Verse 12. "Blessed is he that waiteth" - He who implicitly depends on God, expecting, as his truth cannot fail, that these predictions shall be accomplished in due time.
"And cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." - This is seventy-five days more than what is included in the three years and a half, or the time, times, and a half in the seventh verse; and as we have met with so many instances of prophets days and years, this undoubtedly is another instance; and as a day stands for a year, this must mean a period of one thousand three hundred and thirty-five years, which period is to bring all these wonders to an end, ver. 6. But we are left totally in the dark relative to the time from which these one thousand three hundred and thirty- five years are to be reckoned. If, however, we reckon them from the above epoch, A.D. 612, when Mohammedanism arose, they lead us to A.D. 1947, when the fullness of the Gentiles shall be brought in; and thus a final closure of vision and prophecy be made, as then all the great events relative to the salvation of men shall have taken place. Wars and contentions will probably then cease over the whole world; Jews and Gentiles become one fold, under one Shepherd and Bishop of souls; and the triune God be properly worshipped and glorified, from generation to generation, over the face of the whole earth. But all these conjectures may be founded in darkness. We have not chronological data; and "the times and seasons God has reserved in his own power."
Verse 13. "But go thou thy way till the end be" - Here is proper advice for every man. 1. Thou hast a way-a walk in life, which God has assigned thee; walk in that way, it is thy way. 2. There will be an end to thee of all earthly things. Death is at the door, and eternity is at hand; go on to the end-be faithful unto death. 3. There is a rest provided for the people of God. Thou shalt rest; thy body, in the grave; thy soul, in the Divine favour here, and finally in paradise. 4. As in the promised land there was a lot for each of God's people, so in heaven there is a lot for thee. Do not lose it, do not sell it, do not let thy enemy rob thee of it. Be determined to stand in thy own lot at the end of the days. See that thou keep the faith; die in the Lord Jesus, that thou mayest rise and reign with him to all eternity.
Number of verses in this book, 357 Middle verse, chap. v. 30 Masoretic sections, 7 Finished correcting for the press, March 1st, 1831.
- A. C.