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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() HOMILIES ON THE GOSPEL OF JOHN.Abraham, supposed by the Samaritans to have offered Isaac on mount Gerizim, 113; Christ talked with, 116; who the real seed of, 194; wrongly compared with Christ, 198; how he saw Christ's day, 198. Adam, said to die from the moment of the Fall, because under sentence, 97. Adulterers, salvation of, impossible, 234. Adultery, the woman taken in, not mentioned by St. Chrysostom, 187. Advice, to be welcomed from any, by Christ's example, 174. Affliction, the best trial of faith, 125. Affronts here, to be borne, from thought of heaven, 291, 293; from thought of our Christian membership, 294; of imperious women often borne by their lovers, 294. Age, adds dignity to virtue, 332. Agony, the, expressed the weakness of nature, 318. Agreement, not always good, 206. Alms, win praise of God and Angels, 256. Almsgiving, wins forgiving, 29, 47; a pure sacrifice, 46; must not come from dishonest gain, 47; indispensable to our entering the kingdom, 83; a seal to the charitable, 86; will win treasure in heaven, 89; the way to true honor, 118, 143; to gain present delight and the future crown, 147; the meat that perisheth not, 158; to be practiced throughout life, 219; the measure of God's mercy to us, ib.; necessary to life, yet easy, and sobering, 220; brings contentment, 244; cleanses from sin, 270; better none, than with covetousness, ib.; duty of, enjoined, 284; neglect of, leads to hell, 285; due to Christ, 285; blessing of here and hereafter, 286; cleanses and heals the soul, 302; the best winding sheet for the dead, 321; profits both the dying and the dead, 322; raised Dorcas to life, ib. Altar, awfulness of the Christian, 167; danger of approaching in sin, ib.; danger of profaning it with gifts from unjust gains, 270. I Am, implies absolute being, 53. Ancestry, nobility of, no protection to the bad, 75, 108; availed not the Jews, 108. Andrew, St., praise of his zeal and modesty in coming to Christ, 64, 65; of his zeal in his brother's conversion, 67; his faith in the miracle of the loaves, 152. Angel of counsel, a title of Christ, 53 (note). Angels, learn from revelations given to the Church, 2; worshiped Christ in His human nature, 39; have appeared in brightness, 40; act under command, 41; have a well-ordered polity, 42; how men become like them, ib.; are holy, 49; have not seen God in His Essence, but only in Christ, 52; their ministry to Christ a proof of His Deity, 73; behold but understand not the mystery of Regeneration, 88; their troubling the water of Bethesda a type of the work of the Spirit, 126; work without weariness, 127; their happiness in wanting nothing, 298. Anger, not to be retained, 19; absurdity of, 20; brings remorse, ib.; deformity of, 92; with servants, reproved, 93; its mischief and pitiableness, 175; a madness and foretaste of hell, ib.; appeased by penitent sorrow, 219. Antichrist, his characteristic, to glorify himself, 148; why more clearly predicted by St. Paul than by Christ, ib. Antioch, its covetousness and luxury, 280. Apostles, the, mission of, 42; did not all witness all, 61; preached Christ absent, 63; why greater than Christ's kinsmen and countrymen, 75; did not believe at first, because not confirmed by the Spirit, 82; taught high doctrines gradually, 106; traveled without provision, 108; moderation of, 109; their reverence for Christ, 117; zeal of, seen in the Samaritan woman, 118; their love for Christ in urging him to eat, 119; slowness to understand his meaning: but forbore to ask, ib.; reaped where the Prophets had sown, 120; their task the easier, ib.; their inspiration immediate and complete, 135; their humble fare, 152; their distance from their Master in respect of grace, ib.; their love for their Master shown on the sea, 155; witnessed some miracles alone, ib.; disclaimed acting of themselves, 238; retired with Christ during the feasts, 242; spoke like Judas at Bethany, but with different intent, ib.; understood not the mystery of the ass's colt, 245; their mutual love, 266; struck dumb hearing of persecution, 286; yet started not back, and comforted by Christ's Omniscience, 286, 287 [see Disciples]. Arius, heresy of, refuted by Christ's indwelling in His disciples, 304. Article, the, why added in the phrase, "The Word," 7, 8; omission of, sometimes unimportant, 17, 18; distinguishes Christ from all, 64. "As," expressing agreement not comparison, 41; said of the Father and the Son implies their equality, of men not so, 303, 304. Asa, his gout a punishment for sin, 132. Babel, an example of mischievous agreement, 206. Baptism, promise at, 4; gift of the Spirit in, 36; regeneration in, 37; superior to natural birth, 88; not needful to Christ, 59; but Christ to it, 60; benefits of, 89, 126; an obligation to holiness, 89; danger of delaying, 90; in what sense an earthly thing, 93, 112; how connected with the Cross, 94; sin after, not unpardonable, 96; buries sin, 121; gifts of, typified in the miracle of Bethesda, 126; way prepared for the use of water under the law, 126; the only cure of sin, 190; cleanses from sin, 270; the work of all Three Persons of the Trinity, 289. Baskets, the twelve, of fragments in number proved its truth, 153. Basilides, 30 (note). "Because," refers to the event, not the cause, 252. Beasts, spare their own kind, 130. Bethabara, why mentioned by John, 38. Bethlehem, the Messiah expected from, 70, 71. Bethesda, the miracle of, was to prepare the Jews for the regeneration of holy Baptism, 84. Bibles, splendid copies of, written in gold letters, on fine parchment, a charm against the Devil, 114; unfolds the spectacle of the spiritual combat, ib. Birds, teach their young to fly by degrees, 45. Blind man, the, his courage and truthfulness, 204, 208, 209; becomes a disciple, 209; bore reproach and suffering for the truth, 210. Blindness, never cured until Christ, 200; a judgment on the Jews, 212; sensible and spiritual compared, 213. Blood, the, of Christ, the soul's nourishment, 166; the terror of Demons, ib. Body, the, chastised for the soul's health, 131; of Christ includes all, 166; how worketh on the soul, 167. Boldness, its virtue and reward, 58; comes by hearing, 210. Books, scarcity of, 38; generally neglected at Antioch, or only kept for show and ornament, 114; written in letters of gold, on fine parchments, ib. Bosom, of the Father, implies Unity of Essence, 52; and Coeternity, 53. Branches, signify our need of Grace, and of union with Christ, 279; the fruitless perish, 280; are true disciples, ib. Bread of life, said only of Christ's Godhead, 161; of His doctrines, and of His Body, 165. Brethren, of Christ, did not profit by their relation to Him, 75; believed not, from envy, 174. Brightness of the Father's glory, why said of Christ, 17, 28; of Moses's face, 40; of Angels, ib. Brotherly affection best shown in spiritual aid, 67. Burdens, duty of bearing one another's, 253. Burial, the, so ordered as to give testimony to the Resurrection, 319, 320; a reproof to costly funerals, 321; was done in ignorance of the Resurrection, ib. Business, no excuse for neglecting public worship, 38. Caiaphas, his shameless boldness, 241; prophesied ignorantly and instrumentally, ib. Cain, offered not his best, 47; ruined by envy, 130. Callosity, similar in soul and body, 196. "Can, cannot," sometimes express choice, not power, 252. Cana, marriage at, 73; miracle at, the first absolutely, ib. Canaan, woman of, 42; an example of perseverance rewarded, 77. Capernaum, corruption of, 80; why Christ's "own country," 123; carnal-mindedness of, after the miracle of the loaves, 156. Catechumen, position of, contrasted with that of the faithful, 89. Change of pastors and flocks condemned, 44. Charity, wins forgiveness, 29; unites the brethren, 54; to be substituted for luxury, 215; may be exercised by the poor, 216; the means of entertaining Christ, ib. Chastisement, the right use of, 132. Chastity, consists in self-restraint and subduing, not wanting passion, 127. Children, need spiritual instruction, 10; should receive right impressions, ib.; pass over the real, to admire false show, 301. Christ, His humility, 13, 204; His condescension, 26; known to Patriarchs, 30; always in the world, 31; his forgiveness, 36; both God and Man by unity of Person, 38; His authority, 41; His mean appearance, 45; in what sense both before and after John's Baptism, 46; the Fountain of Grace, 47; His fullness, 48; how superior to Moses, 49; His acts brought grace and truth, 50; alone of all, hath seen God in His Essence, 52; one with the Father, because "in His Bosom," ib.; clearness of His teaching shown in the word "declared," 53; inferior to the Baptist in externals, 55; why mixed unknown among the people, 57; His dignity compared to John's, ib.; why came to John again after His Baptism, 59; object of His coming into the world greater than John's, ib.; needed not Baptism for Himself, but for us, ib.; received His disciples from John, 63; distinguished from all by use of the article, 64; asked question of the disciples to encourage them, 65; how bade them to house, ib.; first revealed His divinity by predictions, 68; showed His authority in changing names, ib.; His wisdom in the time and place of calling His disciples, 69, 70; convinced Nathanael by His foreknowledge, 71; how to be welcomed by those to whom he came, 72; proved His Deity by the ministry of Angels, 73; used to give present proof of some prophecies, so to gain credit to others, ib.; invited to Cana as a common guest, ib.; did no miracles in His childhood, 74; nor till after His Baptism, 80; rebuked His Mother at Cana, to clear His miracles, and to instruct her, 74; His care to show respect for her, 75, 77; was not bound to certain seasons, but Himself appointed His hour, 76; made the wine at Cana without a new creation, yet proved Himself Creator by His power over matter, 77; His care to provide evidence for His miracles, 78, 125, 129; improved upon nature, 78; changes men's disposition as the water at Cana, ib.; how manifested His glory at Cana, 80; why went to Capernaum from Cana, ib.; Baptized just before the Passover, ib.; cleansed the temple twice, at the first and last Passover, ib.; His care to show respect for the law, 81; refused a sign to the Jews, because insensible, ib.; used dark sayings to the dull hearers, 82; why used often the sign of Jonas, ib.; knew and trusted not false disciples, 83; his condescension to Nicodemus, 84; His usual authority abated, ib.; often speaks obscurely to rouse His hearers to attention, 85; His care to lead Nicodemus to higher thoughts, 87; but permits him not to pry into mysteries, 90; His Flesh was of the Virgin, 91; His perfect knowledge signified by Seeing and Hearing, 92, 103; his perfect gentleness, 92, 175; why dealt most in the lower doctrines, 93; foretold his Passion darkly: its benefits plainly, 94, 95; His love contrasted with man's ingratitude, 95; His twofold Advent to redeem and to judge, 96; delays judgment to admit repentance, 97; rejected by those who chose to continue in sin, 98; His different dealings with Nathanael and Nicodemus, 99; why frequented crowded places, ib.; why not baptizing till death of John, 100; needed not the support of John's testimony, 103; His credibility arising from His knowledge, 104; referred to His Father and the Prophets to convince the Jews, ib.; one with God, because speaking God's words, ib.; Self-sufficient unmeasured by the Spirit, 105; did not Himself baptize, as reported to the Pharisees, 107; His care to act as a man in general, ib.; yet to speak as God, ib.; went to the Samaritans when driven out by Jews, and yet as if in passing, ib.; His frugality in traveling on foot, 108; His carelessness of food, ib.; His humility in going alone, 109; His stay at Samaria was for rest, ib.; abrogated the law of meats in speaking to the Samaritan woman, 109; shows Himself greater than Jacob, 112; often prophesied concerning particular persons, 113; shows His Divine knowledge in rebuking the woman of Samaria, ib.; cared not to answer, but to lead men to the Truth, 114; unfolds the doctrine of spiritual worship to the Samaritan woman, 115; identifies Himself with the Church, 116; expected by the Samaritans, from the writings of Moses, ib.; condescended to the ignorance of Samaritan woman, 117; our salvation His meat, 119; leads on the disciples to enquire, ib.; acknowledged to be the true Saviour by the Samaritans, 123; avoided His own country, not to increase its guilt, ib.; most received by those most under reproach, ib.; goes again to Cana to confirm the believers there, ib.; first object of His miracles to save souls, 124; why attended the feasts, 125; rewarded perseverance in the paralytic at Bethesda, 126; did not require faith before sight from strangers, 129; His reasons for concealing Himself, 130; used different modes of defense, ib.; why dwelt on the sins of some whom He cured, not of others, 132; claimed not the merit of His own cure, 132; showed His Omniscience in His words to the paralytic, ib.; defends His healing on the Sabbath by revealing His Equality with the Father, 133; appealed at need now to His Humanity, now to His Deity, ib.; did really make Himself equal to the Father, 134, 152; had shown it by breaking the sabbath, 133, 145; has power to act, but not apart from the Father, 134; used lower expressions of His Deity to persuade the indisposed, 135; but joined with them such as imply His Godhead, 136; differs from the Father only in His Sonship, 137; His Equality with God proved by His being Judge, ib.; used lower expressions of Himself to conciliate the Jews, ib.; but the higher to guard us from heresy, 138; His honor connected with His Father's essentially, ib.; why spoke of being "sent," 139; His condescension led men to receive the higher doctrines, ib.; appeal to his raising the dead, ib.; why spoke much of the Judgment, ib.; to be Judge, because Son of God, 140; His care in propounding the Judgment and the Resurrection, 140, 141; confirms His future predictions by His past, 140; shows His agreement with the Jewish Prophets, 141; His unanimity and identity with the Father, ib.; His Will and the Father's one, ib.; addressed His words to men's suspicions, ib.; proves His justice, speaking humanly, from His self-denial, ib.; did not remind of sin, but blotted it out, 142; His witness of Himself, in what senses, true and not true, 143; replies to the secret objections of the Jews, 144; His threefold witness, ib.; refutes the Jews by their own faith in John, ib.; yet inconstancy to him, 145; the witness of His works, ib.; His doctrine of the Deity, 146; appeals to the witness of Scripture, ib.; His commands, and mammon's, 147; His motive for reasoning with the Jews was to save them, 148; rejected for Antichrist, ib.; why spoke not clearly of Antichrist, 149; appealed to God's witness in that of Moses, ib.; why told not in what place Moses prophesied of Him, ib.; avoided contention, 150; teaches us to retire from the bustle of life, 151; showed His freedom from the Law, by absenting Himself from a Passover, ib.; His diligence in instructing the disciples, ib.; His preparation for His miracles, ib.; why He employed things created in His miracles, 152, 153; gave thanks for our example, and to show His submission to God, 153; why performed His greater miracles without, His lesser with, prayer, ib.; by fleeing from the multitude, teacheth contempt of the world, 154; why left the disciples alone, 155; showed His Power on the sea, but only for a moment, ib.; why repeated His miracles, ib.; several reasons for what He did on the sea, 156; His passage of the sea superior to that of Moses, 156; His timely severity, 157; really requires good works, 158; rebuked inattention in Martha, ib.; "sealed," that is, certified by the Father, 159; referred unbelievers to the Father, 160; in what sense the Bread of Life, 161; His Will one with the Father's, 162; declared not His Birth to unbelievers, 164, 165; His "Drawing" implies man's coming, 164; spoke mysteriously of His Flesh to rouse attention, 165; taught in synagogues, to show His agreement with Jehovah, 169; eating His Flesh, how a hard saying, ib.; how detained the Twelve, 170; His wisdom in reproving Judas secretly, 171; would not flatter the Twelve, ib.; proved His Godhead and Manhood now in seeking, now in avoiding, the Jews, 173; unbelief and envy of His brethren, ib.; why He went up to Jerusalem secretly, 174, 176; His foreknowledge of His time, 175; acted as a man, to prove His Incarnatian, and to train others, 176; the power of His teaching, 177; His doctrine, His and not His, because one with the Father's, 177; used lowly expressions of Himself, not to offend the Jews, 178; declared His Equality to show His agreement with the Father, ib.; His prudence and humility in reasoning with the Jews from the Law, 179; rebukes the Jews, both by their ignorance and by their knowledge, 181, 188; foreshoweth His death, 182; His foreknowledge of the Jews' vain repentance, ib.; referred to the Scriptures, 183; answered not the careless, 185; how the Light of the World, 187; judgeth not yet, 188; began to speak boldly, ib.; of the same substance with, and equal to, the Father, 189; His hour, that is, His Crucifixion, was of His own appointing, 190; manifested to the Jews after His Passion, 191; why He forbore judging the Pharisees, ib.; makes Himself known in punishment, ib.; condescended, that men might believe, 192; benefit of meditating on His humble birth and education, ib.; sought not to triumph in argument, but to save, 194; relaxes the Law, ib.; signified His Power by "His Father's House," ib.; showed most boldness after miracles, 195; one with the Father in Power, Substance, and Truth, 194, 195; love of, the proof of our knowing God, 196; His care to show His own power in healing the blind man, 204; why always retired after miracles, 204; defended by the blind man, 210; His meekness in praying for His murderers, 219; His mercy in receiving sinners, an example to us, 221; delivered men from prison, ib.; His washing men's feet was to set an example of mercy, ib.; why abode in Judea towards His Passion, 222; His meekness in replying to malicious questions, 223; His works His chief and sufficient witness, ib.; His Hand and His Flock, one with the Father's, ib.; His coequality in Power, 224; delayed doing, to show the truth of, His miracle, 227; His care to clear it from suspicion, 228; His condescension, to raise men's faith, 229; His love of Lazarus, 231; why would not raise Lazarus from a distance, 223; spoke for men's salvation, not His own honor, 236; condescended in preaching, not to give offense, ib.; declared His Generation from, and Equality with, the Father, 237; His humiliation was worthy of His Divine Love, ib.; so prayed at the grave of Lazarus as to show He needed not prayer, 238; why prayed at raising Lazarus, ib.; showed His power in deeds, humility in words, ib.; identity of His Will with the Father's, ib.; His moderation in not claiming honor, 239; gave no real offense to the power of the Romans, ib.; wept for the Jews' hardness, 240; retires from Jewry, 241; His care to save Judas, 243; His royal riding into the City, 245; waited for the Jews, before He would call the Gentiles, 246; how prepared the disciples for His death and theirs, 248; His shrinking from death proved His Humanity, and fits Him to be our pattern, 249; His Victory, 250; like the Sun, will reappear shortly, 251; withdrew often, to avoid offense, and returned to declare His Power, 252; One with the Father, because seen by Isaiah, ib.; His condescension in speaking of His knowledge, 255; His care always to show Himself Inseparable from God, ib.; our pattern of suffering in the flesh, 256; His forbearance with Judas, 257; His unceasing love for "His own," ib.; taught humble-mindedness by the washing, ib.; by doing all Himself, 258; signified cleansing of the conscience by washing, 259; adopts the disciples' confession of Him, 260; shames our pride, by washing the feet of Judas, ib.; taught patience with servants, by His own with Judas, 261; His full knowledge of His coming Passion, ib.; strove for Judas to the end, 262; comforts the disciples, 263; was "troubled" on account of Judas, ib.; did not expose him openly, 265; His care for the poor, and His own poverty, ib.; His Glory at, and after, the Crucifixion, ib.; why He discoursed after the Supper, 266; comforted the disciples with the New Commandment, 266, 272; by promises of Heaven, 268; by reading their hearts, ib.; how the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 269; His independent authority to be followed by self-mortification, 273; left us free to practice or not virginity, but required almsgiving, ib.; present with His disciples by the Spirit, 275; His presence not visionary, 276; promised to the obedient, ib.; His foreknowledge of His Passion, ib.; His speaking to men's thoughts, 277; His readiness for death, ib.; familiarizes the disciples with His Passion, ib.; why discoursed of His Power in the Garden, 279; His love for man, 280; speaks at once with authority and condescension, ib.; enjoins perseverance, 281; why always exalts love, 682; His agreement with the Father, ib.; proof of His love for His disciples, ib.; His miracles without parallel, 283; thinking of Him, our support in trial, 284; His righteousness proved by His Ascension, 287; by His victory over Satan, ib.; His knowledge the same as that of the Spirit, 288; leaves the inward operations to the Spirit, 289; prepared His disciples for belief in the Spirit, ib.; by "going" showed that he would not perish, 291; alludes to His Resurrection as a birth, 291; power of His Name, 292; answers to the thoughts of the disciple, ib.; His Power shown in the manner of His expiring, 294; used prayer in temptation for our sakes, 296; teaches us to be earnest in prayer, ib.; His Freedom and Glory in the Crucifixion, ib.; His care to prepare them for the calling of the Gentiles, ib.; His eternal authority, 297; was to be glorified in His Human Nature, 298; His prayer for His Own, showed His love for them, 300, 303; in what sense received them from the Father, 300; glorified in the disciples as well as the Father, ib.; in what sense not in the world, 300, 301; lost none but the willful, 301; mingled explanation with command, to suit their infirmity, ib.; speaks of the future as past, 303; His great love in dying for us, 304; His last discourse summed up in love, 305; goes willingly and with pains to His Passion, 306; His prayer was a discourse for the sake of the disciples, 307; His habit of passing the night abroad, ib.; His readiness in giving up Himself, 307, 308; His Divine power over the soldiers, 307; His care to save His disciples, ib.; led to Annas by way of triumph, 308; was questioned as if seditious, 309; appealed to His enemies' witness, ib.; His, straightforwardness and care to remove every pretext, ib.; His thought for Peter, 310; ate the Passover by anticipation, ib.; His behavior before Pilate, 311; nature of His Kingdom a proof of His Deity, ib.; His humility and meekness our example, 311, 313; His longsuffering with His enemies, 313, 314; why He made no defense before Pilate, 314; never "made Himself a King" outwardly, 315; teaches to return good for evil, ib.; His care for His Mother, 318; His self-possession on the Cross, ib.; showed human weakness in the Agony, Divine power on the Cross, ib.; taught filial affection on the Cross, ib.; revealed Himself risen by His Voice, 324; would not be touched, because changed, and about to ascend, ib.; declares His superiority in honor, ib.; reason of His first reappearance to His disciples, ib.; why He bade Peace, 325; gave a foretaste of the Spirit in breathing on the disciples, ib.; His lovingkindness in the case of St. Thomas 327; His second appearance, ib.; the Spiritual nature of His Body after His Resurrection, 328; preserved the marks of Crucifixion, to persuade the disciples, ib.; many signs followed His Resurrection, ib.; appeared to the disciples only by condescension, and for short intervals, ib.; awfulness of His Form after His Rising, 329; showed greater Power in His miracles after His Rising, ib.; ate with the disciples to show Himself alive, ib.; His coming hereafter, our bliss in seeing Him then, ib.; love of Him conquers the world, 330. Christians, how sanctified, 48; duties of, high as their privileges, 50, 53; to imitate Christ by love of the brethren, 54; their duties as members one of another, 53, 54; indifference of, a stumblingblock to heathens, 61; taught by the zeal of heathens to study and to defend the truth, 62; should show their joy in Christ by works of love, 72; united only by common holiness, 89; their ingratitude towards Christ, 95; a ridicule to heathens and heretics, because ignorant of Holy Scripture, 105; inattention of, rebuked by the woman of Samaria, 110; their neglect of Holy Scripture and Christian doctrine, 114; exhorted to judge themselves, 121; must not demand miracles to support their faith, 125; to retire frequently to solitude, after the example of Christ, 151; must needs believe a Resurrection, 163; made one with Christ by partaking of Him, 166; specially bound to forgiveness of injuries, 174, 186; intended to be the teachers, leaven, salt, light of the world, 181; sin of, worse than of heathens, 250. Chrysostom, St., why varied his preaching, 79; preached two days in the week, 87; his despair of his hearers, 105; an admirer of holy virginity, 206. Church, the, wedded to God by a Voice, and teaching, 102; signified by "the true worshipers," 116; consists by the Water and the Blood, 319. Churches, no worldly thoughts to intrude there, 8; spiritual surgeries, 9; behavior in, 10; attended for form's sake: preparation for, commended, 38; weariness of the congregation, 110; good effect of attending, 192; neglect of, 210; presiding over, a great matter, 216; frequented from curiosity, 306; attendance at useless, without good works, ib. Circumcision, was before the Law, and of equal obligation, 179; performed on the sabbath, ib. City of God, compared with earthly cities, 203. Clay made by Christ, proves Him Creator, 201. Clothing, costliness in, condemned, 95. Coat, the, without seam, a type of Christ's nature, 317. Comforter, the, proved a distinct Person from the Son, but of the same Substance, 274; came not, because not needed, before Christ's Sacrifice, ib.; indwelling of, promised, ib.; so called by reason of our afflictions, 276; credible, because the Spirit of Truth, 284. Coming of Christ, means the Incarnation, 36; why said to be after the Baptist, 45; expected by St. Chrysostom, 121; its suddenness, ib. Commandments, keeping them the test of Christian love, 275, 276. Communion, of Christians, depends on holiness, 89; joins men to the Body of Christ, 166; absolute necessity of, 168; to be understood spiritually, 169. Company of wicked men dangerous and offensive, 206. Conception of the Blessed Virgin, accredited in the Old Testament, 92. Concubinage, sanctioned by heathen philosophers, 50. Condescension, lessens not greatness, 38. Confession, a way to pardon, 29; not needful to Christ, 59; best made by good works, 72; Nathanael's and Peter's contrasted, 72, 73. Conscience, cleansing of, signified by Christ washing the disciples' feet, 259; a foretaste of judgment or of reward, 333; convicted Ahab to his good, ib. Consubstantiality of the Father and the Son, 254. Consubstantiality and Condignity of the Father and the Son, 272. Contention to be avoided by Christians, after the example of Christ, 50. Continence, a higher path than married life, 318. Conversation on religious matters recommended, 10. Conversion, may be sudden, 6; of sinners by Christ, 42; efficacy of, 50; of the penitent thief, a kind of shaking the rocks, 317. Corinthian, the, adulterer recovered by timely rebuke, 130, 131. Covetousness, a hindrance to hearing the Word, 8; its power, 31; separates the brethren, 54; a betraying of Christ, 172; a subject for mourning, 240; examples of its evil effects in Judas and others, 243; the worst idolatry, ib.; begins in envy, ib.; ruins the merit of almsgiving, 270; without excuse, 273; its general spread and mischiefs, 280; spoils our charity and other virtues, 333. Created things, have had a beginning, 11; implied in "Earth" and "Man," 12; the Word proved not one of them; 12, 13; not to be worshiped, 19; not "the Life" nor "the Light," 24; acknowledged Christ their Master, 41; described as willing, because independent of our will, 91; work on the sabbath, by continuance, 133. Creation, an attribute of God, 18; lessens nothing in God, 23; was an act of grace, 49; works of, require faith as much as things spiritual, 87; superiority of the new, 88. Cross, the, a Baptism, 89; how connected with Baptism, 94; opened the door to the Gentiles, 246; God's glory in, 249; foretold by Jacob, 251; being accursed, was to prevent any future remembrance of Jesus, 315; borne by Christ as a symbol of victory, 317; buried, and discovered in after times, ib. Crucifixion, the, glory of, 42; why foretold obscurely, 94; virtue of, exceeded that of its type, the brazen serpent, ib.; the fountain of life, 95; the beginning of Grace, 184; and of Glory, ib.; the time of, ordered by Christ Himself, not the Jews, 190; the beginning of Christ's Glory, 265. Cup of the Lord's Supper, the, shown in the Blood from His Side, 319. Curiosity, in divine mysteries a device of Satan, 27; leads away from the faith without satisfying, 85; may be too much and too little, 327; condemned in St. Thomas, ib. Dæmon, of the Gnostics, 30. Dancers, preferred to Christ, 61; power of, to inflame the mind, 66; encouragement of, sinful, 154. Darkness, used for death and error, 24; for sin, ib.; caused by worldliness, 31; preferred to light, 97; by those who willfully continue in sin, 98; signifies error and sin, 188; put for sin, 277. Dead, prayers for the, 43 (note); to be honored not by mourning, but by good imitation, 231; to be clothed in almsgiving, not rich robes, 321; memory of, a benefit to the living, 322. Death, overcome by Christ, 24; the cause of victory, 293; and immortality, ib.; its awfulness to the unprepared, 306; to be neither feared nor sought, 318; the fear of, intended for a safeguard to life, 332. "Declared," hath, implies Christ's clearness in teaching, 53. Dedication, great national Feast of the, 222. Despondency, useful if leading to repentance, 286; increased by dwelling on the cause, 291; compared to childbirth, ib. Devil, the, tempts to curiosity in Divine mysteries, 28; fell by pride, 57; his versatility in attack, 79; afraid of the Bible, 114; does not make war on his own kind as malicious men, 130; flies from the mysteries, 167; called a wolf, a lion, a serpent, a dragon, 215; the works of Christ attributed to, because more than human, 219; ruler of the wicked only in the world, 277. Devils, the authors of suicide, 332. Disciples of John, some jealous of Christ, 64; two zealous in seeking him, 65; why questioned by our Lord, ib.; their question with a certain Jew, 100 (note); their jealousy of Christ's disciples, 101; vainglory of, 102; slow to believe in Jesus Christ, 104. Disciples of Christ, began to believe at Cana, 80; slow to believe the doctrines of the Resurrection and Incarnation, 82; because not at first informed by the Spirit, ib.; the more perfect, attracted by Christ's teaching, the grosser sort by His miracles, 83; object of their baptism the same as of John's, 100; moderation of, 109; their reverence for Christ, 117; their manner of discoursing with Christ, 151; their faith in sitting down without question at the miracle of the loaves, 152; their love for Christ, 155; witnessed more miracles than the people, ib.; in what sense some "went back," 170; faith of, still imperfect, 228; their fear of the Jews, ib.; understood nothing perfectly of the Resurrection, 245; still ignorant of Christ's Equality, 248; "clean," because free from Jewish error, 259; their confession of Christ, 260; taught not to contend for greatness, by the washing, ib.; gradually prepared for the Resurrection, 276, 277; understood not high doctrines until inspired, 276; their imperfect faith in Christ and the Resurrection, ib.; their courage after Pentecost, 279; how taught to rejoice in persecution, 283; credible, because eye-witnesses, 284; slow, because unwilling, to believe in His death, 291; still imperfect, though professing knowledge, 292; not taught perfectly, but assured of peace, 293; in what sense not of the world, 303; sanctified by the Word, and by the Sacrifice, ib.; their unity, through faith, 304; to be known in the world by their mutual love, ib.; their glory given by Christ, ib.; why took no part in the burial, 320; their hasty return home, 323; their mission, 325; received somewhat of grace by His breathing on them, ib.; their candor in telling all their faults, 327; returned to their trade after Christ's Resurrection, 328; knew Him not at first on the lake, 329; awe-struck by Christ's risen form, ib. Disease, produced by sin, 131. Discontent, comes of ambition, 231. Dives, judged, because not self-judging, 121; tormented because he did no actual good, 147; his impunity in life increased his punishment, 157. Divination, forbidden to the Jews, 48. Docetæ, 39 (note). Doctrine of Christ and of the Father one, 177; of men, aims at reputation, ib. Doctrines, growth of, harder than of natural seed, 62; general neglect of, condemned, 114; the higher cannot be received without faith, 115; the true, sanctify the soul, 303. Domestics, patience with, taught by Christ's with Judas, 261. Door of the fold, the Scriptures, 213. Earthly things, their fleeting nature typified in the water at Cana, 78; how said of Holy Baptism, 93, 103. Empedocles believed the Metempsychosis, 5 (note). End of the world expected by St. Chrys., 121; implied a brief period, ib. Envy, evils of, seen in the Jews, 54, 55, 122; of the Jews towards Christ, contrasted with the goodwill of the Samaritans, 122; inexcusable because not from natural passion, 130; its evils extend to all times, ib.; examples of, ib.; a war against Christ, ib.; hard to heal, ib.; of Satan ruined the world: of the Jews made them murderers of Christ, 173; of the brethren, 174; examples of its sinfulness, 199, 200. Equality of the Son with the Father, 13, 14, 22; declared to the Jews, to show Him Lord of the sabbath, 132; proved by His breaking the sabbath, 133; by His doing nothing of Himself, 135; of Christ with the Father, 199. Essence, of the Father and the Son, one, 18, 28, 254, 272; of the Son, simple, 24; the Divine, in Christ, unchanged by the Incarnation, 38; and different from His flesh, 39. Eternity, a subject difficult to contemplate, 7; of The Word, maintained, 11, 17, 27; Christ's proved by the phrase, "was in the beginning," 11, 12, 18; by His being called "Maker of the ages," 11; by His being Maker of "all things," 17; by His being "in the Bosom of the Father," 53; that of the Father involved in Christ's, 17; of Christ's manhood asserted, 53; shown in the Jewish types, 169. Evangelists begin from different points, yet agree, 16; dwell on different periods, 58; truth of, shown by their reporting matters of reproach, and by their omitting miracles, 61; conciseness of, 67, 70; omit many particulars, but not general results, 123; were careful to correct any misapprehensions about Christ, 134; their candor in relating things apparently discreditable, 173; prove the reality of Christ's death in different ways, 233; candid in confessing the disciples' ignorance, 245; their veracity argued from their many omissions, 328. Everlasting life, promised to obedience, 197. Excuses of the negligent, 38. Exhortation, duty of mutual, 172. Faith without works insufficient, 19, 27, 37, 106; the only way to apprehend things spiritual, 87, 93; required in studying things natural, 88; without works a denial of Christ, 97; in heathens come from purity of intention, 98; in Christ is faith in God, 104; need of, 115; without a sign, exemplified in the Samaritans, 123; of the nobleman of Cana, imperfect, because after the miracle, 124; of the centurion (Matt. viii. 5) more perfect, because before it, ib.; tried by affliction, 125; before sight, not required of strangers who had not seen Christ, 129; of the paralytic at Bethesda, 132; requires some greatness of soul, 162; must be founded on Holy Scripture, 184; the condition of receiving the Promises, ib.; God's work, 202; the blind man had it, ib.; Naaman had it not, ib.; produced in some Jews, by Christ's condescension, but imperfectly, 192; of the blind man in going to Siloam, 204; most needed in things invisible, 205; the truest way to glorify God, 208; steps by which it was called forth in the blind man, 212; of the lepers, ib.; with righteousness, its power, 234; triumphed in the Apostles, ib.; nothing without holiness, ib.; its object, the unseen, 327. False Christs called strangers, 214; wherein differing from the True, ib.; their evil designs, ib. Fasting, a way to pardon, 29, 142. Fatalism inconsistent with a belief in the Resurrection, 163. Father, His Eternity involved in the Son's, 17; unbegotten, 28; the manner, of His "working," 133; His witness to Christ, 146, 162; His Will one with the Son's, 165; "draweth" us, but not without our consent, 164; can not be seen by any, known only through the Son, 271; Consubstantiality of, with the Son, 272; His Greatness as the cause, hinders not the Son's Consubstantiality, 277; His union with the Son, as the Root of the Branches, 279; hated in the Son, 283. Fear of God, the, secures the soul, 193. Feast, the first and last its great days, 183. Feasts, rulers of, selected for sobriety, 78. Female sex, their superior feeling, 323. Figures used in the Gospels to give spirit and sweetness to the doctrine, 119; the latest, were the most clear, 126. Finery has no power to please long, 226. Fire, a likeness of Christ's fullness, 47; the double, of sin and of hell, 66. Firmness marks Christ as the good Shepherd, 217. Flesh of Christ, the, was of the substance of the Virgin, 91; no excuse for a carnal mind, because overcome by the Spirit, 277; examples of its subjection, 278. Following of Christ, lies in imitating His actions, 142. Foreknowledge of Christ, 170, 174. Forgiveness, how won, 29; must be shown to others, that we may receive it ourselves, 142; of injuries: Moses, Noah, Joseph, examples of, 262; its obligations on Christians, ib. Fornication, worse than idolatry, its punishment, 234; persons guilty of, warned from the Church, 235. Freedom, from sin, the only real liberty, 194; consists in having no wants: of Adam such, 298. Free-will asserted, 24, 29, 35, 36, 42; argued from the offer of Heaven and the threat of Hell, 134; shown in our learning and believing voluntarily, 162; consistent with God's "drawing," 164. Frugality, the mother of health, 79. Fullness of Christ's Grace, 2. Funerals, great folly of expense at, 321; vainglorious, ib.; moderation in, a proof of faith in the Resurrection, 322. Futurity, knowledge of, universally coveted, 288; foresight of, belongs to God only, 289. Games, attention paid to, 1, 38. Galileans, general dullness of, 70; received Christ, but after sight of miracles, 123. Garden, the, why Christ led the disciples there, 279. Generation, Christ's Eternal, to be received humbly, not enquired into, 86; the second, of men in Baptism, how superior to the natural, 88; not understood of Angels, to be taken on trust by men, ib. Gentiles, fallen state of, 32; readily accepted the Gospel, 33; first visited by Christ in passing through Samaria, 107; why called A Dispersion, 182; their morality a reproof to Christians, 186; called Children by anticipation, 241; in what sense "not of this fold," 217; their future union, ib.; shown in the ass's colt, 245; call of, began from the Cross, 246, 250; signified by "all flesh," 296; knew a Creator, not His Son, 299. Giving, grace inferior to "coming," said of the Father and the Son, implies the generation, 304, 311. Glory, of the Son, surpassing, 40; of Christ, how revealed, 41; of the Passion, 42; of heaven, 43; how given to God, 46; of Christ, how manifested at Cana, 80; to be gained by renouncing vainglory, 99; of this world and the next compared, 102; won by humility and charity, 117, 118; of this world, a slavery, 154; not mentioned in the Lord's Prayer, 157; to be won by suffering, 298; folly of losing it, for vanities, ib. Glory of God, whether the object, or the consequence of the cure of the blind men, 201; either view justified, ib. Gluttony, power of, exemplified in those who would have made Christ a King, 153. Gnostics, opinions of, 30 (note). GOD, His nature admits not number, 7; nor time, 17; impossible to be described, 28; to be named only from His operations, 7; before all, 8; incapable of suffering, 12; infinite, 17; attributes of, ascribed to the Son, 18; indefectible, 23; omnipresent, 25; unsearchable, 27; not known to all, 30; to the Son only, 52; without wants, 35; unchangeable, 39; without equal, ib.; seen by the Prophets only by His condescending to certain forms, 51; seen in His Essence only by the Son, 52; seen only in thought, ib.; makes things necessary easy, 87; the operations of, in regeneration to be taken on trust, 88; great strength of His love expressed in "So loved," 95; His mercy in appointing a day of trial, 96; to dispense with the law of the sabbath is for Him only, 133; "works," by preserving all things, ib.; said to "send" the Son because the Great Cause, 135; Christ's doctrine of His Spiritual nature, 146; in what sense "seen" by Isaiah and others, ib.; witnessed to Christ at Jordan, at the Transfiguration, in the Scriptures, 146; the fear of, the true wisdom, 150; in what sense said to "prove" men's faith, and to "search the heart," 152; allows the wicked only for a time, 157; His Providence not fully shown before the Judgment, 162; "draweth" by helping man's weakness, 164; is most glorified by our faith, 208; spoke of Himself condescendingly in the Old Testament, 237; His "hearing" Christ signified identity of will, 239; glorified by the Cross of Christ, 249; by the judgment of Satan, 250; in our obedience, ib.; known only through Christ, 271; in what sense "seen" by men, 272; His Essence invisible, ib.; receives less love and homage than some harlots, 295; glorified by man's service, and by Christ's Incarnation, 297; known only through the Son, 305; to be loved by works, ib. Godhead of Christ, indirectly declared, 201. Golden, necklaces worn by servants, 95. Golgotha, said to be Adam's place of burial, 317. Gospel, its persuasiveness a proof of its truth, 5; wide spread of, 6; read on Lord's Day and sabbath, 38; superior to the Law, 48; its offers universal, 24, 29, 36; rejected from the love of sin, 98; a charm against Satan, 114; why especially to be studied, 192. Grace, of Baptism, 36; must be guarded, ib.; fullness of, in Christ, 47; shown in the Creation, in the natural law, 49; in the Law of Moses, ib.; "given," inferior to "coming," 50; of God abounded beyond man's transgression, 90; not exhausted by use like the water of Bethesda, 126; in Christ was without, in the Apostle with, measure, 153; prevents and co-operates with men's will, 164. Greek Philosophers, mistakes of, concerning the soul and heaven, 234. Greeks, why at the Passover, 246; their devotion to their gods, and contempt of riches, a reproach to evil Christians, 316. Hand, the emblem of authority, 224. Hardening of our hearts is of our own fault, 253. Harlots, their imperious treatment of their lovers, 294, 295; their rapacity in spoiling their lovers, 330. Harvest of souls, 119; prepared by the Prophets, reaped by the Apostles, 120. Health, the daughter of Abstinence, 78. Hearers, what their disposition should be, 2, 8; why to be earnest, 2; why tranquil, 2; should prepare themselves, 3, 38; how they become confused, 8; the careless, condemned, ib.; worse than beasts, 9; should keep what they hear, 32; should not resent reproof, 40; state of, to be considered in teaching and reading Scripture, 105; should imitate the woman of Samaria, 110. Hearing and seeing, said of God, and Christ, imply their exact knowledge, 92, 103, 136, 141; the word, requires stillness, 168; a spiritual mind, 169; earnest zeal, 183; carefulness, 187; tends to reverence, 192. Heathens, conversion of, hindered by our indifference, 61; zeal of, our reproach, 62; some rejected Christianity from love of vice, 97; some virtuous but very rarely, 98; did not go to the light when it came to them, ib.; none believed but those who before wished to live well, ib.; doctrines of, weak and inconsistent, 247; conversion of, hindered by the coldness and sins of Christians, 266. Heaven, the thoughts of, should set us above the world, 293; and little affronts, 294; our real home, 293. Hell, fire of, prepared for the devil, 66; existence of, denied by some, 96; proved credible by 1 Cor. v., 131; threat of, proves human freedom, 134. Heralds of Christ's birth, 41. Heretics err, by not considering the objects of the speakers in Holy Scripture, 144; must be refuted from Holy Scripture, 149; an objection of, to Christ's answer to the Jews, 198; barred from the fold by Scripture, 213; their misinterpretation of the parable of the sheepfold, 214; denied the Resurrection on Heathen principles of the eternity of matter, 247; to be resisted by knowledge of the Scriptures, ib. Herod the Tetrarch, his troops destroyed by Aretas, 44 (note). High Priest, the, inspired for his office's sake, 241; chosen annually through corruption, ib. High Priesthood, the, trafficked and made annual under Christ, 241. Hireling, the, marks of, 215; signifies the Jewish teachers, 216. Holiness of Christians and Jews contrasted, 48; a relative term, 49; absolutely necessary to salvation, 106. Holy Ghost, the, speaks through the Scriptures, 2, 16, 22; not meant by the words "in Him was life," 21; uncreated, 22; given in Baptism, 36; His descent upon Christ was to declare Him, 59; not given in John's Baptism, 60; office of, not to teach, but to recall Christ's teaching, 83; superior to soul, in giving life, 88; performs the work of God, 91; power of, shown by the comparison of wind, ib.; His Infinity declared by John Baptist, 105; the names of "Fire," and "Water," used to express His operations, not His Essence, because possessing the qualities of both, 111; His grace may be increased, may be quenched by covetousness and cruelty, 183; largeness of, intended by the "Living Water," 184; spake by the Prophets, ib.; and triumphed in the Apostles, but not before the Crucifixion, ib.; deserted the Jews after the Passion, 241; His power in the Apostles, 277, 278; enables us to overcome the flesh, and makes men equal to Angels, 278; is "of Truth," because of the Father, 284; speaks only the words of Christ, 288; the guide to truth, ib.; could not come before the sacrifice of the Cross, ib.; His office in Holy Baptism, 289; His dignity in prophecy, not contrary to Christ's, ib.; awfulness of His gift in Ordination, 325. Honor to be sought of God, not men, 15; like wealth, most had when despised, ib.; of men, shared with harlots and dancers, 136; the greatest, gained by almsgiving, 143; not taken by Christ for Himself, 198. House-building extravagant, 203; moral deduced from, ib. "How?" the question of the weak in faith, as Sarah, 85; the cause of unbelief, 166. Human nature suffered in Christ, not the Divine, 12; of Christ taught before the Godhead, 13; taken into God, 38; the Tabernacle of David, 39; repaired by Christ, 41; requires the aid of society, 67. Human way of speaking adopted by Christ, 218; why, ib. Humility, the gain of, 106; the cause of Christ's preference for John, 117; example of in Moses, ib.; the crown of good works, 118; the truest greatness, 261; taught by Christ's behavior before Pilate, 311. "I am," force of the expression, 199. Idleness really condemned by Christ, 158; the meat which perisheth, ib. Ignorance, in St. John, a proof of inspiration, 4, & (note), 5; will be no excuse, 142; weakens the soul, 279; of some things, desirable, 281. Impatience rebuked by the paralytic at Bethesda, 126. Impossibility, arising from the Essence of God, a proof of power, 135. Incarnation, a veil of the Godhead, 26, 40; believed by Patriarchs, 30; lateness of, no objection, ib.; a "coming" of Christ, 36; the cause of our Regeneration, 38; changed not the Son's Essence, 39; a taking of the manhood into God, ib.; Christ's care to prove it, 107; because a chief point in the work of Redemption, ib.; proved by Christ's weeping, 233; by the different accounts of the Passion, ib. Ingratitude of man towards Christ, self-condemned, 95. Injury, if unavenged, recoils on the doer, 261; forgiveness of, shown in the Old Testament, 262. Injustice conspicuous in small acts of parsimony, 221. Insults, how answered by Christ, 197, 198. Intention without acts may be sinful, 306. Isaac, miraculous birth of, was to prepare for Christ's, 92; type of Christ, 198; bearing the wood, a type of Christ on the Cross, 317. Isaiah's vision, a proof of the Trinity, 253. Jacob predicted a Messiah, 116. Jacob's ladder, a type of gradual advance to Heaven, 312. Jesus, how made both Lord and Christ, 12 [see Christ]. Jews, the, blindness of, 32; cast off through pride, 33; their discontent unreasonable, ib.; abused their privileges, 34; needed a man for a teacher, 45; nominally sons of God, really servants, 48; were under Grace, but less than we, 49; their envy of the Baptist, 54; why preferred him to Christ, 55; why questioned Him, ib.; from their faith in John, ought to have believed in Christ, 56; in what sense knew not Christ, 57; why believed not after the descent of the Spirit on Jesus, 60; malice of, contrasted with the candor of Nathanael, 71; were not profited by relationship to Christ, 75; provoked to hear of Christ's Equality with God, 81; their wickedness in requiring a sign in the temple, ib.; sinned by vainglory, 98; weaned from idolatry by gradual teaching, 106; had been rejected, long before Christ, 108; their inattention contrasted with the care of the woman of Samaria, 110, 114; did not attend to the Word, and hindered others, 110; preferred to the Samaritans because purer in faith, 115; and their spiritual fathers, 116; but inferior to Christians, ib.; did not enquire to learn, but to mock, 117; their envy of the paralytic's cure, 130; their faith hindered by vainglory, 136, 148; really believed in John the Baptist, 144; but only for a season, 145; rejected God's witness to Christ, in rejecting that of the Scriptures, 146; convicted of not loving God, 148; and of excessive pride, ib.; rejected Christ for Antichrist, ib.; how to be accused by Moses, 149; their gluttony made them affected by the miracle of the loaves, 153, 157, 159; their ingratitude and hypocrisy in mentioning the Manna, 160; incredulous because disappointed of their lust, 161; fled from Christ's spiritual doctrine, 164; led astray by unlawful curiosity, 166; their rage against Christ was from fear, 176; their wickedness in wondering at, not obeying, His word, 177; subverted the Law by their conduct, 178; confuted out of the Law itself, ib.; those who saw most of Christ's miracles hated Him most, 180; their inconsistency, ib.; in what sense knew and knew not Christ, 180, 181; not really ignorant, 71, 110, 181; how sought Christ "in a little while," 181; their contempt of Gentiles, 182; their malice in pretending ignorance, 185, 188; imperfect faith of some of them, 192; carried texts of Scripture on their dress, 193; erred, because they had not the fear of God, ib.; their insensibility to the bondage of sin, ib.; were in bondage repeatedly, 194; differed from us, as servants from sons, ib.; hindered from believing, by reliance on their descent, 195; proved children of the devil, from envy and murder, ib.; contracted unlawful marriages, 196; alien from God and from Abraham, ib.; their blasphemy, that Christ had a devil, 197, 198; trust in Abraham only, 198; knew not the Father, ib.; malice of, towards the blind man at Siloam, 205, 207; labor to depreciate the miracle, ib.; subtlety and hypocrisy of their questions, 208; neither Moses' nor Christ's disciples, 209; asked questions of Christ, not to learn, but to silence Him, 222; their wickedness in rejecting the greater witness of His works, and demanding words, 223; provoked by Christ's claiming coequality with God, 224; thought to save, but ruined themselves, by slaying Christ, 239; did not escape the Romans, 241; deserted by the Spirit after the Crucifixion, ib.; their wickedness in plotting at a Passover, 242; ruined by covetousness, 243; the people believed, the rulers rejected Christ, 244; design to kill Lazarus, 245; really understood Christ's meaning, 251; but misconstrued it deliberately, ib.; still in darkness, ib.; their unbelief foretold, 252; opposed both God and Moses, in Christ, 283; their unbelief, worldly pride, ib.; absurdity of their scruple to enter Pilate's palace, 310; in what sense could not put any to death, ib.; their madness in preferring Barabbas, 313; made to confess their own downfall, 315; why wished to slay Jesus by crucifying, ib.; spoiled by success from the beginning, 316; fulfilled the prophecy unconsciously, 317; madness of, proclaimed by the Title on the Cross, ib.; their obduracy to the last, 319. John Baptist, St., spoke as sent from God, 25; why sent to witness to Christ, 26; inferior to Christ, ib.; confessed his inferiority, 45; reverenced by the Jews, 44; praised by Josephus, ib.;, taught from heaven, 45; prepared the Jews for Christ by degrees, ib.; how "after" Christ, ib.; in externals superior to Christ, 55; preferred to Christ by the Jews, ib.; why questioned by the Jews, ib.; in his confessing Christ, replied to their secret thoughts, 56; and detected their treachery, ib.; his dignity compared to ours, 57; boldness of, 58; object of his mission inferior to Christ's, 59; gave not the Spirit in his baptism, 60; did not know Christ at first, but before His baptism, ib.; why used repetitions, 63; how brought the Bride to Christ, ib.; called the friend of the Bridegroom because present with Christ, 64; why able to preach at all hours, ib.; some disciples of, jealous of Christ, ib.; why continued to baptize all his life, 100; His death facilitated Christ's ministry, ib.; witnessed to Christ's superiority, 101, 102; called himself Christ's "friend" to disclaim jealousy, 101; his work finished as Christ's began, 102; his reserve in speaking of Christ, 105; his testimony was that of God, 144; called a torch because his light was not his own, 145; proved trustworthy by the acts of Christ, 225. John Evangelist, St., his intimacy with Christ, 1; manner of his appearing, ib.; truthfulness, 1, 36; birth and occupation, 4; unlearned, 5; instance of his plain speaking, 7; the beloved disciple, 117; does not himself relate the cause of Christ's preference, ib.; favored by St. Peter, ib.; his humility, ib.; his care to correct mistakes, 152; exactness of, 156; why omits many events between the Feasts, 173; Christ's love for him, enabled him to ask, 263; why indulged in great familiarity by Christ, 264; associated often with Peter, ib.; his forbearance and exactness in relating the betrayal, 308; in relating his own conduct and Peter's at the Palace, ib.; his modesty in speaking of his standing by the Cross, 318; honored by having the charge of Christ's mother, ib.; an eye-witness of the piercing of the side, 319; why took no part in the burial, 320; does full credit to Mary's zeal and to Peter's, 320, 321; the first to recognize Christ on the lake, as St. Peter to hasten to Him, 329; his modesty in correcting the mistake of the disciples concerning himself, 332; his reason for writing his Gospel, 333; his veracity argued by his choice of subjects, his confidence in himself, his friendship with Christ and His mother, ib. John's Gospel, St., its marvelous teaching, 5; consistency of, ib.; translations of, 6; perspicuity of, ib.; teaching of, why outlived other philosophy, ib.; style of, ib.; dwells most on doctrines, 9; why begins with Christ's eternal subsistence, 16; unlike Genesis, ascends at once to the Creator, 21; heretical reading in [ch. i. 3], ib.; leads us upwards gradually, 49; speaks most of the time before John's imprisonments, 59; most concerned with Christ's discourses, 151. Jonas, sign of, why often given, 82. Joseph, an example of forgiveness, 262. Joseph of Arimathæa, one of the Seventy Disciples, 320; buried Christ with cost and zeal, but as a mere man, ib. Josephus, relates St. John Baptist's death, 4 (note). Judas, why reproved secretly by Christ, 171; shared in the Apostles' gifts and miracles, 172; but fell by covetousness, ib.; his pretended zeal for the poor, 242; his obduracy to Christ's love, 243; cast off to Satan by giving of the sop: his hardness, 264; received a secret rebuke, 265; his wickedness after sharing the salt, and the washing, 257; was probably washed first of the disciples, 258; his insensibility, 258, 260, 262; his ingratitude, 261. Judgment, will be according to men's deserts, 96; delayed to give time for repentance, 97; will reveal men's sins to one another, 121; remembrance of, a help to virtue, 137; most attracts the obstinate hearer, 139; the doctrine of, carefully propounded by Christ and St. John, 140; its inexorable strictness, 154; thought of, a check to sin, 162, 163; of the flood, and of Sodom, 163; by appearance sinful, 179; after the flesh, is judging unjustly, 188; of Christ, and of the Father, is One, 189; in what sense the object of Christ's coming, 212; of others, to be made with mercy, 220; of ourselves, a cure for inhumanity, 221; only denied by these who fear it, 247; of men worthless, 281; the future, proved, by Christ's victory over Satan, 287. Jurymen of Antioch, often no better than the criminals, 306. Justice must be impartial to rich and poor, 179. King, splendors of a, described, 41. Kingdom of Christ, to be attained only by zeal, 196; its spiritual nature, 311. Knowledge, will not save without holiness, 106; real and nominal, 180, 181; exact, represented by sight, because the most perfect sense, 274. Knowledge of one another, of the Shepherd and His sheep, 217; of the Father and the Son, 134. Labor, imposed after the fall for discipline, 126, 127; makes virtue meritorious, 128. Lamb of God, why said of Christ, 59; name of, implied the doctrine of communion with Christ, 165 (note). Law, the, of nature, was of God's grace, 49; not greater than the sabbath or Circumcision, 179. Law of Moses, the, a gift of Grace, 49; Christ's respect for, shown in cleaning the Temple, 81; the root and groundwork of the Gospel, 116; imposed for restraint of unruly passions, 127. Law suits, full of frauds, 306. Laying down of life, belongs only to Christ, 218. Lazarus, not injured by his poverty, 96; reward of, 121; suffered no actual wrong from Dives, 147. Lazarus, of Bethany, history of, teaches resignation to sickness and death, 227; His death proved by the Jews coming, 229; by the stone, 233; by the grave clothes, and the stench, ib.; by the Jews loosing him, 239; his resurrection proved by his eating with Christ, 242; case of, attracted the people, 245. Leah, praised for her choice of her children's names, 68. "Life," why said of the Son, 7; implies His Eternity, 18; meaning of, 19; not applied to the Holy Spirit, 21; nor to created things, 22; implies providence and a resurrection, 23. Life, the present, a seed time, 90; a time of preparation for a better state, 111; eternal, in Christ, underived and original, 168; imparted to men, by partaking of His Flesh, ib.; mercifully shortened, 211; will not bear comparison with the future, 248; how far to be hated in this world, 248; desire of, natural, 249. "Light," why said of the Son, 7, 24; a name not peculiar to the Holy Spirit, 21; not sensuous, 24; came unsought by men, 98; this life described as, 202; the future life, why so called, ib. Likeness, of the Son to the Father, 14, 26, 28; of God impressed on the Baptized, 36. Lord's day, Gospels read on, 38. Lord's Prayer, the, its character wholly spiritual, 157. Love, of our neighbor, the way to life, 15; of God, to be shown by acts, not words, 35, 72; of Christ, towards man marvelous, 97; of the Father for Christ, 217; more powerful than miracles, 266; want of, a stumbling-block to the heathen, 267; in St. Peter, 257, 332; to be shown by keeping the commandments, 275; by acts, not words, 280; of God and man inseparable, 282; multiplies strength, and makes men ubiquitous, 289; the best protection to rich and poor, 290; the motive of the Solitaries, ib.; independent of place, ib.; of enemies, taught by the Passion, 315; gives much boldness towards God, 331. Luxury, the mother of diseases of the body, 78; and of the soul, 79; wretchedness of, 127; folly of, 159; cured by meditation on Christ's birth, education, and life, 192; vanity and sinfulness of, 197; hinders almsgiving, 285. Malice, the most inexcusable vice, because not from nature, 130; wounds itself and excludes from life, 142; evils of, 240; its private and public evils in the world, and in the Church, ib. Mammon, cannot be served with God, 31; a hard master, ib.; its commands contrary to Christ's, 147; service of, 215. Man, created to serve God, 215. Manes, 30 (note). Manna, tauntingly mentioned by the Jews, 160; why mysteriously, by Christ, 161. Marcion, 30 (note); his heresy on the Resurrection, 247; heresy of, refuted by Christ's care for His Mother, 318; his error, guarded against by Christ, 320. Martha, rebuked not for inhospitality but inattention, 158; unequal to her sister in faith and wisdom, 229; led on by Christ to belief in the resurrection, ib.; had no vanity in her grief, 232; had forgotten Christ's lessons, 233. Mary, St., the Virgin, her opinion of Christ, 74; her forwardness at Cana owing to maternal vanity, ib.; was saved by her own goodness, not her relation to Christ, 75. Mary Magdalene, her zeal to see Christ's Body in the tomb, 320, 323, 324; had no idea of the resurrection, 323; reward of her perseverance, in seeing Christ risen, 324. Mary, of Bethany, not the "Harlot" mentioned by St. Matthew, 227; her gravity and earnestness, ib.; her faith greater than Martha's, 229; her wisdom and affectionateness, 230; her great ardor, 232; her improvement in faith, 242. Material things only comprehended by the Jews, 213. Matthew, St., says most of John's imprisonment, 59. Meat, that perisheth, idleness, 158; that never perisheth, almsgiving, ib. Meekness, duty of, 92; taught by, Christ's answer to the Jews, 219; acquired by penitence, ib.; the first of virtues, 222; of Christ not confined to words, ib.; of Christ before Pilate, our pattern, 311. Mercy, the oil of the Christian's lamp, 46; attracts men to Christ more than power, 63; a call to repentance, 132; may be shown in words, 178, 180. Miracles, revealed Christ's glory, 41; of Christ's childhood proved false from John's ignorance, 60; and from the number and rapid fame of the true, 73; a more important testimony to Christ than John's word, 64; of turning water into wine, how evidenced, 78; Christ's care to provide sufficient testimony to, 78, 124-128; of Christ, improved on nature, 78; shown to the honest, withheld from the ill-disposed, 80; most attracted the grosser sort, 83; not to be demanded from God by the faithful, 84; their first object, to save souls, 124; addressed to unbelievers and the grosser sort, 124, 151; clearness of their testimony, 146; not all of them related in the Gospels, 151; of the loaves, performed by the Prophets, 152; some, witnessed by the disciples only, 155; of stilling the storm occurred more than once, ib.; of the loaves, was a warning to Capernaum, 156; of the manna, only a type, 160; their power with the people, 181; sight of, hardened the Pharisees, 186; when and why performed by material means, 202; their effect on the people, 205; the best and sufficient witness to Christ, 223; inferior to love, 266. Moses, his veil, 40; his love for Israel, 44; compared to Christ, 49; gave only types, 50; how far saw God, 51; highly privileged in visions, 61; his prophecy of Christ, 116; will accuse the Jews for not believing in Christ who had fulfilled his prophecy, 149; his testimony to Christ was that of God, ib.; questioned by God before a miracle, to arouse his attention to it, 151; at the Red Sea, compared with Christ on the lake, 156. Moses and Prophets, witnesses to Christ, 214; the door-keeper of the fold, ib. Money, love of, produces uncharitableness, and many sins, 330; made for use, not hoarding, ib. Mourning, indecent manner of, at Antioch, 230; excess of, condemned, 231; moderate among the old Greeks, 230; wherein honorable, 231; should be for sinners, not for the dead, ib.; for the general sin, becomes Christians, 240; for the covetous, better than for the dead, ib.; excess of, ridiculed even by the world, 322; and a sign of unbelief, ib. Mules, white, used by kings, 41. Multitudes most moved by miracles, 181; their faith imperfect, ib. Mystery, its use in exciting attention, 165. Mysteries, the, awfulness of, 167; danger of approaching of, in sin, ib. Names of God, why, many, 7; of men, anciently taken from things, 68; why given and sometimes changed by Christ, ib.; dignity and responsibility of the Christian, ib. Nathanael, his exactness and candor, 70; contrasted with the Jews, 71; showed his joy in Christ by confessing Him, ib.; his confession, why inferior to Peter's, 72; less zealous and less timid than Nicodemus, 98; a lover of truth, and learned, 185. Nazareth, why profited not by Christ's being born there, 75. Necessary things made easy by God, 87. Necessity, Christ not subject to, 76. New Commandment, how a comfort to the disciples, 266. Nicodemus, well disposed but fearful, 84, 91; received graciously by Christ, 84; and led on to enquiry, 85; desirous of instruction, ib.; perplexed by his attempts to reason, ib.; could not perceive things spiritual, 86; more zealous and more fearful than Nathanael, 98. Night, futurity described as, 202; this life, why so called, 203. Nobleman, the, in John iv. different from the centurion in Matthew, 123; an example of faith, 124; but imperfect, ib. Number, not admissible in the Deity, 7. Obedience, Christ's blessing on, 261. Obscurity, used to rivet attention, 214. Officers, the, of the Pharisees, an example of candor, and of its reward, 186, 187. Offenses, danger of causing, 206. Oil, in the lamps, said of mercy, 46 (note); of almsgiving, 82. Omnipotence, includes not the power of ceasing to be God, 39. Oracles of the heathen, not really prophetic, 68. Palestine, its scarcity of water, 77. Parable of the sower, 9, 43; laborers in the vineyard, 33; the wedding garment, 37; the sheepfold, 213-215. Paralytic of Bethesda, an example of patience under sickness, 128; of meekness, ib.; his cure different from that in St. Matthew [ix. 2] in all its circumstances, ib.; his ready faith and courage, 129; his disease was caused by sin, 131; suffered longer than he sinned, 131; Christ urged his sins to warn others, 132; his cure was of grace, not merit, ib.; his grateful return and boldness, 132; cure of, 199, 200. Parents, obedience to, how limited, 74; virtue of, aggravates the children's guilt, 75. Participation, Christ received not grace by, 47. Paschal Lamb, a type of Christ crucified, 319. Passion of Christ, the, foretold darkly, its benefits plainly, 95; voluntary, 199; a proof that His promise of life to man should be fulfilled, 217; in what sense the cause of the Father's love towards Him, ib.; proves His Resurrection, how, 218; His peculiar power shown therein, ib.; was voluntary, ib.; not commanded, but consented to by the Father, ib.; was to teach us to suffer patiently, 315. Passions, the, restraint of, not their absence, constitutes virtue, 127; are some excuse for sin, 14, 130; make us voluntary slaves, 215; only venial when natural, 278. Passover, the, when eaten by Christ, 310. Pastor, character of the true, 44; not to change places, ib. Patience, a duty of, 20; a victory, ib. Paul of Samosata, forgot Christ's Eternity, 16; madness of, 29, 59; account of, 30 (note); his reading of John v. 27, ib. Paul, St., an instance of God's longsuffering, 36; humility of, 35; spoke of the end by anticipation, 121; an example of diligence without carefulness, 158; overcame the world by his love of Christ, 330. Peace, Christ's, saves from all trouble, 276. Pearls, why the words of Scripture so called, 3. Penitent thief, his sudden change, 3, 42. People, full of folly, 14; weaker in the mass, 15; most moved by fear of punishment, 106; fickleness of, after miracles, 156. Perfection in virtue required, 146. Persecution, strengthens faith, 279; foretold by Christ, 284. Perseverance, makes us worthy to receive, 77; great example of, in the Paralytic of Bethesda, 126; enjoined by Christ, 282; its blessedness, 284. Person, God and Man, one in Christ, 39; Christ's, described sometimes from His Humanity, sometimes from His Deity, 94. Personality of the Son, 28. Peter, St., first received the faith from Andrew, 65; praised for his readiness to hear the Word, 67; change of his name, 68; his confession more perfect than Nathanael's, 72; offended because ignorant of the Resurrection, 82; his regard for John, 117; in fear for himself, because called Satan, 171; shadow of, raised a dead man, 234; his reverence in refusing the washing, 258; his vehement love in seeking it, ib.; his forbearance from asking at the Supper, 263; recovers his boldness, 267; taught self-distrust by his fall, 268; contrasted with Thomas, 269; his conduct before and after the gift of the Spirit, 308; his love of Christ seen in his approaching the palace, his fear in staying without it, ib.; his stubbornness in the denial, 309; his lethargy during Christ's examination, 309, 310; his denial related to teach self-distrust, 310; his zeal at the sepulcher outstripped St. John's, 321; his zeal at the lake, 329; as the leader of the disciples, receives the charge of the flock, 331; why thrice questioned, ib.; his martyrdom foretold, 332; appointed "teacher of the world," ib.; his loving question about John, evaded by Christ, ib. Pharaoh, an instance of reprobation, 199. Pharisees, hardened by seeing Christ's miracles, 186; reproved by the conduct of their own officers, ib.; by Nicodemus, 187; insolence of their appeal to the Scripture, ib.; ignorant, because unwilling to learn, 189; superficial followers of Christ, 213; their foolish obstinacy, 239; their folly in seeking His death, who raised the dead, ib.; their false pretenses, ib. [see Jews]. Philip, St., his thoughtfulness and ready obedience to Christ's call, 69; his brotherly love, 70; why questioned by Christ about the loaves, 151; his trial compared to Abraham's, 152; his imperfect faith the reason of his question, 271. Philosophers, follies of the ancient, 5; their uncertainty, ib.; their doctrines exploded, 6; their vainglory, ib.; more zealous against, than we for, Christ, 62. Philosophy, of Christianity profitable, 232; of the heathen failed, because it trusted to reason only, 234. Pilate, not hasty or malicious in judgment, 310; less wicked than the Jews, 311; instructed by Christ, 311, 313; desire to rescue Christ, 313; declares his innocence, 314; his fears of Christ, ib.; made no exact enquiry as to the charge of treason to Cæsar, ib.; his guilt in giving way against his conscience: his act was "allowed," not enforced, "from above," ib.; his cowardice, 315; his guilt in not enquiring, 316. Plato, his disciples' enquiries, 5; his visit to Sicily, 6; style, ib.; inconsistency, ib.; doctrine of the Deity, 7. Pleasure, of sense vain and fleeting, of labor real and lasting, 127; danger of resting in, 156. Pleasures of vice and virtue compared, 330. Poor, wiser, healthier, happier, than the rich, 79; better off than the uncharitable, 96; generally elated by prosperity, 109. Possessions, how to be turned to account, 215. Poverty, only evil here, 159; its benefits shown by examples, 281; the best estate to prepare for Heaven, 298. Power, words of, sometimes used for the will only, 252. Praise, love of, kept certain rulers from the faith, 254. Prayer, a way to pardon, 29; for the dead, 43 (note); needed, to understand the Scriptures, 72; impatience in, rebuked, 126; ours, as Christ's, should be for things spiritual, 157; not suited to God, 196; not consistent with Godhead, 239; for all mankind, 290. Preachers, to be attended to more than performers, 1, 3; must arouse the sluggish, 40. Preaching, its labor lightened by the hearer's attention, 76; reward of, not lost by the hearer's fault, 105; without holiness an offense to unbelievers, 141. Presumption, dangerous, 27; caused Adam's fall, 28. Pride, ruined the Jews, 33; evils of, 34, 54; remedies of, 34; separates the brethren, 54; why more inexcusable than other vices, 57; of Christian's shamed by Christ's washing the disciples' feet, 260. Priesthood, its dignity and danger, 326; to be honored, because in Moses' seat, ib.; their unworthiness, hinders not the effect of the Sacraments, ib.; God dispenses grace by their hands, ib. Prisons, the sobering effect of visiting, 220; contrasted with theaters, ib.; the inmates of, sometimes better than others, 221; all men were confined in, but delivered by Christ, ib.; St. Paul preached in with effect, 222. Prophecies, sometimes made unconsciously, 241. Prophecy, why more persuasive than miracles, 68; impossible to devils, ib.; addressed to particular persons by Christ, 113; of the future confirmed by the fulfillment of the past, 140; given by the mouths of evil men, 241; caused by, not the cause of the event, 252, 301; fulfillment of, in the parting of the garments, 317; in the piercing of The Side, 319. Prophets, the, quoted by the Evangelists, 44; speak of future events as past, 46; sowed for the Apostle's reaping, 120; Christ's agreement with, concerning the Judgment, 141; wrongly compared with Christ, 198; in what sense "saw" God, 271. Providence, implied in Christ being the Life, 23; not perfectly developed before the Judgment, 162. Psalms, titles of, to teach attention, 51. Public amusements supersede religious duties, 210. Punishment, a proof of God's love, 35; of those who received not Christ, 36; of the wicked for the sake of the good, 37; everlasting, 43; to be avoided by holiness only, ib.; the fear of, the most powerful motive with most men, 106; endures longer than the sin, 131; redoubled after relapse, ib.; if not sent now, will be the more heavy hereafter, ib.; brings men to virtue, more than reward, 137; delayed, but certain, 157-162; not inherited, 200; objection removed, 201. Pythagoras, his disciples' enquiries, 5; in Magna Græcia, 6; how conversed with brutes, ib.; his doctrines unprofitable, ib. "Reaping," was kept for the Apostles', 120; easier than sowing, ib. Reason, unassisted, cannot reach Divine truth, 5, 27, 87; failed to discover the nature of the soul and heaven, 234. Reasoning, human, inapplicable to God, 17; uncertain, ib.; in Divine mysteries dangerous, 86, 87; unable to penetrate things natural, 88. Regeneration in Baptism, 37; a real sonship, 48; superior to natural birth, 88; to be taken on trust as a mystery, not understood of angels, ib.; inferior to Christ's eternal birth, 91; types of, in the Old Testament, 92; doctrine of, received by faith, 93; the work of the Spirit, 126; shown in the Water from The Side, 319. Relationship, to Christ, did not profit His enemies, 75; to good men, no protection to the wicked, ib.; earthly, useless without the spiritual, 89. Repentance, its efficacy to procure pardon, 50; to avert judgment, 121; is the not doing the same again, ib.; great difficulty of, 260; a source of hope, 295. Repetitions, vain, consist in praying for vain things, 157. Reproach, to be borne patiently, after the example of Christ, 312; injures only the author, ib. Reserve, in teaching doctrine, 13, 93; of John Baptist, 105; and Paul, ib. Resurrection, the, implied in Christ, "The Life," 22; of Christ glorious, 42; witnessed by few only, 61; the great Evidence, 82; why not plainly foretold, ib.; doctrine of, most affects the obstinate, 139; a token of, in the cure of the Paralytic, 140; the general, is common to the godly and ungodly, 161; the special, for the good only, ib.; belief of, destroys, Fatalism, 163; belief in, the Essence of Christianity, ib.; confessed by devils, ib.; necessary to God's justice, ib.; the special, with, the general, without, reward, 168; of Christ, proved by his death, 218; the doctrine of, concerned in the raising of Lazarus, 232; truth of, proved by the Apostles' acts, 234; shown in the growth of seed, 246; moral argument for, ib.; denied by heretics on heathen principles, 247; foretold in Jacob's prophecy, 251; compared to birth, 291; Christ's, alluded to in "a man born into the world," ib.; the beginning of knowledge, 292; various proofs of, in the burial-place, embalming, position of the clothes, 320, 321; why first made known to Mary Magdalene, 323. Retirement, frequently recommended by the example of Christ, 151; its spiritual blessings, 225. Return, what, to be made to Christ, 40. Reverence, promoted by merely hearing the Word, 192. Revenge, the best is to return good for evil, 261; of what sort to be employed by Christians, 185. Reward of the true pastors, 43. Riches, transitory nature of, here, 57; how to be made lasting, 58; the thorn of the humble, 86; vanity of, 118; only good here, 159; abuse of, a betraying of Christ, 172; dangerous to the soul, 244; love of, hinders faith, 254; their end is to be used, not hoarded, nor abused, 69, 299; the earthly to be despised for the heavenly, 301. Robber, the, compared with the Shepherd, 213; is he that useth not the Scriptures, ib. Romans, the, danger from, a mere pretense of the Pharisees, 239. Rulers, the, some believed in Christ, 205; in general, believed not, 214. Sabbath, the, Gospels appointed to be read on, 38; breach of, how the keeping of the Law, 179. Sabellians, denied the Personality of the Son, 28, 138. Sabellius, separated the Father and the Son, 271; his life and doctrine, 274 (note); doctrine of, refuted by Christ's indwelling in His disciples, 303. Sacraments of the Jews, types of ours, 48; of the Lord's Body and Blood, unites us with Christ, 166; its usefulness, 167. Sacrifice, mercy preferred to, 46; sin of making, with the fruits of injustice, 270. Saints, their merits no help to the sinner, 175; the glory of, will consist in reflecting that of the Son, 304. Salvation, signified by the names of "Christ's meat," the "field," the "harvest," 119. Samaria, the woman of, an example of a soul healed by Christ, 42; encouraged by Christ's appearance to approach Him, 45; converted by prophecy, 68; her considerateness, 109; more reverent than Nicodemus, 110; more attentive to the Word than the Jews, ib.; her patience in listening, a reproach to Christian congregations, ib.; bolder than Nicodemus, in bringing others to Christ, 112; her candor in judgment, 112; her meekness in bearing reproof, 113; her desire to learn, 117; her zeal for her countrymen, 118; her prudence, ib.; in faith superior to those Jews who would have Manna from Christ, 161; doubted, but with humility, 198; a sinner, but received by Christ, 221. Samaritans, the, visited by Christ, but only in passing, 107; origin and history of, ib.; only received the works of Moses, 108; hated by the Jews, ib.; their call not intended by Christ, but deserved by their zeal, 109; inferior to the Jews in purity of faith, 115; received all from the Jews, 116; why expected a Messiah, ib.; their reception of Christ, and candor in hearing Him, rewarded by the gift of faith, 122; praised for believing without miracles, after teaching only, 123, 125; name of, a term of reproach against Christ, 197. Sanctification, of the Jews only negative, of Christians positive, 48. Satan, cast down by Christ's death, because not deserved by sin, 250. Scribes, the robbers of the fold, 213. Scripture, Holy, its elevating power, 1, 4, 7, 8; its taming power, 10; its inspiration, 2, 4; safeguard of the soul, 11; publicly read, 38; mystery of, meant to excite our attention, 51; the food and medicine of the languid soul, 66; needs careful study, 72; its preaching varied to include all, 80; why imputes a will to things without life, 91; significant in every word, 95; copies of, to be studied, not shown, 114; deters Devils from approaching, ib.; draw down the Spirit, ib.; general ignorance of, ib.; no part of, to be passed over, 125; its universal use, 128; its humility in expression, intended to excite attention, 142; requires care to clear its obscurity, as gold in the mine, 143; contradictions of, only apparent, ib.; what cautions to be observed in its interpretation, 144; speaks to the majority, 164; a charm for anger, 175; has said nothing in vain, 180; requires exact search, 207; the only means to refute heresy, 247; uses the same words in different senses of God and men, 275; qualifications necessary for understanding it, 301; neglect of, the cause of our little wisdom, 316; and of our unfruitfulness, ib.; duty and benefits of searching it, 333. Sea, an inadequate type of Christ's fullness, 47. Seal, implies testimony to that which is sealed, 159. Self-judgment, the only way to escape God's, 120-142. Separation from the wicked, sometimes necessary, 154, 206. Sermon, Christ's, after the Supper, was to comfort the Disciples, 266; recalled, to their minds afterwards by the Spirit, 265. Servants, to be rebuked without clamor, 92; how far different from sons, 194. Severity, use of, in rousing the dull, 157. Shame, is for the insulter, not the insulted, 24. Shepherd, distinguished from the robber, 213, 214; layeth down his life, 215. Sight, the most trustworthy sense, 92; applied to Christ and God, means exact knowledge, 104, 137; said of God, signifies intellectual perception, 269. Signs, why refused to the Jews, 81, 84; of Jonas, why often used by Christ, 82; asking for, a practice of tempters, 84; not for the faithful, but heathens, ib. Sin, its blindness, 24; misery, ib.; madness, 25; shamefulness, ib.; ways to put away, 29; a fire, 66; after Baptism, not unpardonable, 96; of all will be revealed to all in the Judgment, 121; buried in Baptism, ib.; more excusable when from natural passion, 130; punished both in body and soul, 131; how affected by blindness, 213; its filthiness, 189; to be put away only by Holy Baptism, 190; the greatest bondage, ib.; only to be removed by God, 194; freedom from, the only real liberty, ib.; worse in Christians than Heathens, 250; cleansed in Baptism, and by alms, 270; its offensiveness, ib. Sin before birth, not possible, 200. Sinfulness, in what sense attributed to the blind man and his parents, 200. Sloth, its danger, 29; is of willfulness, 62. Society, a remedy for human weakness, 67. Son of God, Christ and man differently so called, 11; not greater than the Father, 13; declared equal with the Father, 14, 52, 53; not "younger" than the Father, 17; of the same Essence 18, 53; Infinite, 18; has attributes of Godhead ascribed to Him, 18, 24; personality of, 28; begotten, ib.; left not heaven to be made man, 36; alone of all hath seen God in His Essence, 52; coeternal with the Father, 53; addressed in the words, "Let us make man," 116; independence of, 189; to be glorified by works, not words only, ib.; His identity of Power and Essence with the Father, 224; only different in being a Son, ib.; seeing and believing on Him is seeing and believing on the Father, 254; the True God equally with the Father, 297; why called the Messenger, 299; His agreement with the Father, 299, 300; His glory from the Eternal Generation, 304, 311; His agreement with the Father proved by His pre-existence, 305. Sonship, of Christians real, of Jews nominal, 44; of Christ implied in the word "Sent," 138; and in "hath given," 139. Sophists, their rhetorical displays, 1; their inflated style condemned by Socrates, 6. Sorrow, its use in calming the passions, 219; immoderate, brings death, 286. Soul, weakened by earthly passions, 8, 31; being one cannot contain many desires at once, 8, 31; when unmoved by externals, 11; its own mistress, 42; healed by Christ, ib.; culture of, more difficult than of the earth, 62; how may recover its appetite of spiritual food, 66; its diseases produced by luxury, 79; is invisible, yet most exposed to attack, ib.; real though invisible, 88, 91; how inferior to spirit, 88; chastised through the body, 131; but secured by the fear of God, 193; darkened by grief, 230; how best adorned, 256. Sowing, the, was done by the Prophets, 120; harder than the reaping, ib. Spectacle of the spiritual combat to be seen in Holy Scripture, 114; of heathen theaters to be avoided, ib. Spirit, the Holy [see Holy Ghost]. Spiritual life, its pleasures, 295. Spiritual sight is within the mind, 170. Spiritual things, superior to worldly, 8; should occupy part of our time, 10; objects of faith, not reason, 27, 87; perfection of, immediate, 90; real though invisible, 91; the substance and end of things temporal, 156; folly of losing them for things temporal, 159. Spoilers of the flock, either active or passive, 217. State, love of, makes men depend on their slaves, 298. Stoning, why avoided rather than prevented by Christ, 199. Success, its intoxicating effect upon the careless, 316. Suffering for Christ's sake rewarded, 212; the clearest witness of Christ's truth, 217; and of St. Paul's, ib.; an offense, but wrongly, to weak Christians, 227; for Christ's sake enjoined, 284. Tabernacle of David, Christ's human nature, 39. Teachers should speak with certainty, 7; and a little at a time, 16; like builders, 27. Temporal blessings given us as we can bear them, 15. Testimony, facts the best, 49. "Testimony of two," how applicable to God, 188; of man, when credible, 189. That, expresses the consequence, not the final cause, 227. Theaters, indecency of, 3; to be avoided, 4; corrupting tendency of, 66; corrupt their inmates more than prisons, 220. Thomas, St., his fear before, exceeded by his courage after, the Crucifixion, 228; condemned for vain curiosity, 327; his doubt was from unbelief, ib.; after receiving the Gift, perfect in faith, ib. Thieves, the, did not obscure the Glory of the Cross, 317. Threatenings of God, their use, 37. Time disregarded in prophecies, 46; waste of, in idle talkers condemned, 66; "fullness of," in what sense said of the age of St. Paul, 121; shortness of, urged, 172; waste of, a sin and folly, 211. Title on the Cross, a shame to the Jews, 317. Titles of Christ (Shepherd, Door, &c.), their significance, 214. Transmigration of souls asserted by the ancients, 5; by Plato, 7. Trinity, the, the same expressions applied to each Person, 23; proved by Isaiah's vision, 252; Three Persons of, distinct, yet equal, 289; Baptism, the common work of, ib.; Will of, one, ib.; Equality of the Three Persons, 325; concurred in the call of the Apostles, 326. Truth, seen in Christ's fulfillment of the types, 50; boldness of, 99; rewards honest enquirers, 122; its power with candid hearers, 186; made illustrious by opposition, 207; the kindness of speaking it in season, 287. Twelve, the, how detained by Christ, 170; their affection for Him, 171; they admit the Resurrection, ib. Types of the Law, their relation to realities, 48; how fulfilled in Christ's acts, 50; became clearer and nobler as the Antitypes approached, 126. Unbelief, a transgression of God's Will, 120; arises from unlawful curiosity, 166. Unbelievers, condemned already, because under sentence, 97; punishment of, certain, ib.; to be judged by God's word, 255. Uncharitable, the, shamed by infidels, 305; their manifold extravagancies, ib. Union, of the Father and the Son, essential: of Christ and Christians, spiritual, 275. Universal, warnings most acceptable, 106. Universality, of Gospel offers, 24, 29, 36. Vainglory, tyranny of, 14, 30; meanness of, 14; evil effects of, 15; worse than fornication, 98; ruined the Jews, ib.; the source of avarice and passion, ib.; of John's disciples, 102; its evils, and examples of, ib.; hard to tame, ib.; hindered belief in the Jews, 136; folly and danger of, 103, 136; hinders faith, 254, 255; leads to domestic show and expense, 256. Valentinus, 30 (note); his heresy on the Resurrection, 247. Vinegar, offered to Christ in mockery, as to a criminal, 319. Virgin, the study of her history profitable, 192; rebuked by Christ at Cana, cared for on the Cross, 318; why entrusted to the beloved disciple, ib. Virtue, has no merit without labor, 127; the true wisdom, 150; hated by the world as reflecting on itself, 302. Vision, the beatific, 43; of the Divine Presence, not granted to all, 61. Voice, from Heaven, was to persuade the disciples, 249. "Was," twofold use of the word in Holy Scripture, 12. Watchfulness, need of, against Satan, 79. Water, at Cana, a type of worldly minds, 78; a medium between air and earth, 88; why used in Holy Baptism, 89; virtue of, in Holy Baptism, 90; "living," when from a spring, 112; a type under the Law, 126; useless without the Spirit, ib. Waterpots, at Cana, why expressly mentioned by St. John, 77. Water and the blood, the life of the Church, 319. Wedding garment, a holy life, 37. Weeping of Christ proves His true humanity, 233. Wickedness, extreme folly of, 150. Widows, cared for by Christ, because unprotected, 259. Will, the, must be earnest, 3; free to learn and believe or not, 162; of Christ and the Father, one, ib. Willful continuance in sin, the cause why men come not to the light, 98. Wind, a fit type of the Spirit, because lighter than solid bodies, 91; real though invisible; ib. Wine, at Cana, a type of strength of mind, 78. Wisdom, true, consists in despising present vanities, 261. Women, should keep at home, 225; examples of their power for good or evil, ib.; best adorned by modesty, piety, and economy, 226; the poor, reproved for indecency: the rich, for vanity, in mourning, 230; sought new husbands by showing much grief for the old, 231; exhorted to almsgiving instead of dress and ornament, 256; to edify their husbands, ib.; boldness of, in standing by the Cross, 318; in coming to the tomb before the Disciples, 323. Word, the, why mentioned first by St. John, 7; twofold meaning of, ib.; eternal Sonship of, 11; coeternal with the Father, 17; how "with God," 12; how in the world, 17; the Creator of all, 21; the true Life, ib.; and Light, 22; why said to have been "made flesh," 39; will judge unbelievers, 254; cleanses the Church, 303. Word of God, means often commands or prophecies, 16; to hear it, the first duty of all, 65; toil of preaching, how lightened, 76; spoken to all in general, but must be applied particularly by each, 79; minute significance of, 95. Work, in Paradise, was without labor, 125 (note). Works, earnestness to be shown in, 3; must be added to faith, 19, 27; necessary after Baptism, 37; should correspond with our privileges, 42; the only safety, 43; set forth God's glory, 46; of love the best confession, 72; of others, will not assist us, 75; to win forgiveness, 142; of the Father, works of Christ, 202; proper time for working, ib.; evidence of, required by the world, 267; absolute need of, 273. World, what, 30; ignorant of God, 31; love of, cause of darkness, ib.; fleeting nature of, 78; love of, an insult to Christ, 111; approaching end of, conjectured from wars, earthquakes, &c., 121; love of, universal, 136; danger of living for, ib.; the danger of resting in its pleasures, 157; to be given up for heaven, 196; signifies the wicked, 266, 274; how "convinced" by the Spirit, 287; conquered by despising it, 293; in Holy Scripture signifies either the creation, or the wicked, 245. Worldly men, like children, admire vain shows the most, 301; hate virtue as opposed to themselves, 302. Worship, doctrine of, first given to the Samaritan woman, 115; of the Jews purer than of the Samaritans, ib.; yet only a type of the true, 116; which is universal and spiritual, ib. Zeal of John's two disciples in visiting Christ, 64; of Christ for the Temple was to conciliate the Jews, 81; necessity of, 118; shown in the Samaritan woman, ib. Zenobia, 30 (note).
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