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PARALLEL BIBLE - Daniel 2:22

CHAPTERS: Daniel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49




King James Bible - Daniel 2:22

He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

World English Bible

he reveals the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.

Douay-Rheims - Daniel 2:22

He revealeth deep and hidden things, and knoweth what is in darkness: and light is with him.

Webster's Bible Translation

He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Original Hebrew

1932 גלא 1541 עמיקתא 5994 ומסתרתא 5642 ידע 3046 מה 4101 בחשׁוכא 2816 ונהירא 5094 עמה 5974 שׁרא׃ 8271

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

VERSE (22) -
:11,28,29 Ge 37:5-9; 41:16,25-28 Job 12:22 Ps 25:14

SEV Biblia, Chapter 2:22

El revela lo profundo y lo escondido; conoce lo que está en tinieblas, y la luz mora con él.

John Gill's Bible Commentary

Ver. 22. He revealeth the deep and
secret things , etc.] The purposes of his own heart, which are the deep things of God, and the secrets that belong to him, and which are opened in providence by the execution of them; the “arcana imperii”, or secrets of state, committed to men designed for government; the secrets or mysteries of grace, the deep things of the Gospel, made known to Gospel ministers; and particularly the deep and impenetrable secret of the king’s dream, and the interpretation of it, revealed to Daniel: he knoweth what is in the darkness ; the actions of men committed in darkness; the schemes that are drawn in the privy councils and cabinets of princes; yea, the thoughts of men’s hearts, which he in the utmost recesses of them, as well as their dreams in the night season; and particularly this of the king’s, and which must have been buried in darkness, had he not revealed it: and the light dwelleth with him ; he is light itself, and the Father of lights; the light of nature, grace, and glory, is with him, and from him; the light of the word, the light of prophecy, and the light of the glorious Gospel; and also the Light of the world, the sun of righteousness, the Messiah; and of him some of the ancient Jews interpret this passage. R. Aba Serungia f87 , mentioning this passage, “and the light dwelleth with him”, adds, this is the King Messiah, as it is said, “arise, shine”, etc.; and his commentator f88 observes, that the sense of it is, he (God) retains the Messiah with himself, and does not send him forth unto us; (see Psalm 43:3), and elsewhere f89 , in answer to the question, what is the name of the Messiah? among others, this is said, his name is Light, as it is said, “and the light dwelleth with him”: and this is a name that is often given to Christ, and he takes to himself in the New Testament; (see John 1:7-9 3:19 8:12 9:5 12:35,46) where he is called the “Light”, that Light, the true Light, and the Light of the world; as he is both of Jews and Gentiles, even of all his people throughout the world: indeed, the light of nature, which every man has, is from him, as the Creator of all; and the light of grace, and the increase of it, which any are favoured with, is given by him; and all the light of knowledge in divine things, and of spiritual joy and comfort, beams from him the sun of righteousness: the light of the latter day, which will be so very great, as to be as the light of seven days, and to make the sun and moon unnecessary in a figurative sense, will be owing to him; as well as all that light of life and glory, the saints shall possess to all eternity, will be communicated through him: and Christ, who is this light, “dwells” with God; he who is the same with the divine Word, was with God, and dwells with him to all eternity; in the fulness of time this Word or Light was made flesh, or was clothed with it, and dwelt with men; when it was, that be came a light into the world, of which he often speaks; and having done his work, ascended to heaven, and now dwells with God in human nature; and will come again, and dwell with men on earth a thousand years, when he will be the light of the New Jerusalem state; and, after that, will take his people with him to heavens, and dwell with God, and they with him, for evermore. This shows that this Light, or the divine “Logos”, is a person distinct from God the Father, with whom he dwells; that he is an eternal one, God never being without this Light and Word; and that he is all abiding light to his saints, and will be for evermore.
Matthew Henry Commentary
dream. (Dan. 2:1-13) It is revealed to Daniel. (Dan 2:14-23) He obtains admission to the king. (Dan. 2:24-30) The dream an the interpretation. (Dan. 2:31-45) Honours to Daniel and his friends (Dan. 2:46-49)

Dan. 2:1-13 The greatest men are most open to cares and troubles of mind, which disturb their repose in the night, while the sleep of the labouring man is sweet and sound. We know not the uneasiness of man who live in great pomp, and, as others vainly think, in pleasure also The king said that his learned men must tell him the dream itself, or they should all be put to death as deceivers. Men are more eager to as as to future events, than to learn the way of salvation or the path of duty; yet foreknowledge of future events increases anxiety and trouble Those who deceived, by pretending to do what they could not do, wer sentenced to death, for not being able to do what they did not preten to.

Dan. 2:14-23 Daniel humbly prayed that God would discover to him the king's dream, and the meaning of it. Praying friends are valuabl friends; and it well becomes the greatest and best men to desire the prayers of others. Let us show that we value our friends, and their prayers. They were particular in prayer. And whatever we pray for, we can expect nothing but as the gift of God's mercies. God gives us leav in prayer to tell our wants and burdens. Their plea with God was, the peril they were in. The mercy Daniel and his fellows prayed for, wa bestowed. The fervent prayers of righteous men avail much. Daniel wa thankful to God for making known that to him, which saved the lives of himself and his fellows. How much more should we be thankful to God for making known the great salvation of the soul to those who are no among the worldly wise and prudent!

Dan. 2:24-30 Daniel takes away the king's opinion of his magicians an soothsayers. The insufficiency of creatures should drive us to the all-sufficiency of the Creator. There is One who can do that for us and make known that to us, which none on earth can, particularly the work of redemption, and the secret designs of God's love to us therein Daniel confirmed the king in his opinion, that the dream was of grea consequence, relating to the affairs and changes of this lower world Let those whom God has highly favoured and honoured, lay aside all opinion of their own wisdom and worthiness, that the Lord alone may be praised for the good they have and do.

Dan. 2:31-45 This image represented the kingdoms of the earth, tha should successively rule the nations, and influence the affairs of the Jewish church. 1. The head of gold signified the Chaldean empire, the in being. 2. The breast and arms of silver signified the empire of the Medes and Persians. 3. The belly and thighs of brass signified the Grecian empire, founded by Alexander. 4. The legs and feet of iro signified the Roman empire. The Roman empire branched into te kingdoms, as the toes of these feet. Some were weak as clay, other strong as iron. Endeavours have often been used to unite them, for strengthening the empire, but in vain. The stone cut out without hands represented the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, which should be se up in the kingdoms of the world, upon the ruins of Satan's kingdom in them. This was the Stone which the builders refused, because it was no cut out by their hands, but it is become the head stone of the corner Of the increase of Christ's government and peace there shall be no end The Lord shall reign, not only to the end of time, but when time an days shall be no more. As far as events have gone, the fulfilling thi prophetic vision has been most exact and undeniable; future ages shal witness this Stone destroying the image, and filling the whole earth.

Dan. 2:46-49 It is our business to direct attention to the Lord, as the Author and Giver of every good gift. Many have thoughts of the Divin power and majesty, who do not think of serving God themselves. But all should strive, that God may be glorified, and the best interests of mankind furthered __________________________________________________________________

Original Hebrew

הוא 1932 גלא 1541 עמיקתא 5994 ומסתרתא 5642 ידע 3046 מה 4101 בחשׁוכא 2816 ונהירא 5094 עמה 5974 שׁרא׃ 8271

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49


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