SEV Biblia, Chapter 22:15
No contaminarán, pues, las santificaciones de los hijos de Israel, las cuales apartan para el SEÑOR;
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 15. And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer unto the Lord .] By causing or suffering strangers to eat of them; so Jarchi, referring the words to the priests, who should be careful that strangers ate not of sacred things; or by the strangers themselves eating them, whereby they were profaned and used as common things.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Laws concerning the priests and sacrifices. --In this chapter we have divers laws concerning the priests an sacrifices, all for preserving the honour of the sanctuary. Let u recollect with gratitude that our great High Priest cannot be hindere by any thing from the discharge of his office. Let us also remember that the Lord requires us to reverence his name, his truths, his ordinances, and commandments. Let us beware of hypocrisy, and examin ourselves concerning our sinful defilements, seeking to be purifie from them in the blood of Christ, and by his sanctifying Spirit Whoever attempts to expiate his own sin, or draws near in the pride of self-righteousness, puts as great an affront on Christ, as he who come to the Lord's table from the gratification of sinful lusts. Nor can the minister who loves the souls of the people, suffer them to continue in this dangerous delusion. He must call upon them, not only to repent of their sins, and forsake them; but to put their whole trust in the atonement of Christ, by faith in his name, for pardon and acceptanc with God; thus only will the Lord make them holy, as his own people __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ולא 3808 יחללו 2490 את 853 קדשׁי 6944 בני 1121 ישׂראל 3478 את 853 אשׁר 834 ירימו 7311 ליהוה׃ 3068