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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() HOMILIES ON PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, AND THESSALONIANS.Aaron, why he was not smitten with leprosy as Miriam, 274. Abel, suffered through love, 342; shall meet Christ, 356. Abraham, example of good use of riches, 240; his offering Isaac a type of our Lord's death, 283; bid sacrifice Isaac, that he might be rewarded, 331; an example to bereaved parents, 336; prayed for Sodom, 342; preferred God to all things, 350; heard even his wife for God's sake, 350; blessed in his family for this, 350; not heard for Sodom, 358; his reward greater for his not knowing the future, 361; had children, but was not covetous, 369; his hospitality, ib.; wronged by Lot, ib. Accusation, false, met by explanation, true by acknowledgment and amendment, 392. Achan, sacrilege of, punished, 359. Actions, tradition by, 344, 394. Acts, of mercy to be done against the last day, 202; noble acts not performed without daring, 226; evil actions spring from thoughts, 247. Adam, first of mankind, 271; difference between him and a Christian, 287. Adjuration, by Christ, once feared, now despised, 372; a woman rewarded for regarding, 373. Admonition, indirect, most effective, 348; relieved by praise, ib.; disliked, 366; should be gentle, 367; followed up with prayer, 371; of an offending brother, private, 395. Admonitions, should be coupled with commendations, 219. Adrian, sufferings of Jews from, 358. Adultery, has worse effects than fornication, 248; is uncleanness, 342; forbidden to men as well as to women, 345; a work of darkness, 362; most insulting if open, 370. Affliction, of self, now a virtue, at Day of Judgment an unprofitable reflection, 245; a benefit, 253; no one free from it even in this world's contests, 253; from it ease springs, 255; admits spiritual joy, 325 (see Trial) ; the lot of Christians, 335; less felt when we have great blessings, 350; grace and comfort in, 380; unity a help in, 380-81; shakes the weak, confirms the strong, 380; comfort in, 382; a temptation against love of God, 393. Ahithophel, example of flattery, 205. Alexander the coppersmith, 391. Alexander, called the Macedonian, 328; his conquests prophesied of, ib. Alms, adorn the soul, root out covetousness, raise soul toward heaven, bring blessings, assist the dead, 197; a help to catechumens, ib.; measured by the purpose of the giver, 251-52; are a sweet savor to God, ib.; should be given in proportion to the property a person has, 294; are a more beautiful clothing than golden ornaments, 307; surpassed by thanksgiving and losses, 337; giving, relieves one's losses, 338; stores for, 338; oil of our lamp, 371; are for those who cannot support themselves, 394. Almsgiving, to ministers a gain to the giver, 187; the right disposition of giving, 187; removes sins of the giver, ib.; should be to the poorer before the richer, ib.; not to a saint in abundance, ib.; should be without nice curiosity, 188; its good effects on man's nature, 248; does more good to the giver than the receiver, 249; shown to be the best thing by time present and future, 263. Amalek, conquered by Moses' prayer, 391. Ambassadors, honor due to, 330. Amulets, used in sickness, 336; applied by old women, 298; a device of Satan's, ib.; the use of them condemned by the better sort of heathens, ib. Ananias, sin and punishment of, 359. Anarchy, Antichrist's opportunity, 389. Anchor, hope of Resurrection, 377. Angels, Colossians' notion about them refuted, 270; created by the Son, 271; all things done by them are of Christ, ib.; aforetime enemies to man, were reconciled to him by Christ, 272; could not persuade men to reconciliation, for they could not bind Satan, 275; not needed since men are "knit" to Christ, 276; notion about them answered again by Christ's being in Christians, 280; Colossians' notion about them arose from some false teacher, out of his vainglory, 288; it caused them to let go their hold of Christ, and so be lost, 289; attend on children, 351; work of in the Resurrection, 355-56; host of, described as surrounding Christ, 382. Anointing, metaphorically, for encouraging, 378. Antichrist, might seem a sign of Christ's coming, 362; is not an exact one, ib.; will come first, and so far a sign, 378; Christ left no room for his deceit, 378; he that shall come in his own name, ib.; called the Apostasy, 386; will not setup idolatry, ib.; will be worshiped in God's temple, i.e., in Churches, ib.; miracles of, ib.; is not Satan, 386; what withheld, the Roman Empire, 388-89; Nero a type of, 389; Christ's mere appearing shall destroy, ib.; permitted for silencing of unbelievers, ib. Antioch, monks near, 394 (note 2) . Apollinarius, of Laodicea, 206; his followers denied that our Lord took a soul, 214. Apostles, The, examples how we should meet pride arising from our wisdom, 205; a type, and their life-giving laws, 240; taught and then left those they had taught to teach in their place, 301; their ignorance no hindrance to the spread of the Preaching, 307; rejoiced in suffering, 325; chosen as unworldly, 329; at first curious about the time of Consummation, 360; not so afterwards, ib.; not informed, ib.; St. Peter chief of, ib. Appearing, not said of the Father, but of the Son, 207. Archippus, probably held some office in the Church at Colossæ 257, 314; a person to whom St. Paul would have the Colossians entirely subject, 315. Arians, like Greeks in making a greater and a lesser God, 207. Aristarchus, was brought up from Jerusalem fellow-prisoner with St. Paul, 310. Arius of Alexandria, 206; how his heresy falls before St. Paul's text, 207. Ark, one hundred years building, 357; resting-place of, ib. Army, the Church like an, 367. Article, the, often not placed, and yet the word God means The Father, 209. Artisans, oppress their poorer fellows, 370. Arts, knowledge of, should not make men proud, 217; to be used in God's service in serving one another, not to withdraw men from spiritual things, 233. Ascalon, country beyond, 357; men of, conquered by Samuel's prayer, 391. Assyrians, king of, conquered by Hezekiah's prayer, 391. Atoms, notion of, 353. Avarice, souls sacrificed to, 346; wickedness of, 368; vain excuses for, answered, 368-69; its bad effects, 210; consists in loving money at all, 211; hinders from seeing Christ's face, ib.; is a root of evils, ib.; hinders from being Christ's servant, ib. Audacity, examples of, 205; is shown in causeless rage, 206. Baptism, called a seal, 197; men freed from sin by, and have the Holy Ghost given them, 237; men are delivered, as it were, from a fever and wholly diseased state by it, ib.; it gives remission of sin, grace, and wealth, 238; prodigal son an example for those that have sinned after baptism, ib.; is through the cross, 242; the way prepared for it by the things done of old in water, 283; is a circumcision of spirit, 285; not burial only, but resurrection, ib.; a death unto sin, 286; prefigured in Red Sea, 290; its destroying and new-making effects no cause for marvel from what goes on in nature, 290; called sleep by heretics, 352; too often deferred, 361; St. Greg. Naz. on this practice, 361 (note 3) ; priest has one with people, 392. Beasts, wild, do not hurt unless straitened, 368; man inferior to in bodily qualities, 379. Beauty, no cause for being proud, 217. Bee, lesson from, in that it dies in stinging, 368; commended in Scripture, ib. Beggars, adjure by Christ in vain, 373; succeed by praising ladies' beauty, ib.; driven to low jesting and juggling, ib.; and to loose music, ib.; thankful under great privations, ib.; at churches, ib.; cruel treatment of, 395. Begging, a shameful thing, 348; misery of, 368. Beginning, used for first impulse, or for grounding, 378. Belief, of things in heaven increased from what takes place on earth, 283. Believers, sins of, punished, 359. Belly, the many ways men make it their god, 243; moderation a boundary to it, as the sand to the sea, ib. Benjamin, tribe of, that in which the priest's portion was, 231. Beræa, persecution at, 328. Bishops, sometimes called presbyters and deacons, 184; have authority from Christ by succession, 274; come from God, ib.; are ambassadors from God, 274-75. Bishop (see Chrysostom, Priest, Ruler) , responsibility of, 372. Blasphemers, hated by God, taken up by the devil and the demons, 209. Body, the, may be made spiritual, and at length shine in heaven like Christ's body, 243; shall be made immortal by the power of Christ, 244. Body (see Resurrection) , formation of, a mystery, 353-54; unity of, requires care of all parts, 381; place of head in, 397. Bonds, a furtherance to the Gospel, 182, 189; a confirmation of the Gospel, 186; give confidence to others, 190; cause preaching both from envy and for good-will, ib.; the great service they are to St. Paul and to his work, 306; a contrast between his and those the women bound their hair with, 307; St. Paul's, a support under all kinds of tribulations, 315; and in temptations to luxury, 315-16. Books, Christian and heathen, 379. Bowels, of Christ, force of the expression, 188. Breastplate, of faith and love, 363. Brethren, used as a mark of honor, 230; murdered by refusing sustenance, 359; disorderly, to be punished, not starved, 393-94; nor utterly cut off, 395. Bride, with what ornaments she should be adorned, 320. Brutes, superior to man, 217. Bulimy, ravenous disease called, 379. Busybodies, never satisfied, 379. Cain, envied for want of love, 342; his sin punished, 359; his sin equaled, ib.; had no written law, ib. Calling, Christian, requires good life, 345; many fall from, 385; God's will in our, 363, 385. Canticles, mystical interpretation of, 352. Care, undue, takes away the native force of the soul, 229. Catechumens, do not benefit by remembrance in the Mysteries, only by alms, 197. Catasta, 336 (note 2) . Ceiling, gilded, common in houses of the rich, 232. Cæsar's household, obedient to St. Paul's preaching, 253. Chapels of martyrs, 373; some built by Constantine, ib. (note 1) ; poor at doors of, ib.; alms at (reference in note 1) . Charmer, unpitied if bitten, 365. Charms (see Amulets) , offered in sickness, 336-37; to be rejected for fear of God, ib. Chastity, specially called holiness, 342; blessing of keeping till marriage, 346; sometimes found in heathens, 347; first practice of, keeping the eyes, 378; foundation of, fasting, ib. Cheerfulness, right in all events, 223. Children, of nobles, wear golden ornaments round the neck, as those of high birth, 182; put it off when men, 183; require to be indulged, 277; loss of, not a new suffering, and a gain to them, 299; may be wept for, but without blasphemous words, ib.; at Constantinople had learnt songs and dances of Satan; should be instructed in psalms and hymns, 301; should never be left to intermix freely with servants or friends even, ib.; the many virtuous lessons they may be instructed in from the Psalms, 302. Children, term used by St. Paul when he would correct or show fondness for, 229; loss of, too great grief for, 349; what children happy, 351; good, meet their fathers, 356; eaten by women, 358; curiosity of, 360; made an excuse for avarice, 368; God may take away if made an excuse, 369; patriarchs had, but were not covetous, ib.; why given, ib.; should be taught to fear judgment, 383; to be regulated, 384; cares for, sweet to a mother, 392. Children, the three, refreshed in the furnace, 325; ventured without knowing they should escape, 361. Christ, how glorified in St. Paul's life or death, 194; exhorts disciples by examples of himself, the Father, and prophets, 206; called the great God by St. Paul, 207; His not seizing to Himself equality proves Him not lesser than the Father, 208; His divinity not matter of robbery, but His right, natural to Him, 213; His emptying Himself His own act, ib.; if a mere creature, did not humble Himself in washing disciples' feet, 214; in what ways like and unlike other men, ib.; underwent no change or degeneracy in becoming a servant, ib.; proved to have taken a soul against the Apollinarians, 214-15; was not servile in becoming willingly obedient to His Father, but greatly honored Him, 215; His humiliation corresponding to His height, ib.; His death greater humiliation than His being a servant, ib.; the most ignominious death of all, ib.; humbled as man, ib.; exalted as man, ib.; His glory, honor, or dishonor is the Father's too, 216; His obedience, His exaltation, ib.; can be known only by faith, 235; fellowship in His sufferings and death through faith, 236; comes Himself to take His friends to heaven, 244; the grief it will be to be rejected from His kingdom at the judgment, 245; men are saints because of their faith in Him, 258; His names symbols of His benefits to man, ib.; He cometh to us through the poor, 260; present at the table of the poor, 261; the greatness of His work in redemption, 267; First of the Church, as the Adam of men, 271-72; still suffers in His members, 276; does many things for them now, ib.; reasons why He came at this time, not in old time, 277-79; in Him is hid all wisdom, 281; "fullness of Godhead" in Him means that God dwelleth in Him, 285; blotted out the bond that was against man by His death, 286; and then tore it in two, ib.; conquered Satan on the cross, ib.; His death public, His Resurrection private, ib.; so beautiful it is not possible to tell, 295; is put on by clothing the soul with virtues, 308; present at marriages, 319; with His angels, 320; glorified in suffering, 325; waiting for, 328; His resurrection a ground of hope, 328, 363; known by the Jews, though slain by them, 333; foretold affliction to lighten it, 335; suffered for us while enemies, ib.; he that can give to, rich, 338; death of, proves incarnation real, 352; is in the faithful, 353; our Pilot, 355; words of, recorded only by St. Paul, ib.; voice of, raises the dead, ib.; honor of meeting, 356; checked curiosity about the end, 360-61; comes as a thief, and why, 361; comes suddenly, though preceded by Antichrist and Elias, 362; command of, to obey rulers, though bad men, 366; comes to table in the poor, 374; proclaimed at hand to induce disappointment, 377; spoke particularly of consummation to provide against deceivers, 378; coming of, to be like lightning, ib.; taught humility by washing disciples' feet, 379; suffering for, glorious, 385; coming of, will be with gathering of saints, 385-86; followers of Antichrist would in no case have believed, 389; did not openly call Himself God, ib.; excuses for not believing, taken away through Antichrist, 389; came in the Father's name, ib.; called the Love of the Truth, ib.; friend of man, 390; glory of, to save men, ib.; is present where men pray together, 392; to be waited for, 393; forbade idleness, 394. Christians, of old, sharers of St. Paul's sufferings, 200; if they glorify Christ, and live not rightly, insult Him, and worse than heathen, 216; enemies to the cross, who seek ease and luxury, 242; called faithful because of mysteries intrusted to them never intrusted to others, 258; a call to have a portion of the Saints in Light, 266; translated into it by Christ, ib.; yet prefer ease and luxury in this world, 267; contrasts between state of, at baptism and Adam's state in Paradise, 287; can only be kept in state of purity by a virtuous life, 287-88; are risen with Christ therefore their life is not this life, nor will it appear till He appears, 289; compare to a corpse, 290; have all one royal form, viz., that of Christ, 297; should make the sign of the cross, and not use amulets, 298; should not always be learning, but should be able after a time to teach others also, 301; wisdom with which they should treat those that are not Christians, 309; in having put on Christ, are clothed with ornament enough, 307. Christian, so may you die, a form of adjuration, 372; first all friends, 331; appointed to trials, 335; present, have borne nothing, ib.; are not ready for war, ib.; in peace should provide for war, 336; are Christ's in death or life, 363; first, as one family, hence withdrawal much feared, 395-96. Christ-mongers, some call, 348. Christs, false, provided against, 378. Chrysostom, St., admires St. Paul more for his grief at sinners than for his many trials, 254-55; is not afraid to warn people of their sins because he may be left with a small congregation, 293; the mind with which he had spoken of the defects of his people, ib.; his hearty joy at the mention of St. Paul's bonds, 306; straitened for an example of friendship, 331; his argument about fornication, 342; apostrophizes Joseph, 343; urges to immediate forgiveness, ib.; talks like a matchmaker, 346; must speak of unclean things for remedy, ib.; calls his charge his own body, ib.; in fear of punishment because of his office, 359; promises to prove that hell is not against God's mercy, 359-60; grieves for scorners, 365; complained of for discipline, 366; prayed for the people, though unworthy to do so, 371; asks their prayers on account of his responsibility, 372; and on account of Satan's assaults, 391; feels for the people as a father, 391; asks to hear any complaint, 392; wishes his charge multiplied, though heavy, ib.; spiritual children of, ib.; pangs for, ib.; preached as bishop once or twice a month, 396; asks help in teaching, 397. Church, the, the bride of Christ and of His flesh, 319; the real palace, 373; poor around doors of, ib.; lessons from this, 374; rich are vain and showy in, 387; reverence in, 388; called in God, for distinction from other assemblies, 324; of Constantinople, unworthy to be so called, ib.; offenders removed from, 336; order of, like that of an army, 367; they that war on, say they know God, 378; whole, claims our love, 381; tradition of, 390; each once like one family, 396; glory of, lost for want of love, ib. Churches, Antichrist shall be seated in, 386. Circumcision, might be performed to the breaking of the Sabbath, 230; nothing but "concision" when the law was no more, 230; what true circumcision is, ib.; only a type, 231; how it differed from baptism, 285. Coiner, coineth but in vain, 388. Colony, Philippi so called, 181. Colossæ, a city of Phrygia 256. Colossians, Epistle to the, written while St. Paul was in bonds, and after that to the Romans, 257; later than that to the Philippians, ib.; their fruitfulness after they had received grace, 259; are brought unto God by ministers of Christ, not by angels, ib.; praised for their way of life, 265; blamed for their doctrines, ib.; must be brought unto God by His Son, no more by angels, 264; their love for St. Paul, 280; saw him constantly in the spirit, ib.; their steadfastness in faith, 281; warned against their notion about angels by being bid walk in Christ, 284; warned against some false philosophizer that would gradually undermine them, ib. Commands, different at the end of some Epistles, 303. Commandments, perfection goes beyond, 344. Commendation, needs qualifying, 385; carefully guarded, 393. Concision. See Circumcision, 230. Conscience, a terror to those that live in crime, 248; constantly tells men they sin, but they refuse to know it, 269. Constantine, built chapels to martyrs, 373 (note 1) . Constantinople, St. Gregory Nazianzen at, 361 (note 3) ; Constantine built chapels to martyrs in, 373 (note 1) . Consummation, curiosity about time of, 360; curiosity checked, ib.; time of, best not known, 361; death is to each one, 360; now going on, 360-61; Christ spoke particularly of, to exclude deceivers, 378; Thessalonians perplexed about, ib. Contention, nature of man fond of, 217; does away with peace, 248. Contentious, the, require arguments from reason as well as Scripture, 212. Contentment, in all states not easy, and requires discipline and trial, 250. Contrite spirit, God loves, 278. Conversation, about hell, useful, 382-83; of other men's matters, dangerous, 383. Corinth, fornicator of, quenched the spirit, 370; cured by withdrawing from him, 396. Corinthians, were not poor, 332; Timothy sent to, 335; reasoned with, because indocile, 353. Cornelius, example for a soldier, 241; prayer of, 326. Correction, by means of hard sayings, 211-12. Covenant, the nature of a, 287. Covetousness, its bad effects, 248; more cruel than robbery, 369-70; to be checked, 370. Courage, not haughtiness, 205 (see Pride) ; examples of true courage, 205; is shown in the absence of self-love, 206; has scope through uncertainty, 361. Craticula, 336 (note) . Cross, the, must be borne by Christians, 242; its power, ib.; Christians exhorted to sign themselves with it, 298. Cupping-glass, draws out disease, 387. Curiosity, must not be indulged, 277, 279; natural to man, 360; indulgence promotes, ib.; especially about the consummation, ib.; belongs to an imperfect state, ib.; reasons against, ib.; excuse for, to answer heathens, ib. Daniel, his humility shows us how we should meet the pride that comes from wisdom, 204 (see Apostles and Joseph) ; thought a god, 327; could not have saved Jews, ib. Darkness, works of, 362; vice a, 363; is over the earth, 370. Daughters, of men, 357; Lot would have given up, for the sake of God's servants, 358. David, example of humility, 205 (see Humility) ; an example how to behave in a kingdom, 241; Samuel sent to anoint, 339; care of people for, 391. Day, sons of, 362; to be such our own part, ib.; of the Lord comes as a thief, 326, 360; of judgment, circumstances of, 355; darkness to some, light to others, 362; comes as travail on a woman, but partially foreknown, 362; as a thief to men in darkness, ib.; last, will show who have believed, 385; falsely proclaimed at hand, 386. Deacon, bids silence for lessons, 387. Dead, of all ages, raised, 356; raised and gathered before caught up, ib.; all await the end, 361; by nature and in sin compared, 363-64; one who wrongs us is in sin, 368; therefore we need no revenge, ib.; burial of, 379. Death, no shame to a Christian, 194; only a coming to life to the Christian, 196; in itself indifferent, ib.; several causes of the fear of, 198; that by the Cross most ignominious, 215; of the just matter of joy, 223; that of desperately bad, cause of more joy, ib.; if really death, sad, 349; horror of being led to, 356; eternal more terrible, ib.; consummation to each one, 360; time of, best unknown, 361; fear of, restrains many, ib.; vice a, 363; going to, by a broad road unenviable, 364; thought of, humbling, ib. Deeds, teach, not words only, 240; make the teacher to be reverenced and obeyed by disciple, ib.; "of the old man" means that of the bad moral choice, 294-95. Deep, how to traverse safely, 355. "Defense, of the Gospel," the expression explained, 190. Delay, folly of, 325; makes forgiving harder, 343; of Judgment is for our repentance, 384. Deluge, disbelieved till it came, 356; of Hell, 357. Demons, statues in houses so called, 232; praised in song at heathen feasts, 262; beset way from earth to heaven, 371. Desire, the end for which it is implanted in the mind, 233; to be limited except in heavenly things, 370. Despair, none to, though late, 325-26; makes any one bold, 361; men should not be driven to, 395. Despondency, relieved by example, 349. Difficulties, met by difficulties, 353-54; of others turned to our good, 378. Disciples, Christ washed feet of, 379; in schools are also teachers, 397. Discipline, Church, thought odious, 366. Discourses, of Hell, profitable, 359; thought unpleasant, 382; qualify the soul; 383-84; are to it as wind to ships, 383; to be applied to all, 384; preferred by many to lessons, 388; yet not heeded by them, 388; less effective than life, 396. Dishonor, for Christ's sake glorious, 385. Disease, produced by carelessness, 364; sin a, ib.; to be expected, 367. Disorderly, who are, 367, 394; not to starve to death, 394. Dispensation, may have two meanings, 277. Disputing, what it means, 220. Divinity, not spoken of as unequal in Scripture, 207. Diviners, not consulting, makes loss a gain, 337; may learn something of Satan, ib.; going to them pleases him, ib. Doctrines, not to be forsaken for human respects, 381. Docetæ, 352 (note 2) . Dogs, the poor are, of God's palace, 374. Draught, of wind puts out lamp, 370. Dress, should not make men proud, 217. Drunkenness, any vice a, 362; causes sleep, 364. Duties, should be done not from nature only, but from higher motive of pleasing God, 304. Ear, formation of, 354; sin may enter by, 370. Ears, how to use them in God's service, 233. Earth, imperfectly known to men, 354; shall give up the dead, 356; things of, quench grace, 370; way from, to heaven beset by demons, 371. Ease, in this world is not the way to heaven, 255; in this world is not the life of Christians, 289. Edification, mutual, 366. Education, soul the chief object in, 346. Egypt, bad character of, 358. Egyptians, drowned, 358; irascible and unforgiving, 380. Elation, more disease to the soul than dropsy to the body, 217. Elect, the, worth suffering for, 325; to be gathered by Angels, 355; honored by meeting Christ, 356; Antichrist might well-nigh deceive, 386. Eli, and his sons, punished, 359; sin of, not unimitated, ib. Elias, example of courage, 205; type of the Resurrection, 283; to come before Christ, 362, 378, 390; example of poverty, 240. Endurance, Christian, convinces adversaries, 200. Enemies, spiritual, enumerated, 336; to be talked to concerning Hell, 384. Enemy, an, should be treated as a real friend, 249; softened by kindness, 343; good of not having, 395. Enmities, ruler must incur, 366; of great, not feared by first Christians, 381. Enmity, had its origin from the earth, 275. Enoch, type of the resurrection, 283. Envy, the causes of it, 191; to indulge it makes us friends of Satan's, to resist it makes us sharers in our brother's pleasure, 312; he that resists it, makes his own soul brighter than his whose grace he envies, and gains three crowns, 313; makes to fight against God and His Church, and puts a man in punishment, 313; likened to a savage beast, ib.; of Cain from want of love, 342; bred at marriage feasts, 384. Epaphras, See Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus, sent by clergy of Philippi to St. Paul, 184; sent to the Philippians by St. Paul, 223; St. Paul's fellow-soldier, 224; "Messenger" or "Teacher" to the Philippians, 225; his sickness and recovery, ib.; risked his life in going to visit St. Paul, ib.; the service of all the Philippians fulfilled through him, 226; the bearer of the Epistle to the Philippians, 249; bearer of alms to St. Paul, 252; brought St. Paul the account of the Colossians, 258; commended by St. Paul, 314; a Colossian, ib.; St. Paul's great praise of him, 315. Ephesians, Epistle to, written while St. Paul was in bonds, 257. Epistle to Hebrews, called one of St. Paul's writings, 184; second to Thessalonians, occasion of, 377; one forged as from St. Paul, 377, 386; token of a true, 377; prefaced with prayer for God's favor, 380; not all things given in, 390. Eternity, of future punishment, 384. Eve, clothed herself with the garment of sin, and became unseemly, 307. Evil, not to be rendered for evil, 367; much less for good, ib.; all to be abstained from, 371. Evil-speaking, true or false, against superiors brings harm to the speaker, 228; love allows not, 381. Eusebius, of Constantine's building chapels, 373 (note 1) . Example, must be from a stronger case, 208. Examples, of different kinds, in Holy Scripture that each Christian may follow as he is able, 240. Excuses, vain and inconsistent, 388. Execution, horror of going to, 356-57. Eyes, the right way of employing them in God's service, 233; formation of, 354; an inlet of danger, 370, 378; must care for whole body, 381. Ezekiel, his prayer rejected, 327; not on his own account, ib.; his sufferings, ib.; his way of speaking, 371. Faith, alone comprehends mysteries, 236; is perfected by doing works like Christ's works, ib.; coupled with conduct everywhere by St. Paul, 264; causes solidity when it shuts out reasonings, 282; instances of the need of it in things above human conception, 282-83; implies willingness to suffer, 324proved by it, ib.; strong, of Thessalonians, 328; what could be lacking in, 341; in Mysteries, 354; needed everywhere, ib.; sails of, 355; a breastplate, 363; how strengthened, 363, 380; weakness in, 367; design of some to subvert, 377; weak, shaken by affliction, strong confirmed, 381; work of, is patience, 385; not given to all, 391. Faithful, are God's riches, 385. Fans, used in Holy Eucharist, 205 (note 1) . Fasting, foundation of chastity, 378; and prayer, not work of hands, 394. Fate, a cruel doctrine, 269; believed only by those that defined Pleasure the "end" and did not love Virtue, ib. Father, name of The, enough to show His priority, 213; we stand before, when judged by Christ, 342; Christ came in the name of, 389. Father, St. Chrysostom feels as a, 391; is to many in the spirit, 392; even to those baptized by others, ib.; all Christians at first as under one, 396. Fathers, duty of, to their children, 304; reward children for virtue as pleasing them, 332; should keep sons in chastity, 346; good children meet, 356; neglect education of sons, 359; have to annoy their sons, 366; but can do so unresisted, ib.; relation of, to sons, why appointed, 369; even as such have claims on children, 372; would not lose their children, though burdened, 392. Fathers, old, wait for us, 356. Fault, to be spoken of to the persons concerned, 392. Favorers, 312. Favor, of God. See Grace, 380. Fear of God is better than all things, 197; not so powerful as shame to bring us to right tone, 201; a means of softening the mind, 212; needful for setting a high example, 219; in achieving temporal, much more spiritual matters, ib.; produced by remembrance of God's presence everywhere, ib.; should not cast down because God works with man, 220; of man often more persuasive than fear of hell, 226. Fear, 382; if early learned, not soon effaced, 383-84; we should hear with, in church, 388. Feast, differences between a Christian and a heathen, 262; best to invite poor to, 374. Feet, how to use them in God's service, 233. "Fellowship in the Gospel," what St. Paul means by it, 185. Fig tree, what it grows from, 353. Fire, appointed for avaricious 211; see river of, 365; thought of, good, 382; makes riddance of thorns, 387; kills small insects far off, 389. Fiery furnace, type of the Resurrection, 283. Firstborn, of every creature, its meaning, 270; another meaning, 271; from the dead, 352. Flattery, not humility, is shown by courting for the things of this life, 206. Fleetness, should not make men proud, 217. Flesh, the, hath been honored by God, was dishonored by the false teachers of the Colossians, 289; of Christ, deniers of, 352. Folly, not so bad as haughtiness, 217; all sin so called; contrast between it and wisdom, 300. Forgive, not to, cause of greater harm to oneself, 202; we should, like Joseph, 343; while the heart is warm, ib.; to, a means of pardon, ib. Forgiveness, our own, increased by warning others of like sins, 268-69; of what character it should be, 295; and is nothing without love, ib. Form, in a simple being, implies one substance, 209; does not mean "work" of a servant, but real humanity, 214. Fornication, its bad effects on man's nature, 248; opposed to love, 342; to be shunned for sanctification, 344; those who commit, are like filthy swine, ib.; worst in the married, 345; all, forbidden, ib.; the young to be kept from, 345; early, makes bad husbands, 346; twenty-three thousand slain for it, 358; law against, then new to them, ib.; quenches the Spirit, 370; never satisfies, 379; how corrected, 396. Free will (see Will) , 220, 362. Friend, a faithful, how good, 330; times and places loved for, 331; loves to be indebted, ib.; and to have his friend so, ib.; Christ is the, of man, 390. Friendship, of many, brings hurt, 189; many kinds of friendship, 259; it is a cold kind that comes of giving great feasts, 263; become rare, 330; examples of, in first Christians, ib.; rewarded by God, 332. Funeral, sight of, humbling, 379. Gain, loss made a, 337; not to be sought from loss of others, 370; Heavenly, to be desired without limit, ib. Gains, dishonest, how to be rid of, 369; example of Zaccheus, ib.; little, great covetousness shown in seeking, 370. Galatians, return to observance of the law, 198; quench the Spirit, 370. Garment, God gives a glorious, 350; Joseph's, rather showed him innocent, 380; wedding, he that had not, cast out, 385. Garments, stores of, no real gain to the possessors, 232. General, specially attacked in war, 391; all succor him, ib. Generation, of Christ, greater mystery than his Resurrection, 236; can be comprehended only by faith, not reason, ib. (see Resurrection) ; spiritual, type of the Son's eternal generation, 283. Gentiles, once were "dogs," but the Jews had now taken their place, 230. Gifts, God's, to be used in His praise, 233; not what withheld Antichrist, 381; for they had long ceased, ib. Glory, not to be obtained, except by fleeing from it, 217; of God to impart good, 385; of suffering for Christ, ib.; great, of glorifying God, ib. Glorying, of St. Paul in his converts, 381. God, everywhere called great in the Scriptures, 207; all mankind acknowledge Him to be just, 212; His glory does not consist in man's worship, 215-16; when the Son is honored or dishonored He is, 216; everywhere present, 219; His longsuffering motive for repentance, ib.; works with man only when he has a good will to work, not to make him careless, 220; gives the desire and fulfillment of the good works, ib.; His working with man does not take away his free-will, ib.; men flee from Him by sin, 237; to know His will spiritual wisdom is needful, 264; to know His essence, continual prayers, ib.; longsuffering is said of Him, patience never, 265; His love known by seeing His Son delivered up, ib.; His gifts cannot be used unless He gives strength, ib.; does not do things on a sudden, but with consideration of man's weakness, 277; the Church in Him, 224; sinners not so, ib.; raised up Christ, 328; His trusting implies approval, 329; acts like a friend in dissembling claims, 331; promises His Son as reward for Abraham, ib.; rewards us for what is good for us, 332; well-doing his gift, 341; true virtue that in His sight, 342; is insulted by uncleanness, and avenges, 345; teaches love of brethren, 348; blasphemed through idlers, ib.; jealous of our trusting in man, 350; takes away what we prefer to him, ib.; protects the widow, ib.; and the fatherless, 351; His undeserved goodness, 350; speaks more kindly than a husband, 351; nature of, inscrutable, 354; His power ends difficulty, ib.; seen in a manner by prophets, 355; spoke to St. Paul, ib.; Resurrection His work, 356; will do what He threatens, 357; did so to old world, and to Sodom, ib.; must punish if impartial, 359; infinite goodness of, 363; mercy of, to the merciful, 365; image of, not to be insulted, 368; salvation of, His purpose, 372; admits the poor to His courts, 374; not knowing, the beginning of pride, 378; knowing, cures pride, 379; St. Paul invokes favor of, 380; favor of, to Joseph, ib.; praise due to, for our good actions, ib.; justice of, to be seen at last, 381; must punish on His own account, 382; the King most to be feared, ib.; forbears, that we may prepare, 384; does all His part to save us, ib.; punishment of those who know not, 384; coming of, in itself implies vengeance, 385; it is light to some, darkness to others, ib.; glorified in His saints, ib.; the faithful His riches, ib.; imparting good, His glory, ib.; gratification or persuasion of, ib.; speaks in Church lessons, 387; letters from, ib.; all good ascribed to, 390; care of, a pledge, ib.; we concur with, in our establishing, ib.; desires united prayers, 391; all depends on, 393; love of, how to show, ib. Good, to be returned for evil, 367; of Heaven, may be desired without limit, 370. Goods, only good when men do good with them, 232; spoiling of, 349; cruelly seized, 369. Good-will, in man, necessary to God's working, 186. Good works, done with bad motives, not good, and get a punishment, 190; performance of them makes like to God, 206; the desire of, and fulfillment comes from God, 220. Gospel, to share in its troubles is a blessedness, 186-87; its progress throughout the world, 259; mystery of, hidden in Christ, 279; only made manifest now to the Saints, 280; in what its great mystery consists, ib.; proved divine by persecution, 324, 329; preached for no ill purpose, ib.; a great gift, but easy to give, 330; to be preached to all nations before Christ comes, 378. Grace, those are made partakers of it who partake of the sufferings of their ministers, 186; not given in Job's time, 222; given in baptism, quenched by sin, 238; works with God's ministers, though unworthy, 274; some quench, some improve, 370; works by unworthy ministers, 371; prayer for, in Epistles, 380; consolation from, ib.; to endure trials, 385; a pledge for the future, 390; has made many laymen better than rulers, 391. Graciousness, towards those that oppose the truth, must not lapse into indifferentism, 309. Grapestone, wonderful growth of, 354. Grass, growth of barren, and mystery, 354. Greeks, how to argue with them, about Christianity, 269; still in an imperfect state, from their own listlessness, 277; how to answer their question, "why Christ came at this time," ib. Gregory, St. Nazianzen, sermon of, against deferring baptism, 361 (note 3) . Gridiron, an instrument of martyrdom, 336. Grief, to be shown for sinners living, as well as when dying, 196; but with secret, not open, sorrow, ib.; for sinners, tends to joy, and is evidence of a mind devoted to God, 255; profitable to those that grieve, as leading them to repent for their own sins, ib. Guests, poor, are the best, 374; great and rich, are like masters, ib. Hades, most said to be punished in, 359. Hadrian. See Adrian. Ham, cursed through want of love, 342. Hand, of God, is strong, and able to support men, 209. Hands, the right way of using them in God's service, 233. Hand-writing, St. Paul's cause of emotion to the Colossians, 314. Hardships, present lot of Christians, 329. Harlot, ways of, pleasant to loose minds, 346; dishonor of being united to, 347; hired for wedding-feasts, 317; to do so like mixing vinegar with wine, 318. Head of a family should be its teacher, 397; husband is, of wife, ib.; office of, in the body, ib. Health, good, should not make men proud, 217. Hearing, quick, should not make men proud, 217. Heart, the source of good and evil, 342. Heathens, sometimes chaste, 347; grief at deaths suitable to, 349; answers to, about Resurrection, 353; no better answer by knowing time of Consummation, 360; asked when should be Resurrection, 361; shame they should see Christians despise adjuration, 372; use of their histories, 379. Heaven, compared to palaces, 351; orphans shine in, ib.; not to be attained with self-indulgence, 364; way to, beset by demons, 371; opened in description, 382. Hell, appointed for avaricious, 212 (see Avarice) ; a warning to bad men, ib.; though intolerable, yet not equal to the pain of being dishonored at the judgment, 245; deluge a proof of, 357; Sodom a proof of, ib.; not known to ancients, 358; thought of, implanted in us for good, 359, 382; St. Chrysostom in fear of, 359; sons of, 362, 366; thought of, makes trouble seem nothing, 382; should be talked of, 382-83; thought of, keep from falling into it, 383; he that will not hear of, not ready for persecution, ib.; St. Paul would have borne for God's will, ib.; fear of, guides the soul, 384; rich man would have escaped had he feared, ib.; some think mild and temporary, 384; those refuted, ib. Helmet, spiritual, preserves reason, 363. Heretics, do great and good works, but without a reward, 191; their way of interpreting, "He thought it not robbery," 212; say Christ was humbled not as He is Man, 215; that "Name" means glory, ib.; and that God's glory consisted in that all worship Him, ib.; their notions of God false, 216; the wisdom of the Spirit leads them to undertake the fight that they may fail, 234; blot out words of Scripture when against them, ib.; entrapped by St. Paul's words on the Law, ib. Hezekiah, heard, and why, 326; triumphed over king of Assyria by prayer, 391. History, proves vanity of earthly things, 379. Holiness, chastity specially called, 342; implies all virtues, ib. Homily, unnecessary, 388. Hope, source of all good, 194; helmet of, 363; an anchor, 377; false in the notion that Hell is temporary, 384; good, supports the soul, 390. Holy Spirit, His words are as a two-edged sword in a phalanx, 206; given in Baptism, 237. Holy Scriptures, apply human words to God, 252. Honor, takes place between a greater and a lesser, 209. Hospitality, to the poor, has a reward at the Judgment, 262; of Abraham, 369; to the poor, 374. House, a, a memorial of covetousness, 369. Houses, how to use them in serving God, 233; fallen, of the great, an admonition, 379. Humility, the greatest safety for disciples against their enemies, 182; Joseph's, 204; Christ's cause of men's working greater deeds than Himself, 205; not adulation or meanness, ib.; shown in David, ib.; examples of, ib.; is shown when one shows respect to another, for things pleasing to God, 206; taught by examples of Christ, ib.; must be an emptying one's self from free choice, 213; what true humblemindedness is, 208; always a way to be exalted, 216; the good things that spring from it, 217; arises from considering our own failings, 229. Hunger, should be relieved, 368; to perish by no disgrace, ib.; to make others do so, a crime, ib. Husband, duty of, to his wife, 304; bound to keep to his wife alone, as she to him, 345; not to be idolized, 350; what comes of a, ib.; should teach by example, 396 (and see Wife) ; head of the wife, 397; his obligations to her, ib.; should take spiritual food, like a swallow, to the nest, ib. Husband and wife, make but one man, 318; what kind of one parents should seek for their daughters, 320. Husbandman, desires to see his land when fruitful, 341; must attend to the seed sown, 386; natural, has to do with lifeless earth, ib.; not so spiritual, 387; he must root out thorns, ib. Hymns, diviner things than psalms, 301-02; that of the Angels which the faithful know, 302; when a person is about his business, he may sing a hymn in his heart, ib. Idleness, mischief of, 348; of Christians is an offense to heathens, ib. If, used for because, as assuming certainty, 382. Ignorance, often cause of sorrow, 352. Images, set up in houses of rich, 232. Image, the, why it is not said of an Angel, yet is of a man, 270. Image, of God, in man, 368; of a king, not safe to insult, ib.; impressed on wax while warm, 383. In, said of the Son as of the Father, 324; in Jesus, 353; used for through, 385, 390. Incarnation, proved real by Christ's death, 352; unforeseen, 356. See Flesh. Indolence, cause of men's believing in fate, 269. Industry, benefit of, 348. Initiated, know the order of service, 371. Injustice, injures the doer of it most, 249. Insult, not bearing, a weakness, 367; to a man is to Christ, 368; not returning, a lesson, 396. Intercession. See Prayer. Intercessions, good for all, 197. Interpretation, mystical, 352. Inworking, of God, requires good-will in man, 186. Israel, conquered thirty-two kings by prayer, 391. Jacob, prayer of, 326; an example to pastors, 332; had children, yet not covetous, 369; wronged by Laban, but never defrauded him, ib. Jacob's ladder, type of the Cross, 283; he deceived his father, by an economy, 285. Jailor, his business full of wickedness, 182; his sudden conversion, and that of all his family, ib. Japheth and Shem, blessed for loving their father, 342. Jeremiah, his prayer rejected, 327; his way of speaking, 371. Jerusalem, temple at, not the only seat of Antichrist, 386; above, our Mother, 398. Jason, made to give security, 324. Jesus, called Justus, probably a Corinthian, 310; to sleep in, what, 352 (note 4) , 353. Jews, corrupt Christianity under a show, 182; an example with what mind men should give to Priests, 226; still in an imperfect state from excess of listlessness, 277; were as children under Moses, ib.; the wilderness was a school to them, 278; Egypt as the tablet on which their letters were written, ib.; like children in wishing to return to Egypt, ib.; their doctrines those of children, ib.; were humored in their passions like children, ib.; in all respects imperfect like children, 279; prayer not heard for, 326; persecutors of Christ and His Church, 333; and that not for truth's sake, ib.; slew prophets whose books they use, ib.; enemies of all men, ib.; wrath on them, 334; their sufferings, 358. Job, heard for his friends, 326; he could not have saved the Jews, ib.; his patience better than almsgiving, 337; wrestled with Satan, ib.; tried through his wife, 340; mourned little for his children from love to God, 350; thankful in all circumstances, 367; prayers of, for his children, 392; prayer of, for his sons, not for temporal blessings, but for pardon of sin, 197; Satan attacked his soul to make him more approved, 210; an example of suffering without murmuring, 221; the grievousness of his sickness, ib.; and his state worse than ours, because it was before the gift of grace, and the tidings of the Resurrection, 222; gave thanks in his pain, 265. John, St., the Baptist, example of courage, 205; came in spirit and power of Elias, 389. Jonas, type of the Resurrection, 282-83. Jordan, plain of, like Paradise, 357; now burnt and desolate, ib. Joseph, his example shows us how we may overcome the pride that comes from our wisdom, 204; contrast between him and the Egyptian woman, 307; how tempted by his mistress, 342-43; firm, yet moved by tears, 343; forbore revenge, ib.; an instance of the power of grace, 380; how hardly treated, ib. Josephus, records punishment of the Jews, 358. Joy to be shown for just, dead as well as living, 196; of the world soon over, and bringeth grief, 254; spiritual in affliction, 325; on suffering enables to render good for evil, 367. Judæa, Churches of, persecuted, 324, 333, 341; Christians of, lost their goods, 349. Judaizing Teachers, why called dogs, no longer children, 230. Judas, the traitor, fell, from his love of money, 210; his hardness of heart, 211; his fall told by all the Evangelists, that we may dread it, ib. Judgment, to be dishonored in the, worse than pain of hell, 245; the nearness of it, a consolation to the good, 244; Day of, is night and winter to sinners, day to the just, 267; Christian who disbelieves it cannot be called a Christian, 268; none disbelieve it, 269; to disbelieve it not reasonable, 269-70; commencement of, 355; not disproved by prosperity of wicked, 362; suddenness of, ib.; terrors of, to scorners, 365; deceivers proclaimed at hand to induce disappointment, 377; just, of God, 382; children to be taught about, 383; future, less talked of than earthly, 384; and less prepared for, ib.; delayed that we may repent, ib. Justice, its good effects, 161. Kindness, softens an enemy, 343. King, Eternal, fear of, 382; honor of meeting, 355; reprieve from, 356; poor admitted with, to Christ's Table, 374; none Christian at first, 381; fear of, keeps from much evil, 382; letters of, read in churches, 387. Kings, not free from affliction, 253; instances to show this, 254; their kingdom not like the kingdom of heaven, ib.; use the bees' work, 368; Israel conquered, 32; by prayer, 391. Kingdom of God, worth bearing all for, 333, 382; of heaven, obtained through Priests, 367. Kiss, of charity, given through others, 372. Knowledge, brings condemnation without practice, 206; without action, leads to punishment, 265. Labor, in vain, 340; of hands recommended, 348; spiritual, made an excuse for idleness, ib. Laity, duty of, towards priests, 366; have liberties that priests have not, ib.; equal in chief benefits, 392. Lamb, priest and people partake of one, 392. Lamp, of the Spirit, not to be quenched, 370; robbers first put out, 371; bright, admits to bridechamber, 372; lighted, can light others, 396. Land, how to use it in serving God, 233. Laodicea, epistle from, probably written from thence to St. Paul, 314. Laughter, arising from present things is condemned by Christ, 246; at admonition, miserable, 367. Law, the, not is loss, but is counted loss for Christ, 235; like a bridge to the Gospel, ib.; or as a man counts silver when he found gold, ib.; it is loss by comparison, ib.; good as the chaff is to the corn, ib.; not absolutely loss, but for Christ, ib.; but a doctrine of men, now the time (of Christ) is come, 289. Laws, father's authority upheld by, 366; fear of, hinders many bad actions, 382; hurt not those who fear them, 383. Law-suits, men talk much of, 384; and take pains about, ib. Laying on, of hands is through the cross, 242. Lazarus, raising of, 356; rich man despised, 374; needed his help afterwards, ib. Leopard, Daniel's vision of, 328. Letter, forged as from St. Paul, 377. Letters, from heaven, 387; of kings, read in church, ib. Life, is of several kinds, 195; what it is not to live this present life, ib.; this present, worth living if we live in faith, 196; not life if it has no fruit ib.; good or bad as we make it, ib.; the present a good state, 225; future is better than a good state, ib.; to risk it for saints is martyrdom, 226; cannot be without pain, 254; the present, compared to a nest of mire and sticks, 267; the virtuous, a good thing, 280; the present, should be no cause of care to a Christian, 290. Lightning, coming of Christ, evident as, 378. Like-mindedness, not so great as to be of one mind, 203. Likeness of man said of Christ, because he was not equal in everything to man, 214. Listlessness, arises from looking at the faults of others, 229; puts Christians out of the state of grace, 276. Littlemindedness, as bad as sloth, 367. Longsuffering, is towards one that we can requite, 264. Loss of money, made a gain by patience, 337; relieved by giving alms, 338. Lot, his choice proves fertility of plain of Jordan, 357; did not save Sodom, 358; his love to God, ib.; Abraham bore wrong from, 369. Love, spiritual, a support in great trials, 186; it was as a dew to the holy children, ib.; impossible to convey St. Paul's in words, 188; is unbounded, 189; indiscriminate, leads to weak friendships, and to receiving spurious doctrines, and makes to stumble, ib.; it should have respect to what is profitable, with understanding, ib.; maintained by believers standing in one mind, 199; to love one another the best return for spiritual benefits, 203; it is more to St. Paul than to deliver him from dangers, ib.; greater than like-mindedness, ib.; how much is meant by oneness of mind, ib.; shown for others by wrestling in spirit for them, 224; increased by troubles from without, 253; spiritual love alone steadfast, 259; and like a queen over other friendships, ib.; instanced in St. Paul and Moses, ib.; is as the bond or root, without which there can be no perfection 295; is more requisite from the governing to the governed than from the governed to the governing, 304; puts down envy, 313; labor of, 324; true, would give the soul, 330; possible, since Christ bids, 331; want of, causes heresies, ib.; love dissembles favors, ib.; perpetuates heathenism, ib.; is indescribable, as a foreign plant, ib.; needs help of presence, 334; should extend to all, 341, 348, 380; makes unblamable, 342; saints pleased God by, ib.; fire of, consumes all sin, ib.; Cain wanted, ib.; overcame St. Paul, ib.; why mentioned in passing, 348; God teaches, ib.; of God to man, 351; a breastplate, 363; how to strengthen, ib.; overcomes distance, 372; weak, shaken by affliction, strong, confirmed, 380-81; should be equally balanced, 381; danger of division in, ib.; must be for God's sake, ib.; of God, hindered by many things, 393; toward God before ourselves, implies before money too, ib. Lowliness, corrects vainglory, 203; its power when found in two persons, 204; shown in a broken heart, ib.; of mind, 217. Lust, to be cut off, 344; and its occasions, 345; a drunkenness, 362; insatiable, 379; cured by thought of hell-fire, ib. Luxury, gives birth to affliction and pain, 255; not to be envied, 364; talk of, hurtful, 384. Macedonia country of the Philippians, 181; St. Paul's cultured field, 341. Macedonians, once as renowned as the Romans, 328; joined with others in St. Paul's crown, 334; empire of, overthrown by Romans, 328, 389. Madness, vice worse than, 364. Magistrates, scourge St. Paul more from impulse than wickedness, 182. Mammon, contradicts Christ's commands, 211; hell and river of fire because of it, 212; turns from love of God, 393. Man, is superior to brutes only through religion and virtue, 218; and in things that concern the soul, ib.; may become an angel by practice of virtue, ib.; not worthy of the grace of God, 266; greatness of his deliverance set forth, ib.; and of his own will under the power of darkness, 275; could be persuaded to return to God only by Christ, ib.; can continue in this state only by continuing to have faith and hope in Christ, 276; how he is changed by the Gospel, 276; "the old man" does not mean the substance of flesh, but the bad moral choice, 294; the new man is ever advancing to greater youthfulness, 295; man imperfect when alone, 318. Manes, 206. Manichees, 294 (note 5) , 352 (note 2) . Mansions, splendid, are a loss, 232. Marcellus, of Galatia, 206; in what way heretical, 207; how his heresy falls before St. Paul's text, ib. Marcion, of Pontius, 206; in what way heretical, 207. Marcionites, their heresy of our Lord being a phantom overturned, 213, 352 (note 2) . Marriage, early recommended, 346; of chaste persons blessed ib.; object of, ib.; second, of widows, 349; feast at, occasions envy and discontent, 384. Marriages, satanical performances at, 378; how marriage is a mystery, ib.; marriage union really a pure thing, dishonored from man's wickedness, 319; how it is a mystery of the Church, ib.; a satanic pomp in, without significancy, 320; pleasure will follow from celebration of a marriage in an orderly way, ib.; melancholy from such as then were common, ib.; the right way to keep the wedding feast, ib. Martyrdom, is attained by lesser things more than by great, 226; not now usual, 336; may still be imitated, 337. Masters, duty of, to servants, 305. Medicine, bitter, useful, 360; to be sweetened, 337. Memorial, a great house a, of covetousness, 369. Memory of good deeds makes men remiss and haughty, 238. Mercy, works of, must never be given up, 182; should be worn as tokens about the necks of Christians, ib.; a means to convince unbelievers, 183; must be done with caution and true faith, ib.; can only be done in this world, ib.; can open the gates of heaven, 183; ofttimes called "righteousness," 189; men soon led to it, no good in our nature so great as it, 201; in the nature even of the fiercest, ib.; peculiar to power, ib.; the world established by it, ib.; most pleasing to God, ib.; priests, kings, and prophets anointed by it, ib.; signified by oil, ib.; it is over all men alike, ib.; without it all created things would perish, ib.; cause of light to men, 202; to be merciful God's true character, and so man's, ib.; it is of it that all things are, ib.; it delivers from fire of hell, ib.; comes of love, ib.; without man's showing it, he shall have no forgiveness, ib.; must be shown to obtain mercy, 365; where none the Spirit dwells not, 371. Metals, abuse of precious, through luxury, 292. Ministers of Christ not clothed by miracle, 229; allowed to be in want that others may be profited, ib.; though unworthy, have God with them, 274. Miracle, standing, of fruits of Sodom, 357. Miracles, danger of men being honored for, 339; of Antichrist, 386, 389. Moderation, binding on all, not priests only, 227; reasons why it should be shown to enemies and the bad, 246. Money sent by Philippians to St. Paul at Rome, 226; to be employed in God's service, 233; must be despised for the sake of God, 393. Monks, near Antioch, 394 (note 2) . Mortification, as necessary as it is continually to rub the rust off a bright statue 294; of sin in members of the body necessary, 296-97. Moses, a schoolmaster to the Jews, 277; his intercession, 327; would not have saved Jews at last, ib.; seat of, 366; conquered Amalek by prayer, 391. Mother, delights in her cares, 392; her pangs before birth, spiritual parents' lasting, ib.; heavenly Jerusalem our, 398. Mothers should take care of their own characters, because their daughters take pattern from them, 308-9. Motives, temporal weigh with most men, 348. Mouth, how to use it in God's service, 233; door of our lamp, 370; keep shut when insulted, ib. Murmuring, an art of Satan's to take away reward of virtue, 220; occasions stains, ib.; to be avoided at all times, 223. Mysteries, Apostles ordered a remembrance to be made of the dead in them, 197; the mystery of God is to be brought to Him by His Son, 280; priest makes partakers of, 367. Mystery, must be confessed somewhere, 354. Name, does not mean glory, 215. "Name of our Lord Jesus," everything done in it prospers, 302. Name of God, the great power of the, 303. Nature, human, may be looked on as one continued life from the first to the present time, 277. Necessity, notion of, from Satan, 269-70. Nero, emperor when Epistle to Philippians was written, 186; a type of Antichrist, 389. Night, compared to a caravan of many fountains, 192; children of, 362. Ninevites, escaped because they feared, 383. Noah, type of the Resurrection, 283; a just man, 326; could not have saved the Jews, ib.; his sons' conduct, 342; days of, like the last, 357; men in time of, perished from not fearing, 383. Number, change of, in speaking, 372 (note 2) . Obedience to others does not make us inferior to them, 215; cause of exaltation, 216; the duty of the wife to her husband, 304. Oil, a type of God's love to man, 201; hence kings and priests anointed with it, ib.; type of mercy as being the cause of light, ib.; want of, quenches lamp, 371. Ointment, the Saints are like, 327. Oneness of mind, the force of it, 203. Onesimus, sent by St. Paul to the Colossians, 310. Oppressors, more cruel than robbers, 369; poor as bad as rich, 370. Ornaments, gold, are a loss to the users, 232; earthly chains to bind sin on, and strip Christ off, 308; love of, incites vainglory, and is the cause of many evils, ib. Orators, record vanity of human things, 379. Oratories, 373. Ornament, danger of, 338; none like gravity, 350; spiritual, 351. Palaces, splendid, no cause for pride, 217; none like heaven, 351; way to, borne with, though narrow, 364; one who admits to, loved for it, 367; great men of the world found at, 373; churches the real, ib. Palæstra, place in which runners in a race were trained, 239. Palestine, travelers in, called to witness on overthrow of Sodom, 357; sufferings of the Jews in, 358. Paradise, plain of Jordan like, 357, 369. Passions, tempt us as pagans did martyrs, 336; insatiable in their nature, 379. Patience, a high praise, 325; of Job, 337; toward all men, 367; puts the impudent to shame, ib.; proved in time, 381; of Christ, 393. Patriarchs, examples how people should suffer the loss of children, 299. Patronage, change of religion for, 381. Paul, St., scourged at Philippi, 181, see Philippi; gives high testimony to Philippians, ib.; in bonds when wrote Epistle to Philippians, ib.; let go afterwards, ib.; wrote it in his first imprisonment, ib.; consoles Philippians about his bonds, and exhorts to unanimity and humility, 182; writes to encourage, not to rebuke, Philippians throughout, ib.; praises them for their well-doing, ib.; his great love for them, ib.; why he calls himself "servant" in writing to the Philippians, 184; reason for his writing to the clergy of Philippi, ib.; his joy at their virtues, and constant readiness to assist him, 185; to be loved by him, sign of being great, 186; imprisoned under Emperor Nero, ib.; in what sense he calls God to witness, 188; his bonds useful, 189; cause of confidence to himself, ib.; did not mind grievous things of this life, 193; rejoices though he has many enemies, ib.; his humble-mindedness and trust in God, 194; would glorify Christ by life or death, ib.; not to die at this imprisonment, ib.; how dead as this present life, 195; because he did not care for it, ib.; it would be by God's dispensation, not of man's sin, 196; though in the midst of suffering chooses to live, 198; in what way like the sun, 199; why willing to stay on earth, ib.; not a flatterer, 205; how he was humble and courageous, ib.; exhorts to humility by example of Christ, 206; by awe at presence of the Holy Spirit, ib., and note 2; one text of his lays low many heresies at once, 206; takes away fear of being debased because of humility by example of the Incarnation, 212; his discretion in admonishing, 219; his death like a drink-offering, and cause of rejoicing to the Philippians, 222-23; frees the Philippians from suspicion of his giving comfort merely by sending Timothy, 223; does all for Christ, ib.; tidings of the Philippians would give him courage, 224; did not know all things absent by revelation, ib.; his dependence on God in everything, ib.; had not neglected them because he sent so late, 225; his soul never free from sorrow, ib.; careful to teach Philippians humility, 226; had more than one cloak, and lived the life of faith, 228; provided his proper clothing, ib.; does not give exhortation without first commending, 230; his high state as a Jew in birth and way of life, 231; died to his body while alive, 236; not confident of attaining to the resurrection that leads to Christ, ib.; his life one of contest to the end, 237; taught by deeds as well as words, 240; an example of the constancy of virtue under all circumstances, 241; his care to recommend laborious persons, and the benefit of this, 244; is refreshed at the advancement of his disciples, 249; probable reason of his receiving at one time, and not at another, 250; partly excuses the negligence of the Philippians, ib.; how he put down proud thoughts from well-doing and yet did not check it, ib.; his way of encouraging liberality and keeping independence, 251-52; his grief for sinners remarkable, 255; those of his epistles most holy which were written while he was in bonds, 257; had not seen Colossians when he wrote to them, ib.; his presence everywhere a great thing, 258; everywhere couples conduct with faith, 264; first praises, then blames, 265; his striving for his disciples, 281; in all his epistles he tries to show that Christians are partakers with Christ, 290; his lowliness of mind, 306; his work prospered much more when he in bonds than out of them, ib.; reasons for his not putting everything into his epistles, 309; his behavior to Agrippa, an instance of Christian wisdom, 309; treated worse than the prophets were 310; the considerate way in which he spoke of persons, ib.; his warnings how to deal with persons he calls "without," 310-11; his wisdom instanced in his discourse to the Athenians, 311; and in treatment of Elymas, ib.; his reminding the Colossians of his bonds a great support to them in trials, 314-15; meaning of his wish to be accursed from Christ, 317; his humility in placing others with himself, 323; his thanksgivings and prayers for others, 324; asked prayers of others, 326; persecuted at Berœa, 328; at Philippi, 329; no flatterer, 329, 333; sought not honor, 329-30; like a nurse, 330; ready to endure hell, 331; worked with his own hands, 332, 394; like a father, 333; spoke to each singly, ib.; asked only that men would gain the kingdom, ib.; felt separation like an orphan, 334; satisfied his love through others, ib.; his vehement love, 334, 341, 372; hindered by Satan, 334; by the Spirit, ib.; not all things revealed to, 339; his thorn in the flesh, ib.; stayed in spite of danger, 340; his labor, ib.; his joy at good report, ib.; his sufferings, ib.; firm, yet moved by love, 342; exhorts by Christ, 344; had no false delicacy, 346; Christ spoke in, 355; heard expressly from God about Judgment, ib.; checks curiosity, 360; improved his gifts, 370; had great confidence before God, 371; sends kiss of charity, 372; subscribed with his own hand, 377-78; begins with prayer for grace, 380; humility of, ib.; gloried in the Thessalonians, 381; would have borne hell for God's will, 383; wisely hinted the fall of the Roman Empire, 388; prayer of, for Thessalonians, 390; he asks theirs, 390-92; indicates his dangers, 390-91; had right to be maintained, 394; humility of, in speaking of his own doings, 396. Paul of Samosata, 206; in what way heretical, and how his heresies fall before St. Paul's text, 206-07; said our Lord was a mere creature, 214; his doctrine refuted, 271. Peace, we are at peace with God, through virtue, 247; must be maintained with God and our neighbor, 248; restored between men and angels, 273; the frequent mention of it in the church, ib.; not the Bishop's, but Christ's, by means of him, 274; is an umpire in the heart between anger and charity, 296; human peace cometh of revenging, ib.; prayer for, 395. Peacemakers, always imitate the Son of God, 248; why called the sons of God, 273. Pearson, Bp., an argument of, 353 (note 2) . People, should obey priests with good will, 366; many of, excel ruler, 391; equal with priests in chief blessings, 391; partake of one Baptism, one Lamb, with him, ib. Perfecting, implies deficiency, 341. Perfection, not in the Law, nor in Angels, but in Christ only, 280-81; goes beyond commandments, 344. Persecuted, God's glory to reward, 385. Persecution at an end, 182; why permitted, 324; at Berœa, 328; at Philippi, 329; endurance of, proves the Gospel, 329; men that will not hear of hell are not ready for, 383; patience under, 385. Persecutors, will be punished, 328, 334; shall be confounded at glory of saints, 385. Persians, king of the, wears his beard of gold, 292; empire of, 389. Persuasion, of God, 385, and note 1. Peter, St., had common convenience of clothing, 228; freed by prayers of others, 326, 391; refuses honor for miracles, 339; chief of Apostles, 360; not told time of consummation, 360; improve grace given, 370. Phalanx, pushing through, 335. Phantom, our Lord so called by the Marcionites, 214. Pharaoh, punishment of, 358. Pharisee, spoiled good works by pride, 378. Pharisees, made men sons of hell, 362, 366; in Moses' seat, and to be obeyed, 366. Philemon, Epistle to, written while St. Paul was in bonds, 257; written upon close of St. Paul's preaching, 257; probably with the Colossians at one time, ib. Philippi, persecution at, 329; named from its founder, a colony, 181; the seller of purple converted there, ib.; keeper of the prison believed there, ib.; St. Paul and Silas scourged there, ib.; St. Paul's preaching had a remarkable commencement here, ib.; had shown great readiness for the Faith, 182. Philippians, of a city in Macedonia, 182; sent Epaphroditus to St. Paul in prison, ib.; patterns of charity, ib.; partook of St. Paul's sufferings, 200; their virtue made St. Paul illustrious, 222; had attained to a life of love, concord, and peace, 240; had at some time been negligent in well-doing, 249; the first to think of giving to St. Paul, 251; their gifts would turn to their salvation, 252; they were poor men, handicraftsmen, ib.; Epistle to, written while St. Paul was in bonds, 257; Timothy sent to, 334. Philosopher, true, not grieved by things of this life, 193. Philosophers, speak of future punishment, 359; of changes of fortune, 379. Philosophy, heathen, not true wisdom, 193-94; true, not to wish for revenge, 338. Physicians, trusted when they have foretold symptoms, 335; defile their hands to cure, 346; must displease the sick, 366; useless, going to, unless for remedy, 387. Photinus, in what way heretical, 206; how his heresy falls before St. Paul's text, ib. Piety, belongs to man alone of creatures, 218. Pity, 201. Places, loved on account of friends, 321. Plants, wonderful growth of, 352-354. Plane-tree, golden, made by an ancient king, 291-92. Pleasure, less in splendid feasts, than in poor ones, 261; is not the life of Christians, 289. Plenty, inclines to evil, and requires great virtue in the use of it, 250. Poets, speak of future punishment, 359; of great men's falls, 379. Pomegranates, of Sodom, full of ashes, 357. Poor, to feast them is to make God our debtor, 260; called to Christ, 292, 294; it is no good to feed them and live voluptuously one's self, ib.; sometimes oppress the poorer, 370; exemplary in thankfulness, 373; sit at Church doors, ib.; are dogs of God's palace, 374; communicate with the great, ib.; descendants of, may he great, 374; pride cured by sight of, ib.; best guests to entertain, ib.; Christ comes in, ib.; contempt of, comes of pride, 378; dishonor to, provokes God, 395. Potiphar, unreasonable, 380. Poverty, a happiness, 191; false reasons for fearing it, 193; good or bad, according to the disposition, ib.; is good or bad, according to a man's will, 233; the procurer of heaven, ib.; distresses most men, 349; furnace of, 373; comforted in house of mourning, 384. Power of Christ, cause of men's working greater deeds than himself, 205; persons in power ever changing like dust, 290. Practice, of the commands of Christ brings us His gifts, 206. Prætorium, palace of Nero so called, 181; palace so called, 189. Praise, when rightly given and withheld, 208; men should not live dependent on it, or do praiseworthy actions for its sake, 248. Prayer, assists the dead, 197; a consolation at all times, 246; should be joined with thanksgiving, ib.; not acknowledged without thanksgiving, 247; frequent, makes persons listless, therefore they must join watching with it and thanksgiving, 305; a Saint's prayer, ib.; remembering others in, 324; of others useful, if we do our part, 326; made for all men, ib.; expressed from love, 341; due to pastors, 372; houses of, 373; of arrogant, not heard, ib.; of St. Paul for Thessalonians, 390; he asks theirs, ib.; St. Chrysostom asks earnestly, and more on his own account, ib.; united, powerful, 391; for people bold in St. Chrysostom, ib.; yet he makes it in private as well as in public, ib.; seals precepts, 395; for peace, ib.; in salutation, ib. Prayer of the Faithful, Lord's Prayer so called, 306. Preachers, of strife taught as St. Paul did, against their will, as instruments of the devil, 190. Presbyters, sometimes called Bishops, 184; could not lay hands on a Bishop, ib. Pride, to be corrected by thanking God for our wisdom, 204; makes men even unlike the devil, 205; haughtiness not courage, ib.; cause of Satan's fall, 216; is worse than folly, 217; the evils that come from it in a man's temper, ib.; natural good qualities and blessings should not make men proud, ib.; makes a man lower than irrational creatures, 218; shown in thinking fine houses superfluities, etc., a gain, 232; attendant on the feasts of the heathen, 262; cure of, in seeing the poor, 374; exclaimed against, ib.; comes of not knowing God, 378; beginning of sin, ib.; of Pharisee, spoiled good works, ib.; a constant misery, 379; a sign of wanting reason, ib.; of rich at Church, 387. Priest, should be obeyed with good-will, 366; hated for reproving, ib.; authority of, sanctioned by Christ, ib.; gives up the world for his office, ib.; imparts the Holy Mysteries, 367; communicates first but equally with people, 392. Priests, grudging to support them upbraided, 226-27. Prize, the, the Christian runs for in heaven, 239; it is far more precious than gold or jewels, ib.; those who could gain it must follow example of runners in a race, ib.; Christ gives it in heaven, ib. Proclamation, the, is made further known when St. Paul is bound, 306-07. Prodigal Son, an example to those that sin after Baptism, 238. Prophecies, about Christ and Antichrist, 389. Prophesyings, true and false, 371. Prophets, slain by Jews, 333; speak as from God, 355; speak irresponsibly at the time, 371; less listened to than king's messengers, 387. Proselytes, not circumcised on the eighth day, nor of the stock of Israel, 231. Proving all things, what, 371. Prudentius, on St. Lawrence, 336 (note 2) . Psalms, singing a less irksome way of gaining instruction than reading, 301; the warnings they contain for the practice of virtue, 302. Pulpit, not opened to all, 371. Punishment, example of, necessary to lead bad-principled to virtue, 220; all sin incurs, 344; comes of evil will, 347; temporal, for those who knew not eternal, 358; instances of, 358-59; from God not to be questioned, 358; present unequal, 359; for not obeying the Gospel, 382, 384; of others not to be rejoiced in, 382; the heavier for delay, 384; future, proved eternal, ib.; of disorderly by withdrawing from them, 394, 396. Purity, blessedness of, 342; enjoined on Timothy, 344. Reader, at Church speaks God's words, 387. Reason, cannot comprehend mysteries, 236, 282; pride shows want of, 379; overwhelmed by ill discourses, 383. Reasoning, not used to the docile, 352; on some things unwise, 354; like swimming without boat or pilot, ib.; good not to indulge in, 380; conclusive, from God's justice, 382. Rebecca, an example for a bride, 317. Reconciliation, the way of, through Christ, 272. Red Sea, burial to Egyptians, generation to Israelites, 290. Rejoicing in Christ arises from mourning for sins, 246. Relations, domestic, intent of, 369. Remembrance, good, what, 340. Remission, of sins, given in baptism, 238. Repetition, needful, 386; in Holy Scriptures complained of, 388. Report, of actions, greatest near the spot, 328; credible from those who might envy, ib. Reprieve, 356. Reproof, preparation for, 380, 393. Restitution, should exceed wrongful gains, 369. Resurrection, the, a motive to good living, 212; no tidings of, in Job's time, 222; that of Christ, known only by faith, not reason, 236; one which leads to honor, one to punishment, 236; the glorious one to be attained by going through the like sufferings with Christ, 237; doctrine of, believed by only a few of those who live in sin, 269; men rewarded in it according to desert, ib.; prefigured in Enoch, Elias, Jonah, Noah, fiery furnace, generation of plants, and of man, 283; of Christ an encouragement, 328, 363; future, a comfort in troubles, 349; belief in, stays sorrow for deaths, ib.; sorrow in spite of believing, 352; first Resurrection ib.; objections to, 353-54; of garments supposed by some, 353; in a moment, 356; comes unawares, ib.; some said already past, and why, 377; lively picture of, 382; time of, not known, 386. Retribution, to come, 357-360; future, just, 381; exceeds actions, both good and evil, 382. Revenge, best found in taking none, 367. Reward, according to proportion of righteousness, 381; more desired than revenge, 382. Rich, not refused by Christ, 374; but warned of their danger, ib.; man, despised Lazarus, ib.; asked his help in vain afterwards, ib.; men, advised to entertain the poor, ib.; fall anyhow in war, 374; goods of, often confiscated, ib.; man would have escaped hell had he feared it, ib.; make a show in church, 387; think they do a favor in coming to church, ib. Riches, cause of unnumbered evils, 183; bring trouble, 191; make unable to receive pleasure, 192; their value shown in instance of Dives and Lazarus, ib.; how to be rich indeed, 193; should be joined with great mercy, 201; no cause for being proud, 217; may deprive men of future consolation, 228; the conditions of, are loss accompanied with inexpressible trouble, and without gain, 231-32; men must soon leave them, 232; their ill effects, ib.; are a good, if used as a means to gain heaven, ib.; love of, shows unreadiness for trial, 335; love of, increased by gazing, 338; of ancients, in things necessary, ib.; a disgraceful memorial, 369; ill-gotten, to be restored with addition, ib.; desire of, comes of pride, 378; vanity of, proved by death, 384; of God are the faithful, 385; must be despised if we are to despise self, 393. Righteousness, not according to Christ is a simply moral life, 189; the kind which comes from man's own diligence is not to be compared with that which is God's gift through faith, 235; reward according to, 381. Robber, watchfulness defeats, 362; armor needed against, 363; covetous man a, 369; first puts out lamp, 371. Robbers, crucified with our Lord, both of them impious at one time, 215. Robbery, a work of darkness, 362; hard dealing more cruel than, 369. Roman, laws. See Laws. Empire, what withheld Antichrist, 388; fall of, predicted, ib.; but covertly, ib. Rudiments, same as elements, the sun and moon, 284. Rule, a, is destroyed by addition or subtraction, 240. Ruler, incurs enmities, 366; obedience due to, ib.; should be gentle, 367; interest of, is the people's, 391; should excel in virtue rather than in honor, 397. Rulers, fall of, frequent, 379; men seek favor of, 380; none Christian at first, 381; why now to be prayed for, 391; most assailed by Satan, ib. Runners, in a race an example for Christians in their course to heaven, 239. Sabbath, was broken for the sake of circumcision, 230; breaking of, punished, 359. Sabellius, the Libyan, 206; what his heresy was, ib.; how his heresy falls before St. Paul's text, 207. Sacraments, keys of heaven, 367. Saints, they that wait on them sharers of their crown, 185; to wait on them makes up for inability to fast, ib.; how they live not this present life, 195; to be received with honor, 225; service to them no favor, but a debt, 226; it is a free service, and brings a reward on the giver, 227; united by afflictions, 253; pray with thanksgiving for every person and thing, 305; those that attend on them share their troubles, 312; and sharers of their sufferings share their crowns, ib.; the way to share with them, ib.; prayers of, useful, 326, 393; not to the careless, ib.; to be sought, 327; spread a perfume of virtue, ib.; all things not revealed to, 339; remembrance of, warms us, 343; God glorified in, 385; shall come with Christ, 386. Salvation, hope of, a helmet, 363; ground for such hope, 363, 372; by sanctification and belief, 390; of man, Christ's glory, ib. Salutation, a proof of good-will, 253; in St. Paul's own writing, 377-78, 395; prayer called a, 395. Samson, lost in marriage, not from marriage, but his own free will, 241. Samuel, prayed in vain for Saul, 326; with effect for Israel, 326, 391; prophecy restored in, 327; knew not whom to anoint of himself, 339. Sanctification, fornication opposed to, 344; through the Spirit, 390; faith needed after, ib. Sapphira, sin and punishment of, 359. Satan, allowed to ravage upon unfruitful souls, 210; likened to different wild creatures according to his disposition, ib.; great or small in power as men choose, ib.; cannot enter man's soul except God permit him, ib.; fell by pride, 216; received his death-stroke from a dead body, 286; did what he could to make Christ's death private, ib.; the deviser of charms, 298-99; hinders human purposes, 334; an enemy ever urgent, 336; his robbing Job, 337; his means of divination, ib.; robbers his servants, ib.; his crafty assaults, ib.; attacks men through others' trials, 339-40; suggester of questioning God's justice, 358; ever lying in wait, 364; foretold things future, 371; but falsely, ib.; would cut off hope of Resurrection, 377; suborned false teachers, ib.; fills children with false notions, 378; Antichrist like him in pride, ib.; by which he fell, ib.; specially attacks rulers, 391. Saul, not saved by Samuel's prayer, 326; sinned in sparing against commandment, 359. Schools, of learning, scholars teach in, 397. Scorners, miserable and unreasonable, 365. Scribes and Pharisees in Moses' seat, 366; not to be imitated, ib. Scripture, without reason not enough to persuade the contentious, 212; shows admiration for jewels out of regard for man's weakness, 234; should be read not lightly, but with earnestness, 301; makes suffering less burdensome, ib.; better than men-teachers, 300; not to know it the cause of all defects in practice, 301; hearkening to, keeps up good thoughts, 382; chief things plain in, 388; read in known language to the people, ib.; people challenged to give account of, ib. Seed, analogy of, 352-53; sown on a rock, 367; spiritual, needs culture, 386; devil carries away, if neglected, ib. Self-command, makes man superior to irrational creatures, 218. Self-denial, now a means of escaping future punishment, 245. Self-indulgent, deny the cross, and are worthy of tears, 242; their belly their god, ib. Seller of purple converted at Philippi, 181. Senses, all originate in the head, 397. Sentences, what indisputable, 382. Servant, of Jesus Christ, a high rank, 184. Servants, duty of, to their masters, 304-05; should serve heathen masters with the same care they would Christian, 305; to be spoken to concerning hell, 384. Service, lessons in, 387; silence called for in, ib. Severity, not needed where there is no guilt, 220. Shame, is not in being bound for, but in betraying Christ, 195; implanted in our nature by God, more powerful than fear to bring us to virtue, 201; sense of, motive to improvement, 224. Shimei, examples of audacity, 205. Ship, lightened in dangers, 338; Scriptures, a, 355; wind to, as discourse to soul, 383. Sickness, recovery from, a mercy, and how, 225. Silas, scourged at Philippi, 181. Silvanus, St., named before Timothy, 323; implied in plural, 341. Sin, more object of dread, if we lament for it in others, 196; many things lead to our avoiding it, 201; why called "upon earth," 294; those who walk in, are not in God, 324; frustrates prayer for us, 326; all, defiles, 342; to shun, no praise, 344; punished temporally to teach men, 358; instances of, punished, 358-59; different characters of, 359; leads to certain death, 367; pride the beginning of, 378; to be cut off by talking of hell, 384. Sinners, dying in sin without hope, 196; must be pained here that they may escape the river of fire, 212; know they sin by their conscience, 269; think one that rebukes them austere only, 320. Slave, female, about to be sold with her husband, 372; may teach a master virtue, 397. Slaves, scourged, 372; adjure their masters, ib. Sleep, comes over the virtuous without fear, 248; spiritual, danger of, 326, 363, 393; in Jesus not death, 352; our helplessness in, humbling, 379. Sloth, to avoid it we must do the labors within our measure, 191. Sodom, sin of, surpassed, 357; fruits of, full of ashes, ib. Soil, spiritual, not inanimate, 386. Soldier, rewarded for wounds, 335; always keeps to exercise and arms, ib.; an example to Christians, 336; in heaven a child may be made, 351. Son, why it is said of man, but never of Angel, 270; The, the image of God, 270; not a creature because called Firstborn, ib.; "before all things," ib.; first in the Church, ib.; types of His eternal generation, 283; same words applied to as to the Father, 324; given for us, 363; generation of, above reasoning, 354; of God, he who knows, is not proud, 378; named before the Father, 390. Sophronius, 206; in what way heretical, 207; how his heresy falls before St. Paul's text, ib. Sorrow, not to be without hope, 389; excuses for, ib.; comfort in, 350; often caused by ignorance, 352; for sinners, ib. Soul, Christian, noble in life or death, 194; brought into tune by hard sayings, 212; the truly wise is disturbed by nothing, 241; the diseased is ever changing, 242; is delighted with sweet savors, 252; that of servants, free in its service, 305; to give, hard, 330; defiled by all sin, 342; chief object in education, 346; notion of its transmigration, 353; thought to be consumed by fire, ib.; a vicious, dead and dry, 363; fear of hell should be seated on, 383-84; shaken, can make no effort, 390. Speech, heavy, good to correct the soul, 212; rules for, in dealing with people of different estates, 311; rules for it in a teacher, ib. Spirit, the Holy, comes through mercy, 201; man nothing but by Him, 258; gives joy in suffering, 325; lamp of, not to be quenched, 370; flame of, what strengthens, 371; gifts of, Satan would abuse, ib.; fire of, cures thorny land, 387; clergy fathers in, 392; unclean, false prophets spoke by, 386. Spirits, wicked, 371; discernment of, ib. Steadfastness, cannot be shaken by deceit or trial, 281. Stores, of bread, wine, and oil, 338. Strangers, all Abraham had at their service, 369. Strength, should not make men proud, 217; to be employed in God's service, 233. Subscription, to letters in sender's own writing, 378; of St. Paul, a token, 395. Suffering, for Christ, joyous, 325; rejoicing in, enables one to render good for evil, 367; for Christ is glory, 385. Sufferings, for Christ, are of grace, 200; their dignity, 236; make men comformable to Christ's death, ib.; are lightened by thinking of harder ones, 299; and by thanksgiving, 300; knowledge of Scripture lightens them, ib. Sun of Righteousness, melts away all hardness, 343. Superior, a, draws his disciple towards him, by showing concern for him, 225. Surfeit, worse than hunger, 261. Tabitha, raised by prayer, 326. Table, holy, poor admitted to, with the rich, 374; equally with the emperor, ib.; an example for our entertainments, ib. Tables, description of two sorts, 260. Teacher, spiritual, surpasses a natural father in kindness, 203; leads on his disciple by deeds, not words only, 240; must use discretion in teaching hard things, 311; should be ready for hardship, 332; claims of, to support, 332, 394; troubles of, try disciples, 335; good, cares for his disciples, 340; obliged to incur enmities, 366; obedience to, enjoined, ib.; not every one made, ib.; patience good in, 367; head of a family should be at home, 397; so relieving the teacher of the Church, ib. Teaching, affects us with compunction, 397-98. Tears, excessive, spring from passion, not true affection, 197; St. Paul's better than the fountain in Paradise, 316; such tears Christ pronounces blessed, ib.; those for others' sins are better than the sight of Christ, ib.; should be used when we entreat a sinning brother, 317; overcame St. Paul, 342. Temple, of God, in which Antichrist shall sit, 378. Temptation, uses of term, 335 (note 2) ; may be where no wavering, 340; endangers grace, 370; God glorified in, 385; may turn from love of God, 393. Thankfulness, right under all events, 223; for good of others, 380; present things cause for, 390. Thanksgiving, a duty in grievous as well as pleasant things, 247; may be given even in anguish, 265; the good effects of it in evil, 298; lightens suffering, 300; for every person and thing should be joined with prayer, 305; in all things, true philosophy, 367; of many, when prayer of many is answered, 391. Theaters, tempt to uncleanness, 347; talking of, useless and dangerous, 382. Thessalonians, new converts, 323; praise of, implied in thanksgiving, 324; their sufferings, ib.; and joy in them, 328; called elect, 325; an example, 325, 327praised everywhere, 328; were poor, 332; proved sincere by trials, 396; joined with others in St. Paul's crown, 334; honored by his sending Timothy, ib.; praised for love of brethren, 348; had lost their goods, 349; many of the, prophesied, 371; occasion of the second Epistle to, 377; perplexed about the last times, 378; heard of in distant places, 381; St. Paul gloried in, ib.; check to proud thoughts in, 385; so commended as to learn trust in God, 393; admonished about idleness, 394. Thorns, riches are, 386; feed sulky camels, 387. Thought. See Reason. Threats of God will be performed, 357. Time, spent with unbelievers, made useful to their salvation, 310; examples given, 311. Times, accused by St. Chrysostom, 201; loved because of friends, 321; question about deferred, 377. Timothy, St., with St. Paul, when he wrote Epistle to Philippians, 181; shown to be a Bishop, 184; sent to the Philippians, 223; the only one like-minded with St. Paul, 224; Epistle to, written later than that to the Philippians, 238; Epistle to, written while St. Paul was in bonds, 257; probably later than that to Colossians, ib.; why named after Silvanus, 323; why sent by St. Paul, 334-35; hard to be spared, 340; brought good news, ib.; bid keep himself pure, 344. Toil, to seek remission from, is to leave off seeking the things of Christ, 224; toil distinguished from labor, 340 (note 4) . Tradesmen, hard on poorer tradesmen, 370. Tradition, by actions, 344, 394; of the Church, to be received, 390. Traffic, spiritual, carried on by giving to the good, 251. Tragedies, ancient, please because they are formed from true incidents, 254. Travail, time of, not exactly known, 362. Travelling, should not make men proud, 217. Trials, less grievous if foretold, 335; he who cannot bear is feeble-minded, 367; is "sown on a rock," ib.; thought of hell prepares for, 383; God glorified in, 385. Tribulation for Christ is glory, 385. Tribulations according to Christ, bring joy, 229. Trumpet, at the Resurrection, 356. Truth, he that resists it wounds himself, 191. Tychicus, bearer of the Epistle to the Colossians, 258; sent by St. Paul to the Colossians, 309. Tyrants, reduced to sit on ground, 379. Unanimity, the greatest safety for disciples against their enemies, 182; comes of humility, ib. Unbelief, prevalent at all times, 267; it arises from a bad conscience, 268; punishment increased by it, 269. Unbelievers, are with the condemned at death, 197. Uncleanness, expresses a class of sins, 294; legal, opposite of holiness, 342 (note 1) . Understanding, how to use it in God's service, 233; the, gets dizzy at things faith does not stagger at, 282. Unity, the work of the Holy Spirit, 200; breakers of, rend Christ's members, 273. Universe, not made by chance, 283. Usurpers, fear to lay aside what they have usurped, 213. Vainglory, the evils that come of it, 203; cause of men's thinking, dress, ornaments, and fine houses, a gain, 232; leads men to use God's gifts for enjoyment merely, 234; turns from love of God, 393. Valentinus, 206. Vice, practice of, increases it, 220; at enmity with man's nature, 247; purged out by thought of hell, 359-60; a drunkenness, 362; life of, a dream, 363; a death, ib.; a darkness, ib.; seizes us when we think not, 364. Vienne, martyrdoms at, 336 (note 2) . Vineyard, God's, type not of Jerusalem only, but of the soul, 209. Virgins, may appear at a wedding to attend on the bride, 318; should be modest at all times and states, ib.; parable of the ten, 355, 372, 385. Virtue, advancement in it the only thing to be sought, 199; entirely a gift from God, 200; many natural affections lead to it, 201; belongs to man alone of all creatures and makes him superior to them, 218; practice of, will make a man an angel, ib.; practice of, increases it, 220; in the midst of affliction, shines like stars in the night, 222; path of, easier to poor than rich, 233; perfection of, attained by constant striving, 239; shines forth under all circumstances, 241; makes men at peace with God, 247; is friendly to man's nature, 248; required in knowing how to abound, as well as to be in want, 250; planted everywhere in the later times by God's grace, 279; called wisdom, 300; rewarded by God, as if His gain, 332; true, that in God's sight, 342; two-fold, in shunning evil and doing good, 344; promoted by uncertainty of life, 361; consistent with a married life, 396. Vision of Christ seen by a woman, 372-73. Voice, a fine, should not make men proud, 217; of Christ raises dead, 355; of Archangel, 355-56. Want, inclines to evil things, 250. War, spiritual, always our duty, 336. Warning, should be gentle, 367. Watchful, nothing will hurt him, 241. Watchfulness, a security, 326, 362; in our power, 362; in vain without arms, 363; perpetual, needed, 364. Water, wonderfully transformed, 353; extinguishes a lamp, 370. Way, narrow, requires care, 364; and light equipment, ib.; broad, leads to death, ib. Weak, to be supported, 367; in faith, ib.; wish to see enemies punished, 381. Wealth, not a cause of honor, but of dishonor, 290; its bad effects seen in a luxurious king, 291-92; its evils arise from the greediness of the desires, 292; makes men mad and turns them into demons, 292; a mischievous thorn, 386-87; often lost for want of a wife, 397. Well-doing, brings good, 249; well-doings of man are gifts of grace, 219-20. Widows, unable to manage slaves, 349; excessive grief of, 356; comfort for, 350-51; children of, may do well, 351; widows indeed, ib. Wife, what her duty is to her husband, 304; wife and husband make but one man, 318-19; how she should please her husband, 346; often ill-treated, 350; to be taught to fear hell, 384; will learn meekness of her husband, 397; and contempt of money, ib.; directed to learn of her husband, ib. Will, good, increased. by doing good, 220; free, not taken away by God's working with man, ib.; it makes riches or poverty a gain to man, 233; of God must cast out every other will, 314; the chief thing for amendment, 347; can turn a wrong into a benefit, 367; ours must concur to our salvation, 393-395. Wind, as, to a ship, so discourse to a soul, 383; help of God like a, 393. Wisdom, is opposed to all luxury, 292; consists in a virtuous life, 300; not craftiness nor hypocrisy, 309; shown in a proper way of behaving, to persons of all estates, 311. Withdrawal, a severe punishment, 394, 396; success of, 396. Women, who labored with St. Paul, recommended to care, 244; some warned to amend, or not to come into the Church, 293; adorn their hair with trinkets of gold, 307; excessive mourning of, 349; one taken, another left, 356; eating their own children, 358. Word, The, appeared as Man, not to change from being God, or to be a Phantom, but to be an example of humility, 214-15. Words, idle, will be punished, 228; terrible enough without further explanation, 384; love must be more than, 393. Work, of faith, what, 324, 385; of hands, how made spiritual, 348. Works, of darkness, what, 362; good do not make prayers for us needless, 393; love of God to be shown in, ib.; tradition through, 394. World, the, thought a God by some, 360; end of, see Consummation, etc. Wrath, the, of God, against Jews, 334; of God, testimonies of, 358; to be forborne, 343. Wrong, the doers of, pitiable, 368; how to revenge, 367; more cruel when with contempt, 370. Yokefellow, brother or husband of some one at Philippi, 244. Young men, to be kept from fornication, 346; are able to resist the temptation, 347; blamed for going to theaters, ib. Zeal, makes up for late beginning, 325. Zeba, example of flattery, 205.
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