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Homily II.
2 Timothy i. 8–10
“Be not thou therefore
ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner: but be
thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power
of God; Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not
according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace,
which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began; but is now
made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus
There is nothing worse than that man should measure and judge of divine
things by human reasonings. For thus he will fall from that rock1324
1324 πέτρας, the
rock of faith, but one suspects πείρας,
“that endeavor,” to be the true reading. | a vast distance, and be deprived of the
light. For if he who wishes with human eyes to apprehend the rays of
the sun will not only not apprehend them, but, besides this failure,
will sustain great injury; so, but in a higher degree, is he in a way
to suffer this, and abusing the gift of God, who would by human
reasonings gaze intently on that Light. Observe accordingly how
Marcion, and Manes, and Valentinus, and others who introduced their
heresies and pernicious doctrines1325 into the
Church of God, measuring divine things by human reasonings, became
ashamed of the Divine economy. Yet it was not a subject for shame, but
rather for glorying; I speak of the Cross of Christ. For there is not
so great a sign of the love of God for mankind, not heaven, nor sea,
nor earth, nor the creation of all things out of nothing, nor all else
beside, as the Cross. Hence it is the boast of Paul, “God forbid
that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
vi. 14.) But natural men, and those who attribute to God no more than to
human beings, stumble, and become ashamed. Wherefore Paul from the
first exhorts his disciple, and through him all others, in these words:
“Be not thou ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,” that
1326 B. “He means the death of Christ.” The word
“Testimony” might be rendered “Martyrdom,” and
such is the original idea of Martyrdom: see Euseb. Eccl. Hist. v.
2. | “Be not ashamed, that thou
preachest One that was crucified, but rather glory in
it.” For in themselves death and imprisonment and chains are
matters of shame and reproach. But when the cause is added before us,
and the mystery viewed aright, they will appear full of dignity, and
matter for boasting. For it was that death which saved the world, when
it was perishing. That death connected earth with heaven, that death
destroyed the power of the devil, and made men angels, and sons of God:
that death raised our nature to the kingly throne. Those chains were
the conversion of many. “Be not” therefore
“ashamed,” he says, “of the testimony of our Lord,
nor of me His prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the
Gospel”; that is, though thou shouldest suffer the same things,
be not thou ashamed. For that this is implied appears from what he said
above; “God hath given us a spirit of power, and of love, and of
a sound mind”; and by what follows, “Be thou partaker of
the sufferings of the Gospel”: not merely be not ashamed of them,
but be not ashamed even to experience them.
And he does not say, “Do
not fear,” but, the more to encourage him, “be not
ashamed,” as if there were no further danger, if he could
overcome the shame. For shame is only then oppressive, when one is
overcome by it. Be not therefore ashamed, if I, who raised the dead,
who wrought miracles, who traversed the world, am now a prisoner. For I
am imprisoned, not as a malefactor, but for the sake of Him who was
crucified. If my Lord was not ashamed of the Cross, neither am I of
chains. And with great propriety, when he exhorts him not to be
ashamed, he reminds him of the Cross. If thou art not ashamed of the
Cross, he means, neither be thou of chains; if our Lord and Master
endured the Cross, much more should we chains. For he who is ashamed of
what He endured, is ashamed of Him that was crucified. Now it is not on
my own account that I bear these chains; therefore do not give way to
human feelings, but bear thy part in these sufferings. “Be
partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel.” He says not this, as
if the Gospel could suffer injury, but to excite his disciple to suffer
for it.
“According to the power of
God; Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not
according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace,
which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world
More especially because it was a
hard thing to say, “Be partakers of afflictions,” he again
consoles him.1327
1327 Thus Old Lat. and B. The printed copies add, “by saying,
‘Not according to our works,’ that is,” which is not
to the purpose. | Reckon that
thou sustainest these things, not by thine own power, but by the power
of God. For it is thy part to choose and to be zealous, but God’s
to alleviate sufferings and bid them cease.1328 He then shows him the proofs of His
power. Consider how thou wast saved, how thou wast called. As he
elsewhere says, “According to His power that worketh in
us.” (Eph. iii. 20.) So much was it a
greater exercise of power to persuade the world to believe, than to
make the Heavens. But how was he “called with a holy
1329 Sav. How was he called? “With a holy
calling.” | This means, He
made them saints, who were sinners and enemies. “And this not of
ourselves, it was the gift of God.” If then He is mighty in
calling us, and good, in that He hath done it of grace and not of debt,
we ought not to fear. For He Who, when we should have perished,1330
1330 So
B. Edd. “when we needed to be saved.” | saved us, though enemies, by grace, will
He not much more cooperate with us, when He sees us working? “Not
according to our own works,” he says, “but according to his
own purpose and grace,” that is, no one compelling, no one
counseling Him, but of His own purpose, from the impulse of His own
goodness, He saved us; for this is the meaning of “according to
His own purpose.” “Which was given us before the world
began.” That is, it was determined without beginning that these
things should be done in Christ Jesus. This is no light consideration,
that from the first He willed it. It was not an after-thought. How then
is not the Son eternal? for He also willed it from the
Ver. 10. “But is now made
manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who hath
abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light by the
Thou seest the power, thou seest
the gift bestowed not by works, but through the Gospel. These are
objects of hope: for both were wrought in His Body. And how will they
be wrought in ours? “By the Gospel.”
Ver. 11. “Whereunto I am
appointed a preacher and an Apostle, and a teacher of the
Why does he so constantly repeat
this, and call himself a teacher of the Gentiles? Because he wishes to
persuade them that they also ought to draw close to the Gentiles. Be
not therefore dismayed at my sufferings. The sinews of death are
unstrung. It is not as a malefactor that I suffer, but because I am
“a teacher of the Gentiles.” At the same time he makes his
discourse worthy of credit.
Ver. 12. “For the which
cause I also suffer these things, nevertheless I am not ashamed. For I
know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep
that which I have committed unto Him against that
“I am not ashamed,”
he says. For are chains, are sufferings, a matter for shame? Be
not then ashamed!
Thou seest how he illustrates his teaching by his works. “These
things,” he says, “I suffer”: I am cast into prison,
I am banished; “For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded
that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him1331 against That Day.” What is1332
1332 Sav. has τί σὴ
π., Ben. τί ἔστι,
B. τίς ἡ, which last is best. | “that which is
committed”?1333 The faith,
the preaching of the Gospel. He, who committed this to him, he says,
will preserve it unimpaired. I suffer everything, that I may not be
despoiled of this treasure, and I am not ashamed at these things, so
long as it is preserved uninjured. Or he calls the Faithful the charge
which God committed to him, or which he committed to God. For he says,
“Now I commit you to the Lord.” (Acts xx. 32.) That is, these
things will not be unprofitable to me. And in Timothy is seen the fruit
of the charge thus “committed.” You see that he is
insensible to sufferings, from the hope that he entertains of his
Moral. Such ought a Teacher to be, so to regard his disciples, to think
them everything. “Now we live,” he says, “if ye stand
fast in the Lord.” And again, “What is our hope, or joy, or
crown of rejoicing? are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus
Christ?” (1 Thess. iii. 8; and
ii. 19.) You see his anxiety in this matter, his regard for the good of
his disciples, not less than for his own.1334
1334 al. “no less than for his own kindred.” | For teachers ought to surpass natural
parents, to be more zealous than they. And it becomes their children to
be kindly affectioned towards them. For he says, “Obey them that
have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your
souls as they that must give account.” (Heb. xiii. 17.) For say, is he
subject to so dangerous a responsibility, and art thou not willing to
obey him, and that too, for thy own benefit? For though his own state
should be good, yet as long as thou art in a bad condition his anxiety
continues, he has a double account to render. And consider what it is
to be responsible and anxious for each of those who are under his rule.
What honor wouldest thou have reckoned equal, what service, in requital
of such dangers? Thou canst not offer an equivalent. For thou hast not
yet devoted thy soul for him, but he lays down his life for thee, and
if he lays it not down here, when the occasion requires it, he loses it
There. But thou art not willing to submit even in words. This is the
prime cause of all these evils, that the authority of rulers is
neglected, that there is no reverence, no fear. He says, “Obey
them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves.” But now
all is turned upside down and confounded. And this I say not for the
sake of the rulers; (for what benefit will they have of the honor they
receive from us,1335
1335 This expression shows that he was not yet Bishop. | except so far
as we are rendered obedient;) but I say it for your advantage. For with
respect to the future, they will not be benefited by the honor done
them, but receive the greater condemnation, neither will they be
injured as to the future by ill treatment, but will have the more
excuse. But all this I desire to be done for your own sakes. For when
rulers are honored by their people, this too is reckoned against them;
as in the case of Eli it is said, “Did I not choose him out of
his father’s house?” (1 Sam. ii. 27.) But when they
are insulted, as in the instance of Samuel, God said, “They have
not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me.” (1 Sam. viii.
Therefore insult is their gain, honor their burden. What I say,
therefore, is for your sakes, not for theirs. He that honors the
Priest, will honor God also; and he who has learnt to despise the
Priest, will in process of time insult God. “He that receiveth
you,” He saith, “receiveth Me.” (Matt. x. 40.) “Hold my
priests in honor” (Ecclus. vii. 31?), He says. The Jews
learned to despise God, because they despised Moses, and would have
stoned him. For when a man is piously disposed towards the Priest, he
is much more so towards God. And even if the Priest be wicked, God
seeing that thou respectest him, though unworthy of honor, through
reverence to Him, will Himself reward thee. For if “he that
receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a
prophet’s reward” (Matt. x. 41.); then he who
honoreth and submitteth and giveth way to the Priest shall certainly be
rewarded. For if in the case of hospitality, when thou knowest not the
guest, thou receivest so high a recompense, much more wilt thou be
requited, if thou obeyest him whom He requires thee to obey. “The
Scribes and Pharisees,” He says, “sit in Moses’ seat;
all therefore, whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do,
but do not ye after their works.” (Matt. xxiii. 2,
Knowest thou not what the Priest is? He is an Angel1336 of the Lord. Are they his own words
that he speaks? If thou despisest him, thou despisest not him, but God
that ordained him. But how does it appear, thou askest, that he is
ordained of God? Nay, if thou suppose it otherwise, thy hope is
rendered vain. For if God worketh nothing through his means, thou
neither hast any Laver, nor art partaker of the Mysteries, nor of the
benefit of Blessings; thou art therefore not a Christian. What then,
you say, does God ordain all, even the unworthy? God indeed doth not
ordain all, but He worketh through all, though they be themselves unworthy, that
the people may be saved. For if He spoke, for the sake of the people,
by an ass, and by Balaam, a most wicked man, much more will He speak by
the mouth of the Priest. What indeed will not God do or say for our
salvation? By whom doth He not act? For if He wrought through Judas and
those other that “prophesied,” to whom He will say,
“I never knew you; depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity”
vii. 22, 23.); and if others “cast out devils”
vi. 8.); will He not much more work through the Priests? Since if we
were to make inquisition into the lives of our rulers, we should then
become the ordainers1337 of our own
teachers, and all would be confusion; the feet would be uppermost, the
head below. Hear Paul saying, “But with me it is a very small
thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s
judgment.” (1 Cor. iv. 3.) And again, “Why
dost thou judge thy brother?” (Rom. xiv. 10.) For if we may
not judge our brother, much less our teacher. If God commands this
indeed, thou doest well, and sinnest if thou do it not; but if the
contrary, dare not do it, nor attempt to go beyond the lines that are
marked out. After Aaron had made the golden calf, Corah, Dathan, and
Abiram raised an insurrection against him. And did they not perish? Let
each attend to his own department. For if he teach perverted doctrine,
though he be an Angel, obey him not; but if he teach the truth, take
heed not to his life, but to his words. Thou hast Paul to instruct thee
in what is right both by words and works. But thou sayest, “He
gives not to the poor, he does not govern well.” Whence knowest
thou this? Blame not, before thou art informed. Be afraid of the great
account. Many judgments are formed upon mere opinion. Imitate thy Lord,
who said, “I will go down now, and see whether they have done
altogether according to the cry of it, and if not, I will know.”
xviii. 21.) But if thou hast enquired, and informed thyself, and seen; yet
await the Judge, and usurp not the office of Christ. To Him it belongs,
and not to thee, to make this inquisition. Thou art an inferior
servant, not a master. Thou art a sheep, be not curious concerning the
shepherd, lest thou have to give account of thy accusations against
him. But you say, How does he teach me that which he does not practice
himself? It is not he that speaks to thee. If it be he whom thou
obeyest, thou hast no reward. It is Christ that thus admonishes thee.
And what do I say? Thou oughtest not to obey even Paul, if he speaks of
himself, or anything human, but the Apostle, that has Christ speaking
in him. Let not us judge one another’s conduct, but each his own.
Examine thine own life.
But thou sayest, “He ought
to be better than I.” Wherefore? “Because he is a
Priest.” And is he not superior to thee in his labors, his
dangers, his anxious conflicts and troubles? But if he is not better,
oughtest thou therefore to destroy thyself? These are the words of
1338 Or, “desperation,” if it be taken with the preceding
sentence. | For how is he not better than
thyself? He steals, thou sayest, and commits sacrilege! How knowest
thou this? Why dost thou cast thyself down a precipice? If thou
shouldest hear it said that such an one hath a purple robe,1339
1339 This was treason in a subject. See Gibbon, c. xl. | though thou knewest it to be true, and
couldest convict him, thou declinest to do it, and pretendest
ignorance, not being willing to run into unnecessary danger. But in
this case thou art so far from being backward, that even without cause
thou exposest thyself to the danger. Nor think thou art not responsible
for these words. Hear what Christ says, “Every idle word that men
shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment.” (Matt. xii. 36.) And dost thou think
thyself better than another, and dost thou not groan, and beat thy
breast, and bow down thy head, and imitate the Publican?
And then thou destroyest
thyself, though thou be better. Be silent, that thou cease not to be
better. If thou speak of it, thou hast done away the merit; if thou
thinkest it, I do not say so; if thou dost not think it, thou hast
added much. For if a notorious sinner, when he confessed, “went
home justified,” he who is a sinner in a less degree, and is
conscious of it, how will he not be rewarded? Examine thy own life.
Thou dost not steal; but thou art rapacious, and overbearing, and
guilty of many other such things. I say not this to defend theft; God
forbid! deeply lament if there is any one really guilty of it, but I do
not believe it. How great an evil is sacrilege, it is impossible to
say. But I spare you. For I would not that our virtue should be
rendered vain by accusing others. What was worse than the Publican? For
it is true that he was a publican, and guilty of many offenses, yet
because the Pharisee only said, “I am not as this
publican,” he destroyed all his merit. I am not, thou sayest,
like this sacrilegious Priest. And dost not thou make all in
This I am compelled to say, and
to enlarge upon in my discourse, not so much because I am concerned for
them, but because I fear for you, lest you should render your virtue
vain by this boasting of yourselves, and condemnation of others. For
hear the exhortation of Paul, “Let every one prove his own work,
and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in
another.” (Gal. vi. 4.)
If you had a wound, tell me, and should go to a physician, would
you stay him from salving and dressing your own wound, and be curious
to enquire whether the physician had a wound, or not? and if he had,
would you mind it? Or because he had it, would you forbear dressing
your own, and say, A physician ought to be in sound health, and since
he is not so, I shall let my wound go uncured? For will it be any
palliation1340 for him that is under rule, that his
Priest is wicked? By no means. He will suffer the destined punishment,
and you too will meet with that which is your due. For the Teacher now
only fills a place. For “it is written, They shall all be taught
of God.” (John vi. 45; Isa. liv. 13.) “Neither shall
they say, Know the Lord. For all shall know Me from the least to the
greatest.” (Jer. xxxi. 34.) Why then, you will
say, does he preside? Why is he set over us? I beseech you, let us not
speak ill of our teachers, nor call them to so strict an account, lest
we bring evil upon ourselves. Let us examine ourselves, and we shall
not speak ill of others. Let us reverence that day, on which he
enlightened1341 us. He who has a father, whatever
faults he has, conceals them all. For it is said, “Glory not in
the dishonor of thy father; for thy father’s dishonor is no glory
unto thee. And if his understanding fail, have patience with
him.” (Ecclus. iii. 10–12.) And if this be said
of our natural fathers, much more of our spiritual fathers. Reverence
him, in that he every day ministers to thee, causes the Scriptures to
be read, sets the house in order for thee, watches for thee, prays for
thee, stands imploring God on thy behalf, offers supplications for
thee, for thee is all his worship. Reverence all this, think of this,
and approach him with pious respect. Say not, he is wicked. What of
that? He that is not wicked,1342
1342 Sav. mar. “he that is wicked,” which supposes the
objection to be somewhat differently put. | doth he of
himself bestow upon thee these great benefits? By no means. Everything
worketh according to thy faith. Not even the righteous man can benefit
thee, if thou art unfaithful, nor the unrighteous harm thee, if thou
art faithful. God, when He would save His people, wrought for the ark
by Oxen.1343 Is it the good life or the virtue
of the Priest that confers so much on thee? The gifts which God bestows
are not such as to be effects of the virtue of the Priest. All is of
grace. His part is but to open his mouth, while God worketh all: the
Priest only performs a symbol.1344
1344 σὑμβολον. This is said evidently of the act of the Priest considered
in itself, and as distinct from the accompanying grace. For St.
Chrysostom’s view of the Priest’s responsibility, see his
Treatise on the Priesthood, and his comments on 1 Tim. iii. 1, &c.,
&c. | Consider how
wide was the distance between John and Jesus. Hear John saying,
“I have need to be baptized of Thee” (Matt. iii. 14.), and,
“Whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.”
i. 27.) Yet notwithstanding this difference, the Spirit descended.
Which John had not. For “of His fullness,” it is said,
“we all have received.” (John i. 16.) Yet
nevertheless, It descended not till He was baptized. But neither was it
John who caused It to descend. Why then is this done? That thou mayest
learn that the Priest performs a symbol.1345
1345 Suicer collects passages on this word. It may mean “a
pledge,” but certainly has also the sense of
“symbol.” It seems to be used of the material elements
before and after consecration. |
No man differs so widely from another man, as John from Jesus, and yet
with him1346 the Spirit descended, that we may
learn, that it is God who worketh all, that all is God’s doing. I
am about to say what may appear strange, but be not astonished nor
startled at it. The Offering is the same, whether a common man, or Paul
or Peter offer it. It is the same which Christ gave to His disciples,
and which the Priests now minister. This is nowise inferior to that,
because it is not men that sanctify even this, but the Same who
sanctified the one sanctifies the other also. For as the words which
God spake are the same which the Priest now utters, so is the Offering
the same, and the Baptism, that which He gave. Thus the whole is of
faith. The Spirit immediately fell upon Cornelius, because he had
previously fulfilled his part, and contributed his faith. And this is
His Body, as well as that. And he who thinks the one inferior to the
other, knows not that Christ even now is present, even now operates.
Knowing therefore these things, which we have not said without reason,
but that we may conform your minds in what is right, and render you
more secure for the future, keep carefully in mind what has been
spoken. For if we are always hearers, and never doers, we shall reap no
advantage from what is said. Let us therefore attend diligently to the
things spoken. Let us imprint them upon our minds. Let us have them
ever engraved upon our consciences, and let us continually ascribe
glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH