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PARALLEL BIBLE - Hosea 6:11 CHAPTERS: Hosea 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
King James Bible - Hosea 6:11 Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.
World English Bible"Also, Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, when I restore the fortunes of my people.
Douay-Rheims - Hosea 6:11 And thou also, O Juda, set thee a harvest, when I shall bring back captivity of my people.
Webster's Bible Translation Also, O Judah, he hath set a harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.
Original Hebrew גם 1571 יהודה 3063 שׁת 7896 קציר 7105 לך בשׁובי 7725 שׁבות 7622 עמי׃ 5971
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge VERSE (11) - Jer 51:33 Joe 3:13 Mic 4:12 Re 14:15
SEV Biblia, Chapter 6:11 También, Judá, puso en ti una planta, habiendo yo vuelto la cautividad de mi pueblo.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Hosea 6:11 Verse 11. O Judah, he hath set a harvest for thee] Thou also hast transgressed; thy harvest will come; thou shalt be reaped down and sent into captivity. The sickle is already thrust in. That which thou hast sowed shalt thou reap. They who sow unto the flesh shall reap corruption. When I returned the captivity of my people.] Bp. Newcome translates, "Among those who lead away the captivity of my people." There is thy harvest; they who have led Israel into captivity shall lead thee also into the same. The Assyrians and Babylonians were the same kind of people; equally idolatrous, equally oppressive, equally cruel. From the common reading some suppose this to be a promise of return from captivity. It is true that Judah was gathered together again and brought back to their own land, but the majority of the Israelites did not return, and are not now to be found.
John Gill's Bible Commentary Ver. 11. Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee , etc.] That is, God hath set and appointed a time of wrath and vengeance for thee, which is sometimes signified by a harvest, ( Revelation 14:15); because thou hast been guilty of idolatry also, as well as Ephraim or the ten tribes: or rather it may be rendered, “but, O Judah” f127 , he, that is, God, hath set an harvest for thee; appointed a time of joy and gladness, as a time of harvest is: when I returned , or “return” f128 , the captivity of my people ; the people of Judah from the Babylonish captivity; so that here is a prophecy both of their captivity, and of their return from it: and it may be applied unto their return from their spiritual captivity to sin, Satan, and the law, through the Gospel of Christ and his apostles, first published in Judea, by means of which there was a large harvest of souls gathered in, and was an occasion of great joy.
Matthew Henry Commentary The Divine judgments against Israel. (Hos. 5:1-7) Approachin desolations threatened. (Hos. 5:8-15) Hos. 5:1-7 The piercing eye of God saw secret liking and disposition to sin, the love the house of Israel had to their sins, and the dominio their sins had over them. Pride makes men obstinate in other sins. An as Judah was treading in the same steps, they would fall with Israel By dealing treacherously with the Lord, men only deceive themselves Those that go to seek the Lord with their flocks and their herds only and not with their hearts and souls, cannot expect to find him; no shall any speed who do not seek the Lord while he may be found. See ho much it is our concern to seek God early, now, while it is the accepte time, and the day of salvation. Hos. 5:8-15 The destruction of impenitent sinners is not mere talk, to frighten them, it is a sentence which will not be recalled. And it is mercy that we have timely warning given us, that we may flee from the wrath to come. Compliance with the commandments of men, who thwart the commandments of God, ripens a people for ruin. The judgments of God ar sometimes to a sinful people as a moth, and as rottenness, or as worm; as these consume the clothes and the wood, so shall the judgment of God consume them. Silently, they shall think themselves safe an thriving, but when they look into their state, shall find themselve wasting and decaying. Slowly, for the Lord gives them space to repent Many a nation; as well as many a person, dies of a consumption Gradually, God comes upon sinners with lesser judgments, to preven greater, if they will be wise, and take warning. When Israel and Juda found themselves in danger, they sought the protection of the Assyrians, but this only helped to make their wound the worse. The would be forced to apply to God. He will bring them home to himself, by afflictions. When men begin to complain more of their sins than of their afflictions, then there begins to be some hope of them; and when under the conviction of sin, and the corrections of the rod, we mus seek the knowledge of God. Those who are led by severe trials to see God earnestly and sincerely, will find him a present help and a effectual refuge; for with him is plenteous redemption for all who cal upon him. There is solid peace, and there only, where God is __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew גם 1571 יהודה 3063 שׁת 7896 קציר 7105 לך בשׁובי 7725 שׁבות 7622 עמי׃ 5971
| CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11