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PARALLEL HISTORY BIBLE - Ezekiel 14:5 CHAPTERS: Ezekiel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
LXX- Greek Septuagint - Ezekiel 14:5 οπως 3704 πλαγιαση τον 3588 οικον 3624 του 3588 ισραηλ 2474 κατα 2596 τας 3588 καρδιας 2588 αυτων 846 τας 3588 απηλλοτριωμενας απ 575 ' εμου 1700 εν 1722 1520 τοις 3588 ενθυμημασιν αυτων 846
Douay Rheims Bible That the house of Israel may be caught in their own heart, with which they have departed from me through all their idols.
King James Bible - Ezekiel 14:5 That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.
World English Bible that I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.
Early Church Father Links Npnf-113 iv.v.i Pg 53, Npnf-207 iii.iv Pg 273
World Wide Bible Resources Ezekiel 14:5
Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325) ecf26Oz20z25 *margins Anf-03 v.iv.v.ix Pg 5 Jer. xvi. 16. that is, men. Then at last they left their boats, and followed Him, understanding that it was He who had begun to accomplish what He had declared. It is quite another case, when he affected to choose from the college of shipmasters, intending one day to appoint the shipmaster Marcion his apostle. We have indeed already laid it down, in opposition to his Antitheses, that the position of Marcion derives no advantage from the diversity which he supposes to exist between the Law and the Gospel, inasmuch as even this was ordained by the Creator, and indeed predicted in the promise of the new Law, and the new Word, and the new Testament. Since, however, he quotes with especial care,3714 3714 Attentius argumentatur. as a proof in his domain,3715 3715 Apud illum, i.e., the Creator. a certain companion in misery (συνταλαίπωρον), and associate in hatred (συμμισούμενον ), with himself, for the cure of leprosy,3716 3716 Anf-03 v.iv.v.ix Pg 5 Jer. xvi. 16. that is, men. Then at last they left their boats, and followed Him, understanding that it was He who had begun to accomplish what He had declared. It is quite another case, when he affected to choose from the college of shipmasters, intending one day to appoint the shipmaster Marcion his apostle. We have indeed already laid it down, in opposition to his Antitheses, that the position of Marcion derives no advantage from the diversity which he supposes to exist between the Law and the Gospel, inasmuch as even this was ordained by the Creator, and indeed predicted in the promise of the new Law, and the new Word, and the new Testament. Since, however, he quotes with especial care,3714 3714 Attentius argumentatur. as a proof in his domain,3715 3715 Apud illum, i.e., the Creator. a certain companion in misery (συνταλαίπωρον), and associate in hatred (συμμισούμενον ), with himself, for the cure of leprosy,3716 3716 Anf-02 vi.iii.ii.ii Pg 40.1 Anf-02 vi.iii.ii.ii Pg 34.1 Anf-03 v.iv.vi.xviii Pg 27 Isa. v. 11, 12. Now, when I find to what God belong these precepts, whether in their germ or their development, I have no difficulty in knowing to whom the apostle also belongs. But he declares that “wives ought to be in subjection to their husbands:”6028 6028 Anf-01 ix.iii.xxiii Pg 6 Isa. v. 12. But, according to the language [used by the prophet], they ought to be combined, and the day of retribution to follow the [acceptable] year. For the words are, “to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of retribution.” This present time, therefore, in which men are called and saved by the Lord, is properly understood to be denoted by “the acceptable year of the Lord;” and there follows on this “the day of retribution,” that is, the judgment. And the time thus referred to is not called “a year” only, but is also named “a day” both by the prophet and by Paul, of whom the apostle, calling to mind the Scripture, says in the Epistle addressed to the Romans, “As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.”3125 3125
Anf-01 ix.vi.iii Pg 15 Isa. v. 12. Lest, therefore, we should incur the same punishment as these men, the Lord reveals [to us] their end; showing at the same time, that if they obeyed Moses and the prophets, they would believe in Him whom these had preached, the Son of God, who rose from the dead, and bestows life upon us; and He shows that all are from one essence, that is, Abraham, and Moses, and the prophets, and also the Lord Himself, who rose from the dead, in whom many believe who are of the circumcision, who do also hear Moses and the prophets announcing the coming of the Son of God. But those who scoff [at the truth] assert that these men were from another essence, and they do not know the first-begotten from the dead; understanding Christ as a distinct being, who continued as if He were impassible, and Jesus, who suffered, as being altogether separate [from Him].
Anf-03 v.iv.vi.xviii Pg 27 Isa. v. 11, 12. Now, when I find to what God belong these precepts, whether in their germ or their development, I have no difficulty in knowing to whom the apostle also belongs. But he declares that “wives ought to be in subjection to their husbands:”6028 6028
Anf-03 iv.vi.ix Pg 4 Isa. v. 12. would have added “with crowns,” if this practice had ever had place in the things of God. Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxvii Pg 36 See Isa. v. 5, 23, and x. 2. Of these Isaiah also says, “Woe unto them that are strong in Jerusalem!”4609 4609 Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xxi Pg 52.1 Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7 Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture. And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678 1678 Anf-01 ix.iv.vii Pg 23 1 Kings xviii. 21, etc. And again, at the burnt-offering, he thus addresses the idolatrous priests: “Ye shall call upon the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord my God; and the Lord that will hearken by fire,3349 3349 The Latin version has, “that answereth to-day” (hodie), —an evident error for igne. He is God.” Now, from the fact of the prophet having said these words, he proves that these gods which were reputed so among those men, are no gods at all. He directed them to that God upon whom he believed, and who was truly God; whom invoking, he exclaimed, “Lord God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, hear me to-day, and let all this people know that Thou art the God of Israel.”3350 3350 Anf-03 iv.iv.xx Pg 8 Because Scripture calls idols “vanities” and “vain things.” See 2 Kings xvii. 15, Ps. xxiv. 4, Isa. lix. 4, Deut. xxxii. 21, etc. Whoever, therefore, honours an idol with the name of God, has fallen into idolatry. But if I speak of them as gods, something must be added to make it appear that I do not call them gods. For even the Scripture names “gods,” but adds “their,” viz. “of the nations:” just as David does when he had named “gods,” where he says, “But the gods of the nations are demons.”328 328 Anf-02 ii.ii.i Pg 23.1 Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 71.1 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxix Pg 13 Zech. ix. 15, 16 (Septuagint). etc. And that you may not suppose that these predictions refer to such sufferings as await them from so many wars with strangers,5026 5026 Allophylis. consider the nature (of the sufferings). In a prophecy of wars which were to be waged with legitimate arms, no one would think of enumerating stones as weapons, which are better known in popular crowds and unarmed tumults. Nobody measures the copious streams of blood which flow in war by bowlfuls, nor limits it to what is shed upon a single altar. No one gives the name of sheep to those who fall in battle with arms in hand, and while repelling force with force, but only to those who are slain, yielding themselves up in their own place of duty and with patience, rather than fighting in self-defence. In short, as he says, “they roll as sacred stones,” and not like soldiers fight. Stones are they, even foundation stones, upon which we are ourselves edified—“built,” as St. Paul says, “upon the foundation of the apostles,”5027 5027 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxix Pg 13 Zech. ix. 15, 16 (Septuagint). etc. And that you may not suppose that these predictions refer to such sufferings as await them from so many wars with strangers,5026 5026 Allophylis. consider the nature (of the sufferings). In a prophecy of wars which were to be waged with legitimate arms, no one would think of enumerating stones as weapons, which are better known in popular crowds and unarmed tumults. Nobody measures the copious streams of blood which flow in war by bowlfuls, nor limits it to what is shed upon a single altar. No one gives the name of sheep to those who fall in battle with arms in hand, and while repelling force with force, but only to those who are slain, yielding themselves up in their own place of duty and with patience, rather than fighting in self-defence. In short, as he says, “they roll as sacred stones,” and not like soldiers fight. Stones are they, even foundation stones, upon which we are ourselves edified—“built,” as St. Paul says, “upon the foundation of the apostles,”5027 5027 Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 26 Joel iii. 16; Amos i. 2. And that it is from that region which is towards the south of the inheritance of Judah that the Son of God shall come, who is God, and who was from Bethlehem, where the Lord was born [and] will send out His praise through all the earth, thus3705 3705 As Massuet observes, we must either expunge “sciut” altogether, or read “sic” as above. says the prophet Habakkuk: “God shall come from the south, and the Holy One from Mount Effrem. His power covered the heavens over, and the earth is full of His praise. Before His face shall go forth the Word, and His feet shall advance in the plains.”3706 3706
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxiv Pg 65 Joel iii. 16. and, “In Judah is God known;”4306 4306 Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxxvii Pg 2 Zech. ii. 8. to God, is as one that touches the apple of God’s eye, how much more so is he that touches His beloved! And that this is He, has been sufficiently demonstrated.”
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxv Pg 4 Zech. ii. 8. Such identity of care proceeds from one and the same Being. A trespassing brother He will have rebuked.4862 4862 Anf-01 viii.iv.xxvi Pg 4 Isa. lxii. 10 to end, Isa. lxiii. 1–6.
Anf-02 vi.ii.xii Pg 16.1
Anf-02 vi.ii.viii Pg 10.1
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xl Pg 24 Isa. lxiii. 1 (Sept. slightly altered). The prophetic Spirit contemplates the Lord as if He were already on His way to His passion, clad in His fleshly nature; and as He was to suffer therein, He represents the bleeding condition of His flesh under the metaphor of garments dyed in red, as if reddened in the treading and crushing process of the wine-press, from which the labourers descend reddened with the wine-juice, like men stained in blood. Much more clearly still does the book of Genesis foretell this, when (in the blessing of Judah, out of whose tribe Christ was to come according to the flesh) it even then delineated Christ in the person of that patriarch,5092 5092 In Juda. saying, “He washed His garments in wine, and His clothes in the blood of grapes”5093 5093 Anf-01 viii.iv.xxvi Pg 4 Isa. lxii. 10 to end, Isa. lxiii. 1–6. Anf-01 ix.vii.xxvii Pg 4 Dan. ii. 33, 34. Then afterwards, when interpreting this, he says: “And as thou sawest the feet and the toes, partly indeed of clay, and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided, and there shall be in it a root of iron, as thou sawest iron mixed with baked clay. And the toes were indeed the one part iron, but the other part clay.”4679 4679
Anf-01 ix.iv.xxii Pg 24 Dan. ii. 34. foreseeing His advent, said that a stone, cut out without hands, came into this world. For this is what “without hands” means, that His coming into this world was not by the operation of human hands, that is, of those men who are accustomed to stone-cutting; that is, Joseph taking no part with regard to it, but Mary alone co-operating with the pre-arranged plan. For this stone from the earth derives existence from both the power and the wisdom of God. Wherefore also Isaiah says: “Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I deposit in the foundations of Zion a stone, precious, elect, the chief, the corner-one, to be had in honour.”3725 3725
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 10 Or, “worldly kingdoms.” See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.xiv-p10.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. Of which second advent of the same (Christ) Daniel has said: “And, behold, as it were a Son of man, coming with the clouds of the heaven, came unto the Ancient of days, and was present in His sight; and they who were standing by led (Him) unto Him. And there was given Him royal power; and all nations of the earth, according to their race, and all glory, shall serve Him: and His power is eternal, which shall not be taken away, and His kingdom one which shall not be corrupted.”1453 1453
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.vii Pg 13 See Dan. ii. 34. Of this advent the same prophet says: “Behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days; and they brought Him before Him, and there was given Him dominion and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away; and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”3191 3191
Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 16 See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.iii-p16.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. See c. xiv. below. In short, the coming procession of a new law out of this “house of the God of Jacob” Isaiah in the ensuing words announces, saying, “For from Zion shall go out a law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem, and shall judge among the nations,”—that is, among us, who have been called out of the nations,—“and they shall join to beat their glaives into ploughs, and their lances into sickles; and nations shall not take up glaive against nation, and they shall no more learn to fight.”1176 1176 Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 16 See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.iii-p16.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. See c. xiv. below. In short, the coming procession of a new law out of this “house of the God of Jacob” Isaiah in the ensuing words announces, saying, “For from Zion shall go out a law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem, and shall judge among the nations,”—that is, among us, who have been called out of the nations,—“and they shall join to beat their glaives into ploughs, and their lances into sickles; and nations shall not take up glaive against nation, and they shall no more learn to fight.”1176 1176
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 10 Or, “worldly kingdoms.” See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.xiv-p10.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. Of which second advent of the same (Christ) Daniel has said: “And, behold, as it were a Son of man, coming with the clouds of the heaven, came unto the Ancient of days, and was present in His sight; and they who were standing by led (Him) unto Him. And there was given Him royal power; and all nations of the earth, according to their race, and all glory, shall serve Him: and His power is eternal, which shall not be taken away, and His kingdom one which shall not be corrupted.”1453 1453
Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 10 See Isa. xl. 15: “dust of the balance,” Eng. Ver.; ῥοπὴ ζυγοῦ LXX. For the expression “dust out of a threshing-floor,” however, see Dan. ii. 35" id="iv.ix.i-p10.3" parsed="|Ps|1|4|0|0;|Dan|2|35|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Ps.1.4 Bible:Dan.2.35">Ps. i. 4, Dan. ii. 35. although we have God Himself as an adequate engager and faithful promiser, in that He promised to Abraham that “in his seed should be blest all nations of the earth;”1129 1129
Anf-03 vi.ii.iv Pg 8 Ex. xxxii. 7; Deut. ix. 12. And Moses understood [the meaning of God], and cast the two tables out of his hands; and their covenant was broken, in order that the covenant of the beloved Jesus might be sealed upon our heart, in the hope which flows from believing in Him.1475 1475 Anf-01 v.iii.vi Pg 9 Dan. ii. 44, Dan. vii. 14; 27. says Daniel the prophet. Let us all therefore love one another in harmony, and let no one look upon his neighbour according to the flesh, but in Christ Jesus. Let nothing exist among you which may divide you; but be ye united with your bishop, being through him subject to God in Christ.
Anf-01 ix.vii.xxvii Pg 7 Dan. ii. 44, 45.
Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 16 See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.iii-p16.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. See c. xiv. below. In short, the coming procession of a new law out of this “house of the God of Jacob” Isaiah in the ensuing words announces, saying, “For from Zion shall go out a law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem, and shall judge among the nations,”—that is, among us, who have been called out of the nations,—“and they shall join to beat their glaives into ploughs, and their lances into sickles; and nations shall not take up glaive against nation, and they shall no more learn to fight.”1176 1176
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 10 Or, “worldly kingdoms.” See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.xiv-p10.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. Of which second advent of the same (Christ) Daniel has said: “And, behold, as it were a Son of man, coming with the clouds of the heaven, came unto the Ancient of days, and was present in His sight; and they who were standing by led (Him) unto Him. And there was given Him royal power; and all nations of the earth, according to their race, and all glory, shall serve Him: and His power is eternal, which shall not be taken away, and His kingdom one which shall not be corrupted.”1453 1453 Anf-01 ix.vii.xxvii Pg 7 Dan. ii. 44, 45.
Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 16 See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.iii-p16.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. See c. xiv. below. In short, the coming procession of a new law out of this “house of the God of Jacob” Isaiah in the ensuing words announces, saying, “For from Zion shall go out a law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem, and shall judge among the nations,”—that is, among us, who have been called out of the nations,—“and they shall join to beat their glaives into ploughs, and their lances into sickles; and nations shall not take up glaive against nation, and they shall no more learn to fight.”1176 1176
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 10 Or, “worldly kingdoms.” See Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45" id="iv.ix.xiv-p10.1" parsed="|Dan|2|34|2|35;|Dan|2|44|0|0;|Dan|2|45|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.34-Dan.2.35 Bible:Dan.2.44 Bible:Dan.2.45">Dan. ii. 34, 35, 44, 45. Of which second advent of the same (Christ) Daniel has said: “And, behold, as it were a Son of man, coming with the clouds of the heaven, came unto the Ancient of days, and was present in His sight; and they who were standing by led (Him) unto Him. And there was given Him royal power; and all nations of the earth, according to their race, and all glory, shall serve Him: and His power is eternal, which shall not be taken away, and His kingdom one which shall not be corrupted.”1453 1453
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 14VERSE (5) - :9,10 Ho 10:2 Zec 7:11-14 2Th 2:9-11