacles. He placed one pair, of a different focus, in a certain position, in order to aid those commonly used, and then took an eye glass, with, a view to assist both. After having prepared the whole, he stalked across the room, took Mrs. Lesley by the hand, led her up to the window, and peering in her face, through his helps to vision, remarked, "The people say you are very handsome, and I am sure they have not belied you." He then conducted her to her seat. These show the man -- straightforward and unceremonious.
41 Meth. Mag. for 1832, p. 820.
42 Wesleyan Meth. Mag., 1832, p. 720.
43 Wesleyan Mag., 1832, p. 720.
44 Wesleyan Mag., 1832, p. 720.
45 Smith's Wesleyan Methodism in Ireland, p. 219.
46 John xv. 16.
47 "In defiance of all changes, two strange old poems, the wonder of ninety generations, still retain all their freshness; still command the veneration of minds enriched by the literature of many ages and nations they are still the delight of school-boys, having survived ten thousand capricious fashions having seen successive codes of criticism become obsolete, they still remain immortal with the immortality of truths; -- the same when perused in the study of an English scholar, as when they were first chanted at the banquet of the Ionian princes."
48 Æid lib, I. 207.
49 The full title of this book is -- "The Godly Man's Picture, drawn with a Scripture Pencil: or some Characteristical Notes of a Man that shall go to Heaven. By Thomas Watson, Minister of The Gospel of Stephen's, Walbrook, in the city of London. Published 1666." The sentiment is to be found, c. i. p.8.
50 Page 15th, Fourth Edition, 1819.
51 The writer was presented with one of those singular instances of the transmission of literary property from hand to hand, when passing through the "Grand Exhibition" of Paintings, Antiques, &c., at Derby, Aug., 1843. Among other books, "Britannia Depicta, or, Ogilby Improved," was laid on one of the tables stated to have been given by John Wesley to John Bredin with the additional fact, that Adam Clarke allowed the latter £10 per annum towards the close of life, because of the service he had been to him at the commencement of his religious course.
52 Wesleyan Meth. Mag , 1832, p. 721.
53 Mr. Wesley refers to the unpleasant feeling which was experienced, and observed, -- "Tuesday, 27, Aug. Our Conference began; at which four of our brethren, after long debate, (in which; Mr. Fletcher took much pains), acknowledged their fault, and all that was past was forgotten. " -Works, 8vo., vol. iv. p. 285.
54 A poetaster, who essayed to tune his harp, (he had better have hung it on the willows,) to a metrical version of the Bible; as a specimen of his signal ability for the task, take the following couplet;
"Was not Pharaoh a very great rascal, Not to let the children of Israel, Their wives and little ones, Their servants and cattle, Go into the wilderness, To eat the Lords Pascal?"
55 In the Life of John Albert Bengel, by Burk, the reader will find at p. 61, an excellent letter written to a Mr. S____, who, from a mistaken notion of piety, was under the temptation to abandon scientific pursuits, and to give up study. The two cases pair off well on the general principle laid down by our modern cynic.
56 Letter p. 13.
57 Mr. Marriott, who appears to have examined the Bible in his usual microscopic way, observes, "The following verses I conclude to have been his texts, being marked with rosettes.
-- Gen. i. 27. -- xxviii. 15. Lev. xix. 17 Num. vi. 23-27. -- x. 29. -- xiv. 24. -- xxiii. 10. -- xxxv. 27, 28. Deut. iv. 9. -- xi. 13. -- xi. 13. -- xxx. 19. -- 1 Sam. ix. pt. 27, "stand thou, &c." -- xii. 23, 24, 23. 2 Kings, iv. 23. -- v. 12. -- xvii. 36. 1 Chron. xxviii. 9. Ezra, ix. 8. Job. xxiii. 10. Psa. i, whole -- v. 11. - ix. 9, 10. -- xxv. 1,2,3,4, 5. -- xxxiv. 1 -- 6 -- 10. -- xxxvii. 39. -- lvi 13. Isaiah. ix. 6. -- xxii. 20, to the end. -- li. 14. -- lii. 7, 8, 9, 10. -- lvii. 15. Jer. xvii. 7, 8. -- xxxi. 9 -- 18 -- 19. -- i. 3. -Ezekiel, xi. 16 -- 21 -- xiv. 14 -- 20. -- xvii. 24. -- xxxiii. 31, 32. -- xxxiv. 4. -- xxxiv. 16. -- xxxvi. 2.5 -- 31. Dan. vii. 13, 14. Micah a. 10. Matt. iii. 10. -- iii. 12, -- v. 3. -- v. 16. -- v. 25. -- vi. 9 - 13. -- vi. 24, latter clause. -- vi. 34. -- vii 13. -- xi. 5. -- xi. 28, -- xiii. 3 -- 8. -- xiii. 24. -- xiii. 31,32, 33. -- xiii. 37 -- 41. -- xiii. 47, 48, 49. -- xv. 28. -- xviii. 1. -- xv iii. 23, &c. -- xix. 6. -- xx. 2, -- xxi. 28. Mark xii. 1 -- 8. Luke xiii. 8, 9, John iv. 23. -- v. 2 -- 9. -- viii. 12. Acts xvi. 14. 1 Cor. xv. 33,34. 2 Cor. iv. 51-- vi. 1. Phil. 1. 27. Heb. iv. 11. -- vii. 25.
In a subsequent letter, Mr. Marriott remarks, "The little pocket Bible, belonging to Dr. Clarke, has many chapters marked with two dots, which I cannot explain. Perhaps they refer to his daily reading. You have these chapters marked on the paper enclosed, distinguished with two dots." Gen. 1, 4,7, 14, 18,23,21, 23, 24, 25,27,30,33, 37, 40, 43, 46:, 47, Exod. 7, 10, 13, 19, 23,26,29,34. Lev. 6,8,11,16,19:, 21, 22:, 24, 2.5:, 27. Num. 1:, 4, 7, 10:, 11;, 13;, 16:, 19:,22:, 26,27:, 30:, 31,33. Deut. 1:, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16:, 19, 22:, 25, 28:, 29, 32. Josh. 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20,23. Jud. 1, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18. Ruth 1:, 1 Sam. 1,4,7,10, 13, 16:, 20:, 25:. 2 Sam. 1;, 5, 13, 18, 22. 1 Kings 4:, 7:, 9, 12, 16, 20:. 2 King 8: 11:, 14:, 17:, 20:. 1 Chron. 2:, 6: 1.5:, 22:, 26:,29:. 2 Chron. 4:,7:, 10:, 15,18:, 21:, 25: Ezrah:, 4:. Neh. 4:, 7:, 13:. Esther 3:, 7:. Job 1, 9:, 20:, 21:, 33:, 36:. Psa. 7:, 16:, 25:, 33:, 40:, 53:, 59:, 66:, 72:, 78:, 107:, 119:, 139:. Prov. 11:, 14:, 22:. Isaiah 5:, 9:, 16:, 21:, 24:, 37:, 44., 49:,54:,58:, 61- ..Jer. 4:,8:, 11, 14:, 18, 21:, 25:, 29:, 32:, 35:, 38:, 43:, 23,51:. Lam. 1:. Ezek. 1:, 4:, 8;, 12:, 16:, 18:, 21:, 26:, 28:, 34,37:, 43:. Dan. 4:, 7:, 10:. Hosea 5:, 10:. Zech. 11:. Matt. 7, 10, 13, 16, 22, 25. Mark 1:, 6, 7, 13. Luke 1,4, 7,10:, 13, 16, 22. John 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16. Acts 7, 10, 13, 20, 24, 27. Rom. 1, 7, 10, 14. 1 Cor. 4, 7, 10. 2 Cor. 4,7, 11. Gal. 1. 1 Tim. 4. James 1:. 1 Pet. 1:, 4. 1 John 1. 2 John 1. Rev. 1, 4, 8, 12.
58 Letter to a Preacher, p. 14, Fourth Edition, 1819.
59 Though the writer has others, the following will be proof sufficient on this point. The letters themselves were written to the Rev. Walter Sellon.
LETTER I. AD., 1754.
"I have seen your honest friendly letter to C. P., for which I thank you, both in behalf of myself, and the Church of England.
"You see through him and his fellows. Pride, cursed pride, has perverted him and them: and, unless the Lord interpose, will destroy the work of God, and scatter us all as sheep upon the mountains. "In your fidelity to my old honored mother, you are a man after my own heart. I always loved you; but never so much as now.
"O pray on for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love her. I know you wish her prosperity: you think upon her stones, and it pitieth you to see her in the dust.
"How unlike the spirit of poor Perronet, and his associates! What a pity such spirits should have any influence over my brother! They are continually urging him to a separation. Yet it is to pull down all he has built, to put a sword in our enemies' hands, to destroy the work, scatter the flock, disgrace himself and go out -- like the snuff of a candle.
"May I not desire it of you, as a debt you owe the Methodists and me, and the church -- as well as him, to write him a full, close, plain, transcript if your heart on the occasion. C. P., you know, has taken upon him to administer the sacrament, for a month together to the preachers, and twice to some of the people. Walsh, and three others, have followed his vile example. The consequence you see with open eyes. Oh! that my brother did so too! Our worthy friend at Clifton could not but believe my brother had laid on hands, or they would not have dared to act so. You have her thoughts in mine.
"I have heard your sincerity called in question, as if you ran with the hare, and held with the horses. I don't believe a word of it; as this letter proves.
"Inclose, if you think proper, your letter to my brother, in one to me, at Samuel Lloyd's, Esq., in Devonshire-Square. I shalt not grudge double postage. You must make one at our Conference in Leeds, which will be in May. Pray for us. I stand atone as the preachers imagine. Nevertheless, the Lord stands by me. Fain would they thrust me out that they may carry all before them." &c.
LETTER II., A. D., 1754.
Write again, and spare not. My brother took no notice to me of your letter. Since the Melchisedeckians have been taken in, I have been excluded from the cabinet council. They know me too well to trust him with me. He is come so far as to believe a separation quite awful; only not yet expedient. They are indefatigable in urging him to go so far as that he may not be able to retreat. He may lay on hands, say they, without separating. I charge you keep it to yourself, that I stand in doubt of him: which I tell you, that you may pray for him the more earnestly, and write to him the more plainly.
"In May, our Conference is. You must be there, if alive. Direct to my brother at the F., to me, at Samuel Lloyd's, Esq., in Devonshire-Square.
"We can hold it no longer, (the Methodist preachers I mean), but must quickly divide to the right or left, -- the church or meeting. God be praised for this, that Satan is dragged out to do his worst, while we are yet living to look him in the face. I know none fitter for training up the young men in learning than yourself or J. Jones. We must, among us, get the sound preachers qualified for orders.' &c.
LETTER III., A. D., 1755.
"There is no danger of my countenancing them; but rather of my opposing them too fiercely. 'Tis pity a good cause should suffer by a warm advocate. If God gives me meekness, I shall, at the Conference, speak, and spare not. Till then, 'tis best the matter should sleep; or we should make the delinquent, desperate, and their associates, among the preachers, hypocrites. My brother purposely holds his peace, that he may come to the bottom of them. Your letters, (and some others wrote with the same honesty), have had the due effect on him; and made him forget he was ever inclined to their party. He has spoken as strongly, of late, in behalf of the Church of England, as I could wish; and everywhere declares he never intends to leave her. This has made the Melchisedeckians draw in their horns, and drop their design. 'Sed non ege credulus illis.' We must know the heart of every preacher; and give them their choice of the church or meeting. The wound can no longer be healed slightly. Those who are disposed to separate, had best do it while we are yet alive.
"It seems not so proper to show my brother your last to me. Write to him again, and urge it upon his conscience, -- Whether he is not bound to prevent a separation, both before, and after his death? whether, in order to this, he should not take the utmost pains to settle the preachers, discharging those who are irreclaimable, and never receiving another, without this previous condition, -- 'That he will never leave the Church.'
"He is writing an excellent treatise on the question, whether it is expedient to separate from the Church of England? which he talks of printing.
"Be very mild and loving in your next, lest he should still say, -- "The separatists show a better spirit than their opposers.' You may honestly suppose him now of our mind. I will answer for your admission to the Conference at Leeds in the beginning of May. My brother says his book will be out next summer. I will allow him till next winter. Is not Nicholas Norton under the influence of Charles Perronet? Keep copies of yours to my brother. J. Jones will thank you for a title. W. Prior, I suppose you know, is ordained? without learning, interest, or ought but Providence to recommend him. What are you doing in your part of the vineyard, and how does the work prosper? Write largely, and often. The Lord of the harvest is thrusting out laborers in diverse places. Mr. Romaine, Venn, Dodd, Jones, and others here, [London], are much blessed." &c.
In this way, to the latest period of life, Mr. Clarke Wesley added both to his own discomfort, and that of his brother, as well as of many of the preachers, by an over-anxiety, and high-wrought zeal for this church, while his union with his brother and the body, only added to the fever within.
60 Mr. McNab was in this Bristol circuit in 1779, at which period, Bath was included in it. 61 This letter was seen by Mr. Clarke, and the impression on the writer's mind at the time was, that he either possessed the original, or a copy of it.
62 The Wesley Family, p. 538, 8vo. edit.
63 Nov. 22-24, 1779. Mr. Wesley states: -- "My brother and I set out for Bath, on a very extraordinary occasion. Some time since, Mr. Smyth, a clergyman, whose labors God had greatly blessed in the North of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, who had been for some time in a declining state of health, I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel, while he remained there. But as soon as I was gone, Mr. McNab, one of the preachers, vehemently opposed that; affirming, it was the common cause of all the lay-preachers; -- that they were appointed by the Conference, not by me, and would not suffer the clergy to ride over their heads; Mr. Smyth, in particular, of whom he said all manner of evil. Others warmly defended him. Hence the Society was torn in pieces, and thrown into the utmost confusion. "I read to the Society a paper, which I wrote near twenty years ago, on a like occasion. Herein I observed, that 'the rules of our preachers were fixed by me, before any Conference existed, particularly the twelfth: -- 'Above all, you are to preach when and where I appoint.' By obstinately opposing which rule, Mr. McNab has made all this uproar. In the morning, at a meeting of the preachers, I informed Mr. McNab, that, as he did not agree to our fundamental rule, I could not receive him as one of our preachers, till he was of another mind.
"I read the same paper to the Society at Bristol, as I found the flame had spread thither also. A few at Bath separated from us on this account: but the rest were satisfied."
64 Miss Eliza, afterwards married to the Rev. John Thomas, rector of Begelley.
65 Journal, Oct. 20th, 1783.
66 The writer mentioned this anecdote to the author of "The World Before The Flood," when spending a few days with him; he remarked in return, -- "It was very likely the result of early instruction, and in all probability he carried up from his childhood the recollection of a similar case. His mother had one of the children before her one day, who was very slow at learning. Mr. Wesley came in, and said, 'Why do you sit there, my dear, telling that dull child a thing twenty times over?' 'Because,' replied Mrs. Wesley, 'the nineteenth is not enough.'"
66 Within the last century," observes Mr. Vaughan, in his able and spiritual work on Congregationalism; "God has blest the Church of England with a growing number of devout ministers; but this change she owes to Methodism.
67 Swinnock, of the puritanic school, employs this maxim in his "Christian Man's Calling;" a work calculated both to make, and keep, Christians.
68 Page 190.
69 This preposterous demonstration of loyalty, reminds us of the divine, who, preaching before the French king, "in an unguarded moment astonished the monarch, by declaring, that all men must die, but as speedily amended his indiscretion, by adding, with a penitent look at his royal auditor, -- at least -- almost all."
70 This involves, in some measure, the principle taken up by Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Candlish, and other Christian-minded men, who are at present enlisted on the side of the Free church of Scotland, -- opposing an authority not recognized in Scripture.
71 Dugald Stewart, Sir James Mackintosh, J. Playfair, and Sir John Leslie; Dissertation on the History of Metaphysical, Ethical, Mathematical and Physical Science.
72 The lines are these -
"Came whip and spur, and dash'd through thin and thick On German Crousaz, and Dutch Burgersdyck."
73 Professor Robison was at this time in the zenith of his glory. He became professor of natural philosophy in Edinburgh, in 1773, and contributed largely to the later volumes of the third edition of the "Encyclopædia Britannica," in co-operation with Dr. Gleig; from which time the work is acknowledged to have ceased to be a compilation, and to have attained a high degree of scientific excellence, but it is to the Supplement," in 2 Vols., generally ascribed to the professor, that a reference in all probability is made.
75 Her name is variously spelled by the preachers, on her Society tickets, but generally as above. These tickets were given by her to Mr. Clarke, who, for several years, was endeavoring to collect a series from the commencement; but failing in his purpose, and finding the collection of the present writer much larger than his own, he gave them to him, saying, -- "For the last thirty years, I have been trying to make up a set; but as you are more likely to effect this than any one besides, you shall have mine." The first female class-paper in Bristol accompanied them, written, apparently, by Mr. Charles Wesley, at the head. of which, the name of Dame Somerhill stands, as the leader.
76 Though Mr. Southey misunderstood the religious character of Mr. Wesley, no one understood his intellectual character more clearly, or has done greater justice to it, than he has in his life of that great man. In a conversation whirl, the present writer had upon the subject with the laureate, he observed, "I may state to you, that, in reference to my Life of Wesley, I have had letters from dignitaries of the church of England, from statesmen, and various literary characters, lauding the work, and thanking me for its publication. Mr. Watson's Observations I have not seen, nor do I intend to read them. I rarely read works written against me. I wrote the Life of Wesley independent of party -- with as little hope of favor from the churchman as from the dissenter; but no man can take up that life, and read it, who, on laying it down, will not say -- John Wesley was a great and a good man. I may have been mistaken, but no man can say, 'an enemy hath done this;' an enemy to John Wesley I could not be. Some of my earliest recollections and associations are in his favor. I was in a house in Bristol where he was, when a mere child. On running downstairs before him, with a beautiful little sister of my own, whose ringlets were floating over her shoulders, he overtook us on the landing, when he took my sister in his arms, and kissed her. Placing her on her feet again, he then put his hand upon my head, and blessed me; and I feel," continued the bard, (highly impassioned -- his eyes glistening with, tears -- and yet in a tone of grateful and tender recollection,) "I feel as though I had the blessing of that good man upon me at the present moment!" Mr. Southey adverts to the subject also in a letter to Mr. Wilberforce. Mr. Wesley's attention to children is proverbial; and the grateful remembrance of Southey, together with his ready recurrence to the fact, is highly creditable alike to lift feelings and to his character.
77 It was here, especially, that his mind received a spring, the beneficial influence of which it never lost. While upon this circuit, he reaped great advantage from the friendship of James Hore, Esq., R. N., who lent him books, and amongst them Chambers' Encyclopædia, to which he was extremely partial. Miss Kennicott also lent him her brother's edition of the Hebrew Bible, which he studied with diligent care; and purchasing Leigh's Critica Sacra about this period, he was greatly aided in his Hebrew studies. It was here he entered the harvest field and the sheaves with which he was laden in after life, prove both the excellence of the crop, and the diligence of the reaper. But a circumstance occurred which had nearly proved fatal, alike to his studies and his life; he was put into a damp bed at Beeralston, one effect of which was, a violent cough, which continued several years in its wasting influence; he complained of it so far down as the present year -- 1780; and he never entirely lost it.
78 This advice on the subject of prayer-meetings was necessary at this period especially, in consequence of the "long prayers" of some of the persons who officiated. Mr. Clarke remarks on this; "I said to a pious couple whom I had known to be diligent in all the means of grace; 'Why do you not attend the public prayer-meeting, as you were accustomed to do?' 'We cannot, without standing, during prayer, which we think is unbecoming, and would be a bad example; the prayers are so long that we cannot kneel all the time; sometimes a verse of a hymn is given out while the people are on their knees, and two or three pray: we cannot kneel so long, and therefore are obliged to keep away.' In such a case I could only say, I shall endeavor to remedy this evil. In another instance, I was the chief sufferer. At a public meeting, a pious brother went to prayer, I kneeled on the floor, having nothing to lean against, or to support me -- he prayed forty minutes, I was unwilling to rise, and several times was nearly fainting -- what I suffered I cannot describe. After the meeting was over, I ventured to expostulate with the good man, and in addition to the injury sustained by his unmerciful prayer, I had the following reproof: 'My brother, if your mind had been more spiritual, you would not have felt the prayer too long.' I mention these circumstances not to excuse the careless multitude, but in vindication of such sufferers, and to show the necessity of being short in our prayers, if we expect others to join us.
79 Dr. Clarke's Miscellaneous Works, vol. ii, page 359.
80 One petition which he was requested to present to the Conference, may be noted for its ardor and singularity:-
"To Adam Clarke, Assistant, of Whitefriar -- Street, Dublin.
"To the a General Assembly, Greeting.
"The important occasion of writing, urges our agitated powers into swiftness and energy, -petitioning the united command of all the arbitrary preachers, whom we hold in general esteem, retracting this one, namely William Wilson, of the Balleyconnel circuit, who we see, by a providence of God was sent to us, and have enjoyed the year with particular advantage: and if permitted another year, we trust it will be a greater advancement to the Methodist Community, and interior work of souls, and at a future period will be most pleasing to his co-adjutors, and will gratify the infinite desire of the undersigned, with many other subscribers."
Had the petitioners not been known to be simple-hearted men, and warm admirers of the preacher in question, the petition might have passed off as a piece of pleasantry. Mr. Clarke could do little more than smile at the zeal of his countrymen, who were only to be surpassed in ardor afterwards by the advocates for the repeal of the Union.
81 The writer has several of his tickets, regularly received, as any other member, from his brethren in the ministry, and the case in which he deposited them; several of them with dates subsequent to this period.
82 It is amusing sometimes to read the adverse opinions of great men. It is stated of the Rev. B. Hall, that "In his manners, he was a close imitator of Dr. Johnson; fond of tea-table talk, and of the society of cultivated females, who had the taste to lend him an ear, and the ability requisite to make attention a favor. He has confessed to me the taking of thirty cups of tea, in an afternoon, and told me his method was to visit four families, and drink seven or eight cups at each." -- Memoir by Dr. Gregory.
83 A discrepancy appears between the Minutes of Conference and some of the facts noticed in connection with Manchester. In the Minutes of 1791 and 1792, Mr. Benson and Mr. Clarke appear to be the preachers stationed by the Conference on the circuit. But in consequence of changes having been made towards the close and after the sittings of Conference, though under the sanction of the president, the names of preachers have occasionally stood opposite circuits to which they have not been sent. This was the case with the young man, as already noticed, whose place Mr. Clarke was called to supply, the former not having gone to his appointment, and also in the Norwich appointment of 1783. In 1805, not to mention other cases, Mr. Burdsall stands for Salisbury, and Mr. Pearson for St. Austell; but the fact of the case is, as stated to the writer by Mr. Burdsall himself, that he went to the latter place, and Mr. Pearson to the former; yet, in each case, the error has been transferred from the 12mo. to the 8vo. edition of the Minutes. So it is here; Mr. Bradburn stands for Birmingham in 1791, but was in fact at Manchester, where he had been stationed the year preceding. To one published account of the Strangers' Friend Society, the Rules are represented as signed by Messrs. Bradburn and Clarke, "Manchester, March 7th, 1791;" while this confirms the fact of Mr. Bradburn's connection with Manchester in 1791, the date is nevertheless incorrect as to the Strangers' Friend Society; for, in addition to the improbability of the preachers having their minds engrossed in the establishment of such a society, just at the period of Mr. Wesley's death, Mr. Clarke was at that time in Dublin. In support of the fact, that Mr. Bradburn was traveling in Manchester with Mr. Clarke, after the Conference of 1791, the following extract from the original rules, now lying before the writer, (a folio sheet, printed in Manchester, by C. Wheeler, in double columns, signed by Messrs. Bradburn and Clarke,) will afford fair evidence:-- "The Nature, Design, and General Rules of the Strangers' Friend Society, Instituted at Manchester, Nov. 7th, 1791." On the back of this sheet, which was left blank by the printer, Mr. Bradburn thus writes to Mr. Rodda, to whom the sheet was addressed, and which, we give entire for the sake of the insight it gives into society.
"Manchester, Dec. 8, 1791.
"MY DEAR FRIEND, -- According to promise, I send you the Rues of our infant Society. I have no doubt, you will wish it prosperity. It is the instrument of great good.
"I may state to you, that Mr. Clarke and I have given up the use of sugar in everything, except medicine, which has sugar in it; and this we shall continue, till the slave-trade is abolished. We have avowed this both in public and in private; and have induced members to leave off that drug, -- a drug composed of the slave-dealers sin, and the slave's misery. Nor have I tasted tea since the 10th of October and, I believe, I shall never taste it again. Leaving it off, cost me a few headaches at first; but I glory in having obtained a complete conquest over that which led me captive upwards of twenty years.
"Mr. Richard Barlow is doing all he can to justify Dr. Whitehead. I wish you would send me, without delay, a copy of your full answer to all that he advances in his printed letter. The subscriptions are at a full stop, in consequence of Mr. B. having read (of course in my absence) the Doctor's Letter to the Leaders. What are the executors about? Their names are the foremost of, I suppose, forty -- however, of a great many who have signed his Letter. Send me, I beseech you, all the help you can on this head; for as Manchester is, so will many surrounding places be. Rely upon this, -- I will spare no pains to serve the preachers, and strengthen the hands of the London Committee. No one can be too zealous in this cause.
"I am, your truly affectionate friend, "SAMUEL BRADBURN."
The two dates -- that of the printed Rules, and that of the autograph letter, are confirmatory of the same fact. Another link in the chain of evidence, that he was there through the whole of that Methodistical year, is to be deduced from the fact of his having published his "Address to the People called Methodists, concerning the Evil of encouraging the Slave-Trade," at "Manchester," in "1792," which was printed at the press of "T. Harper, Smithy-Door," in which pamphlet, he mixes himself up with the Wesleyan Society there, having taken an active part in procuring signatures for a petition against the vile traffic in human blood, pp. 13, 14.
It may be noticed in passing, that Dr. Whitehead's Letter, alluded to in Mr. Bradburn's communication to Mr. Rodda, refers to the misunderstanding that subsisted between the Doctor and the Preachers, relative to his intended Life of Mr. Wesley.
84 Sir Humphrey Davy.
85 See Moore's notes in "The Epicurean." 86 Ashmole, in one of his chemical works, prefixed a frontispiece, which, in its several compartments, exhibited Phoebus on a Lion, and opposite to him Diana, with the moon in one hand, and an arrow in the other. -- See Curiosities of Literature, vol. 2.
87 For a condensed view of the controversy upon this subject, the reader may consult a pamphlet by the Rev. R. Hodgson, entitled, "Wesleyan Methodism, Considered in Relation to the Church:" beginning at page 43, and reading on attentively, he will find a fair and temperate epitome of this important controversy; culled from the mass, by the hand of a master -- in the spirit of a truly Christian minister.
88 Thomas Marriott, Esq., observes, in a letter to the writer, "Looking into a MS. diary of the late John Valton, I find the following remarks: 'Augt. 15, 1792. This night, at half-past 10 o'clock, our Conference ended, it was the most solemn and important I ever attended. We spent much time in debate, and had need of all the reason we could command. Two or three of the brethren were very warm, which grieved me. I could not, however, but remark three answers to prayer during our sittings. We agreed, on the first meeting, to ask the Lord to send us suitable weather for the sake of the corn, and He granted our request. We had no rain during the Conference, except a small shower. The next referred to the sacrament of the Lord's supper; whether or not it should be administered by us. At a time when there was much confusion, not a little warmth, without any probability of a speedy and satisfactory close, Mr. Pawson proposed, that several of the brethren should solemnly and devoutly make it subject matter of prayer to God, and then proceed to decide it by lot. The motion was carried, lots were prepared, and some time was spent in prayer. Mr. Clarke, then, standing on the table, read the lot, which was, 'You shall not give the sacrament this year.' His voice, in reading it, was like a voice from the clouds! A solemn awe rested on the assembly, and we could say, 'The Lord is here of a truth.' All were either satisfied, or submitted, and harmony and love returned. The last night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, we were in great confusion and uncertainty how to act towards the disaffected trustees. We went to prayer, calling upon God to appear in our behalf. The Lord answered us in rich mercy. The affair was settled, and love possessed every breast. A day of thanksgiving was appointed, and we all stood up to testify our determination to give ourselves more fully than ever to God. Having done this, we sung -' Praise God,' and went to prayer, and parted in the utmost love and harmony." In drawing lots, after prayer, there was evidently a reference for support, to Acts i. 24-26; "And they prayed -- and they gave forth their lots; and the lot tell upon Matthias." Mr. Clarke has been heard pleasantly to remark, that he drew the first lot that was ever drawn in a Methodist Conference.
89 Mr. Clarke crowded a pane of one of the windows of one of his Liverpool residences, with diamond records, as he had done in Manchester. The characters in English, Greek, Latin, Arabic, Persaic. &c., are cut with the greatest precision; long sentences, in most instances, from each language, being transcribed. The house having since then been pulled down, the pane thus referred to was preserved by Mr. W. Comber, one of the trustees, and passed successively into the hands of the Rev. David MacNicoll, the Rev. W. B. Stephenson, and lastly into those of the writer; and it is here noticed because of the beautiful manner in which the characters are executed.
90 The great Robert Hall found his people, both at Cambridge and Leicester, averse to exposition. In this, they outdid the friends at Liverpool, who were neither averse to expositions nor sermons, but only to the length of the latter, in connection with the former. 91 For a short, yet interesting Memoir of this admirable and devoted minister, the reader is referred to Vol. XII. of Dr. Clarke's "Miscellaneous Works."
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