SEV Biblia, Chapter 7:8
Estando yo contemplando los cuernos, he aquí que otro cuerno pequeño subía entre ellos, y delante de él fueron arrancados tres cuernos de los primeros; y he aquí, en este cuerno había ojos como ojos de hombre, y una boca que hablaba grandezas.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Daniel 7:8
Verse 8. Another little horn] Among Protestant writers this is considered to be the popedom. Before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up] These were probably, 1. The exarchate of Ravenna. 2. The kingdom of the Lombards.
And, 3. The state of Rome. The first was given to the Pope, Stephen II., by Pepin, king of France, A.D. 755; and this constituted the pope's temporal princes. The second was given to St. Peter by Charlemagne, in 774. The third, the state of Rome, was vested in the pope, both in spirituals and temporals, and confirmed to him by Lewis the pious. These are the three horns which were plucked up from the roots before the little horn.
Were eyes like the eyes of a man] Intimating cunning and superintendence; for the pope calls himself Episcopus episcoporum, the Overseer of overseers.
And a mouth speaking great things.] Full of boasting; pretending to unlimited jurisdiction; binding and loosing at pleasure; promising to absolve from all sins, present, past, and future; and threatening to send to everlasting destruction all kings, kingdoms, and individuals, who would dare to dispute his power and authority.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 8. I considered the horns , etc.] The ten horns of the fourth beast; these the prophet particularly looked at, took special notice of them, carefully observed them, their number, form, and situation, and pondered in his mind what should be the meaning of them: and, behold ; while he was attentive to these, and thinking within himself what they should be, something still more wonderful presented: there came up among them another little horn ; not Titus Vespasian, as Jarchi; nor the Turkish empire, as Saadiah; nor Antiochus Epiphanes, as many Christian interpreters; for not a single person or king is meant by a horn, but a kingdom or state, and a succession of governors; as by the other ten horns are meant ten kings or kingdoms; besides, this little horn is a part of the fourth, and not the third beast, to which Antiochus belonged; and was to rise up, not in the third or Grecian monarchy, as he did, but in the fourth and Roman monarchy; and was to continue until the spiritual coming of Christ; or, until his kingdom in a spiritual sense takers place; which is not true of him: and since no other has appeared in the Roman empire, to whom the characters of this horn agree, but antichrist or the pope of Rome, he may be well thought to be intended. Irenaeus f274 , an ancient Christian writer, who lived in the second century, interprets it of antichrist; of whom having said many things, has these words: “Daniel having respect to the end of the last kingdom; that is the last ten kings among whom their kingdom should be divided, upon whom the son of perdition shall come; he says that ten horns shall be upon the beast, and another little horn should rise up in the midst of them; and three horns of the first be rooted out before him; and, “behold”, saith he, “in this horn were eyes as the eyes of man”, etc.; of whom again the Apostle Paul, in ( 2 Thessalonians 2:8) declaring together the cause of his coming, thus says, “and then shall that wicked one be revealed etc.”” and in a following chapter the same writer observes, “John the disciple of the Lord in the Revelation hath yet more manifestly signified of the last time, and of those ten kings in it, among whom the empire that now reigns (the Roman empire) shall be divided; declaring what shall be the ten horns, which were seen by Daniel; saying, “the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, etc.”; therefore it is manifest, that of these he that is to come shall slay three, and the rest shall be subject to him, and he shall be the eighth among them;” and Jerom on the place says, that this is the sense of “all ecclesiastical writers, that when the Roman empire is destroyed, there shall be ten kings who shall divide it among them; and an eleventh shall arise, a little king, who shall conquer three of the ten kings; and having slain them, the other seven shall submit their necks to the conqueror:” who he further observes is not a devil or demon, but a man, the man of sin, and son of perdition; so as that he dare to sit in the temple of God, making himself as if he was God: now to the Roman antichrist everything here said answers: he is a “horn”, possessed of power, strength, authority, and dominion, of which the horn is an emblem; a “little” one, which rose from small beginnings, and came to his ecclesiastic power, from a common pastor or bishop, to be a metropolitan of Italy, and then universal bishop; and to his secular power, which at first was very small, and since increased; and yet in comparison of other horns or kingdoms, but little; though, being allowed to exercise a power within others, is, or at least has been, very formidable: this “came up among” the other horns; when the northern barbarous nations broke into the empire and set up ten kingdoms in it, this little horn sprung up among them; and while they were forming kingdoms for themselves, he was contriving one for himself; they rose at the same time and reigned together; (see Revelation 17:12,13): before whom, there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots ; before whom three kings or kingdoms fell, and were subdued as in ( Daniel 7:20,24) which, according to Mr. Mede f276 , were the kingdoms of the Greeks, of the Longobards, and of the Franks; but, according to Sir Isaac Newton f277 , they were the exarchate of Ravenna, the kingdom of the Lombards, and the senate and dukedom of Rome; or, according to the present bishop of Clogher f278 , the Campagnia of Rome, the exarchate of Ravenna, and the region of Pentapolis, which were plucked up by Pipin and Charlemagne, kings of France, and given to the pope; and were confirmed to him by their successor Lewis the pious, and is what is called the patrimony of St. Peter; in memory of which a piece of Mosaic work was made and put up in the pope’s palace, representing St. Peter with three keys in his lap; signifying the three keys of the three parts of his patrimony; and to show his sovereignty over them, the pope to this day wears a triple crown: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man ; in some monstrous births there have been eyes in the knees, and in the belly above the navel f279 ; but never was there known such a monster as this, to have a horn, and eyes in the horn; horns some monsters have but not eyes in them: these may design the pretended sanctity and religion of the pope of Rome or antichrist, who, though a beast, would be thought to be a man, a religious creature; or his pretended modesty, humanity, and courtesy, when he is all the reverse; or rather his insight into the Scriptures he makes pretension to, setting himself up as an infallible judge of them, and of all controversies: though they seem better to design what he really has than what he pretends to; and may denote his penetration and sagacity, his craft and cunning, and sharp looking out to get power and dominion, temporal and spiritual; and his watchfulness to keep it, that it is not encroached upon, and took away from him; and also all means and instruments by which he inspects his own and others’ affairs; particularly the order of the Jesuits, which are his eyes everywhere, spies in all kingdoms and courts, and get intelligence of what is done in the councils and cabinets of princes: how many eyes this horn had is not said; nor is it easy to say how many the pope of Rome has; he has as many as Argus, and more too, and these sharp and piercing: and a mouth speaking great things as that he is Christ’s vicar on earth, Peter’s successor, head of the church, and universal bishop; that he is infallible, and cannot err; that he has all power in heaven, earth, and hell; that he can forgive sin, grant indulgences, make new laws, and bind the consciences of men; dispense with the laws of God and men; dispose of kingdoms, and remove and set up kings at pleasure, with many others of the like kind; (see Revelation 13:5,6).
Matthew Henry Commentary
Daniel's vision of the four beasts. (Dan. 7:1-8) and of Christ' kingdom. (Dan. 7:9-14) The interpretation. (Dan. 7:15-28)
Dan. 7:1-8 This vision contains the same prophetic representations with Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The great sea agitated by the winds represented the earth and the dwellers on it troubled by ambitiou princes and conquerors. The four beasts signified the same fou empires, as the four parts of Nebuchadnezzar's image. Mighty conqueror are but instruments of God's vengeance on a guilty world. The savag beast represents the hateful features of their characters. But the dominion given to each has a limit; their wrath shall be made to prais the Lord, and the remainder of it he will restrain.
Dan. 7:9-14 These verses are for the comfort and support of the people of God, in reference to the persecutions that would come upon them Many New Testament predictions of the judgment to come, have plai allusion to this vision; especially Rev. 20:11,12. The Messiah is her called the Son of man; he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, an was found in fashion as a man, but he is the Son of God. The grea event foretold in this passage, is Christ's glorious coming, to destro every antichristian power, and to render his own kingdom universal upo earth. But ere the solemn time arrives, for manifesting the glory of God to all worlds in his dealings with his creatures, we may expec that the doom of each of us will be determined at the hour of ou death; and before the end shall come, the Father will openly give to his incarnate Son, our Mediator and Judge, the inheritance of the nations as his willing subjects.
Dan. 7:15-28 It is desirable to obtain the right and full sense of what we see and hear from God; and those that would know, must ask be faithful and fervent prayer. The angel told Daniel plainly. He especially desired to know respecting the little horn, which made wa with the saints, and prevailed against them. Here is foretold the rag of papal Rome against true Christians. St. John, in his visions an prophecies, which point in the first place at Rome, has plain referenc to these visions. Daniel had a joyful prospect of the prevalence of God's kingdom among men. This refers to the second coming of ou blessed Lord, when the saints shall triumph in the complete fall of Satan's kingdom. The saints of the Most High shall possess the kingdo for ever. Far be it from us to infer from hence, that dominion is founded on grace. It promises that the gospel kingdom shall be set up a kingdom of light, holiness, and love; a kingdom of grace, the privileges and comforts of which shall be the earnest and first-fruit of the kingdom of glory. But the full accomplishment will be in the everlasting happiness of the saints, the kingdom that cannot be moved The gathering together the whole family of God will be a blessedness of Christ's coming __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
משׂתכל 7920 הוית 1934 בקרניא 7162 ואלו 431 קרן 7162 אחרי 317 זעירה 2192 סלקת 5559 ביניהון 997 ותלת 8532 מן 4481 קרניא 7162 קדמיתא 6933 אתעקרו 6132 מן 4481 קדמיה 6925 ואלו 431 עינין 5870 כעיני 5870 אנשׁא 606 בקרנא 7162 דא 1668 ופם 6433 ממלל 4449 רברבן׃ 7260