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    102:1 [] <> Kurie, eisakouson thV proseuchV mou, kai h kraugh mou aV elqh proV se.

    102:2 Mh kruyhV to proswpon sou ap' emou× kaq' hn hmeran qlibomai, klinon proV eme to wtion sou× kaq' hn hmeran se epikaloumai, tacewV epakoue mou.

    102:3 Dioti exelipon wV kapnoV ai hmerai mou, kai ta osta mou wV fruganon katexhranqhsan.

    102:4 Eplhgwqh h kardia mou kai exhranqh wV cortoV, wste elhsmonhsa na trwgw ton arton mou.

    102:5 Apo fwnhV tou stenagmou mou ekollhqhsan ta osta mou eiV to derma mou.

    102:6 Katestaqhn omoioV tou erhmikou pelekanoV× egeina wV nuktokorax en taiV erhmoiV.

    102:7 Agrupnw kai eimai wV strouqion monazon epi dwmatoV.

    102:8 Olhn thn hmeran me oneidizousin oi ecqroi mou× oi mainomenoi omnuousi kat' emou.

    102:9 Dioti efagon stakthn wV arton kai sunekerasa me dakrua to poton mou,

    102:10 Ex aitiaV thV orghV sou kai thV aganakthsewV sou× dioti shkwsaV me erriyaV katw.

    102:11 Ai hmerai mou parercontai wV skia, kai egw exhranqhn wV cortoV.

    102:12 [] Su de, Kurie, eiV ton aiwna diameneiV, kai to mnhmosunon sou eiV genean kai genean.

    102:13 Su qeleiV shkwqh, qeleiV splagcnisqh thn Siwn× dioti einai kairoV na elehshV authn, dioti o diwrismenoV kairoV efqasen.

    102:14 Epeidh oi douloi sou areskontai eiV touV liqouV authV kai splagcnizontai to cwma authV.

    102:15 Tote ta eqnh qelousi fobhqh to onoma tou Kuriou, kai panteV oi basileiV thV ghV thn doxan sou.

    102:16 Otan o KurioV oikodomhsh thn Siwn qelei fanh en th doxa autou.

    102:17 Qelei epibleyei epi thn proseuchn twn egkataleleimmenwn kai den qelei katafronhsei thn dehsin autwn.

    102:18 Touto qelei grafqh dia thn genean thn epercomenhn× kai o laoV, ostiV qelei dhmiourghqh, qelei ainei ton Kurion.

    102:19 Dioti ekuyen ek tou uyouV tou agiasthriou autou, ex ouranou epebleyen o KurioV epi thn ghn,

    102:20 dia na akoush ton stenagmon twn desmiwn, dia na lush touV katadedikasmenouV eiV qanaton×

    102:21 dia na khruttwsin en Siwn to onoma tou Kuriou kai thn ainesin autou en Ierousalhm,

    102:22 otan sunacqwsin omou oi laoi kai ai basileiai, dia na douleuswsi ton Kurion.

    102:23 [] Hdunatisen en th odw thn iscun mou× suneteme taV hmeraV mou.

    102:24 Egw eipa, mh me arpashV, Qee mou, en tw hmisei twn hmerwn mou× ta eth sou einai eiV geneaV genewn.

    102:25 Kat' arcaV su, Kurie, thn ghn eqemeliwsaV, kai erga twn ceirwn sou einai oi ouranoi.

    102:26 Autoi qelousin apolesqh, su de diameneiV× kai panteV wV imation qelousi palaiwqh× wV perienduma qeleiV tulixei autouV, kai qelousin allacqh×

    102:27 su omwV eisai o autoV, kai ta eth sou den qelousin ekleiyei.

    102:28 Oi uioi twn doulwn sou qelousi katoikei, kai to sperma autwn qelei diamenei enwpion sou.


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