Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xviii Pg 35.2
Anf-02 Pg 7.1
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xii Pg 16
Luke vi. 1–4; 1 Sam. xxi. 2–; 6.
Even he remembered that this privilege (I mean the dispensation from fasting) was allowed to the Sabbath from the very beginning, when the Sabbath-day itself was instituted. For although the Creator had forbidden that the manna should be gathered for two days, He yet permitted it on the one occasion only of the day before the Sabbath, in order that the yesterday’s provision of food might free from fasting the feast of the following Sabbath-day. Good reason, therefore, had the Lord for pursuing the same principle in the annulling of the Sabbath (since that is the word which men will use); good reason, too, for expressing the Creator’s will,3867 3867 Affectum.
when He bestowed the privilege of not fasting on the Sabbath-day. In short, He would have then and there3868 3868 Tunc demum.
put an end to the Sabbath, nay, to the Creator Himself, if He had commanded His disciples to fast on the Sabbath-day, contrary to the intention3869 3869 Statum.
of the Scripture and of the Creator’s will. But because He did not directly defend3870 3870 Non constanter tuebatur.
His disciples, but excuses them; because He interposes human want, as if deprecating censure; because He maintains the honour of the Sabbath as a day which is to be free from gloom rather than from work;3871 3871 Non contristandi quam vacandi.
because he puts David and his companions on a level with His own disciples in their fault and their extenuation; because He is pleased to endorse3872 3872 [This adoption of an Americanism is worthy of passing notice.]
the Creator’s indulgence:3873 3873 Placet illi quia Creator indulsit.
because He is Himself good according to His example—is He therefore alien from the Creator? Then the Pharisees watch whether He would heal on the Sabbath-day,3874 3874
Edersheim Bible History
Lifetimes viii.xviii Pg 10.1
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 6
VERSE (10) - Mr 3:5