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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Abraham, humility of, 175, 439; heartiness of, 237; varied life of, 330; craft of, 350. Aceldama, how a witness of the truth, 508. Adam, temptation of, 80-1, 92; life of described, 417. Adoption, may be useless, 59; intimated by Christ, 94. Adultery, the Jews' law of, 23; Christ's law of, 116-9; evils of, 300. Advent, the first, 38; the second, 448, 458; will be in the night, 464, 470; is not near, 470. Agony, the, how ordered and why, 497. Almsgiving, merit of, 30, 35, 73, 268, 314, 325, 408, 467-8, 482, 500; duty of, 295, 395, 408, 441, 496, 523, 533; rule of, 100, 131, 235, 325, 433-5, 509; examples of, 395. (See Charity.) Angels, ministry of, 30, 83, 368, 502, 527. Anger, how to be tamed, 23; when right, 110; evils of, 127, 319, 479, 518; how caused, 429. Anointing, cures effected by, 217. Antichrist, coming of, 458, 464. Antioch, people of, ceremonious, 129; riotous, 217; profane, 248; given to theatricals, 248; worldly, 370; ungrateful to God, 377; uncharitable, 390, 509, 523; luxurious, 430; population of, 510. Apostles, the, inspiration of, 2, 222; how victorious, 4, 14, 57; how rulers of the kingdom, 6; teachers in the Church, 73; reward of, sure, 85, 227, 229; call of, 87-8; represented all Christians, 91; above the Prophets, 97; slow to understand the truth, 104, 190, 318, 327, 398, 502; firmness of, 169; how trained by Christ, 190, 212, 215, 227; mission of, how seasonable, 213; list of, 213; why not sent to Samaritans, 214; why to be provided for, 215; to bid peace, 216; first mission of, prophetic, 219; how like sheep and doves, 220; how proved in the Acts, 221; aids and trials of, 221; above heathen heroes, 222; case of, worse than ours, 224; when to flee, 227; will be justified, 227; boldness of, 228; how to confess Christ, 229; how to hate life, etc., 233; how encouraged by Christ, 234; how humbled, 251; kindness of, 284; how leavened the Church, 290; why employed in the miracle of loaves, 305; why washed not, 315; why sharply rebuked, 318; begin to believe, 327; varied life of, 330; why questioned at Cæsarea Philippi, 332; confession of, inferior to Peter's, 333; leaders of, who, 345; lovers of mankind, 389; how to be judges, 393; how warned of the Passion, and why, 398; when first perfect, 401; reconciled by Christ, 401; how all equal, 438; deaths of, predicted, 446; physicians of the soul, 448; eager for the Advent, 450; why warned of the Jews'troubles, 451; triumph of, 453; encouraged against troubles, 458; how prepared for the Passion, 477, 502-3; why against Mary of Bethany, 481; flight of, predicted, 493; what taught, at the Agony, 498; what, at the Betrayal, 502-3; commission of, 531; blessed in poverty, 533. Aristippus, censure of, 222. Ascension, a proof of Christ's equality with the Father, 45. Astrology, condemned, 36, 454. Babylonish captivity, why mentioned in the genealogy, 20, 40. Baptism (of Christ), twofold, 10; a second beginning of the, gospel, 44; virtue of the, 71; humiliation of, 75; reasons for, 62, 75. Baptism (of John), how for remission of sins, 62; prepared for Christ's, 63; effect of, on the Jews, 63; of what value, 70, 71. Baptism, sin after, dangerous, 26, 59, 60, 78; how to be recovered, 467; followed by temptation, 80; makes men brothers, 475. Beatitudes, the, connection of, 96; the seeds of Christian doctrine, 105. Beauty, what it is, and where, 231. Bethlehem, the glory of, 39, 44, 47; the slaughter at, 55-7. Blessing, frequent use of, in the early Church, 216, (note). Blind men at Jericho, praise of, 404. Body, the, decay of, how a benefit, 230. Brethren, of Christ, 33, 522, note. British Isles, 481. Canaan, woman of, why praised, 322. Carefulness, reasons against, 147, 153. Centurion, the, faith of, 176-8. Charity, of timely interference, 101; which the greatest, 126; extent of, 127; contrasted with riches, 166; the root of all good, 291; true motive of, what, 374; how to be shown, 468; easiness of, 472. (See Almsgiving.) Children, wherein our example, 385. Children, the Three, humble confession of, 18, 92; glory of, 22, 99, 226; temperance of, 55. Christ, law of, simple, 5; twofold birth of, 9; why called Jesus, 10, 25; why traced up to David, 10; why to Thamar, 15; reserved in teaching the Incarnation, 15, 44; birth of, full of mysteries, 22; how to be called Immanuel, 32; brethren of, why so called, 33; witnessed by His enemies, 44; revealed Himself gradually, 44; favored the Jews first, 45; why sent into Egypt, 51; why settled at Nazareth, 58; why came to John's baptism, 62; His baptism far greater than John's, 71; why taught by natural emblems, 72; indwelling of, mysterious, 73; why humbled Himself to be baptized, 75; why went into the desert, 80; why fasted, 80; temptation of, contrasted with Adam's, 82; in temptation represented us, 83; why went into Galilee, 86; why waited for John's imprisonment, 87; reserved His doctrine at first, 87; preached to all, through His disciples, 91; why referred sometimes to His Father's power only, 103; how fulfilled the law, 104; and enlarged it, 105, 108; legislates with authority, 107; uses temporal sanctions, 114; why begins with the second table, 115; straitened the law of marriage, 119; how far forbids display, 131; what most loves and hates, 137; prepares to teach greater strictness, 148; why teaches from the lower creatures, 148, why from the lilies, 150; why referred often to the Father, 151; acted what He taught, 151; why enjoins reserve, 159; law of, how easy, 162; why repeated John's threat, 164; forbearing, even in judgment, 165; often enforces obedience, 168, 170; joined miracles with doctrine, 172; intimates His Divinity to the leper, 172; His care to keep Himself in our minds, 175; draws out men's faith, 176, 206, 404; encourages high thoughts of Himself, 177; why repeated His miracles, 185; rejects some, invites others, 186-7; answers to men's thoughts, 186, 196, 264, 329, 387; intimates His Divinity in healing the demoniacs, 191, in the cure of the paralytic, 196; careful to prove His miracles, 197; why sat with sinners, 200; reproved ignorance of Holy Scripture, 201; teaches reserve and caution, 204-5; how prepared for His miracles, 206; merciful according to faith, 211; why went on circuit, 212; why sent out the Twelve, 213; His merciful care for them, 215; how much worked in them, 223; will own His saints, 229; how sent war, 232; encourages His ministers, 234; His mercy contrasted with ours, 235; His answer to John's message, 239; His account of John, 245; how superior to John, 246; His joy in the gospel, 251; declares His Divinity, 252; His yoke, how easy, 253; straitened the law of the sabbath, 257; His reserve and its end foretold, 260; defends His miracles, 264; foresaw the Jews' unbelief, 274; how like Jonah, 274; why rebuked His kindred, 279; His treatment of His Mother, 280; willed the Jews' salvation, 285; His Mercy, a reason for ours, 286; His cure for His countrymen, 297; why prayed in some miracles only, 304; His Divinity recognized, on the sea, 312; how far condemned tradition, 315; prepares to abrogate Judaism, 316; His doctrine of meats, 318; what favoured, in the woman of Canaan, 323; why refused a sign, 329; why reproved His disciples, and in what spirit, 329-30; how asserted His Divinity to Peter, 333; how long reserved as to His Passion, 334; what teaches by Peter, 335; extent of His promises, 337; would have willing service, 339; how to be followed, 340; Merciful in severity, 340; why Transfigured, 345; always spake of His Passion after His miracles, 353; His care of the possessed, 355; shewed His Sonship by the tribute money, 358; His care for little ones, 368; aims wholly at repentance, 373; who "gathered in His Name," 374; His love, the source of ours, 375; our pattern of forgiveness, 380; His law of marriage, 383; recommended what, in children, 385; reproved what, in the rich young man, 388; His promises conditional, 392; prepared the twelve for His Passion, 398; why gives not Heaven Himself, 400; His care to reconcile the Twelve, 401; His care to shew the faith of those whom He healed, 404; His power shewn in entering the city, 405; His self-denial, 405; His wisdom in answering the elders, 411; His severity to the Pharisees, 427; draws men on to own His Godhead, 432; why referred to David, 432; respects authority even in the bad, 436; predicts His Passion, 445; His Judgment, 448; His grief for Jerusalem, 447; why warned the Jews, 448; His power shewn in the time of preaching the gospel, 452; how to come to Judgment, 459; would be followed of choice, 460; is all in all to Christians, 461; forbids curiosity, 463; why spoke as if ignorant of the Day, 464-5; how overcame Satan, 473; is in His poor, 475; how declared His Passion, 477; how loved His enemies, 477; His considerateness, 481; why kept the Passover, 485; His Mercy to Judas, 486, 491, 498, to the Jews, 503, 512, 521; why partook of the Supper, 492; why ate and drank after His rising, 492; why went into Galilee, 493; why needed to pray, 494; yielded Himself freely, yet shewed His Power, 499, 503; how to be entertained, 500; glorious under insult, 504; why silent before Pilate, 511; suffered in all His members, 516; why spake aloud on the Cross, 521; is in His poor, 522; how to be embraced, 527; how always present with His Church, 531; (See Divinity, Humanity, Economy, Passion, etc.) Christians, must be more righteous than Jews, 258; more than the Pharisees, 395; to fight for one another, 369; to act rightly, without respect to others, 396; guilt of, extreme, 455; should obey Christ of choice, 460; vanquished because of their own unsoundness, 523; arms of, 524. Church, the, in the Patriarchs, 16; fidelity of, shewn in Ruth, 17; is the "Salt of the earth," the "Light," the "City," the "Candle," 97-8; how increased, 290; the last appeal, 373; charity of, 407; trials of, 452; triumph of, 453; whereon built, 494. (See Kingdom, Gospel.) Church Offerings, how far commendable, 313, 482. Church Service, God speaks in, 7; how to be improved, 73; a spiritual school, 122; sin of irreverence in, 139, 216; preparation for, 319; lewd looks in, reproved, 443. Circumcision, law of, how far, and when, repealed, 316. City of God, its glories, 7, 8, 10, 78, 79. Commandment, the eighth, how implied in the ninth, 120. Communion, Holy, how to be improved, 31; deserted for the stage, 48; why private, 160; how a sacrifice of thanksgiving, 174; intended for a bond of brotherly love, 218; sin of profaning, 242; dignity of, 312; could not soften Judas, 491; the profane not to be received at, 123, 496. (See Sacraments.) Concord, blessedness of, 374. Confession, the truest thanksgiving, 18. Consolation, whence to be sought by mourners, 209; sources of, in death, 331. Continence, a gift, but attainable, 384. Corinthians, sin of, 41; repentance of, 13. Covetousness, how punished here, 60; akin to sensuality, 61; blinds the soul, 143; dangerous, 144; unnatural, 145, 194; heathenish, 152; a madness, 193, 320; how wasteful, 194; in feasts, reproved, 301; exhortation against, 426; how to be cured, 449; extreme guilt of, 475; in Judas, 482; description of, 483; nakedness of, 488; self-wounded, 489; the worst vice, 489; ensnaring, 499; insatiable, 499; miserable, 500; forbidden even in thought, 515; a slavery, 532. Courtiers, life of, a slavery, 362. Craftsmen, sinful ingratitude of, 377. Creatures, the, not evil, 343, 356, 365, 384. (See Manichæans.) Cross, the, beginning of remission, 62; predicted by John, Isaiah, and David, 240; offence of, when removed, 334; must be borne as a Crown, 335; sign of, its use and power, 336, 518; glory of, shewn at the Transfiguration, 346; the beginning of Grace, 436; will be seen at the Judgment, 459; power of, 520-1. David, why first in the genealogy, 10, 21; repentance of, 14, 181-4; humility of, 19, 56, 96, 149, 175; Son of, title of honor, 210; profaneness of, why defended by Christ, 256; strong in virtue, weak in sin, 270; pleased God without miracles, 290; forbearance of, 386; true judgment of, 396; his testimony to Christ, 433; sin of, heinous, 455. Death-bed, full of comfort to the good, 331. Demoniac, the relapsed, a type of the Jews, 275. Devil, the, not sensual, 27; encourages play, 42; his craft in the Temptation, 181; his activity for our ruin, 83; how believes, 84; how fell, 92; being defeated, departs, 99; how to be resisted, 124; how "the wicked One," 136; power of, limited, 220; ought to mourn, 208; why cannot stand divided, 264; cast out by the Disciples, 265; his fall prophesied, 266; strives to bring reproach on nature, 355; how to be cast out, 355; devised self-mutilation, 384; an example of pride, 403; more obeyed than Christ, 407; loves lewd company, 430; tempts by vain glory, 434; his mode of attack, 487, 513. Diogenes, censure of, 222. Disciples, why from Galilee, 88; distinguished from the multitudes, 91; why sent on circuit, 212. (See Apostles.) Dispensation. (See Incarnation.) Disposition, in men's own power, 282. Dives, why damned, 60, 84, 430, 454, 455. Divinity of Christ, declared by John, 3 (note); concealed at first, 45, 71, 104; tokens of, in the Epiphany, 47; first declared by the Spirit, 71; doubted by Satan, 81; intimated in words of Christ, 95, 99; hid from the Jews, 103, 116, 127, 151, 167; confessed by the leper, 172, by the Centurion, 179; in two miracles, 190-1; by His answering to men's thoughts, 195, 211; by the two blind men, 211; in His answer to John, 239; in His sayings of John, 245, 246; in His thanksgiving, 251; in His revealing the Father, 252; in Isaiah's prophecy, 260-1; in His acts of authority, 304; by Peter and others, 333; in His charge to Peter, 333; by His Coming in Glory, 341; in the Transfiguration, 346; in the miracle of the Tribute, 358; in His answer to the rich young man, 387; in His Entry into Jerusalem, 405; by the children in the Temple, 409; in the Parable of the Marriage Feast, 421; to the Lawyer, 432; in the question about David's Lord, 433; in the Garden, 497-503; to Caiaphas, 504. Divorce, why allowed to the Jews, 119; why not to Christians, 119. Docetæ, refuted by Christ's burial, 273. Doctrine, summary of Christian, 3; why taught by familiar things, 38; revealed gradually, 45; which, first taught, 71; without practice vain, 167; supported by miracles, 172; not to be pressed unseasonably, 203; may vary according to the persons addressed, 236; seldom put forward by Christ, 395. Doing and teaching, why joined, 106. Dress, excess of, censured, 26, 307, 527; hinders devotion, 308; leads to sin, 308; to pride, 528. Economy. (See Incarnation.) Election, of the wise men, 39; time and extent of, 394; is of grace, but requires work, 423; belongs to all believers, 457. Elijah, despair of, 149; boldness of, 170, 290; why at the Transfiguration, 346; in what sense, come already, 352; how to come hereafter, 353. Elisha, why, would not see Naaman, 173. End, signs of the, 66, 458; suddenness of the, 464; to be in the night, 464; why concealed from us, 465; is not near, 470. Envy, misery of, 262; of the countrymen of Christ, 296; rebuked in the laborers in the vineyard, 394. Error, worse than ignorance, 454. Eunuch, the Ethiopian, believed after search, 6. Eunuchs, how far praised, 384, 470. Evangelists, candor of, 482, 506, 531. Evil, cause of, 366; not necessary, 367. Evil speaking, sinful and dangerous, 13, 26, 111; not to be listened to, 248. Example, force of, 99; of Christ and His saints to be followed, 396; to be found in deserts, 439; neglect of, dangerous, 456; of some, condemns others, 476. Excommunication, threatened by St. Chrysostom, 123, 496. Expense, sinfulness of, 468. Faith, in hell necessary, 85; why not required at first by Christ, 89; must be followed by practice, 167, 395; examples of, 172, 176, 179, 195, 205, 321, 354, 404, 486; need of, 311; in the doers only, has worked miracles, 354; how a mustard seed, yet moves mountains, 355; hindered by fear, 411. Faithful, the, will endure to the end, 463. Falling back, after baptism, dangerous, 276, 395; how recovered, 427. Fasting, benefits of, 74, 80; of Christ, how ordered, 81; Christian rule of, 140; why not enjoined to the disciples, 202; inferior to charity, 291; a help to prayer and almsgiving, 356; when commendable, 468. Fig-tree, the, an example of vengeance, 410. Forbearance, duty of, 369, 372. Forgiveness, how gained from God, 35; how connected with John's baptism, 63; not to be had in the next world, 90; gained by forgiving, 102; hope of, taught by the Lord's Prayer, 135; depends on ourselves, 136; duty of, unlimited, 376, 379; forfeited by cruelty, 379; benefits all parties, 380; reasons for, 478. Fornicator, guilt of, how measured, 455. Free-will, not destroyed by grace, 39; allowed by Christ, 364; proved by our own conduct, 365; of Judas asserted, 486; needs God's help, 494; of Christ, 498, 503. Friendship, Christian motives of, 375. Gabriel, appearance of, explained, 24. Genealogy, the, difficulties of, 6, 20; why mentions bad women, 6, 17; why omits three kings, 6; the vestibule of the Gospel, 8; sum of the gospel, 10; of females, not traced, 11; why divided in three parts, 20. Gentiles, call of the, signified, 26; in the star, 38, in the wise men, 47, in "these stones," 69, in Christ's settling at Capernaum, 86, 180, by Isaiah, 260, in the ass's colt, 405, by the children in the temple, 409, in parables, 416, 421, in Mary of Bethany, 481; spiritual pride of, 59; condition of, before Christ, 87, 251; sin and punishment of, 242; to be respected in our lives, 277. Gentleness, needful to the ministry, 197. Glory, personified, and shown worthless, 363. God, spake to the patriarchs, 1; to Moses, 2; in the apostes, 2; kingdom of, described, 6; speaks in divine service, 7; threatens hell, 7; city and court of, described, 7, 8; present at baptism of Christ, 44; deceives His enemies, 51; appeared in fire, 71; long-suffering of, 84, 154, 197; why must reward His saints, 85; how our Debtor, 100; rewards His own work in us, 115; how we may resemble, 127; is invisible, 133; why mentioned in the Lord's Prayer, 134, why in the sermon, 137; cannot agree with mammon, 146; sure bounty of, 152; unfailing goodness of, 156; providence of, 228; how gives to him that hath, 285; how near to His servants, 336; appears ever in clouds, 348; wills the salvation of all, 368; His gifts to man, 376; calls each in his season, 394; throne of, inaccessible, 399; has given His bond for our alms, 408; why sometimes speaks uncertainly, 415; a Teacher of good works, 434; unity of, why declared in Holy Scriptures, 432, 438; hates bloodshed, 447; why speaks as if ignorant, 465. Good name, to whom, useful, 519. Good-will, value of, 510. Good works, our own to be forgotten, 18; magnified by humility, 19; spoiled by pride, 100; necessary to salvation, 395, 495; which the best, 468; the best furniture, 500. Gospel, the, contrasted with the law, 1; excellency of, 4; how higher than the law, 23, 167; described Isaiah, and John, 64; all things raised by, 78; how a light, 87; comprises the law, 109; how brings war, 232; raised the standard of faith and practice, 241; how soon spread, 452; triumph of, 453; how a testament, 491. Gospels, the, why several, 3; harmony of, 3; accepted by all heretics, 4; simple purity of, 5, 6; letters of the Divine King, 8; nature of, 14; object of, the life of Christ, 298; written in mildness, 300. Habit, no excuse for sin, 122; how broken through, 122; danger of evil, 515. Hannah, sorrow of, blessed, 41. Harvest, one here, one hereafter, 293. Heart, the, how a treasure, 269. Heaven, glories of, 7, 8; by what usury gained, 35; first named by John, 65; why opened at Christ s baptism, 76; unseen but certain, 85; to be sought before all else, 153; will be given impartially, 400. Hebrews, wickedness of the old, 1. Hell, object of, 7; descent to, 9; first named by John, 63; proved by John, 72; typifed by the furnace, 73; prepared for avarice, 79; proportioned to present impurity, 84; confessed by devils, 84; when first mentioned by Christ, 111; why less than Heaven, 129; intolerable, 164; pains of, 276; mention of profitable, 277; how described by Christ, 389; not prepared for us, 476. Heretics, involuntary witnesses to the truth of Holy Scripture, 4; reproved by the monks' grace, 343, by Christ's blessing children, 360; how to be dealt with, 288; meant by the tares, 287; denied the Passion, 492. (See Marcion, etc.) Herod, folly of, 45; an example of the profane, 48. Herod (Antipas), overcome by John, 171; marriage of, why illegal, 298. Herodias, aggravated sin of, 299. Hezekiah, prayer of, commended, 331. High priest, how, more than one, 477. Holy Spirit, gift of, higher than Holy Scripture, 1; how came on the apostles, 1; signs of, 2, 77; equality of, 2, 77; inspired the evangelists, 4; descents of, showed the new dispensation, 10; absolute need of, 12; His operation in the Incarnation, 22, 25; moved the Magi, Cyrus, Paul, 39; why appeared in fire, 40, 71; why first named by John Baptist, 71; an earnest of judgment, 72; why descended on Christ, 76; why as a dove, 77; a token of Heaven, 86; gifts of, sometimes without holiness, 168; what the blasphemy against, 266; effect of, upon the apostles, 401; gift of, always ready, 413; saves not the unwilling, 495. Honor, contrasted with meekness, 166. Humanity, raised to heaven by Christ, 2, 78. Humanity (of Christ), the bond between earth and heaven, 10; how proved by Paul and Matthew, 22; denied by Valentinus and others, 22 (note); preached earlier than the Godhead, 215; shewn in the Epiphany, 47, 50, in His fasting, 81, in His sleeping 119, in His sailing, 195, in feeling the crowd, 206, in His prayer to God, 304, in His agony, 497. (See Incarnation.) Humility, the crown of virtue, 17; examples of, 19; why first named in the sermon, 92; the true wisdom, 175; happiness, 362; neglect of, fatal, 295; the way to glory, 401; in the Monks, 438, also in seculars, 439. Hypocrisy, what it is, 132, 141; provoked the severity of Christ, 427; ruined the scribes, 440; worse in Christians, 441. Ignorance, better than error, 454. Incarnation, the, declared by the three first Evangelists, 3; binds Heaven and earth, 10; reserved at first, 15, 52; account of, 22, 32; when first taught, 45; shown in the fasting, and temptation, 80, in His retiring to the desert place, 303, in His question to Peter, 332; His care to prove it, 417, 497; the great mercy of God, 175. Indulgence, cruelty of, 108, 123; unfits for Heaven, 467. Innocents, the murder of, why permitted, 55; was foretold, 57. Insolence, against charity, 111; to the poor, censured, 236; to be suffered, not acted, 473. Intemperance, evils of, 283; vileness of, 356; lasting debasement of, 357; its punishment, 357; mother of lust, 429; power of, overcome by the Monks, 429; sinfulness of, 467. Intercession, duty of, 189; not always effectual, 34, 374. Investment, which the best, 460. Isaiah, Evangelical propecies of, 32, 63, 240, 260, 285, 337. Israel, a figure of believers, 45. Jacob, an example of freedom from care, 149; of forbearance, 270; trial of, 310. James, the brother of our Lord, his character, 33. Jerusalem, old names of, 32; council of, 33; destruction of, foretold, 422. Jesus, mysteries in the name of, 25. Jews, the, account of their unbelief, 15, 76, 87, 119, 273, 406; their pride of birth, 16; gained nothing from Abraham, 59, 69; envious disposition of, 43; reproved by Heathens, 38; were first favored in the gospel, 45, 422; yet outrun by the Gentiles, 47; said, and did not, 167; confusion of, 170; unthankful, 175; convicted by their inconsistency, 246; punishment of, foretold, 275, 395, 415, 421; blindness of, proved wilful, 284; asked no right questions, 246, 286, 292; final conversion of, by Elijah, 353; how to be judged by the apostles, 392; craft of, 410; cowardice of, 411; how bidden, 421; their troubles from God, 451; hated by all, 452; why to flee, 457; how much and why punished, 457; madness of, against Christ, 477, 506, 516; government of, changed, 482; how broke the Passover, and why, 503, 512; perverted justice in the trial of Christ, 503, 511; resisted all warning, 508, 513, yet not all reprobated, 513; sole authors of the Passion, 516; used all cruelties, 516; how convicted themselves, 525. (See Pharisees.) Job, patience of, 84; righteous, 107; bore all but reproach, 96; charitable interference of, 101; not a slave to wealth, 147, 225; virtues of, eminent, 224, under special disadvantages, 225, as compared with other saints, 225; prevailed by his piety, without miracle, 290; trials of, ordered by God, 192, 310. John, the Baptist, humility of, 19; time of his preaching, 61; why sent, 62; how baptized for Remission, 62; how prepared for Christ, 63; effect of his preaching, 63, 65; austerity of, 64; great before grace, 65; why did no miracles, 87; disciples of, envious of Christ's, 201; message of, explained, 238; how predicted the Cross, 240; equalled the prophets in knowledge, 240; clear from charge of fickleness by Christ, 243; stood between the law and the gospel, 244; his system contrasted with Christ's, 246; murder of, how aggravated, 300; in what sense, Elias, 353. John, the Evangelist, purpose of his Gospel, to establish the Godhead, 3 (note); not jealous of Peter after Pentecost, 401; why did not speak of the destruction of Jerusalem, 458; the most spiritual in doctrine, 482. Joseph, an example of forgiveness, 381, of self-denial, 505; a type of Christ, 505. Joseph, the husband of Mary, genealogy of, why traced, 6, 11, 14; his descent from David proved by his marriage, 11; his espousals were to shelter the Virgin, 15; his conduct proved the miraculous birth, 23; encouraged to adopt the Child, 25; referred to the prophets, 32; praised for self-restraint, 23, and for obedience, 33. Joseph, of Arimathæa, emboldened by the Cross, 522. Josephus, to be believed, because a zealous Jew, 457. Judah, incest of, why mentioned in the Gospel, 15, 17. Judas, ruined by avarice, 61, 193, 482, 488; irritated by reproach, 96; had received grace, 168; had been once elect, 392; hardness of, 482, 499; deaf to all warning, 482; not excused by predestination, 486; utter ruin of, 508; downward progress of, 514. Judgment, of others blamed, 397; of our own soul, commended, 271. Judgment, The, why compared to threshing, 72; certainty of, 86; day of a theatre, 132; suddenness of, 146; will be equitable to all, 242; foreseen by Isaiah, 260; is partly present, partly future, 267; fairness of, 270; expectation of, in the early church, 342; why named in the Monks' Grace, 342; shewn in the Transfiguration, 349; how to be thought of, 460; how proved, 462; why hidden, 465; not really delayed, 466; justice of, shown, 476. Julian, miracles in the time of, 21. Kingdom, the, rewards, guides, and wars of, 6; glories of, 7; a New Polity, begun at the Baptism of Jesus, 44; shown to be distant, 458; is our inheritance, 476; yet of grace, 477. Landlords, oppressions of, 377. Laughter, excess of, reproved, 26, 41. Law, the, given in terrors, 2, 8; was typified in Phares, 16, 17; given in consequence of Gentile grossness, 38; ceased at the Baptism of Christ, 78; enlarged by Christ, 103; with new sanctions, 106; how fulfilled by Christ, 107, 108; not evil, though defective, 107; retaliation of, really merciful, 109, 123; how permitted evil, 120; an education for the gospel, 121; respected by Christ in His charge to the leper, 173; abrogation of, hinted by Christ, 316, 329, 458; how hangs on love, 431; put for the whole Old Testament, 435; in morals confirmed, in ceremonials repealed, 436, 441; how measured punishments, 455; rites of, when ceased, 491. Life, inequalities of, solved by the doctrine of a judgment, 86, 461; a prison, 90; full of joy as of sorrow, 330; different ages, and sins of, 490. Lord's Day, the, how to be spent, 31; little improved, 73. Luke, addresses heathens, 4; his genealogy fuller than Matthew's, 7; imitates the style of Paul, 20; added to Matthew's account, 24, 96, 178, 201, 205, 206, 471. Lust, a possession of the Devil, 193; leads to cruelty, 300; how best cured, 371; comes of drunkenness, 429; invites Devils, 430; forbidden in thought, 515. Luxury, why compared to thorns, 283; in feasting reproved, 301, and in dress, 307; pain of, 330; lust the cause of, 356; destructiveness of, 430; sin of, 467. Lysias, compared with Pilate, 512. Maccabees, praise of the, 241. Macedonians, heresy of the, 77. Manichæans, heresy of the, 108, 181, 305, 317, 343. (See Creatures.) Marcion, heresy of, 47, 252, 274, 492. Marriage, Jewish law of, 11, 12, 22, 25, 428; a great mystery, 42; duties of, 49; protected by Christ, 119; law of, explained by Christ, 382; prudent, in youth, 371; abuse of, 443. Martyrs, the, the real conquerors, 505. Mary the Virgin, the parents of, not named by Matthew, 6, 11, 12; protected by her marriage, 15, 22; character of, considered in the Annunciation, 24; the perpetual virginity of, not contradicted by Matthew, 33; made illustrious by her stay in Egypt, 53; vanity of, reproved, 279. Mary, of Bethany, promise to, 314; the faith of, 486; fame of, 481; an example of liberality in church offerings, 482. Matthew, the humble condition and high graces of, 2; wrote in Hebrew for the Jews, 3; Christ spoke in, 6; difficulties of, 6; wrote before Mark, 20; call of, 198; how trained by Christ, 205; virtues of, 295; candor of, 345. Meats, question of, indirectly settled, 317; Christ's law of, 318; Manichæan doctrine of, reproved, 343. Meditation, the benefits of, 12; neglect of, too common, 271. Meekness, duty and benefits of, 93, 123, 478, 519; better than honor, 166; the true mode of following Christ, 472. Mercy, man's different from God's, 94; benefits of, 102; sometimes lies in severity, 109; of both Covenants, 109; preferred to sacrifice, 200; God's, a reproof to ours, 235; of kind answering, 235; enforced by the mercies of Christ, 286; of Christ, shewn in severity, 340; brings ease, 350; how to be shewn to the brethren, 372; how towards heathens, 373; to be shewn to Christians, for Christ's sake, 378; is for others, not ourselves, 436; must be had before death, 471. Ministry, the, responsibility of, 97; has need of gentleness, 197; and caution, 203; how a harvest, 213; how like sheep and doves, 220; made strong in weakness, 220; must have Scripture knowledge, 294; warned in the Transfiguration, 346; sin of, heinous, 455; should be free from secular care, 509. Miracles, why told differently in the Gospels, 3; use of, 20, 192; ceased when no longer wanted, 20; some under Julian, 21; why few at first, 44, 52; declared the Creator, 104; did not save the unholy, 168; alternated with doctrine, 172; confirmed by prophecy, 180; abundance of, 185; Christ's care to prove, 197, 206; inferior to obedience, 218; defended by Christ, 264; nothing without holiness, 290; why always followed the predictions of the Passion, 353; sometimes followed, sometimes went before faith, 354; some wrought by the garments of Christ, 516. Mirth, excess of, censured, 41. Monks, holiness of the Egyptian, 54; some, never drank, 149; number of the, 223; their grace before meat commended, 342; devotion of, an example to seculars, 344; their retreats, dress, devotion, labors, music, contrasted with the stage, 417, etc.; have the wedding garment, 423; soldiers of Christ, 424; converse with angels, 425; nobility of, 425; victorious over the vices, 429; humility of, 438. Moses, mission of, contrasted with Christ's, 1, 2, 10; prayer of, once rejected, 34; self-denial of, 55; the sons of, rejected for unworthiness, 59; why at the Transfiguration, 346; an example of forgiveness, 381; how honored by Christ, 436; why loved by God, 474. Mourning, for sin, blessed, 40, 93; excess of, censured, 208, 330; profitable for the soul, 263. Mutilation, a device of Satan, 384. Mysteries, the. (See Holy Communion.) Names, significance of, in Holy Scripture, 21; used to represent events, 32. Nativities, casting of, censured, 454. Nature, proved not evil, against the Manichæans, 360, 366; often symbolized by Christ, 462. Nazareth, why our Lord lived at, 58; His second visit to, 296. Nebuchadnezzar, pride of, 28; repentance of, 84; did justice to the virtue of the Three Children, 99; received a revelation, 168. Necessity, doctrine of, disproved, 181; not implied in our Lord's preference of the apostles 284-6; in what sense taught by Christ, 462. Necromancers of Antioch censured, 249. Neutrality, impossible to Christians, 266; not enough for salvation, 472. Ninevites, the, a reproach to the Jews, 38; the repentance of, deferred God's wrath, 274, 392. Nobility, what it is, to Christians, 16; pride of, condemned, 17; is no substitute for virtue, 34; reproved by Christ at Nazareth, 59; vanity of the common, 361; real, in John the Baptist, 362; in the Monks, 425. Oaths, against God's glory, 120. Obedience, to be joined with prayer, 161; the end of our Lord's teaching, 171; the best miracle, 219; joins to Christ, 280; necessary to salvation, 392; must be perfect, 395; easiness of, 532. Offenses, why not removed, 364; why foretold, 364, 367. Oneness, of God, why often mentioned, 432, 438. Parable, the, of the relapsed demoniac, applied to the Jews, 275; of the Sower, why the first, 281; of the Tares, against heresy, 288; not to be explained literally throughout, 292, 394. Parasites, encouragement of, unchristian, 302; a cruelty, 302. Parents, wickedness of, not dangerous to good sons, 55; goodness of, not a shelter to the evil, 59; in what sense to be hated by Christians, 233. Passion, the, when first predicted by Christ, 334; prediction of, preceded and followed by miracles, 353; foreshown at the Transfiguration, 349, in Galilee, 358, in the way to Jerusalem, 397; warnings of, not understood, 398; why a baptism, 399; how Christ prepared the disciples for, 477; how foreshown by Mary of Bethany, 482; why took place at the Passover, 485, 491; a mystery, 492; denied by what heretics, 492; by whom caused, 516; how our glory, 516; description of, 517; of what a lesson, 518. Passions, the, how to be mortified, 27, 74, 336; must be tamed as beasts, 370; sleep in children, 385; when to be checked, 513. Passover, the, why observed by Christ, 485, 491; how broken by the Jewish rulers, 503. Patience, how taught us by God, 67; subdues calumny, 99; blessing of, 126; duty of, 127, 197; praised in the woman of Canaan, 323; victory of, 504. Patriarchs, inspiraion of the, 1; church of, appeared first, then withdrawn, 16, 17; humble parentage of, 16; praise of, 59. Paul, an example of humility, 19, 439; love of Christ, 28; obedience, 39; zeal, 40; disinterested labor, 54, 378; thankfulness, 175; repentance, 198-9; spiritual power, 223; final triumph, 331; sometimes used temporal sanctions, 114; conversion of, seasonable, 394. Paul, of Samosata, denied the Divinity of Christ, 47. Peace, salutation of, enjoined to the apostles, 216; sin of breaking, in the church, 217; of Christians, to be gained only by war, 232. Peace-makers, blessing of the, 94. Persia, first heard of the Messiah, 37, 38, 40, 44, 47, 51. Persecution, suffered unjustly, does away sin, and increases reward, 56; puts us in communion with the prophets, 95; real gain, 169, and happiness, 170; Christian preparation for, 224; injures the doer most, 270; from relations, foretold, 393. Peter, humility of, 19; style of his Epistle, 20; call of, 87; first fall of, 311; forward zeal of, 317, 318, 472; second "offence" of, 335, 473; his all-forsaking, and reward, 391; had sometimes the first place, 401; indulged in freedom of speech, by Christ, 450; last presumption of, 493; why suffered to fall, 494; how affected by his fall, 497, 502; denial of, harmonized, 507; finally blessed in poverty, 533. Pharaoh, an example of God's long-suffering, 84; why, being sinful, received a revelation, 168; shown inferior to Abraham, 403; dream of, why repeated, 498. Pharez, a type of the Jewish Church, 15-17. Pharisees, design of the, against John, 68; righteousness of, real, but defective, 107; ignorant of the scriptures, 201; how "wise and prudent," 251; enraged with the disciples, 255, with Christ's healing, 259, on account of envy, 265; false sons of Abraham, 269; why they asked, and were refused a sign, 273, 328-29; unbelief of, foreseen, 274; self-convicted of adding to the law, 350; of breaking it, by Christ, 350, by Isaiah, 351; why put questions often, 381; never abashed, 388; gave a third of their goods in charity; never repented, 412, 426; vainglory of, 433, 437, 441, 446; when in real authority, supported by Christ, 436; yet rebuked for hardness, 437; corrupters of youth, 440; whence ruined, 442; how worse than their fathers, 444. (See Jews.) Pharisee, the proud, lost for want of humility and charity, 17, 92, 396, in spite of almsgiving, 396. Philistines, the, taught the truth by the heifers, 39. Philosophers, the Grecian, doctrines of, unnatural and devilish, 5; despised by Christians, 54; despised externals, 59, 100; contrasted with John the Baptist, 65; a shame to evil Christians, 100; contrasted with the apostles, 222. Pilate, character of, compared to that of Lysias, 512. Plato, the Republic of, censured, 5; and contrasted with Christ's, 6. Pleasure, when innocent, 250; of labor, 331. Plotinous, his doctrine of souls refuted, 191. Poor, the, ill-treatment of, censured, 236; represented by the apostles, 391; only a tenth part of the population, 407; how Christ's brethren, and ours, 475. Poverty, a furnace, 29; outward and inward care of, 30; of the rich man in torment, 60; praise of voluntary, 92; Christ's gradual training for, 150; real lightness of, 254; glory and reward of, 295-6; real dignity of, 500, 532. Praise, danger of, 96; love of, a snare, 263. Prayer, for others, not always effectual, 34, 374; requires perseverance, 67, 155; never unreasonaable, 156; Christ's rule of, 132; forgiveness, the special moral of the Lord's, 137; enjoined after hard commands, 160; two conditions of, 161; a remedy for sin, 268; requires purity of tongue, and of heart, 319; Hezekiah's, 331; blessedness of concord in, 374. Preaching, a school, 73; why necessary, 523. Predestination, no excuse for Judas, 486; objections from, how answered, 487. Profaneness, censure of, 74; sin of listening to, 248. Promises, the, of Christ always conditional, 392. Prophets, the, why appealed to personal revelations, 20; disregarded by the Jews, 38; of the Philistines, seconded by God, 39; maintained the doctrine of Providence, 57; the works of some lost, 58 (note); anticipated the history of John, 64; rebuked pride, 68; double sense of, 72; persecution of, 95; how fulfilled by Christ, 104; confirmed by miracle, 180; accuracy of, 260, 406; all had wives, 344. Providence, doctrine of, maintained by the prophets, 57; urged by Christ to console the apostles, 228. Psalms, study of, profitable, but neglected, 13; chanted in the church, 73. Publican, the, saved by penitence, 198; a lesson not to despair, 449. Publicans, the, virtue of, a shame to Christians, 128; trade of, mean, 199; why Christ sat with, 200; wickedness of, proved, 373; comparative obedience of, 422. Punishment, scale of, under the gospel, 111; under the law, 455; two kinds of, 373. Purification, the, waited for by Mary, 58; law of, enlarged by the Pharisees, 314-5; must be inward, 319. Purity, blessing of, 94; required for prayer, 319; Christ's law of, 441. Rabbi, title of, why forbidden, 438. Rahab, why mentioned in the genealogy, 17. Reconciliation, religious duty of, 112, 478. Regeneration, by the Spirit in baptism, asserted, 10, 41, 62, 78. Relapse after baptism, dangerous, 276; how to be recovered, 467. Repentance, blessed in Hannah, 41; good works, a great part of, 66; more needful than bodily cure, 89; why ought to be painful, 89; not be had after death, 90, 241; proved not in vain, by the example of David, 182; its power to avert wrath, shown in the Ninevites, 392; striking example of, at Antioch, 412; of Manasseh, Paul, and others, 413; its labor small, its gain great, 414; accepted in believing Jews, 513. Repetitions, when forbidden in prayer, 133; why used in Holy Scripture, 498. Reproach, the greatest trial, 96; effect of, on Job and others, 96; when undeserved and for Christ's sake, alone glorious, 99; overcome by virtue, 99; endured by Christ, 380. Reserve, examples of, in Christ's life and teaching: in the Nativity, 10; in the Incarnation, 14, 15, 44; in the Epiphany, 52; in His early life, 63; in John's report of Him, 71; in the temptation, 82; commanded in the Sermon, 159; in retiring from the Gergesenes, 193; from the Scribes, 198; in teaching the resurrection and other mysteries, 202; in doing miracles, 207; in delaying to heal, 210; after sending out the Twelve, 238; how long continued, 260, 345; before Pilate, 511. Restitution, duty of, 326. Resurrection, the, truth of, argued from reason, 85-6; shown in the raising of Jairus's daughter, and Lazarus, 206; proved real by the history of Jonah, 273; shown in the parable of the marriage feast, 421; why denied by the Sadducees, 428; how contained in the Old Testament, 429; foretasted by the monks, 429; should be rejoiced at by Christians, 460; natural emblems of, 462, 472; to be at night, 470; our best support in trouble, 479; how most commonly proved, 492. Resurrection of Christ, proved by men's faith, 34; reserve in teaching the, 202; foretold by John, 240; signs of the, 521; how proved by the Jews' behavior, 525, and by that of the apostles, 526; why so early in the day, 526; witnessed by the guard, 530. Revenge, sinfulness of, 271; reasons against, 478. Reviling, the author of, suffers most, 320; may be borne, by the example of Christ, 380; brings to hell, 395. Reward, of Christians certain, 85; is both spiritual, 95, and temporal, 96; partly given here, 169; accumulation of, in Isaiah, 337; will be given impartially, 402; of God's grace, not our merit, 476. Riches, contempt of, the true wealth, 30, 35; taught gradually by Christ, 142; dependence on, unsafe, 60; disquiet of keeping, 142; peril of pursuing, 144; love of, unnatural, 144, 320; how overcome, 145; cast out of God's service, 146; compared with charity, 166; love of, condemned in the rich young man, 388; engrossing power of, 388; may be renounced by grace, 389; duties of, considered, 407; why given to the wicked, 454-5; vanity of, 461; a trust, 467; inflame desire, 484. Righteous, the, so called ironically, 201. Righteousness, is the fulfilling of the commandments, 62, 76; includes all virtue, 94, 106; of the Jews, real but insufficient, 107; how much, required of Christians, 122. Romans, object of the Epistle to, 59. Sabbath, the, law of, why strict at first, 257; why straitened by Christ, 257; kept, at home, 525. Sacraments, the Jewish, ended by Christ, 78; represent Christ, 313; are spiritual, 495; now to be received, 405; from whom to be withheld, and why, 496. Sadducees, the case proposed by, probably fictitious, 428. Saints, the, intercession of, how received, 35; why kept waiting by God, 67; sufferings of, to be rewarded, 85; mourned for others, 93; the final glory of, 349; some actually, and all figuratively, removed mountains, 355; can not be envious, 394; our best patterns, 396; why admired, 402; how conquered, 505. Samaritan, the good, a shame to Christians, 101. Samuel, could not prevail for Saul, 34; sons of, rejected for sin, 59. Saul, injured himself most, in his treatment of David, 270; ruined by pride, 361; malice of, contrasted with David's goodness, 385; ensnared by Satan, from small sins to greater, 513. Scripture, Holy, given for our frailty, 1; gift of, aggravates sin, 1; harmonious connection of, 4; how to be used at preaching, 6; its necessity for all, shown by examples, 13; helps repentance, 14; a mirror of the soul, 27; a cure of sin, 28; late translations of, 32; teaches by examples from the animal creation, 49; both New and Old Testaments to be studied by ministers, 294; neglect of, impoverishes the soul, 294; speaks according to men's own notions, 355; the Monks' food, 419; why uses repetitions, 498. Self-denial, persuasive force of, 278; of the apostles, our pattern, 278; what it is, 339; the best victory, 504. Self-examination, duty of, urged, 271. Selfishness, excludes from heaven, 469. Sensuality, an excess of folly, beyond the devil's, 84; the soul's vermin, 90; a demoniacal possession, 193; how best cured, 390; sinfulness of, 467. Septuagint, the, the writers of, above suspicion, from their time of writing, 32. Sexes, the, both impartially treated in, Holy Scripture, 117. Sheep, Christians warned to be productive, by the name of, 475. Sickness, the consequence of sin, 89, 185. Signs, imply something beyond nature, 33; use of, to draw the attention of the dull to new dispensations, 77; why refused to Satan, and to the Jews, 81, 328; of Jonas, explained, 273-4, 520; of the Cross, used for self-admonition, 518. Sin, why not always equally punished here, 86; the cause of sickness, 89; pleasant in act, bitter in effect, 89; a chain, a jailor, 90; used synonymously with its punishment, 129; a burden here, 171; dangerous in believers, 181, yet not hopeless in any, 181, is worse in us than we think, 242; a heavier yoke than Christ's, 253; which, the unpardonable, 266; the least, dangerous, 268; remedies for, 268; ours against God, greater than men's against us, 376; the sense of, should teach mercy, 378; foulness of, before God, 442; guilt of, how measured, 455; different at different ages, 490; how long blinds men, 507; progress of, described, 513. Sinners, when to be avoided, when not, 200; need never despair, 412; why rich, 454; condemned by the example of the righteous, 476. Slander, harms itself most, 270. Sloth, dangerous in church rulers, 288; rebuked in the Parable of the Talents, 472. Sodomites, lust of, began in surfeit, and luxury, 42, 80, 356; why not named in chap. xxiv., 464. Soldiers, wickedness of the, at Antioch, 377. Solomon, parentage of, an argument against pride, 16, 361; prayer of, heard, because right, 161. Son, the, different from servants, 420; is One with the Father, 421; not really ignorant of the last day, 465. (See Christ.) Songs, profaneness and lewdness of those heard on the stage, 13, 248, 419; compared with the Monks' music, 419. Soul, state of the departed, 191-2; will be brought up for judgment, 271; is commonly neglected for the body, 272, 370; loss of, irreparable, 341; the chief part of man, 341; should be first thought of, in education, 371; meant by the inside of the cup and platter, 441; treatment of, 448; the apostles, the best physicians of, 448. Sower, the, not to blame, but the ground, 281. Star, the, was not natural, 37; object of, to reprove the Jews, 38; the course of, accounted for, 46; witnessed to Christ's Divinity, 47. Stephen, an example of forgiveness, 381. Stewardship, the, of God's gifts, how dispensed to Christians, 466. Strife, in public, to be repressed, 101; shameful to Christians, 102; monstrous, after prayer, 138; after Holy Communion, 218. Suffering, needful for our own sakes, 338; but left free to us, 339; is greater than charity, 388; of saints here, proves a judgment, 462; the truest conquest, 505; its many benefits, 518. (See Passion.) Supper, the, was celebrated in the fifth day of the week, i.e. the day before the feast, 485. Swine, the, why destroyed by Christ, 192. Swords, why granted to the apostles in the garden, 502. Sympathy, want of, among Christians, condemned, 478. Synagogue, the, denounced as unfaithful by the prophets, 17. Temple, the, remains of, existing in time of St. Chrysostom, 450. Temptation, why follows baptism, 80; comes in solitude, 81; Adam's and Christ's, compared, 81; Christ's includes all, 83; may be avoided, if possible, 80, 86; the last generally the worst, 83. Thamar, Christ's descent from, shows His perfect humanity, 15. Theatres, at Antioch, the whole day wasted at, 7, 42, 49; corrupting effect of, on men's minds, 13; scenes of lawlessness, 26, 42; gross mockery of the mysteries of marriage at, 42; spectacle of females swimming in, 48, fatal to public morals, 49, and insulting to the sex, 50; attract evil acquaintance, 118; unnatural acting of both sexes at, 249; the cause of frequent adulteries, and necromancy, 249; all encouragement of, blamed, 250; expenses of, enormous, compared with men's alms, 407; devilish company, and music of, compared with the Monks' choir, 418, their contrary effects, upon spectators, 419. Themistocles, how inferior to the apostles, 222. Till, implies nothing for the time to come, 33. Tongue, the, abuse of, reproved, 7, 13, 26; must be clean for prayer, 319; a talent for what use, 472; how to be made like Christ's, 473; how like Satan's, 473. Transfiguration, the, a vision of future glory, 345. Travellers, zeal and exactness, of, a reproach to Christians, 7. Tribute, Cæsar's, and God's, compatible, 427. Truth, duty of always witnessing to the, 174. Types, use of, to prepare for extraordinary events, 10. Uncharitableness, inexcusable in lovers of pleasure, 407; is every where denounced, 467; a sin against Christ Himself, 475; evils of, to the church, 509. (See Covetousness.) Unprofitableness, danger of spiritual, 472. Usury, comparison of heavenly and earthly, cruelty of the latter, 35; forbidden to Christians, 350, and even to Gentiles, 351; evils of, 351. Vainglory, defeats itself, 18, 386; makes us hateful to God and man, 18, 386; rebuked in the second temptation, 80; spoils our good actions, 100; condemned in the Sermon, 130, in Christ's cure of the leper, 173; the nurse of covetousness, 142; the source of unthankfulness, 175; hinders self-knowledge, 175; observed in the Virgin Mary, 279; folly of, 361; a slavery, 362; real baseness of, 402; is in the devil, and the wicked, 402-3; in good works the worst, 433; betrays the soul to shame, 434; in trifles, condemned, in the Pharisees, 437. Violence, most hurtful to the doer, 518. Virginity, called youth, in Holy Scripture, 33; of Mary, declared perpetual, 33; how far recommended by Paul, 93; not necessary to salvation, and so inferior to alms-giving, 295, 314, 468; indirectly recommended by Christ, 383; but must be voluntary, and spiritual, 384; a gift, but attainable, 384; spoiled by selfishness, 470; lies in renouncing riches, 471. Virtue, home the best school of, 74; the Christian scale of, 126, 128; to be followed for her own sake, 141; has her reward even here, 169; to be shown in the world, for heathen's sake, 277; possible to all classes, 278; the best affinity to Christ, 280; must be perfect, 282; better than miracles, 291; poetical description of, 294; must be added to faith, 395; the best furniture, 500. Voice, from Heaven, why sent, 77, 348. Watchfulness, must be perfect, to be useful, 283; the especial duty of church-rulers, 288; taught by Christ's seeming ignorance of the day, 465. Way, the, easy though strait, 162. Wild beasts, more tameable than Christians, 27. Wine, not the use, but the abuse of, evil (against the Manichæans), 356. Wise men, the, journey of, rash, humanly speaking, 36; their adoration of the Child, absurd, except on faith, 37; were moved by God's grace, 39; their exceeding reverence hindered them from suspicion of Herod, 46; a type of the Gentiles, 47; an example of renouncing the world, for Christ, 47. Woman, the, who was a sinner, blessed by repentance, 40. Woman, the, with the issue, praised for uncommon faith, 206; of Canaan, for perseverance under reproach, 323. Women, vanity of, reproved by Isaiah and Paul, 117; to be reformed with caution, 203; of Antioch, condemned for painting the face, 203; "the Holy," in "old time," praised, 204; intemperance of, monstrous, 356; tyranny of, 386; their fashion of wearing little Gospels, 437; once modest, 443; reproved for love of jewels and dress, 527; how ought to be adorned, 529. Women, the, zeal of, at the Passion, 522; at the Resurrection, 527. Works, which the best, 468; necessary for salvation, 499; the best furniture, 500. World, the, is undergoing a change, 106; compared to children's games, 165; need not be left for cloisters, 278, 344; must be crucified in us, 336; love of, a slavery, 362; dangerous to salvation, 370; vanity of, 461; will be worst, at last, 464. Youth, the most important period of life, 309; blest, in chastity, 309; unbridled passions of, 370, restrained by marriage, 371. Zacchæus, an example, of the benefits of Christian communion, 200; of a rich man, saved, 449; adorned his home with charity, 500. Zeal, of Paul, and the early Christians commended, 40; of Peter, 332, 493, 501; of the women, at the Passion, 522; of Joseph of Arimathæa, 522. Zebedee's sons, request of, 398. Zorababel, name of, symbolical, 21, 44.
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