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  • Homilies on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon



    Aaron, those that rebelled against, perished, 482.

    Abraham, riches of, in what they consisted, 447; concealed his purpose about Isaac, 458.

    Activity, needful in our spiritual course, 517.

    Adam, in what sense not deceived, 435.

    Admonition, not meant to grieve, but to correct, 414.

    Age, failings of, 531.

    Aged, the, not to be rebuked but advised, 450.

    Alexander, persecuted St. Paul, 514.

    Almsgiving, blessings of, 455; objects of, ib.; communion in, 479; failure in, enough to cast into hell, 498; must become a habit, 499; mercifully ordained, ib.; meant to detach from love of riches, 542; effects of, extend to all, ib.; the chief of virtues, ib.; the mother of love, ib.; the ladder fixed to heaven, ib.

    Alms, to be dispensed by ourselves, 455; make way for prayer, 479; of no avail if from wrongful gains, 498; to avail, must be of our own, 500; a good inheritance, 504; benefit the giver more than the receiver, 541; bind together the body of Christ, 542; blessed effects of, ib.

    Androgeus, story of, 538.

    Angels, saw the Son, with men, through the Incarnation, 442; Timothy charged before the, 464; the elect, who, ib.

    Apostleship, dignity of the, 408.

    Apostles, preaching of the, assailed, not their lives, 439; power of the, 516; power of our Lord exercised through, 517 (note) ; manner of life of, 523.

    Appearing, the love of the, of Christ, 512.

    Apphia, 547.

    Aratus, quoted by St. Paul, 528.

    Archippus, 547.

    Asia, Church and people of, committed to Timothy, 461; many in Rome from, 484.

    Athenians, admitted new gods, 528.

    Avarice, a lust, 430; inexcusable, 536.


    Balaam, a prophet, though a wicked man, 482.

    Barochabel, 551 (note) .

    Baptism, the anointing of, 415.

    Baths, considered too luxurious for very devout persons, 499 (note) .

    Beauty, right use of, 421; increases trials of modesty, 422; want of, no reproach, ib.; has no advantages, ib.; imaginary, not in nature of things, 479; moral, alone real, ib.

    Bishopric, of those who desire a, 522.

    Bishop, character of a, 437; office of, may be desired from love to the Church, ib.; vigilant, 438; to be instant in his duties night and day, ib.; the husband of one wife, 437, 438 (note) ; must be blameless, 438; apt to teach, ib.; no smiter, ib.; not to smite the consciences of others, ib.; why the highest attainments not required of, 439; one to preside in every city, 438; to exhibit good order in his own house, 439; not to be a new convert, ib.; must be well reported of all, ib.

    Bishops, must know how to manage their household, 408; superior to priests only in power of ordination, 441; set over and to be feared by all, 461; continually slandered wrongfully, 522; dangers and difficulties of, ib.; must regard their health for the Church's sake, 523.

    Blasphemy, produced by ill living, 532.

    Books, of St. Paul, 514.

    Brutality, of mankind before Christ's coming, 538.

    Bulimy, disease called, 502.


    Cain, offense of, 498.

    Canker, false doctrine compared to a, 493.

    Children, good bringing up of, brings its own reward, 436; great responsibilities of those who have, 437; to be well trained from the first, ib.; greatest care to be taken in choice of tutors for, ib.

    Children, The Three, example of, 543.

    Christ, great strength required to bear the name of, 416; true disciples of, the admiration of angels, 417; apathy of men towards, 418; friends preferred before, ib.; died for the heathen, 431; His suffering a testimony, ib.; meaning of His directions about prayer (Matt. vi. 6) , 432; love of, not returned by us, 431; should put us to shame, ib.; condescension of, 463; sacramental union with, 464; the good confession, 471; unoriginated, ib.; cannot be seen in His divine apart from His human nature, ib., note; the cross of, a remedy against shame, 480; power of, shown when His servants are oppressed, 491; dying with, a pledge of life with, 492; how to suffer for, 512; why ministered to by others, 542.

    "Christ, through," meaning of the phrase, 418.

    Christians, must learn, and obey, and doubt not, 410; not freed only from punishment, but gifted with immense privileges, 418; must not pray against each other, 427; engaged in a contest, 424; bid to pray everywhere, 432; bad, hinder conversion of heathen, 440; how dead with Christ, 492; should be prepared for everything, 496.

    Church, different stations in the, as in an army, 424; the, a household, 439; a pillar of truth in the world, 442; maintains the preaching of the word, 442; makes known the Incarnation, ib.; those directing the, assailed with difficulty, 475; equality in the, 547; knows no distinctions of rank, 548.

    Claudia, 516.

    Clergy, to be maintained, 460; not to be stinted, ib.; not to spare themselves, ib.

    Cloak, of St. Paul left at Troas, 513.

    Commandment, matters of, 449; not left to choice, 521.

    Committed, things to us, imply that they are not our own, but to be kept with care, 424.

    Communicants, unworthy, delivered by God to Satan, 425.

    Communion, Holy, careless preparation for, reproved, 425; one unworthy partaking of, presumption, ib.

    Condescension, of God to man's weakness, 529.

    Conduct, of others, not to be judged, but our own, 482.

    Conscience, a good, brings rejoicing, 446; a pure, a blameless life, 476; torments of a bad, 494; an impure, defiles all things, 530.

    Contentious persons, to be avoided, 468.

    Contest, those out of the, sometimes cause of the victory to those who gain it, 485.

    Controversy, some unavoidable, 541.

    Conversion, none without practical holiness, 440.

    Corah, insurrection of, 482.

    Corinthian, case of incestuous, 424.

    Counsels, of perfection, 521.

    Courtesans, finery of, 433.

    Covetousness, admits no friendship, 469; cure of, 470; to be brought under by the will, ib.; self-love source of, 501; evils arising from, ib.

    Creature, none unclean, 445.

    Cretans, who said they were liars, 528; to be sharply rebuked, 529.

    Cross, the greatest sign of God's love, 479; a rebuke to mistaken shame, 480; sign of the, use of, 499.

    Crown, of righteousness, 512; in store for all saints, ib.

    Cynophontis, festival of, at Argos, 470 (note) .


    Daniel, humility of, 553.

    Daphne, burning of, 508 (note) .

    Daughters, to be trained religiously for marriage, 437.

    David, his love for Jonathan, 503; humility of, 553.

    Day of Judgment, not borne in mind, 462.

    Deacons, qualities for, 441; trial of, ib.; same virtues required of, as of bishops, ib.; temporal ministry of, 442 (note) .

    Deaconesses, 441; necessary and useful to the Church, ib.

    Death, in a monastery, 457.

    Demas, chose his own ease before danger, 513, 556.

    Desires, foolish, 469; as thorns, ib.

    Despisers of their brethren, despise God, 501.

    Devil, his rage greater against the shepherd than the flock, 409.

    Devils, abhor the unguent of the Spirit, 415; divinations of, condemned and defied, 508.

    Disputes, contagious, 467, 493.

    Distinctions, spiritual to be sought for, 444.

    Divinations, failure in, 508; sin to have recourse to, ib.

    Divine things not to be measured by human reason, 479.

    Doctrine, corrupt, engendered by an evil life, 419; orthodox, useless without a corresponding life, 429; false, a growing evil, 493.

    Doxology, inference of heretics from (1 Tim. i. 17) , disproved, 421.

    Dramas of the heathens filled with abominations, 538.

    Dress, finery in, gives occasion of offense, 434.

    Drunkenness, drowns the soul, 451.

    Duties, plain neglect of, a denial of the Faith, 453.


    Earnestness, taught by the Epistle to Philemon, 546.

    Elders, bishops called, 524.

    Eli, perished for neglecting his children, 436.

    Eloquence, inferior to strength of mind, 525.

    Encratites, not often mentioned by St. Chrys. 444 (note) ; mentioned by Clem. Al. etc., ib.

    Envy of men passes on to Christ, 419.

    Elect, sufferings endured for the, 489.

    Epaphroditus, infirmity of, 515.

    Epimenides, 528 (note) .

    Epiphany, meaning of, 512.

    Episcopate, dangers of the, 522.

    Epistles, occasional, not superfluous, 545.

    Ephesus, false Judaizing apostles at, 410.

    Error, never stops, yet never advances, 506.

    Essence, no dissimilarity in the Divine, 409.

    Eucharist, Holy, always a Holy Passover, 425; the same, whether offered by common men or by Paul, &c., 483.

    Evangelist, the work of an, 511.

    Eve, bad teaching of, 436.

    Excommunication, a proof of the Apostles' power, 425.

    Exercise, bodily, spoken of by St. Paul, not fasting, 445; spiritual, ib. (note) , 446; spiritual, rewarded, 447.


    Fables, what St. Paul means by, 410; Jewish traditions such, 445.

    Faith, excludes questioning, 410; sets reasoning at rest, ib.; excludes not prayer for knowledge, ib.; objects of being divine to be revered not questioned, ib.; adherence to the, safeguard against false opinions, 411; earthly things depend on, ib.; exacted by heathens, ib.; produces love, 412; a safe ship, 424; without a good life unavailing, ib.; apostates from the, have no stay, ib.; an unshaken rock, 472; dead, 505; common to all, 522.

    Faithful, should assist each other, 485.

    Family, the, a model for all government, 535.

    Fasting, cleanses in vain if we return to sin, 426; useless without alms, 498.

    Fate, doctrine of, excludes responsibility, 411; arguments against doctrine of, ib.

    Father, a bad, unfit to be a bishop, 524.

    Fear, prevents quarrels, 427; utility of, 462; love opposed to, 477; of God, a firm foundation, 513.

    Fight, the Christian, 511.

    Flesh, those called, whose souls are dead, 452.

    Food, spiritual, 445.

    Forgiveness of injuries, 427, 428; peculiar to Christians, 427; brings gain here, 549.

    Form, used in a good and in a bad sense, 505.

    Free will, not taken away by grace, 418.

    Friendship, benefits of, 412; of David and Jonathan, 503; among the wicked, 412.

    Freedom, Christian, causes greater faithfulness in serving, 465.

    Funeral, in a monastery, 457.


    Gamaliel, appears free from ambition, 417.

    Garlands, worn by bridegrooms, why, 437.

    Garments, vanity of worldly, 414.

    Gentiles, tenets of, human, and so to be examined, 410.

    Gentleness, comes from thinking what we once were, 537.

    Gift, given to Timothy for working miracles, etc., 477.

    Glory of the world useless, 414; of the saints internal, ib.; real, described, 490; a hard taskmaster, 527.

    Gluttony, disgusting effects of, 452; unnatural to the body, ib.; nausea succeeds, 453; evils of, 451.

    Gnostics, the name of assumed by pretenders to great knowledge, 472.

    God, blessings of, not conceived by reasoning, 410; knowledge of, presupposes faith, ib.; belief in, destroys notions of fate and nativity, 411; takes earthly gifts away, to lead men to heaven, 412; gifts of, so great as to be incredible, 419; how to be glorified, 421; to be honored by works, 422; longsuffering of, an example to ourselves, 428; goodness of, to His enemies, ib.; not to be approached in costly ornaments, 433; willeth salvation of all, therefore men must pray for all, 430; threatens in mercy, 461; to be loved not from fear of hell, but from desire of His kingdom, 462; union of man with, in Christ, 463; the best Master, but ill served, 465; acts through evil men, 482; threatens in mercy, 485; why He defers punishment, 486; His work not impaired by the instrument, 483; appeal to, full of awe, 492; charging before, 493; His doings too deep for the curious, 507; His power shown in man's weakness, 515; teaches men through that which they know, 528; our Creditor, 549; goodness of, in punishing, 556, 557.

    Godliness, mystery of, 442; exercise of, 445; a means of gain, but not worldly, 468; beautiful in its own nature, 470; requires daily nourishment of good works, 486; the truth, according to, 520.

    Gold, good for almsgiving, 432; to be used in loosing captives, not in enslaving the soul, ib.; bonds of, tend to the chains of hell, ib.; not to be worn by penitents, 433.

    Good, best done in person, 455; real, may be seized by all, 517.

    Goods, named from use, 443; inherited, not preserved without trouble, 447; worldly, destroyed in a moment, ib.; spiritual, not gained without labor and pain, 446.

    Good works, perseverance in, 485.

    Gospel, why called glorious, 414; gifts of, not of mercy only, but of love and affection, 418; justice and mercy meet only in the, 420; that committed to us, 481; victorious through sufferings, 489.

    Government, an appointment of God, 426.

    Grace, indwelling and aiding, 516; how gained, ib.

    Grace and free will, 520.

    Graces, Christian, true ornaments, 444.

    Gratitude, God glorified in, 554.


    Habit, force of, 499.

    Hands, employed in almsgiving, holy, 432.

    Health, to be prized above beauty, 422.

    Heathen, the, to be prayed for, 430; there would be no, if Christians were as they ought to be, 440; errors of the wiser, 539.

    Heathenism, testimony of heathens against, 528.

    Heaven, to be won by pain and labor, 517.

    Hell, misery of, not the less for numbers, 440; prepared by God because of His goodness, 557.

    Herald, duty of a, 521.

    Heresies, want of brotherly love, the cause, 412; arise from love of power, ib.; foretold, 444; propagated by Jews, 475.

    Heretics, to be prayed for, 430; on the Church's disapproval of putting to death, ib. (note) ; measure heavenly things by human reasonings, 479; no cause of offense, 504; existed from the beginning, ib.; arguing with, useless, 540.

    Hermogenes 484.

    Holiness, the best converter from heathenism, 440.

    Honesty of living, in what consists, 429.

    Honor, dangerous, 526; to be evaded when offered, 527; to be rejected, 526.

    Hope, no real, but in repentance, 441.

    Hospitality, must be cheerful, 454; kind of, intended by St. Paul, 525.

    Hours, canonical, of prayer, 456.

    Household, duty of regulating our, 453.

    Humiliation, our utmost due to Christ, 554.

    Humility, true, rarely to be met with, 416; puffs up when not genuine, 552; Scripture examples of, 553.

    Husband, how to win a heathen, 532.


    Idleness, teacher of every sin, 459.

    Immortality, admits not of degrees, 421.

    Incarnation, The, called The dispensation, 442; immense mystery of, ib.; mystery of, made known by the Church, ib.; doctrine of, to be taught with discretion, ib.

    Industry, practiced in monasteries, 456.

    Injustice, bitterness of, to those who practice it, 494.

    Insincerity, pernicious to the Church, 441.

    Intemperance, horrors of, 452.

    Intercession, priestly, 426; advantages of, ib.; for those without never to be relaxed, ib.

    Isaac, why kept in ignorance when about to be slain, 458.


    Jacob, had wealth, but it was earned, 447.

    Jannes and Jambres, magicians in the time of Moses, 505.

    Jews, crimes of the, 414; had no prayers for heathens, 431; their great stumbling block, the love of power, 417; allowed to pray only in one place, 432; tenets of, how fables, 529.

    Job, his afflictions, occasion of great good, 504; his alms rewarded, ib.; his patience, 512.

    Joseph, won the confidence of a heathen master, 534; honored in prison, ib.; a ruler, ib.

    Judas, delivered to Satan, 425; a golden vessel became earthen, 496.

    Judgment, day of, awfulness of, 485; to come, a cause of fear to all, 494.

    Judging, faculty of, implanted in us, 495.

    Jugglers, condemned, 509.

    Justice, courts of, symbolical, 486; universal on earth, though incomplete, ib.


    Labarum, the, 416 (note) .

    Labor, worldly, vain, 447.

    Law, the, lawful use of, 413; if used aright sends men to Christ, ib.; least needed by those who keep it best, ib.; necessary for the confirmation of the Gospel, 414.

    Life, a corrupt, produces similar doctrine, 424; heathens admire a good, 440; known from death by its acts, 451; true, that of the soul, 452; a dream, 462; eternal, to be won only by great labor, 469; eternal, secured by good works, 572; a time of trial, 506.

    Linus, when Bishop of Rome, 516 (note) .

    Longsuffering of God, to lead men to repentance, 486.

    Lord's Prayer, for all, 428; everything contained in, ib.

    Love, to enemies, possible, 419; to man, brings love to God, 502.

    Luke, St., always adhered to St. Paul, 513.

    Lust, inordinate desire is, 496.

    Lusts, worldly, 536.

    Luxury, danger of, 446; unworthy of man, 451; weakens the soul, 453.


    Magic, condemned, 440.

    Man, union of, with God in Christ, 464; Scriptural definition of a, 452.

    Manes, 479.

    Manichees, 444 (note) .

    Mansions, heavenly and earthly compared, 463.

    Marcion, 479.

    Marcionites, 444 (note) .

    Marriage, not forbidden, 446; he that is chaste before, will be so after, and vice versa, 437; those who contracted a second, ineligible for the episcopate, 524; second objectionable, ib.; second, better to avoid, 503.

    Martyrdom, original idea of, 479 (note) .

    Martyrs, The sacrifice offered on the days of, 425.

    Masks, worn on the stage, 527.

    Masters, to forbear threatening, 465.

    Matrona, cave of, 529.

    Meat, abstinence from, the doctrine of devils, 445.

    Meats, typical, 446; prohibited, to restrain luxury, ib.

    Mediator, nature and office of a, 430; our Lord as, must have two natures, ib.

    Medicine, spiritual, 495.

    Men, of flesh, 452.

    Mercy, all else vain without, 498; of God, men chiefly attracted by, ib.; of God, requires mercy in us, 556; implies ill desert, 417; the work of God, 498; by it men resemble God, ib.

    Miracles, not wrought on all occasions, and why, 515.

    Monastery, death and sickness in a, 457.

    Monasteries, house of mourning, in what sense, 455; as lights to mariners, 456; calm and peace of, ib.; manner of life passed in, ib.; morning, in, ib.

    Money, loved before God, 502; difficulties undergone to gain, ib.; lovers of, really mad, 469; love of, seizes all classes, 470; love of, the worse as not a natural passion, 536; love of, the root of all evils, 469; given for relief of the poor, ib.; to make amends for past sins, ib.; miseries caused by, ib.

    Monks, sleep not naked, 456; psalmody of, ib.; industry, meals, and sleep of, 457; devotions of the, ib.

    Mortification, for the sake of future blessings, 446.

    Mothers, advice to, 437.

    Mystery, of the Incarnation, 442; not to be treated irreverently, ib.

    Mysteries, dignity of those who are entrusted with, 442.


    Nature, chief blessings of, common to all, 448.

    Nero, compared with St. Paul in the Resurrection, 491; called a lion, 514; cupbearer of, converted by St. Paul, ib.; compared with St. Paul, 490; worshiped as a God, ib.; tomb of, unknown, 491.

    Nicopolis, Titus bid to come to, and why, 541; which, here meant, ib. (note) .

    Nineveh, saved through fear, 462.

    Novelties, to be avoided, 493.

    Novices, not to be promoted to the episcopate, 439.


    Obedience, follows our election, 520.

    Oil, in the parable of virgins taken for almsgiving, 498; for good works generally by St. Jerome, and St. Augustin, ib. (note) .

    Onesiphorus, St. Paul's prayer for, 485; his kindness to St. Paul, ib.

    Onesimus, a true and not a true son, 521; a son begotten in bonds, 551; his fault overruled to good, 552; came to St. Paul at Rome, 545; was baptized there, ib.

    Oppositions, certain, not to be answered, 472.

    Orders, Holy, none to be admitted to, without frequent and strict examination, 464.

    Ordinations, responsibilities of, 464.

    Ornaments, of the body to be avoided, 422; of the soul alone to be sought for, 423; inconsistent with penitence, 433; suited to actors and dancers, not to Christians, ib.

    Ostentation, in prayer, to be avoided, 432.


    Paint, condemned, 422.

    Parade, in religion to be avoided, 527.

    Paradoxes of the Gospel, 443.

    Parasceve, Holy Communion celebrated on the, 425.

    Parents, may be benefited by their children's virtue, 436; to be requited, and how, 450.

    Paschal Feast, 425.

    Passions, the most cruel tyrants, 473; evil, worse than wild beasts, 512.

    Patience, in teaching, 497; shown from the fisher, the husbandman, ib.; all may exercise for Christ's sake, 512; befits the aged, 532.

    Paul, St., why he wrote to Timothy and Titus only, 407; mentions no particular age for the episcopate, ib.; instructions to Timothy, as to a Teacher, ib.; appointed by command of God, 408; sent by Father and Son, ib.; anxiety for Timothy, extended to care for his bodily health, 409; garments of, cast out devils, 415; humility of, 416; always conceals his own merit, ib.; his former life, dwelt upon as to the glory of God, 417; his opposition not from ignorance, but from zeal, ib.; ignorance of, produced by unbelief, ib.; dwells on his sinfulness to extol God's mercy, 420; righteousness of, under the law, ib.; how blameless, ib.; his life not impure, but compared with God's righteousness worthless, ib.; humility in describing his own case, 420; ordained for the Gentiles, 431; why he discourses so much of dress, 433; his trials, encouragement to others, 446; detained in prison, 480; why say so often that he was a teacher of the Gentiles, ib.; gave offense to Nero, 484; his prayer for Onesiphorus, 485; a tent maker, 490; his name celebrated all over the world, ib.; victorious over Nero, ib.; his tomb, in the royal city, its splendor, 491; his glory at the Resurrection, ib.; no emperor ever so honored as, ib.; his travels, 511; discourses of his own death, 509; his death a drink offering, 511; preached though imprisoned, 513; whole life passed in afflictions, 507; deserted by man, supported by God, 514; cause of his death, ib.; more powerful than Plato, 525; his thorn in the flesh, 515; condescension of, 532; "the stigmatized of Christ," 547.

    Peace, worldly, useless, if there be war in the heart, 429; with one's self to be desired, ib.

    Peacefulness, duty of, 497.

    Perfection, counsels of, 521.

    Perfumes, spiritual, suitable to Christians, 415.

    Persecutions, afflictions, sorrows, called, 506; the godly must suffer, ib.

    Persons, in the Godhead of the same substance, not distinct in nature, 485.

    Peter, St., crucified with his head downwards, 493.

    Philemon, argument of the Epistle to, 545; his household a Church, ib.; his character admirable, ib.; the lessons to be learned from Epistle to, 546; St. Paul's love to, how shown, 550.

    Philosophy, a life of pleasure opposed to, 495.

    Phygellus, 484.

    Plato, Republic of, 539 (note) .

    Pleasure, bodily, more difficult of restraint, 498.

    Pleasures, certain, agitate, not productive of calm, 415.

    Pomp, absurd and despicable, 443.

    Poor, the, are our benefactors, 455; men must become, if they would be rich, 443; benefits of visiting the, 456.

    Possessions, contention introduced by, 448.

    Poverty, to stand in need of others is, 443.

    Power, of Christ's servants insuperable, 490.

    Praise, vanity of human, 526.

    Prayer, cursing cannot exist with, 427; not limited to one place, 433; for heathens, heretics, 430; without alms, unfruitful, 498; always to be joined with giving of thanks, 427; against another, sinfulness of, ib.; of Jews, how distinguished from Christians, 432; monastic hours of, 456; preservative of our souls, 556; must be free from all passion, 433; from all doubting, ib.; power of, 430.

    Prayers, for heathen princes, agreeable to rules of justice, 426; to be offered for all men, 427; for heathen princes, and why, 426.

    Preacher, duty of a, 428.

    Preaching, difficulties of, 461; good, advantageous to the Church, ib.; pompous language not necessary for, ib.

    Presbyters, why St. Paul gives no directions to, 441; no great difference between, and Bishops, ib.

    Presumption comes of ignorance, 467.

    Pride, aroused by ignorance, 467.

    Priest, commanding belongs to a, 449; the, as it were a common father of all the world, 426; his office to be honored for God's sake, 481; they that honor him, will honor God, ib.; if he teach heresy not to be obeyed, 482; a, by his office, a spiritual father, 483; intercession of, ib.; wicked, impairs not God's work, 481; an angel of the Lord, ib.; his words, not his own, but God's, 482; God worketh through evil, 483.

    Priesthood, dignity of the, 423; responsibility of the, 483 (note) .

    Priests, anointing of, typical of inward virtue, 415; but instruments of God, 483; Christ in His, their words His, ib.

    Principles for solving difficulties of God's doings, 507.

    Priscilla, her zeal, 515.

    Proclamation, the Gospel a, from God, 521.

    Promise of God eternal, 520.

    Prophets, false, 511.

    Prophecy, not of future things only, but of present, 423; used of teaching, 449.

    Prosperity, real, shared fairly even now by good and bad, 411.

    Psalmody, of the monks, 456.

    Punishment, the saints rejoice not in, of the evil, but the Gospel requires it, 514; all who will may escape, 557.

    Pure, all things pure to the, 529.

    Purification, many means of, 549.

    Purity, in what it consists, 433; true, cannot be defiled from without, 530; what real, consists in, 499; outward, attainable by the most wicked, ib.


    Questioning, uselessness of, 467; inconsistent with faith, ib.


    Ransom, meaning of, 431.

    Reasoning, evil effects of, 424.

    Reading, diligent, necessary for teachers, 450.

    Rebuke, offensive, especially of the old, 450; careful enquiry necessary before, 461.

    Regeneration, by grace, 538.

    Relations, affection to, necessary, 453; cannot be neglected without denial of the faith, ib.

    Religion, to be without show, or parade, 527.

    Repetition, of the same subjects not annoying to those who practice them, 428.

    Reproof, discretion required for, 450; to be tempered with exhortation, 510.

    Republic of Plato, 539 (note) .

    Resurrection, of those who said it was past, 493.

    Retribution, not here, but hereafter, 411; future, accounts for prosperity of the wicked, ib.

    Reward, of teachers, 488; proved by various illustrations, ib.

    Rich man, a, how he can be good, 448.

    Rich, those who will be, blamed, 468; the, in this world, 472; duties of the, ib.

    Riches, do not please of themselves but by means of covetousness, 431; to be despised, 443; true, ib.; not our own, ib.; how to take hence with us, ib.; love of, cannot exist with desire of heavenly things, ib.; beneath the care of Christians, 447; never justly gathered, ib.

    Righteous, allowed to be rich, rather than made so, by God, 412; peculiarly called men of God, 472.

    Righteousness the true purifier, 499.

    Robbers, tremble at judgment, 495.

    Robe, to be sought by Christians, 414.

    Rome, Christians at, probably men of consequence, 513.

    Rulers, spotlessness required in, 438; Jewish, sinned not in ignorance, 417.


    Sabbath Day, distinguished from Lord's Day, 425.

    Sacrifice, The, mystery of, always the same, 425; no limit of time for the celebration of, ib.

    Sacrifice of goods rewarded in this life, 443.

    Saints, various as jewels, 458; many ways of becoming, ib.; conflicts of the, shared by aiding them, 484; their present honor a sign of future, 491; ever mixed with the wicked, 504; pleasantry of the, has serious meaning, 555; infirmities of the, why permitted, 515.

    Satan, offending Christians delivered to, and why, 424; made subject to the Apostles, 425.

    Saturn, plain of, in Cilicia, 529.

    Scripture, accuracy of, 430; folly of thinking any superfluous, 546.

    Scriptures, Holy, called sacred writings, 507; thorough knowledge of, prevents offense, ib.; storehouse of instruction, 510.

    Seal of Christians, 494.

    Secrecy, in sinning 548.

    Self-command, real power, unfailing, 472.

    Self-denial, grudging men exact extreme, 523.

    Self-examination, 482.

    Self-preference, sin of, 482.

    Sensuality leads to hatred, 539.

    Serians, 470 (note) .

    Sermons, better not to hear, than not to derive benefit from, 428; weariness in hearers caused by unwillingness to practice what they hear, ib.

    Servants, advice to, 533 sq.; may gain the regard of the worst masters, 534; should continue in service, 546.

    Service, daily, 426.

    Services of God and mammon contrasted, 473.

    Sepulchre, the body a, when the soul is dead, 499.

    Shame, sufferings no cause for, 481; causes of false, 493.

    Sickness, in a monastery, 457; a time for reflection, 495.

    Sin, foulness of, 415; pleasures of, unsatisfying, 416; great, in small matters, 468; small, guiltier from slight temptations, ib.; danger of one, indulged in, 498.

    Sins, some to be checked with authority, 495.

    Sinners, made better by prayers offered for them, 426; open and secret, 465.

    Slave, a Christian life will be admired in a, 533.

    Slaves, duties of, 465; the bishop's concern in, 465; obedience of, puts men to shame, 466; to be imitated by Christians towards God, ib.; brethren of Christ, 552; to be treated as such, ib.

    Slavery, to passions, miserable, 473; moral disadvantages of, 533; state of, lawful and capable of good use, 546.

    Sobriety, what it consists in, 536.

    Soldiers, spiritual, must endure hardness, 488.

    Solomon, experience of, in knowledge of the world, 462.

    Son, heretical comments on the term, applied to Timothy, 409 (note) .

    Sons, not all true, 521.

    Sorrows, not to cause impatience or despair, 477; no exemption from, in this life, ib.; each thinks his own most severe, 478; productive of advantage, ib.

    Soul, called the spirit to distinguish it from the body, 421; a healthy state of, called a sound mind, 477; neglected when sick, 540.

    Spirit, the, mark of the Church, 425.

    Stephen, St., prayer of, 427.

    Strangers, kindness to be shown to, 455.

    Strife, inconsistent in a Christian, 497.

    Submission, in suffering, 553.

    Suffering, needful to the righteous, 507; inequality of, no cause for offense, ib.

    Superstitions, condemned, 440.

    Sympathy, with those in misery, 478; lightens grief, ib.; want of, brings its own reward, 504.

    Swine, flesh of, not unclean, 445.


    Teachers, engaged more than the taught in the contest, 424; what is required of, ib.; not to disdain instruction, ib.; as luminaries, as leaven, as angels among men, 440; must use diligent study, 450; need both gentleness and authority, 467; responsibilities and claims of, 481; must think their disciples everything, ib.; we must not judge our, but ourselves, 483; succession of, 488; must not be impatient, 497; two things that disquiet, 506.

    Teaching, when to be used, 449; called prophecy, ib.; made useless by impatience, 497.

    Thanksgiving, to be made for others' good, 427; binds men to love one another, ib.

    Theater, the heavenly, 526.

    Timothy, submitted to be circumcised, 407; affection of St. Paul for, ib.; his youth no hindrance to his promotion, ib.; alleged miracles by the bones of, ib. (note) ; the time when placed at Ephesus, 409; manner of his appointment, 423; his strictness, abstinence, 439; commanded to read, 449; whole church and people of Asia committed to, 461; fastings of, 464; why not cured, 465; miracles of, ib.; encouraged in his duties, 475; intensity of St. Paul's love for, 476; faith of, hereditary, ib.; gift given to, 477; advice to, through him to all teachers, 488; consoled, 511; second Epistle to, a sort of Testament, full of consolation, ib.; why St. Paul begs him to come to him, 513.

    Titans, 470.

    Titanes, a warlike dance called, 470 (note) .

    Titus, an approved companion of St. Paul, 519; his character, ib.; his jurisdiction, ib.; mentioned in the Acts, ib. (note) ; perhaps a Corinthian, ib.; required not many words, ib.; Epistle to, written before that to Timothy, ib.; character of Epistle to, 520; why left in Crete, 524; St. Paul at liberty when he wrote to, 519.

    Tongue, the, to be kept pure, 427.

    Transgression, real cause of uncleanness in meats, &c., 531.

    Trials, prolonged to the impatient, 543.

    Tribulation, should not haste to be rid of, 543.

    Trophimus, why not healed by St. Paul, 515; when left at Miletus, ib.

    Truth, disregarded by those ambitious of power, 413; supports the Church, 442; contrasted with Type, 520; acknowledgment of, from faith, not from reasoning, ib.


    Unclean, nothing by nature, 446, 530; sin alone, 530; an evil will, ib.

    Uncleanness, of meats, done away with by sign of the cross, 445; not in themselves, but in receivers, ib.; legal, typical of sin, 531; what is, 530.

    Uncleanliness, no honor in, 523.

    Unguents, kind of, to be sought for by Christians, 415.

    Unmarried, duties of the, 454.

    Unrighteous, sufferings of the, 495.

    Unthankfulness, 501.


    Vainglory, difficulty of overcoming, 526.

    Valentinus, 479.

    Vanity, of earthly things, 462.

    Value, of things imaginary, 470.

    Vessels, earthen, twofold meaning of, 496.

    Vices, unnatural, of the heathen, 539.

    Violence, hinders influence, 525.

    Virgins, to be simple in their dress, 433; hoods and veils worn by, 434; reproved for over-carefulness about dress, ib.; have Christ for their Bridegroom, ib.; have entered upon a great contest, ib.; should be an example to others, 435; the foolish, failed in almsgiving, 498 (note) .

    Virginity, not enjoined, 446; a higher state, ib.

    Virtue, the best inheritance we can leave to our children, 437; alone can depart with men hence, 443; most men practice, from constraint, 461; prevails over everything, 535; bad men overawed by, ib.

    Virtues, real goods, 448.


    War, three kinds of war, 429; with one's self the worst, ib.

    Warfare, good and bad, 424.

    Washing, bodily, clears not from guilt, 499; of the body, no great matter, ib.

    Water, worldly things as, 512.

    Way, the narrow, 542.

    Wealth, no power of itself, 431; folly of hoarding, 432; not a possession, a loan for use, 443; however gained, is God's, not ours, 448; not a good, ib.; trusting in, produces pride, 472.

    Wicked, if rich, because they are disesteemed of God, 412; various reasons why suffered to remain, 496.

    Wickedness, has its torments here as well as hereafter, 445, 446; to prevail in the last days, 500; no one to be offended because of, 506; shall increase as the end draws near, ib.

    Widowhood, better not professed than to be forsaken, 459; Christian, 503; how to bear, ib.

    Widows, what makes, 450; to receive honor from the priest, ib.; domestic duty of, ib.; God the stay of, if desolate, ib.; must renounce pleasure, 451; intemperate threatened, 453; "list of widows" relieved by the Church, ib. (note) ; strictness required of, 454; directions to younger, 459; marriage of, recommended to prevent evil, 460; with relations, ib.

    Widows, church, age of, 454; duties of, ib.

    Wine, women given to, 441; danger of, 442; those who served in the temple never tasted, ib.

    Woman, taught once and ruined all, 436.

    Women, to be modest in dress, 433; to be silent and modest, 435; not to speak in Church, ib.; in St. Chrysostom's time open to reproof, ib.; must not teach, but occupy station of learners, ib.; why made subject to men, ib.; salvation to, through child-bearing, 436; yet saved without children, ib.; what they may do, 516; many suffered martyrdom, ib.; not inferior in spiritual matters, ib.; forbidden to teach, 532; those who led to war, condemned, 539; duties of, 454.

    Word, of God, not bound, 489; how rightly divided, 493.

    Works, good, are to shine and be manifest, 440; to be concealed, 458.

    World despised, heaven gained, 516.

    Worth, moral, alone real, 470.


    Youth, requires much restraint, 436; exposed to lust, 533.


    Zeal, in good works, 537.

    Zenas, the lawyer, 541.


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