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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() DOCTRINAL AND MORAL TREATISES.INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Abortive conceptions, question regarding resurrection of, 265. Abraham, Christ the promised Seed of, 339, 340; His example cited, 408, 409, 412; actions of, figurative, 470; told no lie, 491; knew the state of the world from Lazarus, 548. Abstinence, practice of, a benefit due to authority, 364; easier than moderation, 405, 410; from food, etc. for ill ends, 528. Academics, St. Augustin once inclined to, 356. Action, unless rightly done, sin, 360; whether implied in permission, 464, 475; always conceived in the heart, 487; indifferent, takes its character from motive, 488; some unconsciously prophetic, 495; character determined by the intention, 519. Adam, sin of, the results to his posterity, 246, 254; involved many kinds of sin, 252; Job, how unlike, 530. Address, different methods of, to different classes of hearers, catechumens, 298 sq. Admonition, desired by St. Augustin, 522. Adultery, what? 400, 402; compared with fornication, 403; is evil, while even second marriage is good, 443; might be justified on same grounds as lying, 487, 488; some guilty of, fear perjury, 500; penance done for, 575. Ætiology, explanation by, 349. Age, qualifies to give counsel, 451; flower of, brief, 452. Ages, seven; the last to be an age of rest, 301. Ages of the world, the six, 307. Alexis, of Plato and Virgil thought allegorical, 355. All things gathered together in one in Christ, expounded, 257. Allegory, explanation by, 349; instances of, 350, 351; in real events, 460, 470, 492; no lie if the thing figured is true, 460; Jacob’s deceit was, 491; use of, 492. Almighty, what He Who is, cannot do, 569. Alms, means of, not to be gotten by sin, 488; a means of pardon, 496; given to Christ, 519; to be done for a heavenly reward, 520. Almsgiving, will not, without change of life, atone for sin, 260; the greatest, is forgiveness of debtors and love of enemies, 261; the first, is to pity our own souls, 262; advanced by Christianity, 364. Altar, prayers at the, 434; ministers of, Christian Priests, 515; prayers offered at the, 540. Alternatives, 464, 466, 468, 469. Ambrose, St., Bp. of Milan, heard by St. Augustin, 356. Analogy, explanation by, 349. Ananias, appearance to St. Paul, 550. Angel, Temple may not be built to an, 374. Angels, the fallen, God’s judgment on, 246; who fell not, 246; nothing certainly known of their social organization, 256; bodies assumed by, 256; what Christ did for man was in a sense done for them, 257; may communicate the events of time to the dead, 359; cannot sin, 385; entertained by Lot, 463; ministry of, to Lazarus, 541; free of both worlds, 548. Anger, darkens the mind’s eye, 490. Angry, in what sense God is said to be, 248, 527. Anima, animus, mens, 475. Anna, and Susanna, 403, 413; more blessed than Ruth, 443; unless Ruth knew what was to follow; probably knew Christ should be born of a Virgin, 444; her long and early widowhood, 447; her piety, 448; recognized Christ with His Virgin Mother, 444, 448. Antiphrasis, is no lie, 491; instances of, 492. Antiquity, testimony of, to Religion, 363. Apocrypha, books of, 548; quoted, 540. Apostle, God spoke in him, 521. Apostles, common men chosen to show Christ’s power, 342; prophesied of, 343; use the four-fold exposition, 349, 350; Acts of, rejected by Manichees, inconsistently, 350; teaching handed down from, 356; effect of their labors on nations, 364; whether bound to live of the Gospel, 471, 522; Acts of the, a place to find examples, 476, 493; example of, no obligation not to labor, 505–508; maintained by holy women and those among whom they preached, 506–508; words not to be derided, 508; divided their provinces, 516; had power not to work: to speak with authority, 522; once of the world, 532; chosen not just but justified: else had first chosen Christ, 533. Apostolic chair, succession from, and note, 365. Apparitions, in dreams, 544–550; of the dead without their consciousness, 545 sq.; as of the living, unconscious, 545. 546, 549; images only, not of souls themselves, 545; produced by the ministry of Angels, 545, 547, 549; asking for burial, 545; use of: pointing out places of burial, 545; foretelling things future, 545; not to be denied, 545; instances of, in sleep, 545; pointing out where things should be found, 545; seen when awake, 546; in trances, 546; doctrines taught by: of Samuel to Saul, 548; of St. Felix, 548; of saints whether themselves or angelic appearances, doubtful, 549, 550; of John the Monk, 549; of Ananias to St. Paul: John would have solved St. Augustin’s difficulties, 550. Aptus, 464. Archimedes, not to be explained by Epicurus, 353. Arena, matches of the, 372. Aristotle, not to be explained by an enemy, 353. Army, of the virtues and vices, 382. Artisans, singing at work, 514. Ascension of Christ foretold, 341; witnessed by Apostles, 342; of our Lord, 373, 374, 375; how our Lord prefigured, 494. Ashes, of martyrs, thrown into the Rhone, 543; not scattered, 544. Asper, a grammarian, 355. Atoms, soul not formed of, 352. Augustin, St., when ordained Priest or Presbyter, 347; his early love of truth, 347, 349; his prayer for Honoratus, 348; how led into Manicheism (nine years in it), tempted by discussions, 348; only a “Hearer:” a worldling: contrast later, 348; his eyes weak from past delusions, 349; his book “De Spiritu et Litera,” note, 351; his belief about the Old Testament, 353; young when led into error, 353; his way of search for true religion, 356, 357; disappointed in Faustus, 356; tended at times toward Academics: his prayers for help: becomes Catechumen, 356; his purpose of writing further to Honoratus, 365; expresses doubt on a point connected with marriage, 407; not at variance with Council of Carthage, 441; his many engagements, 441; his books on marriage and virginity, 448, 454; wrote against Faustus, 448; works of, on Divine grace, 450; his works on Lying of different dates, 457; uses a homely style in practical matters, 458; his avocations, 481; life laborious, (bodily infirmity), 521, 522; did what he exhorted others to do, 522; found a Bishop’s life more laborious than a Monk’s, 521; not submitting to man’s judgment, 522; desired to be admonished, 523; never completed his Retractations, 527; visited nightly by his mother while she lived, 547; not after her death, 547. Aurelius, Bp. of Carthage, desired St. Augustin to write on the work of Monks, 503, 522. Authority, necessity of in religion,356, 357; source of what we believe, 359; lovers of truth believe, 360; for doctrine same as for belief in Christ, 362; some probable a priori, 363; shown by miracles on multitudes, 364; brought to bear on life through numbers, 364; seat of, in Catholic Church, 365; of doctrine to be strictly guarded, 466, 483, 484. Babylon, represents the world, 496. Ball, pleasure of playing with, 453. Baptism, indicates our death to sin and resurrection to life, 252, 254; open to all, both infants and adults, 252; “Come, ye blessed of My Father, receive the kingdom,” 374; makes men temples of the Holy Spirit, 374; remission of all things in, 374; received, to be guarded by good life: washes once for all: why not repeated, 375; of heretics, “a form of Godliness:” is of the Church only: remits original sin, 386; puts away all sin, 408; of children, 419; remits from all sin, 435; supposed case of lying in order to give, 499; necessary for admission to Paradise, 546. Barnabas, simulation of corrected, 461, 493. Barrenness, does not make divorce lawful, 402, 406, 412. Beauty, inward is what Christ loves, 451; false, lawful to none, 451; spiritual, decays not, 451; of truth, 498. Bees, have progeny without intercourse, 399. Begging Monks, 515. Beginners, lying, well meant, excused in,.460, 473, 495, 497. Beginning, The Father is, of Christ: The Son also the, 328; Godhead has none, 372. Belief, See Faith; implies objects unseen, 337. 338; of historical facts, 359; different from opinion, 458; needed before understanding, 463; of a lie, not always hurtful, 466, 483; of false doctrine, a real misery, 483; in the heart, not enough without confession, 486. Bene-dictio, better than bona dictio, 292. Betrayal, sin of, 467, 468, 496; by silence, 468, 469. Bill of divorcement, 402. Birds, their habits alluded to, 409; who? 436; image of the proud, 516; not to be imitated in all points, 517, 518 sq.; in cages, 517; not imitated in picking food or flies, 518; caught by want of water, 348. Bishop, empowered to relax certain excommunications, 441; addresses another Bishop’s flock by permission, 521, 524. Bishops, Catholic, overthrew Priscillianism, 485; called to act in secular affairs, 517; by Apostolic injunction, to be obeyed, 522; succession of from Apostles, 565. Bishop’s life, laborious, 521, 522; recent increase of occupation, 521. Blasphemy, worst in one who knows it such, 444, 495, 499; none can be allowable, 499; suggested by Job’s wife, 500. Blessedness, called Right Hand of God, 373. Blessing, put for cursing, 491. Blood, of Christ, given the pardoned to drink, 374. Bodies of the married are holy, 405. Body, the death of, man’s peculiar punishment, 246; resurrection of, 264, 332, 375, 540, 541; in the resurrection, spiritual, 266; material of, never perishes, 265, 529; a creature of God, 374; Temple of the Holy Spirit, 374, 444, 474, not our object in religion, 354; its peaceful members made the soul’s pattern, 389; may be holy in marriage, 443, 444; of all the Faithful is “members of Christ,” 444; soul to be preferred to, 463, purity of, depends on soul, 463, 499; Priscillianists erred concerning, 484; real good of, in the life to come, 528, 529; to be restored entire, 529; patience of Martyrs concerning their, 530; motions of, affect the mind, 542; an interest felt in, by us while living, 543, 544; overcome by the Martyrs, 544; hurt only by the pain of dying, 543, 544; faith in resurrection of, confirmed by care for the dead, 541, 550; obtained by the spirit, 543; not affected by the treatment of the corpse, 540, 541, 543, 544. Boyhood, good and bad reasons for preferring, 352; rashness incident to, 353. Bread, daily breaking of, at Troas, the Eucharist, 514. Burial, in the memorials of Martyrs, 539, 542, 549, 550; place provided for, 539; want of, does not affect the dead, 540, 541, 543, 544, 545; a grief to the living, 544; external rites of, for the comfort of the living, 540, 544, 550; no benefit to the wicked, 540, 544; care for, a duty, 541; why? 544; by the Patriarchs and their children, 541; significative, 541; commended in Scripture, 541; rewarded, 541; want of, and place of, does not hinder the resurrection, 540, 541; or rest, 541, 543, 545; place of, a benefit only as occasioning prayer, 542, 543, 550; to slight, irreligious, 545; place of, naturally, a subject of interest, 543, 544; loss of, how a punishment; how a kindness, 544. Business distracting the mind unsuitable to preachers, 405. Butler, Analogy, 337. Calling, each to remain in, 509. Candidianus, bearer of St. Augustin’s book on “Care for the Dead,” 551. Canticles, prophecy of Christ and the Church, 343. Care for the Dead, book on, occasion of writing, 539, 551. Caring for temporal things forbidden, 504. Caring not, by some limited to spiritual wants, 503. Carnally-minded like grass, 516. Carthage, fourth Council of, 441; introduction of monasteries into, 503. Cassiodorus, his book, De Inst. Div. Lit., 347. Catechetical instruction, 282 sq.; way to commence it, 288 sq.; of the educated,290 sq.; of grammarians and professional speakers, 291; causes and remedies of tediousness in, 292 sq. Catechumen, examination of, as to his views, 288; specimen of address to (1) one of worthy views, (2) one of false aims, 299; formal admission of, 312; St. Augustin becomes one, 356; learned and repeated the Creed, 369; still under sins, 375; having a second wife, case of, 408. Catholic, title of, whose by consent, 356. Cataline, his powers of endurance, 528. Cato, cited, 408. Causes, essential to man’s happiness to know the; of good and evil, 242; the secondary, of evil, are ignorance and lust, 245, 264; of common things obscure. Centurion, ready faith of, praised, 363; case of the, 428. Chalcedon, Council of, excommunicates (Church) widows who marry, 441. Character, care of, a point of charity, 453. Characterem, (of Baptism), 375. Charity, the Church abides in, 374; of the married state, 400; shown in communicating any good to others, 441; in keeping good repute, 453; unity of the Church belongs to, 535; a mark of the free-born, 535. Chase, simile of, 457. Chastity, advanced by Christianity, 364; of continence, better than married chastity, 411; wedded, is a good, 443, 445; wedded, is God’s gift, 450; complete (integritas), of virgins and widows, 450; spiritual delights in, 452; not to be broken to save a life, 463; or a soul, 499; not lost by violence, 463, 475; of mind what, 475, 499; of mind to be preserved for detecting heresy, 487; is of the truth, 498, 499; cannot teach adultery, 499. Children, probably involved in the guilt, not only of our first parents, but also of their own immediate parents, 252; know their parents by faith, 338, 360; exorcised, 369; loss of, 372, 530; why baptized, 419; the Three Holy, Song of, 438; having, a reason for not marrying again, 445; spiritual, may serve instead of natural, 445, 450; virginity of, a compensation to parents, 445, 448; desire of, lawful, but not praiseworthy, 445; having, a blessing, not a merit, 447, 448; bringing up well, is of good will, 448; spiritual fruits in place of, 451, 452; lawfully begetting, for God a good work, 488; power of a parent over, 490. Childhood, why a grown man may prefer, 352. Christ, birth of, 249, 371; being the only Son of God, is at the same time man, 249; grace of God in His birth, 250, 251; made sin for us, 251; not regenerated in the baptism of John, 253; took away original sin and all other sins, 253; His life typical of the Christian life, 254; second coming of, 255; advent of, why foretold, 286; shows God’s love to us, 287; generation of, as Son of God and the Word, 322 sq.; neither made by nor less than the Father, 323; born through the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, 325; as God, has no mother, 325; Passion, Burial and Resurrection of, 326; Ascension of, 326; Session at the Father’s Right Hand and Coming to Judgment, 326, 327; relation of, as Son to the Father, 328 sq.; the Seed of Abraham, 339; nations blessed in, 339; so honored though crucified, a miracle, 340; witnessed to by Jewish prophecy, 342; sufferings of, contrasted with His Victory, 342; name of, honored even by heretics, 343; the Bridegroom, 343; used the four ways of exposition, 349, 350; veil of Law done away by, 351; teaching handed down from, 356; even heretics bid us believe in, 361; on whose testimony we do so, 362; planted His religion by the way of faith, 363; Death and Resurrection of, shut out fear, 363; various miracles of, their use, 364; effects of His Incarnation and Teaching, 365; God in true Man, 364; without sin, restores from sin, 369, 370; what He teaches of Himself, 371; His lowly Birth, Passion and Death: born perfect as Son of God, 371, 372; born of the Virgin in the fullness of time: God and Man: death of, a pattern to martyrs; Resurrection of, 372, 375; sets a prize as in the arena, 372; arose to die no more, 372; example of, exceeds Job’s, 373; His Sufferings and Ascension, 373; shall come to judge the quick and the dead: the Church abides in, as branches in a Vine, 374; the Root: sin of killing, not unpardonable: members of, shall follow Him, 375; our pattern: condescends to our slowness, 380; and the Church, their union, 388; heretical notion concerning, 389; came in real flesh, 389; took a human body and a human soul, 390, 364; really hungered and thirsted: saw fit not to abstain like the Baptist, 410; the object of love, 437, 452; taught humility when near His Passion, 429; Himself the model for virgins, 429, 431; the object of virgin love, 437; crucified, to be gazed on with the inward eyes, 437; may not be loved a little, 444; recognized by Anna as a child, 444, 448; conceived in chastity, can make virginity fruitful, 446; loves an inward beauty, 446; a Husband, in the Spirit, to the married as to the Church, 446; shown to be the worthiest object of love, 452; did and commanded all for our salvation, 462; no lie to be told about, 466; patience of, perfect, 470; yet did not literally turn the other cheek, 470; sayings of, that seem false, are figurative, 476, 494; denied before men in pretending heresy, 485; few deny sincerely, 486; kept back some truth, 491; called a “Rock,” “Lion,” 491; under our sins figured by Jacob, 492; Himself a Prophet, 494; assumed show of ignorance, 494; His feigning, 494; exhorts Martyrs to patience, 529; forbearance of, to Judas, 529; chose and justified the Apostles, 533; faith of, saved the old Saints, 533; made poor for our sakes, 535; poor of, to be made rich 539. Christianity, derided as credulous, 337; is not without evidence, 339; testimony of mankind to, 355; profession of, its effect on the masses, 364, 365. Christians, nominal, described, 311; more numerous than Jews and Pagans united [in the Roman empire,] 356; they are not, who forbid faith before reason, 362, 363; misrepresented, 365; work and prize of, 372; all in one commonwealth, 519; state of, as longing for inheritance, 535. Christian life, four stages of, 275. Church, is the Temple of God, 255; condition of, in heaven, 256; redeemed by blood, 257; history of, in four stages, 275; in its likeness to a Vine, 309; the Catholic, 331; quotes herself as fulfillment of prophecy, 339, 341; called the “Queen,” 339; visible as such, 340; is herself an evidence, 341; witness of past and future, 342; spread abroad by suffering, 342; Bride of Christ, 343; milk from the teats of, 348; with what error charged by Manichees, 353, 357; Catholic, prima facie claims of, 355; her teaching from Christ and the Apostles, 356; witnessed to by people and nations, 362; testimony of mankind leads us to, 364; doctrines of, concerning God, 365; mother of God’s children, 369; named in the Creed after the Holy Trinity: victorious over heresies, abides in charity, 374; Body of Christ: He the Head, 375; an heretical notion concerning, 389; Christ and the, 388, 389; not yet perfect, 390; made subject to Christ, 390; her daily cry, 391; the, a Mother and a Virgin, 417, 418; a holy Virgin, 420; sometimes called the kingdom of heaven, 425; the, a virgin and spouse of Christ, 446, 451, 452; includes the departed, 454; in a household, 454; authority of its practices though not in Scripture, 541; disunion with, breaks charity, 535. Churches, seats in (apparently an exception), 296; of withdrawing from, during service; by whom filled on Festival days, 311; building of, 488. Cicero, his rule for argument, 348; studied because acknowledged by all, 354; conspirators put to death by, 359; lectured on, 545. Circumcision, a seal: is not for Christians, 351; made uncircumcision by leaving the law, 461, 462; for whom lawful, 461. City of God, St. Augustin on, 317. Clean, who are, in God’s sight, 465. Clergy, not bound to labor, 506–508; may claim maintenance from their people, 506, 507; all, as well as Apostles, 508, 510; employments fitted for, 511; receive support, not as mendicants, that they may escape distracting occupations, 512; injunctions to support, 511, 513; for the good of the people, 513; have same right to maintenance as the Apostles, 515, 516: ministers of His Sacrament unto righteousness, 519, 520; not to be careful, 521. Cæcilius, not studied instead of Cicero, 354. Coeval, image of the Coeternal, 371. Colors, divers, signify what, 339. Command, of the Lord, why St. Paul had none, 421. Commands, clear, to be obeyed at all risks, 469, 470; explained by examples, 470, 471. Community of goods at Jerusalem, 512; of goods, benefit of, 520; all Christians one, 519. Compacts, sexual, how far sinful, 400, 401. Competentes, a step beyond other Catechumens, 547. Concealment, of many things lawful, 352; not itself lying, 491. Conceptaculum 471. Concubinage, for offspring’s sake unlawful, 406; was lawful among the ancient fathers, 406; lawfulness of a certain kind of, doubtful, 407. Concupiscence, gradually weakened, 524; patience not to minister to, 528. Confession, of sins, 436; medicine of, 473; remedy for lies, 500. Confinis, 351. Conflict. of virtues and vices in the soul, 381; of the Christian, 382, 387. Conscience, moves all good minds to seek God, 363; good, excuses not carelessness of repute, 453; solace of, in evil report, 453; sinning against, 484. Consent, in thought constitutes sin, 380, 381; yielded and withheld, 387, 388; withheld is mortification of the members, 392; what constitutes, 464, 465; when it justifies doing a man wrong, 466; chastity not lost without, 475. Consentius, his inquiries about Priscillianists, 457, 482; praise of, 481; advised to write against Priscillianism, 486, 492. Constancy, in the faith of the Resurrection, 310 sq. Continence, praised by Epicurus, 352; door of, 380, 381; why mentioned last by St. Paul, 383; God’s gift, 379, 391; the gift of God’s Spirit, 384; difficult to treat of, 379; marriage, glorious, not to be attained in our own strength, 383; forbears excuses, 384, sought of God by David, 384; required against all sin, 385; peace the prize of, 386; a healthful chastisement of our nature, 390; falsely claimed, considered, 391; its office, 391; is refusing the consent of the mind, 392; must watch the thoughts, 393; glory of perseverance in, due to the Lord, 393; the greater of two goods, 402, 411 423; and marriage, two goods, 403; compared to fasting, 403; how, is not on a level with the marriage of the old Fathers, 408, 409; a virtue of the soul, 409; in habit and act, 410; praise of the state of, 411; the root-virtue, 412; profitable for the life to come, 420, 421, 422, 424; when unwillingly professed, 429; of widows: its rank, 434; widowed, better than nuptial chastity, 443; best for those who “receive” it, 445; strength of, measures merit of widowhood, 447; of heretics not to persuade us, 448; all is God’s gift, 449; though willing, 450; term properly used of virgins and widows, 450; universal, supposed danger of, 460. Contraries, instances of, 483. Conversion, not to be brought about by lying, 476, 484. Cornutus, a grammarian, 355. Corruption, all things not perfectly good are liable to, 240. Councils, weight of, against heretics, 365. Creation, of man, what is to be believed concerning the, 302; all good, the whole better than each part, 444. Creature, visible and invisible, 369; gives pleasure by approach to that which it loves, 534. Credulousness, distinguished from faith, 357. Creed, the Apostles’, 238; current in 4th century, 318; expounded, 321 sq.; the rule of faith or symbol, 369 sq.; not written, repeated by Catechumens: scattered through Scripture, 369; calls, not the Son Almighty, yet implies this, 370. Crispina, mentioned, 434. Critics, destructive, 448. Crown, for those who strive, 372; is not for the impatient, 531. Curia, of Tullium, 546. Curiosity, what it means, 356, 357; idle, danger of, in reading, 398; forbidden, 573. Curma, vision of, 546. Custom, binding power of, 263 sq. Cynegius, buried in the Basilica of St. Felix, 539. Cyprian, St., on the unity of the Church, note, 365. Danger, seeking, tempting God, 520. Darius Comes, Ep. to, 337; St. Augustin’s letter to, 527. David, a great saint, 384; spake rashly, 393; rash oath of, no example, 490; his feigned madness, 491; patient forbearance of, 529. Day, the first and the Lord’s, 515. Dead, souls of the, benefitted by the sacraments and alms of living friends, 272, 550; care for, 539–551; pagan opinions of, 539, 544, 545: at rest, 541, 543, 544, 545; sacrifice for, in Maccabees, 540; not affected by the condition of the body, 540 sq.; unconscious when seen in visions, 545 sq.; do not know what happens in this world, 547–549; or their happiness would be affected, 547; except in special cases, 548; perhaps by information from other spirits, 548; from Angels, 548; by dispensation of the Holy Spirit: interpose not ordinarily, 547 sq., 549; not as they please, 549; sometimes, 548, 549; a blessing thereby, 547; by extraordinary Divine permission, 549; we care and pray for, without knowing their state, 548, 549. Death, of the body is man’s peculiar punishment, 246; the first and the second, consequences of, 267; eternal, 273; cannot injure the regenerate, 275; question of lying to prevent, 497, 498; sin worse than, 462; wrongly thought of as worst evil, 474; for mercy and truth, a gain, 497; sin the sting of, 500. Deceit, purpose of, implied in lying, 458; may be by means of truth, 458; safest to avoid, entirely, 459; turns on itself, 495. Defamation, question of, to prevent crime, 466; especially condemned, 472. Degrees of glory in Heaven, 426, 435. Dei fica, 532. Demetrias, consecrated a Nun, 441; her choice of virginity praised, and note, 443, 448; became like Virgin Mary was, 449; before her mother in the kingdom, 451; grandmother of, 451; care needed for, being young, and a book recommended, 454. Demons, served, 391; confess themselves tormented by Martyrs, 550; by living Saints, 550. Deogratias, the book on Catechising the Uninstructed, written for, 282. Deserter, mark of, not changed, 375. Desires, earthly, lead to endurance, 528. Devil, the, how he tempts, 314; the, called a lion, 491. Dictinius, reformed from his error, 483; his book called the “Pound,” 484, 497, 500. Diet, what St. Augustin used, 348. Difficulties, to be borne with, 550. Discourse, a, often pleasant to the hearer and distasteful to the speaker, and probable explanation of the fact, 282 sq. Disease, of nature, what, 386. Dives, care for his brethren did not imply that he knew of their state, 548. Divorce, why permitted the Jews, 349; rebuked by Christ, 402; may not take place for barrenness, 402, 406, 412; does not dissolve marriage, 402, 406, 412; dissolves marriage in the world’s opinion, 402. Donatists, suicides of, 530; not martyrdoms, 531. Donatus, the grammarian, 355. Dreams, See Apparitions, 545 sq. Drunkenness, a fault in act or habit, 357. Duty, of marriage among the early people of God, 403, 406, 408, 419; higher, supersede lower, 474; cannot require a sin, 489. Duumvir, 546. Dwelling called “sitting,” 373 Ecclesiasticus, said to be written by Solomon, not canonical, 548. Economy, some, used toward aliens without lying, 487; practiced by our Lord, 491. Educated, the, how to catechise, 290 sq. Egypt, represents the world, 496. Election, God’s sovereign grace in, 268; Divine, is grace, 532, 533; precedes faith, 533; examples of, 534. Eligere, 534. Eloquence, few attain, yet masters of, known, 354. Emperor, heathen, grants pardon to the courage of Firmus, 468. End of the Lord, our example, 373. Endurance, not patience, 426; of sufferings for worldly objects, 527; of men for temporal objects praised, 528; practised for wicked ends, 528, 529; not patience, but an example, 528; in surgical cases, worldly, 532, 534; this is animal and devilish, 532; like stupor of disease, 534; frantic, of misguided lust, 534. Epicurus, sometimes praises continence, 352; his error about pleasure 352; not fit to explain Archimedes, 353. Epistles, of St. Paul, said by Manichees to be interpolated, 350; written for men’s salvation, 470, 477; truth clearly put forth in, 493. Erasmus, his opinion of the “De Patientia,” 527. Error, the nature of, 242; always an evil, 243, 245; not always a sin, 244; easy to talk against, 348; three kinds of, in reading, 351; hurts not unless believed: charitable, no evil, 352; truth frees from, falsehood involves in 457, 458; of fact does little harm, 483. Esau, birthright of, what it signified, 492. Eternal life, the penny in the parable, 426. Eternity, no space of, between the Father and the Son, 371. Eucharist, Blood of Christ given to drink in, 374. Eulogius, sees St. Augustin in a dream, 545. Eunuchs, for the kingdom of Heaven, 424, monks preferred to be as, 523. Eusebius, Eccl. Hist. translated by Ruffinus, 543. Evanescere, 486. Eve, Adam tempted by, 372; a help to the tempter, 530. Every, used for “any,” 472. Evidence, of prophecy, 339, 340 sq.; of the Jews, 342. Evil, in the universe is but the absence of good, 240; there can be no evil where there is no good, 241; good and evil are exceptions to the rule that contrary attributes cannot be predicated of the same subject, 241; permission of, 267, 269, 385; turned into good by God, 269, 385, 495; man created able to choose good or evil,—choice of evil impossible in the future life, 271; co-existence of, with good, in the Church, and their final separation, 303 sq.; God not the author of, 365; not self-existent, 385; Manichæan errors concerning, 385, 386, 388; uses of, 385, 386; lusts, what, 387; perfected hereafter, not a substance, 387, 388; its nature explained, 464; question of doing less, to avoid greater, 465, 467; wrongly measured through earthly affections, 474; comparison of evils, 476; not to be done that good may come, 488. Evil fruit, good tree cannot bring forth, expounded, 241. Examples (see Saints), how to be judged of, 495. Excommunication, needed for crimes, 373; may be incurred by a valid marriage, 441. Excuses, shunned by continence, 384; useless before God, 384. Exhortation, needful to spur us to action, 442, 449; use of, implies acting on others’ will, 450. Exorcism of children shows original sin, 369. Experience, of friendship leaves room for faith, 338. Exsufflation of Children, 369. Eyes, weak from darkness cannot bear light, 361; fools use more readily than the mind, 363; their honorable place in the body, 444; want of, supplied by hearing, etc., 452. Fairness of Christ, the love of virgins, 436, 437. Faith, is the gift of God, 247; without works, is dead, 259; of things unseen derided, 337; defended by analogy, 338; even after trial, 338; if due to human things, more so to divine, 339; prophesied of, a ground of faith, 343; on authority, blamed by the Manichees, 348, 356; distinguished from credulity, 357; question if still a fault, 357, 358; necessary for friendship, 357, 358, 338; teacher uses, towards learner, 357; no harm in, though reason might be used, 358; distinguished from knowledge and opinion, 359; faulty only when rash or wrong, 359; of historical facts, needful, 360; parents known by, 359, 360; most needful of all in religion, and why, 360, 361; before reason, no rashness, 362; they are not Christians who forbid faith in Christ before reason, 362; miracles lead to, 363; prepares way to wisdom, 365; before understanding, 370; is in order to eternal life, 374; and works, 392; without putting down lust, is dead, 393; in wedlock, 401; conjugal, less worthy than virginity, 442; of profession to be kept, 445; whence named, 476; of Christ, none justified without, 533; Faith, Hope and Love, God to be worshipped through, 238; their mutual dependence, 239; distinction between faith and hope, 239; love is the greatest of the three, 274. Fall of man, through pride, 371. Falsehood, not all, is a lie, 458; leads to error, 459. Faltonia, Proba, mother of Juliana, 448. Fame, endurance from desire of, 528. Famine, provided against, 471. Fasting, continuous for several days, 364; compared to continence, 403; adds to the merit of widowhood, 448; time of, how to be used, 452; before receiving the Eucharist, 514. Fatalism, its excuses blasphemous, 384. Fate, inconsistency of those who speak of it, 384. Father, The, how greater than the son, 249; Himself God, 327; the Beginning of The Son, 328; hath not His Being from The Son, 329; nor from any other, 329; The Son anointed by, 339; One God with The Son, 370; coeternal with Son imaged by coeval, 371; doth what he will, never without The Son, 371. Father, human, supposed death of, inciting to lying, 464; power of, over children, 490; why greater than sons, 370. Fathers, Catholic, remarks on their writings, 291; the Old, how they married, 403, 406, 407, 466; typical in their marriage of many wives, 408. Faustus, the Manichee, attacked Patriarchs’ marriages: his pretensions and failure, 448. Fear, to displease God entertained by love, 431; spoken of by St. Paul, 432; likely to mislead, 489; of God, His gift, 534; patience founded on, 535. Feast, conversation at a, 357. Feigning, in our Lord no falsehood, 494. Felix, St., burial in his Basilica, 539; appeared at Nola, 548. Fellowship, attainable without marriage, 403. Female, contrasted with male, 408. Fides, from fieri, 476. Figure, of speech, 392, 393; in speech, no lie, 491, 494. Filth of soul, love of any thing but God and the soul, 364. Final goods, 403. “Finger of God,” means the Holy Spirit, 305. Fire, saved by, expounded, 259; coeval father of light, 371. Firmus, Bishop, courage of, 468, 469. Fleeing iniquity, the greatest of all alms, 262. Flesh and blood, shall not inherit the kingdom of God, expounded, 317; living after what? 383; meaning of, in Scripture, 383, 384; how saved, 387; Manichæan error concerning, 388, 389; as created, spoken well of by St. Paul, 388; Christ’s was true, 389; not evil: likened to the Church, 389, 390; its works, may be sins of the soul, 391. Flood, the, a sacramental sign, 303. Food, strong, not for the diseased, 357, 361; preserves man, 407; uncooked, needs exercise to digest, 518; stores of, necessary, 518. Fools, all who are not wise, and note, 360; do best to follow the wise, 361, 363; cannot know wisdom surely, 361; incapable of reason concerning God, 363; easiest led by means of sense, 363, 364. Foreknowledge, of God, 271, 302. Forgery of wills, 488. Forgiveness, of debtors, 261; of sins, realized in baptism, 374 sq.; asked by all, shows all sinful, 443. Fortitude, spirit of, 535. Fowlers, why the, cover up waters, 348. Free, why man is left, 385. Freedom of the will, See Will, is the gift of God, 248; man created with, 271. Friendship, founded on faith, 337; exists before fully proved, 338; none without faith, 358; attainable without marriage, 403. Fronto, informant of Consentius, 483. Fruitfulness, not to be compared to virginity, 419. Fruits, thirty, sixty, and hundred fold, 434. Future life, continence profitable for, 420, 421, 423, 424. Games, illustrate the Christian conflict, 372; what men will suffer for, 528. Gaul, martyrs of, 542. Generation, preserves mankind, as food man, 407; of mortal creatures is by corruption, 370. Generation, of The Son from eternity, 371. Genius, finds not truth without God’s help, 358. Gentiles, not to use Jewish customs, 461, 462, 493; typified by the woman with issue of blood, 494; idolatrous, called Pagans, 509, 511; debtors to Jews, 516. Gift, The Holy Ghost called, 339. Gifts, are all from God, 432; prayed for, are not of ourselves, 433; of different kinds, 434; spiritual, one person may have many, 549. Glory, different degrees of, 426, 435. God, to be worshipped through faith, hope and love, 238; in what sense said to be angry, 248; Grace of, displayed in Christ, 249; in election, 268, 533; Peace of, 257; pardons sin, but on condition of penitence, 258; alone decides what sins are trivial and what not, 262; does well even in the permission of evil, 267; Will of, never defeated, though much is done contrary to His will, 269; always good, but sometimes fulfilled through the evil will of man, 269; Grace necessary to salvation before the fall, 271; foreknew the sin of the first man, and ordered His own purpose. accordingly, 271; is Love, 275 sq.; severity of, 287; finger of, signifies the Holy Spirit, 305; exclusive eternity and omnipotence of, 322; blessed Abraham, 339; most fitly born of a Virgin, 339; is not in any special place, 341; the True, now invoked by all, 342; if Almighty created matter, 322; just in binding men by law, 351; frees from the Law, but condemns it not, 351; dwells in pure souls, 353; reasons concerning, understood by few, 358; helps those who go humbly and charitably, 358; knowledge of, true wisdom, 360; search for true religion presupposes faith in, 361; cannot be displeased with our believing, 361; demands faith, 362; the wise most near to, 363; mercy of,. shown in Christ, 363; now known by nations not to be of earth or fire, 364; Old Testament charged with false doctrine about, 365; providence of, points out the Church, 364; no substance but is of Him, 365; Father of those to whom the Church is Mother, 369; The Almighty Father, cannot lie or will wrong, 369; Author of Incorruptibility: One Will of Father and Son, 370; not lost by misfortunes, 372, 373; a Temple is for Him: He creates, Who clothes, 374; permits evil, why? 385; brings good out of evil, 385; Manichæan heresy concerning, 385, 386; His nature, 386; a Physician, 386; not wanting under the law, 449; destroys not free will, 449, 450; favor of, gives continence, 449;. gifts of, no blessings unless owned, 449; all good comes from, 452; labors to win, pleasant, 453; “hates” sinners, “destroys” liars, 462, 481; who unclean in sight of, 465; hears our inward speech, 471; wronged, though not hurt, by sins of luxury, 474; to be honored outwardly as well as inwardly, 482; Priscillianists erred concerning, 484; sin against, worse than against man, 485; sometimes heals secretly, 486; we must depend on, after all means, 497; will provide where we cannot rightly, 500; impassible: passions attributed to: patience His Gift, 527, 536; Himself long-suffering, though not suffering, 527, 528; His wrath, jealousy: His “repentance” implies no error, 527; cares for our body, 529; not lost by will, 530; riches of, 531, 536; patience likens to, 532; assists the just, and justifies the ungodly. 533; free mercy of, to old Saints, 533; how first loves sinners, works in us good will, 534, 536; never lies, 565. “God will have all men to be saved,” expounded, 267, 270. Gold, may be known and not had, 361. Goliath and Zaccheus compared, 411. Good, all things made, 240; but not perfectly good, hence liable to corruption, 240; there can be no evil where there is no good, 241;. highest, not attained without loving it, 363; brought out of evil, 385; all nature is, 386; in what degree attainable, 387; man so created, 388; the substance of the flesh is, 390; superior, makes not lesser good an evil: some, implied in “better,” 443, 446; more honored by having a good below it than an evil, 444, 446; fall from a higher, is an evil, 445, 446; all, comes from God, 452; sin aims at some, in this life, 474; temporal, may be given up without sin, 474, 475; three things to be kept, for sanctity’s sake, 475; luminous, of truth, 498; impassible, 532. Goods, final and instrumental, 403; when abused, become sin, 403; of marriage are offspring, faith, sacrament, 412. Good works, men not saved by, 247; follow faith, 247; rewarded by eternal life, the gift of God, 272. Gospel, not to seem sold, 508–510. Gospels, said by Manichees to be interpolated, 350. Government, of mankind, 385. Grammarians, expected to find good sense in Virgil, 353; several named, 355. Gratitude, due from virgins to God, 433. Greek, words borrowed from, 349. Greeks, philosophers, shoemakers, 511. Guests, duty of protecting, 489, 490. Guilt, transmitted from progenitors, 252, 253. Hair, bosses of, 429; worn long by some monks: long, thought a sign of sanctity, 522; St. Paul’s rule against long, 523; every, in God’s keeping. 529. Happiness, knowledge of the causes of good and evil necessary to man’s, 242; of perfect knowledge not yet ours, 359. Health and immortality, two goods, 403. Hearers, order of, among the Manichees, 348; what said of, when they left them, 348. Hearing, studiousness of, 357. Heart, its mouth, 379–381: continence must be seated there, 379; its consent, 380, 381; its language, 379; picture of purity, 392. Heaven, the Church in, 256, 257; degrees of glory in, 426, 435. Heresies, fight in vain against the Church, 374. Heresy, pretence of, may cause real, 483, 484; how to be exposed: sometimes healed secretly, 486. Heretic, not every one a, who believes heretics, 347; what makes a, 348; silence to be kept to a: each claims name of Catholic, 355, 356; spoils that claim by pretending to reason, 357, 363; cannot claim authority, or do without it, 362; that on which we believe Christ is against them, 363. Heretics, or schismatics compared to twigs lopped off the vine, 310 sq.; all, would have us believe in Christ, 362; many ways condemned, 365; yet in their sins, 375; continence of, should not persuade us, 448; widows and virgins of, inferior to Catholic wives, 448; not to be tracked out by lying, 482; sin less in speaking heresy than Catholics would, 483, 485; little harm in believing, when they pretend Catholicism, 483; converted, may take comfort in their former ignorance, 485; converted, will correct others, 486. History, explanation by, 349; of the Exodus allegorical, though true, 350. Holy Spirit, the birth of Christ is of The, 250; is not the Father of Christ, 250; Holy Spirit and the Church, 255; is not a creature, 256; sin against The, 264; signified by the expression, finger of God, 305; mission of, on Pentecost, 308; The third Person of the Trinity, 327; His individuality and offices, 329; body of any Christian, a temple of, 444; speaking in St. Paul, 513. Homicide, lying to screen from punishment, 468; justifiable, 469. Honoratus, several of the name, 347; one a companion of St. Augustin, a lover of truth, 347; prayed for, 348, 349; how led astray, 348; not then a Christian, 348; his friendship with St. Augustin, 351; will wonder at the Old Testament being called pure, 353; called on to take more pains, 355; a sincere and earnest inquirer, 365. Honorius, laws of, against idols, 337. Hope, everything pertaining to, embraced in the Lord’s Prayer, 273; worldly, its objects, 348; of discovery implied in search, 361; of Christians in the Judgment, 374. House, temporal and eternal, 496. Humility, most needful for virgins, 428, 437; who would follow Christ, 436; its praise, 428; instances of, 428, 429; commended by our Lord, 428, 430. Humility, taught by Christ, near his Passion, 429; learnt of Christ, 430; unfeigned, needed, 434; treated of fully by St. Augustin, 436; of Saints, 438; and holiness: need of in pious widows, 448. Hundredfold fruits of virginity, 434. Husband, and wife, their union, 388; relative duties, 389, 391; might once have many wives, 406, 407; must have but one, 408. I AM, meaning of the Name, 324. Idleness leads to vain talking, 516. Idolatry conforming to, to avoid violence, 464; might be done to save life, if lying lawful, 482; conformity to, nowhere allowed, 493. Idols, laws of Honorius against, 337; some still believe in, 341; rejection of, prophesied, 342. Ignorance, sometimes better than knowledge, 242; result of evil, 245, 264; to be borne patiently, 550. Image, of God, in the mind, 524. Images, of persons and things seen in visions, 545 sq. Immortality, the penny in the parable, 426. Impurity, legal, not always sin, 409. Incest, compared with adultery and fornication, 402. Incorruptible, begets Incorruptible, 370. Incorruption, future gain of, 529. Infirmity, a reason for not working, 515; pleaded as an excuse, 516. Injury, not to be done to one man to save another, 466, 467. Instrumental, goods, 403. Integritas, said of virgins and widows, 450. Intention, determines the character of an action, 520. Intercourse of the sexes venial in marriage state, 263; when right, when wrong, 487. Interpolations supposed in Holy Scripture, 350. Involuntary continence estimated, 429. Isaac, son of Abraham: told no lie, 491; inherited otherwise than his brothers, 535. Israel, prefigured the future Church, 304; history of, and its significance, 304 sq.; compared with Sodom, 461; history of, figurative, 470. Israelites, whole people as it were a prophet, 444. Israelitess, without guile, Rahab became, 497. Jacob, his birth as typical of Christ’s Incarnation, 286; an ancestor of Christ, 339; his example quoted for lying, 460; his deceit was a mystery, 491; acted in the figure of Christ, 492. Jealousy, attributed to God, 527. Jehu, falsehood of, no safe example, 482. Jericho, represents the world, 496. Jerome, St. opinion of, about St. Peter’s simulation, and note, 461. Jerusalem, heavenly and earthly contrasted, 496; Christian’s living in common at, 512; the heavenly, what gifts her sons have, 535. Jesus, supported by pious women, 506. Jewish Christians, kept the Law, 509. Jews, named from Judah, 339; our witnesses to prophecy, 342; permitted to ill-treat our Lord, 373; many of, murderers of Christ, forgiven, 374; and heathens, out numbered by Christians, 355; their notions of defilements, 469; priesthood of, become vile, 470; heart of, called “stony,” 491; rites of, culled “sacramenta,” 493. Job, his example cited, 409; patience of, in various temptations, 530; was thought to worship God, for temporal things: compared with Adam, 530; trials of, extreme, 372; tempted by his wife: stood fast in God, 373; restored to prosperity for our example, 373. John, St. beautifully alluded to, 390; his example cited, 410; alluded to, 426. John, the Monk, 539; he had the gift of prophecy: consulted by Theodosius: appeared to one in sleep, 550. Joseph, St. chosen to evidence the perpetual virginity of St. Mary, 511. Joseph, temptation of, 487; his concealment no lie, 491. Josiah, sparing the Prophet’s bones, 544; spared the knowledge of the afflictions which followed after his death, 547. Joy, different degrees of, in Heaven, 426; godly, given to us, 534. Judah, fornication of, no example, 495. Judaism, how far St. Paul allowed, 460. 461, 493. Judas prophesied of, 341; an example of evil tolerated, 506; our Lord’s patience with, 529. Judge, seems required for “false witness,” 467, 468, 473; information to, no betrayal, 468; tortures inflicted by, 528. Judgment, reason for believing, 341; will separate good and evil, 343; of the just and the unjust, 374. Judgments of God, on fallen men and angels 246; will be explained at the Resurrection, 267; are just, 268 sq. Juliana, thanks St. Augustin for a warning: asked him to write, 441; not to take all as written for herself, 441, 448; had children when left a widow, 445, 448; highest achievements open to, 448; is to communicate the book to others, 450; household of, a Church, 454. Kids, skins of, meant sins, 492. Kindred, spiritual, preferable to human, 418. Kingdoms, two distinct, after the resurrection; Christ’s and the Devil’s, 273. Kiss, not refused to Judas, 529. Knowledge, different ways of desiring, 357; distinguished from opinion and belief, 359; of evil, no misery, 359; matter of belief may be called, 360; and charity, two goods, 403; all who know, partake of, 528; of difficult questions, a divine gift, 549. Labor, pleasure in, 453; those able to, happier, 515; a duty of monks, 514; practised in good monasteries, 516; humbling effects of, on the wealthy, 518; for the common store, 519;. in the rich more charitable than alms-giving, 535. Lamb, The, followed by virgins, and married persons, 426, 432. Laurentius, the Enchiridion addressed to, 237. Law, counsel given beyond, 461, 462; of God unmoved by circumstances, 489; of nature, 407; under, in, without distinguished, 509; Jewish, permitted eating in the fields, 517; supposed wish to combine, with the Gospel, 351; Ceremonial, mysteries of, 351; in the letter, killeth; wants an expounder, 353. Laws, of man, in some sort Christian, 356. Laying out more, St. Paul, 515. Lazarus, buried, what signified in, 494; borne by Angels, 541; told Abraham the state of the Jews, 548. Lectures of Rhetoricians, 545. Leeches, 529. Legal purification shows not marriage sinful, 409; was for the type of sin, 409. Leisure, what, had St. Paul, 466. Leonas, messenger of Consentius, 481. Lewdness, worse than theft, 488 489. Liar, not every is a, who lies, 466. Liberty, Christian, 461, 462, 493. Lie, never allowable, but differs much in guilt, 243; not allowable to save another from injury, 245; question if ever lawful, 457 sq.; a joke is not a, 458; nor a mistake, 458; definition of, 458, 459, 494; how to be safe from, 460; question if ever useful, 460, 491; examples quoted in favor of, 460, 495, 500; cases of danger requiring, 460, 462, 490; condemned as false witness, 460; condemned more generally, and note, 460, .468, 476; allegory is not, 460, 491; sometimes allowed in imperfect state, 461; New Testament never favors, 461, 493; God hates, even to destroying, 462, 482; corrupts the soul, 463; any sin as easily justified, 463, 495; good men lose authority by telling, 464; about Christ, 466; several cases of, 466; none lawful in doctrine, 466, 490; not to be told to give pleasure, 467; useful, question of, 467, 472, 474, 495; if not to defend crime, 467; how to escape, when questioned, 468; how to escape, when silence betrays, 469; five kinds of, condemned: three still questioned, 469; wish to use, forbidden, 472; what, threatened with destruction, 473; Deceit is, even if not “false witness,” 473; a harmless one, to save pudicity of body, allowed, 475; eight sorts of, all shown to be evil, 476; which sorts less culpable: none is good, 481, 482; examples of, quoted from Scripture, 482, 491; every, contrary to truth, 482; pretending heresy worse kind of, 483; metaphor or antiphrasis, is not, 491; none is “just,” 495, 484; no holy person glories in, 496; one, leads to another, 498; about religion worst, 498, 500; not to be told to save a soul, 499; rather trust God, 500; put for sin in general, 500; not less than lewdness, 500. Life, eternal, through the reward of good works, is itself the gift of God, 272; eternal, not to be given for temporal, 462, 474; good here, eternal hereafter, worth patience, 528. Light, real and pretended, 348; strong, not born at once, 361; beauty of, a standing miracle, 364; coeval offspring of fire, 371. Lips, have spoken if the heart has consented, 338. Literal sense, the usual one of the Epistles, 504. Liturgy, quoted, 449. Living after man, is living after the flesh, 383. Lot, entertained Angels, 463; his example discussed, 463, 489, 490; excused by perturbation, 490; knew not his guests to be Angels, 497. Love, greater than faith and hope, 274; is the end of all the commandments, 275; action of, 286 sq.; “perfect, casteth out fear,” 330; act of, invisible, 338; only way to attain the highest good, 363; submits without hope of temporal rewards, 373; of husband for wife, Apostolical argument for, 388; fears to displease God, 431; owed to God by virgins, 433; of Christ, on the part of virgins, 437; the remedy for pride, 437; of neighbor as self, 462; misdirected, makes false estimates, 474; rectitude of, the soul’s chastity, 475, 476; of God, is His gift, 532; the ground of patience, 532, 534; kindled by The Holy Spirit, 532; of creature: already in creature loving, 534; of God, not in creature unless given, 534. Lucretius, error of, about the soul, 352. Lucus quod non luceat, 491. Lust, what is chiefly so called, 380, 381; our enemy, to be resisted, 381; its resistance the business of man, 382; proved to be of the soul as much as of the body, 391; how put down, 393; sexual, its sinfulness, 401; definition of, 463. Maccabees, book of, referred to, 540. Madmen, strength of, not healthy, 448. Magic arts, 391; in bringing up Samuel, 548. Male and female, contrasted, 407. Malefici, 500. Man, knowledge concerning, a part of wisdom, 306; nature of, assumed by God, 363; image of God in, 369; begins in imperfection, 372; living after, what, 383. Manhood, assumed by The Son, 329; perfect in Christ, 249. Manichees, object to believing on authority, 348; their pretence of reasons and learned discussions, 348; refute rather than prove, 348; their contemptuous phrases: attack the Old Testament, 349; think Scripture interpolated, and how, 350; of what error they accuse the Church, 353; worship the sun, 353; boasted of Faustus, 356; inquire origin of evil, 365; charges of, against Scripture: of bloodless bodies, but coarse minds, 365, 366; their heresy, 385, 386, 388, 389; refuted: dismissed, 388, 390; their saying, 410; their heretical opinion, 413; said the law was not of God, 509. Manichæans, place claimed for among the Apostles, 350. Mankind, how they might have multiplied had Adam not sinned, 399, 400. Mansions, many in heaven, 426. Marriage, fools should consult the wise about 361; many have learned to despise, 364; its end, 391; not regarded as unholy by the Fathers, 398; a lower state than virginity: first bond of society: that of our first parents, holy, 399; Christ went to one, 400; how a good, 400, 402, 412; intended as well for fellowship, 400; of aged persons, 400; continence in, praise-worthy, 400; brings good out of evil: its uses, 400, 401 402; its grave joy, 400; how far certain compacts deserve the name of, 401; its abuse, not the sin of marriage, 401; Sacramental, 402, 406, 408; the lesser of two goods, 403, 411, 422, 423; of the just, better than the virginity of the impious, 403; not evil, but good, 402, 403, 409; in what sense it is “better” not to marry, 403, 407; was once a duty: St. Paul’s view of, 404; not sinful, 404, 408; to be not sinful must be without excess, 404; holy, though the partner is unholy, 405; that looks only to pleasing God, rare, 405; how piously contracted by the old Fathers, 406, 407, 408, 413; cannot be dissolved, except by death, 402, 411, 412; of many wives, allowable once, 406; compared to the taking of food, 407; was once contracted with spiritual desire, 407; hard, to use it like Abraham, 413; compared to ordination, 411; goods of, three, 413; of the old Fathers, holier than virginity now, 413; summary of St. Augustin’s book on, 417; how that of the old Fathers must be regarded, 422, 423; not even indirectly condemned by St. Paul, 422 423, 424; its fruits thirty-fold only, 434; of (professed) widows wrong but valid, 441; ends with the life of either party, 442; good of, shown, in that the bodies of married Christians are members of Christ, 442; due of, not to be withheld for fear of temptation, 442; the chastity in, God’s gift, 442, 450; evil of excess in, not of marriage, but venial through it, 442; ends of: that of Sacrament: second, allowable, 443; second attacked by Montanists, etc., 443; body as well as spirit, holy in, 443, 444; more desirable in Old Covenant, 444; of Patriarchs, was for offspring, 444; provides against temptation, 445; not needed when we may have spiritual children, 445, 453; better than unstable purpose of widowhood, 441; still good under the Gospel, 446; desire of, wrong after vows, 446; argument from “marriage to Christ” refuted, 446; third or fourth, lawful, though less worthy, 446; seventh, allowed by our Lord to be marriage, 447; hard questions about, 448, 449; ranks below continence: holiness of, inferior by reason of cares, 451; less needful since the world is perishing, 452. Married, faithful women are mothers of Christ, 419; fruitfulness may not vie with virgin chastity, 419, 420; persons may follow the Lamb, 427, 436; persons in one respect cannot follow the Lamb, 427; may be fitter than virgins for Martyrdom, 434. Martyr, supposed terms put to a, 464; no place for, if doctrine may be denied, 482; makes real gain, 497. Martyrs, effect of their sufferings on mankind, 464; not prayed for at the Altar, 489; patience of, in scorn and pain, 529; true, do not kill themselves, 530; who suffer out of the Church, 535; memorials of, 542, 549, 550; prayers to, 542; care for others, the living, 542, 544 sq.; ashes and bodies dispersed, of Gaul, and elsewhere, 542, 544; overcame natural regard for the fate of their bodies, 544; removed from knowledge of earthly things, 549; tormenting demons, 550. Martyrdom, often a hidden gift: common among Christians, 364; higher than virginity, 435. Mary (see Virgin), the Blessed Virgin of the Jewish race, 339; Virgin after Christ’s birth, 339, 511; Christ born of, 371; suspected: conceived Christ in chastity, 486; holy virgins become like, 449. Mary and Martha, 403, 413, 423. Master, opposed to “schoolmaster,” 351; of grammar, 353; one, to many slaves, 408; power of, over slaves, 490. Mechanics, became Monks, 516. Mediator, a, needed by fallen men, 248, 253, 257; must be God in order to redeem us, 272. Medicine, taking, implies hope of recovery, 361. Meditation, in the Law of God, 452; consistent with work, 514. Members of sin, how mortified, 392; all members, though differing in honor, 444. Memorials of Martyrs, 539 542; prayers offered there, obtain special blessings, 539, 540, 542; buried, 550. Men, fallen, God’s judgments on, 246; restored through the mercy of God, 246; the restored part succeeds to the place lost by the rebellious angels, 247; not saved by good works, but by grace through faith, 247; needed a mediator, 248; all born of Adam are under condemnation, 246, 254; Christians truly so, 523; figure the ruling principle of the mind, 524. Mercy of God, free and abounding, 264, 268, 271; how far an excuse for wrong actions, 496. Midwives, believed, as to parents, 360; Hebrew, quoted for lying, 460, 495; were not prophesying, 460, 496; temporarily rewarded, 460; excused as beginners, 470, 495. Mind, things in, perceived without sight, 337; of others, not directly perceived, etc., 337 sq.; prepared for truth by believing, 358, 362; of the wise brought in contact with God, 363; sovereign power of, disgraced by body’s sin, 487; parts of the, how figured, 524; patience a virtue of, 529; wounds of, 529; incomprehensible to itself, 569. Miracle, spread of the Gospel a, 340. Miracles, meant to produce faith, 363; what are, 364; better than reasons to impress fools, 363; point out authority, 364; some more gracious, some more wonderful: why less frequent, and note, 364; witness of, against heretics, 365. Mistrust of self, our security, 383. Monachism, a holy purpose, 521. Monasteries, introduction of, into Carthage, 503; good, practise manual labor, 516; indifferent to which one’s property has been given, 519; time divided for labor and devotion and study, 521. Monastery, some may labor, others instruct, 514; owes a maintenance to those who have surrendered their property to it, 519; division of works in, 519. Monica, St., failed not to visit St. Augustin every night, 547. Monks, not laboring for their own support, 503; the work of, occasion of writing, 504; honest trades for men; a holy society, 511; laziness of, a trap, 515; cause scandals, 516; to avoid giving offense, to labor and be obedient, 514; ecclesiastical occupations and teaching of, 514, 515; life holy and praiseworthy, 514; their many religious offices, 515; who have been delicately brought up, to be borne with, 516; not Evangelists nor Priests: supporters of the Monastery, 519; persons admitted without signs of amendment, 516; a heavy sin not to admit as, slaves, peasants, mechanics: some became exemplars, 516; kept stores of provisions, 517; might have dressed provisions, 517, 518; who have been rich not compelled to bodily labor, 519; none to be idle: disentangled from secular affairs, 520, 521; trusting for support in labor if able, without, if unable: called servants of God, 521; poor of Christ, 519; objects of the Bishop’s care, 521; hypocritical and vagrant, pretended ones, 521; a device of Satan to discredit that life by scandal, 521; accused of wishing to be maintained in idleness: of hawking: costuming: lying stories: begging, 521; wearing long hair, 522; life preferred to Bishop’s, 521; good ones accused and unsettled by the idle, 522; idle ones regarded as more holy, 523. Monstrous births, and the resurrection, 265. Montanists, attacked second marriages, 443. Moral government of the world, 385. Mortification of the members, what? 392. Moses, veil of, 523; appeared after death, 548. Mothers, of Christ, who? 418, 419. Mouth of the heart as well as the body, 380, 381; not to be always literally taken in Scripture, 380; of the heart, 471, 472; confession with the mouth required, 486. Multitude, testimony of followed in common life, 355; must be led by steps to religion, 358: is believed regarding Christ, 362; gathered by Him in the way of faith, 363; led by faith to approve many good things, 364, 365; witness of, against heretics, 365. Mysteries, holy, words used in celebrating, 449. Mystery, defense of, not popular, 349; to be borne with, 534. Nabal, David right in sparing, 490. Naboth, charge against, 491. Name, eternal, promised to the eunuchs, 425. Narration, to be employed in catechising, 285 sq., 289. Nations blessed in Christ, 339; come to God, by believing, 341. Nativity, Eternal, of the Son, 371; of Christ in time, 374. Nature, the Christian knows little of, except that the goodness of the Creator is the cause of all things, 239; knowledge of the causes of, unessential to happiness, 242; wonders of, familiar, 364; all, is good, 386; lust is a disease of, 386. Nazarites, long hair a figure of the veil of the Law, 523. Neighbor, even an alien is, 487. Net, of the Gospel, takes bad and good, 343. Novations, against second marriages, 443. Nurses, believed as to parents, 360. Obedience, the Christian’s work, 372; above continence, 411; implies chastity, 412; unmurmuring, duty of Monks, 514. Old persons, why they marry, 400. Olibrius, husband of Juliana, 452. Opinatio, 360. Opinion, distinguished from knowledge and belief, 359; different from belief, 458. Ordination, to be withheld from a husband who had a second wife, 408; a sacrament, 412. Original sin, remitted by Baptism, 386. Pagans, soldiers: poets: yet in their sins, 375; idolatrous heathen so called, 509, 511; opinions of burial, 540; philosophers, 540. Paint, not to be used by women, 451. Paradise, man deceived in, 372; Adam careless in, 530; how man forfeited, 531; vision of, also baptism necessary for admission to, 546. Parcae quad non parcant, 491. Pardon, granted implies sin, 404; to what granted by St. Paul, 404. Pardon of sin conditioned by penitence, and has reference chiefly to the Judgment, 258; not given to those who forgive not others, 261. Parents, not to be recognized when they hinder our ministry, 325; known by testimony, 339; known to children by faith: yet love due to, 360. Parricide, Cataline, of his country, 528; why worst homicide, 530. Passion, foretold by same writers as things now seen fulfilled, 341; in Jewish Scriptures, 342. Passions, how attributed to God, 527. Patience, of Christ, 372; of Job, 372; is not to be for temporal hopes, 372, 373; differs from endurance, 391; a great gift of God, 527; attributed to God: in what sense, 527; of God, without passion, 527, 528; in man, what, 527, 528; waits for good, 527, 529; compared with worldly endurance, 528, 531; for ill ends is no patience, 528; truth of, is in the cause, 528; not like science: both in mind and body, 529; shown without bodily pain: of our Lord toward Judas, 529; greatest against Satan’s assaults, 530; is God’s gift, 531; being from love of God, is from grace, 532; likens to God, 532; her words by St. Paul, 535; is it God’s gift? 535, 536. Patriarchs, had several wives for offspring, 444; marriages of, attacked by Faustus, 448; fed cattle, 511; ignorant of what befell the Jews, 547. Paul, his speaking by permission not of commandment, expounded, 262 sq.; once a persecutor, 309; his counsels and commands concerning marriage and virginity, 421; what “he spared,” 422; the Teacher: “vessel of election,” 442. chose the unmarried state as higher good, 442; rightly allows second marriage, 443; cared not for men’s praise, 453; St. Peter corrected by, 461, 462; kept good repute with care, 461; his answer to the high priest, 470; his oaths, 470, 474, 477; right in not “living of the Gospel,” 470; used sympathy, not falsehood, 476; charged by some with a lie, 477; not compelled by want to preach, 509; not using his liberty, 506 509, 510; bearing with the weak, 509; condescending, not of craft, 509, 510; becoming all things to all men: “becoming weak,” 509; relieved by distant Churches, 510; declined gifts to avoid suspicion of venal motives, 510, 511; labored in temporal as well as spiritual works, 511; avoiding suspicion of dishonesty, 513; rejoicing in the liberality of believers, 513; had special times for labor and teaching, at Troas: at Athens, 513, 514; could work by day and night, 515; not receiving support was to avoid offense, 515, 517; because his ministry was among the Gentiles, 515; not contrary to his Lord, 518; used means for self-preservation, 520; rapt into Paradise, 548. Paulinus, St., of Nola, inquires about burial: his opinion, 569. Peace, on earth, 257; the prize of continence, 386. Peasants, became Monks, 516, 519. Pelagianism, noted by St. Augustin in his book on widowhood, 441, 449. 450; dangerous approaches to 450. Pelagians, think patience man’s attainment, 531; argument of, for free-will, 531, 532. Penance, done openly in Church: way of remission for the baptized, 375; refusal of, condemned, 473. Penitence, needful for pardon of sins, 258. Penitents, order of, 375. Peoples, and nations, our witnesses to Christ, 362. Perfect, are not even to wish to lie, 472. Perfecting, good and evil, 387. Perjury, strangely justified by some, 498; none can be allowable, 499; real though not of truth, 499; feared even by the adulterous, 500. Permission, not same as consent, 475. Persecution, flight from, 520, 521. Perseverance, need of grace for, 453, 454. Persian fable of Manichees, 365. Peter, St., his example cited, 410; simulation of, corrected, 461, 493; his denial, 462; justifying him makes St. Paul a liar, 477; denied only with the mouth, yet sinned, 486. Physician, best judge for the sick, 373; hates sickness, loves the sick, 534. Pity, how attributed to God, 527. Plato, hidden meanings of, in amorous writing, 355. Pleasure, thought chief good by Epicurus, 352; in holy labor, 452; of earthly things a known motive to natural will, 534. Pontius Pilate, named to mark the date, 371. Poor, feeding, for man’s praise not good, 487; of Christ, monks so called, 519; patience of the, 531; long for the inheritance, 535; of Christ to be made rich, 536. Posture, in prayer increases fervor, 542. Powers that be, subjection to the, illustrated, 306. Prayer, the Lord’s, 238, 274; called “The Prayer,” 375; needed against temptation, 449. Prayer, the daily, of the believer makes satisfaction for daily trivial sins, 260; remission of lighter sins by, 375; does more than exhortation, 450; spiritual delight in, 452, 453; helped by alms, 452; of the obedient heard, 514; interrupted for necessary labors, 518; posture at, increases fervency: yet is not necessary to it, 542. Prayer, for the dead, 434; an universal practice, 539; at the Altar, 540; authority for, though not in Scripture: also profit of, 539, 540; do not profit all, 539, 542, 550; for all the faithful departed, 542, 543; for our departed friends, especially, 550. Preaching, the Gospel, reward of, 509; the Gospel for support might offend the weak, 510, 511; for the sake of a maintenance wrong, 519. Predestination, to eternal life is wholly of God’s free grace, 268. Pride, and envying, 428; to be guarded against, 531; ground of false patience, 531. Priesthood, of the Jews become vile, 470. Priscillian, artful praise of, 483; himself detected without lies, 485. Priscillianists, exposed by Consentius, 450; inquiries of Consentius about, 457; thought it lawful to deny doctrines, 481, 486, 492; some of their notions, 484; sin less than Catholics in blaspheming, 484, 485; heresy of, overthrown by Catholic Bishops, 485; anathematize Priscillian in pretence, 485. Proba Faltonia, mother-in-law of Juliana, and note, 448, 454; grandmother of Demetrias, 451. Property, management of, 361; question of lying to save, 467, 476; giving up of, a pattern to us, 518. Prophecy, evidence of, conclusive, 339, 340; even for Gospel records, 340, 341; of things we see proves things unseen: Passion foretold in, 341, 342. Prophecies, Old Testament, fulfillment of, pointed out, 313. Prophetic meaning of Patriarchs’ care for burial, 541. Prophets, effect of their teaching on multitudes, 364; in time of, women served God by marriage: God’s ancient people a prophet, 444; marriages of, attacked by Faustus, 448; knew only what God thought fit, 548. Providence, not excluding our exertions, 520, 521. Provision, for the morrow, how forbidden, 470; to be made for the future, 518. Psalmody, a spiritual delight, 452; no hindrance to work, 514. Psalms, to be learnt by heart, 514. Punishment, eternal, 341; for sin inevitable, 385; less for schismatics who suffer for Christ, 535. Punishments, future, eternity of, 273; threatened to correct the foolish, 351. Purgatorial fire, possible, 260. Purification, why ordered under the Law, 409. Quick, the, and the dead, Christ shall judge, expounded, 255, 373. Rahab, not approved for lying, 495; how she might have avoided it, 496. Reading, three kinds of error in, 351, 352; spiritual delight in, 452 453; pursued to the neglect of doing what is read, 514. Reality of Christ’s flesh, 389. Reason, Manichees would prove all by, 348, 354; not enough to keep men from sin, 351; why not to be followed before faith, 357; unable to master religion, 360. Refuge, is one seeking, to be saved by a lie? 460, 462, 468. Regeneration, effects of, 275; prayer for, for Catechumens, 375; in Baptism, 386; had we no other birth we should not sin, 500. Relics of martyrs (pretended ones), hawked about, 521. Religion, search after true, 354; search for true, presupposes belief in God, 361. Repentance, true, 264; of God without error, 527. Report, good, duty of keeping, 453. Resurrection, the, of the body, 264 sq.; of the saints, 266; of the lost, 266; derided by some, 313; is certain, 332; of Christ, prophesied, 341. Retreat of monks, for prayer, 517, 518. Revelations, by visions, 546; to Prophets partial, 548. Reward, of Christian soldier, 453; of evangelizing, 509. Rhetoric, learned from the few whom the many acknowledge, 354. Rhyming terminations, 527. Rich, the, humbled before the Church, 340; healed of pride, in becoming poor, 518; men, become monks, 519. Riches, desire of, condemned in widows, 452; what men will suffer to gain, 528; of God, 531. Right Hand of God, what meant by, 327, 373. Rising with Christ, what, 392. Robbers, lying in wait, 458, 459. Rome, the usage of, in respect of divorce, 402; love of the commonwealth, 519. Ruffinus, translated Eusebius’ Ecel. Hist., 543. Rule of Faith, the Creed, 369 sq. Ruth, blessed, though Anna more so, 443; continent widows may not set themselves above: married again to be an ancestor of Christ, 444. Sacraments, of New Law, supersede the old, 461; truth intimated in, 475. Sacrifice, for sin, called sin, 495. Sacrifices, legal, not for Christians,. 351. Sadducees, our Lord’s answer to, 447. Saints, the, resurrection of, 266; shall know at the resurrection the benefits they have received by grace, 267; Church daily renewed in the, 340; general effect of their examples, 364; in heaven cannot sin, 385, 387; differ in merits: in glory: and joy, 426; number of the, to be completed, 453; of Old Testament saved by grace through faith, 533. 534; intercession of: prayers to, 549; prayers to: patrons, 539, 542 sq.; memorial chapels. of, 539, 542. Sallust, referred to, 528. Samuel, apparition to Saul, opinions on, 548. Sanctity, treated of, 437; higher, sought in separation from the world, 514. Sarah, her example cited, 411; an example to wives, 444; denied her laughing, 460; truly called Abraham’s sister, 491. Satan, as an angel of light, 257; tempted Job, as Adam, by woman, 372, 530; brought low, after his pride, 522; tempts. through or without instruments, 530; hurt not Job, but by God’s power, 530; fell by his own will, 534; exorcised from children, 569. Saul (King), those who buried him praised, 544; seeing Samuel, 548. Schism, a breach of charity, 535. School, tempting discussions in, 348. Scipio Africanus, his daughter portioned by the state, 519. Scripture Holy, creed scattered about in, 347; statements all true, 422, 423; forbids being overwise, 442; wrested, 508; to. be learnt by memory, 514; cannot deceive, 534. Scriptures, copies of, in hands of Jews, 342; of the Old Testament often figurative, 460; why contain examples as well as precepts, 470; forbid every lie, 476; no mincing of, 477; knowledge of, praised, 481; true interpretation of, to be urged, 492; three methods to be used with, 493; of Old Testament attacked by Manichees, 349, 350; why hard to defend, 349; fourfold sense of, 349; partial use of, 351; how to deal with, 351, 353; three suppositions about, 352; Church’s belief about, 353; falsely charged with absurdity, 355; believed on Church’s testimony, 362. Secular judgments imposed on Bishops by Apostolical injunction, 521. Sedes, dwellings called, 373. Senators, became Monks, 519. Septivira, 447. Sermon on the mount, 428. Sickness of the soul, what, 386. Signacula; 475. Signs; intelligible, 283; employed at the formal admission of a catechumen, 312; not known, without the thing, 361. Similes, easy weapons to find, 348. Simon, his example cited, 433. Sin and Sins, results of Adams, 246; often put one for the other, 252; of progenitors, 253; guilt of the first, can be washed away only in the blood of Christ, 253; pardon of, extends over the whole mortal life of the saints, 258; trivial, 260, 263; relative magnitude of sins, 262 sq.; two causes of, ignorance and weakness, 264; remission of, 331; impossible to God: original in children, 347; law made to restrain fools from, 351; every action not rightly done is, 360; forgiveness of, in Baptism, 375; none too heinous: some are venial, some remitted by prayers, some, by penance, 374; Catechumens still under, 375; remitted to the faithful in Baptism, 386; spiritual men not exempt from, 390; venial and deadly, 402, 403; none are free from, 439; confession of, 447; not to be committed to save life, 462 sq.; confession of, required, 473; wrongly estimated by carnal men, 474; of others, not to be prevented by our own, 476, 486; not to be done to detect sin, 481; against conscience, 484; not justified by motive, 488; yet made less, 488, 496; venial not allowed, 489; alternatives of, 489, 491; of ignorance or infirmity, 490, 496, 510; forgiven for subsequent good works, 496; comes of our earthly birth: is the sting of death. 500. Sinner, to protect a, is not to aid sin, 468; not to be despaired of, 468. Sitting, at the right hand of God, what? 523. Sixtyfold fruits of widowed life, 434. Slaves, many, but one master, 408; freed to become Monks, 516; trusted by masters, 358. Sleep, abstinence from, 528. Society, founded on faith, 339. Sodom, justified in comparison of Israel, 461; Lot’s conduct in, 463, 467. 468; men of, smitten with blindness, 497. Soldiers of Christ, mark of, not repeated after desertion, 375; Monks so called, 521. Solomon, commanded to build God a temple, 374. Son, The, anointed by the Father, 339; said to suffer because His humanity suffered: of God is God: of man is man: of God is Almighty: why Only Son, 370; doth what He will: One God with the Father, 370; of God suffered and died: begotten before all times, 371. Song of the Three Holy Children, 438. Soul, made to know truth, 356; may be defiled, 380; meaning of, in Scripture, 383; purity of, more than that of the body, 463, 475, 476; Priscillianists in error about, 484. Souls pure, God dwells in, 353; of the faithful departed, at rest, 541, 543; obtain the resurrection of the body, 542; rest of, not affected by the condition of the body, 540–543; nor by the events of the world, 547, 548; some free from all suffering, 547. Speech, inward, heard by God, 471. Spirit Holy, signified by finger of God, 305; the Apostles filled with, 342; continence the gift of God’s, 354; signified by men’s actions, 460; God, as dwelling in Temple, 350; consubstantial and coequal: called “Love,” 374; heareth all things, 471; the fire of Divine Love, 532; hence the source of patience, 532, 534. Spiritual, desire of the old Fathers, 407, 408, 413. Spy, supposed practice of, 483. Steward of the Church must have one wife, 408. Stewards, trusted though slaves, 358. Stoics, wrong in making all sins equal, 495. Studiousness, matter of praise, 356, 357. Subtance, none but what God begot or created, 365. Succession, Apostolic, 365. Suffering, for faith and humanity, praiseworthy, 469. Sufferings, endured for worldly objects, 528. Suicide, threat of, may not move us to sin, 462 sq.; false claim of martyrdom by, 531. Supererogation, 427. Susanna and Anna, 403, 413, 423. Swearing, instances of, in New Testament, 470; all “cometh of evil,” 474; rash, of David, 490; false, excused by some, 498. Talking, lust of, leads to lying, 466, 467. Tamar, falsehood of, not to be imitated, 495. Tares, borne with till the harvest, 529. Teaching, all implies some faith, 354; multitude may show where to find, 355, 362; Catholic, origin of, 356; ordinary way of, uses belief, 359; all requires a master, 365. Tediousness, in catechising causes and remedies of, 293 sq. Temple, Christian heart a, 374. Temptation, counsel against, from the aged, 451; hope of gratification a, 452. Tempting God by not avoiding danger, 508. Terentianus Maurus, not to be read without expositors, 355. Tertullian, unwisely attacks second marriage, 443. Testament, Old, food for infant souls, 349; agrees with New, 349. passages that seem to condemn it, 351; veil of removed, 351; what the charge against, 353; St. Augustin’s belief about, 353; St. Ambrose’s exposition of, 356; charges brought against, 365; two, signified by Abraham’s sons, 470. Testimony, parents known by, 339; of the multitude how useful, 354, 355. Theatre, applause of, courted by poets, 355. Thecla, mentioned, 434. Theft, from rich not lawful, 467; is “from the mouth” of the heart, 472; some think too much of, as compared with sins of luxury, 474; though to feed the poor, 488; is less sin than lewdness: one worse than another, 488, 489. Thigh, signification of putting the hand under, 409. Thirtyfold fruit of marriage, 434. Thought, sins of, 379, 380; goes before works, 381; of intention, 380; cannot go unpunished, 385; a mystery, 385. Time, shifting course of, 452. Times, change of, 349. Timothy, St., his example cited, 409; circumcised by St. Paul, 461. Titus, St., not circumcised, and why, 461. Tobias, commended for burying the dead, 541. Tongue, the, 487; not to be yielded to sin, 488. Torture, to obtain testimony, 468, 528; question of lying, to escape, 468; to be borne with love, 470. Trades, honest, practised by St. Paul, 511; manual, suitable to preachers, 512. Travel, in search of instruction: to Holy Land, 355. Tribulation, attends marriage, 422, 424. Trinity, Holy, the, doctrine of, 327 sq., 374. Truth, St. Augustin’s early love of, 347; belief prepares for beholding, 348, 349; search after, 354 sq.; lovers of, believe authority: why, made hard to discover, 361; God is, 363; state of mind needful for seeking, 365; of every statement in Scripture, 422; may be spoken in order to deceive, 459; comprises every eternal good, 463; eternal, distinguished from ordinary, 467, 474, 475; notion of keeping “in the heart,” 471, 486; love of, allows not false witness, 473; may be preferred to everything external, 475, 498; not to be wronged in defending it, 481; every lie contrary to, 483; to be kept with those without: some to be concealed from aliens, 487; nothing against it “just,” 495; defended by examples of chastity, 499, 500. Type, woman, of what 425; application of the Three Holy Children, 438. Typical, meaning of many wives, 408; view of impurity, 409. Uncircumcision, not to be feigned, 509. Understanding, distinguished from belief and opinion: is by reason, 359; now known by multitudes to be the way of knowing God, 364; quick, God’s gift, 370; faith goes before, 370. Unions, three spoken of by the Apostle, 388. Unity, in Godhead illustrated by that of souls united: but imperfectly, 370. Unmarried, may mean widows, 442; persons, “think of things of the Lord,” 443; should give Christ what they reserve from a consort, 451; exhorted to forbear marriage, 453. Unwilling continence estimated, 429. Veil, of Scripture, done away in Christ, 351; of Moses, of the Nazarite, 523. Veils, men not to wear: why, 524. Vengeance, less kingly than forbearance, 529. Ventilare, 351. Vice, can use the instruments of virtue, 528. Vine, the Church in its likeness to Christ compared to, 309. Violence, not consented to, corrupts not, 463, 490; lying to escape, wrong, 463; not to be evaded by sin, 464. Virgil, quoted, 239, 242, 352, 355, 540. Virgin, (see Mary,) God most fitly born of a, 339; the Blessed, 403; the blessed, a type and pattern, 417; what was her highest blessedness, 418, 419; had vowed virginity, 418; was born of Christ: how both a Mother and a Virgin, 418. Virginal chastity above marriage, 422. Virginity, preferred to marriage, 397, 411, 422; is angelic, 403, 420; the greater of two goods, 411; to be guarded by humility, 413; that of the blessed Virgin, 418; a good, for the sake of the future life, 420, 421, 423, 424; its joys in heaven, 426; the gift of God, 432; its fruits hundredfold, 434; inferior to martyrdom, 435; preferred by St. Paul to conjugal faith, 442; goodness of, makes not marriage evil, 442; of children, a compensation to parents, 445, 448; forsaking, after profession is sinful, 445; of the Church, 446. Virgins, brought to Christ everywhere, 340; all holy ones are Mothers of Christ, 418; rich, how they may give birth to members of Christ, 419; distinguished from sacred Virgins, 420; no “command” concerning, 421; have peculiar joys in heaven, 426; follow the Lamb, 427; need humility, 428; their grounds for loving God, 432; may be less fit than married women for martyrdom, 434, 435; encouragement to, 437; should love the fairness of Christ, 437; distinguished from the “unmarried,” 442; before widows in the kingdom, 451; special song of, 451. Virtue, what patience is a, 527; instruments of, not to be yielded to, 528. Virtues of the soul may exist unseen in habit, 409, 410. Visible and invisible creation, 369. Visions, of the unseen world, 546. Vows, freely made, makes what was lawful unlawful. 443; wrong to desire to revoke, 445; marriage after, is not adultery, 446; but yet is worse, 446; of continence recommended, 450; a protection, 452; marriage to Christ by, 446; more laudable because not required, 446. Warfare, of the Christian life, 382, 387. Washing, once for all in Baptism: daily, in prayer, 375. Watchings, use of, 452. Water, changed into wine, 363. Whirling, about false doctrine, 523. Wicked, the death of, eternal in the same sense as the life of the Saints, 273. Widowed, chastity, above marriage, 423. Widowed, continence, its rank, 434. Widowhood, forsaking, after profession is a sin, 445; this is not adultery, but worse, 446; long and early, greater test of continence, 447; prayer and fasting make better, 448; hard questions about, 448. Widows, their continence, 434; Fourth Council forbade (professed widows) to marry again, 441; may be called unmarried: better among the members of Christ than married women, 442; may marry again, as Ruth, 443; more blessed if not, as Anna, 443, 447; not therefore better than Ruth herself, 444; do better in not marrying now that Christ is come, 444; having family, have no good reason to marry, 445; what they should do according to their ability, 445; merits of, in different cases compared, 447; luxurious living of, condemned, 452; humility an ornament to, 448; alms help their prayers, 452; to draw others to like profession, 453. Wife (see Husband), why created out of husband, 399; many allowed once, why, 407, 408; only one belongs to a steward of the Church, 408; and woman, Greek word ambiguous, 506. Will (see Freedom of), of God, invariable, 369; true submission of, to God, 373; of man, admonished and healed by grace, 449; free, made too much of, by some, 450; if man works on, much more God helps, 450; God not lost but by, 530; free, of man, gets not patience by itself, 531; why it produces hardness, yet not true patience, 531, 532; evil, made frantic by devilish incitements: the devil became devil by his own, 534; has not love of God, but by His gift, 534. Wills, forgery of, 488. Wisdom, man’s true, is the fear of God, 237; to be found in true religion, 354; implies knowledge concerning God and man, 360; he who has not, knows not, 361; prayer to God for, 363; is God’s gift, 433, 450; patience handmaid of, 528; true and false, true from God, 531. Wise, who are, 360; how are fools to find them, 361; are brought near to God, 363. Witchcraft, not to be detected by witchcraft; 500. Witness, false forbidden, 460, 467, 469; question if lawful to save life, 464; about God or Christ, 464, 467; definition of, 467, 468; incompatible with love of truth, 473; false, might seem expedient at times, 488. Wolves, in sheep’s clothing, 485; sheep not to wear theirs, 486. Woman, insult offered to the sun by a, 353. Women, now, compared to the holy women of old, 406, 412; accompanied and supported the Apostles: and our Lord, 506; figure the concupiscential part of the mind, 524. Words, use of Greek, 349; are the beginning of works, 400; are deeds, 487. Work, evil, not made good by motive, 488; to refuse, as wrong an error, 415. Working, understood of laboring in spiritual things enjoined by the Apostle, 503. Works, are preceded by thoughts, 380, 381; and Faith, 392; good, a better portion than children, 451, 452; precede not election, 533, 534. World, spirit of this, puffs up, 449; cares of, lower married holiness, 451; passing away, a reason against marrying, 452; waits for the number of Saints, 453; trials of, require patience, 529; love of, produces worldly endurance, 532, 534; lust comes of, but also of man’s will, 532 sq. Wrath, in God no passion, 527. Writers, three was to err in using, 351; sense of, often hard to see clearly, 352. Zaccheus and Goliath compared, 411, 430.
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