SEV Biblia, Chapter 1:16
revelar a su Hijo en mí, para que le predicase entre los gentiles, luego no consult con carne y sangre;
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Galatians 1:16
Verse 16. To reveal his Son in me] To make me know Jesus Christ, and the power of his resurrection. That I might preach him among the heathen] For it was to the Gentiles, and the dispersed Jews among the Gentiles, that St. Paul was especially sent. Peter was sent more particularly to the Jews in the land of Judea; Paul to those in the different Greek provinces.
I conferred not with flesh and blood] I did not take counsel with men; sarx kai aima, which is a literal translation of the Hebrew dw rb basar vedam, flesh and blood, is a periphrasis for man, any man, a human being, or beings of any kind. Many suppose that the apostle means he did not dally, or take counsel, with the erroneous suggestions and unrenewed propensities of his own heart, or those of others; but no such thing is intended by the text. St. Paul was satisfied that his call was of God; he had therefore no occasion to consult man.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 16. To reveal his Son in me , etc..] This clause stands in connection with that in the preceding verse, but when it pleased God; the revelation of Christ in the apostle being the mere fruit and effect of God's will and pleasure: some versions read it by me, making the apostle to be the instrument and means, by whom God revealed his Son Jesus Christ to others, which is a certain truth, but this is rather contained in the following clause: others read it to me, and which also is true; for Christ was revealed to him in the glory of his person, the fulness of his grace, the necessity, suitableness, and completeness of his salvation; not objectively in the Gospel, or merely notionally, speculatively in the theory of things, but spiritually, experimentally, and savingly; and which is better expressed, and nearer the original, by in him; for he had an internal discovery of him as God's salvation, and of his interest in him as such; Christ was formed in him, his Spirit was put within him, his grace was implanted in him; he lived and dwelt in his heart by faith, as the Son in his own house; he was known unto him, as Christ in him the hope of glory: now the end of all this, of his separation from mother's womb, of his call by the grace of God, of the large revelation of Christ to him, and in him was, that , says he, I might preach him among the Heathen ; as he did: Christ was the subject of his ministry; the things respecting his person, as that he was very God, the Son of God, God and man in one person the things respecting his office, as that he is the only Mediator between God and man, the prophet of the church, the high priest over the house of God, and King of saints; the doctrines of his grace, and which concern his obedience, sufferings, and death; as that peace and pardon are by his blood, justification by his righteousness, reconciliation and satisfaction by his sacrifice, and eternal life and complete salvation alone by him; all which is evangelizing, or preaching good news and glad tidings to sensible sinners: the persons to whom he was to preach these things, and did, were the Heathen, or Gentiles; he was a chosen vessel for this purpose; Christ, when he called him, sent him to them; the work he was to do, and did, lay chiefly among them; hence he is called an apostle, and teacher of them: immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood ; which some understand of carnal reason, and that he did not stand reasoning and debating the matter with himself, whether it would be for his credit and reputation, for his worldly interest and advantage, to enter upon the ministry of the word; whether it would be advisable to expose himself, by so doing, to reproach and persecution; but immediately, as soon as he was called by grace, and Christ was revealed in him, he set about it: others, by flesh and blood, understand carnal men; and others his countrymen the Jews, and those of them that were his relations, his own flesh; but rather men in general are intended, any whatever, and especially the apostles; whom, he afterwards says, he had no conversation with, upon his first setting out in the ministry.
It is usual with the Jews to call men, in distinction and opposition to God, dw rb , flesh and blood. Infinite almost are the examples that might be given thereof out of their writings. (See Gill on Matthew 16:17). (See Gill on Ephesians 6:12).
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 15-24 - St. Paul was wonderfully brought to the knowledge and faith of Christ All who are savingly converted, are called by the grace of God; their conversion is wrought by his power and grace working in them. It wil but little avail us to have Christ revealed to us, if he is not als revealed in us. He instantly prepared to obey, without hesitating as to his worldly interest, credit, ease, or life itself. And what matter of thanksgiving and joy is it to the churches of Christ, when they hear of such instances to the praise of the glory of his grace, whether the have ever seen them or not! They glorify God for his power and mercy i saving such persons, and for all the service to his people and caus that is done, and may be further expected from them __________________________________________________________________
Greek Textus Receptus
αποκαλυψαι 601 5658 τον 3588 υιον 5207 αυτου 846 εν 1722 εμοι 1698 ινα 2443 ευαγγελιζωμαι 2097 5735 αυτον 846 εν 1722 τοις 3588 εθνεσιν 1484 ευθεως 2112 ου 3756 προσανεθεμην 4323 5639 σαρκι 4561 και 2532 αιματι 129
Vincent's NT Word Studies
16. To reveal his Son in me (apokaluyai ton uion autou en emoi). In N.T. ajpokaluptein to reveal is habitually used with the simple dative of the subject of the revelation, as Luke x. 21. Once with eijv unto, Rom. viii. 18: with ejn in of the sphere in which the revelation takes place, only here, unless Rom. i. 17 be so explained; but there ejn is probably instrumental. Render ejn here by the simple in: in my spirit, according to the familiar N.T. idea of God revealing himself, living and working in man's inner personality. See, for instance, Rom. i. 19; verse 5; viii. 10, 11; 1 Cor. iii. 16; xiv. 25; 2 Cor. iv. 6; 1 John ii. 5, 14, etc. Lightfoot explains, to reveal his Son by or through me to others. But apart from the doubtful use of ejn, this introduces prematurely the thought of Paul's influence in his subsequent ministry. He is speaking of the initial stages of his experience.
Immediately (euqewv). Connect only with I conferred not, etc. Not with the whole sentence down to Arabia. Paul is emphasising the fact that he did not receive his commission from men. As soon as God revealed his Son in me, I threw aside all human counsel.
Conferred (prosaneqemhn). P o . and only in Galatians. Rare in Class. The verb ajnatiqenai means to lay upon; hence intrust to. Middle voice, to intrust one's self to; to impart or communicate to another. The compounded preposition prov implies more than direction; rather communication or relation with, according to a frequent use of prov. The whole compound then, is to put one's self into communication with. Wetstein gives an example from Diodorus, De Alexandro, xvii. 116, where the word is used of consulting soothsayers.
Flesh and blood. Always in N.T. with a suggestion of human weakness or ignorance. See Matt. xvi. 17; 1 Cor. xv. 50; Eph. vi. 12.
Robertson's NT Word Studies
1:16 {To reveal his Son in me} (apokaluyai ton huion autou en emoi). By "in me" (en emoi) Paul can mean to lay emphasis on his inward experience of grace or he may refer objectively to the vision of Christ on the way to Damascus, "in my case." Paul uses en emoi in this sense (in my case) several times (verse #24; 2Co 13:3; Php 1:30; 1Ti 1:16). Once (#1Co 14:11) en emoi is almost equivalent to the dative (to me). On the whole Lightfoot seems correct here in taking it to mean "in my case," though the following words suit either idea. Certainly Paul could not preach Christ among the Gentiles without the rich inward experience and in the objective vision he was called to that task. {I conferred not with flesh and blood} (ou prosaneqemen sarki kai haimati). Second aorist middle indicative of prosanatiqemi, old verb, double compound (pros, ana), to lay upon oneself in addition, to betake oneself to another, to confer with, dative case as here. In N.T. only here and #2:6.