Verse 29. "Will I put my hook in thy nose" - Et fraenum meum: Jonathan vocem gtm metheg, interpretatus est µmz zemam, i.e., annulum, sive uncum, eumque ferreum, quem infigunt naribus camelae: eoque trahitur, quoniam illa feris motibus agitur: et hoc est, quod discimus in Talmude; et camela cum annulo narium: scilicet, egreditur die sabbathi. "And my bridle: Jonathan interprets the word metheg by zemam, a ring, or that iron hook which they put in the nostrils of a camel to lead her about, check her in her restiveness, &c. And this is what we mean in the Talmud, when we say, And the camel with the ring of her nostrils shall go out on the Sabbath day." - Jarchi in 2 Kings xix. 28. Ponam circulum in naribus tuis. "I will put a ring in thy nostrils." -Jerome. Just as at this day they put a ring into the nose of the bear, the buffalo, and other wild beasts, to lead them, and to govern them when they are unruly. Bulls are often ringed thus in several parts of England. The Hindoos compare a person who is the slave
of his
Verse 36. "Then the angel" - Before "the angel, "the other copy, 2 Kings xix. 35, adds "it came to pass the same night, that "_] The Prophet Hosea, chap. i. 7, has given a plain prediction of the miraculous deliverance of the kingdom of Judah:- "And to the house of Judah I will be tenderly merciful: And I will save them by JEHOVAH their God.
And I will not save them by the bow; Nor by sword, nor by battle; By horses, nor by horsemen." -L.
Verse 38. "His sons smote him" - What an awful punishment of his blasphemy! Who can harden his neck against God, and be successful? God does not lightly pass by blasphemy against himself, his government, his word, his Son, or his people. Let the profligate take care!