SEV Biblia, Chapter 9:20
Pon, oh SEÑOR, temor en ellos: conozcan los gentiles que son hombres. (Selah.)
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Psalms 9:1
Verse 1. I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart ] And it is only when the whole heart is employed in the work that God can look upon it with acceptance. I will show forth ] hrpsa asapperah, "I will number out, or reckon up;" a very difficult task, ûytwalpn niphleotheycha, "thy miracles;" supernatural interventions of thy power and goodness. He whose eye is attentive to the operation of God's hand will find many of these. In the Vulgate this Psalm begins with Confitebor tibi, Domine, "I will confess unto thee, O Lord," which my old MS. above quoted translates thus: "I sal schrife Lard, til the, in al my hert, I sal tel al twi wonders." On which we find the following curious paraphrase: "Here the prophete spekes agaynes that grucches with ese of il men: and the travel and anguis of gude men. I sal schrife til the Lard, that is, I sal lufe the in al my hert, hally gederant it til thi luf: and gyfand na party tharof tyl errour, na to covatyse: ne til fleschly luf. A vile errour it is that some men says, that God dose unrightwisly in mani thinges in erthe: for tham thynk that tay sold noght be done. Als I hard say noght lang sythem, of a man of religyon, and of grete fame, that qwen he was in tlle see, in poynte to peryshe, he said tyl Gode: Lard thu dos unryghtwysly if thou sofyr us to perysch here. God myght haf answered and said, My rightwysnes reches to sofer a beter man than thou ert to perisse here: for I hope, had he ben a ryghtwyse man, he had noght sayd swa: for al ar unryghtwyse, that hopes that any unrightwysnes may be in Godes wylle. Bot I sal luf the in al thi workes; and tel al thy wonders; that is, bathe that er sene, and that ar noght sene; visibels and invisibels."
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-11 - God's withdrawings are very grievous to his people, especially in time of trouble. We stand afar off from God by our unbelief, and the complain that God stands afar off from us. Passionate words against ba men do more hurt than good; if we speak of their badness, let it be to the Lord in prayer; he can make them better. The sinner proudly glorie in his power and success. Wicked people will not seek after God, tha is, will not call upon him. They live without prayer, and that is living without God. They have many thoughts, many objects and devices but think not of the Lord in any of them; they have no submission to his will, nor aim for his glory. The cause of this is pride. Men thin it below them to be religious. They could not break all the laws of justice and goodness toward man, if they had not first shaken off all sense of religion.
Original Hebrew
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