Anf-01 v.xvi.iii Pg 3
Ps. lxviii. 5.
Do nothing without the bishops; for they are priests, and thou a servant of the priests. They baptize, offer sacrifice,1280 1280
Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxxii.
But in the version of the Seventy it is written, ‘Behold, ye die like men, and fall like one of the princes,’2434 2434 In the text there is certainly no distinction given. But if we read ὡς ἄνθρωπος (כְּאָדָם), “as a man,” in the first quotation we shall be able to follow Justin’s argument.
in order to manifest the disobedience of men,—I mean of Adam and Eve,—and the fall of one of the princes, i.e., of him who was called the serpent, who fell with a great overthrow, because he deceived Eve. But as my discourse is not intended to touch on this point, but to prove to you that the Holy Ghost reproaches men because they were made like God, free from suffering and death, provided that they kept His commandments, and were deemed deserving of the name of His sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam and Eve, work out death for themselves; let the interpretation of the Psalm be held just as you wish, yet thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becoming “gods,” and of having power to become sons of the Highest; and shall be each by himself judged and condemned like Adam and Eve. Now I have proved at length that Christ is called God.