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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Abraham, his trial in Egypt, 4; his humility, 4, 390; his unselfishness, 146; a pattern husband, 155; his hospitality, 207; overcame vain-glory, 213; his sacrifice of Isaac, 275, 291; joyful in trials, 275; a king, priest and prophet, 293; overcame nature, 276; crowning act of obedience, 292; took Isaac only, to the mount, 309; his sending for a wife for Isaac typical, 385. Absalom, popular, 4; sober-minded as long as in exile, 401. Acclamations in churches, 22, 74. Accommodation, falsely ascribed to the Apostles, 1 (note). Actors, debarred from the sacraments, 69 (note). Adam, how he came to sin, 24; inference from his punishment, 49; no man perishes only on his account, 99; why made the head of the race, 204; how he might have overcome Satan, 284; created not to die but for immortality, 327. Adultery, extirpated, not merely punished, by church discipline, 358. Affection, toward vicious kindred, ceases hereafter, 331. Affliction, the gain of, 274; brings men near to Christ, ib.; works salvation, 277; in what sense light, 322; a weapon of righteousness, 338; a means of grace, 299; leads to the kingdom, 300; why laid on Saints, 299. Affluence, consists in what, 343. Africa, its church, founded by Apostles, 32. Αγάπη, to be rendered love, not charity, 188, (note); the way to attain gifts, 188; unites men when gifts divide them, 188; greater than all gifts, 189; more than alms or martyrdom, 189, 190; the way to perfection, 190; if fully practised would remove all evils, 191; superior to other virtues in having no attendant evils, 192; turns all evil to good, 192; contrasted with sensual passion, Joseph an example, 192, 193; Paul to be admired for rather than for his miracles, 193; our Lord the most perfect pattern of, 194; its excellencies depicted with a painter's art, 194; centre in long-suffering, 195; the qualities of love, 195; examples of in our Lord, Jonathan, Rebecca, 196; Rebecca's conduct, 196 (note); leads to same result with true self-love, 197; prevents unkind thoughts, makes men angels, 198; is felt toward heathens and enemies, 198; more perfect under the Gospel, 199; more attractive than miracles, 199; Paul before Agrippa an example of, 199, 200; its power to teach all virtues, 200, 201; Paul's delineation of suited to correct the Corinthians' errors, 201; knowledge and tongues pass away, 202; outlasts faith and hope, 203; many hindrances to its exercise, 204; final cause of consanguinity, society, etc., 204, 205; and also of government, 206; must be followed vehemently, 208. Agriculture, a necessary art, 354; yet vain without that of ruling, 355; a sort of rule, i.e., over plants, ib.; its dependence on God's providence, 356. Ahab, his greediness, 208; his repentance, 305; his shame before Elijah, 411. Alexander the coppersmith, Paul's thorn, 400. Almsgiving, what it is, 123; scanty, reproved, 124; excuses for not giving answered, ib.; sure to be repaid, 89; appropriate on Sundays, 259; to be in proportion to our gains, 262; recommends to be not less than a tenth, ib.; vain-glory in, cruel, 345; called a grace, 361; makes God our debtor, ib.; given sadly, no alms but covetousness, 371; the proper offering of a spiritual soul, 376; most of all looseth sin, 305; Paul's discourse on, gradually introduced, 359; three main points in, 368; produceth righteousness, 373; how many good things proceed from it, 373-4. Ammonites, were Hebrews, 394. Amos, no prophet, but God took him, 392. Amulets, the use of them condemned, 21, 262. Ananias and Sapphira, by covetousness lost all, 89. Anatomy, mysterious like theology, 16. Angels, their anger at the lost, 331; of light, and of darkness, 390. Anger, less vehement than lust, 389; why implanted in us, ib. Antinous, the favorite of Hadrian, 402. Anomoeans, their notions of divine knowledge, 203. Antioch, these discourses delivered at, 124; the church of, nourished many widows and strangers, 125. Apollos, older than Timothy, 263; esteemed by Paul, 267. Apostles, the, humanly speaking, insignificant, 14; the argument from the success of their preaching, 19; from their account of themselves, 20; from their undertaking so great a work, 25; and persisting in it after our Lord's death, 26; their lingering among the Jews, 27; their dealing with the Romans, 28; difficulties they had to contend with, 40, 41; summary of the case, 43; received aid from their disciples, 118; unjustly suspected, 124; contrasted with philosophers, 212; all equal, 233; suffered more than Christ, 274 (note); wrought greater miracles ib.; their weaknesses expedient for us, 288; how a "sweet savor," 302; greater than Moses, 312; ministered God's mercy, 319; overcame by God's power, 321; not by witchcraft, 322; were ministers of reconciliation, 335; as such succeeded Christ, 336; rich even in carnal things, 341; troubles their mark, 396; and patience, 397; glorious by slighting glory, 416. Apostolate, a perilous office, 120, 126. Aristippus, sank all his goods in the sea, 212. Arts, what needful and what superfluous, 354. Artizans, should judge rightly the claims of Christianity, 28; analogy of their education to that of Christians, 80; ἀρχη ἀγεννητος, not spoken of the Son, 239. Astrology, among Christians, 21. Babylonians, 390. Babylonish dragon, death compared to, 142, 229. Babylonish furnace, 103; three children in it, 104, 117. Balaam, God wrought by him, though a bad man, 44; his evil counsel, 134. Baptism, its necessity, 12; laver of regeneration, 43, 284; of no avail without good works, 133; practice of coming to it late in life, 283; is a regeneration, 284; a life-giving grace, 307; maketh righteous, 310; God worketh by it to our immortality, 329; previous sins effaced in, 307, 383; in the name of Jesus implies not the exclusion of the Father's name, 419. Baptized, the, at once receive and reflect the Spirit's glory, 34. Baptized for the dead, 133, 244-5. Barnabas, thought to be "the brother," (2 Cor. viii. 20) 365. Beauty, not the cause of lust, 316; its superficial nature, 317; of soul, unfading and worthy, 318. Beggars, led to imposture by the inhumanity of others, 123. Beliar, 344. Bereavement, how to learn to bear it, 56, 253. Bezaleel, 376. Blessing, of priests is God's blessing, 285. Boasting, not after the Lord, 391; reasons against, 400; a folly even when compelled, 396, 405. Body, constituted not for evil but good, 129; not evil in itself, 132; not the cause of sin, 242; spiritual in the next world, 252; a figure of the church, 175; its members both one and many, 176; a clothing, 276; a tabernacle, 328; raised incorruptible, 329; hereafter punished or crowned, 330. Body of Christ, its mighty power, 142; the reverence due to it, 143. Body and Blood of the Lord, to be understood spiritually, not carnally, 133; we partake of in the Eucharist, 139, 142. Bowing the head, at the Blessing, 285. Brethren, should work with their pastor toward persons under censure, 337; the contrary course not humane but cruel, ib. Brethren of the Lord, freed from their first unbelief, yet not made Apostles, 120. British Isles, the, even in them John's reproofs of Herod heard, 412. Burning Bush, variously interpreted by the Fathers without contradiction, 229. Cain, a slave to envy, 110; destroyed by it, 395; sinned, not realizing God's omnipresence, 303; his life of fear, 316; his sorrow, worldly, 353. Captivity, conveys two ideas, 377. Carefulness, worldly, reproved, 342. Carnal weapons, what they are, 376. Catechumens, not allowed to attend the communion, 220, 282; the prayer for, 282; its completeness, 285; what their own prayer should be, ib. Caterpillars, God's mighty force, 320. Catholic truth, to be learned from universal consent, 223. Celsus, a witness to Scripture, 32. Censured persons, should yearn after their teachers, 351; be excluded from the mysteries, 358. Cerinthian heretics, their perversion of Scripture, 244. Chanting, used in churches, 220. Chasteness, may be perfected for vain-glory, 347. Cheerfulness, how to be cultivated, 233. Cherubim, our hymns unite us with, 366. Chest for the poor, recommended, 262. Children, the three, delivered in, not from, the furnace, 273, 292; an example of praying for enemies, 304. Children, consolation under loss of, 276. Christ, the centre of unity, 3; his presence implied in the word Revelation, 7; how made to us wisdom and righteousness, 24; the bond of union, 47; the believer's foundation, 51; "is God's" explained, 55; his indwelling in Paul, 75; present in the sentence of excommunication, 85; head of Christians only, 150; not inferior to the Father, 151; subject to the Father, but as a Son of God, ib.; head of the church, ib.; his condescension to Judas, 160; our perfect pattern of love, 193, 195; has the sum of knowledge, 203; left some things voluntary, 122; accused by the devil, 284; spake, though as a sheep dumb, etc., 293; able to consume his foes, 302; the promised prophet, 312; drew all to himself, 322; how "after the flesh," 332; came to reconcile, 335; was righteousness itself, yet made sin, 334; the subject of our wrestlings, 341; his poverty, 362; represented in the poor, 364; his body the merciful man's altar, 376; divine honors refused him by the Roman Senate, 403; his forbearance not weakness, 414; entereth into us when we communicate, 418. Christians, to abide in their calling, 108; though slaves are free, 109; have almost all fallen, 135; are prophets, priests, and kings, 290; made so at baptism, 293; they alone really know the law, 313; have greater privileges than Jews had, 335; their high birth, 344, 345; are here in a foreign land, 362; have Christ in them, 418. Church, the, both one and many, 175; its unity in the spirit, 176; a manifold person, 254; wounded when its members sin, 83; certain places used as churches in the Apostles' times, 160; irreverent behavior in them common, 220; places in them for the poor, 179; not one while her members stand apart, 272; a spiritual bath, 358; disunion in, 368; a bride, 385; conquers by suffering, 398; pulled down by envy and strife, 408. Church, some scarce once a year visit, 283; why to be often resorted to, 358; reverence paid at the porch, 418. Churches, the, their united prayer powerful, 367. Church-allowance, what and to whom given, 124-5. Church-discipline, to be preceded by mourning and prayer, 84; toward heathen impossible, 89; penalty in the Old Testament analagous, 90. Chronology, of LXX. differs from the Hebrew, 50. Clergy, right to maintenance, 120; sanctioned by Mosaic law, 121, 126; enforced by its mystical precepts, 121; by the value of spiritual things, ib.; what kind of men the clergy ought to be, 119; must be obeyed even though living ill, 124; must try to save all though all will not be saved, 129; must not be discouraged though hearers be disobedient, 162. Comforts of life, their ill effect, 32; community of God's gifts should teach generosity of spirit, 57. Commerce, should teach public spirit, 57; selfishness incident to, 241; contrary to God's intention, 242. Common mercies, thanks for, 281. Communion, why so called, 139. Condescension, for a brother's sake no degradation, 129. Confession, looseth sin, 299; a sacrifice, 309. Conscience, when it seems clear does not therefore justify, 59; a good, comforts in affliction, 286; testifies to a judgment, 326; joy of a good, 342; an evil, freezes the soul, 314. Consolations, under loss of relatives, 254. Constantine the Great, his tomb, 403. Constantinople, 403. Contempt of money, introduced by the Gospel, 322, 357; its fruits in the soul, 376. Conversion, a greater charity than alms, 15; of ordinary persons to the Gospel a presumption of its truth, 22, 23; of the world might be effected without miracles, if Christians led holy lives, 32, 33. Corinth, why its inhabitants likely to to be proud, 1; some of them still holy, 6, 7; errors of some, 2; their childishness, 78. Corinthians, the, had senseless pride in things of Judaism, 272; had made advances since first Epistle, 277; now ranked above the Macedonians, 278; apparent discrepance of the two Epistles explained, 288; the second, gentler, 295; loved by Paul more than other churches, 296; estranged from the incestuous person, 297; joined with Paul in the act of forgiving the same, 298; their virtue implied in calling them "an Epistle," 311; were particularly unsound on the resurrection, 326; dehorted from their corrupters by their own nobleness, 345; their penitence an example of godly sorrow, 353; their behavior to Titus, 358; exhorted by praise of the Macedonians, 359, 362, 369; by praise of themselves, 362, 369; by the Lord's example, 363, 369; why exhorted to give after, not beyond, their means, 362; their conduct to Paul contrasted unfavorably with the Macedonians, 387; to provoke them so to liberality, 387; had felt it a burden to maintain Paul, ib.; the devil's bait to them, ib.; slavishly submissive to the false apostles, 393; envy the root of their evils, 410. Corn, sinfulness of shutting up, 362. Cornelius, 28; blessed with knowledge because of love, 112. Counsel, that of inferiors to be taken, 368; even in the church, ib. Counsels of perfection, 122, 127; their use and reward, 128. Covenant, the Old, its rewards temporal, 284; its glory visible, 311; its inferiority to the New no disparagement, 312; the people shared not in it with the priests, 365-6. Covenant, the New, its glory not perceived by sense, 309; supplied not only life but the Spirit, 310; its great superiority to the Old, ib.; superior, but not contrary to the Old, 313; harmony with the Old, 314; one Spirit wrought in both, ib.; privileges of, 135. Covetousness, its brutalizing effect, 52; never rests, 61; blinds men, 62; compared with contentment, 81; like dropsy, 82; a present hell, ib.; compared to leaven, 87; answerable for the impositions on the poor, 123; its cruelty, ib.; folly and evils attending it, 137; antidote to it in the creation, ib.; found in rich and poor, 138; makes men worse than toilers in the mines, 137; preys on both living and dead, 214; how to be tamed, 215; is worse than a dream, 221; its insatiableness, 224; worse than poverty, 241; example of its cruelty in a cornfactor, ib.; and in men in trade, 242; makes men poor, 248. Creation, a reformation of life, such, and why, 332; analogy between it and redemption, 18; works of, why men told to study them, 24. Creed, of the Oriental churches probably referred to, 12. Crimes, some require a life of repentance, 87. Cross, the, its glory above reason, 17; seemed contrary to all signs, 18; type of it in time of Elisha, ib.; it and not amulets the true protection of children, 71, and note. Cruelty, in ostentatious almsgiving, 347; in humoring the sick or sinners, 351. Cup of blessing, why so called, 139. Curiosity, and rash judgment, its inexcusableness, 58. Curses, senseless, 309; pollute the soul, 310; the poison of asps, ib.; pleasing to the devil, ib. Custom, its exceeding power, 40. Daniel, prayed for Nebuchadnezzar, 310; flourished by trials, 402. David, his love for his people, 146; to his rebel son, 198; things said of him in the Psalms not said of his person, ib.; full of troubles, 173; addresses God by various titles, why, 273; in what his repentance consisted, 299; his comeliness, 317; turned to flight the Philistines, 320; had been lost if God destroyed upon sin, 326; punished himself for Absalom, 336; complained under reproach, 340; his sorrow, 353; his care for his people, 354; bore with Shimei's curses, 388; overcome by lust, 389; why he boasted his former exploits, 393; in conquering Goliah achieved less than Paul, 396-7; admirable as long as tried by adversity, 401. Day, revealed by fire, the day of judgment, 180. Deacons the office discharged by Paul, 13; commanded silence in the churches, 220 (note); bid the prayers, 281, 285. Dead Souls, 307; they stink, 308. Death, but a removal, 275; the word used of temptations, 324; called by such names as would make it desired, 330; sends quickly to the Lord, ib.; uncertainty of, 382; why left thus in uncertainty, ib.; even its approach scatters earthly pomp, 388. Defending the oppressed, looseth sin, 300. Delays in repentance, their sin and folly exposed, 383; no end to them, 384. Democracy, its evils, 67. Democritus, wasted his land out of vain-glory, 212. Demons, how supposed to be introduced into men, 170; why they confessed Christ and were rebuked, ib.; cast out by bones of the saints, 403. Dependency of man, its final cause, 23. Despair, of improvement never to be indulged in, 15, 62; Paul's example, 129; of forgiveness, 48. Destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved, what, 85. Deuteronomy, once lost in a dunghill, 36. Devil, the, why called an accuser, 284; worketh in what manner, ib.; dismayed by Abraham's beating, 290; gets advantage, destroying by repentance, 298; when he distracts not in prayer, and why, 304; the only enemy to be prayed against, ib.; pleased at curses, ib.; spurns dead souls, yet they feel it not, 308; made a devil by pride, 346; his strongholds overthrown by Paul, 377; his bait to the worldly, 388; destroyed himself by envy, 393; overthrown by Christians' suffering, 396-7; raised troubles against Paul, ib.; now argues against the soul's immortality, 402; now uses it to defend idolatry, ib. Dice-playing, not discouraged by the heathen, 68. Diet, plainness in, recommended, 341. Diogenes, why he lived in a cask, 212. Dionysius, his treatment of Plato, 20. Discerning the Lord's body, 164. Disciples, commend their teacher, 306. Discipline, a token of love, 79. Discontent, progress of, 232. Disunion, harms of, 408. Dives, 324, 346; had a dead soul, 308; his regrets vain, 325. Drunkards, reproved, 373; and their sayings answered, 374. Earth, the, discourseth of a resurrection, 354. Earthen Vessels, term declares our frailty, 320; preserved in perils, 320. Edification, includes removal of unsound parts, 382. Elijah, 185, 228, once faint hearted, 399; Ahab ashamed before him, 409. Eloquence, Paul vehement against, 385. Emulation, contrasted with envy, 185; force of, 370. Enemies, to be prayed for, not against, 304-5. Envious Men, fly, like mad dogs at all men's faces, 406. Envy, its evils, 185; examples of, ib.; cometh from worldly sorrow, 351; fearfullness of, 393; offspring of the devil, ib.; senseless, ib.; worse than a snake in the entrails, 406; unappeasable, ib.; infected even the church, 407; the root of the evils at Corinth, 409. Epaphras, 414. Ephesus, mistaken for Corinth, in Acts xiii., 1. Esau, rich though unrighteous, 173; his carnal and cruel disposition, 200. Eternal Punishment, 323; doubted by some, 124; shown from history of the Israelites, 133-4; its fearful nature, 137. Ethiopian Eunuch, an example of diligent reading of Holy Scripture, 221. Eucharist, in it we partake of Christ's body and blood, 139; by partaking become the body of Christ, ib.; reference due to Christ's body, 141; unworthy partakers waste Christ's blood, 161; Apostles patterns of devotion after receiving it, 162; drunkenness a horrible sin in those who have received, ib.; what things inconsistent with a right reception, 163, 164; not to be received at festivals only, 164; not to be performed in an unknown tongue, 211. See Lord's Supper. Euphemism, and the contrary, examples in St. Paul, 51, 52. Eve, force of allusion to, 384. Evil Speaking, defeats its aim, 407. Evil, not made by God, 76; encouragement of it sometimes more than the doing it, 123, 124. Evidences of the Gospel, should be learned by Christians for the good of the heathen, 28; made up always of signs from heaven and testimonies from men, 30, 31; best evidence in one sense is a good life, 15. See Propagation of the Gospel. Excess, produceth drunkenness, and not wine, 373; its harms, God's curb on the intemperate, ib. Expression, used of God and ourselves not to be taken in the same sense, nor yet in one wholly different, 151. Extortion, especially angers God, 389. Extortioners, described, 76. Ezekiel, delayed his message, 170. Faith, best grounded on simplicity, 17; prevails by what would seem arguments against it, 18; its trial excluded by overpowering miracles, 31; objective, the same to all, 51; insufficient without perseverance to the end, 131, 132; used of that required for miracles, 414. Faithful, the, do not require reasons but are content with ordinances, 150; prayers of, 285; received a glory which they soon quench, 314; though in the flesh not known after the flesh, 332; the only sound judges, 339. False Apostles, the, were not themselves Corinthians, 386; were Jews, 271; possessed power of language, 272, 387; lived in luxury, 274; prided themselves on fleshly wisdom, 286; gloried in themselves, 302; diluted their doctrine, 302; their boastings, 380; ascribed what was the Apostles' work to their own coming, 381; overlaid the Apostles' doctrine with rubbish, 384; said nothing new, yet were not to be borne, 385; were not rude in speech, ib.; but were so in knowledge, 386; not what they appeared, 317, 331, 386; were wealthy, 386; the point on which they piqued themselves, receiving nothing, ib., 387; wore a mask, 392; took money secretly, 317, 392; their spuriousness evident by comparison with Paul's deeds, 393; their oppression of the disciples, 394; were corrupting the whole church, 405. Fasting, commonly within men's power, 50; needed for contention with bad spirits, 81; nothing without charity, 146; how made profitless, 299. Fatalism, refuted by experience, 10, 129. Fear of God, best stays lust, 316, 345. Feasts of charity, origin of the custom, 157; abuse of, ib.; a banquet after the communion, ib.; five faults in them, 159. Fellowship, of Christ, relates particularly to his sufferings, 8; of salt, what, 140, (note.) Festival, what it is, 164; our whole life a festival day, 85. Filthy talking, inconsistent with a godly mind, 283; how great an evil, 308; unfits for the mysteries, ib.; provokes God, 309; reason against, 418. Flesh, the use of allowed to the weak, 370. Fleshly advantages, nothing, 393. Following after charity, what, 208. Forgiveness, possible to all, many ways of attaining it, 135; of wrongs, looseth sin, 300. Fornication, its miserable effect upon the soul, 61; not considered an evil by the heathen, 68; in one sense worse than covetousness, 101; special dissuasive from, 330. Forty stripes save one, 394-5. Free-will of man, a part of God's plan of Salvation, 8; complaint against it on the part of Christians, answered, 9; God's purpose in it, 80; instance of in St. Paul, 129; things that must be consistent with it, 158. See Fatalism. "From the dead," why so often added to the word resurrection, 235. Funerals, empty pomp at, 388; the acclamations of mock the dead, ib. Future things, whether the kingdom or punishment, eternal, 323; the only realities, 418. Galatians, why generally addressed, 272; Paul's tact shown especially in Epistle to, 379. Games, heathen, an example to us, 131, 132. Garden herbs, an indulgence short of flesh, 370. Garments, men and women not to dress in each other's, 153. Gehazi, 389, a pitiful person, ib. Gentile converts, their weakness, 115. Ghost, the Holy, of one essence and power with the Father, 307, 419. Gifts, spiritual, of the Corinthians, reconciled with their being carnal, 6, 7; when first granted, 168; a cause of schism, ib. (comp. Rom. xii. 4.); all from one source, 171; gifts, operations, administrations, all the same thing, ib.; from the equality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, ib.; those that had the lesser gifts comforted, ib.; gifts of healing and working miracles, their difference, 172; application of the rule about gifts to rich and poor, 173; examples from the Old Testament, ib.; why bestowed in various degrees, 187; charity the greatest of all, 210; St. Paul, a pattern for the right use of, 211; directions for using, and checks against the abuse of, 219. Gifts of prophecy, difference between it and soothsaying, 169, 170; its use voluntary, 169, 170; how not for a sign, 216; compared with gift of tongues, ib.; its superiority, ib., 217; directions for the use of, 219. Gift of tongues, its greatness, 172; why set last, 186; why granted first, 209, 216; compared with prophecy, but not disparaged, 209, 216; requires an interpreter, 210; both to be prayed for, 211; gift of interpretation greatest, 171, 172. Glory, future, punishment of losing, 329; antidote to love of glory, 393-4. Glory, human, the subject of envy, 393; a load of grass, ib.; those who enjoy it slaves, ib.; is not glory, 416; the thought of future glory its antidote, 393-4; comes to those who slight, not seek, her, 416; a shadow, 417. Gluttony, a slavish passion, 96; inconsistent with our being members of Christ, ib., and condemned by the doctrine of the Resurrection, 97; danger of, 132; its effects described, especially on the female sex, 242, 243. God and Lord, applied to both the Father and the Son, 114; God "all in all," what, 239, 240. God, mercy His chief attribute, 273; delivers in, not from, trials, 273, 292; pitieth all, 282; accused by Satan, 284; His word and promises sure, 289; consults His own glory, ib., and our salvation, ib.; giveth an earnest, His Spirit, 290; how said, only after Abraham's trial to know he feared Him, 291; defends Himself, 296; hath set down His own prescription for the cure of sin, 299; His sentence, not men's, to be feared, 303; how said to blind men, 318; hides from unbelieving minds mysteries as hurtful to them, ib.; His power works by vile things, 320; so, converted the world, ib.; His justice requires a judgment, 323; why not always punishes on the commission of sin, 324; yet sometimes does, ib.; His long suffering may be exhausted, ib.; after his Son slain, still sends messengers, 333; greatness of his love ib.; a suppliant to men to be reconciled, 334; to have offended Him grievous, 335; His love not to make us supine, 335; beseeches, only here, ib.; by things opposite furthers the Gospel, 338; dwells in Christians, 344; how said not to care for oxen, 352; giveth to seed sown, both earthly and spiritual, 372; reserveth to His sole disposal corporeal crops, not so mental, ib.; His Gift unspeakable, 373; much more his essence, ib.; gives food for nourishment, not excess, ib.; His strength how especially shown 376; 402; His wisdom in the creation not impugned by the perversion of his works, 378; His mercy not to be presumptuously trusted in, 382; His jealousy, 383; especially angered by extortion, 389; permitteth, not armeth, evil men, 400; threatens often without punishing, 412; His foolishness and weakness, the cross, why so called, 413; desireth, but needeth not, our love, 419; His commandments given for our good, 419; and concessions for our ease, 420. God, used in a lower sense, 318. Godly mind; what, 283; how produced, ib. Going to law, a reproach to Christians, 91; such disputes to be settled within the Church, 92; Christian privileges a reason for not taking legal proceedings, 93; men led to do this by covetousness, ib.; the conqueror in such matters is he who yields, 94; reason from our Lord's example, 95. Goods, loss of, hard to bear, 275; kept, are lost; dispersed, abide, 370. Good works, where they find not sins to atone for, make the beauty of goodness greater, 300. Gospel, the, two-fold veil over, 283; worketh not only remission of sins, but righteousness, ib.; a savor of ointment, 302, 319; like light, blinds some, 302; enlighteneth sinners and delivereth them by thousands, 307; evidence from its propagation, 320; its precepts and doctrines unattractive, 41. Grace, profits not if the life be impure, 336. Grace and peace, how united, 4; grace, to whom given, ib.; source of all blessings, 6. Grecian pride, the strongholds pulled down by the Gospel, 376. Greek nation, its childishness, 21. Gymnosophists, the Indian, 352. Hadrian, 402. Hagar, why taken by Abraham, 155; her insulting treatment of her mistress, 155. Hamaxobii, 352. Hearers, apt to think of other men's duties not their own, 154; no excuse for their sins, ib. Heathen, compassion for, 16; how to be dealt with, 21. Heathen philosophy, its ill effect on the Corinthians, 2; why the Apostles had it not, 13; an obstacle to faith, 36; not afterwards disallowed, 37; its proper work, 17; superseded by faith, 18; this a predicted work of the Gospel, 22, 29; in a certain sense a part of God's education of the race, 24. Heaven, fear of losing, less avails, 328; faint conception of joy, much more the reality, ib. Hebrews, why addressed collectively by St. Paul, 272; included Ammonites, 394. Hebrew Christians, in a better state than the Corinthians, 44. Hell-fire, eternal, 28, 49, 50; this hinted in 1 Cor. iii. 15; doctrine of, how to be made use of, 63. See Eternal Punishment. Hercules, referred to, 30. Heresies, what meant by the term, 158; must needs be, ib.; do not destroy free will, 159; worse than mere schism, ib. Heretical teachers, profess to teach more than the church, 1 and note. Herod, ashamed at the light, 409, which trying to put out he kindled more, 410; his feast a banquet of demons, 411; in his murder of John set up a trophy against himself, ib. Herodias, chief author of John's murder, 409; the procuress, yea the murderess, of her daughter, 410; her guilt and Herod's known to all time and place, 410. Herodias's, daughter, her tongue full of poison, 411. High birth, of Christians, 24, 54. Holiness, of the first Christians a kind of sign, 32; the best argument against infidels, 39; glorifies God more than His visible works, 102, 103. Honors, require a strong soul to bear, 338, a weapon of righteousness, 339. Horoscope, in use among the heathen, 21. Human learning and talent, a check to belief, not a disqualification for it, 33. Human wisdom, its weakness, 37; curbed by the law, ib. Humanity, how best shown to the sick and the sinner, 349. Humbleness, looseth sin, 300. Humiliation, must prepare a man for penitence, 60. Humility, its tokens and blessing, 4; its origin, 5; exalts to heaven, 249. Husbands, not to beat their wives, 154; how to treat them, 155; Abraham a pattern of, 155. Husbands and wives, hinder not the Church from being a virgin, 383. Hymenaeus, 400. Idol sacrifices, show contempt of God and carelessness of others' good, 141; St. Paul's caution, respecting them, 144; idol feasts a way to idolatry, 111. Idolatry, began from pride, 25; principle of argument against it, 113; held by the wiser heathen in a different sense from the vulgar, ib. Ignatius, why called Theophorus, 101. Ignorance, the cause of many sins, 35, 36. Image, which Nebuchadnezzar set up, supposed to correspond to what he saw in his dream, 103, (note); of the heavenly, what, 255. Immortality of the soul, vainly taught by Plato, 19. Incarnation, the, (lit. economy), 413. Incest, its foulness, 83. Incestuous person, the, had been applauded by the Corinthians, 2; not named in either epistle, for different reasons, 296; Paul's mode of dealing with him and its reasons, 297; Paul's conduct to him the greatest love, 349. Indians, early date of their Church, 32. Indolent, the, open to be transfixed by any wickedness, 316. Infidels, borrow the slang of the race course, 323; their doubts of things unseen, ib.; answered, 324. Injurers, lose themselves, 304, 388-9; worthy of pity not curses, 305. Injuries, borne meekly most avenge themselves, 335; benefit those who suffer them, 389. Insensibility on religious subjects, 381. Insufficiency of man, to supply his desires, 23, 24. Invocation of the Spirit, in the Eucharist, 374. Isaac, his behavior before the sacrifice, 292; a type of Christ in his meekness, 293. Isaiah, exhorts concerning reproach, 338. "I think I have the spirit of God," an express claim to inspiration, 106. Jacob, sought not his own, 147; poor and in bondage, 173; naturally timid, 174; his charity overcame shame and mockery, 197; his contentment, 309, 353; so showed a living soul, 309. James, ordained by the Lord and made bishop of Jerusalem, 229. Jeremiah, excused himself for not delivering his message, 170; sank under reproach, 338. Jewish, types of Christian sacraments, 133; custom of searching for leaven, 86. Jews, pride, the cause of their fall, 4; their conduct to the prophets, a warning to the apostles, 27; their punishments an earnest of ours, yet ours greater, 134, 135; their sins types of ours, 134, 135; causes of their fall, 135; some things in their covenant not typical but apply to Christ alone, 86; their passover compared to ours, 203; their arrogance corrected, 310; of a grovelling spirit, 310; believed not even the law, 311; saw not its glory, ib.; their carnal mind, 312; shall acknowledge Christ in vain hereafter, 325; their captivity in a manner atoned for their sins, 388; made war against St. Paul especially, why, 396; benefitted by afflictions, 403; crouched to vain-glory, 416; thence exiles, 418. Job, his charity to the poor, 207; his great patience, 94, 166; Satan's tempting of him, 166; his wife's cruelty, 167; his example to mourners, 168; a martyr, 275; wrestled with all kinds of suffering, 275; that he lived before the law increased his merit, ib.; accused by the devil, 284; his resignation showed a living soul, 309; moved most by his friends' reproaches, 339; showed brighter after affliction, 401. Job's wife, her advice inspired by the devil, 292. John, one of the "chiefest" apostles, 385. John the Baptist, his mildness in reproving, 409; reproved Herod rather than Herodias, why, 410; was grievous even unseen to Herodias, 410; why his head asked for, 410; it cries louder now, 410; after death a victor, 411. Jonah, sought his own profit, 147; fled from his duty, 170. Jonathan, a pattern of charity. Joseph, a disinterested person, 147; a slave yet free, 109; his mistress rather a slave, 109; a pattern of charity, 192; spake not bitterly of injuries, 305; his words those of a living soul, 309; well favored, 315; shone by suffering, 401. Joseph's brethren, sinned, not having the fear of God before their eyes, 303. Joy in God a defence against pain, 275. Judaical observances, old things, 332. Judas, his commission no plea for the sacriligious and covetous, 297, 389. Judgment, rash, of the Corinthians, 58; of others' conduct allowable in respect of definite, but not indefinite duties, 59; in respect of their general characters impossible, and why, 60; false judgment of men in regard to things of the world, 68. Judgment, Future, infidel doubts concerning, answered, 323; follows from God's justice, 323; conscience testifies to a, 324; believed in universally whatever difference in details, 324; its doom irreversible, 325; to be imagined present, 328; outlines and symbols of, exhibited at the martyries of the saints, 403. Judgment, the day of, all things revealed in it, 287; none can deliver in it, 325. Justification, by giving the Spirit, 24; means liberation from sin, 60; by grace, not works, 334, 335. Kingdom of Christ, how delivered up to the Father, 238; twofold, 239. Kiss of peace, used at the Holy Eucharist, 265. (note.) Knowledge, is common property, 111; nothing without charity, 112; imperfect to the present state, 113; in what sense to be done away, 202; of God in the future state, 202; before and after the Gospel compared, 203; impiety of our claiming perfect, 203; such knowledge possessed by the Spirit and the Son, 203; an ointment, 301; present, a savor, 302. Laity, their prayers and assent required at ordinations, 365; partake of both bread and cup, 366; pray with and for the priest, 366; share in thanksgivings and elections, 366; should not throw the whole care for the Church on the priests, 367. Law, used by St. Paul for the Old Testament, 216; old law contrasted with the more perfect dispensation of the Gospel, 126, 155. Law of Moses, mystical meaning of, 121. Law of Nature, harmonizes with God's law, 154 "under the law, without law," what, 129. Law, the, how the strength of sin, 257; spiritual, but bestowed not a spirit, 307; compared with grace, ib.; how it killeth, ib.; showed and punished, not caused, sin, 310; only letters, no help by it, 310; fixed to one place, 310; hid from the Jews, 311; confessed to its own abolition, 312; those who forsake it see its meaning, 313. Lazarus, stood on the summit of heavenly wisdom, 308; his lot and the rich man's compared, 324, 346. Life, a good, preparation for faith, 44; of primitive Christians compared with those of later times, 32, 33. Life in the soul, what, 307; to be preserved in it by our own efforts, 307; how tested, 308; how shown in words, 309. Loneliness, increases trials, 300. Lord's Prayer, not permitted to Catechumens, 282. Lot, his want of generosity and disinterestedness, 146, 155. Love, of Christ to us, 140; of the primitive Church, greater than ours, 140; to Christ casts out all sin, 264; signs of in open mouth and large heart, 342; in rejoicing at the good as well as grieving at the ills of friends, 347; consumeth sins like a fire, 369; he that is without it a useless man, 405; especially to those who love him, 405; to be shown in defending friends when ill-spoken of, 406. Love of Christ, will make sinners even punish themselves, 335. Love of God, to be shown in deeds, 421; best secures our salvation, 422. Luke, by some thought "the brother whose praise, etc.," 363. Lust, how admitted; how fed, 315; fiercer than avarice, 315; from ourselves and not the devil only, 315; gendered by idleness, 316; by habit, 316; its cure, 316; the fear of God best quenches it, 316, 345; to be quenched by thought of hell-fires, 316, 330; more imperious than love of money, 389; or anger, 389; hath overcome great persons, 389; not therefore excusable but to be watched against, 389; permitted in a sort in marriage, 389; implanted and why, 389. Luxury, examples of, 124, 247; how it unfits for heaven, 257, 258. Lying, a sin of the poor, 346. Macedonian Controversy, alluded to, 172. Macedonians, the, compared with the Corinthians, 277, 386; their praises, 356; had suffered loss of goods for the Gospel, 356; their bountifulness had many degrees of excess, 357; was accompanied by other graces, 357; the assistance they gave to St. Paul, 387. Madness of the Mind, in grasping shadows, 416; inexcusable, 417. Magic, the suspicion of it in miracles obviated, 30; magical verses quoted, 169. Magus, 415. Magnanimity, true and false, 5. Man, first and second, why those expressions used, 255; men made to depend upon each other, 147, 57; how superior to women, 153. Mankind, out of contentiousness take part with persons evil spoken of, 407. Manliness, the test of, 371. Manes, his system, 38. Manichees, 255; dismember St. Paul's writings, 378; refuted by them, 378. Marcion, his notions, 318; dismembered St. Paul's writings, 378; yet refuted by them, 378. Marcionite way of perverting the phrase "baptized for the dead," 244; their Dualism, 318 (note.) Marriage, heathen ceremonies at, condemned, 69; mixed, rules for, 106; reasons for continuance in, 107; second marriages, when unlawful, 111; with kindred forbidden, 110; in order to lead us to charity, 204; declined by some on worldly grounds, 323; not accused by Chrysostom, 324; concessions in respect to, 420. See Husbands and Wives. Martyrdom, always a time for, 274; attained without dying, 275; patience under loss of goods a kind of, 275; or under loss of children, 275; a name appropriate to our Lord's death, 29; nothing without love, 148. Martyries, 403. Maran atha, meaning of, 265 (note) why used in this place, 266. Mary, the first who saw Christ, 229. Marcellus, of Ancyra, his heresy, 237. Manifestation, of the Spirit, what, 171. Martyrs, compared with Socrates, 19; their astonishing tortures, 19. Matthew, his immediate cure, 62. Materialists, 25. Men, praise or blame of not to be regarded, 303; when but beasts in human form, 308; here but sojourners, 359; all dependent on each other, 361; so by God's decree, 362; how legislators to themselves, 363; but women if easily deceived, 384. Merchant, portraiture of a generous one, 58; for the contrary, see Commerce. Mercy, of God no plea for our negligence, 136; a cause why men should fear, 49, 50; God's chief attribute, 273; seeketh out the worthy, 280; assimilates to God, 358; a greater thing than raising the dead, 358. Merciful, the, in the highest sense a man, 358; a priest, 374; like to God, 374; his altar, Christ's body, 374; and greater than the Christian altar, 374. Merit, of human works altogether disclaimed, 3, 6; this disclaimer involved in the doctrine of Baptismal regeneration, 6. Messengers of the Churches, the, who, 364; persons chosen such, above suspicion, 364; why several, 265; except Titus unknown to the Corinthians, 365. Mind, not the body, cause of sin, 99, 181. See Body. Miners, their misery, 137. Ministers, for the sake of the people, 55; not to grow weary of repeating plain truths, 33; their unworthiness does not hinder the effect of the Sacraments, 44; only stewards, and not to be puffed up by their stewardship, 56. Miracles, visible, why they ceased, 31; may be wrought by bad men, 44; why inferior to prophecy and teaching, 186; not in operation in Chrysostom's time, 320; the first Christians wrought them, 414. Misquotation of Scripture, danger of, 206. Mistaken way of defending the Gospel, 14. Moabites, the, 394. Modesty, ill-timed does harm, 381; taught by St. Paul's example, 399. Monarchs, their festal days a time of gifts, 337. Money, the love of, a severe mistress, 315; its captives more than lust's, 315, 391; incompatible with righteousness, 371; makes freemen slaves, 371; none but pitiful persons possessed with, 389; compared with sexual desire, 389; no indulgence given to it by the Gospel, 389; is not implanted in us, 389; how overcomes more persons than lust, 389; the five foolish virgins fell by it, 390. Monks, an order of (perhaps) married, 178. Moors, the, 412. Moses, with Jethro an example of humility, 4; also in joining his oppressed people, 5; was stoned by the Jews, 27; more famous for love to others than for miracles, 146; his privileges less not only than the Apostles' but than Christians generally, 311; the glory of his countenance, 311; his glory, not the tables, 310; it is seen, partaken and surpassed by those who turn to God, 313; his love for his people, 352; listened to Jethro's counsel, 366; left the story written, why, 366; once fled from fear, 399; shone by suffering, 401. Motives, approve acts, 393. Mourners, hired at funerals, 72; others, 276; derive comfort from punishing themselves, 335. Mourning, not to be excessive, 165 and note; for others' sins, 84; for the dead, if excessive, against. analogy, Providence, and Scripture examples, 253. See Consolations, Bereavements. Mouth, the, God's table, when filled with thanksgiving, 309; the porch of Christ's temple, 418; announceth God's oracles, 418; to be kept undefiled, 418. Munificence, determined not by amount of gift, but mind of the giver, 357, 371; its reward in spiritual abundance, 360, 371, 372; yet hath both a temporal and a spiritual recompense, 371; maketh men approved, 374. Mutilation of the body, punished even by the heathen, 182. Mysteries, why the Gospel so called, 34; and the Sacraments, 34; exclude human explanations, 34, 35; how the preaching of them consists with reserve, 35; how believers and unbelievers look upon them, 35; the danger of making them too cheap, 35; unmeet for unbelievers, 318. Naaman, 389. Names of men, a token of unsound doctrine, 1; of Apostles, sectarian use of, 11; of Paul, Apollos and Cephas used by way of supposition for teachers not named, 11; of Christ, supersedes all human names, 12; why continually repeated, 7; used schismatically, 12; names given to children should be those of the Saints, 71. Narthex, what part of the Church, 179, (note.) Nature, its corruption no excuse for sin, 10; another name for God, 151; tyranny of, 291. Necessity, God allows men to make a virtue of, 56. Ninevites, the, why pardoned, 280; their repentance how shown, 299; benefitted by threat of ruin, 401. Noah, left in the deluge as a spark to kindle a new race, 205; the days of, 281. Nocturnal processions at marriages condemned, 69. Nomad Scythians, 352. "Not I but the Lord" refers to an express word of Christ, 106. Numbers, where they avail with God, where not, 281. Nurses, their superstitions foolery, 71. "O foolish one, that which thou sowest," meaning of, 249. "O God, my God," force of the expression in the prophets, 6. Obedience, the test of, in disciples, 297. Offending God, the only ill, 274; to be feared more than hell, 334. Ointment, said to suffocate swine, 302. Omission, in rhetoric, how made effective, 367. One God, applied to the Father does not prevent the application of the phrase to the Son, 114. Obscurity of Scripture, no reason for inattention, 221. Œconomy, practiced by Paul, 7, 8; of the divine persons, a doctrine necessary to explain many parts of Scripture, 237, 238. Olympius, the Sophist, 113. Opposition to the truth, sometimes an encouragement, 261. Orders, distinction of the ministry, typified in the old law, 126. Outward Man, the, complete decay of, the greater gain, 326. Party Spirit, springs from the people, 45. Paul, beaten at Corinth, 1; his modesty, 1; praises the Corinthians for what end, 7; his use of the name of Christ, 7; his prudence in not committing his informants, 11; prefers St. Peter to himself, 11; why he did not commonly baptize, 12; bolder on coming to quotations from Scripture, 17; his later grace, a crown on his improvement of the former, 28; military cast of his character, 29; not eloquent, 29; had a strong sense of fear, 30; prepares skilfully for topics to come, 51; puts case in his own and Peter's name, 55; why he declines the judgment of men, 59; his skilful mode of dealing with the Corinthians, 72; his tenderness toward them, 73, 74; portraiture of the Apostle in his imitation of Christ, 74, 75; his policy in sending Timothy, 78; like a lion to the Corinthians, 78; tempered meekness with severity, 79, (note;) cites the heathen as a reproach to Christians, 83; his good sense, 84; his energy, 84; exercising the power of the keys, 85; his reserve in declaring pardon to the fornicator, an imitation of Christ, 87; his voluntary poverty, 88; how he possessed all, 88; method of speaking incidentally on other subjects, 91, 163, 228; extraordinary and unexpected turns in his arguments, 96; mode of awakening sinners, 100, 111; varies his discourse as the matter required, 105; his rule on mixed marriages, 106; his doctrine of liberty and slavery, 108; rules concerning virginity, 110; care of avoiding scandal, 116, 118; suffered poverty to avoid it, 122; his modest assertion of his right to maintenance, 119; the Apostle of the world, ib.; his wisdom, 121, 126, 128; his moderation, and condescension to all, 128; why he circumcised others, 128; avoided display, 127; his conversion and argument against fatalism, 129; mode of dealing with sins, 133, 149; his fear for himself, a warning against presumption, 132; his method of convincing, 138, 139, 158; his care for the common good, 161, 146; excelled all the old Saints in love, 146; method of using common examples, 175, 176; mode of praise and censure, 150; appeals to high principles on ordinary topics, 150; his very presence a visitation, 159; more to be admired for his love than his miracles, 193; paid rent for his house in Rome, 212; how he overcame vainglory, 213; his humility, 230; an example to us, 231; his delicacy in speaking of others, 264; his reasons for writing the second Epistle, 271; his humility, 272, 273, 278, etc., etc.; after comfort lay not softly down, 273; had a spring of continual joy in God, 275; advertises the disciples of his estate, why, 278; had anticipated death, 279; his rejoicing in a good conscience, 286; disclaimed fleshly wisdom, 286; shares the glory of his good works with his disciples, 287; refers his teaching to the test of the great day, 287; kept not his promise, why, 288; the servant of the Spirit, 288, 294; did not know all things beforehand, 289; nor always what was expedient, 289; came not, to give time for repentance, 294; gentler in this Epistle, 294; desired not to be made sorry, for the disciples' sake, not his own, 295; his tender affection, 296; his wisdom, 296, 347, etc., etc.; mingled praise with blame, 296, 347, 356, 393; used the cautery with pain, 296; not ashamed to defend himself, 296; moderates the Corinthians' anger against the incestuous person, 297; leaves, yet does not leave, the Corinthians' power to forgive him or not, 298; his trouble at not finding Titus, 300; refers all to God, 301, etc., etc.; anticipates and meets an objection against himself, 305; hewed men's hearts to write on, 306; wore the King's image, and so his garments wrought, 314; a servant, 319; interprets himself when obscure, 322; had been lost if God punished always on sin, 324; makes an objection serve his own cause, 328, 288, 294, 351; glories for others' sakes, 331; to stop the false Apostles, 331; how, mad to God, ib.; his blamelessness, 337; shown also in his use of spiritual gifts, 338; attracted grace by good works, 338; made what he was by love, 338; endured all with pleasure even, 339; possessed all things, 339; especially all spiritual things, 340; his care for the poor, 340; for unbelievers, 340; for the churches, ib.; displays love before rebuking, 342; his love embraced the world, 342; shown in all his Epistles, 343; testifies also in all to the disciples' love for him, 343; tempers his rebukes, 294, 343, etc.; his oratorical use of interrogations in quick succession, 344; his joy in his disciples, it overcame his tribulations, 348; cites Titus for witness, 348; endears Titus to the Corinthians, 348, 358; encourages some, 349; treats tenderly when he can do so without harm, 297, 350, 352; fears for the whole church, 352; compels not but draws the disciples on, 359, 360; chose to suffer hunger among the Corinthians, 360; received from others often, yet not ashamed, 362; mentions Titus only of the collectors by name, why, 364; condescends to avoid the appearance of evil, 364; a devil could not have suspected him of unfaithfulness as to the alms collected, 365; his mouth opened by the church's prayer, 365; feigns to side with the Corinthians, 367; urges from human motives also, 368, 372; prays the Corinthians may have enough, not abundance, 369; and that for good works, 369; this Epistle his eulogium, 375; corrects his own boasting, 375, 383; slow to vindicate the Gospel, much more himself, 376; his freedom from ambition, 376, 410; reasons why he delays to punish the disciples, 377; compared to a general, 377; the achievements of his tongue, 378, 398; dismembered, routs the heretics, 378; not parti-colored in his teaching, 378; perversion of his doctrine no proof against him, 378; the use of his writings recommended, 378; instantaneousness of his conversion proved him free from vainglory, 381; remembered sins before baptism, 381, 383; in boasting studied the disciples' benefit, 383, 386; espoused for Christ, 383; in him all open, 386; speaks not of having supported himself, why, 386; receiving or not receiving, both in him from love, 387; shrinks back often when beginning to boast, 392; sets his trials before his miracles, 396, 397; number, intensity and variety of his trials, 397; his cares for each, the chief thing in them, 397; did not rush on danger, 397; victorious over trials, 397; simply took the world captive, 397; his achievements more than David's, 397; bore in one body what others did in many, 397; ran briefly over all, 398; himself the person caught up, 398; confessed to ignorance, 398; why Christ caught him up, 399; what his thorn, 400, (note;) wounds and heals at once, 406; many steps in his love, 407; suffered not his partners to receive, 408; counted it humbling to have to punish, 409; the characteristic of his wisdom, what, 410; makes the way to repentance easy, 410; threatens often without punishing, in this like God, 413; sometimes adds to the written sense of Scripture, 414; does not purpose punishing to show his power, 414; his words spiritual, 414; his long suffering not weakness, 415; able to punish the bodies of the disciples, 417; yet not able if they repented, 417; prefers the disciples' salvation to his own glory, 417; more vehement toward the end of this epistle, 419. Peace, given by the bishop, 219. Penance, how to be determined, 297; the mother of safety, 349; a bandage to be kept on till the wound be cured, 349. Perils, use of, 280. Persecution, not needed for our trial, 76; for Christ's sake, a token of God's favor, 72; causes triumph, 301. Persians, incest among, 316; John's murder known among, 410. Persons, the, of the Trinity, not confounded by Chrysostom, 419. Peter, confounded with Paul, 29, 56; the Coryphaeus, 120; why allowed to see Christ first after the resurrection, 230; his very shadow mighty, 314; had been lost if God punished in sin, 324; his sorrow, 351; loosed by the church's prayer, 365; ordained Matthias, 366. Pharisee, the, suffered shipwreck in harbor, 394. Philetus, 400. Philip's daughters, prophetesses, 152, 186; a fulfilment of Joel's prophecy, 152. Philosophers, let their hair and beard grow as a token of study, 149 (note.) Pilate, 324; his report to Tiberius, 402 (note.) Plants, variety of disposition in, 354; like men, have their death, life, etc., 354; God's providence shown in respect to them, 354. Plato, wrongly compared with Paul, 14; persecuted by Dionysius, 20, (note;) comparative uselessness of his speculations, 19; unable to prevail against custom, 40; his testimony respecting soothsayers, 169. Plenary effusion of the spirit in baptism, 34. Pleasure, of virtue and vice compared, 130; of this world short-lived, 174; of beholding God in his works, 136; of covetousness a poor one, 137; of love, 192; of a right use of riches, 207; present pleasure of chastity more than uncleanness, 224; of gluttony only momentary, 242. See Luxury, Virtue, Vice. Poor, not to be despised, 116; to be entertained, 117; where placed in the church to receive alms, 179, (note;) intercessors for the rich, 179; tokens of this world's frailty, 179; indignities to them done against the church, 159; have most enjoyment of the sun, the air, etc., 340; reap the advantage of rich men's outlays, 340; have the advantage in spiritual things, 340; useful to the salvation of the rich, 361, 362; more independent than the rich, 362; how to be received when they come to beg, 362; liable to envy, 373; are Christ's body and altar, 374; to be reverenced not repelled, 374. Post mortem probation, denied by Chrysostom, 330 (note). Potiphar's wife, her words those of a dead soul, 309. Porphyry, a witness to the Scripture, 32; his remarks upon magical verses, 169, (note). Portraiture of Paul, in his imitation of Christ, 74, 75. Praise, a smoke that reached God's throne, 374. Praise of others, to be added to, not envied, 408. Prayer, in an unknown tongue inexpedient, 211; for others efficacious, 280; of a multitude efficacious, 281; for the Catechumens, 281, (note;) comment on do., 281, 285; inattention at, 285; persevered in worketh forgiveness, 300; worldly thoughts to be shut out in, 303; viz. by bearing in mind with whom we are conversing, etc., 303; answers to sacrifice, 304; distractions in, 304; against enemies to be rejected, 304; for enemies obtains forgiveness, 304, 305. Prayers of the Catechumens, 284, 285; of the faithful, 285. Prayer for the dead, why used, 253; inconsistent with Purgatory, 253 (note;) in all the ancient liturgies, 253; offered up at the time of the eucharist, 253. Preaching, the, no uncertainty in, 289; nor in its promises, 289; its power, 301; not of man, nor needing aid from beneath, 376; external wisdom contributed nothing to, 385; rivalry in, 408; compared with baptism, 12. Prepositions, implying agency, (ἐν, δια, etc., ) why used in speaking of God the Father, 8. Pride, of knowledge, its danger, 135; of life, to be trodden under foot, 143; pride the mother of evils, 346; made the devil a devil, 346; a sin of the rich, 346. Priests, to give thanks for others, their part, 281; where no difference between, and the people, 365, 366. Profit, our own how to be sought, 147, 197; our neighbors the canon of Christianity, 146; no high virtue without this, 146; how men made by Providence to seek it, 147, 197, 205; examples of those who sought their own, but found it not, 146; and of those who sought others' and found their own, 147; excuses for selfishness answered, 147, 148; even martyrdom nothing without it, 148. Profuseness, on lusts, common, 369, 370. Promise, the, used of Canaan, 333. (note.) Prophets, knew not all things, 288, 292; wrought life in bodies, could not in souls, 307. Prophecy, fulfilled, a kind of miracle, 31; double sense of, 36. See Gifts of Prophecy. Propagation of the Gospel, a kind of sign, 32; why now at a stand, 32; why attended with miracles, 30, 31; why effected by the unlearned, 23, 24; against the tyranny of ancient custom, 40; a proof of the divine nature of the Gospel, 20, 21, 25, 40, 43; of the power of the cross, 19. See Evidence. Punishments, human, their analogy with the threats of Scripture, 49, 50; Apostolic and miraculous, 79. See Eternal, Hell fire. Punishment, temporal, of sin, 324; not universal, 324; we should even wish for and inflict on ourselves, 334; as men do who have injured friends, 335. Punishment, eternal, compared with temporal punishments, 325; fear of, avails more, 328; irremissible, 329; thought of, applied to different sins, 330; may be made impossible by each man for himself, 330. Pythian Priestess, her madness, 170. Pulse, the exclusive use of, recommended, 370. Race course terms, used by scoffers at heavenly things, 323. Rationalizing, a source of early heresy, 2; foolishness of it in things human and divine, 16; compared to a smith using the tongs with his hand, 23; exemplified in Adam, 24; excludes stability in doctrine, 24, 25; compared to a pilot without a ship, 33. Reading the Scriptures, in public, a motive to reverence, 220, (note). Reasoning from analogy, proper for infidels, 249. Rebecca, her charity to Jacob, 196, note; her conduct, why vindicated by the Fathers generally, 196. Rebuke, pain of, brief; good of, perpetual, 350; danger of withholding, 351. Regeneration, at baptism, 176, 284; a greater thing than the resurrection, 307. Relations, cannot succor in hell, 329; nor will wish to, 330. Repentance, tokens of, 47; produced by severe censure, 60; never too late in this world, nor to be obtained in the next, 136; how made use of by Satan, 298; ashes and fastings are not of themselves, 299; in what its efficacy consists, 299; shown in humbleness, 299, 300; to be perpetual, 300; future, vain, 325; here always possible, 381; danger and sin of delaying, 382; able to right transgressions, 410; hinders an Apostle even from punishing, 417; how the way to joy, 418. Reproach, harder to bear than affliction, 338; many fall by it, 339. Reproof, of a brother, how to be practised, 266; an example of, 266. Reserve, necessary in teaching, 34; how consistent with full preaching, 35; St. Paul's practice of in declaring pardon to the incestuous person, 87; necessary in speaking of the sacraments, 244, 245. Resurrection, a work ascribed both to the Father and the Son, 97; its credibility proved by analogies from nature and art, 98; objections of rationalists not to be listened to, 98; an evil conscience, the ground of man's unbelief of, 98; creation a type of, 99; its importance as a doctrine of Christianity, 226; two opposite errors concerning it, 226; design of Satan in attacking it, 226; course of St. Paul's argument for it, 227; Manichaean notion of, confuted, 228, (note,) 235, (note;) reality of Christ's resurrection proved by his death, 228; and burial, 228; and by eyewitnesses, 229; five-fold proof of it, 234; mutual relation between Christ's and our own, 234; implied in the hope of salvation, 235; and in Christ's final triumph, 240; in our baptism, 245; and in the Apostle's sufferings, 246; and in our death, 250; how far the same body raised, 250; heretical objection as to the identity of body refuted, 250; the doctrine does not hinder degrees of glory, 251; how far the body changed, 256; our deliverance from sin and the law proves the doctrine, 257; seen in daily deliverances, 279; Christ's shown in the Apostles, 321, 342; took place for our sakes, 322; doctrine of established by the way, 326; common to all, but its glory not, 327; of body, objections of heretics to, 329; shown in plants, 354. Restitution, required by the heathen, 87; if neglected visited upon posterity, 87; Zacchaeus, a notable example of, 87; certain in the last day, 88. Reverence, more paid to men than to God, 67, 220. Reward, not to be impatiently expected, 261; increased by our sufferings, 262. Rhetorical skill, its worthlessness, 79. Rich, the, their contempt of the poor, 157; their misery, 173, 174; ignorant of the perishable nature of their riches, 174; need the poor as much as the poor need them, 205, 206; enjoy the sun and air less than the poor, 340; spend for the poor, 340; their diet causes disease, 340; their bellies furnaces, lit with corpses, 341; sewers, ib.; few of, saved, 346; stand near to love of money, vain glory, pride, ib.; have no hope if they use not much wisdom, ib.; fill but one belly, 341, 361; gain not by their abundance, 361; dependent in proportion to their wealth, 362, to be warned by the sight of death, 390. See Poor. Riches, abused make men poor, 76; not evil in themselves, 76; the evils which accompany them befall men living and dead, 214; those that thirst after them like dreamers, 221; the unseemliness of this passion, 224; in what sense from God, in what not, 173, 206, 207; grow by distribution, 247; manna a warning against hoarding, 248. See Covetousness, Wealth. Righteousness, cannot dwell with covetousness, 371; a queen, ib.; of slaves makes freemen, ib. "Rock that followed them," 133. Romans ix. 5, applied to Christ, 114. Rule, ecclesiastical, its superiority to civil, 353; concerned with souls, 353; deals with secret sins, 354, and with less offences, 354; weldeth our life together, 354; lendeth aid, 354; discourseth of high things, 354; its mildness, 355; cures, not cuts off, the sinner, 355; effects of on the world, 355; without pride, 366. Rulers, shown by love to the ruled, 352; why likened to vine dressers, 353; spiritual, higher than temporal, 354; a paternity in spiritual, 354; the mode of electing these better, 354, 355. Ruling, an art of the highest, 352; over states, 353; over a man's self, 353; over the church, 354; agriculture a kind of, 355. "Rulers of this world," whom St. Paul calls such, 34. Sabellianism, Chrysostom's caution against, 24. Sacrifice, the Lord's Supper, 305; a kind of in prayer, confession, repentance, 303; different kinds of in the law, 304. Saints, how they will judge the world, 91; their intercession of no avail for unholy persons, 258; addressed by St. Paul, 272; cannot possibly be punished, 381; weak as well as glorious, 401, 403; why they were so, 403; their tombs glorious, 404; pilgrimages to, 404; their days, festivals, 404; their prayers asked, 404; their bones expel demons, 404; have power when dead, 404. Salt, partaking of, held a sacred bond even by robbers, 407. Salvation, wrought by suffering, 277. Samuel, his care for the people, 352; why he seemed to boast, 394. Sanctification, baptismal, 1. Sanctuaries, of heaven, ἀψίδες, what, 142. (note.) Sarah, a pattern for wives, 155; her advice to Abraham to take Hagar, then allowable, not now, 155. Satan, means simply an adversary, 401. Saul, his reproaches to Jonathan meekly borne, 196; an example of envy, 395. Scandal, how given, 123, 124; sin of giving it, 123, 124; St. Paul's care to avoid it, 118. Schism, its formal nature, 10; may originate in mind or judgment, 11; Corinthians guilty of it, 158. Schismatical teachers, their rapacious and mercenary spirit, 121. Scriptures, their rule of life, 346. Scylla, a heathen image of sin, 52. Seal of the cross, in baptism, 71, (and note.) Self-indulgent, have no fellowship with Christ, 274. Self-love, if true, leads to same conduct as love, 197. Self-praise, sometimes useful, 381, and to be commended, 395, yet to be cut short, 406. Senate, the Roman, deified Alexander the Great, 402; refused this to Christ, 402. Separation, without mutual consent unlawful, 106. Servants, our care of their souls, 71. Sexes, their relation a bond of charity, 204. Shame, at being dependent, low-minded, 361. Shimei, his cursing David, 299, 388. Shoes, not worn by many, as servants and laborers, 353. Simon Magus, an instance of vainglory, 212. Sin, makes men in some respects worse than devils, 53; its effect in blinding the soul, 61; original destroyed in baptism, 240; some punished in this world, some in the next, 164; best checked in its beginning, 62; danger of little sins, 52; medicines for, 300, 351; even after baptism, 300; its end here and hereafter to be considered, 330; sin, not punishment to be lamented, 300; and dreaded, 334; before baptism, effaced in it, 381; yet still remembered by St. Paul, 381; danger of dying in, 382; its uncleanness, 411; even sinners being witnesses, 411. Slavery, not degrading to a good man, 108; what kind is degrading, 108; not possible for a good man to be a slave, 109. Slander, a common evil, 267; hurts the slanderer more than the slandered, 268; its threefold evil, 268; when we forgive it, a proof of our innocence, 269. Smatterers, harder to reach than the simply ignorant, 23. Socrates, whether his death was voluntary, 19; compared with the martyrs, 19; considered an innovation, 40; and Xantippe, 156. Sodom, a witness to future punishishment, 50. Sojourners, our estate as such, 359; we should choose to be such, 359. Soldiers, irreligious, reproved by case of Cornelius, 28. Solomon, overcome by lust, 391; his days, 401; ruined by his prosperity, 403; enjoyed peace and plenty, 173. Sorcerers, converted by St. Paul, 377. Sorrow, excessive, sinfulness of, 231. See Mourning. worldly, harmeth, 351; for sins profiteth, 350; Cain's, Esau's, David's, Peter's, 351; for the dead benefitteth not, 351. Son, the, how said to be subject to the Father, 238; his authority equal to the Father's, 239. Sosthenes, inferior to Apollos, 3. Souls dead, when their movements unhealthy, 308. Spirit, the Holy, how he dwells within us, 101; of Christ dwelling within us, 102; illustrated by example of a King's son, 102; why sometimes not named, 114, 240; equal to the Father and the Son, 172; his personality and divinity, 173; given to all baptized persons, 176; possesses all knowledge, 203; a seal, 293; of one essence with the Father, 313; giveth life, ib., 310; Lord and God, 313; the author of a creation within us, 314; an earnest of immortality, 327. Spiritual things compared with spiritual, 37; spiritual man judges others, yet is not judged of them, 39; spiritual body, spirit always present in, 252, (note). Spirit, soul and body, how distinguished, 252, (note). Statues of Theodosius, overthrown at Antioch, 104, (note). Stephanas, his household, their praise, 265; with Fortunatus and Achaicus, the persons who brought the account of the Corinthian church to St. Paul, 265. Stewardship, the thought of, a lesson of humility and resignation, 56; and that nothing is exclusively our own, 57. Sufferings, for Christ a present reward, 246; give goodlier hopes, 322; not to be regarded apart from their reward, 339; to be not only borne, but rejoiced in, 340; attract God's forgiveness, 391; God's power shown in, 402; the road to victory, 412. Subintroductae, what, 266, (note). Superfluities, to be cut off so as to give bountifully, 372; measure of, ib. Superstition, men's tendency to, 71. Suspicion, to be avoided, 331, 336. Teachers, those reprehended to bear the rebukes of, 349; others to work with, 349; their disciples' growth their consolation, 352; not to be hasty in punishing, 376; mark of, to mourn over disciples' wounds, 410. Temple, the, its destruction involved the abolition of the law, 312. That ϊνα, not always indicative of the cause, but simply of the event, 159. Temptations, not to be endured without God's help, 138; why permitted, 321; their gain, ib., 337. Thanksgiving, disclaims merit, 6; always due, 6; under affliction, 275; in behalf of others a duty, 280, 281; for common blessings, 281; under afflictions looseth sin, 300. Theatrical entertainments, their infamous character, 68. Theodoret, (on 1 Cor. xv. 49), 255. Theology, a matter of testimony throughout, 31. Thessalonians, the, 360. Thomas, St., forced to go into Judea, 26, 27. Thoughts, an army having various ranks, 290;. he who governs them a king, 290. Three children in the fire, 104. Time, shortness of, 336; the acceptable, what, 337. Timidity, no reproach to any one, 200. Timothy, 413; Paul's commission to him, 78; a courageous and faithful man, 263; associated with Paul in the address as with him, 274; and out of humility, ib. Titus, his absence felt by Paul, 300, 348; his witness to the Corinthians, 343, 348; his love for them, 348, 358; how received by them, 271, 358; Paul's praise of, 358; why the only one named amongst the bearers of the collection, 365; received not, 408. Toils, encountered willingly to rest after, 325; in worldly things great, yet the first often little, 325; in heavenly little, and the fruit boundless, 325. Tongues, gift of, received by some who were elated by it, 338. Tradition of the church, excludes human inventions, 31; supplies information not to be obtained from the letter of Scripture, 36, and note. Treasury of the church, what, 259. Trinity, the, three persons in, co-equal, 171; the same things said of each person, 319, 418; interchange of gifts, 419. Trumpets, overthrew cities, 320. Tychicus, 278. Unbelief, caused by the bad lives of Christians, 15; compared with insanity in its treatment of those who would remedy it, 16. Uncleanness, eminently a profane vice, 52; its misery, 224; compared with chastity, 225; may be said of all sin, 410. Uncertainties, not to be trusted to in our soul's concerns, 382. Uninitiated, the, may not know all things, 365. Unity of the church, implied in its name, 3, 5, 176; depending on communion with Christ, 3, 47; of the Spirit, what, 176; of the members forbids envy, 177; reason for contentment, 177; taught by the beauty of proportion, 178; applied to various classes in the church, 178; of the members of the body, 181, 182; an example to the greater to care for the less, 183; summary of the argument derived from the body, 187. Unleavened bread, its typical meaning, 86. Until, spoken of God does not imply that His kingdom shall come to an end, 238. Unworthiness of ministers, no bar to the grace of the sacraments, 44. "Use it rather," spoken of continuance in slavery, 108. Utterance, a special grace, 6. Vainglory, on behalf of others, 64; on account of gifts, compared to proud flesh, 65; reproved on ground that all is of grace, 65; and by an argument ad vere cundiam, 65; its manifold evils, 212; a remedy for it, 213; examples of victory over it, 213; in almsgiving, cruelty, 345; hinders others from giving, 345; shames the giver, the receiver and Christ, 345; the slave of, must be grovelling, 417; a savage mistress, 417; engendered by littleness of mind, 418. Veil, a two-fold, over the Gospel, 283; over the Jews, on the letters and their hearts, 312. Vice and Virtue, the difference between them not subjective, 81; in what sense virtue easier than vice, 80, 81; (see Pleasure); vice, its misery, illustrated by an anecdote of a corn dealer at Antioch, 241. Virgins, the foolish, regrets of vain, 325; they fell by love of money, 392. Virginity, commonly within man's power, 50; higher state than marriage in all, 105, 106, 110; yet not compulsory on any, 106; if once chosen solemnly, should not be given up, 110; why a higher state, 110; Chrysostom's treatise on, referred to, 111; differs from continence, the latter absolutely necessary to Salvation, 110; introduced by the Gospel, 320; not commanded, 391; where it profiteth not, 392. Virtue, maketh prayer respected, 281; more than money maketh men of a cheerful countenance, 340; is natural, 363; by words even striketh down its adversaries, 410; its strength even when bound, 411. "Weakness" means persecution, 34; three different senses of, 414; how said of God, of Christ, 415. Wealth, its tendency in respect to Faith, 24; with what palliations the love of it may be abated, 62, 63. See Riches. "Wheresoever the carcase is" explained, 142. Widows, assemblies of, 178. Widow's mite, an encouragement to those who can do but a little good in the way of conversion, 15. Widow of Sarepta, the, her faith, 320; disregarded her children even, 371; manly though a woman, 371; gave more to hospitality than Abraham, 371. Will of God, reason for contentment, 177. Witchcraft, charge of, against the Apostles, 320; how refuted, 320. Wisdom, without goodness, its utter degradation, 52; how to be gained by becoming a fool, 54. Women, in danger of mistaking the signs of repentance for repentance, 299; easily deceived, 384; bands of, at funerals, 276, 390; favor of, courted by preachers, 408. Woman, why subject to man, 150; before the fall not subject, ib.; why she ought to be covered, 151; women prophesied in Paul's time, 151; dishonored by taking the man's honor, 151; those who wear short hair all one as if uncovered, 152; custom of wearing short hair abolished, 153; why they should not teach in public, 222. Word of wisdom and of knowledge, what, 172. Works, good or bad, the Christian's building, 51. "With thy spirit," a liturgical response, 219. World, the, worthy of God, 378; and yet defective, 378; why both, 378; (see also 401;) opposite notions of, 378; refute one another, 378. Worldly things, a lowering winter, 316; make men cowards, ib.; delights of, have bitterness, 325; present satisfy not, ib.; men toil in, to rest after, 326. Wrong doers, the real sufferers, 95; they who suffer wrong are under God's discipline, 96. Zacchaeus, had an appointed time for restitution, 208. See Restitution.
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