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PARALLEL BIBLE - Revelation 2:1 CHAPTERS: Revelation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
World English Bible"To the angel of the assembly in Ephesus write: "He who holds the seven stars in his right hand, he who walks among the seven golden lampstands says these things:
Douay-Rheims - Revelation 2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write: These things saith he, who holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks:
Webster's Bible Translation To the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
Greek Textus Receptus τω 3588 αγγελω 32 της 3588 εφεσινης 2179 εκκλησιας 1577 γραψον 1125 5657 ταδε 3592 λεγει 3004 5719 ο 3588 κρατων 2902 5723 τους 3588 επτα 2033 αστερας 792 εν 1722 τη 3588 δεξια 1188 αυτου 846 ο 3588 περιπατων 4043 5723 εν 1722 μεσω 3319 των 3588 επτα 2033 λυχνιων 3087 των 3588 χρυσων 5552
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge VERSE (1) - :8,12,18; 3:1,7,14
SEV Biblia, Chapter 2:1 ¶ Escribe al �ngel de la Iglesia de Efeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el cual anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice estas cosas:
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Revelation 2:1 Verse 1. Unto the angel of the Church of Ephesus] By aggelov, angel, we are to understand the messenger or person sent by God to preside over this Church; and to him the epistle is directed, not as pointing out his state, but the state of the Church under his care. Angel of the Church here answers exactly to that officer of the synagogue among the Jews called rwbyx jyl� sheliach tsibbur, the messenger of the Church, whose business it was to read, pray, and teach in the synagogue. The Church at Ephesus is first addressed, as being the place where John chiefly resided; and the city itself was the metropolis of that part of Asia. The angel or bishop at this time was most probably Timothy, who presided over that Church before St. John took up his residence there, and who is supposed to have continued in that office till A.D. 97, and to have been martyred a short time before St. John's return from Patmos. Holdeth the seven stars] Who particularly preserves, and guides, and upholds, not only the ministers of those seven Churches, but all the genuine ministers of his Gospel, in all ages and places. Walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks] Is the supreme Bishop and Head, not only of those Churches, but of all the Churches or congregations of his people throughout the world.
Ver. 1. Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write , etc.] Of the city of Ephesus, (see Gill on � Revelation 1:11�) and (see Gill on � Acts 18:19�). The church here seems to have been founded by the Apostle Paul, who continued here two years, by which means all Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, ( Acts 19:10); of this church, (see Gill on � Acts 20:17�); it is named first, because it was the largest, most populous, and famous, and was nearest to Patmos, where John now was, and most known to him, it being the place where he had resided; and it was the place from whence the Gospel came to others, and spread itself in lesser Asia; but especially it is first written to, because it represented the church in the apostolic age; so that this letter contains the things which are, ( Revelation 1:19); and in its very name, to the state of this church in Ephesus, there may be an allusion; either to efesiv , �ephesis�, which signifies �desire�, and may be expressive of the fervent love of that pure and apostolic church to Jesus Christ at the beginning of it; their eager desire after more knowledge of him, and communion with him; after his word and ordinances, and the maintaining of the purity of them; after the spread of his Gospel, and the enlargement of his kingdom in the world; as well as after fellowship with the saints, and the spiritual welfare of each other: the allusion may be also to afesiv , �aphesis�, which signifies �remission�, or an abatement; and so may point out the remissness and decay of the first love of these primitive Christians, towards the close of this state; of the abatement of the fervency of it, of which complaint is made in this epistle, and not without cause. This epistle is inscribed to the angel of this church, or the pastor of it; why ministers are called angels, (see Gill on � Revelation 1:20�); some think this was Timothy, whom the Apostle Paul sent thither, and desired him to continue there, ( Timothy 1:3), there was one Onesimus bishop of Ephesus, when Polycarp was bishop of Smyrna, of whom he makes mention in his epistle to the Ephesians, and bids fair to be this angel; though if any credit could be given to the Apostolic Constitutions the bishop of this place was one John, who is said to be ordained by the Apostle John, and is thought to be the same with John the elder f48 , the master of Papias; but though only one is mentioned, yet all the elders of this church, for there were more than one, (see Acts 20:17); are included; and not they only, but the whole church over whom they presided; for what was written was ordered to be sent to the church, and was sent by John, (see Revelation 1:4,11); the letter was sent to the pastor or pastors, to the whole body of ministers, by them to be communicated to the church; and not only to this particular church did this letter and the contents of it belong, but to all the churches of Christ within the period of the apostolic age, as may be concluded from ( Revelation 2:7). These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand ; the Syriac version reads, �that holds all things, and these seven stars in his right hand�; for the explanation of this character of Christ, (see Gill on � Revelation 1:16�); only let it be observed how suitably this is prefixed to the church at Ephesus, and which represents the state of the churches in the times of the apostles; in which place, and during which interval, our Lord remarkably held his ministering: servants as stars in his right hand; he held and protected the Apostle Paul for two years in this place, and preserved him and his companions safe amidst the uproar raised by Demetrius the silversmith about them; here also he protected Timothy at a time when there were many adversaries, and kept the elders of this church pure, notwithstanding the erroneous persons that rose up among them; and last of all the Apostle John, who here resided, and died in peace, notwithstanding the rage and fury of his persecutors: likewise Christ in a very visible manner held all his faithful ministers during this period in his right hand, safe and secure, until they had done the work they were sent about, and preserved them in purity of doctrine and conversation; so that their light in both respects shone brightly before men. Moreover, as this title of Christ is prefixed to the epistle to the first of the churches, and its pastor or pastors, it may be considered as relating to, and holding good of all the ministers of the Gospel and pastors of the other churches; and likewise of all the churches in successive ages to the end of the world, as the following one also refers to all the churches themselves: who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks ; (see Gill on � Revelation 1:12�); (see Gill on � Revelation 1:13�); Christ was not only present with, and took his walks in this church at Ephesus, but in all the churches of that period, comparable to candlesticks, which held forth the light of the Gospel, and that in order as the antitype of Aaron, to him these lamps, and likewise in all his churches to the end of the world; see ( Matthew 28:20).
Matthew Henry Commentary Verses 1-7 - These churches were in such different states as to purity of doctrin and the power of godliness, that the words of Christ to them wil always suit the cases of other churches, and professors. Christ know and observes their state; though in heaven, yet he walks in the mids of his churches on earth, observing what is wrong in them, and what they want. The church of Ephesus is commended for diligence in duty Christ keeps an account of every hour's work his servants do for him and their labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. But it is not enoug that we are diligent; there must be bearing patience, and there must be waiting patience. And though we must show all meekness to all men, ye we must show just zeal against their sins. The sin Christ charged thi church with, is, not the having left and forsaken the object of love but having lost the fervent degree of it that at first appeared. Chris is displeased with his people, when he sees them grow remiss and col toward him. Surely this mention in Scripture, of Christians forsakin their first love, reproves those who speak of it with carelessness, an thus try to excuse indifference and sloth in themselves and others; ou Saviour considers this indifference as sinful. They must repent: the must be grieved and ashamed for their sinful declining, and humbl confess it in the sight of God. They must endeavour to recover their first zeal, tenderness, and seriousness, and must pray as earnestly and watch as diligently, as when they first set out in the ways of God If the presence of Christ's grace and Spirit is slighted, we may expec the presence of his displeasure. Encouraging mention is made of what was good among them. Indifference as to truth and error, good and evil may be called charity and meekness, but it is not so; and it is displeasing to Christ. The Christian life is a warfare against sin Satan, the world, and the flesh. We must never yield to our spiritual enemies, and then we shall have a glorious triumph and reward. All wh persevere, shall derive from Christ, as the Tree of life, perfectio and confirmation in holiness and happiness, not in the earthl paradise, but in the heavenly. This is a figurative expression, take from the account of the garden of Eden, denoting the pure satisfactory, and eternal joys of heaven; and the looking forward to them in this world, by faith, communion with Christ, and the consolations of the Holy Spirit. Believers, take your wrestling lif here, and expect and look for a quiet life hereafter; but not til then: the word of God never promises quietness and complete freedo from conflict here.
τω 3588 αγγελω 32 της 3588 εφεσινης 2179 εκκλησιας 1577 γραψον 1125 5657 ταδε 3592 λεγει 3004 5719 ο 3588 κρατων 2902 5723 τους 3588 επτα 2033 αστερας 792 εν 1722 τη 3588 δεξια 1188 αυτου 846 ο 3588 περιπατων 4043 5723 εν 1722 μεσω 3319 των 3588 επτα 2033 λυχνιων 3087 των 3588 χρυσων 5552
Vincent's NT Word Studies 1. Ephesus. Ephesus was built near the sea, in the valley of the Cayster, under the shadows of Coressus and Prion. In the time of Paul it was the metropolis of the province of Asia. It was styled by Pliny the Light of Asia. Its harbor, though partly filled up, was crowded with vessels, and it lay at the junction of roads which gave it access to the whole interior continent. Its markets were the "Vanity Fair" of Asia. Herodotus says:"The Ionians of Asia have built their cities in a region where the air and climate are the most beautiful in the whole world; for no other region is equally blessed with Ionia. For in other countries, either the climate is over-cold and damp, or else the heat and drought are sorely oppressive" (i., 142). In Paul's time it was the residence of the Roman proconsul; and the degenerate inhabitants descended to every species of flattery in order to maintain the favor of Rome. The civilization of the city was mingled Greek and Oriental. It was the head-quarters of the magical art, and various superstitions were represented by different priestly bodies. The great temple of Diana, the Oriental, not the Greek divinity, was ranked among the seven wonders of the world, and Ephesus called herself its sacristan (see on Acts xix. 27). To it attached the right of asylum. Legend related that when the temple was finished, Mithridates stood on its summit and declared that the right of asylum should extend in a circle round it, as far as he could shoot an arrow; and the arrow miraculously flew a furlong. This fact encouraged moral contagion. The temple is thus described by Canon Farrar: "It had been built with ungrudging magnificence out of contributions furnished by all Asia - the very women contributing to it their jewels, as the Jewish women had done of old for the Tabernacle of the Wilderness. To avoid the danger of earthquakes, its foundations were built at vast cost on artificial foundations of skin and charcoal laid over the marsh. It gleamed far off with a star-like radiance. Its peristyle consisted of one hundred and twenty pillars of the Ionic order, hewn out of Parian marble. Its doors of carved cypress wood were surmounted by transoms so vast and solid that the aid of miracles was invoked to account for their elevation. The staircase, which led to the roof, was said to have been cut out of a single vine of Cyprus. Some of the pillars were carved with designs of exquisite beauty. Within were the masterpieces of Praxiteles and Phidias and Scopas and Polycletus. Paintings by the greatest of Greek artists, of which one - the likeness of Alexander the Great by Apelles - had been bought for a sum equal in value to �5,000 of modern money, adorned the inner walls. The roof of the temple itself was of cedar-wood, supported by columns of jasper on bases of Parian marble. On these pillars hung gifts of priceless value, the votive offerings of grateful superstition. At the end of it stood the great altar adorned by the bas-relief of Praxiteles, behind which fell the vast folds of a purple curtain. Behind this curtain was the dark and awful shrine in which stood the most sacred idol of classic heathendom; and again, behind the shrine, was the room which, inviolable under divine protection, was regarded as the wealthiest and securest bank in the ancient world "("Life and Work of St. Paul," ii., 12). Next to Rome, Ephesus was the principal seat of Paul's labors. He devoted three years to that city. The commonly received tradition represents John as closing his apostolic career there. Nothing in early Church history is better attested than his residence and work in Ephesus, the center of the circle of churches established by Paul in Ionia and Phrygia. Who walketh (o peripatwn). More than standeth. The word expresses Christ's activity on behalf of His Church.
| CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29