PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() HENRY THE EIGHTHPICTURE: King Henry the Eighth in Council NOTES SUMMARILY COLLECTED AND REPEATED OF THINGS DONE IN THE TIME OF KING HENRY VII As touching the civil state and administration of the commonwealth, and likewise of the state of the church under the reign of king Henry VII; how he entered first into possession of the crown; how the two houses of York and Lancaster were in him conjoined through marriage with Elizabeth, the eldest daughter to king Edward IV, by the prudent counsel of John Morton, then bishop of Ely, after archbishop of Canterbury, and cardinal; how long the said king reigned, and what persecution was in his time for lack of search and knowledge of God’s word, both in the diocese of Lincoln under bishop Smith (who was erector of the house of Brazennose in Oxford), as also in the diocese of Coventry, and other places more: and further, what punishment and alteration God commonly sendeth upon cities and realms public, for neglecting the safety of his flock, sufficiently in the former book hath been already specified; wherein many things more amply might have been added, incident in the reign of this prince, which we have for brevity pretermitted. For he that studieth to comprehend in story all things which the common course and use of life may offer to the writer, may sooner find matter to occupy himself, than to profit others. Otherwise I might have inferred mention of the seditious tumult of Perkin Warbeck, with his retinue, A.D. 1494, also of Blackheath field by the blacksmith, A.D. 1496. I might also have recited the glorious commendation of George Lily 2 in his Latin chronicle, testifying of king Henry VII, how he sent three solemn orators to pope Julius II, to yield his obedience to the see of Rome, A.D. 1506; and likewise how pope Alexander VI, Pius III, and Julius II, sent to the said king Henry VII, three sundry famous ambassadors, with three swords and three caps of maintenance, electing and admitting him to be the chief defender of the faith: the commendation of which fact, how glorious it is in the eyes of George Lily and Fabian, that I leave to them. This I suppose, that when king Henry sent to pope Julius three orators with obedience, if he had sent him three thousand harque-bussiers to furnish his field against the French king fighting at Ravenna, he had pleased pope Julius much better. If George Lily had been disposed to illustrate his story with notes, this had been more worthy the noting, how Ludovic XII, the French king, calling his parliament, moved this question against pope Julius, whether a pope might invade any prince by warlike force without cause, and whether the prince might withdraw his obedience from that pope or not? And it was concluded in the same parliament with the king, against the pope. 3 Also it was concluded the same time (which was in the reign of this king Henry VII), that the Pragmatical Sanction 4 should be received in full force and effect through all the realm of France. And forasmuch as we are fallen into the mention of George Lily, this in him is to be found not unworthy noting, how, after the burning of Thomas Noris above mentioned, 5 at the city of Norwich, the same year followed such a fire in Norwich, that the whole city well near was therewith consumed. Like as also after the burning of the aforesaid good aged father in Smithfield the same year, A.D. 1500, we read in the chronicle of Fabian, that a great plague fell upon the city of London, to the great destruction of the inhabitants thereof: wherein again is to be noted, as is aforesaid, that according to the state of the church the disposition of the commonwealth commonly is guided, either to be with adversity afflicted, or else in prosperity to flourish. But after these notes of king Henry VII, now to the story of king Henry VIII This king Henry VII, finishing his course in the year abovesaid, which was 1509, had, by Elizabeth his wife abovenamed, four men-children, and of women-children as many; of whom three only survived, to wit, prince Henry, lady Margaret, and lady Mary: of whom, king Henry VIII succeeded his father; lady Margaret was married to James IV, king of Scots; lady Mary was affianced to Charles king of Castile. Not long before the death of king Henry, prince Arthur his eldest son had espoused lady Katharine, daughter to Ferdinand, being of the age of fifteen years, and she about the age of seventeen; and shortly after his marriage, within five months he departed at Ludlow, and was buried at Worcester. After his decease, the succession of the crown fell next to king Henry VIII, who, being of the age of eighteen years, entered his reign A.D. 1509, and shortly after married with the aforesaid Katharine, his late brother prince Arthur’s wife, to the end that her dowry, being great, should not be transported out of the land; in the which his marriage (being more politic than scripture-like), he was dispensed with by pope Julius, at the request of Ferdinand her father. The reign of this king continued with great nobleness and fame the space of thirty-eight years; during whose time and reign was great alteration of things, as well to the civil state of the realm, as especially to the state ecclesiastical and matters of the church, appertaining. For by him was exiled and abolished out of the realm the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, idolatry and superstition somewhat repressed, images and pilgrimages defaced, abbeys and monasteries pulled down, sects of religion rooted out, Scriptures reduced to the knowledge of the vulgar tongue, and the state of the church and religion redressed. Concerning all which things, in the process of the volumes here following, we will endeavor (Christ willing) particularly and in order to discourse; after that first, we shall comprehend a few matters, which, within the beginning of his reign, are to be noted and collected: where (leaving off to write of Empson and Dudley, who, in the time of king Henry VII, being great doers in executing the penal laws over the people at that time, and purchasing thereby more malice than lands, with that which they had gotten, were, shortly after the entering of this king, beheaded, the one a knight, the other an esquire: leaving also to intermeddle with his wars, triumphs, and other temporal affairs), we mean in these volumes principally to bestow our travail in declaration of matters concerning most chiefly the state of the church and of religion, as well in this church of England, as also of the whole church of Rome. Herein first cometh to our hands a turbulent tragedy, and a fierce contention, which long before had troubled the church, and now this present year, 1509, was renewed afresh between two certain orders of Begging Friars, to wit, the Dominic Friars and the Franciscans, about the conception of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ. The Franciscans were they who did hold of St. Francis, and followed the rule of: his testament, commonly called Gray Friars or Minorites. Their opinion was this, that the Virgin Mary, prevented by the grace of the Holy Ghost, was so sanctified, that she was never subject one moment in her conception to original sin. The Dominic Friars were those, who, holding of Dominic, were commonly called Black Friars, or preaching friars. Their opinion was this: that the Virgin Mary was conceived as all other children of Adam be; so that this privilege only belongeth to Christ, to be conceived without original sin: notwithstanding, the said blessed virgin was sanctified in her mother’s womb, and purged from her original sin, so as was John Baptist, Jeremy, or any other privileged person. This frivolous question kindling and engendering between these two sects of friars, burst out into such a flame of parts and sides-taking, that it occupied the heads and wits, schools and universities, almost through the whole church; some holding one part with Scotus, some the other part with Thomas Aquinas. The Minorites holding with Scotus their master, disputed and concluded, that she was conceived without all spot or note of original sin; and thereupon caused the feast and service of the conception of St. Mary the Virgin to be celebrated and solemnized in the church. Contrary, the Dominic friars, taking side with Aquinas, preached, that it was heresy to affirm that the blessed virgin was conceived without the guilt of original sin; and that those who did celebrate the feast of her conception, or said any masses thereof, did sin grievously and mortally. In the mean time, as this fantasy waxed hot in the church, the one side preaching against the other, came pope Sixtus IV, A.D. 1476, who, joining side with the Minorites or Franciscans, first sent forth his decree by authority apostolic, willing, ordaining, and commanding all men to solemnize this new-found feast of the conception, in holy church for evermore: offering to all men and women, who, devoutly frequenting the church, would hear mass and service from the first even-song of the said feast to the octaves of the same, as many days of pardon as pope Urban IV, and pope Martin V, did grant for hearing the service of Corpus Christi day, etc. And this decree was given and dated at Rome, A.D. 1476. Moreover the same pope, to the intent that the devotion of the people might be the more encouraged to the celebration of this conception, added a clause more to the Ave Maria, granting great indulgence and release of sins to all such as would invocate the blessed Virgin with the same addition, saying thus: “Ave Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus Christus; et benedicta sit Anna mater tua, de qua, sine macula, tua processit caro virginia. Amen.” That is, “Hail! Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ; and blessed is Anna thy mother, of whom thy virgin’s flesh hath proceeded without blot of original sin. Amen.” Wherein thou mayest note, gentle reader! for thy learning three things: First, how the pope turneth that improperly into a prayer, which properly was sent of God for a message or tidings. Secondly, how the pope addeth to the words of the Scripture, contrary to the express precept of the Lord. Thirdly, how the pope exempteth Mary the blessed Virgin, not only from the seed of Abraham and Adam, but also from the condition of a mortal creature. For if there were in her no original sin, then she bare not the image of Adam, neither did she descend of that seed, of whose seed evil proceedeth upon all men and women to condemnation; as St. Paul doth teach, Romans 5: Wherefore if she descended of that seed, then the infection of original evil must needs have proceeded unto her. If she descended not thereof, then came she not of the seed of Abraham, nor of the seed of David, etc. Again, seeing that death is the effect and stipend of sin by the doctrine of St. Paul [Romans 6], then had her flesh injury by the law, as Christ himself had, to suffer the malediction and punishment of death; and so should she never have died, if original sin had no place in her, etc. But to return unto our story: This constitution of the pope being set forth for the conception of the blessed Virgin, which was A.D. 1476, it was not long after but the said pope Sixtus, perceiving that the Dominic friars with their complices would not conform themselves hereunto, directed forth, by the authority apostolical, a bull in effect as followeth: 6 THE TENOR OF THE POPE’S BULL, FOR THE CONCEPTION OF THE VIRGIN TO BE WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIN. Whereas the holy church of Rome hath ordained a special and proper service for the public solemnizing of the feast of the conception of the blessed Virgin Mary; certain orders of the Black Friars, in their public sermons to the people in divers places, have not ceased hitherto to preach, and yet daily do, that all those who hold or affirm the said glorious Virgin to have been conceived without original sin, be heretics; and those who celebrate the service of the said her conception, or do hear the sermons of those who do so affirm, do sin grievously Also, not contented herewith, they do write and set forth books moreover maintaining their assertions, to the great offense and ruin of godly minds: We, therefore, to prevent and withstand such presumptuous and perverse assertions as have arisen, and more hereafter may arise, by such opinions and preachings aforesaid, in the minds of the faithful; by the authority apostolical, do condemn and reprove the same; and by the motion, knowledge, and authority aforesaid, decree and ordain, That the preachers of God’s word, and all other persons, of what state, degree, order, or condition soever they be, who shall presume to dare affirm, or preach to the people these aforesaid opinions and assertions to be true, or shall read, hold, or maintain any such books for true, having before intelligence hereof, shall incur thereby the sentence of excommunication, from which they shall not be absolved otherwise than by the bishop of Rome; except only in the time of death. This bull, being dated A.D. 1483, gave no little heart and encouragement to the Gray Friars Franciscan, who defended the pure conception of the holy Virgin against the Black Dominic friars, with their confederates, holding the contrary side; by the rigor of which bull, the gray order had got such a conquest of the black guard of the Dominics, that the said Dominics were compelled at length, for a perpetual memorial of the triumph, both to give to the glorious Virgin every night an anthem in praise of her conception, and also to subscribe unto their doctrine; in which doctrine these, with divers other points, be contained. 1. That blessed Mary the Virgin suffered the griefs and adversities in this life, not for any necessity inflicted for punishment of original sin, but only because she would conform herself to the imitation of Christ. 2. That the said Virgin, as she was not obliged to any punishment due for sin, as neither was Christ her Son, so she had no need of remission of sins; but instead thereof had the divine preservation of God’s help, keeping her from all sin, which grace only she needed, and also had it. 3. Item, That whereas the body of the Virgin Mary was subject to death and died; this is to be understood to come not for any penalty due for sin, but either for imitation and conformity unto Christ, or else for the natural constitution of her body, being elemental, as were the bodies of our first parents: who, if they had not tasted of the forbidden fruit, should have been preserved from death, not by nature, but by grace, and strength of other fruits and meats in Paradise: which meats because Mary had not, but did eat our common meats, therefore she died, and not for any necessity of original sin. 4. The universal proposition of St. Paul, which saith, That the Scripture hath concluded all men under sin, is to be understood thus; as speaking of all those who be not exempted by the special privilege of God, as is the blessed Virgin Mary. 5. If justification be taken for reconciliation of him that was unrighteous before, and now is made righteous; then the blessed Virgin is to be taken, not for justified by Christ, but just from her beginning by preservation. 6. If a Savior be taken for him who saveth men fallen into perdition and condemnation; so is not Christ the Savior of Mary, but is her Savior only in this respect, for sustaining her from not falling into condemnation, etc. 7. Neither did the Virgin Mary give thanks to God, nor ought so to do, for expiation of her sins, but for her conservation from case of sinning. 8. Neither did she pray to God at any time for remission of her sins, but only for the remission of other men’s sins she prayed many times, and counted their sins for hers. 9. If the blessed Virgin had deceased before the passion of her Son, God would have reposed her soul not in the place among the patriarchs, or amongst the just, but in the same most pleasant place of Paradise, where Adam and Eve were, before they transgressed. These were the doting dreams and fantasies of the Franciscans, and of other papists, commonly then holden in the schools, written in their books, preached in their sermons, taught in churches, and set forth in pictures. 9 So that the people were taught nothing else almost in the pulpits all this while, but how the Virgin Mary was conceived immaculate and holy, without original sin, and how they ought to call to her for help, whom they with special terms do call, ‘the way of mercy,’ ‘the mother of grace,’ ‘the lover of piety,’ the comforter of mankind,’ ‘ the continual intercessor for the salvation of the faithful,’ and ‘an advocate to the King her Son that never ceaseth,’ etc. 10 And although the greatest number of the school-doctors were of the contrary faction, as Peter the Lombard, Thomas Aquinas, Bernard, Bonaventure, and others; yet these new papists shifted off their objections with frivolous distinctions and blind evasions, as thus: “Peter the Lombard,” they said, “is not received nor holden in the schools as touching this article, but is rejected” Bernard, 12 although he seemeth to deny the conception of the blessed Virgin to be void of original sin, saying, that she could not be holy when she was not, and lived not: to this they answer, that albeit she was not yet in essence, yet she was holy in her conception, and before conception, in the divine prescience of God, who had chosen and pre-elected her before the worlds, to be the mother of the Lord. Again; where Bernard doth argue, that she was not without original sin conceived, because she was not conceived by the Holy Ghost: to this they answer, that the Holy Ghost may work two ways in conception; either without company of man, and so was Christ only conceived; or else with company and help of man, and thus was the blessed Virgin conceived. Bonaventure (say they) was a holy father, but he spake then after the custom and manner of his time, when the solemnity and purity of this conception was not yet decreed nor received by the public consent and authority of the church. Now, seeing the authority of the church of Rome hath established the same, it ought not to be contraried, nor can, without dangerous disobedience. In all men’s actions diligent respect of time must be had. That which bindeth not at one time, afterwards the same by law being ratified, may bind at another. Finally, for the number and multitude on the contrary side, thus they answer for themselves, as we now in these our days likewise, in defense of the truth, may well answer against the pope, and all his popish friars, turning their own weapons against themselves “Multitude,” say they, “ought not to move us; victory consisteth not in number and heaps, but in fortitude and hearts of soldiers; yea, rather fortitude and stomach cometh from heaven, and not of man. Judas Maccabeus, with a little handfull, overthrew the great army of Antiochus. Strong Samson, with a poor ass’s bone, slew a thousand Philistines. David had no more but a silly sling, and a few stones, and with these struck down terrible Goliath the giant,” 15 etc. With these and other like reasons the Gray Franciscans voided their adversaries, defending the conception of the Virgin Mary to be unblemished, and pure from all contagion of original sin. Contrariwise, the black guard of the Dominic friars, for their parts, were not all mute, but laid lustily from them again, having great authorities, and also the Scripture on their side. But yet the others, having the see apostolical with them, had the better hand, and in fine got the victory triumphantly over the others, to the high exaltation of their order. For pope Sixtus, as I said, by the authority apostolical, after he had decreed the conception-day of the Virgin perpetually to be sanctified, and also, with his terrible bull, had condemned for heretics all those who withstood the same; the Dominic friars, with authority oppressed, were driven to two inconveniences: the one was, to keep silence; the other was, to give place to their adversaries the Franciscans. Albeit, where the mouth durst not speak, yet the heart would work; and though their tongues were tied, yet their goodwill was ready by all means possible to maintain their quarrel and their estimation. Whereupon it happened the same year, A.D. 1509, after this dissension between the Dominic friars and the Franciscans, that certain of the Dominics, thinking by subtle sleight to work in the people’s heads that which they durst not achieve with open preaching, devised a certain image of the Virgin 16 so artificially wrought, that the friars, by privy gins, made it to stir, and to make gestures, to lament, to complain, to weep, to groan, and to give answers to them that asked; insomuch that the people therewith were brought in a marvelous persuasion, till at length the fraud being espied, the friars were taken, condemned, and burnt at Berne, in the year above-mentioned. In the story of John Stumsius, this story aforesaid doth partly appear: but in the registers and records of the city of Berne, the older and circumstance thereof is more fully expressed and set forth both in metre and prose, and is thus declared: In the city of Berne 18 there were certain Dominic friars 151a , to the number chiefly of four principal doers and chieftains of that order, who had inveigled a certain simple poor friar, who had newly planted himself in the cloister; whom the aforesaid friars had so infatuated with sundry superstitions, and feigned apparitions of St. Mary, St. Barbara, and St. Katharine, and with their enchantments, and imprinting, moreover, in him the wounds of St. Francis, that he believed plainly that the Virgin Mary had appeared to him, and had offered him a red host consecrated with the blood also of Christ miraculous; which blessed Virgin also had sent him to the senators of Berne, with instructions, declaring unto them from the mouth of the Virgin, that she was conceived in sin; and that the Franciscan friars were not to be credited, nor suffered in the city, who were not yet reformed from that erroneous opinion of her conception. He added moreover, that they should resort to a certain image there of the Virgin Mary (which image the friars by engines had made to sweat), and should do their worship, and make their oblations to the same, etc. This reigned device was no sooner forged by the friars, but it was as soon believed of the people; so that a great while the red-colored host was undoubtedly taken for the true body and blood of Christ, and certain colored drops thereof sent abroad to divers noble personages and states for a great relic; and that, not without great recompense. Thus the deceived people in great numbers came flocking to the image, and to the red host and colored blood, with manifold gifts and oblations. In brief, the Dominic friars so had wrought the matter, and had so swept all the fat to their own beards from the order of the Franciscans, that all the alms came to their box. The Franciscans, seeing their estimation to decay, and their kitchen to wax cold, and their paunches to be pinched, not able to abide that contumely, and being not ignorant or unacquainted with such counterfeited doings (for as the proverb saith, “It is ill, halting before a cripple”), eftsoons espied their crafty juggling, and detected their fraudulent miracles. Whereupon the four chief captains above-named were apprehended, and put to the fire, of whom the provincial of that order was one. And thus much touching the beginning and end of this tumultuous and popish tragedy, whereto evidently it may appear to the reader, how neither these turbulent friars could agree among themselves, and yet in what frivolous trifles they wrangled together. But to let these ridiculous friars pass with their trifling fantasies, most worthy to be derided of all wise men, in the mean time this is to be lamented, to behold the miserable times of the church, in which the devil kept the minds of Christ’s people so attentive, and occupied in such friarly toys, that nothing else almost was taught or heard in the church, but only the commendation and exaltation of the Virgin Mary: but of our justification by faith, of grace, and of the promises of God in Christ, of the strength of the law, of the horror of sin, of difference between the law and the gospel, of the true liberty of conscience, etc., no mention, or very little, was heard. Wherefore in this so blind a time of darkness it was much needful and requisite, that the Lord of his mercy should look upon his church, and send down his gracious reformation, which also he did: for shortly upon the same, through the gracious excitation of God, came Martin Luther, of whom the order of story now requireth that we should, and will entreat (Christ willing), after the story of Richard Hun, and a few other things premised, for the better opening of the story to follow. Mention was made sufficiently before of the doings of pope Julius, and of his warlike affairs, for which he was condemned, and not unjustly, in the council of Tours in France, A.D. 1510, and yet all this could not assuage the furious affection of this pope, but the same year he invaded the cities of Modena and Mirandola in Italy, and took them by force of war. This pope Julius not long after, A.D. 1512, refusing peace offered by Maximilian the emperor, was encountered by Louis the French king about Ravenna, upon Easter-day, where he was vanquished, and had of his army slain to the number of sixteen thousand. 19 And the year next following, A.D. 1518, this apostolical warrior, who had resigned his keys unto the river Tiber before, made an end together both of his fighting and living, after he had reigned and fought ten years. After whom succeeded next in the see of Rome, pope Leo X.; about the compass of which time great mutations and stirs began to work, as well in states temporal, as especially in the state of the church. The State and Succession of Princes 152 . PRINCES A.D. Reigned (years) Pope Leo X., in Rome 1513 Charles V, emperor of Germany 1519 Francis, king of France 1515 Henry VIII, king of England 1509 James V, king of Scotland 1514 In the time of which pope, emperor, and kings of England, France, and Scotland, great alterations, troubles, and turns of religion were wrought in the church, by the mighty operation of God’s hand, in Italy, France, Germany, England, and all Europe; such as have not been seen (although much groaned for) many hundred years before: as in further discourse of this history, Christ willing, shall more manifestly appear. But before we come to these alterations, taking the time as it lieth before us, we will first speak of Richard Hun, and certain other godly minded persons here in England, afflicted for the word of Christ’s gospel in great multitudes, as they be found and taken out of the registers of Fitzjames, bishop of London, by the faithful help and industry of R. Carket, citizen of London. THE HISTORY OF DIVERS GOOD MEN AND WOMEN, PERSECUTED FOR RELIGION IN THE CITY AND DIOCESE OF THE BISHOP OF LONDON; BRIEFLY EXTRACTED OUT OF THE REGISTERS OF RICHARD FITZJAMES Amongst and besides the great number of the faithful martyrs and professors of Christ, that constantly, in the strength of the Holy Ghost, gave their lives for the testimony of his truth, I find recorded in the register 20 of London, between the years of our Lord 1509 and 1527, the names of divers other persons, both men and women, who, in the fullness of that dark and misty time of ignorance, had also some portion of God’s good Spirit, which induced them to the knowledge of his truth and gospel, and were diversely troubled, persecuted, and imprisoned for the same. Notwithstanding by the proud, cruel, and bloody rage of the Catholic seat, and through the weakness and frailty of their own nature (not then fully strengthened in God), it was again in them for the time suppressed and kept under, as appeareth by their several abjurations made before Richard Fitzjames, then bishop of London (in his time a most cruel persecutor of Christ’s church), or else before his vicar-general, deputed for the same. And forasmuch as many of the adversaries of God’s truth have of late days disdainfully and braggingly cried out, and made demands in their public assemblies, and yet do, asking, Where this our church and religion was within these fifty or sixty years? I have thought it not altogether vain, somewhat to stop such lying crakers, both by mentioning their names, and likewise opening some of the chief and principal matters for which they were so unmercifully afflicted and molested: thereby to give to understand, as well the continuance and consent of the true church of Christ in that age, touching the chief points of our faith (though not in like perfection of knowledge and constancy in all), as also by the way something to touch what fond and frivolous matters the ignorant prelates shamed not in that time of blindness to object against the poor and simple people, accounting them as heinous and great offenses, yea, such as deserved death both of body and soul. But lest I should seem too prolix and tedious herein, I will now briefly proceed with the story, and first begin with their names, which are these: A.D. 1510 Joan Baker William Pottier John Forge Thomas Goodred Thomas Walker, alias Talbot Thomas Forge Alice Forge John Forge, their son William Cowper John Calverton John Woodrof A.D. Richard Woolman Roger Hilliar Alice Cowper Thomas Austy Joan Austy Thomas Grant John Garter Christopher Ravins Dyonise Ravins Thomas Vincent Lewis John Joan John A.D. John Webb, alias Baker A.D. John Houshold Robert Rascal A.D. Elizabeth Stanford George Brown John Wikes John Southbake Richard Butler John Samme A.D. William King Robert Durdant Henry Woolman Edmund Spilman A.D. John Higges, alias Noke, alias Johnson Henry Chambers John Higgins A.D. Thomas Egleston THE PARTICULAR EXAMINATION OF ALL THOSE ABOVE NAMED HERE FOLLOWETH To these were divers and sundry particular articles (besides the common and general sort accustomably used in such cases) privately objected; even such as they were then accused of either by their curate, or others their neighbors. And because I think it somewhat superfluous to make any large recital of all and every part of their several process, I mind therefore briefly only to touch so many of their articles as may be sufficient to induce the Christian reader to judge the sooner of the rest; being (I assure you) of no greater importance than these that follow: except that sometimes they were charged, most slanderously, with horrible and blasphemous lies against the majesty and truth of God; which as they utterly denied, so do I now for this present keep secret in silence, as well for brevity’s sake, as also somewhat to color and hide the shameless practices of that lying generation. But to our purpose. JOAN BAKER AND THIRTY-NINE OTHERS The chief objections against Joan Baker were as follows: That she would not only herself not reverence the crucifix, but had also persuaded a friend of hers, lying at the point of death, not to put any trust or confidence in the crucifix, but in God who is in heaven, who only worketh all the miracles that be done, and not the dead images, which be but stocks and stones; and therefore she was sorry that ever she had gone so often on pilgrimage to St. Savior and other idols. Also, that she did hold opinion, that the pope had no power to give pardons, and that the lady Young (who was not long before that time burned) died a true martyr of God; and therefore she wished of God, that she herself might do no worse than the said lady Young had done. Unto William Pottier, besides divers other false and slanderous articles (as that he should deny the benefit and effect of Christ’s passion) it was also alleged as under: That he should affirm there were six Gods: the first three were the holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; the fourth was a priest’s concubine being kept in his chamber; the fifth was the Devil; and the sixth, that thing that a man setteth his mind most upon. The first part of this article he utterly denied, confessing most firmly and truly, the blessed Trinity to be only one God in one unity of Deity. As to the other three he answered, that a priest delighting in his concubine, made her as his God: likewise a wicked person, persisting in his sin without repentance, made the devil his God: and lastly, he granted, that he once, hearing of certain men, who by the singing and chattering of birds would seek to know what things were to come either to themselves or others, said, That those men esteemed their birds as gods; and otherwise he spake not. Amongst the manifold and several articles objected against Thomas Goodred, Thomas Walker, Thomas Forge, Alice Forge his wife, John Forge their son, John Calverton, John Woodrof, Richard Woolman, and Roger Hilliar (as that they should speak against pilgrimages, praying unto saints, and such like), this principally was propounded: That they all denied the carnal and corporal presence of Christ’s body and blood in the sacrament of the altar; and further, had concealed and consented unto their teachers and instructors in that doctrine, and had not, according to the laws of the church, accused and presented them unto the bishop or his ordinary. Also great and heinous displeasure was conceived against Richard Woolman, for that he termed the church of Paul’s a house of thieves, alarming, that the priests and other ecclesiastical persons there were not liberal givers unto the poor (as they ought to be) but rather takers-away from them of what they could get. Likewise as Thomas Austy, Joan Austy his wife, Thomas Grant, John Garter, Christopher Ravins, Dyonise Ravins his sister, Thomas Vincent, Lewis John, Joan John his wife, and John Webb, were of one fellowship and profession of faith with divers of the last before recited; so were they almost all apprehended about one time, and chiefly burdened with one opinion of the Sacrament: which declareth evidently, that notwithstanding the dark ignorance of those corrupted times, yet God did ever in mercy open the eyes of some to behold the manifest truth, even in those things whereof the papists make now greatest vaunt, and brag of longest continuance. Furthermore, many of them were charged to have spoken against pilgrimages, and to have read and used certain English books repugning the faith of the Romish church, as the four Evangelists, Wickliff’s Wicket, a Book of the Ten Commandments of Almighty God, the Revelation of St. John, the Epistles of Paul and James, with other like, which those holy ones could never abide. And good cause why: for as darkness could never agree with light, no more can ignorance, the maintainer of that kingdom, with the true knowledge of Christ and his gospel. It was further particularly objected against Joan John, the wife of Lewis John, that (besides the premises) she learned and maintained, that God commanded no holy days to be kept, but only the Sabbath-day, and therefore she would keep none but it; nor any fasting days, affirming, that to fast from sin, was the true fast. Moreover, that she had despised the pope, his pardons and pilgrimages; insomuch that when any poor body asked an alms of her in the worship of the Lady of Walsingham, she would strait answer in contempt of the pilgrimage, “The Lady of Walsingham help thee:” and if she gave any thing unto him, she would then say, “Take this in the worship of our Lady in heaven, and let the other go.” Which declareth, that for lack of better instruction and knowledge, she yet ignorantly attributed too much honor to the true saints of God departed, though otherwise she did abhor the idolatrous worshipping of the dead images. By which example, as also by many others (for shortness’ sake at this present omitted), I have just occasion to condemn the willful subtlety of those, who, in this bright shining light of God’s truth, would yet, under color of godly remembrance, still maintain the having of images in the church, craftily excusing their idolatrous kneeling and praying unto them, by affirming, that they never worshipped the dead images, but the things that the images did represent. But if that were their only doctrine and cause of having of them, why then would their predecessors so cruelly compel these poor simple people thus openly, in their recantations, to abjure and revoke their speaking against the gross adoration of the outward images only, and not against the thing represented; which many of them (as appeareth partly by this example), in their ignorant simplicity, confessed might be worshipped? Howbeit, God be thanked (who ever in his mercy continue it!) their colorable and hypocritical excuses cannot now take such place in the hearts of the elect of God as they have clone heretofore, especially seeing the word of God doth so manifestly forbid as well the worshipping of them, as also the making or having of them for order of religion. It was alleged against William Cowper, and Alice Cowper his wife, as follows: That they had spoken against pilgrimages, and worshipping of images; but chiefly the woman, who, having her child, on a time, hurt by falling into a pit or ditch, and being earnestly persuaded by some of her ignorant neighbors to go on pilgrimage to St. Laurence for help for her child, said, That neither St. Laurence, nor any other saint could help her child, and therefore none ought to go on pilgrimage to any image made with man’s hand, but only to Almighty God; for pilgrimages were nothing worth, saving to make the priests rich. Unto John Houshold, Robert Rascal, and Elizabeth Stamford, as well the article against the sacrament of the altar was objected, as also that they had spoken against praying to saints, and had despised the authority of the bishop of Rome, and others of his clergy. But especially John Houshold was charged to have called them antichrists and fornicators, and the pope himself a strong strumpet, and a common scandal unto the world, who with his pardons had drowned in blindness all Christian realms; and that for money. Also among divers other ordinary articles propounded against George Browne, these were counted very heinous and heretical: First, that he had said, that he knew no cause why the cross should be worshipped, seeing that the same was a hurt and pain unto our Savior Christ in the time of his passion, and not any ease or pleasure; alleging for example, that if he had had a friend hanged or drowned, he would ever after have loved that gallows or water, by which his friend died, rather worse for that, than better. Another objection was, that he had erroneously, obstinately, and maliciously said (for so are their words), that the church was too rich. This matter, I may tell you, touched somewhat the quick, and therefore no marvel that they counted it erroneous and malicious; for take away their gain, and farewell their religion. They also charged him to have refused holy water to be cast about his chamber, and likewise to have spoken against priests, with other vain matters. The greatest matter wherewith they burdened John Wikes was, that he had often and of long time kept company with divers persons suspected of heresy (as they termed them), and had received them into his house, and there did suffer and hear them sundry times read erroneous and heretical books, contrary to the faith of the Romish church; and did also himself consent unto their doctrine, and had many times secretly conveyed them from the taking of such as were appointed to apprehend them. Like as the greatest number of those before-mentioned, so were also John Southake, Richard Butler, John Sam, William King, Robert Durdant, and Henry Woolman, especially charged with speaking words against the real presence of Christ’s body in the sacrament of the altar, and also against images, and the rest of the seven sacraments. Howbeit they burdened the last five persons with the reading of certain English heretical books, accounting most blasphemously the gospel of Jesus Christ, written by the four evangelists, to be of that number, as appeareth evidently by the eighth article objected by Thomas Bennet, doctor of law, chancellor and vicar-general unto Richard Fitzjames, then bishop of London, against the said Richard Butler; the very words of which article, for a more declaration of truth, I have thought good here to insert, which are these: “Also we object to you, that divers times, and especially upon a certain night. about the space of three years last past, in Robert Durdant’s house of Iver-court, near unto Staines, you erroneously and damnably read in a great book of heresy of the said Robert Durdant’s, all that same night, certain chapters of the evangelists in English, containing in them divers erroneous and damnable opinions and conclusions of heresy, in the presence of the said Robert Durdant, John Butler, Robert Carder, Jenkin Butler, William King, 1 and divers other suspected persons, of. heresy, then being present, and hearing your said erroneous lectures and opinions.” To the same effect and purpose tended the tenor of some of the articles propounded against the other four; whereby (as also by other like ones before specified) we may easily judge what reverence those, who yet will be counted the true and only church of Christ, did bear to the word and gospel of Christ; who shamed not to blaspheme the same with most horrible titles of erroneous and damnable opinions and conclusions of heresy. But why should we marvel thereat, seeing the Holy Ghost, in sundry places of the Scripture, doth declare, that in the latter days there should come such proud and cursed speakers, who shall speak lies through hypocrisy, and have their consciences marked with a hot iron? Let us therefore now thank our heavenly Father for revealing them unto us; and let us also pray him, that of his free mercies in his Son Christ Jesus, he would (if it be to his glory) either turn and mollify all such hearts, or else (for the peace and quietness of his church) he would, in his righteous judgment, take them from us. About this time Richard Fitzjames ended his life, after whose death Cuthbert Tunstall (afterwards bishop of Durham) succeeded in the see and bishopric of London; who soon, upon his first entry into the room, minding to follow rightly the footsteps of his predecessor, caused Edmund Spilman, priest, Henry Chambers, John Higgins, and Thomas Eglestone to be apprehended, and so to be examined upon sundry like articles as before are expressed; and in the end, either for fear of his cruelty, and the rigor of death, or else through hope of his flattering promises (such was their weakness), he compelled them to abjure and renounce their true professed faith touching the holy sacrament of Christ’s body and blood; which was, that Christ’s corporal body was not in the sacrament, but in heaven; and that the sacrament was a figure of his body, and not the body itself. Moreover, about the same time there were certain articles objected against John Higges, alias Noke, alias Johnson, by the said bishop’s vicar-general, amongst which were these: First, that he had affirmed, that it was as lawful for a temporal man to have two wives at once, as for a priest to have two benefices. Also, that he had in his custody a book of the four evangelists in English, and did often read therein; and that he favored the doctrines and opinions of Martin Luther, openly pronouncing, that Luther had more learning in his little finger, than all the doctors in England in their whole bodies; and that all the priests in the church were blind, and had led the people the wrong way. Likewise it was alleged against him, that he had denied purgatory, and had said, that while he was alive he would do as much for himself as he could, for after his death he thought that prayers and alms-deeds could little help him. These and such like matters were those wherewith these poor and simple men and women were chiefly charged, and as heinous heretics excommunicated, imprisoned, and at last compelled to recant: and some of them, in utter shame and reproach (besides the ordinary bearing of faggots before the cross in procession, or else at a sermon) were enjoined for a penance, as they termed it, as well to appear once every year before their ordinary, as also to wear the sign of a faggot painted upon their sleeves, or other part of their outward garment; and that, during all their lives, or so often and long as it pleased their ordinary to appoint. By which long, rigorous, and open punishing of them, they meant, as it should seem, utterly to terrify and keep back all others from the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and his gospel. But the Lord be evermore praised, what effect their wicked purposes therein have taken, these our most lightsome days of God’s glorious gospel do most joyfully declare. There were also troubled, besides these, certain others more simple and ignorant, who, having but a very small smack or taste of the truth, did yet at first (as it may seem) gladly consent unto the same; but, being apprehended, they quickly again yielded, and therefore had only assigned them for their penance, the bearing of a little candle before the cross, without any further open abjuring or recanting. Amongst these I find two especially; the one a woman called Ellen Heyer, to whom it was objected, that she had neither confessed herself unto the priest, nor yet received the sacrament of the altar by the space of four years; and notwithstanding, had yearly eaten flesh at Easter, and after, as well as others that had received the same, contrary to the usual manner and conversation of all other Christian people. The other was a man named Robert Berkeway, who (besides most wicked blasphemies against God which he utterly denied) was charged to have spoken heinous words against the pope’s holy and blessed martyr, Thomas Becket, calling him micher 2 and thief, for that he wrought by crafts and imaginations. Thus have I, as briefly as I could, summarily collected the principal articles objected against these weak, infirm, and earthy vessels; not minding hereby to excuse Or condemn them in these their fearful falls and dangerous defections: but, leaving them unto the immeasurable rich mercies of the Lord, I thought only to make manifest the insatiable bloody cruelty of the pope’s kingdom against the gospel and true church of Christ; nothing mitigating their envious rage, no, not against the very simple idiots, and that sometimes in most frivolous and irreligious cases. But now, leaving to say any further herein, I will, by God’s grace, go forward with other somewhat more serious matters. THE DEATH AND MARTYRDOM OF WILLIAM SWEETING, AN JOHN BREWSTER In searching and perusing of the register, for the collection of the names and articles before recited, I find that within the compass of the same years there were also some other, who, after they had once showed themselves as frail and inconstant as the rest (being either therewith pricked in conscience, or otherwise zealously overcome with the manifest truth of God’s most sacred Word), became yet again as earnest professors of Christ as ever they were before; and for the same profession were the second time apprehended, examined, condemned, and in the end were most cruelly burned. Of this number were William Sweeting, and John Brewster, who were both burned together in Smithfield, the 18th day of October, A.D. 1511. The chief case of religion alleged against them in their articles, was their faith concerning the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood, which, because it differed from the absurd, gross and Capernaitical opinion of the new schoolmen, was counted as most heinous heresy. There were other things besides objected against them, as the reading of certain forbidden books, and accompanying with such persons as were suspected of heresy. But one great and heinous offense counted amongst the rest, was their putting and leaving off the painted faggots, which they were at their first abjuring enjoined to wear as badges during their lives, or so long as it should please their ordinary to appoint, and not to leave them off upon pain of relapse, until they were dispensed withal for the same. The breach of this injunction was esteemed to be of no small weight, and yet the matter well and thoroughly considered, it seemeth by their confessions, they were both thereunto by necessity enforced. For the one, named Sweeting, being for fear of the bishop’s cruelty constrained to wander the countries to get his poor living, came at length unto Colchester, where, by the parson of the parish of Mary Magdalen, he was provoked to be the holy water clerk, and in that consideration had that infamous badge first taken away from him. The other (who was Brewster) left off his at the commandment of the comptroller of the earl of Oxford’s house, who, hiring the poor man to labor in the earl’s household business, would not suffer him, working there, to wear that counterfeit cognizance any longer: so that, as I said, necessity of living seemeth to compel both of them at first to break that injunction. And therefore, if charity had borne as great sway in the hearts of the pope’s clergy, as did cruelty, this trifle would not have been so heinously taken, as to be brought against them for an article, and cause of condemnation to death. But where tyranny once taketh place, as well all godly love, as also all human reason and duties, are quite forgotten. Well, to be short, what for the causes before recited, as also for that they had once already abjured, and yet, as they term it, fell again into relapse, they were both, as you have heard, in the end burned together in Smithfield; although the same parties, as the register recordeth, did again, before their death, fearfully forsake their former revived constancy, and submitting themselves unto the discipline of the Romish church, craved absolution from their excommunication. Howbeit, because many of the registers’ notes and records in such eases may rightly be doubted of, and so called into question, I refer the certain knowledge hereof unto the Lord (who is the trier of all truths), and the external judgment unto the godly and discreet reader: not forgetting yet by the way (if that the report should be true) upon so just an occasion, to charge that catholic clergy, and their wicked laws, with a more shameless tyranny and uncharitable cruelty than before: for if they nothing stay their bloody malice towards such as so willingly submit themselves unto their mercies; what favor may the faithful and constant professors of Christ look for at their hands? I might here also ask of them, how they follow the pitiful and loving admonition (or rather precept) of our Savior Christ (whose true and only church they so stoutly brag to be), who in Luke 17: saith, “Though thy brother sin against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn to thee, saying, It repenteth me; thou shalt forgive him.” But what go I about to allure them unto the following of the rule and counsel of Him, unto whose word and gospel they seem most open and utter enemies? Wherefore not purposing to stay any longer thereupon, I will leave them unto the righteous revengement of the Lord. Hereunto let us now adjoin the story of one John Browne, a good martyr of the Lord, burnt at Ashford about this fourth year of king Henry VIII153 , whose story hereunder followeth. JOHN BROWNE, MARTYR154 The occasion of the first trouble of this John Browne, was by a priest sitting in a Gravesend barge. John Browne, being at the same time in the barge, came and sat hard by him; whereupon, after certain communication, the priest asked him; “Dost thou know,” said he, “who I am? thou sittest too near me, thou sittest on my clothes.” “No, sir,” said he, “I know not what you are.” “I tell thee I am a priest.” “What, sir! are you a parson, or vicar, or a lady’s chaplain?” “No,” quoth he again, “I am a soul-priest, I sing for a soul,” saith he. “Do you so, sir?” quoth the other, “that is well done; I pray you sir,” quoth he, “where find you the soul when you go to mass?” “I cannot tell thee,” said the priest. “I pray you, where do you leave it, Sir, when the mass is done?” “I cannot tell thee,” said the priest. “Neither can you tell where you find 155 it when you go to mass, nor where you leave it when the mass is done; how can you then have the soul?” said he. “Go thy ways,” said the priest, “thou art a heretic, and I will be even with thee.” So at the landing, the priest, taking with him Walter More, and William More, two gentlemen, brethren, rode straightways to the archbishop Warham. Hereupon the said John Browne within three days after, his wife being churched the same day, and he bringing in a mess of pottage to the board to his guests, was sent for, and his feet bound under his own horse, and so brought up to Canterbury; neither his wife, nor he, nor any of his, knowing whither he went, 2 nor whither he should: and there continuing from Low-Sunday 156 , till the Friday before Whitsunday (his wife not knowing all this while where he was) he was set in the stocks overnight, and on the morrow went to death, and was burned at Ashford, A.D. 1517 157 . The same night, as he was in the stocks at Ashford, where he and his wife dwelt, his wife then hearing of him, came and sat by him all the night before he should be burned: to whom he, declaring the whole story how he was handled, showed and told, how that he could not set his feet to the ground, for they were burned to the bones; and told her, how by the two bishops, Warham and Fisher, his feet were heated upon the hot coals, and burned to the bones, “to make me,” said he, “to deny my Lord, which I will never do; for if I should deny my Lord in this world, he would hereafter deny me.” “I pray thee,” said he, “therefore, good Elizabeth! continue as thou hast begun, and bring up thy children virtuously, and in the fear of God” And so the next day, on Whitsunday even, this godly martyr was burned. Standing at the stake, this prayer he made, holding up his hands: ‘O Lord, I yield me to thy grace, Grant me mercy for my trespass; Let never the fiend my soul chase. Lord, I will bow, and thou shalt beat, Let never my soul come in hell-heat.’ Into thy hands I commend my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O Lord of truth.’ And so he ended. At the fire one Chilton, the baily-arrant, bade cast in Browne’s children also, for they would spring, said he, of his ashes. This blessed martyr, John Browne, had borne a faggot seven years before, in the days of king Henry VII. As it is the property of Satan ever to malice the prosperous estate of the saints of God, and true professors of Christ; so ceaseth he not continually to stir up his wicked members to the effectual accomplishing of that which his envious nature so greedily desireth; if not always openly by color of tyrannical laws, yet, at the leastwise, by some subtle practice of secret murder; which thing doth most plainly appear, not only in a great number of the blessed martyrs of Christ’s church, mentioned in this book, but also and especially in the discourse of this lamentable history that now I have in hand, concerning the secret and cruel murdering of Richard Hun, whose story here consequently ensueth, decerped and collected partly out of the registers of London, partly out of a bill exhibited and denounced in the parliament-house. THE STORY OF RICHARD HUN, MARTYRPICTURE: The Murder of Richard Hun There was in the year of our Lord 1514, one Richard Hun, merchant-tailor, dwelling within the city of London, and freeman of the same, who was esteemed during his life, and worthily reputed, and taken not only for a man of true dealing and good substance, but also for a good catholic man. This Richard Hun had a child at nurse in Middlesex, in the parish of St. Mary Matfilon 159 , which died; by the occasion whereof one Thomas Dryfield, clerk, being parson of the said parish, sued the said Richard Hun in the spiritual court, for a bearing-sheet, which the said Thomas Dry field claimed unjustly to have of the said Hun, for a mortuary for Stephen Hun, son of the said Richard Hun; which Stephen being at nurse in the said parish, died, being of the age of five weeks, and not above. Hun answered him again, That forasmuch as the child had no propriety in the sheet, he therefore neither would pay it, nor the other ought to have it. Whereupon the priest, moved with a covetous desire, and loath to lose his pretended right, ascited him to appear in the spiritual court, there to answer the matter: whereupon the said Richard Hun, being troubled in the spiritual court, was forced to seek counsel of the learned in the law of this land, and pursued a writ of praemunire against the said Thomas Dryfield, and others his aiders, counselors, proctors, and adherents, as by the process thereof is yet to be seen. Which when the rest of the priestly order heard of, greatly disdaining that any layman should so boldly enterprise such a matter against any of them, and fearing also, that if they should now suffer this priest to be condemned at the suit of Hun, there would be thereby ever after a liberty opened unto all others of the laity to do the like with the rest of the clergy in such like cases, they straightways, both to stop this matter, and also to be revenged of him for that he had already done, sought all means they possibly could how to entrap and bring him within the danger of their own cruel laws. And thereupon making secret and diligent inquisition, and seeking all corners they could against him, at length they found a means how to accuse him of heresy unto Richard Fitzjames then bishop of London, and so did; who (desirous to satisfy the revenging and bloody affection of his chaplains), caused him thereupon to be apprehended and committed unto prison within the Lollards’ tower at Paul’s, so that none of his friends might be suffered to come to him. Thus Richard Hun, being clapt in the Lollards’ tower, shortly after, at the earnest instigation of Dr. Horsey, the bishop’s chancellor (a man more ready to prefer the clergy’s cruel tyranny, than the truth of Christ’s gospel), was brought before the bishop at his manor of Fulham, the second day of December, in the year before mentioned, where, within his chapel, he examined him upon these articles following, collected against him by the said Homey and his accomplices: ARTICLES OBJECTED AGAINST RICHARD HUN. 1. That he had read, taught, preached, published, and obstinately defended, against the laws of Almighty God, that tithes, or paying of tithes, was never ordained to be due, saving only by the covetousness of priests. 2. Item, That he had read, taught, preached, published, and obstinately defended, that bishops and priests be the Scribes and Pharisees that did crucify Christ, and damned him to death. 3. Item, That he had read, taught, preached, etc., that bishops and priests be teachers and preachers, but no doers, neither fulfillers of the law of God; but catching, ravening, and all things taking, and nothing ministering, neither giving. 4. Item, Where and when one Joan Baker was detected and abjured of many great heresies (as it appeareth by her abjuration), the said Richard Hun said, published, taught, preached, and obstinately took upon him, saying, that he would defend her and her opinions, if it cost him five hundred marks. 5. Item, afterwards, where and when the said Joan Baker, after her abjuration, was enjoined open penance according to her demerits, the said Richard Hun said, published, taught, and obstinately did defend her, saying, ‘The bishop of London and his officers have done open wrong to the said Joan Baker, in punishing her for heresy; for her sayings and opinions be according to the laws of God: wherefore the bishop and his officers are more worthy to be punished for heresy than she is.’ 6. Item, That the said Richard Hun hath in his keeping divers English books prohibited and damned by the law; as the Apocalypse in English, epistles and gospels in English, Wickliff’s damnable works, and other books containing infinite errors, in which he hath been a long time accustomed to read, teach, and study daily. Particular answer unto these several objections in the register I find none, saving that next under them there is written in his name, with a contrary hand, these words following 160 : “As touching these articles, I have not spoken them as they be here laid; howbeit unadvisedly I have spoken words somewhat sounding to the same, for which I am sorry, and ask God mercy, and submit me to my lord’s charitable and favorable correction;” which they affirm to be written with Hun’s own hand: but how likely to truth that is, let the discreet wisdom of the reader indifferently judge by the whole sequel of this process. And further, if it were his own act, what occasion then had they so cruelly to murder him as they did? seeing he had already so willingly confessed his fault, and submitted himself to the charitable and favorable correction of the bishop (for which, even by their own law, in cases of most heinous heresy, he ought to be again received and pardoned); except perhaps they will account horrible murder to be but the bishop’s favorable correction. Again, it seems they had very few credible witnesses to prove certainly that this was his answer and handwriting; for the registrar, or some other for him, appointed to record the same, hath certified it as of hearsay from others, and not of his own proper sight and knowledge, as the words noted in the margin of the book, adjoining to the aforesaid answer, plainly do declare, which are these: “Hoc fuit scriptum manu propria Ricardi Hunne, ut dicitur.” Now if he had any sure ground to establish this certificate, I doubt not but he would, instead of “ut dicitur,” have registered the names of the assistants at the time of his examination (which he confesseth to be many), as generally they do in all their acts, especially in cases of heresy, as they term it. But how scrupulous those good fellows that spared not so shamelessly to murder him, would be to make a lie of him that was already dead, let, as I said, the indifferent judgment of the godlywise discern. This examination ended, the bishop sent him back again the same day unto the Lollards’ tower; and then, by the appointment of Dr. Horsey, his chancellor, he was colorably committed from the custody of Charles Joseph the sumner, unto John Spalding the bellringer, a man by whose simpleness in wit (though otherwise wicked) the subtle chancellor thought to bring his devilish pretended homicide the easier to pass; which most cruelly he did, by his ministers suborned, within two nights next then following accomplish, as is plainly proved hereafter, by the diligent inquiry, and final verdict of the coroner of London and his inquest, made by order of the laws in that behalf limited. But when this usual practice of the papists was once accomplished, there wanted then no secret shifts nor worldly wiles for the crafty coloring of this mischief; and therefore the next morning, after they had in the night committed this murder, Spalding (I doubt not but by the counsel of his master chancellor) gat himself out of the way into the city, and leaving the keys of the prison with one of his fellows, willed him to deliver them unto the sumner’s boy who accustomably did use to carry Hun his meat and other necessaries that he needed: thinking that the boy, first finding the prisoner dead, and hanged in such sort as they left him, they might by his relation be thought free from any suspicion of this matter. Which thing happened in the beginning almost as they wished; for the boy, the same morning (being the 4th day of December), having the keys delivered to him, accompanied with two other of the bishop’s sumners, went about ten o’clock into the prison, to serve the prisoner as he was wont to do; and when they came up, they found him hanged, with his face towards the wall. Whereupon they (astonished at this sight) gave knowledge thereof immediately unto the chancellor, being then in the church, and watching, I suppose, of purpose for such news; who forthwith got unto him certain of his colleagues, and went with them into the prison, to see that which his own wicked conscience knew full well before, as was afterwards plainly proved; although then he made a fair face to the contrary, blazing abroad among the people, by their officers and servants, that Hun had desperately hanged himself. 2 Howbeit the people having good experience as well of the honest life and godly conversation of the man, as also of the devilish malice of his adversaries the priests, judged rather, that by their procurement he was secretly murdered. Hereof arose great contention; for the bishop of London, on the one side, taking his clergy’s part, affirmed stoutly that Hun had hanged himself. The citizens again, on the other side, vehemently suspecting some secret murder, caused the coroner of London, according to law, to choose an inquest, and to the good view of the dead body, and so to try out the truth of the matter; whereby the bishop and his chaplains were then driven to extremity of shifts: and therefore, minding by some subtle show of justice to stop the months of the people, they determined that in the meanwhile, as the inquest was occupied about their charge, the bishop should for his part proceed ‘ex officio,’ in case of heresy against the dead person: supposing, most likely, that if the party were once condemned of heresy, the inquest durst not then but find him guilty of his own death, and so dearly acquit them from all the former suspicion of privy murder. This determination of theirs they did immediately put in practice, in order as followeth: First, besides the articles before mentioned, which they affirm were objected against him in his life-time, Dr. Hed did now also after his death collect certain others out of the prologue of his English Bible, remaining then in the bishop’s hands, which he diligently perused, not to learn any good thing therein, but to get thereout such matter as he thought might best serve their cursed purpose; as appeareth by the tenor of the articles, which are these: NEW ARTICLES COMMENCED AGAINST HUN AFTER HIS DEATH. 1. First, The said book damneth all holy canons, calling them ceremonies and statutes of sinful men and uncunning, and calleth the pope Satan, and Antichrist. 2. Item, It damneth the pope’s pardons, saying they be but leasings. 3. Item, The said book of Hun saith, that kings and lords, called Christian in name, and heathen in conditions, defile the sanctuary of God, bringing clerks full of covetousness, heresy, and malice, to stop God’s law, that it cannot he known, kept, and freely preached. 4. Item, The said book saith, that lords and prelates pursue full cruelly them that would teach truly and freely the law of God, and cherish them that preach sinful men’s traditions and statutes; by which he meaneth the holy canons of Christ’s church. 5. Item, That poor men and idiots have the truth of the holy Scriptures, more than a thousand prelates, and religious men, and clerks of the school. 6. Item, That Christian kings and lords set up idols in God’s house, and excite the people to idolatry. 7. Item, That princes, lords, and prelates so doing, be worse than Herod that pursued Christ, and worse than Jews and heathen men that crucified Christ. 8. Item, That every man, swearing by our lady, or any other saint or creature, giveth more honor to the saints than to the Holy Trinity; and so he saith they be idolaters. 9. Item, He saith that saints ought not to be honored. 10. Item, He damneth adoration, prayer, kneeling, and offering to images, which he calleth stocks and stones. 11. Item, He saith, that the very body of the Lord is not contained in the sacrament of the altar, but that men receiving it, shall thereby keep in mind that Christ’s flesh was wounded and crucified for us. 12. Item, He damneth the university of Oxford, with all degrees and faculties in it, as art, civil, canon, and divinity; saying, that they hinder the true way to come to the knowledge of the laws of God and holy Scripture. 13. Item, He defendeth the translation of the Bible and the holy Scripture into the English tongue, which is prohibited by the laws of our mother, holy church. These articles thus collected, as also the others before specified, they caused, for a more show of their pretended justice and innocency, to be openly read the next Sunday following, by the preacher at Paul’s Cross, with this protestation made before. “Masters and friends, for certain causes and considerations, I have in commandment to rehearse, show, and publish here unto you, the articles of heresy upon which Richard Hun was detected and examined, and also other great articles and damnable points and opinions of heresy contained in some of his books, which be come to light and knowledge here ready to be shown.” And therewith he read the articles openly unto the people, concluding with these words: “And masters, if there be any man desirous to see the specialty of these articles, or doubt whether they be contained in this book or not, for satisfying of his mind let him come to my lord of London, and he shall see it with good will. Moreover, here I counsel and admonish, that if there be any persons that of their simpleness have been familiar and acquainted with the said Richard Hun in these articles, or have heard him read upon this book, or any other sounding to heresy, or have any like books themselves, let them come unto my lord of London betwixt this and Candlemas next, and acknowledge their fault, and they shall be charitably treated and dealt withal, so that both their goods and honesty shall be saved: and if they will not come of their own offer, but abide the process of the law, then at their own peril be it, if the rigor of the law be executed against them.” After which open publication and admonition, the bishop at sundry times examined divers of his priests, and other lay-persons, upon the contents of both these articles. Among which examinates there was a man-servant and a maid of the said Hun’s, who, although they had of long time dwelt with him, were not able to charge him with any great thing worthy of reprehension, no, not in such points as the bishop chiefly objected against him. But yet the priests (through whose procurement this mischief was first begun) spared no whit stoutly and maliciously to accuse him, some in the contents of the first articles, and some in the second. Wherefore having now, as they thought, sufficient matter against him, they purposed speedily to proceed to his condemnation; and because they would seem to do all things formally, and by prescript order, they first drew out certain short and summary rules 5 by which the bishop should be directed in this solemn session; which are these: 1. First, Let the bishop sit in his tribunal-seat in our lady’s chapel. 2. Secondly, Let him recite the cause of his coming, and take notaries to him, to enact what shall be there done. 3. Thirdly, Let him declare, how upon Sunday last, at Paul’s Cross, he caused to be published a general monition or denunciation, that all fautors and maintainers of Richard Hun should come in as by this day, and submit themselves: and let him signify withal, how certain have come in, and have appeared already. 4. Fourthly, Let him protest and say, that if there remain any yet behind, who have not appeared according to the former monition and denunciation, yet if they will come and appear, and submit themselves, they shall be heard and received with grace and favor. 5. Fifthly, Let the bishop, or some other at his appointment, recite the articles objected against Richard Hun in the time of his life, and then the other articles likewise, which were out of his great book of the Bible extracted. 6. Sixthly, Let the answers and confessions of the said Richard Hun summarily be recited, with the attestations made to the same articles. Also let his books be exhibited, and then Thomas Brooke, his servant, be called for. 7. Seventhly, Let it be openly cried at the choir door, that if there be any who will defend the articles, opinions, books, or the memory of the said Richard Hun, let them come and appear, and they shall be heard as the law in that behalf shall require. 8. Eightly, Let it be openly cried, as in manner before, for such as be receivers, favorers, defenders, or believers of the said Richard Hun, that all such do appear and submit themselves to the bishop, or else he intendeth to proceed to the excommunication of them in general, according to the exigency of the law in that behalf. 9. Ninthly, Let the bishop speak to the standers-by, and to those of the clergy who sit with him upon the bench, demanding of them, what their judgment and opinion is touching the premises? and whether they think it convenient and agreeable for him to proceed to the sentence against the said Richard Hun, in this part to be awarded? 10. Tenthly, After their consent and counsel given, let the bishop read out the sentence. 11. Finally, After the sentence read, let the bishop appoint the publication and denunciation of the aforesaid sentence to be read at Paul’s Cross, or elsewhere, as to him shall seem expedient; with a citation likewise generally against all those that be receivers, favorers, and believers of the said Hull, to give to understand why he ought not further to proceed against them, etc. A SOLEMN PROCESS OF FITZSAMES, BISHOP OF LONDON AGAINST HUN, BEING DEAD Now according to the tenor of these prescripts and rules, the bishop of London, accompanied with the bishops of Durham and Lincoln and his own suffragan, Dr. John Young 161 , titular bishop of Callipolis, sat in judgment the 16th day of December then next following, within the place by the same appointed; adjoining also unto them, as witnesses of their proceedings, six public notaries, his own register, and about twenty-five doctors, abbots, priors, and priests of name, with a great rabble of other common anointed catholics: where, after a solemn proclamation made, that if there were any that would defend the opinions and books of Richard Hun, they should presently appear and be heard according to law, he commanded all the articles and objections against Hun openly to be read before the assembly: and then, perceiving that none durst appear in his defense, by the advice of his assistants he pronounced the sentence definitive against the dead carcase, condemning it of heresy; and therewith committed the same unto the secular power, to be by them burned accordingly. This ridiculous decree was as fondly accomplished in Smithfield on the twentieth day of the same month of December (being full sixteen days after they had thus horribly murdered him) to the great grief and disdain of all the people. And because the bishop, in his sentence definitive, useth a more formal and ample order of words than accustomably is used in others, and also pre-tendeth full hypocritically in the beginning, as it were by way of induction, divers causes that moved him to proceed against the dead carcase; I thought good therefore here to adjoin the same, as a final conclusion of their crafty colored tragedy, the tenor whereof is hereunder written. Notwithstanding, after all this tragic and cruel handling of the dead body, and their fair and colorable show of justice, yet the inquest no whit stayed their diligent searching out of the true cause and means of his death. Insomuch that when they had been divers times called both before the king’s privy-council (his majesty himself being sometimes present), and also before the chief judges and justices of this realm, and that the matter being by them thoroughly examined, and perceived to be much bolstered and borne withal by the clergy, was again wholly remitted unto their determination and ending; they found by good proof, and sufficient evidence, that Dr. Horsey the chancellor, Charles Joseph the sumner, and John Spalding the bell-ringer, had privily and maliciously committed this murder; and therefore indicted them all three as willful murderers. Howbeit, through the earnest suit of the bishop of London unto cardinal Wolsey (as appeareth by his letters hereafter mentioned), means were found, that at the next sessions of gaol-delivery the king’s attorney pronounced the indictment against Dr. Horsey to be false and untrue, and him not to be guilty of the murder; who, being then thereby delivered in body, having yet in himself a guilty conscience, gat him unto Exeter, and durst never after for shame come again unto London. But now that the truth of all this may seem more manifest and plain unto all men’s eyes, here shall follow, word by word, the whole inquiry and verdict of the inquest, exhibited by them unto the coroner of London, and so given up and signed with his own hand. THE VERDICT OF THE INQUEST. The fifth and the sixth day of December, in the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign lord king Henry VIII, William Barnwell, coroner of London, the day and year abovesaid, within the ward of Castle-Baynard of London, assembled a quest, whose names afterward do appear, and hath sworn them truly to inquire of the death of one Richard Hun, which lately was found dead in the Lollards’ tower within Paul’s church of London: Whereupon all we of the inquest together went up into the said tower, where we found the body of the said Hun hanging upon a staple of iron, in a girdle of silk, with fair countenance, his head fair kemped, and his bonnet right sitting upon his head, with his eye and mouth fair closed, without any staring, gaping or frowning, also without any drivelling or spurging in any place of his body: Whereupon by one assent all we agreed to take down the dead body of the said Hun, and as soon as we began to heave the body it was loose: whereby, by good advisement, we perceived that the girdle had no knot about the staple, but it was double-cast; and the links of an iron chain, which did hang on the same staple, were laid upon the same girdle whereby he did hang; Also the knot of the girdle that went about his neck, stood under his left ear, which caused his head to lean towards his right shoulder. Notwithstanding there came out of his nostrils two small streams of blood to the quantity of four drops. Save only these four drops of blood, the face, lips, chin, doublet, collar, and shirt of the said Hun were clean from any blood. Also we find that the skin both of his neck and throat, beneath the girdle of silk, was fret and failed away, with that thing which the murderers had broken his neck withal. Also the hands of the said Hun were wrung in the wrists, whereby we perceived that his hands had been bound. Moreover, we find that within the said prison was no mean whereby a man might hang himself, but only a stool; which stool stood upon a bolster of a bed, so tickle, that any man or beast might not touch it so little, but it was ready to fall: whereby we perceived, that it was not possible that Hun might hang himself, the stool so standing. Also all the girdle from the staple to his neck, as well as the part which went about his neck, was too little for his head to come out thereat. Also it was not possible that the soft silken girdle should break his neck or skin beneath the girdle. Also we find in a corner, somewhat beyond the place where he did hang, a great parcel of blood. Also we find upon the left side of Hun’s jacket, from the breast downward, two great streams of blood. Also within the flap of the left side of his jacket we find a great cluster of blood, and the jacket folden down thereupon; which thing the said Hun could never fold nor do after he was hanged: whereby it appeareth plainly to us all, that the neck of Hun was broken, and the great plenty of blood was shed, before he was hanged. Wherefore all we find, by God and all our consciences, that Richard Hun was murdered. Also we acquit the said Richard Hun of his own death. Also there was an end of a wax-candle, which, as John the bellringer saith, he left in the prison burning with Hun that same Sunday night that Hun was murdered; which wax-candle we found sticking upon the stocks, fair put out, about seven or eight foot from the place where Hun was hanged, which candle, after our opinion, was never put out by him, for many likelihoods which we have perceived. Also at the going up of master chancellor into the Lollards’ tower, we have .good proof that there lay on the stocks a gown, either of murrey, 8 or crimson in grain, furred with shanks: whose gown it was we could never prove, neither who bare it away. All we find, that Master William Horsey, chancellor to my lord of London, hath had at his commandment both the rule and guiding of the said prisoner. Moreover, all we find, that the said Master Horsey, chancellor, hath put Charles Joseph out of his office, as the said Charles hath confessed, because he would not deal and use the said prisoner so cruelly, and do to him as the chancellor would have had him to do. Notwithstanding the deliverance of the keys to the chancellor by Charles, on the Saturday night before Hun’s death, and Charles riding out of the town on that Sunday in the morning ensuing, was but a convention made betwixt Charles and the chancellor to color the murder. For the same Sunday that Charles rode forth, he came again to the town at night, and killed Richard Hun, as in the depositions of Julian Littel, Thomas Chicheley, Thomas Simondes, and Peter Turner, doth appear. After coloring of the murder betwixt Charles and the chancellor conspired, the chancellor called to him one John Spalding, bellringer of Paul’s, and delivered to the same bellringer the keys of the Lollards’ tower, giving to the said bellringer a great charge, saying, I charge thee to keep Hun more straitly than he hath been kept, and let him have but one meal a day; moreover, I charge thee let nobody come to him without my license, neither to bring him shirt, cap, kerchief, or any other thing, but that I see it before it come to him. Also before Hun was carried to Fulham, the chancellor commanded to be put upon Hun’s neck a great collar of iron, with a great chain, which is too heavy for any man or beast to wear, and long to endure. Moreover, it is well proved, that before Hun’s death the said chancellor came up into the said Lollards’ tower, and kneeling down before Hun, held up his hands to him, praying of him forgiveness of all that he had done to him, and must do to him. And on Sunday following the chancellor commanded the penitentiary of Paul’s to go up to him and say a gospel, and make for him holy water, and holy bread, and give it to him, which he did: and also the chancellor commanded that Hun should have his dinner. And the same dinner-time Charles, the boy, was shut in prison with Hun, which was never so before; and after dinner, when the bellringer let out the boy, the bellringer said to the same boy, “Come no more hither with meat for him till to-morrow at noon, for my master chancellor hath commanded that he should have but one meal a day.’ And the same night following Richard Hun was murdered, which murder could not have been done without consent and license of the chancellor, and also by the witting and knowledge of John Spalding, bellringer; for there could no man come into the prison but by the keys, being in John the bellringer’s keeping. Also, as by my lord of London’s book doth appear, John the bellringer is a poor innocent man. Wherefore all we do perceive, that this murder could not be done but by the commandment of the chancellor, and by the witting and knowing of John the bellringer. Charles Joseph, within the Tower of London, of his own free will, and unconstrained, said, That master chancellor devised, and wrote with his own hand, all such heresies as were laid to Hun’s charge; record John God, John True, John Pasmere, Richard Gibson, with many others. Also Charles Joseph saith, That when Richard Hun was slain, John the bellringer bare up the stairs into the Lollards’ tower a wax-candle, having the keys of the doors hanging on his arm; and I Charles went next to him, and master chancellor came up last: and when all we came up, we found Hun lying on his bed; and then master chancellor said, ‘ Lay hands on the thief;’ and so all we murdered Hun: and then I Charles put the girdle about Hun’s neck; and then John bellringer and I Charles did heave up Hun, and master chancellor pulled the girdle over the staple; and so Hun was hanged. THE DEPOSITION OF JULIAN LITTELL Late servant of Charles Joseph, by her free will, unconstrained, the sixth year of our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, within the chapel of our Lady of Bethlehem, showed to the Inquest. First, Julian saith, That the Wednesday at night, after the death of Richard Hun, Charles Joseph her master came home to his supper: then Julian said to him, “Master, it was told me that ye were in prison.” Charles answered; “It is merry to turn the penny:” and after supper Charles trussed up a parcel of his goods, and with help of Julian, bare them into Mr. Porter’s house to keep: and that done, Charles said to Julian; “Julian, if thou wilt be sworn to keep my counsel, I will show thee my mind.” Julian answered, “Yea, if it be neither felony nor treason.” Then Charles took a book out of his purse, and Julian sware to him thereupon. Then said Charles to Julian, “I have destroyed Richard Hun!” “Alas, master,” said Julian, “How? He was called an honest man.” Charles answered, “I put a wire in his nose.” “Alas,” said Julian, “now be ye cast away and undone.” Then said Charles, “Julian, I trust in thee that thou wilt keep my counsel.” And Julian answered, “Yea, but for God’s sake, master, shift for yourself.” And then Charles said, “I had lever than 100 pound it were not done, but what is done cannot be undone.” Moreover, Charles said then to Julian, “Upon Sunday, when I rode to my cousin Barington’s house, I tarried there and made good cheer all day till it was night; and yet before it was midnight I was in London, and had killed Hun. And upon the next day I rode thither again, and was there at dinner, and sent for neighbors, and made good cheer.” Then Julian asked Charles, “Where set you your horse that night you came to town, and wherefore came you not home?” Charles answered, “I came not home for fear of bowraying.” And then Julian asked Charles, “Who was with you at the killing of Hun?” Charles answered, ‘I will not tell thee.’ And Julian saith that upon the Thursday following Charles tarried all day in his house with great fear: and upon Friday following, early in the morning before day, Charles went forth, as he said, to Paul’s; and at his coming in again he was in a great fear, saying hastily, “Get me my horse;” and with great fear and haste made him ready to ride; and bade Master Porter’s lad lead his horse into the field by the backside. And then Charles put into his sleeve his mase, or masor, with other plate borrowed of Master Porter, both gold and silver; but how much I am not sure: and Charles went into the field after his horse, and Julian brought his budget after him. Also upon Friday in Christmas week following, Charles came home late in the night, and brought with him three bakers and a smith of Stratford, and the same night they carried out of Charles’s house all his goods by the fieldside to the Bell in Shoreditch, and early in the morning conveyed it with carts to Stratford. Moreover Julian saith, That the Saturday at night before the death of Hun, Charles came home, and brought with him a gurnard, saying, it was for Hun: and Charles’s boy told Julian, that there was also ordained a piece of fresh salmon, which John Belringer had. Also Charles said to the said Julian, “Were not this ungracious trouble, I could bring my lord of London to the doors of heretics in London, both of men and women, that be worth a thousand pounds; but I am afraid that the ungracious midwife shall bewray us all.” Also Charles said unto Mrs. Porter in likewise and more larger, saying of the best in London: whereto Mrs. Porter answered, “The best in London is my lord mayor.” Then Charles said, “I will not scuse him quite, for that he taketh this matter hot.” Whereas Charles Joseph saith he lay at Neckhill with a harlot, a man’s wife, in Barington’s house, the same night, and there abode until the morrow at eleven of the clock, that Richard Hun was murdered; and thereupon brought before the king’s council, for his purgation, the foresaid Baude Barington’s wife, and also the foresaid harlot: this purgation we have proved all untrue, as right largely may appear, as well by the deposition of Julian Littel, as of Thomas Chicheley, tailor, Thomas Simondes, stationer, of Robert Johnson and his wife, of John Spalding, Belringer: also of Peter Turner, son-in-law of the foresaid Charles Joseph; who said before to an honest woman, a wax-chandler’s wife, that before this day seventh night Hun should have a mischievous death, etc.: also of John Enderby, barber 162 , to whom John Spalding himself declared these words, That there was ordained for Hun so grievous penance, that when men hear of it, they shall have great marvel thereof, etc.; besides the deposition moreover of Allen Creswell, wax-chandler, and Richard Horsenail, bailiff of the sanctuary town called Godsture, in Essex. Which testimonies and depositions hereafter follow. THE DEPOSITION OF THOMAS CHYTCHELEY, TAILOR. The said Thomas sayeth: The same Monday that Richard Hun was found dead, within a quarter of an hour after seven a clock in the morning, he met with Charles Joseph, coming out of Poules at the nether north door, going toward Pater noster row, saying, ‘Good morrow, Master Charles!’ and the said Charles answered, ‘Good morrow!’ and turned his back, when he was without the church door, and looked upon the said Chitchelay. THE DEPOSITION OF THOMAS SIMONDES, STATIONER. He sayeth, That the same morning that Hun was dead, within a quarter of an hour after seven a clock in the morning. Charles Joseph came before him at his stall, and said, ‘Good morrow, goship Simondes!’ and the same Simonds said, ‘Good morrow’ to him again; and the wife of the same Simons was by him; and because of the deadly countenance and hasty going of Charles, the said Thomas bade his wife look whither Charles goeth; and as she could perceive, Charles went into an ale house standing in Pater noster row, by the alley leading into the rode of Northern 163 , or into the alley, whither, she could not well tell. THE DEPOSITION OF ROBERT JOHNSON AND HIS WIFE, DWELLING AT THE BELL, IN SHOREDITCH. The said Robert sayeth, That Charles Joseph sent his horse to his house upon a holiday, at night, about three weeks before Christmas, by a boy; which horse was all besweat and all bemired: and the said boy said, ‘Let my father’s horse stand saddled, for I cannot tell whether my father will ride again to night or not;’ and the said horse stood saddled all night, and in the morning following, Charles came booted and spurred about eight of the clock, and asked if his horse was saddled? and the servant answered, ‘Yea.’ And the said Charles leaped upon his horse, and prayed the host to let him out of his back gate, that he might ride out by the field side; which host so did. And, because he was uncertain of the day, we asked him if he heard speak of the death of Hun at that time or not, and he answered, ‘Nay!’ But shortly after he did. Nevertheless Peter Turner, Charles’s son-in-law, who brought the horse by night into the Bell, Robert Johnson’s house, confessed it was the same night before that Hun was found dead in the morning. Moreover the Friday before Hun’s death, Peter Turner said to an honest woman, a wax-chandler’s with, dwelling before St. Mary’s Spiral gate, that before this day seven-night Hun should have a mischievous death.. And, the same day at afternoon this Hun was found dead, the said Peter came to the same wife and told her that Hun was hanged; saying, ‘ What told I you?’ Also James, the chancellor’s cook, the Friday before Hun’s death, said to five honest men, that Hun should die or Christmas, or else he would die for him. And on the Monday that Hun was found dead, the said James came to the same men and said, ‘What told I you? is he not now hanged?’ And we of the inquest asked both of Peter Turner, and of James Cook, where they had knowledge that Hun should so shortly die? and they said, ‘In Master Chancellor’s place, by every man.’ THE DEPOSITION: OF JOHN SPALDYNG, BELRYNGER. First the said deponent sayeth, That on Saturday the second day of December, A.D. 1514, he took the charge of the prison at four of the clock at after noon, by the commandment of Master Chancellor, and so took the keys; whereupon he gave commandment to the deponent, that he should let no manner of person speak with the prisoner, except he had knowledge of them; and so at five of the clock the same day, the said deponent went to the prisoner himself alone, and saw him, and cherished him, where he gave the said deponent a piece of fresh salmon for his wife 164 . And after that, the said deponent sayeth, that he went to Master Commissary’s, to supper with his fellow, where he remembered that he had left his knife with the said prisoner; whereupon, by the counsel of Master Commissary, he went to the prisoner and fetched his knife, where he found the prisoner saying of his beads, and so the said deponent required his knife of the said prisoner, and the said prisoner delivered the knife to the said deponent gladly; and so he departed for that night. And after that, on the Sunday next following, the said deponent came to the prisoner at nine o’clock, and asked him what meat he would have to his dinner? and he answered, ‘but a morsel;’ and so the said deponent departed and went to the chancellor into the quier, and he commanded that he should take the penitentiary up to the prisoner with him, to make him holy water and holy bread, and made the said deponent to depart the prison-house for a while; and after that he brought him his dinner, and locked Charles’s boy with him all dinner while, unto the hour of one o’clock, and so let the lad out again, and asked him what he would have to his supper? and he answered, that he had meat enough; and so departed until six of the clock; and then the said deponent brought him a quart of ale. And at that time one William Sampson went with the said deponent to see the prisoner where he was, and saw him, and spake together; and so, from the hour of six aforesaid unto twelve o’clock on the morrow, the said deponent came not there, and when he came there, he met the chancellor, with other doctors, going to see the prisoner where he hanged. THE DEPOSITION OF PETER TURNER, SON-IN-LAW OF CHARLES JOSEPH. First, he sayeth, That his father-in-law rode out of the town, upon Sunday the 3rd 165 day of December, A.D. 1514, at six o’clock in the morning, wearing a coat of orange tawny, on a horse, color grizzle, trotting. He saith the Sunday next before that, one Button’s wife gave knowledge to the said deponent, that his father should be arrested by divers sergeants as soon as he could be taken; and thereupon the said deponent gave knowledge to the said father-in-law at the Black Friars at the water side, whereupon he avoided; and the same night, Master Chancellor gave the keys to John Belringer, and gave him charge of the prisoner. And on the said Sunday the said deponent, with John Belringer, served the said prisoner with his dinner at twelve o’clock, and then John belringer said to the deponent, that he would not come to him unto the morrow, for my lord had commanded him that the prisoner should have but one meal’s meat of the day. Notwithstanding that, the said John Bellringer, after that he had shut Poules church doors, went to the aforesaid prisoner, with another with him, at seven of the clock at night the said Sunday. And the said deponent sayeth, That he came on the Monday, at the hour of eight o’clock in the morning, to seek John, Bellringer, and could not find him, and tarried until the high mass of Poules was done, and yet he could not find the said John; and then one William, John Belringer’s fellow, delivered the keys to the said deponent, and so the said deponent, with two officers of my lord’s, being somners, went to serve the said prisoner, and when they came, the prisoner (they said) was hanged; his face to the wallward. And, upon that, the said deponent immediately gave knowledge to the chancellor, whereupon the chancellor went up with the Master of the Rolls, and Master Subdean, with other doctors unknown, to the number of a dozen, and their servants. THE DEPOSITION OF JOHN ENDERBY, BARBER. The said John Enderby saieth, The Friday before the death of Richard Hun, betwixt eight and nine of the clock in the morning, he met with John Belrynger in Estcheap, and asked of him how Master Hun fared? the said Belrynger answered, saying: There is ordained for him so grievous penance, that when men hear of it, they shall have great marvel thereof. Witnesses that heard John, Bellringer, say these words: John Rutter, scrivener, and William Segar, armourer. Also the said John Enderby saith, The same Monday that Richard Hun was found dead, he met with the said John Belringer at the conduit in Gracious street,11 about nine of the clock in the morning. Asking the said Belringer how Master Hun fared, the said Belringer answered, saying: he fared well this day. In the morning betwixt five and six of the clock; howbeit, I am sorry for him, for there can nobody come to him until I come, for I have the keys of the doors here by my girdle; and showed the keys to the said Enderby.* THE DEPOSITION OF ALLEN CRESWELL, WAXCHANDLER. The said Allen saith, That John Grandger, servant with my lord of London, in my lord of London’s kitchen, at such time as the said Allen was sering of Hun’s coffin 166 , that Grandger told to him, that he was present with John Belringer the same Sunday at night that Richard Hun was found dead on the morrow, when the keepers set him in the stocks; insomuch that the said Hun desired to borrow the keeper’s knife: and the keeper asked him what he would do with his knife; and he answered, ‘I had lever kill myself than to be thus entreated.’ This deposition the said Allen will prove as far forth as any Christian man may; saying, that Granger showed to him these words, of his own free will and mind, without any question or inquiry to him made by the said Allen. Moreover the said Allen saith, that all that evening Grandger was in great fear. THE DEPOSITION OF RICHARD HORSENAIL, BAILIFF OF THE SANCTUARY-TOWN CALLED GODSTURE IN ESSEX. The said Richard saith, That the Friday before Christmas-day last past, one Charles Joseph, sumner to my lord of London, became a sanctuary-man, and the aforesaid Friday he registered his name; the said Charles saying it was for the safeguard of his body, for there be certain men in London so extreme against him for the death of Richard Hun, that he dare not abide in London. Howbeit the said Charles saith, he knowledgeth himself guiltless of Hun’s death; for he delivered the keys to the chancellor by Hun’s life. Also the said bailiff saith, that Charles paid the duty of the said registering, both to him and sir John Studley, vicar. COPY OF THE LETTER OF RICHARD FITZJAMES; THEN BISHOP OF LONDON, SENT TO CARDINAL WOLSEY. I beseech your good lordship to stand so good lord unto my poor chancellor now in ward, and indicted by an untrue quest, for the death of Richard Hull, upon the only accusation of Charles Joseph made by pain and durance; that by your intercession it may please the king’s grace to have the matter duly and sufficiently examined by indifferent persons of his discreet council, in the presence of the parties, ere there be any more done in the cause: and that upon the innocency of my said chancellor declared, it may further please the king’s grace to award a placard unto his attorney, to confess the said indictment to be untrue, when the-time shall require it: for assured am I, if my chancellor be tried by any twelve. . , men in London, they. be so maliciously set, ‘in favorem haereticae pravitatis,’ that they will cast and condemn any clerk, though he were as innocent as Abel. ‘Quare si potes beate Pater, adjuva infirmitates nostras, et tibi in perpetuum devincti erimus!’ Over this, in most humble wise I beseech you, that I may have the king’s gracious favor, whom I never offended willingly; and that by your good means I might speak with his grace and you: and I with all mine shall pray for your prosperous estate long to continue. Your most humble orator, Richard London. Lastly, now it remaineth to infer the sentence of the questmen, which followeth in like sort to be seen and expended, after I have first declared the words of the bishop spoken in the parliament-house. THE WORDS THAT THE BISHOP OF LONDON SPAKE BEFORE THE LORDS IN THE PARLIAMENT-HOUSE. Memorandum, That the bishop of London said in the parliamenthouse, that there was a bill brought to the parliament,, to make the jury that was. charged upon the death of Hun, true men; and stud and took upon his conscience, that they were false perjured caitifs. And said furthermore to all the lords there being, ‘For the love of God look upon this matter; for if you do not, I dare not keep mine house for heretics:’ and said, that the said Richard Hun hanged himself, and that it was his own deed, and no man’s else. And furthermore said, that there came a man to his house, whose wife was appeached of heresy, to speak with him; and he said that he had no mind to speak with the same mail: which man spake and reported to the servants of the same bishop, that if his wife would not hold still her opinions, he would cut her throat with his own hands; with other words. THE SENTENCE OF THE INQUEST, SUBSCRIBED BY THE CORONER. The inquisition intended and taken at the city of London, in the parish of St. Gregory, in the ward of Baynard Castle in London, the sixth day of December, in the sixth year of the reign of king Henry VIII, before Thomas Barnwell: coroner of our sovereign lord the king, within the city of London aforesaid. Also before James Yarford and John Mundey, sheriffs of the said city, upon the sight of the body of Richard Hun, late of London, tailor, who was found hanged in the Lollards’ tower; and by the oath and proof of lawful men of the same ward, and of other three wards next adjoining, as it ought to be, after the custom of the city aforesaid, to inquire how, and in what manner-wise the said Richard Hun came unto his death: and upon the oath of John Bernard, Thomas Slept, William Warren, Henry Abraham, John Aborow, John Turner, Robert Allen, William Marler, John Burton, James Page, Thomas Pickhill, William Burton, Robert Bridgwater, Thomas Busted, Gilbert Howell, Richard Gibson, Christopher Crafton, John God, Richard Holt, John Pasmere, Edmund Hudson, John Arunsell, Richard Cooper, John Tyme: who said upon their oaths, that whereas the said Richard Hun, by the commandment of Richard bishop of London, was imprisoned and brought to hold in a prison of the said bishop’s, called Lollards’ tower, lying in the cathedral church of St. Paul fit London, in the parish of St. Gregory, in the ward of Baynard Castle aforesaid; William Horsey, of London, clerk, otherwise called William Heresie, chancellor to Richard bishop of London; and one Charles Joseph, late of London, sumner, and John Spalding of London, otherwise called John Bellringer, feloniously as felons to our lord the king, with force and arms against the peace of our sovereign lord the king, and dignity of his crown, the forth day of December, the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign lord aforesaid, of their great malice, at the parish of St. Gregory aforesaid, upon the said Richard Hun made a fray, and feloniously strangled and smothered the same Richard Hun, and also the neck they did break of the said Richard Hun, and there feloniously slew him and murdered him. And also the body of the said Richard Hun, afterward, the same fourth day, year, place, parish, and ward aforesaid, with the proper girdle of the same Richard Hun, of silk, black of color, of the value of twelve pence, after his death, upon a hook driven into a piece of. timber in the wall of the prison aforesaid, made fast, and so hanged him, against the peace of our sovereign lord the king, and the dignity of his crown. And so the said jury have sworn upon the holy evangelists, that the said William Horsey, clerk, Charles Joseph, and John Spalding, of their set malice, then and there feloniously killed and murdered the said Richard Hun in manner and form above-said, against the peace of our sovereign lord the king, his crown and dignity. Subscribed in this manner: Thomas Barnwell, Coroner of the city of London. After that the twenty-four had given up their verdict, sealed and signed with the coroner’s seal, the cause was then brought into the parliamenthouse, where the truth was laid so plain before all men’s faces, and the fact so notorious, that immediately certain of the bloody murderers were committed to prison, and should no doubt have suffered what they deserved, had not the cardinal, by his authority, practiced for his catholic children, at the suit of the bishop of London. Whereupon the chancellor, by the king’s pardon, and secret shifting, rather than by God’s pardon and his deserving, escaped, and went, as is said, to Exeter, etc. Nevertheless, though justice took no place where favor did save, yet because the innocent cause of Hun should take no wrong, the parliament became suitors unto the king’s majesty, that whereas the goods of the said Hun were confiscate into the king’s hands, it would please his grace to make restitution of all the said goods unto the children of the said Hun. Upon which motion, the king, of his gracious disposition, did not only give all the aforesaid goods unto the aforesaid children under his broad seal yet to be seen; but also did send out his warrants (which hereafter shall follow) to those that were the cruel murderers, commanding them, upon his high displeasure, to re-deliver all the said goods, and make restitution for the death of the said Richard Hun: all which goods came to the sum of fifteen hundred pounds sterling, besides his plate and other jewels. The Tenor of the King’s Letter in behalf of Richard Hun 167 . Trusty and well-beloved! we greet you well. Whereas by the complaint to us made, as well as also in our high court of parliament, on the behalf, and part of Roger Whapplot of our city of London, draper, and Margaret his wife, late the daughter of Richard Hun: and whereas you were indicted by our laws, of and for the death of the said Richard Hun, and the said murder cruelly committed by you, like as by our records more at large doth appear, about the fifth day of December, in the sixth year of our reign; the same we abhor: nevertheless we of our special grace, certain science, and mere motion, pardoned you upon certain considerations us moving: for the intent that the goods of the said Richard Hun, and the administration of them, were committed to the said. Roger Whapplot. We then supposed and intended your amendment, and restitution to be made by you to the infants, the children of the said Richard Hun; as well for his death, as for his goods, embezzled, wasted, and consumed, by your tyranny and cruel act so committed, the same being of no little value; and as hitherto ye have made no recompense, according to our laws, as might stand with equity, justice, right, and good conscience, and for this cause due satisfaction ought to be made by our laws: wherefore we will and exhort, and otherwise charge and command you, by the tenor of these our special, letters, that ye satisfy and recompense the said Roger Whapplot, and the said Margaret his wife, according to our laws in this cause, as it may stand with right and good conscience, else otherwise at your further peril; so that they shall have no cause to return unto us, for their further remedy eftsoons in this behalf, as ye in the same tender to avoid our high displeasure: otherwise that ye upon the sight hereof, set all excuses apart, and re-pair unto our presence, at which your hither coming you shall be further advertised of our mind. From our manor, etc. A DEFENSE OF RICHARD HUN AGAINST SIR THOMAS MORE AND ALANUS COPUS I doubt not but by these premises, thou hast, Christian reader! sufficiently to understand the whole discourse and story of Richard Hun, from top to toe. First, how he came in trouble for denying the bearing-sheet of his young infant departed; then how he was forced, for succor of himself, to sue a praemunire; and thereupon what conspiracy of the clergy was wrought against him, what snares were laid, what fetches were practiced, and articles devised, to snarl him in the trap of heresy, and so to imprison him. Furthermore, being in prison, how he was secretly murdered; after his murder, hanged; after his hanging, condemned; after his condemnation, burned; and after his burning, lastly, how his death was required by the coroner, and cleared by acquittal of the inquest. Moreover, how the case was brought into parliament, and by parliament the king’s precept obtained for restitution of his goods. The debating of which tragic and tumultuous story, with all the branches and particular evidences of the same, taken out as well of the public acts, as of the bishop’s registers and special records remaining in the custody of Dunstan Whapplot, the son of the daughter of the said Richard Hun, there to be seen, I thought here to unwrap and discover so much the more, for three special purposes: First, as is requisite, for testimony and witness of truth falsely slandered, of innocency wrongfully condemned, and of the party cruelly oppressed. The second cause moveth me for sir Thomas More’s Dialogues 168 , wherein he dallieth out the matter, thinking to jest poor simple truth out of countenance. The third cause which constraineth me, be the Dialogues of Alan Cope; which two, the one in English, the other in Latin, railing and barking against Richard Hun, do double-wise charge him, both to be a heretic, and also a desperate homicide of himself: which as it is false in the one, so it is to be found as untrue in the other, if simple truth, which hath few friends, and many times cometh in crafty handling, might freely come to indifferent hearing. Wherefore, as I have hitherto described the order and manner of his handling, with the circumstances thereof, in plain and naked narration of story, simply laid out before all men’s faces; so something here to intermit in the defense as well of his oppressed cause, as also in discharge of myself, I will now compendiously answer to both these aforesaid adversaries, stopping, as it were, with one bush two gaps; and the mouths also, if I can, of them both together. And, first, against sir Thomas More, albeit in degree worshipful, in place superior, in wit and learning singular, if his judgment in Christ’s matters had been correspondent to the same, being otherwise a man with many worthy ornaments beautified: yet, being but a man, and one man, I lay and object against the person of him, the persons and censures of twenty four questmen, the deposition of so many jurats, the judgment of the coroner, the approbation of the parliament; and, lastly, the king’s bill assigned for restitution of his goods, with his own broad seal confirmed, etc. And thus much to the person and credit of sir Thomas More. Now as touching his reasons: whereas he, coming in with a flim-flam of a horse-mill, or a mill-horse (in his own terms I speak), thinketh it probation good enough, because he could not see him taken by the sleeve who murdered Hun: against these reasons unreasonable of his, I allege all the evidences and demonstrations of the history above prefixed, to be considered, and of all indifferent men to be poised. First, how he was found hanging, with his countenance fair, with his beard and head fair kemped, his bonnet right set on his head, with his eyes and mouth fair closed, without any driveling or spurging. His body being taken down, was found loose (which by hanging could not be), his neck broken, and the skin thereof beneath the throat, where the girdle went, fretted and faced away 169 ; his girdle notwithstanding being of silk, and so double cast about the staple, that the space of the girdle between the staple and his neck, with the residue also that went about his neck, was not sufficient for his head to come out at. His hands, moreover, wrung in the wrists; his face, lips, chin, doublet, and shirt-collar, unstained with any blood: when, notwithstanding, in a manner somewhat beyond the place where he did hang, a great quantity of blood was found. Also, whereas the staple whereon he hanged was so that he could not climb thereto without some mean, there was a stool set up upon the bolster of a bed, so tickle, that with the least touch in the world it was ready to fall: and how was it possible that Hun might hang himself upon that staple, the stool so standing? besides the confession, moreover, of Charles Joseph’s own mouth to Julian Littell, of Robert Johnson, John Spalding the bellringer, Peter Turner, and others. All which testimonies and declarations being so clear and undeniable, may suffice, I trust, any indifferent man to see where the truth of this case doth stand: unless Master More, being a gentleman of Utopia, peradventure after some strange guise of that country, useth to carry his eyes not in his head, but in his affection; not seeing but where he liketh, nor believing but what he listeth. Finally, where sir Thomas More, speaking of himself, so concludeth, that he, hearing the matter what well might be said, yet could not find contrary, but Hun to be guilty of his own death: so in as many words to answer him again, I, perusing and searching in the story of Richard Hun what may well be searched, cannot but marvel with myself, either with what darkness the eyes of Master More be dared,13 not to see what is so plain; or else with what conscience he could dissemble that which shame cannot deny. And thus by the way to the Dialogues of sir Thomas More. Thirdly, touching the Dialogues of Alan Cope, who had rather the bishop’s chancellor and officers to be accounted among thieves and murderers, than Hun to be numbered among the martyrs, I have herein not much to say, because himself saith but little: and if he had said less, unless his ground were better, it had made as little matter. But forasmuch as he, saying not much, sendeth us to seek more in More; so with like brevity again I may send him to William Tindall, to shape him an answer. Yet notwithstanding lest Cope, in saying something, should think Hun’s innocent cause to lack some friends, who will not, or dare not, adventure in defense of truth; somewhat I will answer in this behalf. And first, touching this murder of Hun not to be his own willful act, but the deed of others: besides the demonstrations above premised to sir Thomas More, now to Master Cope; if I had no other evidences but only these two, I would require no more; that is, his cap found so straight standing upon his head, and the stool so tottering under his feet. For how is it, I will not say likely; but how is it possible, for a man to hang himself in a silken girdle double cast about a staple, in such shortness, that neither the space of the knot could well compass his head about, and yet have his cap so straight set upon his head as his was? Again, how is it possible, or can it be imagined, for him to hang himself, climbing up by a stool which had no stay for him to stand upon, but stood so tickle, that if he had touched the same never so little, it must needs have fallen? But Cope, being something more provident in this matter, seemeth to exceed not altogether so far as doth Master More. For he, understanding the case to be ambiguous and doubtful, so leaveth it in suspense; neither determining that Hun did hang himself, and yet not admitting that he died a martyr, no more than those who are quelled by thieves and murderers in high-way sides. Well, be it so as Cope doth argue, that those who die by the hands of felons and murderers in thievish ways, be no martyrs; yet, notwithstanding this, his own similitude, comparing the bishop’s chancellor and officers to thieves and murderers, doth grant at least that Hun died a true man, although no martyr. Now if the cause be it, and not the pain, that maketh a martyr, in pondering the cause why Hun was slain, we shall find it not altogether like to the cause of those who perish by thieves and robbers. For such commonly, because of their goods, and for some worldly gain to be sought by their death, are made away, and being true men, may peradventure have the reward, although not the name of martyrs: whereas this man’s death being wrought neither for money, nor any such temporal lucre to redound to his oppressors; as it hath another cause, so may it have another name, and deserve to be called by the name of martyrdom. Like as Abel, being slain by wicked Cain, albeit he had no opinion of religion articulated against him, but of spite only and of malice was made away, yet notwithstanding is justly numbered among the martyrs: so what let to the contrary, but that Hun also with him may be reckoned in the same society, seeing the cause wherefore they both did suffer proceedeth together out of one fountain? And what, moreover, if a man should call Naboth (who for holding his right inheritance was slain) a martyr, what great injury should he do either to the name, or cause, of the person, worthy to be carped at? Against Thomas Becket, you know Master Cope, no special article of faith was laid, wherefore he died: 14 and why then do you bestow upon him so devoutly the title of a martyr, for withholding that from the king, which by the law of God, and of the realm, did belong unto him; and cannot suffer Hun to be entitled a martyr, dying in his own right, by the hands of spiritual thieves and homicides, as you yourself do term them? But what do I strain my travail any further to prove Hun a martyr, when Copes own confession doth import no less, though I said nothing? For, if I should take no more but his own very words, and say, that he was known to be a heretic, as Cope doth affirm, what could I say more, seeing he died for their heresy, to prove him to die a martyr? for to die a heretic with the papists, what is it else (to say truth) but to die with God a martyr? But howsoever it pleaseth either sir Thomas More to jest, or Alan Cope to scold out the matter, and to style Richard Hun for a known and desperate heretic: yet to all true godly disposed men, Hun may well be known to be a godly and virtuous person, no heretic, but faithful and sound, save that only he seemed rather half a papist; at least no full protestant, for that he resorted daily to mass, and also had his beads in prison with him, after the catholic manner; albeit he was somewhat inclining (as may appear) toward the gospel. And if the name of a martyr be thought too good for him, yet I trust Master Cope will stand so good master to him, to let him at least be a martyr’s fellow. But what now if I go further with Master Cope, and name Richard Hun, not only for a martyr, but also commend him for a double martyr? Certes, as I suppose, in so saying, I should affirm nothing less than truth, nor any thing more than may truly be said, and justly proved. But to give and grant this confession unto the adversary, which notwithstanding might be easily proved, let us see now the proofs of Master Cope, how he argueth that Richard Hun is no martyr “because,” saith he, “true men, being killed in high-ways by thieves and murderers, are not therefore to be counted martyrs,” etc. And was there nothing else in the cause of Hun, but as in true men killed by thieves and murderers? They that are killed by thieves and murderers, are killed for some prey, or money about them: and what prey or profit was in the death of Hun, let us see, to redound to those who oppressed him? If it were the mortuary, or the bearing-cloth, that was a small thing, and not worthy his death. If it were the ‘praemunire,’ the danger thereof pertained to the priest, and not to them. If they feared lest the example thereof once begun, should afterward redound to the prejudice of the whole church, then was the cause of his death not private but public, tending to the whole church and clergy of Rome: and so is his death not altogether like to the death of those, who, for private respects, are killed by thieves and murderers. “But he was a heretic,” saith Cope. By the same reason that Cope taketh him for a heretic, I take him the more to be accepted for a martyr: for by that way which they call heresy, the living God is served, and by no way better. And if he were a heretic, why then did they not proceed against him as a heretic while he was alive? When they had him at Futham before them, if they had been sure to entrap him in that snare, why did they not take their advantage, when they might with ]east jeopardy? why did they not proceed and condemn him for a heretic? why made they such haste to prevent his death before? why did they not tarry the sentence of the law, having the law in their own hands? But belike they perceived that he could not be proved a heretic while he lived, and therefore thought it best to make him away privily, and to stop the praemunire, and afterwards to stop the pursuit of his death by making him a heretic. And therefore were articles devised by the chancellor (as is proved before by the witness of Charles Joseph and another) against him, and he condemned for a heretic, and all his favorers also, whosoever durst stir to take his part; and so thereupon was recommitted to the secular power, and burned: wherein they did him double wrong; first, in that they burned him for a heretic, having before submitted himself to their favorable correction, as it appeareth yet in the bishop’s registers by his own hand, as it is there pretended; which was against their own laws. Again, if he had not submitted himself at that time, yet did they him wrong to burn him before they knew him and heard him speak (as Tindall saith) whether he would recant or no. And yet, admit that he was condemned and burned for a heretic, yet to be killed and burned of them for a heretic, that taketh not from him the name of a martyr, but rather giveth him to be a double martyr. But Cope yet proceeding in his hot choler against Richard Hun, after he had made him first no martyr, and then a heretic, thirdly he now maketh him also a murderer of himself, and saith, that no other man was any part of his death but only his own hands, and that, either for indignation and anger, or for desperation, or for some cause he knoweth not what. And in his Epilogue, to make it probable, he allegeth the example of one, but nameless, who, in queen Mary’s time, in like sort went about to hang himself, had he not been taken in the manner and rescued. Furthermore, as touching the chancellor he argueth, that there was no cause why he should attempt any such violence against him, both for his age, for his dignity, for his learning, and for the greatness of his own peril which might ensue thereof; who, if he had maligned the man, and had been so disposed to work his destruction, had means otherwise, without danger, to bring that about, having him within his danger convicted and fast tied for heresy. Whereunto I answer, that to all this matter sufficient hath been answered by the story itself of his death, above specified; namely, by the manner of his death, by circumstances of his handling and hanging, by his neck broke, by his body loose, by his skin fretted, by his wrists wrung, by his girdle in such shortness double east about the staple, by his cap right upon his head, by his hair kemped, by his eyes closed, by the cake of blood found on the floor, by his shirt-collar, doublet, jacket, and other outward parts of his garments without drop of blood, unspotted; by the stool so standing upon the bolster, by the chancellor’s murrey gown, found the day after upon the stocks, the wax candle fair put out: Furthermore, by the verdict of the inquest, by the attestation of the witnesses sworn, by the coroner’s judgment, by the assent of the parliament, by the king’s letters assigned, and broad seal for restitution of his goods; and finally, by the confession of the parties themselves who murdered him, etc. And yet thinketh Cope to make men such fools, having yet their five wits, to ween yet that Hun did hang himself, after so many demonstrations and evidences to the contrary, as in every part of this story may appear? And though it were, as it was, unlikely and hard for a man to believe, that Dr. Horsey, a man of such age, dignity, and learning, would so much forget himself to attempt such a villany; yet so great is the devil sometimes with man, where God permitteth, that he worketh greater things than this, and more incredible. For who would have thought it likely that Cain would ever have killed Abel, his own natural brother? which was more than for a bishop’s chancellor to kill a citizen: yet so he did. And where Cope pretendeth the causes of anger and desperation whereby Hun did hang himself, how is it like, or who ever did hear, a man being in such extremity of desperation, to stand first trimming himself, and kemping his head, before he go to hang himself? No more credit is also to be given to that which followeth in the same Cope, where he saith, that Richard Hun being in prison, was convicted of heresy: by which word convicted, if he mean that Hun was proved a heretic, that is false; for that he, being at Fulham examined upon certain articles, both denied the articles to be true as they were objected; and also if they were true, yet he submitted himself to their favorable correction; and therefore, not standing obstinately in the same, could not be proved a heretic. And if by this term convicted, he mean that he was by sentence cast; so was Hun never cast by any sentence for a heretic, so long as he lived, but after his death, when he could nothing answer for himself. And because this untruth should not go without his fellow, see how he huddleth up one false narration on the neck of another; affirming moreover, that Hun was cast into prison before he entered his suit of praemunire against the priest: which is utterly false and untrue, both disagreeing to other stories, and also refuted by the words of sir Thomas More, his own author; who reporteth, that Hun (in suing his praemunire against the priest), being set upon a glory of victory, made his boasting among his friends, that trusted to have the matter long spoken of, and to be called Hun’s case. Whereby it appeareth that Hun was not then in prison clapt up for heresy, but was abroad seeking counsel among the lawyers, and boasting among his friends, as writeth More. After this heap of untruths above passed, add yet further another copy of Cope’s false dealing; who, seeking all corners and everywhere how to pick matter against my former history, 17 chargeth me with arrogancy, as though I took so highly upon me to undo and derogate the king’s acts and judgments in the acquittal of Dr. Horsey. If it so pleased the king to acquit Dr. Horsey by his gracious pardon, I am not against it, neither do I deny but the king so did: neither do I say, nor ever did, but the king, of his supereminent prerogative, may so do: and wherein then do I unrip or loose the king’s acts here done and concluded? But if the question be this, Whether Dr. Horsey with his conjurats, did kill Richard Hun or no? then do I say, that the pardon of the king doth not take away the verity of the crime committed, but removeth away the penalty of the law deserved: and so if the lives of them were saved by way of pardon (as Mr. More himself seemeth not to deny), then was it not through their innocency claiming justice, that they escaped, but through petition standing in need of mercy. For what needeth pardon, where justice absolveth? yea, who sueth pardon, but in so doing must yield himself guilty? for pardon never cometh lightly, either with God or man, except the crime be first confessed. Wherefore if they escaped by justice, as Cope pretendeth, how then doth Master More say, they were saved by pardon? And if they escaped by pardon, how then doth Cope say they were not guilty? And be it admitted, that the sentence of the king’s attorney in the king’s name did absolve them as unguilty, according as the king was then informed by the cardinal and suit of friends; yet afterwards the king, being better informed by the parliament, and the truth better known, detested and abhorred their fact, and yet continued his pardon unto them, as by the king’s own acts and his broad seal appeareth, yet remaining in records to be seen. And as touching my former histories set forth in Latin and in English, which spake first of the foreman of the quest, then of the king’s attorney, to be labored with some gifts or money: 18 as Cope hath yet proved no untruth in my saying, so less can he find any repugnance or disagreeing in the same. For he that speaketh of bribing, first of one person, and then afterwards of another, where both might be bribed together, is not contrary, I think, to himself, but rather doth comprehend that in the one book, which he before leaveth out in the other; and yet no great repugnance either in the one or in the other, seeing that which is said may be verified in both, as it is no other like but in this matter it was. For how is it otherwise likely or possible, but that there must needs be found some privy packing in this matter, seeing after such evidence found and brought in by the coroner’s inquest and jury of twenty-four chosen persons, after so many marks and tokens of the murder so clear and demonstrable, and laid forth so plain to the eyes of all the world, that no man could deny, or not see the same; yet through the handling of the aforesaid attorney, and of the foreman of the quest, the murderers were borne out and confessed to be no murderers. If such bolstering out of matters and partiality were then such a rare case in the realm of England, in the time of cardinal Wolsey (who then under the king and in the king’s name did what he list), then let it seem untrue what I have written in my former stories. And yet the words of my story, which Cope carpeth at so much, be not mine, but the words of Edward Hall, his own author. 19 Wherefore, if his disposition be so set, that he must needs be a censor of other men’s writings, let him expostulate with Hall, and not with me. But I trouble the reader too much in this matter of Richard Hun, being of itself so clear, that no indifferent judge can doubt thereof. As for wranglers and quarrelers, they will never be satisfied. Wherefore I return again to the purpose of our story intermitted. ELIZABETH STAMFORD, AND OTHERS In the table above, containing the names of those who, about this time of Richard Hun, were forced to deny and abjure their professed opinions, mention was made of Elizabeth Stamford, John Houshold, and others, abjuring about A.D. 1517; whose vexation and weakness, although it be pitiful to behold, yet to consider the confession of their doctrine in those ancient days, it is not unprofitable; wherein we have to see the same form of knowledge and doctrine then taught and planted in the hearts of our fore-elders, which is now publicly received, as well touching the Lord’s sacrament of his body, as also other specialties of sincerity. And although they lacked then public authority to maintain the open preaching and teaching of the gospel, which the Lord’s merciful grace hath given us now: yet in secret knowledge and understanding they seemed then little or nothing inferior to these our times of public reformation, as may appear by this confession of Elizabeth Stamford hereunder written; which only may suffice for example, to understand what ripe knowledge of God’s Word was then abroad; although not in churches publicly preached, for danger of the bishops, yet in secret wise taught and received of divers, in number of whom was this Elizabeth Stamford; who, being brought and examined before Fitzjames bishop of London, A.D. 1517, confessed, that she was taught by one Thomas Beele (sometime dwelling at Henley) these words eleven years before: “Christ feedeth, and fast nourisheth his church with his own precious body, that is, the bread of life coming down from heaven: this is the worthy Word that is worthily received, and joined unto man, to be in one body with him. Sooth it is, that they be both one, they may not be parted: this is the wisely deeming of the holy Sacrament, Christ’s own body: this is not received by chewing of teeth, but by hearing with ears, and understanding with your soul, and wisely working thereafter. Therefore, saith St. Paul, I fear me amongst us, brethren, that many of us be feeble and sick; therefore I counsel us, brethren, to rise and watch, that the great day of doom come not suddenly upon us, as the thief doth upon the merchant.” Also the said Beele taught and showed her, that the sacrament of the altar was not the very body of Christ, but very bread: and that the sacrament was the very body of Christ put upon the cross, after a divine and mystical manner. And moreover, that the said Thomas Beele did many times and oft teach her this aforesaid lesson, that she should confess her sins to God, and that the pope’s pardons and indulgences were naught worth, and profited not, and that worshipping of images and pilgrimages is not to be done. To this Elizabeth Stamford, may also be annexed the doctrine and confession of Joan Sampson, wife of John Sampson, carpenter, of Aldermanbury in London: against whom, being cited and examined before the bishop of London, certain witnesses were producted; who, upon their oath, being sworn, did detect and denounce the said Jean Sampson in these articles and opinions following: 1. That she being in her labor, what time Joan Sampson her predecessor then being alive, was with her, and after the manner then of women, called much upon the help of the Virgin Mary, she, spitting thereat, was in such sort aggrieved, that the other party was compelled to forsake the house. 2. Also, that she spake against pilgrimage, and the worshipping of the blessed Virgin, and of all saints, affirming that there is none holy but one. 3. Item, Another time, in the hearing of one Margaret Anworth, when she and other women were invocating the blessed Virgin to help in woman’s labor, she stood against them, and contumeliously spake against the invocators. 4. Item, That she, speaking against the pilgrimage of our lady of Wilsdon (as she was then called) and of St. Saviour at Bermondsey, called the said St. Savior, St. Sawyer. 5. Item, For having two certain books in English, one bigger, and another lesser, which she committed to one John Anstead a cook; which books in the register be not named. 6. Item, That the said Joan Sampson, at a supper, in the hearing of certain men, and of a certain widow named Joan White, spake openly in contempt of the sacrament of the altar; saying, that the priests were idolaters who did lift up the bread over their heads, making the people to worship it, and making the people to believe that it was the Lord’s body; and that it was better to eat the altar-cloth, if it might be eaten and digested as easily as the other. Here follow, moreover, the names of divers others who, in the registers, be specified to abjure: DIVERS William Jacum, carpenter John Hatchot Geo. Laund, prior of St Sithe John Stradling Jacob Sturdey John Newman, shereman Thomas Purual, tailor Henry Coil Robert Boshel John Bitam William Man Thomas Edward, dyer Robert Hutton, pinner William Sweting Richard Dewar Robert Pope Jacob Brewster Richard Apulby John Geeste of Stafford Sabine Manne John Osburn John Brian of the parish of St. Stephen John Spencer Robert Roger Patrike Dowdal, alias Capper John Eton John Bol John Chapman Richard Wescot Robert Aleyn William Chakon William Crosse John Finch, cook Richard Mildnal John Southwick JOHN SOUTHWICK Against this John Southwick last named, it was laid and objected, that when one Rivelay, coming from the church of the Gray Friars in London, had said to his wife (asking where he had been), that he had heard mass, and had seen his Lord God in form of bread and wine over the priest’s head, the aforesaid John Southwick there present answered again and said; “Nay, William! thou sawest not thy Lord God, thou sawest but bread, wine, and the chalice.” And when the said William answered again in the same words as before, saying, “I trust verily that I saw my Lord God in form of bread and wine, and this I doubt not;” the other replying again, answered and said as before, “Nay, I tell thee thou sawest but only a figure or sacrament of him, which is in substance bread and wine,’ etc. This was A.D. 1520, in which he was compelled to abjure. All these abovenamed, in one key of doctrine and religion, did hold and concord together: against whom were objected five or six special matters; to wit, for speaking against worshipping of saints, against pilgrimage, against invocation of the blessed Virgin, against the sacrament of the Lord’s body, and for having Scripture books in English; which books I find to be especially named, as these; the book of the four evangelists, a book of the epistles of Paul and Peter, the epistle of St. James, a book of the Apocalypse and of Antichrist, of the Ten Commandments, and Wickliff’s Wicket, with other such. JOHN STILLMAN, MARTYR It would ask a long tractation, and tedious, to recite in order the great multitude and number of good men and women, besides these aboverehearsed, who, in those days, recanted and abjured about the beginning of king Henry’s reign and before: among whom, yet notwithstanding, some there were whom the Lord reduced again, and made strong in the profession of his truth, and constant unto death; of which number one was John Stillman by name, who, about Sept. 24, A.D. 1518, was apprehended and brought before Richard Fitzjames then bishop of London, at his manor of Fulham, and by him was there examined and charged, that notwithstanding his former recantation, oath, and abjuration, made about eleven years then past, before Edmund then bishop of Salisbury, as well for speaking against the worshipping, praying, and offering unto images; as also for denying the carnal and corporal presence in the sacrament of Christ’s memorial: yet since that time he had fallen into the same opinions again, and so into the danger of relapse, and further he had highly commended and praised John Wickliff, affirming that he was a saint in heaven, and that his book called The Wicket was good and holy. 1 Soon after his examination he was sent from thence unto the Lollards’ tower at London, and on October 22, then next ensuing, was brought openly into the consistory of Paul’s, and was there judicially examined by Thomas Hed the bishop’s vicar-general, upon the contents of these articles following: ARTICLES LAID AGAINST JOHN STILMAN. 1. First I object unto you, that you have confessed before my lord of London, and me Dr. Hed, his vicar-general, that about twenty years past, one Stephen Moone of the diocese of Winchester (with whom you abode six or seven years after), did teach you to believe that the going on pilgrimage and worshipping of images, as the lady of Walsingham and others, were not to be used. And also that afterwards one Richard Smart, who was burned at Salisbury about fourteen or fifteen years past, did read unto you Wicklift’s Wicket, and likewise instructed you to believe that the sacrament of the altar was not the body of Christ: all which things you have erroneously believed. 2. Item, You have divers times read the said book called Wickliff’s Wicket, and one other book of the ten commandments, which the said Richard Smart did give you; and at the time of your first apprehension you did hide them in an old oak, and did not reveal them unto the bishop of Salisbury, before whom you were abjured of heresy about eleven years since; where you promised, by oath upon the evangelists, ever after ‘to believe and hold as the Christian faith taught and preached, and never to offend again in the said heresies, or any other, upon pain of relapse. And further, you there promised to perform all such penance as the said bishop of Salisbury did enjoin you: who then enjoined you, upon the like pain, not to depart his diocese without his special license. 3. Item, It is evident that you be relapsed, as well by your own confession, as also by your deeds, in that about two years after your abjuration you went into the said place where you had hidden your books; and then taking them away with you, you departed the aforesaid diocese without the license of the bishop, and brought them with you to London; where now, being attached and taken with them upon great suspicion of heresy, you are brought unto the bishop of London: by reason of which your demeanor, you have showed by your impenitent and dissembled conversation, both your errors, and also your unfaithful abjuration and disobedience unto the authority of our mother holy church, in that you performed not the penance: in which behalf you be voluntarily perjured, and also relapsed, in that you departed the said diocese without license. 4. Item, You be not only (as afore is said) impenitent, disobedient, voluntarily perjured and relapsed, by this your aforesaid heretical demeanor, but also, since your last attachment upon suspicion of heresy, you have maliciously spoken erroneous and damnable words, affirming before my lord of London, your ordinary, and me, judicially sitting at Fulham, that you were sorry that ever you did abjure your said opinions, and had not suffered then manfully for them, for they were, and be, good and true; and therefore you will now abide by them to die for it. And furthermore, you have spoken against our holy father the pope and his authority, damnably saying that he is Antichrist, and not the true successor of Peter, or Christ’s vicar on earth; and that his pardons and indulgences, which he granteth in the sacrament of penance, are naught, and that you will none of them. And likewise that the college of cardinals be limbs of the said Antichrist: and that all other inferior prelates and priests are the synagogue of Satan. And moreover you said, that the doctors of the church have subverted the truth of holy Scripture, expounding it after their own minds, and therefore their works be naught, and they in hell: but that Wickliff is a saint in heaven, and that the book called his Wicket is good, for therein he showeth the truth. Also you did wish that there were twenty thousand of your opinion, against us scribes and Pharisees, to see what you would do for the defense of your faith. All which heresies you did afterwards erroneously affirm before the archbishop of Canterbury, and then said that you would abide by them to die for it, notwithstanding his earnest persuasions to the contrary: and therefore, for these premises you be evidently relapsed, and ought to be committed unto the secular power. All these articles thus propounded, and his constant persevering in the truth perceived, Dr. Hed, vicar-general, Oct. 25, by his sentence definitive, did condemn him for a relapsed heretic, and so delivered him the same day unto the sheriffs of London, to be openly burned in Smithfield. THOMAS MAN, MARTYR Next to John Stilman abovementioned, followeth in this order of blessed martyrs, the persecution and condemnation of Thomas Man; who, March 29, A.D. 1518, was burned in Smithfield. This Thomas Man had likewise been apprehended for the profession of Christ’s gospel about six years before (Aug. 14, 1511), and being at that time brought before Dr. Smith, bishop of Lincoln, was by him examined upon divers and sundry articles, the effect whereof is this: THE ARTICLES OF THOMAS MAN. 1. First, That he had spoken against auricular confession, and denied the corporal presence of Christ’s body in the sacrament of the altar. 2. Item, That he believed that all holy men of his sect were only priests. 3. Item, That he had affirmed that the Father of heaven was the altar, and the Second Person the sacrament; and that upon the ascension day the sacrament ascended unto the altar, and there abideth still. 4. Item, That he believed not aright in the sacrament of extreme unction. 5. Item, That he had called certain priests, meanly arrayed, pilled knaves. 6. Item, That he had said that pulpits were priests’ lying stools. 7. Item, That he had believed that images ought not to be worshipped, and that he neither believed in the crucifix, nor yet would worship it. 8. Item, That he had affirmed that he heard say, the word of God and God to be all one, and that he that worthily receiveth the word of God, receiveth God. 9. Item, That he had said that the popish church was not the church of God, but a synagogue; and that holy men of his sect were the true church of God. For these and such like matters was he a long time imprisoned, and, at last, through frailty and fear of death, was content to abjure and yield himself unto the judgment of the Romish church, and thereupon was enjoined, not only to make his open recantation, but also from thenceforth to remain as prisoner within the monastery of Osney beside Oxford, and so to bear a faggot before the first cross, at the next general procession within the university. Howbeit not long after, the bishop having need of the poor man’s help in his household business, took him out of the said monastery, and placed him within his own house until his business was ended; and then (his turn once served) he appointed Dr. Wilcocks his vicar-general, that in his next judicial session within the priory of Frideswide at Oxford, he should assign him to remain within the said priory, and not to depart thence without license of the prior for the time being, upon pain of relapse: and upon like pain he also enjoined him to wear the sign of a faggot under his uppermost garment, until he were dispensed withal for the same. All which notwithstanding (being belike both sorry for his offense in denying the truth, and also weary of his servile and prison-like bondage), he bethought himself how he might best escape their cruel hands; and therefore, after a while, seeing good opportunity offered him, he fled the diocese and jurisdiction of Lincoln, and seeking abroad in other counties for work, thereby to sustain his poor life, he most commonly abode, sometimes in Essex, sometimes in Suffolk; where also he associated and joined himself unto such godly professors of Christ’s gospel, as he there could hear of. But within few years after (such is the cruel rage of Satan and his wicked members, who never suffer the godly long to continue untroubled,) he was again accused of relapse by the inquest of the inquisition of London, and thereupon was apprehended and brought before Richard Fitzjames then bishop of London, and, Feb. 9th, 1518, he was examined by Dr. Hed, the bishop’s near-general, within his palace at London: where the said Hed, judicially assisted by divers of his complices, declared first unto Man, that forasmuch as he was, since his first abjuring, again detected and accused, by certain credible and honest persons, of the same heresies which he had once before recanted: and further (contrary to the order of penance enjoined him by the late bishop of Lincoln), he had departed the priory of St. Frideswide, and the diocese of Lincoln, without leave either of the bishop or prior; and was now also found within the diocese of London, and that without his badge assigned him by the said bishop’s vicar-general: he therefore, as chancellor and vicar-general unto the bishop of London, deputed for that purpose, did then mean to proceed against him as a relapse, by order of the ecclesiastical laws in that behalf provided. Wherefore he appointed him to appear again in the consistory of Paul’s, on the 12th of February next after, there to answer unto such articles as then should be propounded against him. At which day and place, the chancellor (first reciting the causes above mentioned, why he did then proceed against him) objected unto him these articles following: ARTICLES AGAIN OBJECTED AGAINST THOMAS MAN. 1. First, That he was of the diocese of London. 2. Item, That he was a Christian man, and professed Christ’s faith, and the determinations of holy church concerning the seven sacraments, and other articles of the catholic faith. 3. Item, That it was not lawful for any man (especially a layman) erroneously and obstinately to hold, teach, or defend any opinion contrary unto the determinations of the said church; and that the person so doing is a heretic. 4. Item, That within one of the twelve months of the year of our Lord 1511, he had been detected before the bishop of Lincoln that then was, of divers points of heresy; as that he had affirmed, that the very body and blood of Christ was not in the sacrament of the altar, but material bread and wine, and that he had received it at Easter as holy bread: and likewise had affirmed, that the crucifix and other images in the church were not to be worshipped; and also, that confession made unto a priest was of no effect; with divers other like opinions and heresies. 5. Item, That for these and such like points of heresy he had been abjured in St. Mary’s church at Oxford, before Dr. Wilcocks, chancellor unto the said bishop of Lincoln, in the month of October, in the year last above-said, and there did renounce them and all other, promising to fall no more into the like. 6. Item, That there also he had taken a solemn oath, to do such penance as should be enjoined him by the authority of the said bishop. 7. Item, That then he was enjoined to abide within the monastery of Osney by Oxford; and also there to bear a faggot before the first cross in the general procession. 8. Item, That after a certain time that he had been in the monastery of Osney, the bishop of Lincoln (for certain causes) took him into his own house and service, respiting his penance for a time. 9. Item, That afterwards, which was on the 9th of October, 1512, the said bishop’s chancellor, judicially sitting in the chapter-house of the priory of St. Frideswide, in Oxford, did enjoin him that he should tarry within the said priory, and not go out of the gates thereof without license of the prior for the time being, until he had other commandment from the bishop; upon pain of relapse: and further, that he should from thenceforth, upon the like pain, wear a sign of a faggot under his uppermost garment. 10. Item, That after his abjuration, and since the premises thus done, he was yet again detected to the bishop of London by open fame, and denounced by worshipful and credible persons, that he had used like false errors and heresies, and had spoken and taught certain conclusions of heresy against the Christian faith, and determinations of holy church: and that he had fallen into the like heresies as before his abjuration, both against the sacrament of the altar, against pilgrimages and worshipping of images: and had blasphemed our blessed lady, calling her Mably. 11. Item, That when he wrought with one John Bates, in Stratford Langthorn, in Rogation-week then three years past, and being bidden by the said Bates’s wife to go and hear the gospel, he answered and said unto her, ‘I will not go there; go you if you list; ye shall have as much need for in as to put your finger in the fire and to burn it.’ 12. Item, That in times past; for fear of abjuration he had fled from Colchester to Newbury, and after that unto Amersham, and had there damnably accompanied with heretics, and had taught heresies among them: and also since the time of his abjuration he had said, that he and his wife had turned six or seven hundred people unto those opinions which he was abjured of, and others also, contrary to Christ’s faith, and determinations of holy church. His answer unto these articles was, that as touching the first nine, he granted them in part to be true; confessing to the second, that he was a true Christian, and did profess the true Christian faith: but the contents of the last three he utterly denied to be true; affirming for certain answer unto the eleventh article, that at the time mentioned in the same he did not work in the town of Stratford. Upon which answer, the chancellor called forth two witnesses to be sworn and examined against him, willing him that if he had any just matter against any of them, he should refuse them. But to what purpose this his fair offer and trim show of upright justice served, I cannot see, for, notwithstanding that he charged one of the witnesses with theft and adultery (for that having a wife of his own, he did yet run away with another man's wife and goods), and also alleged that the other was too young to be a sworn witness in case of life and death: yet were they both still retained and allowed by the chancellor, and sworn not to depart away or hide themselves, but to be always ready to justify that which they had to say against the said Thomas Man. And so for that time, as well they as also all the rest were commanded to depart, and the prisoner sent again to his prison. And here, in the order of the oath ministered unto these witnesses, I find one note, me thinketh, worthy of present remembrance, both for that it is mentioned in this process, and also because it somewhat openeth the foolish, ridiculous, and reigned figurative ceremonies of the papists, who do attribute a spiritual signification unto almost all their doings. The register, discoursing at large the manner of their oath, hath these words: “He caused them to swear upon the holy evangelists, with their three middle fingers stretched out right, and laid upon the book in sign of the Trinity and catholic faith; and the other two (to wit, the thumb and the little finger) put downwards under the book, in token of damnation of body and soul, if they did not depose the truth in the matter.” This ceremonial order and exposition of theirs, as it is of their own fond invention, without any ground or example of the Scriptures of God, so mind I to leave it still unto themselves, with other their apish toys and ridicules, as things worthy to be laughed at; and will now further proceed with the rest of this process which I have in hand. On the 15th of February, Dr. Hed the chancellor, again judicially sitting in the consistory at Paul’s, commanded Thomas Man to be brought before him, and there causing the articles objected against him by the bishop of Lincoln, with his order of abjuration and penance, and also his own articles last propounded, to be first read; he called forth a third witness to be sworn and examined upon the same. But because he would seem to do all things by order of justice, and nothing against law, he therefore appointed unto the said Thomas Man certain doctors and advocates of the Arches, as his counselors to plead in his behalf; which was even like as if the lamb should be committed to the defense and protection of the wolf, or the hare to the hound. For what good help could he look for at their hands, who were both most wicked haters and abhorrers of his Christian profession, and also stout upholders and maintainers of that anti-Christian law, by which he was for the same condemned? And that full well appeared by the good advice and profitable counsel which they gave him against his next examinations. For as well upon the twentieth, and also the twenty-third of the same month of February, in their several sessions, he seeing his own negations to their objections to take no place against their sworn witnesses, had no other thing to allege for himself, but that, through his twenty weeks of hard imprisonment under the bishop of Lincoln, he was forced to recant and abjure; which was a poor shift of counsel, God knoweth: and yet Dr. Raynes being one of his chief assigned advocates, instead of advice, could, by his subtle questioning, then make him confess, that certain talk whereof one of the witnesses had accused him, was spoken about five years before past: which, because it was since his recantation, was rather an accusation of himself, than an excusing: and therefore it is easy to judge with how favorable and uprightful hearts they took upon them to be his advocates and defenders. The chancellor likewise charged him upon the same twenty-third day, that since his last imprisonment, he had said unto Robert Cluny the bishop's sumner, and his keeper, that as far forth as he could see or perceive for his part in this his matter, the laws of the church were grounded upon Pilate and Caiaphas: which objection he granting to be true, the chancellor did for that time dismiss the court, until the first day of March next following. Upon that day (minding to make quick dispatch) he in few words asked Man, what matter he had to allege for himself why he should not then (considering the premises) be pronounced a relapsed heretic, and receive such punishment by the secular power, as to such was due by order of law? But he, having no other allegations than before, which might take place with them, was finally condemned as a heretic; and notwithstanding that, as the register noteth (but how truly, God only knoweth), he did again forsake his former renewed profession of Christ's gospel, and yielded himself unto the bishop of Rome, requiring to be absolved from his curse of excommunication, and contented to do such penance as they should enjoin him, he was yet, the 29th of March, delivered by Dr. Hed to the sheriff of London, to be then presently burned, with this protestation made before, that he might not consent to the death of any, and therefore he desired the sheriff that he would receive this person as relapsed and condemned, and yet to punish him otherwise than by rigorous rigor. 3 The words to be marked in their sentence be these: 4 “We desire, in the bowels of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the punishment and execution of due severity, of thee and against thee, in this part, may so be moderated, that there be no rigorous rigor, nor yet no dissolute mansuetude, but to the health and wealth of thy soul,” etc. Wherein these catholic church-men do well declare, according to the words of Thomas Man before expressed, that the laws of their church be grounded upon Pilate and Caiaphas. For like as Caiaphas, with his court of Pharisees, cried against Christ unto Pilate: “It is not lawful for us to put any man to death,” but “if thou let him go, thou art not Caesar's friend;” even so they, first condemning the saints of God to death, and then delivering them unto the secular magistrate to be thereupon executed, would yet cover their malignant hearts with the cloak of hypocritical holiness and unwillingness to shed blood. But God be thanked, who bringeth all things to light in his due time, and uncovereth hypocrisy at last, that she may be seen and known in her right colors! Thus Thomas Man, the manly martyr of Jesus Christ, being condemned by the unjust sentence of Hed the chancellor, was delivered to the sheriff of London sitting on horseback in Paternoster-row, before the bishop’s door (A.D. 1518), he protesting to the said sheriff, that he had no power to put Man to death; and therefore desiring the sheriff to take him as a relapse and condemned, to see him punished; ‘et tamen citra mortem,”that is, “without death,” as the words stand in the register. The sheriff receiving neither articles to be read at his burning, nor any indentures of that his delivery, immediately carried him to Smithfield, and there, the same day in the forenoon, caused him to be “put into God’s angel;” according to the words of the said Thomas Man before, saying, that if he were taken again of the pilled knave priests, as he called them, he wist well he should go to the Holy Angel, and then be an angel in heaven. In the deposition of one Thomas Risby, weaver, of Stratford-Lungthorn, against the aforenamed martyr Thomas Man, it appeareth by the registers, that he had been in divers places and countries in England, and had instructed very many, as at Amenham, at London, at Billericay, at Chelmsford, at Stratford-Langthorn, at Uxbridge, at Burnham, at Henleyupon- Thames, in Suffolk and Norfolk, at Newbury, and divers places more: where he himself testifieth, that as he went westward, he found a great company of well-disposed persons, being of the same judgment touching the sacrament of the Lord’s supper that he was of, and especially at Newbury, 5 where was (as he confessed) a glorious and sweet society of faithful favorers, who had continued the space of fifteen years together, till at last, by a certain lewd person, whom they trusted and made of their counsel, they were bewrayed; and then many of them, to the number of six or seven score, were abjured, and three or four of them burnt. From thence he came then (as he confessed) to the forest of Windsor, where he, hearing of the brethren who were at Amersham, removed thither, where he found a godly and a great company, which had continued in that doctrine and teaching twenty-three years, which was from this present time seventy years ago. And this congregation of Buckinghamshire men remained till the time of John Longland, bishop of Lincoln, whereof we shall (Christ willing) hear more anon. Against these faithful Christians of Amersham, were great trouble and persecution in the time of William Smith bishop of Lincoln, about A.D. 1507, at which time divers and many were abjured, and it was called ‘abjuratio magna,’ ‘the great abjuration;’ and those who were noted of that doctrine and profession, were called by the name of ‘known men,’ or ‘justfast men,’ etc. In this congregation of the faithful brethren, were four principal readers or instructors; whereof one was Tylsworth 170 , called then Dr. Tylsworth, who was burnt at Amersham, mentioned in our history before, by the name of William Tilseley, whom I suppose to be rather called Tylsworth. Another was Thomas Chase, called amongst them Dr. Chase, whom we declared before to be murdered and hanged in the bishop of Lincoln’s prison at Woburn, called Little-ease. 6 The third was this Thomas Man, called also Dr. Man, burned as is here mentioned in Smithfield, A.D. 1518, who, as by his own confession, and no less also by his travail appeareth, was God’s champion, and suffered much trouble by the priests for the cause and law of God. He confesseth himself in the same register, that he had turned seven hundred people to his religion and doctrine, for which he thanked God. He conveyed also five couples of men and women from Amersham, Uxbridge, Burnham, and Henley-upon- Thames, (where they dwelt), unto Suffolk and Norfolk, that they might be brought (as he then termed it) out of the devil’s mouth. The fourth was Robert Cosin; named likewise among them Dr. Cosin. ROBERT COSIN, OF BUCKINGHAM, MARTYR This Robert Cosin seemeth to be the same who in the former part of this history is mentioned, being called by the name of father Robert, 1 and was burnt in Buckingham. Of this Robert Cosin, I find in the registers of Lincoln, that he, with Thomas Man, had instructed and persuaded one Joan Norman, about Amersham, not to go on pilgrimage, nor to worship any images of saints. Also when she had vowed a piece of silver to a saint for the health of her child, they dissuaded her from the same, and said, that she needed not to confess herself to a priest, but that it was sufficient to lift up her hands to heaven. Moreover, they were charged by the bishop, for teaching the said Joan, that she might as well drink on the Sunday before mass, as on any other day. And thus you see the doctrine of these good men, for which they were in those days abjured and condemned to death. WILLIAM SWEETING, ALIAS CLERKE, MARTYR William Sweeting, otherwise named Clerke, first dwelt with the lady Percy, at Darlington, in the county of Northampton, for a certain space, and from thence went to Boxted, in the county of Essex, where he was the holy-water clerk the space of seven years: after that, he was bailiff and farmer to Mrs. Margery Wood, the term of thirteen years. From Boxted he departed and came: to the town of St. Osithe, where he served the prior of St. Osithe’s, named George Laund, the space of sixteen years and more; where he had so turned the prior by his persuasions, that the said prior of St. Osithe was afterwards compelled to abjure. 1 This William Sweeting, coming up to London with the aforesaid prior, for suspicion of heresy was committed to the Lollards’ tower, under the custody of Charles Joseph, and there, being abjured in the church of St. Paul, was constrained to bear a faggot at Paul’s Cross, and at Colchester; and afterwards to wear a faggot upon his coat all his life, which he did two years together upon his left sleeve, till at length the parson of Colchester required him to help him in the service of the church; and so plucked the badge from his sleeve, and there he remained two years, being the holy-water cleric. From thence afterward he departed, and traveling abroad, came to Rederiffe, in the diocese of Winchester, where he was holy-water clerk the space of a year. Then he went to Chelsea, where he was their neatherd, and kept the town beasts; in which town, upon St. Ann’s day in the morning, as he went forth with his beasts to the field, the good man was apprehended and brought before the bishop, and his chamber searched for books; this was A.D. 1511. The crimes whereupon he was examined, were these: First, For having much conference with one William Man, of Boxted, in a book which was called Matthew. ITEM , That he had familiarity, and frequented much the company of James Brewster, who had been before abjured. ITEM , That when his wife should go on pilgrimage, he asked of her, what good she would receive by her going on pilgrimage? adding moreover, that as he supposed it was to no purpose nor profit; but rather it were better for her to keep at home, and to attend her business. ITEM , That he had learned and received of William Man, that the sacrament of the priests’ altar was not the present very body, but bread in substance, received in memorial of Christ. ITEM , That he had propounded and affirmed the same doctrine to James Brewster. ITEM , Because he had reprehended his wife for worshipping the images in the church, and for setting up candles before them. And thus have you all the causes and crimes laid against this William Sweeting wherefore he was condemned: who then being asked what cause he had, why he should not be judged for a relapse, said, he had nothing else, but only that he committed himself to the mercy of Almighty God. JAMES BREWSTER, COLCHESTER, MARTYR With William Sweeting also the same time was examined and condemned, James Brewster, of the parish of St. Nicholas, in Colchester. This James Brewster was a carpenter, dwelling ten years in the town of Colchester; who, being unlettered, could neither read nor write, and was apprehended upon the day of St. James, in one Walker’s house, in St. Clement’s parish. About six years before, which was A.D. 1505, he had been abjured by William Warham, archbishop of Canterbury, the see of London being then vacant; and after other penance done at Colchester, was enjoined to wear a faggot upon his upper garment during his life, which badge he did bear upon his left shoulder near the space of two years, till the comptroller of the earl of Oxford plucked it away, because he was laboring in the works of the earl. The crimes whereupon he was examined, and which he confessed, were these: First, That he had been five times with William Sweeting in the fields keeping beasts, hearing him read many good things out of a certain book: at which reading also were present at one time Woodroof or Woodbinde, a netmaker, with his wife; also a brotherin- law of William Sweeting; and another time Thomas Goodred, who heard likewise the said William Sweeting read. ITEM , Because he used the company and conference of Henry Hert, carpenter, of Westminster, and wrought with him in his science at Westminster. ITEM , For having a certain little book of Scripture in English, of an old writing almost worn for age, whose name is not there expressed. ITEM , Because he, hearing upon a time one Master Bardfield, of Colchester, thus say: ‘He that will not worship the Maozim 2 in heart and thought, shall die in sight,’ he asked afterwards of William Man, what that word Maozim should mean? who told him, that it signified as much as the masing 3 God, to wit, the sacrament of the altar. ITEM , That he had much conference with Henry Hert, against oblations and images, and that it was better bestowed money which was given to the poor, than that which was offered in pilgrimage. ITEM , For that he had communication and conference with Roger Helliar, and one Walker, a thicker of St. Clements, concerning divers such matters of pilgrimage, offering to images, worshipping of saints, and the sacrament of the altar. ITEM , When Thomas Goodred, William Sweeting, and he, in the fields keeping beasts, were talking together of the sacrament of the Lord’s body, and like matters, this James Brewster should thus say: ‘Now the Son of the living God help us: unto whom William Sweeting again should answer: ‘Now Almighty God so do.” And thus have you the causes likewise and crimes laid against James Brewster, upon which he, with William Sweeting, were together examined and condemned. Then being asked, as the Romish manner is, Whether he had any cause why he should not be adjudged for a relapse; he, trusting to find favor and grace in submitting himself, said, that he submitted him to the mercy of Almighty God. and to the favorable goodness of him his Judge. And likewise did William Sweeting submit himself; trusting belike that they should find some favor and relief in this humble subjecting themselves unto their goodness. But note here the unmerciful and unchristian dealing of these catholic fathers, who, upon their submission, were contented to give out a solemn commission, the tenor whereof was to release and pardon them from the sentence of excommunication, which they had incurred: but immediately after upon the same, the bishop, all this notwithstanding, pronounced upon them the sentence of death and condemnation; whereupon they were both delivered to the secular power, and both together burnt in Smithfield at one fire, the 18th day of October, A.D. 1511. CHRISTOPHER SHOEMAKER, OF GREAT MISSENDEN, MARTYR To these blessed saints before-named, we will also adjoin Christopher Shoemaker, of whom this I find briefly in the register of sir John Longland; that the said Christopher Shoemaker, a parishioner of Great Missenden, came to the house of John Say, and after other matters of talk, read to him out of a little book the words which Christ spake to his disciples. And thus coming to his house about four times, at every time he read something out of the same book unto him, teaching him not to be deceived in the priests’ celebration at mass; and declaring that it was not the same very present body of Christ, as the priests did fantasy; but in substance bread, bearing the remembrance of Christ: and taught him moreover, that pilgrimage, worshipping and setting up candles to saints, were all unprofitable. And thus the said John Say, being taught by this Christopher, and also confirmed by John Okenden and Robert Pope, was brought to the knowledge of the same doctrine. Thus much briefly I find in that register concerning Christopher Shoemaker: declaring further, that he was burned at Newbury about this time, which was A.D. 1518. And thus much out of the registers of London. In turning over the registers and records of Lincoln likewise, and coming to the year of our Lord 1520, and to 1521, I find that as the light of the Gospel began more to appear, and the number of professors to grow, so the vehemency of persecution, and stir of the bishops ‘began also to increase; whereupon ensued great perturbation and grievous affliction in divers and sundry quarters of this realm, especially about Buckinghamshire and Amersham, Uxbridge, Henley, Newbury, in the diocese of London, in Essex, Colchester, Suffolk, and Norfolk, and other parts more. And this was before the name of Luther was heard of in these countries among the people. Wherefore they are much beguiled and misinformed, who condemn this kind of doctrine now received, of novelty; asking, “Where this church and religion forty years ago, before Luther’s time?” To whom it; may be answered, that this religion and form of doctrine was planted by the apostles, and taught by true bishops; afterward decayed, and now reformed again. Although it was not received nor admitted of the pope’s clergy before Luther’s time, neither yet is; yet it was received of others, in whose hearts it pleased the Lord secretly to work; and that of a great number, who both professed and suffered for the same, as in the former times of this history may appear. And if they think this doctrine be so new that it was not heard of before Luther’s time, how then came such great persecution before Luther’s time here in England? If these were of the same profession which they were of, then was their cruelty unreasonable, so to persecute their own catholic fraternity. And if they were otherwise, how then is this doctrine of the gospel so new, or how are the professors thereof so late started up as they pretend them to be? But this cometh only of ignorance, and for not knowing nor considering well the times and antiquities of the church which have been before us; which if they did, they should see and say, that the church of England hath not lacked great multitudes who tasted and followed the sweetness of God’s holy word almost in as ample manner, for the number of well-disposed hearts, as now. Although public authority then lacked to maintain the open preaching of the gospel, yet the secret multitude of true professors was not much unequal: certes the fervent zeal of those Christian days seemed much superior to these our days and times; as manifestly may appear by their sitting up all night in reading and hearing; also by their expenses and charges in buying of books in English, of whom some gave five marks, 1 some more, some less, for a book: some gave a load of hay for a few chapters of St. James, or of St. Paul in English. In which rarity of books, and want of teachers, this one thing I greatly marvel and muse at; to note in the registers, and to consider how the word of truth, notwithstanding, did multiply so exceedingly as it did amongst them: wherein is to be seen no doubt the marvelous working of God’s mighty power. For so I find and observe in considering the registers, how one neigh bout, resorting and conferring with another, eftsoons with a few words of the first or second talk, did win and turn their minds to that wherein they desired to persuade them, touching the truth of God’s word and his sacraments. To see their travails, their earnest seekings, their burning zeal, their readings, their watchings, their sweet assemblies, their love and concord, their godly living, their faithful demeaning with the faithful, may make us now, in these our days of free profession, to blush for shame. Four principal points they stood in against the church of Rome: in pilgrimage, in adoration of saints, in reading Scripture-books in English, and in the carnal presence of Christ’s body in the sacrament. After the great abjuration aforesaid, which was under William Smith, bishop of Lincoln, they were noted and termed among themselves by the name of known-men,’ or ‘just-fast-men:’ as now they are called by the name of Protestants. As they were simple, and yet not uncircumspect in their doings, so the crafty serpent, being more wily than they, by fraudulent subtlety did so circumvent them, that he caused the wife to detect the husband, the husband the wife, the father the daughter, the daughter the father, the brother to disclose the brother, and neighbor the neighbor. Neither were there any assemblies nor readings kept, but both the persons and also the books were known; neither was any word so closely spoken, nor article mentioned, but it was discovered. So subtiley and sleightly these catholic prelates did use their inquisitions and examinations, that nothing was done or said among these ‘known-men,’ so covertly, fifteen or twenty years before, but it was brought at length to their intelligence. Such captious interrogatories, so many articles and suspicions they had, such espials and privy scouts they sent abroad, such authority and credit they had with the king, and in the king’s name; such diligence they showed in that behalf, so violently and impudently they abused the book of the peaceable evangelists, wresting men’s consciences upon their oath, swearing them upon the same to detect themselves, their fathers and mothers, and other of their kindred, with their friends and neighbors, and that to death. All which things in the further process of the table ensuing (Christ willing), which we have collected out of some part of the registers of Lincoln, shall appear. For the better declaration whereof, first here is to be premonished by the way, touching the see of Lincoln, that after William Smith succeeded John Longland. This William Smith, although he was somewhat eager and sharp against the poor simple flock of Christ’s servants,, under whom some were burned, many abjured, a great number molested, as partly hath been afore declared; yet was he nothing so bloody or cruel as was the said Longland, who afterwards succeeded in that diocese; for so I find of him, that in the time of the great abjuration and troublesome affliction of Buckinghamshire men, wherein many were abjured, and certain burned; yet divers he sent quietly home without punishment and penance, bidding them go home and live as good Christian men should do; and many who were enjoined penance before, he did release. This Smith died about A.D. 1515, by whom was builded, as is aforesaid, the college of Brazennose in Oxford. Not long after him followed John Longland, a fierce and cruel vexer of the faithful poor servants of Christ; who, to renew again the old sparkles of persecution which were not yet utterly quenched, first began with one or two of those who had been abjured, whom he thought to be most notorious, causing them, by force of their oath, to detect and bewray, not only their own opinions touching points of religion, but also to discover all others of their affinity, who were either suspected or abjured before. And them likewise he put to their oath, most violently constraining them to utter and confess both themselves, and whom else soever they knew: by reason whereof an incredible multitude of men, women, and maidens, were brought forth to examination, and straightly handled; and such as were found in relapse were burned. The rest were so burdened with superstitious and idolatrous penance and injunctions, that either through grief of conscience they shortly died, or else with shame they lived. All which tragical ,doings and proceedings of the bishop against these ‘known’ and ‘just-fast-men,’ in these tables hereunder following (Christ granting) shall appear, both with the accusers, and with the parties themselves accused, and also the crimes objected. But before we enter into the table, it shall be requisite first to hear the order and copy of his captious and crafty interrogatories, whereby he constrained the simple poor men to accuse and impeach one another: which interrogatories were these in order as followeth. CAPTIOUS INTERROGATORIES MINISTERED COMMONLY BY THE BISHOP OF LINCOLN, AGAINST THESE EXAMINATES HERE FOLLOWING. The interrogatories or articles which Longland, bishop of Lincoln, used most commonly to minister to these examinates or ‘known-men,’ in number were nine, and are these as followeth. 1. First, Whether they or any of them did know, that certain of the parish of Amersham had been convented before William Smith, late bishop of Lincoln, for heresy? 2. Item, Whether they knew that they, so convented before the said bishop, did err in the sacrament of the altar, or in any other sacrament of the church: and if they did, in what sacraments, and in which of them? Also whether they knew that the said parties so covented did confess their errors, and receive penance for the same? 3. Item, Whether they, or any of them, were of the society of those so convented for heresy: and if they were, what fellowship they had with them, and with whom? 4. Item, Whether they, or any of them, were ever conversant with such a one (naming the person whom they knew suspected, as with Thurstan Littlepage)? And if they were, what conversation they had with him, how long, and when and whether they knew the said person to have been suspected of heresy? 5. Item, Whether they, or any of them, were ever conversant with him; or with him (naming some other person whom they suspected, as Alexander Mastall)? and if they were, how, and how long? and whether they knew the said person to be suspected of heresy? 6. Item, Whether they or any of them had been beforetime detected of heresy, to the office of the aforesaid William bishop of Lincoln: and if they were, by what person or persons they were detected? or else, whether they only were called by the aforesaid William bishop for heresy? 7. Item, Whether he or they be noted and holden for heretics; or be reputed and defamed to be of the sect of those who were convented for heresy I and whether he or they be named for a ‘known-man’ amongst them? 8. Item, Whether he or they have been ever at any readings of such as have been so convented for heresy’? 9. Item, Whether he or they were ever in any secret communication or conventicle with them? whom or which of them he knew to be named and reputed for a ‘known-man,’ or holding against the sacrament of the altar, or other sacraments and articles of faith? and if they knew any such, to declare where and when, and what they were, and who were present the same time? These articles and interrogatories thus declared, now followeth to be showed a certain brief sum compendiously collected out of the registers of John Longland, bishop of Lincoln, declaring, in order of a table, the names first of those who by oath were constrained against their wills to detect and accuse others. Secondly, The persons that were accused. Thirdly, The crimes to them objected; as in the process of this table shall follow to be seen. And first; forasmuch as the bishop perceived that Roger Bennet, William Chedwell, Edmund Dormer, Thomas Harding, Robert Andrew, with such others, were men especially noted to be of that side, therefore, to work his purpose the better, he began with them; producing the same as witnesses, to detect first Robert Bartlet of Amersham, and Richard his brother; understanding that these afore-named witnesses, because they had been abjured before, durst now do no other, upon pain of relapse, but needs confess whatsoever was put unto them. And therefore, because Robert Bartlet and Richard his brother, being called before the bishop, and sworn upon their oath, would confess nothing against themselves; the bishop, to convict them by witnesses, went first to William Chedwell, lying sore sick in his bed, causing him upon the evangelists to swear, whether he knew the aforesaid Robert and Richard Bartlet to be ‘known-men.’ Which being done, the bishop then called before him Robert Andrew, Roger Bennet, John Hill, Edmund Dormer, John Milsent, Thomas Bernard, Thomas Littlepage, John Dosset (all Amersham men), who, being abjured before, as is said, durst no otherwho do but confess upon their oath that Robert and Richard Bartlet were ‘known-men.’ And yet the bishop, not contented with this, caused also their two wives, to wit, Margaret the wife of Robert Bartlet, and Isabel the wife of Richard Bartlet, to depose and give witness against their own natural husbands. Albeit Isabel Bartlet, being somewhat more temperate of her tongue, refused utterly to confess any thing of her husband, and denied her husband’s words to be true; till at last, she being convicted of perjury, was constrained to utter the truth, as in the process of this table following, more particularly followeth to be seen. TABLE, DESCRIBING THE GRIEVOUS AFFLICTIONS OF GOOD MEN AND WOMEN IN THE DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, UNDER JOHN LONGLAND THE BISHOP; WITH THE NAMES BOTH OF THE ACCUSERS, AND OF THEM THAT WERE ACCUSED: ALSO WITH THE CRIMES TO THEM OBJECTED: OUT OF THE REGISTERS OF THE SAID DIOCESE, A.D. 1521 William Chedwell, sick in his bed; Robert Andrew, Robert Bennet, John Hill, Edmund Dormer, John Milsent, Thomas Bernard, Thomas Littlepage, John Dosset, Margaret Bartlet, Isabel Bartlet: these being before abjured, were now compelled by oath to detect ROBERT BARTLET, AND RICHARD BARFLET, HIS BROTHER. This Robert Bartlet, and Richard his brother, were detected by these aforesaid accusers to be ‘known-men,’ that is, to be of the same company and affinity with these jurats, and others who had been abjured before in the time of William Smith, bishop of Lincoln, about A.D. 1508; and that in the house of Thomas Harding they were so noted, by the words of Harding’s wife, who, speaking to Robert Bartlet, said, That she was glad that he was converted to grace, and chosen to Almighty God; requiring him never to forsake that he was called to; for if he did, there was no sacrifice left for him. Also the said Harding’s wife, speaking to Richard Bartlet coming into her house, said, ‘Here cometh a good man, and I hope he will be a good man: but he hath so much mind of buying and selling, and taking of farms, that it putteth his mind from all goodness.’ ‘By which words it appeareth,’ said they, ‘that he is a known-man.’ Item, That Robert Bartlet, speaking to Harding’s wife, said, he had thought to have called William Tylsworth false heretic; but now he was better advised. Item, That they used the lectures and readings of that company. This Robert Bartlet, and Richard his brother, first being sworn, and yet confessing nothing before the bishop, at last were convicted by witness, as above appeareth, and noted therefore of perjury. Wherefore incurring into greater danger, they were constrained at their next examination to utter themselves, and confess what they had both done and said; that is, that the said Robert had read unto Richard his brother a parcel of Scripture beginning thus: ‘James the servant of God, to the twelve kinds,’ etc. Item, that he heard William Tylsworth say, that images of saints were but stocks and stones, and dead things; and that he taught the same to his brother Richard, and concealed the words of William Tylsworth. Item, That he partly believed Thomas Mastal, teaching him that the true presence of Christ was not in the sacrament; and likewise of images and pilgrimages. Item, for receiving the communion at Easter without shrift, etc. Robert Bartlet brought to examination, was caused by his oath to detect these persons: RICHARD, HIS BROTHER. The crime whereof Robert Bartlet impeached his brother Richard was this: Because, he said, his brother Richard had been much conversant with Thurstan Littlepage, and had learned of him the counsels and secrets of those men: also that he had learned of him some of the epistle of St. James, thus beginning: ‘James the servant of God, to the twelve kinds,’ etc. ISABEL BARTLET, HIS WIFE. The cause wherein Robert Bartlet did detect his wife, was this: That when the bishop’s servant was come for her husband, she uttered these words, saying, Alas! he was now an undone man, and she but a dead woman. Furthermore, the said Robert being demanded of the bishop, whether he knew Isabel his wife to be of the sect of heretics before he married her, said, ‘Yea.’ Being asked again, if she had not been of that sect, whether then he would have married her? he granted the same likewise. AGNES WELLIS, HIS SISTER. Furthermore, the said Robert Bartlet detected his own sister, in that he had twice instructed her not to worship images, and also had taught her in the epistle of St. James. The said Robert Bartlet detected also these to be of the number of ‘known-men,’ for that they resorted many times together, reading and conferring among themselves, and talking against worshipping of images, and pilgrimage. And if any came in amongst them that were not of their side, then they would say no more, but keep all silence, etc. Elizabeth Dean, wife of Richard Dean of West Wycombe, Emme Tylsworth, wife of William Tylsworth, William Grinder and his wife, John Scrivener, Alexander Mastal, William Tylsworth, Thurstan Littlepage, and John Bartlet, his brother. Richard Bartlet, by his oath, was constrained to detect the following person: AGNES WELLIS, WIFE OF JOHN WELLIS, HIS SISTER. This Agnes was detected of her brother in three points; first, for learning the epistle of St. James in English of Thurstan Littlepage; secondly, for not believing the bodily presence in the sacrament; thirdly, for speaking against worshipping of images, and going on pilgrimages. ALSO OLD FATHER BARTLET, HIS OWN FATHER. This Richard Bartlet also in his confession said of his father, that he was a better man than he was taken for: for the other day there came a man to him as he was threshing, and said, ‘God speed, father Bartlet, ye work sore:’ ‘Yea,’ said he, ‘I thresh God Almighty out of the straw!’ Against this Agnes Wellis brought and examined before the bishop, were ministered these interrogatories, which for certain causes I thought here to insert, for our posterity to note and consider; and they are these that follow: 1. Whether she knew that certain of the parish of Amersham were convented before William Smith, late bishop of Lincoln, for heresy? 2. Item, Whether she knew that certain of them, so convented before the bishop for heresy, did err in the sacrament of the altar, or in other sacraments, and what errors they were, and wherein? 3. Item, Whether she knew any others to be suspected of the same heresy or sect, beside those of Amersham so convented? who they were, and how many? 4. Item, Whether she had been of the same company, or sect, or opinion with them that were convented before the bishop for heresy? and if she were, what company she used, and whose? 5. Item, Whether she was at any time conversant with Thurstan Littlepage? and if she were, how off she had been in his company, how, what time, in what place, who else were present, for what causes, and whether she knew him to be suspected for heresy? 6. Item, Whether she knew and had been conversant with Alexander Mastal? and if she were, how, when, in what place, who were present, for what causes, and whether she knew him suspected for heresy? 7. Item, Whether she was ever detected to the office of William Smith, late bishop of Lincoln, at what time, or since the time that Littlepage and Mastal were convented before the bishop for heresy? and whether she was then called and convented before the bishop for heresy, or not? 8. Item, Whether she had been, or is now noted, had, holden, reputed, or defamed to be of the same sect with Thurstan Littlepage, or others convicted of heresy? and whether she be, or hath been nominated for a ‘known woman’ among them? 9. Item, Whether she had been present at any time at the readings or conferrings between Thurstan Littlepage and other convicts? 10. Item, Whether Thurstan Littlepage did ever teach her the epistle of St. James, or the epistles of St. Peter or Paul in English? and whether she had repeated ofttimes the epistle of St. James unto the said Thurstan, in the presence of Richard Bartlet her brother? 11. Item, Whether Richard Bartlet her brother did teach her at any time the epistle of St. James? and if he did, how off, and in what place? 12. Item, Whether she had been instructed by Thurstan Littlepage, or by any other in the aforesaid sect, that in the sacrament of the altar was not the true body of Christ, but only the substance of bread? 13. Item, Whether she had been instructed by Thurstan Littlepage, or any other, that pilgrimage was not to be used, nor the images of saints to be adored? 14. Item, Whether she did credit the said Thurstan Littlepage, or any other, teaching her in the premises? and whether she did believe or expressly consent with them in the foresaid articles? 15. Item, Whether Robert Bartlet her brother did ever teach her the epistle of St. James? and if he did, how often, and where? 16. Item, Whether the said Robert Bartlet had taught her, that pilgrimage was not to be used, and that images were not to be adored? 17. Item, Whether she knew such a law and custom among them, that such as were of that sort did contract matrimony only with themselves, and not with other Christians? 18. Item, Whether she did ever hear Thurstan or any other say, that they only who were of their doctrine were true Christians? 19. Item, When she came to receive, and was confessed, whether she did utter and confess her heresies to the priest? Unto these captious and cruel interrogatory articles ministered against Agnes Wellis, she answered negatively almost to all of them, refusing to utter any person unto the bishop. But soon after, being otherwise schooled, I cannot tell how, by the Catholics, she was compelled to detect both herself, her brother Robert Bartlet, Thurstan Littlepage, and also Isabel Morwin, wife of John Morwin, etc. EXAMINATION OF ISABEL BARTLET Isabel Bartlet was then brought and examined before the bishop: where she being asked whether she spake these words following to her husband, at the coming of the bishop’s man: ‘Alas! now are you an undone man, and I but a dead woman?’ First, she stood in long denial of the same; and although her husband gave witness against her, yet stood she that her husband said not truth. At last she was compelled to grant those words to be spoken; and then being asked what she meant by them? thus she excused herself, that her husband had been unkind to her a long time, and therefore she desired to depart from him; whereupon now for sorrow she spake these words, etc. which words her husband did excuse something otherwise, saying, that his wife spoke those words between the threshold and the hall-door, because of a vehement fear for the loss of her goods. Also she accused Richard Hobbes of Hichenden; Henry Hobbes of Hichenden; Herne’s wife: Herne widow of Amersham: Thomas Cowper of Amersham, husbandman. William Chedwel of Amersham accused John Stamp, wheeler, of Amersham; and Alice Harding, wife of Thomas Harding. The crime laid to Alice Harding was this: because when the priest was coming to Richard Bennet to give him the housel, she went before, and instructed him what he should do. ROGER BENNET, BY LIKE COMPULSION OF HIS OATH, WAS CAUSED TO DETECT THESE PERSONS: William Rogers, tiler; William Harding, Roger Harding. These were detected by Roger Bennet, for that they being admonished to appear before the bishop’s chancellor at Amersham, neglected so to do. John Jennings, servant to James Morden; George, servant of Thomas Tochel; and Thomas Gray, servant of Roger Bennet. These were detected for carrying about certain books in English. William Smith, wheeler; the wife of John Milsent; the wife of W. Rogers; Ro. Stamp and his wife; also the wife of Robert Bartlet. These good women here named were detected to the bishop by Roger Bennet, for that upon the holidays, when they go and come from the church, they use to resort unto one J. Collingworth’s house, and there to keep their conventicle. The wife of David Lewis, and her father. This woman was charged for speaking these words: That the churchmen in the old time did lead the people as the hen doth lead her chickens; but our priests do now lead the people to the devil. THOMAS ROWLAND, PUT LIKEWISE TO HIS OATH, DID DETECT: Agnes Frank, wife of William Frank, because she turned away her face from the cross, as it was carried about on Easter-day in the morning of the resurrection. Also J. George, J. Gardiner, J. Samme, and James Morden. John Scrivener, the elder; for carrying about books from one to another. James Morden, compelled in like manner by his oath, did detect: Thomas Rowland; for these words following: ‘If I lie, curse, storm, swear, chide, fight, or threat, then am I worthy to be beat; I pray you, good master of mine, if I offend in any of these nine 172 , amend me with a good scouring.’ James Morden, compelled in like manner by his oath, did detect: Thomas Chase; because he heard him twice recite the epistle of St. James, beginning, ‘James, the servant of God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve kinds,’ etc. Also for these words: ‘It was in the days of Herod, king of the Jews, that there was a priest, Zachary by name, and he came of the sort of Abias, and his wife of the daughters of Aaron; both they were just before God, going in all the commandments,’ etc. Also William Norton, and Agnes Ashford, of Chesham. ‘The cause laid to this Agnes was for teaching this James Morden the words following: ‘We be the salt of the earth; if it be putrefied and vanished away, it is nothing worth. A city set upon a hill may not be hid. Teen ye not a candle, and put it under a bushel, but set it on a candlestick, that it may give a light to all in the house. So shine your light before men, as they may see your works, and glorify the Father that is in heaven. No tittle nor letter of the law shall pass over till all things be done.’ And five times went he to the aforesaid Agnes to learn this lesson. Item, That the said Agnes did teach him to say this lesson: ‘Jesus, seeing his people, as he went up to a hill, was set, and his disciples came to him; he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed be the poor men in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Blessed be mild men, for they shall weld the earth.’ And twice he came to her to learn this lesson. And these lessons the said Agnes was bid to recite before six bishops, who straightway enjoined and commanded her, that she should teach those lessons no more to any man, and especially not to her children. The aforesaid James Morden detected Richard Ashford, smith; also Agnes Ashford, and Thomas Chase; because these two did exhort him thrice, that he should keep the things they spake of, as secret in his stomach, as a man would keep a thief in prison. Thomas Tredway of Chesham: also Robert Pope, John Morden, and his wife; because they were heard, in the presence of this James Morden their nephew, to recite the Ten Commandments in their house in English. Alice Atkins, because of him she learned the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Creed in English, and the five Marvels of St. Austin; also another piece of an English book, beginning, ‘Here ensue four things by which a man may know whether he shall be saved,’ etc. Also Marian Morden, his own sister, because she did not worship images; and after these little things he intended to teach her of the sacrament. Also he detected W. Africke or Littlepage, John Africke or Littlepage, Emme Harding or Africke, and John Phip, physician. To this James Morden, with other abjurers, it was enjoined by bishop Smith, for seven years to visit the church of Lincoln twice a year from Amersham. And when divers had got license of the bishop, for length of the journey, to visit the image of our Lady of Missenden for the space of five years, this James Morden, when he could not obtain license so to do, yet notwithstanding, for the tediousness of the way, went with them to the same image; and thereupon was charged for violating the bishop’s injunction. Also because, to get his living, he wrought half a year out of the diocese, when he had been enjoined by the bishop not to go out of the diocese of Buckingham. This James Morden confessed, that he used his Pater Noster and Creed so much in English, that he had forgotten many words thereof in Latin; and therefore was enjoined by bishop Smith to say it no more in English, but only in Latin; and because he kept not this injunction, he fell therefore into relapse. Roger Bennet, by like compulsion of his oath, was caused to detect these following to be ‘known persons:’ William Rogers, tiler, and his wife; W. Harding; Roger Harding; Joan Jenings; George, servant to Thomas Tochel; Thomas Gray, servant of Roger Bennet; Agnes Franke; Joan Coilingworth; W. Smith; the wife of John Milsent; Robert Stampe and his wife; the wife of Robert Bartlet; the wife of David Lewis of Henley; John Frier, servant to Master Penn; John Tracher; John Morden’s wife; Richard Ashford; W. Littlepage, some time apprentice of John Scrivener; Emme his wife; John Scrivener: also Isabel Morwin, for teaching Copland’s wife her errors. Thomas Halfeaker, sworn upon his oath, did detect these persons here following: John Milsent and his wife; Roger Harding and his wife; Thomas Bernard; Thomas Afrike and his wife; W. Rogers; W. Harding and his wife; Katharine Bartlet, the mother of Robert and Richard Bartlet; Thomas Harding and his wife; W. Frank and Agnes his wife: because these, coming to the church, and especially at the elevation-time, would say no prayers, but did sit mum (as he termed it) like beasts. Also Katharine Bartlet, because she, being of good health, came but seldom to the church, but reigned herself sick. And because William Frank married Agnes his wife, she being before abjured. This Halfeaker also detected Robert Pope, because he fled away when the great abjuration was at Amersham; also for having certain English books: 8 Also Emme Afrike, alias Harding; John Afrike; Henry Milner; Herne’s wife, now the wife of Waiver; William Tilseworth; Emme Tilseworth, of London; Thomas Tilseworth and his wife; the wife of Robert Tilseworth; William Glasbroke: Christopher Glasbroke, miller; Thomas Grove and Joan his wife; Thomas Man, by Bristol. Thomas Holmes detected Henry Milner, counted for a great heretic, and earned in the Scripture; John Schepard; the wife of John Schepard of Dorney; the elder daughter of Roger Harding of Amersham; Nicholas Stokeley, cooper, and his wife, of Henley; John Clerke; Thomas Wilbey of Henley; W. StokeIcy; Hobs, with his sons, of Hichenden; the wife of John Scrivener, smith, of Woburn; Thomas Clerke the elder; Thomas Clerke the younger; Wigmet, farmer, of Hichenden; Robert Carder, weaver; John Filer, servant to Master Penn; John Morwin and Isabel his wife; Elizabeth Hover, wife of Henry Hover of Little Missenden; Richard White, fuller, of Beaconsfield. Andrew Randal and his wife of Rickmansworth: because they received into their house Thomas Man flying for persecution, and for reading Wickliff’s Wicket. Also the father of Andrew Randal. Also Bennet Ward, fuller. This Bennet Ward was denounced by John Merston, for saying, ‘That it booteth no man to pray to our Lady, nor to any saint or angel in heaven, but to God only, for they have no power of man’s soul.’ Also the said Thomas Holmes denounced the wife of Bennet Ward and her daughter, for saying that Thomas Pope was the devoutest man that ever came in their house; for he would sit reading in his book to midnight many times. Also he denounced Thomas Tailor and his wife of Uxbildge; Robert Quicke; Robert Cosine; Thomas Clerke and his wife of Ware; one Geldener about Hertford; John Say and W. Say his son, of Little Missenden; the wife of John Wellis of Amersham; Joan Glasbroke, sister to William Glasbroke of Harrow on the Hill; Thomas Susan, wheeler; John a Lee, smith; John Austy, shearman; John Filer; Edmund Harding; John Heron 173 , carpenter of Hambledon; Henry Miller. Also John Phips. He was very ripe in the Scripture. Emme wife of Richard Tilseworth. John Phip. He was a reader or rehearser to the other. John Say of Missenden; William Stokeley; also Roger Squire, for saying to Hohnes, ‘This is one of them that make all this business in our town with the bishop; I pray God tear all the bones of him!’ Also Roger Herne, and a certain tanner. The said Thomas Holmes also detected John Butler, carpenter; Richard Butler; William King, of Uxbridge: these three sat up all night in the house of Durdant of Iver Court by Staines, reading all the night in a book of Scripture. Also John Mucklyf, weaver, for speaking against holy bread and holy water; and Thomas Man, for saying that Christ was not substantially in the sacrament. Thomas Stilman, and Jenkin Butler, for receiving an English book given him by Carder his father, who, after his abjuration done before bishop Smith, fell sick and died. Thomas Holmes also detected these: Richard Vulfard, of Riselip; one Hackar; Thomas King. Also Joan Cocks, the wife of Robert Wywood, husbandman; for desiring of Durdant her master, that he, being a ‘known-man,’ would teach her some knowledge of God’s law; and desiring the same also of the Butlers. Robert Carver, of Iver, detected these: Nicholas Durdant, of Staines; Davy Durdant, of Ankerwick; the wife of old Durdant; the wife of Nicholas Durdant. These were detected, for that old Durdant of Ivercourt, sitting at dinner with his children and their wives, bidding a boy there standing to depart out of the house, that he should not hear and tell, did recite certain places unto them out of the Epistles of St. Paul, and of the Gospels. Richard White, father-in-law to Bennet Ward of Beaconsfield. He was detected, by Robert Carder, to be a ‘known-man,’ because, after the death of bishop Smith, he was heard to say these words; ‘My lord that is dead, was a good man, and divers known-men were called before him, and he sent them home again, bidding them that they should live among their neighbors as good Christian men should do.’ ‘And now,’ said he, ‘there is a new bishop, who is called a blessed man; and if he be as he is named, he will not trouble the servants of God, but will let them be in quiet.’ Marian Morden was forced upon her oath to utter, James Morden, her own brother, for teaching her the Pater Noster, Ave, and Creed in English; and that she should not go on pilgrimage nor should worship saints or images, which she had not done by the space of six years past, following and believing her brother. James Morden was forced upon his oath to utter, John Littlepage; Henry Littlepage; William Littlepage; Joan Littlepage; Richard Morden, his brother, of Chesham; and Emme his wife: Alice Brown, of Chesham; Radulph Morden his brother, of Chesham, and his wife; John Phips; Elizabeth Hamon. Thomas Coupland, forced by his oath, detected a canon of Missenden; Thomas Grove, of London; Isabel Morwin; the wife of Norman of Amersham; Thomas Cowper, of Woodrow: also Roger Harding, and W. Grinder; because these two could not say their creed in Latin. Coupland also detected the wife of Robert Stamp of Woodrow T. Rowland, T. Coupland, Richard Stephens, and Roger Bennet, were forced by their oath to accuse, Thomas Harding, of Amersham, and Alice Harding his wife, because, after their abjuration in bishop Smith’s time, divers ‘known-men,’ as they then termed them, who were abjured before, had much resort to their house. Also they accused Agnes Squire, for speaking these words: ‘Men do say, I was abjured for heresy; it may well be a napkin for my nose, but I will never be ashamed of it.’ John Sawcoat, upon his oath, did impeach the vicar of Little Missenden; also Thomas Grove, and his wife. Grove was detected, for that he did give to Dr. Wilcocks twenty pounds, to excuse him that he might not be brought to open penance. Also Thomas Holmes, for that he was heard to say these words, after the great abjuration, when he had abjured, that ‘the greatest cobs were yet behind;’ and Richard Sanders of Amersham, because he ever defended them that were suspected to be ‘known-men.’ Also because he bought out his penance, and carried his badge in his purse. Bishop Longland, seeking how to convict John Phip of perjury (who, being charged with an oath, did not answer affirmatively unto such suspicions as were laid unto him by Thomas Holmes and other several accusers), did examine Sybil Africk, his own sister, upon her oath to detect John Phip, her brother, of relapse; but she so answered, that the bishop could take by her no great hold of relapse against him. Wherein is to be noted the singular iniquity and abuse in the church of Rome, which, by virtue of oath, setteth the sister to procure the brother’s blood. The like also was sought of Thomas Africk, his sister’s husband; but they had by him no advantage. Jenkin Butler did impeach John Butler, his own brother, for reading to him in a certain book of the. Scripture, and persuading him to hearken to the same also Robert Carder; Richard Butler, his brother; Henry Vulman, of Uxbridge; Richard Ashford, of Walton (otherwise called Richard Nash, or Richard Tredway); and William King, of Uxbridge. He did also detect the following: Isabel Tracher, wife of John Tracher, because she came not to the church oftener on the workdays, being admonished both by the churchwardens, by the graduates of the church, and by Dr. Cock’s commissary, but followed her business at home. Also because she pupposed to set her daughter to Alice Harding, saying, that she could better instruct her than many others. Also, because she cursed the priest after he was gone who had given to her the eucharist, saying, that he had given to her bitter gall. Also Jenkin Butler did detect Thomas Clement, of Chesham. William Ameriden did detect Alice Holting, for that she, being great with child, did dine before she went to church to take her rites; saying, that Isabel Trecher did so tell her, that she might dine before she received the sacrament. Also William Trecher, of Amersham; for keeping Thomas Grove in his house on Easter and Christmas-day, because he would not come to the church. Joan Norman did impeach Robert Cosine, and Thomas Man; also Alice Harding, for dissuading from pilgrimage, from worshipping of images, and from vowing money to saints for health of her child. Also for saying, that she needed not to confess to a priest, but that it was enough to lift up her hands to heaven. Also for saying, that she might as well drink upon the Sunday before mass, as any other day, etc. John Scrivener, forced by his oath, did accuse the following persons: Henry Miller, wire-drawer, who from Amersham fled to Chelmsford: that he abjured and did penance in Kent before, and afterwards coming to Amersham, taught them (as he said) many heresies. John Barter, goldsmith, of London; with Joan Barret, his wife; and Jude, his servant: because he, John Barret, was heard in his own house, before his wife and maid there present, to recite the epistle of St. James, which epistle, with many other things, he had perfectly without book. Also Joan his wife, because she had lent to this John Scrivener the gospel of St. Matthew and Mark, which book he gave to bishop Smith. The aforesaid John Scrivener was also forced by his oath to accuse the following persons: John Merrywether, his wife, and his son; Durdant by Staines; Old Durdant; Isabel, wife of Thomas Harding; Haptop, of Windsor; Joan Barret, wife of John Barter, of London; Henry Miller; one Stitman, tailor. All these were accused, because at the marriage of Durdant’s daughter they assembled together in a barn, and heard a certain epistle of St. Paul read; which reading they well liked, but especially Durdant, and commended the same. Thomas Rowland, of Amersham. It was objected to Rowland for speaking these words: Ah, good Lord! where is all our good commumcation which was wont to be amongst us when your master was alive?’ Thomas Grove, of London, butcher; William Glasbroke, of Harrow on the Hill; Christopher Glasbroke, of London; William Tilseworth, of London, goldsmith (apprentice sometime to John Barret). These were impeached because they used to resort and confer together of matters of religion in the house of Thomas Man, of Amersham, before the great abjuration. John Newman was impeached, because he was present in the house of John Barret, at the reading of Scripture. John Wood, of Henley; William Wood; Lewis, of Henley, a serving-man; Wilie, and his son. This Wilie was impeached because he taught the gospel of Matthew to John Wood and William Wood, after the great abjuration; and father Robert did teach them St. Paul’s epistle, which old father was after that burned at Buckingham. William Littlepage, forced by his oath, did accuse the following persons: Thurstan Littlepage, and Emme his wife. This Thurstan had taught him the saying of Solomon, that ‘wrath raiseth chiding;’ had taught him also the Pater Noster and Ave in English. His Creed in English he learnt of his grandmother. The said Thurstan also taught him, Christ not to be corporally in the sacrament. John Littlepage, his brother, and Alice, wife of Thurstan Littlepage; because the said John was said to have learned the ten commandments in English of Alice, Thurstan’s wife, in his father’s house. John Frier: because he had taught him, the said William, the Ten Commandments in English. Also Thomas Grove; Herne’s wife; the wife of John Morwin; Richard Bartlet: Robert Bartlet; Thomas Bernard. Likewise Joan Clerk. of Little Missenden; for saying she never did believe in the sacrament of the altar, nor ever would believe in it. John Horne, of Ambleden. John Gardiner did appeach the following persons: his sister, Agnes Ward; Ward’s wife, of Marlow; and Nicholas Stokeley; because that when this Gardiner said, ‘God help us, and our Lady, and all the saints of heaven;’ then she said, ‘What need is it to go to the feet, when we may go to the head?’ Also William Stokeley; the wife of William Deane; William Ramsey, of Newbery; John Simon’s wife, of Marlow; John Gray, of Marlow; Davy Schirwood; William Schirwood; Raynold Schirwood. John Say did detect Christopher Shoemaker; John Okenden; and Robert Pope. This Christopher Shoemaker had been burned a little before, at Newbury. Bishop Longland, seeking matter against Isabel Morwin (of whom he could take no great advantage by examination), called and caused Elizabeth Copland, her own sister, to testify against her in manner as followeth: First, because in talk together, coming from their father being at the point of death, Isabel said to her sister Elizabeth, that all who die, either pass to hell or heaven: ‘Nay,’ said the other, ‘there is between them purgatory.’ Again; when Elizabeth came from the rood of rest, Isabel said, that if she knew so much as she had heard, she would go no more on pilgrimage while she lived; for all saints, said she, be in heaven. Then asked Elizabeth, wherefore pilgrimage was ordained by doctors and priests? The other said, for gain and profit. ‘Who hath taught you this?’ quoth Elizabeth, ‘man or woman? Your curate, I dare say, never learned you so.’ ‘My curate,’ said she, ‘will never know so much.’ And moreover, Isabel said to Elizabeth her sister, that if she would keep counsel, and not tell her husband, she would say more. And when Elizabeth answered that she would not tell: ‘But,’ saith the other, ‘I will have you to swear:’ and because she would not swear, the other would not proceed any further. Alice Brown was forced by her oath to detect John Tracher, of Chesham.. The cause why this John Tracher was denounced was this: for that he taught her in the gospel this saying of Jesus, ‘Blessed be they that hear the word of God, and keep it.’ Also because he taught her the eight beatitudes in English. Likewise Emme Tilseworth, because she refused to detect others by virtue of her oath, and denied such matter as by witness and by the bishop’s acts were proved against her; in pain of relapse the bishop enjoined her to make certain faggots of cloth, and to wear the same both before her upper garment and behind so long as she lived. W. Phips was forced by his oath to detect Thomas Africke, for asking how his cousin, Widmore Clerk the elder, and John Phip did at Hitchenden? whether they kept the laws of God as they were wont? Also he detected Roger Parker, deceased; John Phip, for saying that images are not to be worshipped, because they are made and carved with man’s hand, and that such ought not to be worshipped; John Gardiner, for that to the said William, this Gardiner said, that all who are burned for this sect are true martyrs. Also John Stilman. John Butler, by his oath, was forced to detect Thomas Geffrey, first of Uxt bridge, then of Ipswich, tailor; for reading and teaching him in the Acts and preachings of the Apostles. ITEM , for having a Scripture-book in English; which book the said Geffrey gave to the bishop of London when he was accused. ITEM , that the said Geffrey said, that true pilgrimage was, barefoot to go and visit the poor, weak, and sick; for they are the true images of God. Also he was forced to detect Richard Vulford. This Vulford and Thomas Geffrey told the said John Butler, that the Host consecrated was not the very true body of Christ; in proof whereof they said, that let a mouse be put in the pix with the Host, and the mouse would eat it up. And for more proof they a declared unto the said John Butler, that there were two priests in Essex, who put a mouse in the pix to a consecrated Host, and the mouse did eat it: afterward, the fact of these priests being known, and brought to the bishop, one of the priests was burned for the same. The aforesaid John Butler did also detect John Clerke, of Denham, for that the same Vulford and Geffrey told him and the said John Clerke, that holy bread and holy water were but a vain-glory of the world; for God never made them, but they were men’s inventions; and that God neither made priests, for in Christ’s time there were no priests. Moreover, that Thomas Geffrey caused this John Butler divers Sundays to go to London, to hear Dr. Colet. Also John Butler detected Andrew Fuller, of Uxbridge, because this John Butler had an old book of Richard Vutford. Also another great book of Andrew Fuller, for which he paid six shillings and fourpence; and another little book of Thomas Man, which he brought to the bishop. Moreover, this Thomas Man was impeached, because he read to this deponent ten years ago, how Adam and Eve were expelled out of Paradise; and far speaking against, pilgrimage, and worshipping, of images, and against the: staging-service used then in churches ¾ This Thomas Man was burnt and died a martyr, of whom mention is made before, page 208. William King. This William King was appeached because he lodged Thomas Man in his house upon a certain holy day at divine, service; unto whom resorted Richard Vulford, and John Clerke, and thin John Buffer: to whom the said Thomas Man declared that pilgrimage was nought, and that images were not to be worshipped. The aforesaid John Butler did likewise detect Robert Carder; one Durdant; Richard Butler, his own brother; and William King: to these was laid, that Thomas Carder brought this John Butler to Durdant’s house at Iver-court by Staines, where was Richard Butler his brother, and William King, reading in a certain English book; at which time Durdant desired them not to tell that he had any such English book in his house, lest he should be burned for the same. Also another time, that he, the aforesaid John Butler, with Richard Butler his brother, and Robert Carder, went to the house of Richard Ashford or Nash, to hear the same Ashford read in a certain little book, but which contained many good things. Richard Vulman, of London ¾ This Vulman was detected upon this, for that he would have read to this John Butler a certain English book, and spake against pilgrimages and images. John Butler was also compelled by his oath to detect Henry Vulman and his wife, of Uxbridge; Rafe Carpenter, of London; a daughter of John Phip; a daughter of William Phip. This Rare Carpenter was detected for having certain books of the Apocalypse in English. Also for that this Carpenter and his wife did bring him, and the wife of Henry Vulman, to a corner house of Friday-street, where the good man of the house, having a stump foot, had divers such books, to the intent they should hear them read. R. Buffer, Jenkin Butler, his own brethren; the mother of Richard Ashford; and J. Butler his other brother: these were detected, partly for holding against the sacrament of the altar; partly also because they were reading two hours together in a certain book of the Acts of the Apostles, in English, at Chesham, in Ashford’s house. Also the wife of Robert Pope, for having certain books in English, one bound in boards, and three with parchment coverings, with four other sheets of paper written in English, containing matter against the Romish religion. Also another book of the service of the Virgin Mary in English. John Phip was compelled by his oath to detect Thomas Stilman, for that he told William Phip, how that he, being in Lollards’ tower, did climb up the steeple where the bells were, and there, cutting the bell-ropes, did tie two of them together, and so by them slipped down into Paul’s church-yard, and escaped. Thomas Trodway compelled by his oath to detect John Morden, of Ashley-green, and Richard Ashford, his brother. These were accused and detected, because John Morden had in his house a book of the Gospels, and other chapters, in English, and read three or four times in the same; in which book his brother Ashford also did read once. Item, because John Morden spake against images, arid said these words: ‘Our Lord Jesus Christ saith in his gospel, Blessed be they that hear the word of God, and keep it,’ etc. Tredway also detected Agnes Ashford, his own mother, for teaching him that he should not worship the images of saints. Likewise Joan Bernard, being accused by Robert Copland, was sworn by her oath to detect Thomas Bernard her own natural father, for speaking against pilgrimage, against worshipping of saints, and against dirges, and praying for the dead; and for warning his daughter not to utter any of all this to her ghostly father. The like oath also was forced on Richard Bernard, that he should in like manner detect Thomas Bernard his own natural father, for teaching him not to worship images, nor to believe in the sacrament of the altar, but only in God who is in heaven; and that he should not utter the same to the priest. The vicar of Iver, and Richard Tailor witness, accused Richard Carder, for defending the cause of Jenkin Butler, and for saying that the bishop did him injury. ITEM , for saying, that if he had known the bishop’s man would have fetched him so to the bishop, he would have given him warning thereof before. ITEM , for saying, that if he should call him, he would confess nothing, although he burned him. Agnes Carder, wife of Richard Carder, detected Richard Carder, her husband, for saying that he suspected that she was too familiar with the vicar of Iver; and when she answered again, How could he be evil with her, seeing he saith mass every day, and doth confess himself before? Then her husband said, that he could confess himself to a post, or to the altar. Here note, that the bishop then examining her of that offense, whether she was culpable, and whether she was commonly in the voice of the people defamed with him or no? she confessed it so to be. Whereupon no other penalty or penance for’ that crime of adultery was enjoined her of the bishop, but only this, that she should frequent the vicar’s house no more. John Clerke, of Denham, forced by his oath to detect Richard Vulford, of Riselip, for speaking against images, pilgrimages, oblations, and against the sacrament of the altar ITEM , When this John Clerke had made a weele 174 for fish, Richard Vulford coming by asked him, when he had made his weele, whether the weele now could turn again, and make him? and he said, No. ‘Even so,’ quoth he, ‘God hath made all priests, as thou hast made the weele; and how can they turn again, and make God?’ Also John Clerke detected John Butler. John Mastal detected the daughter of John Phip, of Hichenden, for saying, that she was as well-learned as was the parish priest, in all things except only in saying of mass. Robert Rowland, William Frank, Thomas Houre, Thomas Rowland, Joan Frank, John Baker, all detected certain persons, namely Alice Sanders, wife of Richard Sanders, of Amersham, for giving twelve-pence to Thomas Holmes, to buy a certain book in English for her daughter; to whom Thomas Holmes answered again, that a noble would not suffice to buy it. Another time, for giving six-pence to the buying of a certain book in English, which cost five marks. Another time Thomas Houre coming from Woburn, she asked, What news? and he said, that many were there condemned of heresy, and therefore he would lean to that way no more. Then said she, If he did so, he would gain nothing thereby. Whereby he had no more work with her husband, and after was put from his holy-water clerkship in that town. Another time, for saying to Thomas Rowland these words: ‘Ye may see how Thomas Hotire and others, who labored to have heretics detected before bishop Smith, are brought now to beggary; you may take example by them.’ Joan Franke, William Franke the elder, William Franke the younger, and Alice Tredway detected Joan Coilingborne, for swing to one Joan Timberlake, and Alice Tredway, ten years ago, That she could never believe pilgrimages to be profitable, nor that saints were to be worshipped; and desired them not to tell their curate: which Alice immediately caused her to be called before the bishop. William Carder upon his oath was forced to detect Isabel Tracher, his mistress, the wife of William Tracher; for that she being not sick, but in good health, and being rebuked divers times of her husband for the same, yet would not go to the church, but tarried at home, and kept her work, as well holy-day as work-day, the space of three years together. Isabel Gardiner and John Gardiner were forced by their oath 175 to detect Thomas Rave, of Great Marlow for speaking against pilgrimages in the company of John and Elizabeth Gardiner, as he was going to our lady of Lincoln for his penance enjoined by bishop Smith; also the same time as he met certain coming from St. John Shorne 176 , for saying they were fools, and calling it idolatry. Also in the same viage, when he saw a certain chapel in decay and ruin, he said, ‘Lo, yonder is a fair milk-house down.’ Item, when he came to Lincoln, he misbehaved himself in the chapel, at masstime, excusing himself afterwards that he did it of necessity. Item, the same time, speaking against the sacrament of the altar, he said, that Christ sitteth in heaven at the right hand of the Father Almighty: and brought forth this parable, saying, that Christ our Lord said these words when he went from his disciples, and ascended to heaven, that once he was in sinner’s hands, and would come there no more. Also that when the said Rave came to Wycombe, there to do his penance, he bound his faggot with a silken lace. Also being demanded of Dr. London, whether he had done his penance in coming to our Lady of Lincoln? he answered, That bishop Smith had released him to come to our Lady of Missenden for six years; and three years he came, but whether he came any more, because he did not there register his name, therefore he said he could not prove it. They likewise detected the wife of Thomas Potter, of Hychenden. Roger Bennet, forced by his oath to detect the wife of William Tilseworth, now of Hawkwell, for not thinking catholicly, that is, after the tradition of Rome, of the sacrament of the altar. Also the wife of Robert Stampe, for not accomplishing her penance enjoined by bishop Smith. Marian Randal, and John Butler. The latter for having of the said Roger Bennet, a certain book in English, containing a ‘Dialogue between a Jew and a Christian.’ Richard Vulford detected these persons: his own wife, deceased; and John Clerke, of Denham; for communing with him against images, pilgrimages, and the sacrament of the altar. Also Thomas Geffrey, of Uxbridge, and his wife departed; for communing against the sacrament of the altar, worshipping of saints, pilgrimages, etc. Henry Vulman of Uxbridge, for speaking and teaching against the sacrament of the altar eleven years ago, and saying it was but a trifle. Also the mother of William King, of Uxbridge; William King, Robert Carder the elder, John Baker, of Uxbridge. John Scrivener the elder detected Geldener the elder, and his two daughters, for being present and hearkening unto Richard Bennet, reading the epistle of St. James in English. Also Emme, sister of William Tylsworth, martyr; and John Lee, carpenter, of Henley. Here is to be noted, that in the town of Chesham were two men, one named Robert Hutton, the other John Spark; of which two, the one called the other heretic, the other called him again thief. Sparke, who called Hutton thief, was condemned to pay for his slander ten shillings; but Hutton, who called the other heretic, paid nothing. It happened that the wife of this Sparke not long after had certain money stolen, for which the said Sparke her husband sent for the counsel of two friars, who gave him counsel to make two bails of clay, and to put them in the water, and in the same bails to enclose the names of them whom he suspected, and so doing, the said Sparke came to his money again. And this was detected to bishop Longland the same time by Thomas Clement. But of all this matter there was no inquisition made, nor interrogateties ministered, nor witness produced, nor any sentence given. John Grosar, being put to his oath, detected Thomas Tykill, Thomas Spencer, and his wife; and John Knight. This John Grosar was examined whether he had a book of the Gospels in English; who confessed that he received such a book of Thomas Tykill, morrow-mass priest in Milk-street, and afterwards lent the same book to Thomas Spencer, which Thomas Spencer with his wife used to read upon the same. After that it was lent to John Knight, who at length delivered the book to the vicar of Rickmansworth. John Funge was forced by his oath to detect Francis Funge, his brother, and Thomas Clerke. Francis Funge was examined for speaking these words to his brother John, which words he hadlearned of Thomas Clerke: ‘If the sacrament of the altar be very God and man, flesh and blood, in form of bread, as priests say that it is, then have we many gods; and in heaven there is but one God. And if there were a hundred houseled in one parish, and as many in another, then there must needs be more than one God. I will not deny but it is a holy thing, but it is not the body of the Lord that suffered passion for us; for he was once in man’s hands here, and ill entreated, and therefore he will never come in sinful men’s hands again.’ Also for speaking these words: ‘The pope hath no authority to give pardon, and to release any man’s soul from sin, and so from pain; it is nothing but blinding of the people to have their money.’ Also for these words:, or such like: ‘If a man do sow twenty quarters of corn, as wheat, or barley, or other corn, he ought to deduct his seed, and of the residue to tithe, or else he hath wrong,’ etc. Francis Funge and Alice his wife were put to their oath to detect Thomas Clerke, for speaking against the real presence of Christ in the sacrament, unto Francis Funge, as before, etc. Also Robert Rave, of Dorney, for saying these words, that the sacrament of the altar is not the body which was born of the blessed Virgin Mary. Item, For speaking such words fourteen years past: That folks were ill occupied, that worshipped any things graven with man’s hand; for that which is graven with man’s hand is neither God nor our Lady, but made for a remembrance of saints. Nor ought we to worship any thing but God and our Lady; and not images of saints, which are but stocks and stones. Henry Dein, forced by his oath to detect Edmund Hill, of Penne; likewise Robert Freeman, parish-priest of Orton by Colebrook, for having and reading upon a suspected book, which book, when he perceived to be seen in his hand, he closed it, and carried it to his chamber. John Hill, forced by his oath, did detect Thomas Grove and his wife, of Amersham; also Matild Philby, wife of Edward Philby, of Chalvey; likewise Joan Gun, of Chesham, because she instructed and taught the said Hill, before his abjuration, in the Epistle of St. James, and other opinions. Also William Atkins, of Great Missenden; Richard Murden, of Chesham; Emme Murden, his wife. William Gudgame, forced by his oath to detect Joan Gudgame, his own wife, for being in the same opinion of the sacrament that he was of; who notwithstanding did swear the same not to be true that her husband said. Also Alice Nash, or Chapman, of Missenden. Matild Symonds, and John Symonds her husband, put to their oath, detected one Haggar, of London, for speaking in their house, A.D. 1520, these words: ‘That there, should be a battle, of priests, and all the priests should be slain, and that the priests should awhile rule; but they should all be destroyed, because they hold against the law of holy church, and for making of false gods; and after that they should be overthrown. Item, Another time he said, ‘That men of the church should be put down, and the false gods that they make; and after that, he said, they should know more, and then should be a merry world. Thomas Clerke, forced by his oath, did detect Christopher, tinker, of Wycombe. The cause of this tinker’s trouble was, for that he coming to this man’s house, and complaining, to him. of the poverty of the world, had these words: That there was never so misgoverned a people; and that they bare themselves so bold upon pardons and pilgrimages, that they cared not whatsoever they did: and so he departed. And seven days after that, this tinker, coming again, asked him, how his last communication with him did please him; and he said, Well. Then the tinker said, he knew more, and that he could tell him more: and bade him that he should believe in God in heaven; for here be many gods in earth, and there, is but one God; and that he was once here, and was ill dealt with, and would no more come here till the day of doom: and that the sacrament of the altar was a holy thing, but not the flesh and blood of Christ that was born of the Virgin; and charged him not to tell this to his wife, and especially not to his wife’s brother, a priest. Afterwards, as the priest was drying singing-bread, being wet, which his sister had bought, the aforesaid Thomas Clerke said, that if every one of these were a god, then were there many gods. To whom the priest answered, That till the holy words were spoken over it, it was of no power, and then it was very God, flesh and blood; saying moreover, that it was not meet for any layman to speak of such things. These words of the priest being after recited to the tinker by the said Clerke, then said he, ‘Let every man say what they will, but you shall find it as I show you,’ etc.; ‘and if you will take labor to come to my house, I will show you further proof of it, if you will take heed,’ etc. Robert Pope, first of Amersham, after of West Hendred, caused by his oath, did detect these following: Thomas Africk, alias Littlepage, and his wife. To these was objected, that they had communication and conference with this Robert Pope in the Gospel of St. Matthew, before the great abjuration, in the town of Amersham. Thomas Scrivener, father to Thomas Holme’s wife. This Scrivener was detected, for flint the said Pope had of him a book of the Epistles in English. Bennet Ward, of Beaconsfield, and his father, Edmund Dormer. To Ward, this was laid, that the aforesaid Pope had received a book of the Ten Commandments. He had also the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Of the same Ward he learned his Christ-Cross row: five parts of the eight Beatitudes. Thomas Harding, and his wife; John Scrivener, and his wife; Thomas Man, and his wife; another Thomas Man, and his wife. These were detected for this, because they had communed and talked with the said Robert Pope oftentimes in books of Scripture, and other matters of religion, concerning pilgrimage, adoration of images, and the sacrament of the Lord’s body. The same Robert Pope did detect these who follow: Thomas Bernard; Thomas Grove; Thomas Holmes; Robert Rave; William Gudgame, and his wife; Nash the elder, and his wife; William Gray, of East Hendred, miller; Edward Gray and his wife, of East Hendred; Margery Young, widow, of East Hendred; Isabel More, sister to the said Margery, of East Hendred; Richard Nobis, fowler, and his wife, of East Hendred. Also Richard Colins, of Ginge, and his wife. This Cofins was among them a great reader, and had a book of Wickliff’s Wicket, and a book of Luke, and one of Paul, and a gloss of the Apocalypse. Robert Pope did also detect William Colins, brother of Richard. Also Thomas Colins, the father of Richard and William. He had a book of Paul, and a book of small epistles. Also, John Colins, of Betterton; Robert Lyvord, of Steventon; William Lyvord, of Steventon; father Amershaw, of Steventon; one Smart, of Steventon, miler; Thomas Hall, of Hungerford; John Eden, of Hungerford; John Ludlow, of Hungerford; Thomas New, of Wantage, thatcher; Joan Taylor and her mother, of Bisham; Humfrey Shoemaker, of Newbury; John Seroand, of Newbury, fishmonger; Robert Geydon and his wife, of Newbury, weaver; and John Edmunds, of Burford. This John Edmunds was charged for having a book named ‘William Thorpe;’ also for reading in an English book after a marriage. Robert Pope did likewise detect the following: Robert Burges and his wife, of Burford; John Colins, of Burford; John Colins and his wife, of Asthall; John Clerke, of Claufield. This Clerke was heard say, that all the world was as well hallowed as the church or church-yard; and that it was as good to be buried in the field, as in the church or church-yard. Also, William Gun and his wife, of Witney, tanner; John Baker, of Witney, weaver; John Brabant the elder, of Stanlake; John Brabant the younger, of Stanlake; John Kember, of Hennybarkes; Walter Kember his brother, of Hennybarkes; John Rabettes, of Chawley, and Thomas Widmore, of Hichenden; also John Phip, and William Phip, for reading a certain treatise upon the Pater Noster in English, which this John Phip did read to him, and to his father. This aforesaid Robert Pope moreover detected Edward Pope, his own father, of Little Missenden, for hearing the Gospel of Matthew read unto him, and for communing upon the same with this Robert Pope his son. He detected likewise Edward Pope his brother. Furthermore, he detected his own wife, who had before abjured under bishop Smith, to continue still in her opinions. This Robert Pope, being before abjured, did further detect these here following: Thomas Clerke the elder, of Hichenden; Lawrence Herne, of Hichenden; William Haliday, of East Hendred. This Haliday was detected for having in his custody a book of the Acts of the Apostles in English, which the said Robert Pope brought unto him at the taking of Roger Dodd. William Squire and his brother, of Shaw; Thomas Stephenton and Matild his daughter, of Charney. Also Thomas Philip, painter; and Laurence Tailor, of London; for that these two, being in the house of Richard Colins at Ginge, there did read in an English book the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans; and Laurence did read the first chapter of St. Luke’s Gospel. Andrew Maysey, of Burton. Also the wife of Richard Colins, of Ginge. John Harris’s wife; and Alice Colins, wife of Richard Colins. These two, being together at Upton in John Harris’s house, did talk of the Apocalypse, and of the Acts of the Apostles, and therefore were suspected, and thus detected. 10 Item, Because John Harris spake against pilgrimage, images, and was heard to talk of seven lean and seven fat oxen. Robert Colins, of Hertford-Wallis, mason; also Thomas Gray, of West Hendred, for receiving certain books of this Robert Pope. Margaret House, wife of William House, of East Ginge, for keeping company, and receiving the doctrine of Alice Colins. John Nash, of Little Missenden; Henry Etkin and his mother, of Little Missenden; and Richard Dell, of Missenden. Robert Colins, being sworn upon the evangelists, did detect Richard Colins, of Ginge, first, for that this Richard Colins did read unto the said Robert Colins the Ten Commandments, and after taught him the Epistle of St. James, and another small Epistle of Peter; and, after that, took him the Gospel of St. John in English, and bade him read therein himself. Also for teaching him not to worship images, nor to set up candles, nor to go on pilgrimage. Another crime against Richard Colins was because he taught this Robert, that in all such things wherein he offended God, he should only shrive himself to God; and in what things he offended man, he should shrive himself to man. Also for teaching him, that the sacrament of the altar is not very God, but a certain figurative thing of Christ in bread; and that the priest hath no power to consecrate the body of Christ. Also, for that the said Richard did teach him, in Wickliff’s Wicket, how that a man may not make the body of our Lord, who made us; and how can we then make him again? The Father is unbegotten, and unmade; the Son is only begotten, and not made: and how then can man make that, which is unmade? said he. And in the same book of Wickliff’s Wicket follow the words of Christ thus speaking: ‘If my words be heresy, then am I a heretic; and if my words be leasings, then am I a liar,’ etc. Also another crime against Richard Colins, for having certain English books, as Wickliff’s Wicket, the Gospel of St. John, the Epistles of St. Paul, James, and Peter in English, an Exposition of the Apocalypse, a book of our Lady’s Matins in English, a book of Solomon in English, and a book called ‘the Prick of Conscience.’ John Edmunds, of Burford, tailor, and John Harris. The crime against John Edmunds, was for having a certain English book of the commandments. The crime against John Harris was, for communing with him of the first chapter of St. John’s Gospel: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God,’ etc. Also for communing of a chapter in Matthew, of the eight Beatitudes. Item, Thomas Hall, for counseling him not to go on pilgrimage to saints, because they were idols. The aforesaid Robert Colins, being sworn upon the Evangelists, did detect also these persons: ¾ Robert Livord; W. Livord; one Bruges and Joan his wife; one Harris and his wife; and Richard Collins. All these were detected, for that they, being together in Bruges’s house at Burford, were reading together in the book of the exposition of the Apocalypse, and communed concerning the matter of opening the book with seven clasps, etc. John Ledisdall, or Edon, of Hungerford; John Colins, of Burford; John Colins and his wife of Asthall; John Clerke, of Claufield. The wife of Richard Colins, of Ginge; Thomas Colins and his wife, of Ginge. This Thomas Colins was charged for having a book of Paul and James in English. William Colins; Robert Pope, of Henred; one Hakker, of Colemanstreet in London. Also Staey, brickmaker, of Coleman-street, for having the book of the Apocalypse. Thomas Philip; Laurence Wharfar, of London, for reading the Epistle of St. Peter in English, in the house of Robert Colins, of Asthall. Joan Colins his own sister, of Asthall; Thomas Colins his cousin, of Asthall; Mistress Bristow, of London; John Colins, son of Richard Colins, of Ginge; Joan Colins, daughter of Richard Colins, of Ginge; Henry Stacy, son of Stacy, of Coleman-street; Thomas Steventon of Charney, in Berkshire; John Brabant, in Stanlake; and John Baker, weaver, of Witney. John Colins, of Burford, impeached to the bishop the persons here named: Richard Colins. The words of Richard Colins were these: that the sacrament was not the true body of Christ in flesh and blood; but yet it ought to be reverenced, albeit not so as the true body of Christ. Thomas Colins, of Ginge, his own natural father: the crime against Thomas Colins was, that for eight years past this Thomas Colins the father had taught this John his son, in the presence of his mother, the Ten Commandments, and namely, that he should have but one God, and should worship nothing but God alone; and that to worship saints, and go on pilgrimage, was idolatry. Also, that he should not worship the sacrament of the altar as God, for that it was but a token of the Lord’s body: which thing so much discontented this John Colins, that he said he would disclose his father’s errors, and make him to be burned; but his another entreated him not so to do. Robert Colins, of Asthall. The crime against Robert Colins; that this Robert read to him in a certain thick book of Scripture in English. John Edmunds and his wife. The crime laid to John Edmunds was for that he read to this John the Ten Commandments, and told him that John Baptist said, that one should come after him, whose buckle of his shoe he was not worthy to undo. Alice, wife of Gunn, of Withey; and John Hakker and his son, of London. This John Hakker, of London, coming to Burford, brought a book speaking of the ten plagues of Pharaoh. Also after that, another book treating of the seven sacraments. Laurence Tailor, of Shoreditch; Thomas Philip, of London; Philip, servant of Richard Colins; Waunsell, fishmonger, of the Vise; Joan Robert; Burges’s wife; John Boyes and his brother; a monk of Burford; Thomas Baker, father to Gunn’s wife, of Whateley; Agnes, daughter of John Edmunds; the mother of John Boyes, of Sudbury; Edward Red, schoolmaster, of Burford; Robert Hickman, of Lechelade. Elenor Higges, of Burford. This Elenor was charged, that she should burn the sacrament in an oven. John Through, of the priory of Burford. The mother of Robert Burges’s wife. Roger Dods, of Burford, by his oath was compelled to utter the person here named: ¾ Sir John Drury, vicar of Windfish, in Worcestershire. The crime against this sir John Drury was, for that when Roger Dods came first to him to be his servant, he sware him upon a book to keep his counsel in all things; and after that he showed him a certain woman in his house, whom he said to be his wife: counseling moreover the said Roger Dods, upon an Ember day, to sup with bread and cheese; saying, that which goeth into a man’s body, defileth not a man’s soul; but that which goeth out of the body, defileth both body and soul. Also that the said vicar taught him the A, B, C, to the intent he should have understanding in the Apocalypse, wherein he said, that he should perceive all the falsehood of the world, and all the truth. He said furthermore unto him, when he had been at the Lady of Worcester, and at the blood of Hallos, which had cost him eighteen pence, that he had done as an ill husband that had ploughed his land, and sown it, but nothing to the purpose; for he had worshipped man’s handy-work, and cast away his money, which had been better given to the poor: for he should worship but one God, and no handy-work of man. Item, When the people would offer candles, where he was vicar, to Mary Magdalen, he would take them away, and say that they were fools that brought them thither. Also the same Roger Dods by his oath was compelled to utter these other persons here named: ¾ Elizabeth More, of East Hendred; Robert Pope, of West Hendred; and Henry Miller, of Tucke-by-Ware. This Henry did show to Roger Dods a certain story of a woman in the Apocalypse, riding upon a red beast. The said Henry was twice abjured. John Phip, of Hichenden; for reading unto the said Roger Dods a certain Gospel in English. William Phip, of Hichenden, and Henry his son. This William had exhorted Roger Dods that he should worship no images, nor commit idolatry, but worship one God; and told the same Roger, that it was good for a man to be merry and wise, meaning that he should keep close that was told him; for else strait punishment would follow. Roger Parker, of Hichenden. This Parker said to John Phip, for burning of his books, that he was foul to blame, for they were worth a hundred marks. To whom John answered, that he had rather burn his books, than that his books should burn him. The wife of Thomas Widemore, daughter of Roger House, of Hichenden; old Widemore’s wife, sister to John Phip, of Hichenden. Also John Ledisdall, of Hungerford, for reading of the Bible in Robert Burges’s house at Burford, upon Holyrood day, with Colins, Lyvord, Thomas Hall, and others. Robert Colins and his wife. Also John Colins and his wife, for buying a Bible of Stacy for twenty shillings. The aforesaid Roger Dods, by his oath, was also compelled to utter these persons here named: The father of Robert Colins, who had been of this doctrine from A.D. 1480. Also Thomas Baker, of Whatcloy; Robert Livord; John Syrupson, of Steventon; Thomas Reiley, of Burford; John Clemson, servant to the prior of Burford; James Edmunds, of Burford; William Gun, of Witney. To these was laid, that they being in the house of John Harris, of Upton, at the marriage of Joan the wife of Robert Burges, did read in a book called Nicodemus’s Gospel, who made the cloth which our Lord was buried in (as the register saith), and in that book is the story of the destruction of Jerusalem. John Baker, weaver, of Witney; the bailiff of Witney; John Hakker; John Brabant and his wife; John Brabant his son, with his wife; John Brabant the younger son, with his wife; Reginald Brabant of Stunlake, for reading in a certain English book of scripture, they being together in John Brabant’s house of Stunlake. Also Henry Phip. The crime and detection against this Henry, was, for that he, being asked of this Dods, A.D. 1515, whether he would go to Wycombe or not? answered, that he was chosen roodman, that is, keeper of the roodloft, saying, that he must go and tend a candle before his ‘Block Almighty.’ Oliver Smith, of Newline, and his wife; and William Hobbis. This William Hobbis was detected first by Radulph Hobbis his brother, to bishop Smith; but was delivered through the suit of the curate of West Wycombe. John Edmunds, otherwise called John Ogins, of Burford, did detect Philip Brabant, servant of Richard Colins, for saying that the sacrament of the altar was made in the remembrance of Christ’s own body, but it was not the body of Christ. The Shepherd’s Kalendar was also accused and detected, because the same Edmunds said, that he was persuaded by this book, reading these words, That the sacrament was made in the remembrance of Christ. The book of William Thorpe likewise was much complained of, both by this John Edmunds and divers others. Richard Colins, of Ginge. This Richard Colins, as he was a great doer among these good men, so was he much complained upon by divers, and also by this Edmunds, for bringing with him a book called ‘ The King of Beeme’ into their company, and that he did read there of a great part unto them, in this Edmund’s house of Burford. Alice Colins, wife of Richard Colins. This Alice likewise was a famous woman among them, and had a good memory, and could recite much of the Scriptures, and other good books; and therefore when any conventicle of these men did meet at Burfords commonly she was sent for, to recite unto them the declaration of the Ten Commandments, and the Epistles of Peter and James. Joan Colins, daughter of Richard and of Alice Colins. This Joan also, following her father’s and mother’s steps, was noted, for that she had learned with her father and mother the Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins, the seven works of mercy, the five wits bodily and ghostly, the eight blessings, and five chapters of St. James’s epistle. John Edmunds also did detect Agnes Edmunds, his own daughter. This Agnes Edmunds was detected by her father, that he brought her to the house of Richard Colins to service, to the intent she might be instructed there in God’s law; where she had learned likewise the Ten Commandments, the five wits bodily and.ghostly, and the seven deadly sins. John Edmunds also did detect Alice Gunn, W. Russel, of Colemanstreet; one mother Joan; father Joan, of Hungerford; John Taylor, servant of John Harris, of Burford; Thomas Quicke, weaver, of Reading; Philip Brabant, weaver; John Barbar, clerk, of Amersham; John Eding, of Hungerford; one Brabant, brother to Philip Brabant, of Stanlake. Thomas White, and Thomas Clerke, did impeach Robert Butterfield, and William Dorset. The words of William Dorset were these: That pilgrimage was of none effect; and offering candles or other things to saints, stood in no stead, and was but cost lost. Also when his wife was going on pilgrimage, and he asked, ‘Whither?’ and she said, ‘To our Lady of Willesdon:’ ‘Our lady,’ said he, ‘is in heaven.’ John Baker, being urged upon his oath, did disclose John Edmunds. This John Edmunds was detected, because that he, talking with the said Baker, of pilgrimage, bade him go offer his money to the image of God. When the other asked what that was, he said, that the image of God was the poor people, blind and lame; and said. that he offended Almighty God in going on pilgrimage. William Phip, adjured by his oath, did accuse Henry Phip, his own son, for communing with Roger Dods against pilgrimage and adoration of images. Henry Phip, being examined and abjured by the bishop, was compelled to disclose his own words spoken to Roger Dods, saying to him, that he must light a candle before his ‘Block Almighty,’ being then roodman. Also he was compelled to accuse Roger Barker, and William Phip, his own father, for talking together against pilgrimage and idolatry. John Brabant, the elder son of John Brabant, did nominate the following: John Hakker, and Robert Pope, for reading the holy Scripture in his father’s house, and for saying these words: ‘Christ made his Maundy, 11 and said, Take this bread, eat it; this is my body: Take this wine, drink it; this is my blood: and priests say by these words, that the sacrament of the altar is the body of Christ.’ John Brabant his father, and his mother, for being present when Hakker was reading the Scripture in their house. Also Philip Brabant, his uncle. The words of Philip Brabant were these: That it was deadly sin to go on pilgrimage. Concerning this John Brabant, here is to be noted, the form and effect of the bishop’s examination, asking and demanding thus of the said Brabant: Whether he ever heard John Hakker read the holy Scripture, against the determination of the church? 12 By which words, if they mean that it is against the determination of the church to read the holy Scripture, it may thereby appear to be a blind church. And if they mean that the holy Scripture containeth any such thing in it which is against the determination of the church, then it appeareth their church to be contrary unto God, seeing it determineth one thing, and God’s Word another. John Baker did detect Robert Pope, Richard Nobbis, and John Edmunds; for speaking against going on pilgrimage, and against image worship. John a Lee denounced John a Weedon. When this John a Lee had told the said Weedon, how the bishop had said in his sermon these words; That all who were of the sect of heretics, believed that God was in heaven, but they believed not that the body of Christ on the altar was God. To this he, answering again, said, ‘Ye be bold upon that word,’ deriding the bishop in so saying. Also William Dorset, of King’s Langley; for saying that images stood for nothing, and that pilgrimage served to spend folks’ money, and nothing else. Joan Steventon denounced Alice Colins, for teaching the said John Steventon, in Lent, the Ten Commandments, thus beginning ‘I am thy Lord God, which led thee out of the land of Egypt, and brought thee out of the house of thraldom: thou shalt have no alien gods before me; neither make to thee any image graven with man’s hands, that is in heaven above, neither in the earth beneath,’ etc. Item, For teaching her the first chapter of St. John’s Gospel: ‘In the beginning was the Word,’ etc. Also John Harris, for teaching her the first chapter of Peter. Sir John, 13 a priest, and also Robert Robinson, detected Master Cotismore, of Brightwell. Also Mistress Cotismore, otherwise called Mistress Dolly, for speaking these words to one John Bainton, her servant: That if she went to her chamber, and prayed there, she should have as much merit as though she went to Walsingham on pilgrimage. Item, When the said Sir John came to her after the death of Master Cotismore his master, requiring her to send one John Stainer, her servant, to our Lady of Walsingham, for Master Cotismore, who in his lifetime, being sick, promised in his own person to visit that place, she would not consent thereto, nor let her servant go. Item, for saying, that when women go to offer to images or saints, they did it to show their new gay gear: that images were but carpenters’ chips; and that folks go on pilgrimage more for the green way, than for any devotion. John Hakker did detect Thomas Vincent, of London, to whom it was objected for giving this Hakker a book of St. Matthew in English. Also Mistress Cotismore, otherwise Dolly, and Richard Colins. The latter for receiving of the said Hakker a book of the Ten Commandments in English. Hakker did also detect the following: Goodwife Bristow, of Wood-street, in London; William Ounn, for receiving of Hakker a book of the ten plagues sent of God to Pharaoh; the wife of Thomas Widmore, of Chichenden; Elizabeth, the daughter of this Hakker, and Robert her husband, otherwise called Fitton of Newbury; William Stokely, of Henley; John Simonds and his wife, of Great Marlow; John Austy of Henley; Thomas Austy, of Henley; Grinder, of Cookham, and John Heron for having a book of the exposition of the Gospels fairly written in English. Thomas Grove, and John of Reading, put to their oath, did detect Richard Grace, for speaking these words following: That our blessed lady was the godmother to St. Katharine; and therefore the legend is not true, in saying that Christ did marry with St. Katharine; and bid Adrian put on his vestment, and say the service of matrimony; for so Christ should live in adultery for marrying with his god-sister; which thing if he should do, he should be thought not to do well. Item, For saying by the picture of St. Nicholas being newly painted, that he was not worthy to stand in the rood-loft, but that it better beseemed him, to stand in the belfry, etc. In this table above prefixed, thou hast, gentle reader! to see and understand; first, the number and names of these good men and women, troubled and. molested by the church of Rome, and all in one year; of whom few or none were learned, being simple laborers and artificers; but as it pleased the Lord to work in them knowledge and understanding, by reading a few English books, such as they could get in corners: Secondly, What were their opinions we have also described: And thirdly, Herein is to be noted moreover the blind ignorance and uncourteous dealing of the bishops against them, not only in that they, by their violent oath and captious interrogatories, constrained the children to accuse their parents, and parents the children, the husband the wife, and the wife the husband, etc.; but especially in that most wrongfully they so afflicted them, without all good reason or cause, only for the sincere verity of God’s Word, and reading of holy Scriptures. Now it remaineth, that as you have heard their opinions (which principally in number were four), so also we declare their reasons and Scriptures whereupon they grounded; and after that consequently the order and manner of penance to them enjoined by the bishop. And first, against pilgrimage, and against worshipping, of images, they used this text of the Apocalypse, chap. 9. ‘I saw horses in a vision, and the heads of them as the heads of lions; smoke, fire, and brimstone came out of their mouths. With these three plagues, the third part of men were slain of the smoke, and of the fire, and of the brimstone, that came out of the mouths of them. They that were not slain of these three plagues, were such as worshipped not devils, and images of gold and silver, of brass, of tree, and of stone.’ Also they used and alleged the first commandment, that there is but one God, and that they ought not to worship more gods than one. And as touching the sacrament, and the right doctrine thereof, they had their instruction partly out of Wickliff’s Wicket, 15 partly out of the Shepherd’s Kalendar; where they read that the sacrament was made in remembrance of Christ, and ought to be received in remembrance of his body, etc. Moreover they alleged and followed the words of Christ spoken at the supper, at what time he, sitting with his disciples, and making with them his Maundy, took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and said, “Eat ye this,” reaching forth his arm, and showing the bread in his hand; and then noting his own natural body, and touching the same, and not the bread consecrated, “This is my body, which shall be betrayed for you; do this in remembrance of me.” And he likewise took the wine and bade them drink, saying, “This is my blood which is of the New Testament,” etc. ITEM , That Christ our Savior sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and there shall be unto the day of doom. Wherefore they believed that in the sacrament of the altar was not the very body of Christ. ITEM , said one of them, “Men speak much of the sacrament of the altar: but this will I abide by, that upon Share Thursday, 17 Christ brake bread unto his disciples, and bade them eat it; saying, it was his flesh and blood. And then he went from them, and suffered passion; and then he rose from death to life, and ascended into heaven, and there sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and there he is to remain unto the day of doom, when he shall judge both quick and dead;” and therefore how he should be here in the form of bread, he said, he could not see. Such reasons and allegations as these and other such like, taken out of the Scripture, and out of the Shepherd’s Kalendar, Wickliff’s Wicket, and other books they had amongst them. And although there was no learned man with them to ground them in their doctrine, yet they, conferring and communing together among themselves, did convert one another, the Lord’s hand working with them marvelously: so that in short space the number of these ‘known’ or ‘just-fast-men,’ as they were then termed, did exceedingly increase; in such sort that the bishop, seeing the matter almost past his power, was driven to make his complaint to the king, and required his aid for suppression of these men. Whereupon king Henry, being then young, and inexpert in the bloody practices and blind leadings of these apostolical prelates, incensed with his suggestions and cruel complaints, directed down letters to his sheriffs, bailiffs, officers, and subjects, for the aid of the bishop in this behalf; the tenor of which letters here ensueth: THE COPY OF THE KING’S LETTER FOR THE AID OF JOHN LONGLAND, BISHOP OF LINCOLN, AGAINST THE SERVANTS OF CHRIST, FALSELY THEN CALLED HERETICS. Henry the Eighth, by the grace of God king of England and of France, lord of Ireland, defender of the faith: to all mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, and constables, and to all other our officers, ministers, and subjects, these our letters hearing or seeing, and to every of them, greeting. Forasmuch as the right reverend father in God, our trusty and fight well-beloved counselor the bishop of Lincoln hath now within his diocese no small number of heretics, as it is thought, to his no little discomfort and heaviness: we therefore, being in will and mind safely to provide for the said right reverend father in God and his officers, that neither they, nor any of them, shall bodily be hurt or damaged by any of the said heretics or their rantors, in the executing and ministering of justice unto the said heretics, according to the laws of holy church: do straightly charge and command you, and every of you, as ye tender our high displeasure, to be aiding, helping, and assisting the said right reverend father in God, and his said officers, in the executing of justice in the premises, as they or any of them shall require you so to do; not failing to accomplish our commandment and pleasure in the premises, as ye intend to please us, and will answer to the contrary at your uttermost perils. Given under our signet, at our castle of Windsor, the twentieth day of October, the thirteenth year of our reign. 1521. The bishop, thus being armed no less with the authority of the king’s letter, than incited with his own fierceness, foreslacked no time, but eftsoons, to accomplish his moody violence upon the poor flock of Christ, called before him, sitting upon his tribunal-seat, both these afore-named persons, and all other in his diocese, who were ever so little noted or suspected to incline towards those opinions; of whom to such as had but newly been taken, and had not before abjured, he enjoined most strait and rigorous penance. The others in whom he could find any relapse, yea, albeit they submitted themselves ever so humbly to his favorable courtesy; and though also, at his request, and for hope of pardon, they had showed themselves great detecters of their brethren, being moreover of him fee’d and flattered thereunto; yet notwithstanding, contrary to his fair words, and their expectation, he spared not, but read sentence of relapse against them, committing them to the secular arm to be burnt. And first, as touching those, who being brought to abjuration, were put to their penance; long it were to recite the names of all. Certain I thought to recite here in a catalogue: first reciting the persons; afterwards the rigorous penance to them enjoined. THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO WERE ABJURED IN THE DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, A.D. 1521. NAMES William Colins Edward Pope John Phip John Colins Henry Phip Thomas Couper Joan Colins John Steventon William Littlepage Robert Colins Joan Steventon John Littlepage John Hacker Robert Bartlet Joan Littlepage John Brabant the father Thomas Clerke John Say John Brabant his son John Clerke John Frier John Brabant the younger son Richard Bartlet Richard Vulford John Edmonds William Phip Thomas Tredway William Gudgame Robert Bruges Agnes Wellis Roger Heron John Stampe Marian Morden Francis Funge Joan Stampe Isabel Morwin Robert Pope Richard White John Butler Roger Dods Benet Ward John Butler the younger John Harris John Baker Richard Carder Richard Bernard Joan Bernard John Grace John French John Edings THE TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND COUNTRIES WHERE THESE AFORESAID PERSONS DID INHABIT, ARE NAMED CHIEFLY TO BE THESE. TOWNS, VILLAGES & COUNTRIES Amersham Missenden the Great West-hundred Asthall Ginge Scanlake Claufield Dorney Uxbridge Beaconsfield Missenden the Less Woburn Chesham Betterton Hungerford Walton Iver Shoreditch by London Hichenden East-hundred Henley Denham Charney Upton Marlow Burton St. Giles in London Wycombe Windsor Essex West-Wycombe London Suffolk Newbury Coleman-street in London Norfolk Burford Norwich Witney Cheapside in London The books and opinions which these were charged withal, and for which they were abjured, partly are before expressed, partly here follow, in a brief summary to be seen. A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THEIR OPINIONS. The opinions of many of these persons were, That he or she never believed in the sacrament of the altar, nor ever would; and that it was not as men did take it. For that he was known of his neighbors to be a good fellow, meaning, that he was a known-man. For saying, that he would give forty pence on condition that such a one knew as much as he did know. Some for saying, that they of Amersham, who had been abjured before by bishop Smith, were good men, and perfect Christians, and simple folk who could not answer for themselves, and therefore were oppressed by power of the bishop. Some, for hiding others in their barns. Some, for reading the Scriptures, or treatises of scripture, in English: some, for hearing the same read. Some, for defending, some for marrying with, them that had been abjured. Some, for saying that matrimony was not a sacrament. Some, for saying, that worshipping of images was mawmetry; some for calling images carpenters chips; some for calling them stocks and stones; some for calling them dead things. Some for saying that money spent upon pilgrimage, served but to maintain thieves and harlots. Some, for calling the image in the rood-loft, ‘Block-almighty.’ Others for saving, that nothing graven with man’s hand was to be worshipped. 25 Some, for calling them fools who came from Master John Shorne in pilgrimage. Another, for calling his vicar a poll-shorn priest. Another, for calling a certain blind chapel, being in ruin, an old fair milk-house. Another, for saying that he threshed God Almighty out of the straw. Another for saying that alms should not be given before they did sweat in a man’s hand. Some, for saying., that those who die, pass straight either to heaven or hell. Isabel Bartlet was brought before the bishop and abjured, for lamenting her husband, ‘when the bishop’s man came for him; and saying, that he was an undone man, and she a dead woman. For saying, that Christ, departing from his disciples into heaven, said that once he was in sinner’s hands, and would come there no more. Robert Rave, hearing a certain bell in an uplandish steeple, said, ‘Lo, yonder is a fair bell, an it were to hang about any cow’s neck in this town;’ and therefore, as for other such like matters more, he was brought ‘coram nobis!’ ITEM , For receiving the sacrament at Easter, and doubting whether it was the very body of Christ, and not confessing their doubt to their ghostly father: Some for saying, that the pope had no authority to give pardon, or to release man’s soul from sin, and so from pain; and that it was nothing but blinding of the people, and to get their money. The penance to these parties enjoined by this John Longland, bishop of Lincoln, was almost uniform, and all after one condition; save only that they were severally committed and divided into several and divers monasteries, there to be kept and found of alms all their life, except they were otherwise dispensed with by the bishop. As for example, I have here adjoined the bishop’s letter for one of the said number, sent to the Abbey of Ensham, there to be kept in perpetual penance; by which one, an estimation may be taken of the rest, who were bestowed likewise sundrily into sundry abbeys, as to Osney, to Frideswide, to Abingdon, to Thame, to Bicester, to Dorchester, to Netley, to Ashridge, and divers more. The copy of the bishop’s letter, sent to the abbot of Ensham, here followeth under written. COPY OF THE BISHOPS LETTER TO THE ABBOT OF ENSHAM. My loving brother, I recommend me heartily unto you: And whereas I have, according to the law, put this bearer R.T. to perpetual penance within your monastery of Ensham, there to live as a penitent, and not otherwise; I pray you, and nevertheless according unto the law command you, to receive him, and see ye order him there according to his injunctions, which he will show you, if ye require the same. As for his lodging, he will bring it with him; and for his meat and drink, he may have such as you give of your alms. And if he can so order himself by his labor within your house in your business, whereby he may deserve his meat and drink; so may you order him as ye see convenient to his deserts, so that he pass not the precinct of your monastery. And thus fare you heartily well: From my place, etc. As touching the residue of the penance and punishment inflicted on these men, they do little or nothing disagree, but had one order in them all; the manner and form whereof in the said bishop’s register doth proceed in condition as followeth: PENANCE ENJOINED UNDER PAIN OF RELAPSE, BY JOHN LONGLAND, BISHOP OF LINCOLN, THE 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1521 In primis, That every one of them shall, upon a market-day, such as shall be limited unto them, in the market-time, go thrice about the market at Burford, and then to stand up upon the highest greece 35 of the cross there, a quarter of an hour, with a faggot of wood every one of them upon his shoulder, and every one of them once to bear a faggot of wood upon their shoulders, before their procession upon a Sunday, which shall be limited unto them at Burford, from the choir-door going out, to the choir-door going in; and all the high mass time to hold the same faggot upon their shoulders, kneeling upon the greece afore the high altar there; and every of them to do likewise in their own parish church, upon such a Sunday as shall be limited unto them: and once to bear a faggot at a general procession at Uxbridge, when they shall be assigned thereto; and once to bear a faggot at the burning of a heretic, when they shall be admonished thereto. Also every one of them to fast, bread and ale only, every Friday during their life; and every Even of Corpus Christi, every one of them to fast bread and water during their life, unless sickness unfeigned let the same. Also, to be said by them every Sunday, and every Friday, during their life, once our lady-psalter; and if they forget it one day, to say as much another day for the same. Also neither they, nor any of them, shall hide their mark upon their cheek, neither with hat, cap, hood, kerchief, napkin, or none otherwise; nor shall suffer their beards to grow past fourteen days; nor ever haunt again together with any suspected person or persons, unless it be in the open market, fair, church, or common inn or alehouse, where other people may see their conversation. And all these injunctions they and every of them to fulfill with their penance, and every part of the same, under pain of relapse. And thus have you the names, with the causes and the penance of those who were at this present time abjured. By this word ‘abjured’ is meant, that they were constrained by their oath, swearing upon the evangelists, and subscribing with their hand, and a cross to the same, that they did utterly and voluntarily renounce, detest, and forsake, and never should hold hereafter these or any other like opinions, contrary to the determination of the holy mother church of Rome: And further, that they should detect unto their ordinary, whomsoever they should see or suspect hereafter to teach, hold, or maintain the same. THE NAMES OF THEM THAT WERE CONDEMNED FOR RELAPSE, AND COMMITTED UNTO THE SECULAR POWER Among these aforenamed persons who thus submitted themselves, and were put to penance, certain there were, who, because they had been abjured before, 36 is above-mentioned, under bishop Smith, were now condemned for relapse, and had sentence read against them, and so were committed to the secular arm to be burned: whose names here follow: Thomas Bernard, James Morden, Robert Rave, and John Scrivener, martyrs. Of these mention is made before, both touching their abjuration, and also their martyrdom; unto whom we may adjoin, Joan Norman, and Thomas Holmes. This Thomas Holmes, albeit he had disclosed and detected many of his brethren, as in the table above is expressed; thinking thereby to please the bishop, and to save himself, and was thought to be a free'd man of the bishop for the same: yet, notwithstanding, in the said bishop’s register appeareth the sentence of relapse and condemnation, written and drawn out against him; and most likely he was also adjudged and executed with the others. As touching the burning of John Scrivener, here is to be noted, that his children were compelled to set fire unto their father; in like manner as Joan Clerke also, daughter of William Tylsworth, was constrained to give fire to the burning of her own natural father, as is above specified. The example of which cruelty, as it is contrary both to God and nature, so it hath not been seen or heard of in the memory of the heathen. Where moreover is to be noted, that at the burning of this John Scrivener, one Thomas Dotman, 38 mentioned before, was present, and bare a faggot, at Amersham; whose abjuration was afterwards laid against him, at what time he should depose for recovery of certain lands from the school of Berkhamstead. This Thomas Dorman 39 (as I am credibly informed of certain about Amersham) was then uncle to this our Dorman, and found him to school at Berkhamstead, under Master Reeve; who now so uncharitably abuseth his pen in writing against the contrary doctrine, and raileth so fiercely against the blood of Christ’s slain servants, miscalling them to be a dunghill of stinking martyrs. Well, howsoever the savor of these good martyrs do scent in the nose of Master Dorman, I doubt not but they give a better odor and sweeter smell in the presence of the Lord: “Pretiosa enim in conspectu Domini mors sanctorum ejus;” “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” And therefore, howsoever it shall please Master Dorman with reproachful language to mistern the good martyrs of Christ, or rather Christ in his martyrs; his unseemly usage (more cart-like than clerk-like) is not greatly to be weighed. For, as the danger of his blasphemy hurteth not them that are gone, so the contumely and reproach thereof as well comprehendeth his own kindred, friends, and country, as any others else; and especially redoundeth to himself, and woundeth his own soul, and none else, unto the great provoking of God’s wrath against him, unless he be blessed with better grace, by time to repent. DOCTOR JOHN COLET, DEAN OF ST. PAUL’S Much about this time, or not past two years before, died Dr. John Colet, of whom mention was made in the table above; 1 to whose sermons these ‘known-men,’ about Buckinghamshire, had a great mind to resort. After he came from Italy and Paris, he first began to read the epistles of St. Paul openly in Oxford, instead of Scotus and Aquinas. From thence he was called by the king, and made dean of Paul’s; where he accustomed much to preach, not without a great auditory, as well of the king’s court, as of the citizens and others. His diet was frugal, his life upright; in discipline he was severe, insomuch that his canons, because of their straiter. He complained that they were made like monks. The honest and honorable state of matrimony he ever preferred before the unchaste singleness of priests. At his dinner commonly was read either some chapter of St. Paul, or of Solomon’s Proverbs. He never used to sup. Although the blindness of that time carried him away after the common error of popery, yet in ripeness of judgment he seemed something to incline from the vulgar trade of that age. The religious order of monks and friars he fantasied not; as neither he could greatly favor the barbarous divinity of the school-doctors, as of Scotus, but least of all of Thomas Aquinas: insomuch that when Erasmus, speaking in the praise of Thomas Aquinas, did commend him, that he had read many old authors, and had written many new works, as ‘Catena Aurea,’ and such like, to prove and to know his judgment; Colet, first supposing that Erasmus had spoken in jest, but after supposing that he meant good faith, bursteth out in great vehemency, saying, “What tell you me,” quoth he, “of the commendation of that man, who, except he had been of an arrogant and presumptuous spirit, would not define and discuss all things so boldly and rashly; and also, except he had been rather worldly-minded than heavenly, would never have so polluted Christ’s whole doctrine with man’s profane doctrine, in such sort as he hath done?” The bishop of London at that time was Fitzjames, of age no less than fourscore; who (bearing long grudge and displeasure against Colet), with other two bishops taking his part, like to himself, entered action of complaint against Colet to the archbishop of Canterbury, being then William Warham. The matter of his complaint was divided into three articles: the first was for speaking against worshipping of images. The second was about hospitality, for that he, treating upon the place of the gospel, “Paste, paste, paste,” “Feed, feed, feed:” when he had expounded the two first, for feeding with example of life, and with doctrine; in the third, which the school-men do expound for feeding with hospitality, he left out the outward feeding of the belly, and applied it another way. The third crime wherewith they charged him, was for speaking against such as used to preach only by bosom sermons, declaring nothing else to the people, but what they bring in their papers with them; which, because the bishop of London used then much to do for his age, he took it as spoken against him, and therefore bare him this displeasure. The archbishop, more wisely weighing the matter, and being well acquainted with Colet, so took his part against his accusers, that he at that time was rid out of trouble. William Tyndale, in his book answering Master More, addeth moreover, and testifieth, that the bishop of London would have made the said Colet, dean of Paul’s, a heretic, for translating the ‘Pater Noster’ into English, had not the bishop of Canterbury holpen the dean. But yet the malice of Fitzjames the bishop so ceased not; who, being thus repulsed by the archbishop, practiced by another train how to accuse him unto the king. The occasion thus fell. It happened the same time, that the king was in preparation of war against France; whereupon the bishop with his coadjutors, taking occasion upon certain words of Colet, wherein he seemed to prefer peace before any kind of war, were it never so just; accused him therefore in their sermons, and also before the king. Furthermore it so befell at the same time, that upon Good Friday Dr. Colet, preaching before the king, treated of the victory of Christ, exhorting all Christians to fight under the standard of Christ, against the devil; adding moreover, what a hard thing it was to fight under Christ’s banner, and that all they that upon private hatred or ambition took weapon against their enemy (one Christian to slay another), did not fight under the banner of Christ, but rather of Satan: and therefore concluding his matter, he exhorted that Christian men, in their wars, would follow Christ their prince and captain, in fighting against their enemies, rather than the examples of Julius or Alexander, etc. The king, hearing Colet thus speak, and fearing lest by his words the hearts of his soldiers might be withdrawn from his wars which he had then in hand, took him aside and talked with him in secret conference, walking in his garden. Bishop Fitzjames, Bricot, and Starndish, who were his enemies, thought now none other, but that Colet must needs be committed to the Tower; and waited for his coming out. But the king, with great gentleness entertaining Dr. Colet, and bidding him familiarly to put on his cap, in long courteous talk had with him in the garden, much commended him for his learning and integrity of life; agreeing with him in all points, but that only he required him (for that the rude soldiers should not rashly mistake that which he had said)more plainly to explain his words and mind in that behalf; which after he did. And so, after long communication and great promises, the king dismissed Colet with these words, saying: “Let every man have his doctor as him liketh, this shall be my doctor;” and so he departed. Hereby none of his adversaries durst ever trouble him after that time. Among many other memorable acts left behind him, he erected the worthy foundation of the school of Paul’s (I pray God the fruits of ‘ the school may answer the foundation), for the cherishing up of youth in good letters, providing a sufficient stipend as well for the master, as for the usher; whom he willed rather to be appointed out of the number of married men, than of single priests with their suspected chastity. The first moderator of this school was William Lily, a man no less notable for his learning, than was Colet for his foundation. 3 This Colet died the year of our Lord 1519. Not long before the death of this Colet and Lily, lived William Grocine and William Latimer, both Englishmen also, and fatuously learned. This Grocine, as he began to read in his open lecture, in the church of St. Paul, the book of Dionysius Areopagita 177 , commonly called Hierarchia Ecclesiastica (for the reading of the holy Scriptures in Paul’s was not in use), in the first entry of his preface cried out with great vehemency against them, whosoever they were, who either denied or stood in doubt of the authority of that book: in the number of whom he noted Laurence Valla, and divers others of the like approved judgment and learning. But afterwards the same Grocine, when he had continued a few weeks in his reading thereof, and did consider further in him, he utterly altered and recanted his former sentence, protesting openly, that the aforenamed book, in his judgment, was never written by that author whom we read in the Acts of the Apostles to be called Dionysius Areopagita. The tractation of these two couples above rehearsed doth occasion me to adjoin also the remembrance of another couple of like learned men: the names of whom, not unworthy to be remembered, were Thomas Linacre, and Richard Pace; which two followed much upon the time of Colet and William Lily. But of Richard Pace, who was dean next after the aforesaid John Colet, more convenient place shall serve us hereafter to speak, coming to the story of cardinal Wolsey. Moreover, to these two I thought it not out of season, to couple also some mention of Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower; who, although being much discrepant from these in course of years, yet .may seem not unworthy to be matched with these aforenamed persons, in commendation of their study and learning. Albeit concerning the full certainty of the time and death of these two, we cannot find; yet it appeareth in the prologue of Gower’s work, entitled ‘Confessio Amantis,’ that he finished it in the sixteenth year of king Richard II. And in the end of the eighth book of his said treatise, he declareth that he was both sick and old when he wrote it; whereby it may appear that he lived not long after. Notwithstanding, by certain verses of the said Master Gower, placed in the latter end of Chaucer’s works both in Latin and English, it may seem that he was alive at the beginning of the reign of king Henry IV, and also by a book which he wrote to the same king Henry. By his sepulture within the chapel of the church of St. Mary Overy’s, which was then a monastery, where he and his wife lie buried, it appeareth by his chain and his garland of laurel, that he was both a knight, and flourishing then in poetry; in which place of his sepulture were made in his grave-stone three books: the first bearing the title, ‘Speculum meditantis;’ the second, ‘Vox clamantis;’ the third, ‘Confessio amantis.’ Besides these, divers chronicles and other works more he compiled. Likewise, as touching the time of Chaucer, by his own words in the end of his first book of Troilus and Cressida, it is manifest that he and Gower were both of one time, although it seemeth that Gower was a great deal his ancient; both notably learned, as the barbarous rudeness of that time did give; both great friends together, and both in like kind of study together occupied; so endeavoring themselves, and employing their time, that they, excelling many others in study and exercise of good letters, did pass forth their lives here right worshipfully and godly, to the worthy fame and commendation of their name. Chaucer’s works be all printed in one volume, and therefore known to all men. This I marvel to see the idle life of the priests and clergymen of that time. seeing these lay-persons showed themselves in these kinds of liberal studies so industrious and fruitfully occupied. But much more I marvel to consider this, how that the bishops, condemning and abolishing all manner of English books and treatises which might bring the people to any light of knowledge, did yet authorize the works of Chaucer to remain still and to be occupied; who, no doubt, saw into religion as much almost as even we do now, and uttereth in his works no less, and seemeth to be a right Wicklevian, or else there was never any. And that, all his works almost, if they be thoroughly advised, will testify (albeit it be done in mirth, and covertly); and especially the latter end of his third book of the Testament of Love, for there purely he toucheth the highest matter, that is, the communion. Wherein, except a man be altogether blind, he may espy him at the full: although in the same book (as in all others he useth to do), under shadows covertly, as under a visor, he suborneth truth in such sort, as both privily she may profit the godly-minded, and yet not be espied of the crafty adversary. And therefore the bishops, belike, taking his works, but for jests and toys, in condemning other books, yet permitted his books to be read. So it pleased God then to blind the eyes of them, for the more commodity of his people, to the intent that through the reading of these treatises, some fruit might redound thereof to his church; as no doubt it did to many. As also I am partly informed of certain who knew the parties, who to them reported, that by reading of Chaucer’s works, they were brought to the true knowledge of religion. And not unlike to be true: for, to omit other parts of his volume, whereof some are more fabulous than others, what tale can be more plainly told than the Tale of the Ploughman? or what finger can point out more directly the pope with his prelates to be Antichrist, than doth the poor pelican reasoning against the greedy griffin? Under which hypotyposis, or poesy, who is so blind that seeth not by the pelican, the doctrine of Christ and of the Lollards to be defended against the church of Rome? or who is so impudent that can deny that to be true which the pelican there affirmeth, in describing the presumptuous pride of that pretensed church? Again, what egg can be more like, or fig, unto another, than the words, properties, and conditions of that ravening griffin resembleth the true image, that is, the nature and qualities of that which we call the church of Rome, in every point and degree? And therefore no great marvel if that narration was exempted out of the copies of Chaucer’s works; which notwithstanding now is restored again, and is extant for every man to read who is disposed. This Geoffrey Chaucer, being born, as is thought, in Oxfordshire, and dwelling in Woodstock, lieth buried in the church of the minster of St. Peter at Westminster, in an aisle on the south side of the said church, not far from the door leading to the cloister; and upon his grave-stone first were written these two old verses: ‘Galfridus Chaucer Vates et fama Poesis Maternae, hac sacra sum tumulatus humo.’ Afterwards, about A.D. 1556, one Master Brickham, bestowing more cost upon his tomb, did add thereunto these verses following: ‘Qui fuit Anglorum Vates ter maximus olim, Galfridus Chaucer conditur hoc tumulo. Annum si quaeras Domini, si tempora mortis, Ecce notae subsunt, quae tibi cuncta notent. 25 October. Anno 1400.’ HERE BEGINNETH THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, IN THE TIME OF MARTIN LUTHER Although it cannot be sufficiently expressed with tongue or pen of man, into what miserable ruin and desolation the church of Christ was brought in those latter days; yet partly by the reading of these stories afore past, some intelligence may be given to those who have judgment to mark, or eyes to see, in what blindness and darkness the world was drowned, during the space of these four hundred years heretofore and more. By the viewing and considering of which times and histories, thou mayest understand, gentle reader, how the religion of Christ, which only consisteth in spirit and verity, was wholly turned into, outward observations, ceremonies, and idolatry. So many saints we had, so many gods; so many monasteries, so many pilgrimages; so many churches, so many relics forged and reigned we had: again, so many relics, so many lying miracles we believed. Instead of the only living Lord, we worshipped dead stocks and stones: in place of Christ immortal, we adored mortal bread: instead of his blood, we worshipped the blood of ducks. How the people were led, so that the priests were fed, no care was taken. Instead of God’s Word, man’s word was set up: instead of Christ’s Testament, the pope’s testament, that is, the canon law: instead of Paul, the Master of Sentences took place, and almost full possession. The law of God was little read, the use and end thereof was less known; and as the end of the law was unknown, so the difference between the gospel and the law was not understood, the benefit of Christ not considered, the effect of faith not expended: through the ignorance whereof it cannot be told what infinite errors, sects, and religions crept into the church, overwhelming the world as with a flood of ignorance and seduction. And no marvel: for where the foundation is not well laid, what building can stand and prosper? The foundation of all our Christianity is only this: The promise of God in the blood of Christ his Son, giving and promising life to all that believe in him, (Romans 3:22) giving (saith the Scripture) unto us, and not bargaining or indenting with us: and that freely (saith the Scripture) for Christ’s sake; and not conditionally for our merit’s sake. (Romans 4:5) Furthermore, freely (saith the Scripture) by grace, (Romans 4:6) that the promise might be firm and sure; and not by the works that we do, which are always doubtful. By grace (saith the Scripture) through promise to all and upon all that believe, (Romans 3:22) and not by the law, upon them that do deserve. For if it come by deserving, then it is not of grace: if it be not of grace, then it is not of promise, (Romans 11:6) and contrariwise, if it be of grace and promise, then is it not of works, saith St. Paul. Upon this foundation of God’s free promise and grace first builded the patriarchs, kings, and prophets: upon this same foundation also Christ the Lord builded his church: upon which foundation the apostles likewise builded the church apostolical or catholical. This apostolical and catholic foundation so long as the church did retain, so long it continued sincere and sound: which endured a long season after the apostles’ time. But after, in process of years, through wealth and negligence crept into the church, as soon as this foundation began to be lost, came in new builders, who would build upon a new foundation a new church more glorious, which we call now the church of Rome; who, not being contented with the old foundation, and the Head-cornerstone, which the Lord by his word had laid, in place thereof hid the groundwork upon the condition and strength of the law and works. Although it is not to be denied, but that the doctrine of God’s holy law, and of good works according to the same, is a thing most necessary to be learned, and followed of all men; yet it is not that foundation whereupon our salvation consisteth: neither is that foundation able to bear up the weight of the kingdom of heaven, but is father-the thing which is builded upon the foundation; which foundation is Jesus Christ, according as we are taught of St. Paul, saying; “No man can lay any other foundation beside that which is laid, Christ Jesus,” etc. But this ancient foundation, with the old ancient church of Christ, as I said,, hath been now of long time forsaken; and instead thereof, a new church with a new foundation hath been erected and framed, not upon God’s promise, and his free grace in Christ Jesus, nor upon free justification by faith, but upon merits and deserts of men’s working. And hereof have they planted all these their new devices, so infinite, that they cannot well be numbered; as masses-trecenaries, dirges, obsequies, matins, and hours-singing-service, vigils, midnight- rising, bare-foot-going, fishtasting, Lent-fast, ember-fast, stations, rogations, jubilees, advocation of saints, praying to images, pilgrimage-walking, works of supererogation, application of merits, orders, rules, sects of religion, vows of chastity, willful poverty, pardons, relations, indulgencies, penance, satisfaction, auricular confession, founding of abbeys, building of chapels, giving to churches: and who is able to recite all their laborious buildings, falsely framed upon a wrong ground; and all for ignorance of the true foundation, which is the free justification by faith in Christ Jesus the Son of God. Moreover note, that as this new-found church of Rome was thus deformed in doctrine, so no less was it corrupted in order of life and deep hypocrisy, doing all things only under pretenses and dissembled titles. So, under the pretense of Peter s chair, they exercised a majesty above emperors and kings. Under the visor of their vowed chastity, reigned adultery; under the cloke of professed poverty, they possessed the goods of the temporality; under the title of being dead to the world, they not only reigned in the world, but also ruled the world; under the color of the keys of heaven to hang under their girdle, they brought all the states of the world under their girdle, and crept not only into the purses of men, but also into their consciences. They heard their confessions; they knew their secrets; they dispensed as they were disposed, and loosed what them listed. And finally, when they had brought the whole world under their subjections, yet neither did their pride cease to ascend, nor could their avarice be ever satisfied. 5 And if the example of cardinal Wolsey and other cardinals and popes cannot satisfy thee, I beseech thee, gentle reader! turn over the aforesaid book of ‘the Ploughman’s Tale’ in Chaucer, above-mentioned, where thou shalt understand much more of their demeanour than I have here described. In these so blind and miserable corrupt days of darkness and ignorance, thou seest, good reader! I doubt not, how necessary it was, and high time, that reformation of the church should come, which now most happily and graciously began to work, through the merciful and no less needful providence of Almighty God; who, although he suffered his church to wander and start aside, through the seduction of pride and prosperity a long time, yet at length it pleased his goodness to respect his people, and to reduce his church into the pristine foundation and frame again, from whence it was piteously before decayed. Hereof I have now consequently to entreat; intending by the grace of Christ to declare how, and by what means this reformation of the church first began, and how it proceeded, increasing by little and little unto this perfection which now we see, and more I trust shall see. And herein we have first to behold the admirable work of God’s wisdom. For as the first decay and ruin of the church before began of rude ignorance, and lack of knowledge in teachers; so, to restore the church again by doctrine and learning, it pleased God to open to man the art of printing, the time whereof was shortly after the burning of Huss and Jerome. Printing, being opened, incontinently ministered unto the church the instruments and tools of learning and knowledge; which were good books and authors, which before lay hid and unknown. The science of printing being found 178 , immediately followed the grace of God; which stirred up good wits aptly to conceive the light of knowledge and judgment: by which light darkness began to be espied, and ignorance to be detected; truth from error, religion from superstition, to be discerned, as is above more largely discoursed, where was touched the inventing of printing. Furthermore, after these wits stirred up of God, followed others besides, increasing daily more and more in science, in tongues, and perfection of knowledge; who now were able not only to discern in matters of judgment, but also were so armed and furnished with the help of good letters, that they did encounter also with the adversary, sustaining the cause and defense of learning against barbarity; of verity against error; of true religion against superstition. In number of whom, amongst many other here unnamed, were Picus and Franciscus Mirandula, Laurentius Valla, Franciscus Petrarcha, Doctor de Wesalia, Revelinus, Grocinus, Doctor Colet, Rhenanus, Erasmus, etc. And here began the first push and assault to be given against the ignorant and barbarous faction of the pope’s pretensed church; who, after that by their learned writings and laborious travail, they had opened a window of light unto the world, and had made, as it were, a way more ready for others to come after: immediately, according to God’s gracious appointment, followed Martin Luther, with others after him; by whose ministry it pleased the Lord to work a more full reformation of his church, as by their acts and proceedings hereafter shah follow (Christ willing) more amply to be declared. 7 And now coming to the time and story of Martin Luther, whom the Lord did ordain and appoint, *through his great mercy, *to be the principal organ and minister under him, to reform *and re-edify again the desolate ruins of his *religion; to subvert the see of the pope;* to abolish the abuses and pride of Antichrist, which so long had abused and deceived the simple flock of Christ’s church;* first, before we enter into the tractation hereof, it shall not be impertinent to the purpose, to suffer such prophecies and forewarnings as were sent before of God, by divers arid sundry good men, long before the time of Luther, who foretold and prophesied of this reformation of the church to come. PROPHECIES, GOING BEFORE MARTIN LUTHER, TOUCHING THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH. And first to begin with the prophecy of John Huss and Jerome, it is both notable, and also before-mentioned, what the said John Huss, at the time of his burning, prophesied unto his enemies, saying: That after ‘a hundred years come and gone, they should give account to God and to him.’ Here is to be noted, that counting from the year 1415 (in which year John Huss was burned), or from the year 1416, (when Jerome did suffer), unto the year 1516 (when Martin Luther began first to write), we shall find the number of a hundred years expired. Likewise to this may be adjoined the prophetical vision or dream, which chanced to the said John Huss, lying in the dungeon of the Friars in Constance, a little before he was burned. His dream, as he himself reporteth in his epistles writing to Lord John de Clum, and as I have also before recorded the same, 8 so do I now repeat the same again, in like effect of words hereunder written, as he wrote it himself in Latin,9 the effect of which Latin is this: ‘I pray you expound to me the dream which I had this night. I saw that in my church at Bethlehem (whereof I was parson) they desired and labored to abolish all the images of Christ, and did abolish them. I, the next day following, rose up, and saw many other painters, who painted both the same, and many more images, and more fair, which I was glad to behold. Whereupon the painters, with the great multitude of people, said: Now let the bishops and priests come, and put out these images if they can. At which thing done, much people rejoiced, in Bethlehem, and I with them. And rising up, I felt myself to laugh.’ This dream Lord John of Clum first expounded. Then he, in the next epistle after, expounded it himself to this effect: ‘The commandment of God standing, that we must observe no dreams, yet, notwithstanding, I trust that the life of Christ was painted in Bethlehem by me, through his word, in the hearts of men; which preaching they went about in Bethlehem to destroy, first, in commanding that no preaching should be, neither in the church of Bethlehem, nor in the chapels thereby: secondly, that the church of Bethlehem should be thrown down to the ground. The same life of Christ shall be painted up again by more preachers much better than I, and after a much better sort, so that a great number of people shall rejoice thereat; all such as love the life of Christ: and also I shall rejoice myself, at what time I shall awake, that is, when I shall rise again from the dead.’ Also in his forty-eighth epistle he seemeth to have a like prophetical meaning, where he saith; that he trusted that those things, which he spake then within the house, should afterwards be preached above on the house top, etc. And because ye are here in hand with the prophecies of John Huss, it is not to be omitted what he writeth in a certain treatise, “De Sacerdotum et Monachorum carnalium abominatione,” thus prophesying of the reformation of the church. ‘The church cannot be reduced to its former dignity, and reformed, before all things first be made new (the truth whereof appeareth by the temple of Solomon); as well the clergy and priests, as also the people and laity. Or else, except all such as now be addicted to avarice, from the least to the most, be first converted and renewed, as well the people as the clerks and priests, things cannot be reformed. Albeit, as my mind now giveth me, I believe rather the first, that is, that then shall rise a new people, formed after the new man, which is created after God: Of which people, new clerks and priests shall come forth and be taken, who all shall hate covetousness and glory of this life, laboring to a heavenly conversation. Notwithstanding, all these things shall be done and wrought in continuance and order of time, dispensed of God for the same purpose. And this God doth, and will do of his own goodness and mercy, and for the riches of his patience and sufferance, giving time and space of repentance to them that have long lain in their sins, to amend and flee from the face of the Lord’s fury, until at length all shall suffer together, and until both the carnal people, and priests, and clerks, in process and order of time, shall fall away and be consumed, as is the cloth consumed and eaten by the moth,’ etc. With this prophecy of John Huss above-mentioned, speaking of the hundred years, accordeth also the testimony of Jerome, his fellow-martyr, in these words: “And I cite you all to answer before the most high and just Judge, after a hundred years.” This Jerome was burnt A.D. 1416; 12 and Luther began to write, A.D. 1516, which was just a hundred years, according to the right account of Jerome’s prophecy. Philip Melancthon, in his Apology, 13 testifieth of one John Hilton, a monk in Thuringia, who, for speaking against certain abuses of the place and order where he lived, was cast into prison. At length, being weak and feeble through imprisonment, he sent for the warden of the covent, desiring and beseeching him to have some respect of his woeful state and pitiful ease. The warden rebuking and accusing him for what he had done and spoken; he answered again and said, That he had spoken nothing which might be prejudicial or hurtful to their monkery, or against their religion: but there should come one (and assigned the year 1516), who should utterly subvert all monkery, and they should never be able to resist him, etc. Long it were to induce here all prophecies that be read in histories: certain I mind briefly to touch and pass over. And first to omit the revelations of Briget 15 (whereunto I do not much attribute), who, prophesying of the destruction of Rome, saith: ‘Rome shall be scoured and purged with three things ¾ with sword, fire, and the plough. Resembling, moreover, the said church of Rome to a plant removed out of the old place into a new: also to a body condemned by a judge to have the skin flayed off; the blood to be drawn from the flesh; the flesh to be cut out in pieces; and the bones thereof to be broken; and all the marrow to be squeezed out from the same; so that no part thereof remain whole and perfect,’ etc. But to these speculations of Briget I give no great respect, as neither do I to the predictions of Katharine of Sienna And yet notwithstanding, Antoninus, 16 writing of the same Katharine in this third part, reciteth her words thus (prophesying of the reformation of the church) to friar Reymund her ghostly father: ‘By these tribulations (saith she) God after a secret manner unknown to man, shall purge his holy church; and after those things, shall follow such a reformation of the holy church of God, and such a renovation of the holy pastors, that only the cogitation and remembrance thereof maketh my spirit to rejoice in the Lord. And, as I have oftentimes told you heretofore, the spouse, which is now all deformed and ragged, shall be adorned and decked with most rich and precious ouches 17 and brooches; and all the faithful shall be glad and rejoice to see themselves so beautified with so holy pastors. Yea, and also the infidels, then allured by the sweet savior of Christ, shall return to the catholic fold, and be converted to the true bishop and shepherd of their souls. Give thanks therefore to God; for after this storm he will give a great calm,’ etc. Of the authority of this prophetess I have not to affirm or adjudge, but rather to hear what the catholic judges will say of this their own saint and prophet. For if they do not credit her spirit of prophecy, why then do they authorize her for a pure saint among the sisters of dear St. Dominic? If they warrant her prophecy, let them say then, When was this glorious reformation of the church ever true or like to be true, if it be not true now, in this marvelous alteration of the church in these our latter days? or when was there any such conversion of Christian people in all countries ever heard of, since the apostles’ time, as hath been since the preaching of Martin Luther? Of Hieronimus Savonarola 179 I wrote before, showing that he prophesied, that one like to Cyrus should pass over the Alps, who should subvert and destroy all Italy: which may well be applied to God’s word, and the gospel of Christ, spreading now abroad since Luther’s time. Theodoric, bishop of Croatia, lived near about the time when Huss and Jerome were martyred; who, in the end of his prophetical verses, which are extant in print, declareth, ‘That the see of Rome, which is so horribly polluted with simony and avarice, shall fall, and no more oppress men with tyranny, as it hath done, and that it shall be subverted by its own subjects; and that the church and true piety shall flourish more again, than ever it did before.’ Noviomagus testifieth 180 , that he, A.D. 1520, heard Ostendorpius, a canon of Daventer, say, that when he was a young man, doctor Weselus, a Friesian, who was then an old man, told him, that he should live to see this new school divinity of Scotus, Aquinas, and Bonaventure, to be utterly forsaken and exploded of all true Christians. In a book of Charles Boville, mention is made of a certain vision which one Nicholas, a hermit of Helvetia, had; in which vision he saw the pope’s head crowned with three swords proceeding from his face, and three swords coming toward it. This vision is also printed in the books of Martin Luther, with his preface before it. Nicholas Medler, being of late superintendent of Brunswick, affirmed and testified, ‘That he heard and knew a certain priest in his country, that told the priests there, that they laid aside Paul under their desks and pews; but the time would come, when Paul should come abroad, and drive them under the desks and dark stalls, where they should not appear,’ etc. Matthiss Flacius, in the end of his book entitled, ‘ De Testibus Veritatis,’ speaketh of one Michael Stifelius: This Michael, being an old man, told him, that he heard the priests and monks say many times, by the old prophecies, that a violent reformation must needs come amongst them: and also that the said Michael heard Conrad Stifelius his father many times declare the same: who also, for the great hatred he bare against this filthy sect of monks and priests, told to one Peter Piper, a friend and neighhor of his, that he should live and see the day; and therefore desired him, that when the day came, besides those priests that be should kill for himself, he would kill one priest, more for his sake.’ This Stifelius thought, belike, that this reformation should be wrought by outward violence, and force of sword; but he was therein deceived; although the adversary useth all forcible means, and violent tyranny, yet the proceeding of the gospel always beginneth with peace and quietness. In the table or Amersham men I signified a little before, how one Haggar of London, speaking of this reformation to come, declared, that the priests should make battle, and have the upper hand a while, but shortly they should be vanquished and overthrown for ever. In the time of pope Alexander VI and about A.D. 1500, as is before specified, the high angel which stood on the top of the pope’s church and castle of St. Angelo, was thrown down with a terrible thunder into the river Tiber: whereby might seem to be declared the ruin and fall of the popedom. To this may be adjoined, that which in certain chronicles, and in John Bale 20 is recorded; which saith, that in the year of our Lord 1516 (which was the same year when Martin Luther began), pope Leo X did create one and thirty cardinals: in which year and day of their creation, there fell a tempest of thunder and lightning in Rome, which so struck the church where the cardinals were made, that it removed the little child Jesus out of the lap of his mother and the keys out of St. Peter’s hand: which thing many then did interpret to signify and foreshow the subversion and alteration of the see of Rome. Hitherto pertaineth also a strange portent and a prodigious token from heaven, A.D. 1505, in which year, under the reign of Maximilian the emperor,21 there appeared in Germany, upon the vestures of men, as well of priests as laymen; upon women’s garments also, and upon their rocks as they were spinning, divers prints and tokens of the nails, of the sponge, of the spear, of the Lord’s coat, and of bloody crosses, etc.: all which were seen upon their caps and gowns, as is most certainly testified and recorded by divers, who both did see, and also did write upon the same. Of these the first was Maximilian the emperor, who both had and showed the same to Franciscus Mirandula, who wrote thereupon a book in Latin metre called ‘Staurosticon;’ wherein, for the more credit, these verses be contained: “Non ignota cano, Caesar monstravit, et ipsi Vidimus: Innumeros prompsit Germania testes,” etc. Of this also writeth John Carion, Functius, Philip Melancthon, Flacius, with divers others. These marks and tokens, as they were very strange, so were they diversely expounded of many, some thinking that they portended affliction and persecution of the church to draw near: some, that God by that token did admonish them, or foreshowed unto them the true doctrine of their justification, which only is to be sought in the cross and passion of Christ, and in no other thing. This I marvel, that Christianus Masseus, and others of that profession, do leave it out. Belike they saw something in it that made not to their liking. For, whether it signifieth persecution to come upon the Germans, they cannot be evil that suffer and bear the cross with Christ: or whether it signifieth the true doctrine of Christ coming to the Germans, it cannot otherwise be, but that the doctrine of the bishop of Rome must needs be wrong, which is contrary to this which God hath stirred up in Germany. By these and such-like prophecies, it is evident to understand, the time not to be far off, when God, of his determinate providence, was disposed to reform and to restore his church. And not only by these prophecies the same might well appear, but also, and much rather, by the hearts of the people at that time; whose minds were so incensed and inflamed with hatred against the pomp and pride of Rome, both through all nations, and especially the people of Germany, that it was easy to perceive the time was near at hand, when the pride of popish prelacy would have a fall. Such disdain there was, such contempt and derision began to rise on every side then, against the pope and the court of Rome, that it might soon appear, by the hearts of the people, that God was not disposed to have it long to stand. For neither were their detestable doings so secret, that men did not see them, ,either did any man behold them, having any sparkle of godliness, that could abide them. And thereupon grew these proverbs to their derision, in every country, as in Germany it hath been a proverb amongst them. PROVERBS AGAINST THE CORRUPT SEE OF ROME: Was ist nu in der werit fur ein wesen, Wir moegen fur den pfaffen nicht genesen. (What is this, to see the world now round about, That for these shaveling priests no man that once may rout?) Quam primurn clericus suscipit rasuram, statim intrat in eum diabolus: i.e. As soon as a clerk is shorn into his order, by and by the devil entereth into him. ‘In riomine Domini, incipit omne malum:’ i.e. ‘In the name of God beginneth all evil:’ alluding to the pope’s bulls, which commonly so begin. ITEM , When bulls come from Rome, bind well your purses. The nearer Rome, the further from Christ. ITEM , He that goeth once to Rome, seeth a wicked man. He that goeth twice, learneth to know him. He that goeth thrice, bringeth him home with him. ITEM , The court of Rome never regardeth the sheep without the wool. Once were wooden chalices, and golden priests: Now we have golden chalices, and wooden priests. Once Christian men had blind churches, and light hearts. Now they have blind hearts, and light churches. ITEM , Many are worshipped for saints in heaven, whose souls be burning in hell. 1 What should I speak of our English proverb, which so vilely esteemeth the filthy friars, that it compareth them to something which, to save thy reverence, good reader, we mention not. In France, Gallus Senonensis writeth four hundred years ago, that amongst them it was an old saying, “Romae solvi Satanam in perniciem totius ecclesiae,” that is, “That Satan was let loose at Rome to destroy the whole church.” Thomas Becket himself, in his time, writing to the college of cardinals, denieth it not but to be a common word both through town and city, “Quod non sit justitia Romae,” that is, “That there is no right at Rome.” To these may be adjoined also the A, B, C, which we find in the margin of a certain old register to be attributed to William Thorpe, whose story we have comprehended before. THE A, B, C, AGAINST THE PRIDE OF THE CLERGY Awake, ye ghostly persons, awake, awake, Both priest, pope, bishop, and cardinal! Consider wisely, what ways ye take, Dangerously being like to have a fall. Every where the mischief of you all, Far and near, breaketh out very fast; God will needs be revenged at the last. How long have ye the world caprived, In sore bondage of men’s traditions. Kings and emperors ye have deprived, Lewdly usurping their chief possessions: Much misery ye make in all regions. Now your frauds be almost at their latter cast, Of God sore to be revenged at the last. Poor people to oppress ye have no shame, Quaking for fear of your double tyranny. Rightful justice ye have put out of frame, Seeking the lust of your god, the belly. Therefore I dare you boldly certify, Very little though you be thereof aghast, Yet God will be revenged at the last. By these and such-like sayings, which may be collected innumerable, it may soon be seen what hearts and judgments the people had in those days of the Romish clergy; which thing, no doubt, was of God as a secret prophecy, that shortly religion should be restored; according as it came to pass about this present time, when Dr. Martin Luther first began to write; after Picus Mirandula, and Laurentins Valla, and last of all Erasmus of Rotterdam, had somewhat broken the way before, and had shaken the monks’ houses. But Luther gave the stroke, and plucked down the foundation, and all by opening one vein, long hid before, wherein lieth the touchstone of all truth and doctrine, as the only principal origin of our salvation, which is, our free justifying by faith only, in Christ the Son of God. The laborious travails, and the whole process, and the constant preachings of this worthy man, because they are sufficiently declared in the history of John Sleidan, I shall the less need to stay long thereupon; but only to run over some principal matters of his life and acts, as they are briefly collected by Philip Melancthon. THE HISTORY OF MARTIN LUTHER WITH HIS LIFE AND DOCTRINE DESCRIBED Martin Luther 181 , after he was grown in years, being born at Eisleben in Saxony, A.D. 1488, was set to the university, first of Magdeburg, then of Erfurt. In this university of Erfurt, there was a certain aged man in the convent of the Augustines (who is thought to be Weselus above mentioned) with whom Luther being then of the same order, a friar Augustine, had conference upon divers things, especially touching the article of remission of sins; which article the said aged Father opened unto Luther after this sort; declaring, that we must not generally believe only forgiveness of sins to be, or to belong to Peter, to Paul, to David, or such good men alone; but that God’s express commandment is, that every man should particularly believe his sins to be forgiven him in Christ: and further said, that this interpretation was confirmed by the testimony of St. Bernard, and showed him the place, in the sermon of the Annunciation, where it is thus set forth: “But add thou that thou believest this, that by him thy 182 sins are forgiven thee. This is the testimony that the Holy Ghost giveth thee in thy heart, saying, Thy sins are forgiven thee. For this is the opinion of the apostle, that man is freely justified by faith.” By these words Luther was not only strengthened, but was also instructed of the full meaning of St. Paul, who repeateth so many times this sentence, “We are justified by faith.” And having read the expositions of many upon this place, he then perceived, as well by the discourse 183 of the old man, as by the comfort he received in his spirit, the vanity of those interpretations, which he had read before, of the schoolmen, And so, by little and little, reading and conferring the sayings and examples of the prophets and apostles, with continual invocation of God, and excitation of faith by force of prayer, he perceived that doctrine most evidently. Then began he to read St. Augustine’s books, where he found many comfortable sentences (among others, in the exposition of the Psalms, and especially in the book of the’ Spirit and Letter’) which confirmed this doctrine of faith and consolation in his heart not a little. And yet he laid not aside the sententiaries, as Gabriel and Cameracensis. Also he read the books of Ocham, whose subtlety he preferred above Thomas Aquinas and Scotus. He read also and revolved Gerson: but above all the rest, he perused all over St. Augustine’s works with attentive cogitation. And thus continued he his study at Erfurt the space of four years in the convent of the Augustines. About this time one Staupitius 184 , a famous man, who had ministered his help to further the erection of a university in Wittenberg, being anxious to promote the study of divinity in this new university; when he had considered the spirit and towardness of Luther, he called him from Erfurt, to place him in Wittenberg, A.D. 1508 and of his age the twenty-sixth. There his towardness appeared in the ordinary exercise both of his disputations in the schools and preaching in churches; where many wise and learned men attentively heard Luther, namely Dr. Mellarstad. This Mellarstad would oftentimes say 185 , that Luther was of such a marvelous spirit, and so ingenious, that he gave apparent signification, that he would introduce a more compendious, easy, and familiar manner of teaching, and alter and abolish the order that then was used. There first he expounded the logic and philosophy of Aristotle, and in the mean while intermitted no whit his study in theology. Three years after he went to Rome, about certain contentions of the monks; and returning the same year, he was graded doctor at the expense of the elector Frederic, duke of Saxony, according to the solemn manner of the schools 186 : for he had heard him preach; well; understanded the quickness of his spirit; diligently considered the vehemency of his words; and had in singular admiration those profound matters which in his sermons he ripely and exactly explained. This degree Staupitius, against his will, enforced upon him; saying merrily unto him, that God had many things to bring to pass in his church by him. And though these words were spoken merrily, yet it came so to pass anon after; as many predictions or presages 187 (which afterward prove true) are wont to go before great changes. After this, he began to expound the Epistle to the Romans, and consequently the Psalms: where he showed the difference betwixt the law and the gospel; and also confounded the error that reigned then in the schools and sermons, viz. that men may merit remission of sins by their proper works, and that they be just before God by outward discipline; as the Pharisees taught. Luther diligently reduced the minds of men to the Son of God: as John Baptist demonstrated the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world; even so Luther, shining in the church as the bright daylight after a long and dark night, expressly showed 188 , that sins are freely remitted for the love of the Son of God, and that we ought faithfully to embrace this bountiful gift: 3 He also illustrated divers other points of ecclesiastical doctrine.* *These 4 happy beginnings of so good matters, got him great authority, considering his life was correspondent to his profession; and it plainly appeared that his words were no lip-labor, but proceeded from the very heart. This admiration of his holy life much allured the hearts of his auditors 189 : and therefore, when at a later period he wished to innovate certain received ceremonies, respectable men who had known him made little or no objection, but, in respect of the authority he had gained before (as well for that he had revealed many good matters, as that his life was holy), consented with him in his opinions, and agreed with him on those subjects, by which, to their sorrow, they saw the world divided.* All this while Luther yet altered nothing in the ceremonies, but precisely observed his rule among his fellows. He meddled in no doubtful opinions, but taught this only doctrine, as most principal of all other, to all men, opening and declaring the doctrine of repentance, of remission of sins, of faith, of true comfort to be sought in the cross 190 of Christ. Every man received good taste of this sweet doctrine, and the learned conceived high pleasure to behold Jesus Christ, the prophets and apostles, to come forth into light out of darkness; whereby they began to understand the difference betwixt the law and the gospel; betwixt the promises of the law, and the promise of the gospel 191 ; betwixt spiritual justice, and civil things: which certainly could not have been found in Thomas Aquinas, Scotus, and such-like school-clerks. It happened, moreover, about this time, that many were provoked by Erasmus’s learned works to study the Greek and Latin tongues; who, having thus opened to them a more pleasant sort of learning 192 than before, began to have in contempt the monks’ barbarous and sophistical learning; and especially such as were of liberal nature and good disposition. Luther began to study the Greek and Hebrew tongues to this end, that after he had learned the phrase and idiom of the tongues, and drawn the doctrine of the very fountains, he might form a more sound judgment 193 . As Luther was thus occupied in Germany, which was A.D. 1516, Leo X, who had succeeded after Julius II, was pope of Rome, who, under pretense of war against the Turk, sent a jubilee with his pardons abroad through all Christian realms and dominions, whereby he gathered together innumerable riches and treasure; the gatherers and collectors whereof persuaded the people, that whosoever would give ten shillings, should at his pleasure deliver one soul from the pains of purgatory. For this they held as a general rule, that God would do whatsoever they would have him, according to the saying, “Quic-quid solveritis super terrain, erit solutum in coelis,” etc., i.e. “Whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, the same shall be loosed in heaven; but if it were but one jot less than ten shillings, they preached that it would profit them nothing. 5 This filthy kind of the pope’s merchandise, as it spread through all quarters of Christian regions, so it came also to Germany, through the means of a certain Dominic friar named Tetzel, who most impudently caused the pope’s indulgences or pardons to be carried and sold about the country. Whereupon Luther, much moved with the blasphemous sermons of this shameless friar, and having his heart earnestly bent with ardent desire to maintain true religion, published certain propositions concerning indulgences, which are to be read in the first tome of his works, and set them openly on the temple that joineth to the castle of Wittenberg, the morrow after the feast of All Saints, A.D. 1517. This beggarly friar, hoping to obtain the pope’s blessing, assembled certain monks and sophistical divines of his covent, and forthwith commanded them to write something against Luther. And while he would not himself seem to be dumb, he began not only to inveigh in his sermons, but to thunder against Luther; crying, “Luther is a heretic, and worthy to be persecuted with fire 194 .” And besides this, he burned openly Luther’s propositions, and the sermon which he wrote of indulgences. This rage and fumish fury of this friar enforced Luther to treat more amply of the cause, and to maintain the truth 195 . And thus rose the beginnings of this controversy; wherein Luther, neither suspecting ne dreaming of any change to be effected in the ceremonies, did not utterly reject the indulgences, but required a moderation in them: and therefore they falsely accuse him, who blaze, that he began with plausible matter, whereby he might get praise, to the end that in process of time he might change the state of the commonweal, and purchase authority either for himself or others. And certes, he was not suborned or stirred up by them of the court (as the duke of Brunswick wrote), inasmuch as the duke Frederic was sore offended that such contention and controversy should arise, having regard to the sequel thereof. And as this good duke Frederic was one, of all the princes of our time, that loved best quietness and common tranquillity, neither was avaricious, but willingly bent to refer all his counsels to the common utility of all the world (as it is easy to be conjectured divers ways), so he neither encouraged nor supported Luther, but often discovered outwardly 196 the heaviness and sorrow which he bare in his heart, fearing greater dissensions. But being a wise prince, and following the counsel of God’s rule, and well deliberating thereupon, he thought with himself, that the glory of God was to be preferred above all things: neither was he ignorant what blasphemy it was, horribly condemned of God, obstinately to repugn the truth. Wherefore he did as a godly prince should do, he obeyed God, committing himself to his holy grace and omnipotent protection. And although Maximilian the emperor, Charles king of Spain, and pope Julius, had given commandment to the said duke Frederic, that he should inhibit Luther from all place and liberty of preaching; yet the duke, considering with himself the preaching and writing of Luther, and weighing diligently the testimonies and places of the Scripture by him alleged, would not withstand the thing which he judged sincere. And yet neither did he this, trusting to his own judgment, but was very anxious and inquisitive to hear the judgment of others, who were both aged and learned; in the number of whom was Erasmus, whom the, duke desired to declare to him his opinion touching the matter of Martin Luther; saying and protesting, that he would rather the ground should open and swallow him, than he would bear with any opinions which he knew to be contrary to manifest truth; and therefore he desired him to declare his judgment in the matter to him, freely and friendly. Erasmus, thus being entreated of the duke, began thus jestingly and merrily to answer the duke’s request, saying, that in Luther were two great faults; first, that he would touch the bellies of monks; the second, that he would touch the pope’s crown: which two matters in no case are to be dealt withal. Then, opening his mind plainly to the duke, thus he said, that Luther did dwell in detecting errors, and that reformation was to be wished, and very necessary in the church: and added moreover, that the effect of his doctrine was true; but only that he wished in him a more temperate moderation and manner of writing and handling. 6 Whereupon duke Frederic shortly after wrote to Luther seriously, exhorting him to temper the vehemence of his style. This was at the city of Cologne, shortly after the coronation of the new emperor, where also Huttenus, Aloisius, Marlianus, Ludovicus Vives, Halonius, with other learned men, were assembled together, waiting upon the emperor. Furthermore, the same Erasmus, in the following year, wrote up to the archbishop of Mentz a certain epistle touching the cause of Luther; in which epistle thus he signifieth to the bishop: ‘That many things are in the books of Luther condemned of monks and divines for heretical, which in the books of Bernard and Austin are read for sound and godly. Also, that the world is burdened with men’s institutions, with school doctrines and opinions, and with the tyranny of begging friars; which friars, when they are but the pope’s servants and underlings, yet they have so grown in power and multitude, that they are now terrible, both to the pope himself, and to all princes; who, so long as the pope maketh with them, so long they make him more than God; but If he make any thing against their purpose or commodity, then. they weigh his authority no more than a dream or fantasy. Once (said he) it was counted an heresy 197 when a man repugned against the gospels, or articles of the faith. Now he that dissenteth from Thomas Aquinas, is a heretic: whatsoever doth not like them, whatsoever they understand not, that is heresy. To know Greek is heresy; or to speak more finely than they do, that is with them heresy.’ And thus much by the way concerning the judgment of Erasmus. REVIEW OF LUTHER’S CONDUCT AND WRITINGS. 9 It is also apparent, that Luther promised the cardinal Cajetan to keep silence, provided also that his adversaries would do the like. Whereby we may gather, that at that time he determined not to stir any new debates, but rather coveted the common quietness, and that he was provoked by little and little to other matters, through the provoking of unlearned writers. Then followed disputations of the difference betwixt divine and human law; of the horrible profanation of the Supper of our Lord, in selling and applying the same for other purposes. Here he was forced to express the cause of the sacrifice, and to declare the use of the sacraments. Now the godly and faithful Christians, dosed in monasteries, understanding images ought to be eschewed, began to abandon that wretched thraldom, in which they were detained. Now Luther, the plainlier to express the doctrine of repentance, of remission of sins, of faith, and of indulgences, he added also to these matters, the difference of divine and human laws, the doctrine of the use of our Lord’s Supper, of baptism, and of vows; and these were his principal conflicts. As touching the question of the Roman bishop’s power, Eckius was the author thereof; and for none other respect, than to inflame the fiery wrath of the pope and princes against Luther. The symbol 198 of the apostles, also of Nice and Athanasius, he conserved in their integrity. Further, he declareth in divers his works sufficiently what innovation is to be required in the ceremonies and traditions of men; and wherefore they ought to be altered. And what form of doctrine and administration of the Sacraments he required and approved, it is apparent by the confession which the elector, John duke of Saxony, and prince Philip, landgrave of Hesse, presented to the emperor Charles V, A.D. 1580, in the assembly at Augsburg. It is manifest also by the ceremonies of the church in this city, and the doctrine that is preached in our church, the sum whereof is fully comprised in this confession. I allege this, that the godly may consider not only what errors he hath corrected and reproved, but also they may understand that he comprehended also the whole doctrine necessary for the church; he hath set the ceremonies in their purity, and given examples to the faithful to reform the churches, and it is necessary for posterity to know what Luther hath approved. I will not here rehearse, who were the first that published both parts of the Supper of our Lord, who first omitted private masses, and where first the monasteries were abandoned: for Luther disputed very little of these before the assembly which was made in the town of Worms, A.D. 1521: he changed not the ceremonies, but in his absence Carolostadt and other altered them. Then Luther returning (after that Carolostadt had devised and done certain things rather to breed muttering than otherwise), manifested by evident testimonies, published abroad touching his opinion, what he approved, and what he misliked. We know that politic men evermore detested all changes: and we must confess, there ensueth some evil upon dissensions, and yet it is our duty evermore in the church, to advance God’s ordinance above human constitutions. The eternal Father pronounced this voice of his Son: “This is my well beloved Son, hear him!” and manaseth eternal wrath to all blasphemers, that is, such as endeavor to abolish the manifest verity. And therefore Luther did, as behoved a Christian faithfully to do, considering he was an instructor of the church of God. It was his office, I say, to reprehend pernicious errors, which the rabble of epicures most impudently heaped one upon another, and it was expedient his auditors dissented not from his opinion, since he taught purely. Wherefore if alteration be hateful, and many perils grow of dissension, as we certainly see many, whereof we be right sorry, they are partly in fault that spread abroad these errors, and partly they that with devilish disdain presently maintain them. I do not recite this to defend Luther and his auditors, but also that the faithful may consider now, and in time to come, what is the governance of the true church of God, and what it hath always been: how God hath gathered to himself one eternal church, by the voice of the gospel, of this lump of sin, and filthy heap of human corruption; among whom the gospel shineth as a spark in the dark. As in the time of the Pharisees, Zachary, Elizabeth, Mary, and many other, reverenced and observed the true doctrine: so have many gone before us, who purely invocated God, some understanding more clearly than some the doctrine of the gospel. Such one was the old man of whom I wrote, that oftentimes comforted Luther, when his astonyings assailed him; and after a sort declared unto him the doctrine of the faith. And that God may preserve henceforth the light of his gospel, shining in many, let us pray with fervent affection, as Isaiah prayeth for his hearers: “Seal the law in my disciples.” Further, this advertisement showeth plain that colored superstitions are not permanent, but abolished by God: and sith this is the cause of changes, we ought diligently to endeavor, that errors be not taught ne preached in the church. But I return to Luther. Even as at the beginning he entreated in this matter without any particular affection, so, though he was of a fiery nature and subject to wrath, yet he always remembered his office, and prohibited wars to be attempted, and distinguished wisely offices wherein was any difference, as, the bishop to feed the flock of God; and the magistrates by authority of the sword committed unto them to repress the people subject unto them. Wherefore when Satan contendeth by slanders to dissipate the church of God, and contumeliously to rage against him, and delighteth to do evil, and rejoiceth to behold us wallow in the puddle of error and blindness, smiling at our destruction; he laboreth all he can to inflame and stir up mischievous instruments and seditious spirits to sow sedition; as Munzer and his like. Luther repelled boldly these rages, and not only adorned, but also ratified, the dignity and bands of politic order and civil government. Therefore when I consider in my mind how many worthy men have been in the church, that in this erred, and were abused: I believe assuredly that Luther’s heart was not only governed by human diligence, but with a heavenly light; considering how constantly he abode within the limits of his office. Luther held not only in contempt the seditious doctors of that time, as Munzer and the Anabaptists; but especially these horned bishops of Rome, who arrogantly and impudently by their devised decrees affirmed, that St. Peter had not the charge alone to teach the gospel, but also to govern commonweals, and exercise civil jurisdiction. Moreover he exhorted every man to render unto God that appertained unto God, and to Caesar that belonged unto Caesar; and said, that all should serve God with true repentance, knowledge, and maintaining of his true doctrine, invocation, and works wrought with a pure conscience: and as touching civil policy, that every one should obey the magistrates under whom he liveth, in all civil duties and reverences, for God’s cause. And such one was Luther. He gave unto God, that belonged unto God; he taught God; he invocated God; and had other virtues necessary for a man that pleaseth God. Further, in politic conversation he constantly avoided all seditious counsels. I judge these virtues to be so excellent ornaments, as greater and more divine cannot be required in this mortal life. And albeit that the virtue of this man is worthy of commendation, and the rather for that he used the gifts of God in all reverence; yet our duty is to render condign thanks unto God, that by him he hath given us the light of the gospel, and to conserve and enlarge the remembrance of his doctrine. I weigh little the slander of the epicures and hypocrites, who scoff and condemn the manifest truth; but I stay wholly hereupon, that the universal church hath consented perpetually to this very doctrine, which is preached in our church, whereunto we must frame our life and devotion conformable. And I believe that this is the doctrine, whereof the Son of God speaketh: “If any love me, he will keep my commandments, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and plant our dwelling with him.” I speak of the sum of the doctrine, as it is understanded and explained in our churches, by the faithful and learned ministers. For albeit that some one oftentimes expoundeth the same more aptly and elegantly than some other: yet, as touching the effect, the learned and faithful do agree in all points. Then weighing and perpending with myself long time the doctrine that hath been of all times, it seemeth unto me that since the apostles there have been four notable alterations after the first purity of the gospel. Origen had his time. Albeit there were some of a sound and sacred opinion, as Methodius, who reproved certain suspected doctrines of Origen, yet he converted the gospel into philosophy in the hearts of many: that is to say, he advanced this persuasion, that the moral discipline of reason deserveth remission of sins, and that this is that justice, whereof is said, “The just shall live of his faith.” That age almost; lost the whole difference of the law and the gospel, and forgot the words of the apostles; for they understood not the natural signification of these words: Letter, Spirit, Justice, Faith. Now when the propriety of words was lost, which be notes of the very things, it was necessary that other things should be contrived. Out of this seed sprang the Pelagius’ error, which wandered lately abroad: and therefore, albeit the apostles had given unto the church a pure doctrine, as clear and wholesome fountains, yet Origen intermixed the same with some corruption in that part. Then, to correct the errors of that time, or at the least some part of them, God raised St. Austin, who purged in some part the fountains; and I doubt not, if he were judge of dissensions at this day, but he would speak for us, and defend our cause. Certainly, as concerning free remission, justification by faith, the use of the sacraments and indifferent things, he consenteth wholly with us. And, albeit that in some places he expoundeth more eloquently and aptly that he will say than in some, yet if in reading any do carry with them a godly spirit and quick understanding, and all evil judgment ceaseth, they shall soon perceive that he is of our opinion. And whereas our adversaries sometime do cite sentences selected out of his books against us, and with clamor provoke us to the ancient Fathers, they do it not for any affection they bear unto the truth or antiquity, but maliciously to cloak them with the authority of the ancient Fathers, which antiquity never knew of any of these horned beasts and dumb idols, as we have known in these days. Nevertheless it is certain, there were seeds of superstition in the time of the Fathers and ancient doctors: and therefore St. Austin ordained something of vows, although he wrote not thereof so strangely as other: for the best some-times shall be spotted with the blemish of such follies as reign in their age. For as naturally we love our country, so fondly we favor the present fashions, wherein we be trained and educated. And very well alluded Euripides 199 to this effect: ‘What customs we in tender youth By nature’s lore receive; The same we love and like always, And lothe our lust to leave.’ But would to God, that such as vaunt they follow St. Austin, would always represent one like opinion and mind, as St. Austin: certainly they would not clip so his sentences, to serve their purpose. And the light restored by St. Austin’s works hath much profited the posterity; for Prosper, Maximus, Hugo, and some other like, that governed studies to St. Bernard’s time, have for the most part imitated the rule of St. Austin. And this while still, the regiment and riches of the bishops increased: and thereof ensued a monstrous regiment; profane and ignorant men governed the church, among the which certain were instructed in sciences and practices of the Roman court, and some other exercised in pleadings. Then the orders of Dominicke and S. Francis’s Friars began; who, beholding the excess and riches of the bishops, and contemning their ungodly manners, determined to live in more modest order, or, as I might say, to enclose them in the prisons of discipline. But first, ignorance increased the superstitions. Then after, when they considered men’s minds wholly addicted to the study of the civil laws (for that pleading at Rome advanced many to great authority, and enriched them), they endeavored to revoke men to the study of divinity, but they missed of their purpose, and their counsel failed them. Albert, and such like, that were given to Aristotle’s doctrine, began to convert the doctrine of the church into profane philosophy. And the fourth age not only corrupted the fountains of the gospel, but also gave out poison, that is to say, opinions manifestly approving all idolatries. Thomas Aquinas, Scotus, and their like, have brought in so many labyrinths and false opinions, that the godly and sound sort of divines have always desired a more plain and purer kind of doctrine: neither can we deny without great impudence but it was expedient to alter this kind of doctrine, when it is manifest that such as employed their whole age in this manner of teaching, understood not a great part of their sophisms in their disputations. Further it is plain idolatry confirmed, when they teach the application of sacrifice by work wrought; when they allow the invocation of saints; when they deny that sins be freely remitted by faith; when of ceremonies they make a slaughter of consciences. Finally, there are many other horrible and pernicious devices, that when I think on them, Lord! how I tremble and quake for fear 200 . Now to return, and to treat something orderly of the acts and conflicts of Luther with his adversaries. After that Tetzel, the aforesaid friar, with his fellow-monks and friarly fellows, had cried out with open mouth against Luther, in maintaining the pope’s indulgences; and that Luther again, in defense of his cause, had set up propositions against the open abuses of the same, marvel it was to see how soon these propositions were sparkled abroad in sundry and far places, and how greedily they were caught up in the hands of divers both far and near. And thus the contention of this matter increasing between them, Luther was compelled to write thereof more largely and fully than otherwise he thought; which was A.D. 1517. Yet all this while Luther never thought of any alteration to come of any ceremony, much less such a reformation of doctrine and ceremonies as afterwards did follow; but only hearing that he was accused to the bishop of Rome, he did write humbly unto him: in the beginning of which writing he declareth the inordinate outrage of those his pardon-mongers, who so excessively did pill and poll the simple people, to the great slander of the church, and shame to his holiness and so proceeding, in the end of the said his writing thus he submitteth himself: ‘Wherefore, most holy father, I offer myself prostrate under the feet of your holiness, with all that I am, and all that I have. Save me, kill me, call me, recall me, approve me, reprove me, as you shall please. Your voice, the voice of Christ in you speaking, I will acknowledge. If I have deserved death, I shall be contented to die: for the earth is the Lord’s, and all the fullness thereof, who is blessed for ever. (Psalm 24:1) Amen.’ This was A.D. 1518. After Martin Luther, provoked by Tetzel, had declared his mind in writing lowly and humbly, and had set up certain propositions to be disputed; not long after, among other monks and friars, steppeth up one Silvester de Priero, a Dominic friar, who first began to publish abroad a certain impudent and railing dialogue against him. Unto whom Luther answered again, first alleging the, place of the apostle in Thessalonians 1:5, that we must “prove all things. Also the place in Galatians 2, that “if an angel from heaven do bring any other gospel than that we have received, he ought to be accursed.” Item, he alleged the place of Austin unto Jerome, where the said Austin saith, That he was wont to give this honor only to the books of canonical Scripture, that whosoever were the writers thereof, he believed them verily not to have erred. But as touching all other men’s writings, were they ever so holy men, or learned, he doth not believe them therefore, because they so say; but in that respect as they do agree with the canonical Scripture, which cannot err. Item, he alleged the place of the canon law; 12 wherein he proved, that these pardon-sellers, in their setting forth of the pope’s indulgences, ought to go no further by the law, than is enjoined them within the letters of their commission. And in the; latter part of his answer, thus Luther writeth to the reader, “Let opinions remain opinions, so they be not yokes to the Christians. Let us not; make men’s opinions equal with the articles of faith, and to the decrees of Christ and Paul.” “Moreover, I am ashamed,” quoth he, “to hear the common saying of these divine school-doctors, who, holding one thing in the schools, and thinking otherwise in their own judgment, thus are wont secretly among themselves, and with their privy friends talking together, to say, ‘Thus do we hold, and thus would we say, being in the schools: but yet (be it spoken here amongst us 201 ) it cannot be so proved by the holy Scriptures,’” etc. Next after this Silvester, stepped forth Eckius, and impugned the conclusions of Luther. Against whom encountered Dr. Andreas Bodenstein, archdeacon of Wittenberg, making his apology in defense of Luther. Then was Martin Luther cited, the 7th of August, by one Hierome, bishop of Ascoli 202 , to appear at Rome. About which time Thomas Cajetan, cardinal, the pope’s legate, was then legate at the city of Augsburg, who before had been sent down in commission, with certain mandates from pope Leo, unto that city. The university of Wittenberg, understanding of Luther’s citation, eftsoons directed up their letters with their public seal, to the pope, in Luther’s behalf. Also another letter they sent to Carolus Miltitius, the pope’s chamberlain, being a German born. Furthermore, good Frederic ceased not for his part to solicit the matter with his letters and earnest suit with cardinal Cajetan, that the cause of Luther might be freed from Rome, and removed to Augsburg, in the hearing of the cardinal. Cajetan, at the suit of the duke, wrote unto the pope; from whom he received this answer again, the three and twentieth of the aforesaid month of August. SUBSTANCE OF THE POPE’S CHARGE TO HIS LEGATE, AGAINST LUTHER. That he had cited Luther to appear personally before him at Rome, by Hierome, bishop of Ascoli, auditor of the chamber; which bishop diligently had done what was commanded him: but Luther, abusing and contemning the gentleness offered, did not only refuse to come, but also became more bold and stubborn, continuing or rather increasing in his former heresy, as by his writings did appear. Wherefore he would, that the cardinal should cite and call up the said Luther to appear at the city of Augsburg before him; adjoining withal, the aid of the princes of Germany, and of the emperor, if need required.; so that when the said Luther should appear, he should lay hand upon him, and commit him to safe custody: and after, he should be brought up to Rome. And if he perceived him to come to any knowledge or amendment of his fault, be should release him and restore him to the church again; or else he should be interdicted, with all other his adherents, abettors, and maintainers, of whatsoever state or condition they were, whether they were dukes, marquisses, earls, barons, etc. Against all which persons and degrees, he willed him to extend the same curse and malediction (only the person of the emperor excepted); interdicting, by the censure of the church, all such lands, lordships, towns, tenements, and villages, as should minister any harbor to the said Luther, and were not obedient unto the see of Rome. Contrariwise, to all such as showed themselves obedient, he should promise full remission of all their sins. Likewise the pope directeth other letters also at the same time to duke Frederic, with many grievous words, complaining against Luther. The cardinal, thus being charged with injunctions from Rome, according to his commission, sendeth with all speed for Luther to appear at Augsburg before him. About the beginning of October, Martin Luther, yielding his obedience to the church of Rome, came to Augsburg at the cardinal’s sending (at the charges of the noble prince elector, and also with his letters of commendation), where he remained three days before he came to his speech; for so it was provided by his friends, that he should not enter talk with the cardinal, before a sufficient warrant or safe-conduct was obtained of the emperor Maximilian. This being obtained, eftsoons he entered, offering himself to the speech of the cardinal, and was there received of the cardinal very gently; who, according to the pope’s commandment, propounded unto Martin Luther three things, or, as Sleidan saith, but two: to wit, 1. That he should repent and revoke his errors. 2. That he should promise, from that time forward, to refrain from the same. 3. That he should refrain from all filings that might by any means trouble the church. When Martin Luther required to be informed wherein he had erred, the legate brought forth the extravagant of Clement, which beginneth, ‘Unigenitus,’ etc., because that he, contrary to that canon, had held and taught in his fifty-eighth proposition, that the merits of Christ are not the treasure of indulgences or pardons. Secondly, the cardinal, contrary to the seventh proposition of Luther, affirmed, that faith is not necessary to him that receiveth the sacrament. Furthermore, another day, in the presence of four of the emperor’s council, having there a notary and witnesses present, Luther protested for himself, and personally, in this manner following: PROTESTATION OF LUTHER WITH HIS ANSWER AND PROPOSITIONS BEFORE THE CARDINAL Imprimis, I Martin Luther, a friar Augustine, protest, that I do reverence and follow the church of Rome in all my sayings and doings, present, past, and to come; and if any thing hath been, or shall be said by me to the contrary, I count it, and will that it be counted and taken, as though it had never been spoken. But because the cardinal hath required, at the commandment of the pope, three things of me to be observed: First, That I should return again to the knowledge of myself: Secondly, That I should beware of falling into the same again hereafter: Thirdly, That I should promise to abstain from all things which might disquiet the church of God: I protest here this day, that whatsoever I have said, seemeth unto me to be sound, true, and catholic: yet for the further proof thereof, I do offer myself personally, either here or elsewhere, publicly to give a reason of my sayings. And if this please not the legate, I am ready also in writing to answer his objections, if he have any against me; and touching these things, to hear the sentence and judgment of the universities of the empire, Basil, Friburg, and Louvain. Hereto when they had received an answer in writing, they departed. After this, Luther by and by prepareth an answer to the legate, teaching, that the merits of Christ are not committed unto men: That the pope’s voice is to be heard when he speaketh agreeable to the Scriptures: That the pope may err: That he ought to be reprehended. [Acts 15] Moreover he showed, that in the matter of faith, not only the general council, but also every faithful Christian is above the pope, if he lean to better authority and reason: That the extravagant containeth untruths: That it is an infallible verity, that none is just: That it is necessary, for him that cometh to the receiving of the sacrament, to believe: That faith in the absolution and remission of sins, is necessary: That he ought not, nor might not decline from the verity of the Scripture: That he sought nothing but the light of the truth, etc. But the cardinal would hear no Scriptures; he disputed without Scriptures; he devised glosses and expositions of his own head; and by distinctions (wherewith the divinity of the Thomists is full), like a very Proteus, 14 he avoided all things. After this, Luther, being commanded to come no more into the presence of the legate except he would recant, notwithstanding abode there still, and would not depart. Then the cardinal sent for Johannes Staupitius, vicar of the Augustines, and moved him earnestly to bring Luther to recant of his own accord. Luther tarried the next day also, and nothing was said unto him. The third day moreover he tarried, and delivered up his mind in writing: SUBSTANCE OF LUTHER’S ANSWER TO THE CARDINAL. First, Luther thanked the cardinal for his courtesy and great kindness, which he perceived by the words of Staupitius toward him; and therefore was the more ready to gratify him in whatsoever kind of office he could do him service: confessing moreover, that where he had been somewhat sharp and eager against the pope’s dignity, that was not so much of his own mind, as it was to be ascribed to the importunity of certain who gave him occasion. Notwithstanding, as he acknowledged his excess therein, so he was ready to show more moderation in that behalf hereafter, and also promised to make amends for the same unto the bishop; and that in the pulpit, if he pleased. And as touching the matter of pardons, he promised also to proceed no further in any mention thereof, so that his adversaries likewise were bound to keep silence. But whereas he was pressed to retract his sentence before defended, forasmuch as he had said nothing but with a good conscience, and which was agreeable to the firm testimonies of the Scripture, therefore he humbly desired the determination thereof to be referred to the bishop of Rome; for nothing could be more grateful to him, than to hear the voice of the church speaking, etc. Who doth not see by this so humble and honest submission of Luther, but that if the bishop of Rome would have been answered with any reason, or contented with sufficient mean, he had never been touched any further of Luther? But the secret purpose of God had a further work herein to do; for the time now was come, when God thought good that pride should have a fall. Thus while the immeasurable desire of that bishop sought more than enough (like to Aesop’s dog coveting to have both the flesh and the shadow), not only he missed what he gaped for, but also lost that which he had. But to the purpose of our matter again: this writing Luther delivered to the cardinal, the third day after he was commanded out of his sight; which letter or writing the cardinal did little regard. When Luther saw that he would give no answer nor countenance to the letter; yet, notwithstanding, he remained, after that, the fourth day, and nothing was answered. The fifth day likewise was passed with like silence, and nothing done. At length, by the counsel of his friends, and especially because the cardinal had said before, that he had a commandment to imprison Luther and John Staupitius the vicar; after that he had made and set up his appeal where it might be seen and read, he departed; thinking that he had showed such dangerous obedience long enough. Luther, a beholder and a doer of these things, recordeth the same, and showeth the cause why he submitted himself to the church of Rome: declaring also, that even those things which are most truly spoken, yet ought to be maintained and defended with humility and fear. Some things he suppresseth and concealeth, which he supposeth the reader to understand, not without grief and sorrow. At length he protesteth, that he reverenceth and followeth the church of Rome in all things, and that he setteth himself only against those, who, under the name of the church of Rome, go about to set forth and commend Babylon unto us. Thus have you heard how Luther, being rejected from the speech and sight of Cajetan the cardinal, after six days’ waiting, departed by the advice of his friends, and returned unto Wittenberg; leaving a letter in writing to be given to the cardinal, wherein he declared sufficiently: first his obedience in his coming; the reasons of his doctrine; his submission reasonable to the see of Rome; his long waiting after he was repelled from the cardinal’s speech; the charges of the duke; and finally, the cause of his departing. Besides this letter to the cardinal, he left an appellation to the bishop of Rome from the cardinal, which he caused openly to be affixed before his departure. After Luther was thus departed and returned again into his country, Cajetan writeth to duke Frederic a sharp and a biting letter, in which first he signifieth unto him his gentle entertainment and good will showed to reduce Luther from his error. Secondly, he complaineth of the sudden departing of him, and of Staupitius. Thirdly, he declareth the pernicious danger of Luther’s doctrine against the church of Rome. Fourthly, he exhorteth the duke, that as he tendereth his own honor and safety, and regardeth the favor of the high bishop, he will send him up to Rome, or expel him out of his dominions, forasmuch as such a pestilence breeding, as that was, could not, neither ought by any means long so to be suffered. To this letter of the cardinal the duke answereth again at large, purging both Luther and himself; Luther, in that he, following his conscience, grounded upon the word of God, would not revoke that for an error, which could be proved no error. And himself he excuseth thus: that whereas it is required of him to banish him his country, or to send him up to Rome, it would be little honesty for him so to do, and less conscience, unless he knew just cause why he should so do; which if the cardinal would or could declare unto him, there should lack nothing in him which were the part of a Christian prince to do. And therefore he desired him to be a mean unto the bishop of Rome, that innocency and truth be not oppressed before the crime or error be lawfully convicted. This done, the duke sendeth the letter of the cardinal unto Martin Luther, who answered again to the prince; showing first how he came obediently unto Cajetan with the emperor’s warrant, and what talk there was between them: how Cajetan pressed him, against his conscience and manifest truth, to revoke these errors. First, that the merits of Christ’s passion were not the treasure of the pope’s pardons: secondly, that faith was necessary in receiving the sacraments. Albeit in the first he was content to yield to the cardinal; in the second, because it touched a great part of our salvation, he could not with a safe conscience relent, but desired to be taught by the Scripture, or at least, that the matter might be brought into open disputation in some free place of Germany, where the truth might be discussed and judged of learned men. The cardinal, not pleased with this, in great anger cast out many menacing words, neither would admit him any more to his presence or speech; whereas he yet, notwithstanding, persisting in his obedience to the church of Rome, gave attendance, waiting upon the cardinal’s pleasure a sufficient time. At last when no answer would come, after he had waited the space of five or six days to his great detriment and greater danger, by the persuasion of his friends he departed: whereat if the cardinal were displeased, he had most cause to blame himself. “And now, whereas the cardinal threateneth me,” saith he, “not to let the action fall, but that the process thereof shall be pursued at Rome, unless I either come and present myself, or else be banished your dominions; I am not so much grieved for mine own cause, as that you should sustain for my matter any danger or peril. And therefore, seeing there is no place nor country which can keep me from the malice of mine adversaries, I am willing to depart hence, and to forsake my country, whithersoever it shall please the Lord to lead me; thanking God, who hath counted me worthy to suffer thus much for the glory of Christ’s name.” Here, no doubt, was the cause of Luther in great danger, being now brought to this strait, that both Luther was ready to fly the country, and the duke again was as much afraid to keep him, had not the marvelous providence of God, who had this matter in guiding, here provided a remedy where the power of man did fail, by stirring up the whole university of Wittenberg; who, seeing the cause of truth thus to decline, with a full and general consent addressed their letters unto the prince, in defense of Luther and of his cause; making their humble suit unto him, that he, of his princely honor, would not suffer innocency, and the simplicity of truth so clear as is the Scripture, to be foiled and oppressed by mere violence of certain malignant flatterers about the pope; but that the error first may be showed and convicted, before the party be pronounced guilty. By the occasion of these letters, the duke began more seriously in his mind to consider the cause of Luther, and to read his works, and also to hearken to his sermons: whereby, through God’s holy working, he grew to knowledge and strength; perceiving in Luther’s quarrel more than he did before. This was about the beginning of December, A.D. 1518. As this past on, pope Leo, playing the lion at Rome, in the mean time, in the month of November (to establish his seat against this defection which he feared to come), had sent forth new indulgences into Germany, and all quarters abroad, with a new edict, wherein he declared this to be the catholic doctrine of the holy mother-church of Rome, prince of all other churches, that bishops of Rome, who are successors of Peter, and vicars of Christ, have this power and authority given to release and dispense, also to grant indulgences, available both for the living and for the dead lying in the pains of purgatory: and this doctrine he charged to be received of all faithful Christian men, under pain of the great curse, and utter separation from all holy church. This popish decree and indulgence, as a new merchandise or ale-stake to get money, being set up in all quarters of Christendom for the holy father’s advantage, came also to be received in Germany about the month of December. Luther, in the mean time, hearing how they went about in Rome to proceed and pronounce against him, provided a certain appellation conceived in due form of law, wherein he appealeth from the pope to the general council 203 . When pope Leo perceived, that neither his pardons would prosper to his mind, nor that Luther could be brought to Rome; to essay how to come to his purpose by crafty allurements, he sent his chamberlain, Carolus Miltitius above-mentioned (who was a German), into Saxony, to duke Frederic, with a golden rose, after the usual ceremony accustomed every year to be presented to him; with secret letters also to certain noblemen of the duke’s council, to solicit the pope’s cause, and to remove the duke’s mind, if it might be, from Luther. But before Miltitius approached into Germany, Maximilian the emperor deceased in the month of January, A.D. 1519. At that time two there were who stood for the election; to wit, Francis the French king, and Charles king of Spain, who was also duke of Austria, and duke of Burgundy. To make this matter short, through the means of Frederic prince-elector (who having the offer of the preferment, refused the same), the election fell to Charles, called Charles V, surnamed Prudence: which was about the end of August. In the month of June before, there was a public disputation ordained at Leipsic 204 , which is a city in Misnia, under the dominion of George duke of Saxony, uncle to duke Frederic. This disputation first began through the occasion of John Eckius, a friar, and Andreas Carolostadt, doctor of Wittenberg. This Eckius had impugned certain propositions or conclusions of Martin Luther, which he had written the year before touching the pope’s pardons. Against him Carolostadt wrote in defense of Luther. Eckius again, to answer Carolostadt, set forth an apology, which apology Carolostadt confuted by writing. Upon this began the disputation, with safe-conduct granted by duke George to all and singular persons that would resort to the same. To this disputation came also Martin Luther, with Philip Melancthon, who, not past a year before, was newly come to Wittenberg; Luther not thinking then to dispute in any matter, because of his appellation above-mentioned, but only to hear what there was said and done. First, before the entry into the disputation it was agreed, that the acts should be penned by notaries, and after divulged abroad. But Eckius afterwards went back from that, pretending that the penning of the notaries would be a hinderance and a stay unto them, whereby the heat of them in their reasoning should the more languish, and their vehemency abate. But Carolostadt without notaries would not dispute. The sum of their disputations was reduced to certain conclusions; amongst which, came first in question to dispute of freewill, which the Greeks call aujqai>reton that is, “Whether a man have of himself any election or purpose to do that which is good:” or (to use the terms of the school) “Whether a man of congruence may deserve grace, doing that which in him doth lie?” Herein when the question was to be discussed, what the will of man may do of itself without grace, they, through heat of contention (as the manner is), fell into other by-matters and ambages 205 15 little or nothing appertaining to that which Carolostadt proposed. Eckius affirmed, that the pure strength to do good is not in man’s will, but is given of God to man, to take interest and increase of man again, which first he seemed to deny. Then, being asked of Carolostadt, whether the whole and full good work that is in man proceedeth of God; to this he answered, “the whole good work, but not wholly:” granting, that the will is moved of God; but to consent, to be in man’s power. Against this reasoned Carolostadt, alleging certain places of Austin, and especially of St. Paul, who saith, that God worketh in us both to will, and to perform. (Philippians 2:3) And this sentence of Carolostadt seemed to overcome. Eckius, for his assertion, inferred certain exscripts 206 out of Bernard, which seemed little to the purpose. And thus was a whole week lost about this contentious and sophistical altercation between Eckius and Carolostadt. Luther (as was said) 207 came, not thinking at all to dispute; but, having free liberty granted by the duke, and under the pope’s authority, was provoked, and forced against his will, to dispute with Eckius. The matter of their controversy was about the authority of the bishop of Rome. Here is first to be admonished, that Luther before had set forth in writing this doctrine: that they that do attribute the pre-eminency to the church of Rome, have no foundation for them, but out of the pope’s decrees, set forth not much past four hundred years heretofore: which decrees he affirmed to be contrary to all ancient histories, above a thousand years past; contrary also to the holy Scriptures, and unto the Nicene council. Against this assertion Eckius set up a contrary conclusion; saying, that those who hold that the supremacy and pre-eminency of the church of Rome above all other churches was not before the time of pope Silvester I, do err, forasmuch as they that succeeded in the see and faith of Peter, were always received for the successors of Peter, and vicars of Christ on earth. This being the last of all the themes of Eckius, yet thought he chiefly to begin with this against Luther, to bring him into more displeasure with the bishop of Rome; wherein Luther himself much refused to dispute, alleging that matter to be more odious than necessary for that present time, and that also, for the bishop of Rome’s sake, he had much rather keep silence in the same. Whereunto, if he must needs be urged, he would the fault should be understood of all men to be where it was: namely, in his adversaries who provoked him thereunto, and not in himself. Eckius again, clearing himself, translateth all the fault unto Luther, who first, in his treatise ‘De Indulgentiis Papre’ defended, that before pope Silvester’s time the church of Rome had no place of majority or pre-eminence above other churches: and also, before the cardinal Cajetan affirmed, that pope Pelagius wrested many places of the Scripture out of their proper sense unto his own affection and purpose: “Wherefore the fault hereof,” said he, “to him rather is to be imputed, who ministered the first occasion.” Thus Luther being egged and constrained to dispute, whether he would or no, the question began to be propounded touching the supremacy of the bishop of Rome; which supremacy Eckius did contend to be founded and grounded upon God’s law. Martin Luther, on the other side, denied not the supremacy of the bishop of Rome above other churches, nor denied the same, moreover, to be universal over all churches; but only he affirmed it not to be instituted by God’s law. Upon this question the disputation did continue the space of five days; 16 during all which season, Eckius very nnhonestly and uncourteously demeaned himself, studying by all means how to bring his adversary into the hatred of the auditors, and into danger of the pope. The reasons of Eckius were these: “Forasmuch as the church, being a civil body, cannot be without a head, therefore, as it standeth with God’s law that other civil regiments should not be destitute of their head, so is it by God’s law requisite, that the pope should be the head of the universal church of Christ.” To this Martin Luther answered, that he confesseth and granteth the church not to be headless, so long as Christ is alive, who is the only head of the church; neither doth the church require any other head beside him, forasmuch as it is a spiritual kingdom, not earthly: and he alleged for him the place of Colossians 1, Eckius again produceth certain places out of Jerome and Cyprian, which made very little to prove the primacy of the pope to hold by God’s law. As touching the testimony of Bernard, neither was the authority of that author of any great force in this case, nor was the place alleged so greatly to the purpose. Then came he to the place of St. Matthew, “Tu es Petrus,” etc. “Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock will I build my church,” etc. To this was answered, that this was a confession of faith, and that Peter there representeth the person of the whole universal church; as Austin doth expound it. Also that Christ in that place meaneth himself to be the Rock, as is manifest to collect, both by his words, and the order of the sentence, and many other conjectures. Likewise to the place of St. John, “Pasce oyes mens,” “Feed my sheep;” which words Eckius alleged to be spoken, properly and peculiarly, to Peter alone. Martin answered, that after these words spoken, equal authority was given to all the apostles, where Christ saith unto them, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose sins soever ye remit, they are; remitted,” etc. “By these words,” saith he, “Christ, assigning to them their office, doth teach what it is to feed; and what he ought to be, that feedeth” After this, Eckius came to the authority of the council of Constance, ‘alleging this amongst other articles: “De necessitate salutis est, credere Romanum pontificem Oecumenicum esse:” that is, “That it standeth upon necessity of our salvation, to believe, the bishop of Rome to be supreme head of the church;” alleging moreover, that in the same council it was debated and discussed, that the general council could not err. Whereunto Martin Luther again did answer discreetly, saying, that all the articles which John Huss did hold in that council, were not condemned for heretical; with much other matter more. Again, of what authority that council of Constance is to be esteemed, that he left to other men’s judgments. “This is most certain,” said he, “that no council hath such authority to make new articles of faith.” Here Martin Luther began to be cried out of by Eckius and his complices, for diminishing the authority of general councils: although indeed he meant nothing less, but ever labored to confirm the authority of the same, yet was he called heretic and schismatic, and one of the Bohemians’ faction, with many other terms besides of reproachful contumely. Eckius then granted-the authority of the apostles to be equal; and yet not to follow thereby, the authority of all bishops therefore to be equal; “for between apostleship and ministry,” said he, “there is great difference.” To conclude, Eckius in no case could abide, that any creature should decline from any word or sentence of the pope’s decrees, or the constitutions of the forefathers. To this again Luther answered, grounding himself upon the place in Galatians 2, where St. Paul, speaking of the principal apostles, saith; “And of them which seemed to be great, what they were before, it maketh no matter to me; for God accepteth no man’s person. Nevertheless they that were of some reputation did avail nothing at all,” etc. Eckius to this said, that as touching the authority of the apostles, they were all chosen of Christ, but were ordained bishops by St. Peter. 17 And whereas Luther brought in the constitution of the decree, which saith; “Ne Romanus pontifex universalis episcopus nominetur,” etc. “Yea, let not the bishop of Rome be called universal bishop,” etc. to this Eckius answered in this sort: that the bishop of Rome ought not to be called universal bishop; yet he may be called (saith he) bishop of the universal church. And thus much touching the question of the pope’s supremacy. From this matter they entered next to purgatory, wherein Eckius kept no order; for when they should have disputed what power the pope hath in purgatory, Eckius turned the scope of the question, and proved that there is purgatory; and alleged for him the place of Maccabees. (2 Macc. 12:43- 45) Luther, leaning upon the judgment of Jerome, affirmed the book of Maccabees not to be canonical, Eckius again replied, the book of Maccabees to be of no less authority than the gospels. Also he alleged the place, Corinthians 1:3, “He shall be saved, yet so as it were by fire.” Moreover, he inferred the place of Matthew 5: “Agree thou with thine adversary while thou art in the way with him, lest he commit thee to prison; from whence thou shalt not escape till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing,” etc. To this he added also the place of the Psalms, (Psalm 66:12) “We have passed through the fire and water,” etc. How these places be wrested to purgatory, let the reader discern and judge. Then was inferred the question of indulgences, whereof Eckius seemed to make but a toy, and a matter of nothing, and so passed it over. At last they came to the question of penance; touching which matter, the reasons of Eckius digressed much from the purpose, which went about to prove, that there be some manner of pains of satisfaction: which thing Luther did never deny. But that for every particular offense such particular penance is exacted of God’s justice upon the repentant sinner, as it is in man’s power to remit or release, as pleaseth him; such penance neither Luther, nor any other true Christian did admit. And thus have ye the chief effect of this disputation between Luther and Eckius at Leipsic, which was in the month of July, A.D. 1519 209 . About the beginning of the same year, Ulderic Zuinglius came first to Zurich, and there began to teach; who, in the sixteenth article in his book of articles, recordeth, that Luther and he, both at one time, one not knowing nor hearing of another, began to write against the pope’s pardons and indulgences. Albeit, if the time be rightly counted, I suppose we shall find that Luther began a year or two before Zuinglius. Notwithstanding, this doth Sleidan testify, that in this present year, when Sampson, a Franciscan came with the pope’s pardons to Zurich, Ulderic Zuinglius did withstand him, and declared his chaffer and pardons to be but a vain seducing of the people to inveigle away their money. 18 The next year, which was 1520, the friars and doctors of Louvain, and also of Cologne, condemned the books of Luther as heretical; against whom Luther again effectually defended himself, and charged them with obstinate violence and malicious impiety. After this, within few days flashed out from Rome the thunderbolt of pope Leo 210 against the said Luther, notwithstanding he so humbly and obediently before had reverenced both the person of the pope, and recognized the authority of his see, and had also dedicated unto him the book entitled, ‘De Christiana Libertate:’ that is,’ Of Christian Liberty;’ in which book these two points principally he discusseth and proveth: 1. That a Christian man is free, and lord over all things, and subject to none. 2. That a Christian man is a diligent underling and servant of all men, and to every man subject. Moreover, in the same year he set out a defense of all his articles, which the pope’s bull had before condemned. Another book also he wrote, addressed to the nobility of Germany, in which he impugneth and shaketh the three principal walls of the papists: the first whereof is this: 1. Whereas the papists say, that no temporal or profane magistrate hath any power upon the spirituality, but these have power over the other. 2. Where any place of Scripture, being in controversy, is to be decided, they say, No man may expound the Scripture, or be judge thereof, but only the pope. 3. When any council is brought against them, they say, that no man hath authority to call a council, but only the pope. Moreover, in the aforesaid book divers other matters he handleth and discourseth: That the pope can stop no free council; also what things ought to be handled in councils; that the pride of the pope is not to be suffered; what money goeth out of Germany yearly to the pope, amounting to the sum of three millions of florins. The true meaning of this verse he expoundeth: “Tu supplex ora, tu protege, tuque labora:” wherein the three estates, with their offices and duties, are described; to wit, the minister, the magistrate, and the subjects. Furthermore, in the said book he proveth and discusseth, that the emperor is not under the pope; but contrariwise, that the donation of Constantine is not true, but forged: that priests may have wives: that the voices of the people ought not to be separate from the election of ecclesiastical persons: that interdicting and suspending of matrimony at certain times is brought in by avarice: what is the right use of excommunication: that there ought to be fewer holidays: that liberty ought not be restrained in meats: that willful poverty and begging ought to be abolished: what damage and inconvenience have grown by the council of Constance; and what misfortunes Sigismund the emperor sustained, for not keeping faith and promise with John Huss and Jerome: that heretics should be convinced not by fire and faggot, but by evidence of Scripture, and God’s word: how schools and universities ought to be reformed: what is to be said and judged of the pope’s decretals: that the first teaching of children ought to begin with the gospel: Item, he writeth in the same book against excessive apparel among the Germans: also against their excess in spices, etc. In this year moreover followed, not long after, the coronation of the new emperor CharlesV211 , which was in the month of October, at Aix-la- Chapelle. After which coronation being solemnized, about the month of November pope Leo sent again to duke Frederic two cardinals his legates, of whom one was Hierome Aleander, who, after a few words of high commendation first premised to the duke touching his noble progeny, and other his famous virtues, made two requests unto him in the pope’s name: first, that he would cause all books of Luther to be burned; secondly, that he would either see the said Luther there to be executed, or else would make him sure, and send him up to Rome, unto the pope’s presence. These two requests seemed very strange unto the duke; who, answering again to the cardinals, said, that he, being long absent from thence about other public affairs, could not tell what there was done, neither did he communicate with the doings of Luther. Notwithstanding this he heard, that Eckius was a great perturber not only of Luther, but of divers other learned and good men of his university. As for himself, he was always ready to do his duty; first, in sending Luther to Cajetan the cardinal at the city of Augsburg; and afterwards, at the pope’s commandment, would have sent him away out of his dominion, had not Miltitius. the pope’s own chamberlain, given contrary counsel to retain him still in his own country, fearing lest he might do more harm in other countries, where he was less known: and so now also was he as ready to do his duty, wheresoever tight and equity did so require. But forasmuch as in this cause he saw much hatred and violence showed on the one part, and no error yet convicted on the other part, but that it had rather the approbation o. divers well learned and sound men of judgment; and forasmuch as also the cause of Luther was not yet heard before the emperor, therefore he desired the said legates to be a mean to the pope’s holiness, that certain learned persons of gravity and upright judgment might be assigned to have the hearing and determination of this matter, and that his error might first be known, before he were made a heretic, or his books burned: which being done, when he should see his error by manifest and sound testimonies of Scripture revinced, Luther should find no favor at his hands. Otherwise he trusted that the pope’s holiness would exact no such thing of him, which he might not with equity, and honor of his place and estate, reasonably perform, etc. Then the cardinals (declaring to the duke again, that they could no otherwise do, but that according to the form of their prescript commission they must proceed), took the books of Luther, and shortly after set fire unto them, and openly burnt them. Luther, hearing this, in like manner called all the multitude of students and learned men in Wittenberg, and there, taking the pope’s decrees, and the bull lately sent down against him, openly and solemnly, accompanied with a great number of people following him, set them likewise on fire, and burnt them; which was the 10th of December A.D. 1520. A little before these things thus passed between the pope and Martin Luther, the emperor had commanded and ordained a sitting or assembly of the states of all the empire to be holden at the city of Worms, against the 6th day of January next ensuing; in which assembly, through the means of duke Frederic, the emperor gave forth, that he would have the cause of Luther there brought before him; and so it was. For at what time the assembly was commenced in the city of Worms, the day and month aforesaid, which was the 6th of January; afterwards, upon the 6th of March following, the emperor, through the instigation of duke Frederic, directed his letters unto Luther; signifying, that forasmuch as he had set abroad certain books, he therefore, by the advice of his peers and princes about him, had ordained to have the cause brought before him in his own hearing.; and therefore he granted him license to come, and return home, again. And that he might safely and quietly so do, and be thereof’! assured, he promised unto him, by public faith and credit, in the name of the whole empire, his passport and safe-conduct; as by the instrument which he sent unto him, he might be more fully certified. Wherefore, without all doubt or distrust, he willed him eftsoons to make his repair unto him, and to be there present on the twenty-first day after the receipt thereof: and because he should not misdoubt fraud or injury herein, the emperor assured unto him his warrant and promise. Martin Luther being thus provided for his safe-conduct by the emperor, after he had been first accursed at Rome upon Maunday Thursday by the pope’s censure, shortly after Easter speedeth his journey toward the emperor at Worms, where the said Luther, appearing before the emperor and all the states of Germany, how constantly he stuck to the truth, and defended himself, and answered his adversaries, and what adversaries he had, here followeth in full history, with the acts and doings which there happened; according as in our former edition partly was before described. THE ACTS AND DOINGS OF MARTIN LUTHER BEFORE THE EMPEROR, AT THE CITY OF WORMS In the year of our salvation 1521, about seventeen days after Easter, Martin Luther entered into Worms, being sent for by the emperor Charles V, who, the first year of his empire, made an assembly of princes in the aforesaid city. And whereas Martin Luther had published three years before, certain propositions to be disputed in the town of Wittenberg, in Saxony, against the tyranny of the pope (which, notwithstanding, were torn in pieces, condemned, and burned by the papists, and yet by no manifest Scriptures, nor probable reason convinced), the matter began to grow to a tumult and uproar; and yet Luther maintained all this while openly his cause against the clergy. Whereupon it seemed good to certain, that Luther should be called; assigning unto him a herald-at-arms, with a letter of safe-conduct by the emperor and princes. Being sent for, he came, and was brought to the knights-of-the-Rhodes’ place, where he was lodged, well entertained, and visited by many earls, barons, knights of the order, gentlemen, priests, and the commonalty, who frequented his lodging until night. To conclude, he came, contrary to the expectation of many, as well adversaries as others, For albeit he was sent for by the emperor’s messenger, and had letters of safe-conduct; yet for that a few days before his access his books were condemned by public proclamation, it was much doubted of by many that he would not come: and the rather, for that his friends deliberated together in a village nigh hand, called Oppenheim (where Luther was first advertised of these occurrences); and many persuaded him not to adventure himself to such a present danger, considering how these beginnings answered not the faith of promise made. Who, when he had heard their whole persuasion and advice, answered in this wise: “As touching me, since I am sent for, I am resolved and certainly determined to enter Worms, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; yea, although I knew there were as many devils to resist me, as there are tiles to cover the houses in Worms.” The next day after his repair 213 , a gentleman named Ulrick, of Pappenheim, lieutenant-general of the men-at-arms of the empire, was commanded by the emperor before dinner to repair to Luther, and to enjoin him at four o’clock in the afternoon to appear before the imperial majesty, the princes electors, dukes, and other estates of the empire, to understand the cause of his sending for: whereunto he willingly agreed, as his duty was. And after four o’clock, Ulrick of Pappenheim, and Caspar Sturm, the emperor’s herald (who conducted Martin Luther from Wittenberg to Worms), came for Luther and accompanied him through the garden of the knights-of-the-Rhodes’ place, to the earl palatine’s palace; and, lest the people that thronged in should molest him, he was led by secret stairs to the place where he was appointed to have audience. Yet many, who perceived the pretense, violently rushed in, and were resisted, albeit in vain: many ascended the galleries, because they desired to behold Luther. Thus standing before the emperor, the electors, dukes, earls, and all the estates of the empire assembled there, he was first advertised by Ulrick of Pappenheim to keep silence, until such time as he was required to speak. Then John Eckius above mentioned, who then was the bishop of Treves’ general official, with a loud and intelligible voice, first in Latin, then in Dutch, 19 according to the emperor’s commandment, said and proported this sentence in manner as ensueth, or like in effect: ‘Martin Luther! the sacred and invincible imperial majesty hath enjoined, by the consent of all the estates of the holy empire, that thou shouldest be appealed before the throne of his majesty, to the end I might demand of thee these two points. First, Whether thou confessest these books here [for he showed a heap of Luther’s books written in the Latin and Dutch tongues], and which are in all places dispersed, entitled with thy name, be thine, and thou dost affirm them to be thine, or not? Secondly, Whether thou wilt recant and revoke them, and all that is contained in them, or rather meanest to stand to what thou hast written?’ Then, before Luther prepared to answer, Master Jerome Schurffe, a lawyer of Wittenberg, required that the titles of the books should be read. Forthwith the aforesaid Eckius named certain of the books, and those principally that were imprinted at Basil; among which he nominated his Commentaries upon the Psalter, his book of Good Works, his Commentary upon the Lord’s Prayer, and divers others which were not contentious. After this, Luther answered thus in Latin and in Dutch. ‘Two things are proponed unto me by the imperial majesty: First, whether I will avouch for mine all those books that bear my name. Secondly, whether I will maintain or revoke any thing that hitherto I have devised and published: whereunto I will answer as briefly as I can. In the first, I can do no other than recognize those books to be mine which: lastly were named, and certainly I will never recant any clause thereof. In the second, to declare whether I will wholly defend, or call back arty thing comprised in them: forasmuch as there be questions of faith, and the salvation of the soul (and this concerneth the Word of God, which is the greatest and most excellent matter that can be in heaven or earth, and which we ought duly evermore to reverence), this might be accounted in me a rashness of judgment, and even a most dangerous attempt, if I should pronounce any thing before I were better advised; considering I might recite something less than the matter importeth, and more than the truth requireth, if I did not premeditate that which I would speak. The which two things well considered, do set before mine eyes this sentence of our Lord Jesus Christ, wherein it is said, Whosoever shall deny me before men, I will deny him before my Father. I require then for this cause, and humbly beseech the imperial majesty to grant me liberty and leisure to deliberate; so that I may satisfy the interrogation made unto me, without prejudice of the Word of God, and peril of mine own soul.’ Whereupon the princes began to deliberate. This done, Eckius, the prolocutor, pronounced what was their resolution, saying, ‘Albeit, Master Luther! thou hast sufficiently understood by the emperor’s commandment, the cause of thy appearance here, and therefore dost not deserve to have any further respite given thee to determine; yet the emperor’s majesty, of his mere clemency, granteth thee one day to meditate for thine answer, so that tomorrow, at this instant hour, thou shalt repair to exhibit thine opinion, not in ‘writing, but to pronounce the same with lively voice.’ This done, Luther was led to his lodging by the herald. But herein I may not be oblivious, that in the way going to the emperor, and when he was in the assembly of princes, he was exhorted by others to be courageous, and manly to demean himself, and not to fear them that kill the body, but not the soul; but rather to dread Him, that is able to send both body and soul to everlasting fire. Furthermore, he was encouraged with this sentence; “When thou art before kings, think not what thou shalt speak, for it shall be given thee in that hour.” Matthew 10. The next day, after four o’clock 214 , the herald came and brought Luther from his lodging to the emperor’s court, where he abode till six o’clock, for that the princes were occupied in grave consultations; abiding there, and being environed with a great number of people, and almost smothered for the press that was there. Then after, when the princes were set, and Luther entered, Eckius, the official, began to speak in this manner: ‘Yesterday, at this hour, the emperor’s majesty assigned thee to be here, Master Luther! for that thou didst affirm those books that we named yesterday to be thine. Further, to the interrogation by us made, whether thou wouldest approve all that is contained in them, or abolish and make void any part thereof, thou didst require time of deliberation, which was granted, and is now expired; albeit thou oughtest not to have opportunity granted to deliberate, considering it was not unknown to thee wherefore we cited thee. And as concerning the matter of faith, every man ought to be so prepared, that at all times, whensoever he shall be required, he may give certain and constant reason thereof; and thou especially, being counted a man of such learning, and so long time exercised in theology. Then go to; answer even now to the emperor’s demand, whose bounty thou hast proved in giving thee leisure to deliberate. Wilt thou now maintain all thy books which thou hast acknowledged, or revoke any part of them, and submit thyself?’ The official made this interrogation in Latin and in Dutch. 20 Martin Luther answered in Latin and in Dutch in this wise, modestly and lowly, and yet not without some stoutness of stomach, and Christian constancy; so that his adversaries would gladly have had his courage more humbled and abased, but yet more earnestly desired his recantation; whereof they were in some good hope, when they heard him desire respite of time to make his answer. LUTHER’S ANSWER TO ECKIUS. Emperor, and my most magnificent lord, and you most excellent princes, and my most gentle lords! I appear before you here at the hour prescribed unto me yesterday, yielding the obedience which I owe; humbly beseeching, for God’s mercy, your most renowned majesty, and your graces and honors, that ye will minister to me this courtesy, to attend this cause benignly, which is the cause (as I trust) of justice and verity: and if by ignorance I have not given unto every one of you your just rifles, or if I have not observed the ceremonies and countenances of the court 215 , offending against them; it may please you to pardon me of your benignities, as one that only hath frequented cloisters, and not courtly civilities. And first, as touching myself, I can affirm or promise no other thing but only this: that I have taught and instructed hitherto, in simplicity of mind, that which I have thought to tend to God’s glory, to the salvation of men’s souls, *and to the institution of the faithful Christians in all sincerity and doctrine.* Now, as concerning the two articles objected by your most excellent majesty, Whether I would acknowledge those books which were named, and be published in my name; or whether I would maintain and not revoke them: I have given resolute answer to the first, in which I persist, and shall persevere for evermore, that these books be mine, and published by me in my name; unless it hath since happened, by some fraudulent misdealing of mine enemies, there be any thing foisted into them, or corruptly corrected. For I will acknowledge nothing but what I have written, and that which I have written I will not deny. Now to answer to the second article; I beseech your most excellent majesty, your graces, to vouchsafe to give ear. All my books are not of one sort: there be some in which I have so simply and soundly declared and opened the religion of Christian faith, and of good works, that my very enemies are compelled to confess them to be profitable and worthy to be read By all Christians. And truly the pope’s bull (how cruel and tyrannous soever it be) judgeth certain of my books inculpable; albeit the same, with severe sentence, thundereth against me, and with monstrous cruelty condemneth my books: which books if I should revoke, I might worthily be thought to neglect and transgress the office of a true Christian, and to be one alone that repugneth the public confession of all people. There is another sort of my books which containeth invectives against ‘the papacy, and others of the pope’s retinue, who have, with their pestiferous doctrine, and pernicious examples, corrupted the whole state of our Christianity: neither can any deny or dissemble this (whereunto universal experience and common complaint of all bear witness), that the consciences of all faithful men be most miserably entrapped, vexed, and cruelly tormented by the pope’s laws and doctrines of men; also that the goods and substance of Christian people are devoured, especially in this noble and famous country of Germany; and yet, without order, and in most detestable manner, are suffered still to be devoured without all measure, by incredible tyranny: notwithstanding that they themselves have ordained to the contrary in their own proper laws, as in the nineth and twentyfifth distinctions, and in the first and second questions; where they themselves have decreed, that all such laws of popes as be repugnant to the doctrine of the gospel, and the opinions of the ancient Fathers, are to be judged erroneous, and reproved. If then I should revoke these, I can do no other but add more force to their tyranny, and open not only windows, but wide gates to their impiety, which is likely to extend more wide, and more licentiously, than ever it durst heretofore. And by the testimony of this my retraction, their insolent kingdom shall be made more licentious, and less subject to punishment, intolerable to the common people, and also more confirmed, and established; especially if this be bruited, that I, Luther, have done thin by the authority of your most excellent majesty, and the sacred Roman empire. O Lord! what a cover or shadow shall I be then, to cloak their haughtiness and tyranny. The rest, or third sort of my books, are such as I have written against certain private and singular persons; to wit, against such as with tooth and nail labor to maintain the Romish tyranny, and to deface the true doctrine and religion which I have taught and professed. As touching these, I plainly confess, I have been more vehement than my religion and profession required. For I make myself no saint, and I dispute ‘not of my life, but of the doctrine of Christ. And these I cannot without prejudice call back. For by this recantation it will come to pass, that tyranny and impiety shall reign, supported by my means; and so shall they exercise cruelty against people more violently and ragingly than before. Nevertheless, for that I am a man, and not God, I can none otherwise enterprise to defend my books, than did my very Lord Jesus Christ defend his doctrine; who, being examined of his learning before Annas, and having received a buffet of the minister, said, ‘If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil’ [John 13]. If the Lord, who was perfect and could not err, refused not to have testimony given against his doctrine, yea of a most vile servant, how much the more then I, that am but vile corruption, and can of myself do nothing but err, ought earnestly to see and require if any will bear witness against my doctrine. Therefore I require, for God’s mercy, your most excellent-majesty, your graces and right honorable lordships, or whatsoever he be of high or low degree, here to lay in his testimony, to convict my errors, and confute me by the Scriptures, either out of the prophets, or the apostles; and I will be most ready, if I be so instructed, to revoke any manner of error: yea, and will be the first that shall consume mine own books and burn them. I suppose hereby it may appear, that I have perpended and well weighed before the perils and dangers, the divisions and dissensions, which have arisen throughout the whole world by reason of my doctrine, whereof I was vehemently and sharply yesterday admonished concerning which divisions of men’s minds what other men do judge I know not; as touching myself, I conceive no greater delectation in any thing, than when I behold discords and dissensions stirred up for the word of God; for such is the course and proceeding of the gospel: Jesus Christ saith, ‘I came not to send peace but a sword; I came to set a man at variance with his father.’ [Matthew 10] And further we must think, that our God is marvelous and terrible in his counsels; lest perhaps that which we endeavor with earnest study to achieve and bring to pass (if we begin first with condemning of his word), the same rebound 217 again to a huge sea of evil; and lest the new reign of this young and bounteous prince Charles (in whom, next after God, we all conceive singular hope), be lamentably, unfortunately, and miserably begun. I could exemplify this with authorities of the Scriptures more effectually, as by Pharaoh, the king of Babylon, and the kings of Israel, who then most obscured the bright sun of their glory, and procured their own ruin, when by sage counsels they attempted to pacify and establish their governments and realms, and not by God’s counsels: for it is he that entrappeth the wily in their wiliness, and subverteth mountains before they be aware. Wherefore it is good, and God’s work, to dread the Lord. I speak not this, supposing that such politic and prudent heads have need of my doctrine and admonition, but because I would not omit to profit my country, and offer my duty or service, that may tend to the advancement of the same. And thus I humbly commend me to your most excellent majesty, and your honorable lordships; beseeching you that I may not incur your displeasures, neither be contemned of you, through the pursuit of my adversaries. I have spoken. These words pronounced, then Eckius, the emperor’s prolocutor, with a stern countenance began and said, that Luther had not answered to any purpose; neither behoved it him to call in question things in time past, concluded and defined by general councils: and therefore they required of him a plain and direct answer, whether he would revoke or no? Then Luther said: ‘Considering your sovereign majesty, and your honors, require a plain answer; this I say and profess as resolutely as I may, without doubting or sophistication, that if I be not convinced by testimonies of the Scriptures, and by probable reasons (for I believe not the pope, neither his general councils, which have erred many times, and have been contrary to themselves), my conscience is so bound and captived in these Scriptures and the word of God which I have alleged, that I will not, nor may not revoke any manner of thing; considering it is not godly or lawful to do any thing against conscience. Hereupon I stand and rest: I have not what else to say. God have mercy upon me!’ The princes consulted together upon this answer given by Luther; and when they had diligently examined the same, the prolocutor began to repel him thus: Martin, thou hast more immodestly answered than beseemed thy person, and also little to the purpose. Thou dividest thy books into three sorts, in such order as all that thou hast said maketh nothing to the interrogation proponed: and therefore, if thou hadst revoked those wherein the greatest part of thine errors is contained, the emperor’s majesty, and the noble clemency of others, would have suffered the rest that be sound, to sustain no injury. But thou dost revive, and bringest to light again, all that the general council of Constance hath condemned, which was assembled of all the nation of Germany, and now dost require to be convinced with Scriptures; wherein thou errest greatly. For what availeth it to renew disputation of things so long time past condemned by the church and councils, unless it should be necessary to give a reason to every man of every thing that is concluded? Now were it so, that this should be permitted to every one that gainstandeth the determination of the church and councils, that he may once get this advantage, to be convinced by the Scriptures, we should have nothing certain and established in Christendom. And this is the cause wherefore the emperor’s majesty requireth of thee a simple answer, either negative or affirmative, whether thou mindest to defend all thy works as Christian, or no?’ Then Luther, turning to the emperor and the nobles, besought them not, to force or compel him to yield against his conscience, confirmed with the holy Scriptures, without manifest arguments alleged to the contrary by his adversaries. ‘I have declared and rendered,’ said he, ‘mine answer simply and directly, neither have I any more to say, unless mine adversaries, with true and sufficient probations grounded upon the Scripture, can reduce and resolve my mind, and refel mine errors which they lay to my charge. I am tied, as I said, by the Scriptures; neither may I, or can I, with a safe conscience assent unto them. For, as touching general councils, with whose authority only they press me, I am able to prove, that they have both erred, and have defined many times things contrary to themselves. And therefore the authority of them,’ He said, ‘is not sufficient, for which I should call back those things, the verity whereof standeth so firm and manifest in the holy Scripture, that neither of me it ought to be inquired, neither can he so do without impiety.’ Whereunto the official again answered, denying that any man could prove the councils to have erred. But Luther alleged that he could, and promised to prove it; and now night approaching, the lords arose and departed. And after Luther had taken his leave of the emperor, divers Spaniards scorned and scoffed the good man in the way going toward his lodging, hallooing and whooping after him a long while. Upon the Friday following 218 , when the princes electors, dukes, and other estates were assembled, the emperor sent to the whole body of the council a certain letter, containing in effect as followeth. THE EMPEROR’S LETTER AGAINST LUTHER. Our predecessors, who truly were Christian princes, were obedient to the Romish church, which Martin Luther presently impugneth. And therefore, in as much as he is not determined to call back his errors in any one point, we cannot, without great infamy and stain of honor, degenerate from the examples of our elders, but will maintain the ancient faith, and give aid to the see of Rome. And further, we be resolved to pursue Martin Luther and his adherents by excommunication, and by other means that may be devised, to extinguish his doctrine. Nevertheless we will not violate our faith, which we have promised him, but mean to give order for his safe return to the place whence he came. CONSULTATION UPON THE EMPEROR’S LETTER. The princes-electors, dukes, and other estates of the empire, sat and consulted upon this sentence, on Friday all the afternoon, and Saturday the whole day, so that Luther as yet had no answer from the emperor. During this time, divers princes, earls, barons, knights of the order, gentlemen, priests, monks, with others of the laity and common sort, visited him. All these were present at all hours in the emperor’s court, and could not be satisfied with the sight of him. Also there were bills set up, some against Luther, and some, as it seemed, with him. Notwithstanding many supposed, and especially such as well conceived the matter, that this was subtly done by his enemies, that thereby occasion might be offered to infringe the safe-conduct given him; which the Roman ambassadors with all diligence endeavored to bring to pass. The Monday following 219 , before supper, the archbishop of Treves advertised Luther, that on Wednesday next he should appear before him at nine o’clock 220 before dinner, the place to be afterward assigned. On St. George’s day 221 , a certain chaplain of the archbishop of Treves, about supper-time 222 , came to Luther by the commandment of the bishop, signifying, that at the hour prescribed he must, the morrow after, appear before his lordship at his own hotel. The morrow after St. George’s day, Luther, obeying the archbishop’s commandment, entered his hotel, being accompanied thither by his said chaplain, and one of the emperor’s heralds, and such as came in his company out of Saxony to Worms, with other his chief friends. SUBSTANCE OF DR.VOEUS’S ORATION TO LUTHER Dr. Voeus, the marquis of Baden’s chaplain, began to declare and protest (in the presence of the archbishop of Treves, Joachim marquis of Brandenburg, George duke of Saxony, the bishops of Augsburg and Brandenburg, the earl George, John Bock of Strasburg, Verdeheymer and Peutiger, doctors), as followeth: That Luther was not called to be conferred with, or to disputation, but only that the princes had procured license of the emperor’s majesty, through Christian charity, to have liberty granted unto them to exhort Luther benignly and brotherly. He said further, that albeit the councils had ordained divers things, yet they had not determined contrary matters. And albeit they had greatly erred, yet their authority was not therefore abased; or at the least not so erred, that it was lawful for every man to impugn their opinions: inferring moreover many things of Zaccheus and the centurion, also of the traditions, and of constitutions, and of ceremonies ordained of men: affirming that all these were established to repress vices, according to the quality of times; and that the church could not be destitute of human constitutions. 22 It is true, said he, that by the fruits the tree may be known; yet of these laws and decrees of men, many good fruits have proceeded; and St. Martin, St. Nicholas, and many other saints have been present at the councils.’ Moreover, he said that Luther’s books would breed a great tumult and incredible troubles; and that he abused the common sort with his book ‘of Christian liberty,’ encouraging them to shake off their yoke, and to confirm in them a disobedience: that the world now was at another stay, than when the believers were all of one heart and soul, and therefore it was requisite and behoveful to have laws. It was to be considered (said he), albeit he had written many good things, and no doubt of a good mind, as ‘De triplici Justitia,’ and other matters, yet how the devil now, by crafty means, goeth about to bring to pass, that all his works for ever should be condemned. For by these books which he wrote last, men (said he) would judge and esteem him, as the tree is known, not by the blossom, but by the fruit.’ Here he added something of the noon devil, and of the spirit coming in the dark, and of the flying arrow. All his oration was exhortatory, full of rhetorical places of honesty, of utility of laws, of the dangers of conscience, and of the common and particular wealth; repeating oft this sentence in the proem, middle, and epilogue of his oration: That this admonition was given him of a singular good will, and great clemency. In the shutting up of his oration he added menacings, saying, that if he would abide in his purposed intent, the emperor would proceed further, and banish him from the empire; persuading him deliberately to ponder, and to advise these and other things. Martin Luther answered: THE SUBSTANCE OF LUTHER’S ANSWER TO VOEUS. ‘Most noble princes, and my most gracious lords! I render most humble thanks for your benignities and singular good wills, whence proceedeth this admonition: for I know myself to be so base, as by no means I can deserve to be admonished of so mighty estates.’ Then he frankly pronounced that he had not reproved all councils, but only the council of Constance; and for this principal cause, for that the same had condemned the word of God, which appeared in the condemnation of this article proported by John Huss: ‘The church of Christ is the communion of the predestinate.’ ‘It is evident,’ said he, ‘that the council of Constance abolished this article, and consequently the article of our faith: I believe the holy church universal.’ And further he said, that he was ready to spend life and blood, so he were not compelled to revoke the manifest word of God; for in defense thereof we ought rather to obey God than men: and that in this he could not avoid the scandal or offense of faith; for there be two manner of offenses, to wit, of charity, and of faith. The slander of charity consisteth in manners and in life: the offenses of faith or doctrine rest in the word of God: and as touching this last, he could escape it no manner of ways; for it lay not in his power to make Christ not to be a stone of offense. If Christ’s sheep were fed with pure pasture of the gospel; if the faith of Christ were sincerely preached, and if there were good ecclesiastical magistrates who duly would execute their office; we should not need, said he, to charge the church with men’s traditions. Further, that he knew well we ought to obey the magistrates and higher powers, how unjustly and perversely soever they lived: we ought also to be obedient to their laws and judgment: all which he had taught (said he) in all his works; adding further, that he was ready to obey them in all points, so that they forced him not to deny the word of God.’ These words finished, Luther was bid to withdraw, and the princes consulted what answer they might give him. This done, they called him back into the room, where the aforesaid doctor Voeus repeated his former matters, admonishing Luther to submit his writings to the emperor and to the princes’ judgment. Luther answered humbly and modestly, ‘That he could not, neither would, permit that men should say he would shun the judgment of the emperor, princes, and superior powers of the empire. So far was it off that he would refuse to stand to their trial, that lie was contented to suffer his writings to be discussed, considered, and judged by the simplest, so that it were done with the authority of the word of God, and the holy Scripture: and that the word of God made so much for him, and was so manifest unto him, that he could not give place, unless they could confound his doctrine by the word of God. This lesson he said he learned of St. Augustine, who writeth, that he gave his honor only to those books which are called canonical; that he believed the same only to be true. As touching other doctors, albeit in holiness and excellency of learning they surpassed, yet he would not credit them further than they agreed with the touchstone of God’s word. Further, said he, St. Paul giveth us a lesson, writing to the Thessalonians, (1 Thessalonians 5:21) ‘Prove all things, follow that is good.’ And to the Galatians (Galatians 1:8) ‘Though an angel should descend from heaven, if he preach any other doctrine, let him be accursed,’ and therefore not to be believed! Finally, he meekly besought them not to urge his conscience, captived in the bands of the word of God and holy Scripture, to deny the same excellent word. And thus he commended his cause and himself to them, and especially to the emperor’s majesty, requiring their favor, that he might not be compelled to do any thing in this matter, against his conscience: in all other causes he would submit himself with all kind of obedience and due subjection. As Luther had thus ended his talk, Joachim elector, marquis of Brandenburg, demanded if his meaning was this, that he would not yield, unless he were covinced by the Scripture? “Yea truly, right noble lord!” quoth Luther, “or else by ancient and evident reasons.” And so the assembly brake up, and the princes repaired to the emperor’s court. After their departure the archbishop of Treves, accompanied with a few of his familiars, namely John Eckius his official, and Cochleus, commanded Luther to repair into his parlor. With Luther was Jerome Scuffle, and Nicholas Ambsdorff, for his assistants. Then the official began to frame an argument, like a sophist and canonist, defending the pope’s cause: that for the most part at all times holy Scriptures have engendered errors, as the error of Helvidius the heretic, out of that place in the gospel, where it is expressed, “Joseph knew not his wife till she was delivered of her first child.” Further, he went about to overthrow this proposition: that the catholic church is the communion of saints. Martin Luther and Jerome Scuffle reproved (but modestly) these follies, and other vain and ridiculous matters, which Eckius brought forth, as things not serving to the purpose. Sometime Cochleus would come in with his five eggs, and labored to persuade Luther to desist from his purpose, and utterly to refrain thenceforth to write or teach; and so they departed. About evening the archbishop of Treves advertised Luther by Ambsdorff, that the emperor’s promise made unto him was prolonged two days, and in the mean season he would confer with him the next day, and for that cause he would send Peutinger, and the doctor of Baden (which was Voeus), the morrow after to him; and he himself would also talk with him. The morrow after 223 , which was St. Mark’s day, Peutinger, and the doctor of Baden, travailed in the forenoon to persuade Luther simply and absolutely to submit the judgment of his writings to the emperor and empire. He answered, he would do it, and submit anything they would have him, so they grounded it upon authority of holy Scripture; otherwise he would not consent to do any thing: for God said by his prophet (saith he), “Trust ye not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no health.” Also, “Cursed be he that trusteth in man.” And seeing that they did urge him more vehemently, he answered; “We ought to yield no more to the judgment of men, than the word of God doth suffer.” So they departed, and prayed him to advise for better answer; and said, they would return after dinner. And after dinner they returned, exhorting him as before, but in vain. They prayed him, that at least he would submit his writing to the judgment of the next general council. Luther agreed thereunto, but with this condition, that they themselves should present the articles collected out of his books to be submitted to the council in such sort, as, notwithstanding, the sentence awarded by the council should be authorized by the Scripture, and confirmed with the testimonies of the same. They then, leaving Luther, departed, and reported to the archbishop of Treves, that he had promised to submit his writings in certain articles to the next council, and in the mean space he would keep silence; which Luther never thought: who neither with admonitions, nor yet menaces, could be induced to deny or submit his books to the judgments of men (he had so fortified his cause with clear and manifest authorities of the Scripture), unless they could prove by sacred Scripture, and apparent reasons to the contrary. It chanced then by the special grace of God, that the archbishop of Treves sent for Luther, thinking presently to hear him. And when he perceived otherwise than Peutinger and the doctor of Baden had told him, he said that he would for no good 224 , but that he had heard himself speak: for else he was even now going to the emperor, to declare what the doctors had reported. Then the archbishop entreated Luther, and conferred with him very gently, first removing such as were present, as well of the one side as of the other. In this conference Luther concealed nothing from the archbishop; affirming, that it was dangerous to submit a matter of so great importance to them, who, after they had called him under safe-conduct, attempting him with new commandments, had condemned his opinion and approved the pope’s bull. Moreover the archbishop, bidding a friend of his draw nigh, required Luther to declare what remedy might be ministered to help this. Luther answered, that there was no better remedy than such as Gamaliel alleged in the 5th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, as witnesseth St. Luke, saying; “If this counsel, or this work, proceed of men, it shall come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot destroy it.” And so he desired that the emperor might be advertised to write the same to the pope, that he knew certainly, if this his enterprise proceeded not of God, it would be abolished within three, yea within two years. The archbishop inquired of him what he would do, if certain articles were taken out of his books, to be submitted to the general council. Luther answered, “So that they be not those which the council of Constance condemned.” The archbishop said, “I fear they will be the very same: but what then?” Luther replied, “I neither will nor can hold my peace of such, for I am sure by their decrees the word of God was condemned: therefore I will rather lose head and life, than abandon the manifest word of my Lord God.” Then the archbishop, seeing Luther would in no wise give over the word of God to the judgment of men, gently bade Luther farewell; who at that instant prayed the archbishop to entreat the emperor’s majesty to grant him gracious leave to depart. He answered, he would take order for him, and speedily advertise him of the emperor’s pleasure. Within a small while after, John Eckius, the archbishop’s official, in the presence of the emperor’s secretary, who had been Maximilian’s chancellor, said unto Luther in his lodging, by the commandment of the emperor: that since he had been admonished diversely by the imperial majesty, the electors, princes, and estates of the empire, and that notwithstanding, he would not return to unity and concord, it remained that the emperor, as advocate of the catholic faith, should proceed further: and it was the emperor’s ordinance, that he should within twenty-one days return boldly under safe-conduct, and be safely guarded to the place whence he came; so that in the mean while he stirred no commotion among the people in his journey, either in conference, or by preaching. Luther, hearing this, answered very modestly and Christianly, “Even as it hath pleased God, so is it come to pass; the name of the Lord be blessed!” He said further, he thanked most humbly the emperor’s majesty, and all the princes and estates of the empire, that they had given to him benign and gracious audience, and granted him safe-conduct to come and return. Finally, he said, he desired none other of them, than a reformation according to the sacred word of God, and consonancy of holy Scriptures, which effectually in his heart he desired: otherwise he was prest 225 to suffer all chances for the imperial majesty, as life, and death, goods, fame, and reproach: reserving nothing to himself, but only the word of God, which he would constantly confess to the latter end: humbly recommending himself to the emperor’s majesty, and to all the princes and other estates of the sacred empire. The morrow after, which was April the 26th, after he had taken his leave of such as supported him, and of others, his benevolent friends that oftentimes visited him, and had broken his fast, at ten o’clock he departed from Worms, accompanied with such as repaired thither with him; having space of time limited unto him, as is said, for twenty-one days, and no more. The emperor’s herald, Casper Sturm, followed and overtook him at Oppenheim, being commanded by the emperor to conduct him safely home. THE USUAL PRAYER OF MARTIN LUTHER. Confirm, O God! in us that thou hast wrought, and perfect the work that thou hast begun in us, to thy glory: so be it. Martin Luther, thus being dismissed by the emperor, according to the promise of his safe-conduct made, as you have heard, departed from Worms towards his country, April the 26th, accompanied by the emperor’s herald, and the rest of his company, having only twenty-one days granted to him for his return, and no more. In that mean space of his return he writeth to the emperor, and to other nobles of the empire, repeating briefly to them the whole action and order of things there done, desiring of them their lawful good will and favor; which, as he hath always stood in need of, so now he most earnestly craveth, especially in this, that his cause, which is not his, but the cause of the whole church universal, may be heard with indifferency and equity, and may be decided by the rule and authority of holy Scripture: signifying moreover, that whensoever they shall please to send for him, he shall be ready at their commandment, at any time or place, upon their promise of safety, to appear, etc. During the time of these doings, the doctors and schoolmen of Paris were not behind on their parts, but, to show their cunning, condemned the books of Luther, extracting out of the same, especially out of the book ‘ De Captivitate Babylonica,’ certain articles touching the sacraments, laws, and decrees of the church, equality of works, vows, contrition, absolution, satisfaction, purgatory, free-will, privileges of holy church, councils, punishment of heretics, philosophy, school-divinity, and other points. Unto whom Philip Melancthon maketh answer, and also Luther himself, albeit pleasantly and jestingly. It was not long after this, but Charles, the new emperor, to purchase favor with the pope (because he was not yet confirmed in his empire), provideth and directeth out a solemn writ of outlawry 226 against Luther, and all them that took his part; commanding the said Luther, ‘wheresoever he might be gotten, to be apprehended, and his books burned. By which decree, proclaimed against Luther, the emperor procured no small thanks with the pope; insomuch that the pope, ceasing to take part with the French king, joined himself wholly to the emperor. In the mean time duke Frederic, to give some place for the time to the emperor’s proclamation, conveyed Luther a little out of sight secretly, by the help of certain noblemen whom he well knew to be faithful and trusty unto him in that behalf. There Luther, being close and out of company, wrote divers epistles, and certain books also unto his friends; among which he dedicated one to his company of Augustine friars, entitled, ‘De abroganda Missa:’ which friars the same time being encouraged by him, began first to lay down their private masses. Duke Frederic, fearing lest that would breed some great stir or tumult, caused the censure and judgment of the whole university of Wittenberg to be asked in the matter: committing the doing thereof to four; Justus Jonas, Philip Melancthon, Nicholas Ambsdorff, Johannes Dulcius. The minds of the whole university being searched, it was showed to the duke, that he should do well and godly, by the whole advice of the learned there, to command the use of the mass to be abrogated through his dominion: and though it could not be done without tumult, yet that was no let why the course of true doctrine should be stayed for the multitude, which commonly overcome the better part; neither ought such disturbance to be imputed to the doctrine taught, but to the adversaries, who willingly and wickedly kick against the truth, whereof Christ also giveth us forewarning before. For fear of such tumults therefore, we ought not to surcease from that which we know is to be done, but constantly must go forward in defense of God’s truth, howsoever the world doth esteem us, or rage against it. Thus showed they their judgment to duke Frederic. It happened moreover about the same year and time, that king Henry also, pretending an occasion to impugn the book ‘ De Captivitate Babylonica,’ wrote against Luther. In which book, first, he reproved Luther’s opinion about the pope’s pardons; secondly, he defendeth the supremacy of the bishop of Rome; thirdly, he laboreth to refell all his doctrine of the sacraments of the church. This book, albeit it carried the king’s name in the title, yet it was another that ministered the motion, another that framed the style. But whosoever had the labor of this book, the king had the thanks and also the reward; for consequently upon the same, the bishop of Rome gave to the said king Henry, for the style against Luther, the style and title of Defender of the Christian Faith;’ and to his successors for ever. Shortly after this, within the compass of the same year, pope Leo 227 , after he had warred against the Frenchmen, and had gotten from them, through the emperor’s aid, the cities of Parma, Placentia, and Milan, he, sitting at supper, and rejoicing at three great gifts that God had bestowed upon him: first, that he, being banished out of his country, was restored to Florence again with glory; secondly, that he had deserved to be called apostolic; thirdly, that he had driven the Frenchmen out of Italy: After he had spoken these words, he was stricken with sudden fever, and died shortly after, being of the age of forty-seven years: albeit some suspect that he died of poison. Successor to him was pope Adrian VI228 , schoolmaster some time to Charles the emperor, who lived not much above one year and a half in his papacy; during whose small time these three especial things were incident: a great pestilence in Rome, wherein above a hundred thousand were consumed; the loss of Rhodes by the Turk; and the capital war which the said pope Adrian, with the emperor, and the Venetians, and the king of England, did hold against Francis the French king. This pope Adrian was a German born, brought up at Louvain, and as in learning he exceeded the common sort of popes, so in moderation of life and manners he seemed not altogether so intemperate as some other popes have been: and yet, like a right pope, nothing degenerating from his see, he was a mortal enemy against Martin Luther and his partakers. In his time, shortly after the council of Worms was broken up, another meeting or assembly was appointed by the emperor at Nuremberg, of the princes, nobles, and states of Germany, A.D. 1522. Unto this assembly the said Adrian sent his letters in manner of a brief, with an instruction also unto his legate Cheregatus, to inform him how to proceed, and what causes to allege against Luther, before the princes there assembled. His letters, with the instruction sent, because they are so hypocritically shadowed over with a fair show and color of painted zeal and religion, and bear resemblance of great truth and care of the church, able to deceive the outward ears of those who are not inwardly in true religion instructed: I thought therefore to give the reader a sight thereof, to the intent that by the experience of them he may learn hereafter, in eases like, to be prudent and circumspect in not believing over-rashly the smooth talk or pretensed persuasions of men, especially in church matters, unless they carry with them the simplicity of plain truth; going not upon terms, but grounded upon the word and revealed will of God, with particular demonstrations, proving that by the Scripture which they pretend to persuade. First, the letter of this pope, conceived and directed against Luther, proceedeth to this effect: POPE ADRIAN THE SIXTH, TO THE RENOWNED PRINCES OF GERMANY, AND TO THE PEERS OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Right honorable brethren, and dear children, greeting and apostolic benediction. After that we were first promoted (through God’s divine providence) to the office of the see apostolic, he who hath so advanced us is our witness, how we, both day and night revolving in our minds, did cogitate nothing more than how to satisfy the parts of a good pastor, in attending to the health and cure of the flock, both universally and singularly committed unto us: so that there is no one particular sheep through the whole universal flock so infected, so sick, or so far gone astray, whom our desire is not to recover, to seek out, and to reduce into the Lord’s fold again. 25 And chiefly, from the first beginning of our pastoral function, our care hath always been, as well by our messengers, as by our daily letters, how to reclaim the minds of Christian princes from the intestine wars and dissensions among themselves to peace and concord; or at least, if they would needs fight, that they would convert their strength and armor against the common enemies of our faith. And to declare this not only in word, but rather in deed, God doth know with what charges and expenses we have burdened ourselves, to extend our subsidy and relief to the soldiers of Rhodes for defense of themselves, and of the Christian faith, against the Turkish tyranny, by which they were besieged. And now, to bend our care from these foreign matters, and to consider our inward troubles at home, we hear, to the great grief of our heart, that Martin Luther, a new raiser-up of old and damnable heresies,26 first after the fatherly advertisements of the see apostolic; then after the sentence also of condemnation awarded against him, and that by the assent and consent of the best learned, and of sundry universities also; and lastly, after the imperial decree of our well-beloved son Charles, elect emperor of the Romans, and catholic king of Spain, being divulged through the whole nation of Germany; yet hath neither been by order restrained, nor of himself hath refrained from his madness begun, but daily more and more, forgetting and contemning all Christian charity and godliness, teaseth not to disturb and replenish the world with new books, fraught full of errors, heresies, contumelies and sedition (whether of his own head, or by the help of others), and to infect the country of Germany, and other regions about, with this pestilence; and endeavoureth still to corrupt simple souls and manners of men, with the poison of his pestiferous tongue. And (which is worst of all) hath for his fautors and supporters, not of the vulgar sort only, but also divers personages of the nobility; insomuch that they have begun also to invade the goods of priests (which perhaps is the chief ground of this stir begun) contrary to the obedience which they owe to ecclesiastical and temporal persons, and now also at last have grown unto civil war and dissension among themselves. Which thing how unfortunately it falleth out now, at this present season, especially amongst us Christians, you may soon repute with yourselves, and consider. For although the apostle hath told us before, (1 Corinthians 11:19) That heresies must needs, be, that they which be tried may be made manifest, etc., yet was there never time, either so unconvenient to raise up heresies, or so necessary for the repressing thereof when any such are raised, as now: For whereas the devil, the perpetual enemy of mankind, roaring in the shape of a lion, by the power of the Turks doth continually invade the flock of Christ; how can we then resist the violent invasions of him oppressing us without, so long as we nourish at home the same devil, under the color of a wily dragon, sowing such heresies, discords, and seditions among ourselves? And albeit it were in our power easily to vanquish these foreign adversaries, yet were that but labor lost, serving to no profit, to subdue our enemies without, and at home with heresies and schisms to be divided. We remember, before the time of our papacy, when we were in Spain, many things we heard then of Luther, and of his perverse doctrine; which rumors and tidings, although of themselves they were grievous to be heard, yet more grievous they were for this, because they proceeded out of that country, where we ourself, after the flesh, took our first beginning. But yet this comfort we had, supposing that either for the iniquity, or else for the foolishness thereof being so manifest, this doctrine would not long hold; reputing thus with ourself, that such pestiferous plants, translated from other countries to Germany, would never grow up to any proof in that ground, which was ever wont to be a weeder out of all heresies and infidelity. But now, since this evil tree (whether by God’s judgment correcting the sins of the people, or by the negligence of such as first should have resisted such beginnings) hath so enlarged, and spread its branches so far; you therefore, both princes and people of Germany, must this consider and provide, lest you, who, at the first springing up of this evil, might peradventure be excused, as no doers thereof, now, through this your overmuch sufferance, might be found inexcusable, and seem to consent to that which you do not resist. Here we omit and pass over, what enormity, and more than enormity that is, that such a great and so devout, a nation., should by one friar (who, relinquishing the catholic faith and Christian religion, which he before professed, playeth the Apostate, and hath lied to God), be now seduced from that way, which first Christ our Redeemer 28 and his blessed apostles have opened unto us; which so many martyrs, so many holy fathers, so many great learned men, and also your own fore-elders, and old ancestors have always hitherto walked in; as though Luther only had all wit and cunning: as though he only now first had received the Holy Ghost (as the heretic Montanus used to boast of himself); or as though the church (from which Christ our Savior promised himself never to depart) hath erred hitherto always in dark shadows of ignorance and perdition, till now it should be illuminate with new resplendent beams of Luther. All which things there is no doubt but to such as have judgment, will seem ridiculous, but yet may be pernicious to simple and ignorant minds; and to others, who, being weary of all good order, do gape still for new changes, may breed matter and occasion of such mischiefs, as partly yourselves have experience already. And therefore do you not consider, O princes and people of Germany! that these be but prefaces and preambles to those evils and mischiefs which Luther, with the sect of his Lutherans, do intend and purpose hereafter? Do you not see plainly, and perceive with your eyes, that this defending of the verity of the Gospel, first begun by the Lutherans to be pretended, is now manifest to be but an invention to spoil your goods, which they have long intended? 29 or do you think that these sons of iniquity do tend to any other thing, than under the name of liberty to supplant obedience, and so to open a general license to every man to do what him listeth? 30 And suppose you that they will any thing regard your commandments, or esteem your laws, who so contemptuously viliped the holy canons and decrees of the fathers, yea, and the most holy councils also (to whose authority the emperor’s laws have always given room and place), and not only vilipend them, but also, with a diabolical audacity, have not feared to rend them in pieces, and set them on a lighted fire? 31 They who refuse to render due obedience to priests, to bishops, yea, to the high bishop of all, and who daily before your own faces make their booties of church-goods, and of things consecrated to God; think ye that they will refrain their sacrilegious hands from the spoil of laymen’s goods? yea, that they will not pluck from you whatsoever they can rap or reave? Finally, to conclude, how can you hope that they will more spare you? 32 or hold their murdering hands from your throats, who have been so bold to vex, to kill, to slay the Lord’s anointed, who are not to be touched? Nay, think you not contrary, but this miserable calamity will at length redound upon you, your goods, your houses, wives, children, dominions, possessions, and these your temples which you hallow and reverence; except you provide some speedy remedy against the same. Wherefore we exhort your fraternities, nobilities, and devotions of all and singular in the Lord, and beseech you for Christian charity and religion (for which religion your forefathers ofttimes have given their blood to uphold and increase the same), and notwithstanding require you also, in virtue of that obedience 33 which all Christians owe to God, and blessed St. Peter, and to his vicar here in earth, that, setting aside all other quarrels and dissensions among yourselves, you confer your helping hands every man to quench this public fire, and endeavor and study, the best way ye can, how to reduce the said Martin Luther, and all other fautors of these tumults and errors, to better conformity and trade both of life and faith. And if they who be infected shall refuse to hear your admonitions, yet provide that the other part, which yet remaineth sound, by the same contagion be not corrupted. He, to whom all secrets of men are open, doth know how we, both for our nature, and also for our pastoral office, whereto we are called, are much more prone to remit, than to revenge. But when this pestiferous canker cannot with supple and gentle medicines be cured, more sharp salves must be proved, and fiery searings. The putrefied members must be cut off from the body, lest the sound parts also be infected. So God did cast down into hell the schismatical brethren 34 Dathan and Abiram; and him that would not obey the authority of the priest, God commanded to be punished with death. So Peter, prince of the apostles, denounced sudden death to Ananias and Sapphira, who lied unto God. So the old and godly emperors commanded Jovinian and Priscillian, as heretics, to be beheaded. 35 So St. Jerome wished Vigilant, as a heretic, to be given to the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord. So also did our predecessors in the council of Constance 36 condemn to death John Huss and his fellow Jerome, who now appeareth to revive again in Luther. The worthy acts and examples of which forefathers, 37 if you in these doings (seeing otherwise ye cannot) shall imitate, we do not doubt but God’s merciful clemency shall eftsoons relieve his church; which, being now sore vexed of infidels, hath her eyes chiefly and principally directed upon you, as being the most puissant and most populous nation that we have in Christendom. Wherefore, upon the blessing of Almighty God, and of blessed St. Peter, which here we send unto you, take courage unto you, as well against the false dragon,38 as the strong lion, that both these, that is, as well the inward heresies, as the foreign enemies, by you being overcome, you may purchase to your honors an immortal victory, both here and in the world to come. This we give you to understand, that whatsoever the Lord hath given us to aid you withal, either in money or authority, we will not fail to support you therein, yea, and to bestow our life also in this holy quarrel, and for the health of our sheep to us committed. 39 Other things as touching the matter of Luther, we have committed to this Cheregatus our legate, whom we have directed purposely for the same unto your assembly, whom we wish you to credit, as being our trusty legate. Datum Romae, apud Sanct. Petrum, sub annulo piscatoris, die Novemb. Anno 1522, pontificatus nostri anne primo. Given at St. Peter’s at Rome, under the ring of the fisher, the 25th day of November, A.D. 1522, in the first year of our pontificate. By this letter above prefixed, thou hast, gentle reader! to note and understand, what either wily persuasions or strength of authority could devise against Luther, here not to have lacked. If plausible terms, or glozing sentences, or outward facing and bracing, could have served, where no ground of Scripture is brought, this might seem apparently a pithy epistle. But if a man should require the particulars or the specialties of this doctrine which he here reprehendeth, to be examined and tried by God’s word, there is no substance in it, but only words of office, which may seem well to serve for waste paper. And yet I thought to exhibit the said letter unto thee, to the intent that the more thou seest man’s strength with all his policy bent against Luther, the more thou mayest consider the almighty power of God, in defending the cause of this poor man against so mighty enemies. Now hear further what instructions the said pope Adrian sent to his legate Cheregatus, 40 how and by what reasons to move and inflame the princes of Germany to the destruction of Luther and his cause, and yet was not able to bring it to pass. Instructions given by Pope Adrian to Cheregatus 229 his Legate, touching his proceedings in the Diet of Nuremberg, how and by what persuasions to incense the Princes against Luther. Imprimis, you shall declare to them the great grief of our heart for the prospering of Luther’s sect, to see the innumerable souls, redeemed with Christ’s blood, and committed to our pastoral government, to be turned away from the true faith and religion into perdition by this occasion; and that especially in the nation of Germany, being our native country, which hath been ever heretofore, till these few years past, most faithful and devout in religion: and therefore our desire to be the greater that this pestilence should be stopped betimes, lest the same happen to that country of Germany, which happened of late to Bohemia. And as for our part, there shall be no lack to help forward what we may; as likewise we desire them to endeavor themselves to the uttermost of their power, whom these causes ought to move, which here we direct unto you to be declared to them. First, the honor of God,41 which, before all other things, ought to be preferred, whose honor by these heresies is greatly defaced, and his worship not only diminished, but rather wholly corrupted. Also the charity toward our neighbor, by which charity every man is bound to reduce his neighbor out of error; otherwise God will require at their hands all such as by their negligence do perish. The second cause to move them against Luther, is the infamy of their nation; which, being counted before-time always most Christian, now by these sectaries of Luther is evil spoken of in all other quarters. The third cause is the respect of their own honor, which notoriously will be disdained, if they who most excel in nobility and authority among the Germans, shall not bend all their power to expel these heresies: first, for that they shall appear to degenerate from their progenitors, who, being present at the condemnation of John Huss and other heretics, are said, some of them, with their own hands to have led John Huss to the fire. Secondly, for that they, or the greater part of them, approving with their authority the imperial edict set forth of late in condemnation of Martin Luther, now, except they shall follow the execution of the same, shall be noted inconstant, or may be thought to favor the same; seeing it is manifest, that they may easily exterminate him if they were disposed. The fourth cause is the injury wrought by Luther to them, their parents, and their progenitors, forasmuch as their fathers, progenitors, and themselves also, have always holden the same faith which the Catholic church of Rome hath appointed; contrary to which faith Luther, with his sectaries, now doth hold, saying, that many things are not to be believed which their aforesaid ancestors have holden to be of faith. It is manifest therefore, that they be condemned by Luther for infidels and heretics: and so consequently, by Luther’s doctrine, all their fore-elders and progenitors who have deceased in this our faith, be in hell; for error in faith importeth damnation. The fifth cause to move them, is, that they should well advise and consider the end whereunto all these Lutherans do tend; 43 which is, that under the shadow of evangelical liberty, they may abolish all superiority and power. For although, at the first beginning, they pretended only to annul and repress our power ecclesiastical, as being falsely and tyrannously usurped against the gospel; yet, forasmuch as liberty is all their foundation and pretense (by which liberty, the secular power and magistrates cannot bind men by any commandments, be they ever so just or so reasonable, 44 to obey them under pain of mortal sin), it is manifest that their scope is to enfeeble and infringe, as much or more, the secular state also, although covertly they pretend to salve it; to the end, that when the secular princes shall believe this their working not to be directed against them, but only against the usurped domination of the church and churchmen, then the laity (which commonly hath been always against men of the church) holding with them, shall suffer the churchmen to be devoured: which done, no doubt but they will afterward practice the like upon the secular princes and petestates, which now they attempt against our ecclesiastical jurisdiction. The sixth cause to move and persuade them against Luther, is this, for them to consider the fruits which follow that sect: as slanders, offenses, disturbance, robberies, murders, seditions,46 dissensions, which this sect hath stirred, and daily doth stir up through whole Germany: also blasphemies, slanderous words, scoffings, jests, and bitter taunts, 47 which are ever in their mouths; against which, unless that they shall find a present remedy, it is to be feared lest the desolation of God’s wrath will fall upon Germany, being so divided; or rather upon the princes of Germany, who, having the sword given of God into their hands for the suppression of malefactors, suffer such enormities among their subjects. ‘Cursed is he,’ saith the prophet, ‘which doth the work of the Lord negligently, and holdeth back his sword from the blood of wicked doers.’ Jeremiah 28. The seventh reason is, that the princes should consider how Luther useth the same way of seducing the people of Christ, as hath the venomous viper Mahomet practiced in deceiving so many thousands of souls, in permitting to them the liberty of those things which flesh desireth, and afterwards in exempting them from such things as be more sharp in the law; but that Luther a little more temperately handleth the matter, whereby he may deceive more effectually: for Mahomet 48 giveth license to have many wives, and to divorce and marry others at their pleasure. This Luther, to draw unto him the favor of nuns, monks, and priests, such as be lascivious in flesh, preacheth that vows of perpetual continency he unlawful; much less to be obligatory; and therefore permitteth unto them that they may marry; forgetting, by the way, what the apostle writeth of young widows, saying; ‘that when they wax wanton against Christ, then will they marry; having condemnation, because they have made void their first faith,’ Timothy 1:12. These and other such like reasons being opened and laid before them, you shall then in our name exhort the aforesaid princes, prelates, and people, to awake and employ their diligence how to gainstand, first, the injury of these Lutherans toward God, and toward his holy religion: secondly, their villany toward the whole nation of the Germans and their princes, and especially the shameful contumely towards their fathers and elders, whom in effect they condemn to hell. In consideration whereof you shall call upon them to remember themselves, and to proceed effectually to the execution of the apostolical sentence, and of the emperor’s edict; giving pardon to them that will amend and acknowledge their fault: the others, who obstinately persist in their error, punishing with the rod of district severity, according to the decrees of the canons and laws of the church; that, by their example, such as stand may remain in faith, and they that are fallen may be reduced. And if any shall object again, that Luther was condemned by the apostolic see before he was heard, and that his cause ought first to have been heard and adjudged before he was convicted, you shall answer, that those 49 things which pertain to faith are to be believed for their own authority, and not to be proved. ‘Take away,’ saith Ambrose, ‘arguments where faith is sought: there the fishers, not the philsophers, must be trusted.’ True it is, and we grant no less but that the lawful defense and hearing ought not to be denied in such cases, where the question is of the fact, whether it were done or not; as whether he spake, preached, wrote, or not. But where the matter is of God’s law, or in the cause of the sacraments, there must we always stand to the authority of holy fathers, and of the church. Now all things almost, wherein Luther dissenteth from others, are reproved before by divers councils; neither ought those things to be called into question, which have been defined before by general councils, and the universal church; but ought to be received by faith: for else he doth injury to the synod of the church, who so bringeth again into controversy things once rightly discussed and settled. Otherwise what certainty can there be amongst men, or what end shall there be of contending and disputing, if it shall be lawful for every lewd and presumptuous person to decline from the things which have been received and ratified by the consent, not of one, nor of a few, but of so many ages, so many wise heads, and of the catholic church, which God never permitteth to err in matters unto faith appertaining? And how can it otherwise be chosen, but that all must be full of disturbance offenses, and confusion, unless the things which have been once, yea, many times by right judgment constituted, be observed by all men as inviolable? Wherefore, seeing Luther and his fellows do condemn the councils of holy fathers, do burn the holy canons, do confound all things at their pleasure, and do disquiet the whole world, what remaineth, but that they are to be rejected and exploded, as enemies and perturbers of the public peace? Further, this you shall say unto them, that we confess ourselves, and deny not, but that God suffereth this persecution to be inflicted upon his church for the sins of men, especially of priests and prelates of the clergy. For certain it is, that the hand of the Lord is not shortened, that he cannot save; but our sins have divided between God and us; and therefore he hideth his face from us that he will not hear us. The Scripture testifieth, (Isaiah 49) that the sins of the people do issue out from the sins of the priests. ‘And therefore,’ saith Chrysostom, ‘Christ, going about to cure the sick city of Jerusalem, first entered into the temple, to correct the sins of the priests, like a good physician, who first beginneth to cure the disease from the very root.’ We know that in this holy see 50 there have been many abominable things of long time wrought and practiced; as abuses in matters spiritual, and also excesses in life and manners, and all things turned clean contrary. And no marvel if the sickness, 51 first beginning at the head, that is, at the high bishops, have descended afterwards to inferior prelates. All we (that is, prelates of the church) have declined every one after his own way; neither hath there been one that hath done good, no not one.’ Wherefore need it is, that all we give glory to God, and that we humble our souls to him, considering every one of us from whence he hath fallen; and that every one do judge himself, before he be judged of God with the rod of his fury. For the redress whereof you shall insinuate unto them, and promise in our behalf, that in us shall be lacking no diligence of a better reformation, first beginning with our own court: that like ‘as this contagion first from thence descended into all inferior parts, so reformation and amendment of all that is amiss, from the same place again, shall take its beginning; whereunto they shall find us so much the more ready, for that we see the whole world so desirous of the same We ourselves, as you know never sought this dignity, but rather coveted, if we otherwise might, to lead a private life, and in a quiet state to serve God, and also would utterly have refused the same, had not the fear of God, and the manner of our election, and misdoubting of some schism to follow after, have urged us to take it. And thus took we the burden upon us, not for any ambition of dignity, or to enrich our friends and kinsfolks, but only to be obedient to the will of God, and for reformation of the catholic church, and for relief of the poor, and especially for the advancement of learning and learned men, with such other things besides, as appertaineth to the charge of a good bishop and lawful heir of St. Peter. And though all errors, corruption’s, and abuses be not straightways amended by us, men ought not thereat to marvel. The sore is great, and far grown, and is not single, but of manifold maladies together compacted; and therefore to the curing thereof we must proceed by little and little, first beginning to cure the greater and the most dangerous, lest, while we intend to amend all, we destroy all. ‘All sudden mutations in a commonwealth,’ saith Aristotle, ‘are perilous;’ and ‘He that wringeth too hard, straineth out blood.’ And whereas in your last letters you wrote, that the princes complain, how this see hath been, and is, prejudicial to their ordinances and agreements, hereunto you shall thus answer: that such excesses, which have been done before our time, ought not to be imputed to us, who always have disliked these derogation’s; and therefore bid them so assure themselves, that though they had required no such matter, we of our own accord would have refrained the same; partly for that it is good, right, and reason, that every one have that which is due unto him: and partly also that the said noble nation of Germany shall have by us no hindrance, but furtherance rather, so much as in us shall lie to do for them. And as touching the processes which they desired to have removed away ‘a rota,’ 53 and to be referred down to the parties, you shall signify unto them, that we will gratify them herein as much as honestly we may. But because our auditors are now presently absent from the city, by reason of the plague, we cannot be informed as yet touching the quality of those processes. As soon as they shall return (which we hope will be shortly), we shall do in the prince’s favor what reasonably we may. Further: whereas we understand, that there he many fresh flourishing wits in Germany, and many well-learned men, 54 who are not seen unto, but be rejected and unlooked to, while in the mean time, through the apostolical provisions, dignities and promotions are bestowed upon tapsters and dancers, and unfit persons; we will, therefore, that you inquire out what those learned men are, and what be their names, to the intent that when any such vacation of benefices in Germany doth fall, we, of our own voluntary motion, may provide for them accordingly. For why? we consider how much it is against God’s glory, and against the health and edification of souls, that benefices and dignities of the church have now so long time been bestowed upon unworthy and unable persons. As touching the subsidy for the Hungarians, we send no other information to you, but that which we gave you at your departure; save only that we will you to extend your diligence therein, as we also will do the like, in soliciting the matter with the princes and cities of Italy, that every one may help after his ability. These popish suggestions and instructions of the pope himself against Luther, I thought, Christian reader! to set before thine eyes, to the intent thou mayest see here (as in a pattern, and go no further) all the crimes, objections, exclamations, suspicions, accusations, slanders, offensions, contumelies, rebukes, untruths, cavillations, railings, whatsoever they have devised, or can devise, invent, articulate, denounce, infer, or surmise, against Luther and his teaching. They cry, ‘Heresy, heresy!’ but they prove no heresy. They cry, ‘Councils, councils!’ and yet none transgress councils more than themselves. If councils go always with Scripture, then Luther goeth with them: if councils do jar sometimes from the Scripture, what heresy is in Luther in standing with Scripture against those councils? And yet neither hath he hitherto spoken against any councils, save only the council of Constance. They inflame kings and princes against Luther, and yet they have no just cause wherefore. They accuse him for teaching liberty. If they mean the liberty of flesh, they accuse him falsely; if they mean the liberty of spirit, they teach wickedly who teach contrary: and yet when they have said all, none live so licentiously as themselves. They pretend the zeal of the church, but under that church lie their own private welfare and belly-cheer. They charge Luther with disobedience, and none are so disobedient to magistrates and civil laws, as they. They lay to his charge oppression and spoiling of laymen’s goods; and who spoileth the laymen’s livings so much as the pope? For probation hereof, let the pope’s accounts be cast, what he raketh out of every Christian realm. Briefly, turn only the names of the persons, and instead of Luther’s name, place the name of the pope, and the effect of this letter above prefixed shall agree upon none more aptly than upon the pope himself, and his own sectaries. Now to proceed further in the process of this aforesaid matter, let us see what the princes again for their parts answer to these aforesaid suggestions and instructions of pope Adrian, sent unto them in the diet of Nuremberg, in the cause of Luther: the answer of whom here followeth under-written. THE ANSWER OF THE NOBLE AND REVEREND PRINCES, AND OF THE STATES OF THE SACRED ROMAN EMPIRE, EXHIBITED TO THE POPE’S AMBASSADOR. The noble and renowned prince lord Ferdinand, lieutenant to the emperor’s majesty, with other reverend peers in Christ, and mighty princes electors, and other states and orders of this present assembly of the Roman empire in Nuremberg convented, have gratefully received, and diligently perused, the letters sent in form of a brief, with the instructions also of that most holy father in Christ and lord, lord Adrian, the high bishop of the holy and universal church of Rome, presented unto them in the cause of Luther’s faction. By which aforesaid letters and writings whereas, first, they understand his holiness to have been born. and to have had his native origin and parentage out of this noble nation of Germany, they do not a little rejoice. Of whose egregious virtues and ornaments, both of mind and body, they have heard great fame and commendation, even from his tender years: by reason whereof they are so much the more joyous of his advancement and preferment, by such consent of election, to the high top of the apostolical dignity, and yield to God most hearty thanks for the same: praying also, from the bottom of their hearts, for his excellent clemency, and the perpetual glory of his name, and for health of souls, and incolumity of the universal church, that God will give his holiness long continuance of felicity: having no misdoubt but that by such a full and consenting election of such a pastor of the universal catholic church, great profit and commodity will ensue. Which thing to hope and look for, his holiness openeth to them an evident declaration in his own letters, testifying and protesting what a care it is to him both day and night, how to discharge his pastoral function, in studying for the health of the flock to him committed; and especially in converting the minds of Christian princes from war to peace. Declaring moreover what subsidy and relief his holiness hath sent to the soldiers of Rhodes, etc. All which things they, perpending with themselves, conceive exceeding hope and comfort in their minds, thus reputing and trusting that this concord of Christian princes will be a great help and stay to the better quieting of things now out of frame; without which neither the state of the commonwealth nor of Christian religion, can be rightly redressed, and much less the tyranny of the barbarous Turks repressed. Wherefore the excellent prince, lord lieutenant to the emperor’s majesty, with the other princes electors, and the orders of this present assembly, most heartily do pray, that his holiness will persist in this his purpose and diligence, as he hath virtuously begun, leaving no stone unremoved, how the disagreeing hearts of Christian princes may be reduced to quiet and peace; or if that will not be, yet at least some truce and intermission of domestical dissentions may be obtained for the necessity of the time now present, whereby all Christians may join their powers together, with the help of God, to go against the Turk, and to deliver the people of Christ from his barbarous tyranny and bondage; whereunto both the noble prince lord lieutenant, and other princes of Germany, will put to their helping hands, to the best of their ability. And whereas by the letters of his holiness, with his instruction also exhibited unto them by his legate, they understand that his holiness is afflicted with great sorrow for the prospering of Luther’s sect, whereby innumerable souls committed to his charge are in danger of perdition, and therefore his holiness vehemently desireth some speedy remedy against the same to be provided, with an explication of certain necessary reasons and causes, whereby to move the German princes thereunto; and that they will tender the execution of the apostolic sentence, and also of the emperor’s edict set forth touching the suppression of Luther: To these the lord lieutenant, and other princes and states do answer, that it is to them no less grief and sorrow than to his holiness; and also they do lament as much for these impieties and perils of souls, and inconveniences which grow in the religion of Christ, either by the sect of Luther, or any otherwise. Further, what help or counsel shall lie in them for the extirpating of errors, and decay of souls’ health, what their moderation can do, they are willing and ready to perform; considering how they stand bound and subject, as well to the pope’s holiness, as also to the emperor’s majesty. But why the sentence of the apostolic see, and the emperor’s edict against Luther, hath not been put in execution hitherto, there hath been (said they) causes great and regent, which have led them thereto: as first, in weighing and considering themselves, that great evils and inconveniences would thereupon ensue. For the greatest part of the people of Germany have always had this persuasion, and now, by reading Luther’s books, are more therein confirmed, that great grievances and inconveniences have come to this nation of Germany by the court of Rome: and therefore, if they should have proceeded with any rigor in executing the pope’s sentence, and the emperor’s edict, the multitude would conceive and suspect in their minds, this to be done for subverting the verity of the gospel, and for supporting and confirming the former abuses and grievances, whereupon great wars and tumults, no doubt, would have ensued: which thing of the princes and states there hath been well perceived by many arguments; for the avoiding whereof, they thought to use more gentle remedies, serving more opportunely for the time. Again, whereas the reverend lord legate (said they) in the name of the pope’s holiness, hath been instructed to declare unto them, that God suffereth this persecution to rise in the church for the sins of men, and that his holiness doth promise therefore to begin the reformation with his own court, that as the corruption first sprang from thence to the inferior parts, so the redress of all again should first begin with the same: Also, whereas his holiness, of a good and fatherly heart, doth testify in his letters, that he himself did always mislike that the court of Rome should intermeddle so much, and derogate from the concordats of the princes, and that his holiness doth fully purpose in that behalf, during his papacy, never to practice the like, but so to endeavor, that every one, and especially the nation of the Germans, may have their proper due and right, granting especially to the said nation his peculiar favor: who seeth not by these premises, but that this most holy bishop omitteth nothing which a good father, or a devout pastor may or ought to do to his sheep? or who will not be moved hereby to a loving reverence, and to amendment of his defaults, namely, seeing his holiness so intendeth to accomplish the same in deed, which in word he promiseth, according as he hath begun? And thus undoubtedly both the noble lord lieutenant, and all other princes and states of the empire, well hope that he will, and pray most heartily that he may do, to the glory of our eternal God, to the health of souls, and to the tranquillity of the public state. For unless such abuses and grievances, with certain other articles also, which the secular princes (assigning purposely for the same) shall draw out in writing, shall be faithfully reformed, there is no true peace and concord between the ecclesiastical and secular estates, nor any true extirpation of this tumult and errors in Germany, that can be hoped. For partly by long wars, partly by reason of other grievances and hindrances, this nation of Germany hath been so wasted and consumed in money, that scarcely it is able to sustain itself’ in private affairs, and necessary upholding of justice withinitself; much less then to minister aid and succor to the kingdom of Hungary, and to the Croatians, against the Turk. And whereas all the states of the sacred Roman empire do not doubt, but the pope’s holiness doth right well understand how the German princes did grant and condescend for the money of Annates 56 to he levied to the see of Rome for term of certain years, upon condition that the said money should be converted to maintain war against the Turkish infidels, and for defense of the catholic faith: and whereas the term of these years is now expired long since, when the said Annates should be gathered, and yet that money hath not been so bestowed to that use, whereto it was first granted; therefore if any such necessity should now come, that any public helps or contributions against the Turk should be demanded of the German people, they would answer again, Why is not that money of Annates, reserved many years before to that use, now to be bestowed and applied? and so would they refuse to receive any more such burdens for that cause to be laid upon them. Wherefore the said lord lieutenant, and other princes and degrees of the empire, make earnest petition, that the pope’s holiness will with a fatherly consideration expend the premises, and surcease hereafter to require such Annates, as are accustomed after the death of bishops and other prelates, or ecclesiastical persons, to be paid to the court of Rome, and suffer them to remain to the chamber of the empire, whereby justice and peace may be more commodiously administered, the tranquillity of the public, state of Germany maintained.; and also, by the same, due helps may be ordained and disposed to other Christian potentates in Germany, against the Turk, which otherwise without the same is not to be hoped for. ITEM , Whereas the pope’s holiness desireth to be informed, what way were best to take in resisting these errors of the Lutherans: to this the lord lieutenant, with other princes and nobles, do answer, that whatsoever help or counsel they eau devise, with willing hearts they will be ready thereunto. Seeing therefore the state, as well. ecclesiastical as temporal is far out of frame, and hath so much corrupted its ways; and seeing not only by Luther’s part, and by ibis sect, but also by divers other occasions besides, so many errors, abuses, and corruption’s have crept in; very requisite and necessary it is, that some effectual remedy be provided, as well for redress of the church, as also for repressing the Turk’s tyranny. Now what more present or effectual remedy can be had, the lord lieutenant, and other estates and princes do not see, than this, that, the pope’s holiness, by the consent of the emperor’s majesty, do summon a free Christian council in some convenient place of Germany, as at Strasburg, or at Mentz, or at Cologne, or at Metz? and that with as much speed as conveniently may be, so that the congregating of the said council be not deferred above one year: in which council it may be lawful for every person that there shall have interest, either temporal or ecclesiastical, freely to speak and consult, to the glory of God, and health of souls, and the public wealth of Christendom, without impeachment or restraint; whatsoever oath or other bond to the contrary notwithstanding: yea, and it shall be every good man’s part there to speak, not only freely, but to speak that which is true, to the purpose, and to edifying, and not to pleasing or flattering, but simply and uprightly to declare his judgment, without all fraud or guile. And as touching by what ways these errors and tumults of the German people may best be stayed and pacified in the meantime, until the council be set, the aforesaid lord lieutenant, with the other princes, thereupon. have consulted, and. deliberated;, that forasmuch as Luther, and certain of his fellows, be within the territory and dominion of the noble duke Frederic, the said lord lieutenant and other states of the empire shall so labor the matter with the forenamed prince, duke of Saxony, that Luther and his followers, shall not write, set forth, or print any thing during the said mean space; neither do they doubt but that the said noble prince of Saxony, for his Christian piety, and obedience to the Roman empire, as becometh a prince of such excellent virtue, will effectually condescend to the same. ITEM , That the said lord lieutenant and princes shall labor so with the preachers of Germany, that they shall not in their sermons teach or blow into the people’s ears such matters, whereby the multitude may be moved to rebellion or uproar, or be induced into error; and that they shall preach and teach nothing but the true, pure, sincere, and holy gospel, and approved Scripture, godly, mildly, and Christianly, according to the doctrine and exposition of the Scripture; being approved and received of Christ’s church, abstaining from all such things as are better unknown than learned of the people, and which to be subtlety searched, or deeply discussed, it is not expedient. Also, that they shall move no contention or disputation among the vulgar sort; but whatsoever hangeth in controversy, the same they shall reserve to the determination of the council to come. ITEM , The archbishops, bishops, and other prelates within their dioceses, shall assign godly and learned men, having good judgment in the Scripture, who shall diligently and faithfully attend upon such preachers: and if they shall perceive the said preachers either to have erred, or to have uttered any thing inconveniently, they shall godly, mildly, and modestly advertise and inform them thereof, in such sort that no man shall justly complain the truth of the gospel to be impeached. But if the preachers, continuing still in their stubbornness, shall refuse to be admonished, and will not desist from their lewdness, then shall they be restrained and punished by the ordinaries of the place, with punishment for the same convenient. Furthermore, the said princes and nobles shall provide and undertake, so much as shall be possible, that, from henceforth, during the aforesaid time, no new book shall be printed, especially none of these famous libels, 57 neither shall they privily or apertly be sold. Also order shall be taken amongst all potentates, that if any shall set out, sell, or print any new work, it shall first be seen and perused of certain godly, learned, and discreet men appointed for the same; so that if it be not admitted and approved by them, it shall not be permitted to be published in print, or to come abroad. Thus, by these means, they hope well, that the tumults, errors, and offenses among the people, shall cease; especially if the pope’s holiness himself shall begin with an orderly and due reformation, in the aforesaid grievances above mentioned, and will procure such a free and Christian council as hath been said; and so shall the people be well contented and satisfied. Or if the tumult shall not so fully be calmed as they desire, yet the greater part thus will be quieted; for all such as be honest and good men, no doubt, will be in great expectation of that general council, so shortly, and now ready at hand, to come. Finally, as concerning priests who contract matrimony, and religious men leaving their cloisters, whereof intimation was also made by the apostolical legate, the aforesaid princes do consider, that forasmuch as in the civil law there is no penalty for them ordained, they shall be referred to the canonical constitutions, to be punished thereafter accordingly; that is, by the loss of their benefices and privileges, or other condign censures: and that the said ordinaries shall in no case be stopped or inhibited by the secular powers, from the correction of such: but that they shall add their help and favor to the maintenance of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and shall direct out their public edicts and precepts, that none shall impeach or prohibit the said ordinaries in their ecclesiastical castigation, upon such transgressors to be administered. To conclude; the redoubted prince, the lord lieutenant, and other princes, estates, and orders of the public empire, vehemently and most heartily do pray and beseech, that the pope’s holiness, and the reverend lord his legate will accept and take all the premises to be no otherwise spoken and meant, than of a good, free, sincere, and a Christian mind: neither is there any thing that all the aforesaid princes, estates, and nobles, do more wish and desire, than the furtherance and prosperous estate of the holy catholic church of Rome, and of his holiness; to whose wishes, desires, and obedience, they offer and commend themselves most readily and obsequiously, as faithful children. Thus hast thou, loving reader! the full discourse both of the pope’s letter, and of his legate’s instructions, with the, answer also of the states of Germany to the said letter and instructions to them exhibited in the diet of Nuremberg: in which diet what was concluded, and what order and consultation were taken, first touching the grievances of Germany, which they exhibited to the pope, then concerning a general council to be called in Germany, also for printing, preaching, and for priests’ marriage, hath been likewise declared, etc. 59 the occasion of this matter, moved against priests’ marriage, came first by the ministers of Strasburg, who about this time began to take wives, and therefore were cited by the bishop of Strasburg to appear before him at a certain day, as violators of the laws of holy church, the holy fathers, the bishops of Rome, and of the emperor’s majesty, to the prejudice both of their own order of priesthood, and the majesty of Almighty God: but they referred their cause to the hearing of the magistrates of the same city; who, being suitors for them unto the bishops, labored to have the matter either released, or at least to be delayed for a time. Long it were to recite all the circumstances following upon this diet or assembly of Nuremberg, how their decree was received of some, of some neglected, of divers diversely wrested and expounded. Luther, writing his letters upon the same decree to the princes, thus made his exposition of the meaning thereof: that whereas the preachers were commanded to preach the pure gospel, after the doctrine of the church received, he expounded the meaning thereof to be, not after the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas, or Scotus, or such other late school writers, but after the doctrine of Hilary, Cyprian, and Austin, and other ancient doctors; and yet the doctrine of the said ancestors no further to be received, but as it should agree with the Scripture. Secondly, As concerning new books not to be sold nor printed, he expounded the meaning thereof to extend no further, but that the text of the Bible, and books of the holy Scripture might be printed notwithstanding, and published to all men. And for the prohibition of priests’ marriage, he writeth to the princes, and desireth them to bear with the weakness of men; declaring that branch of their decree to be very hard, which though it standeth with the pope’s law, yet it accordeth not with the gospel, neither conduceth to good manners, nor to honesty of life, etc. Furthermore, Whereas in the same session of Nuremberg, mention was rundle before of certain grievances collected to the number of a hundred, and exhibited to the bishop of Rome, it were tedious likewise to insert them all; yet to give some taste of a few, I judge it not unprofitable, to the intent that the world may see and judge, not only what abuses and corruption’s, most monstrous and incredible, lay hid under the glorious title of the holy church of Rome, but also may understand, with what hypocrisy and impudence the pope taketh upon him so grievously to complain upon Master Luther and others; when in all the universal church of Christ, there is none so much to be blamed all manner of ways, as he himself, according as by these heinous complaints of the German princes, here following, against the pope’s intolerable oppressions and grievances, may right well appear. These grievances being collected by the princes of Germany at Nuremberg, to the number of a hundred,60 I wish might be fully and at large set forth to the studious reader, whereby might appear the subtle sleights and intolerable frauds of that pretensed church. But forasmuch as it were too long to comprehend the whole, I have thought good to exhibit some part thereof for example, as giving only a certain taste, whereby thou mayest more easily conceive, what to think and esteem of all the residue, which both to me would be tedious to write, and perhaps more grievous to thee to hear. CERTAIN GRIEVANCES OR OPPRESSIONS OF GERMANY230 , AGAINST THE COURT OF ROME, COLLECTED AND EXHIBITED BY THE PRINCES, AT THE COUNCIL OF NUREMBERG, To the number of a hundred, whereof certain specialties here follow. FORBIDDING OF MARRIAGE IN DIVERS DEGREES, NOT FORBIDDEN BY GOD’S LAW. Amongst other burdens and grievances, this is not least to be regarded, that many things are prohibited by men’s constitutions, and many things exacted, which are not prohibited or commanded by any precept of God: as the innumerable obstacles of matrimony invented and brought in, whereby men are forbid to marry in cases of kindred, which stand upon divers degrees: as upon affinity, public honesty, spiritual kindred, kindred by law, and kindred in blood, etc. FORBIDDING OF MEATS, NOT FORBIDDEN BY GOD’S LAW. And likewise in forbidding the use of meats, which God hath created for man’s necessity, and taught by the apostle indifferently to be received with thanksgiving. By these, and many other, human constitutions, men are yoked in bondage, until, by money they obtain some dispensation of those laws, at their hands who made them; so that money shall make that lawful for rich men, which is clearly prohibited unto the poor. By these snares of men’s laws and constitutions, not only great sums of money are gathered out of Germany, and carried over the Alps, but also great iniquity is sprung up among Christians; many offenses and privy hatreds do arise by reason that poor men do see themselves entangled with these snares for no other, cause, but for that these do not possess the thorns of the gospel; for so Christ doth often call riches. OF TIMES OF MARRIAGE RESTRAINED, AND AFTERWARDS RELEASED FOR MONEY. The like practice also is to be seen in the times restrained from marriage, by the heads of the church of Rome, from the Septuagesima Sunday, somewhat before Lent; when, notwithstanding, both the clergy and the seculars in the meantime will live licentiously, and that openly in the face of all the world. But this interdict proceedeth to this effect: if a man shall presume so to do upon his own liberty, without compounding. But otherwise, if there be any hope of money, then that which was before unlawful, is now made lawful, for every man to do freely. And this is also another drawing net, whereby great sums of money are dragged out of the Germans’ purses. Whereupon also hangeth another grievance as great as this; that in suing out a dispensation, the state of the poor and of the rich is not indifferently weighed: for where the rich escapeth many times for little or naught, and goeth clear away, the poor man shall be sure to pay for the shot. COMPLAINT FOR SELLING REMISSION OF SINS FOR MONEY. But especially the burden and grievance of the pope’s indulgences and pardons be most importable: when the bishops of Rome, under pretence of building some church in Rome, or to war against the Turk, do make out their indulgences with their bulls; persuading and promising to the simple people strange and wonderful benefits of remission, ‘a poena et culpa,’ that is, from all their sins and punishment due for the same, and that not in this life only, but also after this life, to them that be dead, burning in the fire of purgatory. Through the hope and occasion thereof, true piety is almost extinct in all Germany, while every evil-disposed person promiseth to himself, for a little money, license and impunity to do what him listeth: whereupon follow fornication, incest, adultery, perjury, homicide, robbing and spoiling, rapine, usury, with a whole flood of all mischief’s, etc. COMPLAINT AGAINST THE IMMUNITIES OF CLERGYMEN. ITEM , Whosoever he be that hath received any ecclesiastical orders, great or small, thereby he doth contend to be freed from all punishment of the secular magistrate, how great offense soever he do; neither doth he unadvisedly presume thereupon, but is maintained in that liberty to sin, by the principal estates of the clergy. For it hath often been seen, that whereas by the canonical laws, priests are forbidden to marry, afterwards they diligently labor and go about day and night to attempt and try the chastity of matrons, virgins, and of the wives, daughters, and sisters of the laymen: and through their continual instance and labor, partly with gifts and rewards, and flattering words, partly by their secret confessions (as they call them), as it hath been found by experience, they bring to pass that many virgins and matrons, who otherwise would be honest, have been overcome and moved to sin and wickedness. And it happeneth oftentimes, that they do detain and keep away the wives and daughters from their husbands and fathers, threatening them with fire and sword, that do require them again. Thus, through their raging lust, they heap and gather together innumerable mischief’s and offenses. It is to be marveled at, how licentiously, without punishment, they daily offend in robberies, murder, accusing of innocents, burning, rapine, theft, and counterfeiting of false coin; besides a thousand other kinds of mischief’s, contrary and against all laws both of God and man, not without great offense of others, trusting only upon the freedom and liberty of sin, which they usurp, unto themselves by the privilege of their canons. For when they once perceive that it is lawful for them to do what they lust without controlment, then they do not only contemn the civil magistrates, but also their bishops and superiors, whatsoever they either command or forbid them to do. And moreover, to the intent they may be the more maintained in their mischief and wickedness, contrary to all reason and equity, it is partly forbidden the archbishops and bishops to condemn these malefactors openly, except they be first degraded, which must be done with sumptuousness and pomp: whereby it happeneth very seldom, that those anointed naughty packs do receive condign punishment. Besides that, the bishops are so bound by their chapters, that they dare not punish any person who hath taken orders, by the canonical laws, be the punishment ever so light or small; by reason whereof, the matter so falleth out, that through this unequal partiality between the laity and the clergy, great hatred, discord, and dissension are sprung and risen up. It is also not a little to be feared, that if the clergy, who are the cause of this grievance, and of other mischief’s (which daily they do proceed to perpetrate), have not like laws, equal judges, and like punishment, their offensive life will move and stir up some great tumults and sedition amongst the common people, not only against the clergy themselves, but also against the superiors and magistrates, for that they leave such notorious offenses unpunished. Wherefore necessity and justice do require, that the said prejudicial privileges of the clergy should be abrogated and taken away, and in their place it be provided, ordained, and decreed, that the clergy, of what order or degree soever they be, shall have like laws, like judgment, and punishment, as the laity have: so that they shall pretend no prerogative or freedom in like offense, more than the laymen; but that every one of the clergy offending, under the judge where the offense is committed, shall be punished for his fact, according to the measure and quality of his offense, in such like manner as other malefactors are, with the punishment appointed by the common laws of the empire. This thing, without doubt, will please the true ministers of the church, such as are honest and learned, and they will not think their power and authority thereby in any case diminished. By this means it shall be brought to pass, that such as are of the clergy only by name, and otherwise naughty wicked men, through the obedience due unto their magistrates, shall be compelled to live more honestly; and all sedition and privy hatred between them and the laity shall be put away; and finally, thereby the laity shall be more moved and stirred to love and reverence such of the clergy as be of a sound life. COMPLAINT OF EXCOMMUNICATION BEING ABUSED IN THE CHURCH OF ROME. ITEM , at Rome and in other places many Christians are excommunicated by the archbishops, bishops, or by their ecclesiastical judges, for profane causes, through the desire and covetousness of money and lucre. The consciences of men, who are weak in faith, thereby are burdened and brought unto desperation. And finally, for money and lucre, a matter of no importance is made to tend to the destruction both of body and soul, contrary to the law both of God and man; forasmuch as no man ought to be excommunicated but only for heresy, or for some heinous fact perpetrated; nor to be counted as separate from the Christian catholic church, as-the Scriptures do witness. Therefore the princes, nobles, states, and laity of the sacred empire, desire and require the pope’s holiness, that as a faithful Christian and loving father, he will remove the said burden of excommunication, used both in the see of Rome, and also in the sees of all other archbishops and ecclesiastical judges; and finally decree, that no man shall hereafter be excommunicated, but only for a manifest convicted crime of heresy; for it is too wicked a thing, that faithful Christians, for every light offense touching any temporal goods or gain, or for any other worldly matter, but only for obstinacy of heresy, or some great enormity, should be excluded from Almighty God, and the catholic congregation. COMPLAINT THAT THE CHURCH IS BURDENED WITH A NUMBER OF HOLIDAYS, WHICH OUGHT TO BE DIMINISHED. Moreover, the common people are not a little oppressed with the great number of holidays, for that there are now so many holidays, that the husbandmen have scarcely time to gather the fruits of the earth, which they have brought forth with so great labor and travail, being often in danger of hail, rain, and other storms; which fruits notwithstanding, if they were not letted with so many holidays, they would gather and bring home without any loss. Besides that, upon these holidays innumerable offenses are committed and done, rather than God honored or worshipped: which thing is so manifest, that it needeth no witness. For that cause the estates of the sacred empire think it best and most profitable for the Christian commonwealth, that this great number of holidays should be diminished; which ought rather to be celebrated in spirit and verity, than with the external worship, and be better kept with abstinence from sin. THE SUSPENDING AND HALLOWING OF CHURCH-YARDS COMPLAINED OF, AS GAINFUL TO THE POPE, AND CHARGEABLE TO THE PEOPLE. Furthermore, if it happen that two or more do fight without any weapon in a church-yard, only with their fists, or by the hair, though there be ever so little bloodshed, by and by the clergy have recourse to interdictment, and do not suffer any more Christian burials there to be done, before that all the citizens, with great pomp and expenses, do cause it to be consecrated and hallowed again, with no less charge than when, at the first, of a profane place it was hallowed for burial: all which things do redound to the charges and costs of the laity. And though the churches or chapels be ever so little which are so hallowed, yet the suffragans do burden and oppress the simple poor householders, be they ever so bare or needy, with superfluous expenses, and require moreover gifts of the people, which it is not for their ease to give. Also the suffragans have invented, that no others but only themselves may baptize bells for the lay-people; whereby the simple people, upon the affirmation of the suffragans, do believe, that such bells so baptized will drive away evil spirits and tempests. Thereupon a great number of godfathers are appointed, especially such as are rich, who, at the; time of baptizing, holding the rope wherewithal the bell is tied, the suffragan speaking before them, as is accustomed in the baptizing of young children, they altogether do answer, and give the name to the bell; the bell having a new, garment put upon it, as is accustomed to be done unto the Christians. After this they go unto sumptuous banquets, whereunto also the gossips are bidden, that thereby they might give the greater reward; 61 and the suffragans, with their chaplains and other ministers, are sumptuously fed, Yet doth not this suffice, but that the suffragan also must have a reward, which they do call a small gift or present; whereby it happeneth oftentimes, that even in small villages a hundred florins are consumed and spent in such christenings: which is not only superstitious, but also contrary unto Christian religion, a seducing of the simple people, and mere extortion. Notwithstanding, the bishops, to enrich their suffragans, do suffer these things, and others far worse. Wherefore such wicked and unlawful things ought to be abolished. COMPLAINT AGAINST OFFICIALS, AND OTHER ECCLESIASTICAL JUDGES. The officials also of archbishops for the most part are unlearned and unable men; besides that, men of evil Conditions, taking thought for nothing but for money. Also how corruptly they live, and continue in notorious crimes and transgressions, it is daily seen; whereby the laity, whom they ought to correct and punish for their offenses, and instruct in Christian godliness, are not in any point by them amended, but rather by them encouraged and confirmed in their offenses. Besides this, the laity are miserably robbed and spoiled of their goods by these light and vile officials, in whose consciences there is no spark of Christian piety and godliness, hut only a wicked desire and covetousness: which thing the archbishops and bishops, if they were indeed such as they are’ called, that is to say, the pastors and shepherds of Christ, without doubt they would no longer suffer or commit Christ’s flock to such wicked and offensive pastors to be fed and nourished. COMPLAINT HOW THE ECCLESIASTICAL JUDGES DO ANNEX CERTAIN SPECIAL CAUSES, BEING LAY MATTERS, UNTO THEIR OWN JURISDICTION, AND WILL BY NO MEANS RELEASE RITE SAME, EXCEPT FOR MONEY. Whensoever any causes are pleaded in judgment before an ecclesiastical judge, either for defiling of virgins, or for children unlawfully born out of wedlock, or for servants’ wages, or any other matters concerning widows, the ecclesiastical judges being called upon by the superiors of the laity who do contend, they will neither defer that judgment, nor by any means will be entreated to remit them to their ordinary jurisdiction. A COMPLAINT OF THE GAIN THAT ARISETH TO THE CLERGY BY FALSE SLANDERS AND RUMORS. It happeneth oftentimes that men and women, through sinister and false reports and slanders, are brought before the official or ecclesiastical judge, as men guilty, and shall not be declared innocent before they have cleared themselves by an oath; which purgation so made, they are restored again to their former estimation. And albeit that the damages and costs ought to be repaid again unto such as be so falsely accused, yet notwithstanding, the innocents themselves are forced to pay two guilders and a quarter, for their letters of absolution. And this is the cause why the officials and other ecclesiastical judges do so greedily follow the action of Such unlawful, false, and slanderous accusations, challenging the hearing thereof only unto themselves; which thing, no doubt, redoundeth to the great and most singular hurt and detriment of all men: for oftentimes it happeneth that women, falling together into contention, through anger, hatred, or some other affection, do speak evil or slander one another, and outrage so much, that the one oftentimes accuseth the other, either of adultery or witchery. Which thing being brought before the official, she, who through her anger had so slandered the other, is forced by an oath to excuse and purge herself, that whatsoever injurious or slanderous word she had spoken, came not of any deliberate purpose or intent, but through wrath and displeasure. In like manner the other, who is accused either of adultery or sorcery, is commanded by an oath to declare her innocency, that she is lint guilty of those facts. So that it is evident unto all men, that in such cases, whether they be guilty or not guilty, they must swear, if they will keep their good name and fame. Whereby not only the unlawful lucre of gain and money is sought, but also willful perjury forced, and the secular power and judges letted from the punishment thereof, so that, contrary to all reason, offenses do remain unpunished. COMPLAINT AGAINST SPIRITUAL JUDGES TAKING SECULAR CAUSES FROM THE CIVIL MAGISTRATE, FOR GAIN OF MONEY. Albeit there be many causes so indifferent to both jurisdictions, that they may be pleaded and punished as well by the civil magistrate as ecclesiastical judge, notwithstanding it happeneth oftentimes, that when the civil magistrates would exercise their office and jurisdiction in this behalf, they are forbidden and letted by the ecclesiastical judges, under pain of excommunication. Which thing if it should long continue and be suffered, the ecclesiastical judges would shortly take away all manner of causes from the civil magistrate, and his jurisdiction; which is intolerable, and derogatory both unto the emperor’s majesty, and other states of the empire. And albeit that by the common laws manifest perjuries, adulteries, witchcraft’s, and such other like, may indifferently be punished by ecclesiastical or civil judges for the time being, so that prevention in this behalf taketh place; notwithstanding, the ecclesiastical judges go about to usurp unto themselves and their jurisdiction all such manner of causes: which burden and grievance the civil jurisdiction and power ought not to Suffer. COMPLAINT AGAINST ECCLESIASTICAL JUDGES INTERMEDDLING WITH CASES OF THE SECULAR COURT, BUT WHO WILL NOT SUFFER THEIR CASES TO BE ONCE TOUCHED OF THE OTHERS. Moreover, the ecclesiastical judges say, that in such case it is lawful for them to take profane matters into their hands, if the civil magistrate be found negligent in executing of justice: but contrariwise, they will not stiffer that the like order should be kept with them, neither will they permit that in ecclesiastical matters any man may complain unto the civil magistrate for lack of justice, and require the administration of justice at his hand. Albeit they do define all laws generally common, and determine how the canon laws may help and assist the civil, and contrariwise the civil laws the canon. COMPLAINT AGAINST CERTAIN MISORDERS OF CATHEDRAL CHURCHES, FOR USING DOUBLE PUNISHMENT FOR ONE OFFENCE AGAINST THE LAW. Forasmuch as it is forbidden both by God’s law and man’s, that any man should be beaten with two rods, that is to say, be punished by two kinds of torments; worthily therefore do all wise men detest and abhor the odious statutes of divers cathedral churches, whereby murderers, both men and women, and other as well light as grievous offenders, have been hitherto vexed and tormented: for hitherto it hath been accustomed, that such as were guilty of murder, and such other crimes (which they call cases reserved unto the bishops), after they had made their auricular confession, were compelled (to their great ignominy and shame) to do penance in the sight of all the people; which penance were not so much to be disallowed, bearing some semblance of the institution of the primitive church, if so be these busy officials (being contented therewith) would not extort more and greater sums of money than were right and lawful, and so punish those offenders with double punishment; wherewithal it is to be marveled how many be offended and grieved. How wicked a tiling this is, and how far it differeth from Christ’s institution, we will refer it to every good conscience to judge. COMPLAINT OF OFFICIALS FOR MAINTAINING UNLAWFUL USURY. Furthermore, the officials, being allured through the greedy and insatiable desire of money, do not only not forbid unlawful usuries and gains of money, but also suffer and maintain the same. Moreover they, taking a yearly stipend and pension, do suffer the clergy and other religious persons unlawfully to dwell with their concubines and harlots, and to beget children by them. Both which things how great peril, offense, and detriment they do bring both unto body and soul, every man may plainly see (so that it need not be rehearsed), except he will make himself as blind as a mole. COMPLAINT OF OFFICIALS PERMITTING UNLAWFUL COHABITING WITH ANOTHER, WHEN THE HUSBAND OR WIFE IS LONG ABSENT. Furthermore, where it so happeneth (as it doth oftentimes), that either the good man, or the good wife, by means of war, or some other vow, hath taken in hand some long journey, and so tarrieth longer than serveth the appetite of the other, the official, taking a reward of the other, giveth license to the party to dwell with any other person, not having first regard, or making inquisition whether the husband or wife, being absent, be in health or dead. And because these their doings should not be evil spoken of. they name it a toleration or sufferance; not without great offense to all men, and to the great contempt of holy matrimony. COMPLAINT OF CANONS IN CATHEDRAL CHURCHES, WHO HAVE THEIR BISHOP SWORN UNTO THEM BEFORE HE BE CHOSEN. This is also unlawful and plainly wicked, that the canons of cathedral churches, in whose hand the principal part of ecclesiastical judgments, synods, and censures do consist, and the canons of other collegiate churches, who have power and authority to choose their superior and bishop, will choose none to their bishop, except he bind himself first with an oath, and plainly swear, yea, and oftentimes is bound, by bond and instruments sealed with their seals, to them and their ecclesiastical judges, that in no matter, be it ever so grievous, intolerable, or dishonest, he shall be against them: and if it happen at any time that they do offend, they may do it also without punishment for him. COMPLAINT AGAINST INCORPORATIONS OR IMPROPRIATIONS, AND OTHER PILLING OF THE PEOPLE BY CHURCHMEN. Many parish churches are subject unto monasteries, and to the parsons of other churches, by means of incorporations (as they call them) or otherwise, which they are bound also, according to the canon laws, to foresee and look unto by themselves; whereas they do put them forth unto others to be governed, reserving for the most part unto themselves the whole stipend of the benefices and tithes; and moreover, aggravate and charge the same with so great pensions, that the hireling priests, and other ministers of the church, cannot have thereupon a decent or competent living. Whereby it cometh to pass, that these hireling priests (for that they must needs have whereupon to live) do with unlawful exactions miserably spoil and devour the poor sheep committed unto them, and consume all their substance. For when the sacraments of the altar and of baptism are to be administered, or when the first, the seventh, the thirtieth, and the year-day must be kept; when auricular confession cometh to be heard, the dead to be buried, or any other ceremony whatsoever about the funeral is to be done, they will not do it freely, but extort and exact so much money as the miserable commonalty is scarce able to disburse: and daily they do increase and augment these their exactions, driving the simple poverty to the payment thereof by threatening them with excommunication, or by other ways compelling them to be at charge, who otherwise, through poverty, are not able to maintain obsequies, year-minds, and such other like ceremonies, as to the funerals of the dead be appertaining. BUYING AND SELLING OF BURIALS COMPLAINED OF. It is ordained by the pope’s canons, that burial in the church should be denied only unto those who being known to be manifest and notorious offenders, have departed this life without receiving the sacrament. But the clergy, not regarding those decrees, will not suffer such as by chance are drowned, killed, slain with falls or fire, or otherwise by chance have ended their lives (albeit it be not evident that they were in deadly sin), to be buried in the churches, until such time as the wives, children, or friends of those men so dead, do with great sums of money purchase and buy the burial of them in the church-yard. CHASTE AND CONTINENT PRIESTS COMPELLED TO PAY TRIBUTE FOR CONCUBINES. Also in many places the bishops and their officials do not only suffer priests to have concubines, so that they pay certain sums of money, but also compel continent and chaste, priests, who. live without concubines, to pay tribute for. concubines, affirming that the bishop hath need of money: which being paid, it shall be lawful for them either to live chaste, or keep concubines. How wicked a thing this is, every man doth well understand and know. These, with many other burdens and grievances besides, to the number of a hundred, the secular states of Germany delivered to the pope’s legate; having (as they said) many more and more grievous grievances besides these, which had likewise much need of redress: but because they would not exceed the limits of reasonable brevity, they would content themselves (they said) with these aforesaid hundred, reserving the rest to a more apt and more convenient opportunity; steadfastly trusting and hoping, that when those hundred grievances already by them declared, should be abolished, the others would also decay and fall with them. Of these aforesaid grievances and complaints here is moreover to be noted, that a great part was offered up before to the emperor at the council of Worms; but because no redress thereof did follow, therefore the secular states of Germany thought good to exhibit the same now again, with divers more annexed thereunto, to Cheregatus, the pope’s legate in this present assembly of Nuremberg, desiring him to present the same to pope Adrian. This was about A.D. 1523; which being done, the assembly of Nuremberg brake up for a time, and was prorogued to the next year following. In this mean time pope Adrian died 231 . After him succeeded pope Clement VII., who, the next year following, which was A.D. 1524, sent down his legate, cardinal Campeius, unto the council of the German princes assembled again at Nuremberg, about the month of March, with letters also to duke Frederic, full of many fair petitions and sharp complaints, etc. But as touching the grievances above-mentioned, no word nor message at all was sent, either by Campeius, or by any other. Thus, where any thing was to be complained of against Luther, either for oppression of the liberty of the gospel, or for upholding of the pope’s dignity, the pope was ever ready with all diligence to call upon the princes: but where any redress was to be required for the public wealth of Christian people, or touching the necessary reformation of the church, herein the pope neither giveth ear nor answer. And thus, having discoursed such matters occurrent between the pope and princes of Germany at the synod of Nuremberg, let us now proceed, returning again to the story of Luther, of whom ye heard before, how he was kept secret and solitary for a time, by the advice and conveyance of certain nobles in Saxony, because of the emperor’s edict above mentioned. In the mean time, while Luther had thus absented himself out of Wittenberg, Andreas Carolostadt, proceeding more roughly and eagerly in causes of religion, had stirred up the people to throw down images in the temples, besides other things more. For this cause Luther, returning again into the city, greatly misliked the order of their doings, and reproved the rashness of Carolostadt, declaring that their proceedings herein were not orderly, but that pictures and images ought first to be thrown out of the hearts and consciences of men; and that the people ought first to be taught that we are saved before God, and please him only by faith; and that images serve to no purpose: this done, and the people well instructed, there was no danger in images, but they would fall of their own accord. Not that he repugned to the contrary (he said), as though he would maintain images to stand or to be suffered, but that. this ought to be done by the magistrate; and not by force, upon every private man’s head, without order and authority. 62 Furthermore Luther, writing of Carolostadt, affirmeth, that he also joined with the sentence of those, who began then to spread about certain parts of Saxony, saying, that they were taught of God that all wickedness being utterly suppressed, and all the wicked doers slain, a new full perfection of all things must be set up, and the innocent only to enjoy all things, etc. The cause why Luther so stood against that violent throwing down of images, and against Carolostadt, seemeth partly to rise of this, by reason that pope Adrian, in his letters sent to the princes and states of Germany, doth grievously complain and charge the sect of Luther for sedition and tumults, and rebellion against magistrates, as subverters and destroyers of all order and obedience, as appeareth by the words of the pope’s letter before expressed: therefore Martin Luther, to stop the mouth of such slanderers, and to prevent such sinister suspicions, was enforced to take this way as he did; that is, to proceed as much as he might by order and authority. Herein are to be noted by the way two special points touching the doctrine and doings of Martin Luther, especially for all such who in these our days now, abusing the name and authority of Luther, think themselves to be good Lutherans, if they suffer images still to remain in temples, and admit such things in the church, as themselves do wish to be away. The first is, the manner how and after what sort Luther did suffer such images to stand: for although he assented not, that the vulgar and private multitude tumultuously by violence should rap them down; yet that is no argument now for the magistrate to let them stand. And though he allowed not the ministers to stir up the people by forcible means to promote religion; yet that argueth not those magistrates to be good Lutherans, who may and should remove them, and will not. The second point to be noted is, to consider the cause why Luther did so stand with standing of images; which cause was time, and not his own judgment: for albeit in judgment he wished them away, yet time so served not thereunto then, as it serveth now: for then the doctrine of Luther, first beginning to spring, and being but in the blade, was not yet known whereto it tended, nor to what it would grow, but rather was suspected to tend to disobedience and sedition; and therefore the pope, hearing of the doings of Carolostadt in Wittenberg, and of others like, took his ground thereby to charge the sect of Luther with sedition, uproars, and dissolute liberty of life. And this was the cause why Luther (compelled then by necessity of time to save his doctrine from the slander of sedition and tumult being laid to him by the pope, as ye have heard) was so much offended with Carolostadt and others, for their violence used against images. For otherwise, had it not been for the pope’s accusations, there is no doubt but Luther would have been as well contented with abolishing of images, and other monuments of popery, as he was at the same time contented to write to the friars Augustine for abrogating of private masses. And therefore as Luther in this doing is to be excused, the circumstances considered; such or the like excuse perhaps will not serve the overmuch curious imitation of certain Lutherans in this present age now; who, considering only the fact of Luther, do not mark the purpose of Luther, neither do weigh the circumstances and time of his doings: being not much unlike to the ridiculous imitators of king Alexander the Great, who thought it not sufficient to follow him in his virtues, but they would also counterfeit him in his stooping, and all other gestures besides. But to these living now in the church, in another age than Luther did, it may seem, after my mind, sufficient to follow the same way after Luther, or to walk with Luther to the kingdom of Christ, though they jump not also in every footstep of his, and keep even the same pace and turnings in all points as he did. And contrariwise, of the other sort, much less are they to be commended, who running as much on the contrary string, are so precise, that because of one small blemish, or for a little stooping of Luther in the sacrament, therefore they give clean over the reading of Luther, and fall almost into utter contempt of his books: whereby is declared, not so much the niceness and curiousness of these our days, as the hinderance that cometh thereby to the church is greatly to be lamented. For albeit the church of Christ (praised be the Lord) is not unprovided of sufficient plenty of worthy and learned writers, able to instruct in matters of doctrine; yet in the chief points of our consolation, where the glory of Christ, and the power of his passion, and strength of faith are to be opened to our conscience; and where the soul, wrestling for death and life, standeth in need of serious consolation, the same may be said of Martin Luther, among all this other variety of writers, what St. Cyprian was wont to say of Tertullian, “Da magistrum;” “Give me my master.” And albeit that Luther went a little awry, and dissented from Zuinglius, in this one matter of the sacrament; yet in all other states of doctrine they did accord, as appeared in the synod holden at Marburg, by prince Philip, landgrave of Hesse, which was A.D. 1529, where both Luther and Zuinglius were present, and, conferring together, agreed in these articles: 1. In the Unity and Trinity of God. 2. In the incarnation of the Word. 3. In the passion and resurrection of Christ. 4. In the article of original sin. 5. In the article of faith in Christ Jesus. 6. That this faith cometh not of merits, but by the gift of God. 7. That this faith is our righteousness. 8. Touching the extern word. 9. Likewise they agreed in the articles of baptism. 10. Of good works. 11. Of confession. 12. Of magistrates. 13. Of men’s traditional. 14. Of baptism of infants. 15. Lastly, concerning the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper; this they did believe, and hold: first, that both kinds thereof are to be ministered to the people, according to Christ’s institution; and that the mass is no such work for which a man may obtain grace both for the quick and the dead. Item, that the sacrament (which they call of the altar) is a true sacrament of the body and blood of the Lord. Item, that the spiritual manducation of his body and blood is necessary for every Christian man. And furthermore, that the use of the sacrament tendeth to the same effect as doth the Word, given and ordained of Almighty God, that thereby infirm consciences may be stirred to belief by the Holy Ghost, etc. 63a In all these sums of doctrine above recited, Luther and Zuinglius did consent and agree; neither were their opinions so different in the matter of the Lord’s Supper, but that in the principal points they accorded. For if the question be asked of them both, What is the material substance of the sacrament, which our outward senses do behold and feel P they will both confess bread, and not the accidents only of bread. Further, if the question be asked, whether Christ be there present? they will both confess his true presence to be there; only in the manner of presence they differ. Again, ask, whether the material substance laid before our eyes in the sacrament is to be worshipped? they will both deny it, and judge it idolatry. And likewise for transubstantiation, and the sacrifice of the mass, they both do abhor, and do deny the same: as also that the communion is to be in both kinds administered, they do both assent and grant. Their only difference is this, concerning the sense and meaning of the words of Christ, “Hoc est corpus meum,” “This is my body,” etc., which words Luther expoundeth to be taken nakedly and simply as the letter standeth, without trope or figure; and therefore holdeth the body and blood of Christ truly to be in the bread and wine, and so also to be received with the mouth. Uldricus Zuinglius, with Johannes Ecolampadius, and others, do interpret these words otherwise; as not to be taken literally, but to have a spiritual meaning, and to be expounded by a trope or figure, so that the sense of these words, “This is my body,” is thus to be expounded. “This signifieth my body and blood.” 64 With Luther consented the Saxons; with the side of Zuinglius, went the Helvetians. And as time did grow, so the division of these opinions increased in sides, and spread in farther realms and countries: the one part being called, of Luther, Lutherans; the other having the name of Sacramentaries. Notwithstanding, in this one unity of opinion, both the Lutherans and Sacramentaries do accord and agree, that the bread and wine there present are not transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ (as it is said), but are a true sacrament of the body and blood. But hereof sufficient, touching this division between the Lutherans and the Zuinglians. In which division, if there have been any defect in Martin Luther, yet is that no cause why either the papists may greatly triumph, or why the protestants should despise Luther: for neither is the doctrine of Luther touching the sacrament so gross, that it maketh much with the papists; nor yet so discrepant from us, that therefore he ought to be exploded. And though a full reconciliation of this difference cannot well be made (as some have gone about to do), yet let us give to Luther a moderate interpretation; and if we will not make things better, yet let us not make them worse than they be, and let us bear, if not with the manner, yet at least with the time of his teaching; and finally, let. it not be noted in us, that we should seem to differ more in charity (as Bucer said) than we do in doctrine. But of this more hereafter (Christ willing), when we come to the history of John Frith. Those who write the lives of saints use to describe and extol their holy life and godly virtues, and also to set forth such miracles as be wrought in them by God; whereof there lacketh no plenty in Martin Luther, but rather time lacketh to us, and opportunity to tarry upon them, having such haste to other things. Otherwise what a miracle might this seem to be, for one man, and a poor friar, creeping out of a blind, cloister, to be set up against the pope, the universal bishop, and God’s mighty vicar on earth; to withstand all his cardinals, yea, and to sustain the malice and hatred of almost the whole world being set against him; and to work that against the said pope, cardinals, and church of Rome, which no king nor emperor could ever do, yea, durst ever attempt, nor all the learned men before him could ever compass: which miraculous work of God, I account nothing inferior to the miracle of David overthrowing the great Goliath. Wherefore if miracles do make a saint (after the pope’s definition), what lacketh in Martin Luther, but age and time only, to make him a saint? who, standing openly against the pope, cardinals, and prelates of the church, in number so many, in power so terrible, in practice so crafty, having emperors and all the kings of the earth against, him; who, teaching and preaching Christ the space of nine and twenty years, could, without touch of all his enemies, so quietly in his own country where he was born, die and sleep in peace. In which Martin Luther, first to stand against the pope was a great miracle; to prevail against the pope, a greater; so to die untouched, may seem greatest of all: especially having so many enemies as he had. Again, neither is k any thing less miraculous, to consider what manifold dangers he escaped besides: as when a certain Jew was appointed to come to destroy him by poison, yet was it so the will of God, that Luther had warning thereof before, and the face of the Jew sent to him by picture, whereby he knew him, and avoided the peril. ‘Another time, as he was sitting in a certain place upon his stool, a great stone there was in the vault over his head where he did sit; Which being staid miraculously so long as he was sitting, as soon as he was up, immediately fell upon the place where he sat, able to have crushed him all in pieces, if it had alighted upon him. And what should I speak of his prayers, which were so ardent unto Christ, that (as Melancthon writeth), those who stood under his window where he stood praying, might see his tears falling and dropping down. Again, with such power he prayed, that he (as himself confesseth) had obtained of the Lord, that so long as he lived, the pope should not prevail in his country; after his death (said he) let them pray who could. And as touching the marvelous works of the Lord, wrought here by men, if it be true which is credibly reported by the learned, what miracle can be more miraculous, than that which is declared of a young man about Wittenberg, who, being kept bare and needy by his father, was tempted by a way of sorcery to bargain with the devil, or a familiar, as they call him; to yield himself body and soul into the devil’s power, upon condition to have his wish satisfied with money. So that upon the same an obligation was made by the young man, written with his own blood, and given to the devil, This case you see how horrible it was, and how damnable. Now hear what followed. Upon the sudden wealth and alteration of this young man, the matter first being noted, began afterwards more and more to be suspected, and at length, after long and great admiration, was brought unto Martin Luther to be examined. the young man, whether for shame or fear, long denied to confess, and would disclose nothing; yet God so wrought, being stronger than the devil, that he uttered unto Luther the whole substance of the ease, as well touching the money, as the obligation. Luther understanding the matter, and pitying the lamentable state of the man, willed the whole congregation to pray, and he himself ceased not with his prayers to labor; so that the devil was compelled at last to throw in his obligation at the window, and bade him take it again unto him: which narration, if it be so true, as certainly it is of him reported, I see not the contrary, but that this may well seem comparable with the greatest miracle, in Christ’s church, that was since the apostles’ time. Furthermore, as he was mighty in his prayers, so in his sermons God gave him such a grace, that when he preached, they who heard him thought every one his own temptation severally to be noted and touched. Whereof, when signification was given unto him by his friends, and he demanded how that could be; “Mine own manifold temptations,” said he, “and experiences are the cause thereof.” For this thou must understand, good reader! that Luther from his tender years was much beaten and exercised with spiritual conflicts, as Melancthon in describing his life doth testify. Also Hieronymus Wellerus, scholar and disciple of the said Martin Luther, recordeth, that he oftentimes heard Luther his master thus report of himself, that he had been assaulted and vexed with all kinds of temptations, saving only one, which was with covetousness; with this vice he was never, said he, in all his life troubled, nor once tempted. And hitherto concerning the life of Martin Luther, who, living to the year of his age sixty-three, continued writing and preaching about twenty-nine years. As touching the order of his death, the words of Melancthon be these: AN INTIMATION GIVEN BY PHILIP MELANCTHON233 TO HIS AUDITORY AT WITTENBERG, OF THE DECEASE OF MARTIN LUTHER, 67 A.D. 1546. To the scholars assembled to hear the lecture of the Epistle to the Romans, Philip Melancthon recited publicly, this that followeth, at nine of the clock before noon; advertising he gave this information, by the counsel of other lords, for that the auditors, understanding the express truth (forasmuch as the lords knew certainly, fame would blow slanderous blasts every where of the death of Luther), should not credit flying tales and false reports. ‘My friends, ye know that we have enterprised to expound grammatically the Epistle to the Romans, in which is contained the true doctrine of the Son of God, which our Lord, by his singular grace, hath revealed unto us at this present by the reverend father, and our dearly beloved master, Martin Luther. Notwithstanding we have received heavy news, which has so augmented my dolor, that I am in doubt if I may continue henceforth in scholastical profession, and exercise of teaching. The cause wherefore I commemorate this thing is, for that I am so advised by other lords, that he may understand the true sequel of things, lest yourselves blaze abroad vain tales of this fatal chance, or give credit to other fables, which commonly are accustomed to be spread every where.’ Wednesday last past, and the 17th of February, Dr. Martin Luther sickened a little before supper of his accustomed malady, to wit, of the oppression of humors in the orifice or opening of the stomach, whereof I remember I have seen him oft diseased in this place. This sickness took him after supper, with which he vehemently contending, required secus into a by-chamber, and there he rested on his bed two hours, all which time his pains increased; and as Dr. Jonas was lying in his chamber, Luther awaked, and prayed him to rise, and to call up Ambrose his children’s schoolmaster, to make a fire in another chamber; into which when he was newly entered, Albert earl of Manseld, with his wife, and divers others (whose names in these letters for haste were not expressed), at that instant came into his chamber. Finally, feeling his fatal hour to approach, before nine of the clock in the morning, on the lath of February, he commended himself to God with this devout prayer 234 : ‘My heavenly Father, eternal and merciful God! thou hast manifested unto me thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, I have taught him, I have known him; I love him as my life, my health, and my redemption; whom the wicked have persecuted, maligned, and with injury afflicted. Draw my soul to thee.’ After this he said as ensueth, thrice: ‘I commend my spirit into thy hands, thou hast redeemed me, O God of Truth!’ ‘God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that all those that believe in him should have life everlasting, [John 3.] Having repeated oftentimes his prayers , he was called 235 68 to God, unto whom so faithfully he commended his spirit; to enjoy, no doubt, the blessed society of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles in the kingdom of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: Elias,69 the conductor 236 and chariot of Israel, is dead, who hath governed the church in this last age of the world; for, the doctrine of remission of sins, and of the faith of God, hath not been comprehended 237 by human wisdom, but God hath manifested the same by this holy man whom We have seen raised up of God. Let us now love the memory of this man, and the doctrine that he hath taught; let us learn to be modest and meek; let us consider the wretched calamities and marvelous changes, that shall follow 238 this mishap and doleful chance. I beseech thee, O Son of God! crucified for us, and resuscitate Emmanuel, govern, conserve, and defend thy church. A PRAYER AFTER THE MANNER OF LUTHER. Let 70 us render thanks unto God, the Eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath pleased, by the ministry of this godly Luther, to purify the evangelical fountains from papistical infection, and restore sincere doctrine to the church: which thing we remembering, ought to join our lamentable petitions, with zealous affection beseeching God to confirm what he hath begun in us, for his holy name’s sake. This is thy voice and promise, O living and just God, eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of all things, and of the church! ‘I will have compassion on you, for my name’s sake. I will do it for myself, yea even for myself, that I be not blasphemed.’ I beseech thee with ardent affection, that for thy glory, and the glory of thy Son Jesus Christ, thou wilt collect unto thyself in the voice of thy gospel, among us, one perpetual church, and that for the dear love of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, our mediator and intercessor, thou wilt govern us by thy Holy Ghost; that we unfeignedly may call upon thee, and serve thee justly. Rule also the studies of thy doctrine, govern and conserve the policies and discipline of the same, which be the nurses of thy church and schools. And since thou hast created mankind to acknowledge and to innovate thee, and that for this respect thou hast revealed thyself by many clear testimonies, permit not this small number and selected flock (that profess thy sacred word), to be defaced and overcome. And the rather, for that thy Son Jesus Christ, ready to fight against death, hath prayed in this manner for us: ‘Father, sanctify them in verity, thy word is verity.’ Our prayers we join with the prayer of this our holy Priest, making our petition with Him, that thy doctrine may shine among men, and that we may be directed by the same. We heard Luther evermore pray in this wise, and so praying, his innocent ghost peaceably was separated from the earthly corpse when he had lived almost sixty-three years. Such as succeeded, have divers monuments of his doctrine and godliness. He wrote certain learned works, wherein he comprised a wholesome and necessary doctrine for men, informing the sincere minds to repentance, and to declare the fruits of the same, the use of the sacraments, the difference betwixt the gospel and philosophy, the dignity of politic order; and, finally, the principal articles of doctrine profitable to the church, lie composed certain works to reprove, wherein he refuteth divers pernicious errors. He also devised books of interpretation, in which he wrote many narration’s and expositions of the prophets and apostles, and in this kind his very enemies confess, he excelleth all others whose works are imprinted and published abroad. Then all Christians and godly minds! conceive what praise he deserved; but certainly his exposition of the Old and New Testament, in utility and labor, is equivalent to all his works; for in the same is so much perspicuity, that it may. serve instead of a commentary, though it be read in the German tongue. And yet this is not a naked exposition, but it containeth very learned annotations and arguments on every part; which both set forth the sum of heavenly doctrine, and instruct the reader in the sacred phrase and manner of speaking in the Scriptures, that the godly minds may receive-firm testimonies of the doctrine, out of the very fountains. His mind was not to keep us occupied in his works; but to guide our spirits to the very springs. His will was, we should hear God speak, and that by his Word true faith and invocation might be kindled in our minds, that God might be sincerely honored and adored, and that many might be made inheritors of everlasting life. It behoveth us thankfully to accept his good will and great labors, and to imitate the same as our patron, and by him to learn to adorn the church, according to our power. For we must refer all our life, enterprises, and deliberations, to two principal ends: First, to illustrate the glory of God; Secondly, to profit the church. As touching the first, St. Paul saith: “Do all things to the glory of God.” And of the second, it is said in Psalm 22. “Pray that Jerusalem may prosper.” And there followeth a singular promise added in this versicle: “Such as love the church, shall prosper and have good success.” Let these heavenly commandments and divine instructions allure all men to learn the true doctrine of the church, to love the faithful ministers of the gospel and the true teachers; and to employ their whole study and diligence to augment the true doctrine, and maintain concord and unity in the true church. Frederic prince-elector died 239 long before Luther, A.D. 1525, leaving no issue behind him, for that he lived a single life, and was here, married: wherefore after him succeeded John Frederic duke of Saxony. Mention was made little before of the ministers 240 of Strasburg, who, because of their marriage, were in trouble, and cited by the bishop to appear before him, and there to be judged, without the precinct of the city of Strasburg; whereas there had been a contrary order taken before between the bishop and the city, that the bishop should execute no judgment upon any, but under some of the magistrates of the said city of Strasburg. Whereupon the senate and the citizens, taking into their hands the cause of these married ministers, in defense of their own right and liberties, wrote, as is said, to their bishop of Strasburg, and caused the judgment thereof a while to be stayed; by reason whereof the matter was brought at length before cardinal Campeius, legate, sent by pope Clement to the assembly of Nuremberg, A.D. 1524. The chief doer in this matter was one Thomas Murner, a Franciscan friar, who had commenced a grievous complaint against the senate and city of Strasburg, before the aforesaid cardinal Campeius. Wherefore the senate, to purge themselves, sent their ambassadors, thus clearing their cause, and answering to their accusation, that they neither had been nor would be any let to the bishop, but had signified to him before, by their letters, that whatsoever he could lay against those married priests, consonant to the law of God, they would be no stay, but rather a furtherance unto him to proceed in his action. But the senate herein was not a little grieved that the bishop, contrary to the order and compact which was taken between him and them, did call the said ministers out of the liberties of their city; for so it was between them agreed, that no ecclesiastical person should be adjudged but under some judge of their own city. But now, contrary to their said agreement, the bishop called those ministers out of their liberties; and so the ministers, claiming the right and privilege of the city, were condemned, their cause being neither heard nor known. And now if the senate should show themselves any thing more sharp or rigorous unto those ministers, claiming the right of the city, the people, no doubt, would not take it well, but haply would rise up in some commotion against them in the quarrel and defense of their franchises and liberties. And ‘where it is objected, that they receive priests and men of the clergy into the freedom and protection of their city: to this they answered, that they did nothing herein, but that which was correspondent to the ancient usage and manner of the city before: and moreover, that it was the bishop’s own request and desire made unto them so to do. To this the cardinal again, advising well the letters of the bishop, and the whole order of the matter which was sent unto him, declared, that he right well understood by the letters sent, that the ministers indeed (as the ambassadors said) were called out from the freedom and liberties of the city, and yet no order of law was broken therein; forasmuch as the bishop (said he) had there no less power and authority, than if he were his own vicar delegate; and therefore he desired them, that they would assist the bishop in punishing the aforesaid ministers, etc. After much other talk and reasoning on both parts, wherein the ambassadors argued in defense of their freedom, that the judgment should not be transferred out of the city: among other communication, they inferred moreover, and declared, how in the city of Strasburg were many, yea, the most part of the clergy, who lived viciously and wickedly with their women, whom they kept in their houses, to the great offense of the people, shame to Christ’s church, and pernicious example of others; and yet the bishop would never once stir to see any punishing or correction thereof. Wherefore, if the senate (said the ambassadors) should permit the bishop to extend his cruelty and extremity against these married ministers, for not observing the bishop of Rome’s law, and leave the other notorious offenders 71 who break the law of God, to escape unpunished, doubtless it would redound to their great danger and peril, not only before God, but also among the commons of their city, ready to rise upon them. To this Campeius answered, What composition or bargain was betwixt the bishop and them, he knew not, but surely the act of the one was manifest, and needed no great trial in law of proving and confessing; and therefore they were sequestered and abandoned from the communion of the church, ‘ipso facto.’ 72 As for the other sort of them, who keep women,73 although (said he) it be not well done, yet doth it not excuse the enormity of their marriage. Neither was he ignorant, but that it was the manner of the bishops of Germany, for money, to wink at priests’ lemans; and the same also was evil done indeed. And further, that the time should come when they shall be called to an account for the same; but yet, nevertheless, it is not sufferable that priests therefore should have wives. And if comparison should be made (said he), much greater offense it were, a priest to have a wife, than to have and keep at home many paramours. 74 His reason was this; for they that keep them (said he) as it is naughty which they do, so do they acknowledge their sin: the others persuade themselves that they do well, and so continue still without repentance, or conscience of their fact. All men (said he) cannot be chaste, as John the Baptist was; yet can it not be proved by any example, to be lawful for priests, professing chastity, to leave their single life, and to marry: no, not the Greeks themselves, who in rights be differing from us, do give this liberty to their own priests to marry: 75 wherefore he prayed them to give their aid to the bishop in this behalf. Whereunto the ambassadors replied again, saying, that if he would first punish the one class of offenders, then might the senate assist him the better in correcting the other: but the cardinal was still instant upon them, that first they should assist their bishop, and then if the bishop would not punish the other crime,76 he would come thither himself and see it punished accordingly. This cardinal Campeius, how he was sent by pope Clement VII. to the second assembly or diet of Nuremberg, A.D. 1524, and what was there done by the said cardinal, is before signified. After this council of Nuremberg, immediately followed another sitting at Ratisbon, where were present Ferdinand, Campeius, the cardinal of Salts-burg, the two dukes of Bavaria, the bishops of Trent and Ratisbon; also the legates of the bishops of Bamberg, Spires, Strasburg, Augsburg, Constance, Basil, Friburg, Passau, and Brixen. By whom in the said assembly was concluded: SUMMARY OF POPISH DECREES MADE AT THE COUNCIL OF RATISBON. That forasmuch as the emperor, at the request of pope Leo, had condemned, by his public edict set forth at Worms, the doctrine of Luther for erroneous and wicked; and also it was agreed upon in both the assemblies at Nuremberg, that the said edict should be obeyed by all men; they likewise, at the request of cardinal Campeius, do will and command the aforesaid edict to be observed through all their confines and precincts: that the gospel, and all other holy Scriptures, should be taught in churches according to the interpretation of the ancient forefathers: that all they who revive any old heresies before condemned, or teach any new thing contumelious, either against Christ, his blessed Mother, and holy saints, or which may breed, any occasion, of sedition, are to be punished according to the tenor of the edict above said: That none be admitted to preach without the license of his ordinary: That they who be already admitted, shall be examined how, and what they preach: That the laws which Campeius is about to set forth for reformation of manners, shall be observed: That in the sacraments, in the mass, and all other things, there shall be no innovation, but all things to stand as in fore-time they did: That all they who approach to the Lord’s Supper without confession and absolution, or do eat flesh on days forbidden, or who do run out of their order; also priests, deacons, and sub-deacons, that be married, shall be punished: That nothing shall be printed without consent of the magistrate: That no book of Luther or of any Lutheran shall be printed or sold: That they of their jurisdiction, who study in the university of Wittenberg, shall every one repair home within three months after the publishing hereof, or else turn to some other place free from the infection of Luther, under pain of confiscating all their goods, and losing their inheritance: That no benefice, nor other office of teaching, be given to any student of that university. Item, That certain inquisitors fit for the same, be appointed to inquire and examine the premises. Item, Lest it may’ be said that this faction of Luther taketh its origin from the corrupt life of priests, the said Campeius, with other his assistants in the said convocation of Ratisbon, chargeth and commandeth, that priests live honestly, go in decent apparel, play not the merchants, haunt not the taverns, be not covetous, nor take money for their ministration; such as keep concubines to be removed; the number also of holy days to be diminished, etc. These things would Campeius have had enacted in a full council, and with the consents of all the empire: but when he could not bring that to pass, by reason that the minds of divers were gone from the pope, he was fain to get the same ratified in this particular conventicle, with the assents of these bishops above rehearsed. These things thus hitherto discoursed, which fully may be seen in the Commentaries of John Sleidan, it remaineth next after the story of Martin Luther, somewhat to adjoin likewise touching the history of Zuinglius, and of the Helvetians. But before I come to the explication of this story, it shall not be inconvenient, first to give some little touch of the towns, called pages, of these Helvetians, and of their league and confederation first begun amongst them. THE HISTORY OF THE HELVETIANS, OR SWITZERS, HOW THEY FIRST RECOVERED THEIR LIBERTY, AND AFTERWARDS WERE JOINED IN LEAGUE TOGETHER. The Helvetians, whom otherwise we call Switzers, are divided principally into thirteen pages. 2 The names of which are Tigurini, Bernates, Lucernates, Urani, Suicenses, Untervaldii, Zugiani, Glareanti, Basilienses, Solodurii, Friburgii, Scafusiani, Apecelenses. Furthermore, to these be added seven other pages, albeit not conjoined together with such a full bond as the others be; which be these: Rheti, Lepontii, Seduni, Veragri, Sangalli, Mullusiani, Rotulenses. Of these thirteen confederate pages above recited, these three were the first, to wit, Urania, Suicenses, and Sylvanii, or (as some call them) Untervaldii, which joined themselves together. If credit should be given to old narration’s, these three pages or valleys first suffered great servitude and thralldom under cruel rulers or governors; insomuch that the governor of Unterwalden required of one of the inhabitants a yoke of his oxen; which when the townsman denied to give him, the ruler sent his servant by force to take his oxen from him. This when the servant was about to do, cometh the poor man’s son, and cutteth off one of his fingers, and upon the same avoided. The governor, hearing this, taketh the poor man and putteth out his eyes. Another time in the said Unterwalden, as the good-man of the house was absent abroad, the governor who had then the rule of the town, entering into the house, commanded the wife to prepare for him a bath, and made other proposals to her; whereunto she being unwilling, deferred the bath as long as she might, till the return of her husband. To whom she then, making her complaint, so moved his mind, that he, with his axe or hatchet which he had in his hand, flew upon the adulterous ruler and slew him. Another example of like violence is reported of the ruler of Schweitz and Unterwalden, who, surprised with like pride and disdain against the poor underlings, caused his cap to be hung up upon a pole, charging and commanding by his servant, all that passed by to do obeisance to his cap; which when one named William Tell refused to do, the tyrant caused his son to be tied, with an apple set upon his head, and the father with a cross-bow, or a like instrument, to shoot at the apple. After long refusing, when the woeful father could not otherwise choose, being by force constrained, but must level at the apple; as God would, he missed the child, and struck the mark. This Tell, being thus compelled by the tyrant to shoot at his son, had brought with him two shafts; thinking that if he had struck the child with one, the other he would have let drive at the tyrant: which being understood, he was apprehended and led to the ruler’s house; but by the way escaping out of the boat between Uri and Brunnen, and passing through the mountains with as much speed as he might, he lay in the way secretly as the ruler should pass, where he discharged his arrow at the tyrant and slew him, A.D.1307. And thus were these cruel governors utterly expelled out of these three valleys or pages aforesaid; and after that, such order was taken by the emperor Henry VII., and also by the emperor Louis V., duke of Bavaria, that henceforth no judge should be set over them, but only of their own company, and town dwellers. 4 It followed after this, A.D. 1315, that ‘great contention and war fell between Frederic duke of Austria, and Louis duke of Bavaria, striving and fighting the space of eight years together about the empire. With Louis held the three pages aforesaid; who had divers conflicts with Leopold, brother to the forenamed Frederic duke of Austria, fighting in his brother’s quarrel. As Leopold had reared a mighty army of twenty thousand footmen and horsemen, and was come to Egree, so to pass over the mountains to subdue the pages; he began to take advice of his council, by what way or passage best he might direct his journey towards the Switzers. Whereupon as they were busy in consulting, there stood a fool by, named Kune de Stocken, who hearing their advice, thought also to shoot his bolt withal, and told them, that their counsel did not like him: “For all you,” quoth he, “consult how we should enter into yonder country; but none of you giveth any counsel how to come out again after we be entered.” And in conclusion, as the fool said, so they found it true. For when Leopold with his host had entered into the straits and valleys between the rocks and mountains, the Switzers, with their neighbors of Uri and Unterwalden, lying in privy wait, had them at such advantage; and with tumbling down stones from the rocks, and sudden coming upon their backs in blind lanes, did so encumber them, that neither had they convenient standing to fight, nor room almost to fly away; by reason whereof a great part of Leopold’s army there, being enclosed about the place called Morgasten, lost their lives, and many in the flight were slain. Leopold, with them that remained, retired and escaped to Thurgau. This battle was fought A.D. 1315, the 16th of November. After this, the burghers of these three villages, being continually vexed by Frederic duke of Austria, for that they would not knowledge him for emperor, assembled themselves in the town of Uri, A.D. 1316; and there entered into a mutual league and bond of perpetual society and conjunction, joining and swearing themselves together, as in one body of a common-wealth and public administration. After that came to them the Lucernates; then the Zugians; after them the Zurichers; next to them followed the Bernese; the last almost of all were the Basilians: then followed after, the other seven pages above recited. And thus have ye the names, the freedom, and confederation of these Switzers, or cantons, or pages of Helvetia, with the occasions and circumstances thereof, briefly expressed. Now to the purpose of our story intended, which is to declare the success of Christ’s gospel and true religion received among the Helvetians; also touching the life and doctrine of Zuinglius, and order of his death, as here ensueth. THE ACTS AND LIFE OF ULDRICUS ZUINGLIUS AND THE RECEIVING OF THE GOSPEL IN SWITZERLAND. In the tractation of Luther’s story, mention was made before of Uldricus Zuinglius, who first abiding at Glarus, in a place called then our Lord’s Hermitage, from thence removed to Zurich about A.D. 1519, and there began to teach, dwelling in the minister, among the canons or priests of that close; using with them the same rites and ceremonies during the space of two or three years, where he continued reading and explaining the Scriptures unto the people with great travail, and no less dexterity. And because pope Leo the same year had renewed his pardons again through all countries (as is above declared), Zuinglius zealously withstood the same, detecting the abuses thereof by the Scriptures, and of other corruption’s reigning then in the church; and so continued by the space of two years and more, till at length Hugo bishop of Constance (to whose jurisdiction Zurich then also did belong) hearing thereof, wrote his letter to the senate of the said city of Zurich, complaining grievously of Zuinglius; who also wrote another letter to the college of canons, where Zuinglius was at the same time dwelling, complaining likewise of such new teachers who troubled the church; and exhorted them earnestly to beware, and to take diligent heed to themselves. And forasmuch as both the pope and the emperor’s majesty had condemned all such new doctrine by their decrees and edicts, he willed them therefore to admit no such new innovations of doctrine, without the common consent of them to whom the same did appertain. Zuinglius hearing thereof, referreth his cause to the judgment and hearing of the senate, not refusing to render to them an account of his faith. And forasmuch as the bishop’s letter was read openly in the college, Zuinglius directeth another letter to the bishop again, declaring that the said letter proceeded not from the bishop, and that he was not ignorant who were the authors thereof; desiring him not to follow their sinister counsels, for that truth (said he) is a thing invincible, and cannot be resisted. After the same tenor certain others of the city likewise wrote unto the bishop, desiring him that he would attempt nothing that should be prejudicial to the liberty and free course of the gospel; requiring moreover, that he would bear no longer the filthy and infamous lives of priests, but that he would permit them to have their lawful wives, etc. This was A.D. 1522. Besides this, Zuinglius wrote also another letter to the whole nation of the Helvetians, admonishing them in no case to hinder the passage of sincere doctrine, nor to infer any molestation to priests that were married: for as for the vow and coaction of their single life, it came (saith he) of the devil, and a devilish thing it is. And therefore whereas the said Helvetians had such a right and custom in their towns and pages, that when they received any new priest into their churches, they used to premonish him before to take his concubine, lest he should attempt any misuse with their wives and daughters; he exhorted them that they would no less grant unto the priests to take their wives in honest matrimony, than to live with unmarried women against the precept of God. Thus as Zuinglius continued certain years laboring in the word of the Lord, offense began to arise at this new doctrine, and divers stepped up, namely the Dominic Friars, on the contrary side, to preach and inveigh against him. But he, keeping himself ever within the Scriptures, protested that he would make good by the word of God that which he had taught. Upon this, the magistrates and senate of Zurich sent forth their commandment to all priests and ministers within their dominion, to repair to the city of Zurich, against the 29th of January next ensuing (this was A.D. 1523), there every one to speak freely, and to be heard quietly, touching these controversies of religion, what could be said; directing also their letters to the bishop of Constance, that he would either make his repair thither himself, or else send his deputy. When the day appointed came, the bishop’s vicegerent, who was John Faber 241 , was also present. The council first declaring the cause of this their frequency and assembly (which was for the dissension newly risen about matters of religion), required that if any there had to object or infer against the doctrine of Zuinglius, he should freely and quietly utter and declare his mind. 1 Zuinglius had disposed his matter before, and contrived, all his doctrine in a certain order of places, to the number of sixty-seven articles; which articles he had published also abroad before, to the end that those who were disposed, might resort thither the better prepared to the disputation. When the consul had finished that which he would say, and had exhorted others to begin, Faber, first entering the matter, began to declare the cause of his sending thither, and afterwards would persuade, that this was no place convenient, nor time fit, for the discussing of such matters by disputation, but rather that the cognition and tractation thereof belonged to a general council, which (he said) was already appointed, and now near at hand. Notwithstanding Zuinglius still continued urging and requiring him, that if he had there any thing to say or to dispute, he would openly and freely utter his mind. To this he answered again, that he would confute his doctrine by writing. This done, with a few other words on both sides had to and fro, when no man would appear there to offer any disputation, the assembly brake up, and was discharged: whereupon the senate of Zurich incontinently caused to be proclaimed through all their dominion and territory, that the traditions of men should be, displaced and abandoned, and the gospel of Christ purely taught out of the Old and New Testament. A.D. 1523. 2 When the gospel had thus begun to take place, and to flourish in Zurich and certain other places of Helvetia, in the following year (A.D. 1524), another assembly of the Helvetians was convented at Lucerne, where this decree was made on the contrary part: CONSTITUTIONS DECREED IN THE ASSEMBLY OF LUCERNE. That no man should deride or contemn the word of God, which had been taught now above a thousand and four hundred years heretofore: nor the mass to be scorned, wherein the body of Christ is consecrated, to the honor of God, and to the comfort both of the quick and the dead. That those who are able to receive the Lord’s body at Easter, shall confess their sins in Lent to the priests, and do all other things, as the use and manner of the church requireth. That the rights and customs of holy church be kept. That every: one obey his own proper pastor and curate, and. receive the sacraments of him, after the manner of holy church, and pay him his yearly duties. That honor be given to priests. ITEM , to abstain from flesh-eating on fasting-days, and in Lent to abstain from eggs and cheese. That no opinion of Luther be taught privily or apertly, contrary to the received determination of holy church; and that in taverns and at table no mention be made of Luther, or any new doctrine. That images and pictures of saints in every place be kept inviolate. That priests and ministers of the church be not compelled to render account of their doctrine, but only to the magistrate. That due aid and supportation be provided for them, if any commotion do happen. That no person deride the relies of the Holy Spirit, or of our Lady, or of St. Anthony. Finally, That all the laws and decrees set forth by the bishop of Constance, be observed. These constitutions whosoever shall transgress, let them be presented to the magistrate, and overseers to be set over them that shall so transgress. After these things concluded thus at Lucerne, the cantons of Helvetic together directed their public letter to the Tigurines, or men of Zurich, to this effect: - They much lamented and complained of this new-broached doctrine which had set all men together by the ears, through the occasion of certain rash and new-fangled heads which had greatly disturbed both the state of the church, and of the commonwealth, and had scattered the seeds of discord, where before-time all things were well in quiet. And although this sore (said they) ought to have been looked to betimes, so that they should not have suffered the glory of Almighty God, and of the blessed Virgin and other saints, so to be dishonored, but rather should have bestowed their goods and lives to maintain the same; yet, notwithstanding, they required them now to look upon the matter, which otherwise would bring to them destruction both of body and soul: as for example, they might see the doctrine of Luther, what fruit it brought. The rude and vulgar people now (said they) could not be holden in, but would burst forth to all license and rebellion, as hath appeared by sufficient proofs of late; the like is to be feared also among themselves, and all by the occasion of Zuinglius, and of Leo Juda, who so take upon them to expound the word of God after their own interpretation, opening thereby whole doors and windows to discord and dissension. Albeit of their doctrine they were not certain what they did teach; yet what inconvenience followed upon their doctrine, they had too much experience. For now all fasting was laid down, and all days were alike to eat both flesh and eggs, as well one as another. Priests and religious persons, both men and women, brake their vows, ran out of their order, and fell to marrying; God’s service was decayed, singing in the church left, and prayer ceased; priests grew in contempt, religious men were thrust out of their cloisters; confession and penance were neglected, so that men would not stick to presume to receive at the holy altar, without any confession made to the priest before. The holy mass was derided and scorned; our blessed Lady and other saints blasphemed; images plucked down and broken in pieces, neither was there any honor given to the sacraments. To make short, men now were grown unto such a license and liberty, that scarcely the holy host could be safe within the priest’s hands, etc. The disorder of all which things, as it is of no small importance, so it was to them so grievous and lamentable, that they thought it their part to suffer the same no longer. Neither was this the first time (they said), of this their complaining, when in their former assembly they sent unto them before the like admonition, writing to them by certain of the clergy, and craving their aid in the same; which seeing it is so, they did now again earnestly call upon them touching the premises, desiring them to surcease from such doings, and to take a better way, continuing in the religion of their old ancestors, who were before them. And if there were any such thing, wherein they were grieved and offended against the bishop of Rome, the cardinals, bishops, or other prelates, either for their ambition in heaping, exchanging, and selling the dignities of the church, or for their oppression in pilling men’s purses with their indulgences, or else for their usurped jurisdiction and power, which they extend too far, and corruptly apply to matters external and political, which only ought to serve in such cases as be spiritual: if these and such other abuses were the causes, wherewith they were so grievously offended, they promised that, for the correction and reformation thereof, they would also themselves join their diligence and good will thereto; forasmuch as themselves also did not a little mislike therewith, and therefore would confer their counsels together with them, how and by what way such grievances might best be removed. To this effect were the letters of the Helvetians, written to the senate and citizens of Zurich. Whereunto the Zurichers made their answer again on the 21st of March, the same year, in manner as followeth: ANSWER OF THE TIGURINES, OR MEN OF ZURICH, TO THE FIVE TOWNS OF THE SWITZERS. First, they declared, how their ministers had labored and travailed among them, teaching and preaching the word of God unto them the space now of five years; whose doctrine at the first seemed to them very strange and novel, because they had never heard the same before. But that after they understood and perceived the scope of that doctrine 4 only to tend to this: to set forth Christ Jesus unto us, to be the pillar and refuge of all our salvation, who gave his life and blood for our redemption, and who only delivereth us also sinful misers from eternal death, and is the only Advocate of mankind before God; they could no otherwise do, but with ardent affection receive so wholesome and joyful a message. The holy apostles and faithful Christians, after they had received the gospel of Christ, did not fall out by and by in debate and variance, but lovingly agreed and consented together: and so they trusted (said they) that they should do, if they would likewise receive the word of God, setting aside men’s doctrines and traditions dissonant from the same. Whatsoever Luther or any other man doth teach, whether it be right or wrong, it is not for the names of the persons, why the doctrine which they teach, should be either evil or well-judged upon, but only for that it agreeth with, or disagreeth from, the rule of God’s word: for that were but to go by affection, and were prejudicial to the authority of the word of God, which ought to rule man, and not to be measured by man. And if Christ only be worshipped, and men taught solely to repose their confidence in him, yet neither doth the blessed Virgin, nor any saint else, receive any injury thereby; who, when here on earth, received their salvation only by the name of him. And whereas they charge their ministers with wresting the Scripture after their own interpretation, God had stirred up such light now in the hearts of men, that the most part of their city have the Bible in their hand, and diligently peruse the same; so that their preachers cannot so wind the Scriptures awry, but they shall quickly be perceived. Wherefore there is no danger why they should fear any sects or factions in them; but rather such sects are to be objected to those, who, for their gain and dignity, wrest the word of God after their own affections and appetites. And whereas they, and others, have accused them of error, yet was there never man that could, prove, any error in them; although divers bishops of Constance, of Basil, of Coire, with divers universities besides, also they themselves, have been sundry times desired so to do, yet to this present day neither they, nor ever any other, so did; neither were they, nor any of all the aforesaid bishops, at their last assembly, being requested to come, so gentle to repair unto them, save only those of Schaffhansen and St. Gallen. In the which aforesaid assembly of theirs, all such as were then present, considering thoroughly the whole case of the matter, condescended together with them. And if the bishops haply should object again, and say, that the word of God ought not so to be handled of the vulgar people; they answered the same not to stand with equity and reason. For albeit it did belong to the bishops’ office, to provide that the sheep should not go astray, and most convenient it were, that by them they should be reduced into the way again; yet because they will not see to their charge, but leave it undone, referring all things to the fathers and to councils; therefore right and reason it is, that they themselves should hear and learn, not what man doth determine, but what Christ himself doth command in his Scripture. Neither have their ministers given any occasion for this division; but rather it is to be imputed to such as for their own private lucre and preferment’s, contrary to the word of the Lord, do seduce the people into error; and grievously offending God, do provoke him to plague them with manifold calamities: who, if they would renounce the greediness of their own gain, and would follow the pure doctrine of his word, seeking not the will of man, but what is the will of God, no doubt but they should soon fall to agreement. As for the eating of flesh and eggs, although it be free to all men, and forbidden to none by Christ; yet they have set forth a law to restrain rash intemperance, and uncharitable offension of others. And as touching matrimony, God is himself the author thereof, who hath left it free for all men. Also Paul willeth a minister of the church to be the husband of one wife. And seeing that bishops for money permit their priests to have concubines, which is contrary both to God’s law and to good example; why then might not they as well obey God in permitting lawful matrimony which he hath ordained, as resist God in forbidding the same? The like is to be said also of women vowing chastity; of whom this they judge and suppose, that such kinds of vows and coacted chastity are not available nor allowed before God: and seeing that chastity is not all men’s gift, better it were to marry (after their judgments), than filthily to live in single life. As for monasteries, and other houses of canons, they were first given for relief only of the poor and needy; whereas now those who inhabit them are wealthy and able to live of their own patrimony, in such sort as many times some of them have so much, as might well suffice a great number; wherefore it seemeth to them not inconvenient, that those goods should be converted again to the use of the poor. Yet, nevertheless, they have used therein such moderation, that they have permitted the inhabitants of those monasteries to enjoy the possession of their goods, during the term of their natural life, lest any should have cause of just complaint. Ornaments of churches serve nothing to God’s service; but this is well agreeing to the will and service of God, that the poor should be succored. So Christ commanded the young man in the gospel, who was rich, not to hang up his riches in the temple, but to sell them, and distribute them to the needy. The order of priesthood they do not contemn. Such priests as will truly discharge their duty, and teach soundly, they do magnify. As for the other rabble, that serve to no public commodity, but rather damnify the commonwealth, if the number of them were diminished by little and little, and their livings put to better use, they doubted not but it were a service well done to God. Now whether the singing and prayers of such priests be available before God, it may be doubted, forasmuch as many of them understand not what they say, or sing, but only for hire of wages do the same. As for secret confession, wherein men do detect their sins in the priest’s ear, of what virtue this confession is to be esteemed, they leave it in suspense. But that confession whereby repenting sinners do fly to Christ our only intercessor, they account not only to be profitable, but also necessary to all troubled consciences. As for satisfaction, which priests do use, they reckon it but a practice to get money, and the same to be not only erroneous, but also full of impiety. True penance and satisfaction is, for a man to amend his life. The orders of monkery, came only by the invention of man, and not by the institution of God. And as touching the sacraments, such as be of the Lord’s institution, them they do not despise, but receive with all reverence; neither do suffer the same to be despised, of any person,, nor to be abused, otherwise, than becometh, but. to be used rightly, according to the prescript rule of God’s word. And so with the like reverence they use the sacrament of the Lord’s supper, according as the word prescribeth, not (as many do abuse it), to make of it an oblation and a sacrifice. And if the messengers sent to them of the clergy, in their letters mentioned, can. justly charge them with any hinderance, or any error, they will be ready either to purge themselves, or to satisfy the offense. And if they cannot, then reason would, that those messengers of the clergy should hereafter look better to their own doings, and to their doctrine, and to cease from such untrue slanders and contumelies. Finally: Whereas they understand, by their letters how desirous they are to have the pope’s oppressions and exactions, and his usurped power abolished, they are right glad thereof and joyful, supposing that the same can by no means be brought to pass, except the word of God only and simply be received: for otherwise, so long as men’s laws and constitutions shall stand in force, there will be no place nor hope of reformation. For, by the preaching of God’s word, their estimation and dignity must needs decay, and that they well perceive; and therefore, by all means do provide how to stop the course of the Word’. and because they see themselves too weak to bring their purpose about, they fly to the aid of kings and princes. For the necessary remedy whereof, if they shall think good to join their consent, there shall nothing be lacking in their behalf, what they are able either in counsel or goods to do in the matter: declaring moreover, that this should have been seen to long before. Which being so, they prayed and desired them to accept in good part, and diligently to expound, this that they did write. As for their own part, they required nothing else than peace, both between them and all men; neither was it ever their intent to stir any thing that should be prejudicial against their league and band agreed upon between them. But in this cause, which concerneth their eternal salvation, they can do no otherwise but as they have done, unless their error by learning might be proved and declared unto them. Wherefore, as they aid before, so now they desire again, that if they think this their doctrine to be repugnant to the holy Scripture, they will gently show and teach them their error; and that, before the end of the month of May next ensuing: for so long they will abide waiting for an answer, as well from them, as from the bishop of Constance, and also from the university of Basil. And thus much containeth the answer of the Zurichers unto the letter of their other colleagues of Helvetia. In the mean time, as this passed on, and the month of May, abovementioned, was now come, the bishop of Constance, with the advice of his council about him, did answer the Zurichers, as he was requested of them to do, in a certain book first written, and afterward printed; wherein he declareth what images and pictures those were, which the profane Jews and Gentiles in the old time did adore, and what images be these, which the church hath from time to time received and admitted; and what difference there is between those idols of the Jews and Gentiles, and these images of the Christians. The conclusion hereof was this; that whereas the Scripture speaketh against images, and willeth them not to be suffered; that is to be understood of such images and idols, as the Jews and idolatrous Gentiles did use: yet nevertheless such images and pictures as the church hath received, are to be used and retained. From this he entereth next into the discourse of the mass, where he proveth, by divers and sundry testimonies, both of the pope’s canons and councils, the mass to be a sacrifice and oblation. This book being thus compiled and written, he sent it unto the senate of Zurich, about the beginning of June, willing and exhorting them by no manner of means to suffer their images, or the mass, to be abrogated; and shortly after he published the said book in print, and sent it to ‘the priests and canons of the minister of Zurich, requiring them to follow the custom of the church received, and not to suffer themselves to be persuaded otherwise by any man. The senate again, answering to the bishop’s book, about the middle of August, did write unto him, declaring first, that they had read over and over again his book with all diligence: which book, forasmuch as the bishop had divulged abroad in print, they were therefore right glad, because the whole world thereby might judge between them the better. After this, they explained unto him the judgment and doctrine of their ministers and preachers: and finally, by the authority and testimonies of the Scripture, convinced his opinion, and proved the doctrine of his book to be false. But before they sent their answer to him, about the 13th of June, they commanded all the images, as well within the city as through their dominion, to be taken down and burned quietly, and without any tumult. A few months after, an order was taken in the said city of Zurich, between the canons of the church and city, for disposing the lands and possessions of the college. It would grow to a long discourse, to comprehend all things by order of circumstance, that happened among the Helvetians upon this new alteration of religion; but, briefly to contract, and to run over the chief specialties of the matter, here is first to be noted, that of the Helvetians who were confederate together in the thirteen cantons, chiefly six there were, which most disdained and maligned this religion of the Zurichers: to wit, the cantons of Lucerne, of Uri, of Schweitz, of Unterwalden, of Zug, and of Friburg; these in no case could be reconciled.. The rest showed themselves more favorable. But the other, which were their enemies, conceived great grudge and raised many slanderous reports and false rum ours against them, and laid divers things to their charge: as, first, for refusing to join their consent to the public league of the other cantons with Francis the French king; then for dissenting from them in religion; and thirdly, for refusing to stand to the popish decree made the year before at Ratisbon by Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, and certain bishops above mentioned. They laid moreover to their accusation, for aiding the people of Waldshut, their neighbors, against the archduke Ferdinand, their prince; which was false: Also for joining league secretly with other cities, without their knowledge; which was likewise false: Item, That they should intend some secret conspiracy against them, and invade them with war; which was as untrue as the rest. Many other quarrels besides they pretended against the Zurichers, which were all false and caviling slanders; as, that they should teach and preach, that Mary the mother of Christ had no sons; and that James the younger, the apostle, did die for us, and not Christ himself. Against these and such other untruths being mere matters of cavilation and slander, the Zurichers did fully and amply purge and acquit themselves by writing, and did expostulate vehemently with them, not only for these false and wrongful suspicions, on their parts undeserved, but also for other manifold injuries received and borne at their hands, among which other wrongs and injuries, this was one: that the burghermaster of Thurgau had apprehended a certain preacher, named John Oxline 242 , and led him home as prisoner unto his house; being taken within the precinct and limits of the city of Zurich, contrary to law and order. Finally, after much discoursing, wherein they in a long letter declared their diligence and fidelity at all times, in keeping their leave, and maintaining the liberty and dignity of their country; as touching the cause., of religion, if that were all the matter of their offense, they offered themselves willing to hear, and more glad to amend, if any could prove any error in them by the Scripture. Otherwise, if none so could or would prove wherein they did err by the word of God, they could not, they said, alter any tiling in the state of that religion wherein their consciences were already staid by the word of God and settled, whatsoever peril or danger should happen to them for the same. Although here was no cause why these pages or cantons, which were so confederated together in the league of peace, should disagree amongst themselves; yet herein we may see the course and trade of the world, that when difference of religion beginneth a little to break the knot of amity, by and by how friends be turned to foes; what suspicions do arise; what quarrels and grudges do follow; how nothing there liketh men, but every thing is taken to the worst part; small motes are made mountains; virtues made vices, and one vice made a thousand; and all for lack only of a little good-will betwixt party and. party. For as love and charity commonly among men either covereth or seeth not the faults of their friends, so hatred and disdain, taking all things to blame, can find nothing in their foes that they can like. And thus did it happen between these good men of Zurich, and these other Switzers above-named. These letters of the Zurichers 243 to the other cantons were written on the 4th of January 1525, upon the occasion of their apprehending the preacher, John Oxline above-mentioned; and in the month of April next following, the magistrates and senate of the said city of Zurich commanded the mass, with all the ceremonies and appurtenances thereto belonging, to be put down, as well within the city, as without, throughout all their jurisdiction; and instead thereof was placed the Lord’s Supper, the reading of the prophets, prayer, and preaching. Also a law was made against whoredom and adultery, and judges were ordained to hear the causes of matrimony, A.D. 1525. All this while the gospel was not as yet received in any other page of Helvetia, but only in Zurich. Wherefore the other twelve pages, or towns, appointed among themselves concerning a meeting or a disputation to be had at Baden: where were present, among other divines, John Faber, Eckius, and Murner above mentioned. The bishops also of Lucerne, Basil, Coire, and Lausanne, sent thither their legates. The conclusions there propounded were these. That the true body and blood of Christ is in the sacrament: that the mass is a sacrifice for the quick and dead: that the blessed Virgin, and other saints, are to be invocated as mediators and intercessors: that images ought not to be abolished: that there is a purgatory. These conclusions or assertions Eckius took upon him stoutly to defend. Against him reasoned (Ecolampadius (who was then chief preacher at Basil), with certain other more. Zuinglius at that time was not there present, but by writing confuted the doctrine of Eckius: declaring withal the causes of his absence; which were for that he durst not, for fear of his life, commit himself unto the hands of the people of Lucerne, of Uri, of Schweitz, of Unterwalden, and of Zug, his enemies; and that he refused not to dispute, but the place only of the disputation; excusing moreover that he was not permitted of the senate to come: nevertheless, if they would assign the place of disputation either at Zurich, or at Bern, or at St. Gallen, thither he would not refuse to come. Briefly, the conclusion of the disputation was this, that all should remain in that religion which hitherto they had kept, and should follow the authority of the council, neither should admit any other new doctrine within their dominions, etc. This was in the month of June, A.D. 1526. As the time proceeded, and dissension about religion increased, it followed the next year, A.D. 1527, 8 in the month of December, that the senate and people of Berne (whose power among all the Switzers chiefly excelleth), considering how they could not have the acts of the disputation of Baden communicated unto them, and that the variance about religion still more and more increased, assigned another disputation within their own city, and sending forth writings thereof, called unto the same all the bishops bordering near about them, as the bishops of Constance, Basil, Sion, Lausanne; warning them both to come themselves, and to bring their divines with them; or else to lose all such possessions as they had lying within the bounds of their precinct. After this they appointed out certain ecclesiastical persons of their jurisdiction to dispute; prescribing and determining the whole disputation to be decided only by the authority of the Old and New Testament. To all that would come thither, they granted safe-conduct. Also they appointed, that all things there should be done modestly, without injury and brawling words; and that every one should have leave to speak his mind freely, and with such deliberation, that every man’s saying might be received by the notary, and penned: with this proviso made before, that whatsoever there should be agreed upon, the same should be ratified and observed through all their dominions. And to the intent men might come thither better prepared beforehand, they propounded in public writing ten conclusions in the said disputation to be defended of their ministers by the Scriptures; which ministers were, Franciscus Colbus and Bertholdus Hallerus. The themes or conclusions were these: 1. That the true church, whereof Christ is the head, riseth out of God’s word, and persisteth in the same, and heareth the voice of no other. 2. That the same church maketh no laws without the word of God. 3. That traditions, ordained in the name of the church, do not bind but; so far forth as they be consonant to God’s word. 4. That Christ only hath made satisfaction for the sins of the world: and therefore if any man say, that there is any other way of salvation, or mean to put away sin, the same denieth Christ. 5. That the body and blood of Christ cannot be received really and corporally, by the testimony of the Scripture. 6. That the use of the mass, wherein Christ is presented and offered up to his heavenly Father for the quick and the dead, is against the Scripture, and contumelious to the sacrifice which Christ made for us. 7. That Christ only is to be invocated, as the Mediator and Advocate of mankind to God the Father. 8. That there is no place to be found in the holy Scripture, wherein souls are purged after this life: and therefore all those prayers and ceremonies, yearly dirges and obits, which are. bestowed upon the dead; also lamps, tapers, and such other things, profit nothing at all. 9. That to set up any picture or image to be worshipped, is repugnant to the holy Scripture; and therefore, if any such be erected in churches for that intent, the same ought to be taken down. 10. That matrimony is prohibited to no state or order of men, but, for eschewing of fornication, is generally commanded, and permitted to all men by the word of God. And forasmuch as all fornicators are excluded, by the testimony of Scripture, from the communion of the church, therefore this unchaste and filthy single life of priests is most of all inconvenient for the order of priesthood. When the senate and people of Bern had sent abroad their letters with these themes and conclusions to all the Helvetians, exhorting them both to send their learned men, and to suffer all others to pass safely through their countries; the cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schweitz, Unterwalden, Zug, Glarus, Soleure, and of Friburg, answered again by contrary letters, exhorting and requiring them in any case to desist from their purposed enterprise, putting them in remembrance of their league and composition made, and also of the disputation of Baden above-mentioned, of which disputation they were themselves (they said) the first beginners and authors. Saying moreover, that it was not lawful for any nation or province to alter the state of religion, but the same to belong to a general council: wherefore they desired them that they would not attempt any such wicked act, but continue in the religion which their parents and elders had observed. And in fine, thus in the end of their letters they concluded, that they would neither send, nor suffer any of their learned men to come, nor yet grant safe-conduct to any others to pass through their country. 9 To this and such like effect tended the letters of these Switzers abovenamed. All which notwithstanding, the lords of Bern, proceeding in their intended purpose, upon the day prescribed (which was the 7th of January), began their disputation. Of all the bishops before signified, who were assigned to come, there was not one present. Nevertheless the cities of Basil, Zurich, Schaffhausen, Appenzel, St. Gallen, and Mulhausen, with the neighbors of Rhetia; also they of Strasburg, Ulm, Augsburg, Lindau, Constance, and Isny, sent thither their ambassadors. The above-mentioned doctors of the city of Bern began the disputation; whereat the same time were present Zuinglius, Ecolampadius, Bucer, Capito, Blaurer, with others more, who all defended the affirmative of the conclusions propounded. On the contrary side, of those who were the opponents, the chieftain was Conrad Treger, a friar Augustine; who, to prove his assertion, when he was driven to shift out of the Scripture to seek help of other doctors, and the moderators of the disputation would not permit the same (being contrary to the order before appointed), he departed out of the place, and would dispute no more. The disputation endured nineteen days; in the end whereof it was agreed, by the assent of the most part, that the conclusions there disputed, were consonant to the truth of God’s word, and should be ratified not only in the city of Bern, but also proclaimed by the magistrates in sundry other cities near adjoining: furthermore, that masses, altars, and images, in all places, should be abolished. At the city of Constance, certain things began to be altered a little before; where also, among other things, laws were made against fornication and adultery, and all suspect or unhonest company; whereat the canons (as they are called) of the church taking great grief and displeasure, departed the city. In the said city was then as a teacher, Ambrose Blaurer, a learned man, and born of a noble stock, who had been a monk a little before, professed in the monastery of Alberspach, in the dutchy of Wittenberg, belonging to the dominion of Ferdinand. This Blaurer, by reading of Luther’s works, and having a good wit, had a little before changed his religion, and also his coat, returning again home to his friends; and when his abbot would have had him again, and wrote earnestly to the senate of Constance for him, he declared the whole case of the matter in writing; propounding withal certain conditions, whereupon he was content (as he said) to return. But the conditions were such, that the abbot was rather willing and contented that he should remain still at Constance; and so he did. After this disputation thus concluded at Bern (as hath been said), the images and altars, with ceremonies and masses, were abolished at Constance. They of Geneva also, for their parts, were not behind, following likewise the example of the city of Bern, in extirpating images and ceremonies; by reason whereof the bishop and clergy there left, and departed the city in no small anger. The Bernese, after they had redressed with them the state of religion, renounced the league made before with the French king; refusing and forsaking his war stipend, whereby they were bound at his call to feed his wars; following therein the example of the Zurichers, who before had done the like, and were contented only with their yearly pension that the king payeth to every page of the Helvetians, to keep peace. The day and year when this reformation from popery to true Christianity began with them, they caused on a pillar to be engraven with golden letters, for a perpetual memory to all posterity to come. This was A.D. 1528. After the rumor of this disputation and alteration of Bern was noised in other cities and places abroad, first the ministers of Strasburg, encouraged by this occasion, began likewise to affirm and teach, that the mass was wicked, and a great blasphemy against God’s holy name, and therefore was to be abrogated; and instead thereof the right use of the Lord’s Supper to be restored again: which unless they could prove by the manifest testimonies of the Scripture to be true, they would refuse no manner of punishment. On the contrary part, the bishop of Rome’s clergy did hold and maintain, that the mass was good and holy; whereupon kindled great contention on both sides: which when the senate and magistrates of the city would have brought to a disputation, and could not, because the priests would not condescend to any reasoning; therefore, seeing they so accused the other, and yet would come to no trial of their cause, the said magistrates commanded them to silence. The bishop, in the meanwhile, ceased not with his letters and messengers daily to call upon the senate, desiring the senate to persevere in the ancient religion of their elders, and to give no ear to those new teachers; declaring what danger and peril it would bring upon them. The senate again desired him, as they had done oftentimes before, that such things as appertained to the true honor and worship of God might be set forward, and all other things which tended to the contrary, might be removed and taken away; for that properly belonged to his office to see to. But the bishop, still driving them off with delays, pretended to call an assembly for the same, appointing also day and place for the hearing and discussing of those controversies; where indeed nothing was performed at all; but with his letters he did often solicit them to surcease their enterprise, sometimes by way of entreating, sometimes with menacing words terrifying them: and at last, seeing he could nothing by that way prevail, he turned his suit to the assembly of the empire, which was then at Spires collected, entreating them to set in a foot, and to help what they could with their authority. They, ready to satisfy the bishop’s request, sent a solemn embassy to the senate and citizens of Strasburg, about December in the year above said, with this request: THE MESSAGE FROM THE COUNCIL TO THE CITY OF STRASBURG. They required them not to put down the mass; for it was neither (said they) in the power of the emperor, nor of any other estate, to alter the ancient religion received from their forefathers, but either by a general, or by a provincial council; which council if they supposed to be far off, at least that they would take a praise till the next sitting of the empire, which should be with speed: where their requests being propounded and heard, they should have such reasonable answer, as should not miscontent them. For it was (said they) against all law and reason, for a private magistrate to infringe and dissolve those things, which by general consent of the whole world have been agreed upon; and therefore good reason required, that they should obtain so much at their hands; for else if they should obstinately proceed in this their attempt, so with force and violence to work as they began, it might fortune that the emperor, their supreme magistrate under God, and also Ferdinand his deputy, would not take it well, and so they should be compelled to seek such remedy therein, as they would be sorry to use. Wherefore their request was, and advice also, that they should weigh the matter diligently with themselves and follow good counsel; who, in so doing, should not only gladden the emperor, but also work that which should redound chiefly to their own commendation and safety. Besides the messengers thus sent from the council of Spires, the bishop also of Hildesheim had been with them a little before, exhorting them in the emperor’s name, after like manner. Neither did the bishop of Strasburg also cease with his messengers and letters daily to labor his friends there, and especially such of the senators as he had to him bound by and fealty, or otherwise by any gifts or friendship; that, so much as in them did lie, they should uphold the mass, and gainstand the contrary proceeding of the others. The senate of Strasburg, in the meantime, seeing the matter did so long hang in controversy, the space now of two years, and the preachers daily and instantly calling upon them for a reformation, and suit also being made to them of the citizens, assembled their great and full council to the number of three hundred (as in great matters of importance they are accustomed to do), and there with themselves debated the case; declaring on the one side, it they abolished the mass, what danger they should incur by the emperor; on the other side, if they did not, how much they should offend God: and therefore, giving them respite to consult, at the next meeting required them to declare their advice and sentence in the matter. When the day came that every man should say his mind, it so fell out, that the voices and judgments of those who went against the mass, prevailed: whereupon immediately a decree was made, on the 20th of February, A.D. 1529, that the mass should be suspended and laid down, till the time that the adversary part could prove by good Scripture the mass to be a service available and acceptable before God. This decree being established by the consent of the whole city, the senate eftsoons commanded the same to be proclaimed, and to take full place and effect, as well within the city, as also without, as far as their limits and dominion did extend; and afterwards, by letters, certified their bishop touching the doing thereof. The bishop, hearing this news, as heavy to his heart as lead, did signify to them again, how he received their letters, and how he understood by them the effect and sum of their doings: all which he was enforced to digest with such patience as he could, though they went sore against his stomach, seeing for the present time he could no otherwise choose: hereafter would serve (he said); he would see thereunto, according as his charge and office should require. Thus how the mass was overthrown in Zurich, in Bern, in Geneva, and in Strasburg, you have heard. Now what followed in Basil, remaineth likewise to understand. In this city of Basil was Ecolampadius, a preacher (as is above signified), by whose diligent labor and travail the gospel began there to take such root, that great dissension there also arose among the citizens about religion, and especially about the mass: whereupon the senate of Basil appointed, that after an open disputation it should be determined by voices, what was to be done therein. This notwithstanding, the papists, still continuing in their former purpose, began more stoutly to inveigh against the other part; and because they were so suffered by the magistrate without punishment, it was therefore doubted by the commons, that they had some privy maintainers among the senators: whereupon certain of the citizens were appointed, in the name of the whole commons, to sue to the senators, and to put them in remembrance of their promise. Their suit and request was this: that those senators who were the aiders and supporters of the papists, might be displaced, for that it did as well tend to the contempt of their former decree made, as also to the public disturbance of the city. But when this could not be obtained of the senate, the commons, on the 8th of February, in the year above said, assembled themselves in the Grey Friars’ church, and there, considering with themselves upon the whole matter, repaired again with their suit unto the senate, but not in such humble wise as before; and therewithal gathered themselves in the public places of the city, to fortify the same; albeit as yet without armor. The same evening, the senate sent them word, that at their request they granted, that those senators, though remaining still in office, should not sit in the council at what time any matter of religion should come in talk. By this answer the commons, gathering that the whole state was ruled by a few, took thereat grief and displeasure, protesting openly, that they would take counsel by themselves hereafter, what they had to do, not only in cases of religion, but also in other matters of civil government; and forthwith took them to armor, keeping the towers and gates, and other convenient places of the city with watch and ward, in as forcible wise as if the enemy had been at hand. The next day the senate, requiring respite to deliberate, was contented to commit the matter to them, whom the commons before had sent as suitors unto them; which offer the citizens did not refuse, but with this condition, that those senators who were guilty, should in the mean season follow their plea as private persons, upon their own private costs and charges; and that the others, who defended the public cause for the behoof of their posterity, should be maintained by the public charges of the city. This the senate was glad to grant, with some other like matters of lighter weight, to appease their rage. It happened the very same day, that certain of the citizens (such as were appointed to go about the city for the viewing of things), came into the high church, where one of them thrusting at a certain image with his staff, eftsoons it fell down and brake; by the occasion whereof, other images also, in like sort, were served after the same devotion. But when the priests came running to them, who seemed to be greatly offended therewith, they, because they would not pass their commission, staid their hands and departed. It followed upon this, that when word hereof was brought to the citizens who stood in the market-place, the matter being made worse unto them than it was, they incontinently discharged out three hundred armed men, to rescue their fellows in the church, supposing them to be in danger: who, coming to the church, and not finding their fellows there, and all things quiet, save only a few images broken down, they likewise, lest they should have lost all their labor, threw down all the other idols and images which they found there standing; and so passing through all churches in the city, did there also the like. And when certain of the senate came forth to appease the tumult, the citizens said, “That which you have stood about these three years, consulting and advising whether it were best to be done or not, that shall we dispatch in one hour, that from henceforth never more contention shall grow between us for images.” And so the senate permitted them free leave, without any more resistance; and twelve senators were displaced from their order, albeit without note of reproach or dishonesty. A decree also the same time was made, that as well within the city of Basil, as without, throughout all their jurisdiction, the mass, with all idols, should be abandoned: and further, that in all such matters and cases as concerned the glory of God, and the affairs of the public wealth, besides the number of the other senators, two hundred and sixty of the burghers or citizens should be appointed out of every ward in the city to sit with them in council. These decrees being established, after they had kept watch and ward about the city three days and three nights, every one returned again to his house quiet and joyful, without any blood or stroke given, or anger wreaked, but only upon the images. On the third day, which was Ash Wednesday (as the pope’s ceremonial church doth call it), all the wooden images were distributed among the poor of the city, to serve them for firewood. But when they could not well agree in dividing the prey, but fell to brawling among themselves, it was agreed that the said images should be burnt altogether; so that in nine great heaps all the stocks and idols there the same day were burnt to ashes before the great church door. 10 And thus, by God’s ordinance it came to pass, that the same day wherein the pope’s priests are wont to show forth all their mourning, and do mark men’s foreheads with ashes, in remembrance that they be but ashes, was to the whole city festival and joyful, for turning their images to ashes; and so is observed and celebrated every year still, unto this present day, with all mirth, plays, and pastimes, in remembrance of the same ashes; which day may there be called a right Ash Wednesday of God’s own making. The men of Zurich, of Bern, of Soleure, hearing what business was at Basil, sent their ambassadors to be a mean between them; but before the ambassadors came, all was ceased and at quiet. All this mean space the emperor and the French king were together occupied in wars and strife; which as it turned to the great damage and detriment of the French king, who, in the said wars, was taken prisoner by the emperor, so it happened commodiously and opportunely for the success of the gospel: for else it is to be thought that these Helvetians and other Germans should not have had that leisure and rest to reform religion, and to link themselves in league together, as they did. But thus Almighty God, of his secret wisdom, disposeth times and occasions to serve his will and purpose in all things; albeit Ferdinand the emperor’s brother, and deputy in Germany, remitted no time nor diligence to do what he could in resisting the proceedings of the Protestants, as appeared both by the decree set forth at Ratisbon, and also by that at Spires; in which council of Spires Ferdinand, at the same time, which was A.D. 1529, had decreed against the Protestants in effect as followeth. ‘First, That the edict of the emperor made at Worms, should stand in force through all Germany, till the time of the general council which should shortly follow. Also, that those who had already altered their religion, and now could not revoke the same again for fear of sedition, should stay themselves, and attempt no more innovations hereafter, till the time of the general council. ITEM , That the doctrine of those who hold the Lord’s Supper otherwise than the church doth teach, should not be received, nor the mass should be altered: and there, where the doctrine of religion was altered, there should be no impediment to the contrary, but that those who were disposed to come to mass, might safely therein use their devotion. Against anabaptists likewise; and that all ministers of the church should be enjoined to use no other interpretation of. holy Scripture, but according to the exposition of the church doctors: other matters that were disputable not to be touched. Moreover, that all persons and states should keep peace, so that for religion, neither the one part should infer molestation to the other, nor receive any confederates under their protection and safeguard; all which decrees they who should transgress, to be outlawed and exiled. Unto this sitting at Spires, first, the ambassadors of Strasburg were not admitted, but repelled by Ferdinand, because they had rejected the mass; and therefore the said city of Strasburg denied to pay any contribution against the Turk, except they, with other Germans, might be likewise admitted into their counsels. The other princes who were received and not repelled, as the duke of Saxony, and George of Brandenburgh, Ernest and Francis, earls of Lunenburg, and the landgrave of Anhalt, did utterly gainstand the decree, and showed their cause, in a large protestation written why they so did: which done, all such cities as subscribed and consented to the said protestation of the princes, eftsoons conjoined themselves in a common league with them, whereupon they had their name called therefore ‘Protestants.’ The names of the cities were these: Argentina or Strasburg, Nuremberg, Ulm, Constance, Reutlingen, Windsheim, Memmingen, Lindau, Kempton, Hailbrun, Isny, Weisseburg, Nordlingen, St. Gallen. Furthermore, as touching the Helvetians (from whence we have somewhat digressed), how the cities of Bern and Zurich had consented and joined together in reformation of true religion, you heard before. Wherefore the other pages in Helvetia, which were of contrary profession, in like manner confederated themselves in league with Ferdinand: the number and names of which pages especially were five; to wit, the Lucernates, the Urani, the Suitenses, the Untervaldii, and the Tugiani, which was in the year above said; to the intent, that they, conjoining their power together, might overrun the religion of Christ, and the professors of the same: who also, for hatred and despite, hanged up the arms of the aforesaid cities of Zurich and Bern upon the gallows, besides many other injuries and grievances which they wrought against them; for which cause the said cities of Bern and Zurich raised their power, intending to set upon the aforesaid Switzers, as upon their capital enemies. But as they were in the field, ready to encounter one army against the other, through the means of the city of Strasburg and other intercessors, they were parted for that time, and so returned. As touching the council of Augsburg which followed the next year after the assembly of Spires, A.D. 1530, how the princes and protestants of Germany, in the same council exhibited their confession, and what labor was sought to confute it, and how constantly duke Frederic persisted in defense of his conscience against the threatening words and replications of the emperor; also in what danger the said princes had been, had not the landgrave privily by night slipped out of the city, pertaineth not to this place presently to discourse. To return therefore unto Zuinglius and the Helvetians, of whom we have here presently to treat, you heard before how the tumult and commotion between the two cities, of Zurich and Bern, and the other five cities of the cantons, was pacified by the means of intercession; which peace so continued the space of two years. After that, the old wound, waxing raw again, began to burst out and gather to a head; which was by reason of certain injuries, and opprobrious words and contumelies, which the reformed cities had received of the others; wherefore the Zurichers and the Bernese, stopping all passages and straits, would permit no corn nor victual to pass unto them. This was A.D. 1581. And when great trouble was like to kindle thereby, the French king, with certain other cantons of Switzerland, as those of Glarus, Friburg, Soleure, and other, coming between them, labored to set them at agreement, drawing out certain conditions of peace between them; which conditions were these: that all contumelies and injuries past should be forgotten: that hereafter neither part should molest the other: that those who were banished for religion, should again be restored: that the five pages might remain without disturbance in their religion, so that none should be restrained amongst them from the reading of the Old and New Testament: that no kind of disquietness should be procured against them of Bern and Zurich: and that either part should confer mutual helps together, one to succor the other, as in times past. But the five-page men would not observe those covenants made, neither would their malicious hearts be brought to any conformity. Wherefore the Bernese and Zurichers, showing and declaring first their cause in public writing, to purge and excuse the necessity of their war, being pressed with so many wrongs, and in manner constrained to take the sword in hand, did, as before, beset the highways and passages, that no furniture or victual, or other forage, could come to the other pages; by reason whereof, when they of the five towns began to be pinched with want and penury, they armed themselves secretly, and set forward in warlike array towards the borders of Zurich, where then was lying a garrison of the Zurich men, to the number of. a thousand and more; whereupon word was sent incontinent to the city of Zurich, to succor their men with speed. But their enemies approached so fast, that they could hardly come to rescue them; for when they were come to the top of the hill, whereby they must needs pass, they saw their fellows in great distress in the valley under them. Hereupon they, encouraging themselves, made down the hill with more haste than order, striving who might go fastest; but the nature of the hill was such, that there could but one go down at once: by reason whereof, forasmuch as they could not keep their ranks to join altogether, it followed that they, being but few in number, were discomfited and overmatched of the multitude; which was on the 11th of October in the year aforesaid. Among the number of them that were slain, was also Uldricus Zuinglius, the blessed servant and saint of God. Also Joner, abbot of Cappel, and Schmit, Commendator of Kusnacht 244 , with thirteen other learned and worthy men were slain; being, as is thought, falsely betrayed, and brought into the hands of their enemies. As touching the cause which moved Zuinglius to go out with his citizens to the war, it is sufficiently declared and excused, both by John Sleidan and especially by Ecolampadius, in his epistle,11 where first is to be understood, that it is an old received manner among the Zurich men, that when they go forth in warfare, the chief minister of their church goes with them. Zuinglius also of himself, being (saith Sleidan) a man of a stout and bold courage, considering, if he should remain at home when war should be attempted against his citizens, and if tie, who in his sermons did so encourage others, should now faint so cowardly, and tarry behind at home when time of danger came, what shame and disdain might worthily rise to him thereby, thought not to refuse to take such part as his brethren did. Ecolampadius moreover addeth, that he went not out as a captain of the field, but as a good citizen with his citizens, and as a good shepherd ready to die with his flock. “And which of them all,” saith he, “that most cry out against Zuinglius, can show any such noble heart in him, to do the like?” Again, neither did he go out of his own accord, but rather desired not to go; foreseeing belike, what danger thereof would ensue. But the senate, being importunate upon him, would have no nay, urging and enforcing him most instantly to go: among whom were thought to have been some false betrayers, saying and objecting to him, that he was a dastard if he refused to accompany his brethren as well in time of danger as in peace. Moreover the said Zuinglius, among other secular arts, had also some skill in such matters of warfare. 12 When he was slain, great cruelty was shown upon the dead corpse: such was their hatred toward him, that their malice could not be satisfied, unless also they should burn his body being dead. 13 The report goeth, that after his body was cut first in four pieces, and then consumed with fire, three days after his death his friends came to see whether any part of him was remaining, where they found his heart in the ashes whole and unburned; 14 in much like manner as was the heart of Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, which also in the ashes was found and taken up unconsumed, as by credible information is testified. Furthermore, such was then the rage of these five pages against the aforesaid abbot of Capella, that they took him, being slain, and putting out both his eyes, clothed him in a monk’s cowl, and set him in the pulpit to preach, railing and jesting upon him in a most despiteful manner. Uldricus Zuinglius, when he died, was of the age of forty-four years; younger than Martin Luther by four years. The Bernese, who were purposed the same time to achieve war against the Untervaldians, bordering near unto them, when they heard of this discomfiture of the Zurichers, to comfort them again, desired them to be of good cheer and courage, promising that they would not fail, but come and revenge their quarrel. Again, when the Zurichers had assembled their power together, which was the eighth day after the battle, and had received aid from Schaffhausen, Mulhausen, St. Gallen, and from Basil (the Bernese at this time were nothing hasty), out of the whole number they chose out certain ensigns, who setting forth in the night, lay in the hill beside Menzig, intending when the moon was up, to take the town of Zug, lying near at hand, upon the sudden: which when their enemies had perceived, who were encamped not far from them, with all speed and most secret manner they came upon them at rest, the 24th of October, and to put them in more fear, made a wonderful clamorous outcry. So it fell out in conclusion, that many on both parties were slain; and, albeit the five-page men had the upper hand, yet would they of Zurich nothing relent in their religion. At last, through mediation, a peace was concluded, and thus the matter agreed, that the Zurichers, Bernese, and Basilians, should forsake the league which they had lately made with the city of Strasburg and the Landgrave: likewise that the five-page men should give over their league and composition made with Ferdinand: and hereof obligations were made and sealed in the latter end of November. Ecolampadius, the preacher of the city of Strasburg above re. corded, hearing of the death of Zuinglius his dear friend, took thereat inward grief and sorrow, insomuch that it is thought to have increased his disease; and so he also departed this life, the same year and month of November above mentioned, being of the age of forty-nine years, older than Martin Luther by one year. Although this Ecolampadius then died, yet his learned and famous Commentaries upon the Prophets, with other worthy works which he left behind him, still live and shall never die. The next year following, which was A.D. 1532, in the month of August, died also the worthy and memorable prince John Frederic, duke of Saxony, who, for testimony of Christ and of his gospel, sustained such trials, so many brunts, and such vehement conflicts with the emperor, and that especially at the council assembled at Augsburg; that unless the almighty hand of the Lord had sustained him, it had not been possible for him or any prince to have endured so constant and unmovable against so many persuasions and assaults, as he did to the end. After him succeeded John Frederic his son, etc. And thus have you the history of Zuinglius, and of the church of Switzerland, with their proceedings and troubles, from the first beginning of their reformation of religion, set forth and described. Whereunto we will add one certain epistle of the said Zuinglius, taken out of his other epistles, and so therewith close up his story; which epistle I thought here to record, especially for that in the same, among other matters, profitably is expounded the true meaning of the apostle, writing to the Corinthians concerning how to judge the Lord’s body, to the intent that the simple thereby may the better be informed. The words of his letter be these, as follow: A LETTER OF ULDRICUS ZUINGLIUS TO N. HIS BROTHER IN THE LORD. Unto your questions propounded to me in your former letters, well-beloved brother! I have sent you here mine answer. First, I am also in the same mind with you, that the Lord’s supper is a very thanksgiving; for so the apostle himself meaneth, saying, ‘Ye shall show forth the Lord’s death:’ where the word of showing forth, signifieth as much as praising or thanksgiving. Wherefore seeing it is a Eucharist, or a thanksgiving, in my judgment no other thing ought to be obtruded on men’s consciences, but only with due reverence to give thanks. Nevertheless, this is not to be neglected, that every man do prove and examine himself; for so we ought to search and ask our own consciences, what faith we have in Christ Jesus? which if it be sound and sincere, we may approach without stay to this thanksgiving. For he that hath no faith, and yet feigneth or pretendeth to have, eateth his own judgment; for he lieth to the Holy Ghost. And whereas you suppose, that Paul in this place doth not reprove those who sit at the table eating of meats offered to idols, I dissent from you therein. For Paul, a little before, writeth vehemently against those arrogant persons, who, bragging upon their knowledge, thought they might lawfully eat of such meats offered to idols, sitting and eating at the Lord’s table: ‘You cannot,’ saith he, ‘be partakers both of the Lord’s table, and the table of devils,’ etc. Wherefore St. Paul’s meaning is, that every one should try and examine himself what faith he hath. Whereupon it followeth, that he who hath a right faith, must have no part nor fellowship with those things which be given to idols: for he is now a member of another body, that is of Christ; so that he cannot join himself’ now to be one body with idolaters. And therefore those be they who do not judge or discern the Lord’s body, that make no difference between the church of Christ and the church of idolaters. For they that sit at the Lord’s table, eating of idol meats, do make no difference at all between the Lord’s supper, and the supper of the devil; who be they whom Paul saith not to judge the body of the Lord, that is, who make no discrepancy, nor give any more regard to Christ’s church, than to the church of devils. Whereas if we would judge ourselves; that is, if we would thoroughly search and examine our own consciences as we should, in coming to the table of the Lord, we, finding any faith in us, would never go to the table, nor make thereof the feast, of devils: wherefore your judgment herein is not amiss in expounding the word of judging in St. Paul, to signify as much as considering, perpending, and inquiring. To your second question, I answer that Jesus took bread, and brake, etc. Also he took the cup, etc. ‘Ista verba sunt peculiariter agentis, non hospitaliter invitantis;’ that is, ‘These words declare the action of one who properly doth a thing; and not the hospitality of one who inviteth another to eat. Touching your third question, out of the 6th chapter of John, ‘Doth this offend you?’ herein I do fully agree with you. As for this word ‘Ostren,’ which is your fourth question, I understand thereby the time of the great feast or solemnity, which we now keep in remembrance of the great deliverance of God’s people from the thralldom of Satan; before, from the thralldom of Pharaoh: neither is it greatly material with what word we express the thing, so the thing itself be one, and the analogy and constancy of the Scripture be kept; for both the Scripture calleth Christ the Lamb, and St. Paul calleth him our Easter or Passover. Now your word, ‘Wanderfest,’ well pleaseth me, for the Passover, or Paesah. To your fifth interrogation, of Christ’s descending into hell; I suppose this particle was inserted into the Creed by the sentence of the fathers, to declare how the fathers, who died in the faith, were redeemed by the death of Christ. For Christ led away captivity, wherewith they were holden, with him up into heaven: so that his going down into hell, ‘non sic intelligatur, quasi circumscriptive, sed potentialiter; 17 that is, be not so understood as circumscriptively, which is, when a thing is present by circumscription of any one place; but by power, which is by the operation of his Spirit, which is not comprehended in any certainty of place, but-without prescription of certain place is diffused every where: so that the article of Christ’s descending into hell importeth as much as that his death redeemed those who were in hell. Whereunto St. Peter also seemeth to have respect, where he saith, ‘The gospel also was preached to them which were dead;’ (1 Peter 3) that is, that they also did feel the good tidings of the gospel, their redemption by the Son of God: and that they who rose again with Christ in the Spirit, be now with him in heaven, who nevertheless in the flesh shall be judged, what time the Son of God and of Man shall come to judge both the quick and the dead. Return to the places of Peter, the one in his first Epistle, the other in the latter; and so be you contented with this present answer rashed up in haste. Fare ye heartily well; and comfort my William, the good aged father, by the grace of God which is in you. Commend me to John Eggenberge. From Zurich, September 1, A.D. 1527. From the first beginning of this whole book and history hitherto, good reader! thou hast heard of many and sundry troubles, and much business in the church of Christ, concerning the reformation of divers abuses and great errors crept into the same, namely in the church of Rome; as appeareth by the doings of them, in divers and sundry places, whereof mention hath been made heretofore in this said history. For what godly man hath there been, within the space of these five hundred years, either virtuously disposed, or excellently learned, who hath not disproved the misordered doings, and corrupt examples of the see and bishop of Rome from time to time, unto the coming of this Luther? wherein this appeareth to me, and may also appear no less to all godly disposed men to be noted, not without great admiration, that seeing this aforesaid Romish bishop hath had great enemies and gainsayers continually from time to time, both speaking and working, preaching and writing against him, yet, notwithstanding, never any could prevail before the coming of this man. The cause whereof, although it be secretly known unto God, and unknown unto men, yet so far as men by conjectures may suppose, it may thus not unlikely be thought, that whereas other men before him, speaking against the pomp, pride, whoredom, and avarice of the bishop of Rome, charged him only, or most especially, with examples and manners of life; Luther went further with him, charging him not with life, but with his learning; not with doings, but with his doctrine; not picking at the rind, but plucking up the root; not seeking the man, but shaking his seat; yea, and charging him with plain heresy, as prejudicial and resisting plainly against the blood of Christ, contrary to the true sense and direct understanding of the sacred testament of God’s holy word. For whereas the foundation of our faith, grounded upon the holy Scripture, teacheth and leadeth us to be justified only by the worthiness of Christ, and the only price of his blood; the pope, proceeding with a contrary doctrine, teacheth us otherwise to seek our salvation, not by Christ alone, but by the way of men’s meriting and deserving by works: whereupon rose divers sorts of orders and religious sects among men, some professing one thing, and some another, and every man seeking his own righteousness, but few seeking the righteousness of him, who is set up of God to be our righteousness, redemption, and justification. Martin Luther therefore, urging and reducing things to the foundation and touchstone of the Scripture, opened the eyes of many who before were drowned in darkness: whereupon it cannot be expressed what joy, comfort, and consolation came to the hearts of men (some lying in darkness and ignorance, some wallowing in sin, some being in despair, some macerating themselves by works, and some presuming upon their own righteousness),to behold that glorious benefit of the great liberty and free justification set up in Christ Jesus. And briefly to speak, the more glorious the benefit of this doctrine appeared to the world after long ignorance, the greater persecution followed upon the same. And where the elect of God took most occasion of comfort and salvation, thereof the adversaries took most matter of vexation and disturbance, as commonly we see the true word of God to bring with it ever dissension and perturbation; and therefore truly it was said of Christ, that he came not to send peace on earth, but the sword. (Matthew 10) And this was the cause why that after the doctrine and preaching of Luther, so great troubles and persecutions followed in all quarters of the world; whereby arose great disquietness amongst the prelates, and many laws and decrees were made to overthrow the same, by cruel handling of many good and Christian men. Thus, while authority, armed with laws and rigor, did strive against simple verity; lamentable it was to hear how many poor men were troubled, and went to wrack, some tout from place to place, some exiled out of the land for fear, some caused to abjure, some driven to caves in woods, some racked with torment, and some pursued to death with faggot and fire. Of these we have now (Christ willing) in this history following to treat; first beginning with certain that suffered in Germany, and then returning to our own stories and martyrs here in England. HENRY DOES AND JOHN ESCH, FRIARS AUGUSTINE, BURNT AT BRUSSELS, A.D. 1523. In the year of our Lord 1523, two young men were burnt at Brussels, the one named Henry Voes, being of the age of twenty-four years, and the other John Esch; who before had been of the order of the Augustine friars. They were degraded the first day of July, and spoiled of their friars’ weed, at the suit of Egmondanus the pope’s inquisitor, and the divines of Louvain; for that they would not retract and deny their doctrine of the gospel, which the papists call Lutheranism. Their examiners were Hochestratus and others, who demanded of them, what they did believe? They said, the books of the Old Testament and the New, wherein were contained the articles of the Creed. Then were they asked, whether they believed the decrees of the councils, and of the fathers? They said, such as were agreeing to the Scripture they believed. After this they proceeded further, asking, whether they thought it any deadly sin to transgress the decrees of the fathers, and of the bishop of Rome? That (said they) is to be attributed only to the precepts of God, to bind the conscience of man, or to loose it. Wherein when they constantly persisted and would not turn, they were condemned and judged to be burned. Then they began to give thanks to God their heavenly Father, who had delivered them through his great goodness from the false and abominable priesthood, and made of them priests of his holy order, receiving them unto him as a sacrifice of sweet odor. Then there was a bill written, which was delivered unto them to read openly before the people, to declare what faith and doctrine they held. The greatest error that they were accused of was, that men ought to trust only in God, forasmuch as men are liars, and deceitful in all their words and deeds, and therefore there ought no trust or affiance to be put in them. As they were led unto the place of execution, which was the first of July, they went joyfully and merrily, making continual protestation that they died for the glory of God, and the doctrine of the gospel, as true Christians, believing and following the holy church of the Son. of God; saying also, that it was the day which they had long desired. After they were come to the place where they should be burned, and were despoiled of their garments, they tarried a great space in their shirts, and joyfully embraced the stake that they should be bound to, patiently and joyfully enduring whatsoever was done unto them; praising God with ‘Te Deum laudamus,’ and singing psalms, and rehearsing the Creed, in testimony of their faith. A certain doctor, beholding their jollity and mirth, said unto Henry, that he should take heed so foolishly to glorify himself. To whom he answered, “God forbid that I should glory in any thing, but only in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ.” Another counseled him to have God before his eyes: unto whom he answered, “I trust that I carry him truly in my heart.” One of them, seeing that fire was kindled at his feet, said, “Methinks ye do strew roses under my feet.” Finally, the smoke and the flame, mounting up to their faces, choked them. a Henry being demanded amongst other things, whether Luther had seduced him or no: “Yea,” said he, “even as Christ seduced his apostles.” He said also, that it was contrary to God’s law, that the clergy should be exempted from the power and jurisdiction of the magistrate ordained of God; for such as were ordained in office by the bishops, have no power but only to preach the word of God, and to feed their flock therewithal. After their death, their monastery was dissolved at Antwerp; the president whereof, by the papists called Jacob the Lutheran, after divers and sundry troubles and afflictions, was forced to recant at Brussels; but afterwards, his mind being renewed by the Holy Ghost, embracing that again which before he had renounced, he fled unto Luther. b HENRY OF ZUTPHEN245a , MONK, A MARTYR, AT DITHMARSCH. The next year after the burning of those two Christian martyrs at Brussels above mentioned, with like tyranny also was martyred and burned without all order of judgment or just condemnation, about the country of Dithmarsch on the borders of Germany, one Henry Zutphen, monk, A.D. 1524, of whom mention is partly touched in the commentaries of John Sleidan, lib. 4.; but his history is more amply described of Luther, of Paulus Eberus in his calendar, of Ludovicus Rabus, of Crispinus, and other. This Zutphen had been before with Martin Luther, and afterwards coming to Antwerp, was from thence excluded for the gospel, and so came to Bremen, not to the intent there to preach, but for that he was minded to go to Wittenberg, being driven from Antwerp, as is above said; who, being at Bremen, was there required, by certain godly citizens of Bremen, to make one or two brief exhortations upon the gospel; whereunto, through the earnest love and zeal that was in him, he was easily allured and persuaded. He made his first sermon unto the people the Sunday before St. Martin’s day. When the people heard him preach the word of God so sincerely, they desired him again the second time, and were so in love with his doctrine, that the whole parish required him to tarry amongst them to preach the gospel; which thing, for fear of danger, for a time he refused. When the religious rout had understanding hereof, especially the canons, monks, and priests, they went about with all endeavor to oppress him, and thrust out of the city both him, and also the gospel of Christ; for that was their chief seeking: whereupon they went unto the senate, desiring that such a heretic might be banished the town, who, in his doctrine, preached against the catholic church. Upon the complaint of the canons, the senate sent for the wardens and head men of the parish where Henry had preached, who being come together, the senate declared unto them the complaint of the canons and all the other religious men. Whereunto the citizens of Bremen, taking their preacher’s part, answered, that they knew no other, but that they had hired a learned and honest man to preach unto them, who should teach them sincerely and truly the word of God. Notwithstanding, if the chapter-house or any other man could bring testimonial or witness, that the preacher had taught any thing which either savored of heresy, or were repugnant to the word of God, they were ready (they said)with the chapter-house to persecute him: for God forbid that they should maintain a heretic. But if, contrariwise, the canons of the chapter-house, and the other religious men would not declare and show that the preacher, whom they had hired, had taught any error or heresy, but were set only of malice, by violence to drive him away, they might not (said they) by any means suffer the same. Whereupon they desired the senate, with all humble obedience, that they would not require it of them, but grant them equity and. justice, saying, that they were minded to assist their preacher always, and to plead his cause. This answer the senate commanded to be declared to the chapter-house. ‘When the religious sort understood that they could prevail little or nothing with their words, bursting out into a fury, they began to threaten, and therewithal went straight unto the archbishop to certify him how the citizens of Bremen were become heretics, and would no longer obey their religious sort, with many other like things in their complaint, so that it was to be feared, lest the whole city shortly should be seduced. When the archbishop heard tell of these things, straightway he sent two. who were of his counsel, unto Bremen, requiring that Henry should be sent unto him without delay. When they were demanded why they should have him sent, they answered, because he preached against the holy church. Being again demanded in what points or articles, they had nothing to say. One of these counselors was the archbishop’s suffragan 246 , a naughty pernicious hypocrite, who sought by all means possible to carry away the said Henry captive. Finally, they received this answer of the senators; that forasmuch as the preacher, being hired of the churchwardens, had not hitherto been convicted for a heretic, and that no man had declared any erroneous or heretical article that he had taught, they said they could by no means obtain of the citizens that he should be carried away: wherefore they earnestly desired the archbishop, that he would speedily send his learned men unto Bremen to dispute with him; and if he were convinced, they promised that without any delay he should be justly punished and sent away: if not, they would in no wise let him depart. Whereunto the suffragan answered with a great protestation, requiring that he might be delivered into his hands, for the quietness of the whole country; taking God to his witness, that in this behalf he sought for nothing else, but only the commodity of his country. But for all this they could prevail nothing; for the senate continued still in their former mind. Whereupon the suffragan, being moved with anger, departed from Bremen, and would not confirm their children. When he came unto the archbishop, he declared the answer of the senate, and what he had heard and learned of the priests and monks there. Afterwards, when daily news came that the preacher did still more and more preach, and teach more heinous matter against the religious rout, they attempted another way, suborning great men to admonish the citizens of Bremen into what jeopardy their commonwealth might fall by means of their preacher, preaching contrary to the decree of the pope and emperor. Besides that, they said that he was the prisoner of the lady Margaret; for which cause they had gotten letters of the lady Margaret, requiring to have her prisoner sent unto her again. All these crafts and subtleties did nothing at all prevail, for the senate of Bremen answered all things without blame. When the archbishop saw this his enterprise also frustrated, he attempted another way, whereby he had certain hope, that both Zutphen, and also the word of God with him, should be wholly oppressed; whereupon they decreed a provincial council, not to be holden at Bremen, as it was accustomed, but at Buxtehade, which place they thought most meet for their purpose. To this council were called all the prelates and learned men of the diocese, to determine what was to be believed, and whereto to trust. Also to the said council was Henry called, notwithstanding that they had already decreed to proceed against him, as against a manifest heretic, albeit he was not yet convicted, nor had. pleaded his cause before. Wherefore the rulers of the city, together with the commonalty, detained him at home, foreseeing and suspecting the malice of the council. Then the said Henry gathered a sum of his doctrine into a few articles, and sent it with his letters 247 unto the archbishop; excusing has innocency, offering himself to be ready, if he were convicted of any error by the testimony of the holy Scripture, to recant the same; notwithstanding earnestly requiring, that his errors might be convicted by the holy Scriptures, by the testimony whereof he had hitherto approved his doctrine, and doubted not hereafter to confirm the same: but this took no place amongst those anointed prelates. What the determination of their judgment was, it may hereupon well be gathered, in that shortly after they set up upon the church porch the bull of pope Leo X., and the decree of the emperor, made at Worms: whereupon Henry Zutphen, contemning their madness, proceeded daily in preaching the gospel, adding always this protestation, that he was ready willingly to give account touching his faith and doctrine to every man that would require the same. In the mean time the holy catholics could not be idle, but sent their chaplains unto every sermon, to entrap him in his words: but God, whose footpaths are in the midst of the floods, would have his marvelous power to be seen in them, for he converted many of them; insomuch that the greater part of those that were sent to hearken, did openly witness his doctrine to be God’s truth, against which no man could contend, and such as in all their lives before they had not heard; insomuch that they 248 , forsaking all impiety, counseled men not to oppose the word of God, but believe the same, if they would be saved. But the chief priests, canons, and monks, were so indurate and blinded with Pharaoh, that they became the worse for these admonitions. When God saw the time convenient that Henry should confirm with his blood 249 the verity that he had preached, he sent him among the cruel murderers appointed for that slaughter, by this occasion as followeth. It happened A.D. 1524, that this Henry was sent for by letters, by Nicholas Boyes, parish priest, and other faithful Christians, of the parish of Meldorf, which is a town in Dithmarsch, to preach the gospel of Christ 250 unto them, and deliver them out of the bondage of Antichrist, which in that place had full dominion. These letters being received upon St. Catharine’s 251 even, calling together six brethren, honest citizens, he opened the matter unto them, how that he was sent for by them of Dithmarsch, to preach the gospel; adding moreover, that he was not only a debtor unto them, but to all others who required his aid: wherefore he thought good to go unto Dithmarsch, to see what God would work by him. He required also that they would help him with their advice, by what means he might best take his journey, that no man should know of it, that thereby he might not be letted or stopped; which thing without doubt had come to pass, if his purpose had been known to the people. Unto whom the citizens answered,: desiring him that he would not depart for a time, forasmuch as the gospel had not yet taken such deep root in the people, but was as yet weak, and especially in the villages thereabout; and that the persecution was very great: willing him also to have respect unto this, that he was by them called to the office of preaching; and if they of Dithmarsch desired a preacher, he should send some other in his place, for they had before perceived the disposition and untrustiness of them of Dithmarsch: besides that it was not in their power to give him free liberty to depart, without the consent of the whole commonalty. Whereunto Henry made answer in this manner: that albeit he could not deny but that he had his call by them 252 , yet now there were many godly and learned men at Bremen, whose labor they might use in his absence, in more perfectly learning the gospel. Besides that the papists were for the most part vanquished and overthrown, and their folly known, even unto women and children; adding thereunto that he had now preached the gospel by the space of two years at Bremen, and that they of Dithmarsch lived without a pastor even in the midst of the wolves: wherefore he could not with a safe conscience deny their request. And whereas they alleged that they could not license him without the consent of the whole congregation, that (said he) was but of small effect; forasmuch as he would not utterly forsake them, but determined only to remain with them of Dithmarsch for a month or two, to lay a foundation, and then to return again; desiring them that after his departure they would declare unto the congregation how he was sent for by them of Dithmarsch, to whom he could not say nay: willing them also to excuse his sudden departure, for that he was forced to depart secretly, because of his adversaries privily lying in wait in every place for him; thinking that he should scarcely avoid them that had always gone about to bring him to his death. Finally, they should promise to the congregation in his name, that when he had performed his enterprise, he would straight return again. They, being persuaded with these words, consented unto him, steadfastly hoping that they of Dithmarsch should be converted unto the true faith; which people above all others have always been most given to idolatry. Having prepared all things toward his setting forth, on the 28th of November 253 he took his journey, and came to Meldorf, whither he was sent for; where he was joyfully received of the parish priest and other. As soon as he was come thither, albeit he had not yet preached, the devil with his members by and by began to fret and fume for anger. Above all others, one Augustine Tornborch 254 , prior of the Black Friars, began to fume, who went out of hand unto Master John Schnick his companion, and commissary to the official of Hamburgh, to take counsel what was to be done, lest they should lose their kingdom. Finally, it was decreed by them above all things to withstand the beginnings, and that he should not have license to preach; for if by any means it happened that he preached, and the people should hear him, it was to be feared that the wickedness and craft of the priests and monks should be opened; which being made manifest, they knew plainly that it would be but a folly to resist, remembering what had happened lately before in Bremen. This determination had, the prior, the next day early in the morning (for he had not slept well all night for cares), went with great speed unto Heyde 256 , to speak with the eight and forty presidents of the country; unto whom with great complaints he showed how that a seditious fellow, a monk, was come from Bremen, who would seduce all the people of Dithmarsch, as he had done the Bremers. There were, moreover, that did assist this prior, Master Gunter, chancellor of that country, and Peter Nanne 257 , both enemies unto the gospel. These stoutly assisted the prior, persuading the other forty-six, being simple and unlearned men, that they should obtain great favor and good will of the bishop of Bremen, if they would put this heretic monk to death 258 . When these poor and unlearned men heard these words, they decreed that this monk should be put to death, neither heard, nor seen, much less convicted. Furthermore, this prior obtained letters from the forty-eight presidents unto the parish priest, commanding him under great penalty, that he should put the monk out of his house, and command him to depart without preaching. With these letters he came speedily to Meldorf, and delivered the letters over night unto the parish priest; trusting that by their threatenings and commandment, the said Henry should be feared from preaching, plainly perceiving 259 how important preaching was to his success. When Nicholas Boyes, the parish priest, had read over the letters, he marveled not a little at that proud commandment, for that it had not been heard of before, that the forty-eight presidents should meddle with ecclesiastical matters, for that it had been of long time used, that the ruling thereof should be in the hands of the parishioners 260 ; and long time before, it was decreed by the whole province, and customably used, that every church 261 should have free liberty to choose or put out their parish priest or their preacher. These letters the parish priest delivered unto Henry; which when he had diligently looked over, he answered, that forasmuch as he was come, being sent for by the whole congregation, to preach the gospel of Christ, he would satisfy that vocation, because he saw it would be acceptable unto the whole congregation, and that he ought rather to obey the word of God, than man. Also, that if it pleased God that he should lose his life in Dithmarsch, there was as near a way to heaven, as in any other place; for that he doubted nothing at all, that he must once suffer for the gospel’s sake. Upon this courage and boldness, the next day Henry went up into the pulpit 262 , and made a sermon, expounding the place of Paul, which is in Romans 1. “Testis est mihi Deus,” etc. that is, “God is my witness;” and the gospel of the day. After the sermon was done, the whole congregation being called together, the prior delivered the letters that were sent by the forty-eight presidents, the tenor whereof was this: that they of Meldorf should be fined with a fine of a thousand guilders 263 , if they suffered the monk to preach; and commanded moreover, that they’ should send ambassadors unto Heyde with full power and authority. When they heard these letters read, they were much moved, because they were so charged contrary to the custom of the country; forsomuch as every parish 264 had always had authority, according to its own discretion, to choose or put away the preacher. Briefly, they all determined with one voice, to keep Henry for their preacher, and to defend him; for when they had heard the talk of the prior, they were greatly offended 265 therewith. After dinner Henry preached again, expounding the place of St. Paul, Romans 15., “Debemus nos qui potentes sumus,” etc. “We ought which are strong,” etc. The next day the citizens of Meldorf sent their messengers unto Heyde, offering to answer in all causes, before all men for their preacher, whom they had chosen. Besides that, the messengers declared what Christian and godly sermons they heard him preach. The parish priest also wrote letters by the said legates unto the forty-eight rulers, wherein he excused himself, that it was never his mind, nor the intent of the said Henry, to move sedition, but only sincerely to preach the word of God; and offered himself ready to answer for the said Henry to all men, whensoever he should be called; most earnestly desiring them not to give credit unto the monks, who, being blinded with hatred and avarice, had fully determined to oppress the truth: saying moreover, that it was against all reason, that a man should be condemned before the truth be tried out and his cause declared; and if, after due inquisition had, he should be convicted, then he should suffer condign punishment. This submission, with the public testimonial, was nothing esteemed or regarded, neither was there any answer given thereunto, but every man repined and murmured thereat. Last of all, one Peter Dethleves, one of the Seigniors, answered, that albeit there were divers dissensions in every place about the Christian faith, and that they, as men ignorant, could not redress the same, vet this their sentence should be holden and ratified; which was, what the judgment of determining this dissension should be reserved to the next council, which, by the report of master chancellor 266 , was now in hand to be called and gathered. Also, until all discord and dissension should be appeased, whatsoever was received and believed by their neighbors, he promised in the name of the rest, that they would willingly receive and believe the same. So that if the word of God hath not hitherto been clearly and sincerely preached (as they said) unto the people, and that there be now some who can teach and preach the same more sincerely; it is not their mind or intent to withstand or resist their good doings, but that the presidents would wish this one thing diligently to be taken heed of, that there be no occasion given by any man to move sedition: and in the mean time he commanded all men quietly to give over all matters until Easter next, and by that time it should be made evident, what should be received, and what left undone. With this answer they were all very well contented; and the messengers returned again to Meldorf with great joy and gladness, declaring to the whole congregation what answer was made, conceiving a sure hope that the matter would shortly end well 267 . Upon St. Nicholas’ 268 day this Henry preached twice, first upon the gospel, “Homo quidam nobilis,” etc. “A certain nobleman,” etc. [Luke 19.] Secondly, upon this text, “Plures facti sunt sacerdotes,” etc. “There are many made priests,” etc. [Hebrews 7.], with such a spirit and grace, that all men had him in admiration, praying God most earnestly, that they might long have such a preacher. Upon the day of the conception of our lady, he also made two sermons upon Matthew 1., expounding the book of the generation; wherein he rehearsed the promises made by God unto our forefathers, and under what faith our fathers that then were, had lived; adding also, that all respect of works being set apart, we must be justified by the same faith. All these things were spoken with such boldness of spirit, that all men greatly marveled at him, giving thanks to God for his great mercy, that had sent them such a preacher; desiring him moreover, that he would tarry with them all Christmas to preach; for they feared lest he should be sent for to some other place. In the mean space, the prior and Master John Schnick 269 were not idle; for when the prior perceived that his malicious enterprise took no good success, he adjoined unto him a companion, William, a doctor of the Jacobites 270 , and so went up to Lunden, to the monks Franciscan, or Minors, for help and counsel. For those kinds of friars above all other are best instruct by their hypocrisy to deceive the poor and simple people. These friars straightways sent for certain of the rulers, who had all the rule and authority, and especially Peter Nanne, Peter Schwin, and Nicholas Roden; unto whom they declared, after their accustomed manner, with great complaints, what a heretic monk had preached, and how he had obtained the favor of almost all the simple people; which if they did not speedily provide for, and withstand the beginnings, and put the heretic to death, it would shortly come to pass, that the honor of our lady, and all saints, together with the two abbeys, should utterly come to ruin and decay. When these simple and ignorant men heard these words, they were greatly moved: whereunto Peter Schwin answered thus, That they had before written unto the parish priest and to Henry what was best to be done: notwithstanding, if they thought good, they would write again. “No,” said the prior, “this matter must be attempted another way: for if you write unto the heretic, he will by and by answer you again. And it is to be feared, lest the contagion of his heresy do also infect you, being unlearned men; for if you give him leave to speak, and to answer, there is no hope that you shall overcome him.” Wherefore they finally determined to take this Henry by night, and burn him before the people should know it, or he come to his defense to answer. This device pleased all men, but especially the Franciscan friars. Peter Nanne, the prior’s chief friend, willing to get the chief praise and thanks of this matter, by the help of Master Gunter did associate unto him certain other rulers of the towns near adjoining, whose names are here not to be hidden, because they so much affected praise and glory. The names of the presidents were these, Peter Nanne 271 , Peter Schwin’s son, Henning of Lunden, John Holmes, Laurence Hanneman, Nicholas of Weslingburhen, Ambrose John of Wackenhusen, Marquardus Kremerus of Henstede, Louis John of Wessing, and Peter Grosse, president of Hemmingsted. All these presidents, and all other that were of counsel to this pretense 272 , assembled together in the parish of Neuen-Kirchen, in the house of Master Gunter, where also the chancellor was consulting together with them how they might burn, the said Henry, secretly coming upon him without any judgment or sentence. They concluded, the next day after the conception of our lady to meet at Henning, which is half a mile from Meldorf 273 , with a great band of the peasantry. This determination thus made, they laid scouts in every place, that there should no news of their pretensed mischiefs come unto Meldorf; commanding that as soon as it began to wax dark, they should all gather together. There assembled above five hundred of the peasantry, unto whom was declared the cause of their assembly, trod also they were instructed what was to be done; for before, no man knew the cause of the assembly, but only the presidents. When the peasants understood it, they would have returned back again, refusing to do such a detestable and horrible deed. The presidents with most bitter threats kept them in obedience; and to the intent they should be the more courageous, they gave them three barrels of Hamburgh beer to drink. About midnight they came in armor to Meldorf. The Jacobite monks prepared torches for them, that Henry should not slip away suddenly in the dark. They had also with them a false betrayer, named Henning 275 , by whose treason they had perfect knowledge of all things. With great violence they burst into the house of the parish priest, breaking and spoiling all things, as the manner of that drunken people is. If they found either gold or silver, they took it away. When they had spoiled all things, they violently fell upon the parish priest, and with great noise cried out, “Kill the thief,” “Kill the thief.” Some of them took him by the hair of the head, and pulled him out into the dirt, forcing him to go with them as prisoner: others cried out, saying, that the parish priest was not to be meddled withal, for they had no commission to take him. After they had satisfied their lust upon the parish priest, with great rage and fury they ran upon Henry, and drawing him naked out of his bed, bound his hands hard behind him: whom being so bound, they drew to and fro so long, that Peter Nanne, who otherwise was unmerciful and a cruel persecutor of the word of God, willed them that they should let him alone; for that without doubt he would follow of his own mind. Then they committed the guiding of him to John Balco, who rather drew him by violence than led him. When he was brought to Hemingsted, they asked of him how and for what intent he came to Dithmarsch? unto whom he gently declared the whole cause of his coming: but they all in a rage cried out, “Away with him, away with him! for if we hear him talk any longer, it is to be feared that he will make us also heretics.” Then he, being marvelously weary and faint, required to be set on horseback, for his feet were all cut and hurt with the ice, because he was led all night barefoot. When they heard him say so, they mocked and laughed at him, saying, “Must we hire a horse for a heretic? he shall go afoot whether he will or no.” Because it was night they carried him naked to Heyde. Afterwards they brought him to a certain man’s house named Calden, and bound him there with chains in the stocks. The master of the house, seeing the cruel deed, taking compassion upon Henry, would not suffer it to be done: wherefore he was carried away to the priest’s house, the official’s servant of Hamburgh, and shut up in a cupboard, and was kept by the rude people. who all the night mocked and scorned him. Amongst all others, there came unto him Simon of Oldenworden 276 , and Christian, parish priest of Neuen-Kirchen, both Mike ignorant and wicked persecutors of the word of God, demanding of him why he had forsaken his holy habit? unto whom he friendly answered by the Scriptures; but those ignorant persons understood nothing that he said. Master Gunter also came unto him, inquiring whether he had rather be sent to the bishop of Bremen, or receive his punishment in Dithmarsch? unto whom Henry answered, “If I have preached any thing contrary to God’s word, or done any wicked act, it is in their hands to punish me therefor.” Gunter answered, “Hark!” I pray you, good friends, hark! he desireth to suffer in Dithmarsch.” The common people all the night continued in immoderate drinking and swilling. In the morning, about eight o’clock, they gathered together in the marketplace to consult what they should do; where the rustical people, boiling with drink, cried out, “Burn him, burn him! to the fire with the heretic! Without doubt, if we do it, we shall this day obtain great glory and praise, both of God and man; for the longer he liveth, the more he will seduce with his heresy.” What need many words? sure he was to die; for they had condemned this good Henry without any judgment (his cause not being heard) to be burned. At last they commanded the crier to proclaim, that every man that was at the taking of him, should be ready in armor to bring him forth to the fire. Amongst all others the friars Franciscan were present, encouraging the drunken, rude people, saying, “Now you go the right way to work.” Then they bound the said Henry, hands, feet, and neck, and with great noise brought him forth to the fire. As he passed by, a certain woman, standing in her door, beholding that pitiful sight, wept abundantly; unto whom Henry turning himself, said, “I pray you weep not for me.” When he came to the fire, for very weakness he sat down upon the ground. By and by there was present one of the presidents named May 277 , who was evidently known to be corrupted and bribed with money to this purpose: he condemned the said Henry to be burned, pronouncing this sentence upon him: “Forasmuch as this thief hath wickedly preached against the worship of our blessed Lady, by the commandment and sufferance of our reverend father in Christ, the bishop of Bremen, and my lord, I condemn him here to be burned and consumed with fire.” Unto whom Henry answered, “I have done no such tiling:” and, lifting up his hands towards heaven, he said, “O Lord! forgive them, for they offend ignorantly, not knowing what they do: thy name, O Almighty God! is holy.” In the meantime a certain woman, the wife of one Junger, sister of Peter Nanne 278 , offered herself to suffer a thousand stripes, and to give them much money, so that they would pacify the matter, and keep him in prison, until he might plead his matter before the whole convocation of the country. When they heard these words, they waxed more mad, and threw the woman down under foot, and trod upon her, and beat the said Henry unmercifully. One of the rustical sort struck him behind on the head with a sharp dagger. John Holmes of Neuen-Kirchen struck him with a mace. Others thrust r him in the back, and in the arms. And this was not done once or twice, but; as often as he began to speak. Master Gunter cried out, encouraging them, saying, “Go to boldly, good fellows! truly God is present with us.” After this, he brought a Franciscan friar unto Henry, that he should be confessed; 3 whom Henry demanded in this manner: “Brother! when have I done you injury, either by word or deed, or when did I ever provoke you to anger?” “Never,” said the friar. “What should I then confess unto you,” said he, “that you think you might forgive me?” The friar, being moved at these words, departed. The fire, as often as it was kindled, would not bum. Notwithstanding they satisfied their minds upon him, striking and pricking him for two hours with all kind of weapons. The said Henry standing in the mean time in his shirt before all this rude people, at the last they, having gotten a great ladder, bound him hard thereunto, and east him into the fire. And when he began to pray, and to repeat his Creed, one struck him upon the face with his fist, saying, “Thou shalt first be burnt, and afterward pray and prate as much as thou wilt.” Then another, treading upon his breast, bound his neck so hard to a step of the ladder, that the blood gushed out of his mouth and nose. This was done to strangle him withal, for they saw that for all his sore wounds he would not die. After he was bound to the ladder, he was set upright. Then one, running unto him, set his halbert for the ladder to lean against (for those countrymen use no common hangman, but every man exerciseth the office without difference), but the ladder, slipping away from the point of the halbert, caused that the halbert struck him through the body. Then they east this good man, ladder and all, upon the wood, which, tumbling down, lighted upon the one side. Then John Holmes ran unto him, and struck him with a mace 280 upon the breast, till he was dead and stirred no more. Afterwards they roasted him upon the coals; for the wood, as often as it was set on fire, would not burn out. And thus this godly preacher finished his martyrdom; which was A.D. 1524. About the same time many other godly persons, and such as feared God, for the testimony of the gospel, were thrown into the river Rhine, and into other rivers, where their bodies afterwards were found, and taken up. Also in the said town of Dithmarsch another faithful saint of God, named John, suffered the like martyrdom. Thus these two blessed and constant martyrs, as two shining lights set up of God, in testimony of his truth, offered up the sacrifice of their confession sealed with their blood, in a sweet savor unto God. At the town of Halle likewise, another preacher named Master George, for ministering in both kinds, was martyred and slain by a like sort of cutthroats, set up by the monks and friars to murder him, near to the town called Haschenburg. At Prague also in Bohemia, another, for changing his monkery into matrimony, did suffer in the like manner. 6 Furthermore, in the same year 1524, and the 22d of October, the town of Miltenberg in Germany was taken and ransacked, and divers of the inhabitants were slain, and many imprisoned, for maintaining and keeping with them Carolostadt to be their preacher. In the same catalogue of holy martyrs likewise is to be placed Gasper Tamber. Also another called George, a scrivener, who both were burned at Vienna in Austria. THE LAMENTABLE MARTYRDOM OF JOHN LE CLERC, OF MEAUR, IN FRANCE. Meaux is a city in France, ten leagues distant from Paris 281 , where John Clerc was first apprehended and taken, A.D. 1523, for setting up upon the church door a certain bill against the popes pardons lately sent thither from Rome, in which bill he named the pope to be Antichrist; for which his punishment was this, that three several days he should be whipped, and afterwards have a mark imprinted on his forehead, as a note of infamy. His mother, being a Christian woman, although her husband was an adversary, when she beheld her son thus piteously scourged, and ignominiously deformed in the face, constantly and boldly did encourage her son, crying with a loud voice, “Blessed be Christ! and welcome be his prints and marks!” After this execution and punishment sustained, the said John departed that town, and went to Rosoy in Brie 282 , and from thence removed to Metz in Lorraine, where he remained a certain space, applying to his vocation, being a wool-carder by his occupation; where he, the day before the people of that city should go out to the suburbs, to worship certain blind idols near by (after an old use and custom amongst them received), being inflamed with the zeal of God, went out of the city to the place where the images were, and brake them all down in pieces. The next morrow after, when the canons, priests, and monks, keeping their old custom, had brought with them the people: out of the city to the place of idolatry, to worship as they were wont, they found all their blocks and stocks almighty, lie broken upon the ground; at the sight whereof they, being mightily offended in their minds, set all the city agog, to search out the author thereof, who was not hard to be found; forasmuch as this aforesaid Clerc, besides that he was noted of them to be a man much addicted that way, was also seen somewhat late in the evening before, to come front the same place into the city. Wherefore he, being suspected and examined upon the same, at once confessed the fact, rendering’, also the cause which moved him so to do. The people hearing this, and being not yet acquainted with that kind of doctrine, were moved marvelously against him, crying out upon him in a great rage. Thus his cause being informed to the judges, wherein he defended the pure doctrine of the Son of God, he was condemned, and led to the place of execution, where he sustained extreme torments. For first his, hand was cut off from his right arm, then his nose with sharp pinchers was violently plucked from his face; after that both his arms and his paps were likewise plucked and drawn with the same instrument. To all them that stood looking on, it was a horror to behold the grievous and doleful sight of his pains: again to behold his patience, or rather, the grace of God giving him the gift so to suffer, it was a wonder. Thus quietly and constantly he endured in his torments, pronouncing, or in a manner singing, the verses of Psalm 115; “Simulacra eorum sunt argentum et aurum,” etc. “Their images, are silver and gold, the work only of man’s hand,” etc. The residue of his life that remained in his rent body, was committed to the fire, and therewith consumed; which was about A.D. 1524. JOHN CASTELLANE, DOCTOR OF DIVINITY A MARTYR. The same year, which was 1524 283 , Master John Castellane, born at Tournay, a doctor of divinity, after that he was called unto the knowledge of God, and became a true preacher of his word, and had preached in France, in a place called Bar le Due, also at Vittery 1 in Partoise, at Chalons in Champagne, and in the town of Vie, which is the episcopal seat of the bishop of Metz in Lorraine, after he had laid some foundation of the doctrine of the gospel in the city of Metz, in returning from thence was taken prisoner at Gorze 284 by the cardinal of Lorraine’s 285 servants, by whom he was carried from Gorze to the castle of Nomeny. Whereupon the citizens of Metz took no little displeasure and grievance; who, being grievously offended to have their preacher so to be apprehended and imprisoned, within short space after took certain of the cardinal’s subjects, and kept them prisoners so long, until the abbot of St. Anthony in Viennois 286 , called Theodore de Chaumont, vicar-general as well in causes spiritual as temporal through the jurisdiction of the bishops of Metz 287 , Toni, and Verdun, being furnished with a letter and commission from the see of Rome, came to the said city of Metz; and after divers declarations made to the provost and the other justices and councilors of the city, he so wrought and brought to pass, that immediately the said subjects of the cardinal were set at liberty. But John Castellane was kept still prisoner in the castle of Nomeny, and was most cruelly handled from the 4th day of May, until the 12th day of January; during all which time he persevered constant in the doctrine of the Son of God. 2 Whereupon he was carried from Nomeny to the town and castle of Vic, always persevering constantly in the profession of the same doctrine, so that they did proceed unto the sentence of his degradation, that he might be delivered over unto the secular power, according to the custom and manner. And forasmuch as the form and manner of the sentence and process of degrading is notable, and hath been reported unto us word for word, we have thought good here to annex the same, to declare the horrible blasphemies joined with gross and brutish subtlety, in those high mysteries which the enemies of the truth do use in their process against the children of God; whereby every man, even the most ignorant, may evidently perceive the horrible blindness that these unshamefaced catholics are blinded withal. THE SENTENCE OF DEGRADATION PRONOUNCED ON CASTELLANE. Concerning the process inquisitory, formed and given in form of an accusation against thee, John Castellane, priest, and religious man of the friars Eremites of the order of St. Austin; understanding likewise thy confession which thou hast made of thine own good will, maintaining false and erroneous doctrine; and marking also besides this, the godly admonitions and charitable exhortations which we made unto thee in the city of Metz, which thou, like unto the serpent Aspis, hast refused to hear, and given no ear unto: also considering thine answers made and reiterated unto our interrogatories, by means of thine oath, in which devilishly thou hast hidden and kept back not only the truth, but also, following the example of Cain, hast denied to Confess thy sins and mischievous offense: and finally, hearing the great number of witnesses sworn and examined against thee, their persons and depositions diligently considered, and all other things worthy of consideration being justly examined, the reverend Master Nicolas Savin, doctor of divinity, and inquisitor of the faith. assistant unto us, hath entered process against thee, and given full information thereof; this our purpose and intent being also communicated unto divers masters and doctors both of the civil and canon laws here present, who have subscribed and signed thereunto, whereby it appeareth, that thou, John Castellane, hast oftentimes, and in divers places, openly and manifestly spread abroad and taught many erroneous propositions, full of the heresy of Luther, contrary and against the catholic faith, and the verity of the gospel, and the holy apostolic see; and so accursedly looked back and turned thy face, that thou art found to be a liar before Almighty God: It is ordained by the sacred rules of the canon-law, that such as through the sharp darts of their venomous tongue do pervert the Scriptures, and go about with all their power to corrupt and infect the souls of the faithful, should be punished and corrected with most sharp correction, to the end that others should be afraid to attempt the like, and apply themselves the better to the study of Christian concord, through the example set before their eyes, as well of severity, as of clemency. For these causes and others rising upon the said process, by the apostolic authority, and also the authority of our said reverend lord the cardinal, which we do use in this our sentence definitive, which we, sitting in our judgment-seat, declare in these writings, having God only before our eyes, and surely considering, that what measure we do mete unto others, the same shall be measured to us again: we pronounce and declare sententially and definitively, 3 thee John Castellane, being here present before us, and judge thee, because of thy deserts, to be excommunicated, with the most great excommunication, and therewithal to be culpable of treason against the divine Majesty, and a mortal enemy of the catholic faith, and verity of the gospel; also to be a manifest heretic, and a follower and partaker of the execrable cruelty of Martin Luther, 4 a stirrer up of old heresies already condemned. And therefore, as thou oughtest to be deposed and deprived of all priestly honor and dignity, of all thy orders, of thy shaving and religious habit, also of thy ecclesiastical benefices, if thou hast any, and from all privilege of clergy: so we here presently do depose, deprive, and separate thee, as a rotten member, from the communion and company of all the faithful: and being so deprived, we judge that thou oughtest to be actually degraded. That done, we leave thee unto the secular powers, committing the degradation and actual execution of this our sentence unto the reverend lord and bishop here present, with the authority and commandment aforesaid. This sentence being thus ended, with their catholic sermon also, the bishop of Nicopolis, 5 sitting in his pontificalibus in the judgment-seat, being suffragan of Metz, with the clergy, nobles, and people about him, proceeded to the degrading (as they call it) of the said Master John Castellane. Thus the said Master John Castellane being prepared and made ready for his degradation by the officers of the said bishop, was appareled in his priestly attire, and afterwards brought forth of the chapel by the priests who were thereunto appointed, with all his priestly ornaments upon him; and holding his hands together, he kneeled down before the bishop. Then the officers gave him the chalice in his hands, with wine and water, also 288 the patine and the host; all which things the said bishop who disgraded him took from him, saying, “We take away from thee, or command to be taken from thee, all power to offer sacrifice unto God, and to say mass, as well for the quick as the dead.” Moreover, the bishop scraped the nails of both his hands with a piece of glass, saying, “By this scraping we take away from thee all power to sacrifice, to consecrate, and to bless, which thou hast received by the anointing of thy hands.” Then he took away from him the chesille, saying; “By good right we do despoil thee of this priestly ornament, which signifieth charity; for certainly thou hast forsaken the same, and all innocency.” Then taking away the stole, he said; “Thou hast villainously rejected and despised the sign of our Lord, which is represented by this stole: wherefore we take it away from thee, and make thee unable to exercise and use the office of priesthood, and all other things appertaining to priesthood.” The degradation of the order of priesthood being thus ended, they proceeded to the order of deacon. Then the ministers gave him the book of the gospels, which the bishop took away, saying: “We take away from thee all power to read the gospels in the church of God, for it appertaineth only to such as are worthy.” After this he spoiled him of the dalmatick, which is the vesture that the deacons use, saying, “We deprive thee of this Levitical order; forasmuch as thou hast not fulfilled thy ministry and office.” After this the bishop took away the stole from behind his back, saying, “We justly take away from thee the white stole which thou hadst received undefiledly; which also thou oughtest to have borne in the presence of our Lord: and to the end that the people dedicate unto the name of Christ may take by thee example, we prohibit thee any more to exercise or use the office of deaconship.” Then they proceeded to the disgrading of subdeaconship, and taking away from him the book of the epistles, and his subdeacon’s vesture, deposed him from reading of the epistles in the church of God. And so orderly proceeding unto all the other orders, they disgraded him from the order of Bennet and Collet, 6 from the order of exorcist, from the lectorship, and last of all from the office of door-keeper, taking from him the keys, and commanding him hereafter not to open or shut the revestry, nor to ring any more bells in the church. That done, the bishop went forward to disgrade him from his first tonsure, and taking away his surplice, said unto him, “By the authority of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and by our authority, we take away from thee all clerkly habit, and despoil thee of all ornament of religion: also we do depose and degrade thee from all order, benefit, and privilege of the clergy, and as one unworthy of that profession, we commit thee to the servitude and ignominy of the secular state.” Then the bishop took the shears, and began to clip his head, saying in this manner: “We cast thee out as an unthankful child of the Lord’s heritage, whereunto thou wast called, and take away from thy head the crown, which is the royal sign of priesthood, through thine own wickedness and malice.” The bishop also added these words: “That which thou hast sung with thy mouth, thou hast not believed with thy heart, nor accomplished in work; wherefore we take from thee the office of singing in the church of God.” The degrading thus ended, the procurator fiscal of the court and city of Metz required of the notary an instrument or copy of the degrading. Then the ministers of the bishop turned him out of his clerkly habit, and put upon him the apparel of a secular man. That done, forasmuch as he who is degraded, according to the institution of pope Innocent III., ought to be delivered unto the secular court, the bishop that degraded him proceeded no further, but said in this manner: “We pronounce that the secular court shall receive thee into their charge, being thus degraded of all clerkly honor and privilege.” This done, the bishop, after a certain manner, entreated the secular judge for him, saying: “My lord judge! we pray you as heartily as we can, for the love of God, and the contemplation of tender pity and mercy, and for the respect of our prayers, that you will not in any point do any thing that shall be hurtful to this miserable man, or tending to his death, or maiming of his body. 7 These things thus done, the secular judge of the town of Vic, confirming the aforesaid sentence, condemned the said Master John Castellane to be burned quick; which death he suffered the 12th of January, A.D. 1525, with such a constancy, that not only a great company of ignorant people were thereby drawn to the knowledge of the verity, but also a great number who had already some taste thereof, were greatly confirmed by that his constant and valiant death. It would fill another volume, to comprehend the acts and stories of all those who in other countries, at the rising of the gospel, suffered for the same. But praised be the Lord, every region almost hath its own historywriter, who sufficiently hath discharged that part of duty, as every one in matters of his own country is best acquainted: wherefore I shall the less need to overstrain my travail, or to overcharge this volume therewith; only it shall suffice me to collect three or four histories, recorded by Ecolampadius and the rest, to bring it into a brief story, and so return to occupy myself with our own domestical matters here done at home. THE HISTORY OF A GOOD PASTOR, MURDERED FOR PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL: WRITTEN BY JOHN ECOLAMPADIUS. In the year of our Lord 1525, there was a certain, good and godly minister, who had committed something in the commotion there raised by the rustical clowns of the country, which, they said that knew him, was but of small importance. He, because he had offended his prince before, not with any fact or crime, but with some word something sharply spoken, was therefore condemned to be hanged. After sentence was given, there was a gentleman of a cruel heart sent with a certain troop of men to apprehend the said priest, and to hang him; who, coming into his house, saluted him friendly, pretending as though their coming had been to make good cheer: for he was a good housekeeper, and the gentlemen of the country thereabouts used oftentimes to resort unto his house familiarly. This priest made ready for them in short space a very sumptuous banquet, whereof they did eat and drink very cheerfully. After dinner was ended, and that the priest was yet at the table, thinking no hurt, the gentleman said to his servants, ‘Take you this priest, our host, and hang him, and that without delay; for he hath well deserved to be hanged for the great offense he hath committed against his prince.’ The servants were marvelously astonished with his words, and abhorring to do the deed, said unto their master, ‘God forbid that we should commit any such crime, to hang a man that hath treated us so gently; for the meat, which he hath given us, is yet in our stomachs undigested. It were a wicked act for a nobleman to render so great an evil for a good turn, but especially to murder an innocent.’ Briefly, the servants sought no other occasion, but only to give him way to flee, that they might also avoid the execution of that wicked purpose. As the gentleman and his servants were thus contending, the priest said unto them, ‘I beseech you show no such cruelty upon me; rather lead me away captive unto my prince, where I may purge myself. I am falsely accused, and I trust to pacify his anger which he hath conceived against me. At least remember the hospitality which I have ever showed to you, and all noblemen at all times resorting to my house.’ But principally speaking to the gentleman, he advertised him of the perpetual sting which would follow upon an evil conscience; protesting that he had faithfully and truly taught them the doctrine of the gospel, and that that was the principal cause why he had such evil will: which long time before he had foreseen would come to pass, forasmuch as he had oftentimes in the pulpit reproved sharply and openly the horrible vices of the gentlemen, who maintained their people in their vicious living; and they themselves were given unto blasphemy and drunkenness, whereas they should show example of faith, true religion, and soberness; but they had oftentimes resisted him, saying, That it was not his part to reprove them, for so much as they were his lords, and might put him to death if they would: that all things which they did were allowable, and that no man ought to gainsay it: also that he went about some things in his sermons, that would come to an evil end. This good man, whatsoever he could say, could not make his matter seem good; for the gentleman continued in his wicked enterprise, and pricked forth his servants still to accomplish their purpose (for it was resolved by the prince, that he should be put to death); and, turning himself unto the priest, he said, that he could gain nothing by preaching in such sort, but that he should fully determine himself to die, for the prince had given express commandment to hang him, whose favor he would not lose to save his life. At last the servants, after great sorrow and lamentation, bound their host, and hanged him upon a beam in his own house, the gentleman standing by and looking on. This good man, seeing no remedy, spoke no other words but only, ‘Jesus, have mercy upon me; Jesus, save me.’ This is the truth of this most cruel act, which a Turk would scarcely have committed against his mortal enemy. Now let every man judge with himself, which of them have the greatest advantage, they who commit the cruelty against the good, or the good men who do suffer the same unjustly. The first sort have a continual gnawing in their conscience, and the others obtain an immortal crown. THE LIKE HISTORY OF THE DEATH OF A CERTAIN MINISTER, NAMED MASTER PETER SPENGLER, WHO WAS DROWNED: COLLECTED BY ECOLAMPADIUS. In a certain village named Schlat, in the country of Brisgois, there was a vigilant minister, a man very well learned in the Scriptures, of a good name, for that he lived a godly and a blameless life, having long time faithfully done his office and duty; being also courteous and gentle, and well-beloved of men, but especially of the bishop of Constance, with whom he was in great authority; peaceable and quiet with all men that he had to do withal. He quieted discords and contentions with a marvelous prudency, exhorting all men to mutual charity and love. In all assemblies wheresover he came, he greatly commended honest life and amendment of manners. When the purity of the gospel began to shine abroad, he began to read with great affection the holy Scriptures, which long time before, he. had read, but without any understanding. When he. had recovered a little judgment, and came to more understanding by continual reading, being also further grown in age, he began to consider with himself, in how great darkness and errors the whole order of priests had been a long time drowned. ‘O good God,’ said he, ‘who would have thought it, that so many learned and holy men have wandered out of the right way, and could have so long time been wrapped in so great errors, or that the holy Scripture could have been so deformed with such horrible abuses. 11 For he never well understood before (he said) that the gospel was the verity of God, in that order wherein it is written, seeing it containeth so much touching the cross, persecution, and ignominious death; and yet the priests lived in great prosperity, and no man durst maintain any quarrel against them without danger, He also saw that the hour was come that the gospel should be displayed, that persecution was at hand, that the enemies of the truth began now to rage, that the wicked and proud lifted up their heads on high, and feared not to enterprise and take in hand all kind of mischief and wickedness against the faithful; that the bishops, who ought by their virtue and power to defend the word, were more barbarous and cruel than any tyrants had been before. He, thus considering the present estate of the world, but all doubt from his heart, and saw presently before his eyes, that Jesus Christ had taught the truth; seeing so many bodies of the faithful were daily so tormented, beaten, exiled., banished, drowned, and burned. For who can report the great torments, which the innocent have endured these years passed, even by those who call themselves Christians; and for no other cause, but only for the true confession of Jesus Christ? This good pastor, (considering with himself the laws and doctrine of the church of Rome to swerve from the truth of Christ, especially in restraining marriage) to the end that he would not defile himself with fornication, married a maid of his, such a one as feared God; by whom afterwards he had many fair children. About this time the people of the country had raised a great commotion, who in their rage went to monasteries and priests’ houses, as if they had taken in hand some pilgrimage, and spared nothing that they could find to eat. That which they could not eat, they either cast under foot, or carried it away with them. One company of this rustical sort lodged themselves in the house of this good priest: for they made no difference between the good and the bad. These roisters took front him all that they could find, leaving nothing behind them, insomuch that they took away the very hose from his legs, for all that he could do: albeit that he gently entreated them, showing that it was theft and a hanging matter that riley did, yet they continued still in their madness like beasts. As they were departing out of the house, the good priest could not refrain himself from weeping, saying unto them, ‘I tell you before, these your inordinate doings will redound to some great mischief to yourselves; for what madness is this? What meaneth this rage and tumult, wherein you keep no order or equity, neither have any respect between friend and foe? Who thus stirreth you up? What counsel do you follow, or to what end do you this? Like thieves you spoil whatsoever you can lay hands upon. And think you not but these things which you now rob, raven, and steal, you shall be compelled hereafter to restore, again to your great detriment? What sedition did ever come to good end? You pretend the gospel, and have no peace of the gospel either in your mouths or in your hearts. These excesses ye never learned of me, who ever have taught you the true word of God. This your gospel is rather the gospel of the devil, than of God, who vexeth all the world with violence and wrong, spoiling and robbing without regard. The true gospel of Jesus Christ teacheth you to do. good unto all men, to avoid dissensions and perjury. This I say unto you, that in these your doings you offend God, and provoke his just vengeance to plague you, who will never suffer these evils to escape unpunished. You find written in the gospel, That which thou wouldest not should be done to thee, do not to others. You offend also all the nobility, and your lawful magistrates, whom you are sworn and bound unto. It is no small matter, I tell you, to raise up sedition, to stir up others, and to disturb the state of the commonwealth: and when this tumult shall be ceased, what then shall your noblemen do? Shall they not rifle you as fast, and of your goods make themselves rich? and then shall one of you betray another.’ These, with such other words, he stood preaching unto them, almost naked; but all this would not prevail with those men, who, after all these gentle admonitions and fair words, departed out of his house, giving him foul language, and calling him ‘old dotard.’ Amongst all others, one more wicked than the residue said unto him in this manner: O master curate! we have been long deceived by your selling of masses, by fearing us with purgatory, by your dirges and trentals; and so have we been spoiled; wherefore we do nothing, now, but require again the money which you robbed us of.’ And so mocking and scorning him they departed. After this sedition of the peasants was partly appeased, their armor being laid away, and they taken unto grace; after that also divers of the principals of that conspiracy were taken here and there in the villages, and executed; this good pastor, fearing no such thing, for the true and sincere preaching of the gospel, whereat many took great indignation, was taken in the night by certain soldiers, who bound’ him hand and foot with a great rope, before his wife and children, and so set hint upon a horse, and led him away to Friburg. What grievous sighs, tears, sorrow, and lamentation were there! it would have moved any heart, were it as hard as a flint, to a doleful compassion; especially to see the barbarous and despiteful rebukes, taunts, and extreme cruelty showed by these proud popish soldiers against the innocent priest. Such beastly tyrants the world is never without: of such godly ministers we have had but a few. The people, hearing this pitiful noise and lamentation in the night, came running out, not the men, but only the women, whom the soldiers willed to go home again, and that their men should come forth and keep the town; but their men durst not appear. Then from Friburg shortly after they conveyed him to Ensisheim. After they had long kept this man in prison, and that he had endured most terrible torments in all parts of his body, they judged him to death. If you will know the cause that they had to lay to his charge, it was only this, that he had married a wife secretly in his own house, with a few witnesses. Other crimes they had none to object against him; neither that he was a seditious and wicked man, nor that he had committed any other offense, albeit they had gathered divers wicked persons out of sundry places, to pick out of his sermons the order and manner of his behavior. When he was led unto the place of execution, he answered gently and quietly unto all them that came to comfort him. But there were divers monks and priests, who troubled him very sorely with their foolish babbling, as he was striving in his spirit against the horror of death, and making his prayer unto Almighty God; seeking nothing else but to turn him away from his hearty and earnest contemplation. But he desired them that they would hold their peace, saying that he had already confessed his sins unto the Lord Jesus, nothing at all doubting that he had received absolution and forgiveness of them all. ‘And I,’ said he, ‘shall be an acceptable sacrifice unto my Savior Jesus Christ, for I have done no such thing wherefore I am now condemned, which might displease my Lord God, who, in this behalf, hath given me a good and quiet conscience. Now therefore let them who thirst for innocent blood, and shed the same, diligently advise themselves what they do, and know that they offend even Him, unto whom it pertaineth truly to judge the hearts of men; for it is said, ‘Vengeance is mine, and I will punish.’ (Romans 12) And forasmuch as he was a very lean man, he added this moreover, saying, ‘It is all one; for shortly I must have forsaken this skin, which already scarcely hangeth to my bones. I know well that I am a mortal, and a corruptible worm, and have nothing in me but corruption. I have long time desired my latter day, and have made my request that I might be delivered out of this mortal body, to be joined with my Savior Jesus Christ. I have deserved, through my manifold sins committed against my Savior Christ, my cross; and my Savior Christ hath borne the cross, and hath died upon the cross; and for my part I will not glory in any other thing but only in the cross of Jesus Christ.’ There were present by him certain naughty persons who could not endure to hear this godly exhortation, but made a sign unto the hangman to cast him down into the river. After he was thrown down, he moved for a certain space in the water, in such sort that the river whereinto he was cast was red with blood. This was a certain sign and token that innocent blood was that day shed. Those who were there present, beholding that which had happened, were greatly amazed and astonished, considering with themselves what the staining of the water with the blood should signify. Every man returned home pensive and sad, marveling at the cruel deed that was done that day: notwithstanding no man durst open his mouth to speak one word, because that all things were exercised with such cruelty. This was done in the town of Ensisheim, A.D. 1525. These things I did understand by one who did behold them with his eyes The Lord of his great grace be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins! Such was the wickedness then of those days, and yet is still, that whosoever was perceived to favor the gospel, or any thing to dislike the doctrine of the pope’s church, he was hated and despited of the rulers, lawyers, and all other papists through the whole country about; but especially of priests, monks, and friars. And though the life of the gospellers were never so sound and upright, yet such was the hatred and malice of the pope’s friends against them, that they never ceased to seek all occasions, and devise matters how to bring them to death. It so happened a little before this present time, that there was a commotion of the rude and rustical people of the country rising in armor inordinately against their rulers, to the great disturbance of the whole country of Germany, and no less to their own destruction; of whom were slain above twenty thousand. At length, when this rebellion was appeased, and all things quiet, such as were the pope’s friends, to work their malice against the gospel, took occasion thereby not long after to accuse and entangle such as they knew to be gospellers and protestants. And although the said gospellers were never so inculpable and clear from all rebellion, yet that sufficed not; for causes were made, false witnesses brought, corrupt judges suborned, to condemn the innocent; and many were put to death. their cause being neither heard nor known. By reason hereof a great number of good and innocent Christians were miserably brought to their end and martyrdom; in the number of whom was this poor man also, whose story by Ecolampadius is thus described: ANOTHER HISTORY OF A CERTAIN MAN OF THE COUNTRY, WRONGFULLY PUT TO DEATH; COLLECTED BY THE SAID JOHN ECOLAMPADIUS. There was (saith he) a certain man of the country, who in my judgment was a good man, and a lover of justice, and a mortal enemy of all the cruel exactions of the gentlemen who oppressed the poor people. This man, after the tumult and commotion of the country was appeased, was grievously vexed and tormented because he had cried ‘alarm,’ when a great number of horsemen ranged about the country to seek out those who had been the authors of that sedition. This poor man was taken by policy, and so upholden with fair promises, that they made him confess whatsoever they required. He, thinking that they would not have put him to death, was cast into prison, where he was a long time detained, and well cherished, to take away all suspicion from him. But, after he had tarried a long time in prison, they put him to the pinbank, laying divers and many grievous offenses to his charge, where they kept him hanging in the truss of the cord 13 the space of six hours hanging a great stone fastened at his feet. The sweat that dropped from his body for very pain and anguish, was almost blood. In this distress he cried out pitifully, but all that could not once move the tormentors’ hearts. When all the power and strength in his body began to fail him, with great violence they let him fall down. There this poor man lay even as a stock, not moving any part or member of his body, but a little drawing his breath, which was a token that there was some life in him. Here the tormentors were in great doubt what to do with the man (whom they sought by all means to destroy), in what place they might put him, that he should not die of that torment. Amongst them there was one who brought vinegar and rose water; and rubbing him therewithal, they did somewhat recover him. After they had caused him to eat and drink such as they provided for him, they let him down into a deep dungeon, where he could see neither sun nor moon. All this was done to the intent to put him to more torment, when he had somewhat recovered his strength again. There they let him continue eighteen days, after which time they brought him again to examination, propounding certain articles unto him, which he constantly denied. They devised divers and sundry kinds of torments, to the intent they might, even of force, extort something of this poor man, which might seem worthy of death; yet for all that they were fain to depart without their purpose. The twentieth day after, these tyrants hired a hangman (a man surely worthy of his office), who left no kind of cruelty unpracticed; yet did he miss of his purpose also, and was constrained to leave his cruelty, and to pronounce even with his own mouth, that the man was innocent, in that he had so constantly endured so many horrible and grievous torments. Yet these tyrants came again the fourth time, and suborned two witnesses against him; thus concluding, that he was worthy of death, because he had cried ‘alarm’ after the truce was taken, and would have moved a new sedition. The day was appointed when he should suffer, and they brought unto him the hangman and a friar into the prison. In the mean time this poor man thought with himself, that they would have showed him the like cruelty as they had done the night before. They called him out of the dungeon where they had let him down, certifying him that they had things to tell him for his profit. This they did because he should not die in prison. Then they let down a cord and a staff, but they could not. persuade him to sit thereupon, saying, that he would rather choose to die there, than he would endure any more such cruel torments; notwithstanding, if they would promise not to put him any more to the truss of the cord, nor to put him to death, but to bring him before just judges, on that condition he would come out; although he had fully determined never to have removed from thence, but to have ended his life in that dungeon. There were present certain councilors who promised to perform his request, 14 and thereupon he was taken out of the dungeon. As soon as he saw the friar, he cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘O miserable and wretched man that I am! now am I betrayed and deceived; for my latter hour is at hand. I see well the dream which I have dreamed this night will come to effect, for they do handle me tyrannously, and condemn me not being heard.’ The friar brake him off from his purpose, and pulling a wooden cross out of his sleeve, presented it unto him, declaring that he must be quiet, because they had already given sentence against him, and that he should gain nothing by so much talk. ‘Poor man,’ said the friar, ‘thou hast had good and gentle judges; at the least thou shalt go to God; therefore confess thy sins in my ear, and after thou has, received absolution at my hands, doubt not but this day thou shalt go straight to the kingdom of heaven. ‘The poor man answered, ‘Thou wicked friar! get thee away from me, for I have long since bewailed my sins and offenses, and that before the face of my Lord Jesus, who hath already forgiven me all that which I have committed against his majesty; wherefore I have no need of thy absolution, which thou thyself dost not understand. This is most certain, that long time since thou shouldst have amended thine own wicked and hypocritical life. I know well enough what thou art; thou playest the ape with me, but thou hast a subtle and a crafty heart, which hath deceived much simple people. If thou hast any comfort or consolation out of the gospel to comfort me withal, let me have it; if not, get thee away from me with thy portues. The friar was so confused and amazed with these words, that he knew not what to do or say. The hangman, being wiser than the friar, bade him read unto the poor man something of the passion, wherein the poor man would take great pleasure. This foolish friar had no other consolation to comfort him withal, but to hold the crucifix of wood before him, saying, ‘Behold thy Savior who died for thee; look upon him, and thou shalt be comforted.’ Then said the poor man, ‘I have another Savior, this is none of my Savior; get thou away from me,. thou naughty, person! with thy marmoset, of. wood; my Savior dwelleth in heaven, an whom I trust that he will not deliver my soul to eternal death.’ The friar crossed himself, showing the semblance of a man that was very sorry and aggrieved, thinking with himself that this poor man was fallen into desperation. Then was he led forth into the market-place, where, according to the custom, openly before all the people, his confession was read with a hind voice; which contained no other thing, but only that the man had been a seditious person, and that in the time of truce he had cried ‘Alarm.’ even in the night, when all men were at rest. When he was come to the place where he should suffer, being compassed in with glares and halberts hired for the purpose, after he had said the Lord’s Prayer, the hangman bade him kneel down; but he refused so to do, declaring that he had yet something more to say before the people, thinking that he should not be denied to speak in that place, as he was before the wicked judges. ‘Those,’ said he, ‘who know me, shall be sufficient good witnesses on my behalf, that from my youth upward I have always lived in good name, fame, and honesty, being never before accused for any offense, sedition, or perjury. In an evil time have I happened into these cursed days, when all ways both of God and mart are turned topsy turvy. 15 I was adherent to the tumult and sedition of the men of the country, as many others were, who dwell thereabout. But what then? are not there also many gentlemen who followed the peasants’ army, and many strong towns which went also with them? I was not the author of any sedition, which always I have mortally hated. I never gave counsel unto any man to move any broil or tumult in any place. We asked counsel of our gentlemen what we should do, when the bands of the peasants were assembled in the fields; but they gave us neither counsel nor comfort. And to speak of myself, I did never understand or know what the articles were that were published, nor was there ever any man that told me wherefore they were published; neither did I know wherefore the bands of the countrymen were risen, nor wherefore every man moved his neighbor to put on armor. Wherefore then have ye taken me as a seditious man, and made me to endure so great torments?’ He continued a long time declaring his innocency; but, notwithstanding all his excuses and defenses, the hangman drew his sword, and at the commandment of the judge, struck off his head, as he had made an end of his prayers. His tongue moved a long time after in his head, by means of the force of the words which he had before spoken. Thus this good man of the country ended his days, against whom the false judges could find no crime or offense to object, albeit they had diligently sought by witnesses to have information of all his life and living. The Lord grant his Spirit to all those who suffer for his name.’ THE STORY AND MARTYRDOM OF WOLFGANGUS SCHUCH, A GERMAN, BURNED IN LORRAINE. Wolfgangus Schuch, coming to a certain town in Lorraine, bearing the name of St. Hippolyte, and being received in the said town to be their pastor, labored by all means how to extirpate out of the hearts of the people idolatry, and superstition. This, through the grace of Christ working with him, he in short time had brought prosperously to pass according to his desire; insomuch that the observation of Lent, images, and all idols, with the abomination also of the mass, in the same town was utterly abolished: so reformable God made the hearts of the people there, and such affection they had to their minister. It was not long but the rumor thereof came to the hearing of duke Anthony, prince of Lorraine (under whose dominion they were), through the swift report of the adversaries, falsely belying these Hippolytanes to the duke; as though they, in relinquishing the doctrine and faction of the pope, went about to reject and shake off all authority and power of princes, and all superior governors. By means of which sinister report they incensed the prince to such displeasure and indignation, that he threatened to subvert and utterly to destroy the town with sword and fire. Wolfgangus, having word of this, wrote unto the duke his epistle 292 in most humble and obedient wise, in defense both of his ministry, of his doctrine which he taught, and of the whole cause of the gospel. In that epistle first he excused the people to be innocent and blameless, and said that those slanderous reporters were rather worthy to be blamed, and also punished, for their false rumors and forged slanders raised up against them. After that he opened and explained the cause and state of the gospel, and of our salvation, consisting only in the free grace of God, through faith in Christ his Son; comparing also the same doctrine of the gospel with the confused doctrine of the church of Rome. That done, thirdly, he proceeded to our obedience, honor and worship, which first we owe to God and to Christ, next under him to princes here and potestates, whom God hath placed in his room, and endued with authority here in earth; unto whom they offered themselves now and at all times prest and most ready 293 to obey, with all service and duty, etc. But with this epistle Wolfgangus did nothing prevail, either for that it was intercepted by the way, or else for that the false accusations and wicked tongues of the adverse party took more effect to win credit with the duke, than could the simple defense of verity. Whereupon Wolfgangus, when he saw no other remedy, rather than the town should come in any danger for his cause, the good man, of his own accord came to the city of Nancy (which is the head town of Lorraine), there to render a confession of his doctrine, and also to deliver the town of St. Hippolyte out of peril, drawing all the danger upon himself. As soon as he was come thither, incontinently hands were laid upon him, and he laid fast in a strait and stinking prison, where he was sharply and bitterly handled under custody of the churlish and cruel keepers. All this notwithstanding, Wolfgangus, continuing in that prison the space of a whole year, yet would not be moved from his constancy, neither with the straitness of the prison, nor with the hardness of his keepers, nor yet with compassion for his wife and for his children, of whom he had about six or seven. Then was he had to the house of the Grey Friars, to profess there his faith; where he both wittily and learnedly confuted all those that stood against him. There was a friar named Bonaventure, provincial 294 of that order, of face, body, and belly monstrous, but much more gross in blind ignorance; a man utterly rude, and a contemner of all civility and honesty; who, being long confessor to the duke, and of great authority in Lorraine, as he was an enemy to virtue and learning, so was he ever persuading the duke to banish out of the court and country of Lorraine all learned men; neither could he abide any person who seemed to know more than his elders knew before. The sum of all his divinity was this, that it was sufficient to salvation only to know the Pater Noster and Ave Maria. And thus was the duke brought up and trained, and in nothing else, as the duke himself oft times in talk with his familiars would confess. This Bonaventure, being chief judge and moderator where Wolfgangus disputed or was examined, had nothing else in his mouth, but ‘Thou heretic!’ ‘Judas!’ ‘Beelzebub!’ etc. Wolfgangus, bearing patiently those private injuries which pertained to himself, proceeded mightily in his disputation, by the Scriptures confuting or rather confounding his adversaries; who being not otherwise able to make their party good, yet for very shame, because they would not seem to do nothing, took his Bible with his notes in the margin into their monastery, and burned it. At the last disputation duke Anthony himself was said to be there, altering his apparel because he would not be known; who, albeit he understood not the speech of Wolfgangus speaking in Latin, yet perceiving him to be bold. and constant in his doctrine, departing from the disputation, gave sentence that he should be burned, because he denied the church, and the sacrament of the mass. Whereupon it followed shortly after that Wolfgangus was condemned to be burned, who, hearing the sentence of his condemnation, began to sing the 122d Psalm, “Laetatus sum in his quae dicta sunt mihi, in domum Domini ibimus,” etc. As he was led to the place of execution, passing by the house of the Grey Friars, Bonaventure the great Cyclops, sitting at the door, cried out to him, “Thou heretic! do thy reverence here to God, and to our Lady, and to his holy saints;” showing to him the idols standing at the friar’s gate: to whom Wolfgangus answered again, “Thou hypocrite! thou painted wall! the Lord shall destroy thee, and bring all thy false dissimulation unto light.” When they were come to the place of his martyrdom, first his books before him were thrown into the fire. Then they asked him, whether he would have his pain minished or shortened? to whom he said “No,” bidding them to do their will; “for” (said he) “as God hath been with me hitherto, so I trust now he will not leave me when I shall have most need of him;” concluding his words thus, that they should put the sentence in execution: and so beginning to sing the one and fiftieth Psalm, he entered into the place heaped up with faggots and wood, continuing in his Psalm, and singing till the smoke and the flame took from him both voice and life, August 19th, A.D. 1525. The singular virtue, constancy, and learning of this blessed man, as it refreshed and greatly edified the hearts of many good men, so it astonished as much the minds of his adversaries, and wrought to their confusion. For shortly after his death, the commendator 295 of St. Anthony of Viennois, who sat as spiritual judge over him, and gave sentence of his condemnation, fell suddenly down and died. Also his fellow, who was abbot of Clarilocus, 1 and suffragan to the bishop of Metz, suddenly, at the coming of the duchess of Denmark into the city of Nancy, stricken with sudden fear at the crack of the guns, fell down and died, as those who were present and saw it, have made faithful relation of the same. JOHN HUGLEIN, MARTYR, BURNED AT MERSEBURG. Of John Huglein, priest, mention is made in the Commentaries of John Sleidan, in lib. 6., who the next year following, A.D. 1526, was burned at Merseburg, by the bishop of Constance, for that he did not hold with the bishop of Rome’s doctrine in all points. Moreover, besides other matters in this year occurrent, here is also a memorandum to be made to all posterity, that in this present year 1526, unto John Frederic, son and heir to the prince and elector of Saxony, was promised the lady Katherine, the emperor’s younger sister in marriage, and writings were made of the same. But when the alteration of religion was sent by God’s providence into Saxony, they swerved from their covenants; and Hawnart, who was then the emperor’s ambassador in Germany, said plainly that there was no pro-raise to be kept with heretics: wherein they seemed to follow well the footsteps of the council of Constance, as before you have partly heard in the story of John Huss, and of the emperor Sigismund. GEORGE CARPENTER OF EMERICH, MARTYR, BURNED IN THE TOWN OF MUNICH IN BAVARIA. The eighth clay of February, in the year of our salvation 1527, there happened a rare and marvelous example and spectacle in the town of Munich in Bavaria, which was this: A certain man, named George Carpenter of Emerich, was there burnt. When he was fetched out of the prison called Falken-Tower, and led before the council, divers friars and monks followed him, to instruct and teach him; whom he willed to tarry at home, and not to follow him. When he came before the council, his offenses were read, contained in four articles. 1. That he did not believe that a priest could forgive a man’s sins. 2. That he did not believe that a man could call God out of heaven. 3. That he did not believe that God was in the bread which the priest hangeth over the altar, but that it was the bread of the Lord. 4. That he did not believe that the very element of the water itself, in baptism, doth give grace. These four articles he utterly refused to recant. Then came unto him a certain schoolmaster of St. Peter in the town of Munich, saying, “My friend George! dost thou not fear the death and punishment which thou must suffer? If thou were let go, wouldst thou return to thy wife and children?” Whereunto he answered, “If I were set at liberty, whither should I rather go, than to my wife and well-beloved children?” Then said the schoolmaster, “Revoke your former sentence and opinion, and you shall be set at liberty.” Whereunto George answered: “My wife and my children are so dearly beloved unto me, that they cannot be bought from me for all the riches and possessions of the duke of Bavaria; but, for the love of my Lord God, I will willingly forsake them. “When he was led to the place of execution, the schoolmaster spoke unto him again in the midst of the market-place, saying, “Good George! believe in the sacrament of the altar; do not affirm it to be only a sign. “Whereunto he answered, “I believe this sacrament to be a sign of the body of Jesus Christ offered upon the cross for us. “Then said the schoolmaster moreover, “What dost thou mean, that thou dost so little esteem baptism, knowing that Christ suffered himself to be baptized in Jordan?” Whereunto he answered, and showed what was the true use of baptism; and what was the end why Christ was baptized in Jordan; and how necessary it was that Christ should die and suffer upon the cross, wherein, only standeth our salvation. “The same Christ,” said he, “will I confess this day before the whole world; for he is my Savior, and in him do I believe.” After this came unto him one Master Conrad Scheter, the vicar of the cathedral church of our lady in Munich. a preacher, saying: “George! if thou wilt not believe the sacrament, yet put all thy trust in God, and say, I trust my cause to be good and true; but if I should err, truly I would be sorry and repent;” whereunto George Carpenter answered, “God suffer me not to err, I beseech him.” Then said the schoolmaster unto him, “Do not put the matter on that hazard, but choose unto you some good Christian brother, Master Conrad or some other, unto whom thou mayest reveal thy heart; not to confess thyself, but to take some godly counsel of him.” Whereunto he answered, “Nay, not so, for it would be too long.” Then Master Conrad began the Lord’s prayer: “Our Father which art in heaven;” whereunto Carpenter answered, “Truly thou art our Father, and no other: this day I trust to be with thee.” Then Master Conrad went forward with the prayer, saying, “Hallowed be thy name.” Carpenter answered, “O my God, how little is thy name hallowed in this world!” Then said Master Conrad, “Thy kingdom come.” Carpenter answered, “Let thy kingdom come this day unto me, that I also may come unto thy kingdom.” Then said Conrad. “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” Carpenter answered, “For this cause, O Father! am I now here, that thy will might be fulfilled and not mine.” Then said Conrad, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Carpenter answered, “The only living bread Jesus Christ shall be my food.” Then said Conrad, “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.” Carpenter answered, “With a willing mind do I forgive all men, both my friends and adversaries.” Then said Master Conrad, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil.” Whereunto Carpenter answered, “O my Lord! without doubt thou shalt deliver me; for upon thee only have I laid all my hope.” Then he began to rehearse the Belief, saying, I believe in God the Father Almighty.” Carpenter answered, “O my God! in thee alone do I trust; in thee only is all my confidence, and upon no other creature; albeit they have gone about to force me otherwise.” In this manner he answered to every word; which answers of his, if they should be described at length, would be too long. This prayer ended, the schoolmaster said unto him, “Dost thou, believe so truly and constantly in thy Lord and God with thy heart, as thou dost cheerfully seem to confess him with thy mouth?” Hereunto he answered; “It were a very hard matter for me, if that I, who, am ready here to suffer death, should not believe that with my heart, which I openly profess with my mouth: for I knew before that I must suffer persecution, if I would cleave unto Christ, who saith, Where thy heart is, there is also thy treasure [Luke 12]; and whatsoever thing a man doth fix in his heart to love above God, that he maketh his idol.” Then said Master Conrad unto him, “George! dost thou think it necessary after thy death, that any man should pray for thee, or say mass for thee?” He answered; “So long as the soul is joined to the body, pray God for me, that he will give me grace and patience, with all humility, to suffer the pains of death with a true Christian faith: but when the soul is separate from the body, then have I no more need of four prayers.” When the hangman should bind him to the ladder, he preached much unto the people. Then he was desired by certain Christian brethren, that as soon as he was cast into the fire, he should give some sign or token what his faith or belief was. To whom he answered, “This shall be my sign and token; that so long as I can open my mouth, I will not cease to call upon the name of Jesus.” Behold, good reader! what an incredible constancy was in this godly man, such as lightly hath not been seen in any man before. His face and countenance never changed color, but cheerfully he went unto the fire. “In the midst,” saith he, “of the town this day will I confess my God before the whole world.” When he was laid upon the ladder, and the hangman put a bag of gunpowder about his neck, he said, “Let it so be, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost!” And when the two hangmen lifted him up upon the ladder, smiling, he bade a certain Christian farewell, requiring forgiveness of him. That done, the hangman thrust him into the fire. He with a loud voice cried out, “Jesus!” “Jesus!” Then the hangman turned him over; and he again for a certain space cried, “Jesus!” “Jesus!” and so joyfully yielded up his spirit. THE HISTORY OF LEONARD KEYSER, MARTYR, BURNED AT SCHARDINGHAM. Here also is not to be passed over the marvelous constancy of Master Leonard Keyser, of the country of Bavaria, who was burned for the gospel. This Keyser was of the town of Rawbe, four miles from Passau, of a famous house. This man, being at his study in Wittenberg, was sent for by his brethren, who certified him, that if ever he would see his father alive, he should come with speed; which thing he did. He was scarcely come thither, when, by the commandment of the bishop of Passau, he was taken by his mother and his brethren. The articles which he was accused of, for which also he was most cruelly put to death, and shed his blood for the testimony of the truth, were these: That faith only justifieth. That works are the fruits of faith. That the mass is no sacrifice or oblation. ITEM , For confession, satisfaction, the vow of chastity, purgatory, difference of days, for affirming only two sacraments, and invocation of saints. He also maintained three kinds of confession. The first to be of faith, which is always necessary. The second of charity, which serveth when any man hath offended his neighbor, to whom he ought to reconcile himself again, as a man may see: by that which is written in Matthew 18. The third, which is not to be despised, is to ask counsel of the ancient ministers of the church. And forasmuch as all this was contrary to the bull of pope Leo, and the emperor’s decree made at Worms, sentence was given against him, that he should be degraded, and put into the hands of the secular power. The persecutors who sat in judgment upon him, were the bishop of Passau; the suffragans of Ratisbon and Passau; also Dr. Eckius, being guarded about with armed men. His brethren and kinsfolks made great intercession to have his judgment deffered and put off, that the matter might be more exactly known. Also John Frederic, duke of Saxony, and the earls of Schauenburg and Shunartzen, wrote to the bishop for him, but could not prevail. After the sentence was given, he was carried by a company of harnessed men out of the city again, to Schardingham, the 13th of August; where Christopher Frenkinger, the civil judge, receiving him, had letters sent him from duke William of Bavaria, that forthwith, tarrying for no other judgment, he should be burned alive. Whereupon the good and blessed martyr, early in the morning, being rounded and shaven, and clothed in a short gown, and a black cap set upon his head, all cut and jagged, so was delivered unto the officer. As he was led out of the town to the place where he should suffer, he boldly and hardily spoke in the Ahnain tongue, turning his head first on the one side, and then on the other, saying, “O Lord Jesus! remain with me, sustain and help me, and give me force and power.” Then the wood was made ready to be set on fire, and he began to cry with a loud voice, “O Jesus! I am thine, have mercy upon me, and save me;” and therewithal he felt the fire begin sharply under his feet, his hands, and about his head. And because the fire was not great enough, the hangman plucked the body, half burnt, with a long hook, from underneath the wood. Then he made a great hole in the body, through which he thrust a stake, and cast him again into the fire, and so made, an end of burning. This was the blessed end of that good man, who suffered for the testimony of the truth on the 16th day of August 297 , A.D. 1527. 1 WENDELMUTA, WIDOW, MARTYR, AT THE HAGUE. In Holland also the same year, 1527, was martyred and burned a good and virtuous widow, named Wendelmuta, a daughter of Nicholas of Munchenstein. This widow, receiving to her heart the brightness of God’s grace by the appearing of the gospel, was therefore apprehended and committed to custody in the castle of Werden; and shortly after was brought from thence to the Hague, the 15th day of November, there to appear at the general sessions of that country; where was present Hochstratus, lord president of the said. country, who also sat upon her the 17th day of the aforesaid month. Divers monks were appointed there to talk with her, to the end they might convince her, and win her to recant; but she, constantly persisting in that truth wherein she was planted, would not be removed. Many also of her kindred and other honest women, were suffered to persuade with her; among whom there was a certain noble matron, who loved and favored dearly the said widow being in prison. This matron coming and communing with her, in her talk said: “My Wendelmuta! why dost thou not keep silence, and think secretly in thine heart these things which thou believest, that thou mayest prolong here thy days and life? To whom she answered again: “Ah,” said she, “you know not what you say. It is written, With the heart we believe to righteousness, with the tongue we confess to salvation,” etc. [Romans 10.] And thus she, remaining firm and steadfast in her belief and confession, on the 20th day of November was condemned, by sentence given as against a heretic, to be burned to ashes, and her goods to be confiscated; she taking the sentence of her condemnation mildly and quietly. After site came to the place where she should be executed, and a monk there had brought out a blind cross, willing her many times to kiss and worship her God; “I worship,” said she, “no wooden God, but only that God which is in heaven:” and so, with a merry and joyful countenance, she went to the stake, desiring the executioner to see the stake to be fast, that it fall not. Then taking the powder, and laying it to her breast, she gave her neck willingly to be bound, with an ardent prayer commending herself into the hands of God. When the time came that she should be strangled, modestly she closed her eyes, and bowed down her head as one that would take a sleep: which done, the fire then was put to the wood, and she, being strangled, was burned afterwards to ashes; instead of this life, to get the immortal crown in heaven. A.D. 1527. PETER FLISTEDEN AND ADOLPHUS CLAREBACH, PUT TO DEATH AT COLOGNE. In the number of these German martyrs, are also to be comprehended Peter Flisteden and Adolphus Clarebach 298 ; two men of singular learning, and having ripe knowledge of God’s holy word. These two, A.D. (for that they did dissent from the papists in divers points, and especially touching the Supper of the Lord, and other the pope’s traditions and ceremonies), after they had endured imprisonment a year and a half, by the commandment of the archbishop and senate, were put to death and burned in Cologne, not without the great grief and lamentation of many good Christians; all the fault being put upon certain divines, who at that time preached, that the punishment and death of certain wicked persons should pacify the wrath of God, which then plagued Germany grievously with a new and strange kind of disease: for at that season the sweating sickness did mortally rage and reign throughout all Germany. A PREFACE TO THE TABLE FOLLOWING. If thou well remember in reading this book of stories, loving reader! it was before mentioned and declared how in the year of grace 1501, certain prodigious marks and prints of the Lord’s passion, as the crown, cross, nails, scourges, and spear, were seen in Germany upon the garments of men and women. This miraculous ostent, passing the ordinary course of natural causes, as it was sent of God, no doubt, to foreshow the great and terrible persecution, which afterwards fell in the country of Germany, and other regions besides, for the testimony of Christ; so, if the number and names of all those good men and women, who suffered in the same persecution, with their acts and doings, should be gathered and compiled together, it would ask a long time, and a large volume. Notwithstanding, partly to satisfy the history which we have in hand; partly also to avoid tedious prolixity, I thought briefly to contract the discourse thereof, drawing, as in a. compendious table, the names of the persecutors, and of the martyrs who suffered, and the causes thereof, with as much shortness as I may; referring the full tractation of their lives and doings to those writers of their own country, where they are to be read more at large. And to keep an order in the sane table, as much as in such a confused heap of matters I may, according to the order and distinction of the countries in which these blessed saints of Christ did suffer; I have divided the order of the table in such sort, as first to begin with them that suffered in Germany, then in France, also in Spain, with other foreign countries more; showing only the names, with the principal matters of them; referring the rest to the further explication of their own story-writers, from whence they be collected: which table being finished, my purpose is, Christ willing, to return to the full history of our own matters, and of the martyrs who suffered here in England. A TABLE OF THE NAMES AND CAUSES 0F SUCH MARTYRS AS GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR THE TESTIMONY OF THE GOSPEL, IN GERMANY, FRANCE, SPAIN, ITALY, AND OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES, SINCE LUTHER’S TIME. IN WHICH TABLE ARE CONTAINED THE PERSECUTORS, THE MARTYRS, AND THE CAUSES OF THEIR MARTYRDOM. THE MARTYRS OF GERMANY. Of divers who suffered in Germany for the witness of the gospel partly some rehearsal is made before, as of Voes and Esch, of Sutphen, John Castellane, Peter Spengler, with a certain godly minister, and another simple man of the country, mentioned in Ecolampadius: also of them in Dithmarsch and Prague, of M. George of Halle, Gasper Tambert, George of Vienna, Wolfgangus Schuch, John Huglein, George Carpenter, Leonard Keyser, Wendelmuta, Peter Flisteden, Adolphus Clarebach, and others. The residue follow in order of this table here to be showed. Persecutors : Charles the Emperor; also two Servants of a Butcher, who did apprehend one Nicholas at Antwerp, A.D. 1524. NICHOLAS OF ANTWERP, A MARTYR. The curate of Melz 299 , by Antwerp, had used to preach to a great number of people without that town. The emperor, hearing thereof, gave leave to take the uppermost garment of all them that came to hear, and offered thirty guilders, whoso would take the priest. Afterwards, when the people were gathered, and the curate not there, this Nicholas stepped up in his place and preached. Wherefore he, being apprehended by these two servants of a butcher, was put in a sack and drowned by the Crane at Antwerp, A.D. 1524. Persecutors : Margaret, daughter of Maximilian, Princess of Holland, also M. Montane, M. Roseround, and M. Anchusanus, inquisitors; also M. Jodocus Lovering, vicar of Mechlen, A.D. 1524. JOHANNES PISTORIUS, A LEARNED MAN OF HOLLAND, AND PARTLY OF KIN TO ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM, A MARTYR. The story of Pistorius is largely set forth by Gnatheus. First, he was a priest, then he married; after that he preached, coming from Wittenberg. He spoke against the mass and pardons, and against the subtle abuses of priests. He was committed to prison with ten malefactors, whom he did comfort; and to one, being half naked, and in danger of cold, he gave his gown. His father visiting him in prison, did not dissuade him, but bade him be constant. At last he was condemned, and degraded, having a fool’s coat put upon him 300 . His fellow-prisoners at his death sung ‘Te Deum.’ Coming to the stake, he gave his neck willingly to the band, wherewith he was first strangled, and then burned 301 , saying at his death, ‘O death, where is thy victory?’ [1 Corinthians 15.] Persecutor : Sebastian Braitenstein, abbot of Kempten in Suabia, A.D. 1525. MATTHIAS WEIBELL, SCHOOLMASTER, A MARTYR. For saying somewhat against the abbot’s first mass, and against the carrying about relics, through procurement of the abbot he was hanged by Kempten in Suabia. Persecutors : Certain Noblemen, after the commotion of the Countrymen in Germany, A.D. 1525. A CERTAIN GODLY PRIEST, A MARTYR. This priest being commanded to come and give good counsel to sixteen countrymen that should be beheaded, afterwards was bid himself to kneel down to have his head cut off; no cause nor condemnation further being laid against him, but only from mere hatred against the gospel. Persecutor : The name of the Persecutor appears not in the Story. GEORGE SCHERRER, A MARTYR, AT RADSTAT, BY SALTSBURG. A.D. 1528. After this George had instructed the people in knowledge of the gospel in Radstat, ten miles distant from Saltsburg, he was accused by his adversaries, and put in prison, where he wrote a confession of his faith, which Matthiss Illyricus hath set out with his whole story. He was condemned to be burned alive; but means were made, that first his head should be cut off, and his body afterwards be cast into the fire. Going towards his death, he said, crying aloud, ‘That you may know, said he, that I die a true Christian, I will give you a manifest sign;’ and so he did by the power of the Lord: for when his head was taken off from his shoulders, the body, falling upon his belly, so continued the space while one might well eat an egg. After that, softly it turned itself upon the back, and crossed the right foot over the left 302 4 ; at the sight whereof, they that saw it were in a great marvel. The magistrates, who before had appointed to have burned the body after his beheading, seeing this miracle, would not burn it, but buried it with other Christian men’s bodies;, and many by. that example were moved to believe the gospel. Thus God is able to manifest the truth of his gospel in the midst of persecution, who is to be blessed for ever. Amen. Persecutor : Balthasar, official. HENRY FLEMING303 AT DORNICK, 7 1535, A MARTYR. This Henry a friar, sometime of Flanders, forsook his habit, and married a wife; who, being offered life of Balthasar, if he would confess his wife to be a harlot, denied so to do, and so was burnt at Dornick. Persecutor : A Popish Priest, and a wicked Murderer. A GOOD PRIEST DWELLING NOT FAR FROM BASIL, 1539, A MARTYR. There was a certain wicked priest, a notorious adulterer, a dicer, and a vile drunkard, given to all wickedness and ungraciousness, without all fear, regarding nothing what mischief he did: moreover, a man fit and ready to serve the affection of the papists at all turns. It chanced that this priest was received and lodged in the house of another priest dwelling not far from Basil, who was a good man, and a sincere favorer of the gospel. This drunken priest, sitting at supper, was so drunk, that he could not tell what he aid, or else reigned himself so drunk on purpose, the better to accomplish his intended mischief. So it followed, that this wretch, after his first sleep, rose out of his bed, and brake all the glass windows in his chamber, threw down the stone, and rent all his host’s books that he found. The host, awaking with the noise: thereof, came to him, asking him how he did? whether there were any thieves or enemies that he was in fear of? desiring him to show what he ailed. Rut as soon as the good host had opened his chamber-door, the wicked cut-throat ran at him with his sword to slay him. the host, after the wound received, fell down and died. Upon this a clamor was made through all the street, and the neighbors coming in, the murderer was taken and bound: and yet all the friends and kinsfolks that the good priest had, could not make that miserable caitif, that was the murderer, to be executed; the superior powers did so take his part, saying, that he should be sent to his bishop. The towns-men did grievously cry out and complain at the bolstering out such manifest villany: so did also the nobleman, that was the lord of the page, saying, that so many good men and married priests were drowned and beheaded for such small trifles, without any regard had to the bishop; but a murderer might escape unpunished. It was answered to them again, that what the superior powers would do, they had nothing to do withal: the time was otherwise now, than it was in the commotion of the rustical people. The superior power had authority to govern as they would (said they); it was their parts only to obey. And so was he sent bound to the bishop, and shortly after dismissed, having also a greater benefice given him for his worthy act; for he so avaunted himself, that he had slain a Lutheran priest. Persecutors : Charles, the Emperor’s procurator; Dr. Enchusanus inquisitor; and Latomus. TWENTY-EIGHT CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN OF LOUVAIN, A.D. 1548, MARTYRS. When certain of the city of Louvain were suspected of Lutheranism, the emperor’s procurator crone thither from Brussels to make inquisition. After this inquisition made, certain bands of armed men came and beset their houses in the night, where many were taken in their beds, plucked from their wives and children, and divided into divers prisons; through the terror whereof, many citizens revolted from the doctrine of the gospel, and returned again to idolatry. But twenty-eight there were who remained constant in that persecution; unto whom the doctors of Louvain, Enchusanus the inquisitor especially, and Latomus sometimes, with others, came and disputed; thinking no less, but either to confound them, or to convert them. But so strongly the spirit of the Lord wrought with his saints, that the others rather went confounded away themselves. When no disputation could serve, that which lacked in cunning, they supplied with torments, by enforcing and afflicting them severally every one by himself. Among the rest there was one Paul a priest, about the age of sixty years; whom the rectors of the university, with their colleagues, accompanied with a great number of bills and glaves, brought out of prison to the Austin Friars, where, after many foul words of the rector, he was degraded. But, at length, for fear of death, he began to stagger in some points of his confession, and so was had out of Louvain, and condemned to perpetual prison, which was a dark and stinking dungeon; where he was suffered neither to read nor write, nor any man to come at him; commanded only to be fed with bread and water. After that, other two were there, who, because they had revoked before, were put to the fire and burnt, constantly taking their martyrdom. Then was there an old man, and two aged women brought forth: of whom the one was called Antonia, born of an ancient stock in that city. These also were condemned, the man to be beheaded, the two women to be buried quick; which death they received likewise very cheerfully. Certain of the other prisoners who were not condemned to death, were deprived of their goods, commanded in a white sheet to come to the church, and there kneeling, with a taper in their hand, to ask forgiveness: and they that refused so to do, and to abjure the doctrine of Luther, were put to the fire. Persecutor : The name of the Persecutor appeareth not in the Story. MASTER PERSEVAL304 , A MARTYR AT LOUVAIN, A.D. 1544. Not long after this there was one Master Perseval, in the same university of Louvain, singularly well learned, who for reprehending certain popish superstitions, and something speaking in commendation of the gospel, was thrown into prison. Then being accused of Lutheranism, because he stood to the same, and would not condescend to the pope’s erroneous faction, he was adjudged to perpetual prison, there to be fed only with bread and water; which punishment he took patiently for Christ’s sake: nevertheless certain citizens, taking compassion of him, sent him wine and beer. But his keepers being charged under a great penalty, durst let nothing come unto him. At last what became of him no man could learn, or understand. Some judge that he was either famished for hunger, or else that he was secretly drowned. 3 Persecutor : the Drossart 305 , or chief Magistrate in that Country, a great Persecutor. JUSTUS IMSBERG, A MARTYR AT BRUSSELS, A.D. 1544. Justus Imsberg, a skinner of Louvain, being suspected of Lutheranism, was found in his house to have the New Testament, and certain sermons of Luther; for which he was committed, and the gaoler commanded that he should speak with none. There were at the same time in the lower prison under him, Giles, 4 and Francis Encenas a Spaniard; who secretly, having the doors left open, came to him, and confirmed him in the cause of righteousness. Thus is the providence of the Lord never lacking to his saints in time of necessity. Shortly after came the doctors and masters of Louvain, to examine him of certain articles touching religion, as of the pope’s supremacy, sacrifice of the mass, purgatory, and of the sacrament. Whereunto when he had answered plainly and boldly, after the Scriptures, and would in no wise be removed, he was condemned to the fire: but through intercession made to the queen, his burning was pardoned, and he was only beheaded. Persecutor : The Parson of Brussels. GILES TILLEMAN, A MARTYR AT BRUSSELS, A.D. 1544. This Giles was born in Brussels, of honest parents. By his occupation he was brought up from his youth to be a cutler. In this occupation he was so expert and cunning, that he waxed thereby rich and wealthy. Coming to the age of thirty, he began to receive the light of the gospel, through the reading of the holy Scripture, and increased therein exceedingly. And as in zeal he was fervent, so was he of nature humane, mild, and pitiful, passing all others in those parts. Whatsoever he had that necessity could spare, he gave it away to the poor, and only lived by his science. Some he refreshed with his meat; some with clothing; to some he gave his shoes; some he helped with household stuff, to others he ministered wholesome exhortation of good doctrine. One poor woman there was brought to bed, and had no bed to lie in, to whom he brought his own bed, himself contented to lie in the straw. The said Giles being detected by a priest or parson of Brussels, was taken at Louvain for that religion which the pope doth call heresy; where his adversaries extended great care and diligence to reduce him to their doctrine, and to make him abjure. But as he was a man well reasoned, and singularly witted, they went away many times with shame. Thus being detained eight months in prison, he was sent to Brussels to be judged; where he comforted divers who were there in prison (among whom was also Francis Encenas), ex horting them to the constancy of the truth, unto the crown which was prepared for them. At the table he ministered unto them all, being contented himself with a few scraps which they left. In his prayers he was so ardent, kneeling by himself, in some secret place, that he seemed to forget himself. Being. called many times to meat, he neither heard nor saw them that stood by him, till he was lifted up by the arms; and then gently he would speak unto them as one waked out of a sweet sleep. Certain of the Grey Friars sometimes were sent unto him by two and two, to reduce him; but he would always desire them to depart from him, for he was at a point; and when the friars at any time did miscall him, he ever held his peace at such private injuries; insomuch that those blasphemers would say abroad, that he had a dumb devil in him. But when they talked of any religion, there he spared not, but answered them fully by evidences of the Scripture, in such sort, that divers times they would depart marveling. At sundry times he might have escaped, the doors being set open, but he would not, for bringing his keeper in peril. At length, about the month of January, he was brought to another prison, to be constrained with torments to confess purgatory, and to utter more of his fellows: but no enforcement would serve. Wherefore, upon the 22d of January, he was condemned to the fire, but privily, contrary to the use of the country; for openly they durst not condemn him for fear of the people, so well was he beloved. When tidings of the sentence came unto him, he gave hearty thanks unto God, that the hour was come when he might glorify the Lord. As he was brought to the place of burning, where he saw a great heap of wood piled, he required the greater part thereof to be taken away, and to be given to the poor: a little (said he) would suffice him. Also seeing a poor man coming by, as he went, that lacked shoes, he gave his shoes unto him; better (said he) so to do, than to have his shoes burnt, and the poor to perish for cold. Standing at the stake, the hangman was ready to strangle him before; but he would not, saying, that there was no such need that his pain should be mitigated; ‘For I fear not,’ said he, ‘the fire; do thou therefore as thou art commanded.’ And thus the blessed martyr, lifting up his eyes to heaven in the middle of the flame, died, to the great lamentation of all that stood by. After that time, when the friars of that city would go about for their alms, the people would say, It was not meet for them to receive alms with bloody hands. This history you shall find more copiously described in Francis Encenas. GREAT PERSECUTION IN GAUNT, AND OTHER PARTS OF FLANDERS, BY THE FRIARS AND PRIESTS THEREOF; As Charles the emperor did lie in Gaunt, the friars and doctors there obtained, that the edict made against the Lutherans, might be read openly twice a year. This being obtained, great persecution followed, so that there was no city nor town in all Flanders, wherein some either were not expulsed, or beheaded, or condemned to perpetual prison, or had not their goods confiscated: neither was there any respect for age or sex. At Gaunt especially, many there were of the head men, who, for religion sake, were burned. Afterwards the emperor coming to Brussels, there was terrible slaughter and persecution of God’s people, namely, in Brabant, Hennegow, 2 and Artois; the horror and cruelty whereof is almost incredible: insomuch that at one time as good as two hundred men and women together were brought out of the country about into the city, of whom some were drowned, some buried quick, some privily made away, others sent to perpetual prison: whereby all the prisons and towers thereabout were replenished with prisoners and captives, and the hands of the hangman tired with slaying and killing; to the great sorrow of all those who knew the gospel, being now compelled either to deny the same, or to confirm it with their blood. The story hereof is at large set forth by Francis Encenas, a notable learned man, who also himself was prisoner the same time at Brussels: whose book, written in Latin, I myself have seen and read, remaining in the hands of John Oporine at Basil. Persecutors : The Franciscan Friars of Gaunt. MARTIN HOEURBLOCK, FISHMONGER AT GAUNT, A MARTYR, A.D. 1545. This Martin ever almost to his later age was a man much given to all wickedness and fleshly life, so long as he continued a follower of the pope’s superstition and idolatry. Afterward (as God hath always his calling) through the occasion of a sermon of his parish priest, beginning to taste some workings of grace and repentance of his former life, be went out of Gaunt for the space of three months, seeking the company of godly Christians, such as he heard to use the reading of the Scriptures: by whom he, being more groundedly instructed, returned again to the city of Gaunt, where all his neighbors first began to marvel at the sudden change of this man. The Franciscans, who knew him before so beneficial unto them, now seeing him so altered from their ways and superstition, and seeing him to visit the captives in prison, to comfort them in persecution, and to confirm those in the word of God who went to the fire, conspired against him: whereby he was detected and laid in bands. After that, with sharp and grievous torments they would have constrained him to utter others of the same religion. To whom thus he answered: that if they could prove by the Scripture that his detecting and accusing of his brethren, whom they would afflict with the like torments, were not against the second table of God’s law, then he would not refuse to prefer the honor of God before the safeguard of his brethren. Then the friars examined him in the sacrament, asking him why he was so earnest to have it in both kinds, ‘seeing,’ said they, ‘it is but a naked sacrament, as you say?’ To whom he answered, that the elements thereof were naked, but the sacrament was not naked, forasmuch as the said elements of bread and wine, being received after the institution of Christ, do now make a sacrament and a mystical representation of the Lord’s body, communicating himself with our souls. And as touching the receiving in both kinds, because it is the institution of the Lord, ‘Who is he,’ said Martin, ‘that dare alter the same? Then was he brought before the council of Flanders. The causes laid against him were the sacrament, purgatory, and praying for the dead; for which he was condemned and burned at Gaunt, in Verle-place 307 , all his goods being confiscated. As he stood at the stake, a Franciscan friar said to him, ‘Martin, unless thou dost turn, thou shalt go from this fire to everlasting fire.’ ‘It is not in you,’ said Martin again, ‘to judge.’ For this the friars afterwards were so hated, that many bills and rhymes were set forth in divers places against them. Persecutors : The Council of Flanders, Nicholas Van Poule, and John de Buck 308 and his wife; MARTYRS AT GAUNT A.D. 1545. The next day after the burning of Martin aforesaid, which was the 9th of May, these three also were burned for the same causes for which the other was condemned and burned the day before; but only that the woman was buried alive. All of them took their martyrdom joyfully and with much cheerfulness. Persecutors : the same Council. Ursula, and Maria, virgins of noble stock, MARTYRS AT DELDEN, A.D. 1545. Delden is a town in Lower Germany, three miles from Deventer, where these two virgins of noble parentage were burned; who, after diligent frequenting of churches and sermons, being instructed in the word of the Lord, defended, that seeing the benefit of our salvation cometh only by our faith in Christ, all the other merchandise of the pope, which he useth to sell to the people for money, was needless. First Mary, being the younger, was put to the fire; where she prayed ardently for her enemies, commending her soul to God; at whose constancy the judges did greatly marvel. Then they exhorted Ursula to turn, or if she would not, at least that she should require to be beheaded. To whom she said, that she was guilty of no error, nor defended any thing but what was consonant to the Scripture, in which she trusted to persevere unto the end. And as touching the kind of punishment, she said, she feared not the fire, but rather would follow the example of her dear sister that went before. This was marvelous, that the executioners could in no wise consume their bodies with fire, but left them whole, lying upon the ground white; which certain good Christians privily took up in the night,, and buried. Thus God many times showeth his power in the midst of tribulations. Persecutors : The Parson of St. Katharine’s; Dr. Tapert, and William Clericken, Ruler of Mechelen. Andreas Thiessen, and Katharine his wife; also Nicholas Thiessen, and Francis Thiessen, their sons, MARTYRS AT MECHELEN, A.D. 1545. Andrew Thiessen, citizen of Mechelen, of his wife Katharine had three sons and a daughter, whom he instructed diligently in the doctrine of the gospel and despised the doings of popery: wherefore being hated and persecuted by the friars and priests there, he went into England and there died. Francis and Nicholas, his two sons, went to Germany to study; and returning again to their mother, and sister, and younger brother, by diligent instruction brought them to the right knowledge of God’s gospel. This being not unknown to the parson there of St. Katharine’s, he called to them Drs. Rupert and Tapert, and other masters and friars, who taking counsel together with William Clericken, the head magistrate of the town of Mechelen, agreed that the mother with her four children should be sent to prison, separated one from another; where great labor was employed to reclaim them home unto their church, that is, from light to darkness again. The two younger, to wit, the daughter with the younger brother, being not yet settled either in years or doctrine, something inclined to them, and were delivered. The mother, who would not consent, was condemned to perpetual prison. The other two, Francis and Nicholas, standing firmly to their confession, defended that the catholic church was not: the church of Rome; that the sacrament was to be administered in both kinds; that auricular confession was to no purpose; that invocation of saints was to be left; that there was no purgatory. The friars they called hypocrites, and contemned their threatenings. The magistrates, after disputations, fell to torments, to know of them who was their Master, and what fellows they had. Their Master, they said, was Christ who bare his cross before. Fellows, they said, they had innumerable, dispersed in all places. At last they were brought to the judges: their articles were read, and they condemned to be burned. Coming to the place of execution, as they began to exhort the people, gags, or balls of wood, were thrust into their mouths, which they, through vehemency in speaking, thrust out again, desiring for the Lord’s sake that they might have leave to speak. And so, singing with a loud voice ‘Credo in unum Deum,’ etc. they went, and were fastened to the stake, praying for their persecutors; and exhorting the one the other, they did abide the fire patiently. The one feeling the flame to come to his beard, ‘Ah!’ said he, ‘what a small pain is this, to be compared to the glory to come?’ Thus the patient martyrs, committing their spirits to the hands of God, to the great admiration of the lookers on, through constancy achieved the crown of martyrdom. Persecutors : The names of their accusers appear not in the authors. MARION, WIFE OF ADRIAN A TAILOR, MARTYR, AT DORNICK, A.D. 1545 . In the same persecution against Bruley and his company 309 in Dornick, was apprehended also one Adrian, and Marion his wife. The cause of their trouble, as also of the others, was the emperor’s decree made in the council of Worms against the Lutherans, mentioned before. Adrian, not so strong as a man, for fear gave back from the truth, and was but only beheaded. The wife, stronger than a woman, did withstand their threats, and abide the uttermost; and being inclosed in an iron grate formed in shape of a pasty 310 , was laid in the earth and buried quick, after the usual punishment of that country for women. When the adversaries first told her that her husband had relented, she believed them not; and therefore, as she went to her death, passing by the tower where he was, she called to him to take her leave; but he was gone before. Persecutors : The Magistrates of Dornick or Tournay. MASTER PETER BRULEY, PREACHER, A MARTYR, AT DORNICK, A.D. 1545. Master Peter Bruley was preacher in the French church at Strasburg, who at the earnest request of faithful brethren came down to visit the lower countries about Artois and Dornick, in Flanders; where he most diligently preached the word of God unto the people in houses, the doors standing open. Whereupon when the magistrates of Dornick had shut the gates of the town, and had made search for him three days, he was privily let down the wall in the night by a basket: and as he was let down to the ditch ready to take his way, one of them that let him down, leaning over the wall to bid him farewell, caused unawares a stone to slip out of the wall, which falling upon him brake his leg, by reason whereof he was heard of the watchmen complaining of his wound, and so was taken, giving thanks to God, by whose providence he was there staid to serve the Lord in that place. So long as he remained in prison, he ceased not to supply the part of a diligent preacher, teaching, and confirming all them that came to him in the word of grace. Being in prison, he wrote his own confession and examination, and sent it to the brethren. He wrote also another epistle unto them that were in persecution; another also to all the faithful; also another letter to his wife, the same day that he was burned. He remained in prison four months. His sentence was given by the emperor’s commissioners at Brussels, that he should be burned to ashes, and his ashes thrown into the river. Although the priests and friars made the fire but small, to multiply his pain, yet he the more cheerfully and constantly took his martyrdom, and suffered it. The letters of Duke Frederic, and of the Landgrave, came to entreat for him; but he was burned a little before the letters came. Persecutors : The Senate of Dornick, and Doctor Hasarde, a Grey Friar. PETER MIOCIUS, A SILK-WEAVER, AND ONE BERGIBAN, MARTYRS, AT DORNICK, A.D. 1545. The coming of Master Peter Bruley into the country of Flanders, did exceeding much good among the brethren, as appeared by divers other good men, and namely by this Peter Mioeius, who was, by his occupation, a silk-weaver. This Peter, before he was called to the gospel, led a wicked life, given to much ungraciousness, and almost to all kinds of vice. But after the taste of the gospel began to work in him, so clean it altered him from that former man, that he excelled all others in godly zeal and virtue. In his first examination he was asked, whether he was one of the scholars of Peter Bruley? He said he was, and that he had received much fruit by his doctrine, ‘Wilt thou then defend his doctrine,’ said they? ‘Yea,’ said he, ‘for that it is consonant both to the Old Testament and to the New.’ And for this he was let down into a deep dungeon under the castle-ditch, full of toads and filthy vermin. Shortly after, the senate, with certain friars, came again to examine him, to see whether they could convert him: to whom he answered and said, that when he before had lived such an ungodly life, they never spoke a word against him; but now, for savoring and favoring the word of God, they were so inveterate against him, that they sought his blood. Among them was one Dr. Hasarde, who asked him if he did not seem to himself more wicked now, than ever he was before? But he, setting the friar at light, bade him ‘Avaunt friar!’ saying, that he had to talk with the senate, and not with him. The senate then began to examine him of certain articles of religion. To whom, as he was about to answer boldly and expressly to every point, they interrupting him, bade him say in two words, either yea or nay. ‘Then,’ said he, ‘if ye will not suffer me to answer for myself in matters of such importance, send me to my prison again, among my toads and frogs, which will not interrupt me, while I talk with my Lord and my God.’ The boldness of his spirit and courage, as it made some to gnash their teeth, so some it made to wonder, and ministered to some great confirmation. There was also one Bergiban at the same time in prison, who had been a forward man, and a great doer in the gospel, before the coming down of Bruley; who, being also sought for at the taking of Bruley, and being then not found at home (either by chance not knowing, or else he conveyed himself out of the way for fear), conceived thereof such sorrow in his mind, that afterwards neither his wife nor children, nor any friends else could stay him, but he would needs offer himself to the judges, saying unto the ruler, being asked why he came, ‘The magistrates came to seek me,’ said he, ‘and now I am come to know what they would.’ Hereupon the ruler, being sorry for his coming, yet, notwithstanding, committed him to prison, where he remained constant a certain while. But after the commissioners had threatened him with cruel torments, and horror of death, he began by little and little to waver and shrink from the truth. At the fair words of the false friars and priests (to have his punishment changed, and to be beheaded), he was fain to grant unto their biddings and requests; whereupon the adversaries, taking their advantage, came to Miocius, and told him of Bergiban’s retractation; willing him to do the like. But he, stoutly persisting in the truth, endured to the fire, where he, having powder put to his breast, was so put to death and dispatched. The friars, hearing the crack of the powder upon his breast, told the people, that the devil came out of him and carried away his soul. Persecutor : A certain Prince in Germany, about Hungary, or the parts of Pannonia. A PRIEST OF GERMANY, A MARTYR. Johannes Gastius writeth of a prince, but doth not name him, who put out the eyes of a certain priest in Germany for no other cause, but for that he said the mass to be no sacrifice, in the sense that many priests do take it. Neither did the cruel prince immediately put him to death, but first kept him in prison a long time, afflicting him with divers torments. Then he was brought forth to be degraded, after a barbarous and tyrannous manner. First, they shaved the crown of his head; then rubbed it hard with salt, that the blood came running down his shoulders. After that they rased and pared the tops of his fingers with cruel pain, that no savor of the holy oil might remain. At last the patient and godly martyr, four days after, yielded up his life and spirit. Persecutors : Alphonsus Diazins, a Spaniard; Petrus Malvenda, the Pope’s Prolocutor at Ratisbon, a Spaniard; the Emperor’s Confessor, a Black Friar, a Spaniard; also Marquina. JOHN DIAZIUS, SPANIARD, A MARTYR, KILLED BY HIS OWN BROTHER AT NEUBERG, IN GERMANY, A.D. 1546. Of this John Diazius, the full process and history is set forth in Latin, wherein the whole circumstance is debated at large, whereof the brief sum is this: John Diazius, a Spaniard born, first being at Paris thirteen years, from thence removed to Geneva, then to Basil, and after to Strasburg: from whence he was sent ambassador with Bucer and others, to the council at Ratisbon, where he, talking with Peter Malvenda his countryman, the pope’s factor, so declared his religion unto him, that Malvenda wrote to the friar, who was the emperor’s confessor touching the said John Diazius; at the opening and reading of which letters, one Marquina, another Spaniard, was present. Upon this it followed, whether by this confessor, or by Marquina, that Alphonsus Diazius, brother to John Diazius, who was one of the pope’s lawyers in Rome, had knowledge given him of his brother John. When the communication of Ratisbon 311 was dissolved and broken up, John Diazius, from Ratisbon, went to the city of Neuberg, within the dominion of Otto Henry 312 , Palatine, about the expedition of Bucer’s book there to be printed . 313 As John Diazius was there occupied, it was not long before Alphonsus, his brother, was come from Rome to Ratisbon, where Malvenda was, bringing with him a pestilent cut-throat, a notorious ruffian or homicide, belonging to the city of Rome. Malvenda and Alphonsus, consulting together about the dispatch of their devilish purpose, first labored to hunt out, by the friends of Diazius, where Diazius was; whereof Alphonsus and the homicide having knowledge by certain of his secret friends, pretending great matters of importance, came to Neuberg, where Diazius was printing of Bucer’s book; where after long debating of matters of religion between the two brethren, Alphonsus, seeing the heart of his brother John to be so constantly planted on the sure rock of God’s truth, that by no wise he could either be removed from his opinion, or persuaded to ride in his company (being otherwise counseled by Bucer and his friends), feigned himself friendly to take his leave of his brother, and to depart: but shortly after, secretly, with his ruffianly murderer, he returned again: and by the way they bought a certain hatchet of a carpenter. This done, Alphonsus sendeth his man, being disguised, with letters unto his brother, he himself following after. As John Diazius 314 in the morning was risen out of his bed to read the letters, the wretched hangman, with his hatchet clove his head unto the brains, leaving the hatchet in his head: and so he, with Alphonsus, took them to their horses, which stood without the city gate, with as much speed as they might. They of Neuberg, hearing of the horrible act, sent out certain horsemen, making great journeys after them; who, coming to Augsburg, and hearing the murderers to be passed before, were out of hope to over take them, and so returned. One in the company, more zealous than the rest, would not return, but pursued them still, and, in the city of Inspruck, caused them to be stayed, and put in prison. Otto, palatine, hearing of their taking, writeth to the magistrates of Inspruck for judgment; which magistrates at first seemed very willing thereunto; but, in conclusion, through the practice of papists, and crafty lawyers, the sentence judicial was so delayed from day to day, then from hour to hour, that the emperor’s letter came in post-haste, requiring the matter to be staid, and reserved to his hearing. And thus the terrible murder of Cain and his fellow was bolstered out by the papists; the like whereof, from the memory of men, was never heard of since the first example of Cain, who, for religion, slew his own brother Abel. But although true judgment in this world be perverted, yet such bloody Cains, with their willful murders, shall not escape the hands of Him, who shall judge truly both the committers, and the bolsterers also, of all mischievous wickedness 315 . In the year 1546, Charles the emperor held an armed council at Augsburg, after his victory gotten in Germany. Here Julius Pflug, Michael Sidonius, and John Islebius, going about to concord together the gospel of Christ with the traditions of the pope, that is, to make a hodge-podge of them both, drew and framed out a new form of religion, called ‘Interim;’ whereupon began a new matter of persecution in Germany. For the emperor proceeded straitly against them who would not receive his Interim, intending thereby to have wrought some great mastery against the gospellers; but the Lord disappointed his purpose. Among those who withstood this Spanish ‘Interim,’ besides others, were also the citizens of Constance; for which three thousand Spaniards, privily by night, came against the town of Constance, where they killed three of the watchmen of the town, who, watching in the suburbs, went forth to view the noise which they heard in the woods. The device of the Spaniards was, in the morning, when the citizens were at the sermon, suddenly to set upon the city and take it: so, no doubt, intending to have gone further. But, as the Lord would, something began to be suspected in the night, by the watchmen on the suburbs on the other side the water, whereby the council and citizens had intelligence to be in readiness. When the morning came, the Spaniards were ready at the gate, to break into the city. But being driven from thence, and their captain Alphonsus slain, they went to the bridge which goeth over the Rhine. But being beaten also from thence with shot, and great pieces from the walls, and a great number of them drowned in the river, the Spaniards, breaking down the hinder part of the bridge, because the citizens should not pursue them, recoiled back into the suburbs, and burned them with the dead bodies also that were slain; so that the number of the Spaniards that were killed there could not be known: only a hundred honest citizens were missing. At the same time many godly ministers of the churches in Germany were in great danger, especially such as refused to receive the Interim; of whom some were cast into prison. In this number of prisoners, was Martin Frectius, superintendent of Ulm, with four other preachers more: also his brother George, for but coming to his house to comfort him. For this cause Musculus at the same time, with other preachers more, went from Augsburg; Brentius from Halle, Blaurer from Constance, Bucer from Strasburg. Persecutor : A Bishop in Hungary. A GODLY PRIEST IN HUNGRY, A MARTYR. In Hungary a certain godly priest preached, that the eating of flesh is not prohibited in the Scripture; for which the cruel bishop, after he had imprisoned him certain weeks, caused him to be brought out, and his body to be tied over with hares, geese, and hens, hanging round about him: and so the beastly bishop made dogs to be set upon him, which., cruelly rent and tore whatsoever they could catch. And thus the good minister of Christ, being driven about the city with the barking of dogs, died, and was martyred. The sight thereof as it was lamentable to the godly, so it seemed ridiculous to the wicked. But, within few days after, the impious bishop, by the stroke of God’s just hand, fell sick and became horn-mad, and so raving without sense or wit, miserably died. Persecutor : Charles, the Emperor. JOHN FREDERIC OF SAXONY, ELECTOR, A.D. 1547, MARTYR. Among these godly and constant saints of Christ, may well be recounted John Frederic, duke of Saxony; who, when he had recovered again all his dominions (which duke Maurice had taken from him before, being in Suabia with his army), and at last was taken prisoner by the emperor at Albia, the 24th of April, A.D. 1547, yet could never be induced to yield to the emperor in revoking his faith and doctrine of the gospel wherein he stood. For this he was detained from his wife and children, and bereaved of all his goods, and carried about with the emperor for the space of five years. This admirable constancy of the duke was a wonder to all his adversaries. At last, A.D. 1552, through the benefit of Almighty God, he was again set at liberty, and returning home to his wife and children, continued in his religion till the hour of his death. Persecutor : Charles the Emperor, and Mary, his Sister. THE LANDGRAVE OF HESSE, A.D. 1547, MARTYR. Much like was the case also of Philip, landgrave of Hesse, who likewise, being taken and spoiled by the emperor, continued the space of five years in the cruel custody of the Spaniards; and albeit he had fined unto the emperor, and was promised to be set free out of prison, the emperor and his council, dallying with their promise, expounded his imprisonment not to be perpetual. And though great labor and intercession was made for him, yet all would not help: for when the emperor sent him away, then Mary, the emperor’s sister, took him by the way, finding cavillations against him; whereby he was again committed into the hands of the Spaniards, till at length, through the disposing of God’s mercy, first the duke of Saxony, and then six days after, the landgrave also, were both freed out of long captivity and sent home. Persecutor : Charles the Emperor. HERMAN, ARCHBISHOP OF COLOGNE, MARTYR, A.D. 1547. With these holy martyrs above recited may also be numbered Herman, archbishop of Cologne, who, a little before the emperor had war against the Protestants, had reformed his church from certain papistical superstitions, using therein the aid and advice of Martin Bucer. Wherefore Charles the emperor sent word to Cologne, that he should be deposed; which he patiently did suffer. In his room was set Adolphus, earl of Scauvenburg. Persecutor : The President or Mayor of Dornick. MASTER NICHOLAS FRENCHMAN; ALSO MARION, WIFE OF AUGUSTINE, A BARBER, MARTYRS, A.D. 1549. Master Nicholas and Barbara his wife; also Augustine, a barber, and Marion his wife, born about Hennegow, after they had been at Geneva a space, came into Germany, thinking that way to pass over into England. By the way, coming to Hennegow, Augustine desired Master Nicholas, because he was learned, to come to Bergen 17 to visit and comfort certain brethren there: which he willingly did. From thence, passing by Dornick (or Tournay) they held on their journey toward England. But in the way Augustine and his wife, being known, were detected to the lieutenant of Dornick, who, in all speedy haste following after them, overtook them four miles beyond Dornick. Augustine (how I cannot tell) escaped that time out of their bands, and could not be found. The soldiers then, laying hands upon Nicholas and the two women, brought them back again unto Dornick. In returning by the way, when Master Nicholas at the table gave thanks, as the manner is of the faithful, the wicked ruler, scorning them, and swearing like a tyrant, said, ‘Now let us see, thou lewd heretic, whether thy God can deliver thee out of my hand.’ To whom Nicholas, answering again modestly, asked, What had Christ ever offended him, that he with his blasphemous swearing did so tear him in pieces? desiring him, that if he had any thing against Christ, rather he would wreak his anger upon his poor body, and let the Lord alone. Thus they, being bound hands and feet, were brought to Bergen, and there laid in the dungeon. Then duke Ariscote, accompanied with a great number of priests and Franciscan friars, and with a doctor, who was their warden, came to talk with them. Nicholas, standing in the midst of them, being asked what he was, and whither he would; answered them perfectly to all their questions: and moreover, so confounded the friars, that they went away ashamed, saying, that he had a devil, and crying, ‘To the fire with him, Lutheran!’ As they continued still looking for the day of their execution, it came to the rulers’ minds to ask of Nicholas in what house he was lodged, when he came to Bergis? Nicholas said, He had never been there before; and therefore, being a stranger, he could not tell the name of the house. When Nicholas would confess nothing, duke Ariscotus came to Barbara, the wife of Nicholas, to know where they were lodged at Bergen, promising many fair words of delivery, if she would tell. She being a weak and timorous woman, uttered all; by the occasion whereof great persecution followed, and many were apprehended. Where this is to be noted, that shortly even upon the same, the son of the said duke Ariscotus was slain, and buried the same day when Augustine was burned. To be brief, Nicholas shortly after was brought before the judges, and there condemned to be burned to ashes; at which sentencegiving, Nicholas blessed the Lord, who had counted him worthy to be a witness in the cause of his dear and well-beloved Son. Going to the place of execution he was commanded to speak nothing unto the people, or else he should have a ball of wood thrust into his mouth. Being at the stake, and seeing a great multitude about him, forgetting his silence promised, he cried with a loud voice: ‘O Charles, Charles! how long shall thy heart be hardened?’ And with that one of the soldiers gave him a blow. Then said Nicholas again; ‘Ah miserable people! thou art not worthy, to whom the word of God should be preached.’ And thus he spoke as they were binding him to the stake. The friars came out with their old song, crying, that he had a devil; to whom Nicholas spoke the verse of the Psalm: ‘Depart from me, all ye wicked! for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.’ And thus this holy martyr, patiently taking his death, commended his spirit unto God in the midst of the fire. 18 MARION, WIFE OF AUGUSTINE, ABOVE MENTIONED, A MARTYR, AT BERGEN IN HENNEGOW, A.D. 1549. After the martyrdom of this Master Nicholas, Marion, the wife of Augustine, was called for, with whom they had much talk about the manner and state of Geneva, asking her how the sacraments were administered there, and whether she had celebrated there the Lord’s Supper? To whom she answered, that the sacraments there were celebrated after the Lord’s institution, of which she was no celebrator but a partaker. The sentence of her condemnation was this, that she should be interred quick. When she was let down to the grave, kneeling upon her knees, she desired the Lord to help her; and before she should be thrown down, she desired her face might be covered with a napkin or some linen cloth; which being so covered, and the earth thrown upon her face and body, the hangman stamped upon her with his feet, till her breath was past. Persecutors : The Watchmen or Soldiers of Beaumont. AUGUSTINE, THE HUSBAND OF MARION, MARTYRED AT BEAUMONT IN HENNEGOW, A.D. 1549. Ye heard before how Augustine escaped before, at the taking of Nicholas and the two women. After this he gave himself to sell spices, and other pedlary ware, from place to place: who, at length, coming to the town of Beaumont in Hennegow, there was known and detected to the magistrate; whereof he having some intelligence before, left his ware and ran away. And seeing moreover the house beset with harnessed men where he was hosted, he began to be more afraid, and hid himself in a bush: for he was very timorous, and a weak-spirited man. But the hour being come which the Lord had appointed for him, it happened that certain standing upon the town wall, who might well see him go into the thicket or bush, gave knowledge thereof to the soldiers, who followed him to the bush, and took him. Being taken, he was had to Bergen, the head town of Hennegow, where being examined, valiantly standing to the defense of his doctrine, he answered his adversaries with great boldness. Herein here is to be noted and marveled to see the work of the Lord, how this man, being before of nature so timorous, now was so strengthened with God’s grace, that he nothing feared the force of all his enemies. Among others came to hint the warden of the Grey Friars, with a long oration, persuading him to relent, or else he should be damned in hell-fire perpetually. To whom Augustine answering again, said, ‘Prove that which you said by the authority of God’s word, that a man may believe you: you say much, but you prove nothing, rather like a doctor of lies than of truth,’ etc. At last, he being there condemned to be burned at Bellimont, was brought to the inn where he should take horse, where was a certain gentleman, a stranger, who, drinking to him in a cup of wine, desired him to have pity upon himself; and if he would not favor his life, yet that he would favor his own soul. To whom said Augustine, after he had thanked him for his good will, ‘What care I have,’ said he, ‘of my soul, you may see, by this, that I had rather give my body to be burned, than to do that thing that were against my conscience.’ When he was come to the town of Bellimont, where he should be burned, the same day there was a great burial of the son of duke Ariscotus, who was slain a little before (as is before touched); by the occasion whereof many nobles and gentlemen were there present, who, hearing of this Augustine, came to him and talked with him. When the day came of his martyrdom, the people, being offended at his constancy, cried out to have him drawn at a horse’s tail, to the place of burning: but the Lord. would not suffer that. In fine, being tied to the stake, and fire set unto him, heartily he prayed unto the Lord, and so in the fire patiently departed. A CERTAIN WOMAN OF AUGSBURG’, WHO NARROWLY ESCAPED MARTYRDOM THERE; A.D. 1550. At Augsburg a certain woman there dwelling, seeing a priest to carry the host to a sick person with taper-light (as the manner is), asked him what he meant so to go with candle-light at noon day. For this she was apprehended, and in great danger, had it not been for the earnest suit and prayer of the women of that city, and at the intercession of Mary, the emperor’s sister. TWO VIRGINS, IN THE DIOCESE OF BAMBERG, MARTYRS, A.D. 1551. In the diocese of Bamberg, two maids were led out to slaughter, which they sustained with patient hearts and cheerful countenances. They had garlands of straw put on their heads; whereupon the one comforted the other, going to their martyrdom, ‘Seeing Christ,’ said she, ‘for us bare a crown of thorns, why should we stick to bear a crown of straw? no doubt but the Lord will render to us again better than crowns of gold. ‘Some said that they were Anabaptists; and it might be (saith Melancthon) that they had some fond opinion admired withal; yet they did hold (saith he) the foundation of the articles of our faith, and they died blessedly, in a good conscience, and knowledge of the Son of God. Few do live without errors. Flatter not yourselves, thinking yourselves so clear that you cannot err. THE CHRISTIAN CITY OF MAGDEBURG, A.D. 1551. When Charles the emperor had almost got all his purpose in Germany, in obtruding his religion of ‘Interim’ into all places, which was received by the most part of all the chief princes and cities; only the city of Magdeburg, continuing in the constancy of their doctrine reformed, refused to admit the same. Wherefore war was raised against them, their city besieged, and great violence used; so that many honest and religious citizens, for the gospel’s cause, sustained great perils and danger of death. At last, when they had manfully and constantly endured such great distress and calamity the space of a whole year, through the blessed providence of Almighty God (who about the same time sent war between the French king and the emperor), honest reconciliation was made between them and the emperor, whereby they were received into favor, and suffered to enjoy their former religion quietly. Persecutors : James Hesselius, Chamberlain of Gaunt, and the Friars there. HOSTIUS OTHERWISE CALLED GEORGE, MARTYRED AT GAUNT, A.D. 1555. This Hostius, born at Gaunt, was cunning in graying in armor and in steel. He first was in the French church here in England, during the reign of king Edward. After the coming of queen Mary, he went to Norden, in Friesland, with his wife and children. From thence, having business, he came to Gaunt, where (after a certain space that he had there continued, instructing divers of his friends) he heard that there was a Black friar, who used to preach good doctrine to the people: wherefore he, being desirous to hear, came to his sermon; where the friar, contrary to his expectation, preached in defense of transubstantiation. At the hearing of this his heart was so full, that he had much ado to refrain, while the sermon was finished. As soon as the friar was come down, he burst out and charged him with false doctrine, persuading the people, as well as he could be heard, by the Scriptures, that the bread was but a sacrament of the Lord’s body. The friar, not willing to hear him, made signs unto him to depart; also the throng of the people was such, that it carried him out of the doors. He had not gone far, but Hesselius the chamberlain overtook him and carried him to prison. Then were doctors and other friars, as Pistorius, and Bunderius, brought to reason with him of the sacrament, of invocation of saints, and purgatory. He ever stood to the trial only of the Scripture, which they refused. Then was it agreed that he should declare his mind in writing, which he did. He wrote also to his wife at Embden, comforting her, and requiring her to take care of Samuel and Sarah his children. When he was condemned, he was commanded not to speak to the people. Hesselius the officer made great haste to have him dispatched; wherefore he, mildly like a lamb, praying for his enemies, gave himself to be bound, patiently taking what they would do against him: whom first they strangled, and then consumed his body, being dead, with fire. And thus was the martyrdom of Hostius. 25 JOHN FRISIUS, ABBOT IN BAVARIA, A.D. 1554. John Sleidan maketh record of one John Frisius, abbot of Newstadt, within the diocese of the bishop of Wurtzburg, in Bavaria; who, being suspected of Lutheranism, was called to account of his faith: and strongly persisting in his assertions, and defending the same by the Scriptures, he was therefore displaced and removed from all his jurisdictions, the five and twentieth of June, A.D. 1554. Persecutors : The Bailiff of Hennegow; the Governor of the Town and Castle of Dornick; Peter Deventiere, Lieutenant of the said Bailiff; Philip de Cordis, chief Councilor in Criminal Causes; Nicholas Chambree; Peter Rechelier; James de Clerke; Nicholas of Fernague; Master Hermes, of Wingles, one of the Council for the said Bailiwick. BERTRAND LE BLAS, MARTYRED AT DORNICK, A.D. 1555. The story of Bertrand is lamentable, his torments incredible, the tyranny showed unto him horrible, the constancy of the martyr admirable. This Bertrand, being a silk-weaver, went to Wesel, for the cause of religion, who being desirous to draw his wife and children from Dornick to Wesel, came thrice from thence to persuade her to go with him thither. When she in no wise could be intreated, he, remaining a few days at home, set his house in order, and desired his wife and brother to pray that God would establish him in his enterprise that he went about. That done, he went upon Christmas-day to the high church of Dornick, where he took the cake out of the priest’s hand, as he would have lifted it over his head at mass, and stamped it under his feet, saying that he did it to show the glory of that God, and what little power he hath: with other words more to the people, to persuade them that the cake or fragment of bread, was not Jesus their Savior. At the sight hereof the people, being struck with a marvelous damp, stood all amazed. At length such a stir thereupon followed, that Bertrand could hardly escape with life. It was not long but the noise of this was carried to the bailiff of Hennegow, and governor of the castle of Dornick, who lay sick the same time of the gout at Biesme; who, like a madman, cried out, that ever God would or could be so patient, to suffer that contumely, so to be trodden under foot of such a miser adding moreover, that he would revenge his cause in such sort, as it should be an example for ever to all posterity; and forthwith the furious tyrant commanded himself to be carried to the castle of Dornick. Bertrand being brought before him, was asked whether he repented of his fact, or whether he would so do, if it were to be done again? He answered, that if it were a hundred times to be done, he would do it; and if he had a hundred lives, he would give them in that quarrel. Then was he thrice put to the pinbank, and tormented most miserably, to utter his setters-on, which he would never do. Then proceeded they to the sentence, more like tyrants than Christian men; by the tenor of which sentence, this was his punishment: First, he was drawn from the castle of Dornick to the market-place, having a ball of iron put in his mouth. Then he was set upon a stage, where his right hand, wherewith he took the host, was crushed and pressed between two hot irons, with sharp iron edges fiery red, till the form and fashion of his hand was misshapen. In like manner they brought other like irons for his right foot, made fire-hot, whereunto of his own accord he put his foot, to suffer as his hand had done before, with marvelous constancy and firmness of mind. That done, they took the ball of iron out of his mouth, and cut off his tongue, who, notwithstanding, with continual crying, ceased not to call upon God; whereby the hearts, of the. people, were greatly, moved’, whereupon the tormentors, thrust the iron ball into his mouth again. From thence they brought him down to the lower stage, he going to the same no less cheerfully and quietly, than if no part of his body had been hurt. There his legs and his hands were bound behind him with an iron chain going about his body, and so he was let down flat upon the fire; whom the aforesaid governor, there standing by and looking on, caused to be let up again, and so down and up again, till at last the whole body was spent to ashes, which he commanded to be cast into the river. When this was done, the chapel where this mass-god was so treated, was locked up, and the board whereupon the priest stood was burnt; the marble stone also whereupon the host did light, was broken in pieces. And, finally, forasmuch as the said Bertrand had received his doctrine at Wesel, commandment was given, that no person out of that country should go to Wesel, or there occupy, under incurring the danger of the emperor’s placard 316 . TWO HUNDRED MINISTERS OF BOHEMIA, A.D. 1555. The same year two hundred ministers and preachers of the gospel were banished out of Bohemia, for preaching against the superstition of the bishop of Rome, and extolling the glory of Christ. THE PREACHERS OF LOCARNO. Locarno is a place between the Alps, yet subject to the Helvetians. When these also had received the gospel, and the five pages of the Helvetians above mentioned were not well-pleased therewith, but would have them punished, and great contention was among the Helvetians about the same, it was concluded at length, that the ministers should be exiled; whom the Zurichers did receive. FRANCIS WARLUT, AND ALEXANDER DAYKEN, MARTYRED AT DORNICK, A.D. 1562. After these two good men, being born in the lower parts of Germany, had been conversant in divers reformed churches in other countries, at last, for conscience’ sake, they returned home again to do good in their own country of Dornick, and thereabout. So upon a time, as the people there resorted to a back field or wood without the city, with a certain preacher, to hear the word of God and to pray, the adversaries, having thereof some intelligence, so pursued them, that they took of them above thirty, of whom these two among the rest were apprehended; and thinking no less but that they should be burned, they began to sing psalms. At length being brought forth, first one, then the other, they were both beheaded; and whereas the judges had intended to quarter their bodies, and to set them up by the high ways, yet was it so provided, God working in the hearts of the people, that they were both committed to sepulture. Persecutor : the Earl of Lalaine. GILLOT VIVIER, JAMES LE FEVRE HIS FATHER-IN-LAW, MICHAEL LE FEVRE, SON OF JAMES; ALSO ANNA, WIFE OF GILLOT, AND DAUGHTER OF JAMES LE FEVRE, MARTYRED AT VALENCIENNES. These, in the cause of the gospel, suffered at Valenciennes. James Le Fevre, being an old man, said, that although he could not answer or satisfy them in reasoning, yet he would constantly abide in the truth of the gospel. Anna his daughter, being with child, was respited. After she was delivered, she followed her husband and father in the like martyrdom! MICHELLE DE CAIGNONCLE, MARTYRED AT VALENCIENNES, A.D. 1550. Michelle, widow of James Clerk, of the same place, when she was offered to be married, and to be carried out of the country to some reformed church, refused so to do, but would abide the adventure of her vocation, and so was condemned with Gillot to be burned. GODFRIDE HAMELLE, MARTYRED AT DORNICK, A.D. 1552. This Godfride, a tailor, was taken and condemned at Dornick, or Tournay. When they had condemned him by the name of a heretic; ‘Nay,’ said he, ‘not a heretic, but an unprofitable servant of Jesus Christ.’ When the hangman went about to strangle him, to diminish his punishment, he refused it, saying, that he would abide the sentence that the judges had given. Besides these Germans above specified, a great number there were both in the higher and lower countries of Germany, who were secretly drowned, or buried, or otherwise in prison made away; whose names, although they be not known to us, yet they are registered in the book of life. Furthermore, in the Dutch book of Adrian, divers other be numbered in the catalogue of these German martyrs, who likewise suffered in divers places of the lower country. The names of certain whereof be these. DIVERS MARTYRS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES. At Bergen, or Mons, in Hennegow, were burnt, A.D. 1555, John Malo, Damian Witrock, Weldrew Calier; buried quick, John Porceau. At Aste also suffered one Julian, A.D. 1541, and Adrian Lopphen, A.D. 1555: at Brussels, A.D. 1559, one Bawdwine beheaded: another called Gilleken Tielman burnt, A.D. 1541. Add moreover to the same catalogue of Dutch martyrs, burnt and consumed in the lower countries under the emperor’s dominion, the names of these following. W. Swolle, burnt at Mechelen, A.D. 1529; Nicholas Paul, beheaded at Gaunt; Robert Orgvier, and Joan his wife, with Baudicon and Martin Orgvier, their children, who suffered at Lisle, A.D. 1556; M. Nicholas, burnt at Mons. John Fosseau at Mons; Cornelius Volcart at Bruges, A.D. 1553; Hubert the printer, and Philip Joyner at Bruges, A.D. 1553; a woman buried with thorns under her; Peter le Roux at Bruges, A.D. 1552. At Mechlen suffered Francis and Nicholas Thiis, two brethren, A.D. 1555. At Antwerp were burnt Adrian a painter, and Henry a tailor, A.D. 1555; also Cornelius Halewine, locksmith, and Herman Janson, the same year. Master John Champ, schoolmaster, A.D. 1557; with a number of other besides, who in the said book are to be seen and read. A.D. 1525, we read also in the French history, of a certain monk, who, because he forsook his abominable order and was married, was burned at Prague. A PREACHER POISONED AT ERFURT, BY THE PRIESTS OF THAT PLACE. In the collections of Henry Pantaleon we read also of a certain godly preacher who was poisoned, for preaching the word of truth, by the priests of Erfurt. And here ceasing with these persecutions in Germany, we will now, Christ willing, proceed further to the French martyrs, comprehending in a like table the names and causes of such as in that kingdom suffered for the word of God, and cause of righteousness, as in this brief summary consequently hereunder ensueth. ANOTHER TABLE, OF THOSE WHO SUFFERED IN FRANCE, FOR THE LIKE WITNESS OF THE GOSPEL. THE FRENCH MARTYRS317 . JAMES PAVANES, SCHOOLMASTER, AT PARIS, A.D. 1525. Persecuted by Dr. Martial of Paris. This James, first being taken by the bishop of Meldae. or Meaux, was compelled to recant by Dr. Martial. Afterwards returning again to his confession, he was burned at Paris, A.D. 1525. DENIS DE RIEUX, AT MELDAE, OR MEAUX, A.D. 1528. This Denis 2 was one of those who were first burned at Meaux, and that for saying, that the mass is a plain denial of the death and passion of Christ. He was always wont to have in his mouth the words of Christ; ‘He that denieth me before men, him will I deny before my Father;’ and to muse upon the same earnestly. He was burnt with a slow fire, and did abide much torment. 3 JOHANNES DE CAHORS, BACHELOR OF THE CIVIL LAW, A.D. 1533. This John, first for making a sermon or exhortation to his countrymen of Limosin, in France, upon Allhallow’s-day, and afterwards, sitting at a feast where it was propounded that every one should bring forth some sentence; for that he brought forth this, ‘Christ reign in our hearts;’ and did prosecute the same by the Scriptures in much length of words; was thereupon accused, taken, and degraded, and then burned. At his degradation, one of the Black Friars of Paris preached, taking for his theme the words of St. Paul [1 Timothy 4.], ‘The Spirit speaketh, that in the latter days, men shall depart from the faith, giving heed to lying spirits and doctrine of error,’ etc.; and when in handling that place, either he could not or would not proceed further in the text, John cried out to him to proceed, and read further. The friar stood dumb, and could not speak a word. Then John, taking the text, did prosecute the same, as followeth: ‘Teaching false doctrine in hypocrisy, having their conscience marked with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and to eat meats, created of God to be eaten with thanksgiving,’ etc. BARTHOLOMEW MYLON, A LAME CRIPPLE; JOHN DU BOURG, MERCHANT, THE RECEIVER OF NANTZ; HENRY POILLE OF COUBERON318 ; CATELLE, A SCHOOLMISTRESS; AND STEVEN DE LA FORGE, MERCHANT, A.D. 1588. Persecuted by the Promoters of Paris. These five here specified, for certain bills cast abroad and set up, sounding against the abomination of the mass, and other superstitious absurdities of the pope, were condemned and burned in the city of Paris. Henry of Couberon had his tongue bored through, and with an iron wire tied fast to one of his cheeks; who likewise with the others was burned as is aforesaid. 5 ALEXANDER CANUS, PRIEST, OTHERWISE CALLED LAURENCE DE LA CROIX, AT PARIS, A.D. 1534. For the sincere doctrine and confession of Christ’s true religion, he was burned at Paris, having but a small fire, and did abide much torment. JOHN POINTET, A SURGEON, AT PARIS, A.D. 1533. Persecuted by the Grey Friars in Paris, and by Dr. Clerke, a Sorbonist. This surgeon being detected and accused by the friars, and such as he had cured before of a shameful disorder, was first condemned to be strangled, and then burned: but afterwards, because he would not do homage to a certain idol at the commandment of a friar that came to confess him, his sentence was turned to have his tongue cut off, 7 and so to be burned. PETER GAUDET, KNIGHT SOMETIMES OF RHODES, A.D. 1588. Persecuted by a certain Knight of Rhodes, Uncle to this Peter. This Peter, being at Geneva with his wife, was trained out from thence by his uncle, and put in prison for defense of the gospel; and, after long torments there sustained, was burned. QUOQUILLARD, MARTYR, A.D. 1534. At Besancon, in the country of Burgundy, this Quoquillard was burned for the confession and testimony of Christ’s gospel. NICHOLAS, A SCRIVENER, JOHN DE POIX, AND STEPHEN BURLET, MARTYRS, A.D. 1584. These three were executed and burned for the like cause of the gospel, in the city of Arras: namely Nicholas, a scrivener, John de Poix, Stephen Burlet. 11 MARY BECANDELLA, AT FONTENAY, A.D. 1584. Persecuted by a Grey Friar in the City of Rochelle. This Mary, being virtuously instructed of her master, where she lived; and being afterwards at a sermon which a friar preached, after the sermon found fault with his doctrine, and refuted the same by the Scriptures; whereat he disdaining, procured her to be burned at Fontenay. JOHN CORNON, A MARTYR, A.D. 1535. John Cornon was a husbandman of Mascon, and unlettered; but one to whom God gave such wisdom, that his judges were amazed; when he was condemned by their sentence and burned. MARTIN GONIN, IN DAUPHINE, A.D. 1536. Persecuted by George Borel, a tailor; by the Procurator of the City of Grenoble in France; and by the Inquisitor. This Martin, being taken for a spy, in the borders of France towards the Alps, was committed to prison. In his going out, his jailor espied about him letters of Farellus, and of Peter Viret: wherefore, being examined by the king’s procurator, and by the inquisitor, touching his faith, after he had rendered a sufficient reason thereof, he was cast into the river and drowned. CLAUDE LE PEINTRE, A GOLDSMITH, AT PARIS, A.D. 1540. Persecuted by his kinsfolks and friends, and by Morinus an Officer. Claudius, going about to convert his friends and kinsfolks to his doctrine, was by them committed to Morinus, a chief captain, who condemned him to he burned: but the high parliament of Paris, correcting that sentence, added moreover, that he should have his tongue cut out before, and so be burned. 15 STEPHEN BRUNE, A HUSBANDMAN, AT RUTIERS, A.D. 1540. Persecuted by Gasper Augerius, the bishop’s renter; and by Domicelli, Franciscan and inquisitor. Stephen Brune, after his confession given of his faith, was adjudged to be burned; which punishment he took so constantly, that it was to them a wonder. His adversaries commanded after his death to be cried, that none should make any more mention of him, under pain of heresy. Pantaleon addeth moreover, that at the place of his burning, called Planuoll, the wind rose and blew the fire so from him, as he stood exhorting the people, that he continued there the space of an hour, in a manner not harmed, or scarcely touched with any flame; so that, all the wood being wasted away, they were compelled to begin the fire again with new faggots, and vessels of oil, and such other matter; and yet neither could he with all this be burned, but stood safe. Then the hangman took a staff, and let drive at his head: to whom the holy martyr, being yet alive, said, ‘When I am judged to the fire, do ye beat me with staves like a dog?’ With that the hangman with his pike thrust him through the belly and the entrails, and so threw him down into the fire, and burned his body to ashes, throwing away his ashes afterward with the wind. CONSTANTINUS, A CITIZEN OF ROUEN, MARTYRED WITH THREE OTHERS, A.D. 1542. These four, for defense of the gospel being condemned to be burned, were put in a dung-cart; who, thereat rejoicing, said, that they were reputed here as excrements of this world, but yet their death was a sweet odor unto God. JOHN DU BECKE, PRIEST, MARTYRED A.D. 1543. For the doctrine of the gospel he was degraded, and constantly abode the torment of fire in the city of Troyes in Champagne. 18 AYMOND DE LA VOYE, AT BOURDEAUX, A.D. 1543, Persecuted by the parish priest Of the town of St. Faith in Agenois, and by other priests of the same country; also by Master Riverack and his servant. This Aymond preached the gospel at St. Faith’s in Agenois where he was accused by the parish priest there, and by other priests, to have taught false doctrine, to the great decay of their gains. Whereupon, when the magistrates of Bourdeaux had given commandment, and had sent out their apparitor to apprehend him, he, having intelligence thereof, was willed by his friends to fly and shift for himself; but he would not, saying, he had rather never have been born, than so to do. It was the office of a good shepherd (he said) not to fly in time of peril, but rather to abide the danger, lest the flock be scattered: or else lest peradventure, in so doing, he should leave some scruple in their minds, thus to think, that he had fed them with dreams and fables, contrary to the word of God. Wherefore, beseeching them to move him no more therein, he told them, that he feared not to yield up both body and soul in the quarrel of that truth which he had taught; saying, with St. Paul, that he was ready not only to be bound for the testimony of Christ, in the city of Bourdeaux, but also to die. [Acts 26.] To contract the long story hereof to a brief narration, the sumner came, and was in the city three days, during which time Aymond preached three sermons. The people, in defense of their preacher, flew upon the sumner, to deliver him out of his hands; but Aymond desired them not to stop his martyrdom: seeing it was the will of God that he should suffer for him, he would not (said he) resist. Then the consuls suffered the sumner, and so Aymond was carried to Bourdeaux, where many witnesses, the most part being priests, came in against him, with M. Riverack also, and his servant; which Riverack had said often-time before, that it should cost him a thousand crowns, but he would burn him. Many exceptions he made against his false witnesses, but that would not be taken. All their accusation was only for denying purgatory. About nine months he remained in prison with great misery, bewailing exceedingly his former life, albeit there was no man that could charge him outwardly with any crime. Then came down letters, whereupon the judges began to proceed to his condemnation, and he had greater fetters put upon him; which he took for a token of his death shortly to follow. After that, he was examined with torments. One of the head presidents came to him, and shaking him by the beard, bade him tell what fellows he had of his religion. To whom he answered, saying, that he had no other fellows but such as knew and did the will of God his Father, whether they were nobles, merchants, or husbandmen, or of what degree soever they were. In these torments he endured two or three hours, being but of a weak body, with these words comforting himself: ‘This body,’ said he, ‘once must die, but the spirit shall live: the kingdom of God abideth for ever.’ In the time of his tormenting, he swooned. Afterwards, coming to himself again, he said, ‘O Lord! Lord! why hast thou forsaken me?’ To whom the president, ‘Nay, wicked Lutheran,’ said he, ‘thou hast forsaken God.’ Then said Aymond, ‘Alas, good masters! why do you thus miserably torment me? O Lord! I beseech thee forgive them; they know not what they do.’ ‘See,’ said the president, ‘this caitiff, how he prayeth for us.’ Nevertheless so constant was he in his pains, that they could not force him to utter one man’s name: saying unto them, that he thought to have found more mercy with men; wherefore he prayed God that he might find mercy with him. On the next Saturday following, sentence of condemnation was given against him. Then certain friars were appointed to hear his confession, whom he refused, choosing to him one of his own order, the parish priest of St. Christopher’s, bidding the friars depart from him, for he would confess his sins to the Lord. ‘Do you not see,’ said he, ‘how I am troubled enough with men; will ye yet trouble me more? Others have had my body, will ye also take from me my soul? Away from me, I pray you!’ At last, when he could not be suffered to have the parish priest, he took a certain Carmelite, bidding the rest to depart; with whom he, having long talk, at last did convert him to the truth. Shortly after that came unto him the judges, Chassagne and Longa, with other councilors; unto whom the said Aymond began to preach and declare his mind touching the Lord’s supper. But Longa, interrupting him, demanded of him thus: A Judge: ‘ First declare unto us your mind, what you think of purgatory? The Martyr: ‘In Scripture all these are one: to purge, to cleanse, and to wash: whereof we read in Isaiah, in the epistles of St. Paul, Hebrews 9 and St. Peter, 1 Peter 1; He hath washed you in his blood. Ye are redeemed, not with gold, but with the blood of Christ, etc. And how often do we read, in the epistles of St. Paul, that we are cleansed by the blood of Christ from our sins,’ etc. Judge: ‘These epistles are known to every child.’ The Martyr: ‘To every child? Nay, I fear you have scarcely read them yourself,’ A Friar: ‘Master Aymond, with one word you may satisfy them, if you will say, that there is a place where the souls are purged after this life.’ The Martyr: ‘That I leave for you to say, if you please. What! would ye have me damn my own soul, and to say that which I know not?’ Judge: ‘Dost not thou think, that when thou art dead, thou shalt go to purgatory? and he that dieth in venial sin, that he shall pass straight into paradise?’ The Martyr: ‘Such trust I have in my God, that the same day when I shall die, I shall enter into paradise.’ Another Judge: ‘Where is paradise?’ The Martyr: ‘There, where the majesty and glory of God is.’ Judge: ‘The canons do make mention of purgatory; and you, in your sermons, have used always much to pray for the poor.’ 19 The Martyr: ‘I have preached the word of God, and not the canons.’ Judge: ‘Dost thou believe in the church?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe, as the church regenerated by the blood of Christ, and founded in his word, hath appointed.’ Judge: ‘What church is that?’ The Martyr: ‘The church is a Greek wind, signifying as much as a congregation or assembly: and so I say, that whensoever the faithful do congregate together, to the honor of God, and the amplifying of Christian religion, the Holy Ghost is verily with them.’ Judge: ‘By this it should follow, that there be many churches: and where any rustical clowns do assemble together, there must be a church.’ The Martyr: ‘It is no absurd thing to say that there be many churches or congregations amongst the Christians: and so speaketh St. Paul, To all the churches which are in Galatia, etc. And yet all these congregations make but one church.’ Judge: ‘The church wherein thou believest, is it not the same which our creed doth call the holy church?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe the same.’ Judge: ‘And who should be head of that church?’ The Martyr: Jesus Christ.’ Judge: ‘And not the pope?’ The Martyr: ‘No.’ Judge: ‘And what is he then?’ The Martyr: ‘A minister, if he be a good man, as other bishops be; of whom St. Paul thus writeth, 1 Corinthians 4, Let a man so esteem of us, as ministers and dispensers of the secrets of God,’ etc. Judge: ‘What then, dost thou not believe the pope?’ The Martyr: ‘I know not what he is.’ Judge: ‘Dost thou not believe that he is the successor of Peter?’ The Martyr: ‘If he be like to Peter, and be grounded with Peter upon the true rock of Christ Jesus, so I believe his works and ordinances to be good.’ Then the judges, leaving him with the friars, departed from him, counting him as a damned creature. Notwithstanding, Aymond putting his trust in God, was full of comfort, saying with St. Paul, ‘Who shall separate me from the love of God? shall the sword, hunger, or nakedness? No, nothing shall pluck me from him: but rather I have pity of you,’ said he; and so they departed. Not long after he was brought to the place of execution, singing by the way Psalm 114, ‘In exitu Israel de Egypto,’ etc.; and as he passed by the place where he had before been imprisoned, he called to his prison-fellows, exhorting them to put their confidence in the Lord, and told them that he had spoken for them, and declared their miseries unto the president. He thanked moreover the keeper, and desired him to be good to his poor prisoners. And so, taking his leave of them, and desiring them to pray for him; also giving thanks to the mistress-keeper for her gentleness showed to him, he proceeded forward toward his execution. As he came against the church of St. Andrew, they willed him to ask mercy of God, and of blessed St. Mary, and of St. Justice. ‘I ask mercy,’ said he, ‘of God and his justice, but the Virgin, blessed St. Mary, I never offended, nor did that thing for which I should ask her mercy.’ From thence he passed forward to the church of St. Legia 319 , preaching still as he went. Then spoke one of the soldiers to the driver or carter, willing him to drive apace, ‘for here is preaching,’ said he, ‘enough.’ To whom said Aymond, ‘He that is of God, heareth the words of God,’ etc. In passing by a certain image of our Lady, great offense was taken against him, because he always called upon Christ Jesus only, and made no mention of her: 20 whereupon he lifted up his voice to God, praying that he would never suffer him to invocate any other, saving him alone. Coming to the place where he should suffer, he was tumbled out of the cart upon the ground, testifying to the magistrates and to the people standing by, that he died for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for his word. More he would have spoken, but he could not be suffered, by the tumultuous vexing of the officers, crying, ‘Dispatch him, dispatch him, let him not speak.’ Then he, speaking a few words softly in the ear of a little Carmelite whom he had converted, was bid to step up to the stage; where the people beginning to give a little audience, thus he said; ‘O Lord, make haste to help me! tarry not! do not despise the work of thy hands! And you, my brethren! that be students and scholars, I exhort you to study and learn the gospel: for the word of God abideth for ever. Labor to know the will of God; and fear not them that kill the body, but have no power upon your souls.’ And after that, ‘My flesh,’ said he, ‘repugneth marvelously against the Spirit; but shortly I shall cast it away. My good masters! I beseech ye pray for me. O Lord my God! into thy hands I commend my soul.’ As he was oft repeating the same, the hangman took and haled him upon the steps in such sort, that he strangled him. And thus that blessed saint gave up his life; whose body afterward was with fire consumed. FRANCIS BRIBARD, MARTYRED A.D. 1544. Francis Bribard was said to be the secretary of the cardinal of Bellay; who being also for the gospel condemned, after his tongue was cut off, did with like constancy sustain the sharpness of burning. WILLIAM HUSSON, AN APOTHECARY AT ROUEN, WAS Persecuted by the High Court of Rouen, by a Widow keeping a Victualling-house in the Suburbs of Rouen, and by a Carmelite Friar. A.D. 1544. William Husson, apothecary, coming from Blois to Rouen, was lodged with a certain widow in the suburbs of the city; who asking her, at what time the council or parliament did rise, she said at ten o’clock. About which time and hour he went to the palace, and there scattered certain books concerning Christian doctrine, and the abuse of men’s traditions; whereat the council was so moved, that they commanded all the gates of the city to be locked, and diligent search to be made in all inns and hostelries, to find out the author. Then the widow told of the party who was there, and asked of the rising of the council; and shortly upon the same he took his horse and rode away. Then were posts set out through all quarters, so that the said William was taken by the way riding to Dieppe, and brought again to Rouen; who, being there examined, declared his faith boldly, and how he came of purpose to disperse those books in Rouen, and went to do the like at Dieppe. The week ensuing he was condemned to be burnt alive. After the sentence given, he was brought in a cart, accompanied with a doctor, a Carmelite friar, before the great church, who putting a torch into his hand required him to do homage to the image of our Lady, which because he refused to do, his tongue was cut out. The friar then, making a sermon, when he spoke any thing of the mercies of God, the said William hearkened to him; but when he spoke of the merits of saints, and other dreams, he turned away his head. 22 The friar looking upon the countenance of Husson, lift up his hand to heaven, saying with great exclamation, that he was damned, and was possessed with a devil. When the friar had ceased his sermon, this godly Husson had his hands and feet bound behind his back, and with a pulley was lifted up into the air; and when the fire was kindled, he was let down into the flame, where the blessed martyr with a smiling, and cheerful countenance, looked up to heaven, never moving nor stirring till he let down his head, and gave up his spirit. All the people there present were not a little astonied thereat, and were in divers opinions, some saying that he had a devil, others maintained the contrary, saying, If he had a devil, he should have fallen into despair. This Carmelite friar abovesaid was called Delanda, who afterwards was converted, and preached the gospel. 23 James Cobard, a Schoolmaster, and many others taken at the same time, A.D. 1545. Their Persecutors were Three Popish Priests, and the Duke of Lorraine. This James, schoolmaster in the city of St. Michael in the dukedom of Bar in Lorraine, disputed, with three priests, that the sacrament of baptism, and of the supper did not avail, unless they were received with faith: which was as much as to say, that the mass did profit neither the quick nor dead. For this, and also for his confession, which he being in prison sent of his own accord by his mother unto the judge, he was burned, and most quietly suffered. FOURTEEN BLESSED MARTYRS BURNT AT MEAUX, A.D. 1546. Their Persecutors were the Franciscan Friars, the Doctors of Sorbonne, and others. Peter le Clerc, brother to John le Clerc burnt before, Stephen Mangine, James Bouchbeck, John Brisebar, Henry Buttnot, Thomas Honnore, John Baudouin, John Flesch, Peter and John Picquere, John Matetlon, Philip Petit, Michael Caillon, and Francis le Clerc. These fourteen dwelt at Meaux, a city in France, ten leagues from Paris 320 , where William Briconet, being there bishop, did much good, brought to them the light of the gospel, and reformed the church: who, straitly being examined for the same, relented; but yet these with many other remained constant. Who, after the burning of James Pavanes before-mentioned, and seeing superstition to grow more and more, began to congregate in Mangine’s house, and to set up a church to themselves, after the example of the French church in Strasburg. For their minister they chose Peter le Clerc. First they beginning with twenty or thirty, did grow in short time to three or four hundred: whereupon the matter being known to the senate of Paris, the chamber was beset where they were, and they taken; of whom sixty-two men and women were bound and brought to Paris, singing psalms; especially the seventy-ninth psalm. To these it was chiefly objected, that they, being laymen, would minister the sacrament of the body and blood of the Lord. Of these sixty-two, fourteen chiefly did stand fast, who were condemned, and racked to confess more of their fellows: but they uttered none. The rest were scourged and banished the country. These fourteen were sent to sundry monasteries to be converted: but that would not be. Then they, being sent in a cart to Meaux to be burned, by the way, three miles from Paris, a certain weaver called Conbeton by chance meeting them, cried to them aloud, bidding them to be of good cheer, and to cleave fast unto the Lord; who also was taken, and bound with them in the cart. Coming to the place of execution, which was before Mangine’s house, it was told them, that they who would be confessed, should not have their tongues cut out; the others should: of whom seven there were, who, to save their tongues, confessed; the other seven would not. Of the first was Stephen Mangine, who, having his tongue first cut, notwithstanding spoke so that he might be understood, saying thrice, ‘The Lord’s name be blessed!’ As they were burning, the people sun. g psalms,. The priests seeing, that’ would, also sing their songs: ‘O salutaris hostia,’ 26 and ‘Salve Regina,’ till the sacrifice of these holy martyrs was finished. Their wives being compelled to see their husbands in torments,, were afterwards put in prison; from whence being promised to be let go, if they would say that their husbands were damned, they refused so to say. PETER CHAPOT, AT PARIS, A.D. 1546, Apprehended by John Andre, Bookseller, Promoter; and examined by three Sorbonist Doctors, M. Nicolas Clerici, Doctor of Divinity; John Picard, and Nicholas Maillard. Peter Chapot first was a corrector to a printer in Paris. After he had been at Geneva, to do good to the church of Christ like a good man, he came with books of holy Scripture into France, and dispersed them abroad unto the faithful. This great zeal of his caused him to be apprehended by John Andre, who was the common promoter to Liset the president, and to the Sorbonists. This good Chapot being taken and brought before the commissaries, rendered promptly an account of his faith; unto whom he exhibited a supplication, or writing, wherein he learnedly informed the judges to do their office uprightly. Then were three doctors of Sorbon assigned, Nicholas Clerici, John Picard, and Nicholas Maillard, to dispute with him; who when they could find no advantage, but rather shame at his hands, they waxed angry with the judges for letting them dispute with heretics. This done, the judges consulting together upon his condemnation, could not agree; so that Chapot, as it seemed, might have escaped, had not a wicked person, the reporter of the process, sought and wrought his condemnation; which condemnation was at length concluded thus: that he should be burned quick, only the cutting off of his tongue was pardoned. The doctor appointed to be at his execution was Maillard, with whom he was greatly encumbered; for this friar called upon him still not to speak to the people; but he desired him that he might pray. Then he bade him pray to our Lady, and confess her to be his advocate. He confessed that she was a blessed virgin, and recited the Lord’s Prayer and the Creed, and was about to speak of the mass, but Maillard would not let him, making haste to his execution; and said, unless he would say ‘Ave Maria,’ he should be burnt quick. Then Chapot prayed, ‘O Jesus, son of David I have mercy upon me.’ Maillard then bade him say, ‘Jesus Maria!’ and so lie should he strangled. Chapot again excused, that he was so weak, he could not speak. Say, said Maillard, Jesus Maria! or else thou shalt be burned quick.’ As Chapot was thus striving with the friar, suddenly as it happened, Jesu Maria! escaped out of his mouth, but he, by and by, repressing himself, ‘O God!’ said he, ‘what have I done? pardon me, O Lord! to thee only have I sinned.’ 27 Then Maillard commanded the cord to be plucked about his neck to strangle him; notwithstanding yet he felt something the fire. After all things done, Maillard, all full of anger, went to the council house, called ‘La Chambre Ardente ,’ declaring what an uproar there had almost happened amongst the people; saying that he would complain upon the judges for suffering those heretics to have their tongues. Whereupon immediately a decree was made, that all who were to be burned, unless they recanted at the fire, should have their tongues cut off. Which law diligently afterwards was observed. SAINTINNS NIVET, AT PARIS, A.D. 1546. Persecuted by M. Peter Liset, President of the Council of Paris. After the burning of those fourteen, whose names are described before, this Saintinus (who was a lame cripple) with his wife removed out of Meaux to Montbelliard, where when he had continued a while in safe liberty of religion and saw himself there to do no good, but to be a burden to the church, cast in his mind to return home to Meaux again, and so did. There at last, as he was selling certain small wares in the fair, he was known and apprehended: whereof when information was given, he, being examined, at once confessed all, and more than they were willing to hear. In the time of this inquisition, as they were examining him of certain points of religion, and asked him whether he would stand to what he said, or not? he gave this answer, worthy to be registered in all men’s hearts, saying, ‘And I ask you again, lord judges I dare you be so bold as to deny, what is so plain and manifest by the open words of the Scripture?’ So little regard had he to save his own life, that he desired the judges both at Meaux, and at Paris, for God’s sake, that they would rather take care of their own lives and souls, and to consider how much innocent blood they spilled daily, in fighting against Christ Jesus and his gospel. At last, being brought to Paris, through the means of M. Peter Liset, a great persecutor, for that they of Meaux should take by him no encouragement, there he was detained, and suffered his martyrdom; where no kind of cruelty was lacking, which the innocent martyrs of Christ Jesus were wont to be put unto. STEPHEN POULLIOT, MARTYRED AT PARIS, 30 A.D. 1546. Stephen Poulliot, coming out of Normandy (where he was born) unto Meaux, tarried there not long, but was compelled to fly, and went to a town called La Fere, where he was apprehended and brought to Paris, and there cast into a foul and dark prison, in which he was kept in bands and fetters a long space, where he saw scarcely any light. At length, being called for before the senate, and his sentence given to have his tongue cut out, and to be burned alive, his satchel of books hanging about his neck: ‘O Lord,’ said he, ‘is the world in blindness and darkness still?’ for he thought, being in prison so long, that the world had been altered from its old darkness to better knowledge. At last the worthy martyr of Jesus Christ, having his books about his neck, was put into the fire, where he, with much patience, ended this transitory life. JOHN ENGLISH, MARTYRED A.D. 1547. He was executed and burned at Seus in Burgundy, being condemned by the high court of Paris for confessing the true word of God. MICHAEL MIQUELOT, A TAILOR, MARTYRED A.D. 1547. This tailor, being apprehended for the gospel’s sake, was judged first, if he would turn, to be beheaded; and if he would not turn, then to be burned alive. Being asked, whether of these two he would choose? he answered, that he trusted, that He who had given him grace not to deny the truth, would also give him patience to abide the fire. He was burned at Warden by Tournay. LEONARD DU PRE, MARTYRED A.D. 1547. This Leonard, going from Dijon to Bar, a town in Burgundy, with two false brethren, and talking with them about religion, was betrayed by them, and afterwards burned. SEVEN MARTYRS BURNED AT LANGRES: JOHN TAFFIGNON, AND JOAN HIS WIFE; SIMON MARESCHAL, AND JOAN HIS WIFE; WILLIAM MICHAUT; JAMES BOULEREAU; JAMES BRETANY. A.D. 1547. All these seven, being of the city of Langres, for the word and truth of Jesus Christ were committed to the fire, wherein they died with much strength and comfort: but especially Joan, who was Simon’s wife, being reserved to the last place, because she was the youngest, confirmed her husband, and all the others with words of singular consolation; declaring to her husband, that they should the same day be married to the Lord Jesus, to live with him for ever. FOUR MARTYRS BURNED AT PARIS: MICHAEL MARESCHAL, JOHN CAMUS, GREAT JOHN CAMUS, AND JOHN SERAPHIN. A.D. 1547. These also, the same year, and about the same time, for the like confession of Christ’s gospel were condemned by the senate of Paris, and in the same city also with the like cruelty were burned. OCTOVIAN BLONDEL, A MERCHANT OF PRECIOUS STONES AT PARIS, A.D.1548, Betrayed by his Host, at Lyons; and by Gabriel de Saconnex, precentor. This Octevian, as he was a great occupier in all fairs and countries of France, and well known both in court and elsewhere, so was he a singular honest man of great integrity, and also a favorer of God’s word; who, being at his host’s house at Lyons, rebuked the filthy talk and superstitious behavior, which there he heard and saw. Wherefore the host, bearing to him a grudge, chanced to have certain talk with Gabriel de Saconnex, precentor, concerning the riches, and a sumptuous collar set with rich jewels, of this Octovian. Thus these two, consulting together, did suborn a certain person to borrow of him a certain sum of crowns, which because Octovian refused to lend, the other caused him to be apprehended for heresy, thinking thereby to make attachment of his goods: but such order was taken by Blondel’s friends, that they were frustrated of their purpose. Then Blondel, being examined of his faith, gave a plain and full confession of that doctrine, which he had learned; for which he was committed to prison, where he did much good to the prisoners. For some that were in debt, he paid their creditors and loosed them out. To some he gave meat, to other raiment. At length, through the importune persuasions of Ins parents and friends, he gave over and changed his confession. Notwithstanding the precentor, not leaving so, appealed him up to the high court of Paris. There Octovian being asked again touching his faith, which of his two confessions he would stick to, he, being before admonished of his fall, and of the offense given thereby to the faithful, said he would live and die in his first confession, which he defended to be consonant to the verity of God’s word. That done, he was condemned to be burned, and so haste was made to his execution, lest his friends in the court might come between, and save his life. HUBERT CHERIET, ALIAS BURRE, A YOUNG MAN, A TAILOR, AT DIJON, A.D. 1549. Hubert, being a young man of the age of nineteen years, was burned for the gospel at Dijon; who, neither by any terrors of death, nor allurements of his parents, could be otherwise persuaded, but constantly to remain in the truth unto death. MASTER FLORENT VENOT, PRIEST, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1549. Persecuted by Peter Liset, President of the Council of Paris, and other Sorbonists. This Florent remained in prison in Paris four years and nine days During that time there was no torment which he did not abide and overcome. Among all other kinds of torments, he was put in a narrow prison or break, so straight, that he could neither stand nor lie, which they call the hose or boot, ‘ad Nectar Hippocratis;’ because it is straight beneath, and wider above, like to the instrument wherewith apothecaries are wont to make their hypocras. In this he remained seven weeks, where, the tormentors affirm, that no thief or murderer could ever endure fifteen days, but was in danger of life or madness. At last, when there was a great show in Paris at the king’s coming into the city, and divers other martyrs in sundry places of the city were put to death, he, having his tongue cut off, was brought to see the execution of them all; and last of all, in the Place de Maubert, was put into the fir and burned the 9th of July at afternoon. ANN AUDEBERT, AN APOTHECARY’S WIFE AND WIDOW, MARTYRED AT ORLEANS, A.D. 1549 322 . She, going to Geneva, was taken and brought to Paris, and by the council there adjudged to be burned at Orleans. When the rope was put about her, she called it her wedding-girdle wherewith she should be married to Christ; and as she should be burned upon a Saturday, upon Michaelmas-even; ‘Upon a Saturday,’ said she, ‘I was first married, and upon a Saturday I shall be married again’ And seeing the dung-cart brought, wherein she should be carried, she rejoiced thereat, showing such constancy in her martyrdom as made all the beholders to marvel. A POOR GODLY TAILOR OF PARIS, DWELLING IN THE STREET & ST. ANTHONY AT PARIS, A.D. 1549. Persecuted by Henry II., the French King; apprehended by an Officer of the King’s House; examined by Peter Castellane, Bishop of Macon. Amongst many other godly martyrs that suffered in France, the story of this poor tailor is not the least nor worst to be remembered. His name is not yet sought out in the French stories for lack of diligence in those writers; more is the pity. The story is this: Not long after the coronation of Henry II., the French king, at whose coming into Paris divers, good martyrs were there brought out, and burned for a spectacle, as is abovesaid, a certain poor tailor, who then dwelt not far from the king’s palace, in the street bearing the name of St. Anthony, was apprehended by a certain officer in the king’s house, for that upon a certain holy day he followed his occupation, and did work for his living. Before he was had to prison, the officer asked him, why he did labor and work, giving no observation to the holy day? To whom he answered, that he was a poor man, living only upon his labor; and as for the day, he knew no other but only the Sunday, wherein he might not lawfully work for the necessity of his living. Then the officer began to ask of him many questions; whereunto the poor tailor did so answer, that eftsoons or he was clapped in prison. After that, the officer, coming into the court to show what good service he had done for the holy church, declared to certain estates, how he had taken a Lutheran working upon a holy day; showing that he had such answers of him, that he commanded him to prison. When the rumor hereof was noised in the king’s chamber, through the motion of those who were about the king, the poor man was sent for to appear, that the king might have the hearing of him. Hereupon the king’s chamber being voided, save only a few of the chiefest peers remaining about the king, the simple tailor was brought. The king, sitting in his chair, commanded Peter Castellane, bishop of Macon (a man very fit for such inquisitions) 323 , to question with him. The tailor, being entered, and nothing appalled at the king’s majesty, after his reverence done unto the prince, gave thanks to God, that he had so greatly dignified him being such a wretch, as to bring him where he might testify his truth before such a mighty prince. Then Castellane, entering talk, began to reason with him touching the greatest and chiefest matter of religion; whereunto the tailor without fear, or any halting in his speech, with present audacity, wit, and memory, so answered for the sincere doctrine and simple truth of God’s gospel, as was both convenient to the purpose, and also to his questions aptly and fitly correspondent. Notwithstanding, the nobles there present, with cruel taunts and rebukes, did what they could to dash him out of countenance. Yet all this terrified not him, but with boldness of heart, and free liberty of speech, he defended his cause, or rather the cause of Christ the Lord, neither flattering their persons, nor fearing their threats; which was to them all a singular admiration, to behold that simple poor artificer to stand so firm and bold, answering before a king to those questions propounded against him. Whereat when the king seemed to muse with himself, as one somewhat amazed, and who might soon have been induced, at that present, to further knowledge, the egregious bishop and other courtiers, seeing the king in such a muse, said, he was an obstinate and stubborn person, confirmed in his own opinion, and therefore was not to be marveled at, but to be sent to the judges, and to be punished. And therefore, lest he should trouble the ears of the said Henry the king, he was commanded again to the hands of the officer, that his cause might be informed: and so, within few days after, he was condemned, by the high steward of the king’s house, to be burned alive. And lest any deep consideration of that excellent fortitude of the poor man might further, peradventure, pierce the king’s mind, the cardinals and bishops were ever in the king’s ear, telling him, that these Lutherans were nothing else but such as carry vain smoke in their mouths, which being put to the fire, would soon vanish. Wherefore the king was appointed himself to be present at his execution, which was sharp and cruel, before the church of Mary the Virgin; where it pleased God to give such strength and courage to his servant, in suffering his martyrdom, that the beholding thereof did more astonish the king than all the others did before. CLAUDIUS THIERRY, MARTYRED AT ORLEANS, A.D. 1549. The same year, and for the same doctrine of the gospel, one Claudius also was burned at the said town of Orleans being apprehended by the way coming from Geneva to his country. LEONARD GALIMARD, AT PARIS, A.D. This Leonard, for the confession likewise of Christ and his gospel, was taken and brought to Paris, and there, by the sentence of the council, was judged to be burnt the same time as Florcut Venot, above-mentioned, did suffer at Paris. MACE MOREAU, MARTYRED AT TROYES, A.D. 1550. He was burned at Troyes in Champagne (a city in France), remaining constant to the end in the gospel, for the which he was apprehended. 42 JOHN GODEAU, AND GABRIEL BERAUDINE, MARTYRS, A.D. 1550. These two were of the church of Geneva. Afterwards for their friendly admonishing a certain priest, who in his sermon had abused the name of God, they were taken at Chambery. Godeau standing to his confession, was burned. Gabriel, though he began a little to shrink for fear of the torments, yet being confirmed by the constant death of Godeau, recovered again, and standing likewise to his confession, first had his tongue cut out; who, notwithstanding, through God’s might, did speak so as he might be understood. Thereupon the hangman being accused for not cutting off his tongue rightly, said that he could not stop him of his speech. And so these two, after they had confirmed many in God’s truth, gave their life for Christ’s gospel. THOMAS DE ST. PAUL, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A D. 1551. His Persecutors were John Andreas, Promoter; Peter Liset, President of the Council of Paris; Maillard and others, Sorbonists; also one Aubertus, a councilor. This Thomas, a young man of the age of eighteen years, coming from Geneva to Paris, rebuked there a man for swearing; for which cause he, being suspected for a Lutheran, was followed and watched whither he went, and was taken and brought before the council of Paris, and put in prison, where he was racked, and miserably tormented; to the intent he should either change his opinion, or confess others of his profession. His torments and rackings were so sore, through the setting on of Maillard and other Sorbonists, that the sight thereof made Aubert, one of the council, a cruel and vehement enemy against the gospel, to turn his back and weep. The young man, when he had made the tormentors weary with racking, and yet would utter none, at last was had to Maubert Place in Paris, to be burned; where he, being in the fire, was plucked up again upon the gibbet, and asked whether he would turn? to whom he said, that he was in his way towards God, and therefore desired them to let him go. Thus this glorious martyr remaining inexpugnable, glorified the Lord with constant confession of his truth. MAURICE SECENATE, MARTYRED IN PROVENCE, A.D. 1551 324 . He, having interrogations first put to him by the lieutenant of that place, made his answers thereunto, so as no great advantage could be taken thereof. But being greatly compuncted and troubled in his conscience for dissembling the truth 325 , and called afterward before the lord chief judge, he answered so directly, that he was condemned for the same, and burned in Provence. JOHN PUTTE, OR DE PUTEO, SURNAMED MEDICUS, MARTYRED AT UZEZ, IN PROVENCE, A.D. 1551. This Medicus, being a carpenter and unlettered, had a controversy about a certain pit with a citizen of the town of Uzez, where he dwelt, lie, to cast, in the law, this Medicus from the pit, accused him of heresy, bringing for his witnesses those laborers whom Medicus had hired to work in his vineyard: wherefore he, being examined of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, was condemned and burned at Uzez, in Provence. CLAUDE MONIER, MARTYRED AT LYONS, A.D. 1551. His Persecutors were, the Governor of Lyons, and the Official of the Archdeacon of Lyons. This man, being well instructed in the knowledge of God’s word, for which he was also driven from Auvergne, came to Lyons, and there taught children. Hearing of the lord president’s coming to the city, he went to give warning to a certain familiar friend of his, and so conducted him out of the town. In returning again to comfort the man’s wife and children, he was taken in his house; and so he, confessing that which he knew to be true, and standing to that which he confessed, after much afflictions in prisons and dungeons, was condemned and burned at Lyons. He was noted to be so gentle and mild of conditions, and constant withal, and also learned, that certain of the judges could not forbear weeping at his death. The said Monier, being in prison, wrote certain letters, but one specially very comfortable to all the faithful, which, the Lord willing, in the end of these histories shall be inserted. He wrote also the questions and interrogatories of the official, with his answers likewise to the same; which summarily we have here contracted, as followeth: The Official: ‘What believe you of the sacrament? is the body of Christ in the bread, or no?’ The Martyr: ‘I worship Jesus Christ in heaven, sitting at the right hand of God the Father.’ Official: ‘What say you of purgatory?’ The Martyr: ‘Forasmuch as there is no place o. mercy after this life, therefore no need there is of any purgation; but necessary it is that we be purged before we pass hence.’ Official: ‘Of the pope what think you?’ The Martyr: ‘I say he is a bishop as other bishops are, if he be a true follower of St. Peter.’ Official: ‘What say you of vows?’ The Martyr: ‘No man can vow to God so much, but the law requireth much more than he can vow.’ Official: ‘Are not saints to be invocated?’ The Martyr: ‘They cannot pray without faith, and therefore it is in vain to call upon them. And again, God hath appointed his angels about us, to minister in our necessities.’ Official: ‘Is it not good to salute the blessed Virgin with Ave Maria?’ The Martyr: ‘When she was on this earth she had need of the angels greeting; for then she had need of salvation, as well as others: but now she is so blessed, that no more blessing can be wished unto her.’ Official: ‘Are not images to be had?’ The Martyr: ‘For that the nature of man is so prone to idolatry, ever occupied and fixed in those things which lie before his eyes, rather than upon those which are not seen; images therefore are not to be set before Christians. You know nothing is to be adored, but that which is not seen with eyes, that is, God alone, who is a Spirit, and him only we must worship, in spirit and truth.’ Official: ‘What say you by the canonical or ordinary hours for prayer?’ The Martyr: ‘To hours and times, prayer ought not to be tied: but whensoever God’s Spirit doth move us, or when any necessity driveth us, then ought we to pray.’ Then the Official asked, what he thought of holy oil, salt, with such other like? to whom the Martyr answered, that all these things were a mere Marranismus, 47 that is, they savored of the law of the Marrani, and of the superstition of the Jews. RENE POYET, MARTYRED AT SAUMUR, IN FRANCE, A.D. 1552. Rene Poyet, the son of William Poyet, who was chancellor of France, for. the true and sincere profession of the word of God, constantly suffered martyrdom, and was burned in the city of Saumur, A.D. 1552. JOHN JOERY, AND HIS SERVANT, A YOUNG MAN, MARTYRED AT TOULOUSE, A.D. 1552. These two coming from Geneva to the country with certain books, were apprehended by the way, and at length had to Toulouse, where the master was first condemned. The servant being young, was not so prompt to answer them, but sent them to his master saying, that he should answer them. When they were brought to the stake, the young man, first going up, began to weep. The master, fearing lest he would give over, ran to him, and he was comforted, and they began to sing. As they were in the fire, the master, standing upright to the stake, shifted the fire from him to his servant, being more careful for him than for himself; and when he saw him dead, he bowed down into the flame, and so expired. HUGH GRAVIER, A SCHOOLMASTER AND MINISTER, OF CORTILLON, IN THE COUNTRY OF NEUFCHATEL, MARTYRED AT BOURG, A.D. 1552. At Bourg, in Bresse, a day’s journey from Lyons, this Gravier was burned. He, coming from Geneva to Neufchatel, there was elected to be minister. But first, going to see his wife’s friends at Macon, there, as he was coming away out of the town, he was taken upon the bridge, with all his company; and in the end he, willing for the women and the rest of the company to lay the fault to him for bringing them out, was sentenced to be burned, notwithstanding that the lords of Bern sent their heralds to save his life, and also that the official declared him to be an honest man, and to hold nothing, but what was agreeable to the Scriptures. FIVE STUDENTS, MARTYRS, NAMELY: MARTIAL ALBA, PETER ESCRIVAIN, BERNARD SEGUINE, CHARLES LE FEVRE, PETER NAVIHERES, AT LYONS, A.D. 1553. Their Persecutors were: Tignac, the Lieutenant of Lyons; Buathier, Official to the Archbishop of Lyons; Mons. de Clepier 326 , Chamberlain; three Orders of Friars; Judge Melier; Dr. Coombes, a Grey Friar 327 ; Judge Vilard; the Principal Official 328 ; and Courtrier, a Judge. These five students, after they had remained in the university of Lausanne, a certain time, consulted amongst themselves, being all Frenchmen, to return home every one to his country, to-the intent they might instruct their parents and other their friends in such knowledge as the Lord had given them. So, taking their journey from Lausanne, first they came to Geneva, where they remained awhile. From thence they went to Lyons, where they, sitting at the table of one that met them by the way, and desired them home to his house, were apprehended and led to prison, where they continued a whole year; that is, from the 1st of May to the 16th of the same month again. As they were learned and well exercised in the Scriptures, so every one of them exhibited severally a learned confession of his faith; and with great dexterity, through the power of the Lord’s Spirit, they confounded the friars with whom they disputed; especially Peter Escrivain, and Seguine. They were examined sunderly of the sacrament of the Lord’s body, of purgatory, of confession and invocation, of free-will, and of the supremacy, etc. Although they proved their cause by good Scripture, and refuted their adversaries in reasoning, yet right being overcome by might, sentence was given, and they burned in the said town of Lyons. Being set upon the cart, they began to sing psalms. As they passed by the market-place, one of them with a loud voice saluted the people with the words of the last chapter to the Hebrews; ‘The God of peace, which brought again from death the great Pastor of the sheep in the blood of the eternal testament,’ etc. Coming to the place, first the two youngest, one after another, went up upon the heap of wood to the stake, and there were fastened, and so after them the rest. Martial Alba, being the eldest, was the last; who likewise being stripped of his clothes, and brought to the stake, desired this petition of the governor, which was that he might go about his fellows tied at the stake, and kiss them: which being granted, he went and kissed every one, saying, ‘Farewell, my brother.’ Likewise the other four, following the same example, bade each one, ‘Farewell, my brother.’ With that, fire was commanded to be put unto them. The hangman had tied a rope about all their necks, thinking first to strangle them; but their faces being smeared with fat and brimstone, the rope was burnt before they were strangled. So the blessed martyrs, in the midst of the fire, spoke one to another to be of good cheer, and so departed. 51 THEIR EXAMINATIONS BRIEFLY TOUCHED. The Friar: ‘Thou sayest, friend! in thy confession, that the pope is not supreme head of the church; I will prove the contrary. The pope is successor of St. Peter: ergo, he is supreme head of the church.’ The Martyr: ‘I first deny your antecedent.’ Friar: ‘The pope sitteth in the place of St. Peter: ergo, he is the successor of St. Peter.’ The Martyr: ‘I will grant neither of the two: first, because he who succeedeth in the room of Peter, ought to preach and teach as Peter did; which thing the pope doth not. Secondly, although he did so preach as Peter did, he might well follow the example of Peter, yet should he not therefore be the head of the church, but a member only of the same. The head of men and angels, whom God hath appointed, is Christ alone, saith St. Paul.’ [Ephesians 1.] Friar: ‘Although Christ be the head of the whole church militant and triumphant, yet his vicar here on earth is left to supply his room.’ The Martyr: ‘Not so, for the power of his divinity being so great, to fill all things, he needeth no vicar or deputy to supply his absence.’ Friar: ‘I will prove, that although Christ be king both of heaven and earth, yet he hath here on earth many vicars under him, to govern his people.’ The Martyr: ‘It is one thing to rule in the civil state, another thing to rule spiritually. For in civil regiment we have kings and princes ordained of God by the Scriptures, for the observation of public society: in the spiritual regiment and kingdom of the church it is not so.’ Another Friar: ‘Thou sayest St. Peter is not the head of the church; I will prove he is. Our Lord said to Peter, Thou shalt be called Cephas; which Cephas is as much to say in Latin, caput: ergo, Peter is head of the church.’ The Martyr: ‘Where find you that interpretation? St. John, in his first chapter, doth expound it otherwise: Thou shalt be called Cephas, that is as much (saith he) as petrus, or stone.’ Then the judge Vilard, calling for a New Testament, turned to the place, and found it to be so; whereupon the friar was utterly dashed, and stood mute. Friar: ‘Thou sayest in thy confession, that a man hath no free will; I will prove it. It is written in the Gospel [Luke 10], how a man going from Jerusalem to Jericho fell among thieves, and was spoiled, maimed, and left half dead, etc. Thomas Aquinas expoundeth this parable to mean free will, which he saith, is maimed; yet not so, but that some power remaineth in man to work.’ The Martyr: ‘This interpretation I do refuse and deny.’ Friar: ‘What! thinkest thou thyself better learned than St. Thomas?’ The Martyr: ‘I do arrogate no such learning unto myself. But this I say, this parable is not so to be expounded, but is set forth for example of the Lord, to commend, to us charity, towards our neighbor, how one should help another.’ Friar: ‘Thou sayest in thy confession, that we are justified only by faith, I will prove that we are justified by works. By our works we do merit: ergo, by works we are justified.’ The Martyr: ‘I deny the antecedent.’ Friar: ‘St. Paul, in the last chapter of Hebrews, saith, Forget not to do good, and to distribute unto others: Talibus enim victimis promeretur Deus; that is, For by such oblations God is merited. We merit God by our works: ergo, we are justified by our works.’ The Martyr: ‘The words of St. Patti in that place be otherwise, and are thus to be translated: Talibus enim victimis delectatur Deus; that is, With such sacrifices God is delighted, or is well pleased.’ Vilard, the judge, turned to the book, and found the place even to be so as the prisoner said. Here the friars were marvelously appalled and troubled in their minds: of whom one asked then, What he thought of confession?’ To whom the martyr answered, that confession is only to be made to God, and that those places which they allege for auricular confession, out of St. James and other, are to be expounder of brotherly reconciliation between one another, and not of confession in the priest’s ear. And here again the friars stood, having nothing to say against it. A Black Friar: ‘Dost thou not believe the body of Christ to be locally and corporally in the sacrament? I will prove the same. Jesus Christ taking bread, said, This is my body: ergo, it is truly his body.’ The Martyr: ‘The verb est is not to be taken here substantively in its own proper signification, as showing the nature of a thing in substance, as in philosophy it:is wont to be taken; but as noting the property of a thing signified, after the manner and phrase of the Scripture; where one thing is wont to be called by the name of another, so as the sign is called by the name of the thing signified, etc. So is circumcision called by the name of the covenant, and yet is not the covenant; so the lamb hath the name of the passover, yet is not the same; in which two sacraments of the old law, ye see the verb est to be taken, not as showing the substance of being, but the property of being in the thing that is spoken of. And so likewise in the sacrament of the new law.’ Friar: ‘The sacraments of the old law and of the new, do differ greatly; for these give grace, so did not the other.’ The Martyr: ‘Neither the sacraments of the old, nor of the new law, do give grace, but show Him unto us, who giveth grace indeed. The minister giveth the sacraments, but Jesus Christ giveth grace by the operation of the Holy Ghost: of whom it is said, This is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost,’ etc. Friar: ‘The fathers of the Old Testament, were they not partakers of the same grace and promises with us?’ [John 2.] The Martyr: ‘Yes, for St. Paul saith, that the fathers of the Old Testament did eat the same spiritual meat, and did drink of the same spiritual drink with us.’ Friar: ‘Jesus Christ saith [John 6.], Your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead: ergo, they were not partakers of the same grace with us in the New Testament.’ The Martyr: ‘Christ here speaketh of those, who did not eat that manna with faith, which was a type and figure of that Bread of Life that came from heaven; and not of them who did eat the same with faith, as Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, and such others; who, under the shadows of the Old Testament, did look for Christ to come. For so it is written of Abraham, that he saw the (lay of Christ, and rejoiced; - not seeing it with his bodily eyes, but with the eyes of his faith.’ Here the doltish doctor was at a stay, having nothing to say, but, ‘Hear friend! be not so hot, nor so hasty, tarry a while, tarry a while.’ At length, aider his tarrying, this came out. Friar: ‘I will prove that they of the Old Testament were not partakers of the same grace with us. The law (saith St. Paul) worketh anger; and they that are under the law, are under malediction: ergo, they of the old law and testament, were not partakers of the same grace with us.’ The Martyr: ‘St. Paul here proveth, that no man by the law can be justified, but that all men are under the anger and curse of God thereby, forasmuch as no man performeth that which in the law is comprehended; and therefore, we have need every man to run to Christ, to be saved by faith, seeing no man can be saved by the law. For whosoever trusteth to the law, hoping to find justification thereby, and not by Christ only, the same remaineth still under malediction: not because the law is accursed, or the times thereof under curse, but because of the weakness of our nature, which is not able to perform the law.’ Friar: ‘St. Paul [Romans 7] declareth in the Old Testament to be nothing but anger and threatenings, and in the New Testament to be grace and mercy, in these words where he saith, Wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? The grace of God, by Jesus Christ.’ The Martyr: ‘St. Paul in this place neither meaneth nor speaketh of the difference of times between the Old and the New Testament, but of the conflict between the flesh and the spirit; so that whereas the flesh is ever rebelling against the spirit, yet the spiritual man notwithstanding, through the faith of Christ, hath the victory. Furthermore, the true translation of that place hath not gratia Dei, but gratias ago Deo, per Jesum Christum,’ etc. The Primacial official, seeing the friar almost here at a point, set in, and said, ‘Thou lewd heretic, dost thou deny the blessed sacrament?’ The Martyr: ‘No, Sir, but I embrace and reverence the sacrament, so as it was instituted by the Lord, and left by his apostles.’ Official: ‘Thou deniest the body of Christ to be in the sacrament, and thou callest the sacrament bread.’ The Martyr: ‘The Scripture teacheth us to seek the body of Christ in heaven, and not on earth; where we read [Colossians 3], ‘If ye be risen with Christ, seek not for the things which are upon the earth; but for the things which are in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God,’ etc. And whereas I affirm the sacrament not to be the body, but bread, speaking of bread remaining in its own substance, herein I do no other but as St. Paul doth, who, likewise, doth call it bread four or five times together.’ [1 Corinthians 11] Friar: ‘Jesus Christ said, that he was the bread of life.’ Official: ‘Thou naughty heretic! Jesus Christ said that he was a vine, and a door, etc., where he is to be expounded to speak figuratively; but the words of the sacrament are not so to be expounded.’ The Martyr: ‘Those testimonies which you allege, make more for me than for you.’ Official: ‘What sayest thou, lewd heretic! is the bread of the Lord’s supper, and the bread that we eat at home, all one, and is there no difference between them?’ The Martyr: ‘In nature and substance there is no difference: in quality and in use there is much difference. For the bread of the Lord’s table, though it be of the same nature and substance with the bread that we eat at home, yet when it is applied to be a sacrament, it taketh another quality, and is set before us to seal the promise of our spiritual and eternal life.’ And this was the effect of their examinations. PETRUS BERGIER, AT LYONS, A.D. 1553. About the same time when these five students above specified were apprehended, this Bergier also was taken at Lyons, and with them examined, and made also the like confession with them together, and shortly after them suffered the same martyrdom. He had been before an occupier or merchant of wines. He had a wife and children at Geneva, to whom he wrote sweet and comfortable letters. In the dungeon with him was a certain thief and malefactor: who had lain there the space of seven or eight months. This thief, for pain and torments cried out on God and cursed his parents that begat him, being almost eaten up with lice, miserably handled, and fed with bread such as dogs and horses had refused to eat: so it pleased the goodness of Almighty God, that through the teaching and prayers of this Bergier, he was brought to repentance of himself and knowledge of God; learning much comfort and patience by the word of the gospel preached unto him. Touching his conversion he wrote a sweet letter to those five students above mentioned, wherein he praiseth God for them, and especially for this Bergier; declaring also in the same letter, that the next day after that he had taken hold of the gospel, and framed himself to patience, according to the same, his lice, of which he could pluck out before no less than twenty at once, betwixt his fingers, were now so gone from him, that he had not one. Furthermore, so the alms of good men were extended towards him, that he was fed with white bread, and that which was very good: such is the goodness of the Lord toward them that love and seek his truth.’ The name of this convert was John Chambone. STEPHEN AND DENIS PELOQUINE, BRETHREN, MARTYRED AT VILLE-FRANCHE, NEAR LYONS, A.D. 1553. Stephen Peloquine, brother to this Denis, was taken about two or three years before, with Ann Audebert above mentioned, and also martyred for the testimony of the gospel at the same time, with a small fire. After whom followed Denis Peloquine in the same steps of martyrdom, who was his brother. This Denis had been sometime a monk, and changing his weed took a wife, with whom he lived a certain space at Geneva in godly order and modesty of life. Coming afterward to Ville-Franche 330 , six leagues from Lyons, from thence he was had to Lyons, where he remained in prison ten months. From thence he was reversed to Ville Franche, where he was condemned, degraded, and burned. The articles whereupon he was condemned, were respecting the mass, the sacrament, auricular confession, purgatory, the Virgin Mary, and the pope’s supremacy. He suffered on the 11th of September, A.D. 1553. In his martyrdom, such patience and fortitude God gave him, that when he was half burned, yet he never ceased holding up his hands to heaven, and calling upon the Lord; to the great admiration of them that looked on. 55 LOUIS DE MARSAC, AND MICHAEL GERARD, HIS COUSIN; ALSO STEPHEN GRAVOT, CARPENTER: ALL MARTYRED AT LYONS, A.D. 1553. Their Persecutors were, the King’s Lieutenant at Lyons, the Official, and the Friars. At Lyons the same year these three also were apprehended and sacrificed. Louis had been of the order of the Demi-lances, who served the king in his wars: afterwards coming to Geneva, he was trained up in the knowledge and doctrine of the Lord. Upon divers articles he was examined, as the invocation of saints, and of the Virgin Mary; free-will, merits and good works auricular confession, fasting, and the Lord’s supper. In his second examination, they inquired of him, and also of the other two, touching vows, the sacraments, the mass, and the vicar of Christ; in all which articles, because his and their judgment dissented from the doctrine of the pope’s church, they were condemned. The answers of Marsac to the articles are to be seen at large in the Book of the French Martyrs, set out by John Crispine. The lieutenant, among other blasphemies, had these words: ‘Of the four evangelists, but two were pure, Matthew and John; the other two, Mark and Luke, were but gatherers out of the others. The epistles of St. Paul, except that the doctors of the church had authorized them, he would otherwise esteem them no better than the fables of Esop.’ ITEM , the said lieutenant said to M. Cope’s maid, speaking somewhat of the law, ‘Cursed be the God of that law.’ When the sentence of condemnation was given against these three, they were so glad thereof, that they went out praising God, and singing psalms. This troubled the judges sore, to see them so little to esteem their death: insomuch that the lieutenant caused them to be made to hold their peace; saying, ‘shall these vile abjects so vaunt themselves against the whole state of the realm?’ Then as Marsac was going into a corner by, to pray, one of the soldiers would not suffer him: to whom he said, ‘That little time which we have, will you not give us to pray?’ With that the soldier, being astonished, went his way. As they were brought out of prison to the stake, the hangman tied a rope about the necks of the other two. Marsac seeing himself to be spared because of his order and degree, called by the way to the lieutenant, that he might also have one of the precious chains about his neck in honor of his Lord; which being granted, so were these three blessed martyrs committed to the fire, where they, with meek patience, yielded up their lives to the hands of the Lord, in testimony of his gospel. MATTHIEU DIMONET, MERCHANT; MARTYRED AT LYONS, A.D. 1553. The Persecutors were the Lieutenant at Lyons, the Primacial Official, Buathier, the Metropolitan Official, and Orry 331 , an Inquisitor. This merchant first lived a vicious and detestable life, full of much corruption and filthiness. He was also a secret enemy and searcherout of good men, when and where they convented together; who, being called notwithstanding, by the grace of God, to the knowledge and favor of his word, shortly after was taken by the lieutenant, and Buathier the official, in his own house at Lyons; and so, after a little examination, was sent to prison. Being examined by the inquisitor and the officials, he refused to yield any answer to them, knowing no authority they had upon him, but only to the lieutenant. His answers were, that he believed all that the holy universal church of Christ did truly believe, and all the articles of the creed. To the article of the holy Catholic church, being bid to add also ‘Romanam,’ that is, the church of Rome, that he refused. Advocates he knew none, but Christ alone. Purgatory he knew none, but the cross and passion of the Lamb, which purgeth the sins of all the world. True confession, he said, ought to be made not to the priest once a year, but every day to God and to those whom we have offended. The eating of the flesh and blood of Christ he took to be spiritual: and the sacrament of the flesh and blood of Christ to be eaten with the mouth, and that sacrament to be bread and wine under the name and signification of the body and blood of Christ; the mass not to be instituted of Christ, being a thing contrary to his word and will. For the head of the church, be knew none, but only Christ. Being in prison, he had great conflicts with the infirmity of his own flesh, but especially with the temptation of his parents, brethren, and kinsfolks, and the sorrow of his mother: nevertheless the Lord so assisted him, that he endured to the end. At his burning he spoke much to the people, and was heard with great attention. He suffered on the 15th of July, A.D. 1553. WILLIAM NEEL, AN AUSTIN FRIAR, MARTYRED AT EVREUX332 IN FRANCE, A.D. 1553. His Persecutors were Legoux, the Dean of Illiers; and M. Simon Vigor, the Penitentiary of Evreux. Henry Pantaleon, and likewise Crispine and Adrian, make mention also of one William Neel, a friar Augustine, who suffered in much like sort the same year, and was burned at Evreux in France. The occasion of his trouble rose first, for the rebuking of the vicious demeanor of the priests there, and of the dean, named Legoux: for which the dean caused him to be sent to Evreux, to the prison of the bishop. The story of this William Neel, with his answers to their articles objected, is to be read more at large in the ninth book of Pantaleon, and others. SIMON LALOE, MARTYRED AT DIJON, A.D. 1553. HIS PERSECUTOR WAS THE BAILIFF OR STEWARD OF THE CITY OF DIJON. Simon Laloe, a spectacle-maker, coming from Geneva into France for certain business, was laid hand of by the bailiff of Dijon. Three things were demanded of him: first, where he dwelt? secondly, what was his faith? thirdly, what fellows he knew of his religion? His dwelling (he said) was at Geneva. His. religion was such as was then used at Geneva. As for his fellows (he said) he knew none, but only those of the same city of Geneva, where his dwelling was. When they could get of him no other answer but this with all their racking and torments, they proceeded to his sentence, and pursued the execution of the same, which was on the 21st of November, A.D. 1553. The executioner, who was. named James Silvester, seeing the great faith and constancy of that heavenly martyr, was so compuncted with repentance, and fell in such despair of himself that they had much ado, with all the promises of the gospel, to recover any comfort in him. At last, through the mercy of Christ, he was comforted, and converted; and so he, with all his family, removed to the church at Geneva. NICHOLAS NAYLE, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1555. This Nicholas, a shoemaker, coming to Paris with certain fardels of books, was there apprehended; who, stoutly persisting in confessing the truth, was tried with sundry torments, to utter what fellows he had besides of his profession, and that so cruelly, that his body was dissolved almost one joint from another; but so constant he was in his silence, that he would express none. As they brought him to the stake, first they put a gag or piece of wood in his mouth, which they bound with cords to the hinder part of his head so hard, that his mouth on both sides gushed out with blood, and disfigured his face monstrously. By the way they passed by an hospital, where they willed hint to worship the picture of St. Mary standing at the gate: but he turned his back as well as he could, and would not. For this the blind people were so grieved, that they would have fallen upon hint. After he was brought to the fire, they so smeared his body with fat and brimstone, that at the first taking of the fire, all his skin was parched, and the inward parts not touched. With that the cords burst: which were about his mouth, whereby his voice was heard in the midst of the flame, praising the Lord; and so the blessed martyr departed. PETER SERRE, MARTYRED NEAR TOULOUSE, A.D. 1553. His Persecutors were a Woman of Toulouse, the Official of the Archbishop of Toulouse, and. the Inquisitor and Chancellor of the Bishop of Conserans. Peter Serre was first a priest; then, changing his religion, he went to Geneva, and learned the shoemakers’ craft, and so lived. Afterwards, upon a singular love, he came to his brother at Toulouse, to the intent to do him good. His brother had a wife, who was not well pleased with his religion and coming. She, in secret counsel, told another woman, one of her neighbors, of this. What doth she, but goeth to the official, and maketh him privy to all. The official, thinking to foreslack no time, taking counsel with his fellows, laid hands upon this Peter, and brought him before the inquisitor; to whom he made such declaration of his faith, that he seemed to reduce the inquisitor to some feeling of conscience, and began to instruct him in the principles of true religion. Notwithstanding, all this helped not, but that he was condemned by the said chancellor to be degraded, and committed to the secular judge. the judge inquiring of what occupation he was, he said, that of late he was a shoemaker: whereby the judge, understanding that he had been of some other faculty before, required what it was. He said he had been of another faculty before, but he was ashamed to utter it, or to remember it, being the worst and vilest science of all others in the whole world besides. The judge and the people, supposing that he had been some thief or cutpurse, inquired to know what it was; but he for shame and sorrow stopped his mouth, and would not declare it. At last, through their importunate clamor, he was constrained to declare the truth, and said, that he had been a priest! The judge thereupon was so moved, that he condemned him; first, enjoining him in his condemnation to ask the king forgiveness, he then judged him to have his tongue cut out, and so to be burned. From this sentence, he appealed to the parliament of Toulouse: not for that he thought thereby to save his hie, but because he was enjoined to ask the king forgiveness, whom he had never offended; also because he was judged to have his tongue cut off, wherewith he would praise his God. Notwithstanding, by the sentence of that parliament, he was likewise condemned to be burned; only he was pardoned the asking forgiveness of the king, and the cutting off of his tongue, so that he would say nothing against their religion. As he went to bunting, he passed by the college of St. Martial, where he was bid to honor the picture of the Virgin standing at the gate; which because he refused, the judge commanded his tongue to be cut off and so being put to the tire, he stood so quiet, looking up to heaven all the time of burning, as though he had felt nothing; bringing such admiration to the people, that one of the parliament said, that way was not the best, to bring the Lutherans to the fire, for that would do more hurt than good. STEPHEN LE ROY, AND PETRUS DENOCHEAU, MARTYRED AT CHARTRES, A.D. 1553. PERSECUTED BY THE PROVOST-MARSHAL333 . Stephen le Roy, after he had been at Strasburg a while, returned again into his country, dwelling in a town bearing the name of St. George, not far from Chauffours 334 where he served in the place of a notary, and had under him a clerk named Peter Denoche, who also had been at Geneva, and was there zealous in instructing the ignorant, and rebuking blasphemous swearers, and other offenders. These two were not long together but they were both suspected of Lutheranism, and apprehended by the Provost of the Marches, or the Marshal 333 , and so were carried to Chartres, where, after their constant confession, upon their examination made, they were enclosed in prison, and there sustained long and tedious endurance; during which mean time, Stephen le Roy made many worthy songs and sonnets in the praise of the Lord, whereby to recreate his spirit in that doleful captivity. At length, when, after long persuasions and fair proraises of the bishop and of others, they could not be revoked from the doctrine of their confession, they were condemned. From that condemnation, they appealed to the court of Paris, but the council there, confirming their former sentence, returned them again to Chartres, from whence they came, where they were both executed with cruel punishment of fire. ANTOINE MAGNE, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1554. Persecuted by the Priests of Bruges. Antoine Magne was sent by the five who were in prison at Lyons, above mentioned, and by others also that were in captivity at Paris, to Geneva, to commend them to their prayers unto God for them; who, after certain business there dispatched, returned again into France, and there, within three hours of his coming, was betrayed and taken by certain priests at Bruges, and there delivered by the said priests unto the official. After a few days the king’s justices took him from the official, and sent him to Paris, where, after great rebukes and torments suffered in the prison, and firmly persisting in the profession of the truth, by their capital sentence he was adjudged to have his tongue cut out, and so was burned at Maulbert-place in Paris. WILLIAM ALENCON, BOOKSELLER; ALSO A CERTAIN SHEARMAN, AT MONTPELLIERS, A.D. 1554. BETRAYED BY FALSE BRETHREN. This Alencon did much good in the provinces of France by carrying books. Coming to Montpelliers, he was there circumvented by false brethren, detected, and laid in prison. In his faith he was firm and constant, to the end of his martyrdom, being burned the 7th of January, 1554. There was the same time at Montpelliers a certain shearman or clothworker, who had been long in durance for religion, but at length, for fear and infirmity, he revolted; to whom it was enjoined by the judges to make public recantation, and to be present also at the burning of Alencon aforesaid: at the beholding of whose death and constancy, it pleased God to strike into this man such boldness that he desired the judges, that either he might burn with this Alencon, or else be brought again into prison, saying, that he would make no other recantation, but so. Wherefore, within three days after he was likewise condemned to the fire, and burned in the town aforesaid. 66 PARIS PANIER, A LAWYER, MARTYRED AT DOL, A.D. 1554. At Dol was beheaded a good and godly lawyer, named Paris Panier, for constant standing to the gospel of Christ, A.D. 1554. PETER DU VAL, SHOEMAKER, MARTYRED AT NISMES, A.D. 1554. At Nismes in Dauphine, Peter du Val sustained sore and grievous rackings and torments; wherewith his body being broken, dissolved, and maimed, yet he, notwithstanding, manfully abiding all their extremity, would name and utter none. Then was he had to the fire, and there consumed, A.D. 1554. JOHANNES FILIOLUS, OR FILLEUL, CARPENTER; AND JULIAN LE VEILLE, POINT MAKER, MARTYRED AT SANCERRE, A.D. 1554. Their Persecutors were Giles le Pers, Lieutenant for the Marshal of St. Andre, and Inquisitor for the Province of Bourbon; and also John Bergeronius, another Inquisitor or Counselor. These two blessed and constant martyrs, as they were going toward Geneva, with one of their sons and a daughter, were apprehended by Giles le Pets; who, in the way overtaking them, and most wickedly and Judasly pretending great favor to them, and to their religion, which he (as he said) supposed them to be of, with these and many other fair words circumvented and allured them to confess, what was their faith; whither they went with their children; and also why their wives were at Geneva. When they had declared this, the wretched traitor gave a sign to his horsemen, and so were these simple saints of Christ entrapped and brought to the castle of Nevers. Being in prison, they were examined of many things, whereunto they answered uprightly, according to their faith. First, touching the sacrament, they affirmed the transubstantiation of the bishop of Rome to be against the article of the Creed, which saith that Christ is gone up to heaven, and there sitteth at the right hand of God: and therefore the bread and wine must needs remain in their properties; bearing notwithstanding a sacrament, or a holy sign, of the body and blood of the Lord. For like as by bread and wine the heart of man is comforted, so the body of Christ crucified, and his blood shed, spiritually hath the like operation in the souls of the believers. For the mass, they said it was a thing most superstitious, and mere idolatry; and if we pat any part of salvation therein (they said), it was utterly a robbing of the passion of Christ the Son of God, and that it was not once to be named out of a Christian mouth. Also, that those who say that Peter either was pope, or author of the said mass, are far deceived. And as for turning bread into the body of Christ by the words of consecration, it was an error (they said) more of madmen, than any of sadmen: forasmuch as God is neither subject to men, nor to the tongues or exorcisms of men. Purgatory they denied to be any, save only the blood of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, as they would not bereave the saints of God of their due honor, so neither the saints themselves (said they) will be contented to rob God of his honor only due to him. As touching confession, their opinion was, that the wounds and causes of conscience belong to no man, but only to God. After these answers given and written, they were sent to the monastery of St. Peter, there to be disputed with. That done, the matter came to be debated among the judges, what was to be done with them. Some would their goods to be taken by inventory, and them to be banished. But Bergeronius at last caused to be determined, that they should be burned, and first to hear mass. From that court they appealed to the court of Paris; but the matter there was nothing amended, where behold the judgment of God. In the mean time, while they were at Paris, the wretched persecutor, Giles le Pers, was suddenly struck mad and died in a frenzy; which made many men to wonder, and especially the martyrs to be more constant. At last, the decree of the sentence was read against them. 1. For speaking against the sacrament: which they denied. 2. For speaking’ against baptism: which also they denied. 3. For speaking contumely against the saints: Which they in like manner denied. After this the officer, to cause them to recant, threatened them with torments, which they sustained very extreme, the space from after dinner till three of the clock. When all that would not turn them, he sent to them a friar Dominic, a man captious and sophistical, to press them in disputation: but as he could do no hurt unto diem, so could they do no good upon him. When the time of their execution did approach, the officer aforesaid put into their hands, being tied, a wooden cross, which they took with their teeth, and flung away: for which the officer commanded both their tongues to be cut off. Herein appeared another marvelous work of the Lord: for nevertheless that their tongues were taken from them, to the intent they should not speak, yet God gave them utterance, their tongues being cut out, to speak at their death, saying, ‘We bid sin, the flesh, the world, and the devil, farewell for ever, with whom we shall never have to do hereafter.’ Divers other words they spoke besides, which the people did hear and note. At last, when the tormentor came to smear them with brimstone and gunpowder, ‘Go to,’ said Filleul, ‘salt on, salt on the stinking and rotten flesh.’ Finally, as the flame came bursting up to their faces, they, persisting constant in the fire, gave up their lives, and finished their martyrdoms. DENIS LE VAYRE, MARTYRED AT ROUEN, A.D. 1554. Persecuted by William Langlois, Under-Sheriff, and John Langlois, the King’s Procurator. In the same year suffered, at Rouen, Denis Vayre, who, first leaving his popish priesthood, went to Geneva, where he learned the art of bookbinding, and brought many times books into France. After that, in the reign of king Edward VI., he came to Jersey, and there was minister, and preached. After the death of king Edward, the time not serving him to tarry, thinking to return again to Geneva, he came into Normandy with his books, into a town called Feueillet; where he, going out to hire a cart, William Langlois, with John Langlois his brother, came in and stayed his books, and him also who had the custody of them. Denis, albeit he might have escaped, yet hearing the keeper of his books to be in trouble, came, and presenting himself, was committed; the other was delivered. First, after two months and a half imprisonment, he was charged to be a spy, because he came out of England. Then from that prison he was removed to the bishop’s prison, and then to Rouen; where sentence was given, that he should be burned alive, and thrice lifted up, and let down again into the fire. After the sentence given, they threatened him with many terrible torments, unless he would disclose such as he knew of that side. To whom he answered, that the sounder part of all France, and of the senate, was of that religion: notwithstanding, he would utter no man’s name unto them. And as for their torments (he said) he passed not; for if he were killed with racking, then he should not feel the burning of the fire. When they saw him so little to pass for their torments, they left that, and proceeded to his burning: and first, they put a cross in his hands, which he would not hold, Then because he, coming by the image of the Virgin Mary, would not adore the same, they cried, ‘Cut out his tongue:’ and so they cast him into the fire, where he should be thrice taken up; but the flame went so high, that the hangman, being not able to come near him, cried to the people standing by to help: and so did the officers with their staves lay upon the people, to help their tormentors, but never a man would stir. And this was the end and martyrdom of that blessed Denis. There was a rich merchant of Paris, who said in jest to the friars of St. Francis, ‘You wear a rope about your bodies, because St. Francis once should have been hanged, and the pope redeemed him upon this condition, that all his life after he, should wear a rope.’ Upon this the Franciscan friars of Paris caused him to be apprehended, and laid in prison, and so judgment passed upon him that he should be hanged: but he, to save his life, was contented to recant; and so did. The friars, hearing of his recantation, commended him, saying, if he continued so, he should be saved; and so calling upon the officers, caused them to make haste to the gallows, to hang him up while he was yet in a good way (said they) lest he fall again. And so was this merchant, notwithstanding his recantation, hanged for jesting against the friars. To this merchant may also be adjoined the brother of Tamer, who, when he had before professed the truth of the gospel, and afterwards by the counsel and instruction of his brother was removed from the same, fell into desperation and such sorrow of mind, that he hanged himself. THOMAS CALBERGUE, A COVERLET-MAKER, MARTYRED AT TOURNAY, A.D. 1554. This Thomas had copied out certain spiritual songs out of a book in Geneva, which he brought with him to Tournay, and lent the same to one of his fellows. This book being espied, he was called for by the justice, and examined of the book, which (he said) contained nothing but what was agreeing to the Scripture; and that he would stand by. Then he was had to the castle, and after nineteen days was brought to the town-house, and there adjudged to the fire; whereunto he went cheerfully, staging psalms. As he was in the flame, the warden of the friars stood crying, ‘Turn, Thomas! Thomas! yet it is time, remember him that came at the last hour.’ To whom he cried out of the flame with a loud voice, ‘And I trust to be one of that sort;’ and so calling upon the name of the Lord, gave up his spirit. Add also to this, one Nicholas Paul, beheaded at Gaunt. These two should have been placed among the Dutch martyrs in the table before. RICHARD LE FEVRE, A GOLDSMITH, MARTYRED AT LYONS, A.D. 1554. Persecuted by the Latrunculator 335 or Provost-Marshal of Dauphine; also by the Lieutenant, his Attorney, and a Notary, with divers others. Le Fevre, a goldsmith, born at Rouen, first being in England. and in London, there received the taste and knowledge of God’s word, as in his own epistle he recordeth. Then he went to Geneva, where he remained nine or ten years; and from thence returning to Lyons, he was there apprehended and condemned. Upon this he appealed to the high-court of Paris, through the motion of his friends; where, in the way, as he was led to Paris, he was met by certain whom he knew not, and by them taken from his keepers, and so set at liberty; which was A.D. 1551. After that, continuing at Geneva about the space of three years, he came upon business to the province of Dauphine, and there in Grenoble 336 , as he found fault with the grace said in Latin, he was detected and taken in his inn in the night by the provost-marshal, or him who had the examination of malefactors, who committed him to the prison called ‘Porte-Troine’ for about twelve days. Thence he was sent to the justice, from him to the bishop; who ridding their hands of him, then was he brought to the lieutenant, who sent his attorney with a notary 337 to him in the prison, to examine him of his faith. The whole process of his examinations, with his adversaries and the friars, in his story described, is long; the principal contents come to this effect: Inquisitor: 75 ‘Dost thou believe the church of Rome?’ The Martyr: ‘No, I do believe the catholic and universal church.’ Inquisitor: ‘What catholic church is that?’ The Martyr: ‘The congregation or communion of Christians.’ Inquisitor: ‘What congregation is that, or of whom doth it consist?’ The Martyr: ‘It consisteth in the number of God’s elect, whom God hath chosen to be the members of his Son Jesus Christ, of whom he is also the head.’ Inquisitor: ‘Where is the congregation, or how is it known?’ The Martyr: ‘It is dispersed through the universal world, in divers regions, and is known by the spiritual direction wherewith it is governed, that is to say, both by the word of God, and by the right institution of Christ’s sacraments.’ Inquisitor: ‘Do you think the church that is at Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, and such other places, to be a more true church than the holy church of Rome?’ The Martyr: ‘Yea, verily, for these have the notes of the true church.’ Inquisitor: ‘What difference then make you between those churches and the church of Rome?’ The Martyr: ‘Much; for the church of Rome is governed only by traditions of men, but those are ruled only by the word of God.’ Inquisitor: ‘Where learned you this doctrine first?’ The Martyr: ‘In England; at London.’ Inquisitor: ‘How long have you been at Geneva?’ The Martyr: ‘About nine or ten years.’ Inquisitor: ‘Dost thou not believe the Virgin Mary to be a mediatrix and advocate to God for sinners?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe, as in the word of God is testified, that Jesus Christ is the only Mediator and Advocate for all sinners: albeit the Virgin Mary be a blessed woman, yet the office of an advocate belongeth not unto her.’ Inquisitor: ‘The saints that be in paradise, have they no power to pray for us?’ The Martyr: ‘No, but I judge them to be blessed, and to be contented with the grace and glory which they have; that is, that they be counted the members of the Son of God.’ Inquisitor: ‘And what then judge you of those who follow the religion of the church of Rome? think you them to be Christians?’ The Martyr: ‘No, for that church is not governed with the Spirit of God, but rather fighteth against the same.’ Inquisitor: ‘Do you then esteem all those who separate themselves from the church of Rome to be Christians?’ The Martyr: ‘I have not to answer for others, but only for myself. Every man, saith St. Paul, shall bear his own burden.’ (Galatians 6) And thus the advocate, when he had asked him whether he would put his hand to that he had said, and had obtained the same, departed to dinner. At the next examination was brought unto him a Franciscan friar, who, first entering with him touching the words that he spoke in his inn, asked him, why grace might not be said in Latin? ‘Because,’ said he, ‘by the word of God, Christians are commanded to pray with heart and with spirit, and with that tongue which is most understood and serveth best to the edification of the hearers.’ Then the friar, bringing forth his ‘Benedicite,’ ‘Agimus tibi gratias,’ etc. ‘Laus Deo,’ ‘Pax vivis, Requies defunctis, etc., began thus to reason: Friar: ‘God understandeth all tongues, and the church of Rome hath prescribed this form of praying, receiving the same from the ancient church and the fathers, who used then to pray in Latin. And if any tongue be to be observed in prayer, one more than another, why is it not as good to pray in the Latin tongue, as to pray in the French?’ The Martyr: ‘My meaning is not to exclude any kind of language from prayer, whether it be Latin, Greek, Hebrew, or any other, so that the same be understood, and may edify the hearers. Friar: ‘When Christ entered the city of Jerusalem, the people cried, lauding him with Hosanna filio David; and yet understood they not what they said, as Jerome writeth.’ The Martyr: ‘It may be that Jerome so writeth, that they understood not the prophetical meaning, nor the accomplishment of these words upon Christ’s coming: but that they understood the phrase of that speech or language which they spoke, speaking in their own language, Jerome doth not deny.’ Then the friar, declaring that he was no fit person to expound the Scriptures being in the Latin tongue, inferred the authorities of councils and doctors, and testimonies of men; which seemed to move the officer not a little, who, then charging him with many things, as with words spoken in contempt of the Virgin Mary and of the saints, also with rebellion against princes and kings, came at last to the matter of the sacrament, and demanded thus: Inquisitor: ‘Dost thou believe the holy host which the priest doth consecrate at the mass or no?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe neither the host, nor any such consecration.’ Inquisitor: ‘Why? dost thou not believe the holy sacrament of the altar, ordained of Christ Jesus himself?’ The Martyr: ‘Touching the sacrament of the Lord’s supper, I believe that whensoever we use the same according to the representation of St. Paul, we are c refreshed spiritually with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true spiritual meat and drink of our souls.’ The friar then inferred the words of St. John’s gospel, saying ‘My flesh is meat indeed,’ (John 6:55) etc. and said, that the doctors of the church had decided that matter already, and had approved the mass to be a holy memorial of the death and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Martyr: ‘The sacrament of the supper I believe to be ordained of the Lord for a memorial of his death, and for a stirring up of our thanksgiving to him; in which sacrament we have nothing to offer up to him, but do receive with all thanksgiving the benefits offered of God to us most abundantly in Christ Jesus his Son.’ And thus the advocate with the friar, bidding the notary to write the words that he had spoken, departed; who after eight days, being accompanied by the said Franciscan, and other friars moe of the Dominics, sent for the said Richard le Fevre again to his house, and thus began to inquire: Inquisitor: ‘Dost thou believe any purgatory?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe that Christ with his precious blood hath made an end of all purgatory, and purgation of our sins.’ Inquisitor: ‘And dost thou think then there is no place after this life, where souls of men departed remain till they have made satisfaction for their sins?’ The Martyr: ‘No; but I acknowledge one satisfaction once made for the sins of all men, by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord, which is the propitiation and purgation for the sins of the whole world.’ Friar: ‘In Matthew 18, Christ, speaking by way of a parable or similitude, of a certain cruel servant, who, because he would not forgive his fellow-servant, was cast into prison, saith, “That he shall not come out from thence till he hath paid the uttermost farthing:” by which similitude is signified unto us a certain middle place, which is left for satisfaction to be made after this life for sins.’ The Martyr: ‘First, the satisfaction for our sins by the death of Christ is plain and evident in the Scriptures; as in these places: Come to me, all you that labor and be burdened, and I will refresh you. (Matthew 11) I am the door, he that entereth by me, shall be saved. (John 10) I am the way, verity, and life. (John 13) Blessed be they that die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors. (Revelation 13) Also to the thief who hanged with the Lord it was said, This day thou shalt be with me in paradise, (Luke 23) etc. Secondly; as touching this similitude, it hath no other demonstration but to admonish us of our duty, in showing charity, and forgiving one another; which unless we do, there is no mercy to be looked for at the hands of God.’ Friar: ‘If this be true that you say, then it should follow that there is neither purgatory nor any limbus, which were against our Christian faith and our creed, which saith, He descended into hell,’ etc. Deputy: ‘Dost thou not believe there is a limbus?’ The Martyr: ‘Neither do I believe there is any such place, nor doth the Scripture make any mention thereof.’ Friar: ‘Where were the old fathers then, before the death of Christ?’ The Martyr: ‘In life, I say, eternal, which they looked for, being promised before to Adam, Abraham, and the patriarchs, in the seed to come.’ Deputy: ‘What, dost thou believe that the pope hath any power?’ The Martyr: ‘Yea verily.’ Deputy: ‘Dost thou believe that the pope, as the vicar of Jesus Christ, can here bind and loose?’ The Martyr: ‘That I do not believe.’ Deputy: ‘How then doest thou understand the power of the pope?’ The Martyr: ‘I understand the power of the pope so as St. Paul declareth [2 Thessalonians], saying, that because the world refused to receive the love of the truth unto salvation, therefore God hath given to Satan, and to his ministers, power of illusions and errors, that men should believe lies, and set up to themselves pastors and teachers such as they deserve.’ Friar: ‘Christ gave to St. Peter power to bind and loose, whose successor, and vicar of Christ, is the pope, for the government of the church, that it might have one head in the world, as it hath in heaven. And though the pastors do not live according to the word which they preach, yet their doctrine is not therefore to be refused, as Christ teacheth in the 23d of Matthew.’ The Martyr: ‘If the pope and his adherents would preach the word purely and sincerely, admixing no other inventions of their own, nor obtruding laws of their own devising, I would then embrace their doctrine, howsoever their lives were to the contrary: according as Christ doth tell us of the scribes and Pharisees, admonishing us to follow their doctrine, and not their lives. (Matthew 23) But there is great difference, whether they that take the governance of the church do sit in Moses’s chair, which is the seat of truth, or else do sit in the chair of abomination, spoken of by Daniel, and also by St. Paul, where he saith, that the man of perdition shall sit in the temple of God, vaunting himself insolently above all that is called God. (2 Thessalonians 2) ‘And as touching the keys of binding and loosing, given to Peter, Christ therein assigned to Peter and other apostles the office of preaching the word of the gospel, which they did also well observe, in preaching nothing else but only the word, in which word is all the power contained of binding and loosing. Neither is it to be granted, the church to have two heads, one in heaven, another in earth; the head whereof is but one, which is Jesus Christ, whom the Father hath appointed to be head alone both in heaven and earth, as St. Paul in many places of his epistles doth teach.’ (Ephesians 1, Colossians 1) Friar: ‘You have no understanding how to expound the Scriptures, but the old doctors have expounded the Scriptures, and holy councils, whose judgments are to be followed. But what say you to auricular confession?’ The Martyr: ‘I know no other confession but that which is to be made to God, and reconciliation towards our neighbor, which Christ and his apostles have commended to us.’ Friar: ‘Have you not read in the gospel, how Christ doth bid us to confess to the priest, where he commanded the leper, being made whole, to show himself to the priest?’ The Martyr: ‘The true church of the Lord Jesus Christ never observed this strange kind of confession, to carry our sins to the priest’s ear. And though the church of Rome hath intruded this manner of confessing, it followeth not thereby that it is to be received. And as touching the leper whom the Lord sent to the priest, he was not sent therefore to whisper his sins in the priest’s ear, but only for a testimony of his health received according to the law. ‘Of the other confession which is to be made to God, we have both the examples and testimonies of the prophet David full in the Psalms, (Psalms 23,51, 106) where he saith, that he confessed his sins unto the Lord, and received forgiveness of the same.’ After this, the friar, proceeding further to make comparison between the church of Rome and the church of Geneva, would prove that the pope hath power to set; laws in the church without any express word of God: for so it is written (said he) that there were many other things besides, which are not written in this book. (John 21) Also, where Christ promiseth to his disciples, to send unto them the Holy Ghost, who should induce them into all truth. Moreover, such decrees and ordinances as are in the church, were decided (said he) and appointed by the doctors of the church and by all the councils, directed, no doubt, by the Holy Ghost. Furthermore he inferred, that the church also of Geneva had their ordinances and constitutions made without any word of God. And for example, he brought forth the order of the Psalms and service publicly observed and appointed upon Wednesday, in the church of Geneva, as though that day were holier than another. To this the martyr answered again, declaring that the ordinance of those public prayers and psalms on Wednesday in the church of Geneva, was not to bind conscience, or for any superstitious observation, or for any necessity which either should bind the conscience, or could not be altered at their arbitrement; but only for an order or commodity for public resort, to hear the word of God, according as ancient kings and temporal magistrates have used in old time to do, in congregating the people together; not to put any holiness in the day, or to bind the conscience to any observation (as the pope maketh his laws), but only for order’s sake, serving unto commodity. And as touching that any thing should be left for doctors and councils to be decided, without the express word of God, that is not so; for that all things be expressed and prescribed by the word, whatsoever is necessary either for government of the church, or for the salvation of men; so that there is no need for doctors of the church, or councils, to decide any thing more than is decided already. Paul saith, that he durst utter nothing but what the Lord had wrought by him. (Romans 15) St. John, speaking of the doctrine of Christ Jesus, willeth us to receive no man, unless he bring with him the same doctrine. (2 John) St. Paul warneth the Galatians, not to believe an angel from heaven, bringing another doctrine than that which they had already received. (Galatians 2) Christ, calling himself the good shepherd, noteth them to be his sheep which hear his voice, and not the voice of others. (John 10) And St. Peter admonishing the pastors of the church, forewarns them to teach only the word of God, without any seeking of lordship or dominion over the flock. (1 Peter 5) From this moderation how far the form of the pope’s church doth differ, the tyranny which they use doth well declare. Friar: ‘In the old church priests and ministers of the church were wont to assemble together for deciding of such things as pertained to the government and direction of the church; whereas in Geneva no such thing is used, as I can prove by this your own testament here in my hands, that you the better may understand what was then the true use and manner of the church.’ The Martyr: ‘What was the true order and manner that the apostles did institute in the church of Christ, I would gladly hear, and also would desire you to consider the same; and when you have well considered it, yet shall you find the institution and regiment of the church of Geneva not to be without the public counsel and advisement of the magistrates, elders and ministers of that church, with such care and diligence as Paul and Silas took in ordering the church of Thessalonica, Berea, etc., wherein nothing was done without the authority of God’s word, as appeareth in the 17th chapter of the Acts. As likewise also in establishing the church of Antioch, when the apostles were together in council for the same, there was no other law or doctrine followed, but only the word of God, as may appear by the words of the council, Quid tentatis Deum, jugum imponere? etc. And albeit the ministers of the church of Rome, and the pope, were not called to the institution of the aforesaid church of Geneva, yet it followeth not therefore, that there was no lawful order observed, either in establishing that church or any other.’ Friar: ‘You were first baptized in the church of the pope, were ye not?’ The Martyr: ‘I grant I was, but yet that nothing hindereth the grace of God: he may renovate and call to further knowledge whom he pleaseth.’ A Councilor: ‘I would wish you not to stick to your own wisdom and opinion. You see the churches in Germany, how they dissent cue from another: so that if you should not submit your judgment to the authority of the general councils, every day you shall have a new Christianity.’ The Martyr: ‘To mine own wisdom I do not stick, nor ever will, but only to that wisdom which is in Christ Jesus, although the world doth count \t foolishness. And where ye say, that the churches of Germany dissent among themselves one from another; that is not so, for they accord in one agreement altogether, touching the foundation and principal grounds of Christian faith. Neither is there any such fear that every day should rise up a new Christianity, unless the church be balanced with authority of the councils, as you pretend. For so we read in the prophet David, in Psalm 33, and in other places of Scripture, that the councils of the nations and people shall he overthrown and subverted, by the Lord, (Psalm 33) etc. Wherefore the best is, that we follow the counsel of God and his word, and prefer the authority thereof before all other counsels and judgments of men. And thus doing, I for my part had rather dwell and settle myself in this little Christianity, be it ever so small, than in that populous papality, be it ever so great in multitude.’ And thus was this godly le Fevre commanded again by the deputy to the bishop’s prison, and from thence shortly after removed to Lyons, not by the open and beaten way, but by secret and privy journeys, lest perhaps he should be taken from them again, as he was before. After he was come to Lyons, he was brought before Tignac the judge, and a doctor of Sorbonne, called L’Enfume 339 , who questioned with him touching sundry articles of religion. But in conclusion, when they neither with arguments could convict him, nor with promises allure him, nor with threatening terrors stir him, either to betray the truth which he knew, or to bewray those whom he knew not, who took him away before from his keepers, they proceeded at last to the sentence, condemning him first to have his tongue cut out, and then to be burned. All which he received willingly and quietly for righteousness’ sake, thus finishing his martyrdom, on the 7th of July, A.D. 1554. NICHOLAS DU CHESNE, MARTYRED AT GRAY, BY BESANCON, A.D. 1554. Persecuted by an Inquisitor Monk. The cause and occasion why this Nicholas came in trouble was, for that he, going from Lausanne (where he abode for his conscience), to fetch his sister, and her husband, and certain other of his friends; as he went from Besancon, toward the town of Gry, did not do homage to a certain cross in the way; where a certain monk, who was an inquisitor, overtook him, and thereby suspected him. He was guided by the same monk, craftily dissembling his religion, to a lodging in Gray; where the justice of the place coming in incontinent took him. Nicholas seeing how he was by the monk, his conductor, betrayed; ‘O false traitor!’ said he, ‘hast thou thus betrayed me?’ Then after examination he was condemned. Being carried to the place of martyrdom, by the way he was promised, that if he would kneel down and hear a mass, he should be let go as a passenger. But Nicholas, armed with perseverance, said, he would rather die, than commit such an act: who, calling upon the name of the Lord, took his death patiently. JOHN BERTRAND, A FORESTER, OR KEEPER OF THE FOREST OF MARCHCHOIR, MARTYRED AT BLOIS, A.D. 1556. Persecutors : The Seigniors or Lords of Estnay and Ciguongnes 340 , dwelling by the town of Marchenoir; and Denis Barbes, councilor of Blois. For the religion and gospel of Christ this John was apprehended by these persecutors here specified, and led bound to Blois, where he was examined by Denis the councilor, of divers points: as, whether he had spoken at any time against God, against the church, and the he-saints, and the she-saints of paradise? whereunto he said, No. Item, whether at any time he had called the mass abominable? which he granted, for that he, finding no mass in all the Scripture, was commanded by St. Paul, that if an angel from heaven would bring any other gospel besides that which was already received, he should account it accursed. After his condemnation they would have him to be confessed, and presented to him a cross to kiss: but he bade the friars with their cross depart; ‘That is not the cross,’ said he, ‘that I must carry.’ Entering into the cart before the multitude, he gave thanks to God, that he was not there for murder, theft, or blasphemy, but only for the quarrel of our Savior. Being tied to the post, he sang Psalm 25. Of age he was young, his countenance was exceeding cheerful and amiable, his eyes looked up to heaven. ‘O the happy journey,’ said he, seeing the place where he should suffer, ‘and the fair place that is prepared for me!’ When the fire was kindled about him, ‘O Lord,’ cried he, ‘give thy hand to thy servant; I commend my soul unto thee;’ and so meekly yielded up his spirit: whose patient and joyful constancy so astonied the people, that of long time before nothing did seem to them so admirable. PETER ROUSSEAU, MARTYRED A.D. 1556. Persecuted by his own Brother-in-law. Peter Rousseau, coming from Geneva and Lausanne to his country, partly to communicate with certain of his acquaintance in the word of God, partly for other certain affairs, because he required his inheritance of his brother-in law, was by him betrayed. Then, being constant in his confession which he offered up, he was put to the rack three times, which he suffered constantly with great torments. Afterwards he had his tongue cut off, and a ball of iron put in his c mouth. He was drawn upon a hurdle, all broken and maimed, to the fire, where he was lifted up into the air, and let down three times; and when he was half burned, the ball fell from his mouth, and he with a loud voice called on the name of God, saying, ‘Jesus Christ, assist me.’ And so this blessed martyr gave up his life to God. ARNOLD MONIERE, AND JOHN DE CAZES, MARTYRED AT BOURDEAUX, A.D. 1556. The name of his Persecutor was Anthony de Lescure, the King’s Attorney. After that Arnold Moniere was taken and examined of the justice, and so was laid in prison, John de Cazes, resorting to the same town of Bourdeaux, and hearing of him, and being admonished moreover, that if he went to him he should be impeached of heresy, notwithstanding went to comfort him, and so was also imprisoned. After many examinations, sentence was given upon them to be burned. When the time came of their martyrdom, they were drawn through the dirt upon a hurdle to the place, accompanied by a number of bills, glaves, gunners, and trumpeters. Moreover, albeit there was no such cause (they being two simple poor men), yet the magistrates commanded (upon what occasion I know not) all the gates of the city to be shut, and guarded with keepers. When the blessed martyrs were brought and bound to the post, which was before the palace, they, much rejoicing that they were made worthy to suffer for Christ, made confession of their faith, and many earnest exhortations unto the people. But, to stop the hearing of these saints, the trumpeters were commanded to sound, who, during all the time of their suffering, never ceased. The hangman, preparing himself first to strangle Cazes, chanced to fall down from the top of the post to the pavement, and brake his head in such sort as the blood followed in great quantity. Notwithstanding recovering himself, he went to Moniere, and him he strangled, who patiently rendered up his life. Cazes, who was the stronger of them both, being set on fire before the hangman came, suffered the extremity of the fire with great pains, but greater patience; for as his legs were almost half burnt, yet he endured, crying, ‘My God! my Father!’ and so gave up his life. And further, to note the work of God that followed when these two mild and martyred saints were almost consumed in the fire to ashes, suddenly, without matter or cause, such a fear fell upon them at the execution, that the justices and the people, notwithstanding that they had the gates locked for them, and were defended with all manner of weapons about them, not knowing wherefore, took them to their legs, in such haste fleeing away, that they overran one another. The prior of St. Anthony’s fell down, so that a great number went over him. The notary 341 Pontac on his mule, with his red robe, fleeing as the other did, was overthrown with the press in the street called Poetevine, in such sort that he was fain to be carried to Pichon’s house, a widow, and there cried within, ‘Hide me; save my life; I am. dead! I see even the like matter as at the last commotion! My friends! hide my mule, that no man see her nor know her.’ Briefly, such was the fear which came upon them, that every man shut up his house. After the fear was past, every man asked what the matter was, but none could tell, neither could the enemies of God’s truth perceive, who was he that put them so to flight and fear, without any semblance of any adversary about them. 81 This story is testified, and to be found both in the volume of the French martyrs, printed by John Crispine [lib. 6], also in the book of Dutch martyrs, written by Adrian. BARTHOLOMEW HECTOR, MARTYRED AT TURIN, A.D. 1556. Persecuted by a gentleman called Perriere; by M. Bartholomew Eme, President; and by M. Augustine d’Eglise, Councilor. First, this Hector was a traveler about the country, and a seller of books, having his wife and children at Geneva. As he carne into the vale of Angrogne, in Piedmont, to get his living with selling of books, he was taken by a certain gentleman, and there arrested and sent to Turin, then examined, and at last condemned. Being condemned, he was threatened, that if he spoke any thing to the people, his tongue should be cut off; nevertheless he ceased nothing to speak. After his prayers made, wherein he prayed for the judges, that God would forgive them, and open their eyes, he was offered his pardon at the stake, if he would convert; which he refused. Then he prepared himself to his death, which he took patiently: whereat many of the people wept, saying, ‘Why doth this man die, who speaketh of nothing but God?’ PHILIP CENE, AND JAMES HIS FELLOW, MARTYRED AT DIJON, A.D. 1557. This Philip Cene was an apothecary at Geneva. He was taken at Dijon, and there imprisoned, and in the same town of Dijon he, with one James his companion, was burned. As this Philip went to his death singing psalms, the friar, standing by, stopped his mouth with his hand. The most part of the people wept bitterly, saying, ‘Be of good courage, brethren! be not afraid of this death;’ which when one of the adversary part heard, he said to one of the magistrates, ‘Do you not see how almost the half part of the people is on their side, and doth comfort them?’ 84 ARCHAMBAUT SERAPHON, AND M. NICHOLAS DU ROUSSEAU, MARTYRED AT DIJON, A.D. 1557. These two were in prison together with Philip and James abovementioned, at Dijon. Archambaut, going about with a packet of pedlary-ware to get his living, and coming towards his wife, heard of certain prisoners at Dijon, to whom he wrote, to comfort them with his letters. The next day after, he was searched at Aussone, and letters of certain scholars of Paris found about him. Then he was brought to Dijon, where he, with the other, called M. Nicholas du Rousseau, constantly suffered. The same Archambaut had been also condemned three years before at Toul, and as he was led to Bourdeaux, he escaped. PHILBERT HAMLIN, MARTYRED AT BOURDEAUX, A.D. 1557. Persecuted by the King’s Attorney of Saintes 342 . Philbert Hamlin first was a priest: he then went to Geneva, where he exercised printing, and sent books abroad. After that he was made minister at the town of Allevert, in Saintonge, in which and in other places moe he did much good in edifying the people. At last he was apprehended at Saintes, and with him his host a priest, whom he had instructed in the gospel; and after confession made of his faith, he, with the said priest, was carried to Bourdeaux before the president. As he was in prison on a Sunday, a priest came in with all his furniture, to say mass in the prison; whom Philbert, seeing to be revested, came and plucked his garments from his back with such zeal and vehemency, that the mass garments, with the chalice and candlesticks, fell down and were broken; saying, ‘Is it not enough for you to blaspheme God in churches, but you. must. also pollute the prison with your idolatry?’ The jailor, hearing, of this, in his fury laid upon him with his staff, and also complained of him; whereby he was removed to the common prison, and laid in a low pit, laden with great irons, so that his legs were swollen withal; and there he continued eight days. A little before, perceiving the priest his host to decline from the truth, he did what he could to confirm him in the same: but when he knew he had flatly renounced Christ and his word, he said unto him, ‘O unhappy and more than miserable! is it possible for you to be so foolish, as for saving of a few days which you have to live by the course of nature, so to start away, and to deny the truth? Know you therefore, that although you have, by your foolishness, avoided the corporal fire, yet your life, shall be never the longer; for you shall die before me, and God shall not give you the grace that it shall be for his cause, and you shall be an example to all apostates.’ He had no sooner ended his talk, but the priest, going out of prison, was slain by two gentlemen who had a quarrel with him: whereof when Master Philbert had heard, he affirmed that he knew of no such thing before, but spoke as it pleased God to guide his tongue. Whereupon immediately he made an exhortation of the providence of God, which by the occasion hereof moved the hearts of many, and converted them unto God. At last the aforesaid Philbert, after his condemnation, was had to the place of his martyrdom before the palace; and as he was exhorting the people, to the intent his words should not be heard, the trumpets blew without ceasing. And so, being fastened to the post, this holy martyr, praying and exhorting the people, was strangled, and his body with fire consumed on Palm-Sunday eve. NICHOLAS SARTOIRE MARTYRED AT AOSTA, IN PIEDMONT, A.D. 1557. His , Persecutors were Ripet, a Secretary; Anthony Eschaux, Bailiff; and the King’s Procurator. Nicholas Sartoire, of the age of six-and-twenty years, born in Piedmont, came from Chambery to Aosta in Lent, where a certain warden of the friars in the city of Aosta had preached on Good Friday upon the Passion. The report of which sermon being recited to this Sartoire by one that heard him, Sartoire reprehended the error and blasphemies thereof, which were against the holy Scriptures. Shortly after, the party that told him went to a secretary, named Riper, who covertly came to entrap Nicholas, demanding him of the friar’s sermon: ‘And did not our preacher,’ said he, ‘preach well?’ ‘No,’ said Nicholas, ‘but he lied falsely.’ Ripet, entering further with him, demanded, ‘And do you not believe the body of the Lord to be in the host?’ to whom Nicholas then answered again, ‘That is against our creed, which saith, that he ascended up and sitteth,’ etc. Incontinently Ripet went to the friar and his companions, to cause him to be apprehended. The friends of Nicholas, perceiving the danger, willed him to avoid and save himself, and also accompanied him out of the town about the space of three leagues. Then was great pursuit made after him to all quarters, who at length was taken at the town of St. Remy, at the foot of the mountain of Great St. Bernard, where he was examined before Anthony Eschaux, bailiff of the town, and other justices, before whom he answered with great boldness for his faith. Then they brought him to the rack, and when the serjeant refused to draw the cord, the bailiff himself, and the receiver, with a canon, did rack him with their own hands. Notwithstanding that the lords of Bern wrote for him to the city of Aost, requiring to have their own subject delivered unto them, they hastened the execution, and pronounced sentence that he should be burned; which sentence he received with such constancy, that neither the king’s receiver, nor all the other enemies, could divert him from the truth of the gospel, which he manfully maintained while any spirit remained in his body. GEORGE TARDIF, WITH JOHN CAILLON OF TOURS, A BRODERER; ALSO NICHOLAS, A SHOEMAKER, OF JOINVILLE. The first was martyred at Sens; the second at Tours, A.D. 1558; and the third at Joinville, the same year. The printer of the story of the French martyrs, named Crispine, among other moe maketh also memorial of George Tardif; also of a broderer of Tours, and of Nicholas of Joinville, declaring that all these three were together in prison, and afterwards were dissevered, to suffer in sundry places one from the other; of whom, first, George Tardif was executed in Sens. The embroiderer of Tours, as he was coming with five or six others out of a wood, being at prayer, was taken, and thereupon examined. Before he was examined, he desired the judges that he might pray; which being granted, after his prayer made, wherein he prayed for the judges, for the king, and all estates, and for the necessity of all Christ’s saints, he answered for himself with such grace and modesty, that the hearts of many were broken, unto the shedding of tears; seeking (as it seemed) nothing else but his deliverance. Notwithstanding he at last was sent unto Tours, and there was crowned with martyrdom. The third, who was Nicholas, being but young of years, and newly come from Geneva to his country for certain money, by means of a lady there dwelling was caused to be apprehended. When he was condemned and set in the cart, his father, coming with a staff, would have beaten him, but the officers not suffering it, would have struck the old man. The son, crying to the officers, desired them to let his father alone, saying, that his father had power over him to do with him what he would. And so going to the place where he should suffer, having a ball of iron put in his mouth, he was brought at length to the fire, in the town of Joinville, where he patiently took his death and martyrdom, A.D. 1558. THE CONGREGATION OF PARIS PERSECUTED, TO THE NUMBER OF THREE OR FOUR HUNDRED, A.D. 1558. Persecuted By the Priests of the College of Plessis; the Doctors of Sorbonne; Dr. Demochares; Cenalis, Bishop of Avranches; Martin, the King’s Attorney; the Cardinal of Lorraine; Maillard; and lastly, Henry II., the French King. In 1558, the 4th of September, a company of the faithful, to the number of three or four hundred, were together convented at Paris, in a certain house having before it the college of Plessis, in the street of St. James, and behind it the college of Sorbonne, who there assembled in the beginning of the night, to the intent to communicate together the Lord’s supper: but incontinently that was discovered by certain priests of Plessis, who, gathering together such as were of that faction, came to beset the house, and made an outcry, that the watch might come and take them; so that in short time almost all the city of Paris was up in armor, thinking some conspiracy to have been in the city; who then following the noise, and perceiving that they were Lutherans, a great part of them were in extreme rage, furiously seeking to have their blood, and therefore stopped the streets and lanes with carts, and made fires to see that none should escape. The faithful, albeit God had given them leisure to finish their administration and prayers with such quietness as they never bad better, seeing the suddenness of the thing, were struck with great fear; who then, being exhorted by the governors of the congregation, fell to prayer. That done, through the counsel of some who knew the cowardly hearts of the multitude, this order was taken, that the men who had weapons should adventure through the press. Only the women and children remained in the house, and a few men with them who were less bold than the others, to the number of six or seven score. Where appeared the admirable power of God in them that went out with weapons, who, notwithstanding that the lanes and passages were stopped, and the fires made, did all escape save only one, who was beaten down with stones, and so destroyed. Certain that remained in the house with the women, afterwards leaped into gardens, where they were stayed till the magistrates came. The women who were all gentlewomen, or of great wealth, only six or seven 343 , excepted, seeing no other hope, and perceiving the fury of the people, went up to the windows, crying ‘Mercy!’ 90 and showing their innocent intent, required ordinary justice. Thus as they were inclosed about six or seven hours, at last came Martin the king’s attorney, with force of commissaries and serjeants, who, with much ado appeasing the rage of the people, entered into the house; where he, viewing the women and children, and the other furniture there being prepared for that congregation, perceived testimonies sufficient of their innocency, insomuch that in considering thereof, for pity of heart his eyes could not refrain from tears. Notwithstanding, proceeding in his office, he had them all to prison within the little castle. I omit here the furious usage of the people by the way, how despitefully they plucked and haled the women, tore their garments, thrust off their hoods from their heads, and disfigured their faces with dust and dirt. Neither were they better treated in the prison, than they were in the streets; for all the villains and thieves there were let out of their holes and stinking caves, and the poor Christians placed in their room. Besides these manifold wrongs and oppressions done to these poor innocents, followed then (which was worst of all) the cruel and slanderous reports of the friars and priests, who, in their railing sermons, and other talk, cried out on the Lutherans, persuading the people most falsely, that they assembled together to make a banquet in the night, and there, putting out the candles, they intended to commit most filthy abominations: adding moreover (to make the lie more likely), that certain nuns also and monks were with them. Also that they should conspire against the king, and other like heinous crimes, whatsoever their malice could invent, for defacing of the gospel. With such like malicious misreports and slanders, Satan went about to extinguish the ancient church of Christ in the primitive time, accusing the innocent Christians then of incest, conspiracy, killing of infants, putting out of candles, and filthy whoredom, etc. These sinister rumors and cursed defamations were no sooner given out, but they were as soon received, and spread far, not only to them of the vulgar sort, but also among the estates of the court, and even to the king’s ears. The cardinal of Lorraine the same time bare a great sway in the court, who then procured a certain judge of the castle to come in, declaring to the king, that he found there lying on the floor of the aforesaid house, divers couches and pallets, which they intended to use for evil purposes; also much other furniture and preparation appointed for a sumptuous feast, or banquet: wherewith the king was mightily inflamed against them, neither was there any one person that durst contrary it. Here the enemies began highly to triumph, thinking verily that the gospel, with all the friends thereof, was overthrown for ever. On the other side, no less perplexity and lamentation were among the brethren, sorrowing not so much for themselves, as for the imprisonment of their fellows. Albeit they lost not their courage so altogether, but as well as they could, they exhorted one another, considering the great favor and providence of God, in delivering them so wonderfully out of the danger. Some comfort they took unto them, consulting together in this order, that first they should humble themselves to God in their own private families: secondly, to stop the running bruits of their holy assemblies, they should write apologies, one to the king, another to the people: thirdly, that letters of consolation should be written and sent to their brethren in prison. The first apology was written to the king, and conveyed so secretly into his chamber, that it was found and read openly in the hearing of the king and all his nobles: wherein the Christians learnedly and discreetly both cleared themselves of those reports, and showed the malice of their enemies, especially of Satan, who ever, from the beginning of the church, hath gone, and still doth go about to overturn the right ways of the Lord. Declaring further, by manifold examples and continual experience, even from the primitive time, how the nature of the church hath ever been to suffer vexations, and slanderous reports and infatuation by the malignant adversaries, etc. And lastly, coming to the king, they craved that their cause might not be condemned, before it had had indifferent hearing, etc. Nevertheless, this apology to the king served to little purpose; forasmuch as the adversaries incontinently denied all that was written to the king, making him to believe, that all were but excuses pretensed; neither was there any person that durst reply again. But the other apology, to the people, did inestimable good, in satisfying the rumors, and defending the true cause of the gospel. Whereupon certain doctors of Sorbonne began to write both against the apology and the persons, of whom one was called Demochares, who, taking for his foundation, without any proof, that they were all heretics, cried out for justice, with bills, glares, fire and sword. Another Sorbonist, more bloody than the first, not only exclaimed against them for putting out the candles in their detestable concourses and assemblies, but also accused them as men who maintained that there was no God, and denied the divinity and humanity of Christ, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the flesh; and briefly, all the articles of true religion. And thus he charged them without any proof, moving both the king and people, without any form of law, to destroy and cut them in pieces, etc. The third that wrote against them was Cenalis, bishop of Avranches, who debated the same matter, but with less vehemency than the others, defending impudently, that their assemblies were to maintain whoredom; complaining of the judges because they were no sharper with them, saying, that their softness was the cause why the number of them so much increased. Among other points of his book this one thing he disputeth marvelous pleasantly, touching the signs and marks of the true church; first, presupposing this one thing, which is true, that the true church hath its signs, by which it may be known from the false church: and thereupon (making no mention at all either of preaching, or ministration of sacraments) thus he inferreth: that their church, which was the catholic church, had bells 91 by which their assemblies be ordinarily called together; and the other church, which is of the Lutherans, hath claps of harquebusses and pistolets for signs, whereby they (as it is commonly bruited) are wont to congregate together. Upon this supposal, as upon a sure foundation, grounding his matter, he vaunted and triumphed as one having gotten a great conquest, and made a long antithesis or comparison, by which he would prove that bells were the marks of the true church, ‘The bells,’ said he, ‘do sound; the harquebusses do crack or thunder. The bells do give a sweet tune and melodious; the signs of the Lutherans do make a foul noise and terrible. The bells do open heaven; the others do open hell Bells chase away clouds and thunder; the others engender clouds, and counterfeit thunder:’ with many other properties more, which he brought out to prove that the church of Rome is the true church, because it hath those bells. Mark, good reader! the profound reasons and arguments which these great doctors had, either to defend their own church, or to impugn the apologies of the Christians. Briefly, to finish the residue of this story: as the faithful Christians were thus occupied in writing their apologies, and in comforting their brethren in prison with their letters, the adversaries again with their faction were not idle, but sought all means possible to hasten forward the execution, giving diligent attendance about the prison and other open places, to satisfy their uncharitable desire with the death of those whose religion they hated. Finally, the 17th day of September, commission was directed out by the king, and certain presidents and councilors appointed to oversee the expedition of the matter. Whereupon divers of the poor afflicted gospellers were brought forth to their judgment and martyrdom, as anon, Christ willing, you shall hear. Henry Puntaleon, partly touching this persecution of the Parisians, referreth the time thereof to A.D. 1557, which the French chronicles do assign to the year 1558; and addeth moreover, that the Germans being at the same time in a certain colloquy at Worms, divers learned men resorted thither from Geneva and other quarters, desiring of the princes and protestants there, that they, by their ambassadors sent to the French king, would become suitors unto him for the innocent prisoners, who, for the cause abovesaid, were detained in bands at Paris. By the means of their intercession (saith he) and especially for that the French king was then at war, as God provided, with Philip king of Spain, a great part of the captives were rescued and delivered; albeit certain of the said number were executed before the coming of the German ambassadors, the names and martyrdom of whom hereunder do ensue. NICHOLAS CLINET, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by certain Priests of the College of Plessis; and by Dr. Maillard, Sorbonist. Of this godly company thus brought to judgment and to martyrdom, the first was Nicholas Clinet, of the age of sixty years, who first being a schoolmaster to youth at Saintonge, where he was born, was there pursued, and had his image burned. From thence he came to Paris, where, for his godly conversation, he was made one of the elders or governors of the church. For his age he was suspected of the judges to be a minister, and therefore was set to dispute against the chiefest of the Sorbonists, and especially Maillard, whom he did so confute both in the Scriptures, and also in their own Sorbonical divinity (wherein he had been well exercised and expert), in the presence of the lieutenant-civil, that the said lieutenant confessed that he never heard a man better learned, and of more intelligence. TAURIN GRAVELLE, A LAWYER, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by Dr. Maillard, a Sorbonist. Taurin Gravelle was first a student of the law at Toulouse: after that he was made an advocate in the court of Paris: lastly, for his godliness, he was ordained an elder to the said congregation, with Clinet above mentioned. This Taurin, having in his hands the keeping of a certain house of one M. Barthomier, his kinsman, and seeing the congregation destitute of a room, received them into the said house. And when he perceived the house to be compassed with enemies, albeit he might have escaped with the rest, yet he would not, but did abide the adventure, to the intent he would answer for the fact, in receiving the said assembly into the house. The constancy of this man was invincible, in sustaining his conflicts with the Sorbonists. With Dr. Mailard, especially, he was of old acquaintance, whom he did know so well, even from his youth upwards, that whensoever the said doctor would open his mouth to speak against the saints for their nightly assemblies, he again did reproach him with such filthy acts, etc., that neither they who heard could abide it, neither yet could he deny it, being so notorious that almost all the children in the streets did know it; and yet that Sorbonical doctor shamed not to impeach good men of immorality, for their godly assemblies in the night; whose life was as far from all chastity, as were their holy assemblies clear from all impurity. In fine, these two godly elders, in cruel pains of the fire, finished their martyrdom. PHILIPPE DE LUNS, A GENTLEWOMAN, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by the Lieutenant-Civil; Dr. Maillard, Sorbonist; Mosnier, Lieutenant; evil Neighbors; Bertrand, Lord-Keeper of the Seal, and Cardinal of Sens; and the Marquis of Trane. Next unto Clinet and Gravelle above said, was brought out Mme. Philippe, gentlewoman, of the age of twenty-three years. She came first from the parts of Gascony with her husband, who was lord of Graveron, unto Paris, there to join herself to the church of God, where her husband also had been a senior or elder; who, in the month of May before, was taken with an ague, and deceased, leaving this Philippe a widow, who nevertheless ceased not to serve the Lord in his church, and also in the house was taken with the said company. Many conflicts she had with the judges and the Sorbonists, especially Maillard; but she always sent him away with the same reproach as the others did before, and bade him, ‘Avaunt wretch!’ saying she would not answer one word to such a villain. To the judges her answer was this: that she had learned the faith which she confessed in the word of God, and in the same would live and die. And being demanded whether the body of Christ was in the sacrament: ‘How is that possible,’ said she, ‘to be the body of Christ, to whom all power is given, and which is exalted above all heavens, when we see the mice and rats, apes and monkeys, play with it, and tear it in pieces?’ Her petition to them was, that seeing they had taken her sister from her, yet they would let her have a Bible or Testament to comfort herself. Her wicked neighbors, although they could touch her conversation with no part of dishonesty, yet many things they laid to her charge, as that there was much singing of psalms in her house, and that twice or thrice an infinite number of persons were seen to come out of her house. Also when her husband was dying, no priest was called for; neither was it known where he was buried; neither did they ever hear any word of their infant being baptized; for it was baptized in the church of the Lord. Among her other neighbors that came against her, two there were dwelling at St. Germain in the suburbs; between whom, incontinent, arose a strife, wherein one of them struck the other with a knife. The death of this gentlewoman was the more hastened of the lord-keeper of the seal, Bertrand, cardinal of Sens, and his son-in-law, the marquis of Trane, to have the confiscation of her goods. These three holy martyrs above recited, were condemned on the 27th of September, by the process of the commissioners and the lieutenant-civil: and then being put in a chapel together, certain doctors were sent to them, but their valiant constancy remained unmovable. After that they were had out of their prison, and. sent every one in a dung-cart, to the place of punishment. Clinet ever cued by the way, protesting, that he said or maintained nothing but the verity of God. And being asked of a doctor, whether he would believe St. Austin, touching certain matters? he said, ‘Yea;’ and that he had said nothing but what he would prove by his authority. The gentlewoman, seeing a priest come to confess her, said, that she had confessed unto God, and had received of him remission: other absolution she found none in Scripture. And when certain councilors did urge her to take in her hands the wooden cross, according to the custom of them that go to their death, alleging how Christ commanded every one to bear his cross, she answered, ‘My lords!’ said she, ‘you make me in very deed to bear my cross, condemning me unjustly, and putting me to death in the quarrel of my Lord Jesus Christ, who willeth us to bear our cross, but no such cross as you speak of.’ Gravelle looked with a smiling countenance, and showed a cheerful color, declaring how little he passed for his condemnation; and being asked of his friends to what death he was condemned, ‘I see well,’ said he, ‘that I am condemned to death, but to what death or torment I regard not.’ And coming from the chapel, when he perceived they went about to cut out his tongue, unless he would return, he said, that was not so contained in the arrest,’ and therefore he was unwilling to grant unto it; but afterwards, perceiving the same so to be agreed by the court, he offered his tongue willingly to be cut, and incontinent spoke plainly these words: ‘I pray you pray to God for me.’ The gentlewoman also, being required to give her tongue, did likewise, with these words: ‘Seeing I do not stick to give my body, shall I stick to give my tongue? No, no.’ And so these three, having their tongues cut out, were brought to Maulbert-place. The constancy of Gravelle was admirable, casting up his sighs and groanings to heaven, declaring thereby his ardent affection by praying to God. Clinet was somewhat more sad than the other, by reason of the feebleness of nature and his age. But the gentlewoman yet surmounted all the rest in constancy, who neither changed countenance, nor color, being of an excellent beauty. After the death of her husband, she used to go in mourning weed, after the manner of the country; but the same day, going to her burning, she put on her French hood, and decked herself in her best array, as going to a new marriage, rite same day to he joined to her spouse Jesus Christ. And thus these three, with. singular constancy, were burned: Gravelle and Clinet were burned alive; Philippe, the gentlewoman, was strangled, after she had a little tasted the flame with her feet and visage; and so she ended her martyrdom. NICHOLAS CENE AND PETER GABART, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. Their Persecutors : the Lieutenant, Dr. Maillard, Councilors, and Friars. Of the same company was also Nicholas Cene, a physician, brother to Philip Cene above mentioned and martyred at Dijon, and Peter Gabart; which two, about five or six days after the other three before, were brought forth to their death, on the 2d of October. Nicholas Cene was but newly come to Paris the same day, when he was advertised of the assembly which then was congregated in the street of St. James; and (as he desired nothing more than to hear the word of God) he came thither even as he was, booted, and was also with them apprehended, sustaining the cause of God’s holy gospel unto death. The other was Peter Gabart, a solicitor of processes, about the age of thirty ‘ears, whose constancy did. much. comfort the prisoners. He was put among a great number of scholars in the little castle, whom when he heard to pass the time in talking of philosophy, ‘No, no,’ said he, ‘let us forget these worldly matters, and learn how to sustain the heavenly cause of our God, which lies here in defense of the kingdom of Jesus Christ our Savior.’ And so he began to instruct them how to answer to every point of Christian doctrine as well as if he had done no other thing in all his life, but only studied divinity; and yet was he but very simply learned. Then was he sent from them apart to another prison, full of filthy stench and vermin; where, notwithstanding, he ceased not to sing psalms, that the others might well hear him. He had a nephew in prison by, being but a child, of whom he asked what he had said to the judges? He said, that he was constrained to do reverence to a crucifix, painted. ‘O thou naughty boy!’ said he, ‘have not I taught thee the commandments of God? Knowest thou not how it is written, Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image,’ etc. And so he began to expound to him the commandments; whereunto he gave good attention. In their examinations, many questions were propounded by the doctors and friars, touching matters both of religion, and also to know of them what gentlemen and gentlewomen were there present at the ministration of the sacrament: whereunto they answered in such sort, as was both sufficient for defense of their own cause, and also to save their other brethren from blame, saying that they would live and die in what they had said and maintained. When the time of their execution was come, they perceived that their judges had intended, that if they would relent, they should be strangled; if not, they should burn alive, and their tongues be cut from them: which torments being content to suffer for our Savior Jesus Christ, they offered their tongues willingly to the hangman to be cut. Gabart began a little to sigh, for that he might no more praise the Lord with his tongue; whom then Cene did comfort. Then were they drawn out of prison in the dung-cart to the suburbs of St. Germain: whom the people in rage and madness, followed with cruel injuries and blasphemies, as though they would have done the execution themselves upon them, maugre the hangman. The cruelty of their death was such as hath not lightly been seen; for they were holden long in the air over a small fire, and their lower parts burnt off, before the higher parts were much harmed with the fire. Nevertheless these blessed saints ceased not in all these torments to turn up their eyes to heaven, and to show forth infinite testimonies of their faith and constancy. In the same fire also many Testaments and Bibles at the same time were burnt. Upon the sight of this cruely, the friends of the other prisoners who remained behind, fearing the tyranny of these judges, presented certain causes of refusal against the said judges, requiring other commissioners to be placed. But the king, being hereof advertised by his solicitor, sent out his letters patent, commanding the said causes of refusal to be frustrated, and willed the former judges to proceed, all other lets and obstacles to the contrary notwithstanding: and that the presidents should have power to choose to them other councilors, according to their own arbitrement, to supply the place of such as were absent; amongst whom also the said solicitor was received, instead of the king’s procurator, to pursue the process. 95 By these letters patent it was decreed, that these stubborn Sacramentaries (as they were called) should be judged accordingly, save only that they should not proceed to the execution, before the king were advertised. These letters aforesaid stirred up the fire of this persecution not a little, for the judges at this refusal took great indignation, and were mightily offended for that reproach. Notwithstanding so it pleased God, that a young man, a German, called Albert Hartung, born in the country of Brandenburg, and godson to the late Albert, marquis of Brandenburg 344 , by the king’s commandment was delivered, through the importunate suit of the Germans. 96 FREDERICK DANVILLE, AND FRANCIS REBEZIES, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. Persecutors : Two Presidents, twenty-five Councilors, the Lieutenant Civil 345 , Doctors, Friars, Sorbonists, Benedictine a Jacobite monk, Demochares, and Maillard. Mention was made above of certain young scholars and students who were in the little castle with Peter Gabart. Of that number of scholars were these two, Frederic Danville, and Francis Rebezies, neither of them being past twenty years of age. How valiantly they behaved themselves in those tender years, sustaining the quarrel of our Lord Jesus Christ, what confession they made, what conflicts they had, disputing with the doctors of Sorbonne, their own letters left in writing do make record; the effect whereof briefly to touch is this: and first touching Frederic Danville. The lieutenant-civil, who before was half suspected, but now thinking to prove himself a right catholic and to recover his estimation again, came to him, beginning with these words of Scripture, ‘Whosoever denieth me before men, him will I deny before my Father,’ (Matthew 10) etc.: that done, he asked him what he thought of the sacrament. To whom Frederic answered that if he should think Christ Jesus to be between the priest’s hands after the sacramental words (as they call them) then should he believe a thing contrary to the holy Scripture, and to the creed, which saith, that he sitteth on the right hand of the Father: also to the testimony of the angels, who spoke both of the ascending of Christ, and of his coming down again. (Acts 1) After this he questioned with him touching invocation of saints, purgatory, etc., whereunto he answered so that he rather did astonish the enemies, than satisfy them. Furthermore, on the 12th of September, the said Frederic again was brought before Benedictine a Jacobite 346 , and his companion a Sorbonist Doctor 347 , called Noster Magister; who thus began to argue with him. Question: ‘Which think you to be the true church, the church of the Protestants, or the church of Paris?’ The Martyr: ‘I recognize that to be the true church where the gospel is truly preached, and the sacraments rightly administered, so as they be left by Jesus Christ mid his apostles.’ Question: ‘And think you the church of Geneva is such a one as you speak of?’ The Martyr: ‘I so judge it to be.’ Benedictine: ‘ And what if I do prove the contrary, will you believe me 348 ?’ The Martyr: ‘Yea, if you shall prove it by the Scripture.’ Benedictine: ‘Or will you believe St. Austin and other holy doctors innumerable?’ The Martyr: ‘Yea, so they dissent not from the Scripture and the word of God.’ Benedictine: ‘By the authority of St. Austin the church is there where is the succession of bishops; whereunto I frame this argument: there is the church, where is the perpetual succession of bishops: in the church of Paris is such succession of bishops: ergo the church of Paris is the true church.’ The Martyr: ‘To your major I answer, that if St. Austin mean the succession of such as are true bishops indeed, who truly preach the gospel, and rightly administer the sacraments, such bishops I suppose to be at Geneva, where the gospel is truly preached, and the sacraments are duly administered, and not in the church of Paris. But otherwise, if St. Austin mean the succession of false bishops, such as neither preach nor minister according to God’s word, so is the same in no wise to be granted.’ Benedictine: ‘Calvin is there by his own thrusting in, and only by the choosing of the people.’ The Martyr: ‘And that soundeth more for him to be of God’s divine election, forasmuch as by him the gospel of God is preached truly, and from this no man shall bring me.’ After this disceptation, the 19th of the same month 349 came against him the same Doctor, with two other Sorbonists; who, bringing forth a scroll out of his bosom, pretended that a certain scholar, coming from Geneva, made his confession, wherein was contained, that in receiving of the bread and wine the body and blood of Christ is received really. Whereupon they demanded of him, whether he would receive the same confession. The Martyr: ‘Whatsoever I have said unto you, that will I hold. And as touching this word really, I know right well, that they of Geneva do not take it for any carnal presence, as you do; but their meaning is, to exclude thereby only a vain imagination.’ Doctor: ‘I marvel much that you so refuse the word really, and use only spiritually, seeing that Calvin himself cloth use the same word really.’ The Martyr: ‘Calvin meaneth thereby no other thing but as we do.’ Doctor: ‘What say you of confession auricular?’ The Martyr: ‘The same that I said before to Monsieur Lieutenant, that is, that I take it for a plantation, not planted by God in his word.’ Doctor: ‘The Ahnains, in their confession which they sent to our king to be approved, have these words: 97 We do not reject auricular confession; for it is a gospel secret and privy. And also Melancthon, in his Book of Common Places, doth call it Evangelium Secretum. ’ Another time the said Frederic was called again before the lords, the 20th of the said month, where they did nothing but demand of him certain questions, as where he was born, and whether he had heard in his country at Oleron, that M. Gerard, the bishop there, did sing mass. ‘Yea,’ said he. ‘And why do not you also,’ said they, ‘receive the same?’ He answered, ‘Because he did it, to retain and keep his bishopric.’ The martyr, for lack of paper, could proceed herein no further. THE EXAMINATIONS OF THE AFORESAID FRANCIS REBEZIES. Rebezies had three sundry examinations: the first with the lieutenant-civil: the second with the presidents and the councilors: the third with the friars. First, the lieutenant, inquiring of his name, country, and parents, asked whether he was at the communion, whether he received with them the bread and wine, and whether he was a servitor to M. Nicholas Cene, senior of the congregation? Whereunto he said, ‘Yea.’ Also whether he was a distributor of the tokens, whereby they were let in that came? That he denied. Then he was brought into the council chamber, before two presidents, and twenty-five councilors; who, after other questions about his country and parents, demanded whether he was taken with them in the house? He answered Yea. What he had to do there? To hear the word of God, and to receive with them. Who brought him thither? Himself. Whom there he knew? No man. How he durst, or would enter, knowing no person there? Truth it was (said he) that he knew there two or three. Who were they? M. Gravelle, Clinet, and John Sansot, feigning that name of himself. Whether he knew the preacher? That he denied. Whether he allowed the act there done to be good? Yea. Whether he did not better like to resort unto their beautified temples, to hear mass, or whether he did not take the mass to be a holy thing, and ordained of God? He answered again contrary, believing that it was a great blasphemy against God, and a service set up of the devil. Whether he did not acknowledge purgatory? Yea, that purgatory, which is the death and passion of Christ, which taketh away the sins of the whole world. The death of Christ is the principal (said they), but thou must also believe another. Alas (said he), can we never content ourselves with the simplicity of the gospel, but man always will be putting to something of his own brain: in so many places of the Scripture we see the blood of Jesus Christ to be sufficient, as John 1 Apocalypse 5 Hebrews 9 Isaiah 43, where the Lord himself saith, that it is he, who, for his own sake, putteth away our iniquities, etc. As St. Paul also saith, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, etc. And on the contrary, when they objected the words of the parable, Thou shalt not come out, till thou hast paid the last farthing: (Matthew 5) to this he answered, that the words of that parable had no such relation, but to matters civil; and this word until meaneth there, as much as never. After that he was charged there by one, for reading the books of Calvin, Bucer, and Bullinger. The president asked, if he were not afraid to be burned as were the others before, and to bring his parents into such dishonor? He answered, that he knew well, that all who would live godly in Christ Jesus, should suffer persecution;’ (2 Timothy 3) and that to him either to live or to die, were advantage in the Lord. And as touching his parents, Christ himself (said he) doth premonish, that whosoever loveth father or mother more than him, is not worthy to be his, etc. (Matthew 10) ‘Jesus Maria!’ said the president, ‘what youth are these now-adays, who cast themselves so headlong into the fire!’ And so was he commanded away. Thirdly, He was brought before Benedictine the Jacobite, the Master of the doctors of Sorbonne 350 , and another Jacobite whose name he knew not, on the 14th of October; where he, chancing to speak of ‘the Lord,’ Benedictine began thus to object as followeth: Benedictine: ‘See how you, and all such as are of your company, simply name the Lord, without putting to the pronoun, our. So may the devils well call the Lord, and tremble before his face.’ The Martyr: ‘The devils call the Lord in such sort as the Pharisees did, when they brought the adulteress before him, and called him master; yet neither attended they to his doctrine, nor intended to be his disciples: whose case I trust is nothing like to ours, who know, and confess (as we speak) him to be the true Lord with all our heart, so as true Christians ought to do.’ Benedictine: ‘I know well you hold the church to be, where the word is truly and the sacraments are sincerely administered, according as they are eft, by Christ and his apostles.’ The Martyr: That do I believe, and in that will I live and die.’ Benedictine: ‘Do you not believe that whosoever is without that church, cannot obtain remission of his sins?’ The Martyr: ‘Whosoever doth separate himself from that church, to make either sect, part, or division, cannot obtain, as you say.’ Benedictine: ‘Now let us consider two churches, the one wherein the word is rightly preached, and the sacraments are administered accordingly as they be left unto us: the other, wherein the word and sacraments be used contrarily. Which of these two ought we to believe?’ The Martyr: ‘The first.’ Benedictine: ‘Well said. Next is now to speak of the gifts given to the said church: as the power of the keys, and confession for remission of sins after we be confessed to a priest. Also we must believe the seven sacraments in the same church truly administered, as they be here in the churches of Paris, where the sacrament of the altar is administered, and the gospel is truly preached.’ The Martyr: ‘Sir, now you begin to halt. As for my part, I do not receive in the church more than two sacraments, which be instituted in the same for the whole commonalty of Christians. And as concerning the power of the keys, and your confession, I believe, that for the remission of our sins we ought to go to no other but only to God, as we read 1 John 1, If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to pardon our offenses, and he will purge us from all our iniquities, etc. Also in the prophet David, in the 19th and 32d Psalms: I have opened my sin unto thee, etc. Benedictine: ‘Should I not believe that Christ, in the time of his apostles, gave to them power to remit sins?’ The Martyr: ‘The power that Christ gave to his apostles, if it be well considered, is nothing disagreeing to my saying: and therefore I began to say (which here I confess) that the Lord gave to his apostles to preach the word, and so to remit sins by the same word.’ Benedictine: ‘Do you then deny auricular confession?’ The Martyr: ‘Yea verily I do.’ Benedictine: ‘Ought we to pray to saints?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe not.’ The Master of the Doctors of Sorbonne351: ‘Tell me what I shall ask: Jesus Christ being here upon the earth, Was he not then as well sufficient to hear the whole world, and to be intercessor for all, as he is now?’ The Martyr: ‘Yes.’ Doctor: ‘But we find that when he was here on earth, his apostles made intercession for the people: and why may they not do the same as well now also?’ The Martyr: ‘So long as they were in the world, they exercised their ministry, and. prayed one. for another, as needing human succors, together; but now, being in paradise, all the prayer that they make, is this: that they wish that they who be yet on earth, may attain to their felicity; but to obtain any thing at the Father’s hand, we must have our recourse only to his Son.’ Doctor: ‘If one man have such charge to pray for another, may not he then be called an intercessor?’ The Martyr: ‘I grant.’ Doctor: ‘Well then, you say there is but one intercessor: whereupon I infer, that I, being bound to pray for another, need not now to go to Jesus Christ to have him an intercessor, but to God alone, setting Jesus Christ apart; and so ought we verily to believe.’ The Martyr: ‘You understand not, Sir, that if God do not behold us in the face of his own well-beloved Son, then shall we never be able to stand in his sight: for if he shall look upon us, he can see nothing but sin; and if the heavens be not pure in his eyes, what shall be thought then of man, so abominable and unprofitable, who drinketh iniquity like water, as Job doth say?’ Then Benedictine 352 , seeing his master doctor to have nothing to answer to this, inferred as followeth: Benedictine: ‘Nay, my friend! as touching the great mercy of God, let that stand, and now to speak of ourselves, this we know, that God is not displeased with those who have recourse unto his saints.’ The Martyr: ‘Sir, we must not do after our own wills, but according to that which God willeth and commandeth: For this is the trust that we have in him, that if we demand any thing after his will, he will hoar us. (1 John 5) Benedictine: ‘As no man cometh to the presence of an earthly king, or prince, without means made by some about him; so, or rather much more to the heavenly King above,’ etc. The Martyr: ‘To this earthly example, I will answer with another contrary example 353 of the prodigal son, who sought no other means to obtain his Father s grace, but came to the Father himself.’ Then they came to speak of adoration, which the said martyr Rebezies disproved by the Scripture, Acts 10,13,14; Apocalypse 19, 22; Hebrews 10,12,14 354 : where is to be noted, that whereas the martyr alleged the fourteenth chapter to the Hebrews; the doctors answered, that it was in the eleventh chapter, when the place indeed is neither in the eleventh, nor in the fourteenth, but in the fourteenth chapter of the Acts. So well read were these doctors in their New Testament. Benedictine: ‘Touching the mass, what say you? believe you not that when the priest hath consecrated the host, our Lord is there as well, and in ‘as ample sort, as he was, hanging upon the cross?’ The Martyr: ‘No, verily; but I believe that Jesus Christ is sitting at the right hand of his Father; as appeareth by Hebrews 10, Corinthians 15, Colossians 3. And therefore (to make short with you) I hold your mass for none other, but for a false and counterfeited service, set up by Satan, and retained by his ministers, by which you do annihilate the precious blood of Christ, and his oblation once made of his own body; and you know right well that the same is sufficient, and ought not to be reiterated.’ Benedictine: ‘You deceive yourselves about that ‘reiteration 355 ,’ for we do not reiterate it so as you think; as by example I will show. You see me now in this religious garment; but if I should put upon me a soldier’s weed, then should I be disguised, and yet for all that I should remain the same still within my doublet, that I was before in my friar’s weed. So is it with the sacrifice: we confess and grant, that Naturaliter, that is, naturally, he was once offered in sacrifice; and also is sitting Naturaliter, that is, naturally, at the right hand of his Father; but Supernaturaliter et subscriptive, that is, supernaturally, we sacrifice the same without reiteration. Supernaturaliter we sacrifice him; but that sacrifice is only disguised, to wit, he is 356 contained under that curtain and that whiteness which you see.’ The Martyr: ‘Sir, this I say, that such a disguised sacrifice is a diabolical sacrifice; and of that I am quite convinced 357 .’ Benedictine: ‘And how is your belief touching the holy supper?’ The Martyr: ‘That if it be administered unto me by the minister, in such usage, as it hath been left of Christ and his apostles preaching also the word purely withal; I believe that, in receiving the material bread and wine, I receive with lively faith the body and blood of Jesus Christ spiritually. Doctor: ‘Say corporally.’ The Martyr: ‘No, Sir, for his words be spirit and life; and let this content you.’ Doctor: ‘What say you, Is it lawful for a priest, to marry?’ The Martyr: ‘I believe it to be lawful for him, in such sort as the apostle saith, Whosoever hath not the gift of continency, let him marry; for it is better to marry than to burn. And if this do not content you, further you may read what he writeth of bishops and elders, 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.’ And thus these doctors, affirming that he denied priesthood, gave him leave to depart, saying, ‘God have mercy on you!’ ‘So be it,’ said he. After this, about the 22d of October, the said Rebezies and Frederic Danville were brought up to a chamber in the castle to be racked, to the intent they should utter the rest of the congregation; in which chamber they found three councilors, who thus began with them: ‘Lift up thy hand. Thou shalt swear by the passion of Jesus Christ, whose image here thou seest’ (showing him a great marmoset there painted on paper); whereunto Rebezies answered, ‘Monsieur, I swear to you by the passion of Christ, which is written in my heart.’ ‘Why dost not thou swear to us,’ said the councilors, ‘as we say unto thee?’ ‘Because,’ said he, ‘it is a great blasphemy against the Lord’ Then the councilors read their depositions, and, first beginning with Rebezies, said. ‘Wilt thou not tell us the truth, what companions thou knowest to be of this assembly?’ Rebezies named, as he did before, Gravel, Clinet (which were already burnt), and John Saltsot. To whom they said, that the court had ordained, that if he would give no other answer but so, he should be put to the torture or rack; and so he was commanded to be stripped to his shirt, having a cross put in his hand, and being bid to commend himself to God and the Virgin Mary. But he neither would receive the cross, nor commend himself to the Virgin Mary, saying, that God was able enough to guard him, and to save him out of the lion’s mouth: and so, being drawn and stretched in the air, he began to cry, ‘Come, Lord! and show thy strength, that man do not prevail,’ etc. But they cried, ‘Tell truth, Francis ] and thou shalt be let down.’ Nevertheless he continue still in his invocation and prayer to the Lord, so that they could have no other word but that. And after they had thus long tormented him, the councilors said, ‘Wilt thou say nothing else?’ ‘I have nothing else,’ said he, ‘to say.’ And so they commanded him to be loosed, and be put by the fire-side. Who, being loosed, said to them, ‘Do you handle thus the poor servants of God?’ And the like was done to Frederic Danville also, his companion (who at the same time was also very sick), of whom they could have no other answer but as of the other. So mightily did God assist and strengthen his servants, as ever he did any else, as by their own letters and confession it doth appear. These constant and true martyrs of Christ, after they had returned from the torture unto their fellow-prisoners, ceased not to thank and praise the Lord for his assistance. Frederic did sigh oftentimes, and being asked of his fellows, why he so did? he said, it was not for the evil that he had suffered, but for the evils that he knew they should suffer afterwards. ‘Notwithstanding,’ said he, ‘be strong, brethren! and be not afraid, assuring yourselves of the aid of God, who hath succored us, and also will comfort you.’ Rebezies with the rack was so drawn and stretched, that one of his shoulders was higher than the other, and his neck drawn on the one side, so that he could not move himself: and therefore desiring his brethren to lay him upon his bed, there he wrote his confession, which hitherto we have followed. When the night came they rejoiced together, and comforted themselves with meditation of the life to come, and contempt of this world, singing psalms together till it was day. Rebezies cried twice or thrice together, ‘Away from me, Satan!’ Frederic being in bed with him, asked why he cried, and whether Satan would stop him of his course? Rebezies said, that Satan set before him his parents; ‘but by the grace of God,’ said he, ‘he shall do nothing against me.’ The day next following they were brought once or twice before the councilors, and required to show what fellows they had more of the said assembly: which when they would not declare, the sentence was read against them, that they should be brought in a dung-cart to Malbert place, and there, having a ball in their mouths, be tied each one to his post, and afterwards be strangled; and so be turned into ashes. Afterwards came the friars and doctors, Demochares, Maillard, and others, to confess them, and offering to them a cross to kiss, which they refused. Then Demochares by force made Rebezies to kiss it whether he would or no, crying to them moreover, that they should believe in the sacrament. ‘What,’ said Frederic, ‘will ye have us to pluck Christ Jesus out from the right hand of his Father?’ Demochares said, that so many of their opinion had suffered death before, and yet none of them all ever did any miracles, as the apostles and other holy martyrs did. Frederic asked them, if they required any miracle? ‘No,’ said they; and so stood mute, save only that Demochares prayed them to consider well what they had said unto them Maillard also added, that he would gage his soul to be damned, but it was true. Frederic answered, that he knew it was contrary. At last, being brought to the place of execution, a cross again was offered them, which they refused. Then a priest standing by, bade them believe in the Virgin Mary. ‘Let God,’ saith they, ‘reign alone.’ The people standing by, ‘Ah mischievous Lutheran!’ said they. ‘Nay, a true Christian I am,’ said he. When they were tied to their stakes, after their prayers made, when they were bid to be dispatched, one of them comforting the other, said, ‘Be strong, my brother\ he strong: Satan, away from us!’ As they were thus exhorting, one standing by said, ‘These Lutherans do call upon Satan.’ One John Morel (who afterwards died a martyr), then standing by at liberty, answered, ‘I pray you let us hear,’ said he,: what they say, and we shall hear them invocate the name of God.’ Whereupon the people listened better unto them, to hearken, as well as they could, what they said: they crying still as much as their mouths being stopped could utter, ‘Assist us, O Lord.’ And so they, rendering up their spirits to the hands of the Lord, did consummate their valiant martyrdom. 101 After the martyrdom of these two abovesaid, the intention of the judges was to dispatch the rest one after another in like sort, and they had procured already process against twelve or thirteen ready to be judged. But a certain gentlewoman, then prisoner amongst them, had presented causes of exceptions or refusals against them, whereby the cruel rage of the enemies was stayed to the month of July following. In the mean time, as this persecution was spread into other countries, first the faithful cantons of the Switzers perceiving these good men to be afflicted for the same doctrine which they preached in their churches, sent their ambassadors to the king to make supplication for them. The same time also came letters from the county palatine, elector, tending to the same end, to solicit the king for them. The king, standing the same time in great need of the Germans for his wars, was contented at least that they should proceed more gently with them; and so the fire for that time ceased. Most of them were sent to abbeys, where they were kept at the charge of the priors, to be constrained to be present at the service of idolatry, especially the young scholars; of whom some shrunk back, others being more loosely kept, escaped away. The most part were brought before the official to make their confession, and to receive absolution ordinary. Divers made their confession ambiguous and doubtful etc.’ RENE DU SEAU AND JOHN ALMARIC, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1558. These two young men were also of the company above specified, and were in prison, where they sustained such cruelty, being almost racked to death, that Almarick could not go when he was called to the court to be judged. And being upon the rack, he rebuked their cruelty, and spoke so freely, as though he ]tad felt no grief; and as they said, who came to visit him, he testified unto them, that he felt no dolor so long as he was upon it. Both these died in prison, continuing still firm and constant in the pure confession of Christ’s church. 103 JOHN BORDEL, MATTHEW VERMEIL, PETER BOURDON, ANDRE DE LA FON, MARTYRED IN THE COUNTRY OF BRASIL, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by Villegaignon, a French Captain. Mention is made in the French story of one Villegaignon, lieutenant for the French king, who made a voyage into the land of Brasil with certain French ships, and took an island nearly to the same adjoining, and made therein a fortress. After they had been there a while, Villegaignon (for lack of victuals, as he pretended) sent certain of them away in a ship to the river Plata, towards the pole Antarctic, a thousand miles off. 104 In this ship were these four here mentioned; who, forsaking their ship by occasion of tempest, were carried back again, and so came to the land of Brasil, and afterwards to their own countrymen. Villegaignon, being much grieved thereat, first charged them with departing without his leave. Moreover, being terrified in his mind with false suspicion and vain dreams, fearing and dreaming lest they had been sent as privy spies by the Brasilians, because they came from them, and had been friendly entertained of them; he began to devise how he might put them to death under some color of treason: but the cause was religion. For albeit sometime he had been a professor of the gospel, yet afterwards, growing to some dignity, he fell to be an apostate, and cruel persecutor of his fellows. But when no proof or conjecture probable could he found to serve his cruel purpose, he, knowing them to be earnest protestants, drew out certain articles of religion for them to answer, and so entrapping them upon their confession, he laid them in irons and in prison, and secretly, with one executioner and his page, he took one after another, beginning with John Bordel, and first brought him to the top of a rock, and there being half strangled, without any judgment threw him into the sea; and after the like manner, ordered also the rest. Of whom three were thus cruelly murdered and drowned; to wit, John Bordel, Matthew Vermeil, and Peter Bourdon. The fourth, who was Andre de la Fon, he caused by manifold allurements somewhat to incline to his sayings, and so he escaped the danger; not without great offense taken of a great part of the Frenchmen in that country. 105 GEFFERY VARAGLE, 358 MARTYRED AT TURIN, IN PIEDMONT, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by the King’s Lieutenant. In the same year, 1558, suffered also Geffery Varagle, preacher in the valley of Angrogne, at the town of Turin, in Piedmont, who first was a monk, and said mass the space of seven and twenty years. Afterwards, returning from Busque toward Angrogne to preach, as he had used before to do, sent by the ministers of Geneva and other faithful brethren, he was apprehended in the town of Barges, and brought before the king’s lieutenant; where he was questioned with, touching divers articles of religion: as of justification, works of supererogation, free-will, predestination, confession, satisfaction, indulgences, images, purgatory, the pope, etc. Hereunto he answered again in writing, with such learning and reason, alleging against the pope’s own distinctions, 106 that as the story reporteth, the court of Turin, marveling at his learning, condemned him more for reproach of shame, than upon true opinion grounded on judgment 359 . When he was brought to the place of execution, the people who stood by and heard him speak, declared openly, that they saw no cause why he should die. A certain old companion of his, a priest, calling him by his name, ‘Master Geffery,’ desired him to convert from his opinions: to whom he patiently answered again, desiring him, that he would convert from his condition. And thus after he had made his prayer unto God, and had forgiven his executioner, and all his enemies, he was first strangled, and then burned. In the aforesaid story, relation is made moreover, concerning the said Geffery, that at the time of his burning a dove was seen, as was credibly reported of many, flying and fluttering divers times about the fire; testifying, as was thought, the innocency of this holy martyr of the Lord. But the story addeth, that upon such things we must not stay: and so concludeth the martyrdom of this blessed man. 107 BENET ROMAINE, A MERCER OR HABERDASHER, AT DRAGUIGNAN IN PROVENCE, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by Lanteaume Blanc; De Lauris, Councilor and Son-in-law to Miniers, Lord of Opede, the cruel Persecutor; Anthony Revest, the Lieutenant; Barbosi, Judge-ordinary of Draguignan; Joachim Portanier, the King’s Advocate; Caval and Cavalieri, Consuls; the Official; Gasper Siguiere, Officer in Draguignan; and also a Friar observant. The lamentable story of Benet Romaine is described at large among other French martyrs, by John Crispine, printer: the brief recital whereof here followeth. This Benet, having wife and children at Geneva, to get his living used to go about the country with certain mercery ware, having cunning also amongst other things, how to dress corals. As he was coming toward Marseilles, and passed by the town of Draguignan, he happened upon one of the like faculty, named Lanteaume Blanc, who, being desirous to have of his corals, and could not agree for the price, also knowing that he was one of Geneva, went to a councilor of the parliament of Aix, being then at Draguignan, whose name was De Lauris, son-in-law to Miniers, lord of Opede, the great persecutor against Merindol, 108 etc. This De Lauris, consulting together with the aforesaid Blanc, and pretending to buy certain of his coral which he saw to be very fair, and knowing also that he had to the worth of three hundred crowns, incontinent after his departing from him, sent to the officer of the town to attach the said Benet, as one being the greatest Lutheran in the world. Thus when he was arrested for the king’s prisoner, Blanc and his fellows, who sought nothing but only the prey, were ready to seize on his goods; and likewise of the other two men whom he hired to bear his merchandise. Then were these three poor men separated asunder, and Romaine examined before the consuls, and the king’s advocate, and other councilors, where he kept his Easter? whether he received at the same Easter? whether he was confessed before, and fasted the Lent? Also he was bid to say his ‘Pater Noster,’ the ‘Creed,’ and ‘Ave Maria;’ which two first he did, but refused to say ‘Ave Maria.’ Then was he asked for worshipping of saints, women-saints and men-saints, and when he heard mass? He said, he would worship none but God alone: mass he heard none these four years, nor ever would. Hereupon he was committed to a stinking and loathsome place, with iron chains upon his legs. De Lauris thus having his will upon the poor man, sent for the lieutenant, named Anthony Revest, told him what he had done, and willed him to see the prisoner. The lieutenant, being angry that he did so usurp upon his office, denied to go with him to the prisoner, excusing the filthy savor of the place. Notwithstanding the same day, the lieutenant with another went to the prison, and caused the said Romaine to come before him, of whom he inquired many things, of his dwelling, of his name and age, his wife and children, of his faculty, and the cause of his coming; also of his religion, and all such points thereto belonging. Unto whom he answered again simply and truly in all respects, as lay in his conscience; and thereunto, being required (because he could not write), he put to his mark. After this confession being thrice made, and his answer taken, certain faithful brethren of that place found means to come to him, and counseled him, that seeing he had sufficiently already made confession of his faith, he would seek means to escape out from his enemies, who sought nothing but his death; and showed unto him what he should say unto the lieutenant. But he refused so to do, being willing there to render account of his faith, and contented to die for the same. The fame of his constancy being known in the town, judge Barbosi, a man blind and ignorant, and no less deformed, came to see him, and asked, ‘What, do they believe,’ said he, ‘in any God in Geneva?’ Romaine looking upon him, ‘What art thou,’ said he, ‘that so wretchedly dost blaspheme?’ ‘I am,’ said he, ‘the judgeordinary of this place.’ ‘And who hath put thee,’ said Romaine, ‘such a gross and deformed person, in such an office? Thinkest thou that we be infidels, and no Christians? And if the devils themselves do confess a God, suppose you that they of Geneva, do deny their God? No! no! we believe in God, we invocate his name, and repose all our trust in him,’ etc. Barbosi took such grief with this, departing from Romaine, that he ceased not to pursue him to death. The lieutenant then being urged, and much called upon, and also threatened by this Barbosi and others, prepared to proceed in judgment against him, taking to him such judges and advocates as the order there required. There was at the same time an observant friar, who had there preached all the Lent. He, being very eager and diligent to have the poor Christian burned, and seeing the judges intent about the business, to set the matter forward, said, that he would go and say mass of the Holy Ghost, 109 to illuminate their intents to have the said Romaine condemned and burned alive at a little fire. Moreover, he procured Caval and Cavalieri, the consuls, to threaten the lieutenant, that they would complain of him to the high court of parliament, if he would not after that sort condemn Romaine to be burnt. In the mean time the faithful Christians of the said town, fearing lest by his racking danger might happen to the brethren, sent to Romaine again in the prison certain instructions and means how he might be aided, such as should not be against God: but when the lieutenant came, the poor man forgot his instructions; so simple he was, and ignorant of the subtleties of this world? When the time came that the judges were set, and the process should be read, Barbosi, with others whom the friar had procured, had agreed before, that he should be fired alive, and put to the rack, to disclose his fellows, and also gagged that he might not speak and infect the residue. On the other part, one there was of the advocates (albeit a man wholly superstitious), who, seeing the rage of the others, gave contrary advice, saying, that Romaine should be sent home again, for that he was a town-dweller of Geneva, neither had taught there any kind of doctrine, nor brought any books, or had they any information against him; and that which he had spoken, was a thing constrained by his oath, forced by the justice. And as touching his opinion, it was no other but as other young men did follow, who were either of the one part, or of the other; and therefore that here remained no more, but only the lieutenant to give his verdict, etc. Thus much being spoken, and also because the lieutenant was before suspected, and the time of dinner drew near, they arose for that time, deferring the matter to another season. The friar-observant in the mean while was not idle, inciting still the consuls and the people, who, at the ringing of a bell being assembled together with the official and the priests in a great rout, came crying to the lieutenant to burn the heretic, or else they would fire him, and all his family; and in semblable wise did the same to the other judges and advocates: the official moreover added, that if it were not better seen to than so, the Lutherans would take such courage, and so shut up their church doors, that no man should enter in. Then, because the lieutenant would not take to him other judges after their minds, in all post-haste the people contributed together, that at their own charge the matter should be pursued at the parliament of Aix, and so compelled the lieutenant to bring the process unto judgment, every man ewing, ‘To the fire, to the fire, that he may be burned!’ The lieutenant, being not able otherwise to appease the people, promised to bring the matter to the high court of Aix, and so he did. They, hearing the information of the cause, commanded the lieutenant and the other judges to deal no further therein, but to send up the process and the prisoner unto them. This went, greatly against the minds of them of Draguignan, who would fain have had him condemned there. Whereupon Barbosi was sent out to the parliament of Aix, where he so practiced and labored the matter, that the cause was sent down again to the lieutenant, and he enjoined to take unto him such ancient advocates, as their old order required, and to certify them again within eight days. And so Romaine, by the sentence of those old judges, was condemned to be burned alive, if he turned not; if he did, then to be strangled, and before the execution, to be put upon the rack, to the intent he should disclose the rest of his company; front which sentence Romaine then appealed, saying that he was no heretic. Hereupon he was carried unto Aix, singing the Commandments as he passed by the town of Draguignan: which when the king’s advocate did see, looking out of his window, he said unto him, that he was one of them that concluded his death, but desired God to forgive him. Romaine answered again, ‘God will judge us all. in the last day of judgment.’ After he was come to Aix, he was brought before the councilors, before whom he remained no less constant and firm than before. Then was a furnish friar sent, who, being three hours with him, and not able to remove him, came out to the lords, and said that he was damned: by reason whereof, the sentence given before of his condemnation was confirmed, and he sent back again from whence he came. At this return again from Aix, the consuls of Draguignan sent abroad by parishes unto the curates, that they should signify to their parishioners the day of his death, to the end that they should come; they also caused to be cried through the town by the sound of a trumpet, that all good Christians should bring wood to the great market-place, to burn the Lutheran. The day being come, which was Saturday, the 16th of May 361 , the poor servant of God was first brought to the rack or torture, where, at his first entry, were brought before him the cords, irons, and weights, to terrify him. Then, said they, he must utter his accomplices, and renounce his religion, or else he should be burned alive. He answered with a constant heart, that he had no other accomplices or companions, neither would he hold any other faith, but that which Jesus Christ did preach by his apostles. Then was he demanded of his fellows taken with him, whether they did hold the faith of Rome, or whether he did ever communicate with them, or did know them in the town, or in the province to be of his faith? He said, No. Item, What he had to do in that town? He said, To sell his coral. Item, Who gave him counsel to appeal? God, he said, by his Spirit. Upon this he was put upon the gin or rack, where he, being torn most outrageously, ceased not still to cry unto God, that he would have pity on him for the love of Jesus Christ his Son. Then was he commanded to call to the Virgin Mary, but he would not. Hereupon his torture was renewed afresh, in such cruel sort, that they thought they had left him for dead; for which they sent him to the barbers, and finding that he could endure no longer, they were afraid lest he had been past, and hastened to bring him to the fire. So, after they had essayed him by priests and friars as much as they could, to make him revolt, they helped the hangman to bear him, all broken and dismembered as he was, unto the heap of wood, where they tied him to a chain of iron which was let down upon the faggots. Romaine, seeing himself to be alone lying upon the wood, began to pray to God; whereat the friars being moved, ran to him again to cause him to say ‘Ave Maria’ which when he would not do, they were so furious, that they plucked and tore his beard. In all these anguishes the meek saint of God had recourse still to God in his prayers, beseeching him to give him patience. Then left they him lying as dead; but as soon as they descended down from the wood, he began to pray to God again in such sort as one would have thought that he had felt no hurt. Then another great friar, supposing to do more with him than the rest, came up to the wood unto him, to admonish him. Romaine thought at first, that he had been a faithful Christian, by his gentle speech; but afterwards when he urged him to pray to the Virgin Mary, he desired him to depart, and let him alone in peace. As soon as he was departed, Romaine lifted up his head and his eyes on high, praying God to assist him in his great temptation. Then a certain father, a warden, to bring the people to more hatred, cried out and said, ‘He blasphemeth! he blasphemeth! he speaketh against the blessed Virgin Mary!’ Whereat Barbosi cried, ‘Stop his mouth, let him be gagged!’ The people cried, ‘To the fire! let him be burned!’ 111 Then the hangman set fire to the straw and little sticks that were about, which incontinent were set on fire. Romaine still remained hanging in the air till he died. When all his nether parts were burnt well near, he was seen to lift up his head to heaven, moving his lips, without any cry: and so this blessed saint rendered his spirit to God! Of this assembly there were divers judgments and sundry bruits. Some said that if good men had been about him, it had gone better with him, and that those priests and monks who were about him, were whoremasters and infamous. Others said, that he had wrong, and that a hundred of that company there were, who more deserved death than he, especially among those who condemned him. Others went away marveling, and disputing of his death and doctrine. And thus was the course finished of this valiant and thrice blessed martyr and servant of the Lord Jesus the Son of God. FRANCIS CIVAUX MARTYRED AT DIJON, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by the Covent of the Jacobite Friars at Dijon, and a Priest of that Place. This Francis Civaux was secretary to the French ambassador here in England in queen Mary’s time, who afterwards, being desirous to hear the word of God, went to Geneva. Also he was placed to be secretary to the senate or council of Geneva; where he continued about the space of a year. Having then certain business, he came to Dijon. There was at the same time a priest that preached at Dijon such doctrine, that the said Francis, being worthily offended thereat, came friendly unto the priest, and reasoned with him touching his doctrine, showing by the Scriptures, how and where he had erred. The priest excused himself, that he was not so well instructed to dispute, but he would bring him the next day to a certain learned man, whom he knew there in the town, and desired the said Francis to go with him to breakfast, where he would be glad to hear them two in conference together. Whereunto when Francis had consented, the priest incontinent went to the Jacobite friars, where the matter was thus contrived, that at the breakfast time Francis, unawares, should be apprehended there. When the next day came, the priest brought Francis, according to his appointment, to a Jacobite friar, who, pretending much fair friendship unto him, as one glad and desirous of his company, besought him to take a breakfast with him the next morrow, and there they would enter conference together. With this also Francis was content, and to prepare himself the better to that conflict, sat up almost all the night writing with his fellow. The next morrow, as Francis with his fellow were preparing themselves toward the breakfast, the Jacobite in the mean time went to the justice of the town, to admonish him to be ready at the time, and lace appointed. Thus, as the Jacobite was standing at the justice s door, the companion of Francis, seeing the friar there stand, began to mistrust with himself and told Francis, willing him to beware of the friar. Moreover, the same night Francis had in his dream, that the said friar should commit him to the justice. But he, either not caring for his dreams, or else not much passing for the danger, committed himself to the hands of God, and went. As they were together disputing in the covent of the Jacobites, Francis, thus betrayed of the priest, was apprehended by the officers, carried to prison, and within seven days after, being Saturday before the nativity of our Lord, was brought to the place of execution, where first he was strangled, and then burned, 113 And as touching the fellow and companion of this Francis above mentioned, he was also apprehended with him, and put in prison; but because he was but a young novice, and yet not fully confirmed, he recanted, and was delivered. PETER ARONDEAU, MARTYRED AT PARIS, A.D. 1559. His Persecutors were the Priests of Rochelle, Manroy a Priest, the Lieutenant of Rochelle, the Cardinal of Lorraine, and two Presidents, to wit, Magister and St. Andre. The town of Rochelle, as it is a place of great commodity because of the sea, so was it not inferior to other good towns in France, for nourishing and supporting the holy assemblies of the Lord. Unto this town, about A.D. 1559, resorted one Peter’ Arondeau, a man of base condition, with a little packet of mercery ware there to sell: who there, being known to join himself to the church and congregation of the faithful, was demanded by certain ministers of Antichrist, whether he would go to hear mass or no? He said, that he had been there too oft to his great grief; and that since the time that the Lord had taken the veil from his eyes, he knew the mass to be abominable, forged in the shop of the enemy of all mankind. They to whom he thus. answered were priests; amongst whom was one named Manroy, who, taking the others there present for witnesses, brought him straight to the lieutenant. The deposition being taken, and information made, it was decreed incontinently, that his body should be attached. And although by one of his friends he was admonished to save himself, and to avoid the danger, yet he ceased not to put himself into his enemy’s hands; and so was led prisoner. As he was in prison, many of the faithful came to comfort him, but rather he was able to comfort not only those who came to comfort him, but also the others who were there prisoners with him. The priests left no diligence unsought to stir up the lieutenant, who was of himself too much inflamed in such matters. Arondeau, after many interrogations, and threatening words, and also fair promises of his pardon, still continued the same man. Then the lieutenant seeing his constancy, condemned him to death. Arondeau, praising God for his grace given, did not a little rejoice that he might suffer in that quarrel, and in’ token of rejoicing, did sing a psalm, being fully resolved to accept the said condemnation, without any appeal. But his friends, not pleased with his resolution, came to him; and so persuaded with him not to give his life so very cheaply over to his enemies’ hands, that he was turned from that, and made his appeal. The appeal being entered, the lieutenant, seeking to gratify the adversaries of the gospel, and especially the cardinal of Lorraine, secretly, by the backside of the town, and out of the highway, conveyed the poor prisoner unto Paris; who, being brought unto Paris by privy journeys, as is said, was put into prison, committed to the custody of two presidents, to wit, Magister, and St. Andre; by means of whom the sentence of the lieutenant was confirmed, and also put in execution the 15th day of November, in the year above said; on which day the said Arondeau was burned quick at the place called St. John, in Greve, at Paris. The constancy heroical which God gave him, and wherein he endured victorious unto death, was a mirror or glass of patience unto M. Anne du Bourge, councilor in the parliament of Paris, and to divers others then prisoners; and was to them a preparation toward the like death, which shortly after they suffered. Not long after the happy end of this blessed martyr/the aforenamed Manroy, who was the principal accuser and party against him’ was struck with a disease called apoplexia, 114 and thereupon suddenly died. By this, and many other such like examples, the mighty judgment of God most evidently may appear; who, albeit commonly he doth use to begin his judgment with his own household in this world, yet neither do his adversaries themselves always escape the terrible hand of his justice. Also the lieutenant who was his condemner, tarried not long after the priest, ‘but he was arrested personally to appear before the king’s council, through the procurement of a certain gentleman of Poland, called Anthony de l’Eglise, against whom the said lieutenant had given false and wrong judgment before; by reason whereof the aforesaid gentleman so instantly did pursue him before the lords of the council, that all the extortions and pollings of the lieutenant were there openly discovered, and so he condemned to pay to the gentleman a thousand French crowns of the sun 363 , within fourteen days, upon pain of double as much. Also he was deposed from his office, and there declared unworthy to exercise any royal office hereafter for ever, with infamy and shame perpetual. THOMAS MOUTARD, MARTYRED AT VALENCIENNES, A.D. 1559. Persecuted by a Priest of that Town. In the town of Valenciennes, not far from France, in the same year, which was 1559, in the month of October, suffered Thomas Moutard; who, first being converted from a disordered life to the knowledge of the gospel, is to us a spectacle of God’s great gracious mercy towards his elected Christians. This Moutard was attached for certain words spoken to a priest, saying thus: that his God of the host was nothing but an abomination, which abused the people of God. These words were taken first as if spoken in drunkenness; but the next day after, when the same words were repeated to him again, to know whether he would abide by the words there uttered, or no, he said, ‘Yea; for it is an abuse,’ said he, ‘to seek Jesus Christ any where else than in heaven, sitting in the glory and at the right hand of God his Father: and in this he was ready to live and die. His process being made, he was condemned to be burned quick. But, as he was carried from the town-house to the place of punishment, was never seen a man with such constancy to be so assured in heart, and so to rejoice at that great honor which God had called him unto. The hangman hasted as much as was possible, to bind him, and dispatch him. The martyr, in the midst of the flaming fire, lifting up his eyes unto heaven, cried to the Lord that he would have mercy on his soul; and so in great integrity of faith and perseverance, he gave up his life to God. This Dutch story should have gone before with the Dutch martyrs; but seeing Valenciennes is not far distant from France, it is not much out of order to adjoin the same with the French martyrs; who, at length, shall be joined altogether in the kingdom of Christ: which day the Lord send shortly. Amen! Thus have we (through the assistance of the Lord) deduced the table of the French, and also of the Dutch martyrs, unto the time and reign of queen Elizabeth, that is, to the year 1560. Since that time also divers have suffered both in France and in the lower country of Germany; whose story shall be declared (the Lord willing) more at large, when we come to the time of queen Elizabeth. In the mean’ season it shall suffice for this present to insert their names only, which here do follow. THE RESIDUE OF THE FRENCH MARTYRS. Anne du Bourge, councilor, at Paris; Andrew Coffier, John Isabeau, John Judet, martyrs at Paris; Geffery Guerin, John Morel, John Barbeville, Peter Chevet, Marin Marie, Margarite Rich, Adrian Daussi, Giles le Court, Philip Parmentier, Marin Rousseau, Peter Milet, John Beffroy: besides the tumult of Amboise, and the Persecution of Vassy; also Austin Marlorat, and Master Mutonis. THE RESIDUE OF THE DUTCH MARTYRS. James de Lo, at Lisle in Flanders; John des Buissons, at Antwerp; Peter Petit, John Denys, Simon Guilmin, Simeon Herme, at Lisle in Flanders; John de Lannoy, at Tournay; Andrew Michel, a blind man, at Tournay; Francis Varlut, at Tournay; Alexander Dayken, of Braine-le-Chateau 364 ; William Cornu, in Hainault; Anthony Caron, of Cambray; Renaudine de Franeville. Certain suffered at Tournay: Michel Robillart, of Arras; Nicaise de le Tombe; Roger du Mont. To the catalogue of French martyrs above rehearsed, the story of Merindol and Cabriers, with the lamentable handling of them, is also to be annexed, 117 But because the tractation thereof is prolix, and cannot well be contracted into a short discourse, therefore we have deferred the same to a more convenient room, after the table here following next of the Spanish and Italian martyrs, where better opportunity shall be given to prosecute more at large that tragical persecution, the Lord so permitting. A TABLE OF CERTAIN MARTYRS, WHO, FOR THE CAUSE OF RELIGION, SUFFERED IN SPAIN. THE SPANISH MARTYRS. FRANCISCUS SAN ROMANUS, AT BURGOS, IN SPAIN. Persecuted by certain Spanish Merchants in Antwerp, and also by the Friars of that City. In the year 1540 this Francis was sent by certain Spanish merchants of Antwerp to Bremen, to take up money due, to he paid by certain merchants there; where he, being at a sermon, hearing Master Jacobus (prior some time of the Austin friars of Antwerp) preach, was so touched and drawn, through the marvelous working of God’s Spirit, at the hearing thereof, albeit having no perfect understanding of the Dutch tongue 365 , that not only he understood all that was there, said, but also coming to the preacher, and accompanying him home (all his other worldly business set apart), there recited the whole contents of his sermon every word (as they said, who heard the said minister of Bremen preach) in perfect form and order as he had preached. After this little taste and happy beginning, he proceeded further, searching and conferring with learned men, that in short space he was grown to great towardness and ripe knowledge in the word of life. The minister, marveling at the sudden mutation of the man, and also seeing the vehemency of his zeal joined withal, began to exhort him how to temper himself with circumspection and discretion, still more and more instructing him in the word and knowledge of the gospel, which he so greedily did receive, as (me that could never be satisfied,; and so remained he with the minister three days together, committing his worldly business, and the message that he was sent for, unto his fellow who came with him. Thus being inflamed with another desire, he ceased to seek for temporal trifles, seeking rather for such French or Dutch books as he could get to read; and again, read the same so diligently, that partly by the reading, thereof, partly by Master Jacobus, and also by Master Maccabeus (who was there the same time), he was able in a short time to judge in the chief articles of our religion; insomuch that he took upon him to write letters unto his countrymen the merchants of Antwerp. In these letters first he gave thanks to God for the knowledge of his holy word which he had received: secondly, he bewailed the great cruelty and gross blindness of his countrymen; desiring God to open their eyes and ears, to see and understand the word of their salvation: thirdly, he promised shortly to come to them at Antwerp, to confer with them touching the grace of God, which he had received: fourthly, he declareth, to them, his purpose in going also to Spain, intending there likewise to impart to his parents and other friends at Burgos, the wholesome doctrine which the Lord had bestowed upon him. Beside this, he addressed other letters also to Charles the emperor, opening to him the calamities and miserable state of Christ’s church; desiring him to tender the quietness thereof: especially that he would reform the miserable corruption of the church of Spain, etc. Over and besides all this, he wrote there a catechism, and divers other treatises, in the Spanish tongue. And all this he did in one month’s space. In the mean time the Spanish merchants of Antwerp, understanding by his letters both his change of religion and also his purpose of coining to Antwerp, sent him letters again, pretending outwardly a fair countenance of much good will, but secretly practicing his destruction; for at the day appointed for his coming, certain friars were set ready to receive him, who took him coining down from his horse, rifled his books, and had him into a merchant’s house near hand, where they examined him; with whom he again disputed mightily: and when they found him not agreeing to their faith, they bound him hand and foot, crying out upon him, and calling him Lutheran.; and. burnt, his books. before his face, threatening to burn him also. At this disputation within the house, divers Spaniards were present, which made the friars more bold. Being demanded to show of what faith and religion De was; ‘My faith,’ said he, ‘is to confess and preach Christ Jesus only, and him crucified, which is the true faith of the universal church of Christ through the whole world; but this faith and doctrine you have corrupted, taking another abominable kind of life, and by your impiety have brought the most part of the world into blindness most miserable.’ And to explain his faith to them more expressly, he recited all the articles of the creed. This done, then the friars asked, whether he believed the bishop of Rome to be Christ’s vicar, and head of the church, having all the treasures of the church in his own power, and being able to bind and loose? also to make new articles, and abolish the old, at his own will and arbitrement? Hereunto Francis answered again, that he believed none of all this, but on the contrary did affirm that the pope was Antichrist, born of the devil, being the enemy of Jesus Christ, transferring to himself God’s honor; and who moreover, being incited by the devil, turned all things upside down, and corrupted, the sincerity of Christ’s religion, partly by his false pretences beguiling, partly by his extreme. cruelty destroying, the poor flock of Christ, etc. With the like boldness he uttered his mind likewise against the mass and purgatory. The friars could suffer him meanly well to speak, till he came to the pope, and began to speak against his. dignity, and their profit; then could they abide no longer, but. thundered against him words full of cruelty and terror. As they were burning his books, and began also to cast the New Testament into the fire, Francis, seeing that, began to thunder out against them again. The Spaniards then, supposing him not to be in his right senses, conveyed him into a tower six miles distart from Antwerp, where he was detained in a deep cave or dungeon, with much misery, the space of eight months; in which time of his imprisonment many grave and discreet persons came to visit him, exhorting him that he would change his opinion, and speak more modestly. Francis answered again, that he maintained no opinion erroneous or heretical; and if he seemed to be somewhat vehement with the friars, that was not to be ascribed to him, so much as to their own importunity; hereafter he would frame himself more temperately. Hereupon the Spaniards, thinking him better come to himself, discharged him out of prison, which was about the time when the emperor was in his council at Ratisbon. A.D. 1541. San Romanus, being thus freed out of prison, came to Antwerp, where he remained about twenty days. From thence he went to Louvain, unto a certain friend of his, named Francis Dryander (who also afterwards died a martyr), with whom he had much conference about divers matters of religion; who gave him counsel not to alter the state of his vocation, being called to be a merchant, which state he might exercise with a good conscience, and do much good., And as touching religion, his counsel was, that he should say or do nothing for favor of men, whereby the glory of God should be diminished; but so that he required notwithstanding in the same a sound and right judgment, conformed to the rule of God’s word, lest it might chance to him as it doth to many, who, being carrried with an inconsiderate zeal, leave their vocations, and while they think to do good and to edify, destroy and do harm, and cast themselves needlessly into danger. ‘It is God,’ said he, ‘that hath the care of his church, and will stir up faithful ministers for the same; neither doth he care for such as rashly intrude themselves into that function without any calling.’ This advertisement of Dryander, Francis did willingly accept, promising hereafter to moderate himself more considerately. But this promise was shortly broken, as you shall hear; for, passing from Dryander he went to Ratisbon, and there, having time and opportunity convenient to speak to the emperor, he stepped boldly unto him, beseeching him to deliver his country and subjects of Spain from false religion, and to restore again the sincerity of Christ’s doctrine, declaring and protesting, that the princes and protestants of Germany were in the truer part, and that the religion of Spain, being drowned in ignorance and blindness, was greatly dissonant from the true and perfect word of God; with many other words pertaining to the same effect. The emperor all this while gave him gentle hearing, signifying that he would consider upon the matter, and so do therein, as he trusted should be for the best. This quiet answer of the emperor ministered to him no little encouragement of better hope; and albeit he might perceive there in the city many examples to the contrary, yet all that discouraged not him, but he went the second, and also the third time, unto the emperor, who quietly again so answered him as before. And yet this our Francis, not satisfied in his mind, sought with a greater ardency the fourth time to speak to the emperor; but he was repulsed by certain of the Spaniards about the emperor, who, incontinent, without all further hearing or advising in the cause, would have thrown him headlong into the river Danube, had not the emperor staid them, and willed him to be judged by the laws of the empire. By this commandment of the emperor he was reserved and detained with other malefactors in bonds, till the emperor took his voyage into Africa. Then Francis, with other captives following the court, after the emperor was come into Spain, was there delivered to the inquisitors; by whom he was laid in a dark prison under the ground. Oft and many times he was called for to examination, where he suffered great injuries and contumelies, but ever remained in his conscience firm and unmovable. The articles whereupon he stood, and for which he was condemned, were these: THE ARTICLES OF SAN ROMANUS. That life and salvation in the sight of God come to no man by his own strength, works, or merits, but only by the free mercy of God, in the blood and sacrifice of his Son our Mediator. That the sacrifice of the mass, which the papists do account available, ‘ex opere operato,’ for the remission of sin both to the quick and the dead, is horrible blasphemy. That auricular confession with the numbering up of sins, also that satisfaction, purgatory, pardons, invocation of saints, and worshipping of images, be mere blasphemy against the living God. ITEM , That the blood of Christ is profaned and injured in the same aforesaid. After the. inquisitors perceived that. by no means he could be reclaimed from his assertions, they proceeded at last to the sentence, condemning him to be burned for a heretic. Many other malefactors were brought also with him to the place of execution, but all they were pardoned and dismissed: he only for the gospel, being odious to the whole world, was taken and burned. As he was led to the place of suffering, they put upon him a mitre of paper, painted full of devils, after the Spanish guise. Furthermore, as he was brought out of the city gate to be burned, there stood a wooden cross by the way, whereunto Francis was required to do homage; which he refused, answering, that the manner of Christians is not to worship wood, and he was (said he) a Christian. Hereupon arose great clamor among the vulgar people, for that he denied to worship the wooden cross. But this was turned incontinent into a miracle. Such was the blind rudeness of that people, that they did impute this to the divine virtue, as given to the cross from heaven, for that it would not suffer itself to be worshipped by a heretic: and immediately, for the opinion of that great miracle, the multitude with their swords did hew it in pieces, every man thinking himself happy who might carry away some chip or fragment of the said cross. When he was come to the place where he should suffer, the friars were busy about him to have him recant, but he continued ever firm. As he was laid upon the heap of wood, and the fire kindled about him, he began a little at the feeling of the fire to lift up his head toward heaven; which when the inquisitors perceived, hoping that he would recant his doctrine, they caused him to be taken from the fire. But when they perceived nothing less in him, the adversaries, being frustrated of their expectation, willed him to be thrown in again; and so was he immediately dispatched. After that the martyrdom of this blessed man was thus consummated, the inquisitors proclaimed openly, that he was damned in hell, 118 and that none should pray for him; yea, and that all were heretics, whosoever doubted of his damnation. Nevertheless certain of the emperor’s soldiers gathered of his ashes; also the English ambassador procured a portion of his bones to be brought unto him, knowing right well that he died a martyr. Yet this could not be so secretly done, but it came to the ears of the inquisitors, and of the emperor; wherefore the soldiers, going in great danger of life, were committed to prison. Neither did the ambassador himself’ escape clear from the danger of the pope’s scourge; for he was upon the same sequestered from the court, and commanded to be absent for a space. And thus much concerning the notable martyrdom of this blessed San Romanus. ROCHE, MARTYRED AT ST. LUEAR IN SPAIN, A.D. 1545. Persecuted by an Inquisitor. Roche was born in Brabant, his father dwelling in Antwerp. By his science he was a carver or graver of images; who as soon as he began first to taste the gospel, he fell from making such images as use to serve for idolatry in temples, and occupied himself ill making seals, save only that he kept standing on his stall an image of the Virgin Mary artificially graven, for a sign of his occupation. It happened unhappily, that a certain inquisitor passing by in the street, and beholding the carved image, asked of Roche what was the price thereof: which when Roche did set (not willing belike to sell it), the inquisitor bad hint scarce half the money. The other answered again, that he could not so live of that bargain. But still the inquisitor urged him to take his offer; to whom Roche again: ‘It shall he yours,’ said he, ‘if you will give me that which my labor and charges stand me in, but of that price I cannot afford it: yet had I rather break it in pieces.’ ‘Hey!’ saith the inquisitor, ‘break it: let me see thee.’ Roche with that took up a chisel, and dashed it upon the face of the image, wherewith the nose or some other part of the face was blemished. The inquisitor, seeing that, cried out as he were mad 366 , and commanded Roche forthwith into prison: to whom Roche cried again, that he might do in his own works what he listed; and if the workmanship of the image were not after his fantasy, what was that to them? But all this could not help Roche, but within three days after sentence was given upon him that he should be burned, and so was he committed to the executioners. As Roche was entering the place there to be burned, he cried with a loud voice, asking among the multitude which there stood by, if any man of Flanders were there? It was answered, yea; and also that there were two ships already fraught, and appointed to sail to Flanders. ‘Then,’ said he, ‘I would desire some of them to signify to my father dwelling in Antwerp, that I was burned here in this city, and for this cause which you all have heard.’ And thus, after his prayers made to God, this good man, being wrongfully condemned, after his godly life made this blessed end, A.D. 1545. And lest this so rare and strange example of cruelty should seem to lack credit, in the fifth book of the History of Pantalcon there is recorded that a certain Spaniard, coming to Antwerp, made diligent inquisition there amongst the image-makers, to find out the parents of this Roche, and signified to them what had happened to their son, as hath been by his said parents and friends declared; insomuch that it is also testified, that his father, at the hearing of the said message, for sorrow thereof, died shortly after. Furthermore, besides these above-recited, and also before their time, I hear and understand by faithful relation, that divers others have been in the said country of Spain, whose hearts God had marvelously illuminated, and stirred up, both before, and also since the coming in of the inquisition, to stand in defense of his gospel, and who were also persecuted for the same, and are said to have died in prison; albeit their names as yet are unknown, for the stories of that country be not yet come to light, but, I trust, shortly shall, as partly some intelligence I have thereof. In the mean time we will come now to the inquisition of Spain, speaking something of the ceremonial pomp and also of the barbarous abuse and cruelty of the same. THE FORM AND MANNER OF THE ERECRABLE INQUISTION OF SPAIN367 . The cruel and barbarous inquisition of Spain first began by king Ferdinand and Isabella his wife, and was instituted against the Jews, who, after their baptism, maintained again their own ceremonies: but now it is practiced against them that be ever so little suspected to favor the verity of the Lord. The Spaniards, and especially the great divines there, do hold that this holy and sacred inquisition cannot err, and that the holy fathers, the inquisitors, cannot be deceived. Three sorts of men most principally be in danger of these inquisitors: they that be greatly rich, for the spoil of their goods: they that be learned, because they will not have their misdealings and secret abuses to be espied and detected: they that begin to increase in honor and dignity, lest they, being in authority, should work them some shame or dishonor. The abuse of this inquisition is most execrable. If any word shall pass out of the mouth of any, which may be taken in evil part; yea, though no word be spoken, yet if they bear any grudge or evil will against the party, incontinent they command him to be taken, and put in a horrible prison, and then find out crimes against him at leisure, and in the mean time no man living is so hardy as once to open his mouth for him. 1 If the father speak one word for his child, he is also taken and cast into prison as a favorer of heretics: neither is it permitted to any person to enter in to the prisoner; but there he is alone, in a place where he cannot see so much as the ground where he is; and is not suffered either to read or write, but there endureth in darkness palpable, in horrors infinite, in fear miserable, wrestling with the assaults of death. By this it may be esteemed what trouble and sorrow, what pensive sighs and cogitations they sustain, who are not thoroughly instructed in holy doctrine. Add, moreover, to these distresses and horrors of the prison, the injuries, threats, whippings, and scourgings, irons, tortures, and racks which they endure. Sometimes also they are brought out, and showed forth in some higher place to the people, as a spectacle of rebuke and infamy. And thus are they detained there, some many years, and murdered by long torments, and whole days together treated much more cruelly, out of all comparison, than if they were in the hangman’s hands to be slain at once. During all this time, what is done in the process, no person knoweth, but only the holy fathers and the tormentors, who are sworn to execute the torments. All this is done in secret, and (as great mysteries) pass not the hands of these holy ones. And after all these torments so many years endured in the prison, if any man shall be saved, it must be by guessing; for all the proceedings of the court of that execrable inquisition are open to no man, but all is done in hugger-mugger and in close corners, by arabages, by covert ways, and secret counsels. the accuser is secret, the crime secret, the witness secret, whatsoever is done is secret, neither is the poor prisoner ever advertised of any thing. If he can guess who accused him, whereof and wherefore, he may be pardoned peradventure of his life: but this is very seldom, and yet he shall not incontinent be set at liberty before he hath long time endured infinite torments; and this is called their ‘Penitence,’ and so is he let go: and yet not so but that he is enjoined, before he pass the inquisitor’s hands, that he shall wear a garment of yellow colors for a note of public infamy to him and his whole race. And if he cannot guess right, showing to the inquisitors by whom he was accused, whereof and wherefore (as is before touched), incontinent the horrible sentence of condemnation is pronounced against him, that he shall be burned for an obstinate heretic. And so yet the sentence is not executed by and by, but after he hath endured imprisonment in some heinous prison. And thus have ye heard the form of the Spanish inquisition. By the vigor and rigor of this inquisition many good true servants of Jesus Christ have been brought to death, especially in these latter years, since the royal and peaceable reign of this our queen Elizabeth; the names and stories of whom we will partly here recite, according as we have faithful records of such as have come to our hands by writing. The others which be not yet come to our knowledge, we will defer till further intelligence and opportunity, by the Lord’s aid and leave, shall serve hereafter. THIRTY CHRISTIAN PRISONERS BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE INQUISTION. In the year 1559, May 21 368 , in the town 369 of Valladolid, where commonly the council of the inquisition is wont to be kept, the inquisitors had brought together many prisoners both of high and low estate, to the number of thirty; also the coffin of a certain noble woman, with her picture lying upon it, who had been dead long before, there to receive judgment and sentence. ‘To the hearing of which sentence, they had ordained in the said town three mighty Theatries or stages. Upon the first was placed the princess Juana, sister to king Philip, and chief regent of his realms; also prince Don Carlos, king Philip’s son, with other princes and states of Spain. Upon another scaffold mounted the archbishop of Seville, prince of the synagogue of the inquisitors 370 , with the council of the inquisition; also other bishops of the land, and the king’s council with them. On the third sat the prisoners 371 . After that the princes and other spiritual judges and councilors were thus set in their places, with a great guard of archers and halberdiers and harnessed soldiers, with four heralds-at-arms also giving their attendance to the same, and the earl of Buendia bearing the naked Sword, all the market-place where the stages were being environed with an infinite multitude of all sorts of the world there standing, and gazing out of windows and houses to hear and see the sentences and judgments of this inquisition; then after all were brought forth, as a spectacle and triumph, the poor servants and witnesses of Jesus Christ, to the number (as is aforesaid) of thirty, clothed with their ‘ Sanbenito 373 ,’ as the Spaniards do call it, which is a manner of vesture; of yellow cloth, coming both before them and behind them, spangled with red crosses, and having burning cierges 3 in their hands; also before them was borne a crucifix covered with black linen cloth, in, token of mourning. Moreover they that were to receive the sentence of death had mitres of paper upon their heads, which the Spaniards call ‘Coracas.’ Thus they being produced, were placed in their order, one above another, according as they were esteemed culpable; so that highest up of all sat doctor Cazalla, an Austin friar, a man notable and singular in knowledge of divinity, preacher sometime to Charles V. emperor, both in higher and lower Germany. These things thus disposed, then followed a sermon made by a Dominic friar, 4 which endured about an hour. After the sermon finished, the procurator-general, with the archbishop, went to the stage where the princes and nobles stood, to minister a solemn oath unto them upon the crucifix painted in the mass-book; the tenor of which oath was this: ‘Your majesties shall swear, that you will favor the holy inquisition, and also give your consent unto the same; and not only that you shall by no manner of way hinder and impeach the same; but also you shah employ the uttermost of your help and endeavor hereafter, to see all them to be executed, who shall swerve from the church of Rome, and adjoin themselves to the sect of the Lutheran heretics, without all respect of any person or persons, of what estate, degree, quality, or condition soever they be.’ And thus much for the first article of the oath; the second was this, as followeth: ITEM , ‘Your majesties shall swear, that you shall constrain all your subjects to submit themselves to the church of Rome, and to have in reverence all the laws and commandments of the same; and also to give your aid against all them, whosoever shall hold of the heresy of the Lutherans, or take any part with them.’ In this sort and manner, when all the princes and states, every one in their degree, had taken their oath, then the archbishop, lifting up his hand, gave them his benediction, saying, “God bless your highnesses, and give you long life!” This solemn pageant thus finished, at last the poor captives and prisoners were called out, the procurator-fiscal 374 , first beginning with Dr. Cazalla, and so proceeding to the other in order, as hereafter, in this table followeth, with their names and their judgments described: 1. DR. CAZALLA, A FRIAR AUGUSTINE, BURNED. The Persecutors of Dr. Cazalla and the others that follow, were these: The Inquisitors of Spain; the Procurator-fiscal; the Archbishop of Seville, the Bishop of Palencia 375 , and the Bishop of Orense. Before the procurator-fiscal first was called forth doctor Austin Cazalla. This doctor was a friar of Austin’s order, a priest, canon of Salamanca, and preacher sometime to the emperor Charles V., a man well accounted of for his learning; who, for that he was thought to be as the standard-bearer to the gospellers (whom they call Lutherans) and preacher 376 and doctor unto them, therefore being first called for, was brought from his stage nearer to the procurator- fiscal, there to hear the sentence of his condemnation; which was, that he should be degraded, and presently burned, and all his goods confiscate, to the profit and advancement of justice. 2. FRANCIS DE BIVERO377 , PRIEST, AND BROTHER TO THE AFORESAID CAZALLA, BURNED. The second prisoner, and next to doctor Cazalla that was called, was Francis de Bivero his brother, a priest, and curate of Hormigos in the diocese of Palentis, who received likewise the same sentence of condemnation. And to the intent he should not speak any thing to the prejudice, or against the abuse, of the sacred inquisition, as he before had done both within and without the prison with much boldness; and also because he was much favored of the people; to the end therefore that no commotion should come by his speaking, his mouth was so stopped and shut up, that he could not speak one word. 3. DONNA BEATRIZ DE BIVERO378 , BURNED. The third was Donna Beatriz, sister to the other two aforesaid, against whom also was pronounced the like sentence, as upon the brethren before. 4. JUAN DE BIVERO379 . The fourth was Juan de Bivero, brother to the same kindred, who was also judged a heretic, and condemned to perpetual prison; and to bear his ‘Sanbenito’ all his life long, which is an habiliment of dishonor; and all his goods to be confiscate. 5. DONNA CONSTANCE DE BIVERO380 , SISTER TO THE SAME AFORESAID. Donna Constance de Bivero was the fifth, sister to the others before specified, widow of Hernand Ortiz, dwelling sometime’ at Valladolid, who was also condemned with the like sentence with her brother Juan de Bivero. 6. THE COFFIN WITH THE DEAD CORPSE OF DAME LEONORE DE BIVERO, THE MOTHER OF THESE AFORESAID, BURNED. The sixth thunderbolt of condemnation was thundered out against a poor coffin, with the dead corpse of dame Leonore de Bivero, mother to these above-named, being herself the sixth, and being already dead long before at Valladolid. Above her coffin was her picture laid, which was also condemned with her dead corpse to be burned for a heretic; and yet I never heard of any opinion that this picture did hold, either with or against the church of Rome. This good mother, 5 while she lived, was a worthy maintainer of Christ’s gospel, with great integrity of life; and retained divers assemblies of the saints in her house for the preaching of the word of God. In fine, her corpse and image also being brought before the fiscal, was condemned likewise (as the mother with her seven children in the Book of Maccabees) to be burned for a Lutheran heretic, and all her goods to be seized to the behoof of the superior powers, and also her house utterly to be rased and east down to the ground; and for a memorial of the same, a marble stone was appointed to be set up in place of the said house 381 whereon the said cause of her burning should be engraved. 7. MASTER ALPHONSO PEREZ382 , PRIEST, OF PALENCIA, BURNED. In the seventh place was condemned Master Alfonso Perez, a priest of Palencia 383 , first to be degraded, and after to be burned as a heretic, and all his goods likewise confiscate and seized, to the behoof of the superiority. When these seven aforesaid had received their sentence, then the bishop of Palencia, in his Pontificalibus, caused Dr. Cazalla, Francis his brother, and Alphonso Perez, to be appareled and revested in priestly vesture. Which done, he took from them first the chalice out of their hands, and so all their other trinkets in order, according to their accustomed solemnity. And thus they, being degraded, and all their priestly unctions taken from their fingers, also their lips and their crowns rased, so were their yellow habits of Sanbenito put over their shoulders again, with their mitres also of paper upon their heads. This done, Dr. Cazalla began to speak, praying the princes and the lords to give him audience: but that being not granted unto him, he was rudely repulsed, and returned again to his standing. Only thus much he protested clearly and openly, that his faith, for which he was so handled, was not heretical, but consonant to the pure and clear word of God; for the which also he was prest and ready 384 to suffer death as a true Christian, and not as a heretic: besides many other worthy sentences of great consolation, which he there uttered in the mean space, while the judges were busy in their sentences against the residue of the martyrs. 8. DON PETER SARMIENTO DE ROXAS385 , KNIGHT OF THE ORDER OF ALCANTARA. The eighth that was brought before the aforesaid fiscal was Don Peter Sarmiento de Roxas, knight of the order of Alcantara, dwelling at Palencia, and son of the first Marquis de Poza, who was pronounced a heretic, and judged to bear the mark and habit of dishonor all his life, and condemned to perpetual prison, with the loss of his order and of all his goods; to whom moreover it was enjoined, never to wear any more gold, silver, pearls, or any precious stone about him. 9. DONNA MENCIA, WIFE OF THE SAID DON PETER. Ninthly, after him was called Donna Mencia de Figueroa, wife of the aforesaid Don Peter Sarmiento; who likewise being proclaimed for a heretic, was condemned to the same punishment as her husband was. 10. DON LOUIS DE ROXAS386 , SON AND HEIR OF THE MARQUIS DE POZA. Next after her was called and brought forth Don Louis de Roxas, son and heir of the marquis de Poza; who being also declared a heretic, for the great suit and labor that was made for him, was condemned only to bear his Sanbenito unto the town-house, and his goods to be confiscate. 11. DONNA ANNE HENRIQUES387 . After whom, eleventh in order, followed Donna Anne Henriques, daughter of the Marquis d’Aleanizes, and grand-daughter by her mother’s side to the aforenamed first Marquis de Poza, and wife to the lord Alphonso de Fonseca Mexia: who in like sort was declared a heretic, and condemned to bear her Sanbenito to the town-house, and her goods to be confiscate. 12. CHRISTOBAL DE OCAMPO388 , BURNED. Christobal de Ocampo, citizen of Zamora, was the twelfth, who, after he was declared a heretic, was judged to be burned, and his goods to be seized. 13. CHRISTOBAL DE PADILLA, BURNED. The like sentence was also given upon Christobal de Padilla, citizen of Zamora, 14. ANTHONY DE HEREZUELO389 , BURNED. The fourteenth was the licentiate Anthony de Herezuelo, a lawyer dwelling at Toro; who, after he was proclaimed heretic and his goods confiscate, was condemned to he burned; and moreover had. his mouth stopped, for that he should not speak and make confession of his faith unto the people. 15. KATHARINE ROMAIN390 BURNED. Then was called from her seat, fifteenth in order, Katharine Romain, dwelling in Pedrosa; who, receiving the like sentence, was condemned to be burned, and all her goods confiscate. 16. PEREZ DE HERRERA391 , BURNED. The sixteenth was the licentiate Perez de Herrera, born in Pegnaranda, judge of the court against smugglers at Logrono, whom they condemned to be burned alive, and all his goods likewise confiscate. 17. KATHARINE DE ORTEGA392 , BURNED. After him succeeded in the next sentence of martyrdom Katharine d’Ortega, dwelling in Valladolid, daughter of Hernand Diaz, fiscal of the royal court of Castile, and widow of captain Louisa, pronounced with the other to be a heretic; and forsomuch as she was reckoned to he a schoolmistress to the rest, she was judged to be burned, and her goods confiscate. 18. ISABEL D’ESTRADA393 , 19. JANE BLASQUEZ, BURNED. Eighteenth and nineteenth in order, came Isabel d’Estrada, and Jane Blasquez, both dwelling in Pedrosa; who likewise were condemned to be burned, and all their goods confiscate. 20. JUAN GARCIA394 A GOLDSMITH, BURNED. A goldsmith, named Juan Garcia of Valladolid, for entertaining assemblies in his house, and for watching with them, received also with them the like sentence, to lose both life and goods for the gospel’s sake. 21. A JEW, BURNED. With these also was joined a Portuguese, named Gonzales Baez, of Lisbon, who was born a Jew, afterward baptized, and then returned again to his Judaism; who, for more shame to the other, was put also in the same tale and number (as the two thieves were joined with Christ); and was also with them condemned to be burned, and his goods seized. 22. DONNA JUANA SILVA DE RIBERA395 . After these was called Donna Juana Silva de Ribera, wife to Juan de Bivero, brother to Dr. Cazalla, to whom it was enjoined to bear a mantle all her life, for penance and token of her trespass, and all her goods confiscate. 23. LEONORE DE CISNEROS396 , WIFE OF HEREZUELO. In like manner was called for Leonore de Cisneros, wife of the aforesaid Anthony Herezuelo, licentiate in the law. 24. MARINA DE SAJAVEDRA397 . ITEM , Marina de Sajavedra, wife of Juan Cisneros de Soto. 25. DANIEL DE LA QUADRA. ITEM , Daniel de la Quadra, born at Pedrosa: all which three persons were pronounced heretics, and condemned to do penance in perpetual prison, with their mantles, and confiscation of all their goods. 26. DONNA MARIA DE ROXAS398 . Donna Maria de Roxas, sister of Elvira de Roxas, the marchioness d’Alcanizes, and daughter of the first marquis de Poza, because she was in a cloister, and was come of a good house, was therefore judged to bear her mantle to the town-house, and all her goods confiscate. 27. ANTHONY DOMINICK. Anthony Dominick de Pedrosa, being then brought out, was judged and condemned to three years’ penance in prison for his heresy, clothed with the mantle of yellow, and all his goods confiscate. 28. ANTHONY WASOR, AN ENGLISHMAN. Last of all was produced Anthony Wasor, who for that he was an Englishman he was judged to bear his mantle of yellow to the town-house in penance for his crime: and incontinent was thrust into a cloister for one year, to the intent he might there be instructed in the Catholic ordinances of the church of Rome, as they be called. After these sentences being thus pronounced, they that were condemned to be burned, with the coffin of the dead lady and her picture upon the same, were committed to the secular magistrate and their executioners, who were commanded to do their endeavor. Then were they all incontinent taken, and every one set upon an ass, their faces turned backward, and led with a great garrison of armed soldiers unto the place of punishment, which was without the gate of the town, called Del Campo. When they were come to the place, there were fourteen stakes set up of equal distance one from another, whereunto every one severally being fastened according to the fashion of Spain, they were all first strangled, and then burned and turned to ashes, save only Anthony Herezuelo, who, forsomuch as he had both within and without the prison vehemently detested the pope’s spirituality, therefore he was burned alive, and his mouth stopped from speaking. And thus these faithful Christians, for the verity and pure word of God, were led to death as sheep to the shambles; who not only most Christianly did comfort one another, but also did so exhort all them there present, that all men marveled greatly, both to hear their singular constancy, and to see their quiet and peaceable end. It is reported that, besides these aforesaid, there remained yet behind thirty-seven 399 other prisoners, at the said town of Valladolid, reserved to another tragedy and spectacle of that bloody inquisition. Furthermore, whereas the story of the said inquisition, being set out in the French tongue, doth reckon the number of the martyrs above mentioned to be thirty 400 , and yet, in particular declaration of them, doth name no more than eight and twenty; here is therefore to be noted, that either this number lacked two of thirty, or else that two of the said company were returned back without judgment into the prison again. And thus much for this present, touching the proceeding of the church of Spain in their inquisition against the Lutherans; that is, against the true and faithful servants of Jesus Christ. Albeit there be other countries also, besides Spain, subject unto the same inquisition, as Naples and Sicily; in which kingdom of Sicily, I hear it credibly reported, that every third year are brought forth to judgment and execution a certain number, after the like sort of Christian martyrs; sometimes twelve, sometimes six; sometimes more, sometimes less. Among them there was one, much about the same year above-mentioned, A.D. 1559, who, coming from Geneva to Sicily, upon zeal to do good, was at last laid hands on; and being condemned the same time to the fire, as he should take his death, was offered there of the hangman to be strangled, having the cord ready about his neck; but he, notwithstanding, refused the same, and said that he would feel the fire. And so endured he, singing with all his might unto the Lord, till he was bereaved both of speech and life, in the midst of the flame: such was the admirable constancy and fortitude of that valiant soldier of Christ, as is witnessed to me by him, who, being there present the same time, did both then see that which he doth testify, and also doth now testify what he then saw. Now it remaineth further, according to my promise, in like order of a compendious table, to comprehend also such martyrs as suffered for the verity and true testimony of the gospel, in the places and countries of Italy; which table consequently here next ensueth. A TABLE OF SUCH MARTYRS AS SUFFERED FOR THE TESTIMONY OF THE GOSPEL IN ITALY. THE ITALIAN MARTYRS. N. ENCENAS, OTHERWISE CALLED DRYANDER401 , MARTYRED AT ROME, A.D. 1546. Persecuted by certain Popish Spaniards at Rome. This Encenas, or Dryander, a Spaniard, horn at Burgos, was brother to Franciscus Encenas, the learned man so oft before mentioned; and was also the teacher or instructor in knowledge of religion to Diazius, 1 the godly martyr above recorded. He was sent by his superstitious parents, being young, unto Rome; who there, after long continuance, growing up in age and knowledge, but especially being instructed by the Lord in the truth of his word, after he was known to dislike the pope’s doctrine, and the impure doings at Rome, was apprehended and taken by certain of his own countrymen, and some of his own household friends at Rome, at the same time when he was preparing to take his journey to his brother Francis Encenas, in Germany. Thus he, being betrayed and taken by his countrymen, was brought before the cardinals, and there committed strait to prison. Afterwards he was brought forth to give testimony of his doctrine, which, in the presence of the cardinals, and in the face of all the pope’s retinue, he boldly and constantly defended; so that not only the cardinals, but especially the Spaniards being therewith offended, cried out upon him that he should be burned. The cardinals first, before the sentence of death should be given, came to him, offering, if he would take it (after the manner of the Spaniards), the badge of reconciliation, which hath the name of Sanbenit’s cloth, made in form of a mantle, going both before him and behind him, with signs of the red cross. But Encenas, still. constant in the profession of truth, denied to receive any other condition or badge, but only the badge of the Lord, which was to seal’ the doctrine of his religion with the testimony of his blood. At last the matter was brought to that issue, that the faithful servant and witness of Christ was judged and condemned to the fire; where he, in the sight of the cardinals, and in the face of the apostolic see pretensed, gave up his life for the testimony of the gospel. And forasmuch as mention hath been made both in this story, and many others before, of Franciscus Encenas 402 his brother, here is not to be pretermited, how the said Franciscus, being a man of notable learning as ever was any in Spain, being in the emperor’s court at Brussels, offered unto the emperor Charles V. the New Testament of Christ translated into Spanish. For this he was cast into prison, where he remained in sorrowful captivity and calamity the space of fifteen months, looking for nothing more than present death. At last, through the marvelous providence of Almighty God, on the 1st of February, A.D. 1545, at eight o’clock, after supper, he found the doors of the prison standing open, and he secretly was moved in his mind to take the occasion offered, and to shift for himself; and so, issuing out of the prison, without any hasty pace, but going as leisurely as he could, he escaped from thence, and went straight to Germany. FANINO, MARTYRED AT FERRARA, A.D. 1550. Persecuted by Pope Julius III. Fanino, born at Faenza, a town in Italy, through the reading of godly books translated into the Italian tongue (having no perfect skill in the Latin), was converted from great blindness, to the wholesome knowledge of Christ and of his word; wherein he took such a sweetness, and so grew up in the meditation of the same, that he was able in short time to instruct others. Neither was there any diligence lacking in him to communicate that abroad which he had received of the Lord: being so in his mind persuaded, that a man, receiving by the Spirit of God the knowledge and illumination of his verity, ought in no case to hide the same in silence, as a candle under a bushel. And therefore, being occupied diligently in that behalf, albeit he used not publicly to preach, but by private conference to teach, he was at length by the pope’s, clients espied, apprehended, and committed to prison. Albeit he remained not long in prison, for by the earnest persuasions and prayers of his wife, his children, and other friends, he was so overcome, that he gave over, and so was dismissed shortly out of prison. After this, it was not long but he fell into horrible perturbation of mind; insomuch that unless the great mercy of God had kept him up, he had fallen into utter desperation, for slipping from the truth, and preferring the love of his friends and kindred before the service of Jesus Christ, whom he so earnestly before had professed. This wound went so deep into his heart, that he could in no case be quieted, before he had fully fixed and determined in his mind, to adventure his life more faithfully in the service of the Lord. Whereupon, being thus inflamed with zeal of spirit, he went about all the country of Romagna, publicly preaching the pure doctrine of the gospel, not without great fruit and effect in places as he went. As he was thus laboring, it so fell out that he was apprehended again, A.D. 1547, in a place called Bagnacavallo, where also he was condemned to be burned: but he said his hour was not yet come, and the same to be but the beginning of his doctrine. And so it was; for shortly after he was removed unto Ferrara, where he was detained two years. At last the inquisitors of the pope’s heresies condemned him to death, A.D. 1549; and yet his time being not come, he remained after that to the month of September, A.D. 1550. In the mean time many faithful and good men came to visit him, for which the pope commanded him to be inclosed in straiter custody; wherein he suffered great torments the space of eighteen months, and yet had suffered greater, if the Dominic friars might have got him into their house, as they went about. Thus Fanino, removed from prison to prison, many times changed his place, but never altered his constancy. At length he was brought into a prison, where were divers great lords, captains, and noble personages there committed, for stirring up commotions and factions (as the country of Italy is full of such), who at first, hearing him speak, began to set him at naught, and to deride him, supposing that it was but a melancholy humor that troubled his brain. Whereupon, such as seemed more sage amongst them, began to exhort him to leave his opinion, and to live with men as other men do, and not to vex his mind, but to suspend his judgment till the matter were decided in the general council. To whom Fanino again, first giving them thanks for their friendly good wills wherewith they seemed to respect his well-doing, modestly and quietly declared unto them, how the doctrine which he professed, was no humor or opinion of man’s brain, but the pure verity of God, founded in his word, and revealed to men in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and especially now in these days restored: which verity he had fully determined in his mind never to deny, to believe the lying fantasies of men. And as in his soul, which was redeemed by the blood of the Son of God, he was free from all bondage; so likewise as touching councils, he looked for no other sentence or authority, he said, but that only which he knew to be declared to us by Christ Jesus in his gospel, which he both preached with his word, and confirmed with his blood, etc. With these and such other words, he so moved their minds, that they were clean altered unto a new kind of life, having him now in admiration, whom they had before in derision, and accounted him for a holy person: to whom he proceeded still to preach the word of grace, declaring and confessing himself to be a miserable sinner; but by the faith of the Lord Jesus, and through the grace only of him, he was fully persuaded and well assured his sins were forgiven: like as all their sins also should be remitted to them through their faith in Christ only, they believing his gospel. There were others also besides these, who, having used before a more delicate kind of life, could not well away with the sharpness and the hardness of the prison. These also received such comfort by the said Fanino, that not only they were quietly contented, but also rejoiced in this their captivity, by the occasion whereof they had received and learned a better liberty than ever they knew before. When the imprisonment of this Fanino was known to his parents and kinsfolk, his wife and sister came to him with weeping persuasions, to move him to consider and care for his poor family; to whom he answered again, that his Lord and Master had commanded him, not to deny Him for looking to his family; and that it was enough for them that he had once, for their sakes, fallen into that cowardliness which they knew. Wherefore he desired them to depart in peace, and solicit him no more therein, for his end (he said) he knew to draw near: and so he commended them unto the Lord. About the same time died pope Paul III., and after him succeeded Julius III., who then sent letters and commandment that Fanino should be executed; whereof when one of the magistrates’ officers brought him word the next day, he rejoiced thereat, and gave the messenger thanks, and began to preach a long sermon to them that were about him, of the felicity and beatitude of the life to come. Then the messenger exhorted him that, in case he would change his opinion, he should save both this life, and enjoy that to come. Another asked him in what case he should leave his little children and his wife, or what stay should they be at, he so leaving them: wherefore he desired him to have respect both to himself anal to them. Fanino answered, that he had left them with an overseer, who would see unto them sufficiently: and being asked who he was? ‘The Lord Jesus Christ,’ said he, ‘a faithful keeper, and a conserver of all that is committed to him.’ After that the messenger was thus departed from Fanino, all full of tears and sorrow, the next day following he was removed into the common prison, and delivered to the secular magistrate. Fanino, in all ways, his words, his gestures, and his countenance, declared such constancy of faith, such modesty of manners and tranquillity of mind, that they that before were extreme against him, thinking him rather to have a devil, began now favorably to hearken to him, and to commend him. With such grace and sweetness he talked, ever speaking of the word of God, that divers of the magistrates’ wives, in hearing him, could not abstain from weeping. The executioner also wept himself. One of the public scribes then came to him, and said, that if he would relent from his opinion, the pope’s pleasure was, that he should be saved: but that he refused. This was marvelous, that he, having but small skill in the Latin, yet recited so many and sundry places of the Scripture without book, and that so truly and promptly, as though he had studied nothing else. One, seeing him so jocund and merry going to his death, asked, why he was so merry at his death, seeing Christ himself sweat blood and water before his passion? ‘Christ,’ said he, ‘sustained in his body all the sorrows and conflicts, with hell and death, due unto us; by whose suffering we are delivered from sorrow and fear of them all.’ Finally, early in the morning he was brought forth where he should suffer, who, after his prayers most earnestly made unto the Lord, meekly and patiently gave himself to the stake, where, with a cord drawn about his neck, he was secretly strangled of the hangman, in the city of Ferrara, three hours before day, to the intent the people should not see him, nor hear him speak: and after, about dinnertime, his body in the same place was burned. At the burning thereof such a fragrant and odoriferous scent came to all them there present, and so struck their senses, that the sweetness thereof seemed to refresh them no less than his words would have done, if they had heard him speak. The custom of that city is, that the bones and ashes which be left, should be carried out of the city; but neither the magistrate, nor the bishop, nor his great vicar or chancellor, nor any divine else, would take any charge thereof, every man transferring that burden from themselves, to him who was the cause of his death. Hereby it may appear, what secret judgment and estimation all they had of that good and blessed man. At last, people took his burned bones, with the cinders, and carried them out of the street of the city. DOMINICUS DE BASANA, MARTYRED AT PLACENZA, A.D. 1550. The same year that the aforesaid Fanino suffered in Ferrara, Dominicus also suffered in the city of Placenza. This Dominicus was a citizen in Basana, and followed the wars of Charles the emperor in Germany, where he received the first taste of Christ’s gospel, wherein he increased more and more by conferring and reasoning with learned men, so that in a short time he was able to instruct many; and so he did, working and travelling in the church, till at length, in the year 1550, he, coming to the city of Naples, there preached the word, and from thence proceeding to Placenza, preached there likewise unto the people, of true confession, of purgatory, and of pardons. Furthermore, the next day he treated of true faith and good works, how far they are necessary to salvation, promising moreover the next day to speak of Antichrist, and to paint him out in his colors. When the hour came that he should begin his sermon, the magistrate of the city commanded him to come down from the chair in the marketplace, and deliver himself to the officers. Dominicus was willing and ready to obey the commandment, saying, that he did much marvel that the devil could suffer him so long in that kind of exercise. From thence he was led to the bishop’s chancellor, and asked whether he was a priest, and how he was placed in that function? He answered, that he was no priest of the pope, but of Jesus Christ, by whom he was lawfully called to that office. Then was he demanded, whether he would renounce his doctrine? He answered, that he maintained no doctrine of his own, but only the doctrine of Christ, which also he was ready to seal with his blood, and also gave hearty thanks to God, who so accepted him, as worthy to glorify his name with his martyrdom. Upon this he was committed to a filthy and stinking prison, where after he had remained a few months, he was exhorted divers times to revoke, otherwise he should suffer; but still he remained constant in his doctrine: whereupon when the time came assigned for his punishment, he was brought to the market-place, where he had preached, and there was hanged; who, most heartily praying for his enemies, so finished his days in this miserable wretched world. GALEAZIUS TRECIUS, AT THE CITY OF LODI, CALLED LAUS POMPEIA, IN ITALY, A.D. 1551. Accused by the Bishop of St. Angelo and his Priests. St. Angelo, is a certain fortress or castle in Italy, within Lombardy, not far from the city called Lodi, belonging also to the same diocese. In this fort of St. Angelo was a house of Augustine friars, unto whom used much to resort a certain friar of the same order, dwelling at Pavia, named Mainard, a man well expert in the study of Scripture, and of a godly conversation. By this Mainard, divers not only of the friars, but also of other townsmen, were reduced to the love and knowledge of God’s word, and to the detestation of the pope’s abuses. Among whom was also this Galeazius, a gentleman of good calling, and wealthy in worldly substance, and very beneficial to the poor, who, first by conference with the friars, and also with his brother-in-law, began to conceive some light in God’s truth, and afterwards was confirmed more thoroughly by Coelius Secundus Curio, who, then being driven by persecution, came from Pavia to the said place of St. Angelo. In process of time, as this Galeazius increased in judgment and zeal in setting forward the wholesome word of God’s grace, as a light shining in darkness he could not so lie hid, but at last, A.D. 1551, certain were sent from the beforenamed city of Lodi, to lay hands upon him, who brought him to the bishop’s palace; where he was kept in bands, having under him only a pad of straw. Although his wife sent unto him a good feather-bed with sheets to lie in, yet the bishop’s chaplains and officers kept it from him, dividing the prey among themselves. When the time came that he should be examined, he was thrice brought before the commissioners, where he rendered reasons and causes of his faith, answering to their interrogatories with such evidence of Scripture, and constancy of mind, that he was an admiration to them that heard him. Albeit not long after, through the importunate persuasions of his kinsfolk and friends, the other cold gospellers laying many considerations before his eyes, he was brought at length to assent to certain points of the pope’s doctrine. But yet the mercy of God, which began with him, so left him not, but brought him again to such repentance and bewailing of his fact, that he became afterwards (according to the example of Peter, and St. Cyprian, and others) doublewise more valiant in defense of Christ’s quarrel; neither did he ever desire any thing more than occasion to be offered to recover again by confession, that which he had lost before by denial; affirming, that he never felt more joy of heart, than at the time of his examinations, where he stood thrice to the constant confession of the truth; and contrary, that he never tasted more sorrow in all his life, than when he slipped afterwards from the same by dissimulation: declaring, moreover, to his brethren, that death was much more sweet unto him, with testimony of the verity, than life with the least denial of truth, and loss of a good conscience, Thus Galeazius, mourning for his fall in prison, after he heard of his friends that nothing was yet so far past, but that he might recover himself again, and that his infirmity was not prejudicial, but rather a furtherance to God’s glow, and an admonition to himself to stand more strongly hereafter, took thereby exceeding comfort; and when they would have left with him a book of the New Testament for his comfort, he refused it, saying, that he had in his heart whatsoever Christ there spoke to his disciples: also what happened both to Christ and himself, and to his apostles, for confessing the word of truth. Furthermore, so comfortable was he after that, that they who talked with him, continued all the day without meat or drink, and would also have tarried all the night following, if they might have been suffered. As Galeazius thus continued in the prison, looking for some occasion again to recover himself from his fall, it followed in short time that the inquisitors and priests repaired to him again in the prison, supposing that he would confirm now that which before he had granted to them; and required him so to do, Galeazius, denying all that he had granted to them before, returned again to the defense of his former doctrine, with much more boldness of spirit confessing Christ, as he did before, and detested images, affirming and proving that God only is to be worshipped, and that in spirit and verity: also that there be no more mediators but Christ alone, and that he only and sufficiently, by his suffering, hath taken away the sins of the whole world; and that all they that depart hence in this faith, are certain of everlasting life; they which do not, are under everlasting damnation, with such other like matter, which was repugnant utterly to the pope’s proceedings. With this confession made, as his mind was greatly refreshed, so the adversaries went away as much appalled; who, at last, perceiving that he in no case could be revoked, caused him to be committed to the secular judge to be burned. Thus Galeazius, being brought early in the morning out of prison to the market-place, there was left standing bound to the stake till noon, as a gazing stock for all men to look upon. In the mean time many came about him, exhorting him to recant, and not so to cast away his life, whereas with ten words speaking he might save it. If he passed not for his life, nor for his country where he should live, nor for his goods and possessions, which should be confiscated, yet he should somewhat respect his wife whom he loved so well, and his young children; at least he should consider his own soul. This counsel gave those, who more esteemed the commodities of this present life, than any true soul’s health in the life to come. But to conclude, nothing could stir the settled mind of this valiant martyr: wherefore fire was commanded at last to be put to the dry wood about him, wherewith he was shortly consumed, without any noise or crying, saving only these words heard in the middle of the flame, ‘Lord Jesu!’ This was A.D. 1551, November 24. Touching the story of this blessed martyr, this by the way is to be given for a memorandum, that a little before this Galeazius should be burned, there was a controversy between the mayor of the city and the bishop’s clergy, for the expenses of the wood that should go to his burning. He, hearing thereof, sent word to both the parties to agree, for he himself, of his own goods, would see the cost of that matter discharged. Another note, moreover, here is to he added, that while Galeazius was in captivity, certain of the papists, perceiving that Galeazius had great goods and possessions, practiced with his wife, under color to release her husband, that she should lay out a sum of money to be sent to the wife of the chief lord of Milan, called Ferrarus Gonzaga, to the end that she should treat both with her husband, and with the senate, for Galeazius’s life, which money when they had thus juggled unto their hands, Galeazius notwithstanding was burned; and so was the silly woman robbed and defeated, both of her husband, and also of her money. D. JOHANNES MOLLIUS, A GREY FRIAR; ALSO A CERTAIN WEAVER OF PERUGIA; MARTYRED AT ROME, A.D. 1558. Persecuted by the following parties: Cornelius, a Professor of Bologna; Cardinal Campeius, and Cardinal del Campo: also by Bonaventure, General of the Order 403 ; six Cardinals; and Pope Julius III. Johannes Mollius Montilcinus, being but twelve years old, with his brother Augustine was set by his parents in the house of the Grey Friars, where he in short time, having a fresh wit, far excelled his fellows in all tongues and liberal sciences. So growing up to the age of eighteen, he was ordained priest, and sang his first mass. After that he was sent to Ferrara to study, where he so profited in the space of six years, that he was assigned by Vigerius, general of that order, to be doctor, and then reader in divinity; who then, with his sophistry, opposed himself as an utter enemy against the gospel. From thence he went to Breschia, and the next year following to Milan, where he read or professed openly. Again, from thence he was taken by Franciscus Sfortia, and brought to the university of Pavia, there openly to profess philosophy, where he remained four years. After that he was called to the university of Bologna, by Laurentius Spatha, general of the order, where he was occupied in reading the books of Aristotle ‘De Anima.’ In the mean time God wrought in his soul such light of his word and of true religion, that he, waxing weary of professing philosophy, began secretly to expound the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans to a few; which being known, his auditors increased so fast, that he was compelled to read openly in the temple. As the number of his audience daily augmented, so the eager fervency of their minds so mightily increased withal, that every man almost came with his pen and ink to write, and great diligence was bestowed how to come betimes to take up the first places, where they might best hear; which was about A.D. 1538. There was the same time, at Bologna, one Cornelius, an arrogant babbler, who, envying the doings of Johannes, took upon him, at the request of cardinal Campeius, to expound the said epistle of St. Paul, confuting and disproving the explanation of the said Johannes, and extolling the pope with all his traditions. Contrary, Johannes extolled and commended only Christ and his merits to the people. But the purpose of Cornelius came to small effect. For the auditors who first came unto him, began by little to fall from him; and the concourse of the other man’s auditors more and more increased. When Cornelius perceived this, he persuaded Campeius, that unless he provided that man to be dispatched, the estimation of the church of Rome would thereby greatly decay. But when they could not openly bring their purpose about, secretly this way was devised, that Cornelius and Johannes should come to open disputation; which disputation endured till three o’clock after midnight. At length when neither part could agree, Johannes was bid to return home to his house, who, as he was come down to the lower steps where the place was straitest, so that his friends could not come to rescue him (although by drawing their swords they declared their good wills), was there taken and laid fast in prison. When the day came, such tumult and stir was in the whole city, that Cornelius was driven to hide himself; also Campeius the cardinal, and the bishop there, were both contemned by the students. The next day the bishop of Bologna sent his chancellor to Johannes in the prison, to signify unto him, that either he must recant, or else burn. But he, being of a bold and cheerful spirit, would in no wise be brought to recant. This one thing grieved him, that he should be condemned, his cause not being heard. In the mean season, Laurentius Spatha above-mentioned, being general of that order, in most speedy wise posted up to Rome, and there so practiced with the cardinal Stae. Crucis, the proctor in the court of Rome for the Grey Friars, that the pope wrote down his letters to Campeius, that he should deliver the said John out of prison; so that he, notwithstanding, within three months after, should personally appear at Rome. Thus, on the thirtieth day of his imprisonment, he was delivered; who, but for the coming of the pope’s letters, had been burned within three days after. Moreover, with the said Mollius, Cornelius was also cited to make his appearance likewise at Rome, and there was detained in prison by the cardinal Stae. Crucis, till his cause should be decided. The friends of Mollius gave him counsel not to go to Rome, and offered him money to go to Germany; but he would not, saying, that the gospel must also be preached at Rome. After he was come to Rome, and appeared before pope Patti III., humbly he desired, that the cause being so weighty might come in public hearing; but that could not be obtained. Then was he commanded to write his mind in articles, and to bring his proofs; which he diligently performed, entreating of original sin, justification by faith, free-will, purgatory, and other such like; proving the said articles by the authority of the Scripture, and of ancient fathers; and so exhibited the same to the bishop of Rome. Upon this, certain cardinals and bishops were assigned to have the cause in hearing; who disputed with him three days, and could not refel what he had proved. At last answer was made unto him thus: that it was truth which he affirmed, nevertheless the same was not meet for this present time; for that it could not be taught or published without the detriment of the apostolic see; wherefore he should abstain hereafter from the epistles of St. Paul,7 and so return again safe to Bologna, and there profess philosophy. Thus as he was returned to Bologna, and all men there were desirous to know of his case, how he sped at Rome, openly in the pulpit he declared all things in order as they were done, and gave God thanks. Herewith Campeius, being more offended than before, obtained of the pope, that the general of the order should remove the said John Mollins from Bologna, and place him somewhere else. So Mollius from. thence was sent to Naples, and there was appointed reader and preacher in the monastery of St. Laurence. But Peter, the viceroy there, not abiding his doctrine, so nearly sought his death, that he had much ado to escape with life; and so departing from thence, he went wandering in Italy, from place to place, preaching Christ wheresoever he came. Not long after this, when cardinal Campeius was dead, he was called again unto Bologna, by a good abbot named De Grassis, A.D. 1543, 8 where he renewed again the reading of St. Paul’s epistles after a secret sort, as he did before; but that could not be long undiscovered. Whereupon, by the means of cardinal de Capo, and by Bonaventure the general of the order, he was apprehended the second time in August, and brought to Faenza, and laid there in a filthy and stinking prison, where he continued four years, no man having leave once to come to him. During which time of his indurance, he wrote a commentary upon the books of. Moses; but that labor, by the malignity of the adversaries, was suppressed. At length, through the intercession of the earl of Belcastro 404 , and of the aforesaid good abbot De Grassis, he was again delivered, and sent to Ravenna, where he made his abode a few months with the abbot of St. Vitalis, and there again taught the gospel of Christ as before: and whensoever he spoke of the name of Jesu, his eyes dropped tears, for he was fraught with a mighty fervency of God’s Holy Spirit. In process of time, when this abbot was dead, his sureties began to be weary of their bond, and so was he again now the third time reduced into prison by the pope’s legates. There were then four men of great authority, who, being stirred-up of God, had pity upon him, and bailed him out of prison; of whom, one of the said sureties took the said Mollius home, to instruct his children in the doctrine of religion and good letters. Furthermore, at the fame of this man, such a concourse of people came to see him, that the adversaries began to consult with themselves to kill him, lest his doctrine should disperse further abroad, to the detriment of the church of Rome: whereupon commandment was sent to the pope’s legate to lay hands upon him, and to send him up fast bound to Rome, where again, now the fourth time, he was imprisoned in the castle of Rome, and there continued eighteen months, being greatly assaulted, sometimes with flattering promises, sometimes with terrible threats, to give over his opinion: but his building could not be shaken, for it was grounded upon a sure rock. Thus Dr. Mollius, being constant in the defense of Christ’s gospel, was brought., with certain other men (who were also apprehended for religion), into the temple of St. Mary, called ‘De Minerva,’ on the fifth day of September, A.D. 1553; either there to revoke, or to be burned. There sat upon them six cardinals in high scats, besides the judge, before whom preached a Dominic friar, who, cruelly inveighing against the poor prisoners, incensed the cardinals, with all the vehemency he might, to their condemnation. The poor men stood holding a burning taper in their hands, of whom some for fear of death revolted: but this doctor Mollius, with a weaver of Perugia, remained con- stunt. Then Mollius began an earnest sermon in the Italian tongue, wherein he confirmed the articles of the faith by the sacred Scriptures, declaring also that the pope was not the successor of Peter, but Antichrist, and that his sectaries do:figure the whore of Babylon. Moreover, he cited them up to the tribunal seat of Christ, and threw away the burning taper from him: whereupon they, being replenished with anger, condemned him with the weaver to the fire, and commanded them to be had away. So were they carried incontinent to the camp or field, called Florianum, where they remained cheerful and constant. First, the weaver was hanged. Mollius then, willing the hangman to execute his office likewise upon him, began to exhort the people to beware of idolatry, and to have no other Saviors but Christ alone; for he only is the mediator between God and man. And so was he also hanged, commending his soul to God, and afterwards laid in the fire and burned. The people having divers judgments upon him, some said he died a heretic, some said he was a good man. TWO MONKS OF THE HOUSE OF ST. AUSTIN IN ROME, MARTYRED, A.D. 1554; HAVING BEEN IMPEACHED BY THE SENATE OF MILAN. Furthermore, in the same city of Rome, and about the same time, in the monastery of St. Austin, were found two monks in their cells, with their tongues and their heads cut off, only for rebuking the immoderate and outrageous excess of the cardinals, as witnesseth Manlius. Such was the cruelty then, of the malignant adversaries. FRANCIS GAMBA, MARTYRED AT COMO. Persecuted in the Diocese, and by the Senate, of Milan, A.D. 1554. Francis Gamba, born in the city of Breschia, in Lombardy, after he had received the knowledge of the gospel, went to Geneva, to confer about certain necessary affairs with them that were wise and learned in that church, which was about the time when the Lord’s supper was administered there at Pentecost; who there also at the same time did communicate with them. Afterwards, on his return home, as he was passing over the lake of Como, he was taken and brought to Como, and there committed to ward. During the time of his imprisonment, divers and sundry, as well nobles as others, with doctors also, especially priests and monks, resorted unto him, laboring by all manner of means, and most fair promises, to reduce him from his opinions, which seemed to some but fantasies coming of some humor. To some they seemed uncatholic or heretical. But he, constantly disputing with them by the manifest Scriptures, declared the opinions which he defended, not to be any vain speculations or imaginary fantasies of man’s doting brain, but the pure verity of God, and the evident doctrine of Jesus Christ, expressed in his word, necessary for all men to believe, and also to maintain unto death: and therefore for his part, rather than he would be found false to Christ and his word, he was there ready, not to deny, but to stand to Christ’s gospel, to the effusion of his blood. Thus when he could in no wise be reclaimed from the doctrine of truth, letters came from the senate of Milan, that he should be executed with death; which execution as they of Como were about to prepare, in the meanwhile came other letters from Geneva, written by the emperor’s ambassador and other nobles of Milan, by which his death was delayed for a time, till at length other letters were sent again from the senate of Milan, requiring execution of the sentence. Nevertheless, through intercession of his friends, one week’s respite more was granted him, to prove whether he might be won again to the pope’s church; that is to say, lost from God. Thus he, being mightily and long, both assailed by friends, and by enemies terrified, yet by no persuasions would be expugned, but gave thanks to God, that he was made worthy to suffer the rebukes of this world and cruel death, for the testimony of his Son; and so went he cheerfully unto his death. Then came certain Franciscan friars to him to hear his confession, which he refused. Also they brought in their hands a cross for him to behold, to keep him from desperation at the feeling of the fire; but his mind, he said, was so replenished with joy and comfort in Christ, that he needed neither their cross nor them. After this, as he was declaring many comfortable things to the people, of the fruition of those heavenly joys above which God hath prepared for ‘his, because he should speak no more to the people, his tongue was bored through; and so being immediately tied to the stake, there he was strangled till he was dead; every man there, who saw his constancy, giving testimony, that he died a good man. POMPONIUS ALGERIUS, AT ROME. Persecuted by Pope Paul IV., and the Magistrates of Venice, A.D. 1555. Pomponius Algerius, born in Capua, a young man of great learning, was student in the university of Padua, where he, not being able to conceal and keep close the verity of Christ’s gospel, which he learned by the heavenly teaching of God’s grace, ceased not both by doctrine and example of life, to inform as many as he could in the stone doctrine, and to bring them to Christ. For this he was accused of heresy to pope Paul IV., who, sending immediately to the magistrates of Venice, caused him to be apprehended at Padua, and carried to Venice, where he was long detained in prison and bonds, till at last the pope commanded the magistrates there to send him up bound unto Rome, which the Venetians soon accomplished. After he was brought to Rome, manifold persuasions and allurements were essayed to remove this virtuous and blessed young mart from his sentence: but when no worldly persuasions could prevail against the operation of God’s Spirit in him, then was he adjudged to be burned alive; which death most constantly he sustained, to the great admiration of all that beheld him. Being in prison at Venice, he wrote an epistle to the afflicted saints; which, for the notable sweetness and most wonderful consolation contained in the same, in showing forth the mighty operation of God’s holy power working in his afflicted saints that suffer for his sake, I have thought good and expedient to communicate, as a principal monument amongst all other martyrs’ letters, not only with the other letters which shall be inserted hereafter (the Lord willing) in the end of the book, but also in this present place to be read, to the intent that both they that be, or shall be hereafter, in affliction, may take consolation; and also they that yet follow the trade of this present world, in comparing the joys and commodities thereof with these joys here expressed, may learn and consider with themselves, what difference there is between them both, and thereby may learn to dispose themselves in such sort, as may be to their edification, and perpetual felicity of their souls. The copy of the letter, first written in Latin, we have translated into English, the tenor whereof here ensueth. A COMFORTABLE LETTER OF POMPONIUS ALGERIUS, AN ITALIAN MARTYR. To his most dearly beloved brethren and fellow-servants in Christ, who are departed out of Babylon into Mount Sion; grace, peace, and health, from God our Father, by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! To mitigate your sorrow which you take for me, I cannot but impart unto you some portion of my delectations and joys, which I feel and find, to the intent you with me may rejoice and sing before the Lord, giving thanks unto him. I shall utter that which no man will believe when I shall declare it. I have found a next of honey and honey-comb in the entrails of a lion. Who will ever believe what I shall say? or what man will ever think in the deep dark dungeon to find a paradise of pleasure? in the place of sorrow and death, to dwell in tranquillity and hope of life? in a cave infernal, to be found joy of soul? and where other men do weep, there to be rejoicing? where others do shake and tremble, there strength and boldness to be plenty? Who will ever think, or who will believe this? in such a woeful state, such delectation? in a place so desolate, such society of good men? in strait bands and cold irons, such rest to be had? All these things the sweet hand of the Lord, my sweet brethren! doth minister unto me. Behold, he that was once far from me, now is present with me; whom once I could scarcely feel, now I see more apparently; whom once I saw afar off, now I behold near at hand; whom once I hungered for, the same now approacheth and reacheth his hand unto me. He cloth comfort me, and heapeth me up with gladness; he driveth away all bitterness; he ministereth strength and courage; he healeth me, refresheth, advanceth, and comforteth me. O how good is the Lord, who suffereth not his servants to be tempted above their strength! O how easy and sweet is his yoke! Is there any like unto the Highest, who receiveth the afflicted, healeth the wounded, and nourisheth them? Is there any like unto him? Learn, ye well beloved! how amiable the Lord is, how meek and merciful he is, who visiteth his servants in temptations, neither disdaineth he to keep company with us in such vile and stinking caves. Will the blind and incredulous world, think you, believe this? or rather will it not say thus. ‘No, thou wilt never be able to abide long the burning heat, the cold snow, and the pinching hardness of that place, the manifold miseries, and other grievances innumerable; the rebukes and frowning faces of men, how wilt thou suffer? Dost thou not consider and revolve in thy mind thy pleasant country, the riches of the world, thy kinsfolk, the delicate pleasures and honors of this life? dost thou forget the solace of thy sciences, and fruit of all thy labors? Wilt thou thus lose all thy labors which thou hast hitherto sustained? so many nights watched? thy painful travails, and all thy laudable enterprises, wherein thou hast been exercised continually even from thy childhood? Finally, fearest thou not death, which hangeth over thee, and that for no crime committed? Oh what a fool art thou, who for one word speaking mayest salve all this, and wilt not! What a rude and unmannerly thing is this, not to be entreated at the instant petitions and desires of such, so many and so mighty, so just, so virtuous, such prudent and gracious senators, and such noble personages,’ etc. But now to answer: Let this blind world hearken to this again, What heat can there be more burning, than that fire which is prepared for thee hereafter? and likewise what snow can be more cold than thy heart which is in darkness, and hath no light? What thing is more hard, and sharp, or crooked, than this present life which here we lead? what thing more odious and hateful than this world here present? And let these worldly men here answer me, What country can we have more sweet than the heavenly country above? what treasures more rich or precious than everlasting life? And who be our kinsmen, but they that hear the word of God? Where be greater riches, or dignities more honorable, than in heaven? And as touching the sciences, let this foolish world consider, be they not ordained to learn to know God, whom unless we do know, all our labors, our night watchings, our studies, and all our enterprises serve to no use or purpose; all is but labor lost. Furthermore, let the miserable worldly man answer me, What remedy or safe refuge can there be unto him, if he lack God, who is the life and medicine of all men? and how can he be said to fly from death, when he himself is already dead in sin? If Christ be the way, verity, and life, how can there be any life then without Christ? The sultry heat of the prison to me is coldness; the cold winter to me is a fresh spring-time in the Lord. He that feareth not to be burned in the fire, how will he fear the heat of weather? or what careth he for the pinching frost, who burneth with the love of the Lord? The place is sharp and tedious to them that be guilty, but to the innocent and guiltless it is mellifluous. Here droppeth the delectable dew; here floweth the pleasant nectar; here runneth the sweet milk; here is plenty of all good things. And although the place itself be desert and barren, yet to me it seemeth a large walk, and a valley of pleasure; here to me is the better and more noble part of the world. Let the miserable worldling say and confess, if there be any plot, pasture, or meadow so delightful to the mind of man, as here. Here I see kings, princes, cities, and people; here I see wars, where some be overthrown, some be victors; some thrust down, some lifted up. Here is the mount Sion; here I am already in heaven itself; here standeth first Christ Jesus in the front. About him stand the old fathers, prophets, and evangelists, and apostles, and all the servants of God: of whom some do embrace and cherish me, some exhort me, some open the sacraments unto me, some comfort me, others are singing about me. And how then shall I be thought to be alone, among so many, and such as these be? the beholding of whom to me is both solace and example: for here I see some crucified, some slain, some stoned, some cut asunder and quartered, some roasted, some broiled, some put in hot cauldrons, some having their eyes bored through. some their tongues cut out, some their skin plucked over their heads, some their hands and feet chopped off, some put in kilns and furnaces, some cast down headlong and given to the beasts and fowls of the air to feed upon: it would ask a long time if I should recite all. To be short, divers I see with divers and sundry torments excruciate; yet notwithstanding, all living, and all safe. One plaster, one salve cureth all their wounds: which also gives to them strength and life, so that I sustain all these transitory anguishes and small, afflictions with. a quiet mind,, having a greater hoe laid up in heaven Neither do I fear mine adversaries who here persecute me and oppress me: for He that dwelleth in the heaven shall laugh them to scorn, and the Lord shall deride them. I fear not thousands of people who compass me about. The Lord my God shall deliver me, my hope, my supporter, my comforter, who exalteth my head. He shall smite all them that stand up against me without cause, and shall dash the teeth and jaws of sinners asunder; for he only is all blessedness and majesty. The rebukes for Christ’s cause make us jocund; for so it is written, ‘If ye be rebuked and scorned for the name of Christ, happy be you; for the glory and Spirit of God resteth upon you’ [1 Peter 4] ‘Be you therefore certified, that our rebukes which are laid upon us redound to the shame and harm of the rebukers. In this world there is no mansion firm to me; and therefore I travel up to the New Jerusalem which is in heaven, and which offereth itself unto me without paying any fine or income. Behold, I have entered already on my journey, where my house standeth for me prepared, and where I shall have riches, kinsfolks, delights, honors never failing. As for these earthly things here present, they are transitory shadows, vanishing vapors, and ruinous walls. Briefly, all is but very vanity, of vanities, where hope and the substance of eternity to come are wanting; which the merciful goodness of the Lord hath given as companions to accompany me, and to comfort me: and now do the same begin to work and to bring forth fruits in me. I have travailed hitherto, labored and sweat early and late, watching day and night, and now my travails begin to come to effect. Days and hours have I bestowed upon my studies. Behold, the true countenance of God is sealed upon me; the Lord hath given mirth in my heart; and therefore in the same will I lay me down in peace and rest [Psalm 4]. And who then shall dare to blame this our age consumed, or say that our years be cut off? What man can now cavil that these our labors are lost, who have followed and found out the Lord and Maker of this world, and who have changed death for life? My portion is the Lord, saith my soul, and, therefore I will seek and wait for him. Now then, if to die in the Lord. be not to die, but to live most joyfully, where is this wretched worldly rebel, who blameth us of folly, for giving away our lives to death? O how delectable is this death to me, to taste the Lord’s cups which is an assured pledge of true salvation! for so hath the Lord himself forewarned us, saying, ‘The same that they have done to me, they will also do unto you.’ Wherefore let the doltish world with its blind worldlings (who in the bright sunshine yet go stumbling in darkness, being as blind as beetles) cease thus unwisely to carp against us for our rash suffering, as they count it: to whom thus we answer again with the holy apostle, ‘Neither tribulation, nor anguish, nor hunger, nor nakedness, nor jeopardy, nor persecution, nor sword, shall be able ever to separate us from the love of Christ. We are slain all the day long; we are made like sheep ordained to the shambles’ [Romans 8]. Thus do we resemble Christ our head, who said, that the disciple cannot be above his master, nor the servant above his Lord. The same Lord hath also commanded that every one shall take up his cross and follow him [Luke 9]. Rejoice, rejoice, my dear brethren and fellow-servants! and be of good comfort, when ye fall into sundry temptations. Let your patience be perfect on all parts; for so is it foreshowed us before, and is written, that they that shall kill you, shall think to do God good service. Therefore afflictions and death be as tokens and sacraments of our election and life to come. Let us then be glad and sing to, the Lord, when we, being clear from all just accusation, are persecuted and given to death: for better it is, that we in doing well do suffer, if it so be the will of the Lord, than doing evil [1 Peter 3]. We have for our example Christ and the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, whom the children of iniquity did quell and murder; and now we bless and magnify them that. then suffered. Let us be glad and joyous in our innocency and uprightness. The Lord shall reward, them that persecute us; let us refer all revengement to him. I am accused of foolishness, for that I do not shrink from the true doctrine and knowledge of God, and do not rid myself out of these troubles, when with one word I may. Oh the blindness of man! who seeth not the sun shining, neither remembereth the Lord’s words. Consider therefore what he saith, ‘You are the light of the world. A city built on the hill cannot be hid; neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine and give light to them in the house.’ And in another place he saith, ‘You shall be led before kings and rulers; fear ye not them that kill the body, but Him which killeth both body and soul.’ ‘Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven; and he that denieth me before men, him will 1 also deny before my heavenly Father,’ Wherefore seeing the words of the Lord be so plain, how, or by what authority will this wise councilor then approve this his counsel which he doth give? God forbid that I should relinquish the commandments of God, and follow the counsels of men; for it is written, ‘Blessed is the man that hath not gone in the ways of sinners, and hath not stood in the counsels of the ungodly, and hath not sat in the chair of pestilence’ [Psalm 1]. God forbid that I should deny Christ, where I ought to confess him. I will not set more by my life, than by my soul; neither will I exchange the life to come for this world here present. Oh how foolishly speaketh he who argueth me of foolishness! Neither do I take it to be a thing so uncomely, or unseeming for me, not to obey in this matter the requests of those so honorable, just, prudent, virtuous, and noble senators, whose desires (he saith) were enough to command me. for so are we taught of the apostles, that we ought to obey God before men. After that we have served and done our duty first unto God, then are we bound next to obey the potestates of this world; whom I wish to be effect before the Lord. They Ye honorable;but yet are they to be made more perfect in the Lord: they are just; but yet Christ, the seat of justice, is lacking in them: they are wise; but where is in them the beginning of wisdom, that is, the fear of the Lord? they are called virtuous; but yet I wish them more absolute in Christian charity: they are good and gracious; but yet I miss in them the foundation of goodness, which is the Lord God, in whom dwelleth all goodness and grace: they are honorable; yet have they not received the Lord of glory, who is our Savior, most honorable and glorious. ‘Understand ye kings, and learn you that judge the earth. Serve the Lord in fear, and rejoice in him with trembling. Hearken to doctrine, and get knowledge, lest you fall into God’s displeasure, and so perish out of the way of righteousness. Why fret you, why fume you, O gentiles? O you people! why cast you in your brains the cogitations of vanity? You kings of the earth, and you princes, why conspire you. so together against Christ, and against his Holy One’ [Psalm 2]? How long will you seek after lies, and hate the truth? Turn you to the Lord, and harden not your hearts: for this you must needs confess, that they that persecute the Lord’s servants, do persecute the Lord himself: for so he saith himself: ‘Whatsoever men shall do to you, I will count it to be done not as unto you, but to myself.’ And now let this carnal politic councilor and disputer of this world tell, wherein have they to blame me, if in my examinations I have not answered so after their mind and affection as they required of me? seeing it is not ourselves that speak, but the Lord that speaketh in us, as he himself doth fore-witness, saying, ‘When ye shall be brought before rulers and magistrates, it is not you yourselves that speak, but the Spirit of my Father that shall be in you’ [Matthew 10] Wherefore if the Lord be true and faithful of his word, as it is most certain, then there is no blame in me: for he gave the words that I did speak; and who was I, that could resist his will? If any shall reprehend the things that I said, let him then quarrel with the Lord, whom it pleased to work so in me. And if the Lord be not to be blamed, neither am I herein to be accused, who did that I purposed not, and that I forethought not of. The things which there I did utter and express, if they were otherwise than well, let them show it, and then will I say, that they were my words, and not the Lord’s. But if they were good and approved, and such as cannot justly be accused, then must it needs be granted, spite of their teeth, that they proceeded of the Lord; and then who be they that shall accuse me? a people of prudence? or who shall condemn me? just judges? And though they so do, yet nevertheless the word shall not be frustrated, neither shall the gospel be foolish, or therefore decay; but rather the kingdom of God shall the more prosper and flourish unto the Israelites, and shall pass the sooner unto the elect of Christ Jesus: and they who shall so do, shall prove the grievous judgment of God; neither shall they escape without punishment, that be persecutors and murderers of the just. My well-beloved! lift up your eyes, and consider the counsels of God. He showed unto us of late an image of his plague, which was to our correction: and if we shall not receive him, he will draw out his sword, and strike with sword, pestilence, and famine, the nation that shall rise against Christ. These things have I written to your comfort. Dear brethren! pray for me. I kiss in my heart, with a holy kiss, my good masters, Sylvius, Pergula, Justus; also Fidel Roche, and him that heareth the name of Lelia, whom I know, although being absent. Item, the lord Syndic of the university, and all other, whose names be written in the book of life. Farewell, all my fellow-servants of God! fare ye well in the Lord, and pray for me continually. From the delectable orchard of the Leonine prison, the 12th of the Calends of August, A.D. 1555. It is written of one Thebrotus, that when he had read the book of Plato, ‘De Immortalitate Animae,’ he was so moved and persuaded therewith, that he cast himself down headlong from a high wall, to be rid out of this present life. If those heathen philosophers, having no word of God, nor promise of any resurrection and life to come, could so soon be persuaded by reading the works of Plato, to condemn this world and life here present; how much more is it to be required in Christians, instructed with so many evidences and pro-raises of God’s most perfect word, that they should learn to cast off the carnal desires and affections of this miserable peregrination; and that for a double respect, not only in seeing, reading, and understanding so many examples of the miseries of this wretched world; but also much more in considering and pondering the heavenly joys and consolations of the other world, remaining for us hereafter in the life to come; for a more full evidence whereof, I thought good to give out this present letter of Algerius above-prefixed, for the taste of the same, and a lively testimony for all true Christians to read and consider. Now let us proceed further (the Lord willing) in our table of Italian martyrs. JOHANNES ALOYSIUS, MARTYRED AT ROME, AND JACOBUS BONELLUS AT MESSINA. Persecuted by Pope Pius IV., A.D. 1559. Of Johannes Aloysius, we find mention made in a letter of Simon Florellus; which Aloysius was sent down from Geneva to the parts of Calabria, there to be their minister; who afterwards was sent for up to Rome, and there suffered. Jacobus Bonellus was likewise sent from Geneva to the said parts of Calabria, with Aloysius; who also, being sent for up to Rome, was sent down to the city of Messina, and there was martyred, A.D. 1559. DIVERS THAT SUFFERED IN THE KINGDOM OF NAPLES, A.D. 1560. After pope Julius III came Marcellus II. After him succeeded pope Paul IV. This Paul being dead, followed pope Pius IV., who, being advanced to that room, began hot persecution in all the territories of the church of Rome against them that were suspected for Lutherans; whereupon ensued great trouble and persecution in the kingdom of Naples, in such cruel sort, that many noble men, with their wives and others, are reported there to be slain. EIGHTY-EIGHT MARTYRS IN ONE DAY, WITH ONE BUTCHERLY KNIFE, SLAIN LIKE SHEEP. SIXTEEN HUNDRED OTHERS ALSO, CONDEMNED IN CALABRIA, A.D. 1560. In Calabria, likewise, at the same time, suffered a blessed number of Christ’s well-beloved saints, both old and young, put together in one house, to the number of eighty-eight persons; all which, one after another, were taken out of the house, and so being laid upon the butcher’s stall, like the sheep in the shambles, with one bloody knife were all killed in order: a spectacle most tragical for all posterity to remember, and almost incredible to believe. Wherefore, for the more credit of the matter, lest we should seem either light of credit, to believe what is not true, or rashly to commit to pen things without due proof and authority, we have here annexed a piece of an epistle written by Master Simon Florellus, preacher of God s word in the city of Clavenna, among the Rhetians, unto a certain friend of his named Gulielmus Gratalorus, an Italian, and doctor of physic in the university of Basil. This Gratalorus translated the same into the Latin tongue, and it is to be found in the 11th book of Pantalcon, p. 887, the English whereof is as followeth. THE END OF A CERTAIN LETTER OF SIMON FLORELLUS, WRITTEN IN ITALIAN, CONCERNING A LAMENTABLE SLAUGHTER OF EIGHTY-EIGHT CHRISTIAN SAINTS IN THE PARTS OF CALABRIA. As concerning news I have nothing to write, but only that I send you a copy of certain letters, imprinted either at Rome or at Venice, concerning the martyrdom or persecution in two several towns of Calabria, eight Italian miles from the city of Cosenza, the one called St. Sixtus, within two miles of Montalto, under the seigniory of the duke of Montalto; the other called Guardia, situate upon the sea-coast, and twelve miles from St. Sixtus: which two towns are utterly destroyed, and eight hundred of the inhabitants there, or, as some write from the city of Rome, no less than a full thousand. He that wrote the letter, was servant to Ascanius Carracciolus. The country and people there I well know, which take their first original of the Waldenses, and are of good doctrine and still better life 405 ; for before my departure from Geneva, at their request, we sent them two schoolmasters and two preachers. The last year the two preachers were martyred; the one at Rome, named Johannes Aloysius Pascalis, a citizen of Cunio; the other at Messina, named James Bonell; both of Piedmont. This year the residue of that godly fellowship were martyred in the same place. I trust this good seed sown in Italy, will bring forth good and plentiful fruit. Now followeth the copy of the letter sent from Montalto, a town in Calabria, eight miles distant from Cosenza, bearing date the 11th of June, 1560. The writer of this letter, as ye may perceive, was one of them that call themselves Catholics, and followers of the pope. The words of the letter be these, as here follow. Here followeth the Copy of a Letter sent from Montalto in Calabria, by a Romanist, to a certain Friend of his in Rome, containing News of the Persecution of Christ’s People in Calabria, by the new, Pope Pius IV., A.D. 1560. Hitherto, most noble lord! I have certified you, what here daily hath been done about these heretics. Now cometh next to signify unto your lordship the horrible judgment begun this present day, being the eleventh of June, to be executed very early in the morning against the Lutherans; which when I think upon, I verily quake and tremble. And truly the manner of their putting to death was to be compared to the slaughter of calves and sheep; for they, being all thrust up in one house together, as in a sheep-fold, the executioner cometh in, and amongst them taketh one, and blindfoldeth him with a muffler 406 about his eyes, and so leadeth him forth to a larger place near adjoining, where he commandeth him to kneel down; which being so done, he cutteth his throat, and leaving him half dead, and taking his butcher’s knife and muffler (which the Italians call ‘benda,’) all of gore blood, cometh again to the rest, and so leading one after another, he dispatched them all, who were to the number of eighty-eight. This spectacle to behold how doleful and horrible it was, I leave to your lordship’s judgment; for to write of it, I myself cannot but weep: neither were there any of the beholders there present, who, seeing one to die, could abide to behold the death of another. But certes so humbly and patiently they went to death, as is almost incredible to believe. Some of them, as they were in dying, affirmed, that they believed even as we do: notwithstanding, the most part of them died with that cursed obstinacy of theirs 407 All the aged persons went to death more cheerfully; the younger were more timorous. I tremble and shake even to remember how the executioner held his bloody knife between his teeth, with the bloody muffler in his hand, and his arms all in gore-blood up to the elbows, going to the fold, and taking every one of them, one after another, by the hand, and so dispatching them all no otherwise than doth a butcher kill his calves and sheep. It is moreover appointed (and the carts be come already) that all those so put to death should be quartered, and so be conveyed in the carts to the hither-most parts of Calabria, where they will be hanged upon poles in the highways and other places, even to the confines of the same country. Unless the pope’s holiness and the lord viceroy of Naples shall give in commandment to the lord marquis of Buccianus, governor of the said province, to stay his hand, and go no further, he will proceed with the rack and torture, examining all others, and so increase the number in such sort, that he will nigh dispatch them all. This day it is also determined, that a hundred of the more ancient women should appear to be examined and racked, and after to be put to death, that the mixture may be perfect, for so many men so many women: and thus have you what I can say of this justice. Now is it about two o’clock ill the afternoon: shortly, we shall hear what some of them said when they went to execution. There be certain of them so obstinate, that they will not look upon the crucifix, nor be confessed to the priest; and they will be burned alive. The heretics that be apprehended and condemned, are to the number of sixteen hundred, but as yet no more but these aforesaid eighty-eight are already executed. This people have their original of the valley named Angrogne, near to Savoy, and in Calabria are called Ultramontani. In the kingdom of Naples, there are four other places of the same people, of whom whether they live well or no, as yet we know not; for they are but simple people, ignorant, without learning, wood-gatherers, and husbandmen: but as I hear, very devout and religious, giving themselves to die for religion’s sake. From Montalto the 11th of June. And thus much writeth this Romanist. Here moreover is to be noted, that the aforesaid marquis Buccianus above specified, had a son or brother, unto whom the said new pope (Pius IV., belike) is reported to have promised a cardinalship at Rome, if all the Lutherans were extirpated and rooted out in that province. And like enough that the same was the cause of his butcherly persecution and effusion of Christian blood, in the said country of Calabria, beyond Naples, in Italy. Besides these godly Italian martyrs in this table above contained, many others also have suffered in the same country of Italy, of whom some before have been specified, some peradventure omitted. But many more there be, whose names we know not; whereof as soon as knowledge may be given unto us, we purpose, God willing, to impart the same, loving reader! unto thee. Now in the mean time it followeth (according to my promise made before), next after this lamentable slaughter of Calabria, here to insert also the tragical persecution and horrible murder of the faithful flock of Christ, inhabiting in Merindol in France, and in the towns adjacent near unto the same, in the time of Francis I., the French king. The furious cruelty of this miserable persecution, although it cannot be set forth too much at large, yet (because we will not weary too much the reader with the full length thereof)we have so contracted the same, especially the principal effect thereof we have comprehended in such sort, that, as we on the one part have avoided prolixity, so on the other we have omitted nothing which might seem unworthy to be forgotten. The story here followeth. A NOTABLE HISTORY1 OF THE PERSECUTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE PEOPLE OF MERINDOL AND CABRIERS, IN THE COUNTRY OF PROVENCE: WHERE NOT A FEW PERSONS, BUT WHOLE VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS, WITH THE MOST PART OF ALL THE AFORESAID COUNTRY, BOTH MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, WERE PUT TO ALL KINDS OF CRUELTY, AND SUFFERED MARTYRDOM FOR THE PROFESSION OF THE GOSPEL. They that write of the beginning of this people 2 say, that about two hundred years ago, A.D. 1860, they came out of the country of Piedmont to inhabit in Provence, in certain villages destroyed by wars, and other desert places: wherein they used such labor and diligence, that they had abundance of corn, wine, oils, honey, almonds, with other fruits and commodities of the earth, and much cattle. Before they came thither, Merindol was a barren desert, and not inhabited: but these good people (in whom God always had reserved some little seed of piety), being dispersed and separated from the society of men, were compelled to dwell with beasts in that waste and wild desert, which notwithstanding, through the blessing of God, and their great labor and travail, became exceeding fruitful. Notwithstanding, the world in the mean time so detested and abhorred them, and with all shameful rebukes and contumelies railed against them in such despiteful manner, that it seemed they were not worthy that the earth should bear them: for they of a long continuance and custom had refused the bishop of Rome’s authority, and observed ever a more perfect kind of doctrine than others, delivered unto them from the father to the son, ever since the year of our Lord 1200. For this cause they were often accused and complained of to the king, as contemners and despisers of the magistrates, and as rebels: wherefore they were called by divers names, according to the countries and places where they dwelt. In the country about Lyons, they were called the Poor People of Lyons; in the borders of Sarmatia, and Livonia, and other countries towards the north, they were called Lollards; in Flanders and Artois, Turrelupines, from a desert where wolves did haunt. In Dauphine, with great despite, they were called Chagnards, because they lived in places open to the sun, and without house or harbor. But most commonly they were called Waldois, front Waldo, who first instructed them in the word of God; which name continued until the name of Lutherans came up, which above all others was most hated and. abhorred. Notwithstanding, in all these most spiteful contumelies and slanders, the people dwelling at the foot of the Alps, and also in Merindol and Cabriers, and the quarters thereabouts, always lived so godly, so uprightly, and so justly, that in all their life and conversation there appeared to be in them a great fear of God. That little light of true knowledge which God had given them, they labored by all means to kindle and increase daily more and more, sparing no charges, whether it were to procure books of the holy Scriptures, or to instruct; such as were of the best and most towardly wits in learning and godliness; or else to send them into other countries, yea even to the furthest parts of the earth, where they had heard that any light of the gospel began to shine. For in the year 1530, understanding that the gospel was preached in certain towns of Germany and Switzerland, they sent thither two learned men, that is, Georgius Maurellus, born in Dauphine, a godly preacher of their own, and whom they had of their own charges brought up in learning, and Petrus Latomus 409 , a Burgundian, to confer with the wise and learned ministers of the churches there in the doctrine of the gospel, and to know the whole form and manner which those churches used in the service and worshipping of God: and particularly to have their advice also upon certain points which they were not resolved in. These two, after great conference had with the chiefest in the church of God, namely with Ecolampadius at Basil; at Strasburg, with Bucer and Capito; and at Bern, with Bartholdus Hallerus, as they were returning through Burgundy homeward, Petrus Latomus was taken at Dijon, and east into prison; Maurellus escaped, and returned alone to Merindol, with the books and letters which he brought with him from the churches of Germany; and declared to his brethren all the points of his commission, and opened unto them how many and great errors they were in, into which their old ministers, whom they called Barbes 3 (that is to say, uncles), had brought them, leading them from the right way of true religion. When the people heard this, they were moved with such a zeal to have their churches reformed, that they sent for the most ancient brethren, and the chiefest in knowledge and experience, of all Calabria 4 and Apulia, to consult with them touching the reformation of the church. This matter was so handled, that it stirred up the bishops, priests, and monks, in all Provence, with great rage against them. Amongst others, there was one cruel wretch called John de Roma 410 , a monk, who, obtaining a commission 411 to examine those that were suspected to be of the Waldois or Lutheran profession, forthwith ceased not to afflict the faithful with all kinds of cruelty that he could devise or imagine. Amongst other most horrible torments, this was one which he most delighted in, and most commonly practiced: he filled boots with boiling grease, and put them upon their legs, tying them backward to a form, with their legs hanging down over a small fire; and so he examined them. Thus he tormented very many, and in the end most cruelly put them to death. The first whom he thus tormented were Michelottus Serra 412 and W. Melius, and a number more. Wherefore Francis the French king, being informed of the strange and outrageous cruelty of this hellish monk, sent letters to the high court of Parliament of Provence, that forthwith he should be apprehended, and by form of process and order of law he should be condemned, and advertisement sent unto him with all speed of his condemnation. The monk, being advertised hereof by his friends, conveyed himself to Avignon, where he thought to enjoy the spoilings, which he, like a notorious thief, had gotten by fraud and extortion from the poor Christians: but shortly after, he who had so shamefully spoiled others, was spoiled of all together by his own household servants; whereupon shortly after he fell sick of a most horrible disease, strange and unknown to any physician. So extreme were the pains and torments wherewith he was continually vexed in all his body, that no ointment, no fomentation, nor any thing else, could ease him one minute of an hour: neither was there any man that could tarry near about him, nor yet would any one of his own friends 413 come near to him, so great was the stench that came from him. For this cause he was carried from the Jacobites to a hospital, there to be kept; but the stench and infection so increased, that no man there durst come near him: no, nor he himself was able to abide the horrible stench that issued from his body, full of ulcers and sores, and swarming with vermin, and so rotten, that the flesh fell away from the bones by piecemeal. While he was in these torments and anguish, he cried out oftentimes in great rage, “Oh who will deliver me? who will kill and rid me out of these intolerable pains, which I know I suffer for the evils and oppressions that I have done to the poor men?” And he himself went about divers times to destroy himself, but he had not the power. In these horrible torments and anguish, and fearful despair, this blasphemer and most cruel homicide most miserably ended his unhappy days and cursed life, as a spectacle to all persecutors, receiving a just reward of his cruelty by the just judgment of God. When he was dead, there was no man that would come near him to bury him; but a young novice, newly come to his order, instead of a more honorable sepulture, caught hold with a hook upon his stinking carrion, and drew him into a hole hard by, which was made for him. After the death of this cruel monster, the bishop of Aix 414 , by his official Peironet, continued the persecution, and put a great multitude of them in prison, of whom some by force of torments revolted from the truth; the others who continued constant, after he had condemned them of heresy, were put into the hands of the judge ordinary, who at that time was one Meiranus, a notable cruel persecutor, who, without any form of process or order of law, put such as the official had pronounced to be heretics to death, with most cruel torments; but shortly after he received a just reward of his cruelty in like manner. After the death of the good president Cusinetus, the lord of Revest, being chief president of the parliament of Aix, put many of the faithful to death; who afterwards, being put out of his office, returned to his house of Revest, where he was stricken with such a horrible sickness, that, for the fury and madness which he was in, neither his wife, nor any that were about him, durst come near him; and so he, dying in his fury and rage, was justly plagued for his unmerciful and cruel dealing. After him succeeded Bartholomew Chassanee, likewise a pestilent persecutor, whom God at length struck with a fearful and sudden death. In the time of this tyrant, those of Merindol, in the persons of ten, were cited personally to appear before the king’s attorney. But they, hearing that the court had determined 415 to burn them without day further process or order of law, durst not appear at the day appointed. For this cause the court awarded a cruel sentence against Merindol, and condemned all the inhabitants to be burned, both men and women, sparing none, no not the little children and infants; the town to be rased, and their houses beaten down to the ground; also the trees to be cut down, as well olive-trees as all others, and nothing to be left, to the intent it should never be inhabited again, but remain as a desert or wilderness. This bloody arrest or decree seemed so strange and wonderful, that in every place throughout all Provence there was great reasoning and disputation concerning the same, especially, among the advocates, and men of learning and understanding: insomuch that many durst boldly and openly say, that they greatly marveled how that court of parliament could be so mad, or so bewitched, to give out such an arrest, so manifestly injurious and unjust, and contrary to all right and reason, yea to all sense of humanity; also contrary to the solemn oath which all such as are received to office in courts of parliament are accustomed to make; that is to say, to judge justly and uprightly, according to the law of God, and the just ordinances and laws of the realm, so that God thereby might be honored, and every man’s right regarded, without respect of persons. Some of the advocates or lawyers, defending the said arrest to be just and right, said, that in the case of Lutheranism the judges are not bound to observe either right or reason, law or ordinance; and that the judges cannot fail or do amiss, whatsoever judgment they do give, so that it tend to the ruin and extirpation of all such as are suspected to be Lutherans. To this the other lawyers and learned men answered, that upon their sayings it would ensue, that the judges should now altogether follow the same manner and form, in proceeding against the Christians accused to be Lutherans, which the gospel witnesseth that the priests, scribes, and Pharisees followed in pursuing and persecuting, and finally condemning, our Lord Jesus Christ. By these and such other talks, the said arrest was published throughout the country, and there was no assembly or banquet where it was not disputed or talked of: and namely, within twelve days after the arrest was given out, there was a great banquet in the town of Aix; at which banquet were present M. Bartholomew Chassanee, president, and many other councilors and other noble personages and men of authority. There were also the archbishop of Aries, and the bishop of Aix 416 , 5 with divers ladies and gentlewomen, amongst whom was one who was commonly reported to be the bishop of Aix’s concubine. They were scarce well sat at the table, but she began thus to talk. “My lord president! will you not execute the arrest which is given out of late against the Lutherans of Merindol?” The president answered nothing, feigning that he heard her not. Then a certain nobleman asked of her, what arrest that was? She recited it in manner and form as it was given out, forgetting nothing, as if she had a long time studied to commit the same to memory: whereunto they that were at the banquet gave diligent ear, without any word speaking, until she had ended her tale. Then the lord of Alene, a man fearing God, and of great understanding, said unto her, “Gentlewoman! you have learned this tale either of some who would have it so, or else it is given out by some parliament of women.” Then the lord of Senas, an ancient councilor, said unto him; “No, no, my lord of Alene! it is no tale which you have heard this gentlewoman tell; for it is an arrest given out by a whole senate: and you ought not thus to speak, except you would call the court of Provence a parliament of women.” Then the lord of Alene began to excuse himself, with protestation that he would not speak any thing to blemish the authority of that sovereign court; notwithstanding he could not believe all that which the said gentlewoman had told, that is to say, that all the inhabitants of Merindol were condemned to die by the arrest of the said court of parliament of Provence, and especially the women, and little children and infants; and the town to be rased for the fault of ten or twelve persons, who did not appear before the said court at the day appointed. And the lord de Beaujeu also answered, that he believed not the said court to have given out any such arrest; for that (said he) were a thing most unreasonable, and such as the very Turks, and the greatest tyrants in the world would judge to be a thing most detestable: and he said further, that he had known a long time many of Merindol, who seemed unto him to be men of great honesty: and my lord president (said he) can certify us well what is done in this matter, for we ought not to give credit unto women’s tales. Then the gentlewoman who had rehearsed the arrest, stayed not to hear the president’s answer, but suddenly looking upon the bishop of Aix, said, “I should greatly have marveled, if there had been none in all this company who would defend these wicked men.” And lifting up her eyes to heaven, in a great womanly chafe and fume, she said, “Would to God that all the Lutherans who are in Provence, yea, and in all France, had horns growing on their foreheads; then we should see a goodly many of horns!” To whom the lord de Beaujeu suddenly answered, saying, “Would to God that all priests’ harlots should chatter like pies!” Then said the gentlewoman, “Ha! my lord de Beaujeu, you ought not so to speak against our holy mother the church, for that there was never dog that barked against the crucifix, but he waxed mad;” whereat the bishop of Aix laughed, and clapping the gentlewoman on the shoulder, said, “By my holy orders, my minion 417 ! well said; I con you thank. She hath talked well unto you, my lord de Beaujeu: remember well the lesson that she hath given you.” Here the lord de Beaujeu, being wholly moved with anger, said, “I care neither for her school nor yours, for it would be long before a man should learn of either of you either any honesty or honor. For if I should say, that the most part of the bishops and priests are abominable adulterers, blind idolaters, deceivers, thieves, seducers, I should not speak against the holy church, but against a heap and flock of wolves, dogs, and filthy swine. In speaking these things I should think a man not to be mad at all, except he be mad for speaking of the truth 418 .” Then the archbishop in a great fury answered, “My lord de Beaujeu, you speak very evil, and you must give account, when time and place serveth, of this your talk, which you have here uttered against the churchmen.” “I would,” said the lord de Beaujeu, “that it were to do even this present day, and I would bind myself to prove more abuses and haughtiness in priests than I have yet spoken.” Then said the president Chassanee, “My lord de Beaujeu, let us leave of this talk, and live as our fathers have done, and maintain their honor.” Then said he in great anger, “I am no priest’s son, to maintain their wickedness and abuse:” and afterward he said, “I am well content to honor all true pastors of the church, and will not blame them that show good example in their doctrine and living; but I demand of you, my lord of Arles! and of you, my lord of Aix! when our Lord Christ Jesus called the priests, deceiving hypocrites, blind seducers, robbers, and thieves, did he them any outrage or wrong?” And they answered, “No; for the most part of them were such men.” Then said the lord de Beaujeu, “Even so is it with the bishops and priests whom I have spoken of, for they are such kind of men, or rather worse; and I so abhor their filthy and abominable life, that I dare not speak the one half of that which I know; and therefore in speaking the truth, to cool the babbling of a harlot, I do them no injury.” The Monsieur de Senas, an ancient councilor, said, “Let us leave off this contentious talk, for we are here assembled and come together to make good cheer.” 7 And afterwards he said, “M. de Beauvieu! for the love and amity which I do bear unto you, I will advertise you of three things, which, if’ you will do, you shall find great ease therein. The first is, that you, neither by word nor deed, aid or assist those that you hear to be Lutherans, Secondly, that you do not intermeddle openly to reprove ladies and gentlewomen for their pastime and pleasures. Thirdly, that you do never speak against the life and living of priests, how wicked soever it be, according to this saying, ‘Do not touch mine anointed.’” To whom M. de Beaujeu answered, “As touching the first point, I know no Lutherans, neither what is meant by this word Lutheranism, except you do call those Lutherans, who profess the doctrine of the gospel; neither yet will I ever allow any arrest which shall be given out to death against, men, whose cause hath not been heard, especially against women and young infants: and I am assured, that there is no court of parliament in all France, which will approve or allow of any such arrest. And whereas you say, that I should not meddle to reprove ladies and gentlewomen, if I knew any kinswoman of mine, who would abandon herself unto a priest or clerk, yea, albeit he were a cardinal or bishop, I would not do her so much honor as to rebuke her there-for, but at least I would cut off her nose. And as touching priests, as I am contented not to meddle with their business, so likewise I will not that they meddle with mine hereafter, or come from henceforth within mine house; for as many as I shall find or take there, I will set their crowns so near their shoulders, that they shall need no more to wear any hoods about their necks.” The like also said the president Chassanee. Then the bishop of Aix’s sweetheart, who had begun the quarrel, said, “I shall not be in quiet, except I speak yet one word more unto M. de Beaujeu.” “Do you think,” said she unto him, “that all the cardinals, bishops, abbots, priests, and all those holy religious men, who go oftentimes to gentlemen’s houses, and haunt the castles and palaces of princes and noblemen, go thither to commit wickedness? Also you must not think evil of all those ladies and gentlewomen that go to bishops’ houses of devotion, and to reveal those whom they know to be Lutherans, as it was commanded in the pulpit upon pain of excommunication. If so be you will maintain those words, I will not cease to accuse you of crime, and also of treason both to God and man; for here be those in this company, who shall make you give an account thereof.” 8 She had not so soon ended her talk, but M. de Beaujeu said unto her, “Avaunt, O Herodias, thou filthy and impudent ‘harlot! is it thy part to open thy mouth to talk in this company? Dost thou well understand and know what treason to God and man meaneth? Is it not sufficient for thee to be as thou art, but thou must solicit others to shed innocent blood?” With these words the gentlewoman was somewhat amazed. All men thought that this talk had been at an end, and every man began to invent some merry communication, that the former matter should be no more talked of. At last the gentlewoman, advising herself, and thinking that she was too much injured, in that it was said that she went about to shed innocent blood, brake off all their talk, and with a loud voice said, “Monsieur de Beaujeu, if I were a man, as I am a woman, I would offer you the combat, to prove that I am no such manner of woman as you say I am, that I desire to shed innocent blood. Do you call the blood of these wicked men of Merindol, innocent blood? True it is, that I desire and offer with my whole power, that these naughty packs of Merindol, and such as they are, should be slain and destroyed, from the greatest even unto the least. And to see the beginning of this work, I have employed all my credit, and all my friends, and do spare neither body nor goods to work the ruin and destruction of these people, and to rase out and to deface their memory from amongst men. Do you then, Monsieur de Beaujeu, call the slaughter of these Lutherans the effusion of innocent blood? And say you what you will, I will not refrain for no man living, to go either by day either by night unto the houses of bishops, in all honesty 9 and honor, for the devotion which I bear unto our holy mother 10 the church, and also I will receive into my house all religious men, to consult and devise the means how to put these Lutherans to death.” But as Monsieur de Beaujeu took no more regard unto her talk, so likewise all that were at the table dispraised her, and were weary of her prating. Then there was a certain young gentleman, who, merrily jesting said unto her, “Gentlewoman! it must needs be that these poor people, unto whom you do wish this cruel death, have done you some great displeasure.” “Then,” said she, “I may well take an oath, that I never knew one of these wretched people, neither (that I wot of) ever saw any of them; and I had rather to meet ten devils than one of those naughty knaves, for their opinions are so detestable, that happy and blessed are they that never heard tell of them. 11 And I was not then well advised at what time by curiosity, I, seeing the bishop of Aix so much troubled and angry that he could neither eat nor drink, did desire him and constrain him to tell me the cause thereof. Then he, perceiving that I would not be well contented if he should not tell me, declared unto me some part of the cause, that is to say, that there were certain heretics, who spoke against our holy mother the church, and among other errors they maintained, yea, to death, that all bishops, priests, and pastors, ought to be married, or else they should be basely handled: 12 and hearing this I was marvelously offended, and ever since I did hate them to the death. And also it was enjoined unto me by penance, that I should endeavor with all my power to put these heretics to death.” After these frivolous talks, there was great trouble and debate amongst them, and many threatenings, which were too long here to describe. Then the president Chassanee and the councilors 419 and the gentlemen departed and went their ways, hither and thither. The archbishop of Aries, the bishop of Aix, and divers abbots, priors 420 , and others, assembled themselves together, 13 to consult how this arrest might be executed with all speed, intending to raise a new persecution, greater than that of John de Roma, the Jacobite monk: “for otherwise,” said they, “our state and honor is like to decay; we shall be reproved, contemned, and derided of all men. And if none should thus vaunt and set themselves against us but these peasants, and such like, it were but a small matter; but many doctors of divinity and men of the religious order, divers senators and advocates, many wise and well learned men, also a great part of the nobility (if we may so say), and that of great renown, yea, even of the chiefest peers in all Europe, begin to contemn and despise us, counting us to be no true pastors of the church; so that except we see to this mischief, and provide for remedy betimes, it is greatly to be feared, lest not only we shall be compelled to forsake our dignities, possessions, and livings, which we now wealthily enjoy; but also the church, being spoiled of her pastors and guides, shall hereafter come to miserable ruin, and utter desolation. 14 This matter therefore now requireth great dililence and circumspection, and that with all celerity.” Then the archbishop of Arles, not forgetting his Spanish subtleties 421 and policies gave his advice as followeth: Against the nobility we must take heed that we attempt nothing rashly, but rather we must seek all the means we can how to please them; for they are our shield, our fortress, and defense. And albeit we know that many of them do both speak and think evil of us, and that they are of these new gospellers, yet may we not reprove them, to exasperate them, in any case; but seeing they are too much bent against us already, we must rather seek how to win them, and to make them our friends again by gifts and presents: and by this policy we shall live in safety under their protection. But if we enterprise any thing against them, sure we are to gain nothing thereby, as we are by experience already sufficiently taught. The bishop of Aix then answered, - It is well said, but I can show you a good remedy for this disease: we must go about with all our endeavor, and power, and policy, and all the friends we can make, sparing no charges, but spending goods, wealth, and treasure, to make such a slaughter of the Merindolians and rustical peasants, that none shall be so bold hereafter, whatsoever they be, yea, although they be of the blood royal, once to open their mouths against us or the ecclesiastical state. And to bring this matter to pass, we have no better way than to withdraw ourselves to Avignon, in which city we shall find many bishops, abbots, and other famous men, who will with us employ their whole endeavor to maintain and uphold the majesty of our holy mother the church. This counsel was well liked of them all. Whereupon the said archbishop of Aries, and the bishop of Aix, went with all speed to Avignon, there to assemble out of hand the bishops and other men of authority and credit, to treat of this matter. In this pestilent conspiracy, the bishop of Aix, a stout champion and a great defender of the traditions of men, taking upon him to be the chief orator, began in a manner as followeth: AN ORATION OF CATALINE, THAT IS, THE ORATION OF THE BISHOP OF AIX, SEDITIOUS AND BLOODY. O ye fathers and brethren! ye are not ignorant that a great tempest is raised up against the little bark of Christ Jesus, now in great danger and ready to perish. The storm cometh from the north, wherefrom all these troubles proceed. The seas rage, the waters rush in on every side, the winds blow and heat upon our house, and we, without speedy remedy, are like to sustain shipwreck and loss of all together. For oblations 16 cease, pilgrimage 17 and devotion wax cold, charity 18 is clean gone, our estimation 19 and authority is debased, our jurisdiction 20 decayed, and the ordinances 21 of the church despised. And wherefore are we set and ordained over nations and kingdoms, but to root out and destroy, to subvert and overthrow, whatsoever is against our holy mother the church? Wherefore let us now awake, let us stand stoutly in the right of our own possession, that we may root out from the memory of men for ever, the whole rout of the wicked Lutherans: those foxes (I say) who destroy the vineyard of the Lord; those great whales which go about to drown the little bark of the Son of God. We have already well begun, and have procured a terrible arrest against these cursed heretics of Merindol: now then resteth no more, but only the same to be put in execution. Let us therefore employ our whole endeavor, that nothing happen which may let or hinder what we have so happily begun; and let us take good heed that our gold and silver do not witness against us at the day of judgment, if we refuse to bestow the same, that we may make so good a sacrifice unto God. 22 And for my part I offer to wage and furnish of mine own costs and charges a hundred men well horsed, with all other furniture to them belonging; and that so long, until the utter destruction and subversion of these wretched and cursed caitiffs be fully performed and finished.’ This oration pleased the whole multitude, saving one doctor of divinity, a friar Jacobite, named Bassinet 422 , who then answered again with this oration. AN ORATION OF BASSINET, IN REPLY TO THE BISHOP OF AIX. This is a weighty matter and of great importance; we must therefore proceed wisely, and in the fear of God, and beware that we do nothing rashly. For if we seek the death and destruction of these poor and miserable people wrongfully, when the king and the nobility shall hear of such a horrible slaughter, we shall be in great danger lest they do to us, as we read in the Scriptures was done to the priests of Baal. For my part I must say, and unfeignedly confess, that I have too rashly and lightly signed many processes against those who have been accused of heretical doctrine: but now I do protest before God, who seeth and knoweth the hearts of men, that seeing the lamentable end and effect of mine assignments, I have had no quietness in my conscience, considering that the secular judges, at the report of the judgment and sentence given by me and other doctors my companions, have condemned all those unto most cruel death, whom we have adjudged to be heretics. And the cause why in conscience I am thus disquieted, is this; that now of late, since I have given myself more diligently to the reading and contemplation of the holy Scriptures, I have perceived that the most part of those articles, which they that are called Lutherans do maintain, are so conformable and agreeing to the Scriptures, that for my part I can no longer gainsay them, except I should even willfully and maliciously resist and strive against the holy ordinances of God. Albeit hitherto, to maintain the honor of our holy mother the church, and of our holy father the pope, and of our orders, I have consented to the opinions and doings of other doctors, as well through ignorance, as also because I would not seem to attempt any thing against the, will and pleasure of the prelates and vicars general: but now it seemeth unto me, that we ought not any more to proceed in this matter, as we have done in time past. It will be sufficient to punish them with fines, or to banish them, that shall speak too intemperately and rashly against the constitutions of the church and of the pope; and such as shall be manifestly convicted by the holy Scriptures to be blasphemous or obstinate heretics, to be condemned to death according to the enormity of their crimes or errors, or else to perpetual prison. And this my advice and counsel I desire you to take in good part. With this counsel of Bassinet all the company were offended, but especially the bishop of Aix, who, lifting up his voice above all the rest, said thus unto him; “O thou man of little faith! whereof art thou in doubt? dost thou repent thee of that thou hast well done? Thou hast told here a tale, that smelleth of faggots and brimstone. Is there any difference, thinkest thou, between heresies and blasphemies spoken and maintained against the holy Scriptures, and opinions holden against our holy mother the church, and contrary to our holy father the pope, a most undoubted and true God on earth? ‘Art thou a master in Israel, and knowest; not these things?’” Then said the archbishop of Aries, “Could any man entreat better of the little bark of Christ Jesus, than my lord of Aix hath done?” Then stood up Bassinet again, and made this oration: ANOTHER ORATION OF BASSINET. It is true that my lord, the bishop of Aix, hath very well set out the manners add state of the clergy, and hath aptly reproved the vices and heresies of this present time: and therefore, as soon as mention was made of the ship of Christ Jesus, it came into my mind first of all, of the high bishop of Jerusalem, the priests, the doctors of the law, the scribes and Pharisees, who sometime had the governance of this ship, being ordained pastors, in. the church, of God: but when they forsook the law of God, and served him with men s inventions and traditions, he destroyed those hypocrites in his great indignation; and having compassion and pity upon the people that were like sheep without a shepherd, he sent diligent fishers to fish for men, faithful workmen into his harvest, and laborers into his vineyard, who shall all bring forth true fruits in their season Secondly, considering the purpose and intent of the reverend lord bishop of Aix, I called to mind the saying of the apostle [1 Timothy 4], that in. the latter day some shall fall away from the faith, following after deceitful spirits, and the doctrine of devils. And the apostle giveth a mark whereby a man shall know them. Likewise our Lord Jesus Christ saith [Matthew 7], that the false prophets shall come clothed in sheep-skins, but inwardly they are ravening wolves, and by their fruits they shall be known. By these two, and divers such other places, it is easy to understand, who are they that go about to drown this little bark of Christ. Are they not those who fill the same with filthy and unclean things, with mire and dirt, with puddle and stinking water? are they not those who have forsaken Jesus Christ, the fountain of living water, and have digged unto themselves pits or cisterns which will hold no water? Truly even those they are, who vaunt themselves to be the salt of earth, and yet have no savor at all; who call themselves pastors, and yet are much less than true pastors, for they minister not unto the sheep the true pasture and feeding, neither divide and distribute the true bread of the word of life. And (if I may be bold to speak it) would it not be at this present as great a wonder to hear a bishop preach, as to see an ass fly? Are not they accursed of God, who glory and vaunt themselves to have the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and neither enter in themselves, nor suffer them that would enter, to come in? They may be known right well by their fruits; for they have forsaken faith, judgment, and mercy; and there is no honest, clean, or undefiled thing in them but their habit, their rochet, and their surplice, and such things. Outwardly they are exceeding neat and trim, but within they are full of all abomination, rapine, gluttony, filthy lust, and all manner of uncleanness; they are like painted sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful and fair, but within they are full of filth and corruption. A man shall know (I say) these ravening wolves by their fruits, who devour the quick and the dead under the pretense of long prayer. And forasmuch as I am enforced to give place to the truth, and that you call me a master in Israel, I will not be afraid to prove by the holy Scriptures, that your great pilot and patron the pope, and the bishops the mariners, and such others, who impudently forsake the ship of Christ Jesus, to embark themselves in pinnaces and brigandines, are pirates and robbers of the sea, false prophets, deceivers, and not true pastors of the church of Jesus Christ. When Dr. Bassinet had thus freely and boldly uttered his mind. the whole multitude began to gather about him, and spitefully railed at him; but the bishop of Aix, above others, raging and crying out as he had been mad, “Get thee out,” said he, “from amongst us, thou wicked apostate! thou art not worthy to be in this company. We have burned daily a great many who have not so well deserved it, as thou hast. We may now perceive, that there is none more steadfast and fervent in the faith than the doctors of the canon law: and therefore it were necessary to be decreed in the next general council, that none should have to do in matters of religion but they alone: for these knaves, and beggarly monks and friars, will bring all to nought.” Then the other doctors of the same order boldly reproved the bishop of Aix for the injury he had done unto them. After this there arose a great dissension amongst them, insomuch that there was nothing at that time determined. After dinner all these reverend prelates assembled together again, but they suffered neither friar nor monk to be amongst them, except he were an abbot. In this assembly they made a general composition, confirmed with an oath, that every man should endeavor himself that the said arrest of Merindol should be executed with all expedition, every man offering to furnish out men of war, according to his ability. The charge thereof was given to the bishop of Aix, and to the president of the canons 423 , to solicit the matter, and to persuade by all means possible the presidents and councilors of the said court of parliament, without fear or doubt, to execute the said arrest with drums, ensigns displayed, artillery, and all kind of furniture of war. This conspiracy being concluded and determined, the bishop of Aix departed incontinent from Avignon, to go unto Aix, to perform the charge which was given to him. Notwithstanding they desired him to be, the next day after the council was holden, at a banquet which should be made at the house of the bishop of Rieux 424 . To this banquet such as were known to be the fairest and most beautiful women in all Avignon were called, to refresh and solace these good prelates, after the great pains and travail which they had taken for our holy mother the church. After they had dined, they fell to dancing, playing at dice, and such other pastimes as are commonly wont to be frequented at the banquets and feasts of these holy prelates. After this they walked abroad to solace themselves, and to pass the time till supper. As they passed 425 through the streets, every one leading his minion upon his arm, they saw a man who sold base images and pictures, with filthy rhymes and ballads annexed to the same, to move and stir up the people to whoredom and knavery. All these goodly pictures were bought up by the bishops, which were as many as a mule could well carry; 23 and if there were any obscure sentence 426 , or hard to understand in those rhymes or ballads, the same these learned prelates did readily expound, and laughed pleasantly thereat. In the same place, as they walked along, there was a foreign bookseller, who had set out to sale certain Bibles in French and Latin, with divers other books; which when the prelates beheld, they were greatly moved thereat, and said unto him, “Darest thou be so hardy to set out such merchandise to sell here in this town? dost thou not know that such books are forbidden?” The bookseller answered, “Is not the holy Bible as good as these goodly pictures, which you have bought for these gentlewomen?” He had scarce spoken these words, but the bishop of Aix said, “I renounce my part of paradise, if this fellow be not a Lutheran!” “Let him be taken,” said he, “and examined what he is.” And incontinently the bookseller was taken and carried unto prison, and spitefully handled; for a company of knaves and ruffians, who waited upon the prelates, began to cry out, “A Lutheran! a Lutheran!” “To the fire with him! to the fire with him!” And one gave him a blow with his fist, another pulled him by the hair, and others by the beard, in such sort that the poor man was all imbrued with blood before he came to prison. The morrow after he was brought before the judges in the presence of the bishops, where he was examined in this form as followeth: “Hast thou not set forth to sale the Bible and the New Testament in French?” The prisoner answered, that he had so done. And being demanded, whether he understood or knew not, that it was forbidden throughout all Christendom to print or sell the Bible in any other language than in Latin? he answered, that he knew the contrary, and that he had sold 427 many Bibles in the French tongue, with the emperor’s privilege, and many others printed at Lyons; also New Testaments imprinted by the king’s privilege. Furthermore, he said, that he knew no nation throughout all Christendom, which had not the holy Scriptures in their vulgar tongue: and afterwards, with a bold courage, thus he spoke unto them: O you inhabitants of Avignon! are you alone in all Christendom those men who do despise and abhor the Testament of the heavenly Father! Will ye forbid and hide that which Jesus Christ hath commanded to be revealed and published? Do you not know that our Lord Jesus Christ gave power unto his apostles to speak all manner of tongues, to this end, that his holy gospel should be taught unto all creatures in every language? And why do you not forbid those books and pictures, which are full of filthiness and abomination to move and stir up the people to crimes and to uncleanness, and to provoke God’s vengeance and great indignation upon you all? What greater blasphemy can there be, than to forbid God’s most holy books, which he ordained to instruct the ignorant, and to reduce and bring again into the way such as are gone astray? What cruelty is this, to take away from the poor silly souls their nourishment and sustenance? But, my lords! you shall give a heavy account, who call sweet sour, and sour sweet, who maintain abominable and detestable books and pictures, and reject that which is holy. Then the bishop of Aix and the other bishops began to rage, and gnash their teeth against this poor prisoner. “What need you,” said they, “any more examination? let him be sent straight unto the fire, without any more words.” But the judge Laberius and certain others were not of that mind, neither found they sufficient cause why to put him to death; but went about to have him put to his fine, and to make him confess and acknowledge the bishop of Aix, and others his companions, to be the true pastors of the church. But the bookseller answered, that he could not do it with a good conscience, forasmuch as he did see before his eyes, that these bishops main-rained filthy books and abominable pictures, rejecting and refusing the holy books of God; and therefore he judged them rather to be the priests of Bacchus and Venus, than the true pastors of the church of Christ. Hereupon he was immediately condemned to be burned, and the sentence was executed the very same day; and for a sign or token of the cause of his condemnation, he carried two Bibles hanging about his neck, the one before, and the other behind him: but this poor man had also the word of God in his heart, and in his mouth, and ceased not continually by the way, until he came to the place of execution, to exhort and admonish the people to read the holy Scriptures; insomuch that divers were thereby moved to seek after the truth. The prelates, seeing a great dissension among the people of Avignon, and that many murmured and grudged against them for the death of this good man, and also for the dishonor which they had done unto the holy Testament of God, minding to put the people in fear, proceeded the next day to make a proclamation by the sound of a trumpet throughout the town of Venasque 428 and the whole Venaissin, that all such as had any books in the French tongue, intreating upon the holy Scriptures, should bring them forth, and deliver them into the hands of the commissioners appointed for that purpose: contrariwise they who had any such books found about them, should be put to death. Then, after these prelates had taken advice to raise great persecution in the Venaissin 429 , the bishop of Aix returned to prosecute the execution of the arrest against Merindol, travailing earnestly with the president Chassanee to that effect; declaring unto him the good-will of the prelates in Avignon and Provence, and the great affection they bare both to him and his, with many fair promises if he would put the arrest in execution. The president answered him, that it was no small matter to put the arrest of Merindol in execution; also that the said arrest was given out more to keep the Lutherans in fear, who were in great numbers in Provence, than to execute it in effect, as it was contained in the said arrest. Moreover, he said, that the arrest of Merindol was not definitive, and that the laws and statutes of the realm did not permit the execution thereof without further process. Then said the bishop, “If there be either law or statute which do hinder or let you, we carry in our sleeves to dispense therewithal.” The president answered, “It were a great sin to shed the innocent blood.” Then said the bishop, “The blood of them of Merindol be upon us, and upon our successors.” (Matthew 27:25) Then said the president, “I am very well assured that if the arrest of Merindol be put in execution, the king will not be well pleased to have such destruction made of his subjects.” Then said the bishop, “Although the king at first do think it evil done, we will so bring it to pass, that within a short space he shall think it well done; for we have the cardinals on our side, and especially the most reverend cardinal of Tournon 430 , who will take upon him the defense of our cause; and we can do him no greater pleasure, than utterly to root out these Lutherans: so that if we have any need of his counsel or aid, we shall be well assured of him. And is not he the principal, the most excellent and prudent adversary of these Lutherans, that is in all Christendom?” By this and such other like talk the bishop of Aix persuaded the president and councilors of the court of parliament, to put the said arrest in execution, and by this means, through the authority of the said court, the drum was sounded through all Provence, the captains were prepared with their ensigns displayed, and a great number of footmen and horsemen began to set forward, and marched out of the city of Aix in order of battle, well horsed and furnished, against Merindol, to execute the arrest. The inhabitants of Merindol, being advertised hereof, and seeing nothing but present death to be at hand, with great lamentation commended themselves and their cause unto God by prayer, making themselves ready to be murdered and slain, as sheep led unto the butchery. Whilst they were in this grievous distress, piteously mourning and lamenting together, the father with the son, the daughter with the mother, the wife with the husband, suddenly there was news brought unto them, that the army was retired, and no man knew at that time how, or by what means; yet notwithstanding afterwards it was known, that the lord of Alene, a wise man, and learned in the Scriptures, and in the civil law, being moved with great zeal and love of justice, declared unto the president Chassanee, that he ought not so to proceed against the inhabitants of Merindol by way of force of arms, contrary to all form and order of justice, without judgment or condemnation, or without making any difference between the guilty and the not guilty. And furthermore he said: I desire you, my lord president! call to remembrance the counsel which you have written in your book entitled Catalogus Gloriae Mundi, in which book you have treated of and brought forth the processes which were holden against the rats, by the officers of the court and jurisdiction of the bishop of Autun. For as it happened, there was almost throughout all the bailiwick of Laussois such a great number of rats, that they destroyed and devoured all the corn of the country: whereupon they took counsel to send unto the bishop of Autun’s official, to have the rats excommunicated. Whereupon it was ordained and decreed by the said official, after he had heard the plaintiff of the procurator-fiscal, that before he would proceed to excommunication, they should have admonition and warning according to the order of justice. For this cause it was ordained, that by the sound of a trumpet, and open proclamation made throughout all the streets of the town of Autun, the rats should be cited to appear within three days; and if they did not appear, then to proceed against them. The three days were passed, and the procurator came into the court against the rats, and for lack of appearance obtained default, by virtue whereof he required that they would proceed to the excommunication; whereupon it was judicially acknowledged that the said rats, being absent, should have their advocate appointed them to hear their defense, forasmuch as the question was for the whole destruction and banishing of the said rats. And you, my lord president! being at that time the king’s advocate at Autun, were then chosen to be the advocate to defend the rats; and having taken the charge upon you in pleading the matter, it was by you there declared, that the citation was of no effect, for certain causes and reasons by you there alleged. Then it was decreed, that the said rats should be once again cited throughout the parishes where they were. Then after the citations were duly served, the procurator came again into the court as before; and there it was alleged by you, my lord president! how that the term of appearance given unto the rats was too short, and that there were so many cats in every town and village which they should pass through, that they had just cause to be absent. Wherefore, my lord president! you ought not so lightly to proceed against these poor men, but you ought to look upon the holy Scriptures, and there you shall find how you ought to proceed in this matter. And you, my lord! have alleged many places of the Scripture concerning the same, as appeareth more at large in your said book; and by this plea of a matter which seemeth to be but of small importance, you have obtained great fame and honor, for the upright declaration of the manner and form how judges ought gravely to proceed in criminal causes. Then, my lord president! you who have taught others, will you not also learn by your own books? which will manifestly condemn you, if you proceed any further to the destruction of these poor men of Merindol: for are they not Christian men, and ought you not as well to minister right and justice unto them, as you have done to the rats? By these and such like demonstrations the president was persuaded, and immediately called back his commission which he had given out, and caused the army to retire, which was already come near unto Merindol, even within a mile and a half. Then the Merindolians, understanding that the army was retired, gave thanks unto God, comforting one another, with admonition and exhortation always to have the fear of God before their eyes, to be obedient unto his holy commandments, subject to his most holy will, and every man to submit himself unto his providence; patiently attending and looking for the hope of the blessed, that is to say, the true life, and the everlasting riches, having always before their eyes, for example, our Lord Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, who hath entered into his glory by many tribulations. Thus the Merindolians prepared themselves to endure and abide all the afflictions that it should please God to lay upon them; and such was their answer to all those that either pitied them, or else sought their destruction: whereupon the bruit and noise was so great, as well of the arrest, as of the enterprise of the execution, and also of the patience and constancy of the Merindolians, that it was not hidden or kept secret from king Francis I., a king of noble courage and great judgment; who gave commandment unto the noble and virtuous lord, M. de Langeay 431 , who then was his lieutenant in Turin, a city in Piedmont, that he should diligently inquire and search out the truth of all this matter. Whereupon the said M. de Langeay sent unto Provence two men of fame and estimation, giving them in charge to bring unto him the copy of the arrest, and diligently to inquire out all that followed and ensued thereupon; and likewise to make diligent inquisition of the life and manners of the said Merindolians and others, who were persecuted in the country of Provence. These deputies brought the copy of the arrest, and of all that happened thereupon, unto the said M. de Langeay, declaring unto him the great injuries, pollings, extortions, exactions, tyrannies, and cruelties, which the judges, as well secular as ecclesiastical, used against them of Merindol, and others. As touching the behavior and disposition of those who were persecuted, they reported, that the most part of the men of Provence affirmed them to be men given to great labor and travail; and that about two hundred years past (as it is reported) they came out of the country of Piedmont to dwell in Provence, and took to tillage, and to inhabit many hamlets and villages destroyed by the wars, and other desert and waste places; these they had so well occupied, that now there was great store of wines, oils, honey, and cattle, wherewith strangers were greatly relieved and holpen. Besides that, before they came into the country to dwell, the place of Merindol was taxed but at four crowns, which before the last destruction paid yearly unto the lord, for taxes and tallages, above three hundred and fifty crowns, beside other charges. The like was also reported of Lormarin, and divers other places of Provence; whereas there was nothing but robbery before they came to inhabit there, so that none could pass that way but in great danger. Moreover, they of the country of Provence affirmed, that the inhabitants of Merindol, and the others that were persecuted, were peaceable and quiet people, beloved of all their neighbors, men of good behavior, constant in keeping their promise, and paying their debts without traversing or pleading of the law: that they were also charitable men, giving alms, relieving the poor, and that they suffered none amongst them to lack, or be in necessity. Also they gave alms to strangers, and to the poor passengers, harboring, nourishing and helping them in all their necessities, according to their power. Moreover, that they were known by this, throughout all the country of Provence, that they would not swear, nor name the devil, nor easily be brought to take an oath, except it were in judgment, nor making some solemn covenant. They were also known by this, that they could never be moved nor provoked to talk of any dishonest matters; but in what company soever they came, where they heard any wanton talk, swearing, or blasphemy, to the dishonor of God, they straightway departed out of that company. Also they said, that they never saw them go to their business, but first they made their prayers. The said people of Provence furthermore affirmed, that when they came to any. fairs or markets, or came to their cities by any occasion, they never in a manner were seen in their churches; and if they were, when they prayed they tamed away their faces from the images, and neither offered candles to them,, nor kissed their feet; neither would they worship the relics of saints, nor once look upon them. And moreover, if they passed by any cross or image of the crucifix, or any other saint by the way, as they went, they would do no reverence unto them. Also the priests did testify, that they never caused them to say any masses, neither diriges, ‘ Libera me’ 432 or ‘De profundis,’ neither would they take any holy water; and if it were carried home unto their houses, they would not say once ‘ Gramercy 433 ,’ yea they seemed utterly to abhor it. To go on pilgrimage, to make any vows to saints, to buy pardons or remission of sins with money, yea, though it might be gotten for a halfpenny, they thought it not lawful. Likewise when it thundered or lightened, they would not cross themselves, but casting up their eyes to heaven fetch deep sighs; and some of them would kneel down and pray, without blessing themselves with the sign of the cross, or taking of holy water. Also they were never seen to offer, or cast into the bason any thing for the maintenance of lights, brotherhoods, churches, or to give any offering either for the quick or the dead. But if any were in affliction or poverty, those they relieved gladly, and thought nothing too much. This was the whole tenor of the report made unto Monsieur de Langeay, touching the life and behavior of the inhabitants of Merindol, and the other who were persecuted: he was also informed 434 as touching the arrest, and that which ensued thereupon. Of all those things the said Monsieur de Langeay, according to the charge that was given him, advertised the king, who, understanding these things, as a good prince moved with mercy and pity, sent letters of grace and pardon, not only for those who were condemned for lack of appearance, but also for all the rest of the country of Provence, who were accused and suspected in like case; expressly charging and commanding the said parliament, that they should not hereafter proceed so rigorously as they had done before against this people; but if there were any that could be found or proved by sufficient information to have swerved from the Christian religion, that then he should have good demonstration 435 made unto him by the word of God, both out of the Old and of the New Testament: and so, by the sword of the word applied with gentleness 436 he should be reduced again unto the church of Christ. Declaring also, that the king’s pleasure was, that all such as should be convict of heresy in manner aforesaid, should abjure; forbidding also all manner of persons, of what estate or condition soever they were, to attempt any thing against them of Merindol, or other that were persecuted, by any other manner of means, or to molest or trouble them in person or goods: revoking and disannulling all manner of sentences and condemnations of what judges soever they were, and commanding to set at liberty all prisoners who either were accused or suspected of Lutheranism. By virtue of these letters they were now permitted to declare their cause, and to say what they could in defense thereof; whereupon they made a confession of their faith, the effect whereof you shall see in the end of the story. This confession 437 was presented first to the court of parliament; and afterwards being declared more at large, with articles also annexed thereunto, it was delivered to the bishop of Cavaillon, who required the same. Also to cardinal Sadolet 438 , bishop of Carpentras, with the like articles, and also a supplication to this effect: SUPPLICATION OF THE INHABITANTS OF CABRIERS. The inhabitants of Cabriers, in the country of the Venaissin 439 , most humbly desired him, that he would vouchsafe to receive and read the confession and declaration of their faith and doctrine,24 in the which they, and also their fathers before them, had been of a long time instructed and taught, which they were persuaded to be agreeable to the doctrine contained in the Old and New Testament. And because he was learned in the holy Scriptures, they desired him that he would mark: such articles as he thought to be against the Scriptures; and if he should make it to appear unto them, that there was any thing contrary to the same, they would not only submit themselves to abjuration, but also to suffer such punishment as should be adjudged unto them, even to the loss, not only of all that they had, but also of their lives. And moreover, if there were any judge in all the country of the Venaissin, who by good and sufficient information should be able to charge them that they had holden any erroneous doctrine, or maintained any other religion than was contained in the articles of their Confession, they desired, him that he wood communicate the same unto them; and with all obedience they offered themselves to whatsoever should be thought just and reasonable. Upon this request cardinal Sadolet answered by Ins letters written by his secretary, and signed with his own hand, the tenor whereof here ensueth. THE ANSWER OF CARDINAL SADOLET. I have seen your request, and have read the articles of your Confession, wherein there is much matter contained; and do not understand that you are accused for any other doctrine, but for the very same which you have confessed. It is most true, that many have reported divers things of you worthy of reproof, which, after diligent inquiry made, we have found to be nothing else but false reports and slanders. As touching the rest of your articles, it seemeth unto me, that there are many words therein which might well be changed without prejudice unto your Confession: and likewise it seemeth to me, that it is not necessary that you should speak so manifestly against the pastors of the church. For my part, I desire your welfare, and would be sorry that you should be so spoiled or destroyed, as they do intend. And to the end you shall the better understand my amity and friendship towards you, shortly I will be at my house by Cabrriers, whither ye may resort unto me either in greater or smaller numbers, as you will, and return safely without any hurt or damage; and there will advertise you of all things that I think meet for your profit and health. About this time, which was A.D. 1542, the vine-legate of Avignon assembled a great number of men of war, at the suit of the bishop of Cavaillon 440 , to destroy Cabriers. When the army was come within a mile of Cabriers, the cardinal Sadolet went with speed to the vice-legate, and showed him the request of the inhabitants of Cabriers, with the articles of their Confession, and the offers that they made; so that for that present the army retired, without any hurt or damage done unto the inhabitants of Cabriers. After this, the cardinal Sadolet went unto Rome; but before his departure he sent for divers of Cabriers, and certain farmers of his own, whom he knew to be of the number of those who were called Lutherans, and told them that he would have them in remembrance as soon as he came to Rome, and communicate their articles and confession unto the cardinals, trusting to find a mean to have some good reformation, that God should be thereby glorified, and all Christendom brought to unity and concord; at least, nothing at all doubting but that the foulest abuses should be corrected and amended: advertising them in the mean time to be wise and circumspect, to watch and pray, for that they had many enemies. With this oration of cardinal Sadolet, they of Cabriers were greatly comforted, trusting that at the suit of cardinal Sadolet they should have answer of their confession: but at his return, they understood that he found all things so corrupt at Rome, that there was no hope of any reformation there to be had, but rather mortal war against all such as would not live according to the ordinances of the church of Rome. Likewise said the treasurer of Carpentras, who albeit he payed out money to furnish soldiers that were hired for the destruction of Cabriers, notwithstanding he did aid them secretly all that he might. Howbeit he could not do it so secretly, but that it came to the knowledge of the legate; whereupon he was constrained to withdraw himself. On the other part, the bishops of Aix and Cavaillon pursued still the execution of the arrest of Merindol. Then it was ordained by the court of parliament, that, according to the king’s letters, John Durand, councilor of the court of parliament, with a secretary, and the bishop of Cavaillon, with a doctor of divinity, should go unto Merindol, and there declare unto the inhabitants the errors and heresies which they knew to be contained in their confession, and make them apparent by good and sufficient information; and having so convicted them by the word of God, they should make them to renounce and abjure the said heresies: and if the Merindolians did refuse to abjure, then they should make relation thereof, that the court might appoint how they should further proceed. After this decree was made, the bishop of Cavaillon would not tarry until the time which was appointed by the court for the execution of this matter; but he himself, with a doctor of divinity, came to Merindol, to make them to abjure. Unto whom the Merindolians answered, that he enterprised against the authority of the parliament, and that it was against his commission so to do. Notwithstanding he was very earnest with them that they should abjure, and promised them, if they would so do, to take them under his wings and protection, even as the hen doth her chickens, and that they should be no more robbed or spoiled. Then they required that he would declare unto them what they should abjure. The bishop answered, that the matter needed no disputation, and that he required but only a general abjuration of all errors, which would be no damage or prejudice to them; for he himself would not stick to make the like abjuration.. The Merindolians answered him again, that they would do nothing contrary to the decree and ordinance of the court, or the king’s letters, wherein he commanded that first the errors should be declared unto them, whereof they were accused: wherefore they were resolved to understand what those errors and heresies were, that being informed thereof by the word of God, they might satisfy the king’s letters; otherwise it were but hypocrisy and dissimulation to do as he required them. And if he could make it to appear unto them by good and sufficient information, that they had holden any errors and heresies,25 or should be convicted thereupon by the word of God, they would willingly abjure; or if in their Confession there were any word contrary to the Scriptures, they would revoke the same. Contrariwise, if it were not made manifest unto them, that they had holden any heresies, but that they had always lived according to the doctrine of the gospel, and that their Confession was grounded upon the same, then they ought by no means to move or constrain them to abjure any errors which they held not; and that it were plainly against all equity and justice so to do. Then the bishop of Cavaillon was marvelously angry, and would hear no word spoken of any demonstration to be made by the word of God, but, in a fury, cursed, and gave to the devil, him that first invented that means. Then the doctor of divinity, whom the bishop brought thither, demanded what articles they were, that were presented by the inhabitants of Merindol, for the bishop of Cavaillon had not yet showed them unto him. Then the bishop of Cavaillon delivered the doctor the Confession, which, after he had read, the bishop of Cavaillon said, “What! will you any more witness or declaration? this is full of heresy.” Then they of Merindol demanded, “In what point?” whereupon the bishop knew not what to answer. Then the doctor demanded to have time to look upon the articles of the Confession, and to consider whether they were against the Scriptures or no. Thus the bishop departed, being very sorely grieved that he could not bring his purpose to pass. After eight days the bishop sent for this doctor, to understand how he might order himself to make their heresies appear which were in the said Confession: whereunto the doctor answered, that he was never so much abashed: for when he had beholden the articles of the Confession, and the authorities of the Scriptures that were there alleged for the confirmation thereof, he had found that those articles were wholly agreeable and according to the holy Scriptures; and that he had not learned so much in the Scriptures all the days of his life, as he had in those eight days, in looking upon those articles, and the authorities therein alleged. Shortly after the bishop of Cavaillon came unto Merindol, and calling before him the children both great and small, gave them money, and commanded them with fair words to learn the Pater Noster and the Creed in Latin. The most part of them answered, that they knew the Pater Noster and the Creed already in Latin, but they could give no reason of that which they spoke, but only in the vulgar tongue. The bishop answered, that it was not necessary they should be so cunning, but that it was sufficient that they knew it in Latin; and that it was not requisite for their salvation, to understand or to expound the articles of their faith; for there were many bishops, curates, yea, and doctors of divinity, whom it would trouble to expound the Pater Noster and the Creed. Here the bailiff of Merindol, named Andrew Maynard, asked, to what purpose it would serve to say the Pater Noster and the Creed, and not to understand the same? for in so doing they should but mock and deride God. Then said the bishop unto him, “Do you understand what is signified by these words, ‘I believe in God?’” The bailiff answered, “I should think myself very miserable, if I did not understand it:” and then he began orderly to give an account of his faith. Then said the bishop, “I would not have thought there had been such great doctors in Merindol.” The bailiff answered, “The least of the inhabitants of Merindol can do it yet more readily than I; but I pray you, question with one or two of these young children, that you may understand whether they be well taught or no.” But the bishop either knew not how to question with them, or at least he would not. Then one, named Pieron Roy, said, “Sir! one of these children may question with another, if you think it so good;” and the bishop was contented. Then one of the children began to question with his fellows with such grace and gravity, as if he had been a schoolmaster; and the children one after another answered so unto the purpose, that it was marvelous to hear: for it was done in the presence of many, among whom there were four religious men, who came lately out of Paris, of whom one said unto the bishop, I must needs confess that I have often been at the common schools of Sorbonne in Paris, where I have heard the disputations of the divines; but yet I never learned so much as I have done by hearing these young children.” Then said William Annant, “Did you never read that which is written in Matthew 11, where it is said, ‘O Father! Lord of heaven and earth! I render thanks unto thee, that thou hast hidden these things from the sage and wise men of the world, and hast revealed them unto young infants: but behold, O Father! such was thy good will and pleasure.’” Then every man marveled at the ready and witty answers of the children of Merindol. When the bishop saw he could not thus prevail, he tried another way, and went about, by fair and flattering words, to bring his purpose to pass. Wherefore, causing the strangers to go apart, he said that he now perceived they were not so evil as many thought them to be: notwithstanding, for the contentation of them that were their persecutors, it was necessary that they should make some small abjuration, which only the bailiff, with two officers, might make generally in his presence, in the name of all the rest, without any notary to record the same in writing; and in so doing they should be loved and favored of all men, and even of those who now persecuted them: and that they should sustain no infamy thereby, for there should be no report thereof made, but only to the pope, and to the high court of parliament of Provence: and also if any man, at any time to come, would turn the same to their reproach, or allege it against them to their hurt or damage, they might utterly deny it, and say they made no abjuration at all, because there were no records made thereof, or witnesses to prove the same. For this purpose he desired them to talk together, to the end there might be an end made in this matter without any further business. The bailiff, and the two officers, with divers other ancients of the town, answered, that they were fully resolved not to consent to any abjuration, howsoever it were to be done; except (which was always their exception) they could make it appear unto them by the word of God, that they had holden or maintained any heresy; marveling much that he would go about to persuade them to lie to God and to the world.. And albeit that all men by nature are liars, yet they had learned by the word of God, that they ought diligently to take heed of lying in any matter, were it ever so small. Also, that they ought diligently to take heed that their children did not accustom or use themselves to lie, and therefore punished them sharply, when they took them with any lie, even as if they had committed any robbery; for “the devil is a liar, and the father of lies.” Here the bishop rose up in great anger and indignation, and so departed. Within a while after the bishop of Aix solicited Master John Durand, councilor of the court of the parliament of Provence, to execute the commission which was given him; that is, to go unto the place of Merindol, together with the secretary of the said court, and there, in the presence of the bishop of Cavaillon, accompanied with a doctor of divinity, to declare the errors and heresies which the bishops pretended the inhabitants of Merindol to be infected and entangled withal; and, according to their duty, to make it appear by the word of God; and so they being convicted, to make them abjure and renounce the said heresies. Whereupon the said councilor Durand certified the day that he would be present at Merindol, to the end and purpose that none of the inhabitants should be absent. At the day appointed, the said councilor Durand, the bishop of Cavaillon, a doctor of divinity, and a secretary, came unto Merindol, where were also present divers gentlemen, and men of understanding of all sorts, to see this commission executed. Then they of Merindol were advertised that they should not appear all at once, but that they should keep themselves apart, and appear as they should be called, in such order and number as should be appointed unto them. After that, Durand, the bishop of Cavaillon, the doctor of divinity, and the secretary, were set in place where justice was accustomed to be kept, there were called forth Andrew Maynard, the bailiff of Merindol; Jenon Romaine, and Micheline Maynard, syndics; John Cabrie, and John Palenc, ancients of Merindol; and John Bruneral, under-bailiff. After they had presented themselves with all due reverence, the councilor Durand spoke thus unto them: THE WORDS OF DURAND TO THE MERINDOLIANS. You are not ignorant, that by the arrest given out by the high court of Provence, you were all condemned to be burned, both men, women, and children; your houses also to be beaten down, and your town to be rased and made desolate, etc., as is more largely contained in the said arrest. Notwithstanding, it hath pleased the king, our most gracious prince, to send his letters unto the said court, commanding that the said arrest should not so rigorously proceed against you: but that if it could by sufficient information be proved, that you, or any of you, had swerved from the true religion, demonstration should be made thereof unto you by the word of God, whereby you might be reduced again to the flock of Christ. Wherefore it was determined in the said court of parliament that the bishop of Cavaillon, with a doctor of divinity, should in my presence declare unto you the errors and heresies wherewith they say you are infected; and after good demonstration made by the word of God, you should publicly and solemnly renounce and abjure the said heresies; and in so doing, should obtain the grace and pardon contained in the king’s letters: wherefore show yourselves this day, that you be obedient unto God, the king, and the magistrates. When he had thus spoken, “What answer you,” said he, “to that which I have propounded?” Then Andrew Maynard, the bailiff, desired that they would grant them an advocate to answer according to the instructions which they would give him, forasmuch as they were men unlearned, and knew not how to answer as in such a case was requisite. The councilor answered, that he would hear their answer neither by advocate nor by writing, but would hear them answer in their own persons: notwithstanding he would give them leave to go apart, and talk together, but not to ask any counsel, but only among themselves; and then to answer one after another. Upon this determination, the bailiff and the two syndics, with other two ancient men, talked together awhile, and determined that the two syndics should speak first, and after them the bailiff, then the two ancient men; every man according as God should give him grace: and by and by they presented themselves; whereat the councilor Durand was greatly abashed, to see that they had decreed and determined so speedily. Then Michelin Maynard began to answer, desiring the councilor and the bishop, with the other assistants, to pardon him, if he answered over rudely, having regard that they were poor, rude, and ignorant men. His answer here followeth. THE ANSWER OF ONE OF THE MERINDOLIANS TO DURAND. We are greatly bound to give God thanks, that besides his other benefits bestowed upon us, he hath now delivered us from these great assaults, and that it hath pleased him to touch the heart of our noble king, that our cause might be treated with justice, and not with violence. In like manner are we also bound to pray for our noble king, who, following the example of Samuel and Daniel, hath not disdained to look upon the cause of his poor subjects. Also we render thanks unto the lords of the parliament, in that it hath pleased them to minister justice according to the king’s commandment. Finally, we thank you, my lord Durand, commissioner in this present cause, that it hath pleased you, in so few words, to declare unto us the manner and order how we ought to proceed. And for my part, I greatly desire to understand and know the heresies and errors whereof I am accused; and where they shall make it appear unto me that I have holden any errors or heresies, I am contented to amend the same, as it shall be ordained and provided by you. After him answered Jenon Romaine, the other syndic, a very ancient father, approving all that which his fellow before had said, giving God thanks that in his time, even in his latter days, he had seen and heard such good news, that the cause of religion should be decided and debated by the holy Scriptures, and that he had often heard ancient men say, that they could never obtain of the judges, in all their persecution, to have their cause debated in such sort. Then Andrew Maynard the bailiff answered, saying, that God had given to these two syndics the grace to answer so well, that it was not necessary for him to say or add any more thereunto: notwithstanding it seemed good that their answers were put in writing, which was not done by the secretary, who had done nothing else but mock and jeer at all that had been said: wherefore he required the commissioner to look unto the matter. Then the commissioner was very angry, and sharply rebuked his secretary, commanding him to sit nearer and to write their answers word for word; and he himself, with a singular memory, repeated their answers, and oftentimes asked if it were not so. The said answers being thus put in writing, the commissioner asked the bailiff if he had any more to answer, saying, that he had done him great pleasure to show him his secretary’s fault, willing him to speak boldly, what he thought good for the defense of their cause. Then the bailiff said, “Forasmuch as it hath pleased you to give me audience and liberty to speak my mind freely, I say moreover, that it seemeth unto me, that there is no due form of process in this judgment; for there is no party here that doth accuse us. If we had an accuser present, who, according to the rule of the Scripture, either should prove by good demonstration out of the Old and New Testament that whereof we are accused, or, if he were not able, should suffer punishment due unto such as are heretics, I think he would be as greatly troubled to maintain his accusations, as we to answer unto the same.” After the bailiff had made this answer, John Palenc, one of the ancients of Merindol, said, that he approved all that had been said by the syndics and that he was able to say no more than what had been said by them before. The commissioner said unto him: “You are, I see, a very ancient man, and you have not lived so long, but that you have something to answer for your part in defense of your cause.” And the said Palenc answered, “Seeing it is your pleasure that I should say something, it seemeth unto me impossible that (say what we can) we should have either victory or advantage; for our judges be our enemies.” Then John Bruneral, under-bailiff of Merindol, answered thus: That he would very Fain know the authority of the councilor Durand, the commissioner in this cause, forasmuch as the said councilor had given them to understand, that he had authority of the high court to make them abjure their errors, which should be found by good and sufficient information, and to give them (so doing) the pardon contained in the king’s letters, and quit them of all punishment and condemnation. But the said commissioner did not give them to understand, that if it could not be found, by good and sufficient information, that they were in error, he had any power or authority to quit and absolve them of the said sentence and condemnation: wherefore it seemed that it should be more advantage for the said Merindolians, if it should appear that they were heretics, than to be found to live according to the doctrine of the gospel. For this cause he required, that it would please the said commissioner to make declaration thereof; concluding, that if it did not appear, by good and sufficient information against them, that they had swerved from the faith, or if there were no accuser that would come forth against them they ought to be fully absolved, without being any more troubled, either in body or goods. These things were thus in debating from seven of the clock in the morning until eleven. Then the commissioner dismissed them till after dinner. At one o’clock in the afternoon, they were called for again, and demanded whether they would say any thing else touching that which was propounded in the morning by the said commissioner. They answered, “No.” Then said the commissioner, “What do you conclude for your defense?” the two syndics answered,” We conclude, that it would please you to declare unto us the errors and heresies whereof we are accused.” Then the commissioner asked the bishop of Cavaillon, what informations he had against them. The bishop spoke unto him in his ear, and would not answer aloud. This talk in the ear continued almost half an hour, that the commissioner and all others that stood thereby, were weary thereof. In the end, the commissioner said unto them, that the bishop of Cavaillon had told him, that it was not needful to make it apparent by information, for such was the common report. Hereunto they answered, that they required that the causes and reasons alleged by the bishop of Cavaillon against them, should be put in writing,. The bishop was earnest to the contrary, and would have nothing that either he said or alleged, to be put in writing. Then John Bruneral required the commissioner that at least he would put in writing, that the bishop would speak nothing against them that they could understand; and that he would not speak before the commissioner but only in his ear. The bishop, on the contrary part, insisted that he would not be named in the process. There was great disputation upon this matter, and it continued long. Then the commissioner asked the Merindolians if they had the articles of their Confession, 27 which they had presented to the high court of parliament. Then they required that their confession might be read, that by the reading thereof, they might understand whether it were the doctrine which they held, and the Confession which they had presented, or no. Then the Confession was read publicly before them, which they did allow and acknowledge to be theirs. This done, the commissioner asked the doctor, if he did find in the said confession any heretical opinions, whereof he could make demonstration by the word of God, either out of the Old or New Testament. Then spoke the doctor in Latin a good while. After he had made an end, Andrew Maynard, the bailiff, desired the commissioner, according as he had propounded, to make the errors and heresies that they were accused of apparent unto them by good information, or at least to mark those articles of their confession, which the bishop and the doctor pretended to be heretical; requiring him also to put in register the refusal as well of the bishop as of the doctor, of whom the one spoke in his ear and the other in Latin, so that they of Merindol could not understand one word. Then the commissioner promised them to put in writing all that should make for their cause. And moreover he said, that it was not needful to call the rest of the Merindolians, if there were no more to be said to them, than had been said to those who were already called. And this is the sum of all that was done in the afternoon. Many who came thither to hear these disputations, supposing they should have heard some goodly demonstrations, were greatly abashed to see the bishop and the doctor so confounded; which thing afterwards turned to the great benefit of many, for hereby they were moved to require copies of the confession of their faith, by means whereof they were converted and embraced the truth; and especially three doctors, who went about divers times to dissuade the Merindolians from their faith, whose ministry God afterwards used in the preaching of his gospel. One of them was Dr. Combaudi, prior of St. Maximin. afterwards a preacher in the territory of the lords of Bern: another was Dr. Somati, who was also a preacher in the Bailiwick of Thonon: the other was Dr. Heraudi, pastor and minister in the country of Neufchatel. After this, the inhabitants of Merindol were in rest and quietness for a space, insomuch that every man feared to go about to trouble them, seeing those who persecuted them did receive nothing but shame and confusion; as it did manifestly appear, not only by the sudden death of the president Chassanee, but also of many others of the chiefest councilors of the parliament of Provence; whose horrible end terrified many, but especially the strange and fearful example of that bloody tyrant John de Roma, set out as a spectacle to all persecutors; whereof we have spoken before. Thus the Lord, repressing the rage of the adversaries for a time, stayed the violence and execution of that cruel sentence or arrest given out by the parliament of Provence against the Merindolians, until John Minerius, an exceeding bloody tyrant, began a new persecution. This Minerius, being lord of Opede near to Merindol, first began to vex the poor Christians by pilling and polling, by oppression and extortion, getting from them what he could to enlarge his seigniory or lordship, which before was very base. For this cause he put five or six of his own tenants into a cistern under ground, and closing it up, there he kept them till they died for hunger, pretending that they were Lutherans and Waldois, to have their goods and possessions. By this and such other practices, this wretch was advanced in short space to great wealth and dignity; and so at length became not only the chief president of the high court of parliament, but also the king’s lieutenant-general in the country of Provence, in the absence of the lord of Grignan, then being at the Council of Worms in Germany. Now therefore, seeing no opportunity to be lacking to accomplish his devilish enterprise, he employed all his power, riches, and authority, not only to confirm and to revive that cruel arrest given out before by the court of parliament, but also, as a right minister of Satan, he exceedingly increased the cruelty thereof, which was already so great, that it seemed there could nothing more be added thereunto. And to bring this mischief to pass, he forged a most impudent lie, giving the king to understand, that they of Merindol and all the country near about, to the number of twelve or fifteen thousand, were in the field in armor, with their ensigns displayed, intending to take the town of Marseilles, and make it one of the cantons of the Switzers. -And to stay this enterprise, he said it was necessary to execute the arrest ‘manu militari:’ and by this means he obtained the king’s letters patent , through 441 the help of the cardinal of Tournon, commanding the sentence to be executed against the Merindolians, notwithstanding the king had before revoked the said sentence, and given strait commandment that it should in no wise be executed; as is beforementioned. After this he gathered all the king’s army, which was then in Provence ready to go against the Englishmen, and took up all besides, that were able to bear armor, in the chiefest towns of Provence, and joined them with the army which the pope’s legate had levied for that purpose in Avignon, and all the country of the Venaissin, and employed the same to the destruction of Merindol, Cabriers, and other towns and villages to the number of two and twenty, giving commission to his soldiers to spoil, ransack, burn, and to destroy all together, and to kill man, woman, and child without all mercy, sparing none: no otherwise than the infidels and cruel Turks have dealt with the Christians, as before in the story of the Turks you may read. For as the papists and Turks are alike in their religion; so are the said papists like, or rather exceed them in all kinds of cruelty that can be devised. But this arch-tyrant, before he came to Merindol, ransacked and burnt certain towns, namely La Roque, St. Stephens, Ville Laure, Lourmarin, La Mothe, Cabriette 442 , St. Martin, Pupin, and other places 443 mo beyond Mount Lebron, notwithstanding that the arrest extended but only to Merindol, where the most of the poor inhabitants were slain and murdered without any resistance; women and maidens ravished; women with child, and little infants born and to be born, were also most cruelly murdered; the paps of many women cut off, who gave suck to their children, who, looking for suck at their mother’s breast, being dead before, died also for hunger. There was never such cruelty and tyranny seen before. The Merindolians, seeing all on a flaming fire round about them, left their houses, and fled into the woods, and remained all that night at the village Sanfalaise, and thereabouts, in wonder fill fear and perplexity; for the bishop of Cavaillon, deputy to the bishop of Rome’s legate, had appointed certain captains to go and slay them. The next day they went a little further, hiding themselves in woods, for there was danger on every side; and Minerius had commanded, under pain of death, that no man should aid them by any means. but that they should be slain without pity or mercy, wheresoever they were found. The same proclamation was of force also in the bishop of Rome’s dominions thereby 444 ; and it was said, that the bishops of that country did find a great part of the army. Wherefore they went a tedious and painful journey, carrying their children upon their shoulders, and in their arms, and in their swaddling-clothes; and many of them also being great with child, were constrained so to do. And when they were come to the place appointed, thither were already resorted a great number who had lost their goods, and saved themselves by flight. Not long after it was showed them how that Minerius was coming with all his power to give the charge upon them. This was in the evening, and because they should go through rough and cumbersome places, and hard to pass by, they all thought it most expedient for’ their safeguard, to leave behind them all the women and children. with a few others, and among them also certain ministers of the church: the residue were appointed to go to the town of Mussi. And this did they, upon hope that the enemy would show mercy to the multitude of women and children being destitute of all succor. No tongue can express what sorrow, what tears, what sighing, what lamentation there was at that woeful departing, when they were compelled to be thus separated asunder, the husband from his dear wife, the father from his sweet babes and tender infants, the one never like to see the other again alive. Notwithstanding, after the ministers had ended their ordinary sermons 445 , with evening-prayers and exhortations, the men departed that night, to avoid a greater’ inconvenience. When they had gone all the night long, and had passed over the great hill of Lebron, they might see many villages and farms set on fire. Minerius, in the mean time, had divided his army into two parts, marching himself with the one towards the town of Merindol; and having knowledge by espial whither the Merindolians were fled, he sendeth the other part to set upon them, and to show their accustomed cruelty upon them. Yet before they came to the place where they were, some of Minerius’ army, either of good will, or moved with pity, privily conveyed themselves away, and came unto them, to give them warning that their enemies were coming: and one of them, from the top of a high rock, where he thought that the Merindolians were underneath, cast down two stones, and afterwards, although he could not see them, he called unto them that they should immediately fly from thence. But the enemies suddenly came upon them, and finding them all assembled together at prayers, spoiled them of all that they had, pulling off their garments from their backs: some they abused, some they whipped and scourged, and some they sold away like cattle, practicing what cruelty and villany soever they could devise against them. The women were in number about five hundred. In the mean time Minerius 446 came to Merindol, where he found none but a young man named Maurice Blanc, who had yielded himself unto a soldier, promising him for his ransom two French crowns. Minerius would have had him away by force, but it was answered that the soldier ought not to lose his prisoner. Minerius therefore, paying the two crowns himself, took the young man, and caused him to be tied unto an olive-tree, and shot through with harquebusses, and most cruelly martyred. Many gentlemen who accompanied Minerius against their wills, seeing this cruel spectacle, were moved with great compassion, and could not forbear tears; for albeit this young man was not yet very well instructed, neither had before dwelt at Merindol, yet in all his torments, having always his eyes lifted up to heaven, with a loud voice he ceased not still to call upon God; and the last words that he spoke were these: “Lord God! these men take away my life full of misery, but thou wilt give unto me life everlasting by thy Son Jesus Christ, to whom be glory.” So was Merindol, without any resistance, valiantly taken, ransacked 447 , burned, rased, and laid even with the ground. And albeit there was no man to resist, yet this valiant captain of Opede, armed from top to toe, trembled for fear, and was seen to change his color very much. When he had destroyed Merindol, he laid siege to Cabriers, and battered it with his ordnance; but when he could not win it by force, he, with the lord of the town, and Poulin 448 his chief captain, persuaded the inhabitants to open their gates, solemnly promising, that if they would so do, they would lay down their armor, and also that their cause should be heard in judgment with all equity and justice, and no violence or injury should be showed against them. Upon this they opened their gates, and let in Minerius, with his captains, and all his army. But the tyrant, when he was once entered, falsified his promise, and raged like a beast. 28 For first of all he picked out about thirty men, causing them to be bound, and carried into a meadow near to the town, and there to be miserably cut and hewn in pieces by his soldiers. Then, because he would leave no kind of cruelty unattempted, he also exercised his fury and outrage upon poor silly women, and caused forty of them to be taken, of whom divers were great with child, and put them into a barn full of straw and hay, and caused it to be set on fire at four corners; and when the silly women, running to the great window where the hay is wont to be cast into the barn, would have leaped out, they were kept in with pikes and halberds. Then there was a soldier, who moved with pity at the crying out and lamentation of the women, opened a door to let them out; but as they were coming out, the tyrant caused them to be slain and cut in pieces, and the children yet unborn they trod under their feet. Many were flea into the wine-cellar of the castle, and many hid themselves in caves, whereof some were carried into the meadow, and there, stripped naked, were slain: others were bound two and two together, and carried into the hall of the castle, where they were slain by the captains, rejoicing in their bloody butchery and horrible slaughter. That done, this tyrant, more cruel than ever was Herod, commanded Captain John de Gay, with a band of ruffians, to go into the church (where was a great number of women, children, and young infants) to kill all that he found there; which the captain refused at first to do, saying, that were a cruelty unused among men of war: whereat Minerius being displeased, charged him, upon pain of rebellion and disobedience to the king, to do as he commanded him. The captain, fearing what might ensue, entered with his men, and destroyed them all, sparing neither young nor old. In the meanwhile certain soldiers went to ransack the houses for the spoil, where they found many poor men that had there hidden themselves in cellars, and other privy places, flying upon them, and crying out, “Kill! kill!” The other soldiers that were without the town, killed all that they could meet with. The number of those that were so unmercifully murdered, was about a thousand persons, men, women, and children. The infants that escaped their fury, were baptized again by their enemies. In token of this jolly victory, the pope’s officers caused a pillar to be erected in the said place of Cabriers, on the which was engraven the year and the day of the taking and sacking of this town, by John Minerius, lord of Opede, and chief president of the parliament of Provence; for a memorial for ever of that barbarous cruelty, the like whereof was never yet heard of. Hereupon we, with all our posterity, have to understand what be the reasons and arguments wherewith the Antichrist of Rome is wont to uphold the impious seat of his abomination; who now is come to such excess and profundity of all kinds of iniquity, that all justice, equity, and verity being set aside, he seeketh the defense of his cause by no other thing but only by force and violence, terror and oppression, and shedding of blood. In the meanwhile the inhabitants of Merindol, and other places thereabout, were among the mountains and rocks, in great necessity of victuals, and much affliction; who had procured certain men who were in some favor and authority with Minerius, to make request for them unto him, that they might depart safely whither it should please God to lead them, with their wives and children, although they had no more but their shirts to cover them. Whereunto Minerius made this answer: “I know what I have to do; not one of them shall escape my hands; I will send them to dwell in hell among the devils.” After this there was a power sent unto la Coste, which likewise they overcame, and committed there great slaughter. Many of the inhabitants fled away and ran into an orchard, where the soldiers ravished the women and maidens; and when they had kept them there inclosed a day and a night, they handled them so cruelly, that the women with child and the younger maidens died shortly after. It were impossible to comprehend all the lamentable and sorrowful examples of this cruel persecution against the Merindolians, and their fellows, insomuch that no kind of cruel tyranny was unpracticed; for they that escaped by woods, and went wandering by mountains, were taken and set in galleys, or else were slain outright. Many who did hide themselves in rocks and dark caves, some were famished with hunger, some were smothered with fire and smoke put unto them: all which may more fully be understood by the records of the court, and by the pleas between them and their adversaries in the high consistory of the court of Paris, where all the doors being set open:, and in the public hearing of the people, the cause of this trouble and persecution was shortly after solemnly debated between two great lawyers; the one called Aubrius, who accused Minerius the president, committed to prison; and the other called Robert, the defendant who was against him. The cause why this matter of Merindol was brought in plea and judgment to be decided by the law was this: Henry II., French king, who newly succeeded Francis his father abovementioned, considering how this cruel and infamous persecution against his own subjects and people was greatly misliked of other princes, and also objected both against him and his father as a note of shameful tyranny by the emperor himself, Charles V., and that in the public council of all the states in Germany, for so murdering and spoiling his own natural subjects, without all reason and mercy; he therefore, to the intent to purge and clear himself thereof, caused the said matter to be brought into the court, and there to be decided by order of justice, A.D. 1547. This cause, after it was pleaded to and fro in public audience, no less than fifty times 449 , and yet in the end could not be determined, so brake off and was passed over; and at length Minerius, being loosed out of prison, was restored to his liberty and possessions again, upon this condition and promise made unto Charles the cardinal of Lorraine, that he should banish and expel these new Christians (terming so the true professors of the gospel) out of all Provence. Thus Minerius being restored, returned again into Provence, where he began again to attempt greater tyranny than before. Neither did his raging fury cease to proceed, before the just judgment of God, lighting upon him, brought him by a horrible disease unto the torments of death, which he most justly had deserved. For he, being struck with a strange kind of bleeding in manner of a bloody flux, and not being able to obtain other relief, thus by little and little his entrails within him rotted: and when no remedy could be found for this terrible disease, and his entrails now began to be eaten of worms, a certain famous surgeon, named La Motte, who dwelt at Aries, a man no less godly than expert in his science, was called for, who, after he had cured him of this difficulty of relieving himself, and therefore was in great estimation with him; before he would proceed further to search the other parts of his putrefied body, and to search out the inward cause of his malady, he desired that they that were present in the chamber with Minerius, would depart a little aside. This being done, he began to exhort Minerius with earnest words, saying, how the time now required that he should ask forgiveness of God by Christ, for his enormous crimes and cruelty, in shedding so much innocent blood; and declared the same to be the cause of this so strange profusion of blood coming from him. These words being heard so pierced the impure conscience of this miserable wretch, that he was therewith more troubled than with the agony of his disease; insomuch that he cried out to lay hand upon the surgeon as a heretic. La Motte hearing this, eftsoons conveyed himself out of sight, and returned again to Aries. Notwithstanding it was not long but he was sent for again, being entreated by his friends, and promised most firmly, that his coming should be without any peril or danger: and so with much ado, he returned again to Minerius, what time all now was past remedy. And so Minerius, raging and casting out most horrible and blaspheming words, and feeling a fire which burnt him from the navel upwards, with extreme stench of the lower parts, finished his wretched life. Whereby we have notoriously to understand, that God, through his mighty arm, at length confoundeth such persecutors of his innocent and faithful servants, and bringeth them to nought; to whom be praise and glory for ever! Moreover, besides this justice of God showed upon Minerius, here also is not to be forgotten that which followed likewise upon certain of the others who were the chief doers in this persecution under Minerius aforesaid; namely, Louis de Vaine, brother-in-law to the said president, and also the brother and the son-in-law to Peter Durant, master-butcher in the town of Aix; which three did slay one another, upon a certain strife that fell among them. And upon the same day the judge of Aix, who accompanied Minerius in the same persecution, as he returned homeward, going over the river Durance, was drowned. NOTES UPON THE HISTORY OF MERINDOL, ABOVE RECITED Thus; hast thou heard, loving reader! the terrible troubles and slaughters committed by the bishops and cardinals, against these faithful men of Merindol, which, for the heinous tyranny, and for example of the fact most unmerciful, may be comparable with many of the first persecutions in the primitive church, done either by Decius, or Diocletian. Now, touching the said story and people of Merindol, briefly by the way is to be noted, that this was not the first time that these men of this country were vexed; neither was it of late years that the doc- trine and profession of them began. For (as by the course of time, and by ancient records it may appear) these inhabitants of Provence, and other coasts bordering about the confines of France and Piedmont, had their continuance of ancient time, and received their doctrine first from the Waldenses, or Albigenses, who were (as some say) about A.D. 1170; or (as others do reckon) about A.D. 1216, whereof thou hast, gentle reader! sufficiently to understand, reading before. These Waldenses, otherwise called Pauperes de Lugduno 450 , beginning of one Peter Waldo, citizen of Lyons, as is before showed, by violence of persecution being driven out of Lyons, were dispersed abroad! in divers countries, of whom some fled to Marseilles, some to Germany, some to Satmaria, Livonia, Bohemia, Calabria, and Apulia. Divers strayed to the countries of France, especially about Provence and Piedmont, of whom came these Merindolians above-mentioned, and the Angrognians, with others, of whom now it followeth likewise (God willing) to discourse. They that were in the country of Toulouse, of the place where they frequented, were called Albii, or Albigenses. Against these Albigenses, friar Dominie was a great doer, laboring and preaching against them ten years together; and caused many of them to be burned, for which he was highly accepted and rewarded in the apostolical court, and at length, by pope Honorius III., was made patriarch of the black guard of the Dominic Friars. These Albigenses, against the pope of Rome, had set up to themselves a bishop of their own, named Bartholomaeus, remaining about the coasts of Croatia and Dalmatia, as appeareth by a letter of one of the pope’s cardinals above specified. 33 For this cause the see of Rome took great indignation against the said Albigenses, and caused all their faithful catholics, and the obedientiaries to their church, to rise up in amour, and to take the sign of the holy cross upon them, to fight against them, A.D. 1206; by reason whereof great multitudes of them were pitifully murdered, not only of them about Toulouse and Avignon in France (as is afore to be seen), but also in all quarters, miserable slaughters and burnings of them long continued, from the reign of Frederic II., emperor, almost to this present time, through the instigation of the Roman popes. Paulus Emilius, the French chronicler, in his sixth book, writing of these Pauperes de Lugduno, and Humiliati, and dividing these two orders from the Albigenses, reporteth that the two former orders were rejected by the pope Lucius III., and in their place two other orders were approved, to wit, the order of the Dominic Friars, and that of the Franciscans: which seemeth not to be true, forasmuch as this pope Lucius was twenty years before Innocent III.; and yet not in the time of pope Innocent was the order of the Dominic Friars approved, but in the time of pope Honorius III., who was forty years after pope Lucius. Again, Bernard of Lutzenberg, in his Catalogus Haereticorum, affirmeth, that these Pauperes de Lugduno, or Waldenses, began first A.D. 1218; which if it be true, then must the other report of Aemilius be false, writing that the sect of Pauperes de Lugduno, was refused by pope Lucius III., who was long before this, A.D. 1181. Amongst other authors who write of those Waldenses, John Sleidan, 34 treating of their continuance and doctrine, thus writeth of them. “There be,” saith he, “in the French province, a people called Waldois. These, of an ancient trade and custom among them, do not acknowledge the bishop of Rome, and ever have used a manner of doctrine somewhat more pure than the rest; but especially since the coming of Luther, they have increased in more knowledge and perfection of judgment: wherefore they have been oftentimes complained of to the king, as though they contemned the magistrate, and would move rebellion, with other such matter falsely surmised against them, more of despite and malice, than of any just cause of truth. There be of them certain towns and villages, among which Merindol is one. Against these Merindolians sentence was given five years past, at Aix, being the high tribunal-seat or judgment-place of Provence, that all should be destroyed without respect of age or person, in such sort as that the houses being plucked down, the village should be made plain, even with the ground; the trees also should be cut down, and the place altogether made desolate and desert. Albeit, though it were thus pronounced, yet was it not then put in execution, by means of certain that persuaded the king to the contrary, namely, one William Belay, who was at the same time the king’s lieutenant in Piedmont. But at last, on the 12th of April, A.D. 1545, John Minerius, president of the council of Aix, calling the senate, read the king’s letters, commanding them to execute the sentence given, etc. Moreover, concerning the confession 451 and the doctrine of the said Merindolians, received of ancient time from their forefathers the Waldenses, thus it followeth in the said book and place of John Sleidan. At last, saith Sleidan (after he had described what great cruelty was showed against them) when the report thereof was bruited in Germany, it offended the minds of many; and indeed the Switzers, who were then of a contrary religion to the pope, entreated the king, that he would show mercy to such as were fled. Whereunto the said king Francis made answer in this wise; pretending that he had just cause to do as he did: inferring moreover, that they ought not to be careful what he did within his dominions, or how he punished his offenders, more than he was about their affairs, etc. Thus hard was the king against them, notwithstanding (saith Sleidan), that he, the year before, had received from the said his subjects of Merindol, a confession of their faith and doctrine. The articles thereof were, that they, according to the Christian faith, confessed first, God the Father, creator of all things: the Son, the only mediator and advocate of mankind: the Holy Spirit, the comforter and instructor of all truth. They confessed also the church, which they acknowledged to be the fellowship of God’s elect, whereof Jesus Christ is head. The ministers also of the church they did allow, wishing that such as did not their duty should be removed. And as touching magistrates, they granted likewise the same to be ordained of God to defend the good, and to punish the transgressors. And how they owe to him, not love only, but also tribute and custom, and no man herein to be excepted, even by the example of Christ, who paid tribute himself, etc. Likewise of baptism, they confessed the same to be a visible and an outward sign, that representeth to us the renewing of the spirit, and mortification of the members. Furthermore, as touching the Lord’s supper, they said and confessed the same to be a thanksgiving, and a memorial of the benefit received through Christ. Matrimony they affirmed to be holy; and instituted of God, and to be inhibited to no man. That good works are to be observed and exercised of all men, as holy Scripture teacheth. That false doctrine, which leadeth men away from the true worship of God, ought to be eschewed. Briefly and finally, the order and rule of their faith they confessed to be the Old and New Testament; protesting that they believed all such things as are contained in the apostolic creed: desiring moreover the king to give credit to this their declaration of their faith; so that whatsoever was informed to him to the contrary, was not true, and that they would well prove, if they might be heard. And thus much concerning the doctrine and confession of the Merindolians out of Sleidan, and also concerning their descent and offspring from the Waldenses. THE HISTORY OF THE PERSECUTIONS452 AND WARS AGAINST THE PEOPLE CALLED WALDENSES OR WALDOIS, IN THE VALLEYS OF ANGROGNE, LUCERNE, ST. MARTIN, PEROUSE AND OTHERS, IN THE COUNTRY OF PIEDMONT, FROM A.D. 1555, TO A.D. 1561. THE MARTYRS OF THE VALLEY OF ANGROGNE, THE MARTYRS OF THE VALLEY OF LUCERNE, THE MARTYRS OF ST. MARTIN, THE MARTYRS OF PEROUSE AND OTHERS. Persecuted by the Parliament of Turin; the President of St. Julian; Jacomel, a Monk and Inquisitor; Monsieur de la Trinity; the Gentlemen of the Valleys; Charles Truchet, Boniface Truchet; the Collateral of Corbis; the Collateral de Ecclesia; the Duke of Savoy; Monks of Pignerol; and by many others more, Enemies of God, and Ministers of Satan. To proceed now further in the persecution of these Waldois, or Waldenses, you have heard hitherto, first how they, dividing themselves into divers countries, some fled to Provence and to Toulouse, of whom sufficient hath been said. Some went to Piedmont, and the valley of Angrogne, of whom it followeth now to treat, God willing. Thus these good men, by long persecution, being driven from place to place, were grievously in all places afflicted, but yet could never be utterly destroyed, nor yet compelled to yield to the superstitious and false religion of the church of Rome: but ever abstained from their corruption and idolatry, as much as was possible, and gave themselves to the word of God, as a rule both truly to serve him, and to direct their lives accordingly. They had many books of the Old and New Testament translated into their language. Their ministers instructed them secretly, to avoid the fury of their enemies who could not abide the light; albeit they did not instruct them with such purity as was requisite. They lived in great simplicity, and with the sweat of their brows. They were quiet and peaceable among their neighbors, abstaining from blasphemy, and from profaning of the name of God by oaths, and such other impiety; also from lewd games, dancing, filthy songs, and other vices and dissolute life, and conformed their life wholly to the rule of God’s word. Their principal care was always, that God might be rightly served, and his word truly preached; insomuch that in our time, when it pleased God to set forth the light of his gospel more clearly, they never spared any thing to establish the true and pure ministry of the word of God and his sacraments. This was the cause that Satan with his ministers did so persecute them of late more cruelly than ever he did before, as manifestly appeareth by the bloody and horrible persecutions which have been, not only in Provence, against those of Merindol and Cabriers, also against them of Prague and Calabria (as the histories afore written do sufficiently declare), but also against them in the country of Piedmont, remaining in the valley of Angrogne, and of Lucerne, and also in the valley of St. Martin and Perouse, in the said country of Piedmont. This people of a long time were persecuted by the papists, and especially within these few years they have been vexed in such sort, and so diversely, that it seemeth almost incredible: and yet hath God always miraculously delivered them, as hereafter shall ensue. Albeit the people of Angrogne had before this time certain to preach the word of God, and minister the sacraments unto them privately; yet in the year of our Lord 1555, in the beginning of the month of August, the gospel was openly preached in Angrogne. The ministers and the people intended at first to keep themselves still as secret as they might; but there was such concourse of people from all parts, that they were compelled to preach openly abroad. For this cause they built them a church in the midst of Angrogne, where assemblies were made, and sermons preached. It happened about that time, that one John Martin, of Briqueras, a mile from Angrogne, who vaunted every where, that he would slit the minister’s nose 453 of Angrogne, was assaulted by a wolf which bit off his nose, so that he died thereof mad. This was commonly known to all the towns thereabout. At this season the French king held these aforesaid valleys, and they were under the jurisdiction of the parliament of Turin. At the end of the December following, news was brought, that it was ordained by the said parliament, that certain horsemen and footmen should be sent to spoil and destroy Angrogne. Hereupon some who pretended great friendship to this people, counseled them not to go forward with their enterprise, but to forbear for a while, and to wait for better opportunity. But they, notwithstanding, calling upon God, determined with one accord constantly to persist in their religion, and in hope and silence to abide the good pleasure of God: so that this enterprise against Angrogne was soon dashed. The same time they began also openly to preach in Lucerne. In the month of March, A.D. 1556. the ministers of the valley of St. Martin preached openly. At that time certain gentlemen of the valley of St. Martin took a good man named Bartholomew, a book-binder, prisoner, as he passed by the said valley, who was sent by and by to Turin; and there, with a marvelous constancy, after he had made a good confession of his faith, he suffered death; insomuch that divers of the parliament were astonished and appalled at his constancy. Yet they of the said parliament, being sore incensed against, the Waldois, sent one, named the president of St. Julian 454 , associating unto him one called De Ecclesia and others, to hinder their enterprise. These coming first to the valley of Perouse, where as yet no preachers were, but they were accustomed to resort to the sermons, of Angrogne, very much troubled and feared the poor people there. From thence they went to the valley of St. Martin, and remained there a good while, tormenting the poor people, and threatening their utter ruin and destruction. After that they came to Lucerne, troubling and vexing the people there in like manner. From thence they went to Angrogne, accompanied by many gentlemen, and a great rabble of priests of the said country: but by the way, the president inquired for one dwelling at St. Jean, near to Angrogne, and examined him, whether he had not baptized his child at Angrogne, and wherefore he had so done? The poor simple man answered, that he had baptized his child at Angrogne, because baptism was there administered according to the institution of Christ. Then the president, in a great rage, commanded him in the king’s name to baptize his child again, or else he should be burnt. 1 The poor man desired the president that he might be suffered to make his prayer to God, before he should make answer thereunto: which after he had done in the hall, before all the company there present, he required the president that he would write, and sign the same with his own hand, that he would discharge him before God of the danger of that offense, if he should baptize his child again, and that he would take the peril upon him and his. The president, hearing this, was so confounded, that he spoke not one word a good while after. Then said he, in a great fury, “Away, thou villain! out of my sight:” and after that he was never called again any more. After they were come to Angrogne, the president, having visited the two temples, caused a monk to preach in the one, the people being there assembled; who pretended nothing else, but only to exhort them to return to the obedience of the see of Rome. The monk, with the president, and all his whole retinue, kneeled down twice, and called upon the Virgin Mary; but the ministers and all the people stood still, and would not kneel, making no sign or token of reverence. As soon as the monk had ended his sermon, the people requested instantly, that their minister might also be suffered to preach, affirming that the said monk had spoken many things which were not according to the word of God: but the president would not grant their request. After that, the said president admonished them, in the name of the king and the parliament of Turin, that they should return to the obedience of the pope, upon pain of loss of goods and life, and utter destruction of their town. And withal he retired unto them the piteous discomfiture of their brethren and friends, which had been done before in Merindol and Cabriers, and other places in the country of Provence. The ministers and the people answered, that they were determined to live according to the word of God, and that they would obey the king and all their superiors in all things, so that God thereby were not displeased: and furthermore, if it were showed unto them by the word of God, that they erred in any point of religion, they were ready to receive correction, and to be reformed. This talk endured about six hours together, even until night. In the end, the president said there should be a disputation appointed for those matters, whereunto the people gladly agreed; but, after that, there was no more mention made thereof. Here he remained fourteen days, daily practicing new devices to vex and torment them with new proclamations, now calling to him the syndics and head officers, 2 now severally, and now altogether, that so, for fear, he might make them relent: causing also assemblies to be made in every parish by such as he appointed, thinking thereby to divide the people. Notwithstanding he nothing prevailed with all that he could do; but still they continued constant: insomuch that, with one accord, they presented a brief confession of their faith, with an answer to certain interrogatories made by the president, in which they confessed as followeth: SUBSTANCE OF THE ARTICLES AND CONFESSION OF THE ANGROGNIANS, EXHIBITED TO THE PRESIDENT. That the religion wherein both they and their alders had been long instructed and brought up, was the same which is contained both in the Old and New Testament, which is also briefly comprised in the twelve articles of the Christian belief. Also, that they acknowledged the sacraments instituted by Christ, whereby he distributeth abundantly his graces and great benefits, his heavenly riches and treasures to all those who receive the same with a true and lively faith. Furthermore, that they received the creeds of the four general councils; that is to say, of Nice, Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon, and also the creed of Athanasius, wherein the mystery of the Christian faith and religion is plainly and largely set out. ITEM , The ten commandments expressed in Exodus 20, and Deuteronomy 5, in which the rule of a godly and holy life, and also the true service which God requireth of us, are briefly comprised: and therefore, following, this article, they suffered not by any means (said they) any gross iniquities to reign among them; as unlawful swearing, perjury, blasphemy, cursing, slandering, dissension, deceit, wrong dealing, usury, gluttony, drunkenness, whoredom, theft, murder, sorcery, witchcraft, or such like; but wholly endeavored themselves to live in the fear of God, and according to his holy will. Moreover they acknowledged the superior powers, as princes and magistrates, to be ordained of God; and that whosoever resisteth the same, resisteth the ordinance of God; and therefore humbly submitted themselves to their superiors with all obedience, so that they commanded nothing against God. Finally, they protested, that they would in no point be stubborn, but if that their forefathers or they had erred in any one jot concerning true religion, the same being proved by the word of God, they would willingly yield and be reformed. THEIR INTERROGATORIES. Their interrogatories were concerning the mass, auricular confession, baptism, marriage, and burials, according to the institution of the church of Rome. THEIR ANSWERS TO THE INTERROGATORIES. To the first they answered, that they received the Lord’s supper, as it was by him instituted, and celebrated by his apostles; but as touching the mass, except the same might be proved by the word of God, they would not receive it. To the second, touching auricular confession, they said, that for their part they confessed themselves daily unto God, acknowledging themselves before him to be miserable sinners, desiring of him pardon and forgiveness of their sins, as Christ instructed his, in the prayer which he taught them; ‘Lord! forgive us our sins.’ And as St. John saith; ‘If we confess our sins to God, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ (1 John 1) And according to that which God himself saith by his prophet; ‘O Israel! if thou return, return unto me.’ (Jeremiah 1) And again, ‘O Israel! it is I, it is I which forgiveth thee thy sins.’ (Isaiah 43) So that, seeing they ought to return to God alone, and it is he only who forgiveth sins, therefore they were bound to confess themselves to God only, and to no other. Also it appeareth, that David, in his Psalms, end the prophets, and other faithful servants of God, have confessed themselves both generally and particularly unto God alone: yet if the contrary might be proved by the word of God, they would (said they) with all humbleness receive the same. Thirdly, As touching baptism, they acknowledged and received that holy institution of Christ, and administered the same with all simplicity, as he ordained it in his holy gospel, without any changing, adding, or diminishing in any point; and that all this they did in their mother-tongue, according to the rule of St. Paul, who willeth that in the church every thing be done in the mother-tongue, for the edification of our neighbor: (1 Corinthians 14) but as for their conjurations, oiling, and salting, except the same might be proved by the sacred Scripture, they would not receive them. Fourthly, As touching burials they answered, that they knew there was a. difference between the bodies of the true Christians and the infidels, forasmuch: as the first are the members of Jesus Christ, temples of the Holy Ghost, and partakers of the glorious resurrection of the dead; and therefore they were accustomed to follow their dead to the grave reverently, with a sufficient company, and exhortation out of the word of God; as well to comfort the parents and friends of the dead, as also to admonish all men diligently to prepare themselves to die. But as for the using of candles or lights, prayers for the dead, and ringing of bells, except the same might be proved to be necessary by the word of God, and that God is not offended therewith, they would not receive them. Fifthly, As touching obedience to men’s traditions, they received and allowed all those ordinances which (as St. Paul saith) serve for order, decency, and reverence; of the ministry. But as for other ceremonies which have been brought into the church of God, either as a part of his divine service, or to merit remission of sins, or else to bind men’s consciences, because they are repugnant to the word of God, they could by no means receive them. And whereas the commissioners affirmed the said traditions to have been ordained by councils: first they answered, that the greatest part of them were not ordained by councils: secondly, that councils were not to be preferred above the word of God’ which saith, ‘If any man, yea or angel from heaven, should preach unto you otherwise than that which hath been received of the Lord Jesus, let him be accursed.’ (Galatians 1) And therefore (said they) if councils have ordained any thing dissenting from the word of God, they would not receive it. Finally they said, that the councils had made divers notable decrees concerning the election of bishops and ministers of the church; concerning ecclesiastical discipline, as well of the clergy as of the people; also concerning the distribution of the goods and possessions of the church; and further that all pastors Who were either whoremongers, drunkards, or offensive in any case, should be put from their office. Moreover, that whosoever should be present at the mass of a priest who was a whoremonger, should be excommunicated: and many other such things, which were not in any point observed. And that they omitted to speak of many other things which were ordained by divers councils, very superstitious, and contrary to the holy commandments of God, as they would be ready to prove (said they) if they should have occasion and opportunity thereunto. Wherefore they required the commissioners, that a disputation might be had (as by the said president was pretended) publicly, and in their presence; and then, if it might be proved by the word of God, that they erred either in doctrine, or in conversation and manner of living, they were content with all humbleness to be corrected and reformed, as they had before said: beseeching them to consider also that their religion had been observed and kept from their ancestors, until their time, many hundred years together: and yet, for their parts, being convicted by the infallible word of God, they would not obstinately stand to the defense thereof: saying moreover, that they, together with the said lords deputies, all confessed one God, one Savior, one Holy Ghost, one law, one baptism, one hope in heaven; and in sum, they affirmed that their faith and religion were firmly founded and grounded upon the pure word of God, whereof it is said, that blessed are they which hear the same, and keep it. To be short, seeing it is permitted to the Turks, Saracens, and Jews (who are mortal enemies to our Savior Christ), to dwell peaceably in the fairest cities of Christendom; by good reason they should be suffered to live in the desolate mountains and valleys, having their whole religion founded upon the holy gospel, and worshipping the Lord Jesus; and therefore they most humbly besought them to have pity and compassion upon them, and to suffer them to live quietly in their deserts; protesting that they and theirs would live in all fear and reverence of God, with all due subjection and obedience to their lord and prince, and to his lieutenants and officers. The president, and the rest of the commissioners, perceiving that they labored in vain, returned to Turin with the notes of their proceedings; which immediately were sent unto the king’s court, and there the matter remained one year before there was any answer made thereunto. During that time the Waldois lived in great quietness, as God of his infinite goodness is wont to give some comfort and refreshing to his poor servants, after long troubles and afflictions. The number of the faithful so augmented, that throughout the valleys God’s word was purely preached, and his sacraments duly administered, and no mass was sung in Angrogne, nor in divers other places. The year after, the president of St. Julian, with his associates, returned to Pignerol, and sent for thither the chief rulers of Angrogne, and of the valley of Lucerne, that is, for six of Angrogne, and for two of every parish besides, and showed unto them, how that their Confession 455 , which the last year they had presented, by a decree made by the parliament of Turin was sent to the king’s court, and there diligently examined by learned men, and condemned as heretical. Therefore the king willed and commanded them to return to the obedience of the church of Rome, upon pain of loss both of goods and life: enjoining them, moreover, to give him a direct answer within three days. From thence he went to Lucerne, and caused the householders, with great threatenings, to assemble themselves before certain by him appointed: but they, with one assent, persisted in their former confession; and lest they should seem stubborn in the defense of any erroneous doctrine, they desired that their confession might be sent to all the universities of Christendom, and if the same in any part by the word of God were disproved, it should immediately be amended: but contrariwise, if that were not done, that then they should no more be disquieted. The president, not contented with this, the next morning sent for six of Angrogne, by him named, and for two out of every other parish, whom he and the gentlemen of the country threatened very sore, and warned twelve of the chief of Angrogne, and certain of the other parishes, to appear personally at the parliament of Turin, and to bring before the judges of the said parliament their ministers and schoolmasters, thinking, if they were once banished the country, that then their enterprise might soon be brought to an end. To this it was answered, that they could not, nor ought to obey such a commandment. A little while after proclamation was made in every place, that no man should receive any preacher coming from Geneva, but only such as were appointed by the archbishop of Turin, and others his officers, upon pain of confiscation of their goods, and loss of their lives; and that every one should observe the ceremonies, rites, and religion, used in the church of Rome. Furthermore, that if any of the aforesaid preachers of Geneva came into those quarters, they should immediately be apprehended, and by no means their abode there by any one should be concealed, upon the pain aforesaid. And furthermore, the names of those who should disclose any one of them should be kept secret; and also, for their accusation, they should have the third part of the goods confiscated, with a full pardon, if that the said accusers were any of those who privily did keep or maintain the said ministers; and that they, and all others who would return to their mother the church, might freely and safely come and recant before the said commissioners. At the same season the princes of Germany, and certain of the Switzers, sent unto the French king, desiring him to have pity on the aforesaid churches; and from that time, until three years after the people of the said valleys were not molested by any of the king’s officers, but yet they were sore vexed by the monks of Pignerol, and the gentlemen of the valley of St. Martin. About that time a minister of Angrogne, named Geffrey Varialla 456 , born in Piedmont, a virtuous and learned man, and fearing God, went to visit certain churches in those quarters where he was born, and coming homeward, was taken at Berga, and from thence led to Turin, where, after he had made a good confession of his faith, to the confirmation of many, and to the terror of his adversaries, he most constantly suffered. A few days after, a minister of the valley of Lucerne, returning to Geneva, was taken prisoner at Susa, and soon after sent to Turin, and with an invincible constancy made his confession before those of the parliament, and in the end was condemned to be burnt. the hangman, at the time of execution, reigned himself to be sick, and so conveyed himself away; and so likewise another served them, being appointed by the aforesaid court to execute the poor minister. It is credibly reported that the hangman who executed certain Germans a little before, would by no means do this execution: whereupon the minister was sent to prison again, where after long and painful endurance, seeing the prison door open, he escaped, and returned to his cure. Now four years being past, in such manner as we have hitherto touched in this story, in the year following, which was A.D. 1559, there was a peace concluded 457 between the French king and the king of Spain; whereupon the country of Piedmont (certain towns excepted) was restored to the duke of Savoy, under whose regiment the aforesaid churches, and all other faithful people in Piedmont, continued in great quietness, and were not molested; and the duke himself was content to suffer them to live in their religion, knowing that he had no subjects more faithful and obedient than they were. But Satan, hating all quietness, by his ministers stirred the duke against the said churches of Piedmont, his own natural subjects. For the pope and the cardinals, seeing the good inclination of the duke towards this people, incensed him to do that, which otherwise he would not. The pope’s legate also, who then followed the court, and others that favored the church of Rome, labored by all means to persuade the duke, that he ought to banish the said Waldois, who maintained not the pope’s religion; alleging, that he could not suffer such a people to dwell within his dominion, without prejudice and dishonor to the apostolic see; also that they were a rebellious people against the holy ordinances and decrees of their holy mother the church; and briefly, that he might no longer suffer the said people, being so disobedient and stubborn against the holy father, if he would indeed show himself a loving and obedient son. Such devilish instigations were the cause of these horrible and furious persecutions, wherewith these poor people of the valleys, and the country of Piedmont, were so long vexed. And because they foresaw the great calamities which they were like to suffer, to find some remedy for the same (if it were possible), all the said churches of Piedmont 458 with one common consent wrote to the duke, declaring in effect, that the only cause why they were so hated, and for which he was by their enemies so sorely incensed against them, was their religion, which was no new or light opinion, but that wherein they and their ancestors had long continued, being wholly grounded upon the infallible word of God, contained in the Old and New Testament. Notwithstanding, if it might be proved, by the same word, that they held any false or erroneous doctrine, they would submit themselves to be reformed with all obedience. But it is not certain whether this advertisement was delivered unto the duke or no; for it was said that he would not hear of that religion. But, howsoever it was, in the month of March following 459 , there was a great persecution raised against the poor Christians who were at Carignano; amongst whom there were certain godly persons taken, and burnt within four days after; that is to say, one named Mathurine 460 , his wife, and John de Carignano, dwelling in the valley of Lucerne, taken prisoner as he went to the market at Pignerol. the woman died with great constancy. The good man, John de Carignano, had been in prison divers times before for religion, and was always delivered by God’s singular grace and providence. But seeing himself taken this last time, incontinent he said, he knew that God had now called him. Both by the way as he went, and in prison, and also at his death, he showed an invincible constancy and marvelous virtue, as well by the pure confession which he made touching the doctrine of salvation, as also in suffering with patience the horrible torments which he endured, both in prison, and also at his death. Many at that time fled away: others being afraid of that great cruelty, and fearing also man more than God, looking rather to the earth than to heaven, consented to return to the obedience of the church of Rome. Within few days after, these churches of the said Waldois, that is to say De l’Arche 461 , Merone, Meane, and Suse, were wonderfully assaulted. To recite all the outrage, cruelty, and villany that was there committed, it were too long: for brevity’s sake we will recite only certain of the principal and best known. The churches of Meane and Suse suffered great affliction. Their minister was taken amongst others. Many fled away, and their houses and goods were ransacked and spoiled. The minister was a good and faithful servant of God, and endued with excellent gifts and graces, who, in the end, was put to most shameful and cruel death. The great patience which he showed in the midst of the fire greatly astonished the adversaries. Likewise the churches of De l’Arche and Merone were marvelously tormented and afflicted; for some were taken and sent to the galleys, others consented and yielded to the adversaries, and a great number of them fled away. It is certainly known, that those who yielded to the adversaries, were more cruelly handled than the others who continued constant in the truth; whereby God declareth how greatly he detesteth all such as play the apostate, and shrink from the truth. But for the better understanding of the beginning of this horrible persecution against the Waldois, here note, that first of all the proclamations were made in every place, that none should resort to the sermons of the Lutherans, but should live after the custom of the church of Rome; upon pain of forfeiture of their goods, and to be condemned to the galleys for ever, or lose their lives. Three of the most cruel persons that could be found, were appointed to execute this commission. The first was one Thomas Jacomel, a Jacobite 462 monk, and inquisitor of the Romish faith; a man worthy for such an office, for he was an apostate, and had renounced the known truth, and persecuted mortally and maliciously the poor Christians, against his own conscience, and of set purpose, as his books do sufficiently witness. He was also a whoremonger, and given over to all other villanies and filthy living: in the grossest vices he surpassed all his fellows. Briefly, he was nothing else but a misshapen monster both against God and nature. Moreover, he so afflicted and tormented the poor captives of the said Waldois, by spoiling, robbery, and extortion, that he deserved not only to be hanged, but to be broken upon the wheel a hundred times, and to suffer as many cruel deaths, if it were possible; so great, so many, and so horrible, were the crimes that he had committed. The second was the collateral Corbis 463 who, in the examination of the prisoners, was very rigorous and cruel; for he only demanded of them whether they would go to the mass, or be burnt within three days? and in very deed executed his sayings. But it is certainly reported that seeing the constancy, and hearing the confession of the poor martyrs, and feeling a remorse, and being tormented in conscience, he protested that he would never meddle any more. The third was the provost de la Justice, a cruel and crafty wretch, accustomed to apprehend the poor Christians either by night, or early in the morning, or in the highway going to the market, and was commonly lodged in the valley of Lucerne, or thereabouts. Thus the poor people were always as the silly sheep in the wolf’s jaws, or as the sheep which are led unto the slaughter-house. At that season one named Charles de Comptes, of the valley of Lucerne 464 , and one of the lords of Angrogne, wrote to the said commissioners, to use some lenity towards them of the valley of Lucerne; by reason whereof they were a while more gently treated than the rest. At that season the monks of Pignerol, and their associates, tormented grievously the churches near about them. They took the poor Christians as they passed by the way, and kept them prisoners within their abbey; and having assembled a company of ruffians, they sent them to spoil those of the said churches, and to take prisoners men, women, and children; and some they so tormented, that they were compelled to swear to return to the mass; some also they sent to the galleys, and others they burnt cruelly. They that escaped were afterwards so sick, that they seemed to have been poisoned. The same year there were two great earthquakes 465 in Piedmont, and also many great tempests and horrible thunders. The gentlemen of the valley of St. Martin treated their tenants very cruelly, threatening them, and commanding them to return unto the mass; also spoiling them of their goods, imprisoning them, and vexing them by all the means they could. But above all the others there were two especially, that is to say, Charles Truchet, and Boniface his brother, who, on the 2d of April, before day, with a company of ruffians, spoiled a village of their own subjects, named Riuclaret 466 ; which as soon as the inhabitants of the said village perceived, they fled into the mountain covered with snow, naked and without victuals, and there remained until the third night after. In the morning, certain of his retinue took a minister of the said valley prisoner, who was come out of Calabria, and was going to visit the poor people of Riuclaret, and led him prisoner to the abbey, where, soon after, he was burnt, with one other of the valley of St. Martin. The third night after, they of Pragela, having pity upon the poor people of Riuclaret, sent about four hundred to discomfit the company of the Truchets, and to restore those who were fled to their houses. They were furiously assaulted by the shot of their enemies, who, notwithstanding, in the end were put to flight, and but one of the four hundred hurt. About the year before, the said Truchet, being accompanied by a company of ruffians, arrested prisoner the minister of Riuclaret as he was at his sermon. But the people were so moved by his outrageous dealing, and especially the women, that they had almost strangled the said Truchet; and the rest of them were so canvassed that they had no list to come there again any more. By reason of this he so vexed them by processes, that they were compelled to agree with him, and to pay him sixteen hundred crowns. Soon after, the lords of the said valley took another minister of the same valley, as he was going to preach in a parish a mile from his house; but the people perceiving that, speedily pursued him and took him. The enemies, seeing that they were not able to lead him away, wounded him so sore, that they left him for dead; whereupon, they so persecuted the poor people, that they were almost destroyed,. Here is not to be forgotten, that the same night, in which the company of Truchet was discomfited, was so stormy and terrible, and the gentlemen of that country were so terrified, that they thought they should have been all destroyed; wherefore they used more gentleness towards the people than before, except Charles Truchet and his brother, who went to the duke, and made grievous complaints against the Waldois, not only for that which was done and past, but also they persuaded the duke, that they went about to build three fortresses in the mountains, and also intended to maintain certain garrisons of strangers, charging them further with divers other crimes, of which they were in no point guilty. The duke, being moved by these false surmises, gave in charge to the said accusers, that the fortress of the valley of St. Martin, which about twenty years before was rased by the Frenchmen, should be built again, and that therein should be placed a perpetual garrison, and that the people should make so plain and wide the rugged ways, that horsemen might easily pass; with divers such other things. And all this to be done at the costs and charges of those that would not submit themselves to the obedience of the Roman church. This commission being sealed, the gentlemen caused the fortress to be built again, and put therein a garrison, and proclaimed the commission. The poor people being thereat amazed, withstood the commissioners, and sent certain to the duke; and immediately after the commissioners returned to the duke’s court, being at Nice, to inflame his anger more against them. But God soon prevented this mischief; for the Truchets, being at Nice, went to sea with divers noblemen, and immediately were taken prisoners by the Turks, put into the galleys, sore beaten with ropes, and so cruelly handled, that it was commonly reported that they were dead: and long time after, denying their nobility, they were sent home, having paid four hundred crowns for their ransom. Some say, that the duke himself was almost taken; but it is sure that he fell sick soon after. In the month of April next following, the lord of Ranconis was present at a sermon, in a place near unto Angrogne. The sermon being ended, he talked with the ministers; and having discoursed as well of the duke’s sickness, as also of his clemency and gentleness, he declared to them, that the persecution proceeded not from him, and that he meant not that the commission should have been so rigorously executed. After that he demanded of them, what way they thought best to appease the duke’s wrath. They answered, that the people ought not to be moved to seek how to please and appease the duke by any means which might displease God; but the best way they knew, was the same wherewith the ancient servants of God used to appease the pagan princes and emperors, in the time of the great persecutions of the church; that is to say, to give out and present unto them in writing the confession of their faith, and defense of the religion which they professed; trusting that, forasmuch as the fury of divers profane and ethnic emperors and princes hath been heretofore appeased by such means, the duke, being endued with such singular virtues as they said he was, would also be pacified by the like means. And for that cause the poor people had before sent a supplication, with a confession of their faith, unto the duke, but they were not certain whether he had received it or no; wherefore they desired him to present the same unto the said duke himself: whereunto he agreed, and promised so to do. Hereupon they sent three supplications, one to the duke, the ]second to the duchess, and the third to the duke’s council; wherein they briefly declared what their religion was, and the points thereof, which they and their ancestors had of a long time observed, being wholly grounded upon the pure word of God; and if by the same word it should be proved that they were in error, they would not be obstinate, but gladly be reformed, and embrace the truth. After this the persecution seemed to be somewhat assuaged for a little while. In the end of June next following, the lord of Ranconis and the lord of Trinity, came to Angrogne, there to qualify (as they said) the sore persecution, and caused the chief rulers and ministers to assemble together, propounding divers points of religion concerning doctrine, the calling of ministers, the mass, and obedience towards princes and rulers: and, furthermore, they declared unto them, that their confession was sent unto Rome by the duke, and daily they looked for an answer. To all these points the ministers answered. After this they demanded of the chief rulers, whether if the duke would cause mass to be sung in their parishes, they would withstand the same or no? They answered simply, that they would not. Then they demanded of them, whether if the duke would appoint them preachers, they would receive them? They answered, that if they preached the word of God purely, they would hear them. Thirdly, Whether they were content that in the mean time their ministers should cease; and if they that should be sent, preached not the word of God sincerely, then their ministers to preach again? if they would agree to this, they were promised that the persecution should cease, and that the prisoners should be restored again. To this question, after they had conferred with the people, they answered, that they could by no means suffer that their ministers should forbear preaching. The two lords, not contented with this answer, commanded in the duke’s name, that all the ministers who were strangers should, out of hand, be banished the country; saying, that the duke would not suffer them to dwell within his dominion, for that they were his enemies: demanding also, whether they would foster and maintain the prince’s enemies within his own land, against his own decree and express commandment? To this, answer was made by the chief rulers, that they could by no means banish them, unless they were before convicted of some heresy or other crime: for their part they had always found them to be men of pure and sound doctrine, and also of godly life and conversation. This done, immediately proclamations were made, and the persecution began on every side to be more furious than it was before. Amongst others, the monks of Pignerol at that time were most cruel; for they sent out a company of hired ruffians, who daily spoiled and ransacked houses, and all that they could lay hands on; and took men, women, and children, and led them captives to the abbey, where they were most spitefully afflicted and tormented. At the same time they sent also a band of the said ruffians by night to the house of the minister of St. Germain, in the valley of Perouse; being led thither by a traitor that knew the house, and had used to haunt thither secretly, who knocking at the door, the minister, knowing his voice, came forth immediately, and perceiving himself to be betrayed, fled: but he was soon taken and sore wounded, and yet notwithstanding they pricked him behind with their halberds to make him hasten his pace. At that time also many they slew, many they hurt, and many also they brought to the abbey, and there kept them in prison, and cruelly handled them. The good minister endured sore imprisonment, and after that a most terrible kind of death, with a wonderful constancy; for they roasted him by a small fire; and when half his body was burnt, he confessed and called upon the Lord Jesus with a loud voice, The inquisitor Jacomel, with his monks, and the collateral Corbis amongst others, showed one practice of most barbarous cruelty against this poor man; who, when he should be burnt, caused two poor: women of St. Germain (whom they kept in prison), to carry faggots to the fire, and to speak these words unto their pastor: “Take this, thou wicked heretic! in recompense of thy naughty doctrine, which thou hast taught us.” To whom the good minister answered; Ah good women! I have taught you well, but you have learned ill.” To be brief, they so afflicted and tormented those poor people of St. Germain, and the places thereabout, that after they were spoiled of their goods and driven from their houses, they were compelled to flee into the mountain to save their lives. So great was the spoil of these poor people, that many who before had been men of much wealth, and with their riches had ministered great succor and comfort to others, were now brought to such misery, that they were compelled to crave succor and relief of others. Now, forasmuch as the said monks, with their troops of ruffians (who were counted to be in number about three hundred), made such spoil and havoc in all the country, that no man could there live in safety, it; was demanded of the ministers, whether it was lawful to defend themselves against the insolence and furious rage of the said ruffians? The ministers answered, that it was lawful, warning them in any case, to take heed of bloodshed. This question being once solved, they of the valley of Lucerne and of Angrogne sent certain men to those of St. Germain, to aid them against the supporters of these monks. In the month of June, the harvest being then in Piedmont, divers of the Waldois were gone into the country to reap and to make provision for corn, for very little groweth upon their mountains, who were all taken prisoners at sundry times and places, not one knowing of another; but yet God so wrought, that they all escaped out of prison, as it were by a miracle: whereat the adversaries were marvelously astonished. At the same time there were certain others also, who had sustained long imprisonment, looking for nothing else but death; and yet they, after a wonderful sort, by God’s merciful providence, were likewise delivered. In the month of July, they of Angrogne, being in a morning at harvest upon the hill side of St. Germain, perceived a company of soldiers spoiling them of St. Germain; and doubting lest they should go to Angrogne, they made an outcry. Then the people or Angrogne assembled together upon the mountain, and some ran to St. Germain over the hill, and some by the valley. They that went by the valley, met with the spoilers coining from St. Germain, loaden with spoil which they had gotten, and being but fifty, set upon the others, amounting to the number of one hundred and twenty men well appointed, and gave them soon the overthrow. The passage over the bridge being stopped, the enemies were fain to take the river Cluson 467 , where divers were sore hurt, many were drowned, and some escaped very hardly; and such a slaughter was made of them, that the river was died with the blood of them that were wounded and slain: but none of the Angrognians were once hurt. If the said river had been as great as it was wont commonly to be, there had not one man escaped alive. The noise of the harquebusses was great, and within less than one hour’s space, there were three or four hundred of the Waldois gathered together upon the river; and at the same time they had purposed to fetch away their prisoners who were in the abbey, but they would not do it without the counsel of their ministers, and so deferred the matter until the next day: but their ministers counseled them not to enterprise any such thing, but to refrain themselves, and so they did. Albeit they doubted not, but if they had gone incontinent after that discomfiture unto the abbey, they might have found all open and easily have entered; for the monks were so sore afraid, that they fled suddenly to Pignerol, to save their relics and images, which they carried thither. The rest of the country about were wonderfully afraid, and rang the bells everywhere. The greater part of them fled, doubting lest the poor Waldois would have revenged the wrongs and outrages done to them. The next day following 468 , the commander of St. Anthony de Fossano came to Angrogne, accompanied with divers gentlemen, saying, that he was sent by the duke: and having assembled the chief rulers and ministers of Angrogne, and of the valley of Lucerne, after he had declared unto them the cause of his coming, he read their supplication directed to the duke, which contained their confession, demanding of them, if it were the same which they had sent to the duke? They answered, Yea. Then he began to dispute, being sent, as he said, to inform them of their errors, not doubting but they would amend according to their promise. Then he entered into a disputation of the mass, in a great heat, deriving the same from the Hebrew word ‘Massa,’ which signified (as he supposed) consecration, and showed that this word ‘Missa,’ might be found in ancient writers. ‘The ministers answered, that he ill applied the Hebrew word; and further, that they disputed not of the word ‘Missa,’ but of that which is signified by the same, which he ought first to prove by the word of God. Briefly, that he could not prove, either by the word of God, or the ancient fathers, their private mass, their sacrifice expiatory or propitiatory, their transubstantiation, their adoration, their application of the same for the quick and the dead, and such other matters which are principal parts of the said mass. The commander, having here nothing to reply, fell into a marvelous choler, railing and raging as if he had been stark mad, and told them that he was not come to dispute, but to banish their ministers, and to place others in their rooms, by the duke’s commandment; which he could not, unless their ministers were first driven out of the country. From thence he went to the abbey of Pignerol, where he and Jacomel caused a number of the poor inhabitants of Campiglon, and of Fenil, who be of the valley of Lucerne, to be taken prisoners, spoiling them of their goods, driving away their cattle, and forcing them to swear and forswear; and in the end ransomed them for great sums of money. About that time a gentleman of Campiglon agreed with those who were fled, for thirty crowns to be paid unto him out of hand, that he would warrant them from any further vexation or trouble, so that they remained quiet at home. But when he had received the money, he caused the commander of Fossano with his men to come by night to his house, and then sent for the poor men, thinking traitorously to have delivered them into the hands of their mortal enemy, following therein the decree of the Council of Constance, which is, that no promise is to be kept with heretics. But God, knowing how to succor his in their necessity, prevented this danger; for one of them had intelligence of the commander’s coming, and so they all fled. Thereupon they wrote to the lord of Ranconis, declaring unto him the proceedings of the commander, and that he neither would nor could, show or prove any thing by the word of God, as he had promised, but threatened them with great wrongs and injuries, and would not suffer their ministers to reply, or say any thing for the defense of their cause: and therefore they desired him to signify the same to the duke’s grace, to the end that he should not be offended, if they persisted still in their religion, seeing it was not proved unto them, by any reason taken out of the Scripture, that they erred. After this, there were many commandments and injunctions given out through all the country, to banish these poor Waldois, with the doctrine of the gospel, if it were possible, out of the mountains and valleys of Piedmont: but the poor people still desired, that, according to that which they had so often before protested by word and writing, they might be suffered to serve God purely, according to the rule prescribed in his word; simply obeying their Lord and prince always, and in all things. Notwithstanding they were still vexed and tormented with all the cruelty that could be devised, as partly it is already declared; but much more you shall perceive by that which followeth. In the end of the October next following, the rumor went that an army was levying to destroy them; and in very deed there were certain bands levied, ready to march at an hour’s warning. Furthermore, those malefactors who heretofore were fled or banished for any offense or crime committed, were called home again, and pardoned of all together, so that they would take them to their weapons, and go to destroy the Waldois. The ministers and chief rulers of the valleys of Lucerne and Angrogne thereupon assembled together oftentimes, to take advice what, in such an extremity, were best to do. In the end they determined, that for certain days following there should be kept a general fast, and the Sunday after, a communion. Also that they should not defend themselves by force of arms, but that every one should withdraw himself into the high mountains, and every one to carry away such goods as he was able to bear; and if their enemies pursued them thither, then to take such advice and counsel as it pleased God to give them. This article of not defending themselves seemed very strange to the people, being driven to such an extremity, and the cause being so just: but yet every one began to carry their goods and victuals into the mountains; and for the space of eight days all the ways were filled with comers and goers to the mountains, like unto ants in summer which provide for winter. All this did they in this great perplexity and danger with a wonder-fill courage and cheerfulness, praising God, and singing psalms, and every one comforting another. Briefly, they went with such joy and alacrity, that you should not have seen any who grudged to leave their houses and fair possessions, but were wholly determined patiently to abide the good pleasure of God, and also to die if he had so appointed. A few days after, certain other ministers, hearing what they of Angrogne and Lucerne had concluded, wrote unto them, that this resolution seemed very strange to some, that they ought not to defend themselves against the violence of their enemies, alleging many reasons, that in such extremity and necessity it was lawful for them so to do, especially the quarrel being so just;; that is, for the defense of true religion, and for the preservation of their own lives, and the lives of their wives and children; knowing that it was the pope and his ministers who were the cause of all these troubles and cruel wars, and not the duke, who was stirred up thereunto only by their instigations: wherefore they might well and with good conscience withstand such furious and outrageous violence. For the proof hereof they also alleged certain examples. During this season the lord of Angrogne, named Charles de Comptes, of Lucerne, labored earnestly, by all means possible, to cause them of Angrogne to consent to the duke’s pleasure, and solicited them to send away their ministers, promising that he would cause a mass to be sung at Angrogne, and that the people should not be compelled to be present thereat; hoping that by that means the duke’s wrath would be appeased. The chief of Angrogne thereupon were assembled 469 and made this answer: that if the duke would permit them to choose other ministers, they were content to send away their foreign ministers and strangers; but as touching the mass, his highness might well cause it to be sung in their parishes, but they, for their part, could not with safe consciences be present at the same, nor yet give their consent unto it. On the 25th of October 470 the said lord of Angrogne went from Lucerne to Mondovi, where he was then governor for the duke, and sent for the chief rulers of Angrogne at several times, declaring unto them the great perils and dangers wherewith they were environed, the army being already at hand; yet promising them, if they would submit themselves unto him, he would send immediately to stay the army. They of Angrogne answered, that they all determined to stand to that which they, two days before in their assembly, had put in writing. With this answer he seemed at that time to be content. The next day the rumor was, that they of Angrogne had submitted themselves to the duke. On the morrow, which was Sunday, you should have seen nothing but weeping and mourning in Angrogne. The sermon being ended, the rulers were called before the ministers and the people, who affirmed, that they wholly cleaved unto their former writing; and they sent secretly to the notary for the copy of that which was passed in the council-house at their last assembly before the lord de Comptes, in which was comprised, that Angrogne had wholly submitted herself to the good pleasure of the duke. The people, hearing that, were sore astonished, and protested rather to die than obey the same. And thereupon it was agreed, that at that very instant (albeit it were very late) certain should be sent to the lord of Angrogne to signify unto him, that the determination of the council was falsified, and that it might please him the next morning to come to Angrogne, to hear the voices of the people; not only of the men, but also of the women and children. But he himself went not thither, having intelligence of the uproar, but sent thither the judge of that place. Then that which had been falsified was duly corrected; the judge laying all the blame upon the notary. During this time the adversaries cried out through all the country of Piedmont, “To the fire with them!” “To the fire with them!” The Thursday after, Angrogne, by proclamations and writings set up in every place, was exposed to fire and sword. On Friday after, being the first of November 471 , the army approached to the borders of the valley’ of Lucerne, and certain horsemen came to a place called St. Jean, a little beneath Angrogne. Then the people retired into the mountains. Certain of St. Jean, perceiving that the horsemen not only spoiled their goods, but also took their fellows prisoners, set upon them. It is not certain what number of the enemies were there slain; but suddenly they retired to Bubbiana, where their camp then was, and not one of them of St. Jean were slain or hurt. It happened at the same time, that two of the aforesaid horsemen, being sore amazed, galloped before the rest towards the army, being ready to march towards Angrogne, crying, “They come!” “They come!” at whose cry the whole army were so astonished, that every man fled his way, and they were all so scattered, that the captains that day were not able to bring them in order again, and yet no creature followed them. On the Saturday, in the morning, the army mustered in the meadowground of St. Jean, near to Angrogne. They of Angrogne had sent certain to keep the passages, and stop the army that they should not enter, if it were possible. In the mean season the people retired to the meadow of Tour, and little thought of the coming of the army so soon, or that they would have made such a sudden assault: for they were yet carrying of victuals and other stuff, so that few of them kept the passages. Now those who kept the straits, perceiving that their enemies prepared themselves to fight, fell down upon their knees, and made their prayers unto God, that it would please him to take pity upon them, and not to look upon their sins, but to the cause which they maintained; to turn the hearts of their enemies, and so to work, that there might be no effusion of blood; and if it were his will to take them, with their wives and infants, out of this world, that he would then mercifully receive them into his kingdom. In this sort most fervent prayers were made by all those that kept the passages, with exhortation that they should all together cry unto God, and crave his succor and assistance in this great distress. All this the lord of Trinity and the army did well perceive. Their prayers thus ended, suddenly they perceived their enemies coming towards them through the vines, to win the top of the mountain of Angrogne. In the mean time the prior of St. Jean, and Jacomel, were within the temple of Angrogne, and communed with the rulers touching an agreement. These were sent thither by the lord of Trinity to keep the people occupied. To be short, the combat began in divers places, and endured for a long space in the passages of Angrogne. The poor Waldois, being but few in number, and some of them having but slings and crossbows, were sore pressed with the multitude of their enemies. At length they retired to the top of the mountain, where they defended themselves until night. When they had found a place where they might withstand their enemies still pursuing them, they turned themselves, and slew divers of them, and hurt many. When the evening came, the enemies rested, and were about to encamp themselves, there to sup and lodge all night; which thing when the Angrognians perceived, they fell to prayer, desiring God to assist and succor them, but the enemies flouted them and laughed them to scorn. Then the poor people devised to send a drum into a little valley hard by; and as they were making their prayers unto God, and the drum sounded in the valley, the lord of Trinity caused his soldiers, who were about to encamp themselves, to remove thence; which was a great advantage unto the poor people, who now were sore wearied with travail, all wet with sweating, and very thirsty: and in great peril, if God had not given them some little breathing time. Many of the enemies that day were slain, and many hurt, of whom very few escaped; insomuch that they reported that the shot was poisoned, which this poor simple people never used to do in all these wars. Of the Angrognians that day there were but three slain, and one hurt, who afterwards was well healed again. This combat gave great courage to the Waldois, and sore astonished the adversaries. The same time the army retiring, burnt many houses, and made great spoil as they went, destroying also the wines which were in the presses. The said lord of Trinity with his army encamped in a village beyond Tour, in the valley of Lucerne, at the foot of the hill, between Angrogne and the other towns of the valley of Lucerne, that professed the gospel. They of the said village were always sore against the Waldois, and haters of true religion, and were glad of this outrage and violence done against the professors thereof: but they had their just plague; for they were all destroyed. After this the said lord of Trinity caused the fortress to be built again, which the Frenchmen had rased, and placed there a garrison, and after sent another to the fort of Villars, which is in the valley of Lucerne; and another he sent to the fortress of Perouse, and a fourth garrison he placed in the castle of St. Martin. They of Angrogne (seeing themselves to be now, as it were, in a sea of troubles), after they had recommended themselves unto God by prayer, and committed their cause unto him, sent to them of Perouse, St. Martin, and of Pragela, for aid and succor; who sent them all the help they were able. The next day following there came letters to Angrogne from the lord of Trinity, the effect whereof was this: CRAFTY MESSAGE OF THE LORD OF TRINITY TO THE ANGROGNIANS. That he was sorry for that which was done the day before, and that he came not thither to make war against them, but only to view if it were a place convenient to build a fort therein to serve the duke. Furthermore, that his soldiers, seeing the, people assembled, as it were, to defy them, upon that occasion only were stirred up to give assault, and to set upon them. Also that he was sorry that such spoil was made of their goods, and such hurt done by fire. But if they would show themselves obedient to the duke, he had good hope that all should be well, and trusted some good agreement should be made. THE ANSWER OF THE ANGROGNIANS. The Angrognians answered thus: That they were marvelously aggrieved to be so assaulted, spoiled and tormented, by the subjects of their liege and natural prince; and as they had oftentimes before offered themselves to be more faithful and obedient to their sovereign prince the duke, than any of all his subjects besides, so yet they still offered the same obedience. Also they most humbly besought him, not to think it strange if they, being constrained by such extreme necessity, defended themselves. Finally, as touching their religion, they affirmed, that it was the pure word of God, even as it was preached by the prophets and apostles, and the same which their predecessors had observed for certain hundred years past. Moreover, that the cause was not concerning the goods of the world, but the honor and glory of God, the salvation or destruction of the souls both of them and theirs: and therefore it were much better for them to die all together, than to forsake their religion. And yet, if it might be proved unto them by good demonstration out of the word of God (not by force of arms, by blood and fire), that they were in error, they would then yield themselves with all obedience; most humbly beseeching him, and all other the lords of the country of Piedmont, to be their intercessors and advocates to the duke in his behalf. On Monday, being the 4th of November 472 , the lord of Trinity sent his army to Villars and Tailleret. The lesser company ascended towards Villars. The people, seeing their enemies approaching, after they had called upon God with fervent prayer, strongly defended themselves, and slew many: many also were hurt, and the rest fled. The other company ascended towards Tailleret. And although they of that place were but few in number, and that part of the army was the greater, yet, making their prayers unto God, and commending their cause unto him, they defended themselves likewise valiantly. In the mean season they of Villars, being emboldened by their late victory, came to assist their neighbors, and being assembled together, they courageously pursued their enemies, and put them to flight. In this pursuit it chanced (which here is not to be forgotten) that this poor people, by an ambush of their enemies which came another way, were suddenly inclosed on every side, and like to be destroyed; but yet they all escaped, and not one of them was slain, only three were hurt, who were soon cured again. On the enemy’s side there were so many slain, that they were laid together by whole cart-loads. This was the reward of those who were so desirous to shed innocent blood. The same day the inhabitants of Sanson, near to Roccapiata, assembled in great numbers together, and went to a rich man’s house of Roccapiata, and spoiled all that he had. Certain of Roccapiata, in number not exceeding seventeen, understanding this, set upon them, and soon put them to flight, took away their drum, and forced them to leave their booty behind them. After the lord of Trinity had received the letters of the Angrognians, he sent unto them his secretary, named Christopher Gastaut (who said himself, that he favored the verity of the gospel), accompanied with a gentleman of the said valley, whose charge was to cause the chief rulers to send certain to commune with the said lord of Trinity, saying, that he had good tidings to declare unto them; and moreover, that he would deliver them a safe-conduct to come and go. Whereupon they sent four unto him, whom he treated very courteously, and rehearsed unto them, how the duke, at his departure from the court, told him, that although the pope, the princes, and the cities of Italy, yea, his own council, were fully resolved, that of necessity they of the said religion should be destroyed, yet notwithstanding, God otherwise put it in his mind, and that he had taken counsel of God what he should do in this matter; that is, that he would use them gently. Furthermore, he declared unto them, that the duchess did bear them good affection, and favored them very much, and that she had commended their cause unto the duke, persuading with him to have regard to that poor people; and that their religion was ancient and old; with many such other things. Moreover, they had (said he) great friends in the duke’s court, not doubting but if they would send certain to the court with a supplication, they should obtain more than they themselves would require; and he, for his part, would employ himself in their affairs to the uttermost of his power: and so he promised that he would retire himself with his army. This he seemed to speak unfeignedly. The people, desiring but to live peaceably in their religion, and under the obedience of their lawful prince, were content to follow his counsel. About this season they of Angrogne perceived that a part of the army ascended the hill of Tailleret (which is the half way between Angrogne and those of the valley of Lucerne), and the other party had already gotten a way which led to the meadow of Tour, by which they of Angrogne might easily have been inclosed. Therefore they sent certain immediately to keep the way, who soon after encountered with their enemies and obtained the victory, pursuing and chasing them to their camp, not without great loss of their men. The number of their enemies slain, was not known; for their custom was -immediately to carry away those who were slain. Not one of Angrogne perished that day, nor yet was hurt. It was feared that this combat would have hindered the agreement; but the lord of Trinity could well dissemble the matter, and excused that day’s journey 473 , putting the fault upon them of Tailleret, whom he charged to have slain certain of his men in the highway, and, amongst others, his barber. On Saturday following, being the 9th of November 474 , the said lord of Trinity sent again for them of Angrogne, to consult with them touching the agreement, using the like communication as before; and added thereunto, that in token of true obedience they should carry their armor into two of the houses of the chief rulers, not fearing but it should be safe; for it should remain in their own keeping, and, if need were, they should receive it again. Also, that he on Sunday (which was the next day), would cause a mass to be sung within the temple of St. Laurence, in Angrogne, accompanied with a very few; and thereby the duke’s wrath would be assuaged. The next morning he went into the temple (whereat they were sore grieved, albeit they could not withstand him), his army marching afore him; and having caused a mass to be sung, he desired to see the meadow of Tour, so much spoken of, that thereof he might make a true report unto the duke; and thither the rulers, with a great troop of his own men, went: the residue of his company remained behind, who spoiled certain houses, and seized the armor which they had delivered up before: but they found no great store, for the people had taken away the greatest part thereof. The said lord being entered into the meadow of Tour, the people began to make a commotion; whereof he, having intelligence, returned immediately. All that day he showed himself very courteous to all whom he met. The people in the mean time perceived themselves to be in great danger, and were sore moved at the sight of the army, the spoil of the soldiers, and the taking away of their armor; but especially because the said lord of Trinity had viewed the meadow of Tour, foreseeing his traitorous meaning and purpose. 5 A few days after, the said lord of Trinity sent his secretary, Gastaut, to Angrogne, to talk with them concerning the agreement, and to make a full resolution thereof; which was read in the assembly by the secretary. The sum thereof was this: that the people of Angrogne submitted themselves to render all honor and reverence to God, according to his holy word, and all due obedience to the duke their sovereign prince, to whom they should send certain men to demand pardon of him, concerning their bearing armor in their extreme necessity, and humbly to beseech him that he would suffer them to live peaceably in their religion, which was according to the word of God, not compelling them to do any thing against their conscience; as it appeareth more amply in the supplication, which, after this, the Angrognians made, and caused to be read before the secretary in the open assembly, and which here ensueth. THE SUPPLICATION OF THE ANGROGNIANS TO THE DUKE OF SAVOY. To the most excellent and worthy prince, the duke of Savoy etc. our sovereign lord and natural prince. Most noble and renowned prince! we have sent certain of our men unto your highness, to give testimony of our humble, hearty, and unfeigned obedience unto the same, and with all submission desire pardon, touching the bearing of armor by certain of our people in their extreme necessity, and for all other our trespasses, for which your sovereign grace might conceive any offense against us. Secondly, To desire in most humble wise your said highness, in the name of our Lord Jesus, that it would please the same, to suffer us to live with freedom of conscience in our religion, which also is the religion of our ancestors, observed for certain hundred years past: and we are persuaded, that it is the pure gospel of our Lord Jesus, the only verity, the word of life and salvation, which we profess. Also, that it may please your most gracious clemency not to take in ill part, if we, fearing to offend and displease God, cannot consent unto certain traditions and ordinances of the church of Rome; and herein to have pity upon our poor souls, and the souls of our children, to the end that your highness be not in any wise charged in the just judgment of God for the same, where all men must appear to answer for their doings. On our part, we protest that we will seek nothing but to be the true servants of God, to serve him according to his holy word; and also to be true and loyal subjects to your highness, and more obedient than any others, being always ready to give our goods, our bodies, our lives, and the lives of our children, for your noble grace, as also our religion teacheth us to do: only we desire that our souls may be left at liberty, to serve God according to his holy word. And we, your poor humble subjects, shall most heartily pray our God and Father for the good and long prosperity of your highness, for the most virtuous lady your wife, and for the noble house of Savoy. To this supplication they of St. Jean, of Roccapiata, of St. Barthelemi, and of Perouse, with those of the valley of Lucerne, did agree. For it was concluded, that the agreement made should extend to all the confederates of the same religion. While they were treating of this agreement, the lord of Trinity vexed cruelly them of Tailleret, under this pretense, because they had not presented themselves to treat of this agreement. He tormented them after this sort: first he commanded that all their armor should be brought before him, and then they, on their knees, should ask him pardon, because they came not to treat of the agreement with the rest; which notwithstanding the most part of them did. Then he commanded them to attend upon him, to enroll all the names of those who would be of the aforesaid agreement. Hereupon, the next morning, the chief of the householders went to the village named Bouvets, the place appointed thereunto, and when they had heard a sermon, and called upon God, they began to write their names. The enrolling of their names not being fully ended, word was brought that the soldiers had gotten the top of the mountain, and had taken all the passages; whereat they of Tailleret were sore amazed, and ran with all speed to defend their wives and children. Some they saved: the most part with their goods, were in their enemies’ hands already. At this time, with sacking, spoiling, and burning, they did much mischief. After this the lord of Trinity sent word to them that were fled, that if they would return, he would receive them to mercy. The poor people for the most part, trusting to his promise, returned to Bouvets, and yet the next morning the soldiers came thither to apprehend them and their ministers, and beset the place on every side. Such as were swift of foot, and could shift best, escaped, but very hardly: the rest were all hurt or taken, and yet they all escaped by a marvelous means; far it happened that there was an old man who could not run fast, to whom one of the soldiers came with a naked sword in his hand to have slain him. The old man, seeing the imminent danger, caught the soldier by the legs, overthrew him, and drew him by the heels down the hill. The soldier cried out, “Help! help! this villain will kill me.” His fellows, hearing him cry, made haste to rescue him; but in the mean time the old man escaped. The rest, seeing what the old man had done, took heart, by grace, and albeit their armor and weapons were taken from them, yet with stones and slings they so beat and discomfited their enemies, that for that present time they carried no prisoners away. The day following, the soldiers, returning to the said Tailleret, robbed, spoiled, and carried away all that they could find, and so continued three days together; which was very easy for them to do, because the poor men, fearing lest they should be charged with violating the agreement, made no resistance, but retired towards Villars. The fourth day the said lord of Trinity, to torment the poor Taillerets yet more cruelly, sent his army again, before day, to the mountain, and into the same place, and because the people of the said village were retired towards Villars, and scattered about the borders thereof in the high mountains, the soldiers, not yet satisfied with spoiling and sacking the rest that they found in the said Tailleret, ranging about the confines thereof, ravened and made havoc on every side of whatsoever they could lay hands on, taking prisoners both men and women, who were loaden with carriage. The poor prisoners were cruelly handled. Amongst others there was one, whose ear a soldier of Mondovis, in a raging fury, bit clean off, with these words, “I will carry,” said he, “the flesh of these wicked heretics with me into my country.” They of Villars also complained of the great cruelty that was showed unto them, during the time of the agreement. When the lord of Trinity understood this, to make a show that he was offended therewith, he came to his soldiers, who were so weary that they could scarcely go (not with fighting, but because they were so heavily laden with spoil, that they were not able to carry it), and pretending to be in great choler, some he beat; some things also of a small value he caused to be restored, but all the rest was kept back and carried away. The same day, two women, the mother and the daughter, were found in a cave in the mountain, wounded to death by the soldiers, and who died immediately after. So likewise a, blind man, a hundred years of age, who was fled into a cave with his son’s daughter, being eighteen years old, who fed him, was slain by the enemies; and as they would have ill-used the maiden, she escaped from them, and fell from the top of the mountain, and died. At that time also a great company’ of women of Tailleret and Villars were taken as they fled, with their goods, and brought to the camp, and sent away empty. There was at the same time a certain soldier, who promised the lord of Trinity to find out the minister of Tailleret, and to deliver him into his own hands. And to bring his purpose to pass, he never ceased until he had found him; and after that he pursued him a long time. But as he was pursuing and chasing him, certain, at unawares coming out of the mountain, rescued the poor minister, and killed the soldier with stones. But this especially is to be noted, that during these troubles divers of the papists had sent their daughters into the mountains unto the Waldois to be kept, fearing lest they should have been ill-used by the soldiers, being wholly given over as to all cruelty and ravine, so to all villany and abomination; by whom they were before threatened to be so abused. All this being done, the said lord of Trinity caused the head-officers and chiefest of the people to assemble together, and declared unto them, that the maintaining of the army was a great charge to the duke, and that it was meet that they should bear the one half of the charges. For this cause he demanded of them twenty thousand crowns; but, by means of the secretary Gastaut, who was promised a hundred crowns for his wine (that is to say, for a bribe), four thousand of those twenty were abated, so that they granted unto him sixteen thousand, of which sum the duke released the one half. Then the lord of Trinity pressed this poor people to deliver the eight thousand out of hand, to pay the soldiers their wages (as he said), and so to withdraw his army. The year before, corn was exceeding dear, for a sack was commonly sold. for six crowns, yea, and some for eight crowns; and also they had very little corn growing upon their mountains: wherefore they were now very bare of money. But they, being in this perplexity, and desiring nothing more than to live in peace and quietness, went about to sell their cattle to pay this money: but the lord of Trinity had given out a commandment, that none should buy any cattle of the Waldois without his license. Then license was given out to certain to buy great store of cattle, and that for a small price: and the common bruit was, that he had part of the gain. When the money was paid, yet the army notwithstanding retired not. After this the lord of Trinity commanded the Waldois to surrender up all their armor, to furnish the duke’s forts, otherwise he threatened to send his soldiers among them, and indeed he constrained many so to do. Then he demanded, moreover, the eight thousand crowns, which the duke had remitted, and constrained them to promise the payment thereof. After that he commanded that the ministers should be sent away, until the matter were determined before the duke; otherwise he would send his soldiers to dislodge them out of hand: whereupon, with one common assent and accord, they determined that their ministers should withdraw themselves for a space, until the army were retired; which was not done without marvelous sighs, and lamentation, and tears. At that season there fell such abundance of snow, that the like had not been seen of a long time before; so that the people were constrained to make a way, with great travail and pain, through the top of the mountain of St. Martin, for their ministers to pass. Now thought the lord of Trinity so to have inclosed them (he keeping the plain, and the mountains being covered so thick with snow), that by no means they should have escaped his hands. But the people caused them to pass the top of the mountain, and at their departure there flocked out of every quarter great multitudes to the village of Bobi, and came together in a secret place there, called Le Puis, not without great grief and sorrow; for they found them altogether in tears and mourning, that their ministers should be so taken from them, and they now left as lambs amongst wolves. The army was advertised that the ministers were assembled together, and incontinent a great troop of harquebussiers were at hand, which sought them even to the very top of the mountain, insomuch that if they had remained there but one hour longer, they had been all taken. From that time, for certain days after, they did nothing but range about in all places, seeking for the ministers; and there was no house, chamber, cave, nor secret corner, into which they did not enter, under pretense to seek for the ministers. There was neither chest, nor any thing else so strong, but they brake it open, saying that the ministers were hidden therein, and by that means they took, spoiled, and carried away whatsoever they would. The lord of Trinity promised oftentimes, that although it were forbidden to all the ministers to preach, yet the minister of Angrogne should be excepted; and, furthermore, sent the said minister word, that if he would demand any thing of the duke, it should be granted him: whereupon the said minister made this request, that the poor people might live peaceably in their religion. A while after, he sent for the same minister to confer with him privately upon certain points of religion. The minister went unto him, having thereto the consent of the people. The lord of Trinity propounded unto him three points: 6 the first, concerning the supremacy of the pope; the second, concerning transubstantiation. Of these two points the minister then immediately declared his opinion, and he seemed to agree thereunto, and required him to put the same in writing. The last (which was his whole drift) was to persuade the minister to go to the duke’s court, and there he to defend the cause of the people, alleging certain reasons to persuade him so to do: whereunto the minister answered, that he was bound to God and his church, and if it seemed convenient to the ministers and people that he should go, he would be content to do the same; and thereof he promised to send him answer immediately, with which answer he seemed to be contented. Shortly after the aforesaid lord, not tarrying for an answer, sent his army to the temple of St. Laurence, in Angrogne, pretending to sing a mass there, and suddenly the soldiers besieged the minister’s house. The minister, being warned thereof, essayed to escape. The soldiers attempted nothing by force, but used gentle persuasions to the contrary, for there were not yet many of them. But the minister pushed on further, and the soldiers followed him half a mile, but fearing the people, durst go no further. The minister withdrew himself into the rocks upon the mountain, accompanied by five others. The army was by and by at his heels, and sought a good while in the houses and cottages on every side, cruelly handling the people whom they took, to make them confess where their minister was; spoiling their houses, taking some prisoners, and beating others: but yet they could not learn of them where their minister was. At length they espied him among the rocks, where they thought to have inclosed him; and so they pursued him in the rocks all covered with snow, until it was night, and could not take him. Then they returned and spoiled his house, and diligently searched out all his books and writings, and carried them to the lord of Trinity in a sack, who caused them all to be burned in his presence, supposing (as it well appeared) that the letters which he had sent to Angrogne, touching the agreement, should be with the rest burnt: for he did not the like in the other ministers’ houses. That day they spoiled forty houses in Angrogne, broke their mills, and carried away all the corn and meal that they found. About midnight the soldiers returned with torch-light to the minister’s house to seek him, and searched every corner. The next morning commandment was given to the rulers of Angrogne, that within twentyfour hours they should deliver their minister, or else Angrogne should be put to the fire and sword. The rulers answered, that they could not so do, for they knew not where he was, and the soldiers had chased him over the mountain. After certain days, when the soldiers had burned houses, spoiled the people, broken their mills, and done what mischief they could, the army retired. Notwithstanding the lord of Trinity left garrisons in the aforenamed fortresses, but all at the cost and charges of the Waldois; which garrisons, not contented with their wages, spoiled continually. On one night five soldiers went with torches to a rich man’s house of Angrogne, and spoiled the same. The good man of the house hardly escaped with life by the top of the house; for there were twelve pellets shot off at him, whereof one touched his face, and struck his hat from his head, without any further hurt. The rulers of Angrogne, who were gone to the fortress to carry thither victuals and money, were by the soldiers retained, and, in despite of them and the people, they caused a mass to be sung before them, and forced them to be present at it; and because they would not kneel down to it, they were beaten almost to death. One of the rulers was sent again for more money; the other with great peril of his life leaped over the walls, and though pursued to Angrogne, escaped. Certain days after, a certain company of soldiers came into the midst of Angrogne, as though they would have passed through, and called for meat and drink. The poor men brought what they had unto them in a close court. When they had eaten and drunken, they caused the women to leave, and then bound fourteen of those who had brought them victuals, by two and two together, and led them away. Their wives and children perceiving this, so fiercely pursued them with stones, that they were fain to let go ten of their prisoners for haste, and had much ado to save themselves. 7 The other four they led away to the fortress, of whom two were ransomed the other two were hanged up by the feet and hands; and having tormented them almost to death, they released them for a great sum of money. Of these one died the next night; the other lay sick without hope of life a long time after, and his flesh fell from his hands and his feet, and thereof he became lame; and after that his fingers fell off also. In like manner did the other garrisons treat the villages adjoining unto them. The garrison of Tour and that of Villars, being assembled together at night, went to Tailleret, to the place called Boavets, and breaking in at the windows and tops of the houses, breaking open the doors, sacking and spoiling all that they could lay hands on, took also fourteen prisoners, and bound them two and two together by the arms, and so led them to the fortress of Tour; but two that escaped, whilst the soldiers were taking others, set upon them that led the prisoners, and so valiantly assaulted and beat them with stones, that they forced them to let go twelve of the prisoners, who, tumbling and rolling themselves down the mountain, having their hands bound behind their backs, and fastened two and two together by the arms, were contented rather so to die, than to be carried to the fortress; and yet in the end they escaped. 8 The other two who were led to the fortress, were cruelly tormented, and in the end the captain strangled with his own hands one of them, who was very young, and but a child: the other, who was about threescore years of age, whose name was Odul Gemet, suffered a strange and cruel death; for when they had bound him, they took a kind of beasts which live in horse manure, called in French ‘escarbotz,’ and put them unto his navel, covering them with a dish: they within short space pierced into his belly, and killed him. These, and the like more than barbarous cruelties, have been revealed by the soldiers themselves. The poor Waldois were yet in great captivity and distress, but especially because they had not the preaching of God’s word amongst them, as they were wont to have; and therefore taking to them a good courage, they determined to begin preaching again, albeit secretly, for two principal causes: the one, for fear of moving the duke, and hindering the voyage of their messengers, having yet some hope of good success; the other, that no occasion might be given to the soldiers for further trouble and outrage; for that was it which they especially desired. 9 Also they of Angrogne were fully determined, as soon as their messengers were returned from the duke, to preach openly, what news soever they brought, were they good or evil; and furthermore, not to be contributaries to the finding of the garrison, neither yet to suffer the same to enter into Angrogne. The messengers who were sent to the duke, being at Vercelli, were there detained six weeks, and all that while were cruelly handled by the popish doctors, and were constrained by force and violence to promise to return to the mass. Furthermore, they would have constrained them to promise the same in the behalf of the rest, but they would not. After they were presented to the duke, the secretary Gastaut took the supplication of the Waldois out of the messengers’ hands, and delivered another. After they had presented themselves to the duke, and asked pardon for bearing of armor, they were constrained also to crave pardon of the pope’s legate; which at the beginning they would in no case do. Now when these messengers were returned, bringing this woeful news, and the people understood that there was a new commandment given out, that they should return to the mass; also that the popish preachers were appointed, and ready to come unto them, and they commanded to go to fetch them and entertain them accordingly; there was wonderful lamentation, weeping, and mourning, for this great calamity. Hereupon, they of the valley of Lucerne and of Bobi, being assembled together, by one assent sent two ministers, with certain others of the people, to the churches of Pragela (which be in the country of Dauphine), to signify unto them the piteous state of the poor churches of the valleys of Piedmont, to have their counsel and advice how to prevent the great dangers at hand, if it were possible. For this cause they fell all to prayer, and after they had long called upon God, desiring his grace, and the spirit of discretion and counsel, well to consider of those weighty and urgent affairs wherewith they were oppressed; in the end it was concluded, that all the people dwelling in the said valleys and mountains of Piedmont, and those of Dauphine, should join in a league together. Whereupon they all promised, by God’s grace and assistance, to maintain the pure preaching of the gospel, and the administration of the holy sacraments; the one to aid and assist the other; and to render all obedience to their superiors, so far as they were commanded by the word of God. Moreover, that it should be lawful for none of the said valleys to promise or conclude any thing touching the estate of religion, without the consent of the rest of the valleys. And for more sure confirmation of the said league, certain of the ministers and elders of the churches of Dauphin were sent to the valley of Lucerne, to understand if they would give their consent hereunto, and ratify the same. These messengers, the ministers and others of Dauphine, being arrived in the evening at the village of Bobi, and the people being there assembled, word was brought that the next day every householder should appear in the council-house, to know whether they would return to the mass or no: and that they that would receive the mass, should quietly enjoy their houses; and they that would not, should be delivered to the justices, and condemned to be burned, or sent to the galleys. Wherefore the people were brought to this extremity, either to die or flee, or else to renounce God. To flee seemed to them best, if the great snow had not hindered them; wherefore seeing themselves in such distress, they most gladly consented to the league. After this they exhorted one another, saying, “Forasmuch as we shall be all called for to-morrow, to renounce and forsake our God, and revolt again to idolatry, let us now make solemn protestation, that we will utterly forsake the false religion of the pope, and that we will live and die in the maintenance and confession of God’s holy word. Let us all go tomorrow into the temple, to hear the word of God, and after let us cast down to the ground all the idols and altars.” To this every man agreed, saying, “Let us so do; yea, and that very same hour in which they have appointed us to be at the council-house!” The next day after, they assembled themselves in the church of Bobi, and as soon as they came into the temple, without any further delay, they beat down the images, and cast down the altars. After the sermon, they went to Villars to do the like there. By the way they encountered with a band of soldiers, who were going to spoil a village named Le Val Guichard, and to take the poor inhabitants prisoners. The soldiers, seeing them so ill appointed, mocked them, and discharged their hand-guns upon them, thinking at the first brunt to have put them to flight: but they valiantly defended themselves, and with stones chased them even to the fortress. When they came to Villars, they beat down their images and altars, and afterwards besieged the fortress, and demanded the prisoners which were there detained. The same day, the judge of Lucerne, called Podesta, went to the councilhouse, to enroll the names of those who would return to the mass; but seeing what was done, he was sore afraid, and desired the people to suffer him to return quietly; which they willingly granted unto him. Divers gentlemen also of the valley came thither with the judge, to make their poor tenants to forsake God; but seeing the tumult, they were fain to flee into the castle, where they and the garrison were besieged ten days together, not without great danger of their lives. the second day of the siege, the captain of Tour went with a company of soldiers, thinking to raise the siege; but they were, by those that kept the passages, either slain or discomfited. 10 As much was done the third day. The fourth day he returned with three bands, and with the garrison of Tour, which caused a furious combat, wherein many of the enemies were slain, and a great number hurt; and yet of those that besieged the fort, there was not one man hurt. In the time of this siege they attempted divers means to take the said fortress, but without ordnance it was impossible so to do; wherefore they were now past all hope of winning it. Moreover, the lord of Trinity, returning with his army, was come to the valley of Lucerne, and the next day after might easily have raised the siege. Wherefore when the garrison (not knowing that the lord of Trinity was so near) desired that they might depart with bag and baggage, they granted their request. In this siege half of the soldiers were, slain, and many were hurt, as well with harquebusses as with stones. During this siege, the soldiers for lack of water were constrained to make their bread with wine, which tormented their stomachs, and caused great diseases. Here is not to be forgotten, that the soldiers, who a while: before did so cruelly persecute the poor ministers, seeking by all means possible to destroy them, were now fain to pray them to save their lives, and to promise them that they should have no hurt, and also to conduct them safely into a sure place: neither would they depart until they had promised them so to do; which the ministers did promise, and also perform very willingly. 11 Then the soldiers, seeing themselves much beholden to the ministers so gently dealing with them, gave them great thanks, and promised them in recompense thereof all the pleasure that they could show them. the same night the fortress was rased. On the 2d of February, the lord of Trinity encamped at Lucerne, and placed a garrison in the priory of St. Jean, a village of the Waldois between Lucerne and Angrogne. The next day, in the morning, the said lord of Trinity sent word unto them of Angrogne, that if they would not take part with the rest, they should be gently handled. All the week before, they were solicited by him to consent to the same, but they would give no answer. The same day they of Angrogne, and the rest of the valleys, fully agreed and determined to defend their religion by force, and that the one should aid the other, and no agreement to be made by any one without the consent of the rest. About noon the lord of Trinity marched with his army by St. Jean, to enter into the borders of Angrogne by a place called La Sommeillette, where they had fought before. The people had made certain bulwarks of earth and stone not past three foot high, where they defended themselves valiantly against their enemies, who assailed them divers ways. When the enemies were so weary that they could fight no longer, they put fresh soldiers into their places; so that the combat endured until night, and all that day the army could not enter into the borders of Angrogne. Many of the enemies were slain, and a great number hurt; and but two of Angrogne slain, of whom one was slain by his own folly, because he was too greedy upon the spoil. The army, being now well beaten and tired, rested a while, to make themselves stronger for a further mischief. The Friday following, which was the 7th of February 475 , at break of day, the army marched towards Angrogne by five several places. The people of Angrogne were not yet assembled, and there were none to resist, but only a few who kept the watch; who, seeing their enemies coming upon them in so many places, and perceiving that they went about to inclose them, after they had valiantly fought for a space, recoiled by little and little to a high place called La Casse, where the combat was renewed with greater fierceness than before. But the lord of Trinity, seeing the loss of his men, and above all, that one of great credit and authority in the duke’s court was wounded to death, blew a retreat, and descended to Angrogne (the people being fled to the meadow of Tour), and there spoiled and burnt all the wines, victuals, and the rest of the goods that he could find; so that in a short space he had burned about a thousand houses of Angrogne. And here is not to be forgotten, that they oftentimes set fire upon the two temples of Angrogne, where the word of God was preached, but they could never burn them. So did they also to the minister’s house, which notwithstanding remained whole, the houses round about being all consumed with fire. This day none of Angrogne were slain or hurt, saving only one that was hurt in his thigh. There were in all Angrogne but two, that were enemies to the word of God, who that same day were slain by the soldiers, not in the combat, but for their riches which they had about them, as they were running away. One of them was a very covetous wretch, and had great store of gold and silver, and would spend nothing, either to help himself, or succor others, no not his poor parents. All this was spoiled by the soldiers, with a hundred or two hundred crowns besides., which he had about him. Besides these two, there was not one of Angrogne slain that day. All the rest of the people retired to the meadow of Tour, the situation whereof we will here declare, for the better understanding of that which followeth. Tour is a little valley upon the borders of Angrogne, environed about with mountains, two miles in length, but very narrow. On both sides, and in the midst thereof, there be about two hundred small houses and cottages; also meadows, pastures for cattle, ground for tillage, trees, and goodly fountains. On the south-side and the north the mountains are so high, that no man can that way approach unto the said valley. On the other coasts a man may enter by seven or eight ways. This place is not more than two miles from Angrogne; the way thither is very narrow, and ill to pass by, because of the hills which be on both sides. There is also a river hard by, but very small; but the banks thereof be very high in many places. The people had carried thither very few victuals, partly because the way was so ill.. and also through the sudden return of the army. In the mean time the lord of Trinity, after he had now twice assaulted Angrogne, sent certain to burn Rosa, and to discover the ways which led to the valley of Lucerne; but the soldiers were driven: back four days together by those who kept the passages: whereupon he sent ‘his whole army, whom they valiantly withstood from the morning till night. Then they of Lucerne sent new aid. During this combat, an ambushment of soldiers descended from the top of the mountain, by a place so hard to pass by, that no man would have suspected it. The poor people, seeing themselves so environed by their enemies, saved themselves, some running through the midst of their enemies, and others into the rocks. The enemies, being entered into Rosa, consumed all with fire and sword. The residue of the people fled by the secret way leading to the valley of Lucerne, and wandered all that night upon the mountains full of snow, loaden with their stuff, carrying their little infants in their arms, and leading the others by the hands, with great pain and travail. When they of the valley saw them, they ran unto them, praising God for their deliverance, for they thought they had been all slain. Albeit this poor people were here in such great extremity, yet they were joyful, and comforted themselves, without any lamentation or mourning, except the little poor infants that cried out for cold. A few days after, the lord of Trinity entered into the valley of Lucerne by three several ways; that is to say, by Rosa, by the plain, and by the sides of Tailleret. They that kept the passages, at first resisted their enemies valiantly, but perceiving that they were assailed on every side, they retired to Villars, and there defended themselves awhile: but because they saw that their enemies had already passed the plain, and gotten above Villars towards Bobi, they gave over, and left Villars, and fled into the mountains. The soldiers, being entered, burned their houses, and slew all that they could find. The poor people who were fled into the mountains, seeing the village on fire, praised God, and gave him thanks, who had made them worthy to suffer for his name and for his cause; and also they were glad to see the village on fire, lest their enemies should encamp there themselves. Then the soldiers, in great rage, mounted the hills on every side, pursuing the poor people in great fury; but a few of them, after they had ardently called upon God, took courage, and beat back their enemies to Villars. This done, the army retired. In a few days after, the meadow of Tour was assaulted by three several ways on the east side. The combat endured a long season, where divers of the enemies were hurt, and many slain: but none of this poor people were slain that day, only two were hurt, who were soon healed again. But to declare the conflicts, assaults, skirmishes, and alarms, which were at Angrogne and other places thereabouts, it were too long: for brevity’s sake it shall be sufficient to touch the principal, and those which are most worthy of memory. On Saturday, which was the 14th day of February 476 , the people who were in the uppermost part of the meadow of Tour, perceived that a company of soldiers had ascended up the hill to Angrogne, and were burning the rest of the houses there. They doubted that it was a policy of their enemies to draw them thither, and in the mean time to set on them behind, and so to win the meadow of Tour from them. Therefore they sent only six harquebussiers against those soldiers, who, having the higher ground, and not being espied of their enemies, discharged all their guns together; whereupon incontinent the soldiers fled, albeit no man pursued them. Whether they fled of policy, or for fear, it was not known. Shortly after, they of the ward of the meadow of Tour, who were on the watch on the top of the mountain (because every morning a sermon was made there, whereunto the people resorted, and they might see afar off round about them), espied a troop of soldiers marching on that side of the hill which is between the east and the north, and soon after that, they discovered another company, which marched on the. north side towards the said troop. The first had ascended an hour before the other, and fought on the top of the mountain called Melese, but they were soon discomfited; and because they could not run fast by means of the deep snow, and the difficulty of the ways, in fleeing they fell often down upon the ground. Whilst they that pursued them were earnest in the chase, and had taken from them their drum, behold there came certain unto them, crying out that the other troop was entered into the meadow of Tour, by means whereof they gave over the chase; or else not one of their enemies had escaped, as they that were there reported for a truth. Not one of Angrogne was slain or hurt. The other troop, that came by the north side, took a high hill in the top of the mountain, which seemed to be almost inaccessible, by reason of the snow and ice which were there. The chiefest of this company were Ludovic of Monteil (who had been before master of the camp in the king’s wars), and Charles Truchet. When they were come to the top of the hill, they caused seven soldiers to go down the hill, and to view the way, and to see whether the troop might descend that way or no. These seven went down almost to the houses. They sent also others to occupy the rest of the high places which were near to the foot of the hill and the rocks. In the mean time the ministers, and the people who were in the midst of the valley of the meadow, saw all this, and were much discouraged therewith: wherefore they fell to prayer, and called upon God ardently, not without great sighs, and lamentation, and tears, even until night. The seven spies who came down to discover the ways, cried unto their captain Truchet, “Come down! come down!” “Seignior Charles! this day Angrogne shall be taken.” The others cried to them again, “Ascend! ascend, and return! or else you shall be slain every one of you!’” Immediately issued out five against these spies, and took certain, and chased the rest. The first of the five who set upon them, cast two of them down upon the ground with a fork of fire. Soon after, eight of Angrogne issued out against the whole troop. It was wonderful to see them go with such courage and boldness, to assail such a multitude, and it seemed that they should have been all destroyed and hewn in pieces. The first of the eight went a good way before the others, to discover the enemies, and carried a great staff, which they call a rancon, and is somewhat bigger than a halberd-the others followed by two and two together, with harquebusses. These eight went from rock to rock, from hill to hill, about the mountain, and chased their enemies valiantly. Then came twelve others, who, joining with the rest, fought with a wonderful courage, and made great slaughter of their enemies. Soon after there came from the valley of Lucerne a hundred harquebussiers, with one of their ministers, according’ to their manner, who were wont to send out a minister withal, as; well for prayer and exhortation, as to keep the people in order, that they exceeded not measure, as it came to pass that day. At length they saw them also coming, who returned from the discomfiture of the former troop, making a great noise, and having a drum sounding before them which they had taken from their enemies; who joined with them of the valley of Lucerne, and having made their earnest prayer unto God, immediately they came to succor the others that now were encountering valiantly with their enemies. Then the enemies, seeing such a company marching against them with such courage and boldness, after the others had once called upon God, their hearts were so taken from them, that suddenly they fled, and as soon as the others began to pray, they began also to flee; but because they could not well save themselves by running away, they turned back twice, and fought, and some in the meantime fled. He that carried the rancon, and discovered the enemies, was but a very young and a simple man, and was esteemed to be one that could do nothing but (as they say in their language) handle ‘la sappe,’ that is to say, a hatchet, and kept cattle: and yet he, with those that followed, so discomfited the enemies, that it was wonderful to behold. He brake his great rancon with laying load upon them; and after that he brake also four of their own swords in pursuing them. There was a boy of eighteen years of age, and of small stature, who alone slew the lord of Monteil, master of the camp (as is said) to the king; wherewith the enemies were marvelously astonished and discouraged. Another simple man, who, a man would have thought, durst not once have looked Charles Truchet in the face (because he was a very big man, strong and puissant, and one of the chiefest captains of the whole army), threw down the said Trucher with the stroke of a stone. Then a young man leaped upon him, and slew him with his own sword, which was four fingers broad, and cleft his head in pieces. This Truchet was one of the principal authors of this war, and one of the chiefest enemies of true religion, and of the poor Waldois, that could then be found. 14 It was said also, that he vaunted and promised before to the said lord of Trinity, that he would deliver into his hands the meadow of Tour: but God soon brought his proud brag to nought; and for his spoiling, pilling, and polling of the poor people, he lay spoiled and naked like a beast in the wild mountain of Angrogne. Two of the chiefest among them offered to pay a great sum of crowns for their ransom, but they could not be heard. They were pursued more than a mile, and were so discomfited, that they fled without any resistance; and if the night had not let them, they had pursued them further. The minister, when he saw the great effusion of blood, and the enemies to flee, cried to the people, saying, that it was enough, and exhorted them to give thanks unto God. They that heard him, obeyed, and fell to prayer; but they that were further off, and heard him not, chased their enemies till dark night, insomuch that if the rest had done the like, very few of their enemies had escaped. That day they spoiled their enemies of a great part of their armor and munition. So God restored in this combat, and in others, to the poor Waldois, the armor which the lord of Trinity had taken from them before. Thanks were given to God in every place; and every man cried, “Who is he that seeth not that God fighteth for us?” This victory gave great courage to the poor Waldois, and greatly astonished the enemies. On the 18th of February, the lord of Trinity, not satisfied with burning and destroying the greatest part of Villars, returned to burn all the little villages round about, which pertain to the same, and especially to pursue the poor people, who were fled up into the mountains; and dividing his army into three parts, he entered by three several ways above mentioned. The two first companies joined together between Villars and Bobi, having a great company of horsemen. From thence they went to seek the people who were in the mountain of Combe, by such a way as they did not suspect, and where there were no warders to defend the place. Notwithstanding, the warders who were next, seeing their enemies ascending that way, speedily ran before them; and calling upon God for his aid and succor, they set themselves against their enemies: and albeit they were but thirty in number, yet they valiantly beat them back twice, coming out of their bulwarks, that is to say, certain houses which at that time served them for that purpose, albeit they were not made for that use. Many of the enemies were slain at those two combats, and not one of the other side. The lord of Trinity, seeing his men so fiercely driven back, sent out the greatest part of his army, which were esteemed to be fifteen hundred men. There came also about a hundred to succor the warders. The combat was very cruel and fierce. At length the poor people were assaulted so vehemently, that they were fain to forsake their bulwarks, losing two of their men. Then the enemies thought all to be theirs, and blew their trumpets, triumphing that they had put the people to flight. But the people, retiring not past a stone’s cast, took courage, and crying altogether to the Lord for succor, they turned themselves to the face of their enemies, and with great force and power hurled stones at them with their slings. After this the enemies rested themselves awhile, and by and by after they gave a furious assault; but yet they were again mightily resisted. Yet once again the enemies rested, and in the mean time the people fell to prayer, calling upon God altogether, with their faces lifted up towards heaven; which frayed the enemies more than any thing else. After this, they gave yet another great assault, but God by the hands of a few drove them back. Yea God here showed his great power, even in the little children also, who, fervently calling upon God, threw stones at their enemies, and gave courage also unto the men. So did also the women, and the vulgar sort; that is to say, those who were meet for no feats of war, remaining upon the mountain, and beholding these furious combats, kneeling upon the ground, and having their faces lifted up towards heaven, with tears and groanings they cried, “Lord, help us!” who heard their prayers. After these three assaults were given, there came one unto them crying, “Be of good courage! God hath sent those of Angrogne to succor us.” He meant, that they of Angrogne were fighting for them in another place, that is to say, towards Tailleret, where the third part; of the army was. The people perceiving that they of Angrogne were come to that place to succor them, began to cry, “Blessed be God, who hath sent us succor: they of Angrogne be here to succor us!” The enemies hearing this, were astonished, and suddenly blew a retreat, and retired into the plain. The troop that were gone towards Tailleret, divided themselves into three companies. The first marched by the side of the mountain, burning many houses, and joined with the main army. The second company, which was of seven score, marched higher, thinking to take the people at unawares; but they were by seven men strongly resisted and driven back. The third company attained the top of the mountain, thinking to inclose the people; but as God would, they of Angrogne, who came to succor them, encountered with them, and with great force put them to flight. They of Villars, of whom mention is made before, after they had refreshed themselves with a little bread and wine (for the most part of them had eaten nothing all that day), chased their enemies till it was almost night, so fiercely, that the master of the camp was fain to send to the lord of Trinity (who was at Tour) for succor, or else all would have been lost; which he did; and immediately he rode with all speed to Lucerne to save himself, hearing the alarm which was given at St. Jean by those of Angrogne, and fearing lest the way should have been stopped. The army retired with great difficulty (notwithstanding the new aid which was sent them), and with great loss of their men. One of their captains confessed since, that if they had been pursued any further, they had fled all that night long. Since that time they never returned again into the valley of Lucerne. On Monday, being the 17th of March next following, the lord of Trinity, to be revenged on those of the meadow of Tour, assembled all the force that he could make with the gentlemen of the country; insomuch that whereas before, his army was commonly but four thousand, it was now between six and seven thousand: and secretly, in the night season, he encamped with part of his army in the midst of Angrogne, from whence the poor inhabitants were fled before. The next morning, after the sermon and prayers were ended, they perceived the other part of the army to be encamped at the foot of the mountain of Angrogne on the east side. Soon after they perceived how both parts of the army coasted the hill’s side, the one towards the other, being such a multitude, so glittering in their harness, and marching in such array, that the poor people at first were astonished thereat. Notwithstanding, the assembly fell down upon their knees three or four times, crying, “Help us, O Lord!” beseeching him to have regard to the glory of his holy name, to stay the effusion of blood, if it were his good pleasure, and to turn the hearts of their enemies to the truth of his holy gospel. These two parts of the army joined together near to the bulwarks of the meadow of Tour, and gave the assault in three several places. One of the bands mounted secretly by the rocks, thinking to have inclosed the people in their bulwarks. But as soon as they that kept the bulwark below had espied them, they forsook the place, and marched straight towards them; and as they marched, they met with the aid which was sent unto them, very luckily, from the valley of Lucerne, and coming as it were from heaven; who joining together, soon discomfited their enemies with stones and harquebusses. They pursued them fiercely into the rocks, and vexed them wonderfully, because the rocks are so steep that no man can ascend or descend without great pain and difficulty. The captain of this band was named Bastian, of Virgile, a man very expert in the affairs of war. At his going out of his lodging, he threatened that he would do great and terrible things that day. His hostess hearing that, said unto him, “Monsieur! if our religion be better than theirs, you shall have the victory; but if theirs be better than ours, you shall not prevail.” Shortly after the captain was brought again into his inn, so wounded and so feeble, that he was not likely to live. Then said his hostess unto him, “Monsieur! it is now well seen, that their religion is better than ours.” There was also another band that kept the top of the hill, to assault the bulwarks from thence. The middlemost bulwark was then assaulted, in which were very few to defend the same; who, seeing the number of their enemies, retired back, leaving therein five only to defend it. There was a huge rock not far from the aforesaid bulwark, behind which a great number of the enemies were hid; and anon there issued out two ensigns, assuring themselves to win the bulwark; but immediately one of their ensignbearers was wounded to death, whereupon many recoiled back; the other set up his ensign upon the bulwark. They that were within, had neither halberd, nor any other long weapon, but only one pike, and the same without any iron; which one of the five took, and threw down the ensign, and manfully beat back the scalers, and threw them down to the ground. Divers of the enemies were entered into the bulwark by a door below, and slew one of the five who kept the middle part of the bulwark. The other four looked to be destroyed out of hand. Then one of the four chased away those who had entered below, with stones; and the other three, leaving their hand-guns, defended themselves likewise with great stones: and perceiving the band which was on the rocks to flee, they took courage, and withstood their enemies valiantly, till their companions were returned from the chase. In the mean time the bulwark which was upon the side of the mountain, was furiously assailed by the one half of the army. Those that were within, suffered their enemies to approach near to the bulwark, without any gunshot or other defense; whereat the enemies much marveled: but when they were even at hand, they fell upon them, some with throwing of stones,15 some with rolling down mighty stones, and some with harquebusses. There was a huge stone rolled down, which passed throughout the whole army, and slew divers. The soldiers at that time had won a little cottage near to the said bulwark, which did much hurt to the poor men; but among them one devised to roll down a great huge stone against the cottage, which so shook it, and amazed the soldiers, that they thought they had been all destroyed; and incontinent they fled, and never would enter into it again. Then the soldiers made certain fences of wood, five feet long, three feet broad, and of the thickness of three boards: but they were so sore vexed with the shot of the harquebusses, that they were fain to lay all those fences aside. The miners also made others of earth for the soldiers. But all these policies of the enemies availed them nothing; for the slaughter was so great, that in divers places you might have seen three lying dead, one upon another. God so wrought with the poor Christians, that the shot of two harquebusses slew four men. It was said for a certainty, that the shot of a harquebuss came so near the lord of Trinity’s head, that it brake a wand which he bare in his hand, and made him to retire six-score paces backward; and seeing his soldiers in such great numbers murdered and wounded on every side, he wept bitterly. Then he retired the rest of his army. That day he thought assuredly to have entered into the meadow of Tour. Moreover, he was determined, if that day’s journey had not succeeded, to encamp thereby, and the next morning very early to renew the assault. Many gentlemen and others came thither to see the discomfiture of the poor Waldois; and likewise those of the plain looked for nothing, but to hear the piteous ruin and desolation of this poor people. But God disposed it otherwise, for the lord of Trinity had much ado to save himself and his; and seeing the mischiefs which they intended to do unto others were fallen now upon their own heads, they were wonderfully astonished. They of the plain also, when they saw the number of the dead bodies and the wounded to be so great (for from noon until the evening they ceased not to carry them away), were likewise exceedingly dismayed. Albeit they carried not all away; for there were many that lay near to the bulwarks, whom the people covered with winding-sheets the next morning. The soldiers themselves confessed to them of the meadow of Tour, that if they had pursued them, they had been all slain, they were so tired, and clean out of heart. Many marveled why the people did not follow the army, but especially the soldiers, seeing the great discomfiture which they had done, and that they had gotten such advantage of them already’ but this was done for two causes; the one was, because they had already determined not to follow the army being once retired, to avoid the effusion of blood, meaning only to defend themselves; the other cause was, for that they were weary, and had spent all their munition: for many of them had shot off about thirty times, and none of them under twenty, spending great store both of pellets and hail shot. The rest of the army retired, crying with a loud voice, “God fighteth for them, and we do them wrong!” The next day one of the principal captains of the army surrendered his charge to the lord of Trinity, saying unto him, that he would never fight against this people any more; and upon that he departed. It is a marvelous thing, and worthy of perpetual memory, that in that combat there were but two of the Waldois slain, and two hurt. Through the whole country of Piedmont, every man said, “God fighteth for them.” One of the captains confessed, that he had been at many fierce assaults and combats, and sundry battles well fought, but yet he never saw soldiers so faint-hearted and amazed; yea, the soldiers themselves told him, they were so astonished, that they could not strike. Moreover, they said, that this people never shot, but they hurt or killed some of the soldiers. Some others said, that the ministers by their prayers conjured and bewitched them, that they could not fight. And indeed wonderful is it, and marvelous are the judgments of God, that notwithstanding so many combats and conflicts, such great assaults and adventures, so much and such terrible shot, continually made against this poor people, yet all in a manner came to no effect, so mightily God’s holy power wrought for his people: insomuch that for all the said combats, skirmishes, and so many conflicts of all the Angrognians, there were but nine only that miscarried, and the whole number of those that were slain were but only fourteen persons. Here also is to be noted, not without great admiration, how few there were, and those also but poor silly shepherds and neatherds, to encounter with such a mighty power of so strong and brave soldiers coming against them with weapons and armor, being so well furnished and appointed with munition, as they were in all points accordingly; and the other on the contrary side being unarmed, and unprovided of all habiliment of war, having for their defense for the most part nothing else but slings and stones, and a few harquebusses. On the 19th of March 478 there was a hot skirmish at Angrogne; for three companies of soldiers went to Angrogne, to burn and spoil all that remained, and to destroy the wines which were hidden in the ground. Here, amongst themselves, they mocked and flouted the poor people, saying, “These Lutheran Waldois are valiant fellows behind their bulwarks; but if they had been in the plain field, they had been well canvassed.” After this it chanced that thirty of the Waldois went and assailed these aforesaid companies in the plain field. They fought a long season, and that so near, that some of them fought hand to hand. In this conflict one of those of Angrogne, wrestled with a captain of the enemies, strong and mighty, and cast him down upon the ground. Many of the soldiers were slain, and many hurt; but of the Angrognians there was but one slain, and another hurt a little, who notwithstanding gave not over to fight manfully. Then the soldiers, seeing the loss of their men, retired suddenly. After that, the lord of Trinity sent two gentlemen of the valley of Lucerne to them of Angrogne, to feel them if they would come to any agreement. To whom answer was made, that they would stand to their first answer. From that time he sent very often to treat of the agreement; but what his meaning was, it might well appear; for when the poor people hoped for some agreement, they were most furiously assaulted. Upon this, there was a day assigned in the valley of Lucerne, to confer touching the agreement with certain men pertaining to the lord of Ranconis, and the safe conduct was promised and granted. The night before the ministers and rulers of Angrogne should take their journey, they perceived a company of soldiers going up a hill by which they of Angrogne should pass, and hid them in houses on the way-side, thinking to take at unawares them of Angrogne, that were sent; to treat of the agreement. 16 But they, having intelligence of this conspiracy, watched and warded. It was an easy matter, as divers thought, that night to have taken the lord of Trinity, and to have spoiled his whole camp; but they of Angrogne and Lucerne would not execute this enterprise, lest thereby they should offend God, and pass the bounds of their vocation, taking upon them no more but to defend themselves. At that time a pitiful case happened in the meadow of Tour. The lord of Ranconis, seeming to be sorry for this war, sent into the meadow of Tour an honest man of Briqueras, named Francis of Gilles, to take advice what means were best to further the agreement; who, having consulted with the ministers and rulers, returned homeward that day according to his master’s commandment, and having sent back one who conducted him, was murdered soon after at the foot of Angrogne, by two of Angrogne who otherwise seemed to be honest, and of good parentage. Soon after, one of the two, who had committed this fact, entered into the meadow of Tour and was immediately apprehended and bound. He confessed the fact without any further delay. Immediately the other also was taken. The Waldois were marvelously troubled and aggrieved with this fact, and wrote to the lord of Ranconis, 17 declaring unto him the whole circumstance of the fact, and that they had the offenders in ward, and that if it would please him to send certain to examine the matter, they, for their part, would so execute justice in the punishment of them, that their innocency to all men should appear. The lord of Ranconis wrote unto them that they should deliver unto him the offenders, and that he would do such justice upon them as the case required. To this they of Angrogne answered, that upon three conditions they should be delivered according to his request: first, that the prisoners should be compelled to do nothing against their consciences; and as touching religion, nothing should be spoken unto them, but out of the word of God: secondly, that speedy and sharp justice ‘should be executed upon them; and that hereafter this should be no prejudice to the liberties and privileges of the people of Angrogne: the third, that the execution of them should be upon the borders of Angrogne, for an example to all others. This being accorded with one assent (yea without contradiction of their parents), they sent, them prisoners, accompanied with sixty gunners, to the confines of Lucerne, and there delivered them into the hands of the lord of Ranconis. This redounded to the great commendation of them of Angrogne. After this, the lord of Trinity, having left certain garrisons about Angrogne, and the valley of Lucerne, went to Perouse near to the valley of St. Martin, to succor the garrison there, being in great danger, and there remained a month. During which time, they of Angrogne, and the valley of Lucerne, lived in more quietness than before; but yet they were much afflicted, by reason of the scarcity of victuals which sore pressed them, and namely those of the meadow of Tour, for they were spoiled of their victuals. This poor people lived on milk and herbs, having very little bread: but afterwards, when they were even like to be famished, God of his goodness sent them better succor, both of corn and bread, than they had before. the enemies thought to have taken the meadow of Tour by famine; for they took away the victuals that were to be had in all places round about. Every household was suffered to have no more than should sustain them that day, and that also was very little; to the end that they should not succor this poor people. After that, the lord of Trinity, being returned from Perouse to Lucerne, sent certain to treat of an agreement, and required to commune with some of the people. Then they began to consult and devise, by all means, how they might come to some good agreement. But on Monday, being the 17th of April 479 , by break of day, he sent certain bands of Spaniards, which he had there, 18 with the garrison of Tour, to the mountain of Tailleret, by the way which leadeth to the meadow of Tour, on the south side: they murdered men, women, and children of Tailleret, whom they found in their beds. Then they marched on along upon the mountain, towards the meadow of Tour. Anon after, the people perceived two other companies of soldiers, marching by Angrogne by two several ways, to assault the meadow of Tour. In the morning, as soon as they rose, they blew their horns, for they saw the Spaniards already entered. When they had made their prayers, every man ran to meet the enemies; some on the east side, and the others on the south. They that first resisted the Spaniards (who were already past the bulwarks), were in the beginning but twelve gunners, and a few others, whom they caused to go up to the hill, and roll down great stones. These twelve, having found a fit place for their purpose to stay the Spaniards, began to shoot off their harquebusses at them. The Spaniards, seeing themselves so sore assaulted both above and beneath, and the place so narrow and so strait, recoiled back, and retired as fast as they could by the same way by which they came. If they had tarried a little longer, they had been enclosed between the two mountains; which place was so strait, that they could not have escaped. The people chased them unto their camp, which was at Tour. As they fled, they found often some forts, where they did resist for a little while, but they were always beaten out. In this combat, God gave victory to the poor Waldois, with great slaughter of the Spaniards, where also very many of them were sore hurt and wounded. The said lord of Trinity sent unto the Spaniards, that they should not faint and give over, but stick to it like men, and he would shortly send them succor: but they would not. Those of the valley of Lucerne, hearing of this conflict, came in the mean time to help their neighbors. Amongst others, there was one slain in that battle, for whom the lord of Trinity much lamented, saying, that he would rather have lost a whole band than that man. The other two companies which marched by Angrogne, perceiving the Spaniards to be so beaten and put to flight, and seeing also those of the meadow of Tour coining to encounter with them, retired in haste. Upon that the lord of Trinity went to Cavors, three miles from Lucerne, being in a great perplexity; and as he was about to send succor to the Spaniards, he heard the sound of a drum above Lucerne, and suspected that there was an army of the Waldois coming against him. Upon this, divers of the soldiers fled away by the plain, crying that all was lost. It was certainly reported, that if the Waldois had pursued the army, as they might easily have done, the camp had that day been chased out of Lucerne. The poor people lacked no courage so to do; for albeit they had neither eaten nor drunk all the day before, and had so sore travailed and fought, yet they said, that if they had but a little refreshed themselves with a morsel of bread, and a glass of wine, they durst take upon them to enter into the camp of their enemies. Within a few days after, they of Angrogne were advertised by the lord of Trinity’s letters, that he fully determined to cut down their trees and vines, and destroy their corn being on the ground; and furthermore, that two forts should be built at Angrogne. The day was assigned, and horsemen appointed, with all speed to execute this mischievous enterprise. The poor people thought that they should be assailed as sore as ever they were, and fight as hard as ever they did before. But God prevented this cruel attempt; for the night before this should be executed, the lord of Trinity received certain letters from the duke, which stayed this enterprise. They of the meadow of Tour being advertised that the lord of Trinity did now intend to send ordnance to beat down the bulwarks which were made of stones, they made a bulwark of earth, which was in compass about five hundred paces, which they might easily see from Lucerne. They of the meadow of Tour told the lord of Trinity’s men, that if they brought any artillery, they should not so soon carry it away again; and shortly the ordnance was sent back again. About this season, the chief rulers and ministers of the Waldois, requested earnestly the lord of Ranconis to present a supplication which they had made to the duchess of Savoy: for they had intelligence, that she was sore offended that her subjects were so cruelly handled. In this supplication they declared the equity of their cause, protesting all due obedience to the duke their sovereign lord, and if it might be proved by the pure word of God that they held any error, they would, with all humble submission, receive correction, and be reformed, humbly beseeching her grace to appease the displeasure which the duke had conceived against them, by the untrue surmises of their adversaries; and if there were any thing wherein they had offended him, they most humbly craved his gracious pardon. About this time the lord of Trinity, by sickness, was in great danger of his life. Soon after the supplication was delivered, the duchess sent an answer to the Waldois, by the said lord of Ranconis. The effect thereof was, that she had obtained of the duke’s grace all that they demanded in their supplication, upon such conditions as the said lord of Ranconis would propound unto them. But when they understood that the said conditions were very rigorous, they sent another supplication unto the duchess, wherein they humbly besought her grace to be a mean that the said conditions and articles might be moderated; which articles here follow. CONDITIONS AND ARTICLES PROPOSED TO THE WALDOIS. First , That they should banish their ministers. Secondly , That they should receive the mass, and other ceremonies of the Romish church. Thirdly , That they should pay a ransom to the soldiers for certain of their men whom they had taken. Fourthly , That they should assemble and preach no more as they were wont to do. Fifthly , That the duke should make fortresses at his pleasure, in all that country, with other like things. THE SUPPLICATION OF THE WALDOIS TO THE DUCHESS OF SAVOY. The people made humble request in this their last supplication, that it would please the said duchess to give-the duke her husband to understand, how that these conditions were strange and rigorous. And as for their parts, although they had good trial of their ministers, that they were good men and fearing God, of sound doctrine, of good life, and honest conversation; yet nevertheless they were contented so to do, if he would give leave to some of them to remain: requesting this, that it might be permitted unto them to choose some other good ministers in their places, before they departed, lest their churches should remain without pastors. Concerning the mass, and other ceremonies of the church of Rome, if the duke should cause them to be ministered in their parishes, they neither would nor could withstand the same, and for their part, they would do no injury or violence to those that should minister them, or be present thereat: notwithstanding they besought him, that they might not be constrained to be present themselves at the ministration thereof, nor to pay any thing to the maintenance of the same, neither to yield either favor or consent thereunto. As touching the ransom which was demanded of them for their prisoners, considering the, extreme poverty that they were in, and the great calamities, and. damages which they had suffered, it was to them a thing Impossible. Yea, if his highness were truly informed what loss they had sustained, by burning, spoiling, and sacking of their houses and goods, without all mercy or pity, he would not only not require of them any such thing, but, as a gracious and merciful, prince, he would succor and support them, that they might be able to maintain their poor families, whom they nourished (as they were bound to do) to the service of God, and of their said lord and prince: and therefore they desired that it might please him, that their poor brethren remaining in captivity and prison, and such as were sent to the galleys for the profession of their religion, might speedily be delivered and set at liberty. As for their assemblies and preachings, they were contented that they should be kept only amongst themselves, in their accustomed places, and in other valleys aforesaid, where any assembly of the faithful should be, who were desirous to hear the preaching of the gospel. Touching the fortresses, forasmuch as by those which were already made, they had suffered great molestations and troubles, as well concerning their goods, as also their religion, they were assured, that if he should build up new forts, they should never he able to abide the troubles, miseries, and calamities, that would follow thereupon: and therefore they most humbly desired the said duchess to be so good and gracious unto them, as to obtain of the duke that he would accept their persons in the stead of forts; and that, seeing those places were by nature and of themselves strong and well fortified, it might please their said lord the duke to receive them into his protection and safeguard; and by the grace and assistance of God they would serve him themselves for such walls and forts, that he should not need to build any other. And because many of those who dwelt near about them had robbed and spoiled them, not only of their household goods and such other things, but also driven away their cattle, that it might please him to give them leave to recover the said goods by way of justice, and to buy again that which the soldiers had sold, and that for the same price for which it was sold. Briefly, they also besought their said lord, that it might please him to be so gracious unto them, as to grant them a confirmation of all their franchises, immunities, and privileges, as well general as particular, given unto them as well by him as by his predecessors; and likewise of those, who, as well as their ancestors, had bought of their lords, and to receive them, as his most humble and obedient subjects, ‘into his protection and safeguard. And because in time past, instead of good and speedy justice, all iniquity was committed by those that had the administration of justice in their valleys, and forasmuch as their purses were emptied and punished rather than the malefactors; that it might please him to give order that such justice might be done amongst them, whereby the wicked might be punished with all severity, and the innocent defended and maintained in their right. Finally, forasmuch as divers of this poor people (being astonished at the coming of the army, and fearing lest they should not only be spoiled of all their goods, but also they with their wives and children be utterly destroyed) made promise, against their consciences, to live according to the traditions of the church of Rome; they were marvelously troubled and tormented in sprat, and did nothing but languish in that distress. Wherefore they humbly besought the said duchess to take pity upon them, and to obtain that they might not be compelled to do any thing against their conscience; and moreover, that it might please the duke to permit them to live in liberty and freedom of conscience: so, that all their poor brethren, banished for the cause of religion, might return home to their houses; and that all confiscations and penalties made against them, might be abolished. And for their part, they promised to give all due reverence and honor to God and his holy word, and to be true and faithful subjects unto their lord and prince; yea, more than any other. Underneath the said supplication there was written: Your faithful and humble subjects, the poor afflicted of the valleys of Lucerne, Angrogne, St. Martin, and Perouse, and, generally, all the people of the Waldois, who inhabit the country of Piedmont. After this supplication was viewed and read by the said duchess. she so persuaded with the duke, that answer was made with these conditions, declared in these articles following: CONCLUSIONS AND ARTICLES LASTLY AGREED UPON BETWEEN THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD OF RANCONIS, ON THE PART OF THE DUKE’S HIGHNESS, AND THEM OF THE VALLEYS OF PIEDMONT, CALLED THE WALDOIS. That there shall shortly be made letters patent by the duke’s highness, by which it may appear that he hath forgiven and pardoned them of the valleys of Angrogne, Bobi, Villars, Valquichard, Roras, Tailleret, La Rua de Bone, (bordering upon Tour), St. Martin, Perouse, Roccapiata, St. Barthilimi, and all such as have aided them; of all such faults as they have committed, as well in bearing armor against his highness, as against the lords and certain other gentlemen whom he retained and kept in his protection and safeguard. That it shall be lawful for them of Angrogne, Bobi, Villars, Valquichard, Roras, members of the valley of Lucerne, and for them of Rodoret, Marcele, Maneille, and Salsa (members of the valley of St. Martin), to have their congregations, sermons, and other ministries of their religion in places accustomed. That it shall be lawful for them of Villars (members of the valley of Lucerne) to have the same, but that only until the time that his highness doth build a fort in the same place. But whilst the said fort is in building, it shall not be lawful to have their preachings and assemblies within the said precinct of the place, but it shall be lawful for them to build a place for that purpose near at hand, where they shall think good, on that side towards Bobi. Nevertheless it shall be permitted to their ministers to come within the precinct aforesaid, to visit the sick, and exercise other things necessary to their religion, so that they preach not, nor make any assembly there. It shall also be permitted to them of Tailleret, and La Rua de Bonet, bordering upon Tour, to have their sermons and assemblies in places accustomed, so that they enter not for that purpose into the rest of the confines of Tour. That it shall not be lawful for the said members of the valleys of Lucerne and St. Martin, to come to the rest of their borders, nor to any other of his highness’s dominions; nor to have their preachings, assemblies, or disputations, out of their own borders, having liberty to have them therein. And if they be examined of their faith, it shall be lawful for them to answer without danger of punishment in body or goods. The like shall be lawful for them of the parish of Perouse, who at this present are fled because of the said religion, and were wont to have their assemblies and preachings, and other ministries according to their religion, at the place called Le Puis; so that they come not to other places and borders of the said parish. It shall be permitted to them of the parish of Pinachia, of the valley of Perouse, who at this present be fled because of the said religion, and were wont to go to sermons and assemblies, and other ministries of that religion, to have the like, only at the place called Le Grandoubion. It shall be permitted to them of the parish of St. Germain, of the valley of Perouse, and to them of Roccapiata, who at this present are fled because of the said religion, and continue in the same, to have one only minister, who may the one day preach at St. Germain, at the place called l’Adormilleux, and the other day at Roccapiata, at the place called Vandini only. It shall be permitted to all them of the towns and villages of the said valleys, who at this present are fled, and continue in the said religion, notwithstanding any promise or abjuration made before this war against the said religion, to repair and return to their houses with their households, and to live according to the same, going and coming to the sermons and assemblies which shall be made by their ministers in the places above specified, so that they obey that which is above-said. And because many of the said towns and villages dwell out of the precinct of the preaching, having need to be visited, and of other things according to their said religion, their ministers, who dwell within the precinct, shall be suffered, without prejudice, to visit and duly aid them of such ministries as shall be necessary for them, so that they make no sermons nor assemblies. By especial grace it shall be permitted to all them of the valley of Meane, and them of St. Barthilimi, neighbors to Roccapiata, and who are fled and continue in the said religion, peaceably to enjoy the grace and liberties granted in the next article before, so that they observe an which they before promise to observe. The goods already seized as forfeited, shall be restored to all the inhabitants of the said valleys, and to all that are fled and continue in the said religion, as well them of the said valleys, as to those of Roccapiata, St. Barthilimi, and of Meane; so that they he not seized for any other cause than for the said religion, and for the war present and lately passed. It shall be lawful for them aforesaid to recover by way of justice, of their neighbors, their movable goods and cattle, so it be not of soldiers; and that which hath been sold, they shall also recover by way of justice, so that they re- store the price for which it hath been sold. Their neighbors shall have the like against them. All their franchises, freedoms, and privileges, as well general as particular, granted as well by his highness’s predecessors, as by himself, and obtained of. other inferior lords, whereof they shall make proof by public writing, shall be confirmed unto them. The said valleys shall be provided for, to have good justice ministered unto them, whereby they may know they are kept in safeguard by his highness, as well as all his other subjects. The inhabitants of the said valleys, shall make a roll of the names and surnames of all those of the said valleys, who are fled for religion, as well such as have abjured as others, to the end they may be restored and maintained in their goods and households, and enjoy such grace and benefits as their prince and lord hath bestowed on them, And inasmuch as it is known to every man, that the prince may build for- tresses in his country, where it shall please him, without contradiction, nevertheless, to take all suspicion out of the minds of the aforesaid Waldois, it is declared, that if at any time hereafter his highness shall make a fort at Villars, the inhabitants of the said place shall not be constrained to bear the charges, but only as they shall think good lovingly to aid their prince: which fort being built (by God’s aid), a governor and captain shall therein be appointed, who shall attempt nothing but the service of his highness, without offense of the in- habitants, either in their goods or consciences. It shall be lawful for them, before the discharging of their ministers, such as it shall please his highness to have discharged, to choose and call others in their steads; so that they choose not M. Martin de Pragela, nor change from one place to another of the said valleys, any of them that be discharged. The mass, and other service after the usage of Rome, shall be kept in all the parishes of the said valleys, where the sermons, assemblies, and other ministries of their religion are made; brat none shall be compelled to be present thereat, nor to minister aid or favor to such as shall use that service. All the expenses and charges borne by his highness in this war, shall be forgiven and released to them for ever; also the eight thousand crowns wherein the inhabitants of the said valleys were behind, as part of sixteen thousand crowns which they had promised in the war passed; and his highness will command that the writings for that cause made, shall he annulled and cancelled. All the prisoners shall be rendered and restored, who shall be found to be in the hands of the soldiers, paying ransom reasonabler according to their goods, as they shall be seized; and those that shall be adjudged to be wrongfully taken, shall be released without ransom. Likewise all they of the said valleys, who for religion, and not for other causes, are detained in the galleys, shall be released without ransom. Finally, it shall be lawful for all them of the said valleys, them of Meane, Roccapiata, and St, Barthilimi, of what degree, estate, or condition soever they be (except ministers), to accompany and dwell, and to be in daily conversation with the rest of his highness’s subjects; and to tarry, go, and come in all places of his highness’s country; to sell and buy, and use all trades of merchandise, in all places in his highness’s country (as before is said), so that they preach not, nor make any assemblies or disputations, as we have before said and that those who be of the limits dwell not out of them; and those who be of the towns and villages of the said valleys, dwell not out of them, nor of their borders: and in so doing they shall not be molested by any means, and shall not be offended nor troubled in body or goods, but shall remain under the protection and safeguard of his highness. Furthermore, his highness shall give order to stay all troubles, inconveniences, secret conspiracies of wicked persons, after such sort that they shall remain quietly in their religion. For observation whereof, George Monastier, one of the elders of Angrogne; Constantion Dialestini, otherwise caned Rembaldo, one of the elders of Villars; Pirrone Arduino, sent from the commonalty of Bobi: Michael Raymundet, sent from the commonalty of Tailleret, and of LaRua de Bovet, bordering upon Tour; John Malenote, sent from certain persons of St. Jean; Peter Paschall, sent from the commonalty of the valley of St. Martin; Thomas Roman of St. Germain, sent from the commonalty of the same place, and of all the valley of Perouse, promise for them and their commonalties severally, that the contents of these conclusions aforesaid shall be invioiately kept; and for breach thereof do submit themselves to such punishment as shall please his highness; promising likewise to cause the chief of the families of the commonalties to allow and confirm the said promise. The honorable lord of Ranconis doth promise, that the duke’s highness shall confirm and allow the aforesaid conclusions to them, both generally and particularly, at the intercession and special favor of the noble lady the princess. In testimony hereof, the aforesaid lord of Ranconis hath confirmed these present conclusions with his own hand; and the ministers have likewise subscribed, in the name of all the said valleys; and they that can write, in the name of all their commonalties. At Cavor, the 5th day of June, 1561. Philip of Savoy. Francis Valla, Minister of Villars. Claudius Bergius, Minister of Tailleret. Georgius Monasterius. Michael Rayrmundet. This accord being thus made and passed, by means of the duchess of Savoy, the poor Waldois have been in quiet until this present; and God, of his infinite goodness, having delivered them out of so many troubles and conflicts, hath set them at liberty to serve him purely, and with quietness of conscience. Wherefore there is none at this present (except he be altogether blind or senseless), but seeth and well perceiveth, that God would make it known by experience to these poor Waldois, and all other faithful people, that all things turn to the best to them that love and fear him: for by all these afflictions which they suffered (as is before rehearsed), this good heavenly Father hath brought them to repentance and amendment of life; he hath effectuously taught them to have recourse to his fatherly mercy, and to embrace Jesus Christ for their only Savior and Redeemer. Furthermore, he hath taught them to tame the desires and lusts of the flesh, to withdraw their hearts from the world, and lift them up to heaven; and to be always in a readiness to come to him, as unto their most loving and pitiful Father. To be short, he hath sent them to the school of his children, to the end they should profit in patience and hope; to make them to mourn, weep, and cry unto him. And above all, he hath made them so often to prove his succors in the time of need, to see them before their eyes, to feel and touch them with their hands (as a man would say)after such sort, that they have had good occasion, and all the faithful with them, never to distrust so good a Father, and one so careful for the health of his children; but to assure themselves they shall never be confounded, what thing soever happen. And yet to see this more manifestly, and that every man may take profit thereof, it shall be good to understand what this poor people did, whilst they were in these combats and conflicts. As soon as they saw the army of their enemies approach, they cried all together for aid and succor to the Lord; and before they began to defend themselves, they fell to prayer, and in fighting lifted up their hearts, and sighed to the Lord. As long as the enemies were at rest, every one of these poor people on their knees called upon God. When the combat was ended, they gave him thanks for the comfort and succor which they had felt. In the mean time the rest of the people, with their ministers, made their hearty prayer unto God, with sighs and tears, and that from the morning until the evening. When night was come, they assembled again together: they that had fought, rehearsed the wonderful aid and succor which God had sent them, and so all together rendered thanks unto him for his fatherly goodness. Always he changed their sorrow into joy. In the morning trouble and affliction appeared before them, with great terror on all sides; but by the evening they were delivered, and had great cause of rejoicing and comfort. This poor people had two terrible enemies, war and famine, which kept them under in such sort, that a man would have thought they had been utterly lost and destroyed: but God, of his endless mercy, delivered them from such dangers, and restored them to their houses, where they remained afterwards in peace and quietness; and all they that had declared themselves to be their open enemies, were brought to confusion, as well those who sought to get their goods, as those who only desired to shed their blood; for proof whereof, the only example of two gentlemen of the valley of Lucerne shall suffice. These not only moved cruel war against their poor tenants and others, but most shamefully spoiled them, and took intolerable fines of all those that disobeyed their edicts to keep a good conscience. Besides this, they went about to seize all their goods as forfeited, waiting to have the whole forfeiture thereof themselves. And for this cause they did not only incense the duke with false reports, and with grievous complaints and accusations against these poor Waldois, but also pursued the same so long, and. with such charges, that they were fain to sell their inheritance, in hope to bring their purpose to pass, and to enjoy that goodly prey, which they thought could not escape their hands. But in the end, for their reward, they got nothing but shame and confusion. And as for the monks and priests, who by such means thought to advance themselves, and to bring their trumpery into estimation, they have lost the little rule which they had over that people, and are confounded, and their religion brought to disdain. Thus God beateth down those who exalt themselves above measure, and maketh his adversaries to fall into the pits which they themselves have made. Let us pray unto him therefore, that it would please him likewise to stretch out his puissant and at this day to maintain his poor church now afflicted, and to confound all the devices of Satan and his members, to the advancement of his glory and kingdom. THE CONCLUSION OF THE STORY OF MERINDOL AND CABRIERS. And thus hast thou, Christian reader! for thy erudition and comfort, the story and doings discoursed concerning these two countries, both of Provence and also of Piedmont, the one being subject to the dominion of France, the other belonging to the duke of Savoy; in which two aforesaid regions and countries, how long the gospel of Christ hath continued (even from the time of the first Waldenses), the history itself declareth. Furthermore, what injuries and wrongs have been done against them for the gospel’s sake, what rigor and cruelty hath been showed of the adversary part: again, for their part, what patience in their suffering, what constancy in their doctrine, what truth in their words, and simplicity in their deeds, what obedience towards their magistrates, and faith towards God they have used: and finally, how miraculously and mightily God hath fought for his people, and confounded the enemies, the said history may give thee full knowledge and experience. Herein this thou hast moreover, for thy more learning, to note and consider with thyself, besides many other memorable things in this story contained, how unwilling this people were at first, and what remorse of conscience they had for their obedience towards their magistrates, to lift up any hand or finger for their own defense. And therefore many of them being slain and cruelly murdered, as willingly offering their throats without any resistance to the cruel hands of their enemies, the rest were compelled to flee into the mountains, being spoiled of house, victual, and weapon, only to save their poor lives with fleeing (which otherwise they would not with resisting) into rocks and caves, thinking there rather to perish by famine, than to use that defense for themselves, which nature giveth to every brute beast to help itself, as it may, against violence and injury. Yet these poor Waldois, refusing all resistance, and laying down their own weapons, for obedience’ sake, yea, not lifting up their own hands to defend their own heads, only used the poor shift of fleeing from their enemies, till at length the rage of those bloody persecutors, satisfied with no blood, nor contented with any reason, ceased not still most furiously to infest them, yea, to take also the mountains from them, who had taken from them their houses before; neither yet permitting them to live with the wild beasts in the desert, who could not live in their towns at home; till at length, by extreme necessity, the providence of God so working with them, they were compelled to turn their faces, and to take those weapons which the ground gave into their hands. And with these stones so marvelously the God of hosts wrought for his people, that they beat, vanquished, and overthrew their adversaries; they confounded their pride, they abated their malice, and at last stayed the intolerable rage of their persecution, So mercifully and victoriously the Lord God Omnipotent fought with his people, or rather for his people (they but turning almost their faces to their enemies), no otherwise than he fought in times past with Joshua against the heathen, with the Israelites against the Philistines, with the Maccabees against Antiochus and the Syrians. This history, carrying with it a true narration of things done in the said country of Piedmont, and written as it seemeth by certain of the ministers who were at the doing thereof, with the like faith and simplicity we have collected, partly out of the Italian, and partly out of the French tongue: for in both languages it is written, although in the French tongue it is much more largely discoursed, which book most principally herein we have followed; the title whereof thus beginneth, ‘Histoire des Persecutiones et Guerres faits contre le peuple appelle Vaudoys 480 ,’ etc. Now that we have finished these foreign histories, concerning such matters as have been passed in other realms and nations of Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and Savoy; consequently it remaineth, after this digression, to return and reduce our story again to our own country matters here done and passed at home, after that first we shall have added one foreign story more concerning the martyrdom of a Christian Jew, who suffered about these years in Constantinople, among the Turks, in this wise as followeth: THE STORY OF A CHRISTIAN JEW MARTYRED BY THE TURKS AT CONSTANTINOPLE, A.D. 1528. To these foreign martyrs aforesaid we will adjoin the history of a certain Jew, who, A.D. 1528, dwelling in the city of Constantinople, and there receiving the sacrament of baptism, was converted, and became a good Christian. When the Turks understood hereof, they were vehemently exasperated against him, that he, forsaking his Jewishness, should be regenerated to the faith of Christ: and fearing lest his conversion should be a detriment to their Mahometical law, they sought means how to put him to death, which in a short time after they accomplished; and, for the greater infamy to be done to the man, they cast his dead corpse into the streets, commanding that no man should be so hardy as to bury the same. Herein the marvelous glory and power of Christ appeared; for the dead corpse, lying so by the space of nine days in the midst of the streets, retained so its native color, and was so fresh, without any kind of filthiness or corruption, and also not without a certain pleasant and delectable scent or odor, as if it had been lately slain, or rather not slain at all. This when the Turks beheld, they were thereat marvelously astonished; and being greatly afraid, they themselves took it up, and carried it to a place near, without the town, and buried it. THE CONCLUSION. Having thus comprehended the troubles and persecutions of such godly saints, and blessed martyrs, who have suffered in other foreign nations above mentioned, here now ending with them, and beginning the eighth book, we are (God willing) to return again to our own matters, and to prosecute such acts and records, as to our own country of England do appertain; in the process whereof, among many other things may appear the marvelous work of God’s power and mercy in suppressing and banishing out of this realm, the long usurped supremacy of the pope; also in subverting and overthrowing the houses of monks and friars, with divers other matters appertaining to the reformation of Christ’s true church and religion. All which things as they have been long wished, and greatly groaned for in times past. by many godly learned men, so much more ought we now to rejoice and give God thanks, seeing these days of reformation which God hath given us. If John Huss, or good Jerome of Prague, or John Wickliff before them both, or William Brute, Thorpe, Swinderby, or the Lord Cobham; if Zisea with all the company of the Bohemians; if the earl Reimond, with all the Toulousians; if the Waldois, or the Albigenses, with infinite others, had either been in these our times now, or else had seen then this ruin of the pope, and revealing of Antichrist, which the Lord now hath dispensed unto us, what joy and triumph would they have made! Wherefore now, beholding that thing which they so long time have wished for, let us not think the benefit to be small, but render therefore most humble thanks to the Lord our God, who by his mighty power, and the brightness of his word, hath revealed this great enemy of his so manifest]y to the eyes of all men, who before was hid in the church so colorably, that almost few Christians could espy him. For who would ever have judged or suspected in his mind, that the bishop of Rome (commonly received, and believed almost of all men, to be the vicar and vicegerent of Christ here in earth) was Antichrist, and the great adversary of God, whom St. Paul so expressly prophesieth of, in these latter days to be revealed by the brightness of the Lord’s coming, as all men now, for the most part, may see it is come to pass? Wherefore to the Lord, and Father of lights, who revealeth all things in his due time, be praise and glory for ever. Amen. END OF BOOK THE SEVENTH. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - LIFE OF FOXE INDEX & SEARCH
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