SEV Biblia, Chapter 4:14
No menosprecies el don que est en ti, que te es dado para profetizar mediante la imposicin de las manos de los ancianos.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - 1 Timothy 4:14
Verse 14. Neglect not the gift that is in thee] The word carisma here must refer to the gifts and graces of the Divine Spirit, which Timothy received when set apart to the work of an evangelist by the imposition of St. Paul's hands, 2 Tim. i. 6, and by that of the presbytery or eldership; for it most evidently appears, from this verse and that above quoted, that he received this double imposition, not probably at different times, but on one and the same occasion. These very gifts and graces might be improved; and we have reason to believe, if not improved, would be withdrawn by the great Head of the Church. Given thee by prophecy] It has already been conjectured (see the preface, and the note on chap. i. 18) that there had been some remarkable prediction relative to the future destiny and usefulness of Timothy. And probably it was in consequence of this that he was set apart to the office of evangelist and bishop in the Church at Ephesus. When apostles laid their hands on men, they ordinarily received the Holy Spirit with this imposition. This may be what the apostle calls to the remembrance of Timothy, and tells him not to neglect what he had received, nor the purpose for which he had received it.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 14. Neglect not the gift that is in thee , etc.] What qualifies men for the work of the ministry is a gift from God: it is not of nature, nor is it mere natural abilities and capacity; nor is it any thing acquired, it is not human learning, or the knowledge of languages, arts, and sciences; nor is it special saving grace; for a man may have all these, and yet not be apt to teach, or fit for the ministry; but it is a peculiar and distinct gift, it is a gift of interpreting the Scriptures, and of dispensing the mysteries of grace to the edification of others; which, when it meets in a man with all the rest before mentioned, makes him very considerable: and this gift is in a man; it is a treasure put into earthen vessels, a good treasure in the heart, out of which a good minister of Christ brings forth many good things, things new and old, both for the delight and profit of men: and this gift is by no means to be neglected; this talent should not be hid in the earth, or wrapped up in a napkin; it should not lie dormant and useless, but should be stirred up, cultivated, and improved, as it may by reading, meditation, and prayer. And in order to enforce this exhortation on Timothy, the apostle adds, which was given thee by prophecy ; that is, it was prophesied of before hand, by some of the prophets in the church, that a very extraordinary gift should be bestowed upon this young man, which would make him a very useful person in the church of God; (see 1 Timothy 1:18) and since it was now given, he ought not therefore to neglect it: or it was given him, as some read it, with prophecy, that he should use it, and it should be of great advantage to many souls; or, together with this gift of preaching, he had also a gift of foretelling things to come; or it may be, the words may be better rendered, for prophecy: that is, for preaching, for prophesying is frequently used for preaching; (see 1 Corinthians 13:2 14:1,3,31) and then the sense is, that this gift was given him to qualify him for the interpreting of the Scriptures, the explaining of the prophecies of the Old Testament, and for the preaching of the Gospel; and therefore he should not neglect it, but use it for this purpose: and he adds, that it was given him with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery ; or of the eldership, or elders. So gerousia , eldership, is used by the Septuagint on ( Exodus 3:16,18) for the elders of Israel. Now of these elders Paul was one, ( Timothy 1:6) nor is it unusual to call the apostles elders; (see 1 Peter 5:1 2 John 1:1 3 John 1:1). Who joined with the apostle, in the imposition of hands on Timothy, is not certain; I should think only apostles, since here was a gift of the Holy Ghost came along with it; and it was only through the laying on of the hands of the apostles that the Holy Ghost was given. Philip, an evangelist, laid not hands on the believing Samaritans; but Peter and John, apostles, were sent down from Jerusalem to Samaria to do it, whereby many received the gifts of the Holy Ghost, fitting them to take the care of those new converts, and to spread the Gospel further in those parts, ( Acts 8:5,12,14,17,18). And since gifts have ceased being conveyed this way, the rite of laying on of hands in ordinations seems useless, and of no avail. The apostle in calling those that joined with him, in putting hands on Timothy, the presbytery or eldership, may have some reference to hd[h ynqz , the elders of the congregation, which laid hands on the bullock for a sin offering, ( Leviticus 4:15) by whom some understand the great sanhedrim f60 ; others f61 , not all the elders, but some particular persons, in number three; and so the ordination of a Rabbi was by three f62 ; hence we read of ynyqzb hkyms , imposition of hands by the elders f63 .
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 11-16 - Men's youth will not be despised, if they keep from vanities an follies. Those who teach by their doctrine, must teach by their life Their discourse must be edifying; their conversation must be holy; the must be examples of love to God and all good men, examples of spiritual-mindedness. Ministers must mind these things as their principal work and business. By this means their profiting will appea in all things, as well as to all persons; this is the way to profit in knowledge and grace, and also to profit others. The doctrine of minister of Christ must be scriptural, clear, evangelical, an practical; well stated, explained, defended, and applied. But thes duties leave no leisure for wordly pleasures, trifling visits, or idl conversation, and but little for what is mere amusement, and onl ornamental. May every believer be enabled to let his profiting appea unto all men; seeking to experience the power of the gospel in his ow soul, and to bring forth its fruits in his life __________________________________________________________________
Greek Textus Receptus
μη 3361 αμελει 272 5720 του 3588 εν 1722 σοι 4671 χαρισματος 5486 ο 3739 εδοθη 1325 5681 σοι 4671 δια 1223 προφητειας 4394 μετα 3326 επιθεσεως 1936 των 3588 χειρων 5495 του 3588 πρεσβυτεριου 4244
Vincent's NT Word Studies
14. Neglect (amelei). Rare in N.T. Only Matthews xxii. 5; Heb. ii. 3; viii. 9.
The gift that is in thee (tou en soi carismatov). Comp. 2 Timothy i. 6. Carisma gift is a distinctively Pauline word, being found only three times outside of Paul's Epistles, and o LXX, o Class. See on Rom. i. 11. That is in thee, comp. thv ejn soi pistewv the faith that is in thee, 2 Timothy i. 5. The meaning is the special inward endowment which qualified Timothy for exhortation and teaching, and which was directly imparted by the Holy Spirit. 112 By prophecy (dia profhteiav). See on 1 Tim. i. 18. Profhteiav genitive, not accusative. The meaning is by the medium of prophecy. The reference is to prophetic intimation given to Paul concerning the selection of Timothy for the ministerial office. These prophecies were given by the Holy Spirit who bestowed the "gift", so that the gift itself and the prophecy concurred in attesting the candidate for ordination.
With the laying on of the hands (meta epiqesewv twn ceirwn). Meta implies that the prophetic intimations were in some way repeated or emphasised in connection with the ceremony of ordination. We note the association of prophecy with ordination in the setting apart of Paul and Barnabas (Acts xiii. 9, 3); so that the case of Timothy has an analogue in that of Paul himself. 113 Epiqesiv laying on, emposition, also Acts viii. 18; 2 Tim. i. 6; Heb. vi. 2, in each case with of hands. "The custom," says Lange, "is as old as the race." The Biblical custom rests on the conception of the hand as the organ of mediation and transference. The priest laid his hand on the head of the bullock or goat (Lev. i. 4) to show that the guilt of the people was transferred. The hand was laid on the head of a son, to indicate the transmission of the hereditary blessing (Gen. xlviii. 14); upon one appointed to a position of authority, as Joshua (Num. xxvii. 18-23); upon the sick or dead in token of miraculous power to heal or to restore to life (2 Kings iv. 34). So Christ (Mark. vi. 5; Luke iv. 40). In the primitive Christian church the laying on of hands signified the imparting of the Holy Spirit to the newly-baptized (Acts viii. 17; xix. 6; comp. Heb. vi. 2). Hands were laid Upon the seven (Acts vi. 6). But the form of consecration in ordination varied. No one mode has been universal in the church, and no authoritative written formula exists. In the Alexandrian and Abyssinian churches it was by breathing: in the Eastern church generally, by lifting up the hands in benediction: in the Armenian church, by touching the dead hand of the predecessor: in the early Celtic church, by the transmission of relics or pastoral staff: in the Latin church, by touching the head.
Of the presbytery (tou presbuteriou). The word is found in Luke xxii. 66, where it denotes the body of representative elders of the people in the Sanhedrim, as distinguished from the two other constituents of that body - the chief priests and scribes. Similarly Acts xxii. 5. Here of the college or fraternity of Christian elders in the place where Timothy was ordained. The word is frequent in the Epistles of Ignatius. 114 According to this, Timothy was not ordained by a Bishop. Bishop and Presbyter are not identical. In 2 Tim. i. 6 we read, "by the laying on of my hands." The inconsistency is usually explained by saying that Paul was associated with the Presbyters in the laying on of hands.
Robertson's NT Word Studies
4:14 {Neglect not} (me amelei). Present active imperative in prohibition of amelew, old verb, rare in N.T. (#Mt 22:5; 1Ti 4:14; Heb 2:3; 8:9). From ameles (a privative and melei, not to care). Use with genitive. {The gift that is in thee} (tou en soi carismatos). Late word of result from carizomai, in papyri (Preisigke), a regular Pauline word in N.T. (#1Co 1:7; 2Co 1:11; Ro 1:11; etc.). Here it is God's gift to Timothy as in #2Ti 1:6. {By prophecy} (dia profeteias). Accompanied by prophecy (#1:18), not bestowed by prophecy. {With the laying on of the hands of the presbytery} (meta epiqesews twn ceirwn tou presbuteriou). In #Ac 13:2f., when Barnabas and Saul were formally set apart to the mission campaign (not qen ordained as ministers, for they were already that), there was the call of the Spirit and the laying on of hands with prayer. Here again meta does not express instrument or means, but merely accompaniment. In #2Ti 1:6 Paul speaks only of his own laying on of hands, but the rest of the presbytery no doubt did so at the same time and the reference is to this incident. There is no way to tell when and where it was done, whether at Lystra when Timothy joined Paul's party or at Ephesus just before Paul left Timothy there (#1:3). epiqesis (from epitiqemi, to lay upon) is an old word, in LXX, etc. In the N.T. we find it only here, #2Ti 1:16; Ac 8:18; Heb 6:2, but the verb epitiqemi with tas ceiras more frequently (#Ac 6:6 of the deacons; #8:19; 13:3; 1Ti 5:22, etc.). presbuterion is a late word (ecclesiastical use also), first for the Jewish Sanhedrin (#Lu 22:66; Ac 22:5), qen (here only in N.T.) of Christian elders (common in Ignatius), though presbuteros (elder) for preachers (bishops) is common (#Ac 11:30; 15:2; 20:17, etc.).