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Homily XXVIII.
Rom. XV. 8
“Now I say that Jesus
Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to
confirm the promises made unto the fathers.”
he is speaking of Christ’s concern for us, still holding to the
same topic, and showing what great things He hath done for us, and how
“He pleased not Himself.” (Rom. xv. 3.) And besides
this, there is another point which he makes good, that those of the
Gentiles are debtors to a larger amount unto God. And if to a larger
amount, then they ought to bear with the weak among the Jews. For since
he had spoken very sharply to such, lest this should make these elated,
he humbles their unreasonableness, by showing that it was by
“promise made to the fathers” that they had the good things
given them, while they of the Gentiles had them out of pity and love
toward man only. And this is the reason of his saying, “And that
the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy.” But that what is
said may be made plainer, it is well to listen once more to the words
themselves, that you may see what Christ’s having been made
“a Minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm
the promises made unto the fathers,” means. What then is that
which is stated? There had been a promise made to Abraham, saying,
“Unto thee will I give the earth, and to thy seed, and in thy
seed shall all the nations be blessed.” (Gen. xii. 7; xxii. 18.)
But after this, they of the seed of Abraham all became subject to
punishment. For the Law wrought wrath unto them by being transgressed,
and thenceforward deprived them of that promise made unto the fathers.
Therefore the Son came and wrought with the Father, in order that those
promises might come true, and have their issue. For having fulfilled
the whole Law in which He also fulfilled the circumcision, and having
by it, and by the Cross, freed them from the curse of the
transgression, He suffered not this promise to fall to the ground. When
then he calls Him “a Minister of the circumcision,” he
means this, that by having come and fulfilled the Law, and been
circumcised, and born of the seed of Abraham, He undid the curse,
stayed the anger of God, made also those that were to receive the
promises fit for them, as being once for all freed from their
alienation. To prevent then these accused persons from saying, How then
came Christ to be circumcised and to keep the whole Law? he turns their
argument to the opposite conclusion. For it was not that the Law might
continue, but that He might put an end to it, and free thee from the
curse thereof, and set thee entirely at liberty from the dominion of
that Law. For it was because thou hadst transgressed the Law, that He
fulfilled it, not that thou mightest fulfil it,1631
but that He might confirm to thee the promises made unto the fathers,
which the Law had caused to be suspended, by showing thee to have
1632 προσκεκρουκέναι, not “stumbled,” but “struck
against” a person, same word as “alienation” just
before. | and to be unworthy of the
inheritance. And so thou also art saved by grace, since thou wast cast
off. Do not thou then bicker, nor perversely cling to the Law at this
unsuitable time, since it would have cast thee also out of the promise,
unless Christ had suffered so many things for thee. And He did suffer
these, not because thou wast deserving of salvation, but that God might
be true. And then that this might not puff up him of the Gentiles, he
“And that the Gentiles might glorify God for His
But what he means is this. Those
of the Jews would have had promises, even though they were unworthy.
But thou hadst not this even, but wast saved from love towards man
alone, even if, to put it at the lowest, they too would not have been
the better for the promises, unless Christ had come. But yet that he
might amalgamate (or temper, κεράσῃ)
them and not allow them to rise up against the weak, he makes mention
of the promises. But of these he says that it was by mercy alone that
they were saved. Hence they are the most bound to glorify God. And a
glory it is to God that they be blended together, be united, praise
with one mind, bear the weaker, neglect not the member that is broken
off. Then he adds testimonies, in which he shows that the man of the
Jews ought to blend himself with those of the Gentiles; and so he says,
“As it is written, For this cause I will confess to Thee among
the Gentiles, O Lord, and will sing unto Thy Name.”1633
1633 The quotations in the passage on which this homily is based are
all taken from the LXX. with a few trifling verbal changes. They are
designed to show that the prophetic conception of the Messiah’s
work contemplated salvation for the Gentiles, so that Christ was not to
be merely a “minister of the circumcision,” but that he is
to bring through the Jews salvation to the Gentiles so that they shall
“glorify God for his mercy” (9). The passages in the O.T. relate primarily either to the
Psalmist himself (v. 9. cf. Ps. xviii. 50) or to the King of
Israel (v. 12. cf. Is. xi.
or to the relations of the people of Israel to the nations
(vv. 10, 11,
cf. Deut. xxxii. 43; Ps. cxvii. 1), but are applied to
the relations of Christ to the nations in accordance with the
prophetico-typical exegesis which regarded the prophets, kings and the
history and people of Israel as having their chief significance in the
fact that they embodied hopes and ideals which pointed forward to the
Messiah and were realized only in the work and principles of His
kingdom.—G.B.S. | (Ps. xviii. 46.)
10–12. “And, rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people. And,
Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles” (Deut. xxxii. 43);
“and let all people laud Him.” (Ps. cxvii. 1.) “And,
There shall be a root of Jesse, and He that shall rise to reign over
the Gentiles, in Him shall the Gentiles trust.” (Is. xi. 1; 10.)
Now all these quotations he has
given to show that we ought to be united, and to glorify God; and also,
to humble the Jew, that he may not lift himself up over these, since
all the prophets called these, as well as to persuade the man of the
Gentiles to be lowly, by showing him that he had a larger grace to
answer for. Then he concludes his argument with a prayer
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy
That is, that ye may get clear
of that heartlessness (ἀθυμίας)
towards one another, and may never be cast down by temptations. And
this will be by your abounding in hope. Now this is the cause of all
good things, and it comes from the Holy Ghost. But it is not simply
from the Spirit, but on condition of our contributing our part also.
This is why he says, “in believing.” For this is the way
for you to be filled with joy, if ye believe, if ye hope. Yet he does
not say if ye hope, but, “if ye abound in hope,” so as not
to find comfort in troubles only, but even to have joy through the
abundance of faith and hope. And in this way, ye will also draw the
Spirit to you. In this way, when He is come ye will continually keep to
all good things. For just as food maintaineth our life, and by this
ruleth the body,1634
1634 So Field with two or three mss.: others,
“and this ruleth:” Vulg. “and life
ruleth.” | so if we have
good works, we shall have the Spirit; and if we have the Spirit, we
shall also have good works. As also, on the other hand, if we have no
works, the Spirit flieth away. But if we be deserted by the Spirit, we
shall also halt in our works. For when this hath gone, the unclean one
cometh: this is plain from Saul. For what if he doth not choke1635 us as he did him, still he strangles us
in some other way by wicked works. We have need then of the harp of
David, that we may charm our souls with the divine songs, both these,
and those from good actions. Since if we do the one only, and while we
listen to the charm, war with the charmer by our actions, as he did of
old (1 Sam. xix. 10); the remedy will even turn to judgment to us, and the
madness become the more furious. For before we heard, the wicked demon
was afraid lest we should hear it and recover. But when after hearing
it even, we continue the same as we were, this is the very thing to rid
him of his fear. Let us sing then the Psalm of good deeds, that we may
cast out the sin that is worse than the demon. For a demon certainly
will not deprive us of heaven, but doth in some cases1636
1636 Such was the case of Stagirius, vit. Chrys. Montf. p. 97.
See St. Chrysostom’s Exhortation to him, t. 1. Ben. t. vi. Sav.
Bingham, art, Energumens…St. Aug. de Civ. Dei. 19, 4.
§2 and 21, 14. “A messenger of Satan” was given to St.
Paul Himself, 2 Cor. xii. 7, and it was in hope of
their salvation he delivered Hymeneus and Alexander to Satan.
1 Tim. i. 20,
and another, 1 Cor. v. 5. | even work with the sober-minded. But sin
will assuredly cast us out. For this is a demon we willingly receive, a
self-chosen madness. Wherefore also it hath none to pity it or to
pardon it. Let us then sing charms over a soul in this plight, as well
from the other Scriptures, as also from the blessed David. And let the
mouth sing, and the mind be instructed. Even this is no small thing.
For if we once teach the tongue to sing, the soul will be ashamed to be
devising the opposite of what this singeth. Nor is this the only good
thing that we shall gain, for we shall also come to know many things
which are our interest. For he discourseth to thee both of things
present, and things to come, and of things seen, and of the invisible
Creation. And if thou wouldest learn about the Heaven, whether it
abideth as it is or shall be changed, he gives thee a clear answer, and
will say, “The heavens shall wax old as doth a garment, and as a
vesture shalt thou fold them up, O God, and they shall be
changed.” (Ps. cii. 26.) And if thou wishest
to hear of the form of them again, thou shalt hear, “That
spreadeth forth the Heaven like a curtain” (δέρριν). And if thou be minded to know further about the back of
them, he will tell thee again, “that covereth His upper chambers
with waters.” (Ps. civ. 2, 3.) And even here
he does not pause, but will likewise discourse with thee on the breadth
and height, and show thee that these are of equal measure. For,
“As far as the east,” he says, “is from the west, so
far hath He set our iniquities from us. Like as the heaven’s
height above the earth, so is the Lord’s mercy upon them that
fear Him.” (ib.
ciii. 12; 11.) But if thou wouldest busy thyself with the foundation of
the earth, even this he will not hide from thee, but thou shalt hear
him singing and saying, “He hath founded it upon the seas.”
(ib. xxiv. 2.) And if of earthquakes
thou art desirous to know, whence they come, he will free thee from
this difficulty also, by saying, “That looketh upon the earth,
and maketh it tremble.” (ib. civ.
And if thou enquire the use of the night, this too mayest thou learn,
and know from him. For “therein all the beasts of the forest do
move.” (ib. 20.) And in what way the
mountains are for use, he will tell thee, “The high mountains are
for the stags.” And why there are rocks, “The rocks are a
refuge for the porcupines.” (ib. 18.) Why are there trees yielding no fruit? learn from him,
for “there the sparrows build their nests.” (ib. 17.) Why are there
fountains in the wildernesses? hear, “that by them the fowls of
the heaven dwell, and the wild beasts.” (ib. 12.) Why is there wine? not that thou mayest drink only (for
water is of a nature to suffice for this), but that thou mayest be
gladdened also, “For wine maketh glad the heart of man.”
(ib. 15.) And by knowing this
you will know how far the use of wine is allowable. Whence are the
fowls and the wild beasts nourished? thou wilt hear from his words,
“All these wait upon Thee, to give them their meat in due
season.” (ib.
If thou sayest, For what purpose are the cattle? he will answer thee,
that these also are for thee, “That causeth the grass,” he
says, “to grow for the cattle, and the green herb for the service
(or retinue)of men.” (ib.
What is the use of the moon? hear him saying, “He made the moon
for seasons.” (Ps. civ. 19.)
And that all things seen and those not seen are made, is a thing that
he has also clearly taught us by saying, “Himself spake, and they
were made, He commanded, and they were created.” (ib. xxxiii. 9.) And that there is an
end of death, this he also teaches when he says, “God shall
deliver my soul from the hand of hell when He shall receive me.”
(ib. xlix. 15.) Whence was our body
made? he also tells us; “He remembereth that we are dust”
(ib. ciii. 14); and again,
whither goeth it away? “It shall return to its dust.”
(ib. civ. 29.) Why was this universe
made? For thee: “For thou crownest him with glory and honor, and
settest him over the works of Thy hands.” (ib. viii. 5, 6.) Have we men any
community with the Angels? This he also tells us, saying as follows,
“Thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels.” Of the
love of God, “Like as a father pitieth his own children, even so
is the Lord merciful to them that fear Him.” (ib. ciii. 13.) And of the things
that are to meet us after our present life, and of that undisturbed
condition, he teacheth, “Return unto thy rest, O my soul.”
(ib. cxvi. 7.) Why the Heaven is so
great, this he will also say. For it is because “the heavens
declare the glory of God.” (ib. xix.
Why day and night were made,—not that they may shine and give us
rest only, but also that they may instruct us. “For there are no
speeches nor words, the sounds of which (i.e. day and night) are not
heard.” (ib.
How the sea lies round about the earth, this too thou wilt learn from
hence. “The deep as a garment is the envelopment
1637 Ps. civ. 6. Where Aquila and
Theodotion have the feminine, which would be expected in speaking of
the sea. See Theodoret on the Psalm. | For so the
Hebrew has it.
But having a sample in what I
have mentioned, ye will have a notion of all the rest besides, the
things about Christ, about the resurrection, about the life to come,
about the resting, about punishment, about moral matters, all that
concerns doctrines, and you will find the book filled with countless
blessings. And if you fall into temptations, you will gain much comfort
from hence. If you fall into sins even, you will find countless
remedies stored up here, or if into poverty or tribulation, you will
see many havens. And if thou be righteous thou wilt gain much security
hence, and if a sinner much relief. For if thou be just and art
ill-treated, thou wilt hear him say, “For Thy sake are we killed
all the day long, we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.”
(Ps. xliv. 22.) “All these things have come upon us, and yet have we not
forgotten Thee.” (ib.
And if thy well-doings make thee high, thou wilt hear him say,
“Enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for in Thy sight shall
no man living be justified” (ib. cxliii. 2), and thou wilt be
straightway made lowly. And if thou be a sinner, and hast despaired of
thyself, thou wilt hear him continually singing, “To-day, if ye
will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the
provocation” (ib. xcv.
7, 8), and thou wilt be stayed up speedily. And if thou have a crown
even on thy head, and art high-minded, thou wilt learn that “a
king is not saved by a great host, neither shall a giant be saved by
the greatness of his might” (ib. xxxiii. 16): and thou wilt find
thyself able to be reasonable. If thou be rich, and in reputation,
again thou wilt hear him singing, “Woe to them that trust in
their own might, and boast themselves in the multitude of their
riches,” (ib. xlix.
And, “As for man, his days are as grass” (ib. ciii. 15), And “His
glory shall not go down with him, after him” (ib. xlix. 17): and thou wilt not
think any of the things upon the earth are great. For when what is more
splendid than all, even glory and power, is so worthless, what else of
things on earth is worth accounting of? But art thou in despondency?
Hear him saying, “Why art thou so sorrowful, O my soul, and why
dost thou so disturb me? Trust in God, for I will confess unto
Him.” (ib. xlii. 5.) Or dost thou see men
in honor who deserve it not?1638
1638 2 mss. “Receive a cure for even
this.” | “Fret
not thyself at them that do wickedly. For as the grass shall they be
dried up, and as the green herb shall they soon fall away.”
(ib. xxxvii. 1, 2) Dost thou see
both righteous and sinners punished? be told that the cause is not the
same. For “many” he says, “are the plagues of
sinners.” (ib. xxxii.
But in the case of the righteous, he does not say plagues,1639 but, “Many are the troubles of the
righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of them all.”
(ib. xxxiv. 19.) And again,
“The death of the sinner is evil.” (ib. 21.) And, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the
death of His saints.” (ib. cxvi.
These things do thou say continually: by these be instructed. For every
single word of this has in it an indiscoverable ocean of meaning. For
we have been just running over them only: but if you were minded to
give these passages accurate investigation, you will see the riches to
be great. But at present it is possible even by what I have given, to
get cleared of the passions that lie on you. For since he forbids our
envying, or being grieved, or despondent out of season, or thinking
that riches are anything, or tribulation, or poverty, or fancying life
itself to be anything, he frees thee from all passions. So for this let
us give thanks to God, and let us have our treasure always in hand,
“that by patience and comfort of the Scriptures we may have
hope” (Rom. xv. 4), and enjoy the good
things to come. Which God grant that we may all attain, by the grace
and love toward man of our Lord Jesus Christ. By Whom and with Whom,