SEV Biblia, Chapter 20:6
Bienaventurado y santo el que tiene parte en la primera resurreccin; la segunda muerte no tiene potestad en stos; antes sern sacerdotes de Dios y del Cristo, y reinarn con l mil aos.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Revelation 20:6
Verse 6. Blessed] makariov? Happy. And holy; he was holy, and therefore he suffered for the testimony of Jesus in the time when nothing but holiness was called to such a trial. The first resurrection] Supposed to be that of the martyrs, mentioned above.
The second death] Punishment in the eternal world; such is the acceptation of the phrase among the ancient Jews.
Hath no power] ouk ecei exousian? Hath no authority-no dominion over him. This is also a rabbinical mode of speech. In Erubin, fol. 19, 1; Chagiga, fol. 27, 1: "Res Lakish said, The fire of hell hath no power over an Israelite who sins. Rab. Elieser says; The fire of hell hath no power over the disciples of the wise men."
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 6. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection , etc.] This may be considered either as descriptive of the persons that shall partake of this privilege; as that they are only such who are blessed with spiritual blessings, with a justifying righteousness, with pardon of sin, and regenerating grace, and who are sanctified by the Spirit of God; these, and these only, will be first raised, and will be called to inherit the kingdom prepared for them, ( Matthew 25:34) or else as expressive of their happiness and holiness when raised; they shall be perfectly blessed in soul and body, and perfectly holy in both: they shall be blessed, for on such the second death hath no power ; which is the lake of fire, ( Revelation 20:14 21:8) the sense is, they shall escape everlasting burnings, the fire of hell, the torment and misery of the wicked; they shall be delivered from wrath to come; and as their bodies will die no more, their souls will not be subject to any sense of wrath, or to any sort of punishment: and they will be holy; they will have no sin in them: but they will be priests of God and of Christ ; of God the Father, and of his Son Jesus Christ, being made so to the former by the latter, ( Revelation 1:6) or of God, even of Christ, that is, of God, who is Christ, since it follows: and shall reign with him ; they will be wholly devoted to and employed in the service of God and of Christ, and will be continually offering up the sacrifices of praise, or singing the song of the Lamb, adoring the grace and goodness of God and Christ unto them, shown them both in providence and in grace: and shall reign with him a thousand years ; this is mentioned again, partly to assert the certainty of it, and partly to point at the blessedness of the risen saints.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 4-6 - Here is an account of the reign of the saints, for the same space of time as Satan is bound. Those who suffer with Christ, shall reign with him in his spiritual and heavenly kingdom, in conformity to him in his wisdom, righteousness, and holiness: this is called the firs resurrection, with which none but those who serve Christ, and suffe for him, shall be favoured. The happiness of these servants of God is declared. None can be blessed but those that are holy; and all that ar holy shall be blessed. We know something thing of what the first deat is, and it is very awful; but we know not what this second death is. I must be much more dreadful; it is the death of the soul, eterna separation from God. May we never know what it is: those who have bee made partakers of a spiritual resurrection, are saved from the power of the second death. We may expect that a thousand years will follow the destruction of the antichristian, idolatrous, persecuting powers during which pure Christianity, in doctrine, worship, and holiness will be made known over all the earth. By the all-powerful working of the Holy Spirit, fallen man will be new-created; and faith and holines will as certainly prevail, as unbelief and unholiness now do. We ma easily perceive what a variety of dreadful pains, diseases, and othe calamities would cease, if all men were true and consistent Christians All the evils of public and private contests would be ended, an happiness of every kind largely increased. Every man would try to lighten suffering, instead of adding to the sorrows around him. It is our duty to pray for the promised glorious days, and to do every thin in our public and private stations which can prepare for them.
Greek Textus Receptus
μακαριος 3107 και 2532 αγιος 40 ο 3588 εχων 2192 5723 μερος 3313 εν 1722 τη 3588 αναστασει 386 τη 3588 πρωτη 4413 επι 1909 τουτων 5130 ο 3588 θανατος 2288 ο 3588 δευτερος 1208 ουκ 3756 εχει 2192 5719 εξουσιαν 1849 αλλ 235 εσονται 2071 5704 ιερεις 2409 του 3588 θεου 2316 και 2532 του 3588 χριστου 5547 και 2532 βασιλευσουσιν 936 5692 μετ 3326 αυτου 846 χιλια 5507 ετη 2094
Vincent's NT Word Studies
6. Hath part (ecwn merov). A phrase peculiar to John as referring to a person. Compare John xiii. 8.
Second death. See on ch. ii. 11.