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| Procatechesis, or Prologue to the Catechetical Lectures of our Holy Father, Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Catechetical Lectures
S. Cyril,
Archbishop of Jerusalem.
1. Already there is
an odour of blessedness upon you, O ye who are soon to be
394 The
“blessedness” is the grace of Baptism, the hope of which is
as a fragrant odour already borne towards the Candidates. These
were called no longer Catechumens, but φωτιζόμενοι,
as already on the way “to be enlightened.” Compare
xvi. 26, the last sentence, and see Index, “enlighten.” | : already ye are
gathering the spiritual395
395 νοητά. The word is much
used by Plato to distinguish things which can be discerned only by the
mind from the objects of sight and sense. Here “the
spiritual (or, mental) flowers” are the Divine truths in which
“the fragrance of the Holy Spirit” breathes. | flowers, to weave
heavenly crowns: already the fragrance of the Holy Spirit has
breathed upon you: already ye have gathered round the vestibule
of the King’s palace396
396 By “the
vestibule” is meant “the outer hall of the
Baptistery” (xix. 2), and by “the King’s
Palace” the Baptistery itself, which Cyril calls “the inner
chamber” (xx. 1) and “the bride-chamber” (iii. 2;
xxii. 2). See Index, “Baptistery.” Here the
local terms have also an allegorical sense, Baptism being regarded as
the marriage of the Soul to Christ. | ; may ye be led in
also by the King! For blossoms now have appeared upon the
trees397 ; may the fruit also be found perfect!
Thus far there has been an inscription of your names398
398 ὀνοματογραφία.
See Index. | ,
and a call to service, and torches399
399 That the Candidates on
their first admission carried torches or lighted tapers in procession
is a conjecture founded on this passage and Lect. I. 1: “Ye
who have just lighted the torches of faith, preserve them in your hands
unquenched.” But see Index, “Lights.” | of the bridal
train, and a longing for heavenly citizenship, and a good purpose, and
hope attendant thereon. For he lieth not who said, that to
them that love God all things work together for good. God is
lavish in beneficence, yet He waits for each man’s genuine
will: therefore the Apostle added and said, to them that are
called according to a purpose400 . The
honesty of purpose makes thee called: for if thy body be here but
not thy mind, it profiteth thee nothing.
2. Even Simon Magus once came to the
Laver401 : he was baptized, but was not
enlightened; and though he dipped his body in water, he enlightened not
his heart with the Spirit: his body went down and came up, but
his soul was not buried with Christ, nor raised with Him402 . Now I mention the statements403
403 Greek, ὑπογραφή, meaning
either an “indictment,” or a descriptive
“sketch.” For the former meaning, see Plato,
Theaet. 172, E. ὑπογραφὴν
καλοῦσιν. | of (men’s) falls, that thou mayest not
fall: for these things happened to them by way of example, and
they are written for the admonition404 of
those who to this day draw near. Let none of you be found
tempting His grace, lest any root of bitterness spring up and
trouble you405 . Let none of
you enter saying, Let us see what the faithful406 are
doing: let me go in and see, that I may learn what is being
done. Dost thou expect to see, and not expect to be seen?
And thinkest thou, that whilst thou art searching out what is going on,
God is not searching thy heart?
3. A certain man in the Gospels once pried
into the marriage feast407 , and took an
unbecoming garment, and came in, sat down, and ate: for the
bridegroom permitted it. But when he saw them all clad in
408 See Cat. xxii. 8 and
Index, “White.” | , he ought to have assumed a garment of the
same kind himself: whereas he partook of the like food, but was
unlike them in fashion and in purpose. The bridegroom, however,
though bountiful, was not undiscerning: and in going round to
each of the guests and observing them (for his care was not for their
eating, but for their seemly behaviour), he saw a stranger not
having on a wedding garment, and said to him, Friend, how camest
thou in hither? In what a colour409
409 The Greed word
(χρῶμα) is used by Ignatius
in the beginning of his Epistle to the Romans of a discolouring
stain. | ! With what a conscience! What
though the door-keeper forbade thee not, because of the bountifulness
of the entertainer? what though thou wert ignorant in what fashion thou
shouldest come in to the banquet?—thou didst come in, and didst see the
glittering fashions of the guests: shouldest thou not have been
taught even by what was before thine eyes? Shouldest thou not
have retired in good season, that thou mightest enter in good season
again? But now thou hast come in unseasonably, to be unseasonably
cast out. So he commands the servants, Bind his feet,
which daringly intruded: bind his hands, which knew not
how to put a bright garment around him: and cast him into the
outer darkness; for he is unworthy of the wedding torches410 . Thou seest what happened to that
man: make thine own condition safe.
4. For we, the ministers of Christ, have
admitted every one, and occupying, as it were, the place of
door-keepers we left the door open: and possibly thou didst enter
with thy soul bemired with sins, and with a will defiled. Enter
thou didst, and wast allowed: thy name was inscribed. Tell
me, dost thou behold this venerable constitution of the Church?
Dost thou view her order and discipline411
411 The Greek word
(ἐπιστήμη) which
commonly means “knowledge” or “understanding,”
is applied here and in vi. 35 to the intelligence and skill displayed
in the arrangement of the public services of the Church. Compare
Apostolic Constitutions, ii. 57, where the Bishop is exhorted to
have the assemblies arranged μετὰ πάσης
ἐπιστήμης. | , the
reading of Scriptures412
412 In the same passage of
the Apostolic Constitutions precise directions are given for reading a
Lesson from the Old Testament, singing the Psalms, and reading the
Epistle and Gospel. | , the presence of the
413 By “the
ordained” (κανονικῶν) are meant all whose names were registered as bearing office in the
Church, Priests, Deacons, Deaconesses, Monks, Virgins, Widows, all
having their appointed placed and proper duties. Apost.
Canon. 70, εἴ
ἐπίσκοπος, ἢ
ἢ διάκονος, ἢ
ὅλως τοῦ
τῶν κληρικῶν,
κ.τ.λ. | , the course of
414 Compare Apost.
Const. as above: “Let the Presbyters one by one, not
all together, exhort the people; and the Bishop last, as being the
commander.” | ? Be abashed at
the place, and be taught by what thou seest415
415 S. Aug. de Civit.
Dei., ii. 28: “Though some come to mock at such
admonitions, all their insolence is either humbled by a sudden
conversation (immutatio) or suppressed by fear or shame.” | . Go out opportunely now, and enter most
opportunely to-morrow.
If the fashion of thy soul is avarice, put on
another fashion and come in. Put off thy former fashion, cloke it
not up. Put off, I pray thee, fornication and uncleanness, and
put on the brightest robe of chastity. This charge I give thee,
before Jesus the Bridegroom of souls come in and see their
fashions. A long notice416
416 Greek, προθεσμία.
Compare Gal. iv. 2: “the time appointed of the
father.” At Athens it meant a “limitation,” or
fixed period within which a debt must be claimed or paid, or an action
commenced. | is allowed thee; thou
hast forty417 days for
repentance: thou hast full opportunity both to put off, and wash,
and to put on and enter. But if thou persist in an evil purpose,
the speaker is blameless, but thou must not look for the grace:
for the water will receive, but the Spirit will not accept
thee418 . If any one is conscious of his wound,
let him take the salve; if any has fallen, let him arise. Let
there be no Simon among you, no hypocrisy, no idle curiosity about the
5. Possibly too thou art come on another
pretext. It is possible that a man is wishing to pay court to a
woman, and came hither on that account419
419 S. Ambrose on the
119th Psalm, Serm. xx. § 48, speaks of some who pretended
to be Christians in order to marry one whose parents would not give her
in marriage to a heathen. | . The remark applies in like manner to
women also in their turn. A slave also perhaps wishes to please
his master, and a friend his friend. I accept this bait for the
hook, and welcome thee, though thou camest with an evil purpose, yet as
one to be saved by a good hope. Perhaps thou knewest not whither
thou wert coming, nor in what kind of net thou art taken. Thou
art come within the Church’s nets420 : be taken alive, flee not: for
Jesus is angling for thee, not in order to kill, but by killing to make
alive: for thou must die and rise again. For thou hast
heard the Apostle say, Dead indeed unto sin, but living unto
righteousness421 . Die to thy
sins, and live to righteousness, live from this very day.
6. See, I pray thee, how great a dignity
Jesus bestows on thee. Thou wert called a Catechumen, while the
word echoed422
422 S. Cyril plays upon the
word “Catechumen,” which has the same root as
“echo.” | round thee from
without; hearing of hope, and knowing it not; hearing mysteries, and
not understanding them; hearing Scriptures, and not knowing their
depth. The echo is no longer around thee, but within thee; for
the indwelling Spirit423 henceforth makes
thy mind a house of God. When thou shalt have heard what is
written concerning the mysteries, then wilt thou understand things
which thou knewest not. And think not that thou receivest a small
thing: though a miserable man, thou receivest one of God’s
titles. Hear St. Paul saying, God is faithful424 . Hear another
Scripture saying, God is faithful and just425 . Foreseeing
this, the Psalmist, because men are to receive a title of God, spoke
thus in the person of God: I said, Ye are Gods, and are all
sons of the Most High426 . But beware
lest thou have the title of “faithful,” but the will
of the faithless. Thou hast entered into a contest, toil on
through the race: another such opportunity thou canst not
have427 . Were it thy wedding-day before thee,
wouldest thou not have disregarded all else, and set about the
preparation for the feast? And on the eve of consecrating thy
soul to the heavenly Bridegroom, wilt thou not cease from carnal
things, that thou mayest win spiritual?
7. We
may not receive Baptism twice or thrice; else it might be said, Though
I have failed once, I shall set it right a second time: whereas
if thou fail once, the thing cannot be set right; for there is one
Lord, and one faith, and one baptism428 : for only the heretics are
429 This sentence is
omitted in one ms. (Paris, 1824), but probably
only through the repetition of the word “baptism.” On
the laws of the Church against the repetition of Baptism, and
concerning the re-baptism of heretics, see Tertull. de
Baptismo, c. xv: Apost. Const. xv.:
Bingham, xii. 5: Hefele, Councils, Lib. I. c. 2:
Dictionary Christian Antiq. I. p. 167 a. | , because the former
was no baptism.
8. For God seeks nothing else from us, save
a good purpose. Say not, How are my sins blotted out? I
tell thee, By willing, by believing430
430 Rufinus, in the
Exposition of the Creed, on the Remission of sins:
“The Pagans are wont to say in derision of us, that we deceive
ourselves in thinking that crimes which have been committed in deed can
be washed out by words.” | . What can
be shorter than this? But if, while thy lips declare thee
willing, thy heart be silent, He knoweth the heart, who judgeth
thee. Cease from this day from every evil deed. Let not thy
tongue speak unseemly words, let thine eye abstain from sin, and from
431 The reading in the
Benedictine Edition, μηδὲ ὁ νοῦς
ῥεμβέσθω, has little
authority, and is quite unsuitable. See below, τὸ βλέμμα
ῥεμβόμενον. | after things unprofitable.
9. Let thy feet hasten to the catechisings;
receive with earnestness the exorcisms432 : whether thou be breathed upon or
exorcised, the act is to thee salvation. Suppose thou hast gold
unwrought and alloyed, mixed with various substances, copper, and tin,
and iron, and lead: we seek to have the gold alone; can gold be
purified from the foreign substances without fire? Even so
without exorcisms the soul cannot be purified; and these exorcisms are
divine, having been collected out of the divine Scriptures. Thy
face has been veiled433 , that thy mind may
henceforward be free, lest the eye by roving make the heart rove
also. But when thine eyes are veiled, thine ears are not hindered
from receiving the means of salvation. For in like manner as
those who are skilled in the goldsmith’s craft throw in their
breath upon the fire through certain delicate instruments, and blowing
up the gold which is hidden in the crucible stir the flame which
surrounds it, and so find what they are seeking; even so when the
exorcists inspire terror by the Spirit of God, and set the soul, as it
were, on fire in the crucible of the body, the hostile demon flees
away, and there abide salvation and the hope of eternal life, and the
soul henceforth is cleansed from its sins and hath salvation. Let
us then, brethren, abide in hope, and surrender ourselves, and hope, in
order that the God of all may see our purpose, and cleanse us from our
sins, and impart to us good hopes of our estate, and grant us
repentance that bringeth salvation. God hath called, and His call
is to thee.
10. Attend closely to the catechisings, and
though we should prolong our discourse, let not thy mind be wearied
out. For thou art receiving armour against the adverse power,
armour against heresies, against Jews, and Samaritans434
434 The Samaritans are
frequently mentioned by Epiphanius and other writers of the 4th century
among the chief adversaries of Christianity. “In their
humble synagogue, at the foot of the mountain (Gerizim), the Samaritans
still worship, the oldest and the smallest sect in the
world.” (Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p.
240.) | ,
and Gentiles. Thou hast many enemies; take to thee many darts,
for thou hast many to hurl them at: and thou hast need to learn
how to strike down the Greek, how to contend against heretic, against
Jew and Samaritan. And the armour is ready, and most ready the
sword of the Spirit435 : but thou also
must stretch forth thy right hand with good resolution, that thou
mayest war the Lord’s warfare, and overcome adverse powers, and
become invincible against every heretical attempt.
11. Let me give thee this charge also.
Study our teachings and keep them for ever. Think not that they
are the ordinary homilies436
436 See above, § 4,
note 3. | ; for though they also
are good and trustworthy, yet if we should neglect them to-day we may
study them to-morrow. But if the teaching concerning the laver of
regeneration delivered in a consecutive course be neglected to-day,
when shall it be made right? Suppose it is the season for
planting trees: if we do not dig, and dig deep, when else can
that be planted rightly which has once been planted ill? Suppose,
pray, that the Catechising is a kind of building: if we do not
bind the house together by regular bonds in the building, lest some gap
be found, and the building become unsound, even our former labour is of
no use. But stone must follow stone by course, and corner match
with corner, and by our smoothing off inequalities the building must
thus rise evenly. In like manner we are bringing to thee stones,
as it were, of knowledge. Thou must hear concerning the living
God, thou must hear of Judgment, must hear of Christ, and of the
Resurrection. And many things there are to be discussed in
succession, which though now dropped one by one are afterwards to be
presented in harmonious connexion. But unless thou fit them
together in the one whole, and remember what is first, and what is
second, the builder may build, but thou wilt find the building
12. When, therefore, the Lecture is delivered,
if a Catechumen ask thee what
the teachers have said, tell nothing to him that is without437
437 On the Disciplina
Arcani, or rule against publishing the Christian Creed and Mysteries to
Catechumens and Gentiles, see Index,
“Mysteries.” | . For we deliver to thee a mystery, and
a hope of the life to come. Guard the mystery for Him who gives
the reward. Let none ever say to thee, What harm to thee, if I
also know it? So too the sick ask for wine; but if it be given at
a wrong time it causes delirium, and two evils arise; the sick man
dies, and the physician is blamed. Thus is it also with the
Catechumen, if he hear anything from the believer: both the
Catechumen becomes delirious (for he understands not what he has heard,
and finds fault with the thing, and scoffs at what is said), and the
believer is condemned as a traitor. But thou art now standing on
the border: take heed, pray, to tell nothing out; not that the
things spoken are not worthy to be told, but because his ear is
unworthy to receive. Thou wast once thyself a Catechumen, and I
described not what lay before thee. When by experience thou hast
learned how high are the matters of our teaching, then thou wilt know
that the Catechumens are not worthy to hear them.
13. Ye who have been enrolled are become sons and
daughters of one Mother. When ye have come in before the hour of
the exorcisms, let each one of you speak things tending to
godliness: and if any of your number be not present, seek for
him. If thou wert called to a banquet, wouldest thou not wait for
thy fellow guest? If thou hadst a brother, wouldest thou not seek
thy brother’s good?
Afterwards busy not thyself about unprofitable
matters: neither, what the city has done, nor the village, nor
the King438
438 The title
“King” (Βασιλεύς) is used
in the Greek Liturgies and Fathers of the Roman Emperor, as in the
Clementine Liturgy: ὑπὲρ
τοῦ βασιλέως,
καὶ τῶν ἐν
ὑπεροχῇ, where it is taken
from 1 Tim. ii. 2. Compare Cat. xiv. 14, and
22: Κωνσταντίνου
βασιλέως. | , nor the Bishop, nor
the Presbyter. Look upward; that is what thy present hour
needeth. Be still439 , and know that I
am God. If thou seest the believers ministering, and shewing
no care, they enjoy security, they know what they have received, they
are in possession of grace. But thou standest just now in the
turn of the scale, to be received or not: copy not those who have
freedom from anxiety, but cherish fear.
14. And when the Exorcism has been done,
until the others who are being exorcised have come440
440 From S. Augustine, de
Symbolo, i. 1 (Migne T. vi. p. 930), we learn that the Candidates
were brought in before the Congregation one by one for exorcism; and
so, as Cyril here shews, they had to wait outside till the others
returned. | ,
let men be with men, and women with women. For now I need the
example of Noah’s ark: in which were Noah and his sons, and
his wife and his sons’ wives. For though the ark was one,
and the door was shut, yet had things been suitably arranged. If
the Church is shut, and you are all inside, yet let there be a
separation, men with men, and women with women441
441 Chrys. in Matt.
Hom. lxxiv. § 3: “You ought to have within you the
wall that separates you from the women: but since ye will not,
our fathers have thought it necessary to separate you at least by these
boards; for I have heard from my elders that there were not these walls
in old times.” These barriers had not yet been introduced
at Jerusalem, or Cyril’s admonition would have been
needless. Compare Apostolic Constitutions, II.
57. | : lest the pretext of salvation become
an occasion of destruction. Even if there be a fair pretext for
sitting near each other, let passions be put away. Further, let
the men when sitting have a useful book; and let one read, and another
listen: and if there be no book, let one pray, and another speak
something useful. And again let the party of young women sit
together in like manner, either singing or reading quietly, so that
their lips speak, but others’ ears catch not the sound:
for I suffer not a woman to speak in the Church442 . And let the married woman also follow
the same example, and pray; and let her lips move, but her voice be
unheard, that a Samuel443
443 1 Sam. i. 13; 20. On the various
interpretations of the name Samuel, see Dict. Bib.
“Samuel,” and Driver on the passage. Cyril adopts the
meaning “heard of God.” | may come, and thy
barren soul give birth to the salvation of “God who hath heard
thy prayer;” for this is the interpretation of the name
15. I shall observe each man’s
earnestness, each woman’s reverence. Let your mind be
refined as by fire unto reverence; let your soul be forged as
metal: let the stubbornness of unbelief be hammered out:
let the superfluous scales of the iron drop off, and what is pure
remain; let the rust of the iron be rubbed off, and the true metal
remain. May God sometime shew you that night, the darkness which
shines like the day, concerning which it is said, The darkness shall
not be hidden from thee, and the night shall shine as the
day444 . Then may the gate of Paradise be
opened to every man and every woman among you. Then may you enjoy
the Christ-bearing waters in their fragrance445
445 Or, as the Benedictine
Editor conjectures, “the waters which have a Christ-bearing
fragrance.” On the epithet χριστοφόρος,
see Bishop Lightfoot’s note on Ignat. ad Eph. § 1 and
§ 9. Its meaning, as well as that of Θεοφόρος is
defined in the answer of Ignatius to Trajan, ῾Ο
Χριστὸν ἔχων
ἐν στέρνοις
(Martyr. Ign. Ant. § 2). | . Then may you receive the name of
446 Cat. xxi. 1:
“made partakers therefore of Christ, ye are rightly called
Christs.” | , and the power of things divine. Even
now, I beseech you, lift up the eye of the mind: even now imagine the choirs
of Angels, and God the Lord of all there sitting, and His Only-begotten
Son sitting with Him on His right hand, and the Spirit present with
them; and Thrones and Dominions doing service, and every man of you and
every woman receiving salvation. Even now let your ears ring, as
it were, with that glorious sound, when over your salvation the angels
shall chant, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and
whose sins are covered447 : when like
stars of the Church you shall enter in, bright in the body and radiant
in the soul.
16. Great is the Baptism that lies before
448 S. Basil has a passage
in praise of Baptism almost the same, word for word, with this.
It is more likely to have been borrowed from Cyril by Basil and other
Fathers, than to be a later interpolation here. | : a ransom to captives; a remission of
offences; a death of sin; a new-birth of the soul; a garment of light;
a holy indissoluble seal; a chariot to heaven; the delight of Paradise;
a welcome into the kingdom; the gift of adoption! But there is a
serpent by the wayside watching those who pass by: beware lest he
bite thee with unbelief. He sees so many receiving salvation, and
is seeking whom he may devour449 . Thou art
coming in unto the Father of Spirits, but thou art going past that
serpent. How then mayest thou pass him? Have thy feet
shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace450 ;
that even if he bite, he may not hurt thee. Have faith
in-dwelling, stedfast hope, a strong sandal, that thou mayest pass the
enemy, and enter the presence of thy Lord. Prepare thine own
heart for reception of doctrine, for fellowship in holy
mysteries. Pray more frequently, that God may make thee worthy of
the heavenly and immortal mysteries. Cease not day nor
night: but when sleep is banished from thine eyes, then let thy
mind be free for prayer. And if thou find any shameful thought
rise up in thy mind, turn to meditation upon Judgment to remind thee of
Salvation. Give thy mind wholly to study, that it may forget base
things. If thou find any one saying to thee, Art thou then going
in, to descend into the water? Has the city just now no baths? take
notice that it is the dragon of the sea451 who
is laying these plots against thee. Attend not to the lips of the
talker, but to God who worketh in thee. Guard thine own soul,
that thou be not ensnared, to the end that abiding in hope thou mayest
become an heir of everlasting salvation.
17. We for our part as men charge and teach
you thus: but make not ye our building hay and stubble and
chaff, lest we suffer loss, from our work being burnt
up: but make ye our work gold, and silver, and precious
stones452 ! For it lies in
me to speak, but in thee to set thy mind453 upon
it, and in God to make perfect. Let us nerve our minds, and brace
up our souls, and prepare our hearts. The race is for our
soul: our hope is of things eternal: and God, who knoweth
your hearts, and observeth who is sincere, and who a hypocrite, is able
both to guard the sincere, and to give faith to the hypocrite:
for even to the unbeliever, if only he give his heart, God is able to
give faith. So may He blot out the handwriting that is against
you454 , and grant you forgiveness of your
former trespasses; may He plant you into His Church, and enlist you in
His own service, and put on you the armour of
righteousness455 : may He fill
you with the heavenly things of the New Covenant, and give you the seal
of the Holy Spirit indelible throughout all ages, in Christ Jesus Our
Lord: to whom be the glory for ever and ever!
(To the Reader456
456 It is doubtful
whether this caution proceeded from Cyril himself when issuing a
written copy of his Lectures, or from some later editor. Eusebius
(E.H. v. 20) has preserved an adjuration by Irenæus at the
end of his treatise, On the Ogdoad: I adjure thee, who
mayest transcribe this book, by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His
glorious advent, when He cometh to judge the quick and the dead, to
compare what thou hast written and correct it carefully by this copy,
from which thou hast transcribed it; this adjuration also thou shalt
write in like manner, and set it in the copy. | .)
These Catechetical Lectures for those who are to
be enlightened thou mayest lend to candidates for Baptism, and to
believers who are already baptized, to read, but give not at
457 Gr. τὸ
σύνολον. Plat. Leg.
654 B; Soph. 220 B. | , neither to Catechumens, nor to any others
who are not Christians, as thou shalt answer to the Lord. And if
thou make a copy, write this in the beginning, as in the sight of the