SEV Biblia, Chapter 4:15
La tierra de Zabuln, y la tierra de Neftalí, camino del mar, al otro lado del Jordn, Galilea de los gentiles;
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 12-17 - It is just with God to take the gospel and the means of grace, from those that slight them and thrust them away. Christ will not stay lon where he is not welcome. Those who are without Christ, are in the dark They were sitting in this condition, a contented posture; they chose i rather than light; they were willingly ignorant. When the gospel comes light comes; when it comes to any place, when it comes to any soul, i makes day there. Light discovers and directs; so does the gospel. The doctrine of repentance is right gospel doctrine. Not only the auster John Baptist, but the gracious Jesus, preached repentance. There is still the same reason to do so. The kingdom of heaven was not reckone to be fully come, till the pouring out of the Holy Spirit afte Christ's ascension.
Greek Textus Receptus
γη 1093 N-NSF 1093 N-VSF ζαβουλων 2194 N-PRI και 2532 CONJ γη 1093 N-NSF 1093 N-VSF νεφθαλειμ 3508 N-PRI οδον 3598 N-ASF θαλασσης 2281 N-GSF περαν 4008 ADV του 3588 T-GSM ιορδανου 2446 N-GSM γαλιλαια 1056 N-NSF 1056 N-VSF των 3588 T-GPN εθνων 1484 N-GPN