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PARALLEL HISTORY BIBLE - Jeremiah 3:13 CHAPTERS: Jeremiah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
LXX- Greek Septuagint - Jeremiah 3:13 πλην 4133 γνωθι 1097 5628 την 3588 αδικιαν 93 σου 4675 οτι 3754 εις 1519 κυριον 2962 τον 3588 θεον 2316 σου 4675 ησεβησας και 2532 διεχεας τας 3588 οδους 3598 σου 4675 εις 1519 αλλοτριους υποκατω 5270 παντος 3956 ξυλου 3586 αλσωδους της 3588 δε 1161 φωνης 5456 μου 3450 ουχ 3756 υπηκουσας λεγει 3004 5719 κυριος 2962
Douay Rheims Bible But yet acknowledge thy iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God: and thou hast scattered thy ways to strangers under every green tree, and hast not heard my voice, saith the Lord.
King James Bible - Jeremiah 3:13 Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD.
World English Bible Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against Yahweh your God, and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed my voice,' says Yahweh."
World Wide Bible Resources Jeremiah 3:13
Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325) Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.ii Pg 20.1 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxviii Pg 33 Isa. xxxix. Anf-01 ii.ii.viii Pg 6 Isa. i. 16–20. Desiring, therefore, that all His beloved should be partakers of repentance, He has, by His almighty will, established [these declarations].
Anf-01 viii.ii.lxi Pg 4 Isa. i. 16–20.
Anf-02 vi.iv.vi.vi Pg 28.1
Anf-02 vi.ii.x Pg 15.1
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 66 Isa. i. 20. Whence we prove that the sword was Christ, by not hearing whom they perished; who, again, in the Psalm, demands of the Father their dispersion, saying, “Disperse them in Thy power;”1443 1443
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 10 Isa. i. 20. has proved that it was Christ, for rebellion against whom they have perished. In the fifty-eighth Psalm He demands of the Father their dispersion: “Scatter them in Thy power.”3424 3424 Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 126.1 Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 126.1
Anf-03 vi.vii.xv Pg 6 i.e., as Rigaltius (referred to by Oehler), explains, after the two visions of angels who appeared to him and said, “Arise and eat.” See 1 Kings xix. 4–13. [It was the fourth, but our author having mentioned two, inadvertently calls it the third, referring to the “still small voice,” in which Elijah saw His manifestation.] For where God is, there too is His foster-child, namely Patience. When God’s Spirit descends, then Patience accompanies Him indivisibly. If we do not give admission to her together with the Spirit, will (He) always tarry with us? Nay, I know not whether He would remain any longer. Without His companion and handmaid, He must of necessity be straitened in every place and at every time. Whatever blow His enemy may inflict He will be unable to endure alone, being without the instrumental means of enduring. Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxii Pg 2 Ezek. iii. 17, 18, 19. And on this account we are, through fear, very earnest in desiring to converse [with men] according to the Scriptures, but not from love of money, or of glory, or of pleasure. For no man can convict us of any of these [vices]. No more do we wish to live like the rulers of your people, whom God reproaches when He says, ‘Your rulers are companions of thieves, lovers of bribes, followers of the rewards.’2275 2275
Anf-01 vi.ii.vi Pg 26 Ezek. xi. 19, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. because He1518 1518 Anf-01 ii.ii.viii Pg 6 Isa. i. 16–20. Desiring, therefore, that all His beloved should be partakers of repentance, He has, by His almighty will, established [these declarations].
Anf-01 viii.ii.lxi Pg 4 Isa. i. 16–20.
Anf-02 vi.iv.vi.vi Pg 28.1
Anf-02 vi.ii.x Pg 15.1
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 66 Isa. i. 20. Whence we prove that the sword was Christ, by not hearing whom they perished; who, again, in the Psalm, demands of the Father their dispersion, saying, “Disperse them in Thy power;”1443 1443
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 10 Isa. i. 20. has proved that it was Christ, for rebellion against whom they have perished. In the fifty-eighth Psalm He demands of the Father their dispersion: “Scatter them in Thy power.”3424 3424 Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 68
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 13 Isa. l. 11. But all this would be unmeaning enough, if they suffered this retribution not on account of Him, who had in prophecy assigned their suffering to His own cause, but for the sake of the Christ of the other god. Well, then, although you affirm that it is the Christ of the other god who was driven to the cross by the powers and authorities of the Creator, as it were by hostile beings, still I have to say, See how manifestly He was defended3427 3427 Defensus, perhaps “claimed.” by the Creator: there were given to Him both “the wicked for His burial,” even those who had strenuously maintained that His corpse had been stolen, “and the rich for His death,”3428 3428 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xliii Pg 5 Hos. v. 15 and vi. 1; 2. For who can refuse to believe that these words often revolved5168 5168 Volutata. in the thought of those women between the sorrow of that desertion with which at present they seemed to themselves to have been smitten by the Lord, and the hope of the resurrection itself, by which they rightly supposed that all would be restored to them? But when “they found not the body (of the Lord Jesus),”5169 5169 Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 53 Oehler refers to Hos. vi. 1; add 2 (ad init.). —which is His glorious resurrection—He received back into the heavens (whence withal the Spirit Himself had come to the Virgin1430 1430
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xliii Pg 5 Hos. v. 15 and vi. 1; 2. For who can refuse to believe that these words often revolved5168 5168 Volutata. in the thought of those women between the sorrow of that desertion with which at present they seemed to themselves to have been smitten by the Lord, and the hope of the resurrection itself, by which they rightly supposed that all would be restored to them? But when “they found not the body (of the Lord Jesus),”5169 5169 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xliii Pg 5 Hos. v. 15 and vi. 1; 2. For who can refuse to believe that these words often revolved5168 5168 Volutata. in the thought of those women between the sorrow of that desertion with which at present they seemed to themselves to have been smitten by the Lord, and the hope of the resurrection itself, by which they rightly supposed that all would be restored to them? But when “they found not the body (of the Lord Jesus),”5169 5169 Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 203.1 Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 178 Anf-01 ii.ii.lvi Pg 5 Prov. iii. 12; Heb. xii. 6. “The righteous,” saith it, “shall chasten me in mercy, and reprove me; but let not the oil of sinners make fat my head.”251 251
Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 26.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.i.v Pg 24.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 2.1
Anf-03 vi.vii.xi Pg 4 Prov. iii. 11, 12; Heb. xii. 5, 6; Rev. iii. 19. O blessed servant, on whose amendment the Lord is intent! with whom He deigns to be wroth! whom He does not deceive by dissembling His reproofs! On every side, therefore, we are bound to the duty of exercising patience, from whatever quarter, either by our own errors or else by the snares of the Evil One, we incur the Lord’s reproofs. Of that duty great is the reward—namely, happiness. For whom but the patient has the Lord called happy, in saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens?”9126 9126
Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 98
Npnf-201 iii.vi.ii Pg 38 Anf-01 viii.iv.xvi Pg 3 Lev. xxvi. 40, 41. For the circumcision according to the flesh, which is from Abraham, was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other nations, and from us; and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer; and that your land may be desolate, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem.’1984 1984 See Apol., i. 47. The Jews [By Hadrian’s recent edict] were prohibited by law from entering Jerusalem on pain of death. And so Justin sees in circumcision their own punishment. For you are not recognised among the rest of men by any other mark than your fleshly circumcision. For none of you, I suppose, will venture to say that God neither did nor does foresee the events, which are future, nor foreordained his deserts for each one. Accordingly, these things have happened to you in fairness and justice, for you have slain the Just One, and His prophets before Him; and now you reject those who hope in Him, and in Him who sent Him—God the Almighty and Maker of all things —cursing in your synagogues those that believe on Christ. For you have not the power to lay hands upon us, on account of those who now have the mastery. But as often as you could, you did so. Wherefore God, by Isaiah, calls to you, saying, ‘Behold how the righteous man perished, and no one regards it. For the righteous man is taken away from before iniquity. His grave shall be in peace, he is taken away from the midst. Draw near hither, ye lawless children, seed of the adulterers, and children of the whore. Against whom have you sported yourselves, and against whom have you opened the mouth, and against whom have you loosened the tongue?’1985 1985 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxv Pg 48 Deut. xxx. 11–13. This means, “Neither in this place nor that place is the kingdom of God; for, behold, it is within you.”4906 4906 Anf-03 vi.iii.xx Pg 4 Perhaps Tertullian is referring to Prov. xxviii. 13. If we confess now, we shall be forgiven, and not put to shame at the judgment day. for we do at the same time both make satisfaction8746 8746 See de Orat. c. xxiii. ad fin., and the note there. for our former sins, by mortification of our flesh and spirit, and lay beforehand the foundation of defences against the temptations which will closely follow. “Watch and pray,” saith (the Lord), “lest ye fall into temptation.”8747 8747
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 3VERSE (13) - :25; 31:18-20 Le 26:40-42 De 30:1-3 Job 33:27,28 Pr 28:13