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| That v: not found “of whom” in the case of the Son and of the Spirit. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter V.
That “through whom” is said also in the case
of the Father, and “of whom” in the case of the Son and of
the Spirit.
7. After thus
describing the outcome of our adversaries’ arguments, we shall
now proceed to shew, as we have proposed, that the Father does not
first take “of whom” and then abandon “through
whom” to the Son; and that there is no truth in these men’s
ruling that the Son refuses to admit the Holy Spirit to a share in
“of whom” or in “through whom,” according to
the limitation of their new-fangled allotment of phrases.
“There is one God and Father of whom are all things, and one Lord
Jesus Christ through whom are all things.”734
Yes; but these are the words of a writer not
laying down a rule, but carefully distinguishing the
735 If Catholic
Theology does not owe to St. Basil the distinction between the
connotations of οὐσία and ὑπόστασις
which soon prevailed over the identification obtaining at the
time of the Nicene Council, at all events his is the first and most
famous assertion and defence of it. At Nicæa, in 325, to
have spoken of St. Paul as “distinguishing the
hypostases” would have been held impious. Some
forty-five years later St. Basil writes to his brother, Gregory of
Nyssa (Ep. xxxviii.), in fear lest Gregory should fall into the
error of failing to distinguish between hypostasis and ousia,
between person and essence. cf. Theodoret Dial. i. 7,
and my note on his Ecc. Hist. i. 3. |
The object of the apostle in thus writing was not
to introduce the diversity of nature, but to exhibit the notion of
Father and of Son as unconfounded. That the phrases are not
opposed to one another and do not, like squadrons in war marshalled one
against another, bring the natures to which they are applied into
mutual conflict, is perfectly plain from the passage in question.
The blessed Paul brings both phrases to bear upon one and the same
subject, in the words “of him and through him and to him are all
things.”736 That this
plainly refers to the Lord will be admitted even by a reader paying but
small attention to the meaning of the words. The apostle has just
quoted from the prophecy of Isaiah, “Who hath known the mind of
the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor,”737 and then goes on, “For of him and from
him and to him are all things.” That the prophet is
speaking about God the Word, the Maker of all creation, may be learnt
from what immediately precedes: “Who hath measured the
waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span,
and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the
mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? Who hath
directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught
him?”738 Now the word
“who” in this passage does not mean absolute impossibility,
but rarity, as in the passage “Who will rise up for me against
the evil doers?”739 and “What man
is he that desireth life?”740 and
“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?”741 So is it in the passage in question,
“Who hath directed [lxx., known] the Spirit of the Lord, or
being his counsellor hath known him?” “For the
Father loveth the Son and sheweth him all things.”742 This is He who holds the earth, and
hath grasped it with His hand, who brought all things to order and
adornment, who poised743
743 ἰσοῤ&
191·οπία. cf. Plat. Phæd. 109, A. | the hills in their
places, and measured the waters, and gave to all things in the
universe their proper rank, who encompasseth the whole of heaven
with but a small portion of His power, which, in a figure, the
prophet calls a span. Well then did the apostle add “Of
him and through him and to him are all things.”744 For of Him, to all things that are,
comes the cause of their being, according to the will of God the
Father. Through Him all things have their continuance745
745 διαμονή.
cf. Arist. de Sp. i. 1. | and constitution,746
for He created all things, and metes out to each severally what is
necessary for its health and preservation. Wherefore to Him
all things are turned, looking with irresistible longing and
unspeakable affection to “the author”747 and maintainer “of” their
“life,” as it is written “The eyes of all wait
upon thee,”748 and again,
“These wait all upon thee,”749
and “Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of
every living thing.”750
8. But if our adversaries oppose this our
interpretation, what argument will save them from being caught in their
own trap?
For if they will not grant that the three
expressions “of him” and “through him” and
“to him” are spoken of the Lord, they cannot but be applied
to God the Father. Then without question their rule will fall
through, for we find not only “of whom,” but also
“through whom” applied to the Father. And if this
latter phrase indicates nothing derogatory, why in the world should it
be confined, as though conveying the sense of inferiority, to the
Son? If it always and everywhere implies ministry, let them tell
us to what superior the God of glory751
751 Ps. xxix. 3; Acts vii. 2. | and Father of
the Christ is subordinate.
They are thus overthrown by their own selves, while our
position will be on both sides made sure. Suppose it proved that
the passage refers to the Son, “of whom” will be found
applicable to the Son. Suppose on the other hand it be insisted
that the prophet’s words relate to God, then it will be granted
that “through whom” is properly used of God, and both
phrases have equal value, in that both are used with equal force of
God. Under either alternative both terms, being employed of one
and the same Person, will be shewn to be equivalent. But let us
revert to our subject.
9. In his Epistle to the Ephesians the
apostle says, “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into
him in all things, which is the head, even Christ; from whom the whole
body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint
supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every
part, maketh increase of the body.”752
And again in the Epistle to the Colossians, to
them that have not the knowledge of the Only Begotten, there is mention
of him that holdeth “the head,” that is, Christ,
“from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment
ministered increaseth with the increase of God.”753 And that Christ is the head of the
Church we have learned in another passage, when the apostle says
“gave him to be the head over all things to the
Church,”754 and “of his
fulness have all we received.”755 And the
Lord Himself says “He shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto
you.”756 In a word, the
diligent reader will perceive that “of whom” is used in
diverse manners.757
757 πολύτροποι. cf. the cognate adverb in Heb. i. 1. | For instance,
the Lord says, “I perceive that virtue is gone out of
me.”758 Similarly we
have frequently observed “of whom” used of the
Spirit. “He that soweth to the spirit,” it is
said, “shall of
the spirit reap life everlasting.”759
John too writes, “Hereby we know that he abideth in us by
(ἐκ) the spirit which he hath given
“That which is conceived in her,” says the angel,
“is of the Holy Ghost,”761
and the Lord says “that which is born of the spirit is
spirit.”762 Such then
is the case so far.
10. It must now be pointed out that the phrase
“through whom” is admitted by Scripture in the case of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost alike. It would
indeed be tedious to bring forward evidence of this in the case of the
Son, not only because it is perfectly well known, but because this very
point is made by our opponents. We now show that “through
whom” is used also in the case of the Father. “God is
faithful,” it is said, “by whom (δι᾽ οὖ) ye
were called unto the fellowship of his Son,”763 and “Paul an apostle of Jesus
Christ by (διά) the will of God;”
and again, “Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a
son; and if a son, then an heir through God.”764
764 Gal. iv. 7. A.V. reads “an heir of
God through Christ;” so אCD.
R.V. with the copy used by Basil agrees with A.B. | And “like as Christ was
raised up from the dead by (διά) the glory of God the
765 Rom. vi. 4. It is pointed out by the Rev.
C.F.H. Johnston in his edition of the De Spiritu that among
quotations from the New Testament on the point in question, St.
Basil has omitted Heb. ii.
10, “It became him
for whom (δι᾽
ὅν) are all things and through whom
οὗ) are all things,” “where the
Father is described as being the final Cause and efficient Cause
of all things.” |
Isaiah, moreover, says, “Woe unto them
that make deep counsel and not through the Lord;”766 and many proofs of the use of this
phrase in the case of the Spirit might be adduced.
“God hath revealed him to us,” it is said, “by
(διά) the
spirit;”767 and in another
place, “That good thing which was committed unto thee keep
by (διά) the Holy
Ghost;”768 and again,
“To one is given by (διά) the spirit the word of
11. In the same manner it may also be said of the
word “in,” that Scripture admits its use in the case of God
the Father. In the Old Testament it is said through
(ἐν) God we shall do valiantly,770 and, “My praise shall be
continually of (ἐν) thee;”771
and again, “In thy name will I rejoice.”772 In Paul we read, “In God
who created all things,”773 and,
“Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus unto the church of the
Thessalonians in God our Father;”774
and “if now at length I might have a prosperous journey by
(ἐν) the will of God to come to
you;”775 and,
“Thou makest thy boast of God.”776 Instances are indeed too numerous
to reckon; but what we want is not so much to exhibit an
abundance of evidence as to prove that the conclusions of our
opponents are unsound. I shall, therefore, omit any proof
of this usage in the case of our Lord and of the Holy Ghost, in
that it is notorious. But I cannot forbear to remark that
“the wise hearer” will find sufficient proof of the
proposition before him by following the method of
contraries. For if the difference of language indicates, as
we are told, that the nature has been changed, then let identity
of language compel our adversaries to confess with shame that the
essence is unchanged.
12. And it is not only in the case of the
theology that the use of the terms varies,777
777 According to
patristic usage the word “theology” is concerned with
all that relates to the divine and eternal nature of Christ, as
distinguished from the οἰκονομία, which relates to the incarnation, and consequent redemption of
mankind. cf. Bishop Lightfoot’s Apostolic
Fathers, Part II. Vol. ii. p. 75, and Newman’s Arians,
Chapter I. Section iii. | but
whenever one of the terms takes the meaning of the other we find them
frequently transferred from the one subject to the other. As, for
instance, Adam says, “I have gotten a man through
778 Gen. iv. 1, lxx. A.V. renders
“she conceived and bare Cain and said,” and here
St. Basil has been accused of quoting from memory. But in the
Greek of the lxx. the subject to εἶπεν is not expressed, and a
possible construction of the sentence is to refer it to Adam.
In his work adv. Eunom. ii. 20, St. Basil again refers the
exclamation to Adam. | meaning to say the
same as from God; and in another passage “Moses
commanded…Israel through the word of the Lord,”779 and, again, “Is not the interpretation
through God?”780 Joseph,
discoursing about dreams to the prisoners, instead of saying
“from God” says plainly “through
God.” Inversely Paul uses the term “from
whom” instead of “through whom,” when he says
“made from a woman” (A.V., “of” instead of
“through a woman”).781
And this he has plainly distinguished in another passage, where he says
that it is proper to a woman to be made of the man, and to a man to be
made through the woman, in the words “For as the woman is from
[A.V., of] the man, even so is the man also through [A.V., by] the
woman.”782 Nevertheless in
the passage in question the apostle, while illustrating the variety of
usage, at the same time corrects obiter the error of those who
supposed that the body of the Lord was a spiritual body,783 and, to shew that the God-bearing784
784 The note of the
Benedictine Editors remarks that the French theologian Fronton du
Duc (Ducæus) accuses Theodoret (on Cyril’s Anath. vii.)
of misquoting St. Basil as writing here “God-bearing
man” instead of “God bearing flesh,” a term of
different signification and less open as a Nestorian
interpretation. “God-bearing,” θεοφόρος, was
an epithet applied to mere men, as, for instance, St.
Ignatius. So Clement of Alexandria, I. Strom. p. 318, and
Gregory of Nazianzus, Or. xxxvii. p. 609. St. Basil does use
the expression Jesus Christ ἄνθρωπον
Θεόν in Hom. on Ps. xlix. | flesh was formed out of the
lump785 of human nature,
gave precedence to the more emphatic preposition.
The phrase “through a woman” would be likely
to give rise to the suspicion of mere transit in the generation, while
the phrase “of the woman” would satisfactorily indicate
that the nature was shared by the mother and the offspring. The
apostle was in no wise contradicting himself, but he shewed that the
words can without difficulty be interchanged. Since, therefore,
the term “from whom” is transferred to the identical
subjects in the case of which “through whom” is decided to
be properly used, with what consistency can these phrases be invariably
distinguished one from the other, in order that fault may be falsely
found with true religion? E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH