SEV Biblia, Chapter 37:24
Por mano de tus siervos vituperaste al Señor, y dijiste: Yo con la multitud de mis carros subiré a las alturas de los montes, a las laderas del Líbano; cortaré sus altos cedros, sus hayas escogidas; vendré después a lo alto de su límite, al monte de su Carmelo.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Isaiah 37:24
Verse 24. By thy servants "By thy messengers"] The text has ûydb[ abdeycha, thy servants; but the true reading seems to be ûykalm malacheycha, thy messengers, as in the other copy, 2 Kings xix. 23; and as the Septuagint and Syriac found it in their copies in this place. Reproached the Lord] ynda Adonai: but one of my MSS. has ynda hwhy Yehovah Adonai, Jehovah the Lord. This reading is not found, I think, in any other MS., but several have hwhy Yehovah for ynda Adonai.
I will enter into the height of his border "I will penetrate into his extreme retreats"] The text has µwrm marom, the height which seems to have been taken by mistake from the line but one above. Two MSS. have here wlm malon, the lodge or retreat; which is the word in the other copy, 2 Kings xix. 23, and I think is the true reading.
The forest of has Carmel.] The forest and his fruitful field; that is, I will possess myself of the whole country.
Matthew Henry Commentary
This chapter is the same as II Kin. 19 __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ביד 3027 עבדיך 5650 חרפת 2778 אדני 136 ותאמר 559 ברב 7230 רכבי 7393 אני 589 עליתי 5927 מרום 4791 הרים 2022 ירכתי 3411 לבנון 3844 ואכרת 3772 קומת 6967 ארזיו 730 מבחר 4005 ברשׁיו 1265 ואבוא 935 מרום 4791 קצו 7093 יער 3293 כרמלו׃ 3759