Anf-02 vi.v Pg 90.1
Anf-02 ii.iv.viii Pg 43.1
Anf-02 ii.iv.viii Pg 43.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.v Pg 39.1
Anf-03 vi.iii.ix Pg 15
Matt. x. 42.
recruits His strength at a well;8630 8630
Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.iv Pg 15.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xvi Pg 3.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.iii Pg 104.1
Anf-03 vi.iv.xxvi Pg 3
I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]
—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.” But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make8932 8932 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice.
earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept8933 8933
Anf-03 vi.iv.xxvi Pg 3
I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]
—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.” But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make8932 8932 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice.
earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept8933 8933
Anf-03 vi.iv.xxvi Pg 3
I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]
—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.” But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make8932 8932 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice.
earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept8933 8933
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxiii Pg 16
Luke ix. 47, 48.
The Creator, on the contrary,4389 4389 Autem.
let loose bears against children, in order to avenge His prophet Elisha, who had been mocked by them.4390 4390
Anf-01 ix.iv.xv Pg 25
Luke xvii.
also how He ordered the lame and the blind to be gathered to the wedding from the lanes and streets;3561 3561
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxv Pg 3
Luke xvii. 1, 2.
that is, one of His disciples. Judge, then, what the sort of punishment is which He so severely threatens. For it is no stranger who is to avenge the offence done to His disciples. Recognise also in Him the Judge, and one too, who expresses Himself on the safety of His followers with the same tenderness as that which the Creator long ago exhibited: “He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of my eye.”4861 4861
Anf-01 ii.ii.xlvi Pg 12
Comp. Matt. xviii. 6, Matt. xxvi. 24; Mark ix. 42; Luke xvii. 2.
Your schism has subverted [the faith of] many, has discouraged many, has given rise to doubt in many, and has caused grief to us all. And still your sedition continueth.