Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxiv Pg 55
See Isa. lii. 7, xxxiii. 14 (Sept.), and Amos ix. 6.
Down in hell, however, it was said concerning them: “They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them!”—even those who did not believe them or at least did not sincerely4856 4856 Omnino.
believe that after death there were punishments for the arrogance of wealth and the glory of luxury, announced indeed by Moses and the prophets, but decreed by that God, who deposes princes from their thrones, and raiseth up the poor from dunghills.4857 4857
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxiv Pg 49
Isa. xxxiii. 14–16, according to the Septuagint, which has but slight resemblance to the Hebrew.
Now, although this everlasting abode is promised, and the ascending stories (or steps) to heaven are built by the Creator, who further promises that the seed of Abraham shall be even as the stars of heaven, by virtue certainly of the heavenly promise, why may it not be possible,4850 4850 Cur non capiat.
without any injury to that promise, that by Abraham’s bosom is meant some temporary receptacle of faithful souls, wherein is even now delineated an image of the future, and where is given some foresight of the glory4851 4851 Candida quædam prospiciatur: where candida is a noun substantive (see above, chap. vii. p. 353).
of both judgments? If so, you have here, O heretics, during your present lifetime, a warning that Moses and the prophets declare one only God, the Creator, and His only Christ, and how that both awards of everlasting punishment and eternal salvation rest with Him, the one only God, who kills and who makes alive. Well, but the admonition, says Marcion, of our God from heaven has commanded us not to hear Moses and the prophets, but Christ; Hear Him is the command.4852 4852
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 13
VERSE (57) - Isa 33:14 Mt 3:12; 22:7; 25:41 Re 21:8,27