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Homily III.
Colossians i. 15–18
“Who is the Image of the
invisible God, the Firstborn of all creation: for in Him were all
things created, in the heavens, and upon the earth, things visible and
things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or
powers: all things have been created through Him, and unto Him; and He
is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head
of the body, the Church.”
To-day it is necessary for me to pay the debt, which yesterday732
732 See Hom. ii. § 3 fin. | I deferred, in order that I might
address it to your minds when in full force. Paul, discoursing as we
showed of the dignity of the Son, says these words: “Who is the
Image of the invisible God.” Whose image then wilt thou have Him
be? God’s? Then he is exactly like the one to whom you assign
Him. For if as a man’s image, say so, and I will have done with
you as a madman. But if as God and God’s Son, God’s image,
he shows the exact likeness. Wherefore hath no Angel anywhere been
called either “image” or “son,” but man both?
Wherefore? Because in the former case indeed the exaltedness of their
nature might presently have thrust the many into this impiety733 ; but in the other case the mean and low
nature is a pledge of security against this, and will not allow any,
even should they desire it, to suspect anything of the kind, nor to
bring down the Word so low. For this cause, where the meanness is
great, the Scripture boldly asserts the honor, but where the nature is
higher, it forbears. “The Image of the Invisible” is itself
also invisible, and invisible in like manner, for otherwise it would
not be an image. For an image, so far as it is an image, even amongst
us, ought to be exactly similar, as, for example, in respect of the
features and the likeness.734
734 χαρακτήρων
ὁμοιώσεως. The argument is, that invisibleness being mentioned, the
image must have it, as if one should say, “the picture of a
venerable man,” one would understand a venerable expression in
the features. Compare St. Athanasius against Arianism, Disc. 1, c. vi.
§ 20, Tr. and note d. [The argument is fine spun, and not
convincing. The image must be of the same essence, or substance in this
case; but an image cannot be invisible, otherwise it were not an image.
Compare Meyer, and especially Lightfoot.—J.A.B.] | But here indeed
amongst us, this is by no means possible; for human art fails in many
respects, or rather fails in all, if you examine with accuracy. But
where God is, there is no error, no failure.
But if a creature: how is He the
Image of the Creator? For neither is a horse the image of a man. If
“the Image” mean not exact likeness to the Invisible, what
hinders the Angels also from being His Image? for they too are
invisible; but not to one another: but the soul is invisible: but
because it is invisible, it is simply on that account an image, and not
in such sort as he and angels are images.735
735 [The words, “and angels are images” are omitted by the
common text, with several mss., but manifestly
to escape an apparent difficulty, because it has been noticed above
that angels are never called images.—J.A.B.] |
“The Firstborn of all
creation.” “What then,” saith one, “Lo, He is a
creature.” Whence? tell me. “Because he said
‘Firstborn.’” However, he
said not “first created,” but “firstborn.” Then
it is reasonable that he should be called many things. For he must also
be called a brother “in all things.” (Heb. ii. 17.) And we must
take from Him His being Creator; and insist that neither in dignity nor
in any other thing is He superior to us? And who that hath
understanding would say this? For the word “firstborn” is
not expressive of dignity and honor, nor of anything else, but of time
only. What does “the firstborn” signify? That he is
created, is the answer. Well. If then this be so, it has also kindred
expressions. But otherwise the firstborn is of the same essence with
those of whom he is firstborn. Therefore he will be the firstborn son
of all things—for it said “of every creature”;
therefore of stones also, and of me, is God the Word firstborn. But
again, of what, tell me, are the words “firstborn from the
dead” (Col. i. 18; Rom. viii. 29.) declaratory? Not that
He first rose; for he said not simply, “of the dead,” but
“firstborn from the dead,” nor yet, “that He died
first,” but that He rose the firstborn from the dead. So that
they declare nothing else than this, that He is the
Firstfruits of the Resurrection. Surely then neither in the place
before us.736
736 i.e. is anything else meant by the word πρωτότοκος, than that He is the Firstfruits of the Creation. This may
be his meaning, or “that he, the Only-begotten, is the Beginning
of the Creation.” See note on St. Athanasius against Arianism,
Disc. 1, Oxf. Tr. | Next he proceeds to the doctrine
itself. For that they may not think Him to be of more recent existence,
because that in former times the approach was through Angels, but now
through Him; he shows first, that they had no power (for else it had
not been “out of darkness” (ver. 13.) that he
brought), next, that He is also before them. And he uses as a proof of
His being before them, this; that they were created by him. “For
in Him,” he saith, “were all things created.” What
say here the followers of Paul of Samosata?737
737 P. of Samosata held the Divine Word, or Reason, to be a mere
Attribute, and not a Person. The Person of our Lord would thus be
simply Human, only with a Divine influence. See St. Ath. Def. of Nic.
Def. c. v. § 11, Tr. This text of St. Paul is quoted against P. of
Samosata, Conc. Ant. i. Labbe, t. i, p. 846, by the orthodox Bishops.
See also Epiph. Hær. 45. The heretics might allow what is said
here of the Word as an Attribute; the refutation follows
presently. |
“The things in the heavens.” What was in question, he has
placed first;738
738 One ms. has, “first the things in
heaven,” &c., which agrees with the sense. | “and the things upon the
earth.” Then he says, “the visible and the invisible
things”; invisible, such as soul, and all that has come to exist
in heaven; visible, such as men, sun, sky. “Whether
thrones.” And what is granted, he lets alone, but what is doubted
he asserts. “Whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or
powers.” The words “whether,” “or,”
comprehend the whole of things; but by means of the greater things show
it of the less also. But the Spirit is not amongst the
“powers.” “All things,” he saith, “have
been created through Him, and unto Him.” Lo, “in
Him,” is739
739 i.e. “In Him,” in the beginning of the verse, is said
in such a sense as to agree with “through Him.” | “through Him,” for
having said “in Him,” he added, “through Him.”
But what “unto Him”? It is this; the subsistence of all
things depends on Him. Not only did He Himself bring them out of
nothing into being, but Himself sustains them now, so that were they
dissevered from His Providence, they were at once undone and destroyed.
But He said not, “He continues them,” which had been a
grosser way of speaking, but what is more subtle, that “on”
Him they depend. To have only a bearing on Him is enough to continue
anything and bind it fast. So also the word “firstborn,” in
the sense of a foundation. But this doth not show the creatures to be
consubstantial with Him; but that all things are through Him, and in
Him are upheld. Since Paul also when he says elsewhere, “I have
laid a foundation” (1 Cor. iii.
is speaking not concerning substance, but operation. For, that thou
mayest not think Him to be a minister, he says that He continues them,
which is not less than making them. Certainly, with us it is greater
even: for to the former, art conducts us; but to the latter, not so, it
does not even stay a thing in decay.
“And He is before all
things,” he saith. This is befitting God. Where is Paul of
Samosata? “And in Him all things consist,” that is, they
are created into740
740 [Chrys. here seems to insist on the local sense of εἰς,
“into,” which above, and in Rev. Ver., is translated
“unto.” All things in Him consist, being created into Him.
But the fancy is of doubtful value.—J.A.B.] | Him. He repeats
these expressions in close sequence; with their close succession, as it
were with rapid strokes, tearing up the deadly doctrine by the roots.
For, if even when such great things had been declared, still after so
long a time Paul of Samosata sprung up, how much more [would such have
been the case], had not these things been said before? “And in
Him,” he saith, “all things consist.” How
“consist” in one who was not? So that the things also done
through Angels are of Him.
“And He is the head of the
body, the Church.”
Then having spoken of His
dignity, he afterwards speaks of His love to man also. “He
is,” saith he, “the Head of the body, the Church.”
And he said not “of the fullness,”741
741 τοῦ
πληρώματος. Here used of the universe, somewhat as 1 Cor. x.
only in a more extended sense. |
(although this too is signified,) out of a wish to show His great
friendliness to us, in that He who is thus above, and above all,
connected Himself with those below. For everywhere He is first; above
first; in the Church first, for He is the Head; in the Resurrection
first. That is,
“That He might have the preëminence.” So that in
generation also He is first. And this is what Paul is chiefly
endeavoring to show. For if this be made good, that He was before all
the Angels; then there is brought in along with it this also as a
consequence, that He did their works by commanding them. And what is
indeed wonderful, he makes a point to show that He is first in the
later generation. Although elsewhere he calls Adam first (1 Cor. xv.
as in truth he is; but here he takes the Church for the whole race of
mankind. For He is first of the Church; and first of men after the
flesh, like as of the Creation.742
742 Cat. “and first of men even as he that was first of Creation
after the flesh,” then one Par. and Br. M. read, “For this
cause both here and there the word ‘Firstborn’ is used. But
what is ‘Firstborn of all creation’? It is for ‘First
Created,’ as ‘Firstborn from the dead’ is for
‘Who rose again before all.’ And as there he puts
‘Who is before all,’ so here also he has put
‘Firstfruits.’” [A Paris ms.
has the same reading, except that for “First Created” it
has “First Creator.”—J.A.B.] | And therefore he
here uses the word “firstborn.”
What is in this place the
meaning of “the Firstborn”? Who was created first, or rose
before all; as in the former place it means, Who was before all things.
And here indeed he uses the word “firstfruits,” saying,
“Who is the743
743 Rec. text ἀρχὴ, St. Chrys. has
ἀπαρχὴ [and so
six cursives. But this reading is clearly wrong, and vitiates the
following statements of Chrys. For the meaning of
“beginning” here, see Lightfoot.—J.A.B.] | Firstfruits, the
Firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the
preëminence,” showing that the rest also are such as He; but
in the former place it is not the “Firstfruits” of
744 The
same mss. add, “but only the
Firstborn, and not even this in the first place, but after saying,
‘Who is the Image,’” &c. | And it is there, “The Image
of the invisible God,” and then,
Ver. 19,
“For it was the good pleasure of the Father, that in Him should
all the fullness dwell. And having made peace through the Blood of His
Cross, through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, whether things
upon the earth, or things in the heavens.”
Whatsoever things are of the
Father, these he saith are of the Son also, and that with more of
intensity, because that He both became “dead”745
745 νεκρὸς
γέγονε, alluding
to the expression, πρωτότοκος
ἐκ νεκρῶν. | for, and united Himself to us. He said,
“Firstfruits,” as of fruits. He said not
“Resurrection,” but “Firstfruits,” showing that
He hath sanctified us all, and offered us, as it were, a sacrifice. The
term “fullness” some use of the Godhead, like as John said,
“Of His fullness have all we received.” That is, whatever
was the Son, the whole Son dwelt there, not a sort of energy, but a
He hath no cause to assign but
the will of God: for this is the import of, “it was the good
pleasure…in Him. And…through Him to reconcile all things
unto Himself.” Lest thou shouldest think that He undertook the
office of a minister only, he saith, “unto Himself.”746
746 [“The reconciliation is always represented as made to the
Father. The reconciler is sometimes the Father Himself, sometimes the
Son.”—Lightfoot.—J.A.B.] | (2 Cor. v. 18.) And yet he
elsewhere says, that He reconciled us to God, as in the Epistle he
wrote to the Corinthians. And he well said, “Through Him to make
an end of reconciling”;747
747 ἀποκαταλλάξαι
as ἀπολύτρωσις, above? [The compound verb may mean to reconcile
completely or finally.—J.A.B.] | for they were
already reconciled; but completely, he says, and in such sort, as no
more to be at enmity with Him. How? For not only the reconciliation was
set forth, but also the manner of the reconciliation. “Having
made peace through the Blood of His Cross.” The word
“reconcile,” shows the enmity; the words “having made
peace,” the war. “Through the Blood of His Cross, through
Himself, whether things upon the earth, or things in the
heavens.” A great thing indeed it is to reconcile; but that this
should be through Himself too, is a greater thing; and a greater
still,—how through Himself? Through His Blood. Through His Blood;
and he said not simply His Blood, but what is yet greater, through the
Cross. So that the marvels are five: He reconciled us; to God; through
Himself; through Death; through the Cross. Admirable again! How he has
mixed them up! For lest thou shouldest think that it is one thing
merely, or that the Cross is anything of itself,748
748 Or “by itself” (ἑαυτὸ), i.e. separate
from the Divine Person, as it would be if there had been a several
Human Personality. (Cat. and Bodl. ἑαυτὸν.) | he saith “through Himself.”
How well he knows that this was a great thing. Because not by speaking
words, but by giving Himself up for the reconciliation, He so wrought
But what is “things in the
heavens”? For with reason indeed is it said, “the things
upon the earth,” for those were filled with enmity, and
manifoldly divided, and each one of us was utterly at variance with
himself, and with the many; but how made He peace amongst “the
things in the heavens”? Was war and battle there also? How then
do we pray, saying, “Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on
earth”? (Matt. vi. 10.) What is it then? The
earth was divided from heaven, the Angels were become enemies to men,
through seeing the Lord insulted. “To sum up,” he saith,
“all things in Christ, the things in the heavens, and the things
upon the earth.” (Eph. i. 10.) How? The things
in heaven indeed in this way: He translated Man thither, He brought up
to them the enemy, the hated one. Not only made He the things on
749 Bodl. Extr. [Catena], “He made not him staying on
earth,” &c. | to be at peace, but He brought up to them
him that was their enemy and foe. Here was peace profound. Angels again
appeared on the earth thereafter, because that Man too had appeared in
heaven. And it seems to me that Paul was caught up on this account
Cor. xii. 2.), and to show that the Son also had been received up
thither. For in the earth indeed, the peace was twofold; with the
things of heaven, and with themselves; but in heaven it was simple. For
if the Angels rejoice over one sinner that repenteth, much more will
they over so many.
All this God’s power hath
wrought. Why then place ye confidence in Angels?750
750 [Chrys. shows no suspicion of that combination of the Jewish
(Essene) doctrine of angels with the Gnostic doctrine of æons,
which we now know to have prevailed at Colossæ (see Lightfoot on
Col., Int. II.).—J.A.B.] |
saith he. For so far are they from bringing you near, that they were
ever your enemies, except God Himself had reconciled you with them. Why
then run ye to them? Wouldest thou know the hatred which the Angels had
against us, how great it was; and how averse to us they always were?
They were sent to take vengeance in the cases of the Israelites, of
David, of the Sodomites, of the Valley of weeping.751
751 Judg. ii. 5; see Ps. lxxxiv. 6 (2
Sam. v. seems hardly applicable). | (Ex. xxiii. 20.) Not so however
now, but, on the contrary, they sang upon the earth752 (2 Sam. xxiv.
with exceeding joy. And He led these down to men753
753 Gr. αὐτοὺς,
one suspects ἄνους (ἀνθρώπους), which has been conjectured. |
xix. 13.), and led men up to them.
And observe, I pray you, the
marvel in this: He brought these first down hither, and then he took up
man to them; earth became heaven, because that heaven was about to
receive the things of earth. Therefore when we give thanks, we say,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to
men.” Behold, he saith, even men appeared well-pleasing to Him
thereafter. What is “good will”? (Eph. ii. 14; Deut. xxxii.
Sept.) Reconciliation. No longer is the heaven a wall of partition. At
first the Angels were according to the number of the nations; but now,
not to the number of the nations, but that of the believers. Whence is
this evident? Hear Christ saying, “See that ye despise not one of
these little ones, for their Angels do always behold the face of My
Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. xviii.
For each believer hath an Angel; since even from the beginning, every
one of those that were approved had his Angel, as Jacob says,
“The Angel that feedeth me, and delivereth me from my
754 “Feedeth” is said of God in the text. On the passage,
St. Chrys. does not notice the mention of the Angel. He quotes it,
however, in his first Homily de laudibus B. Pauli. He also infers the
doctrine from Acts xii. 15; Hom. xxvi. St. Jerome,
on Isa. lxvi. 20, quotes all these passages. Bp. Bull, Ser. xii.
adds, Eccl. v. 6. | (Gen. xlviii. 15,
nearly.) If then we have Angels, let us be sober, as though we were in
the presence of tutors; for there is a demon present also.755
755 See
St. Hermas, Past. 1, ii. pr. 6, § 1, and Cotelerius, note 14, t.
i., p. 93, who cites Origen, Hom. xii. in Luc. S. Greg. Nyss. de Vita
Mosis, p. 194; Petavius, Theol. Dog. de Ang. l. ii. c. 8, cites St.
Basil, contr. Eunom. p. 70, and on Ps. xxxiii. p. 220,
&c. | Therefore we pray, asking756
756 [There was among the forms of prayer in Chrys.’s day this,
“Ask for the angel of peace.” See Field’s
Annotations.—J.A.B.] | for the Angel of peace, and everywhere we
ask for peace757
757 In
Hom. xxxii. on St. Matt. he mentions a prayer for Peace. See also
Const. Ap. 1. viii. c. 37 fin. | (for there is nothing equal to
this); peace, in the Churches, in the prayers, in the supplications, in
the salutations; and once, and twice, and thrice, and many times, does
he that is over the Church give it, “Peace be unto you.”
Wherefore? Because this is the Mother of all good things; this is the
foundation of joy. Therefore Christ also commanded the Apostles on
entering into the houses straightway to say this, as being a sort of
symbol of the good things; for He saith, “When ye come into the
houses, say, Peace be unto you;”758
758 St. Matt. x. 12; St. Luke x.
but neither accurately. [That is, neither Gospel is here accurately
quoted. Chrys. often makes slight mistakes in quoting, as we
do.—J.A.B.] |
for where this is wanting, everything is useless. And to His disciples
Christ said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto
you.” (John xiv. 27.) This prepareth the
way for love. And he that is over the Church, says not, “Peace be
unto you,” simply, but “Peace be unto all.” For what
if with this man we have peace, but with another, war and fighting?
what is the gain? For neither in the body, should some of its elements
be at rest and others in a state of variance, is it possible that
health should ever be upheld; but only when the whole of them are in
good order, and harmony, and peace, and except the whole are at rest,
and continue within their proper limits, all will be overturned. And,
further, in our minds, except all our thoughts are at rest, peace will
not exist. So great a good is peace, as that the makers and producers
of it are called the sons of God (Matt. v. 9;
with reason; because the Son of God for this cause came upon the earth,
to set at peace the things in the earth, and those in the heavens. But
if the peacemakers are the sons of God, the makers of disturbance are
sons of the devil.
What sayest thou? Dost thou
excite contentions and fightings? And doth any ask who is so unhappy?
Many there are who rejoice at evil, and who do rather rend in pieces
the Body of Christ, than did the soldiers pierce it with the spear, or
the Jews who struck it through with the nails. A less evil was that
than this; those Members, so cut through, again united, but these when
torn off, if they be not united here, will never be united, but remain
apart from the Fullness. When thou art minded to war against thy
brother, bethink thee that thou warrest against the members of Christ,
and cease from thy madness. For what if he be an outcast? What if he be
vile? What if he be open to contempt? So saith He, “It is not the
will of My Father that one of these little ones should perish.”
xviii. 14.) And again, “Their Angels do always behold the face of My
Father which is in heaven.” (Ib. ver. 10.) God for his sake and
thine even became a servant, and was slain; and dost thou consider him
to be nothing? Surely in this respect also thou fightest against God,
in that thou deliverest a judgment contrary to His. When he that is
over the Church cometh in, he straightway says, “Peace unto
all”; when he preacheth, “Peace unto all”; when he
blesseth, “Peace unto all”; when he biddeth to salute,
“Peace unto all”; when the Sacrifice is finished,
“Peace unto all”: and again, in the middle, “Grace to
you and peace.” How then is it not monstrous, if, while hearing
so many times that we are to have peace, we are in a state of feud with
each other; and receiving peace, and giving it back, are at war with
759 i.e.
the Bishop. [This is the person several times above called “he
that is over,” ὁπροεστὼς, the same word that is employed by Justin Martyr, I. Apol.
c. 65, for the person presiding in an assembly for
worship.—J.A.B.] | that giveth it to us? Thou sayest,
“And to thy spirit.” And dost thou traduce him abroad? Woe
is me! that the majestic usages760 of the Church are
become forms of things merely, not a truth. Woe is me! that the
watchwords of this army proceed no farther than to be only words.
Whence also ye are ignorant wherefore is said, “Peace unto
all.” But hear what follows, what Christ saith; “And into
whatsoever city or village ye shall enter…as ye enter into the
house, salute it; and if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon
it, but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.”
x. 11; 13.) We are therefore ignorant; because we look upon this merely as
a figure of words; and we assent not to them in our minds. For do I761
761 This
implies that he was Bishop, and consequently that these Homilies were
delivered at Constantinople. [Below he distinctly declares himself to
be the Bishop.—J.A.B.] | give the Peace? It is Christ who deigneth
to speak by us. Even if at all other times we are void of grace, yet
are we not now, for your sakes. For if the Grace of God wrought in an
ass and a diviner, for the sake of an economy, and the advantage of the
Israelites (Num. 22.), it is quite clear
that it will not refuse to operate even in us, but for your762 sakes will endure even this.
Let none say then that I am
mean, and low, and worthy of no consideration, and in such a frame of
mind attend to me.763
763 Or
“even so, let him attend to me.” | For such I am;
but God’s way always is, to be present even with such for the
sake of the many. And, that ye may know this, with Cain He vouchsafed
to talk for Abel’s sake (Gen. iv.), with the devil
for Job’s (Job i.), with Pharaoh for Joseph’s (Gen. xli.), with
Nebuchadnezzar for Daniel’s (Dan. ii; iv.), with
Belshazzar, for the same (Dan. v.). And Magi moreover
obtained a revelation (Matt. ii.); and Caiaphas
prophesied, though a slayer of Christ, and an unworthy man, because of
the worthiness of the priesthood. (John xi. 49.) And it is said
to have been for this reason that Aaron was not smitten with leprosy.
For why, tell me, when both had spoken against Moses did she764 alone suffer the punishment?
Marvel not: for if in worldly dignities, even though ten thousand
charges be laid against a man, yet is he not brought to trial before he
has laid down his office, in order that it may not be dishonored along
with him; much more in the case of spiritual office, be he whosoever he
may, the grace of God works in him, for otherwise everything is lost:
but when he hath laid it down, either after he is departed or even
here, then indeed, then he will suffer a sorer punishment.
Do not, I pray you, think that
these things are spoken from us; it is the Grace of God which worketh
in the unworthy, not for our sakes, but for yours. Hear ye then what
Christ saith. “If the house be worthy, let your peace come upon
it.” (Matt. x. 13–15.) And how becometh it
worthy? If “they receive you” (Luke x. 8.), He saith.
“But if they receive you not, nor hear your words,…verily I
say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and
Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.” What boots
it then, that ye receive us, and hear not the things we say? What gain
is it that ye wait upon765 us, and give no
heed to the things which are spoken to you? This will be honor to us,
this the admirable service, which is profitable both to you and to us,
if ye hear us. Hear also Paul saying, “I wist not, brethren, that
he was High Priest.” (Acts xxiii. 5.) Hear also
Christ saying, “All whatsoever they bid you observe”
xxiii. 3.), that “observe and do.” Thou despisest not me, but
the Priesthood; when thou seest me stripped of this, then despise me;
then no more will I endure to impose commands. But so long as we sit
upon this throne,766
766 [This would seem clearly to indicate that these homilies were
delivered at Constantinople. The passage below, on ch. iii. 2–4,
does not necessarily show the contrary.—J.A.B.] | so long as we
have the first place, we have both the dignity and the power, even
though we are unworthy. If the throne of Moses was of such reverence,
that for its sake they were to be heard, much more the throne of
Christ. It, we have received by succession; from it we speak; since the
time that Christ hath vested in us the ministry of
Ambassadors, whatever be their
sort, because of the dignity of an embassy, enjoy much honor. For
observe; they go alone into the heart of the land of barbarians,
through the midst of so many enemies; and because the law of embassy is
of mighty power, all honor them; all look towards them with respect,
all send them forth with safety. And we now have received a word of
embassy, and we are come from God, for this is the dignity of the
Episcopate. We are come to you on an embassy, requesting you to put an
end to the war, and we say on what terms; not promising to give cities,
nor so and so many measures of corn, nor slaves, nor gold; but the
kingdom of heaven, eternal life, society with Christ, the other good
things, which neither are we able to tell you, so long as we are in
this flesh, and the present life. Ambassadors then we are, and we wish
to enjoy honor, not for our own sakes, far be it, for we know its
worthlessness, but for yours; that ye may hear with earnestness the
things we say; that ye may be profited, that not with listlessness or
indifference ye may attend to what is spoken. See ye not ambassadors,
how all pay court to them? We are God’s ambassadors to men; but,
if this offend you,767
767 πρόσαντες. “Up hill,” “against the
grain.” | not we, but the Episcopate itself,
not this man or that, but the Bishop. Let no one hear me, but the
dignity. Let us then do everything according to the will of God, that
we may live to the glory of God, and be counted worthy of the good
things promised to those that love Him, through the grace and
lovingkindness, &c. &c.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH