SEV Biblia, Chapter 5:18
Y los albañiles de Salomón, y los de Hiram, y los aparejadores, cortaron y aparejaron la madera y la cantería para labrar la casa.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - 1 Kings 5:18
Verse 18. And the stone-squarers] Instead of stone-squarers the margin very properly reads Giblites, µylbgh haggiblim; and refers to Ezek. xxvii. 9, where we find the inhabitants of Gebal celebrated for their knowledge in ship-building. Some suppose that these Giblites were the inhabitants of Biblos, at the foot of Mount Libanus, northward of Sidon, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea; famous for its wines; and now called Gaeta. Both Ptolemy and Stephanus Byzantinus speak of a town called Gebala, to the east of Tyre: but this was different from Gebal, or Biblos. It seems more natural to understand this of a people than of stone-squarers, though most of the versions have adopted this idea which we follow in the text.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 18. And Solomon’s builders and Hiram’s builders did hew [them] , etc.] The stones; for it seems Solomon had not only hewers of wood, but of stone, from Hiram: and the stonesquarers ; or rather the Giblites, the men of Gebal, which were under the jurisdiction of Tyre, and were skilful in this sort of work, as some of them were in others, (see Ezekiel 27:9); so they prepared timber and stones to build the house ; both Solomon’s and Hiram’s builders, and the large number of workmen, both Israelites and strangers; which latter were an emblem of the Gentiles concerned in the building of the spiritual temple, the church of Christ, ( Zechariah 6:15); and whereas the number of strangers that wrought for the building was far greater than that of the Israelites, it may denote the greater number of Gentiles in the Gospel church state mentioned besides these: thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year: so long as the building lasted, and the workmen were employed; but Abarbinel thinks that he gave it to him as long as he lived, out of his great munificence and liberality.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 10-18 - The temple was chiefly built by the riches and labour of Gentiles which typified their being called into the church. Solomon commanded and they brought costly stones for the foundation. Christ, who is lai for a Foundation, is a chosen and precious Stone. We should lay ou foundation firm, and bestow most pains on that part of our religio which lies out of the sight of men. And happy those who, as livel stones, are built up a spiritual house, for a habitation of God throug the Spirit. Who among us will build in the house of the Lord __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ויפסלו 6458 בני 1129 שׁלמה 8010 ובני 1129 חירום 2438 והגבלים 1382 ויכינו 3559 העצים 6086 והאבנים 68 לבנות 1129 הבית׃ 1004