SEV Biblia, Chapter 16:5
¶ Y de la congregación de los hijos de Israel tomará dos machos cabríos para expiación, y un carnero para holocausto.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 5. And he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel , etc.] With whom only the high priest had to do on the day of atonement; as Christ our high priest has only with the Israel of God, the elect, given him by the Father, for whom he offered up himself, and for whose sins he made reconciliation: two kids of the goats for a sin offering ; the one of which was killed, and the other let go alive, and both were but one offering, typical of Christ in both his natures, divine and human, united in one person; and who was made sin, and became a sin offering for his people: and one ram for a burnt offering ; a type of Christ, mighty to save, this creature being a strong one; and of his dolorous sufferings, this offering being burnt; and of God’s gracious acceptance of his sacrifice, which was of a sweet smelling savour to him; the burnt offering following by way of thanksgiving for atonement made by the sin offering graciously accepted by the Lord.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-14 - Without entering into particulars of the sacrifices on the great day of atonement, we may notice that it was to be a statute for ever, til that dispensation be at an end. As long as we are continually sinning we continually need the atonement. The law of afflicting our souls for sin, is a statue which will continue in force till we arrive where all tears, even those of repentance, will be wiped from our eyes. The apostle observes it as a proof that the sacrifices could not take awa sin, and cleanse the conscience from it, that in them there was remembrance made of sin every year, upon the day of atonement, He 10:1, 3. The repeating the sacrifices, showed there was in them but feeble effort toward making atonement; this could be done only by offering up the body of Christ once for all; and that sacrifice neede not to be repeated. (Le 16:15-34)
Original Hebrew
ומאת 853 עדת 5712 בני 1121 ישׂראל 3478 יקח 3947 שׁני 8147 שׂעירי 8163 עזים 5795 לחטאת 2403 ואיל 352 אחד 259 לעלה׃ 5930