SEV Biblia, Chapter 29:20
Y matarás el carnero, y tomarás de su sangre, y pondrás sobre la ternilla de la oreja derecha de Aarón, y sobre la ternilla de las orejas de sus hijos, y sobre el dedo pulgar de las manos derechas de ellos, y sobre el dedo pulgar de los pies derechos de ellos, y esparcirás la sangre sobre el altar alrededor.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Exodus 29:20
Verse 20. Take of his blood] The putting the blood of the sacrifice on the tip of the right ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the great toe of the right foot, was doubtless intended to signify that they should dedicate all their faculties and powers to the service of God; their ears to the hearing and study of his law, their hands to diligence in the sacred ministry and to all acts of obedience, and their feet to walking in the way of God's precepts. And this sprinkling appears to have been used to teach them that they could neither hear, work, nor walk profitably, uprightly, and well- pleasing in the sight of God, without this application of the blood of the sacrifice. And as the blood of rams, bulls, and goats, could never take away sin, does not this prove to us that something infinitely better is shadowed out, and that we can do nothing holy and pure in the sight of a just and holy God, but through the blood of atonement? See note on "chap. xxx. 20".
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-37 - Aaron and his sons were to be set apart for the priest's office, with ceremony and solemnity. Our Lord Jesus is the great High Priest of ou profession, called of God to be so; anointed with the Spirit, whence he is called Messiah, the Christ; clothed with glory and beauty sanctified by his own blood; made perfect, or consecrated throug sufferings, Heb 2:10. All believers are spiritual priests, to offe spiritual sacrifices, 1Pe 2:5, washed in the blood of Christ, and s made to our God priests, Re 1:5, 6. They also are clothed with the beauty of holiness, and have received the anointing, 1Jo 2:27. The Spirit of God is called the finger of God, (Lu 11:20, compared with M 12:28,) and by him the merit of Christ is applied to our souls. Thi consecration signifies the admission of a sinner into the spiritual priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God throug Jesus Christ.
Original Hebrew
ושׁחטת 7819 את 853 האיל 352 ולקחת 3947 מדמו 1818 ונתתה 5414 על 5921 תנוך 8571 אזן 241 אהרן 175 ועל 5921 תנוך 8571 אזן 241 בניו 1121 הימנית 3233 ועל 5921 בהן 931 ידם 3027 הימנית 3233 ועל 5921 בהן 931 רגלם 7272 הימנית 3233 וזרקת 2236 את 853 הדם 1818 על 5921 המזבח 4196 סביב׃ 5439