Thus the apostles did not preach another God, or another Fulness; nor, that the Christ who suffered and rose again was one, while he who flew off on high was another, and remained impassible; but that there was one and the same God the Father, and ChristJesus who rose from the dead; and they preachedfaith in Him, to those who did not believe on the Son of God, and exhorted them out of the prophets, that the Christ whom Godpromised to send, He sent in Jesus, whom they crucified and Godraised up.
This man was also sent into the regions of Ethiopia, to preach what he had himself believed, that there was one Godpreached by the prophets, but that the Son of this [God] had already made [His] appearance in human nature (secundum hominem), and had been led as a sheep to the slaughter; and all the other statements which the prophets made regarding Him.
Now, although the prophet Habakkuk first said this, yet you have the apostle here confirming the prophets, even as Christ did. The object, therefore, of the faith whereby the just man shall live, will be that same God to whom likewise belongs the law, by doing which no man is justified. Since, then, there equally are found the curse in the law and the blessing in faith, you have both conditions set forth by5305
5305 Apud.
the Creator: “Behold,” says He, “I have set before you a blessing and a curse.”5306
What I say, then, is this, that that God is the object of faith who prefigured the grace of faith. But when he also adds, “For ye are all the children of faith,”5311