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  • TSK - ROMANS 3


      1  The jews prerogative;
     3  which they have not lost;
     9  however the law convinces them also of sin;
    20  therefore no flesh is justified by the law;
    28  but all, without difference, by faith, only;
    31  and yet the law is not abolished.
    VERSE 1
    - advantage.
       * Ro 2:25-29 Ge 25:32 Ec 6:8,11 Isa 1:11-15 Mal 3:14 1Co 15:32
       * Heb 13:9
    VERSE 2 
     - Much.
       * :3; 11:1,2,15-23,28,29
    - because.
       * Ro 2:18; 9:4 De 4:7,8 Ne 9:13,14 Ps 78:4-7; 147:19,20 Isa 8:20
       * Eze 20:11,12 Lu 16:29-31 Joh 5:39 2Ti 3:15-17 2Pe 1:19-21
       * Re 19:10
    - committed.
       * 1Co 9:17 2Co 5:19 Ga 2:7 1Ti 6:20
    - the oracles.
       * Ro 1:2 Ps 140 119:140 Da 10:21 Ac 7:38 2Ti 3:15,16 Heb 5:12 1Pe 4:11
       * 2Pe 1:20,21 Re 22:6
    VERSE 3 
     - if some.
       * Ro 9:6; 10:16; 11:1-7 Heb 4:2
    - shall.
       * Ro 11:29 Nu 23:19 1Sa 15:29 Isa 54:9,10; 55:11; 65:15,16
       * Jer 33:24-26 Mt 24:35 2Ti 2:13 Heb 6:13-18
    - faith.
       * Ps 84:7 Joh 1:16 2Co 3:18 2Th 1:3 Tit 1:1,2
    VERSE 4 
     - God forbid.
       * :6,31; 6:2,15; 7:7,13; 9:14; 11:1,11 Lu 20:16 1Co 6:15 Ga 2:17; 
       * 2:21; 6:14
    - let God.
       * De 32:4 Job 40:8 Ps 100:5; 119:160; 138:2 Mic 7:20 Joh 3:33
       * 2Co 1:18 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18 1Jo 5:10,20 Re 3:7
    - but every.
       * Ps 62:9; 116:11
    - That thou.
       * Job 36:3 Ps 51:4 Mt 11:19
    VERSE 5 
     - But if.
       * :7,25,26; 8:20,21
    - what shall.
       * Ro 4:1; 6:1; 7:7; 9:13,14
    - Is God.
       * Ro 2:5; 3:19; 9:18-20; 12:19 De 32:39-43 Ps 58:10,11; 94:1,2
       * Na 1:2,6-8 2Th 1:6-9 Re 15:3; 16:5-7; 18:20
    - I speak.
       * Ro 6:19 1Co 9:8 Ga 3:15
    VERSE 6 
     - God forbid.  See on
       * :4
    - for then.
       * Ge 18:25 Job 8:3; 34:17-19 Ps 9:8; 11:5-7; 50:6; 96:13; 98:9
       * Ac 17:31
    VERSE 7 
     - if the truth.
       * Ge 37:8,9,20; 44:1-14; 50:18-20 Ex 3:19; 14:5,30 1Ki 13:17,18,26-32
       * 2Ki 8:10-15 Mt 26:34,69-75
    - why yet.
       * Ro 9:19,20 Isa 10:6,7 Ac 2:23; 13:27-29
    VERSE 8 
     - we be.
       * Mt 5:11 1Pe 3:16,17
    - Let us.
       * Ro 5:20; 6:1,15; 7:7 Jude 1:4
    VERSE 9 
     - what then.
       * :5; 6:15; 11:7 1Co 10:19; 14:15 Php 1:18
    - are we.
       * :22,23 Isa 65:5 Lu 7:39; 18:9-14 1Co 4:7
    - proved.  Gr. charged.
       * Ro 1:28 *etc:
       * Ro 2:1 *etc:
    - that they.
       * Ga 3:10,22
    VERSE 10 
     - As it is.
       * :4; 11:8; 15:3,4 Isa 8:20 1Pe 1:16
    - There.
       * Ps 14:1-3; 53:1-3
    - none.
       * :23 Job 14:4; 15:14,16; 25:4 Jer 17:9 Mt 15:19 Mr 7:21,22
       * Mr 10:18 1Co 6:9,10 Ga 5:19-21 Eph 2:1-3; 5:3-6 Col 3:5-9
       * 1Ti 1:9,10 2Ti 3:2-5 Tit 3:3 1Jo 1:8-10 Re 21:8; 22:15
    VERSE 11 
     - none that understandeth.
       * Ro 1:22,28 Ps 14:2-4; 53:2,4; 94:8 Pr 1:7,22,29,30 Isa 27:11
       * Jer 4:22 Ho 4:6 Mt 13:13,14,19 Tit 3:3 1Jo 5:20
    - seeketh.
       * Ro 8:7 Job 21:15,16 Isa 9:13; 31:1; 55:6; 65:1 Ho 7:10
    VERSE 12 
     - They are.
       * Ex 32:8 Ps 14:3 Ec 7:29 Isa 53:6; 59:8 Jer 2:13 Eph 2:3
       * 1Pe 2:25
    - become.
       * Ge 1:31; 6:6,7 Mt 25:30 Phm 11 1:11
    - there is none.
       * Ps 53:1 Ec 7:20 Isa 64:6 Eph 2:8-10 Php 2:12,13 Tit 2:13,14
       * Jas 16 1:16,17
    VERSE 13 
     - throat.
       * Ps 5:9 Jer 5:16 Mt 23:27,28
    - with their.
       * :4 Ps 5:9; 12:3,4; 36:3; 52:2; 57:4 Isa 59:3 Jer 9:3-5 Eze 13:7
       * Mt 12:34,35 Jas 5 3:5-8
    - the poison.
       * De 32:33 Job 20:14-16 Ps 140:3
    VERSE 14
        * Ps 10:7; 59:12; 109:17,18 Jas 3:10
    VERSE 15
        * Pr 1:16; 6:18 Isa 59:7,8
    VERSE 16
        * :16
    VERSE 17
        * Ro 5:1 Isa 57:21; 59:8 Mt 7:14 Lu 1:79
    VERSE 18
        * Ge 20:11 Ps 36:1 Pr 8:13; 16:6; 23:17 Lu 23:40 Re 19:5
    VERSE 19 
     - what things.
       * :2; 2:12-18 Joh 10:34,35; 15:25 1Co 9:20,21 Ga 3:23; 4:5,21; 5:18
    - that.
       * :4; 1:20; 2:1 1Sa 2:9 Job 5:16; 9:2,3 Ps 107:42 Eze 16:63
       * Mt 22:12,13 Joh 8:9 1Co 1:29
    - and all the.
       * :9,23; 2:1,2 Ga 3:10,22
    - guilty before God.  or, subject to the judgment of God.
    VERSE 20 
     - Therefore.
       * :28; 2:13; 4:13; 9:32 Ac 13:39 Ga 2:16,19; 3:10-13; 5:4 Eph 2:8,9
       * Tit 3:5-7 Jas 9 2:9,10
    - no flesh.
       * Job 25:4 Ps 130:3; 143:2 Jas 20 2:20-26
    - in his sight.
       * Job 15:15; 25:5
    - for by the.
       * Ro 7:7-9 Ga 2:19
    VERSE 21 
     - righteousness.
       * Ro 1:17; 5:19,21; 10:3,4 Ge 15:6 Isa 45:24,25; 46:13; 51:8; 54:17
       * Isa 61:10 Jer 23:5,6; 33:16 Da 9:24 Ac 15:11 1Co 1:30 2Co 5:21
       * Ga 5:5 Php 3:9 Heb 11:4 *etc:
       * 2Pe 1:1
    - being.
       * De 18:15-19 Lu 24:44 Joh 1:45; 3:14,15; 5:46,47 Ac 26:22
       * Heb 10:1-14
    - and the.
       * Ro 1:2; 16:26 Ac 3:21-25; 10:43; 28:23 Ga 3:8 1Pe 1:10
    VERSE 22 
     - which is.
       * Ro 4:3-13,20-22; 5:1 *etc:
       * Ro 8:1 Php 3:9
    - unto all.
       * Ro 4:6,11,22 Ga 2:16; 3:6 Jas 23 2:23
    - and upon.
       * Isa 61:10 Mt 22:11,12 Lu 15:22 Ga 3:7-9
    - for there.
       * Ro 2:1; 10:12 Ac 15:9 1Co 4:7 Ga 3:28 Col 3:11
    VERSE 23 
     - all have.
       * :9,19; 1:28-32; 2:1 *etc:
       * Ro 11:32 Ec 7:20 Ga 3:22 1Jo 1:8-10
    - come.
       * Heb 4:1
    - of.
       * Ro 5:2 1Th 2:12 2Th 2:14 1Pe 4:13; 5:1,10
    VERSE 24 
     - justified.
       * Ro 4:16; 5:16-19 1Co 6:11 Eph 2:7-10 Tit 3:5-7
    - through.
       * Ro 5:9 Isa 53:11 Mt 20:28 Eph 1:6,7 Col 1:14 1Ti 2:6 Tit 2:14
       * Heb 9:2-14 1Pe 1:18,19 Re 5:9; 7:14
    VERSE 25 
     - set forth.  or, foreordained.
       * Ac 2:23; 3:18; 4:28; 15:18 1Pe 1:18-20 Re 13:8
    - to be.
       * Ex 25:17-22 Le 16:15 Heb 9:5 *Gr:
       * 1Jo 2:2; 4:10
    - through.
       * Ro 5:1,9,11 Isa 53:11 Joh 6:47,53-58 Col 1:20-23 Heb 10:19,20
    - to declare.
       * :26 Ps 22:31; 40:10; 50:6; 97:6; 119:142 1Jo 1:10
    - remission.  or, passing over.
       * :23,24; 4:1-8 Ac 13:38,39; 17:30 1Ti 1:15 Heb 9:15-22,25,26; 10:4; 11:7
       * Heb 11:14,17,39,40 Re 5:9; 13:8; 20:15
    VERSE 26 
     - that he.
       * De 32:4 Ps 85:10,11 Isa 42:21; 45:21 Zep 3:5,15 Zec 9:9
       * Ac 13:38,39 Re 15:3
    - and.
       * :30; 4:5; 8:33 Ga 3:8-14
    VERSE 27 
     - Where.
       * :19; 2:17,23; 4:2 Eze 16:62,63; 36:31,32 Zep 3:11 Lu 18:9-14
       * 1Co 1:29-31; 4:7 Eph 2:8-10
    - of works.
       * Ro 9:11,32; 10:5; 11:6 Ga 2:16
    - but by.
       * Ro 7:21,23,25; 8:2 Mr 16:16 Joh 3:36 Ga 3:22 1Jo 5:11,12
    VERSE 28
        * :20-22,26; 4:5; 5:1; 8:3 Joh 3:14-18; 5:24; 6:40 Ac 13:38,39 1Co 6:11
       * Ga 2:16; 3:8,11-14,24 Php 3:9 Tit 3:7
    VERSE 29
        * Ro 1:16; 9:24-26; 11:12,13; 15:9-13,16 Ge 17:7,8,18 Ps 22:7; 67:2
       * Ps 72:17 Isa 19:23-25; 54:5 Jer 16:19; 31:33 Ho 1:10 Zec 2:11
       * Zec 8:20-23 Mal 1:11 Mt 22:32; 28:19 Mr 16:15,16 Lu 24:46,47
       * Ac 9:15; 22:21; 26:17 Ga 3:14,25-29 Eph 3:6 Col 3:11
    VERSE 30
        * :28; 4:11,12; 10:12,13 Ga 2:14-16; 3:8,20,28; 5:6; 6:15 Php 3:3
       * Col 2:10,11
    VERSE 31 
     - do we.
       * Ro 4:14 Ps 126 119:126 Jer 8:8,9 Mt 5:17; 15:6 Ga 2:21; 3:17-19
    - God.
      [Me genoito,] literally, let it not be, and which might be
      rendered less objectionably, far from it, by no means.
    - See on
       * :4
    - yea.
       * Ro 7:7-14,22,25; 8:4; 10:4; 13:8-10 Ps 40:8 Isa 42:21 Jer 31:33,34
       * Mt 3:15; 5:20 1Co 9:21 Ga 2:19; 5:18-23 Heb 10:15,16 Jas 8 2:8-12

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