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PARALLEL HISTORY BIBLE - Hosea 11:10 CHAPTERS: Hosea 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
LXX- Greek Septuagint - Hosea 11:10 οπισω 3694 κυριου 2962 πορευσομαι 4198 5695 ως 5613 λεων 3023 ερευξεται οτι 3754 αυτος 846 ωρυσεται και 2532 εκστησονται τεκνα 5043 υδατων 5204
Douay Rheims Bible They shall walk after the Lord, he shall roar as a lion: because he shall roar, and the children of the sea shall fear.
King James Bible - Hosea 11:10 They shall walk after the LORD: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall tremble from the west.
World English Bible They will walk after Yahweh, who will roar like a lion; for he will roar, and the children will come trembling from the west.
Early Church Father Links Anf-05 iv.v.xii.iii.vii Pg 8
World Wide Bible Resources Hosea 11:10
Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325) Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxxv Pg 5 Isa. ii. 5 f. even so it is necessary for us here to observe that there are two seeds of Judah, and two races, as there are two houses of Jacob: the one begotten by blood and flesh, the other by faith and the Spirit. Anf-03 iv.ix.iv Pg 9 I am not acquainted with any such passage. Oehler refers to Isa. xlix. in his margin, but gives no verse, and omits to notice this passage of the present treatise in his index. Thus, therefore, before this temporal sabbath, there was withal an eternal sabbath foreshown and foretold; just as before the carnal circumcision there was withal a spiritual circumcision foreshown. In short, let them teach us, as we have already premised, that Adam observed the sabbath; or that Abel, when offering to God a holy victim, pleased Him by a religious reverence for the sabbath; or that Enoch, when translated, had been a keeper of the sabbath; or that Noah the ark-builder observed, on account of the deluge, an immense sabbath; or that Abraham, in observance of the sabbath, offered Isaac his son; or that Melchizedek in his priesthood received the law of the sabbath. Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 29 See Jer. ii. 10–12. and “the sun grew dark at mid-day:”1408 1408
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 32 ὑδατος ζωῆς in the LXX. here (ed. Tischendorf, who quotes the Cod. Alex. as reading, however, ὑδατος ζῶντος). Comp. Rev. xxii. 1, 17, and xxi. 6; John vii. 37–39. (The reference, it will be seen, is still to Jer. ii. 10–13; but the writer has mixed up words of Amos therewith.) and they have digged for themselves worn-out tanks, which will not be able to contain water.” Undoubtedly, by not receiving Christ, the “fount of water of life,” they have begun to have “worn-out tanks,” that is, synagogues for the use of the “dispersions of the Gentiles,”1411 1411 Anf-01 vi.ii.ix Pg 10 Isa. i. 10. And again He saith, “Hear, ye children, the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”1557 1557 Cod. Sin. reads, “it is the voice,” corrected, however, as above. Therefore He hath circumcised our ears, that we might hear His word and believe, for the circumcision in which they trusted is abolished.1558
Anf-01 ix.vi.xlii Pg 14 Isa. i. 10. intimating that they were like the Sodomites in wickedness, and that the same description of sins was rife among them, calling them by the same name, because of the similarity of their conduct. And inasmuch as they were not by nature so created by God, but had power also to act rightly, the same person said to them, giving them good counsel, “Wash ye, make you clean; take away iniquity from your souls before mine eyes; cease from your iniquities.”4447 4447
Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 22 Isa. i. 10. when those cities had already long been extinct.1268 1268
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xiii Pg 28 Isa. i. 10. And in another passage He also says: “Thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite,”3281 3281
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxvii Pg 25 Isa. i. 10. who forbids us “to put confidence even in princes,”4598 4598
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxi Pg 36 Isa. lvii. i. When does this more frequently happen than in the persecution of His saints? This, indeed, is no ordinary matter,4291 4291 We have, by understanding res, treated these adjectives as nouns. Rigalt. applies them to the doctrina of the sentence just previous. Perhaps, however, “persecutione” is the noun. no common casualty of the law of nature; but it is that illustrious devotion, that fighting for the faith, wherein whosoever loses his life for God saves it, so that you may here again recognize the Judge who recompenses the evil gain of life with its destruction, and the good loss thereof with its salvation. It is, however, a jealous God whom He here presents to me; one who returns evil for evil. “For whosoever,” says He, “shall be ashamed of me, of him will I also be ashamed.”4292 4292 Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxii Pg 3 Isa. i. 23. Now, if you know certain amongst us to be of this sort, do not for their sakes blaspheme the Scriptures and Christ, and do not assiduously strive to give falsified interpretations.
Anf-01 ix.vi.iii Pg 21 Isa. i. 23. And Jeremiah, in like manner: “They,” he says, “who rule my people did not know me; they are senseless and imprudent children; they are wise to do evil, but to do well they have no knowledge.”3822 3822
Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 49.1 Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 20 Isa. xxxi. 9, Isa. xxxii. 1. And with regard to the foundation on which it shall be rebuilt, he says: “Behold, I will lay in order for thee a carbuncle stone, and sapphire for thy foundations; and I will lay thy ramparts with jasper, and thy gates with crystal, and thy wall with choice stones: and all thy children shall be taught of God, and great shall be the peace of thy children; and in righteousness shalt thou be built up.”4763 4763 Anf-01 ii.ii.xlii Pg 9 Isa. lx. 17, Sept.; but the text is here altered by Clement. The LXX. have “I will give thy rulers in peace, and thy overseers in righteousness.”
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxvii Pg 27 Isa. lx. 17. Of whom also did the Lord declare, “Who then shall be a faithful steward (actor), good and wise, whom the Lord sets over His household, to give them their meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when He cometh, shall find so doing.”4171 4171 Anf-01 viii.ii.lii Pg 2 Ezek. xxxvii. 7, 8; Isa. xlv. 24. And in what kind of sensation and punishment the wicked are to be, hear from what was said in like manner with reference to this; it is as follows: “Their worm shall not rest, and their fire shall not be quenched;”1877 1877 Isa. lxvi. 24. and then shall they repent, when it profits them not. And what the people of the Jews shall say and do, when they see Him coming in glory, has been thus predicted by Zechariah the prophet: “I will command the four winds to gather the scattered children; I will command the north wind to bring them, and the south wind, that it keep not back. And then in Jerusalem there shall be great lamentation, not the lamentation of mouths or of lips, but the lamentation of the heart; and they shall rend not their garments, but their hearts. Tribe by tribe they shall mourn, and then they shall look on Him whom they have pierced; and they shall say, Why, O Lord, hast Thou made us to err from Thy way? The glory which our fathers blessed, has for us been turned into shame.”1878 1878
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 11VERSE (10) - Isa 2:5; 49:10 Jer 2:2; 7:6,9; 31:9 Mic 4:5 Zec 10:12 Joh 8:12