Verse 21. "For I will cleanse their blood" - ytyqn nikkeythi, 1 will avenge the slaughter and martyrdom of my people, which I have not yet avenged.
Persecuting nations and persecuting Churches shall all come, sooner or later, under the stroke of vindictive justice.
"For the Lord dwelleth in Zion." - He shall be the life, soul, spirit, and defense of his Church for ever. THIS prophet, who has many things similar to Ezekiel, ends his prophecy nearly in the same way: Ezekiel says of the glory of the Church, hm hwhy Yehovah shammah, THE LORD IS THERE.
Joel says, wyxb k hwhy Yehovah shochen betsiyon, THE LORD DWELLETH IN ZION.
Both point out the continued indwelling of Christ among his people.