SEV Biblia, Chapter 16:31
Sábado de reposo será a vosotros, y afligiréis vuestras almas, por estatuto perpetuo.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 31. It [shall be] a sabbath of rest unto you , etc.] From all servile work, as before observed; typical of a cessation from the performance of sinful works, at least from a sinful course of life, and from a dependence on works of righteousness, when a man is brought to believe in Christ, and in the atonement which he has made, (see Hebrews 4:3,10): and ye shall afflict your souls by a statute for ever : as long as the ceremonial law, and its statutes and ordinances lasted, which were to be until the time of reformation; and till that time came, once a year, on the day of atonement, they were to keep a severe fast, here called an afflicting of their souls; and in this respect this day differed from the seventh day sabbath, which was rather a festival than a fast, and is what led some of the Heathen writers into that this take, that the Jews fasted on the sabbath day. The time of Christ’s sufferings, and of his being a sacrifice for the sins of his people, was a time of great affliction to his disciples; then it was the children of the bridegroom fasted, he being taken from them; and true humiliation for sin, and repentance of it, are occasioned and influenced by a view of a suffering Saviour, and atonement by him; and this may denote also, that such that believe in Christ, and in his atonement, must expect afflictions and troubles in this world.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 15-34 - Here are typified the two great gospel privileges, of the remission of sin, and access to God, both of which we owe to our Lord Jesus. See the expiation of guilt. Christ is both the Maker and the Matter of the atonement; for he is the Priest, the High Priest, that make reconciliation for the sins of the people. And as Christ is the Hig Priest, so he is the Sacrifice with which atonement is made; for he is all in all in our reconciliation to God. Thus he was figured by the tw goats. The slain goat was a type of Christ dying for our sins; the scape-goat a type of Christ rising again for our justification. The atonement is said to be completed by putting the sins of Israel upo the head of the goat, which was sent away into a wilderness, a land no inhabited; and the sending away of the goat represented the free an full remission of their sins. He shall bear upon him all their iniquities. Thus Christ, the Lamb of God, takes away the sin of the world, by taking it upon himself, Joh 1:29. The entrance into heaven which Christ made for us, was typified by the high priest's entranc into the most holy place. See Heb 9:7. The high priest was to come ou again; but our Lord Jesus ever lives, making intercession, and alway appears in the presence of God for us. Here are typified the two grea gospel duties of faith and repentance. By faith we put our hands upo the head of the offering; relying on Christ as the Lord ou Righteousness, pleading his satisfaction, as that which alone is able to atone for our sins, and procure us a pardon. By repentance we afflict our souls; not only fasting for a time from the delights of the body, but inwardly sorrowing for sin, and living a life of self-denial assuring ourselves, that if we confess our sins, God is faithful an just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. By the atonement we obtain rest for our souls, and all the glorious liberties of the children of God. Sinner, get the blood of Christ effectually applied to thy soul, or else thou canst never loo God in the face with any comfort or acceptance. Take this blood of Christ, apply it by faith, and see how it atones with God __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
שׁבת 7676 שׁבתון 7677 היא 1931 לכם ועניתם 6031 את 853 נפשׁתיכם 5315 חקת 2708 עולם׃ 5769