Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxv Pg 3
[Num. xiii. 16.]
(Oshea). For if you shall understand this, you shall likewise perceive that the name of Him who said to Moses, ‘for My name is in Him,’ was Jesus. For, indeed, He was also called Israel, and Jacob’s name was changed to this also. Now Isaiah shows that those prophets who are sent to publish tidings from God are called His angels and apostles. For Isaiah says in a certain place, ‘Send me.’2232 2232
Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 45
Jehoshua, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus, are all forms of the same name. But the change from Oshea or Hoshea to Jehoshua appears to have been made when he was sent to spy the land. See Num. xiii. 16 (17 in LXX., who call it a surnaming).
Certainly, you say. This we first assert to have been a figure of the future. For, because Jesus Christ was to introduce the second people (which is composed of us nations, lingering deserted in the world1289 1289 If Oehler’s “in sæculo desertæ” is to be retained, this appears to be the construction. But this passage, like others above noted, is but a reproduction of parts of the third book in answer to Marcion; and there the reading is “in sæculi desertis”="in the desert places of the world,” or “of heathendom.”
aforetime) into the land of promise, “flowing with milk and honey”1290 1290
Npnf-201 Pg 9
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 10
VERSE (41) - Jos 14:6,7 Nu 13:26; 32:8; 34:4 De 9:23