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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() SERMONS ON SELECTED LESSONS OF THE GOSPELS.Abraham, called only so, after change of name, because name related to earthly promises--not so name of Israel, 471; wondrous things promised to, and fulfilled, 500; and in us his seed, 500; believed without sight, 500. Absolution, analogy between, and loosing grave-clothes of Lazarus, 311, 415; Church has power of, 325, 326. Adoption, a sonship higher than that of nature, 255; frequently mentioned in Holy Scripture, 255, 256; the term of ancient use among the Jews, 256; "raising up seed to brother," 256; used by St. Paul to express the mystery of our adoption in Christ, 256. Adversary, to be agreed with and delivered from, 442; not so Satan, 442; the Law our, so long as we our own, 443; must agree with, by obedience, and so made no longer adversary, 443. Affliction, blessing to Christians, curse to the worldly as having no hope beyond world, 435. Africa, Church not confined to, 526 sq. See Donatists. Ages, the six, of the world, 477. Alaric, 434. Alms, with Lord's Prayer a remedy against daily sins after Baptism, 277; not to be given of usury and oppressive gains, but of our righteous labours, 450; giving and forgiving make double, 287; good works without, will not avail in Day of Judgment, 293; value given to, in Day of Judgment, marvellous, 293; should be given freely, as being all of us of one family, 297, 298; blind Tobias guides his son to attain inward light by, 384; to be given first in deeds of mercy to our own souls, 435, 436. Analogies, earthly, partial from their very nature, 463; Holy Scripture justifies use of, in things relating to God, not to explain accurately, but to illustrate, 527. Angels, holy celibates lead life of, 505. Anger, the lust of vengeance, 286; if indulged in, becomes hatred and murder, 286, 357; great difference between, and hatred, 358; may have love in it, 357. Antichrist cometh in his own name, 497. Apostles, the "children" of the Jews who cast out devils, and are their judges, 318; witnesses of Christ, 318; reaped among the Jews, sowed among the Gentiles, 422; our Lord sowed and reaped in, as being in, 423; precepts given to, on receiving their commission, not to be understood carnally, 424; spiritual meaning of purse and shoes forbidden to, 424; of not saluting by the way enjoined on, 424, 425; saw The Head, and through Him believed The Body (the Church) not yet seen, 457; this the opposite to our state, 457; burning brands filled with fire from Holy Spirit, not to be put out by persecution, themselves set fire to world, 458; had need of pardon themselves, as sinners, 514; contention of, for pre-eminence, part of old leaven of law, 542. Apostolic See, two Councils on Pelagian heresy sent to, and rescripts sent back from, 504. Apsis, 335 (note). Arians, say Holy Ghost a creature, 320; errors of, carnal, from desire of seeing things, 460, from pride, 483; irreverence of, 512. Babylon, carrying into, type of the passing of the Apostles to the Gentiles, 250. Banquets, of the world, for the weakness of our bodies, 346; of God, for the heart, not belly, 406. Baptism, the laver of regeneration, 277; especial time of solemnizing, last Sabbath in Lent (Easter Eve), 284; first gift of Spirit in, remission of sins, 324; all sin forgiven in, 278, 282, 286, 289, 417, 503; infirmity still remains after, 283, 503; the inward washing cleansing the soul through faith with alms, 435; the womb of the New Birth, 467; removes veil from Lord's Supper, 504; opens eyes of blind, 512; figured in the parable of the good Samaritan, 503; question whether he who hath sinned little or much, before, loves the more, 417; cleanses not through merits of minister, but by grace of Holy Spirit, 419, 420. Barley, figure of the Law, as opposed to wheat (the Gospel), 498. See Wheat. Beatitudes, the: each duty in, has its own reward, 268; the members of the soul, which all together make it in proportion, 268. Bethesda, pool of, the Jews, five porches, the Law (five books of Moses), the troubling of, Christ's Passion, descending of one to, typical of unity, 475, 476, 477; going down to, of humility, 478. Beware, how awful a word from our Lord, 437. Birth, new, glory of, contrasted with misery of first, 469; natural, where different from, 470; where like that of Christ, 470. Bishop, origin of name of, 406; the master of a family its, 406. Blasphemy, unpardonable, refuge against, 331. See Spirit, Holy. Blessed, the: commemoration of, 266; leads to thoughts of the course of blessedness, 266; a course of contest here, but reward hereafter, 266. Blessedness, to touch with heart The Blessed One, 459 sq. Blessings, temporal, to be sought with moderation, eternal, with longing and perseverance, 352. Blind, the two, by way side, figures of Jews and Gentiles, 382. Blindness, the punishment of those who turn from God, 460; they who fall under, often themselves insensible of, 460; to such coming of Light, greater darkness, 516; but not to those who know their darkness, 516; in the body, figurative of soul's, 515. Bodies, all, less in parts than in whole (as illustrating the Word), 459; even they not comprehended at once, much less God, 460. Body, the: soul acts through, 264; will be raised and reunited to the soul, 307; life which soul gives to, not its own, 307; everlasting death punishment of, 308; love will give pain to, to save, much more to soul, 378. Bread, the Word of God, our daily, 277, 282, 285, 289; comes to us here through means, in Heaven will come by sight, 282; in praying for, pray to be kept from evil, lest we lose it, 289; the "three loaves" of, given to friend, represent the Holy Trinity, 431. Burdens, all superfluities, 368. Cælestis, goddess at Carthage, 434 (and note). Carthage, in possession of name of Christ, 434; council of, 504 (note). Catechumens hidden from mysteries of Eucharist, 504. Celibacy, the life of angels, 505; superiority of, as state of life, begins on earth life of heaven, 505. Centurion, humility and faith of, 298, 299; by which, received Christ into his heart, 298; office of, 299; the faith of the Gentiles figured in, 299, 382. Chastisement, blessedness of, as from God, misery of absence of, 273, 274. Chastity, required of all, 505; preserved in women by many protections, in man by fear of God its chief protection in all, 505; stricter obligations to, of those under vows, 505; of married, unmarried, and widow, has in each its special reward, 505. Children, the portion of departed, to be sent to them through alms to Christ's poor, 371, 372; no plea for avarice, that it is providing for, 371, 396; God who created will provide for, better than he who begat, 397; though departed, not dead, but alive with Christ, 371, 372; our Lord in His poor to have portion of one child, 372. Christ, the Corner-stone, 259, 382, 391, 407; binding together circumcision and uncircumcision, 519; coeternal with the Everlasting God, 248; "the Bread of Life," 294, "which came down from Heaven," 499; in Heaven will be "directly" our Bread and Wisdom, 289; God and Man, 351, 355, 383, 401; as such known only to them that love God for Himself, 398; God-Man, and as such the Mediator, 355; ever in the world as God, He comes, goes, and returns as Man, 440; Son of Mary, as also of David, though God and Lord of both, 252; David's Son and David's Lord, 252, 397 sq., 401; how Son of David and of Abraham, 248; known as God by the penitent, not by the Pharisee, 418; by all seen as Man and Judge, as God by them that love Him, 490; as God fairer than man, as man more deformed, 407; with the form of a servant He laid down the way, with that of God prepared our home, 400; Incarnate, He took what He was not, lost not what He was, 401, 473; the merit of His human nature derived from its union with Him, 312; became man, and was born of a woman, in mercy to each sex, 246; His humanity our healing, 440, 483; His Divinity the Angels' joy, 483; we see Him as God by Him as Man, 473, 483; being the Way by which we go, 532, and so avoid snares, 532; His humility the medicine of our pride, 472, 475; in His "bodily" presence sent only to lost sheep of house of Israel, 342 sq.; the Stone against which Jews stumbled, which at His second coming will grind them to powder, 397, 401; healing the absent, He showed His future unseen power in the Gentile Church, 298, 299; heals now those who touch His hem in faith, not those who press Him outwardly, 299; our eyes opened through Him as He "passeth by" in Humanity, so as to see Him "stand still" in His unchangeable Divinity, 381, 382, 384; He "passed by" things here, that we might follow and be fed, 429; praying alone in the Mount, He typified His intercession for us, 337; walking on the sea, His power in the world in these latter days, 338; asleep in the ship, its mystical interpretation, 304; "went forth to hire labourers" in descent of Holy Ghost, 375 sq.; hid that He might suffer, 376, and redeem, 444; Head of Church, 400, 457, 496, 497, 517, 523; as such our Intercessor, 517; seen as such by Apostles, but we see the Body, 457; the Bridegroom as the Head, the Bride in the Body, 400; the Rock upon which He built His own Church, 383; the "mountain cast into the sea," i.e., the Gentiles, 389; receives, keeps, and will repay what is given to Him in His poor, 369; our Advocate, and the same, our Judge, 284; His Nativity impugned by cavilers because one generation reckoned twice, 249; His genealogy differently stated by St. Matthew and St. Luke, 256; solution of this (St. Matthew descends through Solomon, St. Luke ascends through Nathan), 257, 364; mystical meaning of this, 257, 364; mystical meaning of the number of the two genealogies, 257-259; His immaculate conception, 254, 255, necessity of faith in this to purify us, 315, 444, 536; His wonderful exchange with man, 351; rich as God, poor as man, 474; His Death our life, 499; by denying Incarnation, we deny His contest and victory, 412; His two comings foretold by Prophets, 400, 443; Jews hoped for His coming in a wrong manner, and so became His murderers, 400; His miracles on the body, types of mightier ones on our souls, 379, 413, 414, 415; Jews and Saul, though at first frenzied against Him, afterwards healed by, 378; His reality as shown in the words “It is I," 338, 339; self-seekers cannot follow, 420, 421; His prayers for His murderers not ineffectual, 351; lifted on the cross, He subdued souls to it, 246; came not down from it because He lay hid, 376; we must suffer as He suffered, that we may have fruit of His suffering, 303, 518; His sufferings being the earnest of our good things, 499; hearts which mourn for all sin bear His mark, 438; speaketh in the Law and Prophets, 349; power of man prevailed against Him only to the sepulchre, 444; all brethren in Him, 284 sq.; we are made Christians in hope of His coming, 440, and must follow whither He has gone, 409; not He, but the world faileth, 412; we must clothe His poor, that we may be clothed of Him, 408; His "least," they who have left all for Him, 450; by bridling our desires, we cry to Him, 384; only true love of ourselves cometh through love of Him, 394; above in His Person, here in His members, 472, 517, and in the needy, 473; this double presence figured by angels ascending and descending, 399, 472, 473, 474; Passion of, typified by troubling of water of Bethesda, 475, 477; fulfilled law by giving charity, 481; will of, very righteousness, 482; manifests Himself to them that love Him, 485; His witness of Himself not true only to the hard of belief, 491; John Baptist and Martyrs witnesses of, 492; yea, Christ witness of Himself in them, 492; testified of in Old Testament, 497; His gifts not voided by man's unholiness, 498, 519; capable of mystical interpretation, 498 sq.; His Blood our price, 499; binds us by bonds of His Passion, 499; more to be loved than feared, 499; security in, as our great Patron, 500, 501; cannot deceive or be deceived, 507, 508; as the Fountain of all truth: and the Truth itself, 365, 508; went not up to Feast at first, to hide His Divinity, 509; ransomed us, by nature slaves and dead, 510; as under sin, 511; "free among the dead," i.e., sinless amongst sinners, 511; made sin for us, i.e., sacrifice for sin, 511; humiliation of, how typified by Elisha, 517; knoweth us better than we ourselves, 518; the Shepherd and the Door (entered by following Christ in pain), 518; Shepherd and Lamb, Pastor and Pasturage, Lion and Lamb, 523; He the only Son "by nature," 527, 530; the two Nativities of, each wondrous, 529; as man the Way, as God the Truth and Life, 532; they who possess, possess all things, 534, even the Father Himself, 534; came down in mercy, went up in righteousness, 536; very satisfaction of soul, 540. See Word, The. Christians, must be taught first what to believe, then what to ask, 280; must turn all hindrances into their cross, 409, 410; dignity of, compared with unregenerate man, 500; are sons of God, 355; by grace, 527, 530; not mere men, 355; joined on to righteousness of Christ, 539; are vessels of Christ, cleansed by Him from bitterness and made sweet, 499 sq.; not to be despised, 500; must love what is higher, not look back to what is lower, 411; are renewed by cleaving to Christ, 356; the true, hindered by the lukewarm from crying to Christ in deed, 383, 384, 385, 409; their duty to cry and not faint, 384 sq.; if they persevere, will be blessed by those who now hinder them, 385; as infants they look for the promises to come, 486; keep not Jewish festivals, as figured by our Lord's not going up to feast, 509. Church, the: the throne of God, 285; Christ's Body, 299, 302, 497, 517; seen by us who believe the Head, 457; testified of in Old Testament, 497; the Bride of Christ, 394, 400, 402 sq., 525, and one flesh with Him, and therefore speaketh to her children in His words, 496; our Mother, 281; the corner, as calling Jews from one side, and Gentiles from the other, 391; in intimate union with the Head, 399 sq., 539; the raiment of Christ, illumined by Himself, The Sun, 347; the ship tossed on the sea, 304, 337; founded on faith, 247; how faith is grafted in, 383 sq.; is Christ as shown by Christ's words to St. Paul at his conversion, 509; held together by unity, 517; this unity shown in the gift of tongues, 376, and figured in the one seed of Abraham, 539; charity the health of, 517; in St. Peter formed singly, 518; prays for evil as for Saul, 275; comprehends all ranks and classes, 247, the weak and strong, 341, the good and evil, 334; wicked clerics exist in, 520; built in the blood of Martyrs, 458; our Lord and the Martyrs the spectacles of, 245; the cavils of heretics work the development of the mysteries of the faith of, 249; the spiritual in, heaven, the carnal, earth, 276; which latter, as the crowd our Blessed Lord, press the truth, the former touch it, 299, 300, 301, 302; sins not forgiven out of, 328, 329, 331; forgiven in it by Holy Spirit, 330, 331; they who separate from, have not Holy Spirit, 328, 329 sq.; sacraments without, have "form" but not "power of godliness," 329; penitence sure of forgiveness in, 331; St. Peter walking on sea, a type of it when in danger from man's praise, 339; Christ's ascending, the dedication of the foundation of, 438; the inn of the good Samaritan, 503; loveth Christ for His own sake, 524 sq.; like in spirit to St. Mary in body, at once Virgin and Mother, 526; different gifts to different members of, 535; toucheth Christ ascended through faith, 537. Clerics, evil, represented by Scribes and Pharisees sitting in Moses' seat, 519; our Lord's words about these latter perverted by, 520; existence of, in Church, 520. Coeval, in temporal things analogous to coeternal, 461; substance and image coeval, instances of, 463. Competentes, who they were, 241, 274. Comprehension, faith, adoration, and growth, successive steps to, 488. Confession, of sin, is praise of God by the sinner or the godly, 311; analogy between, and raising of Lazarus, 311; beating of breast with, 310; protects against spiritual enemies, 311; of the penitent thief, 312. Constantinople, 434. Couch, sick man carrying his, typifies mastering the pleasures of the flesh, 481. Covetous, he is, whom God sufficeth not, 438. Covetousness, deceits of, 348; bids us consult for a future which is not, 371; Christ overthrows by bidding us consult for "another" future, 371; the pleas for, as on behalf of children, inexcusable, 371, 372; consists in a greedy seeking of our own, 437; fair pleas of the man in the Gospel who was warned against it, 436 sq.; thoughts of Christ's poverty for us, cure of, 439; of many kinds, 438, but all must be shunned, 438, even that of life, 440. Creator, nativity of, not to be judged by that of creature, 461. Creature, good in, image of God, 463; imperfect and sin in, its own, 463 sq. Creed, taught before Lord's Prayer, 274, 280, 284, 288; our mirror, to be repeated morning and evening: the rule of faith, 288; repeated by those to be baptized on Easter eve, 284 (note), 288. Cross, the: the brightest jewel in the diadem of kings, 246; our deliverance from the tempests of the world, 337; what it is to take up, 409, 410; each as he has attained, takes up, 411; the honour afterwards paid to, 381; interpretation of the parts of, 370 sq.; signed on our foreheads in baptism, 337. Crown of righteousness, God's free gift, out of mercy and pity, 503. Cyprian, St., good shepherd, 523. Darkness, he who thinks himself in, is enlightened, 313. Day, The Last: unknown to angels, but known to Son in the Father, 411; kept in store for Devil at end, 412; must watch in good lives that we be not unprepared for, 412; to each individual, as the day of his death, 411. Dead, the: wherefore said to sleep, 403; the raising of the dead in heart a greater miracle than of the dead in body, but seen only by those themselves raised in heart, 413; the Three, raised by our Lord, types of Divine Truth, 413, 414; they who are required to bury the dead, unbelievers, 421. Death, certainty of, from our birth, 346; Christ by His death destroyed, 355; our subjection to, teaches humility, 412; all good and evil uncertain except, 412; what death good, and what evil, discerned not by eyes, but by Christ in heart, 426; an evil, avoided by living well, 426 sq.; soul can and cannot undergo, 307; how that of soul and body, each known, 308; everlasting punishment that of body, absence of God that of soul, 308; incipient desire, consent, act, habit, four degrees of spiritual, 415; none of these beyond repentance, 415, 416. Debtor, God longs to be our, 414; all are God's, 362 sq., and all have brethren, theirs, 362 sq. Decalogue, the, reference of "ten thousand talents" to, 364. Deceit, to be avoided, 442; instances of, 442. Delay, only practised by him who thinks he has longer to live, 361; peril of, in good, 362. Denarius, the: the reward of righteousness, 480. Despair, the death of soul, 376; whilst life lasts, to be entertained of no one, 325. Devil, the: subdued by praise of God, 312; accuser of the saints, 398; corrupter of Church's virginity, 402; the wolf of the Church, 531; as invisible, must be subdued by invisible means: our self-praise makes victorious, 312. Disciples, doubt of, represents after errors of heretics, 338, 339; unbelief of, reproved by our Lord, 349; incredulity of, concerning Christ's resurrection, 379; Christ preserved His scars to heal wounds in hearts of, 304, 448. Discipline, not to be omitted, 357; though severe, tenderness when needed, 365. Dogs, heathen called, by Canaanitish woman, 469. Donatists, 304, 319, 386, 449 (notes); false assertion of, concerning diminution of righteous, 386; false accusations made by, 388 (note); received Maximianists whom they had formerly condemned, 388; made efficacy of sacraments to depend upon holiness of minister, 418 (note), 497, 498, 525, and therefore Antichrists as looking to themselves for Christ's gifts, 497 sq., and claiming them as their own, 523; folly and inconsistency of, in their separation, 418 (note); conduct of Pharisee more enlightened than theirs, 418; pride of, 498, 521; in disbelieving Church, disbelieve Christ, 498; despise Him, like Jews, 498; "go up" by another way, 521; pervert Scripture (their perversions refuted), 526 sq. Doves, how to be imitated, 306; even strife of, peaceful, 306. Duties, "salute not by the way" teaches earnestness in fulfilling, 425; those present to us, our test, 514. Egypt, glory of Church in, 526. Elect, the: chosen according to grace, 421; owe all to grace, 421 sq.; chosen by Christ as He made them, not as He found them, 410; why the poor and ignorant, not the great, first chosen, 377. Eleven, mystical meaning of, 258 sq., 364 sq. Elisha, in recovering the dead child, a type of our Lord's humiliation, 517. Enemies, in destroying our body only release soul, 307; by not loving them, hurt ourselves more than they us, 278 sq.; love of, commended, 278, 280, 396, by St. Stephen's example, 396; attained by few, but still by all to be prayed for, and sought in action, 279; sin of, only to be hated, 278 sq., and its destruction to be prayed for, not theirs, 395, 396; all have, 278; are our brethren, 278; have no power against faithful except so far as to try and prove them, 303. Equality, perfect likeness in every way, 463. Eucharist, The: our daily bread, 277, 282, 285, 289; received by both good and bad, 277, 392, 408; received by the faithful, 277, 285, 394; the Body of Christ received by disciples from His Hands, The Same received by us through faith, 448; the virtue of it, unity, that we may become what we receive, 282; reserve of ancient Church in speaking of, 277 (note), 392; hypocrites, as Judas, eat to damnation, 323, 448; sin separates from, 285, 289; Christ by seeming to "go further" teaches us to hold Him fast in, 391 sq.; important for each to see how approaches, 391 sq.; all who come to, must have love, 394; Body and Blood received in, our meat and drink, and saying hard to the hard, but not to faith, 501; in it we eat and drink life, 501; never faileth, 501; faith in, gift of God, who draws us by love, 501; to be received with thought, 504; Catechumens hide themselves from, 504; hidden from them by veil, which Baptism removes, 504; care necessary in preparing faithful for, 505; chastity required in recipients of, 505 sq.; believing Jews received very Blood which they had shed, 343, 351, 378, 388. Eunomians confess not Trinity properly, 320. Eunuch, the: to whom St. Philip preached, received the Holy Spirit without confirmation, 419; that God's power might not seem limited to man's ministry, 419. Evil, abounds because we are evil, 352; disposed by God for good, 478; this disposal illustrated by things on earth, 478. Eye, the: cannot comprehend God, 459; that of mind may reach to Him, 459. Faith, the gift of God, 431, 502; denied to proud, 312, 313; a garment and breastplate, 288; like grain of mustard seed, small but intense, 346; apt to waver because God does not give at once, 411; strengthened by prayer, 454, although itself fountain of prayer, 454; figured in the "fish," 432; to be genuine, must contain both hope and love, 269, 538; worketh by love, and thus distinguished from faith of devils and of the wicked, 269, 323, 395; believes Christ unseen, through Holy Ghost, 536; leads on to perfect vision of Christ, 400, and purifies heart to see God, 269, 380; well to know our deficiency in, and where to ask, 349; so far as gives way, temptation advances: greatness of, if perfect, 454; waking typified by Christ awake, sleeping by Christ asleep, 356; simple, therefore in difficulties sees mysteries, 247; precedes understanding, 465, 481, 535; that by which we abide in unseen truths, 467, 481 sq., and believe them, though not seeing, 486; the step of the understanding, 481; with obedience, resurrection of soul, 489; want of, spoken of as only sin, as retaining all others, 536, 538; casteth out Satan, 537 sq.; "the Catholic," gathered by witness of Scripture, and grounded on Apostolic truth, 259; first founded on visible miracles, but now more blessed without them, 379; The Creed, rule of, 288. Families, heads of, as bishops in, 406. Fear, and sorrow, alternate tormentors of soul, 474; of God, excludes all other fears, 306, 307. Feasts, two: one here, other hereafter, 392, 394; He that invites us all, will separate unworthy from it, 406. Fideles, 277 (note). Fifty, the number of the reward, i.e., the denarius added to the accomplishment of righteousness, 480. Fig tree, the barren in parable, the human race under sin, 443 sq.; miracle on, out of season, shows peril of not having fruit when Christ seeks, 389, 390; seeking fruit on, out of season, explained, 390; the reprobate of the Jews who believed not, 389; withered, when Apostles turned to Gentiles, 389; figure of those who talk but do not act, 344; in the vineyard, 332, 443, 444. Fire and light, instance of coeval generation, 462, 464. Flesh, the: like a current, 466; must be fought against and subdued, 492; the Spirit bears witness against, 493; this Spirit, that of God within us fighting against ourselves, 494; not to be gratified on plea of necessity, 493; lusteth against spirit, only where spirit is, i.e., in good, 493; this lusting consequence of our loss of integrity through fall, 493; no peace from, but by victory over, 494; overcome by resistance, 495; quelled by ineffectual risings, 495; lusts of, done in us, but not fulfilled except by us, 495. Food, earthly, diminishes as fed on, not so heavenly, 488; must prepare heart for latter, as stomach for former, 488. Forgiveness, our covenant with God, 278, 286; may exist with proper discipline, 279, 365; to be practised by those about to be baptized, 278, 282, 286; enforced by example of Christ, 279, 286, 453, at least towards penitent, 279, 452, and of St. Stephen, 279; withheld from him who withholds, 279 sq., 283, 289, 365, 453 sq.; who thus lies to God, 453; inculcated especially, because if lost, all lost, 284; no despair of, 343; no limit to God's, of us, so should be none to our forgiving of others, 368; number of generations to Christ, mentioned by St. Luke, typify complete, 259, 364; duty of constant, taught in "seven times a day," 452; Easter, a special season of, 286. Forty, 257 sq.; the number figures the accomplishment of righteousness, 478, 479, as shown by forty days' fast of our Lord, and Moses, and Elias, 480; therefore Law, Prophets, and Gospel one, 480. Friend, only to be so esteemed as long as he persuades not to evil, 354; has much influence for good or evil, 377; the "friend from the way," man as a pilgrim or penitent, 431. Funerals, abuses at, 370 (note). Generation, instances of coeval, 462, 463, 465 sq. Gentiles, believed not seeing, according to prophecy, 344; have therefore greater praise than Jews, 344; why called "dogs," 345; the "wild olive tree," 346; grafted in through humility, the natural branches being cut off through pride, 347. Gideon, fleece of, how concerned with type of grace, 504. God. Compare Christ, Son, Word, Holy Spirit. Our Father, 275, 280 sq., 284 sq., 288 sq., 295, 543, and yet Himself our inheritance, 543; alone good, 392, and in Himself Goodness, alone makes us good, 294, 295; our Refuge in all things, and by all things, 274; the Fountain of Justice, 450; unspeakable, 460; present everywhere, 316, and not to be escaped from, 316, 533; we must escape to, 316, and at all times, 505, 533; Omniscient, 316; Incomprehensible, 262, 263, 265 sq.; the Bread, the Shepherd, 431; not contained in space as material bodies, 262, 269, nor to be comprehended therefore by eye, 459 sq.; known from His works, 314, which He still upholdeth, 478; through Him only we follow Saints, 420; feedeth all, yet suffereth no diminution, 488, and alone sufficeth us, 481; the fulness of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, 266, 296; Giver of "daily bread" to all, 276, 277, but of special bread to the children, 277; delays to give, that we may long the more, 296; we all His beggars, 276, 296, 363, 453; and to receive of Him must ourselves give to others, 296; the Life of soul, 299; loss of, death, 299; the Light of the heart, 488; giveth pain that He may heal, 343; chose weak and ignorant, that we might trust in Him, and not in the great, 377; chooses according both to His own Grace and man's righteousness, 421; alone forgiveth sin, 418; cultivateth us to make us better, 373, 374, 452; can subdue our passions, as we who are His image the beasts, 273; fear of, preservative against fear of man, 306, and brings us to Him, that He may subdue us to Himself, 273; who turneth man's wrongs to our good, 303; to be sought in prayer, though He knoweth our wants, 349 sq.; Himself our reward in Glory, 348, for to see Him the great blessing of the Resurrection, 490, and Life Eternal, 490; to see, i.e., Him who seeth, 315; sight of, the gift of the pure, 267, 268, for to inward eye until healed by God, this sight painful, 380 sq., as to Adam after fall, 380 sq.; the end of all of our desires here, 315 sq.; corporeal parts ascribed to, in Holy Scripture not to be understood literally, 267 sq.; things of, understood through likenesses, 262 sq.; to be loved for Himself, 398, 400, 520; love of, maketh soul chaste, 532; He being the Lawful Husband of the soul, 520; we should forget ourselves in love of, 533; praying for Name, Kingdom, and Will of, we pray for ourselves, 275, 276, 281, 285, 289; we can add nothing to: our union with, makes us what we were not, 460; Son, Image of, 462; rest of, from creation, no sign of weariness, but type of our rest, 477; Maker of good, and Disposer of evil, 478; word of, preached by wicked preachers, like vine among thorns, 521 sq.; seen by philosophers at a distance, 531; they that serve, have all things, 534; the Simple and Singular Good, 532. Good, "that which we cannot lose against our will," 333; two kinds of, 295; things that are, witnesses against us if ourselves evil, 333, 367, 438. Good, the: mingled with wicked in Church, and their part with, therein, what it is, 385, 386; we made good, only by Him who is ever Good, 294, 295; in what sense all are good, as well as evil, 392. Gospel, the: the voice of Christ, 366; seemingly a call to labour and not to rest, 317; general reception of, 246 sq., 376; to be preached by love, not "by occasion," 425; to be received for Itself, without regard to preacher in himself, 425, and to be preached though not received, 425; difficulties in, 247; spiritual meaning of narratives of, 344. Goths, the, 434. Grace, man righteous only by, 444, 542; makes us hope through trust in God, 281, 477, 540; enables to fulfil Law, 476; weakness of Law without, 516; present manifestation of, makes Pelagians worse than Jews, 504; hidden in clouds in Old Testament, 504; in New Testament given to all (the wet floor) except Jews (the dry fleece): often spoken of in Holy Scripture, 504; devils cast out through, 318. Happiness, requires great virtue to struggle with, 342; itself happiness not to be overcome by, 342; the bitterness mingled with, that we may seek that to come, 432 sq. Harvest, two kinds of, one among Jews, the other amongst Gentiles, 422; we must sow, that we may reap what we see not, 427. Hatred, inveterate anger, 286 sq.; the beam in the eye to be cast out, 357; itself darkness, and unable to correct aright, 358; hurts him who entertains it more than others, 358. Health, of the body, endures not, 474; typical of health of soul, 474. Hearing, danger of being pleased with, without doing, 362. Heart, the: produces thorns or good fruit according to what is planted, 398 sq.; must be prepared as "good ground" for seed of Gospel, 423; where it has been, we shall go, 369; by what cleansed, 398; eye of, must be healed to see God, 380, which the end of the sacraments and all gifts of Church, 380; this hindered by evil passions and habits, 380 sq.; eye of, unless healed, would be pained by sight of God, 380 sq.; "Lift up the heart" addressed to communicants only, 368 (note); this address not in vain to the Saints on earth, 270, 434. Heathen, the: how Christians retard conversion of, 301; how to be gained over, 302; to be persuaded by individuals, not forced, 304; the tribulations of Christians an offence to, 355 sq.; complain against Christians because of destruction of Rome, 356 sq.; he who injures, and rejecteth admonition, to be accounted an heathen, yet to be cared for, 359. Heathenism, rise and fall of cities not dependent upon, 434. Heaven, the mind, as earth the flesh, 276, 281, 285, 289; the Church, as earth its enemies, 276, 281, 285; the spiritual, as earth the carnal, 276, 281 sq., 285; saints dwelling in, in heart, called so, 270; no carnal pleasures to be expected in, 346; One only ascended to, because Saints one body with Him, 399 sq.; way to, rough, but made smoother by Christ, 409; the first step to, humility, 409. Hebrew language, affinity between, and Punic, 450. Hell, trembling at the resurrection of the just, 415. Heretics, appeal to Holy Scripture against Church, 247; suffered penalty of law for impiety and deeds of violence, 304 (and note); to be persuaded by individuals, not forced, 304; though gathered together under outward profession of Christ's Name, not of His Kingdom, because divided against themselves, 316; cavils of, cause of development of mysteries in Church, 249; not rebaptized, 329; mercy in concealing, perverted, 504; lay claim to martyrdom, 523; why without real claim to it, 523; to be prayed for, 528; feed their own, not Christ's, 544. Hireling, he who works for reward, 519; preaches not chastely, 521; such many in number, 521; reproves not bad, if rich, 521; "fleeth" in soul, though not in body, 521, 522. Hope, the "Egg," fostered by love, destroyed by looking back, 432 sq.; the gift of God, 432; that, perverse, which delayeth repentance, 376, 377. Hospitality commended, 357, 446. Humility, the foundation of the spiritual edifice, 315, 316, 346 sq.; Baptism of Christ an example of, 259; Christ Master and Author of, 251, 298, 345; the first step to Heaven, 409, and road to Eternity, 473; necessity of continuing in, 502; because our abundance of God, 498 sq., 502 sq.; receiveth grace, like valleys the rain, 501, 502; figured in Gideon's basin, 504; the highest of all gifts and given to all, 534, 535; the foundation of love, 535; the way by which we follow our Lord, 535 sq.; the way to perfection, 536. Hundred, mystical meaning of the number, 364. Idols, not to be broken down, unless by proper authority, 303, 304; destruction of, not cause of destruction of Rome, 434 sq.; feasts in temples of, altogether forbidden, 300; these lead to denial of Christ's Divinity, 301; vain excuses for such conduct, 301 sq. Ignorance, some, better than presumptuous knowledge, 459; confession of, better than rash interpretation of Holy Scripture, 508. Immortality, true, an entire unchangeableness, 307; our true health, 346. Impenitence, final, the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost, 325, 330, 331; precludes forgiveness of all other sins, 326, and how, 326. Inheritance, God ours, we His, 452; difference between heavenly and earthly, 543. Injury, the duty of him who commits and of him who sustains, 359; latter worse of two if he strive not to win his brother, 359; if done in sight of others, sin against them also, 360. Israel, all that took place amongst people of, figurative, 250. Jacob, correspondence between, and Nathanael, 391; dream of, recorded, because of its mystical meaning, 470 sq.; the stone to which the angels descended, Christ, 361, 471, therefore anointed, 391, 471; on the ground, i.e., became man, and so an offence to Jews, 471; meaning of name of, 471; change of name of, to Israel, 471; angel with whom he wrestled, Christ, who was overcome "willingly"--mystical interpretation of this, 471; the Church Jacob here, Israel hereafter, 472; angels ascending and descending to, Christ's twofold presence in the Church and in heaven, 472, 473 sq. Jairus, raising of daughter of, applied to gradations of sin, 495. Jechonias, reckoned twice in genealogy of Christ, 250; a type of Christ, 250 sq.; centre of two dispensations, 251; type of the Corner-stone, 251. Jews, still hope for Christ's coming, 397, 400; destroyed their Physician, 350 sq.; wilfully blind to Holy Scripture, 397; carnal in understanding, 477; haters of truth, 496; lost through pride in what God had done for them, 345; would establish their own righteousness, 503; converted by St. Peter, 343; "lost sheep," to whom Christ was sent, 343; in what sense they contracted sin, by Christ's coming, 321 sq.; why "children of the Kingdom," 300; Prophets sowed amongst, Apostles reaped, 422; mercies vouchsafed to, though sinful, 443; refusing the Supper, by killing Christ prepared It for us, 447; signified by "His Own," 469; stumble at Christ, the stone on the ground, 471; the pool of Bethesda, 475 sq.; "troubled" by our Lord's Passion, 477; believe not, because they "saw" not Christ to be God, 477; figured as to their loss of Grace by Gideon's dry fleece, 504. Job, trial of, proved he loved God for His own sake, 398; the Law not written on tables, but in hearts of godly, in age of, 353. John, St., opening of Gospel of, understood only in ineffable manner, not by words of man, 459; Divinity of Gospel of, 466; uncarnalizing and refining, 530; drank in the truth from Lord's Breast, 466, 467, 508 sq. John the Baptist, testimony of, concerning Christ, 309, 313, 492, and Christ's concerning him, 309; greatness and humility of, 309; Christ greater than, 309, 492, and angels, 309; question of, concerning Christ through his disciples did not imply doubt, 309 sq., but they were sent to Him that John's testimony might be confirmed, 310; taken for Christ, 313; not "The Light," but a lamp, 313. Joseph, St., justice of, shown in purity and tenderness, 248; our Lord subject to, as His father, 252, being at same time His creature, 252; in what sense our Lord's father, 251, 255, 256; teaches us to rebuke secret sins against us secretly, 360 sq. Judas, betrayal of, of Christ, world saved through, God using designs of its evil, 249; ate the Body and Blood to damnation, 323. Judgment, Day of, 293; good works without purity of no avail at, 293; value then to be given to alms an amazement to us, 293, 294; "midnight" signifies secrecy of, 403; groundless calculation concerning period of, 403; even good consciences tremble at, 404; gate of repentance will be shut at, 405; completion of former prophecies pledge of completion of those about this, 445. Kingdom of God, promised if certain conditions fulfilled, 445; as prayed for in Lord's Prayer, not yet come, 276, 281, 285, 289; will come to us if we are His, and good, 276, 281, 285, 289; will come when resurrection of dead shall have taken place, 281; not diminished by increasing number of those who possess, because not divided, 385; men try to divide this heritage through the Blood of Christ, 319. Labour, man's: arises from his mortality, 315; all in, through sin, therefore invitation of Christ to rest addressed to all, 385. Labourers, hired into vineyard at different hours, represent Patriarchs and Prophets called early, and Christians at the last, 374 sq., or persons made Christians at different periods of their lives, 375; all came when called, 375; had they delayed, no future call promised, 375. Law, eternal, in the heart, 353. Law, the: given to discover sin, not to cure it, 476, 542; Grace only enables to fulfil, 476; without Grace makes more guilty, because not kept, 516; he fulfils who abstains from world, 479; Prophets and Gospel one with, proved by the fasts of Moses, Elias, and our Blessed Lord, 480; ten strings of (Ps. cxliv. 9), ten precepts of, figured in the staff sent from Elisha by Gehazi's hands, 517; causes fear by reason of trust in self, 540; in this opposed to Grace, 540; those under, led captive, 542. Lazarus, buried, figure of those buried in habits of sin, raised, of those raised from sin by cry of Christ, 414, 415; sin entangles, confession frees, example in, 311. Lie, slays soul, 308, 355; all saying what is not done, not a, 506; difference between being deceived and telling a, 507, because we may be deceived and yet not lie, 507, as saying what we "think" to be true, and so not erring in will, 507. Life, brief, 440, 441; one of toil, 290; one long sickness, 346, 351; one long death, 346; not to be coveted, lest it bring death, 439; exposed to storms and calamities, 337; a struggle, 492, 494; a war, must hope for triumph till the end, 494; a long, long torture, 366; long, should be good also, 362; good, and "good days," where to be sought and where not, 440, 441 sq.; reckoned among things superfluous by Martyrs, 302, 303; to be amended immediately because of uncertainty of morrow, 361; years of, decrease, not increase, 366, 443; all wish for long and prosperous, Scripture only teaches where to find such, 441; though full of evil, no man willing to end it, 366, yet he who lives long is only running to the end, 440 sq.; true, to rise and reign with Christ, 366; men wish for everything good but good life, 362; man's love of, should teach love of the True Life, 365 sq., 487, should be one end of, 427; they who live in, after manner of men, called men after God, "gods," 411. Life eternal, the reward of labour, 303, 366; the denarius given to labourers in vineyard, 375; given alike to all the good, 375, but has different degrees of Glory, 375; to be in some degree estimated by this life without its evils, the price of, ourselves, 487; not to be explained in words, 488; the Life of, Christ's, 489; to see God is, 490. Light, extinguished by pride, 313; who thinks himself light, darkness, 313. Loaves, the "three," asked for by the "friend," signify the Holy Trinity, 431; also Faith, Hope, and Charity, 431, 432; mystery of feeding "four thousand" with "seven," 406. Love (Charity), the gift of God, 404, 432, 541 sq.; for if all gifts from Him, so this the greatest, 542; must increase as desire decreases, 394; the good distinguished by, from wicked who have other gifts in common with them, 394, 407, 408; nothing of use without, 394; "loaf" asked for from a father figure of, 432; white raiment hereafter gained by labour of, 348; its province to "do," 269; active love may be shown by all, 400; divine, wins to God, 396; handle of Soul, by which it holds things offered to it, must cease to hold world, that it may have fast hold of The Eternal, 478 sq.; fulfilling of, the Law, 480; with meditation, sees mysteries, 486; to fulfil commandment of, the struggle of life, 492; necessary to true martyrdom, 523; how magnified in New Testament, 523, 535, 541 sq.; fear of no avail without, 540; keepeth from sin, not under fear, but from hatred of sin itself, 541; of God and man, the two commandments to salvation, 480; of God, sustains, of the world, sinks, 342; of earthly things, bird-lime of spirit's wings, 448; not to be limited to wives or children, 396; makes hard things easy, 317 sq., 408; sin forgiven and sin prevented both causes for, 417; difficulty concerning much or little of, for much or little sin forgiven, 416, 417; only care of life to choose proper object of, 408; of self, first cause of man's ruin, 408, 409; self-love cannot love God, nor abide in self, 408, 409. Maccabees, example of mother of, 421. Macedonians say Holy Ghost is a creature, 320. Magicians, Egyptian, wrought miracles, but not therefore better than children of Israel who wrought them not, 394. Mammon, derivation of word, 450; its signification in Latin, 450; of iniquity, wrongly assumed by some to mean plunder and oppressive gains, 450; may also mean all worldly riches whatsoever, 451. Man, frailer than glass, 442; faint image of the Holy Trinity, like, yet unlike, 263, 264; made after Image of God, which he disfigured by transgression, 290; created good by The Good: became evil by free-will, 295; must be loved, because God made: but his sin hated, which God made not, 396; tames all, but himself, 273; earthward disposition of, figured by woman "bowed down," 444; through unrighteousness not listening to Teacher, will find Avenger in Righteousness, 333; by effacing what he has made himself, becomes well-pleasing to Him who made him, 409, 410; has no good but of God, 443, 450; must part with his own fulness, that he may be filled with God, 266 sq.; won to God by Divine Love, 396; fear of, irrational, 306, for his power extends only to body, 306, 307; this fear overcome by trust in God made Man, 313; whole race of, from one common father, 395; memory, understanding, will of, in their exhibition separate, yet in operation inseparable, 264, 265; deeper analogies of these to be sought in peace and humility, 265; end of, not to understand the creation, but to love the Creator, 314; how all men liars, 355. Manichæans, deny Incarnation, 401, 457, and "reality" of Christ's Body, 338, 339, 456. Mappalia, 303 (note). Marriage, true union of, oneness of heart in, coheirs of Grace, 253; things in, allowed of permission, not of right, 253; object of Ancient Fathers in contracting, 253 sq.; chastity in, 252 sq., 402; superiority of continence over, 402, 505; human honour in, 520. Martyrdom, seems to be an exhortation to, in words, "Let him take up his cross," etc., 409. Martyrs, fear not man, because they fear God, 306, 307; mercies of God through, rehearsed in Church, 349; festivals of, to be observed with sobriety: excesses at these festivals, 306 (note); witnesses of Christ: Christ witness in, 492; without Whom nothing, 492; none without love, 523. Mary, St., the Virgin Mother, 251, 315; a mother without carnal desire, 256; humility of, in preferring St. Joseph to herself, 251. Mary (and Martha), parts of each good, but Mary's better, 427, 428, 429 sq.; Mary's endures for ever, 430; two sisters figures of life present of holy toil, and of life future of Endless Rest begun here, 430; the toil of Martha in hope of the Rest of Mary, 430; Martha, type of those who do works of mercy, 429; Mary listening, Martha ministering, 429 sq. Maximianists, the, 527; divided against Donatists, 319 (and note); though first condemned by Donatists, afterwards received by them, 388. Maximinus, 530 (note). Meal, three measures of, the human race, 445. Mediator, Christ our, because "in the middle," man, and yet without sin, 470. Meek, the: character of, 266, 353, 354, 355; good which God works in themselves pleasing to, 354, 355; evils He sends not displeasing to, 355; meekness necessary in this life, 353. Mercy, precedes Judgment, 332; time of, so long as we are spared, 442; vessels of, of God, all once vessels of wrath, 319; mercy in "man" is true alms, 436. Milevis, Council of, 504 (note). Ministers, of God; to be heard for their office' sake, 479, 483, and must not be despised lest the wrong reach to Christ, 423 sq.; give not their own, but Christ's, as dispensers of what is given to them, 423, 479, 484; good works of flock delightful to, 422: mutual love between, and flock, 423; evil, out of their hearts bring evil, out of Scripture good, 336, and bring good words out of Scripture, as grapes around thorns, 425; if seeking something else, yet preach The Word, 425. Miracles, performed by bad as well as good, 394; Church first founded on visible, but its faith more laudable now without, 379; Christ's, on bodies and souls had different effect on different persons, 413; had divine and mystical meaning, 414, 498 sq.; happen every day as marvellous as extraordinary ones, 482, 498; man himself a miracle, 482; power of working not so high a gift as humility, 535, and given under the elder dispensation, 534; the miracle of "the seven loaves" explained, 406. Moses, tender prayer of, 387; a witness of Christ in Book of Genesis, 498. Mourners, true and false consolation of, 266. Mysteries, not possession, but love of eminence prevents understanding of, 389 sq. Name, of God: hallowed in us by making us holy, 275, 281, 285, 289; hallowed in us when baptized, 289. Nathanael, under fig tree, type of man under sin, 470; this interpretation connected with apron of fig leaves, 470; the "greater things" promised to, to see God face to face, 472. Neighbour, who truly loves himself, loves his, 395; every man our, 395. Numbers, mystical meaning of, 257, 258 sq., 363, 364, 365, 406, 452. Obedience, only road to knowledge, 464, 486; its presence Life, its absence death, 488; with Faith the Resurrection of the soul, 489. Offences, against a brother, against Christ, 301; to be "cut off," 355, 356; love of God's Law the safeguard against, 353; what constitutes, 355; outward troubles not, but to be turned to our profit, 353, 356; St. Peter rebuked, that he may teach us how to refuse them, 354. Oil, in the lamps of the true virgins, charity, 402, 403; what meant by selling, 404; lamps without, works done for man, not for love of God, 403 sq. Olive tree, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob roots of, 347; natural branches cut off for pride: wild grafted in for humility, 347; we all became from good, wild olive tree, 395. Parable, of unforgiving servant, explained, 362-365; of sower who went forth to sow, 334, 335, 423; of tares, enforces the duty of bearing with evil, 334, 335, and corrects all schism under plea of evil in the Church, 386; of fig tree planted in vineyard, a warning to us to be fruitful, 332, 443, 444; of husbandman who planted a vineyard and let it out to husbandmen, explained, 373, 374; of hiring into vineyard, explained, 374, 375; of King who made a marriage for His Son, teaches that all, good and bad, are invited, but only good received, 392-394; of the ten virgins, relates not to religious orders only, but to whole Church, 401 sq.; same explained, 402-405; of two debtors, comfort to the penitent, and lesson for the Pharisee, 416 sq.; of certain man who made a great supper, and of the guests who excused themselves, 447, 448; of rich man "whose ground had turned out well," examples of covetousness and its punishment in, 437, 438, and of luxuriousness, 372, 373; of rich man and Lazarus, example of luxuriousness in, 373, 426 sq. Pardon promised to penitent, but not "to-morrow" to him who delays, 361, 362. Parents must be honoured, but God obeyed and preferred, 421. Passion, the, of our Blessed Lord, troubling waters of Pool of Bethesda, 476 sq. Patience, of Almighty God, 332; of Christ, 338. Patripassians, the error of, 260. Paul, St., the border as it were of Christ's Garment, the least and last, 300, 345, 347; weak in himself, strong in Christ, 341; changed from persecutor to preacher, 457, 458; Saul the proud, laid low, to be raised up Paul the humble, 343, 422; his former name Saul derived from Saül, 343; peculiar nature of his office, 422; witness of Christ, 492; good shepherd, 523. Paul, of Samosata, false doctrine of, 312 (note). Peace, to be found in The Word, 459; not to be looked for from the flesh, 503; the end of all our trials, 503. Pelagians, errors of, reproved, 295, 455 sq.; the "Pharisee" better than, in that he "gave thanks," 455; strive against "open" grace, and for that reason worse than Jews, 504. Pentecost, the conversion at, fruit of prayer on Cross, 351. Persecution, all things in, to be despised for sake of Christ, 409 sq.; the attack of Satan from without upon those out of whom he has been cast, 537 sq. Perseverance, silences opposition, 385; necessary to Christian character, 509 sq.; the building on a Rock, 510; freedom the reward of, 510. Peter, St., so called from the rock, 340; type of Church when in danger from man's praise, 339; walking on sea, type of Church in the world, 340; in his confession an image of the strong, in his fear, of the weak in the Church, 341; weak in himself, strong in Christ, 341, 342; his conduct a proof that what we cannot do in ourselves we can do in Christ, 341; held chief place in Apostleship, 340; of Apostles, first and chiefest, 340, 341, 544; blessed when he spoke the things of God, rebuked when those of men, 340 sq.; Christ the Rock, St. Peter the Christian people, 340; a proof that denial of Christ is not the unpardonable sin against Holy Ghost, 330; witness of Christ, 492; Church founded singly in, 519; good shepherd, 523, 524; figure of unity of all good shepherds, 544; our Lord's words to, "Lovest thou Me?" show love to be the sign of the true shepherd, 521, 524; disturbed at our Lord's Passion, 544. Pharisees, the one in the parable lauded himself, but did not pray, 455; the proud thoughts of him who invited Him, known to our Lord, 416; they were the choice men amongst the Jews, 435; scrupulous as to external purification, neglected internal, 435; their want of love made their greater alms of no value, 435, 436; their leaven, seeking glory from one another, 446; their zeal "not according to knowledge," 496. Philip, eye of, healed by faith so that he might see the Father in Christ, 380. Philosophers (Heathen), saw God at a distance, but saw not way to Him, 531; saw God in works of nature, 531; idolatry, their folly, 531 sq. Philosophy, natural, the gift of God, but abused if it has not love, 314, 315. Photinians, divided against Arians, 319; asserting that Christ is only man, 320, 401; deny existence of Holy Ghost, 320. Poor, our carriers who carry our goods for us to heaven, 293; the portion of departed children to be given to Christ through, 372; God the receiver for, 369, and Christ the Keeper for, 446, and will repay for them in world to come, 426 sq., 474; to give to, to give to God of His own, 474; they should seek only sufficiency, since all not needed, a burden, 368; warnings to them, 367; the rich, if humble, better than they if proud, 367. Possessions, we must so possess, as not to be possessed by, 479. Poverty, voluntary, not to be despised in those who can receive it, 479; not perfect without love, 535. Praise, danger of human, and preservative against it, 339; flatterers, sellers of, 404. Prayer, our only hope in evils of this life, 349-352; the part of those in peril, 454; sleeps when desire grows cold, 352; unceasing longing is unceasing prayer, 352; enlightens ignorance, 431; for enemies a duty, 276; need of, if we would cure our soul's sicknesses, 350; double alms ("give and forgive"), wings of, 287; faith fountain of, 454; benefit of persevering, 430, as shown by parable of unjust judge and of the "friend," 296, 430 sq., 454; why we are not to omit, although it be that God knoweth our wants before we ask, 275, 361; where earnest affection in, there effectual answer from Him who heareth it, 275; what we ask in, would be given if good for us, 352, but that we may in ignorance ask evil, no cause for not asking, 350; two things to be learnt, what we are to ask in and from Whom, 274 sq.; need of piety in, not of wordiness, 275; precepts concerning not using "many words" in, reconciled with commands to "ask, seek, knock," 349 sq.; heard when offered in submission of mind, not with restlessness, 540. Prayer, Lord's, the: explained, 274-280, 280-284, 284-288, 288-289; the rule and standard of all prayer, 275; the blessing of, taught by our Advocate and Judge, 284; said daily in church before altar, 288; taught to the Competentes after the Creed, 274, 284; repeated by them at Baptism, 284, 288; undoes past sin, provides against future, 280; remedy against daily venial sins, 277; with alms, 277; great importance of petition for forgiveness in, 278; Apostles needed daily remission through, much more we, 286; three first petitions of, relate to the Life Eternal, the rest to necessities of present life, 280, 282, 287, 288, 289. Pride, the worm of riches, 297, 367; greater in man who is mortal, than in Satan who is immortal, 412; trust in God with alms its cure, 297; God made Man great remedy against, 345, 475; death, its penalty, should be its cure, 412; mysteries hid from, 315; destroys our gifts, 502; prevents us from returning by "strait way," 533; incompatible with love, 475, 535; Christ repelled the proud man who would have followed Him, 298. Priests, peril of office of, 362; in Old Testament were to offer for themselves, 514. Princes, as God's ministers, may restrain heathen or heretics, 303, 304. Promises, having done what God commands, we may ask for His, 442. Prophets, foretold evil, but did not wish it, 275; words of, explained by their acts, 388. Psalms, imprecations in, not curses, but predictions, 275. Pure, the, "reach" God, 460, 485. Rebuke, for secret sins, to be given secretly, 360 sq.; St. Joseph an example of this, 360 sq.; for public, publicly, 360; given by St. Stephen severely, but in love, 396; love should always accompany, 358; with meekness and charity, 385. Reconciliation, necessity of, with an aggrieved brother, before acceptance with God, 358, 359; difficulty of persuading men to the self-humiliation necessary for, although the real humiliation their own sin, 359. Remission, of sin, article in the Creed, 286; given by Holy Ghost through Church, 325, 329-332, 419; first gift of Spirit in Baptism, 324; given not by man, but by God, 418; through man or without man, 419; Apostles taught to pray for, 286; joint gift of The Three Persons in the Holy Trinity, 326; effect of, deliverance from dominion of Satan, 330; "Seventy times seven," complete remission, 365. Repentance, useless if barren of its fruit, almsgiving, 294; figured by Lazarus raised from dead, 415; place of, not denied in Church to any sins whatever, 320; time of mercy granted for, 442. Repetition not wearisome in divine things, 475. Rest, our, foreshadowed by God's after work of creation, 477 sq. Restituta, the great church in Carthage, 392 (note). Resurrection, of body, ordained for all, 488 sq.; difference between that of good and bad, 489; great and incredible, but not more so than our first creation, 491. Rhadagaisus, 434 (note). Rich, the: equal with poor in life and death, 296, 297, 368; danger of, in attaining to salvation, 366, 367; may use luxuries which their infirmities demand, if careful to give necessaries to poor, 297, 298; must lay out what they have, that they may receive what they have not, 367; need not give all to poor, but must exceed a tenth, the Scribes' and Pharisees' portion, 367; by them God helps the needy, and by needy proves them, 368; real wants of, not more than those of poor, 297 sq.; if humble, better than poor if proud, 367; warned against pride, 367; two kinds of, those of this world, and those of the next (i.e., the poor), 367; have "received" all, and therefore give nothing of their own, 474. See Alms. Riches, only good when we do good with, 295, being means of good, not goods in themselves, 295 sq., 333; with desire of more, a passion, 295 sq., 333; use of, 297 sq., 367; acquisition of, man's great vanity and source of unhappiness, 290; vanity of, because nothing lasting in, 290 sq., 367; various mischances to which they are subject, 291; to neglect Christ's words as to use of, to neglect Christ, 291 sq.; who teaches us how to use them speaking to us as "one from dead," 373; by laying up, on earth, we lay up for earth, 292; calamities warn us to remove, to Heaven, 292 sq.; the poor our carriers to remove our, to Heaven, 293; great danger of coveting, 368; possession of, the world's test of happiness (as contrasted with that of Holy Scripture, God), 451, 452, why called "mammon of iniquity," 450, 451; pride the worm of, 297, 367. Riches, the True, what they are--cannot be lost, 451; must be sought from and to God, 452; consist in not requiring worldly riches, which we lose, that we may gain the True, and not be lost ourselves, 346. Righteous, the: though many, in comparison with wicked few, 386, 393; do righteousness for God, and account it God's, 272. Righteousness, burning lights, 440; exercised in bearing the present, and fasting from world, 479. Rogatists, the, 527. Rome, founded by Trojans, 357; built by Romulus, 356; by Rome is meant the people of, not the city of: these will not perish if they praise God, if they blaspheme Him will, 356 sq.; Christians care for, though heathen, because the Church sojourns in it, 433, 434; gods of, senseless, 357, 434; destruction of, falsely attributed to Christianity, 433-435. Sabbath, the, how typical of our Lord, 515 sq. Sabellians, called also by some Patripassians, as holding that the Father suffered, 320. Samaritan, Good, the, figures baptism, 503. See Baptism and Church. Samaritans, the harvest ripe among, 422 sq. Satan, slanders the good subtly, that we may think good hopeless, 398; possesses us if God abandons us, 282, but is conquered by our conquering self, 283; torments of, to Christian, lightened by joys within, 318. Saved, the: the teaching of the "strait gate" proves to be few, 445 sq.; few, that is, compared with the lost, but many that the Garner of Heaven may be filled, 446. Schism, wickedness of those who cause, 319, 437, 478. Scribes, the: who they were, 335; though they had the keys of the kingdom of heaven, not "instructed" in it, 335; though evil, to be heard and obeyed, as "sitting in Moses' seat," 336. Scripture, Holy: "the hem of" Christ's "garment" to heal us, 300; "how to be read," 259; pictures what it tells us, to our hearts, 415 sq.; sometimes says things absolutely, to be interpreted in a limited sense, 321, 323; reckons in round numbers, 257; idolatrous feasts forbidden by, 300; godliness seeking truth, and humility, the key to, not mere criticism, 247; some words and acts in, literal, 390, some figurative, 390, 391, some both, 390-392; terms in, not to be judged of by their use in world, 335; exposition of, the setting forth of a banquet, to be received with praise, and followed by good works, 406; we feed on plain parts of, 321; are exercised by obscure, 322, 360, 484; apparent contradictions, 271, 359; these opened to prayer, but not to be judged of, 359 sq.; expressions in, teaching special earnestness, seemingly exaggerated, 424; perverted by wicked, 519; sense of, preserved by looking at whole, 520. Self, by stopping short in, we go out of, 409; by denying, we turn to God, 409; the duty of each to deny, as he has attained, 411. Senses, the five: indicated by the five virgins, 402, by the five pairs of oxen, 447; the windows of the soul, 307, through which it perceives, 263; useless when the inhabitant is gone, 307; they who believe only, are kept back from higher things, 447, 448; for not their satisfaction, but faith, our food, 448; sight, as the most eminent of them, stands for all of, 449. Serpent, the, in what to be feared, in what imitated, 305 sq. Seven, mystical meaning of, 363, 365, 406, 452. Seventy and seven, mystical meaning of, 258 sq., 363, 365. Shepherds, true: they who preach for love, 520, 544; by which distinguished from hireling, 521; figured in St. Peter, 521, and their unity in the same Apostle, 544; fewer than hirelings, 544; prepared for every good work, 521; act as, in God's presence, 522; reprove and mourn for sin, 522; awfulness of office of, 543. Ship, the Cross the, in which our weakness is carried over tempests of world, 337; peril within, from storms of passion, destruction out of it, 338; if Christ be absent from, each man the prey of storms within himself, 338. Sick, the: amongst Jews of two kinds, those who knew their own sickness, and came for health to Christ, those who knew it not, and mocked, 350 sq. Silence does not always imply absence of feeling, but want of power, 461, 468. Siloa, 512. Sin, transgression--when man seeking "more" exceeds rule of justice, 258; not to be despised because committed only against man, 358, 359, for sins against Christ in brethren unless they gain us anew, destruction, 358; God's Grace alone prevents, 417, 418; altogether from man himself, 409, 410, 421 sq.; must be rebuked and subjected to discipline without violation of unity, 387, 388; itself the only real humiliation, not amends for, 359; hearts which mourn for, bear Christ's mark, 438; difficulty of overcoming inveterate habit of, 415; a fourfold progress in, 415; even Beloved Apostle acknowledged himself to be under, 453; what, it was which Jews contracted by coming of our Lord, 321; "they had not had sin" means not, any sin at all, but this one great sin, 322; actions which lead to, are themselves sin, 301; they who entice us to, "offences," 354, 355 sq.; known privately to priest, in no case to revealed, 360 sq.; consent makes desire sin,287; dangerous sophisms about sins of flesh, 361; God forgives, by man through Holy Spirit dwelling in them, 419; mercifulness redeems, want of it retains, 294; must "be," but must not "reign" in us, 493; made slaves and dead by, 510 sq.; Christ Himself made sacrifice for, 511; all under, 514, as shown by Lord's Prayer, given even to Apostles, 514; much evil-doing no excuse for, 543 sq.; to some sins, a severe and certain condemnation due, 277; lesser sins, 278, 284, 286 sq.; lesser, not to be despised, 287; compared by these, when free from greater, 278; great peril of them, 278. Sin, original, 275, 278, 316, 381, 395, 410, 444, 456. Sinner, the: must rise from his sin speedily, however foul and deep it be, 415 sq.; our Lord's conduct to the, rebukes exclusiveness of heretics, 418, 419; only heard if penitent, 513; dead, though to eye alive and moving, 308. Son, the. See Word, The. Worketh with, not separately from, the Father and Holy Ghost, 484, 485; commandment of Father to, not to be taken in a carnal sense, 530; "seeing what the Father doeth," relates to, as God, 485, 486, and is inseparable from Divine nature of, 486; Eternity of, 488; was made what He made, to redeem what He made, 489; God-Man, 489; will judge as Son of man as He was judged, 489 sq.; our life of His, His death of ours, 489 sq.; Father's works His, because all that is Father's, His, 512; having one Will and one Power with Father, 513; of one Substance with Father, 527, not one in mere will, else man might be one with, 530; coequal with Father, 431, 527 sq., 529, 530; highest blasphemy to deny coequality of, 528; blasphemy against, not forgiven, because inferior in His manhood, 326; Father honoured, and outraged, in, 528 sq., 530; begotten out of time, made in time, 529; "the True God and Everlasting Life," 530; the Father, though not incarnate (see Sabellians), doeth all by, 260, 261; acts of, in flesh, acts of Father and Son, 261; "our Father" teaches that we are sons through, 281. Sons, men become God's, by God's Grace, 281, 355, 477. Sophisms, rejected by moral instinct fearing to displease God, 355. Soul, the: an image of the Holy Trinity, 264; may die, 307; despair and false hope, death of, 376; God the Life of, His absence the death of, 299, 307, 308; gives life to body, 307 sq., but this not its own life, 307; departure of God from, to be mourned more than departure of it from body, 308; by fearing death of, true life of body saved, 308; man by destroying the body does but give release to, 307; God's husbandry in, and its object and effects, 373. Spirit, Holy, the: is God, 323, 328 (see Trinity); the Spirit of the Father and Son, 320-323 sq., 388; equal with the Father and the Son, 324, 431; the gift of God, 324, 431; signified under name of "Fire," 324 sq.; the Creator, Bread, Shepherd, Unchangeable, 431; sometimes given through ministry of man, sometimes apart from, 419 (and note); given visibly by Apostles, invisibly now, 419; Sadducees denied existence of, 320; likewise Photinians, Arians, Eunomians, and Macedonians deny Divinity of, 320, and Sabellians, 320; persons may have, and know not that they have, 329; "the bond of peace," test of presence of, now, as once gift of tongues, 328; by fellowship of, are made One Body of One Only Son of God, 328; one thing to be born of, another to be nourished by, 324; remission of sins the gift of, in the Church, 328-330; are made sons of God by, 494; that by which we fight against ourselves, 494. Spirit, blasphemy against, one of most important and difficult questions in Holy Scripture, 321; what it is, not particularly expressed, but to be enquired into, 321; the expression "blasphemy" restricted, 322; difficulty in language of St. Mark and St. Luke concerning, 322; wrongly supposed to consist in great sins, or apostasy, of baptized, 320 sq.; not all, but some certain, said to be unforgiven, 321, 322, 323; consists in final impenitence, 325; though expressed by the single term "word," extends to every word and thought against power of absolution granted to Church, 325, 326, 330; not denial of Christ, as proved by St. Peter's case, 330; does not mean that Holy Ghost alone of the three Holy Persons forgives, 326, 327; warning against, so expressed, as to show that sin is forgiven only in Church, 331; some kind of, as of heathen, forgiven, 319, but this last not the blasphemy of Jews and Heretics, 319 sq. Spirit, who are "the poor in," 266. Spiritual things, not to be judged by fleshly thoughts, 459; meditation on, better than words on, 460. Stephen, St., prayer and martyrdom of, 396; as martyr witness of Christ, 492. Stones ("stones will cry out"), idolaters, meaning of this name so applied, 469. Strangers, we as strangers here should cherish such, 446. Strong, he who thinks himself, weak, 341; man, the, binding of, figures our being bound by bonds of Christ's Passion, 499. Superiors, how far to be obeyed, 300 sq., 302; not to be dreaded on account of their evil designs, 302, 303, 355, 412, 439 sq.; friendship of, to be disregarded when it stands in the way of our salvation, 377. Supper, the: Jews called to, we called and led and forced, 447; meaning of the three excuses of those who refused to come to, 447, 448; Gentiles, those from streets and lanes: heretics, those from hedges, 449; "all" required to come to, 449. Synagogue, the, figured by the barren fig tree, 389. Tabernacles, the feast of, 506; the eleven curtains of haircloth of the Tabernacle, typical meaning of, 365. Tares, even in high places of Church, 335; these seen by Angels, and not by men, 335. Temperance--girded loins, 440. Temple, the Christian everywhere Christ's, 361; we must therefore fear to offend Him who dwelleth in it, 361. Temptation, the wind in the tempest, 304 sq., 342; anger the deadliest, as cutting off means of pardon, 283; advances or gives way in proportion with faith, 454; two kinds of, one proving, one inducing us to sin, 282, 323: brings out previously existing evil, 481. Tempter, the: overcome by conquering self, 283; overcome when we have learnt to despise him, 473. Ten, mystical meaning of, 258 sq. Ten thousand, mystical meaning of, 364. Testament, typical use of the Old, not taken away in the New, but the veil removed from it, 336 sq.; the Old and New agreeable the one to the other, 359. Thirty and eight years, infirmity of, typical of the law unfulfilled, 480; when fulfilled typified by forty, 480. Times, the, we make our own, such as we are ourselves, such they, 352. Tobias, blind, saw inwardly by light of righteousness, his wife outwardly by light of sun, 384. Tongue, the: "no man," but God only, "can tame," 273; sins of, to be shunned, 442. Transfiguration, the: the Apostles saw Christ's kingdom in, and how, 347; St. Peter's wish at, would have made three, where there is but One, 347 sq.; voice from heaven at, indicates the superiority of Christ's Kingdom over all, 348; our Lord remained alone after, Law and Prophets passing away, 348; prostration of disciples at, the oneness of Law and prophets with Christ, how figured in, 349. Transgression, the number "eleven" typical of, 258, 364. Tree, the unfruitful, the three years in parable of, signify God's visiting the world before, under, and since the Law, 332. Tribulation, the Baptism "with fire" may be understood of, 324; a cleansing or destroying fire according to our use of it, 356; foretold by Christ, 356; swiftness in flying from trouble, and slowness in doing good increase, 290; not great, because in duration short, 290; wisest to take counsel from Christ in, 290; when it comes, to be accepted, that we may be healed, 381; by patience and faith avails to our profit, 353; no cause for distress, if Christ be in us, 356; duty of blessing God in, 432 sq. Trinity, Holy, the: One God, 259 sq., 323, 324, 428, 431; a great thing to speak of, 259; man faint image of, like and unlike, not as Son is image, 263 sq.; persons of, distinct, 259, 265, 324, 326-329 sq., as shown in our Lord's Baptism, 258, yet operation of, one and inseparable, 259, 260, 265 sq., 324, 326-329 sq., 428, 484 sq.; analogies of, in memory, understanding, and will, though not exact in comparison, meditation requisite, 265 sq.; Property and particular Subsistence of each Person in, preserved, 324 (and note); works ascribed to one Person in, do not exclude operation of the other Persons, 261, 262, 326-328, 329 sq.; the "three loaves," man's life and food, 431; truth of, cleared to meditating love, 487 sq. Troubling of waters. See Bethesda. Two, the meaning of the number, so often used in New Testament, 519. Understanding, that to which Faith attains, 481, 527. Unity, of Law, Prophets, and Gospel, 347, 349; the virtue apprehended in the Eucharist, 282; to forsake, to violate charity, 386; mysterious greatness and blessedness of, 428, 430; typified by the "one" Person who descended to pool, 475, 478; holdeth Church together, 517; figured in the "One" Good Shepherd, 523, 532. Unseen things, the evidence of the seen, as shown in works of Creation, 482. Usury, God longs to give us, for what we lend Him in poor, 369; who practises, rebuked by Church, confuted by Word of God, and execrated by the brethren, 369. Valley, typical of humility, 502. Veil, the, rending of, figured discovery of secrets of Law, 519. Virgil, might repudiate in his own person his own false predictions, 433. Virgins, all so called from abstinence from unlawful desires, 401, 402; honour of, began with the Virgin Mary, 255. See Celibacy and Chastity. Watch, the fourth, meaning of, 338. Watchfulness, must be with the heart, faith, hope, charity, and good works, 405; now our lamps flicker, 405. Water, our Lord turned, into wine, that men might believe, 473. Weakness, who feels, is strong, 341; remains after Baptism until death, 503. Wedding garment, the: not anything which good and bad may both have, so not belief, 407 sq.; not the sacraments, or fasting, or power of miracles, 394, but Love, 394, 407, 408; must be in the heart, not on the body, 393; want of, a very grievous fault, 407; the "man without," a figure of the "many called," but not "chosen," 407. Wheat, figure of Gospel as opposed to Law, 499. Wicked, the: mingled with the good, but must be tolerated, 334, 352 sq., 385, 386, 393; separation from, understood by Donatists corporally, spiritually by Catholics, 387; communicating with, makes us not answerable for their evil, 385; prophets rebuked, but joined in Divine rites with, 387; are known, not to men, but to angels, 335; may become good, 334 sq.; all men found so, at coming of Christ, 332; all so, in a certain sense (even Apostles), 392; malice of, like a razor, touching only what is superfluous in us, 302. Widow, the: son of, dead and raised, type of those reclaimed after overt acts of sin, 414. Will of God, done by victory of Saints, and conversion of sinners, 285; the prayer that it may "be done," a prayer for perfection, 276. Wisdom, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, 327, 459; God takes away His, when we claim it as our own, 315. Wise, they only who profess themselves "fools" before God and men, 313. Witness, Christ's, of Himself, how not true, 491. Woman, sin came "by," salvation "through," 246; the word in Hebrew equivalent to female, 252 (and note), 261. Woman, penitent, the, devotion of, 416; comfort to, of our Lord's Parable, 416; as she owed more, loved more, 417; knew Christ, who forgave her "as God," 418. Woman, the, with an issue of blood, healed, a type of those who touch Christ's hem by faith, and are healed, 299 sq., 344. Woman, Canaanitish, the: perseverance of, in prayer, 345; figure of Church from among Gentiles, to whom Christ was not sent, 345; an example of humility, 342, through which she was changed, 345, 347. Woman, of Samaria, the, knew of Christ's coming from the Prophets, 422. Word, The: hidden that He might redeem: has arisen to judge, 445; Christ, the, above us: the Flesh, among us: the Word-Flesh, between God and man, 445 (and note); without price as surpassing all things, 458; must buy, with ourselves, 459; they who would procure, must have godly will, 459; peace in, 459; they that buy, give themselves, yet gain themselves, 459; comprehends all, but comprehended by none, 459, 466; they who would understand, must not follow flesh, 466; to be comprehended through obedience, 486; the Form, Foundation, Head-Stone, of all things: all things in and under, 459; Incomprehensibleness of, our sorrow, and duty of aspiring to comprehension of, 459; can receive no addition from us, Perfect, Unlimited by space or time, 459; unlike bodies which we see, not less in Parts than in Whole, 460; born of God, but incorporeally, inviolably, unchangeably, and without temporal nativity, 460; made man, that we might attain to God, 464, and thus might hear in Him what else we could not have borne, 464; thus made as "milk" to us, 464; the Creator of all things, 465-467; God, 465-467; not made, but born, 465, 466; changed that which It was Itself made, 466; became less, that we might be more, 467; descended that we might ascend: accepted our death, and gave us Life: was at once with us and the Father, 467; Maker of His own mother, 467; the word of man gives some faint analogy of, 467, 468; the blessedness of having seen, beyond all words, 467 sq.; the visible works of God, if we lay aside their "finite" nature, suggest thoughts of, 467 sq.; Giver of immortality to flesh, 474; makes enduring, 474; endures Itself, 475; the Lord of Angels, 477. Works, good: to be seen, not for our own glory, but for God's, 271, 272; cannot be done by those abiding in state of evil, 332 sq.; charity the root of all, 333; peril of delay in, 361 sq. World, the: a sea, 340, 342; one great patient, 377; a scorpion, 432; a furnace, to purify or destroy, 302; more severely chastened now, because it knows God's Will, 333; seeks to make us "look back," and fix our hope on present, 432, 433; perishes, 433; overcome for us by Christ, 412; the evil in, a warning that we love it not, 352; bitterness mingled with the bliss of, that we may look on, 432 sq.; called away from love of, that we may hope for, and love another, 440; things of, must be endured, not loved, 434; difficulty of trampling on, when all things are smooth, 342; must not cleave to, in its old age, lest we lose renewal in Christ, 356; Christ foretold decay of, 356; "fourth watch," end of, 338; natural philosophy of, the foolish wisdom, 313, 314; six ages of, 477; love of; and of God, incompatible, 479; restraint from, speeds to God, 480; must sit loose to, 481; friendship of, evil: deceitful, 481; naught suffices us in, save our Creator, 481; love of, whoredom, confusion of face its cure, 532; two worlds, evil and good, 354, 410, one persecuting, the other persecuted, 410, one condemned, the other reconciled, 410; the world that "knew not" Christ, the wicked and unbelieving, not world of nature, 469. Yoke of Christ, in appearance severe: becomes easy when borne in hope and love, 317 sq. Young, the, temptations of, strong, 494. Zacchæus acquired his goods unjustly, 450 sq.
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