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Homily XXIII.
Acts X. 23, 24
“Then called he them in,
and lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and
certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him. And the morrow after they
entered into Cæsarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and had
called together his kinsmen and near friends.”
“He” called them in, and lodged them.” Good,
that first he gives the men friendly treatment, after the fatigue of
their journey, and makes them at home with him; “and on the
morrow,” sets out with them.” And certain accompany him:
this too as Providence ordered it, that they should be witnesses
afterwards when Peter would need to justify himself. “And
Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his kinsmen and
near friends.” This is the part of a friend, this the part of a
devout man, that where such blessings are concerned, he takes care that
his near friends shall be made partakers of all. Of course (his
“near” friends), those in whom he had ever full confidence;
fearing, with such an interest at stake, to entrust the matter to
others. In my opinion, it was by Cornelius himself that both friends
and kinsmen had been brought to a better mind. “And as Peter was
coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped
him.” (v. 25.) This, both to teach
the others, and by way of giving thanks to God, and showing his own
humility: thereby making it plain, that though he had been commanded,
yet in himself he had great piety. What then did Peter? “But
Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.”
(v. 26.) Do you mark how,
before all else (the Apostles) teach them this lesson, not to think
great things of them? “And as he talked with him, he went in, and
found many that were come together. And he said unto them, Ye know how
that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company,
or come unto one of another nation; but God hath showed me that I
should not call any man common or unclean.” (v. 27, 28.) Observe, he
straightway speaks of the mercy of God, and points out to them that it
is a great grace that God has shown them. Observe also how while he
utters great things, at the same time he speaks modestly. For he does
not say, We, being men who do not deign to keep company with any
(such), have come to you: but what says he? “Ye
know”—God commanded this554
554 So
mss. and Edd. but the clause ὁ Θεὸς τοῦτο
ἐκέλευσε might be better transferred, in the sense, “It is only in
obedience to God’s command that I come to you.”
Below, Εἶτα
ἵνα μηδεὶς
αὐτῷ τὴν
χάριν ἔχῃ (A. B. C. D. F. Cat.) ἐπάγει (om.
C.) τί
φησίν; (A. B. C. but
Cat. for ἐπάγει τί
φησίν; has,
ἐμοὶ κ. τ. λ. We read, Εἶτα ἐπάγει,
Καὶ ἐμοὶ
ἔδειξεν ὁ
Θεὸς (ἵνα μηδεὶς
αὐτῷ τὴν
χάριν ἔχῃ
φησὶν) μηδένα κ. τ.
λ. | —“that it is against law to keep
company with, or come unto, one of another nation.” Then he goes
on to say, “And to me God has shown”—this he says,
that none may account the thanks due to him—“that I should
call no man”—that it may not look like obsequiousness to
him, “no human being,” says he—“common or
555 By
saying “it is not lawful,” Peter does not refer to any
specific command in the Mosaic law forbidding intercourse with
Gentiles. The separateness of the Jewish people from the heathen world
had, indeed, its basis in the Levitical system, especially in the
regulations concerning ceremonial cleanness. Still the Jews had
constant commercial relations with other nations. Peter here refers, no
doubt, to the customary and traditional exclusiveness of his nation
which had become a social as well as a religious trait, and which had
been extended far beyond the purport of the Mosaic requirements, which
had for their end the preservation of the truth and purity of the
religion of the nation. This exclusive and jealous spirit is frequently
reflected in the N.T. and contemporaneous literature. The Jewish
Christians accuse Peter (Acts xi. 3) of eating with
the uncircumcised. On another occasion, the prejudices of his kinsmen
and friends intimidated him and constrained him to break off his custom
of associating with the Gentile Christians at meals (Gal. ii. 11 sq.). “Moses,” says Josephus, “does not allow
those who come to us without living according to our laws to be
admitted into communion with us” (Contra Apion. ii. 29).
Tacitus accuses the Jews of harboring “the bitterest animosity
against all other nations” (Hist. v. 5) and Juvenal says
that they will not point out the way except to those of their own
religion, and that they will “conduct those only to the fountain
inquired after who are circumcised” (Sat. xiv. 103). How
great was the lesson then, which Peter had been taught in the vision!
It is not strange that it was only gradually learned and
practised.—G.B.S. | (v. 29.) “Wherefore also”—that they may not
think the affair a breach of the law on his part, nor (Cornelius)
suppose that because he was in a station of command therfore he had
complied, but that they may ascribe all to God,—“wherefore
also I came without gainsaying as soon as I was sent for:”
(though) not only to keep company, but even to come unto (him) was not
permitted. “I ask therefore, for what intent ye have sent for
me.” Already Peter had heard the whole matter from the soldiers
also, but he wishes them first to confess, and to make them amenable to
the Faith. What then does Cornelius? He does not say, Why, did not the
soldiers tell thee? but observe again, how humbly he speaks. For he
says, “From the fourth day I was fasting until this hour; and at
the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me
in bright clothing, and said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine
alms are come up for a memorial before God. And at the ninth
hour,” he says, “I was praying.” (v. 30, 31.) It seems to me, that
this man had also fixed for himself set times of a life under stricter
rule, and on certain days.556
556 Καὶ ἐν τισὶν
ἡμέραις· so all the mss. with Cat. (ἔν
τισιν ἡμ.)
and Œcum. If the text be not corrupt, Chrys. must be understood to
interpret ἀπὸ
ἡμ. of the “fourth day of the
week:” i.e. Cornelius had anticipated, among other pious
observances, this practice also, viz. of the Wednesday fast. Otherwise,
there is no intelligible connection for the following words,
Διὰ γὰρ
τοῦτο εἶπεν,
ἡμέρας. This,
he says, was an advance in piety: and then it was that the Angel
appeared to him. Then he proceeds to argue, that it is not “four
days ago,” for the time does not amount to that number of days:
the day on which Peter arrived was not the fourth, but between that and
the day on which Cornelius prayed, there are but two entire days. It
seems that this must be St. Chrysostom’s meaning, though it is
obscured by mistakes of the scribes. B. C. αὕτη μία
ἡμέρα· καὶ
ἥν ἦλθον μία·
καὶ τῇ τρίτῃ
ἐφάνη· ὡς
μεθ᾽ ἣν
προσηύξατο. (A. omits the passage.) E. D. F. Edd. αὕτη μία
ἡμέρα· καὶ
ἣν ἀπῆλθον
μία· καὶ ἣν
ἦλθον, μία·
καὶ τῂ
ἐφάνη· ὡς
μεθ᾽ ἣν
προσηύξατο. Cat. and Œc. agree with E. D. F. in supplying the
clause omitted in B. C , to which however they
add παρὰ
Κορνηλίου: they have also τετάρτῃ
ἐφάνη, but for the
last clause they read, ὡσεὶ
τρίτην ὥραν
μεθ᾽ ἣν
προσηύξατο. But the sense intended by Chrys. should be: “This,
the day (on which they left Joppa), is one day (before the day on which
Cornelius is speaking): and the day on which the messengers from
Cornelius came, one day; (therefore the second day before that on which
Cornelius is speaking:) and on the third day (previous) the Angel
appeared: so that, exclusively of the day on which Cornelius is
speaking, and that on which Cornelius prayed, there are two
days.” This sense will be satisfied by reading, αὕτη μία
ἡμέρα· καὶ
ἣν ἦλθον οἱ
μία· καὶ τῇ
τρίτῃ ἐφάνη·
& 244·στε εἶναι
δυὸ ἡμέρας
μεθ᾽ ἣν
προσηύξατο. The scribes, mistaking both the drift and the method of
the calculation, supposed αὕτη ἡμ.
to mean “the day of Peter’s arrival:” but the day
before that was the day on which they came away (ἀπῆλθον)
from Joppa, and on the previous day the messengers arrived
(ἦλθον), and on the day
before that, which is therefore the fourth, the Angel appeared: hence
they insert the words καὶ ἣν ἀπῆlqon…μία, in order to make out
the calculation, i.e. to verify the day of the Vision as the fourth day
before that on which Cornelius is speaking. So Cat. Œc. and.
E.D.F. But B. C. retain the original reading, and only mistake the
abbreviated form ὥστε εἶναι
β'ἡμ., i.e. δυὸ ἡμέρας,
as if it meant “the second day,”
ἡμέραν: which
reading, though unintelligible, was retained by the later Editors. But
what Chrys. means to say, is, that, not reckoning the day of the vision
and the day of the meeting, there are two whole days: therefore the day
of the vision was not “the fourth day hence;” consequently,
that it means “the fourth day of the week.” This hasty and
ill considered interpretation of the expression απὸ
ἡμέρας, was
suggested by the circumstance that the rule was to fast on the dies
stationum, τετρὰς and προσάββατον, to “the ninth hour:” so that the practical
scope of the interpretation may be of this kind: “See how this
man, Gentile as he was, had forestalled our rule of discipline: he
fasted on the fourth day of the week, and to the ninth hour of the day:
and see how God was pleased to approve of his piety, by sending the
Angel to him on that day, and at that hour. But you who know the rule,
and why it is prescribed, do not obey it,” etc.—On the
Dies Stationum, see Tertull. de Jejun. 1. where in
defence of the Montanists, who extended the fast beyond the ninth hour,
(or 3 p.m.) he says: Arguunt nos quod stationes plerumque in
vesperam producamus: ib. 10. Æque stationes nostras ut
indignas, quasdam vero et in serum constitutas, novitatis nomine
incusant, hoc quoque munus et ex arbitrio obeundum esse dicentes, et
non ultra nonam detinendum, suo scilicet more: i.e. the Catholics
maintained, that the fast on these days ought not to be compulsory, nor
to be prolonged beyond the ninth hour. Epiphan. Expos. Fid.
§. 22. δἰ
ὅλου μὲν τοῦ
ἔτους ἡ
ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ
ἁγί& 139·
ἐκκλησί& 139·,
φημὶ δὲ
τετράδι καὶ
ἕως ὥρας
ἐννάτης. | For this is why he
he says, “From the fourth day.”557
557 It is
wholly improbable that ἀπὸ
ἡμέρας refers
to the fourth day of the week, as Chrys. supposes. The meaning is that,
four days ago (reckoning from the time when he was speaking) he was
praying (“observing the ninth hour of prayer”) until the
time of day at which he was now saying these words to Peter. There is
still less ground for Chrysostom’s interpretation if with
Lechler, Tischendorf, and Westcott and Hort νηστεὑων
be omitted from the text.—G.B.S. | See
how great a thing prayer is! When he advanced in piety, then the Angel
appears to him. “From the fourth day:” i.e. of the week;
not “four days ago.” For, “on the morrow Peter went
away with them, and on the morrow after they entered into
Cæsarea:” this is one day: and the day on which the persons
sent came (to Joppa) one day: and on the third (the Angel) appeared: so
that there are two days after that on which (Cornelius) had been
praying. “And, behold, a man stood before me in bright
clothing:” he does not say, an Angel, so unassuming is he:
“and said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had
in remembrance in the sight of God. Send therefore to Joppa, and call
hither Simon, whose surname is Peter: he is lodged in the house of one
Simon a tanner by the seaside: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto
thee. Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done
that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God,
to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.” (v. 31–33.) (b)
558 The
letters a, b, c, d, mark the order of these portions in B. C. At
the end of (a) the clause, “We are present,” etc. is
repeated. In A the order is, a, d, the rest being omitted: in
the modern text, a, d, c, b: and the text, “Now therefore
are we all present,” etc. between (c) and
(b).—With the interpretation of δεκτὸς comp. Severianus of Gabala in the Catena on x. 4, οὐκ
εἶπεν ἐν
παντὶ ἔθνει ὁ
σώζεται, ἀλλὰ
δεκτός ἐστιν.
γίνεται τοῦ
δεχθῆναι. And St. Chrys. Hom. viii. in 1 Cor.
C. δεκτὸς αὐτῷ
καλεῖ καὶ
αὐτὸν πρὸς
ἀλήθειαν. Paul is cited as an instance: persecutor as he was, “yet,
because he led a blameless life, and did not these things of human
passion, he was both accepted and far outwent all. But if some one
should say, ‘How is it that such an one, the Greek, kind as he is
and good and humane, continues in error?’ I answer, that he has a
fault of a different kind, vainglory or sluggishness of mind, or not
being in earnest about his salvation, but thinking that all the
circumstances of his life are mere chance-medley and haphazard. But by
‘him that worketh righteousness,’ Peter means, him that is
blameless in all things (comp. infra p.
151.)……‘How is it then,’ you will say,
‘that impure persons have been accounted worthy to have the
Gospel preached to them (κατηξιώθησαν
κηρύγματος)?’ Because they were willing and desirous. For some,
even which are in error, He draws, when they become cleansed from their
vices; and others coming of their own accord, He repulses not: many
also have inherited their piety from their ancestors.” | what faith, what piety! He knew that it
was no word of man that Peter spake, when he said, “God hath
shown me.” Then says the man, “We are present to hear all
things that are commanded thee of the Lord. (a) Therefore it was
that Peter asked, “For what intent have ye sent for me?” on
purpose that he might so speak these very words. (d) “Then
Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no
respector of persons: but in every nation he that feareth Him, and
worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him.” (v. 34, 35.) That is, be he
uncircumcised or circumcised. (c) This also Paul declaring,
saith, “For there is no respect of persons with God.”559
559 The
word προσωπολήμπτης—“respector of
persons”—(personarum acceptor Vulg.) is a term
founded upon the phrase, λαμβάνειν
πρὁσωπον, an imitation of the Hebrew נשא פנים, to accept the person,
the presence; to have a favorable or partial regard to the outward
appearance,—as opposed to השיב פנים, to turn away the face (of the
petitioner) i.e. to deny him favor or acceptance (1 Kgs. ii. 16, 17, 20; 2 Chron. vi. 42; cf. Gen. xxxii. 21; 1 Kgs. v. i.)—G.B.S. | (Rom. ii. 11.) (e) What
then? (it may be asked) is the man yonder in Persia acceptable to Him?
If he be worthy, in this regard he is acceptable, that it should be
granted him to be brought unto faith (τᾥ
The Eunuch from Ethiopia He overlooked not. “What shall one say
then of the religious men who have been overlooked?” It is not
the case, that any (such) ever was overlooked. But what he says is to
this effect, that God rejects no man.560
560 The
pertinent comments of Dr. Gloag may here be fitly introduced
(v. 35): “Peter is here
speaking of the admissibility of the Gentiles into the Church of
Christ; and he here asserts that there is no natural obstacle in the
way of any one who fears God and works righteousness; that there is now
no barrier such as circumcision, no external hindrance, but that all
are equally acceptable to God. As Meyer well puts it, δεκτὸς
αὐτῷ ἐστίν
indicates the capability in relation to God to become
a Christian, but not the capability to be saved without Christ; or, as
Bengel observes, non indifferentissimus religionum, sed indifferenta
nationum hic asseritur.” (Gloag, Com. in
loco).—G.B.S. | “In every
nation, he that feareth God and worketh righteousness:” (by
righteousness) he means, all virtue. Mark, how he subdues all elation
of mind in him. That (the Jews) may not seem to be in the condition of
persons cast off (he adds), “The word which He sent unto the
children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all
(v. 36): this he says also for
the sake of those present (of the Jews), that He may persuade them
also: this is why he forces Cornelius to speak. “He,” saith
he, “is Lord of all.” But observe at the very outset,
“The word,” says he, “which He sent unto the children
of Israel;” he gives them the preëminence. Then he adduces
(these Gentiles) themselves as witnesses: “ye know,” says
he, “the matter which came to pass throughout all Judea,
beginning at Galilee”—then he confirms it from this
also—“after the baptism which John preached”
(v. 37)—“even
Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and with
power.” (v.
He does not mean, Ye know Jesus, for they did not know Him, but he
speaks of the things done by Him:561
561 There
is no sufficient reason for the statement of Chrys. that those to whom
Peter spoke did not know Jesus. It is meant that they were acquainted
with the chief facts of his life. Grammatically Ιησοῦν (38) must be construed as
the object (resumed in another form) of ὑμεῖς
οἴδατε (37). Residents in
Cæsarea must have heard of Jesus’ teaching and miracles,
during his lifetime on earth. Moreover, the apostles had taught in the
neighboring cities and wrought miracles, and probably Philip had been
for some little time residing and laboring in Cæsarea itself
(Acts viii. 40).—G.B.S. | “Who went
about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: by
562 ᾽Εντεῦθεν
(B., διαστροφὰς) σώματος (Cat., σωμάτων) ὑπ᾽ ἐκείνου
γενομένας. The term πήρωσις here includes loss of sight, speech, hearing, palsied or withered
limbs. “He shows that these are diabolical, and that they are a
violent wrenching, or distortion, of the body from its proper
condition, caused by him.” The sense requires either διαστροφὰς
or γενομένην. The next sentence, ὥσπερ
καὶ ὁ Χριστὸς
ἔλεγεν, omitted
by Edd., though, except E., all the mss. and
Cat. have it, may refer to such expressions as that in Luke xiii. 16.
Or, it may be in its proper place after the following clause,
“For God was with Him:” again, a lowly expression: just as
Christ spake: “for My Father is with Me.” | he shows that many cases of lost senses or
paralyzed limbs are the devil’s work, and a wrench given to the
body by him: as also Christ said. “For God was with Him.”
Again, lowly terms. “And we are witnesses of all things which He
did, both in the country of the Jews, and in Jerusalem”
(v. 39): both
“we,” saith he, and ye. Then the Passion, and the reason
why they do not believe: “Whom also they slew, and hanged on a
tree. Him God raised up the third day, and showed Him openly; not to
all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us,
who did eat and drink with Him after He rose from the dead.”
(v. 40, 41.) This is a proof of
the Resurrection. “And he commanded us to preach unto the people,
and to testify that it is He which was ordained of God to be the Judge
of quick and dead.” (v.
This is great. Then he adduces the testimony from the Prophets:
“To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name,
whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.”
(v. 43.) This is a proof of
that which was about to be: this is the reason why he here cites the
But let us look over again what
relates to Cornelius. (Recapitulation.) He sent, it says, to Joppa to
fetch Peter. “He was waiting for him,” etc; see how fully
he believed that Peter would certainly come: (b) “and563
563 The
letters denote the order of the parts in the mss. and Edd. | fell down at his feet, and worshipped
him.” (v. 24, 25.) (a) Mark how
on every side it is shown how worthy he is! (So) the Eunuch there
desired Philip to come up and sit in the chariot (ch. viii. 31), although not knowing
who he was, upon no other introduction (ἐπαγγελίας) than that given by the Prophet. But here Cornelius fell
at his feet. (c) “Stand up, I myself also am a man.”
(v. 26.) Observe how free from
adulation his speech is on all occasions, and how full of humility.
“And conversing with him, he came in.” (a)
(v. 27.) Conversing about
what? I suppose saying these words: “I myself also am a
man.” (e) Do you mark (Peter’s) unassuming temper?
He himself also shows that his coming is God’s doing: “Ye
know that it is unlawful for a man that is a Jew,” etc.
(v. 28.) And why did he not
speak of the linen sheet? Observe Peter’s freedom from all
vainglory: but, that he is sent of God, this indeed he mentions; of the
manner in which he was sent, he speaks not at present; when the need
has arisen, seeing he had said, “Ye know that it is unlawful for
a man that is a Jew to keep company with, or to come unto, one of
another nation,” he simply adds, “but to me God hath
shown,” etc. There is nothing of vainglory here. “All
ye,” he says, “know.” He makes their knowledge stand
surety for him. But Cornelius says, “We are present before God to
hear all things that are commanded thee of the Lord”
(v. 33): not, Before man, but,
“Before God.” This is the way one ought to attend to
God’s servants. Do you see his awakened mind? do you see how
worthy he was of all these things? “And Peter,” it says,
“opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no
respecter of persons.” (v.
This he said also by way of justifying himself with the Jews then
present. For, being at the point to commit the Word to these
(Gentiles), he first puts this by way of apology. What then? Was He
“a respecter of persons” beforetime? God forbid! For
beforetime likewise it was just the same: “Every one,” as
he saith, “that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, would be
acceptable to Him.” As when Paul saith, “For when the
Gentiles which have not the Law, do by nature the things of the
Law.” (Rom. ii. 14.) “That feareth
God and worketh righteousness:” he assumes564
564 καὶ δόγμα
τίθησι (E.
Edd. εἰσάγει) καὶ
πολίτειαν. i. e. “it is assumed, or the case is put, that the
person has the right doctrine, of the One True God (that feareth God),
and that he is of a right conversation (that worketh
righteousness.)” | both doctrine and manner of life: is
“accepted with Him;” for, if He did not overlook the Magi,
nor the Ethiopian, nor the thief, nor the harlot, much more them that
work righteousness, and are willing, shall He in anywise not overlook.
“What say you then to this, that there are likely persons
(ἐπιεικεἵς), men of mild disposition, and yet they will not
believe?” (Above, p. 149, note 2.) Lo, you have yourself named
the cause: they will not. But besides the likely person he here speaks
of is not this sort of man, but the man “that worketh
righteousness:” that is, the man who in all points is virtuous
and irreproachable, when he has the fear of God as he ought to have it.
But whether a person be such, God only knows. See how this man was
acceptable: see how, as soon as he heard, he was persuaded. “Yes,
and now too,” say you, “every one would be persuaded, be
who he may.” But the signs that are now, are much greater than
those, and more wonderful.—Then Peter commences his teaching, and
reserves for the Jews the privilege of their birth. “The565
565 In the
mss. and Edd. the order is confused. In the
old text: “The word—Lord of all. First he
discourses—with ardor. Yet for all this He did not spare them.
Then he proves how He is Lord of all. Which He sent, preaching good
tidings, not bringing judgment. [3.] He is sent from God to the Jews.
Then He shows this withal from the things which He achieved,”
etc. So, with verbal alterations, the modern text, except that it omits
the clause, οὐ
μὴν οὐδὲ
ἐφείσατο. | word,” he says, “which He sent
unto the children of Israel, preaching peace (v. 36), not bringing judgment. He is sent to the Jews also: yet
for all this He did not spare them. “Preaching peace through
Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all.” First he discourses of His
being Lord and in exceeding elevated terms, seeing he had to deal with
a soul more than commonly elevated, and that took all in with ardor.
Then he proves how He was Lord of all, from the things which He
achieved “throughout all Judea. For ye know,” saith he,
“the matter which came to pass throughout all Judea:” and,
what is the wonderful part of it, “beginning at Galilee: after
the baptism which John preached.” (v. 37.) First he speaks of His success, and then again he says
concerning Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Why, what a
stumbling-block, this birthplace! “How566
566 Here
also the order in the mss. is confused.
“Again proof. How God—with power. Whence does this appear?
who went about—of the devil. Then from the good that He did, and
the greatness,” etc. The modern text has the same order, and the
alterations do not affect the sense. | God
anointed Him with the Holy Ghost and with power.” (v. 38.) Then again the
proof—how does that appear?—from the good that He did.
“Who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed
of the devil:” and the greatness of the power shown when He
overcomes the devil; and the cause, “Because God was with
Him.” Therefore also the Jews spake thus: “We know that
Thou art a teacher come from God: for none can do these miracles except
God be with him.” (John iii. 2.) Then, when he
has shown that He was sent from God, he next speaks of this, that He
was slain: that thou mayest not imagine567
aught absurd. Seest thou how far they are from hiding the Cross out of
view, nay, that together with the other circumstances they put also the
manner? “Whom also,” it says, “they slew by hanging
on a tree. And gave Him,” it is added, “to be made manifest
not to all the people, but to witnesses before ordained of God, even
unto us:” and yet it was (Christ) Himself that elected them; but
this also he refers to God. “To the before-ordained,” he
says, “even to us, who did eat and drink with Him after that He
was risen from the dead.” (v. 39;
See whence he fetches his assurance of the resurrection. What is the
reason that being risen he did no sign, but only ate and drank? Because
the Resurrection itself was a great sign, and of this nothing was so
568 ταύτης δὲ
οὐδὲν οὕτω
μεῖζον ἦν, ὡς
τὸ φαγεῖν καὶ
πιεῖν. Cat. rightly
omits μεῖζον ἦν. E. Edd. οὕτως εἰς
μεῖζον, ὡς. | a sign as the eating and drinking.
“To testify,” saith he—in a manner calculated to
alarm—that they may not have it in their power to fall back upon
the excuse of ignorance: and he does not say, “that He is the Son
of God,” but, what would most alarm them, “that it is He
which is ordained of God, to be the Judge of quick and dead.”
(v. 42.) “To him give
all the Prophets witness,” etc. (v. 43.) When by the terror he has agitated them, then he brings
in the pardon, not spoken from himself but from the Prophets. And what
is terrifying is from him, what is mild from the Prophets.
All ye that have received this
forgiveness, all ye to whom it has been vouchsafed to attain unto
faith, learn, I beseech you, the greatness of the Gift, and study not
to be insolent to your Benefactor. For we obtained forgiveness, not
that we should become worse, but to make us far better and more
excellent. Let none say that God is the cause of our evil doings, in
that He did not punish, nor take vengeance. If (as it is said) a ruler
having taken a murderer, lets him go, say, is he (not)569
569 The
original reporter seems to have misunderstood what was said. If
μοι be retained, we must
read οὐχὶ
αὐτὸς. The sense is,
“Take heed lest any lay the blame of your evil doings upon God.
For you know what would be said of a magistrate who should let a
murderer go unpunished; that he would be held responsible for all the
murders that may be afterwards done by that man, or in consequence of
his impunity. Dread lest through your misconduct God be thus
blasphemed.” But—as if Chrysostom’s meaning had been,
Since God’s purpose in forgiving us our sins was, that we should
lead more virtuous and holy lives, therefore let none presume to say
that God, by forgiving us, is the cause of the evil doings of which we
are afterwards guilty”—the modern text (E. D. F. Edd.) goes
on thus: “For say, if a magistrate, etc. is he judged to be the
cause of the murders thereafter committed? By no means. And how is it
that we ourselves, while, by the things we dare to do, we expose God to
be insulted by godless tongues, do not fear and shudder? For
what,” etc. | judged to be the cause of the murders
afterwards committed? See then, how we expose God to the tongues of the
wicked. For what do they not say, what leave unuttered? “(God)
Himself,” say they, “allowed them; for he ought to have
punished them as they deserved, not to honor them, nor crown them, nor
admit them to the foremost privileges, but to punish and take vengeance
upon them: but he that, instead of this, honors them, has made them to
be such as they are.” Do not, I beseech and implore you, do not
let any man utter such speech as far as we are concerned. Better to be
buried ten thousand times over, than that God through us should be so
spoken of! The Jews, we read, said to (Christ) Himself, “Thou
that destroyest the Temple, and in three days buildest it up, come down
from the Cross” (Matt. xxvii.
and again, “If Thou be the Son of God:” but the reproaches
here are more grievous than those, that570
570 E. D.
F. Edd. “Therefore, that it may not be possible for Him through
us to be called, etc., and lest by the very fact of His being thus
blasphemed; we ourselves become liable to the punishment thereof
(‘For through you,’ it is written, ‘My Name is
blasphemed among the Gentiles,’) let us cause the very opposite
to be said, by having our conversation worthy of Him that calleth us,
and (worthily) approaching to the baptism of adoption. For great
indeed,” etc. In C. it is: “teacher of wickedness. Let us
cause the very opposite to be said. For great indeed.” etc. B.
“teacher of wickedness. For great indeed,” etc. But the
genuineness of the latter clauses, ἀξίως
καὶ τῷ τῆς
βαπτίσματι, which are also needed by the following context, is
attested by A. which retains them; for this ms. abridges much, but never borrows from the modern
text. |
through us He should be called a teacher of wickedness! Let us cause
the very opposite to be said, by having our conversation worthy of Him
that calleth us, and (worthily) approaching to the baptism of adoption.
For great indeed is the might of baptism (φωτίσματου): it makes them quite other men than they were, that
partake of the gift; it does not let the men be men (and nothing more).
Make thou the Gentile (τὸν
to believe that great is the might of the Spirit, that it has
new-moulded, that it has fashioned thee anew. Why waitest thou for the
last gasp, like a runaway slave, like a malefactor, as though it were
not thy duty to live unto God? Why dost thou stand affected to Him, as
if thou hadst in Him a ruthless, cruel Master? What can be more
heartless (ψυχρότερον), what more miserable, than those who make that the time
to receive baptism? God made thee a friend, and vouchsafed thee all His
good things, that thou mayest act the part of a friend. Suppose you had
done some man the greatest of wrongs, had insulted him, and brought
upon him disgraces without end, suppose you had fallen into the hands
of the person wronged, and he, in return for all this, had honored you,
made you partaker of all that he had, and in the assembly of his
friends, of those in whose presence he was insulted, had crowned you,
and declared that he would hold you as his own begotten son, and then
straightway had died: say, would you not have bewailed him? would you
not have deemed his death a calamity? would you not have said, Would
that he were alive, that I might have it in my power to make the fit
return, that I might requite him, that I might show myself not base to
my benefactor? So then, where it is but man, this is how you would act;
and where it is God, are you eager to be gone, that you may not requite
your benefactor for so great gifts? Nay rather, choose the time for
coming to Him so that you shall have it in your power to requite Him
like for like. True,571
571 Here
all the mss. have Τί
φεύγεις; τί
τρέμεις; τί
δέδοικας; (Edd. omit the two latter clauses,) which, being out of place
here, and required below, we have transposed to the beginning of the
set of questions Μὴ
γὰρ οὐκ ἔνι κ.
τ. λ.—Below, he laments that
the Catechumens, while delaying their baptism, if possible, to their
dying hour, think themselves no way concerned to lead a virtuous life:
of the baptism he distinguishes three classes: 1. those who received
the sacrament in infancy; 2. those who were baptized in sickness and
fear of death, but afterwards recovered: both which sorts, he says, are
alike careless (the former because baptized in unconscious infancy),
the latter because they did not think to survive, and had no hearty
desire to live to the glory of God; 3. those baptized in mature age,
and in health; and these also, if at the time their affections were
kindled, soon let the flame go out. | say you, but I
cannot keep (the gift). Has God commanded impossibilities? Hence it is
that all is clean reversed, hence that, all the world over, every thing
is marred—because nobody makes it his mark to live after God.
Thus those who are yet Catechumens, because they make this their
object, (how they may defer baptism to the last,) give themselves no
concern about leading an upright life: and those who have been baptized
(φωτισθεντες), whether it be because they received it as children, or
whether it be that having received it in sickness, and afterwards
recovered (ἀνενεγκόντες), they had no hearty desire to live on (to the glory of
God), so it is, that neither do these make an earnest business of it:
nay, even such as received it in health, have little enough to show of
any good impression, and warmly affected for the time, these also
presently let the fire go out. Why do you flee? why do you tremble?
what is it you are afraid of? You do not mean to say that you are not
permitted to follow your business? I do not part you from your wife!
No, it is from fornication that I bar you. I do not debar you from the
enjoyment of your wealth? No, but from covetousness and rapacity. I do
not oblige you to empty out all your coffers? No, but to give some
small matter according to your means to them that lack, your
superfluities to their need, and not even this unrewarded. We do not
urge you to fast? We do but forbid you to besot yourselves with
drunkenness and gormandizing. The things we would retrench are but the
very things which bring you disgrace; things which even here, on this
side of hell-fire, you yourselves confess to be things to be shunned
and hated. We do not forbid you to be glad and to rejoice? Nay, only
rejoice not with a disgraceful and unbecoming merriment. What is it you
dread, why are you afraid, why do you tremble? Where marriage is, where
enjoyment of wealth, where food in moderation, what matter of sin is
there in these things? And yet, they that are without enjoin the
opposites to these, and are obeyed. For they demand not according to
thy means, but they say, Thou must give thus much: and if thou allege
poverty, they will572
572 οὐδὲν
προσποιήσονται, meaning perhaps, “they will pretend to make no
account of that: they will say that that makes no difference.”
Edd. from E. only, οὐδὲ οὕτως
ἀφίστανται, “they do not desist for all
that.”—Below: καὶ αὐτὰ
ῥ& 192·θμιζε: i.e. Christ does not require you to abandon your calling in
life, but these same occupations and duties of your station He bids you
to mould and bring into entire conformity with His
βίον ζῇν καὶ
ἀκίνδυνον: something is wanting, the sense being, “making it
your object (not to obtain distinction, wealth, etc. but) to lead a
quiet life in godliness and honesty.” Savile reads ζῆθι. | make no account of
that. Not so Christ: Give, saith He, of what thou hast, and I inscribe
thee in the first rank. Again those say, If thou wilt distinguish
thyself, forsake father, mother, kindred, friends, and keep close
attendance on the Palace, laboring, toiling, slaving, distracted,
suffering miseries without number. Not so Christ; but keep thou, saith
He, at home with thy wife, with thy children, and as for thy daily
occupations reform and regulate them on the plan of leading a peaceable
life, free from cares and from perils. True, say you, but the other
promises wealth. Aye, but Christ a kingdom, and more, He promises
wealth also with it. For, “Seek ye,” saith He, “the
kingdom of Heaven, and all these things shall be added unto you”
vi. 33): throwing in,573
573 Καὶ ἐπὶ
μέσει, ἃ
ἐκεῖνος· καὶ
οὐκ εἶδεν,
φησί, δίκαιον
κ. τ. λ. The modern text (E. D.
F. Edd.) inverts the meaning: Καὶ ἐκεῖνος
μὲν οὐδὲ ἐν
μέρει, οὗτος
δὲ καὶ
προηγουμένως. “And the former does not even by way of additional
boon (hold out this), the latter (Christ) as the main thing.”
Adding, “I have been young, saith (the Psalmist), for indeed I am
become old: and I never saw,” etc. | by way of
additional boon, what the other holds out as the main thing: and the
Psalmist says, he has “never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his
seed begging their bread.” (Ps. xxxvii. 25.)
Let us set about practising virtue, let us make a beginning; let us
only lay hold on it, and you shall see what the good will be. For
surely in these (worldly) objects you do not succeed so without labor,
that you should be so faint-hearted for these (higher)
574 E.
D. F. Edd. “‘Yes,’ say you, ‘those (are to be
had) without labor, these with labor.’ Away with (such talk): it
is not, no it is not so, but if one must say the truth, those (objects)
are more yoked with toils, and are achieved with greater toil: but
these, if we choose, easily.” | you should say,
Those are to be had without labor, these only with toil.
Nay,—what need to tell you what is the true state of the
case?—those are had only with greater labor. Let us not recoil
from the Divine Mysteries, I beseech you. Look not at this, that one
who was baptized before thee, has turned out ill, and has fallen from
his hope: since among soldiers also we see some not doing their duty by
the service, while we see others distinguishing themselves, and we do
not look only at the idle ones, but we emulate these, the men who are
successful. But besides, consider how many, after their baptism, have
of men become angels!
Fear the uncertainty of the
future. “As a thief in the night,” so death comes: and not
merely as a thief, but while we sleep it sets upon us, and carries us
off while we are idling. To this end has God made the future uncertain,
that we may spend our time in the practice of virtue, because of the
uncertainty of expectation. But He is merciful, say you. How long shall
we hear this senseless, ridiculous talk? I affirm not only that
God is merciful, but that nothing can be more merciful than He, and
that He orders all things concerning us for our good. How many all
their life do you see afflicted with the worst form of leprosy!
(ἐν ἐλέφαντι
διάγοντας, “Elephantiasis,”) how many blind from their
earliest youth even to old age! others who have lost their eyesight,
others in poverty, others in bonds, others again in the mines, others
entombed (καταχωσθέντας) together, others (slaughtered) in wars! These things say
you, do not look like mercy. Say, could He not have prevented these
things had He wished, yet He permits them? True, say you. Say, those
who are blind from their infancy, why are they so? I will not tell you,
until you promise me to receive baptism, and, being baptized, to live
aright. It is not right to give you the solution of these questions.
The preaching is not meant just for amusement. For even if I solve
this, on the back of this follows another question: of such questions
there is a bottomless deep. Therefore575
575 ῞Ωστε
μὴ πρὸς τοῦτο
ἑαυτοὺς, πρὸς
τὸ λύσιν
ζητεῖν. A. B. C.
Sav. But the modern text has μόνον for
τοῦτο, and
adds ἀλλὰ καὶ
πρὸς τὸ μὴ
“therefore accustom yourselves not only to seek the solution (of
the questions), but also not to raise the
questions.”—Below: ὥστε
(so A. D. F. Sav. the rest, μανθάνωμεν) μᾶλλον
οὐχὶ (Edd. ἢ) τὰ
λύειν. | do not get
into a habit of looking to have them solved for you: else we shall
never stop questioning. For look, if I solve this, I do but lead the
way to question upon question, numberless as the snowflakes. So that
this is what we learn, rather to raise questions, not to solve the
questions that are raised. For even if we do solve them, we have not
solved them altogether, but (only) as far as man’s reasoning
goes. The proper solution of such questions is faith: the knowing that
God does all things justly and mercifully and for the best: that to
comprehend the reason of them is impossible. This is the one solution,
and another better than this exists not. For say, what is the use of
having a question solved? This, that one needs no longer to make a
question of the thing which is solved. And if thou get thyself to
believe this, that all things are ordered by the Providence of God,
Who, for reasons known to Himself, permits some things and actively
works others, thou art rid of the need of questioning, and hast gotten
the gain of the solution. But let us come back to our subject. Do you
not see such numbers of men suffering chastisements? God (say you)
permits these things to be. Make the right use of the health of the
body, in order to the health of the soul. But you will say, What is the
use to me of labors and toil, when it is in my power to get quit of all
(my sins) without labor? In the first place, this is not certain. It
may happen, that a person not only does not get quit of his sins
without labor, but that he departs hence with all his sins upon him.
However, even if this were certain, still your argument is not to be
tolerated. He has drawn thee to the contests: the golden arms lie
there. When you ought to take them, and to handle them, you wish to be
ingloriously saved, and to do no good work! Say, if war broke out, and
the Emperor were here, and you saw some charging into the midst of the
phalanxes of the enemy, hewing them down, dealing wounds by thousands,
others thrusting (with the sword’s point), others bounding (now
here, now there), others dashing on horseback, and these praised by the
Emperor, admired, applauded, crowned: others on the contrary thinking
themselves well off if they take no harm, and keeping in the hindmost
ranks, and sitting idly there; then after the close of the war, the
former sort summoned, honored with the greatest gifts, their names
proclaimed by the heralds: while of the latter, not even the name
becomes known, and their reward of the good obtained is only that they
are safe: which sort would you wish to belong to? Why, if you were made
of stone, if you were more stupid even than senseless and lifeless
things, would you not ten thousand times rather belong to the former?
Yea, I beseech and implore you. For if need were to fall fighting,
ought you not eagerly to choose this? See you not how it is with them
that have fallen in the wars, how illustrious they are, how glorious?
And yet they die a death, after which there is no getting honor from
the emperor. But in that other war, there is nothing of the kind, but
thou shalt in any wise be presented with thy scars. Which scars, even
without persecutions, may it be granted all us to have to exhibit,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, with Whom to the Father and the Holy
Ghost together be glory, dominion, honor, now and ever, and world
without end. Amen.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH