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PARALLEL BIBLE - Galatians 6:8 CHAPTERS: Galatians 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
World English BibleFor he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Douay-Rheims - Galatians 6:8 For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.
Webster's Bible Translation For he that soweth to his flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall from the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Greek Textus Receptus οτι 3754 ο 3588 σπειρων 4687 5723 εις 1519 την 3588 σαρκα 4561 εαυτου 1438 εκ 1537 της 3588 σαρκος 4561 θερισει 2325 5692 φθοραν 5356 ο 3588 δε 1161 σπειρων 4687 5723 εις 1519 το 3588 πνευμα 4151 εκ 1537 του 3588 πνευματος 4151 θερισει 2325 5692 ζωην 2222 αιωνιον 166
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge VERSE (8) - Ro 6:13; 8:13; 13:14 Jas 3:18
SEV Biblia, Chapter 6:8 Porque el que siembra en su carne, de la carne segar� corrupci�n; mas el que siembra en el Espíritu, del Espíritu segar� vida eterna.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Galatians 6:8 Verse 8. He that soweth to his flesh] In like manner, he that sows to the flesh - who indulges his sensual and animal appetites, shall have corruption as the crop: you cannot expect to lead a bad life and go to heaven at last. According as your present life is, so will be your eternal life whether your sowing be to the flesh or to the Spirit, so will your eternal reaping be. To sow, here, means transacting the concerns of a man's natural life. To reap, signifies his enjoyment or punishment in another world. Probably by flesh and Spirit the apostle means Judaism and Christianity. Circumcision of the flesh was the principal rite of the former; circumcision in the heart, by the Spirit, the chief rite of the latter; hence the one may have been called flesh, the other, Spirit. He who rejects the Gospel, and trusts only in the rites and ceremonies of the law for salvation, will reap endless disappointment and misery. He who trusts in Christ, and receives the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, shall reap life everlasting.
John Gill's Bible Commentary Ver. 8. For he that soweth to his flesh , etc..] Not that taking due care of a man's body, seeking the preservation of its health, providing proper food and raiment for himself, and all necessaries for the good and support of his family, is to be called sowing to his flesh, nor is he to be called a carnal sower; but he is such an one that pampers his flesh, gratifies and indulges the lusts of it, who minds the things of the flesh, lives after it, and does the works of it, who spends his substance in a luxurious way upon himself and family; or whose whole bent, and study, and employment, is to increase his worldly riches, to aggrandize himself and posterity, to the neglect of his own soul, the interest of religion, the poor of the church, and ministers of the Gospel: shall of the flesh reap corruption ; shall by such carnal methods procure for himself, in this world, nothing but what is corruptible, as silver and gold be, and such treasure as moth and rust corrupt; such substance as will not endure, but is perishing, and may be by one providence or another taken from him; so that all his care in sowing comes to nothing, and is of no advantage to himself, nor to his posterity; (see Haggai 1:4-6), and shall fall into the pit of corruption, and be punished with everlasting destruction, and die the second death in the world to come. But he that soweth to the Spirit ; not his own, but the Spirit of God; or that soweth spiritual things, that minds and savours the things of the Spirit, lives in the Spirit, and walks in the Spirit; that lays out his worldly substance in promoting spiritual things, in encouraging the spiritual ministers of the word, in supporting the interest of spiritual religion, in relieving the poor of Christ's churches, in contributing to the spread of the Gospel, and the administration of the word and ordinances in other places, as well as where he is more immediately concerned: shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting ; in the use of such spiritual means, though not as meritorious, or as causes, he shall attain to, and enjoy eternal happiness in the other world; or of, and by the Spirit of God, by whose grace and strength he sows, and does all the good things he does, by and of him sanctifying him, and making him meet for it, and not of himself, or any works of righteousness done by him, shall he inherit eternal life; which is the pure gift of God through Jesus Christ, and bestowed as a reward of his own grace.
Matthew Henry Commentary Verses 6-11 - Many excuse themselves from the work of religion, though they may make a show, and profess it. They may impose upon others, yet they deceiv themselves if they think to impose upon God, who knows their hearts a well as actions; and as he cannot be deceived, so he will not be mocked. Our present time is seed time; in the other world we shall rea as we sow now. As there are two sorts of sowing, one to the flesh, an the other to the Spirit, so will the reckoning be hereafter. Those wh live a carnal, sensual life, must expect no other fruit from such course than misery and ruin. But those who, under the guidance an influences of the Holy Spirit, live a life of faith in Christ, an abound in Christian graces, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting We are all very apt to tire in duty, particularly in doing good. Thi we should carefully watch and guard against. Only to perseverance in well-doing is the reward promised. Here is an exhortation to all to d good in their places. We should take care to do good in our life-time and make this the business of our lives. Especially when fres occasions offer, and as far as our power reaches.
οτι 3754 ο 3588 σπειρων 4687 5723 εις 1519 την 3588 σαρκα 4561 εαυτου 1438 εκ 1537 της 3588 σαρκος 4561 θερισει 2325 5692 φθοραν 5356 ο 3588 δε 1161 σπειρων 4687 5723 εις 1519 το 3588 πνευμα 4151 εκ 1537 του 3588 πνευματος 4151 θερισει 2325 5692 ζωην 2222 αιωνιον 166
Vincent's NT Word Studies 8. To his flesh (eiv thn sarka eautou). Rather, his own flesh. Eiv into: the flesh being conceived as the soil into which the seed is cast. Comp. Matt. xiii. 22. His own, because the idea of personal, selfish desire is involved.Corruption (fqoran). Primarily, destruction, ruin; but it also has the sense of deterioration, decay, as 1 Cor. xv. 42. Comp. Aristotle, Rhet. iii. 3, iv. "And thou didst sow (espeirav) shamefully (aiscrwv) and didst reap (eqerisav) miserably (kakwv)." See also Plato, Phaedrus, 260 D, and on defile, Rom. iii. 17. The Spirit. The Holy Spirit: not the higher nature of man. Eternal life (zwhn aiwnion). See on 2 Thess. i. 9 (additional note).
6:8 {Corruption} (fqoran). For this old word from fqeirw, see on �1Co 15:42. The precise meaning turns on the context, here plainly the physical and moral decay or rottenness that follows sins of the flesh as all men know. Nature writes in one's body the penalty of sin as every doctor knows. {Eternal life} (zwen aiwnion). See on �Mt 25:46 for this interesting phrase so common in the Johannine writings. Plato used aiwnios for perpetual. See also #2Th 1:9. It comes as nearly meaning "eternal" as the Greek can express that idea.
| CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18